e 快捷键

E-TextEditor快捷键(Keyboard shortcuts for E Text Editor)

文件操作 File Operations
Ctrl+N : 创建新文件; New file
Double-Click tab bar (双击tab bar位置):创建新文件; New file
Ctrl+O :打开文件; Open file
Ctrl+S :保存文件;Save file
Ctrl+Shift+S :保存为;Save as
Ctrl+W :关闭文件; Close file
Ctrl+Shift+T :打开文件对话框,对话框中式工程中所有文件的列表导航; Go To File dialog

编辑 Editing
Ctrl+K :删除到文件末尾,如果光标是在行尾删除换行; Delete to end of line; if the caret already is at
end-of-line it deletes the newline.
Ctrl+Shift+K :删除正行; Delete the entire line
Ctrl+Backspace :删除到单词开始(和切换输入法冲突,建议使用ctrl+h) Delete to start of word (same as Ctrl+H)
Ctrl+Delete : 删除到单词结尾;Delete to end of word
Ctrl+U : 将单词/选区 变为大写字母
Ctrl+Shift+U : 将单词/选区 变为小写字母
Alt+G : 切换单词/选区的大小写;Inverse case on word/selection
Alt+Shift+D : 复制行/选区;Duplicate line/selection
Ctrl+Alt+U : 单词首字母大写;Title case
Ctrl+T : 颠倒单词或者字母顺序;Transopse, for swapping words or chars.
Ctrl+Alt+R : 运行当前行/选区;Run current line/selection
Ctrl+C : 复制当前行/选区;Copy (or: Ctrl+Insert)
Ctrl+V : 粘贴;Paste (or: Shift+Insert)
Ctrl+X : 剪切当前行/选区;Cut
Ctrl+Z : 撤销;Undo
Ctrl+Y : 重做;Redo. If there are multiple branches to choose from,
undo history will be displayed.
Esc : 单词提示; Word completion.

选择 Selection
Ctrl+A : 全选;Select all
Ctrl+Shift+arrow : 选择整个单词;Select entire word
Alt+Left-mouse : 竖选;column selection
Ctrl+Left-mouse : 多选;Multi selection
Shift+Home :选择到当前行的第一个非空白字符,第二次空白也会被选中; Selects to the first non-whitespace char on the line,
second time the white spaces will be selected as well
Shift+Ctrl+Home : 选择到文件开头;Selects to the beginning of the document
Shift+Ctrl+End : 选择到文件结尾;Selects to the end of the document
Shift+Ctrl+L : 选择整行;Selects current line
Shift+Ctrl+W : 选择当前单词;Selects current word
Shift+Ctrl+Space : 选择当前区域; Selects current scope. If you keep hitting it,
it will cycle through the available scopes.

折叠 Folding
F1 : 切换当前折叠块; Toggle current fold
Alt+F1 : 打开折叠块并关闭其他;Open current fold and closes all others
Ctrl+F1 : 折叠所有;Fold al

Ctrl+Alt+F1 : 展开所有;Unfold all
Shift+F1 : 选择当前折叠块;Select current fold
Left-mouse : Fold end or fold indicator: Select fold, twice to fold
Mouseover : Fold end: Show fold preview
Fold indicator: Highlight fold (useful for nested folds)

导航 Navigation
Ctrl+Tab :切换到下一个tab; Go to last active tab (or next tab if used repeatedly)
Ctrl+Shift+Tab :切换到上一个tab; Go to previous tab
Alt+Ctrl+R/L-arrow : Next/previous tab
Alt+Ctrl+Up-arrow : Go to header/source
Ctrl+L : 打开符号面板; Go to Symbol
Ctrl+G : 到某一行;Go to line
Ctrl+F : 搜索;Find
Ctrl+G : 搜索下一个;Find next
Ctrl+R : 替换;Replace
Home : 移动光标到当前行首; Move cursor to the beginning of the line
End : 移动光标到当前行尾;Move cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl+B : 切换光标到当前一对括弧头或尾;Move cursor to the matching bracket
Ctrl+Home : 移动到当前文档的开头,光标同时定位到开头;Move cursor to the beginning of the document
Ctrl+End : 移动到当前文档的结尾,光标同时定位到结尾;Move cursor to the end of the document
Ctrl+Up/Down-arrow : 当前视窗移动向上/下一行;Scroll up/down, without moving the caret
Ctrl+1-8 :切换到某个tab; Go to tab
Ctrl+9 :切换到最后一个tab; Go to last tab
Ctrl+0 :调出切换列表; List open tabs

视图 View
Ctrl+P :切换工程窗口; Show/hide Project Pane
F5 : Symbol列表;Show/hide Symbol List
F6 : 修改面板;Show/hide Revision History
F7 : 历史面板;Show/hide Undo History
F1 : 切换当前折叠块; Toggle Fold
Ctrl+F1 : Fold All
Alt+F1 : Fold Others
Alt+Ctrl+F1 : Unfold All
Ctrl+Alt+P :预览; Show/hide Web Preview

文档 Document
Ctrl+M :创建标签; Make milestone

Ctrl+Shift+B : Show bundle editor
Ctrl+Alt+T : Select bundle
Esc : Kill current running bundle command

Ctrl+P : Show/hide project pane
Ctrl+Shift+P : Switch focus between editor and project pane
(opening it if needed).
Arrow keys : Up/down and expand/close folder
Enter : Open file in editor
F2 : Rename
F5 : Refresh project view
Shift-F10 : Show context menu

Mouse Shortcuts
Double-click : Select word
Triple-click : Select line
Alt-doubleclick : Select scope

Command Line Options
--clearstate : Don't reload files from last session.
--clearlayout : Resets window layout and positions.
--clearundo : Clear undo history for all un-mi

lestoned files.
