



01 米老鼠进行曲

02 我在铁路上工作

03 噢,苏珊娜

04 推土车之歌

05 巴士的轮胎

06 假如你知道你会快乐

07 淌过小河穿过森林

08 三只瞎老鼠

09 我亲爱的克莱门特

10 绿草地

11 十个印第安人

12 朋友摇篮曲

13 海贝和蚌壳

14 光之歌

15 牧场上的家

16 两人脚踏车

17 老狗布布

18 蓝色大苍蝇

19 划船歌

20 信一定会到达

21 美好的夏日时光

22 蹦!黄鼠狼跑啦

23 山谷的农夫

24 神奇的玩具

25 老人

26 事情为什么这样

27 世界就在他手中


01 洋基歌

02 晚安,女士

03 老姑婆

04 南方的家乡

05 小小世界

06 麦克,划向岸

07 玛丽有只小绵羊

08 带我去看球赛

09 野营

10 松饼人

11 星星

12 鹅妈妈对不起

13 你的宝藏

14 卡车夫老丹

15 兄弟,咱们来跳舞

16 你的耳朵往下垂

17 克莱门蒂

18 我的水桶有个洞

19 大蜘蛛

20 噢,亲爱的,怎么了

21 比利男孩

22 玛丽有只小绵羊

23 你是我的阳光

24 下山谷

25 在车站下车

26 我是一个小茶壶

27 只为你


01 小青蛙求婚

02 肃静,小宝贝

03 红河谷

04 凯卜镇赛马

05 将男人吹到

06 大糖果山

07 伦敦大桥垮下来

08 我是一只老鼠

09 老麦克唐纳

10 我是警察

11 字母歌

12 在老烟山上

13 萝卜汤

14 从窗口进出

15 雨不在下了

16 穿过森林和小河

17 在圣路易和我碰面

18 玛蒂达的华尔兹

19 宾果

20 有没有看见那少女

21 小狗到哪里去了?

22 漫步在纽约

23 动物赶集

24 她会从山上回来

25 我们去打猎

26 一下,二下,系鞋带

27 熊儿翻过山


Polly Wolly Doodle儿歌歌词 Polly Wolly Doodle Oh, I went down South for to see my Sal, singin” Polly wolly Doodle” all the day. My sally is a spunky gal, singin” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. CHORUS Fare thee well, fare the well, fare thee well, my fairy fay. For I?m goin? to Louisiana for to see my susyanna. Singin? “Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Oh, my sal, she is a maiden fair, singin” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Well a bullfrog sitin? on a railroad track. Singin? “Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Just a-pickin? his teeth with a carpet tack, singin?” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Red River Valley儿歌歌词 Red River Valley From this valley they say you are going, I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile. For I know you are taking the sunshine. That has lighten my pathway a while. Come and sit by my side if you love me, Don?t? hasten to bid me do, But remember the Red River Valley, And the one that has loved you so true. Just remember the Red River Valley And the one who has loved you so true Sailing Medley儿歌歌词 Sailing Medley Blow the man down I?ll sing you a song, a good song of the sea. With a way! Hey! Blow the man down! And trust that you?ll join in the chorus wi th me. Give me some time to blow the man down. There was an old skipper, I don?t know his name.


A Hunting We will go. The dusky night rides down the sky And ushers in the mom. The hounds all join in glorious cry. The hounds all join in glorious cry. The huntsman winds his hom. The huntsman winds his hom. A-hunting we will go, a-hunting we will go. We’ll catch a fox, put him in a box, and then we’ll let him go. The clever fox escapes at last. The hounds can’t stop his flight. Then hungry homeward we return. Then hungry homeward we return. To feast away the night. To feast away the night. Activity Melody Itsy Bitsy Spider The itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain and The itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again. Ring Around the Rosy Ring around the rosy, a pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down! One, Two, Buckle my shoe One, two, buckle my shoe, three, four, open the door. Five, six, pick up sticks, seven, eight, lay them straight. Nine, ten, begin again. Alouette. Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, Je te plumerai. Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, Je te plumerai. Jet e plumerai la tete, jet e plumerai la tete. Et la tete, et la tete. Alouette, alouette. Oooh! Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, Jet e plumerai. Jet e plumerai le bec, Jet e plumerai le bec Et la tete, et la tete. Alouette, alouette. Oooh! Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, Jet e plumerai. Jet e plumerai le nez, Jet e plumerai le nez


下列动画资源按如下三个因素来进行难度分级:a. 每集时长;b. 语速;c. 语言的深度。 这是针对大众水平进行的分级,如果出现以下情况,可不必遵循这一难度分级: a. 你家孩子对某个领域非常感兴趣,依照兴趣优先原则,直接选用孩子感兴趣的动画资源。 b. 你家孩子有耐性看长度长些的动画,也可看下一级别的动画,因为下一级别的从语速和语言深度来讲,可能不比上一级别难,只是时间更长,考虑到孩子的视力和专注时长而进行了级别的区分。 第一部分:儿歌资源 级别名称介绍下载链接 儿歌(0-6岁) Super Simple Songs 共3CD(音频),简单易学。 点击查 看 语感启蒙共4CD,视频儿歌教学。 点击查 看Mother Goose English Nursery Rhymes鹅妈妈童谣 西方经典儿歌集。( 有真人版视频儿歌) 点击查 看 苏西托曼的经典儿歌 集 Rock me Baby 字正腔圆,节律感很强。 点击查 看Wee Sing 美国经典儿歌集,国内现在很流行。 点击查 看 迪斯尼最爱儿歌系列4张CD配歌词 点击查 看 第二部分:原版教材及分级读物资源 级别名称介绍下载链接 原版教材及分级读物美国加州教材(有配套音频 及点读版) 适用对象:3-15岁 特点: 1. 包括语文、数学和科学三门 2. 科学是GK-G6;语文和数学都是G1-G6 3. 加州数学不如哈考特Math Concept Reader 有趣 4. 系统性很强,配有齐全的教师用书和练习册, 适合孩子英语基础好,父母英语好的系统性学 习 5. 每一个Grade的难度梯度都比较陡 点击查 看 Heinemann 海尼曼分级读 物(多数有配套音频) 适用对象:2-5岁 特点: 1. 分为GK-G2三个级别 2. GK适合启蒙,积累词汇量 3. 三个级别按书本身的系列重新排列了 点击查 看



英文儿歌大集合(三) 1. Tell me Tell me tell me what it is Tell me tell me what it is It's a book it's a book it's a book yes it's a book Tell me tell me what it is Tell me tell me what it is It's a pen it's a pen it's a pen yes it's a pen 2. Red yellow green and blue Red,yellow, green and blue, green and blue Red,yellow, green and blue, green and blue stand up, sit down, turn around. Red,yellow, green and blue, green and blue Pink, purple, orange, black and white, Pink, purple, orange, black and white, stand up, sit down, turn around. Pink, purple, orange, black and white. 3. Bingo There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! And bingo was his name, Oh! 4. Knock, knock,knock Knock knock knock who is that it's me Johonny please come in welcome welcome to my home 5. Days of the week sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday Saturday sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday Saturday 6. Little pig Oink oink little pig Oink oink oink little pig Oink oink little pig Oink oink oink little pig


目录 01.礼貌问候用语 来是come ; 去是go ;come, come ;go, go. 点头yes;摇头no;yes,yes;no,no. 我是I,你是you,I,I;you,you. 见面问好说 Hello! Hello! Hello! 你好吗? How are you? How are you? How are you? 谢谢你 Thank you!Thank you!Thank you! 熟人见面说声 Hi! Hi! Hi! 临走分手说Bye-bye! Bye-bye! Bye-bye! 客人来了快请坐 Sit down, please. Sit down, please. 客人来了请喝茶Have some tea ,please. Have some tea,please. 早上好Good morning . Good morning. Good morning. 晚上好 Good evening. Good evening. Good evening. 临睡之前道晚安 Good night .Good night .Good night. 02.家禽家畜名称 绵羊绵羊sheep;sheep;sheep;sheep 小猪小猪pig;pig;pig;pig 蜜蜂蜜蜂bee;bee;bee;bee 小鸟小鸟bird;bird;bird;bird 小马小马horse;horse;horse;horse 小猫小猫cat;cat;cat;cat 小兔小兔rabbit;rabbit;rabbit 小狗小狗dog;dog;dog;dog 小鸡小鸡chick;chick;chick;chick;小鸭小鸭duck;duck;duck;duck 03.儿童歌曲:龟兔赛跑 04.家庭成员称呼 爸爸爸爸daddy daddy daddy daddy 妈妈妈妈mami mami mami mami 哥哥弟弟brother brother brother 姐姐妹妹sister sister sister 爷爷爷爷grandpa grandpa grandpa 奶奶奶奶grandma grandma grandma 伯伯叔叔和舅舅英文全部叫uncle uncle uncle uncle 姑姑婶婶和阿姨英文全部叫auntie auntie auntie auntie 05.服装鞋帽名称 小闹钟叮当响小朋友们快起床衣服裤子自己穿人人夸我本领强 衣服衣服clothes clothes clothes 裤子裤子trousers trousers trousers 袜子袜子socks socks socks 裙子裙子skirt skirt skirt 外套外套coat coat coat 鞋子鞋子shoes shoes shoes 06.儿童歌曲:小小英雄 07.春夏秋冬四季 春天来春天来燕子含泥柳条摆春天春天spring spring spring spring


Six little ducks 六只小鸭子 Six little ducks that I once knew, fat ones,skinny ones , fair ones too , 我曾经认识六只小鸭子,肥的、瘦的、漂亮的也有 But the one little duck with the feather on his back, 但其中一只背上羽毛软柔柔He led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走quack , quack , quack ! quack , quack , quack ! He led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走Down to the river they would go , 它们朝着小河往前走 Wibble wobble , Wibble wobble , to and fro ! 摇摇晃晃来来回回走 But the one little duck with the feather on his back , 但其中一只背上羽毛软柔柔He led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走quack , quack , quack ! quack , quack , quack ! He led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走Home from the river they would come, 它们离开小河往回走 Wibble wobble , Wibble wobble , ho hum hum ! 摇摇晃晃打着哈欠走 But the one little duck with the feather on his back , 但其中一只背上羽毛软柔柔He led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走quack , quack , quack ! quack , quack , quack ! he led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走 JUMP FOR ME跟我跳 Jump,jump,jump for me跳,跳,我跳 Jumping is fun,you will see跳跃的乐趣,你会看到 Jump high,jump low跳的高,跳低 Jumping,jumping we will go跳跃,跳跃,我们将 Twist,twist,twist with me捻度,捻,捻与我 Twisting is fun,you will see扭的乐趣,你会看到 Twist left,twist right扭左,右扭 Twisting,twisting day and night扭,扭日夜


经典英文儿歌:三只小盲鼠 Three Blind Mice三只小盲鼠,是一首非常经典的英语童谣。迪斯尼最爱儿歌系列收录了欢迎的100首迪斯尼童谣。其标准清晰的英语发音,更是不可多得的英语启蒙教材。在快乐的音乐环境中,亲子之间互动学习,达到寓教于乐的效果。Three Blind Mice三只小盲鼠 Three Blind Mice Three blind mice 三只小盲鼠三只小盲鼠 See how they run see how they run 看你怎么跑看你怎么跑 They all ran after the farmer’s wife 它们跟着农夫的妻子跑啊 She cut off their tails with a carving knife 她用一把切肉用的餐刀切掉了他们的尾巴。 Did you ever see such a sight in your life 你在你的生命中曾经看到过象三只失明的老鼠 Three Blind Mice Three blind mice 三只小盲鼠三只小盲鼠 Three Blind Mice Three blind mice 三只小盲鼠三只小盲鼠 See how they run see how they run 看你怎么跑看你怎么跑 They all ran after the farmer’s wife 它们跟着农夫的妻子跑啊 She cut off their tails with a carving knife 她用一把切肉用的餐刀切掉了他们的尾巴。 Did you ever see such a thing in your life 你在你的生命中曾经看到过象三只失明的老鼠 Three Blind Mice Three blind mice 三只小盲鼠三只小盲鼠


英语经典儿歌 1.ABCsong 2.Do- Re- Mi 3.Ten little Indians 4.Head and shoulders knees and toes 5.Apple round 6.Old Macdonal 7.Jingle bell 8.Happy New Year 9.Are you sleeping 10.Day of the Week Little Baby Ducks 12. If you are happy 13.Edelweiss(雪绒花) 14.Twinkle, twinkle, little star 15.Two Little Blackbirds 16.We Wish You A Merry Christmas 17.Mary Had a Little Lamb 18. London Bridge is Falling Down 20. I can sing a rainbow

部分歌词 1. ABC Song (字母歌) come together, come to me while I sing the ABC. A BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS and TUVW and XYZ. Now youve heard my ABC. Tell me what you think of me. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N L P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. now youve heard our ABC. Let us hear your ABC. All together sing with me. Let us try our ABC. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. now youve h eard our ANC. Let us hear your ABC. Do-Re-Mi(哆-来-咪) Doe a deer a female deer. Ray a drop of golden s un. me a name I call myself, Far a long long way to run. Sew a needle pulling thread. La a note that follow sew. Tea a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to doe, oh oh oh, Doe ra y me far sew la tea doe. Sew, doe. Day of the Week(星期之歌)


【英文儿歌】迪斯尼系列之TheGreenGrassGrewallaround There a hold in the middle of the ground. The prettiest hold that you ever did see. Well, a hole in the ground. CHORUS And the green grass grew all around and around. And the green grass grew all around. And in this hole there was a root. The prettiest root that you ever did see. Well, the root in the hole and the hole in the ground. And on this root there was a tree. The prettiest tree that you ever did see. Well, the tree on the root and the root in the hole. And the hole in the ground. And on this tree there was a branch, The prettiest branch that you ever did see.

Well, a branch on the tree and the tree on the root. And the root in the hole and the hole in the ground. And on this branch there was a twig. The prettiest twig that you ever did see. Well, the twig on the branch and the branch on the tree. And the tree on the root and the root in the hole And the hole in the ground. Well, on this twig there was a nest. The prettiest nest that you ever did see. Well, a nest on the twig. And the twig on the branch and the branch on the tree. And the tree on the root and root in the hole. And the hole in the ground. And in this nest there was an egg. The prettiest egg that you ever did see. Well, the egg in the nest and the nest on the twig.


Little Star Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Then the traveler in the dark Thanks you for your tiny spark; He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are Jingle Bells James Pierpont jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! o what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. dashing through the snow on a one-horse open sleigh, over the fields we go, laughing all the way; bells on bob-tail ring, making spirits bright, what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight. This Old Man This old m This old man,he played one. He played knick-knack on my thumb (Chorus)With a knick-knack,patty-whack. Give a dog a bone. This old man,he played two. He played knick-knack on my shoe This old man,he played three. He played knick-knack on my knee. This old man,he played four. He played knick-knack on my door. This old man,he played five. He played knick-knack on my hive. This old man,he played six. He played knick-knack on my sticks. This old man,he played seven. He played knick-knack up to heaven. This old man,he played eight. He played knick-knack on my gate. This old man,he played nine. He played knick-knack on my line. This old man,he played ten. He played knick-knack over again. an,he played one. He played knick-knack on my thumb My Little Donkey Donkey donkey I beg you Please don't say Hi'ha I should feed you I should feed you Please don't say Hi'ha


少儿英文儿歌:信件一定能到达 Oh,Susanna!是一首非常经典的英语童谣。迪斯尼最爱儿歌系列收录了欢迎的100首迪斯尼童谣。其标准清晰的英语发音,更是不可多得的英语启蒙教材。在快乐的音乐环境中,亲子之间互动学习,达到寓教于乐的效果。Oh,Susanna!噢,苏珊娜! I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee. 噢!苏珊娜我来自阿拉巴马,带上心爱的五弦琴; I'm going to Louisiana, my true love for to see. 要赶到路易斯安娜,为了寻找我爱人. When it rained all night the day I left. The weather it was dry. 晚上起程大雨下不停,但天气还干燥, The sun so hot, I froze to death. 烈日当空我却心冰冷, Susanna, don't you cry. 苏珊娜别哭泣! Oh, susanna! Oh, don't you cry for me. 噢,苏珊娜,你别为我哭泣! I'm going to Louisiana, my true love for to see. 我要赶到路易斯安娜,为了寻找我爱人. I had a dream the other night.When everything was still, 昨晚上更深人静,我沉睡入梦乡,

I thought I saw Susanna,Coming down the hill. 在梦中见苏珊娜,漫步下山来相迎. The buck-wheat cake was in her mouth, 她嘴里吃着荞麦饼, The tears were in her eye, 但眼泪晶莹. Says I I'm coming from the South, 我离开故乡来找你, Susanna, don't you cry. 苏珊娜别哭泣! Oh, Susanna, oh, don't you cry for me, 噢,苏珊娜,你别为我哭泣! I'm going to Louisiana with my banjo on my knee.我来自阿拉巴马,带上心爱的五弦琴. Oh, Susanna, oh, don't you cry for me, 噢,苏珊娜,你别为我哭泣! I'm going to Louisiana with my banjo on my knee.我来自阿拉巴马,带上心爱的五弦琴.


英文儿歌歌词大全 转载 1. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star(一闪,一闪,小星星) Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are! 2. ROW, ROW,ROW YOUR BOAT 划,划,划你的船 Row, Row, Row, Your Boat, Gently Down The Stream. Merrily ,Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, life Is But A Dream. 3. ROUND THE VILLAGE 绕着村落 Go round and round the village, Go round and round the village, Go round and round the village, As we have done before. Go in and out the windows. Go in and out the windows. Go in and out the windows. As we have done before. Now stand and play the partner. Now stand and play the partner. Now stand and play the partner. And bow before you go.

英文儿歌歌词 金宝贝

Sing Gymboree Hey, all you friends out there Get some songs we’d like to share Help us welcome this Gymboree day In your own wonderful way Sing, sing, sing with me Won’t you sing a song with me Fill your heart with a melody And sing Gymboree There is a special place I know Where you and I can learn and grow Shake your booties, there’s plenty to do With bubbles and a parachute, too.! Let’s All Make A Circle! Let’s all make a circle A circle, a circle Let’s all make a circle So big and so round A circle, a circle A Gymboree circle Let’s all make a circle So big and so round! Let’s all sit together, Together, together Let’s all sit together, And sing a few songs A fast one, a slow one A happy “let’s go” one Let’s all sit together, And sing a few songs Circle time is a time For singing All our favorite songs Let’s hold hands if we want to we can sing along Circle time Come and join our circle Our circle is grand Sing and dance together Please take somebody’s hand Circle time, circle time It’s circle time, C-I-R-C-L-E Circle, circle time, C-I-R-C-L-E Now it’s circle time, 1,2, 1-2-3, Red and green and yellow Purple, orange and blue Nothing makes me happier Than circle time with you. Clap Your Hands Come on everybody and clap your hands, It’s time for Gymbor ee Stamp your feet… Jump up high… It’s time for clapping hands Stampin’ feet and jumpin’ high And we’ve got one more thing We’d like you to try Let’s blow a kiss… If You’re Happy and You Know It If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands… If you’r e happy and you know it, Be a friend of mine and show it If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands If you want a little love, give a hug… If just a little love, is all you’re dreamin’ of If you want a little love, give a hug If you’re feeling reall y good, shout hooray… If you’re feeling really good,, then I really think you should If you’re feeling really good, shout hooray Hey,Mister Knickerbocker Hey, Mister Knickerbocker, boppity bop I like the way you boppity bop I like the way you boppity bop Listen to the sound you make on the floor…. With your arms…. With your feet… With your head… With your tongue.


《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 》 一闪一闪亮晶晶 这首家喻户晓的英文儿歌,陪伴无数个孩子度过夜晚时光。相信不止是孩子,这首简单而又温馨的经典儿歌,也陪我们度过了美好的童年岁月。 《The Wheels on the Bus 》 巴士上的轮子 《The wheels on the bus》是一首在英国耳熟能详的童谣。迪斯尼最爱儿歌系列收录了最受欢迎的100首迪斯尼童谣,它可是首当其冲,同时它也入选了廖彩杏书单。 这首歌通过坐公车看到的各种景物,让孩子一点点认识世界。它的歌词简单押韵,曲调轻松活泼,风趣幽默,给人带来一种非常欢快的感觉。 《Bingo 》 《Bingo》是一首节奏活泼、语言简单、旋律动听的拼字童谣。 这首歌的大意是: 有一个农夫有一只小狗 小狗的名字叫Bingo B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O (读一遍每个字母) 小狗的名字叫Bingo 怎么样,很简单吧,快快学起来唱给孩子听吧。 《Itsy Bitsy Spider 》 很忙的小蜘蛛 整首歌都在强调“never give up”:通往目的的路上,会有风雨,会有困难,但是我们不会放弃,因为我们拥有阳光。 歌词大意是:小蜘蛛爬上了排水口,下起了雨,把蜘蛛冲走了,太阳出来了,雨水干了,小蜘蛛又爬上了排水口。 《Old McDonald Had a Farm》 老麦克唐纳有个农场 这首家喻户晓的美国童谣,歌词大意是农民老麦当劳有个农场,那里有好多

不同的动物,它们都有各自独特的叫声。 《Row row row your boat 》 划船歌 这首划船歌,歌词简单,一学就会。歌曲描述的是小朋友划船时愉快的情景,可以一边听一边和孩子蹦蹦跳跳。 叮当最近在学说话,每次听这歌都特别兴奋,嘴里含糊不清地念叨“Row row”,这时,我会坐下来,双腿伸直加装是小船,然后把他放在穿上,抓住他的胳膊假装划船,左右摇摆,忽上忽下,划啊划…… 《Rain rain go away 》 雨,雨,快走开 这是一首关于下雨的儿歌,描述了孩子被雨困在家中的心情,很容易引起孩子的共鸣。歌词非常短,大意是小朋友因为下雨不能出门玩耍,内心惆怅,希望雨快快走开,改天再来。 Rain rain go away 雨儿雨儿快走开 Come again another day 改天再来吧 Little Betty wants to play 小Betty想要出去玩 Rain rain go away. 雨儿雨儿快走开 《Five little monkeys 》 五只猴子 《Five Little Monkeys》是我特别喜欢的一首儿歌,不仅韵律性很强,情节也特别有趣。歌词大意是五只小猴子,到了该睡觉的时候,却都在床上蹦蹦跳跳,他们一只接着一只地掉下床,摔疼了脑袋。最后五只猴子都受伤了,去老老实实地睡觉了……


【英文儿歌】迪斯尼系列之Themailmustgothrough The mail must go through. When you mail a letter, you can send it anywhere. On foot, by truck, by airplane. The postman gets it there. So write a letter to a friend, Maybe she’ll write you. No matter what, you always know. The mail must go through. Chorus The mail must go through. The mail must go through. No matter if it rains or snows. The mail must go through. The mail must go through. The mail must go through. No matter it rains or snows The mail must go through.

Some folks live in a city, some live in a little town. Even if you live out on a farm. There’s a post man making his rounds. You know it’s nice when the postman, ha s a letter in his sack for you.
