八年级阅读完型训练 附答案

八年级阅读完型训练 附答案
八年级阅读完型训练 附答案



In November 1979,Pupils in England were able to watch a new TV program called Monkey King.

Most of them were 1 this story for the first time.However,this story is not 2 to Chinese children.The Monkey King is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey To the West.

The Monkey King is not just any normal monkey.In fact,he sometimes does not even look like a 3 !This is because he can make seventy-two 4 to his shape(形态)and size(体积),turning himself into different animals and objects.But 5 he can hide his tail,he cannot turn himself into a person. To fight(战斗)bad people,the monkey king uses a magic stick.Sometimes he can make 6 so small that he can keep it in his ear.At other times,he is able to make it big and long.

The monkey king has 7 the children of China for many years. And as soon as the TV program came out more than 30 years ago,western children became 8 in reading this story because the clever monkey king keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up.

1.A.writing B.hearing C.telling

2.A.famous B.popular C.new

3.A.monkey B.man C.horse

4.A.friends B.monkeys C.changes

5.Unless B.because C.however

6.A.himself B.the stick C.the teacher

7.A.trained B.excited C.taught

8.A.worried B.relaxed C.interested

短语:turn .....into...把....变成......keep .......in.......把.....收藏在......中。Give up 放弃


American boys and girls love to watch television. Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the television. Some even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday .

TV is like books or films.A child can learn bad things and good things from it.Some programs help children to understand (理解)the news;others show people and places from other countries around the world.With TV,a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the sea to see a ship.Boys and girls can watch a play,a concert or a game at home.

Television brings many places and events into our homes.Some programs show crime(犯罪)and other things that are bad for children,so parents sometimes should help them to find other interesting things to do.

1.On television children can see .




D.almost everything

2.Children usually spend a day in school.

A.six hours

B.more than eight hours

C.only a few hours

D.four hours.

3.”The TV brings many places and events into our homes” means .

https://www.360docs.net/doc/649772319.html, makes things happen in homes

B.We can know places and events without going to see them ourselves.

C.We can see houses and buildings on TV.

D.We can find them easily.

4.Parents sometimes help their children find other things to do when there is for children.

A.a bad program

B.an animal

C.a game

D.an uninteresting film.


答案完型题:1.B 2.C 3.A. 4,C 5.A 6.B. 7.B 8.C 阅读题:1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A


小说阅读专项训练(八下第九次课) (一)父亲二十年前的叮嘱 ①天刚蒙蒙亮,父亲就挑着柴火和我上路了。那时我刚到县城里上初中,父亲的负担因此更重了。隆冬将近,父亲经常抽空上山砍柴,然后卖到县城,由此给我凑生活费以及学杂费。每个周末。我都会回家帮助父亲砍柴,然后周一凌晨再走二十里的山路到学校去。这一次,因为我额外需要五元钱的竞赛费,所以父亲晚上又摸黑砍了一担柴,等到第二天早晨到县城卖掉后再把钱给我。 ②“最近钱是越来越紧张了。”父亲挑着担,边走边嘀咕。自从到县城上学,这句话听了已经不下百遍了。一阵阵轻微的冷风袭来,天渐渐亮了,山脊的轮廓越来越清晰。有柔软的东西从空中飘下来,落在父亲的身上,疏忽就不见了。忽然又有两片落到我的鼻尖上,用手一摸也没了,鼻尖只留下一点冰凉的酸。抬头远望,雪花正从天而降,有些大一点的树叶上已经挂白了。除了扁担的颤悠和我们轻重不一的脚步,山路静谧而空蒙。 ③不知不觉间,县城到了。 ④街上大部分的人家还没有开门。父亲挑着担,带着我挨家挨户找买主。由于担心耽误我上学,又怕柴火打湿了没人要,父亲走得很快,我能听到他的喘气声越来越大。最后终于在一条弄堂里遇到了买柴人。父亲卸下柴火,从那人手里接过一沓毛票,仔细地数了数,一共四元。父亲说:“同志,我这担柴要五块钱哩。”“什么?昨天不还是四块吗?”那人瞟了一眼父亲。“昨天是昨天,您没看我这担柴,比别人的要后重得多吗?”父亲小心翼翼地说。“那我不管,都是四块钱,我又没让你搞这么厚重。”那人没有丝毫加钱的意思。“今天下雪了,您看我多不容易,就加一块吧!”父亲几乎是哀求的口吻了。 ⑤我从门缝看见那人在裤兜里掏来掏去,终于摸出一张皱巴巴的五元纸钞,然后把沓毛票从我父亲手里抓过去,又把那张纸钞从门缝往外一扔,丢下一句话:“拿去吧!”


英语人教版八年级下册 完形填空 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

专题复习学案一 “完形填空”专题训练 一.完形填空技巧小结: Skill 1: Focusing on the information sentence. (the first or last one) 注意信息句(首句或尾句) Skill 2: Grasping the context of the text. 紧扣上下文 Skill 3: Try to get the answers by logic and inferring 逻辑推理 Skill 4: the use of cultural background and common sense .运用文化背景和常识解题 Skill 5 : the use of different kinds of set phrases . 固定搭配的使用 Skill 6: Grammar analysis. 语法分析 Skill 7: Different meanings of words and phrases. 词义区别 二【完形填空·解题步骤】 1、跳过空格、通读全文、掌握大意 2、瞻前顾后、先易后难、各个击破 3、复读全文、逐个核对、验证答案 三.链接中考: A.2014年长沙市中考英语试题 This morning I got an e-mail from Roy. It seems that my boy really enjoys his new life at Harvard University. The 36 made me think of the first day when we moved into this house. Little Roy ran around the new house with great excitement and tried to move his own things into the house such as his toys, books and clothes. 37 , his little hand knocked over(打翻)a bottle of paint on the shelf. The paint made the tidy floor and white wall a terrible mess(一团糟). “Oh, my God!” My wife rushed in angrily. I looked at my son, and his small face was filled with 38 . I 39 and held his hand, “Take it easy, Roy. Now let’s do something to make it look 40 .” I took out a 41 , “You see, Dad is a magician(魔术师). I can change it into a big tree.” His mother soon helped paint some butterflies and flowers on the wall. We spent the whole afternoon 42 and laughing. The wall became a beautiful forest with plants, birds and small animals. Blue sky and white clouds were also painted by Roy. On that day, everybody in the house knew something 43 happened. The night before Roy left for Harvard, he asked me if I still remembered the day when he had knocked over the paint. “Since then I’ve 44 worried about making mistakes,” he continued, “I believe I can always 45 ways to solve the problems.” ( )36. A. call B. e-mail C. card ( )37. A. Suddenly B. Luckily C. Gladly ( )38. A. happiness B. hope C. fear ( )39. A. cried B. smiled C. shouted ( )40. A. nice B. bad C. wrong ( )41. A. drum B. brush C. clock ( )42. A. washing B. cooking C. painting ( )43. A. dangerous B. boring C. special ( )44. A. never B. always C. sometimes ( )45. A. put out B. hand out C. find out


一本通.英语阅读与完形.八年级 参考答案 集训1 A 【2018-2019云南省玉溪市期末】 【主旨大意】本文讲述的是作者的朋友Jack 的周末生活与活动。 1.C 【解析】考查动词辨析。A玩;B居住;C待;D喜欢;根据题干,应该是固定短语stay at home待在家里,故答案是C。 2.B 【解析】考查连词辨析。A和;B或者;C但是;D所以;根据but others like to go for a walk (2)play football,其他人喜欢散步或者踢足球,选择关系,故答案是A。 3.D 【解析】考查名词辨析。根据My friend, Jack, works hard in a factory on (3).On weekends,后面说周末,前面应该是每个工作日都非常努力地工作,要用复数形式的,故答案是D。 4.A 【解析】考查动词辨析。A做;B使;C借;D有;根据下文,可知这里he always (4)different things应该是做不同的事情,故答案是A。 5.D 【解析】考查动词辨析。A观看;B开;C卖;D洗;根据后面his car应该是洗车,故答案是D。 6.B 【解析】考查名词辨析。A周一;B周日;C周六;D周三;根据前面说周末做不同的事,周六洗车,应该是周日开车去农村,故答案是B。 7.B 【解析】考查形容词辨析。A小的;B大的;C难的;D短的;根据后面but there's always much work to do on the farm但是有很多工作要做,前面应该是不是个大农场,故答案是B。 8.C 【解析】考查动词辨析。A帮助;B吃;C喂;D保持;根据后面The children (8)—the animals and give them their 给他们食物,前面应该是喂,故答案是C。 9.C 【解析】考查名词辨析。A衣服;B地方;C食物;D饮料;根据前面喂它们,后面give them their 应该是给它们的食物,故答案是C。 10.C 【解析】考查形容词辨析。A干净的;B晚的;C饿的;D友好的;根据,后面Jack's aunt gives them a big meal给他们丰盛的晚餐,应该是都很饿,故答案是C。 B 【2019重庆中考真题】 【主旨大意】一位女士住旅店发生的故事。所住旅店都是单人间,有人敲门谎称自己敲错门,被女士识别报警抓住。 1.A 【解析】细节查找题,根据文中A young woman traveled and stayed in a hotel,可得知选A。 2.B 【解析】细节查找题,根据文中The man who was standing at the door looked a little nervous, 可得知选B。 3.C 【解析】细节查找题,由全文最后一句可知答案。 C 【2019新疆维吾尔区中考真题】


八年级语文课外阅读训练50篇(含答案) 1.父亲的院落 ①父亲到城里来,几天之后,就腰酸腿痛,唉声叹气:“这哪是人住的啊,还 不把人憋死?”说完不久,就回到了他的院落。 ②父亲永远留恋着自己那三间瓦房,还有一个院子。 ③父亲的院落在乡下,依然是矮墙,上面杂生着枯草;依然是三间瓦房,在夕阳下, 扯出一缕袅袅的炊烟。父亲坐在院落里,抽着烟,烤着火,间或咳嗽两声。 ④在乡下的院子里,父亲才算找回了真实的自己。他可以粗声武气地大笑,可 以大声喊叫邻居来喝茶,可以找年龄相当的人谈今年的雨水和收成,可以打开鸡笼,大声吆喝着鸡;也可以对母亲高声说着今天要吃什么饭,放点地里长的大白菜,或者豆角。 ⑤在小院里,父亲永远是个主人,而不是客人。 ⑥春天来了,雨水一落,父亲就会在墙角空地上用棍子插些小洞,放进豆种, 然后,沿墙一周插上篱笆。不久,几场春雨飘落下来,父亲那些豆子,就会一颗颗破土而出,长出肥嫩的芽儿,顺着风长长,长高。父亲从坡上回来,站在院子里,看着这些豆秧一根根顺着篱笆而上,伸长了身子,舒展着叶子,就会高兴得哈哈大笑,摸着胡茬:那种得意,就如面对自己的孙子一样。 ⑦夏天之后,院子里,丝瓜拉成架,豆荚顺着篱笆爬上墙头。做饭时,父亲会 踩着凳子去摘,然后洗净了,交给母亲,放在锅里炒着。在放了油的烧红了的锅里,豆角快活地发出“咝啦咝啦”的响声。父亲坐在院子里,坐在豆棚瓜架下,轻轻地摇着蒲扇,摇出一院的清凉。 ⑧到了秋天,院中的葡萄熟了,父亲会很认真地照看着,不许鸟雀啄食,让一 颗颗葡萄珠圆玉润地鼓胀着,晶莹着,由小变大,由绿变紫,变灰。这时,父亲总会打电话告诉我们,让我们回来吃葡萄。 ⑨当然,一般情况下,我们是难以回家的。不久,父亲就进城来了,拿着袋子, 里面装着葡萄,一颗一颗,水灵而饱满。等我们都回来了,父亲才拿出来,一串一串摆在桌上,摆得很慢,很细致,摆出一脸的成就感。 ⑩冬天,父亲会感到寂寞,没有了瓜菜豆秧陪伴的父亲,坐在院子里,就像没有朋友聊天一样,显得形单影只,显得无奈和怅w?ng。这时,他会拢起火,坐在火堆前编起背篓,还有竹筐。竹篾是山上自栽的竹子织成的,父亲剖开竹子,划成竹丝。竹丝在父亲龟裂的手上跳跃着,翻动着,仿佛有生命的精灵一样。这些竹器,就成了家用的东西,但更多的则送给了同村的人。父亲喜欢别人讨用这些东西,每到这时,他的脸上会露出满足的笑,用他的话说:“人家要,是给咱长脸。” 对父亲来说,院落里的一切,都是他的,其实,他也需要这一切。 (1)阅读第⑩段,根据拼音写汉字,并给加横线字注音。 怅w?ng()龟()裂


【英语】英语八年级英语下册完形填空100及答案经典 一、八年级英语下册完形填空专项练习(含答案解析) 1.先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处 的最佳答案。 Three years ago, teachers at Denton School knew there was a big problem.The school buildings were very old,the gym(体育馆)wasn't very good and the library was small.There were 1 modem science labs(实验室).They knew they 2 a new school! The teachers 3 to ask the students what kind of new school they wanted.They didn't expect the students to be 4 .but they were surprised.The students wanted to plan and design(设计) 5 new school! Headmaster Simon Roberts thought this was a fantastic 6 .A group of students worked with an architect(建筑师)to plan me buildings.They talked about all the different possibilities and looked at different designs.In the end, they chose to have small classrooms 7 this meant there was space for a big new library, a modem science lab and a great gym.Other groups of 8 chose things like desks,chairs and books for the library. Everyone in the school,both teachers and students,helped 9 the planning in some way.It took two years to 10 the new school and there was a special event to open the school last year.Of course.all the students love their new school! 1. A. no B. few C. some D. many 2. A. lost B. saw C. needed D. protected 3. A. waited B. decided C. refused D. promised 4. A. perfect B. nervous C. honest D. interested 5. A. their B. our C. his D. her 6. A. question B. deal C. idea D. skill 7. A. if B. until C. though D. because 8. A. teachers B. students C. architects D. artists 9. A. with B. about C. of D. on 10. A. build B. open C. visit D. .choose 【答案】(1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)D;(5)A;(6)C;(7)D;(8)B;(9)A;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了一个学校的学生 自己设计新学校的事情。 (1)考查对文章的理解,根据There were……modem science labs可知这里没有现代科学实 验室,故选A。 (2)考查对文章的理解,根据They knew they……a new school!可知他们知道他们需要一个 新的学校,故选C。 (3)考查对文章的理解,根据The teachers……to ask the students what kind of new school they wanted.可知老师们决定问学生他们想要什么样的学校,故选B。 (4)考查对文章的理解,根据They didn't expect the students to be……可知他们不期待学生


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 八年级上册语篇阅读综合训练 一、完形填空:阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容从短文后各题所给的选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Yesterday was Father's Day. Many things happening between my father and me crowded my mind. But one thing made a deep impression on me. It was a Sunday morning, and I was in a 1 mood(情绪).Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn't invited me. I was in my room 2 ways to make them sorry when my father came in. “Want to go for a rid today, Beck? It's a beautiful day.” “No! Leave me alone!” Those were 3 words I said to him that morning. My friends called and 4 me to go to the mall with them a few hours later. I forgot to be 5 with them and then went with them. When I came home, I found a 6 on the table. My mother put it where I would be sure to see it. “Dad has had an 7 .Please meet us at Highland Park Hospital.” When I reached the hospital, my mother came out and told me a car hit my father and his injuries were extensive(大面积的). “Your father told the driver to leave 8 alone and just call 911, thank God! If he had moved Daddy, ...” My mother may have said but I didn't hear. I didn't hear anything 9 those terrible words: Leave me alone. My dad said them in order to 10 himself. He didn't want to be hurt more. How much had I hurt him 11 I shouted out those words at him earlier in the day? It was several days later that he was 12 able to have a talk. I held his hand gently,afraid of hurting him. "Daddy...I am so sorry...” “It's okay,sweetheart. I'll be okay.” “No,”I said,"I mean about 13 I said to you that day. You know, that morning?" He looked at me and said, “Sweetheart, I remember14 about that day, not before, during or after the accident. I r emember telling you goodnight the night before, though.” He managed a weak smile. My English teacher once told me that words have great power. They can hurt or they can heal(治愈).


完形填空 Kate’s brother Danny 16 some New Year’s resolutions this year. 17 , he is going to learn 18 the guitar. She is going to take the guitar lessons 19 practice every day. Next he wants to get good 20 . He is going to study 21 and he is going to do all his homework 22 he watches TV. Finally, he wants to learn 23 new language. He is going to buy some 24 CDs and practice 25 at home every morning. ( ) 16. A. made B. make C. is make D. making ( ) 17. A. First B. Second C. Third D. Last ( ) 18. A. play B. playing C. to play D. plays ( ) 19. A. but B. or C. then D. and ( ) 20. A. lesson B. class C. grades D. record ( ) 21. A. harder B. worse C. more beautiful D. cooler ( ) 22. A. when B. as C. if D. before ( ) 23. A. an B. a C. the D. / ( ) 24. A. Japan B. Japanese C. China D. America ( ) 25. A. they B. their C. them D. theirs 阅读理解 A Young people have many dreams. Here are Lei Ping and her friends’ dreams. Lei Ping is going to be an acto r. She likes acting. She thinks the actors are well-known and they can make lots of money. She is going to take acting lessons. Her friend Yong likes writing. He is going to write articles for the magazines when he grows up. He thinks reading more is good for writing. So he often reads books in the library now. The other friend Li is going to be a teacher. She thinks children are lovely and in the long vacation she can do what she wants to do. 26.. Lei Ping’s dream is to be a(n) . A. actor B. pilot C. bank clerk D. reader 27.What does Lei Ping think of the job of actor? A. The actors are well-know. B. The actors can travel anywhere. C. She doesn’t like actors. D. She thinks they are tired. 28.How is Yong going to achieve his dream? A. He is doing more exercise every day. B. He is writing articles for the magazines. C. He is reading books in the library. D. He is taking writing lessons after school. 29. Li is Lei Ping’s . A. reader B. cousin C. sister D. friend 30. These ideas of the young are . A. interesting B. not fit them C. not to be true D. wrong


八年级课外阅读训练 上半学期的学习即将结束了,马上要迎来期中考试,为了协助同学们迎接考试,特在此整理了几篇课外阅读文章,同学们做好练习准备。力求通过练习做到掌握阅读的技巧,熟能生巧。 难忘的八个字 我气恼,我愤恨——怎么一生下来就是裂唇!我一跨进校门,同学们开始讥笑我,我越来越敢(决定肯定),除了家里人外,没有人会疼爱我,没人会喜欢我。 二年级时,我进了老师伦德纳夫人的班级,伦德纳夫人很胖、很美。她有着金光闪闪的头发和一双黑黑的、笑眯眯的眼睛。每个孩子都喜欢她、敬慕她。,没有一个人比我更敬爱她。这里有一个很不一般的原因。 我们低年级同学都有“耳语测验”。孩子们(排队依次)走到教室的门边,用右手捂着耳朵,然后老师在讲台上轻轻说一句话,再由孩子把话(背诵复述)出来。不过我的左耳先天失聪,(根本几乎)听不出来,同学们知道后会更加嘲笑我的。 终于轮到我了,我把左耳对着伦德纳夫人,同时用右手紧紧捂耳,然后(悄悄轻轻)把右手抬起一点,这样就足以听清老师的话。 我等待着……然后,伦德纳夫人说了八个字。这八个字仿佛是一束温暖的阳光直射我的心田,这八个字抚慰了我受伤的心灵,这八个字改变了我对人生的看法。 这位很胖、很美的老师轻轻地说着:“我希望你是我女儿!” 1、文中第一、二自然段的横线上,根据上下文选择合适的关联词填上。 不是而是虽然但是甚至只要就因为所以 2、划去文中()里用得不恰当的词。 3、“我气恼,我愤恨——怎么一生下来就是裂唇!”这里“——”的用法是() ①表示底下是解释部分或说明部分。 ②表示意思的递进或转折。 ③表示声音的延长。 4、“难忘的八个字”是哪八个字,为什么“我”认为这是难忘的八个字? 5、你觉得伦德纳夫人是个怎样的人?在文中用横线找出描写她的语句。并说说你的想法。


新目标八年级下英语完形填空专项练习二 完型填空 6 Once a man wanted to go 1 one side of a river to 2 in a boat. He 3 take 4 him a sheep, a wolf and a basket of vegetables. But he could take only one of them 5 , because the boat was very 6 . “IfI 7 the wolf and the sheep together, the wolf may eat the sheep, ” he said8 to . “If I leave the sheep and the vegetables together, the sheep may eat the vegetables. H ”e thought and thought. At last, he had an idea. And he 9 able to get to the other side of the river with the sheep, the wolf, and the vegetables. Do you know 10 B. what did he it C. how did he do it D. how he did it 完型填空 7 完形填空。根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。 A thousand years ago Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more and more people came to 1 in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is 2 forest left, though there are still some small areas covered with trees. We call these woods. Elephants, tigers and many 3 animals were living in the thick forest. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the 4 began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and 5 pigs and chickens in the valleys. They cut down the trees and burnt them. They needed 6 to keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away the dangerous animals. Elephants 5. A. once a time B. at time C. in time 6. A. large B. big C. small D. beautiful A. after C. about B. with 4. D. at a time 1. A. on B. in C. from D. with 2. A. another B. the other C. others D. other 3. A. had to B. has to C. have to D. must D. up 7. A. will leave B. left C. leave D. have left 8. A. oneself B. myself C. itself D. himself 9. A. was B. is C. be D. can 10. A. how did he it


八年级上册语篇阅读综合训练 一、完形填空:阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容从短文后各题所给的选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Yesterday was Father's Day. Many things happening between my father and me crowded my mind. But one thing made a deep impression on me. It was a Sunday morning, and I was in a 1 mood(情绪).Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn't invited me. I was in my room 2 ways to make them sorry when my father came in. “Want to go for a rid today, Beck? It's a beautiful day.” “No! Leave me alone!” Those were 3 words I said to him that morning. My friends called and 4 me to go to the mall with them a few hours later. I forgot to be 5 with them and then went with them. When I came home, I found a 6 on the table. My mother put it where I would be sure to see it. “Dad has had an 7 .Please meet us at Highland Park Hosp ital.” When I reached the hospital, my mother came out and told me a car hit my father and his injuries were extensive(大面积的). “Your father told the driver to leave8 alone and just call 911, thank God! If he had moved Daddy, ...” My mother may have said but I didn't hear. I didn't hear anything 9 those terrible words: Leave me alone. My dad said them in order to 10 himself. He didn't want to be hurt more. How much had I hurt him 11 I shouted out those words at him earlier in the day? It was several days later that he was 12 able to have a talk. I held his hand gently,afraid of hurting him. "Daddy...I am so sorry...” “It's okay,sweetheart. I'll be okay.” “No,”I said,"I mean about 13 I said to you that day. You know, that morning?" He looked at me and said, “Sweetheart, I remember14 about that day, not before, during or after the accident. I remember telling you goodnight the night before, though.” He managed a weak smile. My English teacher once told me that words have great power. They can hurt or they can heal(治愈). And we all have the power to 15 our words. I am going to do that very carefully from now on. 1. A. good B. terrible C. peaceful 2.A thinking up B. giving up C. looking up


初二阅读、完型练习(整套10 篇) (1) Korean culture is really exciting right now. The Korean Wave is sweeping Asian countries including China. Young people are going crazy about Korean TV dramas, Korean pop songs, taekwondo and the Korean language. The Korean Wave started a few years ago with the TV series “Winter Sonata”. This love story is still popular. People, especially girls, like the beautiful story and handsome actors like Bae Yong Jun (裴勇俊). In the music world, Korean girls are making themselves heard in China. You can often find big Korean names like Baby Vox, S. E. S and Finkle at the top of the Chinese music charts (排行榜). The Korean Wave has also made young people want to try the clothes and hairstyles of pop stars, too. Not only that. Now some girls in China are having plastic surgery (整容) to change the way they look. People say some beautiful Korean stars have had plastic surgery. These stars don’t make plastic surgery look shameful (丢面子的). Are all the faces of beautiful Korean girls not real? Find out for yourself when you next visit South Korea. 根据短文,选择最佳答案: 1.What does the Korea Wave refer to? It refers to . A.Korean TV dramas B. Korean culture C. Korean language D. Korean actors 2.When did the Korean Wave start? It started with . A.the Korean pop songs B. Taekwondo C. the TV series “Winter Sonata” D. the Korean food 3.Who is the famous actor in Korean dramas? A.Bae Yong Jun B. Baby Vox C. S. E. S D. Finkle 4.Korean stars often change their looks by . A.singing pop songs B. acting in TV dramas C. trying different food D. having plastic surgery 5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.Winter Sonata tells a very famous love story. B.Young people like Korean pop stars’ clothes and hairstyles. C.Chinese girls also want to try plastic surgery. D.Korean pop stars think plastic surgery is shameful. (2) 完形填空: Big Ben? It’s not the name of a person. It’s a famous 1 in London. It is part of a very big clock at the top of a tower ( 塔). The minute hands of the clock 2 more than four metres long. The clock has four 3 . You can see what 4 it is from any side. The name of the bell comes 5 Sir Benjamin Hall. The tower is about 150 years old. The bell makes a loud 6 every hour. On New Year’s Eve, millions of people listen to it on TV! 1. A. person B. bell C. place D. animal 2. A. are B. is C. have D. has 3. A. feet B. hands C. noses D. faces 4. A. time B. food C. weather D. place 5. A. for B. from C. at D. to 6. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. hearing
