Spin-torsion in Chaotic Inflation

Spin-torsion in Chaotic Inflation
Spin-torsion in Chaotic Inflation

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Spin-Torsion in Chaotic In?ation L.C.Garcia de Andrade ?and Rudnei O.Ramos ?Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,Instituto de F′?sica -Departamento de F′?sica Te′o rica,20550-013Rio de Janeiro,RJ,Brazil July 1999Abstract The role of spin-torsion coupling to gravity is analyzed in the context of a model of chaotic in?ation.The system of equations constructed from the Einstein-Cartan and in?aton ?eld equations are studied and it is shown that spin-torsion interactions are e?ective only at the very ?rst e-folds of in?ation,becoming quickly negligible and,therefore,not a?ecting the standard in?ationary scenario nor the density per-turbations spectrum predictions.PACS number(s):98.80Cq

In?ation,in its many di?erent implementations,has become one of the most important cosmological paradigm today[for reviews,see for instance,[1]].The underlying idea of in?ation,of a period of accelerated expansion of the scale factor,when the energy density is dominated by a vacuum energy density,is able to provide in a simple way a solution to the cosmological horizon and?atness problems and at the same time provides a model for density perturbations in the early Universe.Earlier studies by Gasperini[2]have shown that in?ation could be driven by a spin density dominated epoch in the early Universe, even in the absence of vacuum dominant contributions to the energy density,showing that a spin-torsion interaction acts like a source of repulsive gravity.This then poses us with the question whether primordial spin-torsion interactions are able to support in?ation in standard in?aton driven in?ationary scenarios,by,e.g.,easing the conditions for slow-roll of the in?aton?eld.Previous works on spin/torsion e?ects in in?ation that we are aware of[3]have not detailed or elucidated the real role of spin-torsion in an in?ationary epoch.Torsion makes an important role in very di?erent physical models [4,5].In particular,torsion is natural to many models of higher dimensional theory,as in Einstein-Kalb-Ramond models and string theory[6]and in gauge theories of the Poincar`e group[7].Therefore,it is natural to expect that torsion may be particularly important in pre-in?ationary models,where quantum gravity e?ects may be introduced,from the geometrical aspects of the space-time,by a torsion interaction term.This may be the case in chaotic in?ationary scenarios,where the in?aton initial conditions are taken around the Planck era and,then,quantum gravity e?ects may become important to determine the initial conditions prior to in?ation.Based on the above motivations,in this letter, by considering the spin-spin interactions of matter as described by the Einstein-Cartan theory(see,e.g.,Ref.[7]),we study the role of spin-torsion in the simplest model of chaotic in?ation,which is that of an in?aton with a quadratic potential.We do not expect that more general models of chaotic in?ation will lead to results much di?erent to this simple model,when regarding the e?ects of spin-torsion,which is introduced through a generalization of the gravity equations.In the Einstein-Cartan theory,the gravity equations are modi?ed such that the Friedman equation(we are assuming a spatially?at Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric)and the acceleration equations read[2],respectively,



a =?


tensor Q αμνis related with S αμνby the standard expression [7]

Q αμν=8πG S αμν+1

2δανS βμβ .(3)

In Eqs.(1)and (2),ρφand p φare the energy density and pressure for the in?aton ?eld φ,respectively,given by the usual relations:ρφ=1

2˙φ2?V (φ).As the spin-torsion does not couple to the in?aton ?eld,we have the evolution equation for φ,


+3H ˙φ+V ′(φ)=0,(4)where in the above equations overdot represent derivative with respect to time and V ′=

dV 3

a ˙φ2?m 2a ˙φ?m 2φ(5)˙ρs =?6


horizon.We can ask what happens when the initial value forφis much smaller than the usual value needed in the model above in the absence of spin-torsion e?ects,φi~3.4M pl, as required for su?ciently in?ation(~70e-folds of in?ation)in the model.It seems that, from the?rst of the equations in(5),we could arrange a spin-torsion dominated epoch over the in?aton?eld,for a su?ciently large initial value forρs.However,this seems not to be the case,since,from Eq.(1),it imposes a limit on the initial value forρs,as2πGρs,i cannot be larger thanρφ,i.Also,very speci?c models as the one discussed by Gasperini in [2],shows that a spin-torsion dominated in?ation,with the physical requirements of large enough e-foldings of in?ation,can only be attained if we require a extreme?ne-tuning for the spin density prescription used in there.


This work was partially supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient′??co e Tecnol′o gico-CNPq(Brazil).


[1]E.W.Kolb and M.S.Turner,The Early Universe(Addison-Wesley,Reading,MA

1990);A.D.Linde,Particle Physics and In?ationary Cosmology(Harwood,Aca-demic,Chur,Switzerland1990).



(1993);P.Chatterjee and B.Bhattacharya,Mod.Phys.Lett.A8,2249(1993). [4]I.L.Buchbinder,S.D.Odintsov,I.L.Shapiro,E?ective Action in Quantum Gravity,IOP


[5]V.de Sabbata and C.Sivaram,Spin and Torsion in Gravitation,(1995),World Scienti?c.

[6]M.B.Green,J.H.Schwarz and E.Witten,Superstring Theory(Cambridge Univer-

sity Press,Cambridge,England1986).

[7]F.W.Hehl,P.von der Heyde,G.D.Kerlick and J.M.Nester,Rev.Mod.Phys.48,




树形图详细讲解 1. Indicate the category of each word in the following sentences. a) The old lady suddenly left. Det A N Qual V b) The car stopped at the end of the road. Det N V P Det N P Det N c) The snow might have blocked the road. Det N Aux Aux V Det N d) He never appears quite mature. N Qual V Deg A 2. The following phrases include a head, a complement, and a specifier. Draw the appropriate tree structure for each. a) full of people AP A P N full of people b) a story about a sentimental girl NP NP PP Det N P NP Det A N a story about a sentimental girl c) often read detective stories VP Qual V NP A N often read detective stories

d) the argument against the proposals NP NP PP Det N P NP Det N the argument against the proposals e) move towards the window VP V PP P Det N move towards the window 3. Draw phrase structure trees for each of the following sentences. a) The jet landed. InflP(=S) NP Infl VP Det N Pst V The jet landed b) Mary became very ill. InflP(=S) NP Infl VP N Pst V AP Deg A Mary became very ill


Unit 1 Language in mission Text A An impressive English lesson Ex.1 Understanding the text 1、Because he is tired of listening to his father and he is not interested in grammar rules. 2、The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture are so marvelous and remarkable that they should be described at least in a brief account; however, what the student could do was only one single utterance :“whoa!”without any any specific comment. 3、Because the schools fail to set high standards of language proficiency. They only teach a little grammar and less advanced vocabulary. And the younger teachers themselves have little knowledge of the vital structures of language. 4、Because teaching grammar is not an easy job and most of the students will easily get bored if it’s not properly dealt with. 5、He familiarized his son with different parts of speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions including how to use adverbs to describe verbs. 6、Because the son had never heard about the various names and functions of words in an English sentence before. 7、The author uses “road map”and “car”to describe grammar and vocabulary. Here,“road map”is considered as grammar and “car”as vocabulary. 8、Since the subjunctive mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure, the interjection“whoa!”reflects the tremendous pride the father had toward his son; it also reflects the author’s humor in using the word because it was once used by his student, though in two different situations and with two different feelings. Ex.3 Words in use 1.condense 2.exceed 3.deficit 4.exposure 5.asset 6.adequate https://www.360docs.net/doc/617830769.html,petent 8.adjusting 9.precisely 10.beneficial Ex.4 Word building -al/-ial: managerial/editorial/substance/survival/tradition/margin -cy : consistency/accuracy/efficient -y : recovery/ministry/assembly Ex.5 Word building


树形图详细讲解 网上的相对理想的树形图答案,注意正两 点: 1. 短语和中心词在一竖线上 2. 含有形容词修饰语的名词短语的画法 NP Det N A N a little boy 1. Indicate the category of each word in the following sentences. a) The old lady suddenly left. Det A N Qual V b) The car stopped at the end of the road. Det N V P Det N P Det N c) The snow might have blocked the road. Det N Aux Aux V Det N d) He never appears quite mature. N Qual V Deg A 2. The following phrases include a head, a complement, and a specifier. Draw the appropriate tree structure for each. a) full of people AP A P N

full of people b) a story about a sentimental girl NP NP PP Det N P NP Det A N a story about a sentimental girl c) often read detective stories VP Qual V NP A N often read detective stories


高等数学应用案例案例1、如何调整工人的人数而保证产量不变 一工厂有x名技术工人和y名非技术工人,每天可生产的产品产量为 , (=(件) f2 ) x x y y 现有16名技术工人和32名非技术工人,如何调整非技术工人的人数,可保持产品产量不变? 解:现在产品产量为(16,32)8192 f=件,保持这种产量的函数曲线为y (= x f。对于任一给定值x,每增加一名技术工人时y的变化量即为, 8192 ) dy。而由隐函数存在定理,可得 这函数曲线切线的斜率 dx 所以,当增加一名技术工人时,非技术工人的变化量为 dy。 当16,32 ==时,可得4-= x y dx 因此,要增加一个技术工人并要使产量不变,就要相应地减少约4名非技术工人。 下面给出一个初等数学解法。令 c:每天可生产的产品产量; x;技术工人数; y;非技术工人数; x?;技术工人增加人数; y?;在保持每天产品产量不变情况下,当技术工人由16名增加到17名时,非技术人员要增加(或减少)的人数。 由已知列方程:

(1)当技术工人为16名,非技术工人为32名时,每天的产品产量为c ,则有方程: c y x =?020 (1) (2)当技术工人增加了1名时,非技术工人应为(y y ?+0)名,且每 天的产品产量为c ,则有方程: c y y x x =?+??+)()(020 (2) 联立方程组(1)、(2),消去c 得: 即 [] 002020)/(y y x x x y -??+=????????+--=20200)(1x x x y 代入x y x ?,,00,得:46.3-≈-≈?y 名,即减少4名非技术工人。 比较这两种解法我们可以发现,用初等数学方法计算此题的工作量很大,究其原因,我们注意到下面之展开式: 从此展开式我们可以看到,初等数学方法不能忽略掉高阶无穷小: 0)x ( )1(31 04120→????? ???-+???? ???--∞=-∑n n n x x n x x (3) 而高等数学方法却利用了隐函数求导,忽略掉高阶无穷小(3),所以计算较容易。


收稿日期:2014-08-25修回日期:2014-09-27 基金项目: 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点基金资助项目(13A520786)作者简介:从继成(1979-),男,河南驻马店人,硕士,实验师。研究方向:计算机应用。 *摘 要:针对现有的四翼超混沌系统在系统参数固定时,不能同时产生双翼和四翼蝴蝶混沌吸引子的问题,提 出了一种双翼与四翼蝴蝶混沌吸引子共存的超混沌系统。对系统的平衡点、Lyapunov 指数谱和分岔图进行了研究,呈现了系统的超混沌特性。最后,利用主动控制同步法,设计了合适的非线性反馈控制器,实现双翼与四翼吸引子共存的超混沌系统的广义投影同步。 关键词:超混沌,双翼蝴蝶混沌吸引子,四翼蝴蝶混沌吸引子,广义投影同步中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 一种新的双翼和四翼蝴蝶吸引子共存的超混沌系统* 从继成,高纲领 (黄淮学院, 河南驻马店463000)A New Hyper-chaotic System Generating Two-wing and Four-wing Butterfly Attractors Simultaneously CONG Ji-cheng ,GAO Gang-ling (Huanghuai University ,Zhumadian 463000,China ) Abstract :Considering the issue of the four-wing hyper-chaotic system cannot produce two-wing and four-wing hyper-chaotic attractors simultaneously when the parameters of the system are fixed ,a novel hyper -chaotic system is presented ,in which the two -winged and four -winged attractors can coexist in this paper.Through the study of the equilibrium points ,the Lyapunov exponent spectrums and bifurcation diagrams ,it shows the dynamic characteristics of the hyper -chaotic system.Furthermore ,with an active control method ,the proper nonlinear feedback controllers are designed to achieve the generalized projective synchronization of the hyper-chaotic system. Key words : hyper-chaotic ,two-wing butterfly chaotic attractors ,four-wing butterfly chaotic attractors ,generalized projective synchronization 0引言 由于混沌系统具有非常复杂的动力学行为,因此,混沌已被广泛地应用于保密通信中,而四翼蝴蝶混沌系统较一般的双翼蝴蝶混沌系统的动力学行为更复杂,因此,在保密通信中使用四翼蝴蝶混沌系统,能使保密通信更安全,信息更难被破译。 2003年,Liu 等[1]构造了第1个四翼蝴蝶混沌吸 引子,尽管被证明是假的四翼蝴蝶混沌吸引子[2] ,但却引起了人们对构造四翼[3-14]蝴蝶混沌系统的兴趣。文献[3-11]通过对双翼蝴蝶混沌系统的修改,构造 了能产生四翼蝴蝶混沌吸引子的系统;Wang 等[12]构 造了一个新的混沌系统,通过改变系统参数,该系统能产生三翼和四翼蝴蝶混沌吸引子;Dadras 等也构造了两个混沌系统,通过改变系统参数,这两个系统分别能产生两翼、三翼、四翼蝴蝶混沌吸引子[13]和一翼、两翼、三翼、四翼蝴蝶混沌吸引子[14]。然而,对于上述的混沌系统,其不足之处在于:要产生不同翼数的蝴蝶混沌吸引子,都需要修改系统参数才能实现,而当系统参数固定时,却不能同时产生具有不同翼数的蝴蝶混沌吸引子。针对该问题,本文构造了一种双翼与四翼蝴蝶混沌吸引子共存的超混沌系统。 文章编号:1002-0640(2015) 09-0085-03Vol.40,No.9Sep ,2015 火力与指挥控制 Fire Control &Command Control 第40卷第9期2015年9月 85··


高等数学同济大学版课程讲解函数的极限 Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】

课 时 授 课 计 划 课次序号:03 一、课 题:§函数的极限 二、课 型:新授课 三、目的要求:1.理解自变量各种变化趋势下函数极限的概念; 2.了解函数极限的性质. 四、教学重点:自变量各种变化趋势下函数极限的概念. 教学难点:函数极限的精确定义的理解与运用. 五、教学方法及手段:启发式教学,传统教学与多媒体教学相结合. 六、参考资料:1.《高等数学释疑解难》,工科数学课程教学指导委员会编, 高等教育出版社; 2.《高等数学教与学参考》,张宏志主编,西北工业大学出版社. 七、作业:习题1–31(2),2(3),3,6 八、授课记录: 九、 授课 效果分析: 第三节函数的极限 复习 1.数列极限的定义:lim 0,N,N n n n x a n x a εε→∞ =??>?>-<当时, ; 2.收敛数列的性质:唯一性、有界性、保号性、收敛数列与其子列的关系. 在此基础上,今天我们学习应用上更为广泛的函数的极限.与数列极限不同的是,对 于函数极限来说,其自变量的变化趋势要复杂的多. 一、x →∞时函数的极限 对一般函数yf (x )而言,自变量无限增大时,函数值无限地接近一个常数的情形与数列极限类似,所不同的是,自变量的变化可以是连续的. 定义1若?ε>0,?X >0,当x >X 时,相应的函数值f (x )∈U (A ,ε)(即|f (x )A |<ε),则称x →∞时,f (x )以A 为极限,记为lim x →+∞ f (x )A . 若?ε>0,?X >0,当x <X 时,相应的函数值f (x )∈U (A ,ε)(即|f (x )A |<ε),则称


非机构网格划分:面网格时,只有patch dependent 方法才能生成边界层网格。对part 进行网格设定,不同的part用不同的网格尺寸和分布,另外勾选apply inflation parameters curves(第二个)选项才能生成边界层网格。 如果网格出现问题,可以打开curve上的节点数来观察,如果相关的curve没有节点,那么他是按照自由尺寸分布的,不明确,则须进行节点分布设定。这样网格质量会提高。 创建surface或分割surface时,会产生重叠的surface和point,因此先将curve 和point删除,在进行拓扑,重新生成surface和point。这样保证不会重复。 非结构网格时,global mesh setup时shell mesh中,general 项勾选respect line elements可以使不同part想接部分的curve两侧的网格节点保持一致。 显示、检查相平行对应的curve的节点数,如果如果不相等或成比例,则应手动调整节点个数。 如果网格出现严重问题需要先删除,再进行修复,在定义全局参数中的repair下有try harder 的值,0,1,2,3都有其对应的修复功能,3时最强可使用四面体网格重新生成面网格 结构网格: 导入几何模型后,分析几何模型的拓扑机构从而抽象得到block的基本构造,建立完整准确的映射关系是非常重要的一个环节。 划分过程: 1导入/创建几何 2修复几何(洞的填补,边的匹配等)/保存几何 3分块(初始块) 4切割块并将多余块删除(三角形及三棱柱等适合Y型块,是O型块的特殊情况。O型块适合有圆弧的几何) 5块与几何的关联(定点、线)/保存块 6设置网格参数(整体或局部,线参数) 7网格预览,质量查看(六面体网格一般用2*2*2,及angle) 8生成网格文件/保存网格文件 9选择求解器、导入网格。 拓扑时:红线代表两个表面交汇线(希望的到的线),黄色代表这个边是独立的面所拥有的,蓝色表示三个或更多的表面所共有的边,绿色表示与表面无关的边(通常要删除)。 生成网格时,没有关联的线可以删除,面的交接线不可以删除(红线),否则会出问题。 建立好映射关系后,edges变为绿色。 映射好后,vertices是红色,edge是绿色。 ICEM是基于block生成网格的,首先生成block网格,然后依托edge和curve的映射关系将block的网格节点座标通过计算生成geometry的网格座标。因此在ICEM中是通过定义edge的节点数(线参数)来定义网格节点的。其中,apacing1=0和spacing2=0表


International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,Vol.20,No.5(2010)1567–1580 c Worl d Scienti?c Publishing Company DOI:10.1142/S0218127410027076 SIMPLEST CHAOTIC CIRCUIT BHARATHWAJ MUTHUSWAMY Department of Electrical Engineering, Milwaukee School of Engineering,Milwaukee,WI53202,USA muthuswamy@https://www.360docs.net/doc/617830769.html, LEON O.CHUA Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California,Berkeley,CA94720,USA chua@https://www.360docs.net/doc/617830769.html, Received December3,2009;Revised March29,2010 A chaotic attractor has been observed with an autonomous circuit that uses only two energy- storage elements:a linear passive inductor and a linear passive capacitor.The other element is a nonlinear active memristor.Hence,the circuit has only three circuit elements in series. We discuss this circuit topology,show several attractors and illustrate local activity via the memristor’s DC v M?i M characteristic. Keywords:Memristor;chaotic circuit;local activity. 1.Introduction Our purpose here is to report that a chaotic attrac-tor does exist for an autonomous circuit that has only three circuit elements:a linear passive induc-tor,a linear passive capacitor and a nonlinear active memristor[Chua,1971;Chua&Kang,1976].Before our circuit was designed,the simplest chaotic cir-cuit in terms of the number of circuit elements was the Four-Element Chua’s circuit[Barboza&Chua, 2008].Thus,not only does our circuit reduce the number of circuit elements required for chaos by one,it is also the simplest possible circuit in the sense that we also have only one locally-active ele-ment—the memristor.The de?nition of local activ-ity[Chua,2005]will be given later in this paper. This system is also di?erent from Chua’s circuit because we have product terms as the nonlinear-ity.Thus our system is more related to the Rossler [Rossler,1976]and Lorenz[Lorenz,1963]systems.Nevertheless,we will show later in this paper that the memristor’s characteristics could be changed to give rise to other chaotic systems. This paper is organized as follows:we?rst discuss circuit topology and equations.This is fol- lowed by several plots of waveforms from the physi- cal circuit that illustrate the period-doubling route to chaos.We then numerically compute Lyapunov exponents.Next,we plot the memristance function, DC v M?i M characteristics of the memristor and also show the pinched hystersis loop—the?nger- print of a memristor.The paper concludes with a discussion of future work. 2.Circuit Topology and System Equations Consider the three-element circuit and the memris- tor with characteristics1shown in Fig.1.The circuit 1The memristor’s internal state in Fig.1is given by x.This is not the same as x(t)in Eq.(1).The memristor state in Eq.(1) is given by z(t). 1567

属性膨胀武器掉落地点详解 Inflation RP

属性膨胀武器掉落地点详解 Inflation RPG攻略属性膨胀武器掉落地点详解 Inflation RPG攻略,属性膨胀武器在哪里掉落?Inflation RPG怎么获得?希望这篇属性膨胀武器掉落地点详解 Inflation RPG攻略能帮助大家。 属性膨胀武器掉落地点详解 Inflation RPG攻略 武器序号名称属性 ID 掉落位置 1:匕首(编号:0)(5 / 100%)启动项目 2:鲍伊刀(编号:1)(30 / 110%) 300狗头人(LV1)地精骑士(lv72) 3:kuhkuri刀(编号:2)(10 / 135%)【老板】(下降比武的福克斯lv710)蜜蜂士 兵(lv172)狗头人的野蛮人(lv300)狮鹫(lv710) 4:铁刀(编号:3)(120 / 125%) 6000件事在胸口(lv777) 5:青铜剑(编号:4)(380 / 130%) 17000件事在胸口(lv777) 6:铁斧(编号:5)(1100 / 135%) 44000 7:钢剑(编号:6)(850 / 160%) 83000小鱼苗777 [投机] 8:钢斧(编号:7)(3000 / 140%)滴左地图1000巨魔樵夫

9:大剑(编号:8)(1400 / 170%) 110000区1222个骷髅刀客[投机] 10:弗朗西斯(编号:9)(2300 / 175%) 144000— 11:弯刀(编号:10)(1100 / 225%) 228000小鱼苗777 [投机] 12:战斧(编号:11)(5000 / 145%)下降四武装骷髅1333 六武器战士1333 13:剑(编号:12)(2700 / 180%)滴? 14:三叉戟(编号:13)(1800 / 230%)蜥蜴战士2222滴红斗篷骑士2300 15:风之剑(编号:14)(1000 / 250%) 12400滴女(绿色) 16:风之剑+ 1(编号:40)(1300 / 270%)老板12400滴树 17:火剑(编号:15)(2000 / 220%) 滴女10840(红色) 18:火剑+ 1(编号:41)(2600 / 240%)滴火老板10840 19:冰剑(编号:16)(600 / 270%) 滴女13111(蓝色) 20:冰剑+ 1(编号:42)(800 / 290%)滴冰的老板13111 21:雷剑(编号:17)(150 / 290%) 滴女12000(黄色) 22:雷剑+ 1(编号:43)(180 / 310%)雷老板12000滴 23:银刀(编号:18)(1700 / 260%) 470000血骑士8370 24:银枪(编号:19)(1600 / 280%)龙骑士8330滴 25:武士刀(编号:20)(5000 / 225%) 580000水獭的忍者2000 战士9800 / 10000武士26:黑暗之剑(编号:21)(2000 / 260%)滴虫生物W /红刀5300 27:黑暗之斧(编号:22)(9000 / 130%)持斧4170滴 28:罕见的剑(编号:23)(500 / 290%)降枪的敌人13666 29:罕见的短剑(编号:24)(50 / 330%)滴人持爪13333 30:骑士剑(编号:25)(1600 / 290%) 820000 31:骑士剑(编号:26)(250 / 340%)降黑骑士10000 32:骑士枪(编号:27)(3500 / 280%)降白骑士10000 33:“战斧”(编号:44)(33000 / 110%)滴金甲24200


树形图详细讲解 1、 Indicate the category of each word in the following sentences、 a) The old lady suddenly left、 Det A N Qual V b) The car stopped at the end of the road、 Det N V P Det N P Det N c) The snow might have blocked the road、 Det N Aux Aux V Det N d) He never appears quite mature、 N Qual V Deg A 2、 The following phrases include a head, a plement, and a specifier、 Draw the appropriate tree structure for each、 a) full of people AP A P N full of people b) a story about a sentimental girl NP NP PP Det N P NP Det A N a story about a sentimental girl c) often read detective stories VP Qual V NP A N often read detective stories d) the argument against the proposals NP NP PP Det N P NP Det N the argument against the proposals e) move towards the window VP


第1章 函数的极限与连续 例1.求 lim x x x →. 解:当0>x 时,0 00lim lim lim 11x x x x x x x + ++ →→→===, 当0


高等数学(上)重要知识点归纳 第一章 函数、极限与连续 一、极限的定义与性质 1、定义(以数列为例) ,,0lim N a x n n ?>??=∞ →ε当N n >时,ε<-||a x n 2、性质 (1) )()()(lim 0 x A x f A x f x x α+=?=→,其中)(x α为某一个无穷小。 (2)(保号性)若0)(lim 0 >=→A x f x x ,则,0>?δ当),(0δx U x o ∈时,0)(>x f 。 (3)*无穷小乘以有界函数仍为无穷小。 二、求极限的主要方法与工具 1、*两个重要极限公式 (1)1sin lim =??→? (2)e =? +? ∞ →?)11(lim 2、两个准则 (1) *夹逼准则 (2)单调有界准则 3、*等价无穷小替换法 常用替换:当0→?时 (1)??~sin (2)??~tan (3)??~arcsin (4)??~arctan (5)??+~)1ln( (6)?-?~1e (7)221 ~cos 1??- (8)n n ?-?+~11

4、分子或分母有理化法 5、分解因式法 6用定积分定义 三、无穷小阶的比较* 高阶、同阶、等价 四、连续与间断点的分类 1、连续的定义* )(x f 在a 点连续 )()()()()(lim 0lim 0 a f a f a f a f x f y a x x ==?=?=??-+→→? 2、间断点的分类?? ?? ? ? ?????????? ?其他震荡型(来回波动) ) 无穷型(极限为无穷大第二类但不相等)跳跃型(左右极限存在可去型(极限存在) 第一类 3、曲线的渐近线* a x x f A y A x f a x x =∞===→∞ →则存在渐近线:铅直渐近线:若则存在渐近线:水平渐近线:若,)(lim )2(,)(lim )1( 五、闭区间连续函数性质 1、最大值与最小值定理 2、介值定理和零点定理

属性膨胀刷钱心得 Inflation RPG怎么刷钱

属性膨胀刷钱心得 Inflation RPG怎么刷钱属性膨胀刷钱心得,详细介绍了Inflation RPG刷钱心得。属性膨胀怎么刷钱?希望这篇属性膨胀刷钱心得 Inflation RPG怎么刷钱能帮助大家。 属性膨胀刷钱心得 Inflation RPG怎么刷钱 一般来说玩家需要在30次的战斗回合有限的时间内想要完成升级与刷钱并不现实,因此最好选择专一的方向来确定最大化自己的收益。 属性膨胀地图 在初始地图右边的沙漠地图中,Lv2222区里刷钱,效率要比一般的地图高得多,甚至Lv2222上方的Lv1222、Lv1333与Lv777里面的怪物掉落的金钱都要比一般的地图高的多,因此前期刷钱还是在这几个区域徘徊,以Lv2222为主,在其他区域有金钱奖励翻倍的时候,再移动去其他区。

Lv2222区的两个男女祭祀掉落的金币非常的多,在有足够幸运值的时候,甚至单次掉落金币能够超过2W,要比一般的金币翻倍地区还要丰富。 属性膨胀属性 一般来说属性加点只要拥有能够保证打过Lv2222的BOSS的三围,即可将剩余的属性全部加在幸运值上,保证金币的最大化。差不多玩家只要血量1W,攻击1.5W,防御1W就能够保证击 败2222区的BOSS。 属性膨胀装备 武器方面,选择基础攻击高的武器即可,因为不是练级为主,高成长的武器初始数值一般偏低,收益并不高。而防具方面同理,使用基础数值高的防具。饰品方面,在初期可以选择带上一个加血量的宝石,这样配合武器防具,能够保证第一回合就直接打Lv710区的BOSS增加回合数,之后再换成全幸运值宝石,最大化金币掉落数量。在后期有了新的装备栏,可以考虑在跑图的时候将饰品栏换成三个增加移速的指环,三个遇怪槽缓慢指环。 (PS:在Lv2222区域还能够刷到传说中的吸血项链,因此玩家们在刷钱的同时,千万要注 意Lv2222区地图的额外奖励,一旦有???或者!!!的奖励时一定不能错过,让你刷钱刷宝两不误!)


混沌粒子群优化算法¨ 计算机科学2004V01.31N-o.8 高鹰h2谢胜利1 (华南理工大学电子与信息学院广州510641)1 (广州大学信息机电学院计算机科学与技术系广州510405)2 摘要粒子群优化算法是一种新的随机全局优化进化算法。本文把混沌手优思想引入到粒子群优化算法中,这种方 法利用混沌运动的随机性、遍历性和规律性等特性首先对当前粒子群体中的最优粒子进行混池寻优,然后把混沌寻优 的结果随机替换粒子群体中的一个粒子。通过这种处理使得粒子群体的进化速度加快t从而改善了粒子群优化算法摆 脱局部极值点的能力,提高了算法的收敛速度和精度。仿真结果表明混沌粒子群优化算法的收敛性能明显优于粒子群 优化算法。 关键词粒子群优化算法。混沌手优,优化 ’ChaosParticle Swarm OptimizationAlgorithm GAO Yin91”XIESheng—Lil (College of Electronic&Information EngineeringtSouth China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641)1 (Dept.of Computer Science and Technology.GuangzhouUniversity·Guangzhou 510405)2 Abstract Particle swarm optimization is anewstochastic global optimization evolutionaryalgorithm.In this paper, the chaotic search is embeddedinto original particle swarm optimizers.Based on the ergodicity,stochastic property and


《高等数学》 一.选择题 1. 当0→x 时,)1ln(x y +=与下列那个函数不是等价的 ( ) A)、x y = B)、x y sin = C)、x y cos 1-= D)、1-=x e y 2. 函数f(x)在点x 0极限存在是函数在该点连续的( ) A )、必要条件 B )、充分条件 C )、充要条件 D )、无关条件 3. 下列各组函数中,)(x f 和)(x g 不是同一函数的原函数的有( ). A)、()()() 222 1 ,21)(x x x x e e x g e e x f ---=-= B) 、(( )) ()ln ,ln f x x g x x ==- C)、()()x x g x x f --=-=1arcsin 23,12arcsin )( D)、()2 tan ,sec csc )(x x g x x x f =+= 4. 下列各式正确的是( ) A )、2ln 2x x x dx C =+? B )、sin cos tdt t C =-+? C )、 2arctan 1dx dx x x =+? D )、2 11 ()dx C x x -=-+? 5. 下列等式不正确的是( ). A )、 ()()x f dx x f dx d b a =??????? B )、()()()[]()x b x b f dt x f dx d x b a '=???? ??? C )、()()x f dx x f dx d x a =??????? D )、()()x F dt t F dx d x a '=???? ??'? 6. 0 ln(1)lim x x t dt x →+=?( ) A )、0 B )、1 C )、2 D )、4 7. 设bx x f sin )(=,则=''?dx x f x )(( ) A )、 C bx bx b x +-sin cos B ) 、C bx bx b x +-cos cos C )、C bx bx bx +-sin cos D )、C bx b bx bx +-cos sin

属性膨胀防具掉落地点详解 Inflation RPG攻略

属性膨胀防具掉落地点详解 Inflation RPG攻略属性膨胀防具掉落地点详解 Inflation RPG攻略,属性膨胀防具在哪里掉落?Inflation RPG防具怎么获得?希望这篇属性膨胀防具掉落地点详解 Inflation RPG攻略能帮助大家。 属性膨胀防具掉落地点详解 Inflation RPG攻略 盔甲序号,名称,属性,ID,掉落点 老板=boss 谢谢。 1:皮甲(编号:0)(5 / 100%)启动项目 2:盔甲(编号:1)(40 / 110%) 1000— 3:青铜盔甲(编号:2)(200 / 125%) 8000区710的老板 4:钢板(编号:3)(530 / 140%) 22000— 5:鳞甲(编号:4)(870 / 145%) 64000— 6:尖峰装甲(编号:5)(900 / 160%) 130000— 7:魔法武器(编号:6)(5 / 280%)降2222区 8:全装甲(编号:7)(700 / 210%) 230000地区2000

9:银色的盔甲(编号:8)(700 / 250%) 480000地区8330 10:武士的盔甲(编号:9)(1400 / 240%) 600000地区9800 11:黑暗的盔甲(编号:10)(800 / 235%) 3400拖放区域 5500(超级计算机) 13333 12:罕见的盔甲(编号:11)(50 / 320%) 13111 / 13333的落区绿/蓝龙 13:骑士(编号:12)(800 / 280%) 800000— 14:半板甲(编号:17)(5000 / 260%) 24900红幽灵盔甲的拖放区域披肩 15:硬甲(编号:13)(3500 / 230%)落红,黑色或蓝色武士???地区 16:黄金甲(编号:14)(2500 / 320%)下降四的武器(黄色或蓝色)在???地区17:轻甲(编号:18)(0 / 340%)拖放区域27200(红色或绿色眼睛的龙) 18:水晶角(编号:19)(7000 / 290%) 43000的白人妇女拖放区域 19:神四/绿甲(编号:20) (12000 / 325%)掉落58000区boss或绿龙 20 四神/黄色盔甲 DEF 75000 定义x 220% 拖放区域75000褐水螅(老板)(?) 21:megin gjord /诅咒铠甲(编号:15)(1800 / 300%)降黑奖金区 22:盾/神圣护甲(编号:16) (5000 / 330%)降白奖金地区,敌人人形风
