






本书是为成为自学考试英语专业应试者, 全书分英国文化和美国文化两大部分,美国部分十一章,地理环境,政府制度,文学,风俗习惯,家庭生活,新闻媒介,种族关系及社会问题等,并通过用英语学习文化知识提高外语水平,编者在选材时注意了下列两个方面:1,尽量选用内容丰富,



Part OneBritish Calture1.Who Are the British?2.English History3.Which English?4.British Government System5.Industry,Agriculture and Business6.English Literature7.Religion and Beliefs8.Character and https://www.360docs.net/doc/6615048044.html,cation10.The Welfare State11.The Press,Radio and Television12.The Commonwealth Part TwoAmerican Culture1.Atlantic to Pacific2.American History3.The Forms of Government4.American Literature5.Religion6.The American Character7.American Education8.American Family Life9.Thanksgiving and Christmas10.Race and Ethnic Relations11.Social Problems in the United States


朱永涛《英美文化基础教程》课后习题详解(英国文化 宗教和信仰)【圣才出品】

第7章宗教和信仰 I.Explain the following: 1.Christianity 【答案】(1)Christianity refers to all doctrines and religious groups based on the teaching of Jesus Christ.It was founded in the1st century in Palestine. (2)Jesus Christ is accepted by Christians as the son of God,and his teaching is contained in the Bible,the holy book of Christianity. (3)In Europe,Christianity is divided into three major groups,Roman Catholic Church,Protestant Church and Orthodox Eastern Church. 2.Jesus Christ 【答案】(1)Jesus Christ was a Jew who lived in Palestine2000years ago and is accepted by Christians as the son of God. (2)He was born to a virgin named Mary. (3)His teaching was based on love:love of God,and love of our neighbour. (4)His teaching and accounts of his life are contained in the New Testament of the Bible. 3.The Bible 【答案】(1)The Bible is the holy book of Christianity.It consists of two testaments. (2)The Old Testament contains the Jewish writings before the coming of Christ.

朱永涛《英美文化基础教程》课后习题详解(英国文化 福利国家)【圣才出品】

第10章福利国家 I.Explain each of the following in English: 1.The welfare state 【答案】(1)Britain is a welfare state in the sense that it should ensure,as far as it can, that nobody should be without the means for the minimum necessities of life as the result of unemployment,old age,sickness or over—large families. (2)The system of national insurance pays out benefits to people who are unemployed,or unable to earn because they are old or sick. (3)Free or nearly free medical and dental care is provided for everyone under the National Health Service. (4)Supplementary benefits are provided for people who live below the minimum standard. 2.The retirement pension 【答案】(1)It may be received by any man from the age of65(provided he has made his weekly contributions to the fund if he ceases to work,and by any woman from the age of60. (2)A man who continues to work after the age of65gets no pension at first, but when he is over70he gets a bigger pension. (3)People may receive additional pensions by paying higher contributions while they are working.

朱永涛《英美文化基础教程》课后习题详解(美国文化 政府形式)【圣才出品】

第3章政府形式 I.Explain the following in English: 1.Federalism 【答案】(1)The states give up their rights to conduct separate relations with each other and with the outside world,but each state kept the basic powers of government for itself within its own territory. (2)The Federal government should have only the powers which are necessary for providing for the matters which are of common interest to them all. 2.Confederation 【答案】(1)In order to establish a system of government over all of the states,so as to ensure that they would not make war against each other,and to give them means by which they could work together for their defence against any attack from outside,the newly-independent states established a Confederation among themselves. (2)It was a loosely-knitted organization with a Congress in which state representatives joined together in discussing common problems. (3)It was later replaced by federalism. 3.Montesquieu 【答案】(1)He was an18th century French philosopher.


《英美文化》教学大纲 一、课程基本情况 总学时:32 讲课学时:32 实验学时:0 总学分:2 课程类别:专业选修 考核方式:考查 适用对象:英语专业 先修课程:基础英语 参考书:《英美文化教程》张绍杰科学出版社(第三版) 2012 《英语国家社会与文化入门》朱永涛王立礼高等教育出版社 2011 《英美国家社会与文化》董晓波清华大学出版社 2014 二、课程的性质、任务与目的 英美文化是英语专业的一门选修课。本课程的目的是使学生全面了解英国与美国的国家基本情况及其文化艺术的发展,对西方思想的形成有进一步的认识,并在不断扩展自身人文知识,为学好英语扫除缺乏背景知识的障碍,提高文化素养,培养跨文化交际的意识和能力。 三、教学内容、教学方法和手段、学时分配 知识单元一:英国文化(建议16学时)重点:英国的文化概况的基本知识。 此章节从英国地理、人文特征、宗教、社会、教育与文艺等介绍英国文化情况。包括社会各层面的发展和特征表现以及传统的风俗习惯等等。理解西方思想的根源,包括英国社会的思想意识的根源与形成;理解英国历史发展对其现今社会、宗教与政治制度的影响。掌握英国经济、文化和社会等方面的知识要点,以及用于分析国家社会现象的历史辨证方法。 主要内容: (1)国土与人民(2)经济(3)政府 (4)司法与法律(5)社会福利(6)教育 (7)宗教(8)艺术(9)体育与娱乐

(10)报刊与广播电视 (11)海外关系 教学方法和手段: 演示法,讲授法以及讨论法。课堂上除了由老师对内容进行讲解,学生也有一定的时间对课堂内容讨论, 展示他们在课后所搜集到的资料。运用多媒体教学技术,活跃课堂气氛,协助课堂内容的清晰阐述。 知识单元二:美国文化(建议16学时)重点:美国的文化概况的基本知识。 此章节从美国的国家地理、人文特征、宗教、社会、教育与文艺等基本情况,包括社会各层面的发展和特征表现以及传统的风俗习惯等等。理解西方思想的根源,包括美国社会的思想意识的根源与形成;理解美国社会、文化结构多元化的历史渊源。掌握美国经济、文化和社会等方面的知识要点,以及用于分析国家社会现象的历史辨证方法。 主要内容: (1)国土与人民(2)经济(3)政治制度 (4)社会福利(5)教育(6)宗教 (7)报刊、电视和广播(8)艺术 (9)交通运输(10)美国人的价值观 (11)体育与娱乐(12)海外关系 教学方法和手段: 教师讲授与学生讨论相结合;以多媒体专题讲座形式授课,对英美文化进行横纵向对比;播放相关的视听资料和课件。 四、成绩构成和评价方法 1. 平时成绩20分: (1)人文知识阶段性测试10分 (2)小论文10分 2. 期末考试(80%):考核内容要覆盖教学大纲70%以上,体现知识应用、综合能力评价占60%以上。 3.该课成绩=平时成绩(20%)+期末考试(80%)


英美文化基础教程 作者:朱永涛 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 类别:不限 英美文化基础教程的简介 本书是为成为自学考试英语专业应试者, 全书分英国文化和美国文化两大部分,美国部分十一章,地理环境,政府制度,文学,风俗习惯,家庭生活,新闻媒介,种族关系及社会问题等,并通过用英语学习文化知识提高外语水平,编者在选材时注意了下列两个方面:1,尽量选用内容丰富, 书本出处:英美文化基础教程的PDF电子书下载 英美文化基础教程的内容预览 Part OneBritish Calture1.Who Are the British?2.English History3.Which English?4.British Government System5.Industry,Agriculture and Business6.English Literature7.Religion and Beliefs8.Character and https://www.360docs.net/doc/6615048044.html,cation10.The Welfare State11.The Press,Radio and Television12.The Commonwealth Part TwoAmerican Culture1.Atlantic to Pacific2.American History3.The Forms of Government4.American Literature5.Religion6.The American Character7.American Education8.American Family Life9.Thanksgiving and Christmas10.Race and Ethnic Relations11.Social Problems in the United States

英美文化基础教程 笔记总结(美国部分)

1.A tlantic to Pacific 1.the diversity of the physical conditions in the United States in its vast area, the United stated comprehends most of the physical conditions know to men: heat and cold, forest and desert, tropical swamp and Arctic waste, mountains and endless plains, empty spaces and megalopolis, and the world`s largest river system. 2.the diversity of the people in the United States Diversity of the people themselves is immense: people come from the different country, and their origins and ethnic backgrounds are different. Differences between the first generation of immigrants and the long established Americans, as well as the differences between different generation immigrants. And even they differ according to the degree of intermarriage. 3.How has the Republic of the United States grown in terms of area since the time of its foundation in the 1780s? The original Union consisted of 13 states ↓ 1792 Kentucky 1796 Tennessee were add ↓


第2部分美国文化 第1章从大西洋到太平洋 I.Explain the following in English: 1.New England 【答案】(1)New England refers to the north-eastern six states:Maine,New Hampshire,Vermont,Connecticut,Massachusetts and Rhode Island,an area running from the Canadian shore to New York. (2)This area resembles old England in many ways. (3)Some of the earliest settlement in American history was in this area. (4)In general,this part of the country is small-scale,long-established and urban. 2.The Mid-Atlantic area 【答案】Pennsylvania is the main part of the mid-Atlantic area,which includes New Jersey and Maryland,bounded at the south by the Potomac River.This is the clearest dividing-line in the United States,because across the river is the south. 3.The South 【答案】(1)It refers to the area across the Potomac River and southwards down the Atlantic coast.


第2章美国历史 2.1 复习笔记 Ⅰ. Discovery Ⅱ. English Settlements 1. The First English Colony 2. Pilgrims Ⅲ. Colonial Era 1. 13 Colonies 2. Reasons of Independence War 3. Immediate Cause Ⅳ. Revolution 1. Second Continental Congress 2. Declaration of Independence 3. The Treaty of Paris Ⅴ. Devising a Constitution 1. Constitution 2. Bill of Rights Ⅵ. The Civil War 1. Reasons

2. Processes Ⅶ. Reconstruction of the South 1. Definition 2. Results Ⅷ. Industrial Growth Features Ⅸ. Progressivism 1. Muckrakers 2. Progressive Movement 3. Roosevelt’s contribution 4. Wilson’s New Freedom Ⅰ. Discovery(发现美洲) (1) Around the year 1000, a party of Icelandic Vikings under Leif Ericson sailed to the eastern coast of North America. (2) 1492, Columbus reach some small islands in the now W est Indies, and didn’t know he had discovered a New Continent; (1) 1000年左右,雷夫埃里克松领导的一群冰岛的海盗航行到了北美的东部海岸。 (2) 1492年,哥伦布到达了今天的西印度群岛上的一些小岛屿,但他并不知道他发现的是新大陆。 Ⅱ. English Settlements(英国定居点)

朱永涛《英美文化基础教程》课后习题详解(英国文化 性格特点与礼貌)【圣才出品】

第8章性格特点与礼貌 I.Identify each of the following in English: 1.English modesty 【答案】(1)English modesty is a quality closely related to English reserve. (2)Within their heart,the English are perhaps no less conceited than anybody else,but in their relations with others they value at least a show of modesty. (3)Self-praise is felt to be ill-bred,and the English are typical of self-deprecation. 2.Sportsmanship as an English ideal 【答案】(1)Sportsmanship is an English ideal that is highly valued in Britain. (2)Sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport in obedience to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat. (3)Sportsmanship as an ideal is applied to life in general.This is proved by the number of sporting terms used in ordinary speech. 3.The English class system 【答案】(1)As a social convention,the English class system is much less rigid than it was,but it still exists below the surface. (2)Broadly speaking,it means there are two classes,the“middle class”and the“working class”The middle class consists chiefly of well-to-do business men

英美文化基础教程课本 课后练习答案(朱永涛)

British Culture Chapter 2 English history 填空: 1.The Crusades 2.Columbus; Vasco da Gama 3. the hundred years’ war 4. Parliament; King Charles I 5. Charles Darwin 6. the Great slump 7. the league of Nations ; the United Nations 选择: 1C 2D 3A 4C 5D Chapter 4 British government system 1.不用记 2.On Her Majesty’s Service 3.the Most Noble Order of the Garter 4.head of the church of England 5.acts of parliament; the prerogative of the crown; convention of the constitution; common law; parliamentary privilege 6.5; 635 7.the Crown; the House of Lords; the House of Commons 8.parliament 9.the final court of appeal in civil cases and criminal cases except criminal case in Scotland 10.to make laws; to control and criticize the executive government; to control the raising and the spending of money 11.the Lord Chancellor 12.her ministers 13.the Parliament;is accountable or responsible to Parliament ; the House of Commons; the people 选择 1B 2C 3A 4D 5C 6 A Chapter 6 English Literature 1.8th century; 6th 2.their Viking raiders swept into Britain 3.the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle; the Roman Invasion of Britain to the middle of the 12th century 4.Chaucer; Shakespeare; Milton 5.Thomas More; Utopia


1.the Highlanders龙 (1)They are the Scots who live in the mountainous regions of the Highlands in Northern Scotland. (2)They are a proud,independent and hardy people who maintain their strong cultural identity. (3)They mainly live by farming sheep in mountain areas or fishing on the coasts and islands. 2.the British Isles李 (1)The British Isles lie northwest of Europe in the Atlantic Ocean. (2)They consist of two large islands-Britain and Irelandand several small islands. 3.the Norman Conquest(William the Conqueror)李 (1)In AD 1066,William of Normandy landed his army in England. (2)He defeated the Saxon king Harold and the English soldiers,and became the king of England the same year. (3)French was made the official language and the feudal system was firmly established in England. 4.the Magna Carta (1)The Magna Carta(or Great Charter)was a document signed in 1215 by King John under compulsion by the powerful barons. (2)The purpose of the Charter was to make King John to recognize the rights of the barons. (3)The Magna Carta is now in the British Museum,London. 5.the Victorian age (1)It refers to the monarch of Britain under the great Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901,the longest reign in British history. (2)The Victorian age was an age of national development and national optimism. (3)The Victorians were very religious and conservative in family life. (4)It was also,in its later stages,an age of imperialism. 6.Modern English (1)Modern English is the English language since 1476.

朱永涛《英美文化基础教程》课后习题详解(英国文化 英国历史)【圣才出品】

第2章英国历史 I.Explain each of the following in English. 1.King Harold 【答案】The Saxon king who was defeated and killed at the Battle of Hastings in 1066,when the French-speaking Normans under William the Conqueror invaded England from France. 2.Alfred the Great 【答案】He was a fine Saxon king who successfully defeated the invading Danes. 3.King Arthur 【答案】(1)He was the king of England in the sixth century.(2)Little was known about him,except that he was associated with Corn-wall and is the central figure of many legends about him and his Knights of the Round Table. 4.The Magna Carta 【答案】(1)The Magna Carta(or Great Charter)was a document signed in1215by King John under compulsion by the powerful barons. (2)The purpose of the Charter was to make King John to recognize the rights of the barons. (3)The Magna Carta is now in the British Museum,London.
