


A 要有主题

B 签名

C 邮件文字内容要一致

D 禁止群发邮件

E 回复邮件时要有要点

F 不要用缩写词,重点内容要加粗

G 邮件内容要分段,清楚



写邮件的时候非常注意一些连接词。比如Anyhow, In addition, Meanwhile, What's more, Moreover, However, One last piont..



电子邮件安全 近年来,作为一种通讯方式,电子邮件不断快速发展。电子邮件用户和公司所面临的安全性风险也变得日益严重。病毒、蠕虫、垃圾邮件、网页仿冒欺诈、间谍软件和一系列更新、更复杂的攻击方法,使得电子邮件通信和电子邮件基础结构的管理成为了一种更加具有风险的行为。电子邮件的安全越来越受到重视。 电子邮件安全现状 垃圾邮件对电子邮件的效用造成了严重影响。垃圾邮件泛滥程度不仅广泛,而且引发的损失可谓惨重。例如美国民主党总统候选人奥巴马和希拉里也被滥用于一些垃圾邮件中,以欺骗人们泄露他们的私人信息、购买药品股份和哄抬股票价格。但是一些用户把大多数反垃圾邮件技术评定为失败这种等级。 恶意垃圾邮件汹涌 Srizbi僵尸网络作怪 Gmail验证程序遭破解 垃圾邮件汹涌 最新垃圾邮件利用Google Docs PDF垃圾邮件隐身半年 再度出现! 垃圾邮件无孔不入:奥巴马、希拉里被利用 垃圾邮件及网络钓鱼攻击手段越来越高明 垃圾邮件日趋复杂 雇员错误继续增长 用户对大多数反垃圾邮件技术都不满意 电子邮件安全保护技术和策略 针对日益泛滥的垃圾邮件,可以使用“鸡尾酒”疗法;那么针对病毒、蠕虫、网页仿冒欺诈、间谍软件等一系列更新、更复杂的攻击方法,电子邮件的安全应该如何保障呢?

垃圾邮件的“鸡尾酒”疗法 网络邮件安全:保护数据的最佳做法 内部邮件如何通过企业防火墙 如何配置具有SSL保护的FTP服务器? 网络配置:IIS SMTP邮件中继服务 电子邮件加密 除了上述的方法,加密也是保护电子邮件安全的一种手段。尤其在企业中,通过加密包含公司机密的电子邮件,就不用担心机密信息被拦截以及数据被窃取的可能了,来自竞争对手的风险也会减小。另外,在一个这样的时代,顾客们同样希望自己的私人资料受到保护,而加密通信就能确保客户的私人数据不被窃取。电子邮件加密不是万能药,然而它有能力保护关键数据的安全性。 五个步骤成功加密电子邮件 通过SSL发送的电子邮件是否需要加密? 最差做法 加密失误


如何跟进客户的邮件? 通过邮件与客户取得联系,是做外贸的最主要的途径。 一. 跟进客户的邮件中要注意哪些问题? 1.简洁:客户上班时间要处理很多事情。80-100个单词,不能太少,也不能太多。最简单的句式表达最明确的意思。突出重点。 2. 专业:英语用词要专业。专业词汇给对方的感觉就是做我们这一行的。如果什么都不懂,这个缩写需要解释,那个也需要,那客户会选择你吗?另外,我们要把产品了解清楚,在邮件中体现出你的专业度。有问必答, 重点突出,意思明确, 思路要清晰。 3. 真诚:回复客户的邮件要注意语言用辞,表示出对客户的尊敬,对待客户一定要真诚,表达出自己以及公司的合作诚意。 4. 及时:回复客户邮件要及时提供给客户准确的产品信息。当天的邮件一定要当天回。如果不能回复,一定要给客户一个回应,告诉他目前不能回的原因和什么时候能够回复客户。注意各国时差,欧洲客户一般下午3点前回复就可以了。美国客户上午一上班或者下午下班前发。 5. 规范:规范的格式(字母大小写,段落,单词拼写,语法检查。)主题:点睛之处;问候语;落款。内容较多时,注意分段或者分序号。 8. 与客户合拍:顺应客户的习惯,使用客户的一些专业词汇表达方式,客户的格式。按客户的格式提供产品资料或者报价。 9. 语气委婉:多用连接词,如As you know, to be honest, frankly, etc. 10. 细心:注意检查是否忘记添加附件,添加后要记得打开再仔细检查一遍。 二.报价后如何跟进? 一般客户会在第一封邮件中要求提供报价及一些产品详细资料。报价根据不同市场,不同需求推荐不同的产品,价格一般不能太高,也不能太低。给客户报价后,一般分为以下几种情况: 1.报价后,根本无回复。 1. 这时,可以考虑隔1天或2天再给客户重发一次,或者直接发邮件询问客户是否收到报价,是否有任何问题? (1)通过客户网站或者询盘信息,如果认为该客户为目标客户。多重发几次,重点强调我司产品的独特优势。也可以尝试推荐给客户其他款式的产品,让客户知道我们还有其他很多的款式,询问客户是否对其它款式感兴趣?如果客户再无回复,通过介绍公司新产品,市场动态,行业动态,吸引客户眼球,在节假日的时候及时给客户发问候,争取获得客户的好感,继续跟进,获得客户回复的机率就更高。(2) 如果不是此行业或者询盘内容比较泛,信息不全面,查不到公司网站的客户,建议重发几次,如果还无回复,就可以放弃了。 2. 报价后,客户有回复,但是反映价格太高,或者说现在采购的价格很低。 做为一个业务员,我们经常给客人报完价后,一般客户都会收到客人说价格高,毕竟谁去买东西,都想买到价格便宜,质量好的产品,自己去买东西的时候,同样也会有这样的想法。价格高,这个都是一般客人的第一反应,关键看我们怎么去引导客人,让他觉得你这个产品就值得这个价钱。因为当客户说“你们的价格太高了”时,我们看到的应该是一个可以马上促成的“积极信号”。因为在他的眼里,除了“价格太高”之外,实际上已经接受了除这个因素之外的其他各个方面。 那么面对这样一个问题,我们应当采取何种策略呢? (1)必须先做自我的心理调整。 (2).运用同理心,肯定对方的感受,充分理解客户。


Company Name: Mailing Add: Tel.: Fax.: Email: Web.: Kind Attn.: Mr. Jack Wey-- General Manager (hope I would be the GM one day) Subject: XXXXX Cooperation/ Dear Mr. Jack Wey [Your company] is the main [your product] manufacturer in China since 1968, our major clients are[those have very good reputation and renown companies in the field that have direct or indirect biz with your company, i.e. IBM, SONY .. ]. We believe that you can rely on us as we provide you quite satisfactory service and products with best quality at most competitive price in the world. We are very happy if you do not hesitate to send us any of your inquiries and we will always give satisfactory services. Products: (product range) Standards: (product design standard, if any) Service: (product applicable field, function) Size: (don’t fuckingly tell your client you don’t know) Etc. Certificates: (certificates that your company got) Annual Sales Turnover: ( just list some number here,) Looking forward to hearing from you at your convenience. Thanks & best regards, P.S. I am attaching our product catalogue/scope of service for your future reference in my following email to you, please kindly check. ( pleas e don’t send your product catalogue in the email, you are telling him here is showing your respect to him that you are sending good info to him,but not spam, therefore, you better send another email to your client with your product catalogue. Your client will check it if your products are of him/her interest) YOUR NAME


外贸开发信模板大全 模板1 Hi, Dear Mr Harold.Sacks, We produce Medical Appliances with high quality & very competitive price for 15 years in China; Hope to find a way to cooperate with you. E-catalogues will be sent if needed. Write me back or call me pls, let’s talk more in details. Thank you. Best Regards Yours sincerely Zarah Sales Manager 模板2 Dear, How are you today? ABC Co., Ltd manufacture LED Lights for 8 years in China, and supplier of walmart, hope to be one of your supplier. FREE SAMPLES & Catalogues will be sent if needed. Write me back or Call me please, let me talk details. Looking forward to working with you in the near future. Best Regards and thanks. Alice Sales Manager 模板3 Hi Sir/Madam, Glad to hear that you're on the market for furniture, we specialize in this field for 14 years, with the strength of ERU&USA ANTIQUE FURNITURE, with good quality and pretty competitive price. Also we have our own professional designers to meet any of your requriements. Should you have any questions, call me, let's talk details. Best regards! Leon 模板4 Dear purchasing manager, Hello, this Lily Lee from xxx company, our company is a professional xx manufacturer with years‘s experience. so we want to avail ourselves of opportunity establishing business relation with you. Please link our company web site:............. if you want to know more about our product. By the way, free sample are available. Thank you in advance! Best regards] Xxx Company name: Tel:……. Fax:……. MSN:.......... Skype:………..


外贸询盘跟进邮件范文 一、买家询盘为泛问所有产品 询盘格式通常如下: We are interested in all your products, could you please send us more information and sles about your products and price list? 可参考如下模板回复: DearSir/ Madam, Thanks for your inquiry at Alibaba.. We are professional supplier for plush toys at petitive price, located in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. Here is the attachment with some pictures of our products that may suit your requirements, for more, please check our website, and select the products that you??re interested in. We have great interest in developing business with you, should you have any inquiries or ments, we would be glad to talk in details through MSN:XXX\ mails or any way you like. (附件内容可挑选一些公司主打产品)


一如何搜索客户? 这是发开发信的前提,我们必须搜索到大量的相关的公司企业邮箱,才能发送开发信。那么我们该当如何搜邮箱呢? 1. 总结产品关键词,将之翻译成各种不同国家的语言,再用各个国家本土运用最多的搜索引擎搜索。 注意:产品关键词可以使相关产品,好比,买皮革的可以搜皮包,卖面粉的搜面食店,我们要找准好自己的目的市场,这样才能针锋相对,有的放矢。 2. 往往,在谷歌键入关键词后,搜索到的网站链接很繁杂,我们如何去辨别哪个是公司网站,哪个不是,这要自己多多去熟悉,譬如,.Eu是学术性质的,.Org是政府运营的,.Blog就是博客啦,如果搜到这种链接的都是可以直接忽略的。 3. 最好用谷歌浏览器,如果是非英语国家,谷歌浏览器自带的翻译器可以全文翻译,简直太好使了。 4. 打开公司网站,熟悉公司的大体结构,根据网页上的图片,以及公司的产品内容,判断是否可能发展成为潜在客户。如果是心目中的网站,那么就去打开Contact,寻找公司的邮箱,现成有的话就直接顺手复制过来,要是翻遍公司网站还是一无所获的话,这里有三种比较管用的方法,也可以得到公司的邮箱: ①在谷歌里直接键入“*****.com email”, 其中*****.com是公司域名,搜索后,大体是能找到类似于info@*****.***等的邮箱,复制过来就行了。 ②在谷歌里键入“已知公司电话号码email”, 这样也能搜索到很多找不到的邮箱的。 ③要是实在不行,就直接尝试在域名前加info, office, sales,inquiries, contact等,总有一个是对的。 二开发信系列问题 1. 开发信的内容:简单自我介绍和公司介绍,产品范围,图片,结尾,附件一份PDF关于公司和产品,把


10个高回复率的开发信模板 共享给大家,向日葵外贸大数据Andy 模板一: Hi Sir/Madam, Glad to hear that you're on the market for furniture, we specialize in this field for 14 years, with the strength of ERU&USA ANTIQUE FURNITURE, with good quality and pretty competitive price. Also we have our own professional designers to meet any of your requriements. Should you have any questions, call me, let's talk details. Best regards! Leon 模板二 Dear purchasing manager, Hello, this Lily Lee from xxx company, our company is a professional xx manufactur er with years ' s experience. so we want to avail ourselves of opportunity establishi ng business relation with you. Please link our company web site: ........... if you want to know more about our product. By the way, free sample are available. Thank you i n advance! Best regards] Xxx Company name: Tel: Fax:


展会四类客户跟进邮件模版 接待客户时,根据客户的兴趣程度,将客户分成:机会,感兴趣,了解,路人。对于不同的客户,采取不同策略。 1. 机会客户: 客户很有意向,基本属于已经决定要购买,只是决定买什么规格,数量,从谁那里买的问题。这类客户,追踪的时候,要重点把客户的注意力放在规格的选择上,追问客户的需求细节。通过关注具体的细节,把握住客户的注意力,推动客户往前走。 只要客户一直跟你联系,就跟客户越来越熟悉。客户给你的信息越多,同样的信息,他再给其他人解释一遍的成本就越高。如果感觉你值得信任,比较靠谱,他跟别人再解释一遍的意愿就会降低。 在竞争方面,要重点解决,“你为何要跟我买”的问题。价格是一个重要的方面,如果价格比对手高,要主动说明为何你justify这个高的价格,好在什么地方。但价格,甚至质量都不是最关键的地方。客户觉得你是否值得信赖和靠谱最关键。无论是老板自己,还是职业采购人员,都不想冒太大的风险。 Dear Peter, It is very nice to talk with you on Canton Fair. As per your request, I am sending you the detailed specification for XXX model. FYI, we use high-quality imported material with zero lead for this model. It is very popular in European market, as consumers are more demanding for green products. (从细节入手,给客户提供充足的信息,同时暗示你的东西是好的,为何价格会比较贵。即便不直说,客户也清楚了。) Can you tell me how many pieces do you need for this model? And what is your requirement for the package? (通过提问,将客户的注意力放在能够向前推进的细节上。只要客户一点一点地给你提供构成一个完整订单的详细信息,你就在往订单一步步迈进。) Best regards, Kate


写作专题之学案(二)应用文体 ----------书信、电子邮件 一、文体解读 书信、电子邮件的写作是高考中出现频率最高的一种题型。从内容上看,近几年高考书信写作主要包括求助信、致歉信、致谢信、笔友信、慰问信、投诉信、邀请信、介绍信、求职信、读者请求的解答信及其答复读者的信等。 书信的格式大体相同,多半包括三个部分:开头,中间正文部分和结尾。写信时,同学们要注意以下几点: 1.在篇首写出信的意图或目的。 2.中间部分,不同类型的信件表达的内容不同,注意句式的多样化。3.末尾处表达愿望或祝福。二、写作范句必备 1.普通信 ①I am so pleased to hear from you. You want to know how we celebrate our Spring Festival. 很高兴收到你的来信,你想知道我们如何过春节。②I'm writing to tell you about my summer holiday experience. 我写信想告诉你我的暑假经历。 ③I'm w riting to you informing that ... 我写信给你,是想告诉你…… 2.求职信 ①I'm a student from Qinghua University. I'm glad to learn that you need a secretary. I'm quite 我是清华大学的学生,很高兴得知你们需要招聘一位秘书。我对此非常感兴趣,而且我认为我非常适合这项工作。 ②I'm writing to express my intere st in 你们最近做广告来招聘女服务员,我对此非常感兴趣。③For the past three years, I have been in the ..., where I worked as ... 我曾经在……工作三年,担任……工作。 ④If I have a chance to work in your company, I will try my best to be a good employee. 如果我有机会在贵公司工作,我将竭尽全力做一名优秀员工。 ⑤Thanks for considering my application and I am looking forward to meeting you. 非常感谢您能考虑一下我的申请,我期待着与您相见。 3.求助信 ①I have a trouble these days and need your help/advice. 这些日子我有件烦恼事,需要你的帮助/建议。②I'm writing a letter to you to get some help about ... 我写信给你是为了就……向您寻求帮助。 4.邀请信 ①We are planning to hold a ball in Mr. Green's house on Sunday. I'm writing to ask you to 我们计划星期天在格林先生家举办舞会,我写信邀请你来。②I wonder if you could come to my birthday party this Saturday. 不知


开发信标题技巧 第一类别:【形容词】+【产品】+from 【公司名缩写】 1)Various branded boxes from ABC, China 强调盒子款式多样,接受OEM--适合常规定制类产品 2)Trendy USB from ABC, China 强调USB款式新颖--适合小礼品 3)Healthy Organic IQF Vegetables-Factory Direct 强调蔬菜特性和品种--适合农产品/化工品 4)FDA Grade TPE Material from ABA China--强调符合FDA 标准 5)SGS Approved Medicine Grade Lactose-China Direct--强调符合SGS 检测标准,药物级别-- 以上这两种适合对质量标准严格要求的欧美国家。 第二类别:【噱头】+ 【产品描述】 6)【Last chance】30% off Bedroom furniture 7)【Final Day】Grab at least 50% off on the dining table. 这两者从时间上吸引客户,机不可失。 8)【MOQ 100 PCS ONLY】Branded Caps on sale 从起订量上吸引客户-小数量也接单 9)【Factory Direct】Sunglasses with Various Styles 从货源上吸引客户-工厂直销,多款供选

10)【Free Artwork】Custom Rubber Keychain 从设计上吸引客户-免费设计/出图 11)【Ready Stock】Hotel Supply Towel 从货期上吸引客户-现存的专供酒店的毛巾 第三类别:【产品】+【用途】 第四类别:问句式:How/What+【产品描述】? 15)How to choose/ pick the durable LED light? 强调灯饰耐用。 16)How to get the fadeless custom shirts? 强调衣服来样定做,印刷不会褪色。 17)What's a labeling machine (with pictures) 说明机械名字,并且强调附图 第五类别:【展现优势/告知消息/效果/结果/新技术等成绩】 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到 第六类别:如果有客户的名字,标题中嵌入他的名字,引起注意: 24)Hello Peter, can you please give me 2 min? 25)Tim, are you fine with your suppliers now?


福步外贸文档下载中心 外贸推广/开发信 (仅示范文本) 这个文档里的开发信全部是来自福步外贸论坛的,经过整理的,形式上面有些差别,大家可以经过自己的润色,来完善好属于自己的开发信。 ====================== 示例一================== Dear Sirs, We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-operated corporation,handling both the import and export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines,we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present. Should any of the items be of interest to you,please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries,we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote,by joint efforts,both trade and friendshp to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully,


第一次接到询盘,你用多少回盘换来一句回复?该怎样做,客户才回你呢? 明明询盘了,就突然消失了?你们遇到过吗? 为什么询盘后就不见了?还是根本就消失不见了? 经过我浏览大家的外贸邮,神似的纠缠,没有回音也是白搭,只有客户回复了,即使只是告诉你不想要了,你就已经打入了客户,至少你可以继续。。。。哈哈,如何掌握节奏?万不得已,只有出绝招了! 我的第一次报价 Thank you for your inquiry of Adult Diaper. We are pleasure that you are interested in our products Adult Diaper and Adult pull up Diaper. we are the first and largest company which specialized in ### in China, have more than # years experience in handmade production. http:// We've sent the products' photo in the attachment and detailed information of the product below: For the payment:Western Union..... For the Shipment : DHL, ..... We look forward to receive your reply. Sincerely, (过几天,没回复) Dear XXX, Wish everything well with you! We are in receipt of your letter dated Aug 10 , and as requested send you a catalogue for more information . We hope they will reach you and will help


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除书信有可能被电子邮件所取代英语 篇一:高三英语作文学案书信、电子邮件 写作专题之学案(二)应用文体 ----------书信、电子邮件 一、文体解读 书信、电子邮件的写作是高考中出现频率最高的一种题型。从内容上看,近几年高考书信写作主要包括求助信、致歉信、致谢信、笔友信、慰问信、投诉信、邀请信、介绍信、求职信、读者请求的解答信及其答复读者的信等。 书信的格式大体相同,多半包括三个部分:开头,中间正文部分和结尾。写信时,同学们要注意以下几点:1.在篇首写出信的意图或目的。 2.中间部分,不同类型的信件表达的内容不同,注意句式的多样化。3.末尾处表达愿望或祝福。二、写作范句必备1.普通信 ① iamsopleasedtohearfromyou.youwanttoknowhowwecelebra teourspringFestival.很高兴收到你的来信,你想知道我们

如何过春节。②imwritingtotellyouaboutmysummerholidayexperience.我写信想告诉你我的暑假经历。 ③imwritingtoyouinformingthat...我写信给你,是想告诉你……2.求职信 ① imastudentfromqinghuauniversity.imgladtolearnthatyo uneedasecretary.imquiteinterestedinitandithinkiamfi tforit. 我是清华大学的学生,很高兴得知你们需要招聘一位秘书。我对此非常感兴趣,而且我认为我非常适合这项工作。 ②imwritingtoexpressmyinterestinyourrecentlyadvertise dpositionforawaitress. 1 你们最近做广告来招聘女服务员,我对此非常感兴趣。③ Forthepastthreeyears,ihavebeeninthe...,whereiworked as...我曾经在……工作三年,担任……工作。 ④ ifihaveachancetoworkinyourcompany,iwilltrymybesttob eagoodemployee.如果我有机会在贵公司工作,我将竭尽全


Dear Mr. Jones: We understand from your information posted on https://www.360docs.net/doc/6514568170.html, that you are in the market for LED lights. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future. AS an international photovoltaic science and technology enterprises.We have the strong foundation and the unique advantages in this led line. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company introduction at https://www.360docs.net/doc/6514568170.html,which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, White Ye! 2.对新买家要求建立业务联糸的回复 Dear Mr. Jones: We have received your letter of 9th April showing your interest in our complete product information. Our product lines mainly include high quality LED lights. To give you a general idea of the various kinds of LED lights now available for export, we have enclosed a catalogue and a price list. You may also visit our online company introduction at https://www.360docs.net/doc/6514568170.html, which includes our latest product line. We look forward to your specific enquiries and hope to have the opportunity to work together with you in the future. Sincerely 3.向老客户介绍公司新的产品信息 Dear Mr. Jones: We have refreshed our online catalog athttps://www.360docs.net/doc/6514568170.html,, and now it covers the latest new products, which are now available from stock.


电子邮件安全(一) 【教学目的要求】熟悉各名词、术语的含义,掌握基本概念,特别是PGP、PGP 操作描述。掌握网络安全体系结构、安全攻击方法等基本概念。 【重点】PGP、PGP操作描述 【难点】PGP、PGP操作描述 【教学方法】多媒体教学和传统教学相结合。 【课时安排】2课时 【教学过程】 【导入】E-mail 是Internet上最大的应用之一,安全电子邮件主要解决身份认证和保密性相关的安全问题。 【讲解】 安全电子邮件 涉及到的问题: 安全算法的选择 系统邮件的信息格式 如何实现认证和信任管理 邮件服务器的可靠性 应用实际例子:PGP、S/MIME等 邮件信息格式 早期只支持ASCII文本格式 随着Email的发展需要发送各种类型数据,形成了MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions,多用途网际邮件扩展) 5.1 PGP(Pretty Good Privacy) 1.提供了一种机密性和数字签名的安全服务,广泛用于电子邮件和文件存储的安全应 用 2.选择各种经过实际验证的安全算法作为基础构件 3.将这些算法有机整合起来,形成一个通用的独立于操作系统和硬件平台的应用程序 4.是一个自由软件包(https://www.360docs.net/doc/6514568170.html,) PGP的优势 1.免费得到, 支持多种平台(DOS/Windows、Unix、Macintosh等) 2.建立在一些经过实际验证的算法基础上(RSA、DSS、Diffie-Hellman、IDEA、3DES、 SHA-1、MD5),选用算法的生命力和安全性得到公众认可 3.应用范围极其广泛 4.不从属于任何政府机构和标准化组织 5.已经成为互联网标准文档(RFC3156) 6.免费得到, 支持多种平台(DOS/Windows、Unix、Macintosh等) 7.建立在一些经过实际验证的算法基础上(RSA、DSS、Diffie-Hellman、IDEA、3DES、

话题2 比较信和电子邮件的不同

话题2 比较信和电子邮件的不同 思瑞雅思 1. What is the difference between letter and e-mail? Well, letters and e-mails are different in several ways. Though both of them are used of communication, they different in their nature. The first one is manual while the later one is electrical. To write a letter, you’ll need pen and a paper, then you are to go for the post office to post the letter yet sometimes it remains unknown whether the letter will be delivered or not in some cases. But to compose an e-mail, you need a computer with an active internet connection. You also need to have an e-mail account to send the mail while the recipient also needs the same – an e-mail address to receive the e-mail. But sending emails have some benefits which are not found in posting letters. The important issue about e-mail is that it is much safer than sending letters. Only the intended recipient is able to read the e-mail while the letters could be read by anyone as those are sent using envelopes which is insecure. You can send e-mail to any parts of the world where there is an internet connection, but on the other side, postal service is not enriched around the world and sometimes sent letters go missing for several reasons. Earlier, people used to send letter and wait for months for the reply but those days are over now for the dint of e-mail. An e-mail can reach its recipient within a couple of second after it is sent. manual 手写的recipient收件人 envelope 信封insecure不安全


外贸邮件群发开发信的4点技巧 近期国外新冠病毒大爆发,很多国内的医疗器械企业纷纷开启海外市场。对于外贸企业来说,邮件群发推广是最有效的一种推广方式。但后来发现发给客户的很多外贸邮件被退了回来,原因是我的邮箱被列入了发送垃圾邮件的黑名单。这不是扎心吗!但是外贸企业在邮件推广的过程中遇到各种各样的问题,比如:外贸邮件开发信被大量拒收,邮箱被列入了垃圾邮件的黑名单等等,为了避免造成不必要的麻烦,下面U-Mail邮件营销平台就给大家介绍下外贸邮件群发推广的技巧和方法。 1、不要使用免费邮箱群发外贸邮件 虽然使用免费邮箱群发邮件成本低,但是一般免费的群发邮箱服务商为了防止用户群发邮件,对其邮箱账号的发送数量,发送频率都做了限制,如果发送数量超过一定限额,就会被运营商加入黑名单禁止发送。 推荐大家使用邮件群发工具去群发外贸邮件,比如:U-Mail邮件营销平台,无需下载安装,web登录即可进行邮件群发,而且到达率最高达到95%以上,保证你的每封邮件都进用户收件箱。平台按效果收费,发送不成功不计费,非常适合外贸企业进行邮件群发。 2、外贸邮件开发信的主题需个性化 在给国外客户群发外贸邮件时,可以在开发信标题中可以加入其名,增加用户的信任感,

认为这是一封专门发送给他的邮件,可以增加客户的好感度,提高邮件点击率。U-Mail邮件营销平台提供9种常规变量,15种自定义的变量,如收件人姓名、性别、生日等。满足客户个性化群发需求。 3、外贸邮件开发信的内容简洁至上 邮件广告不同于其他广告形式,邮件内容应该简洁至上,用最简单的文字或图片表达出你产品的特点和优势,让用户在第一时间找到他的关注点,如果用户感兴趣的话就会点击外贸邮件开发信里面的链接或回复你,否则,内容再多也get不到用户的需求点。U-Mail 邮件营销平台拥有大量精美的外贸邮件模板供用户免费使用,只需简单拖拽控件,就可制作出精美的外贸邮件开发信。 4、选择合适的发送时间 因为不同地域之间的时差是不一样的,比如在中国是白天,但是在美国确是晚上时间,所以外贸邮件的发送时间特别重要,要根据发送对象选择合适的时间发送。避免因为时差原因导致用户不能及时看到你的外贸邮件开发信。当然在U-Mail邮件群发平台可以自主设定邮件发送的时间, 无需企业营销人员值守群发。
