
My dream,Chinese dream

Good afternoon everyone ,i from culture communication and management department, today my topic is “My Dream,Chinese Dream” I am very glad to share my dream, Chinese dream with you .

As we all know .Dream, is a beacon of your life; dream, is your better vision; dream, is your ideal wings; and having dreams, you will have a great future “Now, everybody was discussing the Chinese dream, I think, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since the modern time.??the words are claimed by Xi Jin ping. This is the general secretary of Xi Jin ping s Chinese dream. But as a contemporary college students, what is our Chinese dream? Can we dare to dream?

The answer is yes. We college students have no dare not dream, we not only need to bravely dream, but also hard to dream! Choosing what to do in life is one of the hardest decisions that a person has to make. As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons. First, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection, research and writing. Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too.

But teaching is no easy job at all. I must study cleverly to obtain more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of man's soul. I am proud of my dream, proud of our motherland. When the dream into reality, in a era which let the youth realizing their ideal, I believe my dream will be realizing in the near future!

And How to achieve my dream?

My dream are worthless ,my plans are dust,my goals are impossible.all are of no value unless they are followed by action .

I will act now . henceforth,i will repeat these words again and again and again ,each hour ,each day,every day ,until the words became as much a habit as my breathing and the actions which follow become as instinctive as the blinking of my mind to perform words i can condition my mind to meet every challenge which the failure avoids. Success will not wait .if i delay , success will became wed to another and lose to me forever.

This is the time .this is the place .i am the right man .

Finally, I would like to inviting all of yours, please stretch out your hands, let us applause to achieve the dream of tomorrow!

That?s all. Thank you.


2020春节英文演讲稿 新年的钟声,是催人奋进的号角,是时代发展的又一个出发点,下面是WTT为大家收集关于20xx春节英文演讲稿,欢迎借鉴参考。 20xx春节英文演讲稿 Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year Day. I enjoy it very much. On the Chinese New Year Day, some of our relatives e to visit us. They often give me some lucky money. Then I would play with their children. We often play firecrakers together, which is quite interesting. At night the whole family would sit together, talking and watching TV programmes. Sometimes we take pictures of the whole family members in the house. I often go to bed late during the holiday, but I don't feel fired at all. I think the Spring Festival is the most enjoyable day for every family in China. 春节 春节是中国的大年初一。我非常喜欢。对中国的元旦,我们的一些亲戚来看望我们。他们经常给我一些压岁钱。然后,我将与他们的孩子玩。我们经常玩鞭炮在一起,这是很有趣的。


关于人英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 关于人的优美句子 1、“黑皮小子”是我对在公交车上偶遇两次的一个男孩的称呼代号。一听这个外号,你也定会知道他极黑了。他的脸总是黑黑的;裸露在短袖外的胳膊也是黑黑的;就连两只有厚厚耳垂的耳朵也那么黑黑的,时不时像黑色的猎犬竖起来倾听着什么;黑黑的扁鼻子时不时地深呼吸着,像是在警觉地嗅着什么异样的味道。 2、我不知道,如何诠释我的母亲,因为母亲淡淡的生活中却常常跳动着不一样的间最无私、最伟大、最崇高的爱,莫过于母爱。无私,因为她的爱只有付出,无需回报;伟大,因为她的爱寓于

普通、平凡和简单之中;崇高,是因为她的爱是用生命化作乳汁,哺育着我,使我的生命得以延续,得以蓬勃,得以灿烂。 3、我的左撇子伙伴是用左手写字的,就像我们的右手一样挥洒自如。在日常生活中,曾见过用左手拿筷子的,也有像超级林丹用左手打羽毛球的,但很少碰见用左手写字的。中国汉字笔画笔顺是左起右收,适合用右手写字。但我的左撇子伙伴写字是右起左收的,像鸡爪一样迈出田字格,左看右看,上看下看,每一个字都很难看。平时考试时间终了,他总是做不完试卷。于是老师就跟家长商量,决定让他左改右写。经过老师引导,家长配合,他自己刻苦练字,考试能够提前完成了。现在他的字像他本人一样阳光、帅气。 4、老师,他们是辛勤的园丁,帮助着那些幼苗茁壮成长。他们不怕辛苦地给我们改厚厚一叠的作业,给我们上课。一步一步一点一点地给我们知识。虽然

他们有时也会批评一些人,但是他们的批评是对我们有帮助的,我们也要理解他们。那些学习差的同学,老师会逐一地耐心教导,使他们的学习突飞猛进。使他们的耐心教导培养出了一批批优秀的人才。他们不怕辛苦、不怕劳累地教育着我们这些幼苗,难道不是美吗? 5、我有一个表妹,还不到十岁,她那圆圆的小脸蛋儿,粉白中透着粉红,她的头发很浓密,而且好像马鬓毛一样的粗硬,但还是保留着孩子一样的蓬乱的美,卷曲的环绕着她那小小的耳朵。说起她,她可是一个古灵精怪的小女孩。 6、黑皮小子是一个善良的人,他要跟所有见过的人成为最好的朋友!这样人人都是他的好朋友,那么人人都是好友一样坦诚、关爱相交,这样人与人自然会和谐起来,少了许多争执了。 7、有人说,老师是土壤,把知识化作养分,传授给祖国的花朵,让他们茁壮成长。亦有人说,老师是一座知识的桥梁,把我们带进奇妙的科学世界,让


科技的英语演讲稿 i was prepared intervals of cloud today, in honor here entitled technology and future speech, i am very proud of both, but some unease. in recent years, we have seen our great motherland, the cause of the rapid development of technology, which allow me to a chinese i feel very proud. remember that long ago, cell phone use almost the only one, which is called, but a few years ago, cell phones has undergone great changes, not only look more beautiful, but also use more, you can use the phones to take pictures, meetings, internet, text messages, etc. a series of things that i their life more convenient, so i am more aware of the strength of the technology, but i am just a fledglings students, technology as the word also aware of the limited, i am unable to use some very difficult theory to elaborate technology xuanji, no right to work on their elders i can promise of the technology blueprint. but i am willing to use a student’s perspective to the imagine technology and the future. from genetic engineering is a live princes dream, nano-technology - not washing your clothing, promises; from artificial intelligence will give you a cute robot dog warm, transgenic technology let people grow mouse ears wonders. the new technology in the birth of a new technology that will let people wild with joy, because these new technologies is gradually improving our lives, let us learn more about ourselves. in the near term, china completed its first sars virus genome sequencing, sars is now the world’s largest recognized the dangers of the disease, but why not other countries completed first, and we just completed the countries? very simple, this illustrates that our country backward than others, worse than others, we look at the past, had just started a country’s reform and opening up to the current level of science and technology has lead a large


经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇 经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇 还在为找不到合适的英语演讲稿发愁吗?为大家整理了经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇,欢迎大家阅读。 经典英语演讲稿带翻译篇1 As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed. But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese... I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.


小学生新年英语演讲稿 小学生新年英语演讲稿 第一篇: 小学生新年演讲稿 新年演讲稿 尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们: 三.五班 新的一年又来临了,街上到处都会张灯结彩!商场里会有热闹的人流,电影院里会有精彩的大片最让我期待的是“肯德鸡”店里美味的套餐和丰富多采的新年活动!如果再下一场漫天大雪,那多像一个童话中的新年呀!时间的列车已经带着我们走向了新的一站——201X 年过去了。然后,我们会乘着201X年的新年列车准时出发,一起走向我们的未来! 在这个辞旧迎新的时候,回忆过去的一年,我们心潮激荡。在这一年里,我们一起欢乐过、一起憧憬过、也一起努力过。我们为自己没有虚度这一年的光阴而欣慰、为我们在着一年里健康地成长而感到高兴。也许会有一些遗憾,但我们会把这些遗憾作为我们人生的宝贵经验和财富,因为我们相信,我们会做得更好! 一年复始,万象更新。我们又长大了一岁。我们已经不再是不懂世事的顽童,老师的栽培和知识的浇灌,使我们拥有了自己的思想,更有了远大的理想。我们会在这充满希望的新的一年里,刻苦努力,不辜负老师和家长的嘱咐、不辜负这个美好的时代。即使是跌倒了,我们也会重新爬起,毫不气馁。我们就像一朵朵鲜艳的花朵,在新的

一年里会开得更加灿烂。相信,我们会为自己感到骄傲,相信新的一年会更加美好! 我们是跨世纪的一代,成学业于本世纪,成事业于新纪元,我们将成为时代洪流中搏击风浪的勇士。生逢此时,荣幸又艰巨。读书,是一切成大事者的必由之路,是一切创造的基础。认真读书是时代的要求。我们要用勤奋和汗水夯实学业大厦的地基,用拼搏向时光索取价值,用双手为鲜艳的五星红旗添彩。只有这样,才无愧于华夏子孙,才能肩负起承前启后,继往开来的历史使命。同学们,我们正满怀着希望和信心来叩响人生这扇奥妙的大门。生活是那样丰富和广阔,有无数宝藏等待我们去挖掘,有无数险峰等待我们去攀登,有无数蓝图等待我们去描画在这生命的春天里,播洒下希望的种子,辛勤地耕耘吧! 201X年,是一个新的开始,是一个新的未来。让我们一起来不断追求卓越,超越自我;让我们每个人今天比昨天过得更有意义;让我们每天进步快乐不只是一点点!让我们迎着新年的朝霞,迈着自信的步伐,去实现我们光荣的梦想吧!在缤纷的焰火和欢快的乐曲中,新的一年向我们走来。辞旧迎新之际,我们总是百感交集、思绪万千。在新的一年,我们有许许多多的事情要做,有许许多多的任务要去完成,我们将面临新的挑战和新的机遇。我们以最诚挚的心意、用最吉祥的语言祝福你们,也祝福每一位同学,祝同学们美梦成真,学习进步,身体健康! 第二篇: 小学生新年演讲稿 新年演讲稿

Action makes the way to success(英语演讲-成功靠行动)

Action makes the way to success Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to give the speech. My topic is “Action makes the way to success”. Today the theme is about success. But now I don’t want to talk abou t success first. Please allow me to share my failure experiences with you. One year ago, I set my mind on taking exercise. I made thorough plan and bought many sport suits. But time passed and my plan has not been carried out for many trifling reasons. I got frustrated and regret for not taking action earlier. I think many people had experienced such things like me. They are good at making plans, but after making plans carefully, they often forget to do them. Other circumstances, when a man was trapped in dilemma, he seems to struggle to find way out by racking his brain rather than begining taking action. Sometimes, what we really lack is not ideas, but just do it. In the delay and wait day after day, success submerged in the bubble of illusion. As old sayings go: A thousand miles begins with one step. Actions speak louder than words. Bill Gates gave a typical lesson for the youth who want to have successful careers. Only in doing we learn, and only in doing we grow up. Action gives us courage and self-confidence. During the action, we will have a new perspective of ourselves and be surprised by the potential we own. Maybe you are shy. But when a day you have the courage to stand in front of the public, you will find it’s not so difficult to express yourself as you had supposed. Regardless of success or failure, the results are the same important and have the same significance for greater progress. Every one has his own dream of success. Before we take action, it’s just a dream. Now how can the dream shed light into the reality. The shortest answer is doing. Only by doing, can we touch the hand of lady luck. Only by doing, can we approach success more and more closely. Action makes the way to success. Thank you! 早上好,女士们,先生们。谢谢你给我这样一个美妙的机会给演讲。我的主题是“行动使成功之路”。 今天的主题是关于成功。但是现在我不想谈论成功放在第一位。请允许我与你们分享我的失败的经验。一年前,我决心锻炼。我做了彻底的计划和买了很多运动套装。但是时间过去了,我的计划还没有实施许多微不足道的原因。我失望和后悔没有采取行动。 我认为像我这样的许多人经历过这样的事情。他们善于制定计划,但是经过仔细制定计划,他们经常忘记去做。其他情况下,当一个人被困在困境,他似乎很难找到出路,折磨他的大脑而不是开始采取行动。有时,我们真正缺乏的不是思想,而是想做就做。成功的延迟和等待一天又一天,淹没在幻想的泡沫。


关于科技的英语演讲稿—Technologyand thepresenceofstudents,ladiesandteachers,everyone!iw aspreparedintervalsofcloudtoday,inhonorhereentitled“te chnologyandfuture”speech,iamveryproudofboth,butsomeune ase.inrecentyears,wehaveseenourgreatmotherland,thecause oftherapiddevelopmentoftechnology,whichallowmetoachines eifeelveryproud.rememberthatlongago,cellphoneusealmostt heonlyone,whichiscalled,butafewyearsago,cellphoneshasun dergonegreatchanges,notonlylookmorebeautiful,butalsouse more,youcanusethephonestotakepictures,meetings,internet ,textmessages,etc.aseriesofthingsthatitheirlifemoreconv enient,soiammoreawareofthestrengthofthetechnology,butia mjustafledglingsstudents,“technology”asthewordalsoawa reofthelimited,iamunabletousesomeverydifficulttheorytoe laboratetechnologyxuanji,norighttoworkontheireldersican promiseofthetechnologyblueprint.butiamwillingtouseastud ent’sperspectivetotheimaginetechnologyandthefuture.fromgene ticengineering“isaliveprinces”dream,nano-technology“


英语演讲稿带翻译5篇 Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? In fact, it is very simple. The first step is to improve our appearance. We should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. When we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. In addition, we should smile and appear friendly. After all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. If we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence. Another important step is developing more consideration for others. We should always put others first and place their interests before our own. It's also important to be good listeners; in this way people will feel comfortable enough to confide in us. However, no matter what we do, we must not gossip. Above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. Only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. If we can do all of the above, I am sure popularity will come our way. 如何才能受人欢迎 大部分的人都想受人欢迎,但是并非每个人都能达到目标。受欢迎的秘诀何在?事实上是很简单的。步骤一,先改善我们的外表。我们得确保自己很健康, 并且穿着体面。当我们既健康又穿戴整齐时,不仅看起来更有精神,自己也会觉 得好多了。此外,我们要保持微笑并表现得很友善。毕竟,脸部表情是外观很重 要的一环。如果我们能做到这一点,别人会被我们的美好外表所吸引,并对我们


春节英语演讲稿五篇 以下关于教师范文吧为您整理提供的有关春节英语演讲稿的内容,希望能够对您有所帮助,欢迎阅读与借鉴。春节英语演讲稿【春节英语演讲稿范文一】 whenclockisbelling,myheartripplealongwithit,todista ntwithyou,transmitmymissing,tobejoyful!mydearfriend ! Pleaseopenthewindow,letthenewyear’swindblowyourroo mandthesnowflyingin,mywarmingwishfluttertoyourheart ! Flowersaredisseminationingfragrant,friendshiptransm issingwarm,hopeustobrimminginahappyyear,wishesyou:H appyNewyear!Bestwishes!Doesnotexperiencethewindandr ain,howcanseetherainbow?nobodycancasuallysucceed!So refuel!ThesameasNewyear! missingareasmellofflowerfragrance,inundatedthemount ainvalley,coveryourandme,andblessingaretheboundless

attention,overflowtheeye,’clock,justlikelisteningt hebreathofannual,crowdingaroundoursamedream,makingt hesincerlyblessingwiththeturelove,HappyNewyear! mydearfriend!wishyouhappyusually,havethevitalitycon tinually,stillhavehappinessandcontent,I’mveryhappy tocooperatewithyouinthepastyear,hopedyoubestwishesi nthenewyear!Thebreezelightlystrokes,thewhitecloudsf arpass,inmyheartwastheeternalfriendship,willingmybl essingisthemostfreshest,andyouwilltakeittoyourheart !!! 零点钟声敲响,我的心随它荡漾,向远方的你,传达我的思念新春快乐!我的朋友! 请你打开窗,让新春的风吹进你的屋子,让新春的雪飞进你的屋子,让我新春的祝愿,飘进你的心坎。 花儿散播芬芳,友谊传递温暖,让我们欢愉在洋溢希望的一年,祝你:新年快乐!万事如意!不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,没有人能随随便便成功!加油!新的一年更同! 思念是一季的花香,漫过山谷。笼罩你我,而祝福是无边的关注,溢出眼睛。直到心底。你我相拥倾听新年的钟声犹如年轮的呼吸,簇拥着我们共同的梦,满心的爱意化作真挚的祝福新年快乐!


大学生科技英语演讲比赛策划书 我们在举办一场演讲比赛活动时,必须事项撰写好一份活动策划书,那么关于大学生科技英语演讲比赛策划书大家知道怎么写吗下面由小编为大家精心收集的大学生科技英语演讲比赛策划书,希望可以帮到大家! 一、活动名称 培养科学研究精神,提高实践创新能力科技英语演讲比赛 二、活动主题 科技创新,英为有你 三、活动目的 为进一步加强我校大学生的科技创新意识、创新精神和实践动手能力,充分展示校园科技创新活动成果,全面推动全校学风建设,我校决定举办XX年大学生科技节系列活动,在此次科技节系列活动中,外国语学院决定在近期举办一场科技英语演讲比赛。 四、活动背景 在21世纪的今天,英语在国际交流中的作用不言而喻,随着我国科技的不断发展,人才要求的日益提高,科技英语变得十分重要;学好科技英语,掌握流畅的口语是顺应社会发展所必备的素质。因此,外国语学院团委准备在近期举行一场培养科学精神,提高实践创新能力为主题的科技演讲比

赛。 五、活动范围及对象 活动对象是我校全体在校大学生,其中本学院大一大二每两个班至少派出一位参赛选手,其他同学亦可以以个人名义报名参加。 六、比赛具体流程 〈一〉初赛 初赛以学院为单位进行,由各学院老师和同学选出至少一名选手参加外国语学院的复赛。 初赛在8日前结束。 二复赛 复赛以外国语学院为单位,评委由外院老师和学生会学习部成员共同组成。经过初赛的选拔,我们会选出11名优秀选手参加全校决赛。 复赛时间暂定x月9号。 〈三〉决赛 复赛在5号楼53举行,评委由外院老师及外教组成。 复赛日期暂定11月12号。 评分标准: 1、内容要求:主题鲜明,内容清楚、结构清晰、中心突出,合理展开、阐释充分、证据相关、逻辑性强,内容生动、不枯燥,能吸引听众注意力。 (3分)


英语演讲稿,带翻译 篇一:英语演讲稿(带翻译)_励志·哲理 We Are The World ,We Are The Future Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I don’t know who wrote these words, but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. We are young. “How to spend the youth” It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth” Youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. It’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It’s the matter of the will. It’s the freshness of the deep spring of life. A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I’d like to share it with all of you. Let’s


新年贺词英语演讲稿 2018年新年贺词英语演讲稿 导语:也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的.仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。以下是2018年新年贺词的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 Distinguished staff, rades and friends, The sun and the moon open new yuan, heaven and earth another spring. On the oasion of the arrival of the Spring Festival, I, on behalf of the board of directors of the group, and administrative staff to work in the marketing, production, management, and other jobs in the first line of hard work, selfless dedication of the staff, to the serious and responsible, positive lead, governs incorruptibly management workers at all levels, from obscurity, actively support group staff work every family, to have been concerned about and support the construction and development of shanxi vinegar group friends from all walks of life, the most cordial sympathy and best wishes!


2分钟英语演讲(英语演讲) 目录 第一篇:2分钟英语演讲 第二篇:2分钟英语演讲 第三篇:2分钟英语演讲短文 第四篇:小学2分钟英语故事演讲 第五篇:2分钟演讲及其他 更多相关范文 正文 第一篇:2分钟英语演讲 will you fight? let's go, we'll run, and we won't alone. shame on you. this could be the greatest night of our lives, but you're going to let it be the worst. and i guarantee a week won't go by in your life you won't regret walking out, letting them get the best of you. well, i'm not going home. we've e too far! and i'm going to stay right here and fight for this lost cause. a day may e when the courag e of men fails… but it is not this day.the line must be drawn here. this far, no further! i'm not saying it's going to be easy. 第1 页共17 页

you're going to work harder than you ever worked before. but that's fine, we'll just get tougher with it! if a person grits his teeth and shows real determination failure is not an option. that's how winning is done! believe me when i say we can break this army here, and win just one for the gipper. but i say to you what every warrior has known since the beginning of time: you've got to get mad. i mean plumb, mad dog mean. if you would be free men, then you must fight to fulfill that promise! let us cut out their living guts one inch at a time, and they will know what we can do! let no man forget how menacing we are. we are lions! you're like a big bear, man! this is your time! seize the day, never surrender, victory or death… that's the chicago way! who's with me? clap! clap! don't let tink die! clap! alright! let's fly! and gentlemen in england now abed shall know my name is the lord when i tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our independence day! 第二篇:2分钟英语演讲 2分钟英语演讲 will you fight?


关于科技的英语演讲稿—Technology 目录 第一篇:英语演讲稿—Technology and future 第二篇:英文科技转让协议范本Technology assignment agreement 第三篇:关于科技的英语演讲稿—Technologyandfuture 第四篇:演讲稿 modren Technology or traditional value 第五篇:what Technology brought us 科技给我们带来的影响正文 第一篇:英语演讲稿—Technology and future the presence of students, ladies and teachers: everyone! i was prepared intervals of cloud today, in honor here entitled Technology and future speech, i am very proud of both, but some unease. in recent years, we have seen our great motherland, the cause of the rapid development of Technology, which allow me to a chinese i feel very proud. remember that long ago, cell phone use almost the only one, which is called, but a few years ago, cell phones has undergone great changes, not only look more beautiful, but also use more, you can use the phones to take pictures, meetings, internet, text messages, etc.


2分钟带翻译英语演讲稿5篇 【篇一】2分钟带翻译英语演讲稿 Good evening ,Ladies and Gentlemen:Thank you very much for choosing to come in such a cold night.Today my topic is about choice and process.A research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one day.With so many choices one day, people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life. In my opinion, the following part is of much more importance than the choice. There is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life, which the process makes the difference. Life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get. Forrest Gump made no decision by and for himself but he accomplished great success with his strong will in the process. The process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings ,the caution, courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles. Take myself as an example, I changed my major when I became a postgraduate. After the choice,days have been harsh for me.I cannot understand the new lessons at all. For they are closely related to mathmatics which I learned nothing about before. However wuth the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,I persisted. I asked for
