




阿姆斯特丹王宫位于阿姆斯特丹,是荷兰王国的四座王宫之一,根据国会法案由贝娅特丽克丝女王使用。这座王宫在17世纪荷兰黄金时代兴建时是阿姆斯特丹的市政厅,1655年7月20日揭幕,后来成为路易·波拿巴的荷兰王宫。它位于阿姆斯特丹市中心水坝广场的西侧,正对着战争纪念碑,毗邻新教堂(Nieuwe Kerk)。






国立博物馆(Rijksmuseum Amsterdam)是荷兰最大的博物馆, 每年吸引了逾百万的观光者.它坐落在绿意融融的花园之中,建筑外观十分典雅,一楼有传统工艺品展出如陶瓷器、玻璃艺品及银器等颇为可观。二楼收藏绘画作品,中央画廊的“荣誉廊”除了林布兰,还有几位荷兰黄金时期的著名画家,如维梅尔、詹斯汀及法兰斯哈尔斯的作品都在这儿展示。国立博物馆被看作是阿姆斯特丹的地标, 拥有着无可匹敌的荷兰艺术典藏, 从早期的宗教工艺品到文艺鼎盛时期的大师杰作, 都应有尽有. 非常值得一游。











荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹英语 阿姆斯特丹荷兰首都及最大城市,人口约110万。位于该国西部省份北荷兰省,世界著名的国际大都市。接下来,小编给大家准备了荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹英语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹英语 Amsterdam, seaport and principal city of the western Netherlands, in North Holland Province, near The Hague(海牙). Amsterdam is the countrys constitutional capital; the real seat of government, however, is in The Hague. Amsterdam is divided by more than 80 km of canals into about 90 islands joined by about 400 bridges. Amsterdam, chartered as a city in 1300, became a member of the Hanseatic League(汉萨同盟) in 1369. In the 17th century, after the successful conclusion of the Dutch wars for independence from Spain, Amsterdam became the chief commercial center of northern Europe. The city held this position until the late 18th century, when trade declined as a result of the silting(淤积;淤塞) of the Zuider Zee(须德海) and the British blockade before and during the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815). In 1810 Napoleon incorporated the Netherlands into the French Empire. After his downfall(衰败,垮台) the


短文理解(五) 阿姆斯特丹之旅+华为赢得世界认可+人物故事 A Amsterdam is one of the most popular cities with tourists in the world and famous for its beautiful canals (运河),top art museums, and cycling culture. It is the capital and most populous city in Holland and often known as the “Venice of the North” because of its wide system of bridges and canals. Here are some of the key points to remember as you plan your trip to Amsterdam. Places of Interests Most visitors begin their Amsterdam adventure in the Old Centre, which is full of traditional buildings, shopping centers, and coffee shops. Then they can go to the Rijks Museum, the Ann Frank House, and the Van Gogh Museum, which are top museums to visit. Transportation Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is one of the busiest airports in the world. This airport is about 15 kilometers southwest of the city center. You can catch a train from Schiphol to Amsterdam Central Statio n. It’s not a good idea to drive a car to the city center. Cycling is very popular here, and it’s easy to find cheap bike rentals (租借)around the town. Amsterdam has a flat terrain (地形)and it’s a good choice to go around the city on foot. Money-saving Tips ·The hotels and restaurants in Amsterdam’s South District are cheaper than those in the city center. ·Buy train tickets at the machine instead of the counter to save a bit of money. ·Instead of hiring a tour guide, take a canal boat. They’re inexpensive and will give you a unique point of view of the city. 1.Which of the following statements about Amsterdam is NOT right? ( ) A.It’s the most popular city with tourists in the world. B.It’s the capital city of Holland. C.It has a wide system of bridges and canals. 2.What can visitors do in the Old Centre? ( ) A.Do some shopping. B.Visit a church.


荷兰国家介绍 荷兰简介 简介 国名:荷兰王国(The Kingdom of the Netherlands) 国旗:呈长方形,长与宽之比为3∶2。自上而下由红、白、蓝三个平行相等的横长方形相连而成。蓝色表示国家面临海洋,象征人民的幸福;白色象征自由、平等、民主,还代表人民纯朴的性格特征;红色代表革命胜利。 国徽:即奥伦治·拿骚王室的王徽。为斗篷式。顶端带王冠的斗篷中有一盾徽,蓝色盾面上有一只头戴三叶状王冠的狮子,一爪握着银色罗马剑,一爪抓着一捆箭,象征团结就是力量。盾徽上面有一顶王冠,两侧各有一只狮子,下边的蓝色饰带上写着威廉大公的一句格言“坚持不懈”。 国花:郁金香 国鸟:琵鹭 国石:钻石 人口

人口是1619.7万,90%以上为荷兰族,此外还有弗里斯族。官方语言为荷兰语,弗里斯兰省讲弗里斯语。居民31%信奉天主教,21%信奉基督教。 行政区划:全国划分为12个省,省下设489个市镇(2003年)。 各省名称如下:格罗宁根、弗里斯兰、德伦特、欧弗艾塞尔、格尔德兰、乌特勒支、北荷兰、南荷兰、西兰、北布拉邦、林堡、弗雷佛兰。 首都 阿姆斯特丹是荷兰的首都,最大的城市和第二大港口。人口73. 5万(2003年);政府所在地:海牙(The Hague) ,人口45.8万(2003年)。 中世纪初仅是个渔村,1926年建市。12至15世纪因开展东方贸易而成为重要的港口。17世纪的荷兰曾经是称雄海上的殖民国家,这里是荷兰两大殖民公司荷兰东印度公司和荷兰西印度公司的基地。18世纪后,经济萧条,发展近于停滞。19世纪初成为荷兰王国的首都,但只是王宫的所在地,中央政府仍设在海牙,这在世界各国的首都中,是独一无二的。这里是荷兰的工业、金融贸易、旅游和文化艺术中心。造船、飞机制造、化工、电子等工业十分著名。另外,钻石加工世界驰名,工业用钻石产量占世界总量的80%。金融银行业位欧洲前列,阿姆斯特丹交易所是欧洲最大的交易所之一。荷兰约四分


Climate: 气候 temperate温和的; marine海洋性; cool summers and mild温和的winters Terrain地势: mostly 大部分coastal海滨的lowland低地some hills丘陵小山in south南east东west 西north =北 Languages:语言 Dutch (official)荷兰语, Country name: conventional 传统的惯例的long form: Kingdom of the Netherlands conventional short form: Netherlands 荷兰 The main主要的cities in Holland are Amsterdam,阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)Rotterdam鹿特丹。. Amsterdam is the capital 首都of the Netherlands and its most important city. The Port 港口of Rotterdam is Europe's largest and most important harbour港湾 Located on位于the Western 西方的西部的Europe , The Netherlands is a geographically地理上的low-lying低洼的country, with about 20% percent of its area地域and 21% of its population人口located below sea level海平面下,above sea level. the four treasures of Netherl荷兰四大国宝 windmill(风车), tulip(郁金香), cheese(奶酪) and klompen(木鞋) Here comes the WINDMILL A windmill is a machine that is powered by the energy of the wind. The term also refers to the structure. In much of Europe, windmills served originally to grind grain, though later applications included pumping water and, more recently, electricity. Holland is famous for its windmills, Windmills have always played a great part in the life of Holland and its inhabitants. While at first they served to grind corn, to remove excess water from the low-lying districts, and to saw timbe. their number is relatively small there. There are windmills of the most varied types: drainage mills, corn mills, and industrial mills for all sorts of purposes Next is the TULIP(郁金香) 一,In 1593 tulips were brought from Turkey and introduced to the Dutch. The novelty of the new flower made it widely sought after and therefore fairly pricey. After a time, the tulips contracted a non-fatal virus known as mosaic, which didn't kill the tulip population but altered them causing "flames" of color to appear upon the petals. The color patterns came in a wide variety, increasing the rarity of an already unique flower. Thus, tulips began to rise in price. Everyone began to deal in bulbs, essentially speculating on the tulip market, which was believed to have no limits. 是土耳其人最先把他们著名的郁金香介绍给荷兰人,继而引发了英国和荷兰的郁金香热。16世纪从伊斯坦布尔运往维也纳的郁金香球茎极受欢迎,到了1634年,荷兰人把这称作“郁金香狂潮”。当时人们把钱投资到郁金香就好比现代人投资股票。在17世纪的土耳其,


Hello everybody, I am very glad to give you this presentation about Netherlands. The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located in North-West Europe. It is a parliamentary democratic constitutional monarchy. The Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east. The capital is Amsterdam and the seat of government is The Hague. The Netherlands in its entirety is often referred to as Holland, though North and South Holland are actually only two of its twelve provinces (see terminology of "the Netherlands"). The word Dutch is used to refer to the people, the language, and anything pertaining to the Netherlands. This lexical difference between the noun and the adjective is a peculiarity of the English language and does not exist in the Dutch language. The adjective 'Dutch' is derived from the language that was spoken in the area, called 'Diets', which equals Middle Dutch. Located on the Western Europe , The Netherlands is a geographically low-lying country, with about 20% of its area and 21% of its population located below sea level, with 50% of its land lying less than one meter above sea level. About Area, these are some statistics : total: 41,526 sq km land: 33,883 sq km water: 7,643 sq km slightly less than twice the size of New Jersey Here you see are some famous brands headquartered in Holland, such as Philips, Unilever, ABN-AMRO BANK(荷兰银行), ING(荷兰国际集团), Thomas National Transport(TNT快递), KPMG(毕马威会计师事务所), Heineken (喜力啤酒),and some other brands. Now, do you know the four treasures of Netherland ?荷兰四大国宝 Let me tell you . they are windmill(风车), tulip(郁金香), cheese(奶酪) and klompen(木鞋) Here comes the WINDMILL A windmill is a machine that is powered by the energy of the wind. It is designed to convert the energy of the wind into more useful forms using rotating blades or sails. The term also refers to the structure it is commonly built on. In much of Europe, windmills served originally to grind grain, though later applications included pumping water and, more recently, generation of electricity. Recent electricity-generating versions are referred to as wind turbines. Holland is famous for its windmills, so no one will be surprised to learn that the world’s tallest windmills are to be found here. Windmills have always played a great part in the life


2008北京奥运英语主 题对话

2008北京奥运英语主题对话 十几年前,北京仅以2票这差惜败于悉尼(sydney),一条重要的原因就是环保,悉尼正是打出“环保牌”才最终赢得了奥运会的主办权。在2000年悉尼奥运会赛场上我们可以看到绿草茵茵。我们在惋惜自己失败的同时,更应该吸取悉尼成功的经验。环境保护不仅是我们申奥、举办奥运会的口号,更是造福于中国人民的千秋大业。 绿色奥运(the Green Olympics) Dialogue: A: Do you know what the main feature the Sydney Olympics is, John? 你知道悉尼奥运会还有一个什么特点吗? B: Of course, I know. 我当然知道。 A: What? 什么特点? B: Environmental protection. 环保啊! A: Do you know when IOC put forward the issue of environmental protection? 你知道国际奥委会在哪一年提出环保课题的吗? B: Sorry, I have no idea about it.

抱歉,这我还真不知道。 A: Let me tell you. In 1991. At that time, Sydney put forward the slogan "environmental protection", thus, it won the bid. 让我来告诉你,那是1991年。当时,悉尼正是打出“环保牌”才赢得申办权。 B: What a nice memory! Oh, I know that Beijing and Sydney bid for the Olympic Games together. 好记性!噢,我知道那时北京和悉尼一起参加申奥。 A: Yeah, Sydney had five strate-gies: save energy, save water, reduce trash, prevent pollution, and protect the environmnet. They tried to host a "Green Olympics". 不错,悉尼有五大战略,即:节能、节水、减少垃圾、防止污染与保护环境。他们要办一届“绿色奥运”。 B: They have racked their brain. 他们可谓绞尽脑汁。 A: Yes. Even the torch and fuel are produced by using environmental protection techniques and materials. 是的。就连火炬和燃料都采用环保技术与材料制成。 B: Even so, there was still much pity left. The Green and Peace Organization called it at most a half green. 即使如此,还留下了不少遗憾。绿色和平组织,称其最多是半绿色。 A: That's been quite good. It's the beginning after all. I'm sure that it will be better and better.
