listen to this3高级听力单词

1. hostage/ ?h?st?d?; ˋhɑst?d?/ n

person held as a captive by one or more others who threaten to keep, harm or kill him unless certain demands are met 人质: The hijackers kept the pilot on board the plane as (a) hostage. 劫机者把飞机驾驶员扣留在飞机上作为人质.

(idm 习语) a ,hostage to `fortune (fml 文) person or thing that one acquires and may then suffer by losing, esp a husband or wife or child 希望得到的但需蒙受可能失去之痛苦的人或事物(尤指配偶或子女). take/hold sb `hostage seize/keep sb as a hostage 抓住[扣押]某人作为人质: The gunman is holding two children hostage in the building. 持枪歹徒把两个孩子扣押在这座建筑物里当作人质.

envoy/ ?env??; ˋ?nv??/ n

messenger or representative, esp one sent to deal with a foreign government 使者; 代表; (尤指)外交官: the Archbishop

of Canterbury's envoy坎特伯雷大主教的使者.

diplomatic agent next in rank below an ambassador 公使.

initial/ ??n??l; ?ˋn???l/ adj\

[attrib 作定语] of or at the beginning; first 开始的; 最初的; 第一个的: the initial letter of a word 一个字起首的字母* in the initial stages (ie at the beginning) (of sth) 某事的创始阶段* My initial reaction was to refuse. 我最初的反应是予以拒绝.

> initial n (usu pl 通常作复数) initial letter (of a name) (姓名的)首字母: George Bernard Shaw was well-known by his initials GBS. 人们对萧伯纳姓名的首字母GBS非常熟悉. * Sign your name and initials, ie your surname and the initial letters of your other names. 请签上您的姓及名字的首字母.

initial v (-ll-; US usu 美式英语通常作-l-) [I, Tn] mark or sign (sth) with one's initials 用姓名的首字母签名或作标记: Initial here, please. 请在这儿签上姓名首字母. * initial a note, document, treaty, etc用名字的首字母签署便条﹑文件﹑条约等.

initially / -??l?; -??l?/ adv at the beginning; at first 最初; 开头; 首先: She came initially to spend a few days, but in the end she stayed for a whole month. 起先她只打算来待几天, 但後来却住了整整一个月.

administration/ ?d?m?n??stre??n; ?d?m?n?ˋstre??n/ n

[U] ~ (of sth) administering; giving 实施; 执行; 给予; 供给: be responsible for the administration of justice, the law,

charitable aid, an oath, a remedy负责赏罚﹑执法﹑慈善救济﹑主持宣誓﹑用药.

[U] management of public or business affairs 公共事务的管理; 经营; 行政: He works in hospital administration. 他从事

医院管理工作. * Head teachers are more involved in administration than in teaching. 校长的行政工作比教学工作多. (often 常作the Administration) [C] (part of the Government that manages public affairs during the) period of office of

a US President 美国总统任期; 美国总统任期内的政府: during the Kennedy Administration 在肯尼迪总统任期内* Successive administrations have failed to solve the country's economic problems. 历届政府均未能解决国家的经济问题. transitional[tr?n'si??nl]

a.变迁的, 过渡期的

[医]转变的, 过渡的; 过渡型单核白细胞

precede/ pr??si?d; pr?ˋsid/ v

[I, Tn] come or go before (sth) in time, order, rank, etc (在时间﹑顺序﹑行列等上)在(某事物)之前; 先於(某事

物): The Mayor entered, preceded by members of the council. 市政会的委员们入场後, 市长也入场了. * This point has been dealt with in the preceding paragraph. 这一点在前面一段里已经交代过了. * the days that preceded the final catastrophe大祸即将临头的那些日子.

[] ~ sth with sth say sth before sth 在讲某话之前先讲某话; 在讲...前加上...: She preceded her speech with a

vote of thanks to the committee. 她发表讲话以前先提议向全体委员表示感谢.

transfer1/ tr?ns?f??(r); tr?nsˋf?/ v (-rr-)

[Tn,] ~ sth/sb (from...) (to...) move sth/sb from one place to another 将某物[某人]由一处转移到另一处:The

head office has been transferred from London to Cardiff.总部已由伦敦迁至加的夫. * She's being transferred to our Paris branch. 她已调到我们在巴黎的分部. * (fig 比喻) transfer one's affections/one's allegiance, ie become fond of/loyal to sb else 转移爱心[忠诚](至另一对象).

[Tn,] ~ sth (from sb) (to sb) hand over the possession of (property, etc) 转让(财产等): transfer rights to sb把


[Tn,] ~ sth (from sth) (to sth) copy (recorded material) using a different recording or storage medium (用不

同的录制或存储手段)转录或转存(资料): transfer computer data from disk to tape把计算机资料由磁盘转录到磁带上. [I, Ipr] ~ (from...) (to...) (a) change to anotherplace, group, occupation, etc 调动; 调任: He has transferredfrom the

warehouse to the accounts office. 他已由仓库调到会计室任职. (b) change to another route, means of transport, etc during a journey (旅途中)改变路线﹑交通工具等; 转乘; 换乘: We had to transfer from Gatwick to Heathrow to catch a plane to Belfast. 我们得从盖特威克机场转到希思罗机场好赶上飞往贝尔法斯特的班机.

transfer2/ ?tr?nsf??(r); ˋtr?nsf?/ n

[C, U] (instance of) transferring or being transferred 转移; 转让; 转录; 调动: The club's goalkeeper isn't happy here,

and has asked for a transfer (to another club). 该足球俱乐部的守门员在此不愉快, 已要求转到其他俱乐部. * the transfer of currency from one country to another货币由一国向另一国的汇兑.

(a) [U] changing to a different vehicle, route, etc during a journey (旅途中的)中转, 换乘, 改变路线: [attrib 作定语]

Would all transfer passengers please report to the airport transfer desk. 凡需中转的旅客请到机场的中转服务台办理手续. (b) [C] (esp US) ticket that allows a passenger to continue his journey on another bus, etc 换乘票(可中途换乘另一公共汽车等的票).

[C] (esp Brit) decorative picture or design that is or can be removed from (usu) a piece of paper and stuck onto another

surface by being pressed, heated, etc 移印图案(供转印的装饰画或图案, 通常附於纸上, 可用加压﹑加热等方法转印到他物上).

# `transfer fee amount of money paid for a transfer, esp of a professional footballer to another club 转让费; (尤指职业足球运动员的)转会费.

`transfer list list of professional footballers who are available for transfer to other clubs 可以转会的职业足球运动员名单. recuperate/ r??ku?p?re?t; r?ˋkup??ret/ v

[I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (from sth) (fml 文) recover from illness, exhaustion or loss, etc 复原; 恢复(体力); 挽回(损失等): He

is still recuperating from his operation. 他动手术後仍在恢复中. * recuperate one's strength after a climb攀登之後恢复体力. [Tn] get back (money spent or lost) 复得(花掉或失去的钱): recuperate costs, expenses, etc索回用费﹑费用等.

facility/ f??s?l?t?; f?ˋs?l?t?/ n

[U, sing] ability to learn or do things easily 容易学好或做好事物的能力: have (a) great facility for (learning) languages 有

(学习)语言的天才* He plays the piano with surprising facility. 他弹奏钢琴神乎其技.

facilities [pl] circumstances, equipment, etc that make it possible, or easier, to do sth; aids 能够或易於做某事的环境﹑

设备等; 辅助物: `sports facilities, eg running tracks, swimming pools 运动设施(如跑道﹑游泳池)* `washing, `postal, `shopping, `banking, etc facilities 洗涤﹑邮政﹑购物﹑银行等设施* facilities for study, eg libraries 有助学习的设施(如图书馆).

preliminary/ pr??l?m?n?r?; US -ner?; pr?ˋl?m??n?r?/ adj ~ (to sth) coming before a more important action or event; preparatory (作为某一重要行动或事情的)开端的; 预备性的: after a few preliminary remarks 在几句开场白之後* preliminary inquiries, experiments, negotiations初步的调查﹑实验﹑谈判* (sport体) a preliminary contest, heat, round, etc, ie held before a main contest in order to eliminate weaker players or teams 预赛﹑初赛﹑选拔赛* All this is preliminary to the main election struggle. 这一切都只是进行大选较量的预选活动.

> preliminary n (usu pl通常作复数) preliminary action, event, measure, etc 初步的行动﹑事件﹑措施等: the necessary preliminaries to a peace conference, eg the discussions about agenda and procedures 为召开和平会议而举行的必要的筹备会.



[C] a meeting in which people are given instructions or information: a press briefing

[C, U] the detailed instructions or information that are given at such a meeting: Captain Trent gave his men a full briefing.

◆ a briefing session / paper


/ ??bju?z; ?ˋbjuz/ v [Tn]

make bad or wrong use of (sth) 滥用﹑妄用(某事物): abuse one's authority, sb's hospitality, the confidence placed in


treat (sb) badly; exploit 虐待某人; 剥削: a much abused wife备受虐待的妻子. Cf 参看misuse.

speak insultingly to or about (sb); attack in words 说(某人的)坏话; 辱骂; 诋毁.

diminish/ d??m?n??; d?ˋm?n??/ v [I, Tn]

(cause sth to) become smaller or less; decrease 变小; 变少; 使(某事物)变小; 使(某事物)变少; 缩小; 减少; 降低:

His strength has diminished over the years. 经过这许多年月, 他的体力不如从前了. * Nothing could diminish her enthusiasm for the project. 什麽也不能影响她对这项计划的热忱. * diminishing hopes, supplies, funds逐渐渺茫的希望﹑渐渐用完的物资﹑渐渐枯竭的资金.

(fig 比喻) make (sb/sth) seem less important than it really is; devalue 减低(某人[某事物]的重要性; 贬低: The opposition

are trying to diminish our achievements. 反对党企图贬低我们的成就.

(music 音) decrease (an interval) by a semitone 将(音程)减半音: a diminished seventh减七度.

# di,minished responsi`bility (law 律) state of mind in which an accused person cannot be held fully responsible for a crime 减轻的刑事责任(被告因精神失常不能对其罪行完全负责).


/ di??bri?f; diˋbrif/ v [Tn,] (esp military尤用於军事) question (a soldier, an astronaut, a diplomat, etc) esp about a mission that he has just completed 询问(士兵﹑宇航员﹑外交人员等)执行任务的情况: a debriefing session 情况查询会* While being debriefed the defector named two double agents. 在询问过程中叛变者供出了两名双重间谍. * Pilots were debriefed on the bombing raid. 驾驶员汇报了空袭情况. Cf 参看brief2.


/ k?lt; k?lt/ n

system of religious worship, esp one that is expressed in rituals 宗教的膜拜; (尤指)膜拜仪式: the mysterious

nature-worship cults of these ancient peoples这些先民向大自然的神秘膜拜仪式.

~ (of sb/sth) (often derog 常作贬义) devotion to or admiration of sb/sth 狂热的献身或崇拜: the cult of physical fitness

对身体健美的狂热追求* a personality cult, ie admiration of a person rather than of what he does or the office he holds 个人崇拜.

popular fashion or craze 时尚; 一时的狂热: the current pop music cult 流行音乐的热潮* [attrib 作定语] a `cult word,

ie one used because it is fashionable among members of a particular (usu small) group 时髦用词* an artist with a cult following, ie who is admired by such a group 有狂热追随者的艺术家.



(of a system of government) controlling people by force and restricting their freedom: a repressive regime / measure / law controlling emotions and desires and not allowing them to be expressed

repressively adverb

repressiveness noun [U]压抑的, 抑制的, 镇压的



caused by a parasite: a parasitic disease / infection

living on another animal or plant and getting its food from it: a parasitic mite / worm

(disapproving) (of a person) always relying on or benefiting from other people and giving nothing back: She lives a parasitic existence, constantly borrowing money from her friends.

parasitically adverb a.寄生的, 由寄生虫引起的

embalm/ ?m?bɑ?m; US also -bɑ?lm; ?mˋbɑm, ?mˋbɑlm/ v [Tn]

preserve (a dead body) from decay by using spices or chemicals (用香料或药物)保存(屍体): The Egyptians used to

embalm the bodies of their deadkings and queens. 埃及人以前用药物保存国王和王后的屍体.

make (sth) fragrant 使(某物)充满香气. > embalmer / ?m?bɑ?m?(r); ?mˋbɑm?/ n. embalmment / ?m?bɑ?mm?nt;

US also -bɑ?lm-; ?mˋbɑmm?nt, -bɑlm-/ n [U].

abysmal/ ??b?zm?l; ?ˋb?zml/ adj

(infml 口) extremely bad 极坏的: live in abysmal conditions 在极恶劣的情况下生活* His manners are abysmal. 他态度


extreme; utter 极端的; 完全的: abysmal ignorance极端的无知. > abysmally adv.

plague/ ple?g; pleɡ/ n

(a) the plague [sing] =bubonic plague (bubonic). (b) [C] any deadly infectiousdisease that kills many people 瘟疫:

[attrib 作定语] The incidence of cholera in the camps has reached plague proportions. 营中霍乱流行已酿成瘟疫之灾. [C] ~ of sth large numbers of a pest that invade an area and cause annoyance or damage 侵扰一地造成破坏的大量有

害动物: a plague of flies, locusts, rats, etc蝇﹑蝗﹑鼠等灾害.

[C usu sing 通常作单数] (infml 口) cause of annoyance; nuisance 惹人烦恼的事物﹑人或原因: What a plague that boy


(idm 习语) avoid sb/sth like the plague => avoid.

> plague v

1 [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (with sth) (a) annoy sb, esp by repeatedly asking questions or making demands 烦扰某人(尤指一再询问或要求): plague sb with questions, requests for money, etc一再询问﹑要钱等烦扰某人. (b) cause suffering or

discomfort to sb 使某人受苦或难受: She was plagued with arthritis. 她患关节炎十分痛苦.

2 [Tn] cause trouble or difficulty to (sb/sth) 给(某人[某事物])造成麻烦或困难: a construction schedule plagued by bad weather因天气恶劣受阻的工程进度.

# `plague-ridden (also `plague-stricken) adj infected with a/the plague(1,2) 瘟疫流行的; 有害动物为患的.

aloft/ ??l?ft; US ??l??ft; ?ˋl?ft/ adv

up in the air; overhead 在空中; 在头顶上: flags flying aloft 旗子高高飘扬* The balloons were already aloft. 气球已经


above the deck or in the rigging of a ship 在甲板上空; 在帆索上: He went aloft to check the sails. 他上去检查船帆.

annotation[?n?u'tei??n]n.注解, 评注

engrave/ ?n?gre?v; ?nˋɡrev/ v

[Tn,] ~ B on A/~ A (with B) cut or carve (words, designs, etc) on (a hard surface) 在(硬物)上雕刻(字﹑画

等): His initials were engraved on the cigarette case. 他姓名的首字母刻在香烟盒上. * The cigarette case was engraved with his initials. 这香烟盒上刻着他姓名的首字母. * engraving a design on a metal plate, eg for printing 在金属板上雕一图案(如用以印刷).

[ esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sth on sth (fig比喻) impress sth deeply on (the memory or mind) 将某事物深

深留在(记忆或头脑中); 牢记; 铭记: Memories of that terrible day are forever engraved on my mind. 那可怕的一天永远留在我的记忆中.

mauve/ m?uv; mov/ adj, n (of a) pale purple colour 淡紫色

2. dynamic/ da??n?m?k; da?ˋn?m?k/ adj

of power or forces that produce movement 动力的. Cf 参看static 2.

(of a person) energetic and forceful (指人)精力充沛的, 有力的: a dynamic personality精力充沛的人.

> dynamic n [sing] force that produces change, action, or effects 产生变化﹑行动或影响的力量: the inner dynamic of a historical period, social movement, work of art某一历史时期的﹑社会运动的﹑艺术品的内在力量.


noun[C, usually sing, U]

the number of people who attend a particular event: This year's festival attracted a record turnout.

the number of people who vote in a particular election: a high / low / poor turnout ◆a 60% turnout of voters

overture/ ??uv?tju?(r); ˋov??t??r/ n

[C usu pl通常作复数] ~ (to sb) (fml 文) friendly approach, proposalor offer made (to sb) with the aim of starting

discussions(向某人做出的)友好表示﹑姿态或提议: overtures of peace to the enemy 向敌方提议和谈* make overtures of friendship to the new neighbours对新邻居表示友好.

[C] piece of music written as an introduction to an opera, a ballet, a musical play, etc (歌剧﹑芭蕾舞﹑音乐剧等的)

序曲, 前奏曲: The audience must be in their seats before the overture. 观众务必於序曲演奏前入座.

hostility/ h??st?l?t?; hɑsˋt?l?t?/ n

[U] ~ (to/towards sb/sth) (a) being hostile (to sb/sth); antagonism; enmity 敌对; 对抗; 敌意: feelings of hostility

敌对情绪* feel no hostility towards anyone 对任何人均无敌意* show hostility to sb/sth对某人[某事物]表示敌意. (b) opposition; rejection 反对; 否决: His suggestion met with some hostility. 他的建议遭到某种程度的反对.

hostilities [pl] acts of war; fighting 战争行动; 战斗:at the outbreak of hostilities 战争爆发时* suspend hostilities, ie

stop fighting 停战.

emissary/ ?em?s?r?; ˋ?m??s?r?/ n person sent to deliver a message (often an unpleasant or a secret one) or to conduct negotiations (常为传送棘手信息的)使者, 密使, 谈判者.

cleric/ ?kler?k; ˋkl?r?k/ n (dated 旧) clergyman 教士; 牧师.


/ p??te?n; p?ˋten/ v [Ipr] ~ to sth (fml 文) (used esp in the continuous tenses 尤用於进行时态)

be connected with or relevant to sth 与某事物有关联: evidence pertaining to the case与案件有关的证据.

belong to sth as a part of it 依附於或从属於某事物: (law 律) the manor and the land pertaining to it庄园及其所属土


be appropriate to sth 符合於或适合於某事物: the enthusiasm pertaining to youth青年特有的热情.

jeopardize, jeopardise1/ ?d?ep?da?z; ˋd??p?d?a?z/ v [Tn] cause (sth) to be harmed, lost or destroyed; put in danger 使(某事物)受到伤害﹑损失或破坏; 使陷於险境: The security of the whole operation has been jeopardized by one careless person. 整个作业的安全让一个粗心大意的人给破坏了.

v [Tn] cause (sth) to be harmed, lost or destroyed; put in danger 使(某事物)受到伤害﹑损失或破坏; 使陷於险境: The security of the whole operation has been jeopardized by one careless person. 整个作业的安全让一个粗心大意的人给破坏了.

v [Tn] cause (sth) to be harmed, lost or destroyed; put in danger 使(某事物)受到伤害﹑损失或破坏; 使陷於险境: The security of the whole operation has been jeopardized by one careless person. 整个作业的安全让一个粗心大意的人给破坏了.

v [Tn] cause (sth) to be harmed, lost or destroyed; put in danger 使(某事物)受到伤害﹑损失或破坏; 使陷於险境: The security of the whole operation has been jeopardized by one careless person. 整个作业的安全让一个粗心大意的人给破坏了.

deport/ d??p??t; d?ˋp?rt/ v [Tn,] ~ sb (from...) legally force (a foreigner, criminal, etc) to leave a country 将(外国人﹑罪犯等)驱逐出境: He was convicted of drug offences and deported. 他被判犯有毒品罪而遭驱逐出境.

> deportation / ?di?p???te??n; ?dip?rˋte??n/ n [C, U] (instance of) deporting or being deported 驱逐出境: Years ago convicted criminals in England could face deportation to Australia. 很多年以前, 英国已定罪的犯人可能被驱逐到澳大利亚.

deportee / ?di?p???ti?; ?dip?rˋti/ n person who is or has been deported 被驱逐出境的人.


/ pled?; pl?d?/ n

solemn promise; vow 誓言; 誓约; 保证: give a pledge never to reveal the secret保证决不泄密.

(a) thing left with a person to be kept until the giver has done sth promised, eg paid a debt 保证物(如为还债的). (b)

article left with a pawnbroker in exchange for sth, esp money 典当物.

thing given to sb as a sign of friendship, love, etc (表示友情﹑爱情等的)信物, 象徵物: gifts exchanged as a pledge

of friendship交换的象徵友谊的礼物.

(idm 习语) in/out of pledge left with sb until the giver has paid a debt, etc/no longer left on these conditions 在抵押

中[已不在抵押中]: put/hold sth in pledge 以[收下]某物作抵押* take sth out of pledge赎回抵押的某物. sign/take the `pledge (esp joc 尤作戏谑语) make a solemn promise never to drink alcohol 发誓戒酒. under pledge of sth in the state of having agreed to or promised sth 在誓约或承诺某事的约束下: You are under pledge of secrecy. 你已发过誓要保密.

> pledge v

1 (a) [Tn,, Dn.n, Dn.t] ~ sth (to sb/sth) (fml 文) promise solemnly to give (support,etc); give (one's word,

honour, etc) as a pledge 保证给予(支持等); 以(誓言﹑名誉等)作担保: pledge allegiance(ie loyalty) to the king 发誓效忠国王* pledge a donation (to a charity) 承诺(向慈善机构)捐献* be pledged to secrecy/to keeping a secret誓守秘密. (b)[Tn,, Cn.t] ~ sb/oneself (to sth/to do sth) promise solemnly that sb/one will do sth or support a cause, etc保证某人[自己]做某事或支持某事业等: The Government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims. 政府已承诺赈济饥民.

2 [Tn] leave (sth) with sb as a pledge (2b) 典当(某物): He's pledged (ie pawned) his mother's wedding ring. 他把母亲的结婚戒指典当了.

3 [Tn] (fml 文) drink to the health of (sb); toast (sb) 为(某人)的健康祝酒; 向(某人)祝酒: pledge the bride and bridegroom向新娘和新郎祝酒

paddle11 / ?p?dl; ˋp?dl/ n

[C] short oar with a broad blade at one end or both ends, used to move a canoe through the water 短桨, 双叶桨(划

独木舟的). =>illus at canoe见canoe插图.

[sing] act or period of paddling (paddle 1) 划桨; 荡桨.

[C] instrument shaped like a paddle, esp one used for beating, mixing or stirring food 桨形工具(尤指用於击打﹑混


> paddle v [Ipr, Ip, Tn,, Tn.p]

1 (a) move (a canoe) through the water using a paddle 用桨划(独木舟): We paddled (the canoe) slowly upstream. 我们慢慢地划着(独木舟)逆流而上. (b) row (a boat) with light easy strokes 轻轻地划(船); 荡桨.

2 (idm 习语) ,paddle one's ,own `canoe (infml 口) depend on oneself and no one else; be independent 自力更生; 独立自主.

# `paddle-boat n boat moved by a paddle-wheel 明轮船.

`paddle-steamer n steam vessel moved by paddle-wheels 明轮汽船.

`paddle-wheel n wheel with boards round its rim which make a boat move forwards by pressing against the water as the wheel revolves 明轮; 桨轮.

2 / ?p?dl; ˋp?dl/ v

[I, Ipr, Ip] walk with bare feet in shallow water 蹚水; 涉水: paddling (about) at the water's edge在水边蹚水玩. Cf 参


[Tn] move (one's feet or hands) gently in water 用(脚或手)轻轻划水或拨水: paddle one's toes in the water用脚趾


> paddle n [sing] act or period of paddling 蹚水; 涉水.

# `paddling pool (US `wading pool) shallow pool in which children may paddle (供儿童嬉水的)浅水池.

spank/ sp??k; sp??k/ v

[Tn] slap (esp a child) with a flat hand, esp on the buttocks, as a punishment 掴(尤指小孩)(尤指打屁股惩罚): spank

a child's bottom掴小孩的屁股.

(phr v) ~ along (dated infml 旧, 口) (esp of a horse, ship or car) move along quickly (尤指马﹑船或汽车)快速向

前行进, 疾驶: fairly spanking along很快地行进.

> spank n slap with a flat hand, esp on the buttocks 掴(尤指打屁股): a spank on the bottom打在屁股上的一巴掌. spanking n series of spanks; process of spanking (打在屁股上的)一顿巴掌: The boy got a sound spanking. 那男孩的屁股着实挨了一顿巴掌. adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] (dated infml 旧, 口) quick and energetic 快速而有力的: go at a spanking pace很快地走着. adv (infml 口) (used esp before adjs like fine, new 尤用於fine﹑new等形容词之前) outstandingly; very 非常; 十分: a spanking new boat 崭新的船* spanking white paint纯白的颜料.

indict/ ?n?da?t; ?nˋda?t/ v [Tn,] ~ sb (for sth) (law 律) accuse sb officially (of sth); charge sb (就某事)控告﹑起诉或告发某人: He was indicted for murder/on three counts of murder. 他被控杀人[三项谋杀罪].

> indictable adj for which one may be indicted 可被控告或起诉的: indictable offences, ie that may be tried by a jury 可起诉的刑事罪(可由陪审团裁决的).

indictment n

[C] (a) ~ (against sb) written statement that indicts sb 起诉书; 诉状: bring in an indictment against sb控告某人. (b)

~ of sb/sth (fig 比喻) reason for condemning sb/sth 谴责某人[某事物]的原因: The rise in delinquency is an indictment of our society and its values. 为非作歹现象有增无已, 这是对我们的社会及其价值观的控诉.

[U] indicting or being indicted 控诉; 控告.

man-slaughter n.过失杀人, 误杀, 过失杀人罪

conspiracy/ k?n?sp?r?s?; k?nˋsp?r?s?/ n ~ (to sth/to do sth) 1 [U] act of conspiring, esp joint planning of a crime 阴谋活动(尤指共谋犯罪): accused of conspiracy to murder被控参与谋杀罪.

[C] plan made by conspiring 阴谋; 共谋: a conspiracy to overthrow the Government 颠覆政府的阴谋* a conspiracy of

silence, ie an agreement not to talk publicly about sth which should not remain secret 保持缄默的密约(对本不该保密的事不公开谈论的约定). Cf 参看plot2 2.

3. apartheid/ ??pɑ?tha?t, -he?t; ?ˋpɑrtet/ n [U] (in S Africa)(official government policy of) racial segregation, separating Europeans and non-Europeans (南非)欧洲人与非欧洲人的种族隔离(的政府政策).

anti/ ??nt?; ˋ?nt?/ prep in opposition to (sb/sth); against 反对(某人[某事物]); 反: They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议. Cf 参看pro1.

premise(also premiss) / ?prem?s; ˋpr?m?s/ n

statement or idea on which reasoning is based; hypothesis (推理所依据的)前提; 假定: Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall. 给予投资者的建议是以利率将继续下降这一点为前提的.

(in logic) each of the first two parts (major premise and minor premise) of a forward argument (逻辑学中的)(大小)前提: If the major premise is `Boys like fruit' and the minor premise is`You are a boy', then the conclusion is `Therefore you like fruit'. 设若大前提为‘男孩儿爱吃水果’, 小前提为‘你是男孩儿’, 则结论为‘所以你爱吃水果’. Cf 参看syllogism. complicity/ k?m?pl?s?t?; k?mˋpl?s?t?/ n [U] ~ (in sth) action of taking part with another person (in a crime or some other wrongdoing); shared responsibility 合谋; 串通: He was suspected of complicity in her murder. 他涉嫌合谋将她杀害.

insurgent/ ?n?s??d??nt; ?nˋs?d??nt/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] in revolt; rebellious 起义的; 叛乱的; 造反的: insurgent troops 叛军* an insurgent mob暴民.

> insurgent n rebel soldier 叛乱士兵: an attack by armed insurgents武装叛乱士兵发起的攻击.

summit/ ?s?m?t; ˋs?m?t/ n

highest point; top, esp of a mountain 最高点; 顶点; (尤指)山顶: climb to the summit 登上山顶* (fig 比喻) the summit of her career, ambition, etc 她事业的颠峰﹑最大的抱负等. =>illus at mountain见mountain插图.

meeting between the heads of two or more governments, esp of the world's most powerful countries 最高级会议(政

府首脑间的, 尤指强国的): attend a summit in Washington 出席在华盛顿召开的最高级会议* [attrib 作定语] a summit talk/meeting/conference 最高级会谈[会晤/会议] * the summit powers参加最高级会议的强国.

disarmament noun

[U] the fact of a country reducing the size of its armed forces or the number of weapons, especially nuclear weapons, that it has: nuclear disarmament ◆disarmament talks


timidity[ti'miditi]n.胆小, 胆怯, 羞怯

eliminate/ ??l?m?ne?t; ?ˋl?m??net/ v

[Tn,] ~ sb/sth (from sth) remove (esp sb/sth that is not wanted or needed) 消除, 清除, 排除(尤指不必要或不需要的某人[某物]): eliminate mistakes from one's writing 消除文字中的错误* The police have eliminated two suspects (from their enquiry). 警方(从调查中)已排除了两名受嫌疑的人. * eliminate waste matter from the body从体内排出废物.

[Tn] (infml 口) kill (sb) ruthlessly 干掉(某人): The dictator had eliminated all his political opponents. 独裁者已将所有政敌干掉.

[esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn,] ~ sb (from sth) exclude sb from further stages in a competition, through defeat, etc 淘汰某人: He was eliminated (from the contest) in the fourth round. 他在第四轮(从比赛中)被淘汰. > elimination / ??l?m??ne??n; ??l?m?ˋne??n/ n [U].

vulnerable/ ?v?ln?r?bl; ˋv?ln?r?bl/ adj ~ (to sth/sb) 1 that can be hurt, wounded or injured 能受伤害的: Young birds are very vulnerable to predators. 幼小的鸟易受食肉动物伤害. * Cyclists are more vulnerable than motorists. 骑自行车的人比开汽车的人容易受伤. * (fig 比喻) His wife's death left him feeling vulnerable and depressed. 他妻子去世後他感到六神无主十分消沉.

(fig 比喻) exposed to danger or attack; unprotected 暴露於危险面前的; 易受攻击的; 无防御的: vulnerable to abuse, blackmail, criticism 易受凌辱﹑敲诈﹑批评* a vulnerable point in NATO's defences 北大西洋公约组织防御中的薄弱之处* The election defeat puts the party leader in a vulnerable position. 该党落选後其领导人的地位岌岌可危. >

deficiency/ d??f??ns?; d?ˋf???ns?/ n ~ (in/of sth) 1 (a) [U] state of lacking sth essential 缺乏; 缺少: Deficiency in vitamins/Vitamin deficiency can lead to illness. 身体缺乏维生素就会生病. (b) [C] instance of this; shortage 缺乏; 匮乏; 短缺: suffering from a deficiency of iron 患缺铁质症状* deficiency diseases, ie those caused by a deficiency of eg vitamins in diet 营养缺乏病.

[C] lack of a necessary quality; fault 缺点; 缺陷; 毛病: She can't hide her deficiencies as a writer. 她无法掩盖她身为作家的不足之处

eligible/ ?el?d??bl; ˋ?l?d??bl/ adj ~ (for sth/to do sth) suitable or fit to be chosen; having the right or proper qualifications 适宜被选中的; 有恰当资格的; 合格的: eligible for a pension, a job, an award 有资格领取养老金﹑得到工作﹑获得奖品* eligible for promotion, membership 适宜提升﹑得到会员身分* eligible to join a club 有资格加入俱乐部* an eligible young man, eg one who would be a satisfactory choice as a husband 合意的年轻人(如可做佳婿者). > eligibility / ?el?d???b?l?t?; ??l?d??ˋb?l?t?/ n [U]state of being eligible 适宜入选; 有资格; 合格: Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job. 她的资历和经验决定她适宜做这项工作.

endowment noun

[C, U] money that is given to a school, a college or another institution to provide it with an income; the act of giving this money

[C, usually pl.] (formal) a quality or an ability that you are born with: Few people are blessed with her mental endowments



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motivate/ ?m?ut?ve?t; ˋmot??vet/ v

[Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] be the reason for (sb's action); cause (sb) to act in a particular way; inspire 作为(某人行为)的动机; 使(某人)以某方式行事: be motivated by greed, fear, love, etc受贪慾﹑恐惧﹑爱等驱使. [Tn, Cn.t] stimulate the interest of (sb); cause to want to do sth 激发(某人)的兴趣; 使欲做某事物: a teacher who can motivate her pupils (to work harder)善於诱导学生(努力学习)的教师. > motivated adj: a politically motivated murder 出於政治动机的谋杀* be highly motivated, ie very keen to do sth 有高度积极性(非常热衷於做某事物). motivation / ?m?ut??ve??n; ?mot?ˋve??n/n [C, U]: the basic financial motivations for the decision 做出该决定的基本上在财务方面的考虑* They lack the motivation to study. 他们缺乏学习的积极性.



/ gr?ɑ?nt; ɡr?nt/ v

(a) [Tn, Dn.n] agree to give or allow (what is asked for) 同意给予或允许(所求): grant a favour, request, etc 答应帮忙﹑请求等* They granted him permission to go. 他们准许他去. * The minister granted journalists an interview. 部长答应接见记者. (b) [Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sb) give sth formally or legally 正式或依法给予某物: These lands were granted to our family in perpetuity. 这些土地依法永远归我们家族所有. * She was granted a pension. 她得到了养老金. [Tn, Tf, Dn.f] (fml 文) agree or admit (that sth is true) 同意或承认(某事属实): grant the truth of what sb says 承认某人所说属实* I grant he's been ill, but that doesn't excuse him. 我承认他是病了, 但是那也不能原谅他. * I grant you she's a clever woman, but I wouldn't want to work for her. 我同意你说的, 她很精明, 可是我不想为她工作.

(idm 习语) take sb/sth for `granted be so familiar with sb/sth that one no longer appreciates his/its full value 因熟悉某人[某事物]而觉察不出其真正价值: He never praises his wife: he just takes her for granted. 他从不夸妻子, 只是觉得她一切理当如此. take sth for `granted assume sth to be true 认为某事属实: I take it for granted you have read this book. 我认为你一定读过这本书.

> grant n ~ (to do sth/towards sth) thing given for a particular purpose, esp money from the government 授予物; (尤指政府的)拨款: student grants, ie to pay for their education 学生助学金* award sb a research grant 给某人研究

经费* You can get a grant to repair/towards the repair of your house. 你可以得到补助金来修缮住房.

granted adv (used to admit the truth of a statement before introducing a contrary argument 用以肯定某事物属实, 然後提出相反的论据): Granted, it's a splendid car, but have you seen how much it costs! 的确, 那汽车很漂亮, 可你看过价钱了吗?

4. abduct/ ?b?d?kt, ?b-; ?bˋd?kt, ?b-/ v [Tn] take (sb) away illegally, using force or deception; kidnap 诱拐; 绑架. > abduction / ?b?d?k?n, ?b-; ?bˋd?k??n, ?b-/ n [U, C].

jury/ ?d?u?r?; ˋd??r?/ n [CGp]

group of people in a lawcourt who have been chosen to listen to the facts in a case and to decide whether the accused person is guilty or not guilty 陪审团: Seven men and five women sat on (ie were members of) the jury. 陪审团由七男五女组成. * The jury returned a verdict of (ie reached a decision that the accused was) not guilty. 陪审团做出被告无罪的裁决. * The jury is/are still out, ie Members of the jury are still thinking about their decision. 陪审团仍在进行审议. * trial by


group of people chosen to decide the winner or winners in a competition (比赛的)评判委员会: The jury is/are about to announce the winners. 评委会即将宣布优胜者.

bond/ b?nd; bɑnd/ n

[C] (a) written agreement or promise that has legal force; covenant (具有法律效力的)书面协定或允诺; 契约; 合同; 票据: We entered into a solemn bond. 我们缔结了一项正式协定. (b) signed document containing such an agreement 已签署的上述文件.

[C] certificate issued by a government or a company acknowledging that money has been lent to it and will be paid back with interest (政府或公司发行的)有息债券: National Savings bonds 国家储蓄债券* Government bonds公债. [C] thing that unites people or groups; link or tie 将人或团体联合起来的事物; 联系; 关系: the bonds of friendship/affection 友谊[感情]的纽带* The trade agreement helped to strengthen the bonds between the two countries. 这项贸易协定有助於加强两国之间的联系.

[sing] state of being joined 连接; 接合; 结合: This glue makes a good firm bond. 这种胶水粘得很结实.

bonds [pl] ropes or chains binding a prisoner 捆绑囚犯的绳索或锁链: (fig 比喻) the bonds of oppression, tyranny, injustice, etc压迫﹑专制﹑不公正等桎梏.

(idm 习语) in/out of bond (commerce商) (of imported goods) in/out of a bonded warehouse (指进口货物)在关栈中(尚未完税)[由关栈提出(已完税)]: place goods in/take goods out of bond将(未完税)货物存入关栈[将(已完税)货物由关栈提出]. sb's word is as good as his bond => word.

> bond v

1 [Tn] put (goods) in a bonded warehouse 将(货物)存入关栈: bonded whisky, cigarettes, etc扣存关栈以待完税的威士忌﹑香烟等.

2 [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ A and B (together); ~ A to B join two things securely together; unite two things with a bond 将两个物体牢固结合起来; 用黏结剂将两个物体接合起来: You need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal. 需要强力胶才能把木料粘在金属上.

# ,bonded `warehouse warehouse where goods are stored until Customs duties are paid (存放货物以待完税的)保税仓库; 关栈.

pending/ ?pend??; ˋp?nd??/ adj [pred 作表语] (fml 文) (a) waiting to be decided or settled 待决; 未决: The lawsuit was then pending. 那件讼案因而尚未解决. (b) about to happen; imminent 即将发生; 逼近: A decision on this matter is pending. 此事即将作出决定.

> pending prep (fml 文) (a) while waiting for (sth); until 在等待(某事物)之际; 直至: She was held in custody pending trial. 她被拘留候审. (b) during (sth) 在(某事)期间: pending the negotiations谈判期间.


/ ??led?; ?ˋl?d?/ v [Tf, Cn.n/a, Cn.t only passive 只用於被动语态] (fml文) state (sth) as a fact but without proof; give as an argument or excuse (无证据地)陈述, 宣称, 声称(某事); 辩解: The prisoner alleges that he was at home on the night of the crime. 囚犯辩称案发当晚他在家中. * He alleged illness as the reason for his absence. 他称病缺席. * We were alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally. 我们被指控非法携带货物入境.

> alleged adj [attrib 作定语] stated without being proved (未经证实而)陈述的: the alleged culprit, ie the person said to be the culprit 被控的疑犯. allegedly/E?led??dl?; ?ˋl?d??dl?/ adv: The novel was allegedly written by a computer. 那部小说据称是电脑写的.

code/ k?ud; kod/ n

[C, U] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) (a) (system of) words, letters, symbols, etc that represent others, used for secret messages or for presenting or recording information briefly 密码; 暗号; 代码; 代号; 电码: a letter in code 密码信* break/crack (ie decipher) a code 解译[破译]密码* a `post-code/`postal code. (b) (system of) pre-arranged signals used to send messages by machine 用机器传送的信号(的系统): ,Morse `code.

[C] set of instructions for programming a computer 编码(计算机编制程序的成套指令).

[C] (a) set of laws or rules arranged in a system (系统编排的)法律, 规章, 章程, 法典: the penal `code 刑法* the highway `code公路法规. (b) set of moral principles accepted by society or a group of people 道德准则: a code of

be`haviour/`honour 行为[社交礼仪]准则* a code of `practice, ie a set of professional standards agreed on by members of a particular profession 行业规则.

> code v [Tn] put or write (sth) in code 将(某事物)编成或写成密码﹑代码或电码等: coded messages用密码编写的信息.


/ ?esp??nɑ??; ˋ?sp??nɑ?/ n [U] practice of spying or using spies to obtain secret information 间谍活动: found guilty of espionage 犯有间谍活动罪* engage in espionage 从事间谍活动* industrial espionage, ie spying on the secret plans of rival companies 工业情报刺探活动.


/ ?sem?tr?; US ?sem?ter?; ˋs?m??t?r?/ n area of land, not a churchyard, used for burying the dead (非教堂的)墓地, 公墓.

siege/ si?d?; sid?/ n

(a) surrounding of a town, fortress, etc by armed forces in order to capture it or force it to surrender 围困; 围攻; 围城: a siege of 50 days 50天的围困* be in a state of/under siege 处於被围状态* raise/lift (ie end) a siege 撤围* By the time the siege ended, the citizens were nearly starving. 围城停止时, 市民已饿得濒於死亡. * [attrib 作定语] siege guns 攻城炮. (b) surrounding by police, etc of a building in which people are living or hiding (警方等对住有或藏有人的建筑物的)包围.

(idm 习语) lay siege to sth begin a siege of (a town, fortress, etc) 包围(城镇﹑城堡等).

impose/ ?m?p?uz; ?mˋpoz/ v

[Tn,] ~ sth (on sb/sth) (a) place (a penalty, tax, etc) officially on sb/sth 加(惩罚等)於某人; 对某物课(税): impose a fine, sentence, term of imprisonment, etc 罚款﹑判处刑期﹑予以监禁* impose a further tax on wines and spirits对果酒及烈性酒进一步加税. (b) place (sth unwelcome or unpleasant) on sb/sth; inflict sth 将(不愉快的﹑不受欢迎的事物)强加於某人[某事物]: impose one's rule (on a people) 将统治强加(於一民族)* impose restrictions, limitations, restraints, etc (on trade)(对贸易)强行管制﹑限制﹑约束等.

[Tn,] ~ sth (on sb) try to make sb accept (an opinion or a belief); inflict sth 使某人接受(意见或信仰); 将某事物强加於: She imposed her ideas on the group. 她竭力把自己的想法强加於全组的人.

[Tn,] ~ oneself/sth (on sb) force sb to accept (oneself, one's company, etc) 强迫某人接纳(自己等); 硬要与某人在一起: She'd never think of imposing herself. 她决不想勉强别人接纳自己. * He imposed his presence on us for the weekend. 他硬要跟我们一起过周末.

(phr v) impose on/upon sb/sth win a favour from sb, esp by using undue pressure 赢得某人的欢心, 占某人便宜(尤指施加不当的压力): I hope it's not imposing on you/your hospitality, but could I stay to dinner? 我可以在您这儿吃顿饭

吗? 不过希望不要使您为难[觉得我不知趣].


/ ??s?s?ne?t; US -s?n-; ?ˋs?sn?et/ v [Tn] kill (esp an important or famous person) for money or for political reasons 暗杀, 行刺(尤指为金钱或政治目的而杀害要人或名人).

> assassination / ??s?s??ne??n; US -s??ne??n; ??s?snˋe??n/n (a) [U] murder of this kind 暗杀; 行刺. (b) [C] instance of this 暗杀; 行刺.

crackdown noun

~ (on sb/sth) severe action taken to restrict the activities of criminals or of people opposed to the government or authorities: a military crackdown on student protesters ◆Police officers are confident their successful crackdown on crime will continue.

identity/ a??dent?t?; a?ˋd?nt?t?/ n

[C, U] who or what sb/sth is 本身; 本体; 身分: There is no clue to the identity of the thief. 没有确定窃贼身分的线索. * The cheque will be cashed on proof of identity. 这张支票凭身分证件兑现. * This is a clear case of mistaken identity, eg when the wrong person is arrested by mistake. 这显然是个误认的案例(如捕错人).

[U] (state of) exact likeness or sameness 相同(性); 一致(性).

# i`dentity card (also ID card / ?a??di? kɑ?d; ?a?ˋdi?kɑrd/), i`dentity disc card or disc, often with a photograph, carried or worn by sb to show who he is 身分卡, 身分证章(通常有相片, 供本人携带或佩带).


/ d??ten?n; d?ˋt?n??n/ n [U] (a) detaining or being detained, esp in prison 阻止; 滞留; 拘留; (尤指)监禁: detention without trial未经审判的关押. (b) punishment of being kept at school after it has closed 课後留校的惩罚: be given two hours' detention被罚留校两小时.

# de`tention centre place where young offenders are kept in detention for a short time 青少年管教所.


/ re?d; red/ n ~ (on sth) 1 sudden surprise attack and withdrawal by troops, ships or aircraft (部队﹑舰艇或飞机的)突袭, 突击: make/launch a bombing raid (ie by aircraft) on enemy bases对敌方基地进行突然的空袭.

sudden surprise attack in order to steal or do harm (突如其来的)抢劫, 行凶: an armed raid 持械抢劫* A security guard was killed in the bank raid. 这次银行劫案中有一名保安员遇害.

sudden surprise visit by the police, etc, eg to arrest people or seize illicit goods (警方等的)突然搜查或搜捕(如为捕人或搜寻违禁品): carry out a dawn raid 破晓时进行的搜捕* a police drugs raid警方进行的毒品搜查.

(finance财) attempt by a group of people to lower eg share prices by selling at the same time (为使价格如股价下跌)集体抛售.

> raid v [Tn] make a raid on (a place) 对(某处)进行突然袭击﹑抢劫或搜查: Customs men raided the house. 海关人员突然搜查了这所房子. * (fig比喻) raid the larder, ie take food from it, usu between meals 翻柜橱找吃的(通常指两顿饭之间)* boys raiding an orchard, ieto steal fruit 在果园里偷水果的男孩子. raider n person, ship, aircraft, etc that makes a raid 进行袭击﹑抢劫或搜捕的人; 进行突袭的舰艇﹑飞机等.

detain/ d??te?n; d?ˋten/ v [Tn]

prevent (sb) from leaving or doing sth; delay 阻止(某人)离开或做某事; 耽搁; 延误: She was detained in the office by unexpected callers. 有些临时访客把她耽搁在办公室里了. * This question need not detain us long, ie can be settled

quickly. 这个问题不必耽搁我们很长时间.

keep (sb) in custody; lock up 拘留(某人); 扣押: The police detained him for questioning. 警方对他进行拘留审问.

expel/ ?k?spel; ?kˋsp?l/ v (-ll-) [Tn,] ~ sb (from sth) 1 force sb to leave (esp a country, school or club) 强迫(某人)离开(尤指国家﹑学校或会所); 驱逐; 赶走; 开除: Following reports of drug-taking at a boarding-school, several senior boys have been expelled. 自从某寄宿学校传出有人吸毒之後, 高年级有几个男生已被开除. * Two attaches at the embassy were expelled from the country. 大使馆的两名随员已驱逐出境.

send or drive (sth) out by force 用力排出或驱出(某物): expel smoke from the lungs 用力呼出肺里的烟* a fan in the kitchen for expelling cooking smells为排出烹调气味而安装於厨房中的电扇.

unresolved adjective

(formal) (of a problem or question) not yet solved or answered; not having been RESOLVED


/ ???k?str?; ˋ?rk?str?/ n [CGp] (usu large) group of people playing various musical instruments together (通常为大型的)管弦乐队: a dance, string, symphony orchestra 舞蹈乐队﹑弦乐队﹑交响乐团* She plays the flute in an orchestra. 她在管弦乐队中吹奏笛子. * He conducts the London Symphony Orchestra. 他指挥伦敦交响乐团. Cf 参看band 3.

> orchestral / ???kestr?l; ?rˋk?str?l/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] of, for or by an orchestra 管弦乐队的; 为管弦乐队的; 管弦乐队演奏的: orchestral instruments, music, performances 管弦乐队的乐器﹑音乐﹑演出* an orchestral concert管弦乐演奏会.

# `orchestra pit = pit1 7.

`orchestra stalls (US orchestra) front seats on the floor of a theatre (剧场的)正厅前座.

dispose/ d??sp?uz; d?ˋspoz/ v

[Tn] (fml 文) place(sb/sth) in a suitable way; arrange 安排, 编排(某人[某事物]); 布置: troops disposed in battle formation 编成战斗队形的军队* dispose the chairs/singers in a semi-circle把椅子[唱歌的人]排成半圆形.

[Cn.t] (fml 文) make (sb) willing or ready to do sth 使(某人)愿意做某事物: His criminal record does not dispose me to trust him. 他有前科, 我不能轻易相信他.

(phr v) dispose of sb/sth (a) get rid of sb/sth that one does not want or cannot keep 去除﹑处理﹑舍弃某人[某物]: a better way of disposing of household waste 清除家中垃圾的好办法* He was forced to dispose of (ie sell) his art treasures. 他被迫处理(卖)掉了自己的艺术珍藏. * All the furniture has been disposed of. 所有的家具都已处理掉了. (b) deal or finish with sb/sth that presents a problem 应付﹑解决﹑了结某人[某事物]: She disposed of the champion in straight sets. 她一盘未输战胜了冠军. * The president ruthlessly disposed of his rivals, eg dismissed them, had them killed. 这位总统无情地除掉了政敌(如将他们撤职或杀害). * Their objections were easily disposed of, ie successfully argued against. 他们的反对言论很容易就被驳倒了. (c) (no passive 不用於被动语态) (fml 文) have sb/sth available for use 随时可使用或支配某人[某事物]: dispose of considerable wealth, power, influence, etc随时可支配可观的财富﹑行使很大的


windfall noun

an amount of money that sb/sth wins or receives unexpectedly: The hospital got a sudden windfall of £300 000. ◆windfall gains / profits ◆The government imposed a windfall tax (= a tax on profits to be paid once only, not every year) on some industries.

a fruit, especially an apple, that the wind has blown down from a tree: The ground was covered with windfalls.

rigid/ ?r?d??d; ˋr?d??d/ adj

stiff; not bending or yielding 坚硬的; 不弯曲的; 刚性的: a rigid support for the tent 帐篷的坚硬的支柱* (fig 比喻)

Her face was rigid with terror. 她吓得目瞪口呆.

strict; firm; unchanging 严格的; 坚强的; 不变的: a man of very rigid principles 原则性很强的人* practise rigid economy, ie be very frugal 厉行节约. > rigidity / r??d??d?t?; r?ˋd??d?t?/ n [U]: The rigidity of the metal caused it to crack. 这金属因刚度强而产生裂纹. * He deplored the rigidity of her views. 他痛感她的观点僵化. rigidly adv: rigidly constructed buildings 建造得很坚固的建筑物* rigidly opposed to any change顽固地反对一切变革.


/ ?n?fleks?bl; ?nˋfl?ks?bl/ adj (a) that cannot be bent or turned 不可弯曲的; 不能转变的: made of an inflexible

plastic用硬塑料制成. (b) (fig 比喻) that cannot be changed, influenced, etc; unyielding 不可改变的; 不受影响的; 不屈

的: an inflexible will, determination, purpose, etc 不可动摇的意志﹑决心﹑目的等* an inflexible attitude, rule, system

不可改变的态度﹑规则﹑制度. > inflexibility / ?n?fleks??b?l?t?; ?n?fl?ks?ˋb?l?t?/ n [U]. inflexibly / -?bl?;

-?bl?/ adv.

5. retaliation noun

[U] ~ (against sb/sth) (for sth) action that a person takes against sb who has harmed them in some way: retaliation against U ◆The shooting may have been in retaliation for the arrest of the terrorist suspects.

resolve/ r??z?lv; r?ˋzɑlv/ v (fml 文)

[Ipr, Tf, Tt] ~ on/upon/against sth/doing sth decide firmly; determine 决定; 决心: He resolved on/against (making) a start. 他决定[反对]尽早出发. * She resolved that she would never see him again/never to see him again. 她决心不再见他. [Tf, Tt] (of a committee or assembly) make a decision by a formal vote (指委员会或集会)表决: The senate resolved that 决议如下... * The union resolved to strike by 36 votes to 15. 工会以36票对15票通过决议举行罢工.

[Tn] solve or settle (problems, doubts, etc) 解决(问题﹑疑问等): resolve an argument, a difficulty, a crisis 解决争端﹑机* Her arrival did little to resolve the situation. 她来後也未能解决什麽问题.

[Tn,] ~ sth (into sth) separate (sth) into constituent parts 分解或解析(某物): resolve a complex argument into i elements 将复杂的论证内容分为若干要点* the resolving power of a lens, ie its ability to magnify things distinctly 透镜的解像> resolvable adj that can be solved or settled 可解决的; 可解答的.

resolve n (fml 文)

1 [C] thing one has decided to do; resolution(2) 决定要做的事; 决定; 决心: make a resolve not to smoke 决定不吸烟* show break one's resolve表现出﹑持有﹑改变决心.

2 [U] firmness ordetermination; resolution(1) 坚决; 坚定; 坚毅: be strong/weak in one's resolve 很[不]坚决* His opposition only to strengthen our resolve. 他一反对反而增强了我们的决心.

resolved adj [pred 作表语] (of a person) resolute or determined (指人)下定决心, 坚定: I was fully/firmly resolved to see 定主意要去见他.


n.违反者, 违背者, 妨碍者

[法]侵犯者, 违犯者, 妨碍者


n.执行, 强制

[法]实施, 加强, 厉行


n.连根拔除, 歼灭, 消灭, 根除, 使断根

[医]根除, 扑灭, 消灭

omnibus/ ??mn?b?s; ˋɑmn?b?s/ n (pl ~es)

(dated fml 旧, 文) (esp in names) bus (尤用於名称中)公共汽车.

large book containing a number of books or stories, eg by the same author 汇编; 选集: an omnibus volume/edition 选本[选George Orwell omnibus乔治?奥威尔选集.


/ ?ba?pɑ?t??zn; US ?ba??pɑ?rt?zn; ba?ˋpɑrt?zn/adj of or involving two political parties 两党的; 代表两党的: a bipartisan 得两党支持的政策* bipar-tisan talks两党的会谈.

artillery/ ɑ??t?l?r?; ɑrˋt?l?r?/ n [U]

heavy guns (often mounted on wheels) used in fighting on land 大炮: [attrib 作定语] an artillery regiment炮兵团. branch of an army that uses these 炮兵部队: a captain in the artillery炮兵部队的上尉.

Recess / r??ses; US ?ri?ses; ˋris?s/ n

[C, U] (a) (US also vacation) period of time when work or business is stopped, esp in Parliament, the lawcourts, etc (工作动的)中止或暂停期间; (尤指国会﹑法庭等的)休会期, 休庭期: the summer recess 暑假* Parliament is in recess. 议会处於休(US) break between classes at school (学校的)课间休息. =>Usage at break2用法见break2.

[C] space in a room where part of a wall is set back from the main part; alcove 壁凹(墙壁的凹进处); 凹室; 壁龛: a doo cupboard, etc recess可供安门﹑窗﹑橱柜等的壁凹.

[C] hollow space inside sth 某物内部的凹形空间: a drawer with a secret recess有隐秘槽子的抽屉.

[C usu pl 通常作复数] remote or secret place 遥远或隐秘的地方: the dark recesses of a cave 洞中隐秘的暗处* (fig 比喻) innermost recesses of the heart/mind在内心[思想]的最深处.

> recess v

1 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] place (sth) in a recess(2) 把(某物)放在墙壁的凹处: recessed shelves, windows, etc在墙设置的搁架﹑窗户等.

2 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] set (a wall) back; provide (a wall) with recesses 将(墙)做成凹形; 在(墙)上做壁龛.

3 [I] (US) take a recess(1a) 休息; 休假; 休会; 休庭.

spitball['spitb?:l]n.纸团, 唾沫球

mobilize, mobilise1/ ?m?ub?la?z; ˋmobl?a?z/ v

[I, Tn] (cause sb/sth to) become ready for service or action, esp in war (使某人[某事物])准备行动; (尤指战时)动员, 调动: received orders to mobilize. 部队接到动员令.

[Tn] organize or assemble (resources, etc) for a particular purpose (为某目的)组织, 集合(资源等): They are mobilizin supporters to vote at the election. 他们正在组织其支持者向他们拉选票.

epidemic/ ?ep??dem?k; ??p?ˋd?m?k/ n, adj (disease) spreading quickly among many people in the same place for a time 流行病: an influenza epidemic 流行性感冒* (fig 比喻) an epidemic of crime in our major cities 在我们的大城市中罪案频仍* hooliganism is now reaching epidemic proportions. 足球比赛中恣意闹事现已达愈演愈烈的地步. Cf 参看endemic, pandemic.


/ ??s??lt; ?ˋs?lt/ n [C, U] ~ (on sth) sudden violent attack 突然而猛烈的攻击; 突袭; 突击: make an assault on the enem 袭敌军阵线* The roar of city traffic is a steady assault on one's nerves. 市区车辆的喧嚣声不停地刺激着神经. * an alarming i cases of indecent assault, eg rape 强奸猥亵案件惊人的增加.

> assault v [Tn] make an assault on (sb) 突袭; 突击: He got two years' imprisonment for assaulting a police officer. 他因袭击两年监禁. * Six women have been sexually assaulted in the area recently. 最近这一带有六个女子遭受强奸猥亵.

legislation noun[U]

a law or a set of laws passed by a parliament: an important piece of legislation ◆New legislation on the sale of drugs will introduced next year. ◆a call for legislation to ban smoking in public places

the process of making and passing laws: Legislation will be difficult and will take time.

menace/ ?men?s; ˋm?n?s/ n

[U] threatening quality, tone, feeling, etc 威胁; 恐吓: in a speech filled with menace 在充满恫吓言词的演说中* a film that atmosphere of menace一部营造威吓气氛的影片.

[sing] (a) ~ (to sb/sth) person or thing that threatens 进行威胁的人或事物: These weapons are a menace (to world pea 武器就是(对世界和平的)威胁. (b) (infml or joc 口或谑) person or thing that is a nuisance, a danger, etc 讨厌的﹑危险的.. That woman is a menace! Keep her away from this machine! 那个女人真讨厌! 别让她靠近这部机器! * That low beam is a me keep hitting my head on it. 那条低梁真危险! 老磕我的头.

> menace v [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (with sth) threaten sb/sth; endanger sb/sth 威胁﹑恐吓﹑危及某人[某事物]: countries by/with war 受战争威胁的国家* Your vicious dog is menacing my cat!你那条恶狗对我家的猫太凶了! menacingly adv in a th manner 威胁地; 恐吓地.

fabric/ ?f?br?k; ˋf?br?k/ n

[C, U] type of cloth, esp one that is woven 织物: woollen, silk, cotton, etc fabrics毛﹑丝﹑棉等的织物.

[sing] the ~ (of sth) (a) walls, floors and roof (of a building, etc) (建筑物等的)墙﹑地板和屋顶: The entire fabric of th needs renovation. 这座教堂的全部结构需要维修翻新. (b) (fig 比喻) structure (of sth) (某事物的)结构: the fabric of society 构.


/ ?ded??ke??n; ?d?d?ˋke??n/ n ~ (to sth) 1 [U] devotion to a cause or an aim 对某事业或目的的忠诚; 奉献: I admire th dedication. 我钦佩这位牧师的奉献精神.

(a) [U] action of dedicating a book, piece of music, etc to sb 题献词. (b) [C] words used in doing this 献词.

[U] dedicating (of a church, etc) (教堂的)献堂礼; 启用典礼.


/ ?pr?p??z??n; ?prɑp?ˋz???n/ n

~ (that...)statement that expresses a judgement or an opinion; assertion 观点; 见解; 主张: The proposition is so clear th no explanation. 观点十分明确, 无须解释.

~ (to do sth/that...) thing that is proposed, esp in business; suggestion 提议, 建议(尤指业务上的): I made what I hop attractive proposition. 我希望我提的建议能吸引买家. * a proposition to merge the two firms/that the two firms should merge 行合并的提议.

(infml 口) matter to be dealt with; problem or task要处理的事; 问题; 任务: It's a tough/not an easy proposition. 这是一件

好办的]事. * Keeping a shop in this village is not a paying proposition, ie not profitable. 在这个村子里开设商店是一桩亏本的买(geometry几) formal statement of a theorem or problem, usu containing its proof 定理; 命题.

> proposition v [Tn] propose sexual intercourse to (a woman), esp in a direct and offensive way 向(女方)提出性交要求(而放肆); 求欢: She was propositioned several times in the course of the evening. 整个晚上有人几次向她提出非分要求.



a small FIREWORK that explodes with a loud noise: to let / set off firecrackers


/ ??r?tr?; US ???r?t??r?; ˋ?r??t?r?/

n small chapel for private prayer or worship 私人礼拜堂.

n [U] (art of) public speaking, esp when used skilfully to affect an audience 演讲; (尤指)雄辩的演说, 演讲术, 雄辩术: His or had the crowd booing his opponents. 他能言善辩, 很快就鼓动起人群向他的对手们大喝倒彩. * Some politicians are famous fo powers of oratory. 有些政治家以辩才着称.


/ ?f?g?r?t?v; ˋf?ɡj?r?t?v/ adj (abbr 缩写fig) (of words) used in an imaginative or a metaphorical way rather than literally 比喻的: `He exploded with rage' shows a figurative use of the verb `to explode'. ‘他肺都气炸了,’一句中的‘炸’字是比喻用法. >


adj.不可靠的, 靠不住的


n.脆弱, 虚弱


6 override

/ ??uv??ra?d; ?ov?ˋra?d/ v (pt overrode / -?r?ud; -ˋrod/, pp overridden / -?r?dn; -ˋr?dn/) [Tn]

disregard or set aside (sb's opinions, etc) 不顾, 不理会(某人意见等): override sb's views, decisions, wishes, etc 无视某人的看法﹑决定﹑愿望等* They overrode my protest and continued with the meeting. 他们不顾我的抗议仍继续开会.

be more important than (sth) 比(某事物)更重要: Considerations of safety override all other concerns. 对安全的考虑压倒一切.

> overriding / ??uv??ra?d??; ?ov?ˋra?d??/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] more important than any other considerations 首要的: It is of overriding importance to finish the project this week. 最重要的是本星期要完成这一项目.


/ ?vi?t?u; ˋvito/ n (pl ~es) (a) [C, U] constitutional right to reject or forbid a legislative proposal or action 否决权: the ministerial veto 内阁的否决权* exercise the power/right of veto 行使否决权* Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have a veto over any proposal. 联合国安全理事会常任理事国对一切提案均有否决权. * Japan used her veto t block the resolution. 日本使用了否决权反对该项决议. (b) [C] statement that rejects or forbids sth 否决或禁止某事物的声明. > veto v (pres p vetoing) [Tn] reject or forbid (sth) authoritatively 否决或禁止(某事物): The President vetoed the tax cuts 总统否决了削减税收的议案. * (joc 谑) John's parents vetoed his plan to buy a motor bike. 约翰的父母不同意他买摩托车.

sanction/ ?s??k?n; ˋs??k??n/ n

[U] permission or approval for an action, a change, etc (对某种行动﹑变化等的)认可, 批准: The book was translated without the sanction of the author. 这本书未经作者许可就给翻译了. * The government gave its sanction to what the Minister had done. 政府对这位部长的做法均已认可. * These measures have the sanction of tradition, ie seem justified because they have often been taken before. 这些措施已约定俗成.

[C] reason that stops people disobeying laws, rules, etc 使人们不违背法律﹑规定等的因素或约束力: Is prison the best sanction against a crime like this?为遏止这类罪行, 监禁手段是否是上策? * The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人们不做违法乱纪的事, 其中一个重要因素就是怕人耻笑.

measure taken to force a country to obey international law (迫使某国服从国际法的)处罚措施, 制裁: apply economic sanctions against a repressive regime对一压制人民的政体实行经济制裁.

> sanction v [Tn, Tg, Tsg] give one's permission for (sth); authorize or approve 同意(某事); 批准; 认可: I can't sanction you methods. 我不能同意你的办法. * Who sanctioned bombing the town? 是谁批准轰炸那座城的? * They won't sanction our spending on this scale. 他们不会同意我们这麽大的开支.

topple/ ?t?pl; ˋtɑpl/ v

(a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (over) be unsteady and fall 不稳而倒下: The pile of books toppled over onto the floor. 那一摞书倒在地板上了. (b) [Tn,] cause (sth) to do this 使(某物)倒下: The explosiontoppled the old chimney. 这次爆炸把那个旧烟囱给炸倒了.

[Tn,] (fig 比喻) cause (sb/sth) to fall from power or authority; overthrow 将(某人[某事物])推翻; 打倒: a crisis which threatens to topple the government (from power)使政府有垮台之虞的危机.


/ aust; a?st/ v [Tn,] ~ sb (from sth) (fml 文) remove sb (from a position, job, etc) sometimes in order to take his plac 免某人(职); 罢黜; 剥夺; 取代: oust a rival from office 把竞争者从其职位上挤走* He was ousted from his position as chairman. 他的主席职位被罢免了.

coup/ ku?; ku/ n (pl ~s / ku?z; kuz/)

surprising and successful action 意外而成功的行动: She pulled off a great coup in getting the president to agree to an interview. 她竟然办到了让总统同意接受采访.

(also French 法语借词coup d'etat / ku? de??tɑ? ; ˋkudeˋta/, pl coups d'etat / ku? de??tɑ? ; ˋkudeˋta/) sudden unconstitutional, often violent, change of government 政变: The army staged a coup (d'etat). 军方发动了一场政变. * bloodless coup不流血的政变.

# coup de grace / ?ku? d??grɑ?s; US ?grs; kud?ˋɡrɑ?s/ (pl coups de grace / ?ku? d??grɑ?s; US -?grs; kud?ˋɡrɑ?s/) blow that kills a person or an animal, esp for reasons of mercy 致命的一击(尤指为解除垂死时痛苦者): (fig 比喻) Poor exam results dealt the coup de grace to (ie ended) his hopes of staying on at university. 他考试成绩不好, 继续念大学的希望一下子破灭了.


/ ?k?ntr?v??s?, k?n?tr?v?s?; ˋkɑntr??v?s?/ n [U, C] ~ (about/over sth) public discussion or argument, often rather angry, about sth which many people disagree with 公开辩论; 论战: The appointment of the new director aroused a lot of controversy, ie Many people publicly disagreed with it. 新负责人的任命引起了激烈的争论. * a bitter controversy about/over th siting of the new airport对新机场选址问题的剧烈争论.

flurry/ ?fl?r?; ˋfl?r?/ n

short sudden rush of wind or fall of rain, snow, etc 一阵风﹑雨﹑雪等: light snow flurries/flurries of snow阵阵小雪.

~ (of sth) sudden burst of intense activity; commotion (激烈活动的)爆发, 骚动: a flurry of activity/excitement 一阵活动[激动] * I'm always in a flurry (ie confused and disorganized) as deadlines get nearer. 一接近最後期限我就忙乱不堪.

> flurry v (pt, pp flurried) [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] confuse and disturb; fluster 使迷乱; 使慌张: Keep calm! Don get flurried. 镇静! 不要慌.


n.演习, 调遣, 策略

vt.调遣, 演习, 用计

vi.调遣, 演习, 用计

[医]手法, 手技, 操作法


/ ?mem?u; ˋm?mo/ n (pl ~s) (infml 口) memorandum(1b) 备忘录: an inter-office memo 办公室间的内部备忘录* [attrib 作定语] a memo pad备忘录便笺.


/ ?k?v?r?d?; ˋk?v?r?d?/ n [U]

reporting of events, etc 新闻报道: TV coverage of the election campaign 有关竞选活动的电视报道* There's little coverag of foreign news in the newspaper. 报纸上几乎没有国外新闻的报道.

extent to which sth is covered 覆盖范围; 覆盖程度: a thicker paint which gives good coverage 严严实实的一层厚漆* a dictionary with poor coverage of American words所收美式词语不多的词典.


/ ??ns?d?ns; ˋ?ns?d?ns/ n [sing]

~ of sth extent to which sth happens or has an effect 事情发生或具有影响的程度; 发生率; 影响范围: This area has a high incidence of crime, disease, unemployment, etc. 这个地区的犯罪率﹑发病率﹑失业率等很高.

way in which a ray of light strikes a surface 光线向物体表面的照射; 入射: the angle of incidence入射角.


/ pr?mpt; prɑmpt/ adj

done without delay; punctual 及时的; 迅速的; 准时的: a prompt reply 及时的答覆* Prompt payment of the invoice would be appreciated. 即付发票款项则不胜感谢.

~ (in doing sth/to do sth) (of a person) acting without delay (指人)敏捷的, 动作迅速的: She was very prompt in answering my letter. 她给我写回信非常及时. * They were prompt to respond to our call for help. 他们对我们的求助迅即回应> prompt adv punctually 准时地: at 6 o'clock prompt在6点正.

promptitude / ?pr?mpt?tju?d; US -tu?d; ˋprɑmpt??tud/ n [U] (fml文) quality of being prompt; readiness to act 迅速敏捷.

promptly adv: She replied promptly to my letter. 她立即给我写了回信.

promptness n [U].
