

3.1 - Hand Position

Every time you get behind the wheel, you accept responsibility for your actions. You must obey Virginia's traffic laws, and ensure your safety and the safety of your passengers and other motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists on the roadways.

每次你坐到方向盘前,就是接受了你的行为所要担负的责任。你必须遵循弗吉尼亚交通法律,并在道路上确保你自己、你的乘客、以及其他机动车驾驶员、行人和骑车人的安全。 Sit straight but relaxed and place your hands on the steering wheel. If your steering wheel was a clock, your hands should be at the 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock positions. Hold the wheel with your fingers and thumbs. Avoid gripping it with your palms.

把位坐直但要放松并把你的双手放置在方向盘上。如果你的方向盘是个时钟,你的手就应该在 8 点和 4 点的位置上。要用四指和大拇指把握方向盘。要避免用手掌把着。

Speed Limits

A speed limit is the maximum legal speed you can travel on a road under ideal conditions. You may drive slower than the posted speed, but it is illegal to drive any faster. By law, you must drive slower if conditions such as road construction or bad weather make the posted speed unsafe. It is illegal to use a radar detector in Virginia.


Maximum speed limit for passenger vehicles and motorcycles (unless posted otherwise)

Type of Highway Zone

Speed Limit Interstate highways in certain rural areas

70 mph Non-rural interstate highways, public roads not part of the interstate system

55 mph Rural rustic roads

35 mph School, business and residential zones (You are required to travel 25 mph in a school zone only when indicated by sign or signal. Otherwise maintain the posted speed.)

25 mph

乘用车和摩托车最高速度限制 ( 除非另行公示 )


速度限制 特定郊区的州际高速路

70 英里/小时 非郊区的州际高速、州际之外的公共道路

55 英里/小时 郊区乡间道路

35 英里/小时

学校、商业和住宅区(仅在有标识或信号提示时要 求你以每小时 25 英里行驶。其他情况下,要保持

公示的速度。 )

25 英里/小时

Stopping 停车

You must always stop your vehicle:


?at all stop signs, red traffic lights and flashing red signals


?when entering a street or crossing over a sidewalk from a driveway, alley, building or parking lot


?at railroad crossings with flashing signals


?when signaled by flaggers directing traffic


?for pedestrians attempting to cross the street at a crosswalk


?at the direction of a police officer. If you don't obey a law enforcement officer's signal to stop and the officer pursues you and is killed as a direct results of the pursuit, you will be guilty of a Class 4 felony.

?交警的指挥。如果你不遵从执法警官的停车信号,警官追赶你,并直接因追赶而致死,就是 4 级重罪。

?at the scene of a crash in which you are involved


When approaching a stop sign and the car in front of you proceeds, stop at the sign and proceed when the way is clear. Stopping for School Buses


In the following pictures, the red vehicles must stop and remain stopped until all children are clear of the roadway and the bus moves again.


?You must stop for stopped school buses with flashing red lights and extended stop sign when you approach from any direction on a highway, private road or school driveway. Stop and remain stopped until all persons are clear and the bus moves again.


?You must also stop if the bus is loading or unloading passengers and the signals are not on.


?You do not have to stop if you are traveling in the opposite direction on a roadway with a median or barrier dividing the road and the bus is on the opposite side of the median or barrier. However, be prepared for unexpected actions by persons exiting the school bus.


Stopping Distance 停车距离

Three factors determine the distance that it takes to stop your vehicle: perception time, reaction distance and braking distance.


Perception time: The time it takes you to recognize a hazard.


Reaction distance: The distance your vehicle travels between the time you recognize a problem and the time you apply the brakes.反应距离:你认识到问题的时刻与你踩刹车的时刻之间你的车所行驶的距离。

Braking distance: The distance your car travels after you apply the brakes.


Perception time, reaction distance and braking distance are affected by weather, visibility, and your mental and physical condition. Braking distance is also affected by how fast your vehicle is traveling, the condition of your brakes and tires, and the pavement condition. For example, wet pavement can double your braking distance.


Average stopping distance on dry, level pavement.


Source: Code of Virginia section 46.2-880

Antilock Brakes 防抱死刹车

If your vehicle has antilock brakes, be sure that you understand how they work. Check your vehicle owner's manual and practice braking before you go out on the road. Remember, never pump antilock brakes.


3.2 - Yielding the Right-of-Way 为路权让行

Yield also means to stop if you cannot merge safely into the flow of traffic.


Examples of yielding the right-of-way:


?When two vehicles from different directions arrive at an intersection at different times, the vehicle that arrives first goes first.


?When two vehicles from different directions arrive at the same time at an intersection with no signs or signals, the driver on the left must allow the driver on the right to go first.


?If the traffic lights at an intersection are not working, all vehicles coming to the intersection must stop. The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.


?Drivers entering an interstate from an entrance ramp must yield the right-of-way to traffic already on the highway.


?Drivers entering any intersection or traffic circle must yield to traffic already in it.


?When entering a roadway from a private road or driveway, you must stop and yield to all traffic and pedestrians.


?You must yield for pedestrians who are crossing a street within a clearly marked crosswalk or at an unmarked intersection. Remember that turns on red are especially hazardous to pedestrians. Avoid conflict with pedestrians and permit them to cross the street safely.


?You must yield to funeral processions. Do not cut through, join or interfere with a funeral procession.

Unless led by a police escort, the lead vehicle in a funeral procession must obey all traffic signs and signals.Other drivers in the procession may follow carefully without stopping and may use hazard lights (flashers) to indicate they are in the procession.


?You must yield to all military convoys. Never cut through or join a military convoy.

?你必须为所有的军方行进队伍让行。万不可插入或加入到一个军方行进队伍中。Yielding to Vehicles with Flashing Lights 为闪灯的车辆让行

Drivers must take specific actions when they see vehicles with flashing or blinking blue, red, yellow or white lights on roadways.


Stopped vehicles 停滞的车辆

?When approaching a stopped vehicle with flashing lights on a four lane highway, you must change to a lane not next to the emergency vehicle, if you can change lanes safely. If you are unable to safely change lanes, reduce your speed and proceed with caution. Violations can result in court suspension of your driver's license and demerit points on your driving record.


?You may not park within 500 feet of where fire trucks or equipment are stopped answering an alarm.

?你不可将车停泊在离出警消防车或设备所停留之处500 英尺以内的地方。Approaching vehicles – same direction 临近的车辆—同向

?Never follow an emergency vehicle closer than 500 feet when its lights are flashing.

?永远不要在500 英尺以内跟随闪灯的应急车辆。

?When police, fire and rescue vehicles or ambulances approach you from behind your vehicle using a siren, flashing lights or both, you must immediately yield the right-of-way. Safely pull over to the right edge of the road and stop until the emergency vehicle has passed.


Approaching vehicles – opposite direction 临近车辆—对向

?When emergency vehicles approach you in the opposite lane on an undivided highway, you must pull over to the edge of the road and stop until the emergency vehicle passes.


These requirements do not apply in highway work zones.


Roundabouts 环岛

Roundabouts, rotaries, circular intersections and traffic circles are all terms for intersections with a circular island in the center. Roundabouts may have one or more lanes. Entering traffic must yield the right-of-way to traffic already in the circle. Each road approaching the roundabout is marked with a yield sign and may also have a yield line markings on the pavement. However, rotaries and other circles may have stop signs. Drivers must pay attention and obey the signs.


When approaching a roundabout, slow down. Use your turn signals to indicate where you want to go. If you plan to turn right, stay to the right as you enter the roundabout. If you plan to go straight, you may stay in either lane (if it is a dual lane circular intersection). If you plan to turn left, stay to the left as you enter the roundabout.


Tips for driving safely through a roundabout: 安全驾驶通过环岛的小提示:

?As you approach the roundabout, slow down; look for the street and direction signs. This will help you know which exit to take. These signs should be posted along the roadside before you reach the roundabout.



?When you arrive at the roundabout, yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and bicyclists. You also must yield to any vehicles already in the roundabout. Sometimes your entry point will be controlled by a stop or yield sign, or traffic signal. When the way is clear, you may enter the roundabout.


?While inside the roundabout, stay in your lane until you are ready to exit. Use your vehicle's right turn signal to let drivers around you know what you want to do.


?Do not change lanes or take an exit before checking for vehicles that may be continuing through the roundabout in the lane next to you or behind you. Expect vehicles to be in blind spots you cannot see in your rearview or side mirrors. Quickly glance over your shoulder and check for any vehicles that may be in your blind spot.


More information about driving safely through a roundabout is available on the Virginia Department of Transportation's website.

有关安全驶过环岛的更多信息,可通过弗吉尼亚交通部的网站https://www.360docs.net/doc/687298679.html, /info/faq-rounda bouts.asp 获得。

3.3 - Changing Lanes

Before changing lanes, check your side and rearview mirrors for traffic approaching you from behind. Then, use your turn signal to let other drivers know you plan to change lanes. Check for other drivers who also may be moving into the same lane. Just before you begin moving into the other lane, quickly glance over your shoulder and check for any vehicles that may be in your blind spot.


Whether you are changing lanes, passing, entering or exiting a highway, always use your turn signals and check traffic to the rear and sides. When driving on a multi-lane highway, stay in the right lane if you are driving slower than the traffic around you.


Passing 超车

When passing another vehicle: 当超越其他车辆时:

?check the traffic ahead of you, behind you and in your blind spot before you attempt to pass. Signal and then accelerate to pass. Return to the right lane as soon as you can see the front of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.



?it is against the law to exceed the speed limit as you pass.


?complete the pass before you reach a No Passing zone. If you're still in the left lane when you reach the zone, you're breaking the law. You may pass on the right if the vehicle you are passing has signaled and is making a left turn. Be cautious because the vehicle you are passing may be blocking your view or blocking the view of other drivers.


?you may not pass on the right if you must drive off the pavement or main portion of the roadway to get around the other vehicle.


?when approaching or passing a person riding a bicycle, moped, or power-assisted bicycle or other device, reduce speed and pass at least three feet to the left.


When being passed, don't speed up. Maintain a steady speed or slow down.


Passing is unlawful and unsafe: 超车不合法或不安全的情况:

?on hills, curves, at intersections or railroad crossings, except on roads with two or more lanes of traffic moving in the same direction

?在山坡、弯道、路口或铁路交道口,除非是在同向上有两个或以上车道的道路上?off the pavement or shoulder of the road 离开路面或路肩

?when a school bus is stopped to load or unload passengers on a public road (unless a physical barrier or unpaved median separates traffic going in either direction) or on a private road


?when a solid line marks the left side of your lane


Over-correcting 过度矫正

Over-correcting occurs when the driver turns the steering wheel more sharply than expected, causing the rear wheels of the vehicle to slide toward the outside of the turn. This may result in the loss of vehicle control.


Most over-correction crashes are single vehicle crashes and are often preventable. A driver should remain alert at all times. Reduce speed and use extra caution while driving on curved roads. If you veer off the road, curved or straight, do not panic. Gradually reduce your speed, look in the direction you want to go, slowly steer back onto the roadway.


Turning 转向

To make a right turn you should be in the lane closest to the curb. Signal your intent to turn by using the proper turn signal. You should signal at least three or four seconds, 100 feet, ahead of the turn. Look to your left to check the intersection for pedestrians and traffic coming from the other direction. Then brake smoothly before and during the turn. If there is a traffic light or a stop sign at the intersection, come to a complete stop before you make the turn. Turn into the lane closest to the curb unless pavement markings lead you otherwise, and then change lanes if needed.

要想右转,你就应该在离路缘最近的车道中。使用适当的转向信号示意你的打算。你应当在转向之前至少三或四秒,或100 英尺打信号。查看一下你的左方有无行人和其他方向临近的车辆。而后在转弯前和转弯过程中平稳地踩刹。如果路口处有交通灯或停车标识,则要在转向之前完全停车。要转入离路缘最近的车道中,而后需要时再更换车道。

To make a left turn you should be in the farthest left lane possible, turning into the leftmost lane on the intersecting road, unless pavement markings lead you otherwise; or, unless multiple left turn lanes are provided. If multiple left turn lanes are provided, you should choose the lane that will best serve your need once you enter the intersecting road. Signal your intent to turn by using the proper turn signal. You should signal at least three to four seconds, 100 feet, ahead of the turn. Look in all directions, checking the intersection for pedestrians and traffic coming from the opposite direction. Keep your front wheels pointed straight ahead until you are actually going to make the left turn. This prevents you from being pushed into oncoming traffic if another vehicle crashed into you from behind. When the way is clear, make the left turn, yield to any vehicles including bicycles and pedestrians) approaching from the opposite direction.

要想左转,你就应该在尽可能最左侧的车道中,在十字路进入最左边的车道,除非路面的标志引导你,或者提供多个左转车道。在有多个左转车道提供时,你可以选择你认为最适合你要左转到的十字路的车道。使用适当的转向信号示意你的打算。你应当在转弯之前至少三或四秒,或100 英尺打信号。四方查看一下有无行人和对面临近的车辆。在你实际实施左转弯之前要保持你的车前轮打直的状态。如果有车从后面冲撞你,这样作可防止你被推入对驶的车流中。当前面道路清空时,左转,同时为对面驶来的任何车辆(包括自行车和行人)让行。

When two vehicles are approaching each other and signaling to turn left, both vehicles should turn in front of each other so that the passenger sides of the vehicles are beside each other.


U-Turns U型调头

U-turns are not legal everywhere. Before you make a U-turn, check for No U-Turn or No Left Turn signs. In business districts, cities and towns, U-turns are allowed only at intersections. Never make a U-turn on a highway.

U 型调头并不是处处合法的。在作U 型调头之前,你要查看一下是否有禁止U 型调头或禁止左转的标识。在商业区、城镇中,U 型调头仅在路口允许。千万别在快速路上作U 型调头。

When making a U-turn, turn on your left-turn signal, stop, and yield for approaching traffic. When the way is clear, proceed into the outside or right hand lane traveling in the opposite direction.

作U 型调头时,要打左转信号、停车,并为驶近的车辆让行。当线路清空时,驶入对面反向行驶的外侧的或称右侧的车道。

Turn Signals 转向信号

When you plan to change lanes, turn, or enter or exit a highway, first give the proper turn signal. Using your turn signal, which is required by law, communicates your intended movement to drivers around you. Develop a good habit and use turn signals or hand signals even if no other traffic is on the road.


When you plan to turn, signal three or four seconds, 100 feet, ahead of your turn. Be aware that drivers planning to turn into your lane may not know exactly where you will turn; drivers may pull out in front of you. Be alert.


After you complete the turn or lane change, be sure the turn signal stops flashing.


Hand Signals 手势信号

Right Turn: Left hand and arm pointing straight out


Left Turn: Left hand and arm pointing upward


Slow or Stop: Left hand and arm pointing downward


3.4 - Maintaining a Space Cushion

Space around your vehicle gives you distance to react in emergencies and avoid a crash. Create a space cushion around your vehicle by staying in the middle of your lane. Make sure there is enough room ahead of your vehicle and behind it for other vehicles to pass or stop safely.


Use the two-, three- and four-second rule to determine if you are following far enough behind the vehicle ahead of you.


Following Distance

At these posted speeds and on dry surfaces, this distance, in seconds,

allows the driver to steer and brake out of a problem area.

2 seconds Under 35 mph

3 seconds 35-45 mph

4 seconds 46-70 mph





2 秒35 英里/小时以下

3 秒36-45 英里/小时

4 秒46-70 英里/小时

Here's how the following distance rule works. 以下是跟车距离准则的作用原理。

?Glance at the vehicle ahead as it passes a fixed object, such as an overpass, sign, fence, corner or other fixed mark.


?Begin counting the seconds it takes you to reach the same place in the road.


?If you reach the mark before you have counted off two, three, or four seconds, depending on speed, you're following too closely. Slow down and increase your following distance.


?For bad weather conditions, heavy traffic, poor pavement or if your vehicle is in poor condition, add extra seconds to increase your following distance.


Drivers need to change following distance when speed or road conditions change. Hand response time is close to a half second. Foot response time is normally three-quarters of a second. This does not take into account any delay in perception time as a result of the driver being tired, on medication, distracted, etc. Road conditions, speed, driver alertness, and even following vehicles of different weights all change the ability to stop.


Increase your following distance when driving:


?behind a large vehicle that blocks your vision


?in bad weather or heavy traffic


?when exiting an expressway behind a motorcycle


?when being tailgated


Tailgating is when the driver behind you is following too closely. If you find yourself in this situation, do not brake suddenly. If possible, move over to another lane, or gently tap your brakes to flash your brake lights and slow down. This should encourage the tailgater to pass you or slow down.


Help the driver behind you by maintaining a safe following distance and a steady speed. Tap your brakes to warn the driver behind you when you plan to slow down or stop.


3.5 - Searching 巡视

Searching means looking at the entire scene for anything that might come into your path. As you search the road, avoid staring at one thing. Keep your eyes moving and learn to read the road and your surroundings.


Looking ahead will help you identify risks early and provide you with more time to react. Expert drivers try to focus their eyes 20 to 30 seconds ahead. In the city, that equals approximately one block. Avoid staring at the middle of the road. scan from side to side, checking for traffic signs and signals, cars or people that might be in the road by the time you reach them.

目视前方将有助于你及早辨认风险并给你更多的时间来反应。专业的司机努力把眼球聚焦在20 至30 秒的前方。在城市里,那大约就是一个街区。要避免紧盯着路中间。要从一侧扫视到另一侧,查看你所到之处可能出现在路上的交通标识和信号、车辆或人员。

Search for clues on the road. Look for exhaust smoke, brake or back-up lights and turned wheels on vehicles. Clues like these warn that the vehicles may pull into your path. Watch for pedestrians, bicyclists and other slow moving vehicles that may be in the road ahead.


辆可能会进入你的线路。要观察可能位于前方路面的行人、骑车人以及其他慢速车辆。When driving in rural areas, watch for hidden intersections and driveways, curves, hills and different road conditions. Watch for other vehicles, especially trucks, oversized and slow-moving farm vehicles, and bicycles.


Check from left to right and then left again before entering an intersection. Whenever you reach a place in the road where other cars, people or animals may cross your path, look both ways to be sure it is clear. These include intersections, crosswalks, shopping centers, construction areas and playgrounds. At any intersection, look to the left first, since cars coming from the left will be closer to you. Then look to the right and take one more quick look to the left before you drive through.


Look behind. Use your rearview mirror to check the traffic behind you frequently, about every 10 seconds. This will alert you if someone is moving up too quickly or tailgating you. Check the traffic behind you when changing lanes, backing up, slowing down quickly or driving down a long, steep hill.


Blind Spots

Blind spots are danger areas that cannot be seen in the mirrors on either or both sides of the vehicle.


The best way to see a car in your blind spot is by quickly turning your head and glancing over your shoulder to ensure the way is clear before changing lanes or passing another vehicle.


Avoid driving in someone else's blind spot. This can be just as dangerous as not checking your own blind spot. Speed up or drop back; but, don't stay in the other driver's blind spot.


3.6 - Sharing the Road 共享道路

Drivers share the road with many other users: pedestrians, bicyclists, moped and motorcycle riders, trucks and buses, recreational vehicles and other vehicles of all shapes and sizes. It is your responsibility to adjust your driving to avoid other drivers' mistakes and assure everyone's safety.


Pedestrians: Generally, there are three types of pedestrians most often involved in crashes: children, the elderly and adults under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.


?Be careful around schools, playgrounds and in residential areas where small children may be playing or crossing the street.


?Look out for the elderly, who may have poor vision and hearing. Remember that the elderly and people with disabilities may move slowly.


?Be especially aware of pedestrians when making a right or left turn. They have the right-of-way. Allow pedestrians to completely cross the street before beginning your turn.


?Be alert for pedestrians at all times. Slow down and be prepared to stop.


Bicycles:Bicycles are also considered vehicles and have the same right-of-way as motor vehicles. Bicyclists are also expected to obey the same traffic rules and regulations as vehicle drivers; however, many are children who may not know or obey the rules. Slow down when you approach bicyclists. State law requires motorists to pass cyclists with at least three feet of clearance. Give them plenty of room when passing and be prepared to stop suddenly. Look for bicycles on all public roads.



It is against the law to operate a bicycle or any electric power device such as assistive mobility devices, toy vehicles, and bicycles on any interstate highway.


Mopeds: It is against the law to operate a moped faster than 35 MPH or on an interstate highway. Any person who operates a moped faster than 35 mph is considered to be operating a motorcycle which must meet Virginia registration requirements. In addition, the operator would be required to hold a valid driver's license with a motorcycle classification or a driver's license restricted to operating motorcycles only.

轻骑:根据弗吉尼亚法律规定,轻骑是一种带有踏板和电机的自行车一样的装置。这个电机不得额定在两马力以上且不得使轻骑超出30 英里/小时行驶。驾驶轻骑快于35 英里/小时或上州际高速路都是违法的。任何人驾驶轻骑快于35 英里/小时都视为驾驶摩托车,须符合弗吉尼亚注册要求。另外,驾驶人要持有一个有效的驾照,附带有摩托车类别或单独限驾摩托车。

Moped riders must be at least age 16 and obey all rules of the road. They must carry some form of government-issued photo identification (does not have to be a driver's license) that includes name, address and date of birth. As a driver, treat moped riders with the same care given to any other vehicle driver. Riders and passengers must wear helmets and use eye protection if the moped does not have a windshield. The moped must be titled and registered with DMV.

轻骑驾驶人必须至少16 岁并遵守所有道路规则。他们必须携带某种类型的身份证明,上有姓名、地址和出生日期。作为一个司机,要像对待其他任何车辆司机一样,小心对待轻骑驾驶者。

Although you do not need a driver's license to operate a moped, you may not operate a moped if you have been declared a habitual offender and your license is suspended or revoked for driving while intoxicated.


Motorcycles: Approximately half of all fatal motorcycle crashes involve automobiles. Many crashes are caused by the motorist's failure to see a motorcycle in traffic.


?Look for motorcyclists. In more than half of all crashes involving motorcycles and automobiles, the other driver didn't see the motorcycle until it was too late. Drivers are conditioned to look for four-wheeled vehicles, but they don't expect to see two-wheeled vehicles. A motorcycle's small size also makes it difficult to see.


?Check your blind spots. A motorcycle's small size allows it to slip into your blind spot easily. Always check for motorcycles before you pull out, change lanes, turn, back up or proceed through an intersection.


?Never tailgate a motorcycle (or any other vehicle). Allow yourself plenty of braking distance by adding an extra second to the following distance rule. In inclement weather, double this distance.


?Anticipate the motorcyclist's movements. Although a motorcycle is not as wide as the lane, the rider will use the entire lane as traffic situations and road conditions change. A slight change or debris on the road surface can be a major obstacle for a motorcyclist. Expect the motorcycle to make sudden moves within the lane.

Never drive beside a motorcycle in the same lane.


?Yield to motorcycles. The small size of a motorcycle can cause you to misjudge the motorcycle's speed and distance. Before pulling out into traffic, check twice for motorcycles and use extra caution before you pull out in front of one.


Light Rail: There is a light rail train system in Norfolk called The Tide. Light rail trains share the road with motor vehicles and bicyclists, and they intersect with motor vehicle traffic at 27 locations along the 7.4 mile route. Stay safe when driving around The Tide by obeying the tips below:

轻轨:在诺福克,有一个称作“潮汐”的轻轨列车系统。在7.4 英里的线路上轻轨列车与机动车和自行车共享道路并在27 个地点上与机动车交通相交叉。在“潮汐”周边驾驶时要遵从下列提示,保证安全。

?Pay attention to changing traffic patterns and always follow the roadway.


?Never drive around lowered crossing gates.


?Always look both ways before turning across train tracks.


?Expect trains on any track at any time. Always obey signs and traffic signals.


?Never stop, pass or shift on train tracks.


?Don't cross train tracks unless you have enough room to cross without stopping and can clear the tracks to a safe distance.


For more info about light rail safety, visit https://www.360docs.net/doc/687298679.html, or call (757) 222-6100.

有关轻轨安全的更多信息,可访问https://www.360docs.net/doc/687298679.html, 或打电话给(757) 222-6100。

Low Speed Vehicles: These electrically powered four-wheel vehicles have a maximum speed ranging from 21 to 25 mph. Low speed vehicles may be operated on public roads with speed limits of 35 mph or less by licensed drivers or learner's permit holders accompanied by a licensed driver. Low speed vehicles must comply with all federal safety standards and must meet Virginia's requirements for passenger vehicle registration and insurance coverage. Golf carts are not classified as low speed vehicles.

低速车辆:那些电力驱动的四轮车辆速度在21 至25 英里/小时的范围。低速车辆可以在公路上以限速35 英里/小时或以下、由持照司机或持照司机陪同的学车证持有人驾驶。低


Trucks, Tractor-Trailers, Buses and RVs: Trucks, tractor-trailers, buses and recreational vehicles (RVs) - including motor homes, campers and travel trailers - are longer, higher and wider than other vehicles. They accelerate slowly and require greater stopping and turning distances. Plus, there are danger areas around these vehicles where crashes are more likely to occur. These areas are called No-Zones. No-Zones on the side, front and rear also include blind spots where your car disappears from the driver's view.

卡车、牵引- - 拖车、巴士及房车:卡车、牵引-拖车、巴士及房车,包括移动房屋,大篷车和旅行拖车,都比其他车辆更长、更高且更宽。它们加速缓慢而且需要更大的刹车和转弯距离。这些车辆的周围有危险区域,那里更容易发生事故。这些区域叫做禁区。侧面、前方和后方的禁区还包括盲区,在那里你的车会从司机的视线中消失。


Learning the No-Zones can save your life.

?Side No-Zones:Trucks, tractor-trailers, buses and RVs have big No-Zones on both sides that are dangerous because these vehicles must make wide turns. These No-Zones or blind spots are much larger than your car's blind spots. If you can't see the driver's face in his side view mirror, then he can't see you.


?Rear No-Zone:Trucks, tractor-trailers, buses and RVs have huge No-Zones directly behind them. The driver can't see your car behind his vehicle and you can't see what's happening in traffic ahead of his vehicle. If the truck, bus or RV brakes or stops suddenly, you have no place to go and could crash into the vehicle's rear-end.

Always maintain a safe following distance.



纽约州立大学石溪分校学费2020 纽约州立大学石溪分校(StonyBrookUniversity),又称石溪大学,成立于1957年,是一所以研究见长的公立大学。石溪大学是纽约州 立大学的四个大学中心之一,学校发展迅猛,成立仅50多年以来, 已经成为美国一流的教学和研究中心。 延伸阅读:史上最全美国留学指南 1.联系工具 很快,你就会认识帮助你的新朋友。如果他们是中国人,那么你可以继续使用以前的联系工具(QQ,微博,人人)。不过,我建议你 去和美国人、别国留学生接触。如果你想和他们保持联系,你最好 有以下工具 手机 手机,可能是最重要的联系方式。在美国,用手机发短信,和在中国一样流行。我知道,许多留学生带解锁的手机去美国,但是如 果你没有,那么你需要买一部美国的手机。 Gmail 这里基本所有人都会使用Gmail。申请Gmail之后,你就有使用Gchat的权限。因为Gchat建立在Gmail之内,所以它是一个应用 广泛的聊天工具。申请Gmail还会可以给你使用GoogleDocs的权限。你会发现在做集体项目的时候,GoogleDocs是个非常有用的合作工具。 Facebook Facebook能有效的帮助你与你每天见的同学保持联系。而且, 它是个帮助你记住人名的好地方。 LinkedIn

LinkedIn相当于求职版Facebook。你LinkedIn上的个人资料页面相当于你的求职简历。 2.身份证明 我遇到的大多数留学生,在考取驾照之前,把护照当他们的身份证使用。我觉得“不考驾照只能用护照”这种认识局限,使他们生 活不必要的麻烦起来(除非你一来就计划买车并且考取驾照)。为了 解决这种麻烦, 首先,你需要社会安全号码(SSN)。社会安全号十分、十分重要:这个号码相当于中国的身份证号。在申请州内身份证,申请工作, 以及报税的时候,社会安全号是必须的。这份来自社会安全局的文件,https://www.360docs.net/doc/687298679.html,/pubs/EN-05-10181.pdf,解释了国际学生 (F-1,M-1orJ-1签证持有者)如何申请社会安全号。根据这份文件, 学校如果允许持F-1签证的学生在校内外工作,这个学生就可以去 申请社会安全号。为了找到合法工作,并且申请到社会安全号,你 需要这些东西: F-1,M-1或者J-1签证 I-94表(来自机场的抵达/离境记录) I-20表(来自学校的合法学生身份证明) 来自雇主的雇用信 3.美国朋友 最好的练习英语、学习美国文化的方式,是交个美国朋友。我总是看见留学生聚集在国人的社交圈内。虽然中国人和中国人玩看起 来顺其自然,又有意思。但是,你需要注意到这种社交模式,牺牲 了什么东西:总是说中文,你没有机会练习英语美国人会因为你身 边一大堆说中文的人被吓跑,不想接近你。迅速交到说中文的朋友,你可能就此失去了接触美国人的动机不进入美国的朋友圈子意味这 你会失去吸收美国文化的机会不进入美国的朋友圈子意味着你会失 去拓展你职业圈子的机会在大学刚开始的几周,每个人都会很开放 的去结交新朋友。在大多数情况下,如果你跟他们说话,他们就会


最全的美国驾照路考常用英文(中英文对照) 一.路考内容与细节: 路考考试前考官会检查你的汽车是否一切正常,考官发指令你就照做。 (首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单) (考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期) 保持輕鬆,不要緊張。監考官極為注意安全觀念,開車技術則為次要。新手可不必太過擔心技術問題。 1.确保前座位的两个人都系上安全带后才可以启动车。调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。测试“平行停车”,倒车控车,90度倒转弯车,紧急刹车; 2.上路考试,左转,右转丶过十字路口丶斜坡停车丶车速控制丶换路线、路边停车等等。3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。动作一定要明显,左看右看前后看,要考官看到你的明显动作。要注意小细节,不妨把工作做的夸张些,各項動作須碓實操作,不可馬虎。例如:上车是否系安全带,发动车时是否环顾了四周,看了后视镜,转弯是否打转弯灯,左右換線時頭必須轉向觀察。见到行人是否远远就刹车。Parking 時须記得要拉手煞 4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit 同时被收回。 二.路考过程注意事项: 1.坐上车后,先系好安全带。 2.考官会要求你把车钥匙转到ON,但是不启动车,检查你的刹车丶转向灯丶雨刷丶除雾器丶大灯丶喇叭等。如果你的车上有的部件不能正常工作的话,考官是不会让你路考的。 3.路考前,把座位调大点空间,美国人比较胖,让考官坐得舒服了,考试时也会心情好些。考官坐上车后,等他发指令你再启动车。 4.Stop sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数4下。遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。看见行人一定要让。 5.过四叉路口一定要动作夸张地左右左张望一下(当然也是真的要看清楚一些),不然考官会认为你没有注意路况,会扣分的。 6.右转时一定要以明显动作回头过肩看右后方,不然会被扣分的。 7.绝对不能超速,不然立马就fail了。 8.路边停车时,一定要打右转灯。从路边出来时,一定要打左转灯。换道丶上高速merge主车流都要打转向灯。下高速也要打右转灯,否则都会扣分的。 9.在自己不确定可以安全换道时,就不要勉强,考官还是要命的,不会勉强你的,最多给你换条路线。 10.路边停车时,如果在有坡度的路上,要注意轮子的方向。还要注意有没有curb。 11.任何时候都不要和有行路权的车抢道,就算你抢成功了,考官也会认为你是危险驾驶,把你fail掉的。


????a 1. A diamond shaped sign means ????(a) warning. ????(b) stop. ????(c) yield right of way. ????c 2. An upside-down triangle means ????(a) warning. ????(b) stop. ????(c) yield right of way. ????b 3. An octagon shaped sign means ????(a) warning. ????(b) stop. ????(c) yield right of way. ????b 4. When you come to a STOP sign, you should ????(a) be prepared to stop if there is an approaching car. ????(b) make a complete stop and proceed when safe. ????(c) slow down and proceed when safe. ????d 5. What should you do when you come to a STOP sign at an intersection? ????(a) Slow down and proceed with caution. ????(b) Stop only if there are any vehicles approaching the intersection. ????(c) Slow down, sound horn, and proceed. ????(d) Make a full stop and proceed when safe. ????b 6. The hand signal for a right turn is: ????(a) Point the arm and hand down.



一、安全行车、文明驾驶知识(240道题) 1)选择题:(11题) 1驾驶人进入驾驶室前,首先应全。 并确认安 A.观察车辆周围情况 B.不用观察周围情况 C.开启车门直接上车 D.注意观察天气情况 答案:A 2驾乘人员下车时应。 A.停车后立即开门下车 B.观察前方交通情况 C.先开车门再观察侧后情况 D.先观察侧后情况,再缓开车门答案:D 3驾驶机动车时,转向盘。 A.双手可以临时离开 B.可以随意操作 C.严禁双手同时离开 D.可以原地转动

答案:C 4踏制动踏板,应当用踩踏。 A.左脚前掌 B.右脚前掌 C.右脚心 D.右脚跟 答案:B 5操纵制动踏板时,踏板。 A.踏下前注意观察 B.踏下或抬起都不得观察 C.踏下时注意观察 D.抬起时注意观察答案:E 6换挡时。 A.不得低头下视 B.慢推、慢拉 C.注意看挡位 D.猛推、猛拉 答案:A 7自动挡汽车的“ 2”挡在时使用 A.缓坡行驶 B.停车 C.正常行驶

D.超车 答案:A 8自动挡汽车的“ P”挡在时使用。 A.陡坡行驶 B.驻车 C.正常行驶 D.路口停车 答案:B 9驾驶自动挡汽车起步时,,从P挡换入其他挡位。 A.不踏制动踏板 B.踏下加速踏板 C.踏下制动踏板 D.放松驻车制动 答案:C 10停放自动挡汽车时,变速器操纵杆应拔下钥匙。 A.在R挡 B.在N挡 C.在D挡

D.在P挡 答案:D 11自动挡汽车起动发动机时,应将变速器操纵杆放在位置。 A.D挡 B.P挡 C.N挡 D.任意挡 答案:B 2)判断题:(7题) 1自动挡汽车可以用左脚踩踏制动踏板。答案:错误 2无论自动挡还是手动挡汽车,都必须用右脚踩踏制动踏板。 答案:正确 3自动挡汽车在陡坡行驶时使用“ 2”挡。答案:错误 4自动挡汽车在陡坡行驶时使用“ L”挡。答案:正确 5自动挡汽车在平路行驶时使用“ L”挡。答案:错误

泉州 学车 考驾照 c1证 科目二 科目三 大霞美考试场地 考试攻略

泉州学车考驾照c1证科目二科目三大霞美考试场地考试攻略 一开始,先说说桩考,如果桩考没过的话,那下面的电子路考就不用看了, 怎么开车,这个就让教练来吧,要考试或者快考试的过来这边看,桩考没有技巧,只有练习,不断的练习,什么定点,一个师傅一个招,没有谁的最好,那些都是死的,人和车都是活的,只有靠自己去摸索,适合自己的,那什么事情都解决了。 接下来,上图……大霞美桩考场地图…… 如果是运气不好,抽到,21,22号,那就看你技术好不好了,这两辆车是大霞美桩考中,最难搞定的两辆车了,垃圾中的极品。21号车转向盘有问题,22号车档位不好挂入。 图中,靠近房子的那个场地都有起始框,靠近停车场的考场没有起始框。这个教练还是会教,怎么定位比较好入库,在这咱就省了…… 桩考就说到这, 桩考顺利通过后会直接引导去电子路考区,电子路考泉州这边的驾校一般都是教车轮对点,这个教练会教,考场也有点可以对。只有百米加减档,和限宽门,起伏路不需要对点,这个有在培训的学员应该会比较清楚,上图先,……下霞美电子路考场地地图……

想顺利过关的,最好别走那些图中打红叉的路线。要么没划点可对,要吗电脑有些小问题。。也没事,要考试前一天都会去熟悉这个考场,到时候自己记也行,这个先让大家先了解一下,省得抓瞎。。 科目二,电子路考要特别注意:在每个项目前,如半坡起步,侧方停车,s弯,障碍路……(总共9个项目)前面的那条起始白线,车头在还没进入起始白线前,就必须打左转向灯。否则,随车电脑有可能没法判断你是否已经开始那个项目的考试,而造成严重后果。切记,切记。 路考,一组三人,一车一组。全程3公里,那样平均就是一人一公里。其实也没有,主要都在307省道上考,一人两三百米,右后门下车,测胎压,看发动机底下,上车调座位,上安全带,调后镜,环视四周,启动,看仪表,一切正常后请示起步,如“报告,检测车辆一切正常,请指示”。接到起步指令后,打左灯,看左后镜,确认安全去手刹,后起步,上行车道(中间那条),稳步逐级加档(不看档位),到4档或者到5档,一般4档即可。接下去根 据考官要求驾驶。……上图先,大霞美路考考场地图……


美国加州驾照笔试模拟题(上) 除非另外公布,商业区限速:25英里每小时。 除非另有标明,在有小孩的学校地段的限速为:25英里 住宅区限速:25英里。 您在时速65英里的高速公路上驾驶,当时交通繁忙,车流时速35英里,您驾驶的最佳时速是:35英里 您在限速65英里的高速公路最左车道上以时速55英里速度驾驶,在下列情况下,您可能会因为车开的太慢而收到罚单:如果您阻挡正常和合理的车流 盲点交叉路口限速:15英里 如果在没有信号管制的交叉路口,您在进入交叉路口之前没有看到车辆穿过,则限速为:15英里 如果对面来车开始在您面前左转,您应当:减速或停车以防发生车祸。 转弯车道上有信号表示仅仅在左转箭头亮起时允许左转或掉头,信号的意思是:左转箭头亮起时允许左转或掉头。 您在具有分隔带的街道上开车,您的方向有几条车道,您需要掉头,您应当从哪里开始掉头:左车道。 下列情况不得穿过道路中间的双黄色实线:超车。 您必须在行驶的车辆系上安全带:如果您的车配备安全带。 您在受绿色箭头管制的转弯车道中,以下哪一条是正确的?对面所有来车和行人被红灯拦住 您打算从斜形停车位倒车退出,您务必应当慢速倒车并:在倒车时回头向后看。 如果没有限制线,应该将车停在哪里?:在转弯处 您正在接近一个交叉路口,交通信号灯是闪动红灯,您应该:在进入交叉路口前停下,安全后再继续行驶。 开车时若往车前方观看,您应当:来回远近都看。 如果有人跟得太近,您应当:小心增加您车前方的空间。 有关其他司机的哪一种说法是正确的?:绝对不能假设其他司机会给您让路。 您在一条四车道高速公路最左车道加时,但速度低于车流,您后面的一位司机希望开快一些,您:应该变换车道,而不论您的车速是多少。 您在开车时血液酒精浓度超过法定限制:您将会收到一项命令,吊销您的驾驶特权。 您在停车时,重要的是将前车轮转向路沿:面向下坡。 您在一条四车道高速公路最靠近中心分隔带的车道上开车,如果要从最右边下高速公路,您应当:


加州驾照模拟试题 1. 对年满21岁以上的驾驶者而言﹐合法的血液酒精浓度(BAC)是多少? 百分之零点八(0.80) 百分之零点零八(0.08) 百分之零点零五(0.05) 2. 有关煞车的研究表明﹐以时速55英里速度行驶的大型卡车所杀车距离为一般汽车的___. 同样的距离 俩倍 三倍 3. 在雾中或雨中驾车时﹐最好﹕ 经常使用您的泊车讯号灯 经常使用您的紧急讯号灯 打开您的前灯 4. 在销售或转让您的车辆的多少天之内您必需向DMV报告﹖ 5天 10天 15天 5. 如果您遇到红色交通信号灯﹐但一位治安官员或消防队员指示您继续驾驶﹐您应该﹕ 等待录色讯号灯 按照其指示作 将车使至路缘并停车 6. 涂上色的路缘意味停车或泊车是﹕ 仅供救急车辆用 仅供乘客用 仅限于一定的时期一要看标志或街道标记标明的时限 7. 当来到有停车标志的转交处﹐您首先必需停车﹕ 在距离行人横道线四英尺处﹐然后您可进入交叉路口 在足以看到两边来往交通的地方 在行人横道线前 8. 如果发生车祸﹐并且其中一辆车所受损失超过$500﹐在以下情况下﹐您必需向DMV提

出意外报告(SR1) 只有在您有过错的情况下 无论是谁的错 只有在另一辆车中有人受伤或死亡的情况下 9. 正确系上的座椅安全带﹕ 是法律的规定 将防止车祸 将制止您移动您的身体 10. 在进入一条车道前﹐为确保该车道是通畅无阻的您应该﹕ 转头观察您想进入的车道 看左侧反光镜 看后向反光镜 11. 如果您被判乱扔废弃物﹐这一判决是否会记入您的驾驶档案﹖ 是﹐如果您未满18岁 是﹐无论您的年龄多大 否﹐除非您年满18岁以上 12. 当您舆其他车辆同时到一个没有交通信号灯或停车标志的转交时﹐您应该给以下哪一个人先行权﹕ 您右边的驾驶者 您左边驾驶者 您对面的驾驶者 13. “默示同意的法则”指明您已同意在下述情况下对您的血液酒精浓度进行检验﹕ 您在加州驾车的任何时候 经律师同意 如果发生了车祸 14. 在转角处横越街道的行人在以下情况下有先行权﹕ 只有在街道上划出行人在以下情况下有先行权 只有在行人交通管制装置运作正常的情况下 无论街道上是否划出行人横道线 在管制车辆交通的讯号灯失灵的情况下 15. 为避免突然的“最后一刻行动”﹐在扫视道路看是否有危险时﹐您看前方多远的距离﹖4到5秒钟的行车时间 6到8秒钟的行车时间 10到15秒钟的行车时间


美国驾照笔试题(New Jersey DMV)(附个别名词解释)来源:CSSA会报的日志 美國駕駛執照考題Sample Questions of Written Test for Driver License (NJ) 1. 1. An Agricultural license allows the operation of: A: Farm registered vehicles for agricultural purposes only. 1. 2. The shape of a Yield sign is: A: Triangle. 1. 3. A green light means: A: Go when safe. 1. 4. At the time of your road test you must present: A: A valid vehicle registration permit, insurance, ID, Examination permit. (the answ er is “above all is right”) 1. 5. 1 & ?ounces of 86 proof of liquor contains the same amount of alcohol as: A: 12 ounces of beer. 1. 6. If a person get drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident, af ter leaving your home you could: A. Become involved in a Lawsuit. 1.7. Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk drivin g have been drinking: A: Beer. 1.8. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up: A: Time. 1.9. Implied Consent Law means: A: On request of a police officer you agree to take a breath test to determine Bloo d Alcohol Content.


此文档下载后即可编辑 最全的美国驾照路考常用英文(中英文对照) 一.路考内容与细节: 路考考试前考官会检查你的汽车是否一切正常,考官发指令你就照做。(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期) 保持輕鬆,不要緊張。監考官極為注意安全觀念,開車技術則為次要。新手可不必太過擔心技術問題。 1.确保前座位的两个人都系上安全带后才可以启动车。调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。测试“平行停车”,倒车控车,90度倒转弯车,紧急刹车; 2.上路考试,左转,右转丶过十字路口丶斜坡停车丶车速控制丶换路线、路边停车等等。 3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。动作一定要明显,左看右看前后看,要考官看到你的明显动作。要注意小细节,不妨把工作做的夸张些,各項動作須碓實操作,不可馬虎。例如:上车是否系安全带,发动车时是否环顾了四周,看了后视镜,转弯是否打转弯灯,左右換線時頭必須轉向觀察。见到行人是否远远就刹车。Parking 時须記得要拉手煞 4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回。 二.路考过程注意事项: 1.坐上车后,先系好安全带。 2.考官会要求你把车钥匙转到ON,但是不启动车,检查你的刹车丶转向灯丶雨刷丶除雾器丶大灯丶喇叭等。如果你的车上有的部件不能正常工作的话,考官是不会让你路考的。


美国考驾照的流程 关于笔试: 25道题全部是选择题,每题三个选项,基本上都是common sense,即使完全没学习过,直接考试也有一半以上机率能过。大多数地区不需要 预约,到DMV机车管理局直接考试,当即打分,当即拿到上路练车许可。考试费用我们这 边是10美元。整个流程耗时20分钟。笔试通过后,如果你副驾驶上坐个持有驾照2年以 上的人,你就可以开车了。如果你想自己单独开车上路,需要路考通过,在美国开车和国 内习惯可不一样,很多身边的例子告诉我们越是国内老司机,坏习惯越多,可能越难通过。 路考内容: 1.确保前座位上两个人都记上安全带后,才可以启动车。调整左右外侧视镜,后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势左转丶右转丶停车。测试“平行停车”,倒车控车,90度倒 转弯车,紧急刹车; 2.上路考试,左转,过十字路口丶转右转丶斜坡停车丶车速控制丶路边停车等等。 3.注意事项:看到停车路标时候一定要停稳,换路线等。动作一定要明显,左看右看 前后看,要考官看到你的明显动作。要注意小细节,不妨把工作做的夸张些,比如上车是 否系安全带,发动车时是否环顾了四周,后视镜,转弯是否打转弯灯,见到行人是否远远 就刹车。 4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回。 路考注意事项: 1.坐上车后,先系好安全带。 2.考官会要求你把车钥匙转到ON,但是不启动车,检查你的刹车丶转向灯丶雨刷丶除雾器丶大灯丶喇叭等。 3.如果你的车上有的部件不能正常工作的话,考官是不会让你路考的路考前,把座位 调大点空间,美国人比较胖,让考官坐得舒服了,考试时也会心情好些。考官坐上车后, 等他发指令你再启动车。 4.Stop sign一定要停满三秒。遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full

美国伊利诺伊州2010版驾照考试笔试 (permit) 题库

PLACE THE CORRECT NUMBER IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW THE SIGN 1. DO NOT ENTER 9. CROSSROAD 2. RAILROAD W ARNING 10. REDUCTION IN LANES 3. SIGNAL AHEAD 11. MERGE 4. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 12. SCHOOL ZONE AND CROSSING 5. SLOW MOVING VEHICLE 13. SIDE ROAD 6. NO PASSING ZONE 14. NO ‘U’ TURN 7. YIELD RIGHT-OF-W AY 15. ROAD CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE 8. STOP 16. NO RIGHT TURN 1. When you come to a stop sign, you must stop your vehicle: __ As close to the stop sign as possible. __ At a place near the intersection providing you come to a complete stop. __ At a marked stop line, before entering the crosswalk, or before entering the intersection if there is no crosswalk. 2. When headlights are required, they should be dimmed at least 500 feet before meeting and 300 feet before overtaking another vehicle. __ True __ False


美国驾照的中文法规笔试题,不考驾照也应知道! 1 当你到达十字路口而看到黄色的闪灯时,你一定要: 停,如果你想转右 1.保持同样的速度行驶 2.停车,如果你想转左 3.慢驶,然后小心前进 ④ 2 当你在变线行车路上驾驶,听到紧急信号的车,法律上要求你怎样 做? 1.加速,尽快离开 2.打灯号,让驾驶者超越 3.尽快驶向路的最右方停下 4.保持同一速度行驶 ③ 3 当需要车头灯时,在什么情况下开低灯? 1.与最接近你的车辆相距一公里(0.6哩)内 2.与最接近你的车辆相距150公尺(500呎)内 3.与最接近你的车辆相距300公尺(1000呎)内 4.这是为安全而设,并不是法律规定 ②

4 当你驶近“停牌”时,你应: 1.慢驶,鸣笛然后前进 2.慢驶,当安全才继续前进 3.停车,鸣笛然后前进 4.停车,当安全才前进 ④ 5 除非有标志指明,不然在城市、市镇、乡村或发展区内最高的驾驶 速度应是: 1.每小时30公里(20哩) 2.每小时50公里(30哩) 3.每小时40公里(25哩) 4.每小时60公里(35哩) ② 6 当亮红灯时,你想驶过十字路口,你一定要: 1.停车,让行人有优先权,然后小心前进 2.停车,当交通安全才前进 3.慢驶,交通安全才前进 4.停车,直至灯号转绿色,同时安全才前进 ④

7 当驶入高速公路时,你应该: 1.停在加速线,看准有安全的位置才尽快驶入高速公路 2.加速达到高速公路的速度,然后驶入公路交通中 3.慢车,然后用直角方向驶入高速公路 4.慢驶,随时准备停下来应付公路的交通 ② 8 在公路,驾驶者不准在其汽车所拖的露营车或拖船上载有: 1.枪械 2.容易燃烧原料 3.人(乘客) 4.家畜 ③ 9 在双程路上,你想转左之前,你应在什么位置? 1.靠近路的右手边 2.靠近路的左手边 3.尽量在最接近中线的右边行车路上 4.没有关系,只要打灯号便可 ③


黑色加粗为本人核实认为的参考答案(温馨建议,先熟悉掌握MVD手册,参考本联系快速熟悉考题形式,本资料仅供参考,学习者可自行核对答案正确性,请不要完全以本资料为准,本人不对考试结果负责)。 /If you are going into a curve too quickly, you should: Ease off the accelerator, and then speed up slightly as you regain traction. /When driving behind a slow-moving truck going up a hill you should: Be patient. /When entering a tunnel on a sunny day, you should: Slow down to let your eyes adjust to the lower light levels. /When changing lanes you should: Check your mirrors, signal, check your blind spot and then proceed. /If you must stop suddenly in an emergency, you should: Hit the brakes hard, but not hard enough to lock the wheels, and steer in the direction you want to go. /When approaching a stop sign where there is no stop line, sidewalk or crosswalk you should: Slow and proceed with caution. /When driving at night, it is a good idea to: Glance to the right edge of the road to avoid glare from oncoming lights. /If a vehicle in front of you is stopped at a crosswalk on a multi-lane road, you should: Stop before passing this vehicle and make sure there are no pedestrians in the crosswalk. /Where should you position your hands on the steering wheel? Left hand at 9 o'clock and right hand at 3 o'clock. Left hand at 10 o'clock and right hand at 2 o'clock. /As you are driving, you should: It depends on which lane you are in and the hazards that are around you. /When can you make a left turn at a red light? When turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street. /When changing lanes you should: Check your mirrors, signal, check your blind spot and then proceed. /A two-way left turn lane in the center of the road means: Cars traveling in both directions can turn left from this lane.


以下是为大家收集的美国考驾照笔试题目102道,都附有答案,方便大家查阅。 a 1. A diamond shaped sign means (a) warning. (b) stop. (c) yield right of way. c 2. An upside-down triangle means (a) warning. (b) stop. (c) yield right of way. b 3. An octagon shaped sign means (a) warning. (b) stop. (c) yield right of way. b 4. When you come to a STOP sign, you should (a) be prepared to stop if there is an approaching car. (b) make a complete stop and proceed when safe. (c) slow down and proceed when safe. d 5. What should you do when you com e to a STOP sign at an intersection? (a) Slow down and proceed with caution. (b) Stop only if there are any vehicles approaching the intersection. (c) Slow down, sound horn, and proceed. (d) Make a full stop and proceed when safe. b 6. The hand signal for a right turn is: (a) Point the arm and hand down. (b) Hold the arm and hand up. (c) Put the arm straight out. (d) Make a circular motion the arm. c 7. The han d signal for left turn is:



6.图<3>表示什么? 2

11.若驾驶时突然爆驮,应该如何? A.立即停车看 B.立即稳定驮盘 C.按喇叭 D.打上指挥灯 12.让路标志表示什么意思? A.依照正常速度前进,但要察看两旁道路情况 B.完全停止车子 C.减低速度,必要时准备停止车子 D.只对负有紧急任务的车辆让路 13.停止标志表示什么? A.只在交叉路口(Intersection)有车辆时方停止 B.车子完全停止(Full stop)至少要等候一分钟 C.对方有车来时方停止 D.完全停止,如果没有危险时再行前进 14.当高速公路入口线很短时进入交通行列最安全的方法是: A.逐渐加速,以使其他来车看见你 B.利用公路左线,以达车行速度 C.等候较长的交通间隔,再立刻加速进入 D.尽量利用入口加速道以达公路速度 15.那种车祸,你必须向公路局报告? A.有人受伤 B.有人受伤或者死亡 C.有人死亡 D.有财物损失,不论它的价值是多少 16.在纽约如有一辆校车停在路边上下学童车的红灯闪烁发亮,这是表示什么? A.你不行从任何方向超车 B.如果路上没有学童,可以超车 C.如果你和校车同在一条车路上面,可以超车 D.如果中间隔有一条安全小岛可以超车 3

17.当驾驶时,听见救护车警报声音,应? A.减低车速,但在你看见救护车之前不用停车 B.一直开车,直到你看救护车为止 C.加速并在下一交叉路口转弯 D.将车开到路边,直到确定救护车,不在你的所行街道上为止 18."慢行车辆"标志如何? A.四方红色 B.圆形绿色 C.三角形橙色 D.菱形黄色 19.公路中央有条白色断线,表示什么? A.只有你的车子转入交叉路口时方可超过此线 B.只有你超过他人车子时方可超过此线 C.如果不妨害交通,你可超过此线 D.只有你的车子转入车场出入道口(Drive way)或小巷时方可超过此线 20.长方形的标志是表示? A.停车标志 B.火车平交通标志 C.速度限制或不准泊车标志 D.学校平交通标志 21.有一辆校车停在路旁,司机挥手让你前进,你该如何? A.暂停,等校车开走后再行前进 B.如果校车尾灯停止闪烁,再行前进 C.警察指挥你走时,再行前进 D.小心驾驶前进 22.如果你要在一条狭窄街道调头,第一步应该如何? A.先打右转讯号,车子再开到马路右边 B.用方向灯打一左转讯号 C.车子紧靠马路右边,用手打一停止讯号再行停止 D.看下镜子,然后左转开向对面路边 4

加州驾照模拟试题 Samples of Driver Written Tests

加州駕照模擬試題Samples of Driver Written Tests 1 您打算從一條僅限右轉的車道上右轉,這時您注意到您的車道有一個黃色箭頭。您應當: 準備遵守下一次出現的交通信號 檢查是否有行人,然後小心轉彎 停下,任何情況下都不能轉彎 2 您如何為緊急車輛讓路? 盡量停靠在道路右沿,然後停下 轉入右車道,慢慢駕駛,直到緊急車輛過去 立即停車,即使您是在交叉路口也是如此 3 在轉彎之前務必小心注意摩托車,因為: 摩托車必須佔用一整條車道 摩托車在交叉路口總是擁有優先權 摩托車比較小,因此不太容易看到 4 您什麼時候可以繞過鐵路平交道安全柵欄? 任何情況下都不可以 在您能夠清楚看到兩邊方向時 安全柵欄好像功能不正常時 5 21歲或年齡更大人士開車時血液酒精濃度達到多少或超過以下那一種即為非法。 0.08%-百分之零點零八 0.10%-百分之零點一 0.05%-百分之零點零五 3 在轉彎之前務必小心注意摩托車,因為: 摩托車必須佔用一整條車道

摩托車在交叉路口總是擁有優先權 摩托車比較小,因此不太容易看到 4 您什麼時候可以繞過鐵路平交道安全柵欄? 任何情況下都不可以 在您能夠清楚看到兩邊方向時 安全柵欄好像功能不正常時 5 21歲或年齡更大人士開車時血液酒精濃度達到多少或超過以下那一種即為非法。 0.08%-百分之零點零八 0.10%-百分之零點一 0.05%-百分之零點零五 6 您打算在一條私人車道上左轉。您打算轉入的道路在街道中間有一條車道。該車道 外沿有一條實線,內沿有一條虛線。您 可轉入該車道,然後併入正常車流 必須使用該車道,然後併入正常車流 在左轉時不得轉入該車道 7 您被牽涉到車禍中,有人受傷。您必須向誰作出書面車禍報告: 加州公路巡邏隊(CHP) 機動車廳(DMV) 您的保險公司 8 您正在接近交叉路口。信號燈是閃動的黃燈。您應當怎麼辦? 保持速度,但是當心其他車輛 在通過交叉路口前停下


驾考科目一“新题”(选择题) 选择题:正确答案看黑体字2、在这条车道行驶的最低车速是多少? 3、在这条车道行驶的最低车速是多少? 4、在这条车道行驶的最高车速是多少? 5、在这个位置时怎样使用灯光? 6、进入减速车道时怎样使用灯光? 7、驾驶机动车驶离高速公路时,在这个位置怎样行驶? 8、这辆在高速公路上临时停放的故障车,警告标志应该设置在车后多远处?9、驾驶机动车在路口直行遇到这种信号灯应该怎样行驶? 10、驾驶机动车在路口遇到这种信号灯表示什么意思?11、遇到这种情况时怎样行驶? 12、这个路口允许车辆怎样行驶?13、这个路口允许车辆怎样行驶?14、这个路口允许车辆怎样行驶?15、驾驶机动车遇到这种信号灯不断闪烁时怎样行驶?16、驾驶机动车在铁路道口看到这种信号灯时怎样行驶?17、路面上的白色标线是

何含义? 18、路面上的黄色标线是何含义?19、路面上的黄色填充标线是何含义? 20、这种黄黑相间的倾斜线条是什么标记?21、路面上的菱形块虚线是何含义? 24、这个仪表是何含义?25、这个仪表是何含义?28、这个标志是何含义?30、这个标志是何含义?引文来源驾考科目一“新题”(选择题)(连载1)- 晓慧的日志- 网易博客 1、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,表示发动机可能机油压力过高。 2、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮,表示驻车制动器操纵杆可能没松到底。 3、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮,表示行车制动系统可能出现故障。 4、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,不影响正常行驶。 5、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,防抱死制动系统处于打开状态。 6、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,表示驻车制动器处于制动状态。 7、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,提醒发动机需要补充机油。 8、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,提醒发动机冷却液可能不足。 9、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,提醒发动机需要加注



[转载]美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV) [转载]美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV) 原文地址:(NewJerseyDMV)">美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV)作者:GV格诺博 原文地址: (NewJerseyDMV)"> 美国驾照笔试题 (NewJerseyDMV) 作者:GV格诺博 Sample Questions of Written Test for Driver License (NJ) 美國駕駛執照书面测试样題(新泽西州) 1. An Agricultural license allows the operation of: 1.农业的执照(许可证)允许的操作︰ A: Farm registered vehicles for agricultural purposes only. 答︰农场登记的车辆仅用于农业。 2. The shape of a Yield sign is: 2.让步标志的形状是︰ A: Triangle. 答︰三角形。 3. A green light means: 3.绿灯意味着︰ A: Go when safe. 答︰开过去当安全时。 4. At the time of your road test you must present: 4.在你的道路考试时,必须出示︰ A: A valid vehicle registration permit, insuranceID, Examination permit. (the answer is “above all is right”) 答︰有效的车辆登记证许可证,保险ID,考试许可证。(答案是"以上一切的就是正确的")5. 1 & ? ounces of 86 proof of liquor contains the same amount of alcohol as: 5.1 & ? 盎司的86 proof(43度)的酒包含相同数量的酒精是︰ A: 12 ounces of beer. 答︰ 12 盎司的啤酒。 6. If a person get drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident, after leaving your home you could: 6.如果一个人在你的家里喝醉了,离开你的家后,还有机动车事故,你就能够︰ A. Become involved in a Lawsuit. A.卷入一场官司。 7. Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk driving have been drinking: 7.研究表明,最多的人因醉酒驾驶被捕时喝的酒是︰ A: Beer. 答︰啤酒。 8. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up: 8.如果一个人一直在喝酒,下列哪一项能够给她们清醒: A: Time. 答︰时间。
