



26.K 根据some和skills判定填空处的词性为形容词,根据上下句得知此空词义应为“有优势的,较好的”。

27.D 根据填空前an urban..,确定此空词性为名词,根据and前的dirty birds判定为负面的并列,所以选负面可数名词,nuisance的意思为:令人生厌的东西。

28.M 此空后面有of引导的介宾结构,所以前后必定为从属关系,词义和手有关,而且词性为名词,所以选tip,表示指尖。

29.O 此空为形容词,而且和器官有关,前文说尽管鸽子的脑子很小很弱,而后文必须硕它们的另外器官功能很强,所以“视觉的”比较符合要求。

30.A 此处为固定搭配。be associated with 表示前者与后者有关。

31.F rather than为肯前否后结构,前后语意相反,但词性相同,所以选ing形式的词,即,人们通常会把老鼠和传播疾病联系在一起,而不会把它们和预防疾病联系起来。

32.H 根据后句话中的中文提示(嗅觉感受器),可知老鼠的鼻子很灵敏,推导出32的词义应该和高度“敏感的”的相关。

33.I 此空词性为形容词,词义根据前后文判断应该是和“小、细微的”有关。因为后文中说“能探测出肺结核细菌”,所以“轻微的”比较符合文意。

34. C 不定式结构,所以此空为动词原形。根据前后文,此处为“暗示”。

35.B不定式结构,所以此空也为动词原形。根据后文,”this rat detection method”判定此处为“检测,实验”。


36.I 此处对应原文“Yes, my advanced age must factor into the equation , in part because of my inability to access the information as quickly.”其中advanced age与elderly属于同意替换,inability 与hard同意替换。

37. E“Students risk health and well being, as well as performance in other end-of-term work”risk 同意替换“affect”,performance再次出现,属于原词复现。

38.C 此处对应原文“David Eisenbach…He believes students ultimately learn more and encourages them to form study groups.”“believes”和“ultimately”原词直接对应。“learn more and encourages”与“more helpful”直接对应。

39. D 此处对应原文“He also says there is less chance of cheating with the in-class variety. ”原词浮现的有“cheating ”,同意替换的有“less chance”和“discouraged”。

40. B 此处对应原文“and now I have a professor who issues take-home ones. I was excited when I learned this…”happy 同意替换excited; take-home 同意替换do some exams at home。

41. H 此处对应原文“There are people who always wait until the last minute, and make it much harder than it needs to be. ”“wait until the last minute”同意替换“put off their work until the last month”。“make it much harder than it needs to be”同意替换“find the exams more difficult than they actually are.”。

42. G 此处对应原文“Students’test-form preferences vary, too, often depending on the

subject and course difficulty.”“preferences”同意替换“prefer“,”vary“同意替换”different“。

43. F 此处对应原文“Most college professors agree the kind of exam they choose largely depends on the subject. ”“Most college professors“、”agree“和”depends on“原词直接出现,”the kind of“同意替换“the type of”,“course”同意替换“subject.”。

44. A“So it may seem rather strange that I have returned to college to finish the degree I left undone some four decades ago.”“left undone”同意替换“dropped out of”,“four decades ago”同意替换“forty years ago”。

45. J 此处对应原文“I like in-class exams because the time is already reserved, as opposed to using my free time at home to work on a test”。“free time”原词重现,“using ”对应“eat up”



Passage One

46. D) In what way it can be beneficial.

细节题。划出题目中的定位词:first-night effect,puzzling,researchers。回文定位二段二句“The puzzle was what benefit …”,原文句意“研究人员困惑以什么方式令人受益”。根据对比,D选项为正确答案,“beneficial”同义替换“benefit”。A选项为干扰,定义对象出错。B选项为第二段信息,不在定位段,也不是puzzle的内容。C选项为第三段内容,和B选项的错误方式一样。

47.C) She got some idea from previous studies on birds and dolphins

推理题。“Dr. Yuka Sasaki doing her research“和“birds and dolphins”为题干定位词,定位二段三

句“She also knew from previous work conducted on birds and dolphins…”,句意“以往她对鸟类海豚的研究成果,让她寻思人类是否也会做类似的事情。”由此可知,C选项为正确答案的几率最大,属同义替换。A选项asleep(熟睡的)与原文“put half of their brains to sleep”(半睡的状态),意思不符。B和D选项的错误在于“sleeping way”和“sleeping pattern”并不能同意替换。

48. A) She monitored the brain activity of participants sleeping in a new environment.

细节题。题目中“first ”和“experiment”没有在原文中出现原词,但同意替换可定位二段四句之后。根据后面原文“The participants …monitored with techniques that looked at the activity of their brains. ”得知A选项为正确答案。B选项将原文的“35 healthy people”和“Department of Psychological Sciences”这两个无关信息强加合并,属移花接木的错误;。C选项错在原文并没有分析左右脑的差异。D为研究的目的,并非实验手法,属于Not Given。

49. C) She exposed her participants to two different stimuli.

细节题。Dr. Sasaki和re-runing her experiment为定位词。定位三段一句后半句“while presenting the sleeping participants with a mix of regularly timed beeps of the same and irreugular beeps of a different tone”, C选项符合大意。A错在是“irregular beeps”影响了睡眠质量, 而不是“irregular tones”影响的。B根本没提及“记录实验参与者对变化环境的适应”,属于Not Given。D选项也没提到“实验参与者”,依然属于Not Given。

50. B) They tended to perceive irregular beeps as a threat.

细节题。根据题目中的Dr. Sasaki, the participants定位到“she worked out that…”,根据“it would react to the irregular beeps by stirring people from sleep”可知不规律的蜂鸣声会扰乱睡眠,B 选项适合。

Passage Two

51. D) They tend to push themselves beyond the limits of their ability.

细节题。根据题干中problem, women。定位一段前两句,“being overworked or over-committed at home and on the job will not get you where you want to be in life”,该句大意为“女性为家庭、为工作过度付出将不会使她们过上想要的生活”,D选项符合文意。原文并没交代女性是否清楚自己的职业目标,所以排出A选项。女性在对家庭和对待工作的付出程度上也根本没有做比较,所以B错。C错在over-optimistic,根本没在原文中提到,Not Given选项。

52. A) They struggle to satisfy the demands of both work and home.

细节题。根据定位词“child-bearing a ge”定位二段一句,但该句与四个选项无法对应,因此向下定位到二段二句:It’s also the age…,分别对应选项A的struggle to 和s atisfy the demands…A选项符合文意,女性努力满足工作和家庭需求。B以偏概全;C 偷梁换柱D过度推理。

53. A) Their unwillingness to say “no”.

细节题。题干关键词为future prospect, career women, hinder(阻碍因素)。据此定位到第三段第

二句,“Unfortunately,this inability to say “no”may be hurting women’s health as well as their career. A选项符合文意。BCD原文未提及。

54. C) men tend to put their personal interests first

细节题。根据题目中men and women定位到五段三句“Men are more likely to face that dispute from the perspective of what benefits them most”,据此选择C选项, 男人倾向于以个人利益为先。ABD的信息在原文中均未提及。

55. B) The ability to delegate.

细节题。定位词a good leader, important。定位到最后一段二句“Leaders have to be able to delegate…”,可知,B为正确答案。ACD的信息在原文中均未提及。
