








E-commerce Development

Electronic Commerce is exactly analogous to a marketplace on the Internet. Electronic of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The information technology industry might see it as an electronic business application aimed at commercial transactions; in this context, it can involve electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, e-marketing, online marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Electronic commerce typically uses electronic communications technology of the World Wide Web, at some point in the transaction's lifecycle, although of course electronic commerce frequently depends on computer technologies other than the World Wide Web, such as databases, and e-mail, and on other non-computer technologies, such as transportation for physical goods sold via e-commerce.

Since the ninety’s, the electronic commerce in the context of the global rise and rapid development, quickly change the original economic pattern, and traditional economic operation and growth mode. The development of e-commerce has become a key economic development evaluation of comprehensive strength important index. Therefore, understanding our country electronic commerce development present situation, the objective understanding to the problems of China's e-commerce development, the countermeasures to achieve the fast, healthy and stable development, has become a new era of the economic development of the construction of harmonious society an urgent and important tasks Companies have conducted online commercial transaction on a limited scale since the early 1990s.Consuner buying however has had a different history. Nowadays, consumers can count on one hand the years for which significant numbers of consumer have been buying products online .Almost daily, internet developers design new technologies that business operations and automate the purchasing process. The goal of all this rapid development is to attract more consumers by making internet buying and selling procedures as fast, convenient, and easy as possible.

In the following, the key driver is of E-commerce development:

1.internet resources

The internet consists of a vast array of electronic resources that people use to access information, to communicate with each other, and transmit data. Sometimes people use the words internet and Word Wide Web interchangeably to refer to all these electronic resources. Internet describes entire system of network computers; Word Wide Web describes the method used to access information contain on computers related to

the internet.

By the mid-1990s, companies and individuals began to recognize the potential of the Web for reaching both exiting and new customers. Business in particular identified the potential cost saving they could realize by using the internet handle business transactions. To start with, the internet is profoundly changing consumer behavior. One in five customers walking into a Sears department store in America to buy an electrical appliance will have researched their purchase online—and most will know down to a dime what they intend to pay. More surprisingly, three out of four Americans start shopping for new cars online, even though most end up buying them from traditional dealers. The difference is that these customers come to the showroom armed with information about the car and the best available deals. Sometimes they even have computer print-outs identifying the particular vehicle from the dealer’s stock that they want to buy.

2.intense competition

Intense competition , proliferation of products service and high consumer expectations in nearly business have added unusual pressure to keep close watch on operation costs and maximize profit margins. In order to survive, companies are constantly looking for more effective ways. E-commerce addresses these concerns quickly, efficiently, and at low cost.


To maintain growth of profit, many companies are moving to the international market. However, one of the major obstacles is the geographical barrier. E-commerce provides an effective “vehicle”for companies to move to the international market because there is almost no geographical barrier in cyberspace. In other words, it is easier for a foreign company to compete with a local company under the cyber environment.

4.E-mail and FTP

Other terms associated with the Internet are E-mail and File Transfer Protocol. People use E-mail to send messages from one computer to another computer. People can use FTP transfer documents and files from one computer to another via the Internet. The World Wide Web, E-mail, and FTP are all tools that people use to access information from the Internet.


As the cost of labor increase, there is a strong need for companies to look for

alternative ways to do routine work. This is particularly true in handing the myriad paper transaction once an order is taken. With electronic messages one can reduce this considerably; e-commerce thus provides an attractive solution.

Nowadays, e-commerce in China's development has a certain scale, especially since 2006 years of the electronic commerce in our country is developing rapidly. E-commerce led the whole economic development in China; the economic development of our country has entered a new stage. But, as our country's geography, economic policy, the influence of factors such as the development of regional economy. E-commerce in promoting the development of the economy as a whole to regional economic development also brings opportunities and challenges. In the underdeveloped regions, and make good use of it, is the best opportunity for himself, and to create a competitive advantage, can take up to rapidly developed regions, Ignore it, may continue to lag behind or lose advantage may result from the developed areas.


2009年1月电子商务英语试题 课程代码:00888 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上 一、词汇和语法(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 根据句子的意思选择一个正确的答案,错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. Roscae said that he had never had to contend with any girl as fat as _________. A. her B. hers C. she D. herself 2. Many scientists believe that oil was formed in the earth _________ years ago. A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 3. The officer _________ his orders to the men by radio. A. reported B. transmitted C. communicated D. exchanged 4. He’s never again written _________ as his first one. A. a such good book B. a so good book C. so good a book D. such good a book 5. It wasn’t long _________ he found a job. A. until B. before C. since D. after 6. There are _________ benefits in the new system. A. concise B. tangible C. precise D. metal 7. Was it during the Second World War _________ he died? A. that B. while C. in which D. then 8. I _________ to come over to see you, but someone called and I couldn’t get away. A. intended B. would intend C. had intended D. has intended 9. He _________ to be a liar but a fool. A. thinks B. thinking C. thought D. was thought 10. He said he wouldn’t mind _________ at home. A. leaving alone B. being left alone C. to be left lonely D. to leave alone 11. He has an unusual _________ of life. A. conception B. look C. philosophy D. science 12. Professor Tate _________ about him. A. heard the students to talk B. heard the talk by the students C. heard the students talking D. heard the students talk 13. Before we commence again, let me give you a word or two of advice, _________? A. will you B. shall I C. don’t I D. won’t you


E-commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet, especially the World Wide Web. In practice, this term and a newer term, e-business, are often used interchangably. For online retail selling, the term e-tailing is sometimes used. 电子商务(电子商务或电子商务)是购买和出售的商品和服务在互联网,特别是万维网上的。在实践中,这项和一个新的术语,电子商务,往往交替使用。网上零售,电子零售的术语有时用。 E-tailing or The Virtual Storefront and the Virtual Mall 网上或虚拟商店和虚拟商店 As a place for direct retail shopping, with its 24-hour availability, a global reach, the ability to interact and provide custom information and ordering, and multimedia prospects, the Web is rapidly becoming a multibillion dollar source of revenue for the world's businesses. A number of businesses already report considerable success. As early as the middle of 1997, Dell Computers reported orders of a million dollars a day. By early 1999, projected e-commerce revenues for business were in the billions of dollars and the stocks of companies deemed most adept at e-commerce were skyrocketing. Although many so-called dotcom retailers disappeared in the economic shakeout of 2000, Web retailing at sites such as https://www.360docs.net/doc/626132375.html,, https://www.360docs.net/doc/626132375.html,, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/626132375.html, continues to grow. 作为一个直接的零售购物,其24小时供应,全球性的,互动的能力,并提供自定义信息和订购,和多媒体,网络正在迅速成为一个数十亿美元的收入来源,为全球的企业。一些企业已报告了相当大的成功。早在1997年年中,戴尔电脑报告的订单一百万美元一天。1999年初,预计的电子商务业务收入都在数十亿美元的股票和公司认为最善于电子商务暴涨。虽然许多所谓的互联网零售商消失在经济衰退2000,网上零售网站如https://www.360docs.net/doc/626132375.html,,https://www.360docs.net/doc/626132375.html,,和https://www.360docs.net/doc/626132375.html,继续增长 Market Research 市场研究 In early 1999, it was widely recognized that because of the interactive nature of the Internet, companies could gather data about prospects and customers in unprecedented amounts -through site registration, questionnaires, and as part of taking orders. The issue of whether data was being collected with the knowledge and permission of market subjects had been raised. (Microsoft referred to its policy of data collection as "profiling" and a proposed standard has been developed that allows Internet users to decide who can have what personal information.) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)



电子商务With rapid development of informationization, global electronic commerce transaction has increased greatly within past decade years. Almost all kinds of industries are closely connected with electronic commerce. However, everything has two sides. On one hand,booming electronic commerce is the fastest way so far to make transactions across far distance. It makes it possible to do business at home, which saves time and unnecessary formalities. That's why e-commerce is preferable to traditional commerce. On the other hand,there exist many problems is hard to control the virtual business. False,deceptive informatin is interspersing among e-commerce. Without management, losses are liable to happen every time. So we should hold strong risk awareness to protect ourselves on e-commerce. Above all, the trend towards promising e-commerce is an irresistible trend of times. It undoubtedly contributes to impayable prosperity of world economy. Let’s prepare to embrace this irretrievable trend. 随着信息化的快速发展,全球电子商务交易在过去的十年中有了很大的发展。几乎所有行业都与电子商务紧密相连。然而,一切都有两面性。 一方面,蓬勃发展的电子商务是迄今为止最快的方法来进行远距离交易。它使得有可能在家做生意,这节省了时间和不必要的手续。这就是为什么电子商务比传统商业更好。


《电子商务基础》期末题 一、单项选择题 1、我国最早关于电子商务的立法是()。 A.《中华人民共和国签名法》 B.《计算机软件保护条例》 C.1999年的《合同法》 D.《中华人民共和国电信条例》 2、BtoC或B2C是指() A.企业对企业的电子商务 B.企业对政府的电子商务 C.企业对消费者的电子商务 D.消费者对消费者的电子商务 3、电子商务法的调整对象是()。 A.商家与消费者之间的服务关 B.企业与员工之间的劳务关系 C.实体社会中的各种商事活动的法律规范 D.电子商务交易活动中发生的各种社会关系 4、C2G电子商务指的是()。 A.消费者与消费者之间的电子商务 B.政府与消费者之间的电子商务 C.消费者与政府之间的电子商务 D.企业与政府之间的电子商务 5、将域名按国家或行政区分类,“中国”的域名用()表示。 A.au B. in C. cn D.se 6、下列电子货币中,()属于储值卡型电子货币。 A.电子支票 B.银行卡 C.购物卡 D.信用卡 7、TCP/IP 参考模型包含4层结构应用层,传输层,网际层、()。 A.数据链路层 B.物理层 C.网络接口层 D.会话层 8、Internet的接入技术包括电话线拨号上网、以ADSL方式 上网、以ISDN方式上网( ) A.调制解调器 B.光纤到户的方案 C.万维网 D.局域网 9、注意力经济指的是网络营销的()模式。 A.个性化服务模式 B.眼球模式 C.零售模式 D.自己动手模式 10、以下()不是网络营销的主要内容。 A.网络广告 B.网上市场调查 C.网络营销策略的制定 D.网上支付

11、电子支票是()种类型的电子货币。 A.个人信用型 B.现金模拟型 C.储值卡型 D.存款利用型 12、传统的供应链模式叫作()模式,电子商务环境下的供应链管理模式又叫“需求动力”模式。 A.推销模式 B. 销售模式 C.合作模式 D.买卖模式 13、EDI系统结构模型共有()层。 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 14、企业电子商务的发展主要在以下哪个方面()。 A.电子商务系统 B.增值服务及ASP C.内部管理系统 D.以上都是 15、2016年2月,支付宝“集齐五福,平分2亿现金”作为热门的营销事件,此类社会化营销其核心是()。 A .好的内容 B. 不错的提议 C. 满足消费者的好奇心 D.引起消费者的共鸣 16、《刑法》第285条的规定,犯非法侵入计算机信息系统罪的,处()以下有期徒刑或者拘役。 A .五年 B. 三年 C. 二年 D.一年 17、淘宝店铺宝贝三要素是指()。 A. 标题、图片、描述 B. 图片、旺旺、支付宝 C. 旺旺、logo、描述 D. 标题、描述、旺旺 18、下列网络营销工具中,最基本、最重要的是() A.搜索引擎 B.企业网站 C. 网络广告 D.电子邮件 二、多项选择题 1、计算机网络的组成部分包括()。 A.主计算机(Host) B.终端(Terminal) C.节点交换机(Node Computer) D.集中器(Concentrator)网络连接器(Gateway)网络传输线路 2、电子商务按使用的网络类型划分,可以分为()。 A.基于EDI的电子商务B.基于Intranet的电子商务C.基于Extranet的电子商务 D.基于Internet的电子商务E.其他网络的电子商务


电子商务英语试卷 一、词汇和语法(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 根据句子的意思选择一个正确的答案,并将答题纸的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 1. Tom has lived in London and Manchester, but he doesn t like ______ city very much. A. either B. both C. neither D. every 2. It is proved that this substance reacts ______ as fast as the other one. A. one-tenths B. first-ten C. one-ten D. one-tenth 3. ______ were naturally a musical family, all of whom were excellent pianists. A. A Shaw B. The Shaws C. The Shaw D. Shaws 4. Nothing can ______ being unkind to small children. A. adjust B. reason C. justify D. reassure 5. English ______ all over the world as a universal language. A. is teaching B. is taught C. teaches D. teaching 6. A new type of computer is going to ______ next year.


xxxxxx学校2014-2015学年第一学期 《电子商务基础》期末试卷 考试时间:90分钟 班级姓名序号成绩___________ 一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1、电子商务的特征有:普遍性、方便性、整体性、()和协调性。 2、实现一次完整的电子商务活动,除了()和()外,还要银行、认证机构、 配送中心等参与。 3、电子商务系统中,()、网上订购、()、执行交易和服务与支持这五个 过程必不可少。 4、在新产品进入市场之前,企业有必要让客户了解自己产品的()以及企业所能提 供的()。 5、电子商务的实现要点,分别是展示有特色的购物界面、()、考虑系统的兼容 性、提供高性能服务器和充分地挖掘数据。 6、银行支付工具包括借记卡、贷记卡和()。 7、电子商务中的物流配送体系主要有()和第三方物流配送。 二、判断题(每题1分,共10分) ()1、https://www.360docs.net/doc/626132375.html,属于教育类网址。 ()2、网络广告最大的特点就是具有交互性。 ()3、电子商务最早产生于20世纪60年代。 ()4、未来的经济增长不会因为电子技术的使用而改变。 ()5、京东商城、卓越、当当网等属于C2C网站。 ()6、移动支付就是指手机支付。 ()7、汇款、货到付款、网上支付是电子商务的主要支付方式。 ()8、物流的运作在电子商务下是以信息为中心的。 ()9、支付宝认证不包含支付宝商家实名认证。 ()10、网上进行交易时,有时用手机话费就可以支付,这属于电子钱包支付方式。 三、选择题(每题2分,共40分) ()1、下列______不是电子商务发展中存在的问题。 A、交易安全问题 B、支付结算问题 C、地域距离问题 D、商家信誉问题 ()2、______是电子商务方式的特点。 A、环节多 B、实际环境的商务谈判 C、大量的人力和物力 D、费用低 ()3、顾客可以根据商务中心提供的网络地址______,浏览商务中心及其中的网上商店。



全国2013年10月高等教育自学考试 电子商务英语试题 课程代码:00888 一、根据句子的意思选择一个正确的答案,请将其代码填涂在“答题纸”相应的位置上。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. Greece has new political leadership to help it deal with ______ debts. A. anemic B. mass C. massive D. paltry 2. Natural gas can ______ these clean resources and is cheaper than coal. A. compete B. complement C. compliment D. compare 3. He dislikes their ______of his freedom of choice. A. reduction B. restriction C. limit D. control 4. There is a clock ______in the wall. A. buried B. glued C. embedded D. closed

A. did we realize B. will we realize C. we did realize D. we will realize 二、阅读下面的短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,请将其代码填涂在“答题纸”相应的位置上。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) Passage 1 Rockwatch—The Best Club on Earth If you are a young person and interested in geology(地质学) ,then Rockwatch is the club for you. When You Join New memberships receive a Rockwatch Rox file each. This has the information and top tips you will need to start enjoying geology. It’s designed to serve as your own field notebook as well. In it you will find your: membership card full color mini-map thumbs up guide fact cards

电商10本 英语口语对话训练

T opic one (请修改,偏短了) A: Hello! Mary B: Hi! Lucy A: What are you doing now? B: I am listening to an English songs. A: What song? B: Y esterday once more. A: Oh? What’s your favorite music types and why? B: Classical music. Because it can let me feel relaxed, and you? A: I like classical music too, but I also like rock music. It makes me excited. B: Y eah, different people like different kinds of music. It is important to find what music types they like. A: I agree with you. Bye-bye. B: Good bye. T opic two B: Hello, this is B speaking. A: Hello, B, this is A. Do you have spare time on Sunday? B: Y es, I do. What’s up? A: I want to invite you to watch a movie with me. B: Which movie? A: I have two tickets for Star W ars. B: Star W ars? I really appreciate it. How do you get the two tickets? A: Do you remember I have a friend who works at the “Pepsi Company”. B: Certainly, she works at the “Pepsi” headquarters A: Y eah, so she can get the two tickets. B: It’s really kind of her. A: If she has time I should invite her to have a gathering with us. B: Good idea. Whatever, I will go with you. A: OK, I’ll see you then. T opic three B: Hi, A. you are the best English speaker in our class. Can you give me some advice on how to improve my English speaking? A: Sure. It’s my pl easure. First, you should speak more. B: But I am afraid of speaking English in front other people . A: Y ou should believe yourself. B: OK, I will try my best to do it. Is there anything else? A: Listen and read more. B: Why should I do listening and reading practice? A: If you listen and read more, you can make yourself understood, and become more confident. B: I am afraid I can not insist. A: I will help you. D on’t be so afraid. B: It is very kind of you.


普安县中等职业学校2016-2017学年度第一学 期 《电子商务英语》期末考试试卷 班级姓名得分 一、单项选择题(20分) 1. I like reading novel TV. A.rather thanto watch B. more thantowatch C.more than watching D. than watching 2.The shopschool things the stude nts. A. sellsfromB.sellsto C.buy from D. buy to 3.Your idea a good one.? A. listens B. hears C. sounds D. listens to 4.The have food at home. A. lotsof B. a lot C. many D. alots of 5.They aregongingto a new school forthepoor students. A.set onB. puton C. setup D. use up 6.this pairofshoes? 80 dollars. A. How many is B. Howmany are C. How much is D.Howmuch does

7.Don’t swim in the river. It’stoo A. interesting B. easy C. difficult D.dangerou s 8.The applesare very cheap.I’ll some. A. like B.bring C.take D. give 9.How muchdid youpay your new dress? A. with B. on C.inD.for 10. Let’s see animals inthezoo this weekend. A.That’s great. B. You are allright. C.That’s all right.D.You are welcome. 二、语音题:选出划线部分单词的读音与其它三项不同的一项(20分) ()1、A、commerce B、homepage C、electronic D、stock ()2、A、convenient B、consumerC、connectionD、option ()3、A、brandB、imaginationC、platformD、location ()4、A、website B、indexC、refer D、a ccess()5、A、onlineB、click C、item D、provider ()6、A、popularB、marketing C、smart D、card


新疆大学2013 年—2014学年第一学期期末考试 《电子商务基础》试卷 姓名:学号:专业: 学院:班级: 2013 年12 月


4、电子商务的模式有那几种? 答:企业—企业模式,企业—消费者模式,企业—政府模式。 5、什么是身份认证技术?它能解决那些安全问题? 答:身份认证技术是在计算机网络中确认操作者身份的过程而产生的解决方法。计算机网络世界中一切信息包括用户的身份信息都是用一组特定的数据来表示的,计算机只能识别用户的数字身份,所有对用户的授权也是针对用户数字身份的授权。如何保证以数字身份进行操作的操作者就是这个数字身份合法拥有者,也就是说保证操作者的物理身份与数字身份相对应,身份认证技术就是为了解决这个问题,作为防护网络资财的第一道关口,身份认证有着举足轻重的作用。 6、什么是市场中介?什么是渠道中介和电子商务中介?中介的优势是什么?答:市场中介是指市场经济活动中,在企业与企业之间,企业和消费者之间提供消费服务的服务型企业,以及在消费者之间从事信息沟通和获取,产品传递,资金流转以及辅助决策,并为企业的生产经营提供劳动力,资金等生产要素的一类企业和组织。 渠道中介就是在商品生产、销售的产业链中建成贯穿整个产业链的完整渠道,使得物流、资金流和信息流能够沿着这些渠道顺畅流动。 电子商务中介是直接提供电子商务中介服务的电商服务商。中介的优势在于交易环境、交易信息、交易方式和交易地位使得企业和消费者能公正公平的交易,减少很多纠纷,为消费者和企业带来了很大方便 7、简述虚拟企业的营销理念是什么? 答:虚拟企业是当市场出现新机遇时,具有不同资源与优势的企业为了共同开拓市场,共同对付其他的竞争者而组织的、建立在信息网络基础上的共享技术与信息,分担费用,联合开发的、互利的企业联盟体。 虚拟企业的营销理念:按照客户需求,制造客户心目中的理想产品,联系并组织其上游企业,以直接的销售方式及售后服务,与客户建立更密切、更直接、更长期的互动关系。


2014年4月全国高等教育自学考试电子商务英语真题 课程代码:00888 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 一、根据句子的意思选择一个正确的答案。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. All the hotels are filled to ______. A. capacity B. strength C. possibility D. length 2. From 1987 through 2012, about 700,000 new homes were sold in a/an______ year. A. regular B. normal C. average D. usual 3. He was ______ Number Three in the inner circle of the Government. A. classified B. graded C. ranked D. leveled 4. They were about to fight when their father ______. A. invaded B. participated C. joined D. intervened 5. Time is limited. Please introduce to us the progress of your work ______.


湖北*******学院电子商务英语期末考试试卷 (所有答题内容请写在答题纸上并标明题号,写在试卷上无效) 一、请将下列术语翻译成英文(每小题1分,共11分) 1.信息产品 2.免费运输 3.主页 4.电子邮件 5.降低成本 6.拍卖网站 7.客户需求 8.原材料 9.信用卡 10.商业模式 11.银行账户 二、请将下列术语翻译成中文(每小题1分,共11分) 1.B2B website 2.Internet Marketing 3.electronic payment 4.shipping cost 5.small and medium-sized firms 6.long-term 7.e-cash 8.search engine 9.develop a website: 10.second-hand market 11.logistics service 三、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分) 1.The faster the shipping, the the price.

A. lower B. higher C. common D. quicker 2.How to the limited resources became one heated issue in this international conference. A. exploit B. deploy C. expend D. utilize https://www.360docs.net/doc/626132375.html,e as______ as possible. A. earlier B. more early C. early D. earliest 4.Prior ______ his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter. A. to B. of C. in D. from 5.Letters about products and services which you haven?t asked for and probably don?t want are call mail. A. waste B. junk C. rubbish D. useless 四、完形填空(在下列课文片段中填入遗漏的词,首字母已给出,每空2分,共12分) Businesses can gain many potential benefits from engaging in electronic commerce. e-Commerce can reduce the c 1 (成本)of purchases, lower sales and m 2 (营销) costs and b 3 (改善)the customer service. However, businesses are not the only beneficiaries of e-Commerce. C 4 (消费者)may also reap benefits. They can receive increased choice of vendor and p (产品), convenience from shopping at home or office, greater amounts of I 5 (信息) that can be accessed on demand and more competitive p 6 (价格)and increased price comparison capabilities. 五、请在空格内填入单词的适当形式(每题2分,共10分) 1.Our office is____ ____(locate)at the end of the road. 2.Searching by keyword is the most common method of ____ ____(use)a search engine. 3. The factory is carrying out a series technological reforms in order to __ __(reduce) the cost of production. 4. From the customer?s point of view, (ship) costs are a major concern. 5. The focus of banner (advertise) was often on traffic quantity and not traffic quality. 六、将下列句子译成中文(每题3分,共18分) 1.Online shopping is becoming more and more popular in China.


中职电子商务基础期末 试卷 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

中等职业学校2019——2020学年度第二学期期末考试 一、填空题(15分) 1. 1990年,美国学者劳特朋(Lauteborn )教授提出了与传统营销的4P 相对应的4C 理论,即:__________、 __________ 、 __________ 和 __________。 2.网上银行又被称为__________,因为它不受时间、空间限制,能够在__________、__________、__________为用户提供金融服务。 3.4V 营销理论中4V 是指________、__________、__________、__________。 4.电子商务客户服务的内容与传统客户服务一样,主要包括__________、__________及__________。 二、判断题(30分) 1. 病毒式营销通过公众的自发传播,信息像病毒一样快速、广泛扩散,传向数以千计、 数以百万计的受众。 2. 网上购物的最大特征是消费者的主导性,购物意愿掌握在消费者手中,因此,电子商务将改变人们的消费方式。 3. 面向制造业或商业的垂直B2B 中,生产商或商业零售商可以与上游的供应商之间的形成供货关系,生产商与下游的经销商可以形成销货关系。 4. 在接待客户时,客服人员要因人而异。 5. 在第三方担保交易中,只有当买方收到货物并确认货物无误之后,第三方支付平台才会将货款划入商家账户中。 6.商品图片美化得越漂亮越好,不用在意是否真实。 7. PPC 广告服务的最大特色就在于客户只需为实际的访问付钱。 8.网络广告和传统广告一样都具有互动性。 9.售后客服只需要了解退款/退换货流程,对产品相关知识不需要掌握。 10. 随着电子商务的发展,物流与配送已成为决定电商成败的关键。 11. 仅仅是设置密码还不能完全保障账户和交易安全,还可以采用安装数字证书、设置手机动态口令等多种方式来保障安全。 12. 网络营销独立于传统营销而存在,两者没有任何关系。 13. B2C 电子商务是个人对个人的交易,即参与交易的双方不是企业,而是自然人。 14. 网络营销出现之后,传统营销将会被取而代之。 15. 商品展示图片可以上传任意大小的图片。 三、单项选择题(30分) 1. 电子商务的本质是( )。 A. 现代信息技术 B. 商务 C.系统化、高效的电子工具 D.网络技术 2. 电子商务模式中,( ) 是企业和企业之间的大批量采购交易,类似于电子化的批发业务。 A .B2C B. B2G C. B2 B D. G2C 3. 网络技术企业借助互联网优势,向互联网赠送试用产品,扩大知名度和市场份额。这是( )B2C 电子商务模式。 A.网上订阅模式 B.付费游览模式 C.广告支持模式 D. 网上赠予模式 4. 以下不属于电子商务客户服务规范用语的是( )。 A .“请”、“欢迎光临”、“认识您很高兴” B. “您好”、“请问”、“麻烦”、“请稍等” C. “我不能”、“我不会”、“我不愿意”、“我不可以” D. “不好意思”、“非常抱歉”、“多谢支持”


《电子商务专业英语》课程教学大纲 课程代码:040942002 课程英文名称:English for E-Commerce 课程总学时:32 讲课:32 实验:0上机:0 适用专业:电子商务 大纲编写(修订)时间:2017.6 一、大纲使用说明 (一)课程的地位及教学目标 本课程是电子商务专业的一门专业选修课程。适用于学习过“大学英语”课程的学生。本课程既是专业知识的学习又是英语的学习,具有双重意义。学生通过对有关本专业英语原著的学习,了解、熟悉本专业常用英语词汇及相关的语法和习惯表达方式;提高英语阅读能力,使外语达到实用的水平,能够从外文资料中获取知识,为工作和继续学习打好基础;通过本课程的学习,了解掌握一门专业知识。 (二)知识、能力及技能方面的基本要求 通过本课程的教学,使学生达到下列基本要求: 1、采用老师讲授和学生翻译相结合的方法,注意培养学生的自学能力。 2、专业阅读能力要求:能读懂中等难度的电子商务专业英语文章,了解作者的观点和态度。阅读速度为每分钟120—160个单词,理解准确率在75%以上。 3、专业写作能力要求:能够运用所学语言知识,写出符合电子商务惯例、格式规范的一般性商务报告等。要能够做到中心思想明确、结构合理、语言得体。 4、词汇要求:认知词汇达到8,000左右单词,熟练掌握其中约4,000个词。 5、综合素质要求:要求学生具有乐观、积极、向上的心理素质和勇于创新、不断更新自身知识体系的精神。 (三)实施说明 本课程注重培养学生的英语能力和英语水平,增强他们对于本专业的英语词汇的理解和运用能力。本课程是一个不断发展和完善的理论体系,按学时情况及学科发展可适当调整讲课内容并进行充实和完善。 (四)对先修课的要求 《大学英语》、《电子商务概论》 (五)对习题课、实践环节的要求 扩充知识点和本专业词汇量,新增本专业的经典阅读文章;增加用英语写小论文来回答相关专业知识问题。 任课教师认真执行实践环节中课时计划。课堂上尽量培养学生的英文口语表达能力,锻炼学生的用英文写小论文的能力; (六)课程考核方式 1.考核方式:考查 2.考查目标:考核学生对于电子商务专业英语知识的掌握情况。 3.成绩构成: 总成绩由二部分构成,总成绩=专业论文翻译或大论文成绩+平时成绩。其中,专业论文翻译或大论文成绩占40-60%,平时考核(包括平时出勤、作业、小测验、提问等)占40-60%,教师可酌情考虑。课程的成绩可以采用百分制整数形式,也可采用优良制形式。
