




People born in the summer are more likely to behealthy than those who arrive during other times ofthe year, new research suggests.


The phenomenon could be caused by mothersgetting more sun in pregnancy - and passing onhigher quantities of vitamin D to their unborn infant.


A study of almost half a million British adults foundbabies born in June, July, and August were heavier atbirth and taller as adults.


For the first time the research also revealed girls born in the summer started puberty later - anindication of better health in adult life.


Early puberty in girls has been linked with a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease or breastcancer.


Study author Dr John Perry, of Cambridge University, said: 'When you were conceived andborn occurs largely "at random".


'It's not affected by social class, your parents' ages or their health - so looking for patternswith birth month is a powerful study design to identify influences of the environment beforebirth.'


His team compared the growth and development of around 450,000 men and women from theUK Biobank study - a major national health resource that provides data on UK volunteers toshed light on the development of diseases.


Previous research has shown children born between June and October are likely to be slightlytaller and have bigger bones than winter-born children - believed to be related to vitamin Dexposure during pregnancy.


Babies born in autumn and winter are more likely to develop food allergies - with sunlightexposure during pregnancy and vitamin D levels also thought to play a role in this.


Asthma is also more common in autumn-born children - and one theory for this is increasedexposure to allergens, such as house dust mites, during the first few months of life - becauseof the worse weather.


The team found that children born in the summer were slightly heavier at birth, taller as adultsand went through puberty slightly later than those born in winter months.


They believe the differences between babies born in summer and winter could be down to howmuch sunlight the mother gets during pregnancy - since that in part determines her vitamin Dexposure.


As early as the 1930s researchers noticed children born in winter were more prone to healthproblems later in life - slower growth, mental illness and even early death.


Among the proposed explanations were diseases, harsh temperatures and higher pollutionlevels associated with winter when those expectant mothers and near-term foetuses might bemost vulnerable.


But being born in summer can have drawbacks - such as an increased risk of short-sightedness.


It's thought sunshine interferes with the delicate development of the eye - making focusingdifficult and distant objects appear blurred.


100个最常用的公示语-2015-10-19 中国日报网双语新闻

100个常见公共场所的英语标示 第一类:No + ( )-ing /n. 1.禁止吸烟No Smoking 2.请勿乱扔杂物No Littering 3.请勿随地吐痰No Spitting 4.请勿摄像No Filming 5.严禁明火No Open Flame 6.禁止拍照No Photo 7.谢绝参观No Admittance 8.请勿入内No Admittance 9.儿童禁入No Admittance for Children/ Adults Only 10.禁止打手机No Cellphone 11.游人止步No Visitors 12.禁止入内No Entry 13.禁止堆放易燃物品No Flammable Materials 第二类:n./ Noun Phrases + Prohibited 14.严禁携带危险物品Dangerous Articles Prohibited 15.禁止黄、赌、毒Pornography, Gambling and Drugs Prohibited 第三类:Caution /Danger + n./ adj. 16.小心地滑Caution Slippery/ Caution Wet Floor 17.小心烫伤Caution Hot 18.小心玻璃Caution Glass 19.小心辐射Caution Radiation 20.高压危险Danger High Voltage 第四类:adj./ n. + Area 21.公众区Public Area 22.贵宾区VIP Area 23.等候区Waiting Area 24.吸烟区Smoking Area 25.办公区Administrative Area 第五类:n. + Only 26.非公莫入Staff Only 27.贵宾通道VIP Only 28.残疾人专用Disabled Only 第六类:(Please) + Imperative Sentence 29.节约用水Please Save Water 30.节约用纸Please Save Paper 31.请勿坐靠Please Stand Clear 32.排除等候Please Line Up 33.贵重物品,随身保管Please Don’t Leave Your Valuables Unattended 34.通讯工具调至静音Please Mute Cellphones 35.爱护公共设施Please Protect Public Facilities 36.请勿践踏草坪Please Keep Off the Grass 37.保持肃静Quiet Please 38.小心台阶Mind the Step 39.谨防扒窃Beware of Pickpockets 40.随手关门Keep Door Closed 41.请勿触摸Don’t Touch 42.小心碰头Watch Your Head 43.敲击报警Push for Alarm 44.熄灭烟头Put Out Your Cigarettes 45.紧急情况,敲碎玻璃Break Glass in Emergency 第七类;n./v./adj. 46.入口Entrance 47.来宾登记Registration 48.收款台Cashier 49.洗手间Toilet 50.终点站Terminus 51.咖啡馆、小餐馆Café 52.留言栏Suggestions 53.旅游纪念品Souvenirs 54.桑拿Sauna 55.医务室Clinic 56.自动扶梯Escalator 57.推Push 58.拉Pull


中英双语新闻:各种效应的英文怎么说 效应”的原义是“物理的或化学的作用所产生的效果”,也可泛指“某个人物的言行或某种事物的发生和发展在社会上所引起的反应或效果”。英语的对应词是effect。自然界和人间社会存有各式各样的效应。其中“温室效应” (green-house effect)是我们最常见的一种大气保温效应,与地球变暖(global warming)相关。例如: 1. The term “greenhouse effect” has two commonmeanings. There is a natural greenhouse effect that keeps the Earth’s climate warm and habitable.There is also a man-made greenhouse effect, which is the enhancement of Earth’s naturalgreenhouse effect by the addition of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels (mainlypetroleum, coal, and natural gas). “温室效应”这个词有两个基本意思:一个是使地球气候保持温暖和适宜居住的自然温室效应;另一个是人为温室效应,即因为燃烧化石燃料(主要是石油、煤和天然气)造成温室气体增多而导致的地球自然温室效应增强。 2. Earth’s natural greenhouse effect is critical to supporting life. But human activities, primarilythe burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests, have intensified the natural greenhouse effect,causing global warming. 地球的自然温室效应对维持生命是至关紧要的,但是人类活动,主要是燃烧化石燃料和砍伐森林,已加剧了这种自然温室效应,引起世界变暖。 与我们生存环境密切相关的另一种自然效应是“城市热岛效 应”(urban heat island effect)。例如:


据十一届全国人大三次会议大会发言人李肇星介绍,会议期间将重点审议全国人大常委会关于提请审议《选举法修正案(草案)》的议案,并指出选举法修正案草案规定的城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表,将更好地实现人人平等、地区平等、民族平等的原则。 请看《中国日报》的报道: The draft amendment to the Electoral Law has proposed equal electoral rights for urban and rural citizens, which, if passed, will "expand people's democracy and safeguard their rights to be the masters of their own destiny", Li Zhaoxing, spokesman for the third session of the 11th NPC, told reporters at a press conference on Thursday. 十一届全国人大三次会议发言人李肇星上周四在记者发布会上表示,《选举法修正案(草案)》提出城乡居民应享有相同的选举权。该修正案通过后将“扩大人民民主,保障人民当家作主的权利”。 文中的amendment to the Electoral Law就是指“选举法修正案”,而draft amendment就是指“修正案草案”。此次《选举法》修改,一个重点就是城乡拟按相同人口比例选举人大代表,并且享有相同的electoral rights(选举权)。城乡居民选举将有望实现equal representation(同票同权)。 Amendment在这里指“修正案”,例如First Amendment就常用来指“美国宪法第一修正案”,而draft在这里则表示“草案”。此外,draft还常用来指“征兵,选拔”,例如:John was drafted into the Army last year. (约翰去年被应征入伍。) 全国人大新闻发言人李肇星本周四在新闻发布会上称,2010年我国国防预算将比上年预算执行数增长7.5%。与前几年相比,国防费用增幅有所下降。 请看新华社的报道: China plans to increase its defense budget by 7.5 percent in 2010, only about half of last year's planned growth of 14.9 percent, a parliament spokesman said here on Thursday. 全国人大发言人(李肇星)本周四称,中国2010年国防预算的增幅计划为7.5%,增幅仅为去年计划增幅14.9%的一半。 文中的defense budget就是指“国防预算”,而在实际花费之后则会形成defense expenditure/spending(国防开支)。该预算在fiscal expenditure(财政支出)中所占的比例与去年持平。我国一直奉行defensive national defense policy(防御性国防政策),逐步提高military transparency(军事透明度),每两年发布一次white papers on national defense(国防白皮书)。 每年各国政府都会制定fiscal year(财政年度)中的各项预算。家庭内部还可以制定family budget(家庭预算)。现在年轻人的消费观念已经发生了转变,采用budget plan/divided payments(分期付款)的方式买车也越来越流行了,但这并不代表一定会铺张浪费,很多人还是会选择购买一辆budget car(便宜的车)。 3月3日在向政协大会做工作报告时,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林表示,将高度重视收入差距过大引发的影响社会稳定的因素,努力促进社会公平正义。


女性读者向我问得最多的问题是──如何 能既拥有成功的事业又拥有幸福的家庭?她们中的很多人已经在事业上获得成功了,她们实际上要问的是如何同时获得一个幸福的家庭。 Here's the #1 question I get from women readers: How can I have a successful career and a happy family? Many of these readers already are successful in their careers. What they're really asking is how to also have a happy family. 对我们女性而言,这是一个非常新的问 题。许多世纪以来,女人的职业就是“照顾家人”。我们活着是为了取悦父亲、丈夫以及儿子。我们为他人服务,获得的回报是一生安稳的保障。 This is a very new question for us. For centuries, women's careers were our family. Our career was 'caregiver.' We lived to please our fathers, our husbands, our sons. In return for our service, we received a lifetime guarantee of stability and security. 然而,这种“交易”如今已经消失。虽然我 们依然在履行照顾家人的职责,但对许多人来说(如果不是大多数人的话),婚姻正成为巨大的不安全感的来源。 But today that bargain has vanished. We're still doing our part by serving our families. But for many if not most, marriage now is a source of deep insecurity. 大多数年轻人的婚姻如今以离婚告终 Most young marriages now end in divorce 在步入婚姻殿堂时,没有人会抱着这种 想法──“有一天我们会厌恶对方”,但这正是中国大多数80后一代的经历。根据民政部的统计,2005年时,80后的离婚率就已经达到了57%。 No one enters a marriage thinking, 'Someday we'll hate each other,' but that's been precisely the experience of most of China's born-post-1980 generation. The Ministry of Civil Affairs reports that by 2005, the divorce rate for this generation already had reached 57 percent. 中国历史上首次出现了在破碎家庭中长大的一代儿童。女性在离婚期间常常遭 受巨大的痛苦,但至少我们可以掌控自己的生活然后继续向前。然而,我们的孩子却不能。在离婚事件中,他们才是真正意义上的受害者。 For the first time in Chinese history, a generation of children now is growing up in broken households. Women often suffer greatly during divorce, but at least we can take charge of our lives and move on. Our children, on the other hand, cannot. When divorce occurs, they're victims in the truest sense. 离婚对孩子的影响可能会持续一生,我恰好对此有直接的了解。我1969年在美国出生,正如中国现在的情况一样,上世纪70年代正是离婚潮首次在美国爆发之时。我们那一代人是第一代成长在离异家庭的孩子。虽然我的父母一直都在 一起生活,但那些年我还是目睹了父母The impacts on children of divorce can last a lifetime. I happen to know this first-hand, since I was born in America in 1969, and it was in the 1970s that divorce first exploded in America as is happening now in China. My generation was the first to grow up as the children of divorce.


Israel launches strikes near Damascus city Updated: 2013-05-06 09:08 ( China Daily/Agencies) 最新消息:2013-05-06中国日报 Israeli strikes hit a military target outside Damascus on Sunday, the Jewish state's second reported raid on Syria in three days, with residents saying the attack felt like an earthquake and turned the sky red. 周日,以色列以大马士革为军事目标发动了攻击,这是这个犹太国家近三天内第二次对叙利亚发动突袭,,据当地居民所说,本次袭击就像一场地震一般,把天空都染红了。 A senior Israeli source said the aerial assault took out Iranian weapons destined for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, which is allied to the Syrian government. 据一位以色列高层声称,本次空袭是为了打击由伊朗运来并计划输送给黎巴嫩真主党的武器,这也与叙利亚政府有关。 And a diplomatic source in Beirut told AFP three sites were targeted, including a military facility, a nearby weapons depot and an anti-aircraft unit in Sabura, west of Syria's capital. 一位来自贝鲁特的外交人士告诉法新社记者三个目标地点,包括一处军事研究中心和附近一个弹药库还有一组位于叙利亚首都西部的防空部队。 The official SANA News Agency said Israel had targeted the military research center at Jamraya in the Eastern Ghouta region, without giving details on casualties or damage. 叙利亚国家电视台证实,以色列确实把位于Ghouta东部的杰姆拉亚地区的军事研究中心作为目标,目前并没有人员伤亡和财产损失的详细资料。 "This new Israeli aggression is a clear attempt to alleviate the pressure on the armed terrorist groups after our army beat them back in several regions and after the army's victories on the road to recovering security and stability in Syria," SANA said.


英语双语新闻:想与爱人携手白头谨记20条箴言 1. Never underestimate the value of asking your partner how his day went. 1、永远不要低估问你的另一半“今天过得怎么样”这句话的重要性 2. Some fights are just fights. They don't have to be deal breakers. 2、吵架归吵架,没有必要成为分裂的导火线。 3. Accept that relationships come with obligations. 3、接受婚姻和责任相伴相随这个事实 4. But be honest about which events you feel strongly that your partner attend. 4、但如果你强烈觉得你的另一半应该参加某个活动,就要实话实说。 5. Little surprise purchases go a long way. 5、各种小的意外惊喜能让你的婚姻走得长远。 6. Don't force group or double dates when all couples aren't friends. 6、如果不同的约会夫妇(情侣)之间不是朋友,不要勉强实行组团约会或四人约会。 7. Kiss hello before doing anything else when you get home. Kiss good-bye when you leave. 7、回到家先亲一个再做别的事,出门前来个吻别。

8. Sometimes you have to say no to invitations so you can spend time with each other. 8、有时你必须拒绝应酬,那样你们就能够有时间待在一起。 9. Treat his family like yours. 9、像对待自己的家人那样对待对方的家人。 10. More "I love you"s are better than fewer. 10、经常说“我爱你”比很少说这三个字要好。 11. Be sympathetic when your significant other is sick. 11、当你的另一半生病了要有同情心。 12. Take on more of the errands/household chores when the other one is swamped at work. 12、当另一半忙于工作时,多跑跑腿、多做点家务啥的。 13. Don't make jokes at each other's expense. 13、不要把快乐建立在对方的痛苦上。 14. Be on time. 14、守时。 15. If someone talks shit about your S.O., defend him. 15、如果有人辱骂你的另一半,要坚决维护。 16. Keep each other informed of your individual plans. 16、要让对方知道自己的个人计划。 17. Respond to each other's texts, calls, etc. 17、要回复对方的短信、电话等等。


News report Host Man(①): Good evening ,Audience friends! Host Woman(②): Good evening. Host Man: Today is December 8, 2011. November 14 on Lunar New Year. Welcome to “News Broadcast” program. Host Woman: Today`s major programs are that one hundred rare heavy snow comes to Chinese north city—baoding in recent days. Host Man: Devastating floods occurred in Bangkok,Thailand. Host Woman: It appeared a large number of dead fish in Yangtze river. Host Man: A thousand of citizens start public demonstrations for against factory pollution in America. Now Let`s look at a detailed report. Host Woman: Baoding known as its philosophy of environmental protection ushered in the first snow which last for a week. This heavy snow has made a big influence on people`s life. Let`s look at the reports brought back in front of reporters. Journanist A(③): Hello,now my location is New Campus of Hebei University, what you can see is a large block of snow lied on the main road.The amount of students on the self-study significantly reduced. Two students come towards us, let`s interview them. Hello,I am a journanist from CCTV, can I ask you some questions about the snow for a moment? Student A.B: Of course. Journanist A:Did this snow make a difference to you? Student A(④):yes,I love snow, but it`s too heavy for me so that I can`t study quietly. Student B(⑤):I always hate snow and I want to ask God what is wrong with you?(头对着天空说) Journanist A:Do you kown the reason why that happened? Student A.B: maybe it is about the environment.


BBC双语新闻讲解附字幕:对薇拉·布里顿回忆录的思考 听力文本 On this day in 1920 the United States voted not to join the League of Nations that had emerged out of the ‘never again’tide of feeling that accompanied the end of the First World War. Although President Woodrow Wilson had been appalled at the scale of human suffering he had seen, the increasingly isolationist tendencies of the US meant that the first organisation with an international peace agenda began its life without one of its potentially most powerful members. One of the early supporters of the League of Nations was Vera Brittain, whose classic memoir of the Great War, ‘Testament of Youth’, was released as a film on 16 January. Having read a review that found it sentimental I went to see it on Friday with mixed expectations. The film is primarily, like Brittain’s book, a commemoration of the lives and deaths of the young men whom she had loved and lost rather than an attempt to make a contemporary point. But the act of remembrance itself, can be a subversive and not just a sentimental act. Urged to forget and move on by those around her, Vera determined not only that she would not forget these young men, but that she would not forget what she herself had witnessed and learned as a V oluntary Nurse whilst at a military hospital in étaples. Confronted there with a hut full of German wounded Vera recognized, with shock, that these enemies were young men too, bleeding, suffering and dying far from home; the memory led to her initial support for the League of Nations, and in the face of the growing militarism of the 1930s, eventually to become one of the 20th century’s leading pacifists. As this month’s events in France continue to reverberate, and the release of the Guantanamo diaries raises inconvenient moral questions about western values, what we do with our memories is a key question. ‘Forgive and forget’is often not realistic, ignores the claims of justice, and is simply not safe, whilst the memory driven cycle of defending our own ‘high ground’runs the risk of causing more and more damage and of failing to see how our attitudes and actions –whoever we are - also need scrutiny. An alternative way to remember is offered by Miroslav V olf, a Croat theologian, writing out of the Balkan conflict of the 1990s. What he offers is a twofold way of remembering –a remembrance of harm done to us and ours that honours real anxiety and protects the vulnerable, but a remembrance which also honours the humanity of our enemies –a remembrance that restrains our desire for vengeance, opens up space for the scrutiny of our own actions, and constrains us to work for the


【Highlights】 >Wei Jianxing dies at 85 中纪委原书记尉健行病逝 >BJ has most wealthy singles 高薪单身贵族北京最多 >Ivy League hot for Chinese 美大学受中国游客青睐 >Late PM in child-sex scandal 英前首相被指性侵儿童 >UK math paper too hard 苏格兰数学题难哭考生 >Vanity Fair's best-dressed 名利场'2015最佳着装出炉、泰勒·斯威夫特上榜列第2 >Cake made of gorilla feces 猩猩粪便蛋糕:非洲风味 >New 'bubble nails' craze 泡泡美甲成最新潮流(图) 【Top News】 >Wei Jianxing dies at 85 中纪委原书记尉健行病逝 Wei Jianxing, former head of the Central Commission forDiscipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China (CPC), diedof illness in Beijing at 8:00 am on Friday, according to astatement from the CPC Central Committee. Wei, 85, was praised inthe statement as an excellent Party member, a time-tested and loyalcommunist soldier, a proletarian revolutionist, statesman and anoutstanding leader of the Party and the State. 中共中央发消息称,中国共产党的优秀党员,久经考验的忠诚的共产主义战士,无产阶级革命家、政治家,党和国家的卓越领导人,中央纪律检查委员会原书记尉健行同志,因病医治无效,于7日上午8时在北京逝世。享年85岁。 >BJ has most wealthy singles 高薪单身贵族北京最多 Beijing has most wealthy single people earning more thanRMB50,000 a month, followed by Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangzhou,according to a survey by one of China's leading matchmakingwebsites https://www.360docs.net/doc/6a17216510.html, with 80m users. Most wealthy single men work inthe manufacturing, Internet and financial industries while wealthysingle women work in finance and education, the survey revealed.More than half said they were "waiting for true love", while 22.9%said that they were too busy to date. 中国领先相亲网站之一珍爱网对8000万会员进行的调查显示,月收入在5万以上的单身贵族中,北京所占的人数最多,其次是深圳、上海和广州。调查显示,男性单身贵族多从事制

双语新闻:BA strike cancels dozens of flights

双语新闻:BA strike cancels dozens of flights More than a third of British Airways flights at the UK's major airports have so far been cancelled on the third day of strike action by cabin crew. According to BA's website, 238 of the 691 flights due to take off or land at 11 major UK airports before 1600 GMT were cancelled. Unite said the impact was "severe" and questioned the number of passengers on board the flights still operating. A second round of strikes - a four-day stoppage - is due to begin on Saturday. BA's main hub at Heathrow suffered the biggest disruption, with 179 of the 405 flights before 1600 GMT marked as cancelled on BA's online schedules. Your BA strike stories Three men at the centre of BA row At Gatwick, BA's contingency plans, which include using pilots as cabin crew and leasing ready-crewed aircraft, meant four out of five flights before 1600 GMT went ahead. For Glasgow the figure was 9 cancellations out of 37 flights, while at Manchester there were 14 cancellations out of 38 in total on BA's online schedule. Speaking to striking cabin crew at a rally near Heathrow, Unite's joint leader Tony Woodley said the dispute was costing the airline "an arm and a leg".


【每日1词】四六级高频词速记(五月汇总版) 2014-05-30 中国日报网双语新闻 【每日1词】#exaggerate# I'm not exaggerating - it was the worstmeal I've ever eaten in my life. 此处exaggerate (英[?ɡ'z?d??re?t]美[?ɡ'z?d??ret])意思是? A.夸张 B.欺骗 C.隐瞒 ------------------------------ 答案:A.夸张 句意:这是我这辈子吃过的最糟糕的一顿饭——我一点儿没夸张。 [解析] 除"夸张、言过其实"外,动词exaggerate还有"使……更显眼"的意思:--That dress exaggerates my thinness. 那条裙子显得我更瘦了。 名词exaggeration: --To say she is beautiful is anexaggeration, but she does have nice eyes. 说她漂亮有些夸张了,但她的眼睛的确很好看。 【每日1词】#mop#

She mopped the kitchen floor. 此处mop (英[m?p]美[mɑp])意思是? A.拖地 B.扫地 C.打蜡 ------------------------------ 答案:A.拖地 句意:她把厨房地板拖了。 [解析] 任何跟"拖地"差不多的动作,都可以用mop: --mop the hallway 拖一拖走廊 --mop the spilled water 把弄洒的水擦干 --mop her forehead with a towel 用毛巾擦额头 还有名词mop,指"蓬乱的头发(像拖把头似的有木有)":--a mop of dark hair 乱蓬蓬的一团黑发 【每日1词】#jail#

2016年十大外国新闻 英文版

1美国大选US Presidential Election US President-elect Donald Trump dominated news coverage on all fronts during the Republican primary and the general election where he beat Democrat Hillary Clinton in a massive upset, winning the White House in November. 2巴西政坛Brazilian Politics Among Brazil's many travails, its former president, Dilma Rousseff, was suspended from office in May. Brazil's Senate ordered her to stand trial in a historic decision brought on by a deep recession and a corruption scandal. 3增强现实手游“精灵宝可梦”Pokémon Go It was the newest craze — for a little while. People swarmed busy streets, parks, and national landmarks to play Pokémon Go. Organized meetups to hunt Pokémon inplaces like Central Park drew thousands of people. 4黑人的生命不容漠视Black Lives Matter Sometimes dubbed a modern-day civil-rights movement, groups affiliated with the Black Lives Matter organization rallied supporters in response to police shootings involving unarmed black civilians. The movement found an influential advocate in US President Barack Obama who in July said, "We have seen too many tragedies like this." 5 罗德里戈·杜特尔特和菲律宾民选Rodrigo Duterte & Philippine Presidential Election Davao city mayor Rodrigo Duterte won the 2016 Philippine presidential election on May 9. The 71-year-old mayor is known to have made Davao one of the safest cities in the Philippines through tough regulations andiron-fist approach in crime fighting. During the presidential campaign period, he vowed to wipe out corruption, drugs and criminality in three to six months if he wins the election. His aggressive behavior and offensive language won him a lot of supporters, but aroused concerns and controversy as well. 6里约奥运会The Olympics While athletes went for the gold, Facebook achieved a new record of views and clicks for its own coverage of the Rio Olympics 2016. Facebook saw more than 1.5 billion interactions — likes, posts, comments and shares — related to the Olympics throughout the games. From Aug. 5 to 21, 277 million people participated in the conversation around the world, meaning Facebook users, on average, interacted with Olympics-related stories 5 times.
