

EDIT: Made available by ORA/OE/DCIQA 01/29/03 - undated MS Word file received from CDER & table format revised

Food and Drug Administration

Compliance Program Guidance Manual PROGRAM 7356.002F


56008A- Drug Product Surveillance, CDER Initiated

56008H- Drug Product Surveillance, Imported Drugs, CDER and District Initiated surveys

56R806- Foreign Routine Drug Surveillance Inspections*



When the district becomes aware of any significant adverse inspectional, analytical, or other information that could or should affect the agency's new product approval decisions with respect to an *active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturer referenced in an application, *the district should immediately notify HFC-240, Medical Products Quality Assurance Staff, via EMS or FAX. HFC-240 will then convey the information by FAX or equivalent expeditious means to the *Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality (HFD-320) in CDER's Office of Compliance.*

When the district becomes aware of any significant adverse inspectional, analytical, or other information that could or should affect the agency's new product approval decisions with respect to an *active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturer referenced in an application, *the district should immediately notify HFC-240, Medical Products Quality Assurance Staff, via EMS or FAX. HFC-240 will then convey the information by FAX or equivalent expeditious means to the *Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality (HFD-320) in CDER's Office of Compliance.*


*In December 1995, at the request of CDER, the Medical Products Quality Assurance Staff (HFC-240) added profile classes CSN (Non Sterile API by Chemical Synthesis) and CSS (Sterile API by Chemical Synthesis) to the drug profile classification system. This change was requested because separate profile classes existed for nonsterile and sterile active pharmaceutical ingredients produced by fermentation processes, but the same did not hold true for active pharmaceutical ingredients produced by chemical synthesis processes. In implementing the change, however, MPQAS did not eliminate the profile class "CCS" because deleting the latter would have caused a loss of history in the GWQAP profiling system. 历程状态报告

1995年十二月, 在药物疗效与审评中心(以下简称CDER)的要求下,药品质量保证属(HFC-240)将CSN(由化学合成的非无菌原料药)以及CSS(由化学合成的无菌原料药)加入到了药品分类系统中。如此分类的必要性是因为通过发酵过程得到的活性药物成分就有无菌和非无菌之分,而化学合成的活性药物成分并没有这样的分类。然而在这一改变生效的过程中,MPQAS并没有去除“CCS”这一分类,因为如果去除了这一分类将会导致GWQAP 分类系统部分历史的丢失。

Therefore, effective with this program circular, discontinue using Profile class CCS (Chemical Synthesis Crude Drug) and use only the following seven bulk profile classes to report the processes covered during API inspections:*


Non Sterile API by Chemical Synthesis CSN

Sterile API by Chemical Synthesis CSS

Non Sterile API by Fermentation CFN

Sterile API by Fermentation CFS

Plant/Animal Extraction API CEX

Biotechnology API CBI

Crude Bulk Not Elsewhere Classified (i.e., producers CRU* of bulk intermediates, and contract micronizers of APIs)

因此,为了让这一系统能有效运转,不再采用原来的CCS(化学合成原料药Chemical Synthesis Crude Drug)分类而只采用以下的七大分类来说明API检查所包含的生产过程:








别处未有分类的粗制过程(ie., producers of bulk intermediates,

and contract micronizers of APIs)(CRU)*


*In order to assure that foreign firms supply the requested profile samples and documentation (See Page12, Items 1 & 2), the Forensic Chemistry Center (FCC) should receive a copy of the coversheet for all inspections of foreign active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers. The coversheet endorsement should include a phone and fax number of the contact person at the firm. If a sample is not collected by the investigator during the inspection, the coversheet should also state that the manufacturer was instructed to collect and ship a sample and applicable records directly to FCC as per Appendix B. This will permit proper follow-up by FCC and also serve to identify the investigator who will receive a copy of the annotated collection report prepared by FCC. On a quarterly basis, FCC will send a summary of sample testing results to the Foreign Inspection Team (FIT), HFD-322.

The container/closure and product information obtained from Appendix B will be included in the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Databases and made available to District Import Offices to help prevent counterfeit APIs from entering the

United States market.*



* 为了确保国外的厂家提供的是所要求的样品及文件(见12页,1—2项),法医化学中心(FCC)应该收到海外活性药物成分制造商检查coversheet复印件。该coversheet背书里应该包括厂家的联系人的电话及传真。如果样品不是由检查官在检查时收集得到的,则coversheet里应该声明厂家被通知收集并运输一份样品以及相关记录连带附件B直接寄到FCC。这就使得FCC得以允许继续并且能够确认将收到由FCC出具的带注解的整理报告检查官。FCC将会在每一季度寄出一份样品检测结果小结给海外检查组(FIT),HFD-322。




For domestic inspections of active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers, submit a copy of the EIR coversheet,

FD-483, and District issued copy of Warning Letters (after CDER review and concurrence) to CDER's Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality, HFD-320, for review and trend analysis.

给CDER 制造和生产质量部的报告

对于国内活性药物成分制造商的检查,提交一份EIR coversheet的复印件,FD-483,并且地区管理部门要发布警告信的复印件(CDER 讨论并且同时发布后)给CDER的制造和生产质量部,HFD-320,用于讨论和进行趋势分析。


*Since the late 1980's, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has intensified its inspectional coverage of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturers. This is due, in part, to an increased awareness that API quality plays a potentially significant role in the quality, efficacy, and safety of finished dosage form pharmaceuticals. For example, physical properties of APIs formulated into solid oral dosage forms, suspensions, and topicals may adversely affect drug product dissolution/bioavailability. In addition, extremely small quantities of unidentified or uncharacterized impurities in drugs may cause serious patient side effects.



FDA has long recognized that CGMP concepts, embodied in the good manufacturing practice regulations for finished pharmaceuticals (21 CFR 210 and 211), are valid and can be applied to API processes. These concepts include, among others, building quality into the product, employing appropriately qualified and trained personnel, establishing adequate written procedures and controls, establishing a system of inprocess and end product tests, process validation, and ensuring stability of APIs for the intended period of


FDA很久以来就已经认可cGMP的概念,具体体现在药品中的优良质量管理规范(21CFR 210及211),已经执行并且可应用到原料药生产过程中。除了别的一些观念以外,这些观念包括,将质量嵌入到产品中,招聘适当的合格的受过培训的人员,建立足够的书面形式的生产和控制程序,建立一套生产过程及终产品检测,工艺验证这样一套程序,并且保证原料药在以后的使用过程中的稳定性。*

The *September 1991 FDA Guide to Inspections of Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals, reformatted in May 1994 with minor editorial changes, contains general guidance as to the extent and application of GMP/validation concepts to API production and agency expectations regarding tests for impurities and impurity profiles. This guide must be used for inspection of both foreign and domestic facilities to promote inspectional consistency and uniformity.*


*At present, FDA expects API manufacturers to apply CGMPs to all steps of an API process, beginning with the use of starting materials, and to validate critical process steps that impact the quality and purity of the final API. This approach recognizes that the control needed is highly dependent on the manufacturing process and that the level of control increases throughout the synthesis as the process proceeds from early intermediate steps to final isolation and purification steps. This approach also allows _appropriate_ levels of control, depending on the process itself (i.e., fermentation process vs. chemical synthesis) and the risk or criticalness associated with the specific process step being performed.

* 目前,FDA希望API生产厂家能把cGMP应用到生产API的所有步骤中去,从原料的使用开始,一直到验证影响API终产品的质量及纯度的关键步骤。这个做法认为所需的控制是高度依赖于生产工艺的,而从早期的中间体合成步骤到到最终的分离及纯化步骤的控制水平的提高是贯穿于整个合成工艺的。这一做法还允许根据生产本身(如,发酵过程VS 化学合成过程)以及与所采用的特殊的生产过程所产生的风险与紧急情况而采取相应的控制级别。

This "control all manufacturing steps, validate critical process steps" approach is embodied in the draft FDA Guidance for Industry on the Manufacture, Processing or Holding of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, which was released for public discussion on September 20, 1996. The latter can be obtained from CDER_s Drug Information Branch, HFD-210, or can be downloaded from CDER_s Home Page at _https://www.360docs.net/doc/6812093142.html,/cder/api.htm._*




The primary objective of this compliance program is to provide comprehensive CGMP inspectional coverage of the domestic and foreign active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) industry in all profile classes (processes).





*This program circular applies only to active pharmaceutical ingredients intended for use in drug products. An active pharmaceutical ingredient is defined as any substance that is represented for use in a drug and that, when used in the manufacturing, processing, or packaging of a drug, becomes an active ingredient or a finished dosage form of the drug. Although the agency has used the terms _bulk pharmaceutical chemicals_ and _bulk drug substances_ to describe these materials, FDA is aware that the term _active pharmaceutical ingredient_ has international recognition. In light of this and for added

clarity, the agency is adopting the term active pharmaceutical ingredient for use in this compliance program.*



*Owners or operators of all domestic drug establishments, to include APIs, not exempt under section 510(g) of the

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended, or 21 CFR 207.10 are required to register and to submit a list of every drug in commercial distribution. Foreign drug manufacturers are not required to register, although they are required to list all drugs imported or offered for import into the United States. Refer to 21 CFR 207.40 for additional information on drug listing requirements for foreign drug establishments.*

* 所有国内药品生产厂家的所有者或经营者,包括API生产厂家,都要遵守“联邦食品,药品和化妆品法”中的510(g)部分,修改过后,则每一个在商业区里的药品的注册及提交列表或者按21 CFR 207.10要求来做。海外药品生产厂家并不要求被登记,尽管他们被要求提交所有进口或提供进口到美国的药品的列表。

Although the current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) regulations, 21 CFR 210 and 211, do not apply to APIs, active pharmaceutical ingredients are subject to the broad requirement of Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Act in that they must be prepared in conformance with current good manufacturing practice.


*No distinction is made between APIs and finished pharmaceuticals in the Act, and failure of either to comply with CGMP constitutes a violation of the Act.*

Therefore, in this document, the term CGMP refers to the latter, rather than 21 CFR 210 and 211 provisions.


因此,在这份文件里,cGMP这一术语则指的是后者,而不仅仅是21 CFR 210 and 211所规定的。


*This program circular does not apply to the sterilization and aseptic processing steps of sterile active pharmaceutical ingredients, which are covered by Compliance Program 7356.002A, Sterile Drug Process Inspections. The FDA has long maintained that sterile APIs are finished drug products subject to the CGMP regulation for finished pharmaceuticals (21 CFR 210 and 211) because these are repacked as finished dosage forms under aseptic conditions without further purification or processing.*


这一程序文件并不适用于无菌产品和无菌活性药物成分的无菌生产过程,而7356.002A的附属程序(无菌药物生产检查)则适用于这些生产过程。FDA 长久以来一直坚持认为无菌API产品就是等同于最终的药品,它的生产应该服从cGMP中药物成品生产的规定(21 CFR 210 and 211)因为它们没有进一步的纯化或生产过程而只是在无菌条件下重新包装成为药品成品。


*Inspections of active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers, whether foreign or domestic, should be conducted by experienced investigators with education and/or training in fermentation, chemical synthesis, recombinant DNA, and other biotechnology manufacturing methods. Use of chemists and/or microbiologists during API inspections is recommended, particularly for evaluating laboratory operations (e.g., analytical methods evaluation, analytical data, lab procedures and instrumentation), analytical review of methods used to establish impurity profiles, fermentation manufacturing processes, and complex multi-step chemical synthesis processes.*



*Investigators conducting API inspections must understand the basic differences between the processes used for the production of APIs and those used for finished dosage forms. APIs are usually produced by chemical synthesis, recombinant DNA technology, fermentation, enzymatic reactions, recovery from natural materials, or combinations of these processes. The production of APIs typically involves significant changes of starting materials or intermediates by various chemical, physical, and biological processing steps. Purification is the ultimate objective.

* 检查官在对API进行检查时必须了解API生产过程与药品成品生产过程的基本差异。API通常是通过化学合成,


In contrast, finished drug products are formulated from bulk raw materials that are usually subjected to some degree of quality control by the users (dosage form manufacturers). Most important, the manufacturing processes for finished pharmaceuticals typically do not involve purification steps.


For these reasons, the manufacturing and quality controls employed in API production and their application throughout the process (i.e., stringency of controls, written instructions, in-process controls, sampling, testing, monitoring, and documentation employed in early processing steps vs. later isolation and purification steps) differ somewhat from those found in finished dosage form plants. These differences, however, are simply reflections of different manufacturing processes, not inherent differences in the importance of GMPs for the two types of production.*


*Since manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients are often referenced in many drug applications, each inspection should cover as many API processes as is feasible. This strategy will maximize the use of agency resources and avoid repeated visits to the same manufacturing site to cover different API profile classes referenced in subsequent applications. Thus, effective with this CP revision, all inspections of API manufacturers, regardless of how these are initiated, will be "GMP qualifying inspections." Inspections should cover the specific API profile classes referenced in the assignment and all other API profile classes not inspected in the last two years.


For foreign API firms, investigators should only cover profile classes for APIs intended to be marketed or already marketed in the United States.

APIs selected for coverage should include those referenced in drug applications,are therapeutically significant, are intended for use in parenteral drug products, are difficult to manufacture, or those on record as having past compliance problems. However, this does not preclude the selection of less therapeutically significant active pharmaceutical ingredients to evaluate specific API processes (profile classes) not previously given in-depth coverage at the facility.

对于海外API生产厂家,检查官应该只检查涉及到那些将要或已经在美国上市的API。所选出来作为代表的API 都应该包括在那些在药品申请中所涉及到的API,比如那些具有治疗重要性的API,将要用于制备非肠道给药药品的API,对于厂家难于生产的API或者那些过去有问题记录在案的API。然而,这些并不排除选择那些缺少治疗重要性的活性药物成分来评估特定的但之前没有给予深入覆盖的API生产过程(profile classes的)。Investigators conducting API inspections should understand the general inspection strategy set forth in Part II of this program. Recognizing that API firms vary greatly in size, diversity of operations, and quality assurance systems, investigators should carefully plan their inspectional strategy at each firm. Of particular concern are API manufacturing operations located in developing countries. *Impurities and contaminants present in components, process water, and solvents used in the production of APIs may carry over into the active pharmaceutical ingredient and may not be detected by analytical tests conducted by either the API manufacturer or the dosage form manufacturer. During inspections, investigators should review the quality of process water and solvents used in isolation and purification steps, the firm's procedures for preventing API contamination/cross-contamination, procedures for controlling impurities, and the procedures and test methods for establishing a complete impurity profile for each API process.* These are covered in detail in the September 1991 FDA Guide to Inspection of Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals and its "Appendix A."

检查官进行API检查应该了解在这份文件中Part II的通常检查策略。为了要充分了解API厂家的规模,操作的多样性以及质量保证系统,检查官应该仔细地规划他们对每一个厂家的检查策略。特别是对于那些位于发展中

国家的API生产厂家。*以成分出现的杂质及污染物,工艺用水以及在生产API中所使用到的溶剂都有可能带到活性药物成分产品中并且有可能不会被API生产商或制剂厂商的分析检测出。在检查期间,检查官应该对在分离和纯化步骤中所用到的工艺用水和溶剂的质量,厂家用于防止API被污染/交叉污染的操作过程以及厂家为每一个API工艺建立一套完整的杂质状况而建立的操作及检测方法进行检查。* 这些均包括在1991年9月所出的“FDA 对于化学原料药的检查指南”以及它的“附录A”中。

During inspections, investigators should review the batches manufactured during the last year to determine not only those released, but any rejections. The firm_s policy on reprocessing and reworking of APIs should also be examined. Some batches start off as a pharmaceutical grade and then become technical grade. This could indicate a problem with the validated process. In addition, equipment cleaning validation should be reviewed to assure that the firm can remove residues, microbial contamination, and endotoxins to acceptable levels when the end product is intended for parenteral or liquid dosage forms.

*For API inspections initiated by a preapproval assignment, review guidance provided in CP 7346.832, Pre-Approval Inspections/Investigations, and assess the authenticity and accuracy of data contained in drug applications and drug master files. Report inspectional time under the appropriate program assignment codes (PACs) referenced in both compliance programs, based on coverage afforded to each program.*


*对于一个批准前的指定的API 检查,回顾CP 7346.832中所提供的指南中的“批准前的检查/调查”,评估那些在药品申请及药物主文件中数据的真实性和准确性。参照基于每个程序所覆盖的顺应程序中对应的程序分配代码(PACs)来报告检查的时间.


Beginning in FY 97, ORA and CDER agreed to implement several changes to the foreign drug inspection program to streamline the compliance review process. The Division of Emergency and Investigational Operations (ORO/DEIO), will continue to work with foreign governments in scheduling foreign inspections, making travel arrangements for inspection teams, and resolving logistical problems.


从FY97开始,为了顺应检查程序,ORA及CDER即同意对海外药品生产企业的检查程序进行好几处更改。Emergency and Investigational Operations (ORO/DEIO)(突发事件及调查操作部)将致力于按国外检查时间表与海外政府合作,安排检查组的行程以及解决后勤问题

However, new procedures are in effect for handling a foreign firm's response to an FD-483, submitting establishment inspection reports, and commenting on a foreign firm's response to an FD-483.


Investigators should instruct management at foreign firms to submit the original written response to an FD-483 directly to CDER's Office of Compliance with a copy to the lead investigator. The original response with appropriate documentation should be submitted to the following address:

检查官应该提醒海外企业的管理者,在直接向CDER的Office of Compliance 提交对FD-483回复的原始的书面报告的同时还应该给如下地址也寄一份复印件:

Food and Drug Administration

Foreign Inspection Team, HFD-322

Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

7520 Standish Place

Rockville, Maryland 20855-2737

Investigators and analysts will submit written comments regarding a foreign firm's response to an FD-483 directly to

CDER's Foreign Inspection Team (FIT). After appropriate district office review and endorsement, all foreign establishment inspection reports (EIRs) will be promptly forwarded to FIT for review and final classification. FIT will continue to issue Warning Letters, Untitled Letters and other correspondence to foreign firms. FIT will also recommend automatic detention of foreign firms/products, make recommendations to review units, and request follow-up inspections, as appropriate.*

检查官以及化验员将直接给CDER的海外检查组(FIT)提交关于对海外厂家FD-483的回复的书面评论。在得到相应的地区办公室的检阅和认可之后,所有的海外生产厂家检查报告(EIRs)将会很快地送到FIT做进一步的检阅以及最终的分类。FIT 将接着做出发出警告信,无标题信(Untitled Letter)以及别的相应的回复给海外厂。FIT 还将相应地做出如自动隔离海外厂/产品,建议进行重新审评的单位以及要求进行进一步检查等相应的措施。


Review the September 1991 FDA Guide to Inspections of Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals, (Reformatted May 1994) to become familiar with the various areas and topics that must be considered when conducting API inspections. Appendix _A_ of this CP program is a summary of areas to be covered during API inspections. Photocopy this appendix and take with you during inspections. Also obtain a copy of the drug application and/or Drug Master File (DMF), as applicable, and review these before initiating the inspection.


进行API检查时,必须重新回顾1991年9月FDA的化学原料药指南(在1994年重新编排过),以熟悉必须要考虑到的多种方面及主题。这份CP程序中的附录A是关于在API检查中应包括的一些方面的小结。在检查时带上这份附录的复印件。还要带上一份药品申请或/和药物主文件(DMF),最好在开始检查前对这些文件进行审阅。Third (field) copies of applications, *supplements and annual reports* are now required (Refer to 21 CFR 314.440) and such copies are submitted by domestic firms directly to the applicant's home FDA district office. Foreign *applicants* are required to submit third copies of applications to the same headquarters units receiving the first and second copies. These are made available by DEIO to investigators before initiation of foreign inspections.

现在还要求要应用的第三份复印件是*增补及年度报告*(见21CFR 314.440),对于国内企业,他们可以直接向FDA 地区办公室的申请部门提交这份报告。而海外*申请者*则被要求提交三份申请的复印件给相同的总部单位并会收回第一份及第二份的复印件。这些文件DEIO都会在海外检厂的时候提供给检查官。

*Investigators should review all available information including prior inspectional information, FD-483s and responses, any Warning Letters, the firm's compliance history, sample analysis results, complaints, recalls, etc., to prepare for the inspection. For domestic inspections, the information is available from the Pre-Approval Monitors (PAMs) at each District Office. For foreign inspections, the information is available from DEIO or FIT.*


*Additional suggested references that Investigators and Chemists should be familiar with include: the draft Guidance for Industry - Manufacture, Processing or Holding of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients; USP <1086> Impurities in Official Articles; and the recent changes in tests for the presence of foreign substances and impurities, contained in Page 3636 of USP-NF Supplement 6, effective May 15, 1997. In addition, the Investigator should contact the Forensic Chemistry Center (FCC) to determine which APIs should be sampled, so that duplicates are not collected during different inspections.*

*对检查员和化学家要熟悉的参考信息的进一步的建议包括:《对生产-制造,加工或持有活性药物成分的指南草案》;USP<1086>官方条款中的杂质;于1997年5月15日起效的,USP-NF 增补6中第3636页中对于当前海外原料药及杂质检测的改变。另外,检查官应该与法医化学中心(FCC)联系以决定哪个API应该要取样,以便避免在不同的检查中重复取样。*

*The Investigator should consult the CDER Case Officer for clarification of the assignment to assure that they are aware of the previous deficiencies at the firm. During the inspection, assure that all the firms promised actions are effective at correcting the problems. If the inspection determines that the firm has resolved all the deficiencies, submit the information for input into the CARS computer system.*


*Conduct a "GMP qualifying inspection" at each API manufacturer covering the products and processes specified in the assignment. In addition, cover in as far as possible, API processes that have not been inspected in the last two years. Also, conduct an in-depth inspection, to include examining pertinent systems and processes, whenever the District receives adverse information regarding a firm's ability to produce APIs of acceptable quality.*


During inspections of API manufacturers:

1. *Determine if the firm has made process changes by comparing current operations against the Establishment Inspection Report (EIR) for the previous inspection. Also compare the current operations with those filed in the Drug Master File or the drug application to determine whether the firm is complying with commitments made to the agency. The following changes are typical of those that would warrant *extensive coverage* during the inspection:

a.New potential for cross-contamination arising through changes in API processes or product lines, to include

processing numerous APIs of varying therapeutic significance in common equipment and/or facilities.

b. Use of new technology requiring new expertise, significantly new equipment or new facilities.

c.*Recent changes in starting materials, intermediates, equipment, facilities, support systems, processing steps,

packaging materials, and computer software that are not referenced in the DMF or application.* 在对API生产厂家的检查中:







2. Verify that the size of the largest batch does not exceed the maximum working capacity of the firm's largest blender that is used for blending of API batches.


3. Review the firm's complaint file. Determine whether the pattern of complaints (or other information available to the District) and the firm's records of internal rejection or *reprocessing/reworking* of API batches warrant expanding the inspection. Look for weaknesses in the firm's processes, systems or controls.


4. Investigate the return of APIs for any reason. Determine whether the firm conducts investigations on returned products to find out if these APIs failed to meet specifications or were contaminated. Also determine the final disposition of returned APIs, i.e., whether reprocessed or destroyed.


5. If the inspection is initiated because the firm *is referenced as an API supplier in a drug application (NDA, ANDA, AADA), evaluate operations against commitments in the application and/or drug master file. Also, verify the authenticity and accuracy of data submitted in the application and/or DMF.*


6. *Obtain a copy of the impurity profile for each active pharmaceutical ingredient process covered during the inspection and compare these to the impurity profiles submitted in the Drug Master File.*

6.*在检查中所涉及到的每个活性药物成分生产工艺,获取一份杂质状况的复印件并与DMF中所提交的相对比。All Establishment Inspection Reports for API manufacturers must include:


1. History of business, and any corporate affiliations.

2. Names, titles, *and complete mailing address of most responsible officials who should receive correspondence from FDA.*



3. A list of APIs manufactured (or categories of products if many) along with the general manufacturing process for each (for example, chemical synthesis non-sterile, fermentation, extraction of natural products, etc.).


4. *For foreign API manufacturers, the names, titles, complete mailing address, telephone and Fax number of the firm's U.S. Agent, Regulatory Agent, and/or Importer/Broker.*


5. *For foreign API manufacturers, a report of all active pharmaceutical ingredients imported into the United States in the last three years, their consignees, and an estimate of the frequency and quantity of shipments to these consignees.* 5.*对于海外API制造商,一份关于过去三年进入美国市场的活性药物成分的报告,它们的承销商以及对这些承销商运输的频率和质量的评估。

6. A description of areas/processes inspected (i.e., what areas, systems and processes were inspected, who was interviewed, what manufacturing activities were ongoing during the inspection).


7. A description of any non-drug manufacturing activities conducted by the firm, such as processing pesticides or other toxic chemicals. If non pharmaceuticals are processed in the same facility and/or equipment with APIs, report precautions taken by the firm to prevent or minimize the potential for crosscontamination.

7.对厂家进行的任何非药品生产活动进行描述,比如农药或别的有毒化学品的生产。如果非药品是在与生产API 相同的设备或/和装置中生产的,则要报告厂家对避免或减少交叉污染所采取的措施。

8. A description of all API micronizing or milling operations, whether conducted in-house or by a contract micronizer. Fully describe the precautions taken by the firm to prevent or minimize the potential for cross-contamination. During inspections of contract micronizers, obtain a complete list of all active pharmaceutical ingredients micronized and report the source (owners) of these materials.


9. *A copy of the firm's process validation protocol. Report the status of all validation efforts. If not completed, obtain and submit the firm's written timetable showing when process validation will be completed.*


10. A report of any adverse findings as required by the Investigations Operations Manual (IOM).



1.A profile sample of the active pharmaceutical ingredient should be collected for analysis by the Forensic Chemistry Center, FCC (HFR-MA500) and Northeast Regional Lab (NRL). These samples of the API

should not be confused with profile samples of actives collected together with finished product samples

under the Pre-Approval Inspections/Investigations Compliance Program, CP 7346.832。



Depending upon the cost, the sample should consist of 25 - 50 grams of active drug substance from three different lots, collected in duplicate. Documentation that should accompany the sample must include:

- A flowchart and brief narrative description of the API manufacturing process;

- A material safety data sheet for the active pharmaceutical ingredient;

- A Certificate of Analysis *(COA)* for each lot; *in addition, a description of the computer system that was utilized to generate the COA and the precautions taken by the firm to safeguard the integrity of the computer data against employee manipulation.*

- A copy of any potential/established impurity profiles and applicable methodologies;

- The analytical methodology (if the inspection involves a new chemical entity).*







2. *During foreign inspections, it is often difficult for the investigator to collect profile samples of APIs. If a sample is not collected, the investigator should identify the lot (s) to be sampled and instruct the manufacturer to collect and ship the sample and applicable records directly to the FCC. The FCC will prepare an annotated collection report and forward the duplicate portion and copy of records to the NRL. An information copy will also be sent to the lead investigator.* 2.*在海外检厂期间,检查官通常很难收集到API的全部样品。如果样品没有收集,则检查官应该确定要取样的批(批次)并告诉生产商收集好并将样品以及申请表直接递交给FCC。FCC将会准备一份带注解的收集报告并会把副本及记录复印件转给NRL。一份相关信息副本也将会送达主检查官手中*

3. *When collecting samples for profile analysis, protect these from trace contamination. In all instances, avoid using metal spatulas. Use a plastic container and closure for sampling and submit an empty container as a control sub. If a plastic spatula is used, also submit an unused spatula as a sub-sample. Identify each container with the sample number, the product name and lot number, manufacturer, date and initials of the sampler. Wear disposable, talc-free, polyethylene gloves during the sampling activity. The preferred sampling method is by direct transfer and replacing the gloves between each subsample. Multiple product lots may be submitted under one collection report.*


4. To establish a labeling/container forensic data base, obtain the following information during inspections of foreign API firms. Identify this information with the firm's name, central file number (CF Number), and street address and send to *FDA/FCC, Bulk Drug Group, HFR-MA500, 1141 Central Pkwy., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.*

4.为了建立一份标签/包装法医数据库,则在对海外API厂家检厂时要获得以下信息。用厂名,中心文件编号(CF 号)以及地址等信息来标识这个信息并且把它送到*FDA/FCC,Bulk Drug Group, HFR-MA500, 1141 Central Pkwy., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.*

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6812093142.html,plete telephone and FAX number;

a. 完整的电话及传真号

b.Contact person with title;

b. 联系人及称呼

c. *Decoding of the *lot/batch numbering system;


d.*List* of the actual quantities of each lot of API produced for the last three years. Explain any difference between

the batch and lot number. The records should reflect the total quantity *produced* and the amount shipped to the U.S.



e. Description *and/or* specimen of the container closure systems *(if easily obtained)* for APIs intended for U.S.

distribution, as domestic packaging is often different:

1) Description *or photograph* and dimension of the container. If the container is plastic, list the color.

What is the composition of the container bottom/lid?

2) Description *or photograph* of closure system. Is the lid sealed with a crimped

seal? If so, briefly describe the seal and whether it contains any unique identifier. Some companies will have

a product and/or company code visible in the crimped lead seal.

3) Provide a brief description *or photograph* of inner packaging (double or single plastic bag) and method

of inner bag closure.

4) Provide an actual label specimen for each exported API *if easily obtained*. Has the label design

changed since 1991? If so, briefly describe. Does the labeling or

packaging contain any unique identifiers (i.e., embedded water marks)?








NOTE: Items (4.) (a - d) should be determined during the inspection. However, unless the firm has prepared summary reports that contain the information for (4.) (e), it is likely the data will not be available before completion of the inspection. This might also be true for (4.) (f) and other items. If so, provide the firm with a copy of Appendix B and obtain a commitment from a responsible individual stating when the information will be sent to FCC. Shipment by overnight carrier is recommended.


5. Collect samples to document any suspected adulteration and misbranding problems encountered during the inspection. Collect physical samples for suspected identity, potency, decomposition, contamination and/or labeling problems.


6. During foreign inspections, collect copies of analytical methods used by API manufacturers that are not from the United States Pharmacopeia. We do not have access to the pharmacopeial standards of other countries.


7. If cross-contamination is suspected, collect samples of the API and samples of the materials that are the suspected

contaminants. Include with the Sample Collection Report (C/R) a description of the suspected route of contamination, or mechanism by which it is believed that contamination could have occurred. Any sample collected to document

cross-contamination must be protected from contamination during or as the result of collection.




1.Routine chemical analyses - For sample collections under PACs 56002F, 52R806, 56008A, and 56008H follow the

Servicing Laboratories guidance in the applicable compliance programs *and the ORA workplan*.



1.常规的化学分析—对于PACs 56002F, 52R806, 56008A, and 56008H中收集到的样品,按照适用的顺应性程序以及ORA工作计划中的实验室服务指南来操作

2.Routine Microbiological examinations - For sample collections under PACs 56002F and 56008A, follow the

Servicing Laboratories guideline in the applicable compliance programs *and the ORA workplan. *The current testing laboratories are ATL, MIN, NYK, DEN and SAN.*

2.常规微生物检测—对于PACs 56002F and 56008A中所收集到的样品,按照适用的顺应性程序以及ORA工作计划中的实验室服务指南来操作。当前的检测实验室是ATL, MIN, NYK, DEN 以及SAN。

3.Chemical cross-contamination analyses by mass spectrometry (MS) - NRL, DAL, SRL, DET, DEN, and LOS.

Non-mass spectrometry laboratories should call one of their own regional MS labs and/or the Division of Field Science (HFC-140) to determine the most appropriate MS lab for the determinations to be performed.

3.化学交叉污染分析可通过质谱(MS)来分析- NRL, DAL, SRL, DET, DEN, 以及LOS等实验室来分析。非质谱实验室应该让他们所在地区的MS实验室或/和Division of Field Science(HFC-140)来决定哪个MS实验室最适合来进行该项分析。

4. Antibiotic analyses:

a. Penicillin by cylinder plate method: All laboratories listed in paragraph number 2 above (microbiological examinations).

b. Other microbiological-based antibiotic analyses: DEN

c.Chemical analyses: NRL, BLT *(PHI after 12/99)*, DEN.




c.化学分析:NRL, BLT *(PHI after 12/99)*, DEN.

5. Bioassays (such as insulin and heparin tests):

-Division of Research and Testing (HFD-470)


- 研究和检测部(HFD-470)

6. Profile Analysis of API's:

- Quality Test Analysis of Bulk Pharmaceuticals (PAC 56008A) and Bulk Import Samples Collected at Domestic Manufacturers for Quality (PAC 56008H)

*Northeast Regional Lab (NRL): [NMR, MS, UV, IR]*

850 3rd Ave.

Brooklyn, NY 11232-1593

*Contact: Alfred C. King

Tel: (718) 340-7000 (Extension 5067)

FAX: (718) 340-7003

- Counterfeit Drug Analysis (PAC 56008A) and Bulk Import Samples Collected at Domestic Manufacturers for Fingerprinting (PAC 56008H)

Forensic Chemistry Center (FCC)

1141 Central Pkwy.

Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

*Contact: Either Robert Sharpnack (Ext.114) or Karen Wolnik (Ext.181)

Tel: (513) 684-3505

FAX: (513) 684-6082



*Northeast Regional Lab (NRL): [NMR, MS, UV, IR]*

850 3rd Ave.

Brooklyn, NY 11232-1593

*Contact: Alfred C. King

Tel: (718) 340-7000 (Extension 5067)

FAX: (718) 340-7003


Forensic Chemistry Center (FCC)

1141 Central Pkwy.

Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

*Contact: Either Robert Sharpnack (Ext.114) or Karen Wolnik (Ext.181)

Tel: (513) 684-3505

FAX: (513) 684-6082


1. Examine samples for compliance with applicable specifications. Perform check analyses using the official compendial method, or when no official method exists, by other validated analytical procedures.

See Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) 7152.01.




2. Confirm the presence of cross-contamination by a second method such as MS, UV, or IR. If a chromatographic procedure was used for the initial analysis, a second chromatographic method (HPLC, GC, TLC, etc.) may be employed provided the separation mechanism is different from that of the initial method.

2.采用如质谱,紫外或红外等二级方法来进行交叉污染的检验。如果一色谱方法在最初的分析中已经采用,则I 不同于最初的检测方法的二级的色谱方法(HPLC,GC,TLC等)可以用来进行分离检测.

3. Microbiological examinations should be based on appropriate sections of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP 23),

B.A.M., 7th Edition, and A.O.A.

C., Chapter 17.


https://www.360docs.net/doc/6812093142.html,P testing methods may not be appropriate for detecting impurities generated from the synthesis routes of foreign

source APIs. Therefore, foreign source APIs should have impurity limit tests based on their synthesis. If this

information is lacking, contact the Division of Field Science (DFS) at 301-443-3007 for assistance.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6812093142.html,P检测方法有可能并不适用于用来检测那些海外API生产商的合成路线中产生的杂质.因此,海外来源的的API 应该有基于它们合成方法的杂质限度检测。如果这些信息缺少,则致电Division of Field Science(DFS)



*All Warning Letters with CGMP charges involving domestic active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers require CDER review and concurrence. See Chapter 4, Page 81, of the August 1995 FDA Regulatory Procedures Manual and Chapter I, Page 15, of the October 1994 ORA Warning Letter Reference Guide.*



FDA 注册程序手册(FDA Regulatory Procedures Manual)中的第4章,第81页以及1994年10月出版的ORA 警告信参考指南(ORA Warning Letter Reference Guide.*)中的第Ⅰ章第15页。

Send Warning Letter recommendations to CDER's Office of Compliance, Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality (HFD-320). Warning Letters to foreign API manufacturers will issue from CDER_s Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality, HFD-320.

将警告信建议书提交给CDER的Compliance 管理处,制造和生产质量部(HFD-320)。对海外API厂家的警告信将会从CDER的制造和生产质量部,HFD-320发出。

When recommending regulatory action, keep in mind that the CGMP regulations (21 CFR 210 and 211) do not apply to the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) intended for further manufacturing. Nonetheless, the definition of "drug" in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act encompasses APIs and Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Act requires that all drugs be manufactured, processed, packed, and held according to current good manufacturing practices. The Act makes no distinction between APIs and finished pharmaceuticals and failure of either to comply with CGMPs constitutes a violation of the Act.

当进行注册行动时,要记住CGMP条例((21 CFR 210 and 211)并不适用于那些要进一步制造的活性药物成分的生产过程。不过,联邦食品,药品和化妆品法规中对于“药品”的定义包含有API,而且,法规501(a)(2)(B)部分也要求所有被加工,生产,包装和持有的药品都应该按照当前优良质量管理规范来进行。法规并没有对API和药品进行任何的区别对待,因此不符合CGMP的行为都被认为是违背了法律。

Because of the lack of a GMP regulation specific to APIs, any regulatory action based upon CGMP noncompliance for APIs must closely relate the deviations with actual or potential product defects, product contamination, or product cross-contamination, more so than for finished pharmaceuticals. In addition, consider the critical product attributes of the API, its therapeutic significance, and intended use in finished drug products when recommending regulatory action.


The following list represents examples of deficient practices that CDER believes may warrant issuance of Warning Letters, withholding application approvals, or other appropriate regulatory actions:

1. Contamination of APIs with filth, objectionable microorganisms, toxic chemicals, other chemicals, drug residues, or a reasonable potential for contamination (with demonstrated avenues of contamination) such as airborne contamination or product contact with unclean equipment.


2. Failure to show that API batches conform to established specifications, such as NDA, USP, customer specifications, and label claims. See Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) 7132.05.

2.不能证明API批能符合所建立的规格,比如NDA,USP,客户规格以及标签所标规格。见Compliance Policy Guide(CPG)7132.05。

3. Failure to comply with commitments in drug applications, including Drug Master Files (DMFs). These documents should be current and accurately reflect the current synthesis process, impurity profile, and other specifications or procedures associated with the manufacture of the API.


4. Distribution of an API that does not conform to established specifications.

5.*Failure to determine actual yields and percentages of expected yields at the conclusion of appropriate phases of

manufacturing, processing, packaging, or holding of APIs.*



6.Deliberate blending of API batches to dilute or hide filth or other noxious contaminants, or blending of a batch that

does not conform *with critical product attributes* with one meeting specifications in an attempt to obtain one blended batch meeting minimum specifications.


7.*Failure to demonstrate that process water used in the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients is suitable

for its intended use and does not adversely alter the quality of the API.*


8.*Failure to validate reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, deionized water, and distilled water systems that produce

process water used in the final isolation and purification steps of non-sterile and sterile APIs.*


9. Lack of a formal written program to validate API manufacturing processes or failure to follow a validation program. The FDA expects API manufacturers to be actively engaged in a validation program for all APIs and *to complete process validation in an expeditious manner in accordance with timetables stipulated in protocols and commitments made to the Agency.* Therefore, regulatory action should not be initiated where the firm has an adequate API validation program in place, including reasonable milestones, and is following the plan.

Regulatory action should be initiated, however, when:

(1) the firm has not established or is not following an adequate plan to validate all APIs;


(2) there is evidence that an API process is not *valid* as demonstrated by repeated batch failures (product

non-conformance) due to manufacturing process variability not attributable to equipment malfunction or operator error. Refer to Compliance Policy Guides 7132c.08 and 7125.38.





参见Compliance Policy Guides 7132c.08 and 7125.38.

10. *Conducting a retrospective process validation for an existing API process when the process has changed significantly, when the firm lacks impurity profile data, or when there is evidence of repeated batch failures caused by process variability.*

Retrospective validation may be acceptable if:

- critical product attributes and critical steps in API processes have been identified and


- adequate in-process specifications and controls for critical processes have been established and documented

- there have been no significant changes to the manufacturing *components*, equipment or processes that could adversely affect the critical quality attributes of the API or the critical process parameters that affect these product quality attributes

- there are few process/product failures attributable to process variability

- complete impurity profiles have been established for existing API processes

- in-process and end-product test data show lot-to-lot consistency









11. Failure to demonstrate homogeneity of final blending/mixing operations in API processes where particle size distribution, surface area, or other physical attributes of the active pharmaceutical ingredient are critical to the dissolution and bioavailability of finished drug products. *Do not apply guidance intended for the blend uniformity of finished pharmaceuticals.*


12. *Failure to establish an impurity profile for each API process. FDA expects manufactures to establish complete impurity profiles for each API as part of the process validation effort. This includes collecting data on (1) actual and potential organic impurities that may arise during synthesis, purification, and storage of the API; (2) inorganic impurities that may derive from the API process; and (3) organic and inorganic solvents used during the manufacturing process that are known to carry over to the API.

Impurity profile testing of each batch or after a specified number of batches may detect new impurities that may appear because of a deliberate or nondeliberate change in the API manufacturing process.*


13. *If reprocessing of APIs is performed and the manufacturer lacks data to show that reprocessing of API batches results in a product that complies with all established standards, specifications, and characteristics.*


14. *Failure to test for residues of organic/inorganic solvents used during manufacturing that may carryover to the API using analytical procedures with appropriate levels of sensitivity.*


15. *Failure to have a formal process change control system in place to evaluate changes in components, facilities, support systems, equipment, processing steps, and packaging materials that may affect the production and quality of APIs.*


16. Failure to keep adequate batch records, including:

- Date (s) manufactured

- Quantity manufactured

- Lot number

- Test results and dates

- Labeling records and specimen of labels used

- The signature of person (s) responsible for accomplishing significant steps, including:

- determining yields

- examining labeled containers for correctness of labels

- testing for conformance to specifications

- blending, if required

- assuring conformance with established manufacturing procedure

- reviewing production and testing records and authorizing release for distribution














17. Failure to record distribution by lot number in a way that would permit prompt recall.


18. *Incomplete stability studies to establish API stability for the intended period of use, and/or failure to conduct forced degradation studies on APIs to isolate, identify and quantify potential degradants that may arise during storage. Expiration dates are not required, except for antibiotics, radiopharmaceuticals, and other APIs with expected expiry dates of two years or less.*


19. Use of laboratory test methods that are inadequate or have not been validated.


20. *If there is a USP reference standard, failure to test each lot of an in-house (secondary reference standard) against the U.S.P primary reference standard before use.*


21. Conducting packaging and labeling operations in a way that introduces a significant risk of mislabeling.


22. *Failure to submit to FDA a list of every drug, including APIs, in commercial distribution. In the case of foreign drug firms, failure to list all drugs imported or offered for import into the United States.

Refer to 21 CFR 207.40 for additional information on drug listing requirements for foreign drug establishments.* 22.没有向FDA递交在商业放行区的每个药品的列表,包括API的列表。如果是海外生产厂家,没有列出所有进口或提供进口到美国的所有药品。

对于海外药品供应商的药品列表要求的进一步的信息请参见21 CFR 207.40


1. September 1991 FDA Guide to Inspection of Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals,

*Reformatted May 1994 with minor editorial changes*

2. FDA Guide to Inspections of Sterile Drug Substance Manufacturers, July 1994

3. FDA Biotechnology Inspection Guide, November 1991

4. FDA Guideline for Submitting Supporting Documentation in Drug Applications for the

Manufacture of Drug Substances, February 1987

5. FDA Regulatory Procedures Manual, Chapter 8-10

6. FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs Warning Letter Reference Guide, October 1994

7. Chapter 15, GWQAP Manual, revised August 1991

8. Drug Process Inspection Compliance Program, CP 7356.002

9. "Process Validation Requirements for Drug Products Subject to Pre-Market Approval,"

Compliance Policy Guides 7132c.08 and 7125.38, dated August 30, 1993

10. "Performance of Tests for Compendial Requirements on Compendial Products,_

Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) 7132.05, issued October 1, 1980

11. The United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP 23/NF 18), including


12. *Draft Guidance for Industry - Manufacture, Processing or Holding of Active

Pharmaceutical Ingredients, released for discussion purposes on September 20, 1996.*


Office of Regional Operations (ORO)

1. *Division of Emergency and Investigational Operations, Drug Group


Telephone: (301) 827-5653

FAX: (301) 443-6919*

2. Division of Field Science (HFC-140), ORO/DFS

Telephone: (301) 443-3007

Office of Enforcement (OE)

1. Medical Products Quality Assurance Staff (HFC-240), OE/MPQAS

Telephone: (301) 443-3590

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)

1. For questions relating to product quality, the application of CGMPs, and validation

of active pharmaceutical ingredient processes contact:

Edwin Rivera Martínez, Rick Friedman, or Patricia Alcock

Foreign Inspection Team, HFD-322

Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality, Office of Compliance

Telephone: (301) 594-0095

FAX: (301) 594-2202 or (301) 827-0145

Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)

1. *For questions on profile sampling of APIs contact:

Food and Drug Administration

Forensic Chemistry Center (HFR-MA500)

Telephone: (513) 684-3505, FAX: (513) 684-6082

Contact either Robert Sharpnack (Ext.114) or Karen Wolnik (Ext.181)*


See Drug Process Inspection Compliance Program, 7356.002.



The September 1991 Guide to Inspections of Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals lists various topics/areas that must be covered when conducting API inspections, to include the following:


A. Inspection

1. Buildings and Facilities

- control of contamination/cross contamination

- water systems and suitability of process water for its intended use or specific synthesis step (i.e., whether used in early steps or later purification steps of a multi-stepAPI process)

-aseptic/sterile processing, if applicable (Refer to CP 7356.002A)






2. Equipment

- Multi purpose equipment

- cleaning and use logs

- located outdoors

- protected environment

- cleaning of product contact surfaces, including validation of equipment cleaning








3. Personnel training, qualifications, experience


4. Raw Materials/Components and Intermediates

- storage/handling practices and controls over quarantined, released, and rejected


- adequacy of specifications, and sampling/testing to determine conformance to





5. Production and Process Controls

- controls involving reuse of mother liquors

- validation of final API blending and mixing operations for API processes where particle size distribution, surface area, or other attributes of the active pharmaceutical ingredient are critical to the dissolution and bioavailability of finished drug products

- validation of API process and control procedures, with special emphasis on critical

process steps and synthesis and purification steps in the later stages of the API process that result in the formation of the active pharmaceutical ingredient or the removal of impurities

- procedures for reprocessing of APIs and types of reprocessing conducted (i.e.,

repeating a crystallization step), including whether these have been approved in the firm's

application or DMF

- process change control system

- characterization and control of impurities

- API micronizing/milling procedures, including precautions to prevent cross-contamination









6. In-process Testing

- suitable batch sampling procedures employed and documented

- specified tests performed, recorded and within limits

- adequacy of instrument calibration procedures





7. Packaging and Labeling Operations

- labeling controls

- lot numbering system

- conformance with labeling regulations





8.expiration Dating/Re-Evaluation Dating Practices


9. Laboratory Controls

- ability to conduct tests, adequacy of records

- adequacy of sampling/testing for raw materials, intermediates, and finished products, including tests for impurities in APIs

- drug reference standards (source, test results, equivalency with official standards)

- validation of analytical methods, as appropriate

- firm's performance of follow-up on unexpected analytical results to determine cause and make any necessary corrections (such as additional chromatographic graphic peaks, retention-time shifts, spectrophotometric maxima peaks, or melting point range changes)

- firm's quality assurance procedures for instruments and other laboratory equipment


FDA行业指南 -药品现场检查中被认为是延迟、否认、限制或拒绝的情形

一、介绍 2012年7月9日,《美国食品和药物管理局安全及创新法案》(FDASIA)被签署成为法律。FDASIA章节707添加了501(j)到《食品、药品和化妆品法令》(FD&C Act),认为“任何从事生产、加工、包装或持有的生产企业、库房造成现场检查的延迟、否认、限制或拒绝的情况均被认为该产品为假劣药品”。该指南的目的是对“延迟、否认、限制或拒绝”的情形进行定义。 二、定义 1、延迟 A、检查计划安排的延迟 FDA将会根据当地的情况对检查计划进行适当的调整,例如天气、安保、节假日、其他非工作日、企业的生产计划等。以下延迟的情况将会被认为产品是假劣药品,包括但不仅限于: ●企业不同意建议的检查日期,但没有合理的解释。 ●在检查安排后,企业要求延迟检查日期,但没有合理的解释。

●企业不能回答为什么FDA联系不上企业指定的联系人。 下面给出了将不会被认为是假劣药品的潜在合理解释的一个例子,但不仅限于: ●企业没有正在生产,例如每个月只生产一次,企业要求检查日期另定, 以便FDA检查时生产正在进行中。 B、检查期间的延迟 以下检查期间的延迟情况将会被认为产品是假劣药品,包括但不仅限于: ●企业不允许FDA检查官进入某个区域直至一段时间过去之后,即使这个 区域是正在进行操作的并且是FDA有权检查的区域,对于这种行为没有 合理的解释。 ●企业长时间把FDA检查官单独撂在会议室,没有相应的文件或责任人供 审查和询问,从而干扰检查官完成其相应的检查。 下面给出了将不会被认为是假劣药品的潜在合理解释的一个例子,但不仅限于: ●企业不允许FDA检查官进入无菌工艺区域,直至检查官能满足企业的无菌 更衣程序要求。


一,做一项工作,首先要问自己为什么做?怎么做?谁来做?什么时间做(包括完成的时间)? 二,评审文件;按QSIT方法——基于7个子系统 4个主要子系统(管理、设计、纠正预防、生产过程);3个支持子系统(文件、物料、生产工具和设备控制);FDA检查工作时会以点带面,抓住一点,可在一个问题上几个来回,也可能检查整个公司的质量管理体系。 三、在FDA官员来工厂检查前公司内部应进行多次的核查和确认;对任何公司来说,通过 FDA验厂最重要的条件是自己要严格执行已经确立的程序和作业流程,文件编制合理性及可操作性当然重要,检查官员对有文件不执行最反感。 四、FDA对工艺过程特别是特殊过程中的一些关键步骤的操作条件、方法及设备进行的验 证(Validation)非常重视。但他们更注重过程控制,应该有的作业指导书一定要准备好; 五、FDA非常重视对生产记录的检查,对原材料的入库、检验及发放、生产工艺过程的控 制、成品的质量检验以及各项重点项目的验证等均要求有完整的原始记录及整套的批记录,FDA官员在工厂检查要任意取样抽查批记录,批记录的真实性与完整性能具体体现工厂的GMP管理的水平。 六、FDA检查官对不合格品和顾客投诉的控制及处理方法、过程及相关的记录非常关注。 七、接待人员回答提问要有技巧,不清楚的事情切忌马上回答,可以先查文件,几个人商量 定下来再回答。更不要“灵机一动”,以为自己应付得了。 八、检查结果:什么都没有得到,这是最好的情况,但这恐怕不太可能。能接到无批评的 483表(无不合格项,只有观察项)已经是相当不错;到于做得不够好的企业也许会接到有批评的483表,这就危险啦,它可能导致:警告信(Warning letter)、自动滞留(Automatic Detention)、QSR扣留、(QSR Hold)撤回(Recall)、直至永久不得进入美国市场。 所以,凡是接美国FDA通知要来工厂的企业务请注意,需要全公司员工的非常重视,全员动员,全力准备,将可能出现的不符合减到最少,才能避免接到警告信 生产现场的标识不在乎以下几个方面: 1.1生产区域的标识。包括生产区域的总平面图,不同洁净级别区域的标志,按定置管理要求划分的 不同区域进入控制区的程序等 1.2生产设备容器和管线的标识,包括设备容器的名称、编号、型号规格和安装日期等,以及用不同 颜色区分不同类型的管线并标明流向。 1.3设备运转状态的标识、标明设备处于生产、清洗还是维修等。 1.4生产过程的各种物料的标识,包括原辅料、包装材料、半成品或中间体和成品的品名、批号、数 量、来源等标识及标明检验状态的标识(待验、合格或不合格) 2.仪器、仪表、量具和衡器的校验 生产和检验的仪器、仪表、量具和衡器等准备与否,关系到工艺参数的控制与检验结果的准确性,如其出现差错,在产品的生产和质量控制中操作者会产生错误的判断,产品质量难以保证,FDA官员对此非常重视,检查中特别关注厂房生产和检验的仪器、仪表、量具和衡器等的管理。


注意事项 永远要讲实话。 这是药厂在针对现场检查的公司声明材料中,必须强调的内容,任何人要回答FDA的问题,都需要进行事先培训知道这些程序和原则。 不要答非所问,超出提问要求回答的内容和范畴。 先考虑好如何回答问题,确信保您正确理解它,并知道如何给出你要的答案。如果您不能确定具体问的是什么,请与调查人员澄清。如果FDA的检查员没有反应,耐心等到他或她作出解释为止。如果FDA检查员对你的回答没有发表评论,等待其作出评论。正常的社交规则不适用现场考察过程。通常情况下,FDA检查员通常会让你等待不耐烦,试图提示您主动谈更多情况。不要中其诱饵。 澄清被要求回答的问题。如果你不明白FDA问什么,试图问清提问的含义或目的。如果这个问题似乎过于宽泛,可以要求FDA更明确具体为题所问。最重要 的是,如果所涉的问题有错误,与检查员澄清问题的范围或给出不妥的理由。 尽力限制钓鱼式的敏捷。美国FDA往往要求你回答很广泛的问题。尽力缩小回 答的范围。例如,如果现场考察人员说,“我想看看您的申诉材料和文件。”你可以回应说:“你要的是哪一年材料?”或想看哪类“产品?”或“您是否正在寻找一个特定类型的投诉?“ 在回答同问题的同时反问FDA检查员问题,可以在 两方面帮助您。首先,您表示出您愿意帮助查看FDA检查员寻找的申诉文件。 其次,检查员无法简单给你回复的是或否的答案,让你更加有数他们到底想看什么。请记住,现场考察人员有权要求所有的档案,但更多情况下是,提出你的问题将有助于完善你的理解和回答。 如果你不知道某一个问题的答案,就坦率这么说。一时不知道答案这没关系。最佳对策是要找到知道问题答案的人或发现这一问题答案,如果适合您这样做的话。


Food and Drug Administration Compliance Program Guidance Manual FDA检查员指导手册:7356.002F 56002F- Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Process Inspections (Drug Quality Assurance) 56002F-原料药生产检查(药品质量保证)

目录 现场检查报告要求 (55) 第I部分背景 (56) 第II部分实施 (57) 第III部分检查 (58) 第IV部分分析 (63) 第V部分法规/行政策略 (65) 第VI部分参考资料,附件和联系接触方式 (68) 第VII部分中心的职责 (69) 附件A (69) 附件B (72)

现场检查报告要求 工艺专论报告 在API检查时,要使用下列的分类进行报告所检查的工艺情况1.Non Sterile API by Chemical Synthesis CSN 化学合成非无菌原料CSN 2.Sterile API by Chemical Synthesis CSS 化学合成无菌原料药CSS 3.Non Sterile API by Fermentation CFN 发酵生产的非无菌原料CFN 4.Sterile API by Fermentation CFS 发酵生产的无菌原料CFS 5.Plant/Animal Extraction API CEX 植物/动物提取原料药CEX 6.Biotechnology API CBI 生物技术生产的原料药CBI

第I部分――背景 至八十年代后期以来,美国食品与药品管理局以强化了其对原料药(API)生产企业的检查内容。从部分方面来说,这归咎于对原料药质量在制剂的质量、效力、和安全方面所起的重要作用认识的提高。例如,在配制成固体口服制剂,混悬剂和局部用药时原料药的化学特性会对制剂的溶出度/生物利用度产生不利影响。另外,原料中的少量没有鉴别出的杂质或其特性未知的杂质会给病人造成的严重不良反应。 FDA长期以来一直认为,收载在制剂药品生产质量管理规范规定(21 CFR 210 and 211)中的CGMP概念对原料药生产工艺同样有效。这些概念包括,与其他一起,产品质量是生产出来的,雇佣能够胜任和经过培训的员工,建立适宜的书面程序和管理规定,建立一套在线测试和产品测试系统,工艺验证,和保证原料药在预期的使用期内质量稳定。 FDA在1991年出版的化学原料药检查指南,在1994年经过少量的编辑变化,包含有原料药生产的GMP/验证概念应用和范围方面的基本指南,并包含了FDA对杂质和杂质专论方面的要求。在对国内和国外原料药进行检查时均必须使用该指南,以促进检查的一致性和均一性。 目前,FDA希望生产企业在API生产的全过程实施CGMP,即从起始原料的使用开始,到对原料药质量和纯度产生影响的关键工艺步骤的验证。该方法认为所需的控制方法完全依赖于实际的生产工艺且随着合成步骤从早期的中间阶段向最终分离和纯化步骤的延伸控制水平也在不断加强。该方法允许依据工艺本身(即,化学合成工艺和发酵工艺)及特殊工艺步骤的风险性和关键性采取适宜水平的控制方法。 该“控制所有步骤,验证关键工艺步骤”方法包含在FDA的《原料药制造,加工和储存指南》草案内,其在1996年9月20日公布供公众讨论。后者可以从CDER的网站下载:https://www.360docs.net/doc/6812093142.html,/cder/api.htm.。

FDA 行业指南 中英对照 待完成

Guidance for Industry Container Closure Systems for Packaging Human Drugs and Biologics Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls Documentation 行业指南 人用药品及生物制品的包装容器和封装系统:化学,生产和控制文件 指南发布者:美国FDA下属的CDER及CBER 发布日期:May 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS目录 I. INTRODUCTION介绍 II. BACKGROUND 背景 A. Definitions 定义 B. CGMP, CPSC and USP Requirements on Containers and Closures. CGMP, CPSC和 USP对容器和密封的要求 C. Additional Considerations 其他需要考虑的事项 III. QUALIFICATION AND QUALITY CONTROL OF PACKAGING COMPONENTS包装组件的合格要求以及质量控制 A. Introduction 介绍 B. General Considerations 通常要求 C. Information That Should Be Submitted in Support of an Original Application for Any Drug Product 为支持任何药品的原始申请所必须提供的信息 D. Inhalation Drug Products 吸入性药品 E. Drug Products for Injection and Ophthalmic Drug Products 注射剂和眼科用药 F. Liquid-Based Oral and Topical Drug Products and Topical Delivery Systems 液体口服 和外用药品和外用给药系统 G. Solid Oral Dosage Forms and Powders for Reconstitution 口服固体剂型和待重新溶解 的粉末 H. Other Dosage Forms 其他剂型 IV. POSTAPPROVAL PACKAGING CHANGES 批准后的包装变更 V. TYPE III DRUG MASTER FILES 药品主文件第III类 A. General Comments 总体评述 B. Information in a Type III DMF 第III类DMF中包括的信息 VI. BULK CONTAINERS 大包装容器 A. Containers for Bulk Drug Substances 用于原料药的容器 B. Containers for Bulk Drug Products 用于散装药品的容器 ATTACHMENT A 附件A REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 药政要求


FDA检查员指导手册CP 7356.002:药品生产检查程序

目录 对现场报告的要求 (35) 第一部分背景 (36) 第二部分执行 (36) 2.1.目的 (36) 2.2.策略 (36) 2.2.1.对生产企业两年一度的检查(包括重新包装商、合同实验室等) (36) 2.2.2.系统性检查 (37) 2.2.3.对原料药及制剂生产的系统性检查计划 (38)质量系统 (38)厂房设施与设备系统 (38)物料系统 (38)生产系统 (38)包装和贴签系统 (38)实验室控制系统 (39) 2.3.程序管理指导 (39) 2.3.1.定义 (39)监督性检查 (39)达标检查 (40)受控状态 (40)药品工艺 (40)药品生产检查 (41) 第三部分检查 (41) 3.1.检查活动 (41) 3.1.1.总则 (41) 3.1.2.检查方法 (42)全面性检查的选择 (43)简略性检查的选择 (43)综合性检查范围 (43) 3.1.3.系统性检查范围 (43)质量系统 (44) 厂房设施与设备系统 (44)物料系统 (45)生产系统 (46)包装和贴签系统 (47)实验室控制系统 (48) 3.1.4.取样 (49) 3.1.5.检查组组成 (49) 3.1.6.报告 (49) 第四部分分析 (50) 第五部分法律性/行政性策略 (50) 5.1.质量系统 (51) 5.2.厂房设施和设备 (51) 5.3.物料系统 (51) 5.4.生产系统 (52) 5.5.包装和贴签系统 (52) 5.6.实验室控制系统 (52)


接受FDA 检查的几点体会 郝运杰 (河北省石家庄市华曙制药厂 050031) 摘要 本文简要叙述了我厂化学原料药接受FDA 检查的过程,对FDA 检查中特别重视的几个G MP 管理问 题进行了深入分析,从而为完善原料药G MP 管理,促进我国的原料药打入美国市场提供参考。关键词 化学原料药 FDA 检查 G MP 管理 中图分类号:R95 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7777(2002)12-0745-03R ealizing form FDA I nspection Hao Y unjie (Shijiazhuang Huashu Pharmaceutical Factory ,Hebei Province ,050031)ABSTRACT The procedure for FDA inspection bulk pharmaceutical chemicals (BPCs )is briefly instructed.Several queations for G MP management from FDA inspection are described.This article provide a reference for strengthening the G MP management and for prom oting BPCs enter to US market. KE Y WOR DS bulk pharmaceutical chemical ;FDA inspection ;G MP management 在当前日益激烈的国际市场竞争中,医药产品如果能够打入美国市场,无疑是获得了一张竞争王牌,不仅药品的生产质量管理得到认可,产品的售价也会有所提高。而绝大多数医药产品进入美国前,必须通过美国FDA 的检查。FDA 是美国食品药品管理局(F ood and Drug Administration )的简称,是美国卫生和人类健康服务部下设的公共卫生署的 一个下属机构,其宗旨是确保工业产品完全符合联邦管理法的法规,以保证食品、药物(包括兽用药品、生物制品)、医疗器械、化妆品等安全、有效。药品进入美国市场首先要有美国用户,用户的需要是申请FDA 检查的必要条件。申请时,首先编写DMF (Drug Master File 药品管理档案),阐明产品制造的相关资料,包括工厂概况、成品质量标准、检验方法、产品的生产过程、生产设备、所用原辅材料和包装材料质量标准及检验方法、产品的稳定性试验、杂质论述、验证和厂区平面图等资料。FDA 接到DMF 后,将发函告知DMF 已收到,给定DMF 的分配号,同时提醒厂家对DMF 中变更的内容按年度通知FDA ,并作好接受FDA 现场检查的准备。 FDA 一般在现场检查前1~2个月通知生产厂, 时间非常紧。故一旦申报,生产厂应严格按照cG MP (Current G ood Manufacturing Practice )要求提 前作好各项基础管理工作,尤其要保证实际情况与DMF 声称的内容相一致。FDA 官员来厂后,常常以批为线索,对照DMF 和厂方的生产质量管理文件,通过查阅各种记录、查看现场、对操作人员或管理人员提出问题、让操作人员现场演示等方式进行检查并记录。在检查结束前,FDA 官员将一份Inspectional Observations 表,即我们通常所说的 “483文件”交给厂方,提出检查中发现的问题。厂方应及时整改并以书面的形式答复上述问题。FDA 对检查结果及提出问题的答复进行汇总和综合 评估,如认为该产品可以进入美国市场,会在给厂方的信中表明该产品的生产质量管理按cG MP 要求进行,并提醒厂方这并不意味着完全符合cG MP ,应不断加强管理。 产品进入美国市场后并不是一劳永逸,每2~3年还要进行一次复查,复查程序与初次检查程序 基本相同。 近年来,FDA 加强了对出口到美国药品的检查,到现场检查的官员和检查时间相应增加,由原来1人检查3天,改为2人检查5天。而且2人进行了明确分工,一人侧重于生产现场,另一人侧重于试验室控制。笔者经历了华曙药厂土霉素碱的1998年7月的初次检查和2001年5月的复查及盐 酸土霉素的初次检查,明显感觉到FDA 现场检查 ? 547?中国药事2002年第16卷第12期

2007 FDA固体制剂制造商cGMP的检查指南02

备注: 本文件是供检查员和其他的FDA人员的参考。并不限制FDA,并不获取任何利益,义务,权利,或豁免某人 I简介 本文件旨对制药厂CGMP检查提供一个概括性指导。这个指导应该结合其它IOM(Investigations Operations Manual)的指南,其他的药物检查指导,和应遵循的规定。IOM的第十章,所列的一些指导如下: 1 原料药视察指导 2 高纯水系统视察的指导 3 QC实验室视察的指导 4 微生物QC实验室的指导 5 冻干注射剂视察的指导 6 清洁验证视察的指导 7 制药过程中的计算机系统的视察的指导 8 工艺过程验证通则的指导 II CGMP 处方和非处方 所有的药物的生产过程要遵守CGMP否则就被认为违反FD&C(食品药品化妆品法案) 501(a)(2)(B)条款。 依据704(a)(1)(B)章, 处方药物的记录一定要随时备查。如果是NDA或ANDA所列的OTC药物,根据FDC 505(k)(2)规定,FDA可以审查,复制,核对。然而,如果视察员是根据FDC 704条款到厂检查,则没有法律要求厂方,把那些在FDA没注册过的OTC 药物记录提供给视察者。所有的处方药和OTC 药的Note: This document is reference material for investigators and other FDA personnel. The document does not bind FDA, and does no confer any rights, privileges, benefits, or immunities for or on any person(s). I. INTRODUCTION This document is intended to be a general guide to inspections of drug manufacturers to determine their compliance with the drug CGMPR's. This guide should be used with instructions in the IOM, other drug inspection guides, and compliance programs. A list of the inspection guides is referenced in Chapter 10 of the IOM. Some of these guides are: o Guide to Inspections of Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals. o Guide to Inspections of High Purity Water Systems. o Guide to Inspections of Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories. o Guide to Inspections of Microbiological Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories. o Guide to Inspections of Lyophilization of Parenterals. o Guide to Inspections of Validation of Cleaning Processes. o Guide to Inspections of Computerized Systems in Drug Processing. o Guideline on General Principles of Process Validation. II. CURRENT GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE REGULATIONS Prescription vs. Non-prescription All drugs must be manufactured in accordance with the current good manufacturing practice regulations otherwise they are considered to be adulterated within the meaning of the FD&C Act, Section 501(a)(2)(B). Records relating to prescription drugs must be readily available for review in accordance with Sec. 704(a)(1)(B) of the FD&C Act. If the product is an OTC drug which is covered by an NDA or ANDA, FDA may review, copy and verify the records under Sec. 505(k)(2) of the FD&C Act. However, if the product is an OTC drug for which there is no application filed with FDA, the firm is not legally


FDA检查员指导手册 7356.002F 原料药生产检查(药品质量保证)

第一部分背景 总则 法案的501(a)(2)(B)条款要求所有药品的生产都必须遵守现行GMP 的要求,而原料药也不例外。关于原料药和制剂这两者的要求,法案并没有区不对待,而任何原料药或制剂方面的GMP缺陷都构成了对法案的偏离。关于原料药或药物成分来讲,FDA并没有为此而专门公布cGMP法规文件(就像我们现在有的制剂cGMP法规一样)。因此,本文提到的“cGMP”指的是法案要求,而并非美国联邦法规(CFR)第21部分210和211条款中关于制剂的要求。 事实上,FDA早就意识到cGMP对制剂的要求(美国联邦法规第21部分210、211条款)在理念上关于原料药生产来讲同样适用且有效。这些理念包括使用合适的设备;聘用通过培训且通过资质确认的人员;建立充分合理的书面程序和操纵,确保生产工艺和操纵的有效性,从而保证产品质量;建立一套中间体和最终药品检测方法的体系,确保药品在规定的使用期限内保持质量的稳定性。2001年,FDA在人用药物注册技术要求国际协调会议(ICH)上与其他政府监管部门共同努力,采纳了针对API 行业cGMP的国际性指南,也确实是ICH Q7A,活性药物成分的药品质量治

理的指南。ICH Q7A正体现了FDA关于原料药现行GMP体系的要求。因此,遵循该指南要求的API及其相关生产和检验设施是符合法定cGMP要求的。然而,只要是能符合法案501(a)(2)(B)的要求,并能确保API符合其纯度、均一性和质量特性的方法都能够采纳。 在本程序中所使用的术语“活性药物成分”(原料药)的含义与ICH Q7A 中的定义一致。在ICH Q7A中活性药物成分被定义为“旨在用于药品生产的任何物质或混合物,当用于药品生产时,这些物质即成为药品中的活性成分。这种物质被用来提供药学活性或在诊断、治疗、止痛、缓解、处理或疾病预防中起着直接作用或用于阻碍机体结构和功能。”目前,FDA 和原料药行业也会采纳其它术语来表示原料药。“药物成分”和“BPC”最常用,而BPC则表示非活性成分。这些术语和那个地点所使用的“API”意义等同。 FDA希望API厂家从起始原料的使用开始,到对原料药质量和纯度产生阻碍的关键工艺步骤的验证,即在API生产的全过程实施cGMP。越接近API 最终成品工序,就越要加强对物料质量的操纵。所需的操纵程度要紧取决于生产过程,且随着生产过程从起始中间体到最终的分离和纯化步骤而逐渐加强。操纵的强度还需依照每一步具体工序的风险性或关键性而定。 为了在合适的系统下生产原料药,并做好原料药的质量治理工作,ICH


FDA检查员指导手册CP 7356.002: 药品生产检查程序 对现场报告的要求 (35) 第一部分背景 (36) 第二部分执行 (36) 2.1. 目的 (36) 22 策略 (36) 221. 对生产企业两年一度的检查(包括重新包装商、合同实验室等) (36) 2.2.2. 系统性检查 (37) 2.2.3. 对原料药及制剂生产的系统性检查计划 (38) 质量系统 (38) 2.2.32 厂房设施与设备系统 (38) 2.2.33 物料系统 (38) 2.2.34 生产系统 (38) 包装和贴签系统 (38) 实验室控制系统 (39) 2.3. 程序管理指导 (39) 2.3.1. 定义 (39) 监督性检查 (39) 达标检查 (40) 受控状态 (40) 药品工艺 (40) 药品生产检查 (41) 第三部分检查 (41) 3.1. 检查活动 (41) 3.1.1. 总则 (41) 3.1.2. 检查方法 (42) 全面性检查的选择 (43) 简略性检查的选择 (43) 综合性检查范围 (43) 3.1.3. 系统性检查范围 (43) 3.131. 质量系统 (44) 3.1.32厂房设施与设备系统 (44) 物料系统 (45) 生产系统 (46) 包装和贴签系统 (47) 实验室控制系统 (48) 3.1.4. 取样 (49) 3.1.5. 检查组组成 (49) 3.1.6. 报告 (49) 第四部分分析 (50) 第五部分法律性/行政性策略 (50) 5.1. 质量系统 (51) 5.2. 厂房设施和设备 (51)


1 QUALITY SYSTEM质量保证系统 1.1 Product reviews (annual) 产品审查(年度) 1.2 Complaint reviews (quality and medical) 投诉审查(质量和医疗) 1.3 Discrepancy and failure investigations 不一致和失败的调查 1.4 Document Control 文件控制 1.5 Batch release 批放行 1.6 Change Control变更控制 1.7 Reprocess/Rework再加工/返工 1.8 Returns/Salvages 退回/补救 1.9 Rejects 拒收 1.10 Stability Failures稳定性失败 1.11 Quarantine 待验 1.12 Validation: computer, equipment, process, laboratory methods, cleaning 验证:计算机、设备、工艺、实验方法、清洁 1.13 Training/qualification 培训/资质 1.14 internal Audit Program内审规程 1.15 Supplier Audit Program 供应商审计规程 2 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT SYSTEM 厂房设施与设备系统 I Facilities 厂房设施 2.1 cleaning and maintenance 清洁与维护保养 2.2 facility layout and air handling systems厂房设施布局与空气处理系统 2.3 general air handling systems 全面的空气处理系统 2.4 control system for implementing changes in the building实施在厂房方面变更的控制系统


资产财务检查工作指引 一、抽查事项 (一)行政、事业单位国有资产管理及财务管理情况。 (二)企业、社会团体财务管理情况。 二、检查内容和方法 (一)检查内容 1、是否制定单位国有资产管理具体办法或规章制度,并组织实施,制度包括对国有资产配置、使用、处置等环节的具体规定。 2、是否有专门部门、专人负责国有资产的管理工作,包括账卡管理、资产信息系统管理、财产清查登记、统计报告及日常监督检查等工作。 3、是否按规定出租、出借和处置国有资产。 4、是否定期处理往来账务(应收应付款项)和挂账业务(应列支出未列支挂往来账)、是否每年定期进行内部资产清查。 5、是否存在浪费、流失国有资产现象;是否存在超标准配置资产。

(二)检查方法 1、查看国有资产管理制度建立情况和执行情况; 2、国有资产台账和国有资产账簿记录是否一致; 3、查看资产信息系统的卡片是否规范,项目填写是否完整、真实与国有资产账簿记录是否一致; 4、查看国有资产会计处理是否有长期未处理的往来款项或挂账,行政事业单位是否按机关事务管理局批复处置资产,是否形成国有资产损失; 5、根据资产台账或卡片抽查单位实有资产是否存在,是否造成国有资产损失等。 三、检查依据 (一)《财政部门监督办法》(财政部令第69号) 第十六条财政部门依法对下列事项实施监督: (一)财税法规、政策的执行情况; (二)预算编制、执行、调整和决算情况; (三)税收收入、政府非税收入等政府性资金的征收、管理情况; (四)国库集中收付、预算单位银行账户的管理使用情况; (五)政府采购法规、政策的执行情况;

(六)行政、事业单位国有资产,金融类、文化企业等国有资产的管理情况; (七)财务会计制度的执行情况; (八)外国政府、国际金融组织贷款和赠款的管理情况; (九)法律法规规定的其他事项。 对会计师事务所和资产评估机构设立及执业情况的监督,由省级以上人民政府财政部门依法实施。 (二)《行政单位国有资产管理暂行办法》(财政部令第35号) 第八条各级财政部门是政府负责行政单位国有资产管理的职能部门,对行政单位国有资产实行综合管理。其主要职责是: (一)贯彻执行国家有关国有资产管理的法律、法规和政策; (二)根据国家国有资产管理的有关规定,制定行政单位国有资产管理的规章制度,并对执行情况进行监督检查; (三)负责会同有关部门研究制定本级行政单位国有资产配置标准,负责资产配置事项的审批,按规定进行资产处置和产权变动事项的审批,负责组织产权界定、产权纠纷调处、资产统计报告、资产评估、资产清查等工作; (四)负责本级行政单位出租、出借国有资产的审批,负责与行政单位尚未脱钩的经济实体的国有资产的监督管


中美药品检查员队伍情况 一、FDA的检查员队伍情况 (一)、FDA的基本情况 美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration,简称FDA),FDA 是美国政府在健康与人类服务部(DHHS) 和公共卫生部(PHS) 中设立的执行机构之一。在国际上FDA被公认为是世界上最大的食品与药品管理机构之一,世界许多国家都通过寻求协助或参考FDA 的先进经验以提高本国产品的质量和安全水平。 FDA有员工9000余人,遍及全国167个城市。整个FDA 按工作职能分为局长办公室、生物制品审评与研究中心、药品审评与研究中心、食品安全与营养中心、医疗器械与放射性产品健康中心、兽药中心、国家毒理学研究中心、监督管理办公室(ORA)等8个主要监管机构。 (二)、FDA药品检查员情况 作为FDA所有药品检查工作的主管部门,ORA的首要任务就是调查(investigation)和检查(inspect)被监管公司以确定它们对公众健康法律的遵守情况,保证在FDA监管下的产品符合相应的公众健康法律和规章。ORA监管工作原则为:向相关产业提供指导信息;指出显著违法的领域及其对公众健康的影响;优先考虑并将目标定位于高风险领域监管。

FDA通过ORA直接对药品进行日常监督管理,ORA对个FDA各大区分局实行垂直领导,这种对检查的统一组织及管理形式有助于统一药品监督管理的标准,提高工作效率。ORA下设立了4个中央办公室和5个地方大区办公室,分别为:资源管理办公室、执行办公室、地区运行办公室、犯罪案件调查办公室、中部地区办公室、东北部地区办公室、太平洋地区办公室、东南地区办公室、西南地区办公室,另外还有13个药品检验所。ORA 在全国各地建立了众多的派出机构,各派出机构的人员数量约占FDA总人数的三分之一(约3000人),是FDA履行职责和掌握情况的重要部门。 ORA作为FDA检查员队伍的核心,指导并派出药品检查员实施各项检查工作,并与各州和地方公众健康机构和监管者共同协作,为公众的用药安全建立了可靠的保障。 1、FDA药品检查员数量、分级和管理 FDA设立了一套完整的检查员评估体系对检查员的实际工作进行考核和评估,检查员根据上述的各系统的综合评定结果划分为三个级别: 一级药品检查员(Level I certification audits),FDA通过对检查员上一年的工作表现和能力体现进行评估,符合要求者评为该级检查员。授予此级检查员资格的目的是确保新入职的检查员能够胜任FDA各类检查工作的职能,目前此级药品检查员数量约为1700人。

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[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 21, Volume 1] [Revised as of April 1, 2011] [CITE: 21CFR11] TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS CHAPTER I--FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PART 11ELECTRONIC RECORDS; ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES Subpart A--General Provisions Sec. 11.1 Scope. (a) The regulations in this part set forth the criteria under which the agency considers electronic records, electronic signatures, and handwritten signatures executed to electronic records to be trustworthy, reliable, and generally equivalent to paper records and handwritten signatures executed on paper. (b) This part applies to records in electronic form that are created, modified, maintained, archived, retrieved, or transmitted, under any records requirements set forth in agency regulations. This part also applies to electronic records submitted to the agency under requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Public Health Service Act, even if such records are not specifically identified in agency regulations. However, this part does not apply to paper records that are, or have been, transmitted by electronic means. (c) Where electronic signatures and their associated electronic records meet the requirements of this part, the agency will consider the electronic signatures to be equivalent to full handwritten signatures, initials, and other general signings as required by agency regulations, unless specifically excepted by regulation(s) effective on or after August 20, 1997. (d) Electronic records that meet the requirements of this part may be used in lieu of paper records, in accordance with 11.2, unless paper records are specifically required. (e) Computer systems (including hardware and software), controls, and attendant documentation maintained under this part shall be readily available for, and subject to, FDA inspection. (f) This part does not apply to records required to be established or maintained by 1.326 through 1.368 of this chapter. Records that satisfy the requirements of part 1, subpart J of this chapter, but that also are required under other applicable statutory provisions or regulations, remain subject to this part. [62 FR 13464, Mar. 20, 1997, as amended at 69 FR 71655, Dec. 9, 2004] Sec. 11.2 Implementation. (a) For records required to be maintained but not submitted to the agency, persons may use electronic records in lieu of paper records or electronic signatures in lieu of traditional signatures, in whole or in part, provided that the requirements of this part are met. (b) For records submitted to the agency, persons may use electronic
https://www.360docs.net/doc/6812093142.html,/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=11... 2012/05/30
