2008-Loci related to metabolic-syndrome pathways including LEPR, HNF1A, IL6R, and GCKR associate wit

REPORT Loci Related to Metabolic-Syndrome Pathways Including

LEPR,HNF1A,IL6R,and GCKR Associate with Plasma

C-Reactive Protein:The Women’s Genome Health Study

Paul M Ridker,1,2,*Guillaume Pare,1Alex Parker,3Robert Y.L.Zee,1,2Jacqueline S.Danik,1,2

Julie E.Buring,1David Kwiatkowski,2Nancy R.Cook,1,2Joseph https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d17849049.html,etich,3and Daniel I.Chasman1,2 Although elevated levels of C-reactive protein(CRP)independently predict increased risk of development of metabolic syndrome, diabetes,myocardial infarction,and stroke,comprehensive analysis of the in?uence of genetic variation on CRP is not available.To address this issue,we performed a genome-wide association study among6345apparently healthy women in which we evaluated 336,108SNPs as potential determinants of plasma CRP concentration.Overall,seven loci that associate with plasma CRP at levels achieving genome-wide statistical signi?cance were found(range of p values for lead SNPs within the seven loci:1.9310à8to6.23 10à28).Two of these loci(GCKR and HNF1A)are suspected or known to be associated with maturity-onset diabetes of the young,one is a gene-desert region on12q23.2,and the remaining four loci are in or near the leptin receptor protein gene,the apolipoprotein E gene,the interleukin-6receptor protein gene,or the CRP gene itself.The protein products of six of these seven loci are directly involved in metabolic syndrome,insulin resistance,beta cell function,weight homeostasis,and/or premature atherothrombosis.Thus,common variation in several genes involved in metabolic and in?ammatory regulation have signi?cant effects on CRP levels,consistent with CRP’s identi?cation as a useful biomarker of risk for incident vascular disease and diabetes.

C-reactive protein(CRP)is a pattern-recognition molecule of innate immunity recognized80years ago as an acute-phase reactant and a hallmark of low-grade systemic in-?ammation.Plasma concentrations of CRP within the low-normal range independently predict incident meta-bolic syndrome,type2diabetes,myocardial infarction, and stroke in otherwise healthy men and women.1–5 Although environmental factors such as obesity,smoking, and hormone-replacement therapy modify CRP levels,var-iation in CRP is known to be heritable.6To date,candidate-gene studies have largely focused on the CRP gene itself and explained only a fraction of the estimated variance due to genetics.7–10It has thus been hypothesized that sub-stantive genetic effects on CRP are present outside the CRP locus and that identi?cation of these additional loci might provide insight into mechanisms underlying relationships between CRP,insulin resistance,metabolic syndrome,and vascular events.

To address these issues,we conducted a genome-wide association study among6345apparently healthy women in the Women’s Genome Health Study(WGHS),in which we evaluated336,108single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)satisfying our quality criteria as potential determi-nants of plasma CRP level.Details of the rationale,design, and methodology of the WGHS are described elsewhere.11 In brief,participants in the WGHS include American women with no prior history of cardiovascular disease, cancer,or other major chronic illness,who provided a base-line blood sample during the enrollment phase of the Women’s Health Study(between1992and1995)and con-sent for blood-based analyses related to the study of the risk of incident chronic diseases.All baseline blood sam-ples underwent measurement for high-sensitivity C-reac-tive protein(hsCRP)via a validated immunoturbidometric method(Denka Seiken,Tokyo,Japan).DNA extracted from the baseline blood samples underwent SNP genotyping via the Illumina In?nium II assay for querying of a genome-wide set of318,237SNP markers(Human Hap300panel). An additional focused panel of45,571SNP markers was queried as well;these were selected to enhance coverage of genomic regions without regard to allele frequency,in which we had a strong a priori interest owing to the pres-ence of genes believed to be of relevance to metabolic, cardiovascular,and in?ammatory diseases or to biologic function in general.The study protocol was approved by the institutional review board of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital(Boston,MA,USA).

Before any genetic analyses were performed,SNPs were excluded from analysis that had a low call rate(%90per-cent),and participants were excluded when genotyping failed for>2percent of SNPs.For all SNPs and samples meeting these criteria,Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was evaluated with an exact method12for identi?cation of potential genotyping errors;SNPs with Hardy-Weinberg p values<10à6were eliminated from analysis.We also com-pared the Illumina-based SNP data for each individual par-ticipant for a panel of44SNPs that had previously been ascertained in this population with alternative genotyping technologies;this step was used as a secondary check to ensure accurate specimen labeling prior to any analyses. In total,336,108SNPs with minor allele frequencies>1 percent passed the criteria for analysis.

1Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention,2Donald W.Reynolds Center for Cardiovascular Research,Brigham and Women’s Hospital,Harvard Medical School,Boston,MA02115;3Amgen,Inc.,Cambridge,MA02139


DOI10.1016/j.ajhg.2008.03.015.a2008by The American Society of Human Genetics.All rights reserved.

We limited our evaluation to6345nondiabetic partici-pants in the WGHS who were of European ancestry and were not taking lipid-lowering agents.A principal-compo-nent analysis using1443ancestry-informative SNPs was performed in order to con?rm self-reported ancestry with PLINK.12In brief,these SNPs were had an Fst higher than 0.4in HapMap populations(YRB,CEU,CHBtJPT)and had inter-SNP distances of at least500kb in order to minimize linkage disequilibrium.Different ethnic groups were clearly distinguished with the?rst two principal components.

Genotyping was performed in two stages,with an initial group of4418study participants(WGHS-1)and then with a second group of1927participants(WGHS-2).In all statis-tical analyses,we adjusted plasma levels of CRP on an a pri-ori basis for age,smoking,body-mass index,hormone therapy,and menopausal status.Because CRP levels rise rapidly with the acute-phase response,we also decided on an a priori basis to perform separate analyses on the 95.2percent of the cohort with CRP values<10mg/l as well as on the full cohort(inclusive of those with CRP levels R10mg/l).

For all genotype-phenotype association analyses,we assumed an additive model of inheritance and initially conducted univariate linear-regression analyses to test

the null hypothesis that adjusted log CRP levels did not differ by individual SNP genotypes.12To conservatively identify loci that might be associated with CRP levels,we used an initial criterion of statistical signi?cance at a level of p<5310à8for single SNP associations in the total sam-ple.All reported associations were also observed at a<53 10à8level of signi?cance after adjustment of the test statis-tic by a genomic-control procedure.12The genomic-con-trol in?ation factor was1.01,signifying no evidence of type1error in?ation.As shown in the quantile-quantile analysis(Figure1),p values larger than0.001conform to the expected null distribution,again suggesting no in?a-tion of test statistics(red dots).The excess of p values smaller than0.001was solely related to the associations at the candidate loci;after further adjustment of CRP resid-uals for variation at the candidate loci,there was no longer an excess of small p values in genome-wide association testing(blue dots).Finally,a principal-component analysis was performed for the exclusion of potential within-Euro-pean strati?cation in124,931SNPs chosen to have pairwise linkage disequilibrium r2<0.04.The?rst ten components were then used as covariates in the association analysis;be-cause adjustment by these covariates did not change con-clusions regarding participants of European ancestry,the data are presented without further correction for within-European ancestry.

p values for the association of each individual SNP with plasma CRP levels according to chromosome number and position are shown in Figure2;the top half of Fig-ure2shows data for study participants with CRP levels <10mg/l,whereas the bottom half shows data for the full cohort.

In the full cohort,46SNPs were individually associated with CRP at a genome-wide level of signi?cance(p<53 10à8).All46of these SNPs clustered in one of seven chro-mosomal regions:nine in chromosome locus1q31.3, associated with the leptin-receptor gene(LEPR[MIM 601007]);20in chromosome locus1q23.2,associated with the CRP gene(MIM123260);two in chromosome 1q21.3,associated with the interleukin-6receptor protein gene(IL6R)(MIM147880);three in chromosome locus 2p23.3,associated with a glucokinase regulatory protein gene(GCKR)(MIM600842);eight in chromosome locus 12q24.31,associated with an hepatic transcription-factor gene(HNF1A)(MIM142410)that codes for hepatic nuclear factor1-alpha;two in chromosome locus19q13.32,near the apolipoprotein E gene(MIM107741);and two in a gene-desert region of chromosome12q23.2.As shown in Table1,p values for lead SNPs within the seven loci ranged from1.9310à8to6.2310à28.Table1also shows the considerable internal consistency in these data for the separate WGHS-1and WGHS-2subpopulations of the larger cohort.Replication of the HNF1A?nding and repli-cation of the known CRP and APOE?ndings are also provided in the accompanying manuscript from Reiner et al.With respect to GCKR,IL6R,and LEPR,the Reiner data also support replication,albeit at p values of0.005, 0.04,and0.05,respectively.

In analyses restricted to those study participants with CRP levels<10mg/l,virtually identical results were observed for SNPs in the LEPR,CRP,GCKR,HNF1A,and APOE loci(all p values<10à8).However,in this group with CRP levels generally below concentrations associated with the acute-phase response,the lead SNPs in the

IL6R Figure 1.Quantile-Quantile Plot of Actual and Expected p Values for Association with CRP

locus and in the gene-desert region had slightly lower levels of statistical signi?cance (p ?1.65310à7and 1.06310à7,respectively).

Figure 3presents data that map each SNP according to its physical location at each of the seven loci,as well a plot of the p values in relation to the genetic distance from the lead SNP and the known recombination hotspots according to HapMap.Many of the SNPs evaluated tended to group into easily recognizable linkage blocks,and several SNPs with genome-wide signi?cance fell into blocks that in-cluded several genes.For example,the two highly signi?-cant SNPs near the APOE locus are in a block that includes the APOC1[MIM 107710]and TOMM40[MIM 608061]loci.Table 2presents results of backward-selection models using the Akaike Information Criterion to seek nonredun-dant SNPs contributing to CRP level at each of the seven loci;in this analysis,all potential SNPs with p values of 10à4or smaller within 500kB of the locus SNPs with p <10à7were considered in order to avoid inadvertent exclu-sion of modest effects.This procedure yielded a subset of nonredundant SNPs accounting for the common genetic

variance in CRP at each locus after adjustment for clinical and environmental factors.Also shown in Table 2are the crude median levels of CRP (mg/l)for homozygous minor-allele carriers,heterozygotes,and homozygous major-allele carriers of each of the nonredundant SNPs that in?uenced CRP levels within each of the seven loci.In each instance,carriers of the SNP of interest expressed markedly different ranges of CRP;for example,median levels of plasma CRP were 1.40,1.88,and 2.09mg/l for homozygous minor allele carriers,heterozygotes,and homozygous major allele carriers,respectively,for SNP rs1892534in the LEPR gene (p ?6.5310à21).In aggre-gate,after adjustment for the clinical and environmental factors,10.1percent of the residual variation in CRP was explained by the common polymorphism observed in these seven loci.When examined on a per-locus basis,the greatest contributor to this residual variation in our data was attributable to polymorphism in the CRP gene (3.4percent).For comparison,1.6percent was attributable to polymorphism in the LEPR gene,1.5percent to poly-morphism in the apolipoprotein E gene,1.1percent


Figure 2.p Values for the Association of Individual SNPs with Plasma CRP Levels According to Chromosome Number and Position (Top)Data for study participants with CRP levels <10mg/l.

(Bottom)Data for the full study cohort.The red horizontal line corresponds to a p value of 10à8.

polymorphism in the GCKR gene,1.1percent to polymor-phism in the HNF1A gene,0.8percent to polymorphism in the gene-desert region,and0.6percent to polymorphism in the IL6R gene.We repeated the model selection,using a more stringent backward-forward procedure with the Bayes Information Criterion,and observed similar locus-wide proportion of variance explained,but with a smaller number of critical SNPs retained in the regression models. These SNPs are underlined in Table2.

Despite adjustment of CRP concentration for body-mass index prior to genetic analysis,we sought further evidence to exclude the possibility of residual confounding by this factor.In this regard,none of the lead SNPs reported here had even a modest level of signi?cance for association with body-mass index(range of p values:0.02to0.70). We believe these genetic data linking in?ammation and CRP to loci known functionally to relate to metabolic syndrome,insulin resistance,weight homeostasis,and pre-mature atherothrombosis to be of considerable interest given epidemiologic data linking CRP concentrations to early diabetogenesis and atherogenesis.Although recent work in diabetic and nondiabetic populations has linked

Table1.SNPs,Beta Coef?cients,and p Values associated with Plasma CRP Levels in the Women’s Genome Health Study

WGHS-1(N?4418)WGHS-2(N?1927)WGHS-Combined(N?6345) Gene Loci SNP Beta p value Beta p Value Beta p Value LEPR1q31.3rs1892534à0.173 1.53310à15à0.166 3.74310à7à0.170 6.52310à21 rs2889195à0.171 5.04310à15à0.166 4.51310à7à0.168 2.78310à20

rs2211651à0.1707.45310à15à0.168 3.32310à7à0.168 3.10310à20

rs12753193à0.157 6.91310à13à0.151 5.03310à6à0.154 3.27310à17

rs2186245à0.176 5.41310à11à0.156 2.39310à4à0.168 1.27310à13

rs120224100.126 4.03310à90.137 2.43310à50.1287.48310à13

rs75394710.115 5.33310à70.140 5.52310à50.122 1.87310à10

rs42914770.107 5.95310à70.122 1.80310à40.1107.65310à10

rs46555370.112 6.42310à70.1109.14310à40.110 3.28310à9 CRP1q23.2rs30912440.207 1.45310à200.1937.63310à90.203 6.16310à28 rs1205à0.205 5.47310à20à0.184 5.93310à8à0.199 1.65310à26

rs7553007à0.207 2.68310à20à0.179 1.35310à7à0.199 2.16310à26

rs2794520à0.202 2.18310à19à0.185 4.33310à8à0.197 4.74310à26

rs2027471à0.200 3.00310à19à0.164 1.13310à6à0.190 1.97310à24

rs2592887à0.162 4.78310à14à0.151 3.65310à6à0.159 1.04310à18

rs14179380.146 2.90310à100.178 4.40310à70.1569.72310à16

rs31166530.147 2.23310à100.176 6.39310à70.1569.91310à16

rs31166360.147 2.59310à100.176 5.69310à70.155 1.06310à15

rs31220120.145 4.22310à100.176 6.34310à70.154 1.95310à15

rs31166510.145 5.27310à100.181 4.26310à70.155 1.91310à15

rs31166560.144 5.45310à100.175 6.97310à70.153 2.78310à15

rs1800947à0.300 3.90310à12à0.241 2.40310à4à0.283 5.08310à15

rs120936990.132 1.60310à80.126 2.95310à40.130 2.15310à11

rs120687530.286 2.17310à100.149 3.72310à20.249 6.70310à11

rs30930750.280 4.82310à100.160 2.52310à20.2487.72310à11

rs30930590.284 2.77310à100.146 4.06310à20.2479.28310à11

rs112652600.289 5.64310à100.150 3.63310à20.249 1.99310à10

rs30930680.274 1.45310à90.158 2.80310à20.243 2.34310à10

rs127442440.127 3.04310à60.121 1.81310à30.123 3.12310à8 IL6R1q21.3rs8192284à0.095 1.09310à5à0.119 2.81310à4à0.101 1.93310à8 rs4129267à0.0969.33310à6à0.117 3.54310à4à0.101 1.97310à8 GCKR2p23.3rs7800940.142 3.97310à110.136 3.80310à50.140 6.73310à15 rs12603260.136 2.18310à100.139 3.18310à50.16 3.57310à14

rs12603330.112 4.69310à70.106 1.65310à30.110 2.69310à9 Unknown12q23.2rs10778213à0.109 3.65310à7à0.1287.00310à5à0.115 1.16310à10 rs2292996à0.089 2.96310à5à0.113 4.87310à4à0.096 5.98310à8 HNF1A12q24.31rs7310409à0.120 4.63310à8à0.237 1.81310à12à0.154 6.75310à17 rs735396à0.117 1.70310à7à0.223 1.12310à12à0.147 5.39310à15

rs1169300à0.112 1.81310à6à0.230 1.64310à10à0.146 1.15310à13

rs2464196à0.108 4.37310à6à0.231 1.44310à10à0.143 3.32310à13

rs7953249à0.102 2.67310à6à0.201 1.42310à9à0.130 6.98310à13

rs2650000à0.093 3.64310à5à0.1989.90310à9à0.1237.13310à11

rs1169302à0.094 1.23310à5à0.148 6.36310à6à0.1109.29310à10

rs11693070.1007.19310à60.1129.14310à40.103 2.90310à8 APOE19q13.32rs769449à0.2768.57310à17à0.227 1.09310à5à0.2618.90310à21 rs2075650à0.213 4.65310à12à0.200 2.37310à5à0.209 6.80310à16 Adjustments made for age,smoking status,body-mass index,hormone-therapy use,and menopausal status.

Figure3.Genomic Context for Each of Seven Loci with Genome-wide Association with CRP Levels

(A)LEPR locus;(B)CRP locus;(C)IL6R locus;(D)GCKR locus;(E)gene-desert region on12q23.2;(F)HNF1A locus;(G)APOE locus. Upper panel:Genes from RefSeq release25.Only one isoform is shown when multiple splicing variants are known.

Lower panel:SNPs are plotted according to their physical location with the y axis,indicating p values for association with CRP(red dots). Also shown is the genetic distance in cM from the lowest p value SNP for each locus(light-gray line),along with the position of recombination hotspots(light-gray vertical bars).Recombination rates and hotspots are based on HapMap data.32,33

polymorphism in the GCKR gene to plasma-triglyceride and glucose levels,13,14we are not aware of prior data link-ing polymorphism in this same genetic locus to CRP level. However,the product of this gene is a regulatory protein that inhibits glucokinase in liver and pancreatic-islet cells, and mutations in the GCKR gene can result in defects in sensitivity of beta cells to glucose as a result of reduced glucose phosphorylation and limited hepatic storage of glucose as glycogen.As such,through its regulatory effect on the GCK protein,the GCKR gene has been considered a possible susceptibility-gene candidate for one type of maturity-onset diabetes of the young(MODY-2,MIM 606391).15,16In this light,it is also of interest that a second loci described here as a genetic determinant of CRP,hepatic transcription factor-1that codes for hepatic nuclear factor 1-alpha,is known to be functionally linked to a different type of MODY(MODY-3,MIM606391),a form of non-insulin-dependent diabetes with an autosomal-dominant inheritance pattern with a young age of onset(typically <25years of age)and primary defects of insulin secre-tion.15Moreover,given that the human CRP promoter is known to be activated by direct interaction with the HNF-1protein,17our?nding in this genome-wide associa-tion study—that HNF1A polymorphism has a signi?cant impact on CRP levels—would appear to have a strong func-tional basis.

We also believe our data regarding polymorphism in the leptin receptor protein to be compelling,not only because we replicate prior work demonstrating leptin to be an in?ammatory modulator via genetic links to CRP18but also because these data provide insights linking CRP to weight homeostasis.In humans,prior work has shown lep-tin levels to correlate with blood CRP levels and with vascular risk.19Further,leptin at physiologic or pharmaco-logic doses increases plasma CRP,whereas reductions in leptin during weight loss and exercise are accompanied by reductions in plasma CRP.Interestingly,Chen et al. have recently demonstrated that leptin resistance can be induced through a direct binding of CRP to leptin and that infusion of human CRP into ob/ob mice blocks the clinical effects of leptin on satiety and weight reduction;20 this observation hints at a putative positive-feedback role for CRP in the pathophysiology of obesity.Regulation of adiposity also yields changes in adipose-derived cytokines

Table2.Nonredundant SNPs in Each of Seven Loci that Contribute to Adjusted CRP Levels in Backward-Selection Models

Median hsCRP Level(mg/l)Locus-wideVariance Gene SNP Chromosome Position MAF HW A1-A2A1A1A1A2A2A2Explained(%)

LEPR rs18925341658785310.3840.11A-G 1.40 1.88 2.09 1.6 rs127531931659422660.3750.11G-A 1.41 1.88 2.08

rs75394711659579900.3150.25A-G 2.24 1.91 1.79

rs124098771657164590.3920.16A-G 1.69 1.82 2.07

rs50109051659718100.2600.03G-A 2.15 1.97 1.80

CRP rs309124411579512880.3600.94T/A-G* 2.41 2.03 1.66 3.4 rs180094711579500610.0650.92G-C0.73 1.61 1.95

rs312201211579559460.3020.95G-A 2.25 2.04 1.74

rs309305911579517590.0590.91G-A 2.05 2.34 1.84

rs413156811579886790.3340.37A-G 2.11 1.98 1.77

rs311665411579623840.1260.22G-A 1.22 1.65 1.99

rs86301311574666430.3300.60A-C 1.66 1.82 2.01

IL6R rs412926711526928870.3980.20A-G 1.65 1.95 1.980.6 rs1275077411527831000.3040.29A-G 1.63 1.84 2.01

GCKR rs7800942275947400.4010.07A-G 2.17 1.92 1.74 1.1 rs12603332276021270.4530.74A-G 2.11 1.86 1.81

rs7801062275351010.3820.04C-A 1.81 1.86 1.98

rs16472662275469880.3820.04G-A 1.81 1.87 1.98

rs130134842278423240.2700.67G-A 1.62 1.82 1.98

Unknown rs10778213121020192800.4680.71G-A 1.75 1.85 2.080.8 rs4433630121021741600.4870.69A-G 1.80187 2.05

HNF1A rs7310409121199092430.3880.28A-G 1.66 1.78 2.15 1.1 rs1169300121199156070.2950.45A-G 1.78 1.74 2.07

rs2464196121199198090.2940.43A-G 1.80 1.73 2.07

rs1169302121199166840.4250.49C-A 1.68 1.86 2.09

APOE rs76944919501018410.1150.51A-G 1.38 1.46 2.00 1.5 rs15758019500871050.3920.13G-A 2.05 1.94 1.76

Adjustments made for age,smoking status,body-mass index,hormone-therapy use,and menopausal status.

Also shown are the crude median blood levels of hsCRP observed among homozygous carriers of the minor allele(A1A1),heterozygotes(A1A2),and homozygous carriers of the major allele(A2A2)for each selected SNP,and the loci-wide variance in CRP is explained.

MAF denotes‘‘minor-allele frequency.’’

HW indicates signi?cance of deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

Selection criteria and methods to identify lead SNPs described in text.

*Tri-allelic SNP.The two less-common alleles(T/A)were pooled.

such as IL-6,which have previously been shown in this cohort to correlate positively with CRP levels and to inde-pendently predict risk of future vascular events and diabe-tes.21In this regard,our?nding in the full cohort that polymorphism in the IL6R gene is an additional determi-nant of CRP expression is consistent with data linking IL-6to hepatic production of CRP and suggesting a role for IL-6in both incident diabetes and atherothrombosis.22 Moreover,the association reported here between IL6R and CRP is also consistent with recent data from the Health ABC study,in which IL6R was found to be signi?cantly associated with plasma IL-6levels.23

With regard to SNPs within or near the CRP gene and APOE locus,our data are consistent with prior work from candidate-gene studies that have linked CRP concentra-tion to each of these genetic regions.6–10,24–26Although we did not explicitly ascertain the SNPs that determine the canonical E2,E3,and E4genotypes in the APOE region,these are known to associate with risk of myocar-dial infarction and premature atherothrombosis.27Addi-tional evidence links polymorphism in this region to dysfunction of bacterial lipid-antigen presentation in in-nate immunity28and to the development of metabolic syndrome.29

The data described here suggest that most of the com-mon genetic polymorphism that contributes to CRP level is closely related to genic pathways known to have an im-pact on insulin resistance,weight gain,beta-cell function, diabetes,and early atherogenesis.This is an intriguing ob-servation,given that diet,exercise,glucose control,and statin therapy—the basic interventions for patients at high vascular risk due to metabolic syndrome—all reduce CRP levels.Recent work has identi?ed polymorphisms within the CRP gene that associate with circulating CRP levels and with incident vascular events,data that support a potential causal role for CRP itself.30Moreover,direct CRP inhibitors with apparent vascular-protective effects have recently been described.31However,it remains con-troversial as to whether CRP itself is a target for therapy, and other data(albeit with limited power to de?ne an informative null result)have not linked CRP polymor-phism to incident events.On the basis of the inheritance patterns observed here,continued investigations into the potential mechanisms whereby CRP reduction might impact each of these interrelated disease states appear warranted.


This study was supported by grants from the National Heart, Lung,and Blood Institute and the National Cancer Institute(Be-thesda,MD,USA),the Donald W Reynolds Foundation(Las Vegas, NV,USA),the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation,and the Fonda-tion Leducq(Paris,France),with collaborative scienti?c and genotyping support provided by Amgen.P.M.R.is listed as a coin-ventor on patents held by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital that relate to the use of in?ammatory biomarkers in cardiovascu-lar disease.Received:January7,2008



Published online:April24,2008

Web Resources

The URLs for data presented herein are as follows:

Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man(OMIM),http://www.ncbi. https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d17849049.html,/Omim/

PLINK,https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d17849049.html,/purcell/plink/ References


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电镀锌镍合金工艺规范 1主题内容与适用范围 本规范规定了钢铁零件电镀锌镍合金的工艺方法。 本规范适用于有三防要求的零件电镀锌镍合金。 2引用标准 HB5034零(组)件镀覆前质量要求 3主要工艺材料 4.1 中《金属零(部)件镀覆前质量控制要求》中相应的规定。应达到图样规定要求, 以避免电镀后再次返工返修。 零(部)件表面状态适于进行电镀时方可进入下道工序。 4.2清理:除去零件内外表面污物、金属屑标识等附着物。 4.3有机溶剂除油; 4.4喷砂或抛光处理(有需要时进行); 4.5装挂;

4.6化学除油:进行表面处理前工件表面常沾有大量油污,需要进行化学除油。 化学除油工艺:采用汽油或401除油剂擦拭/浸泡零件,至无明显油污为止。 4.7水洗; 4.8电解除油:电解除油可完全除去工件表面油污,得到洁净金属表面。零(部)件除油后在流动水中清洗干净,观察呈全浸润状态即为除尽油污,可以转入下道工序。 电解除油工艺: 氢氧化钠:30~50g/l; 碳酸钠:20~30g/l; 4.10 光亮剂ZN-2B4-6 镍溶液ZN-2C20-25 温度:20-30℃ DK:0.5 A/dm2~4A/dm2 时间:20~60分钟 阳极:锌板 阴阳极面积比:1∶1.5~2

4.13水洗; 4.14除氢处理(有需要时进行) 锌镍合金镀层几乎没有氢脆,一般不需要进行除氢处理。但若用于有特殊要求的军品、高强钢或弹簧部件,按航空航天标准应进行除氢处理。具体见表2. 干燥60~70℃30~60分钟 4.20干燥; 4.21下挂具; 4.22检验。 镀层检验时应用目视或放大镜,在照度不低于300lx的条件下观察(相当于零件放在40W日光灯下距离500㎜处的光照度)。 4.22.1锌镍合金镀层应细致、均匀、连续完整(深孔、盲孔深处除外),无针孔、麻


Deems Taylor: The Monster 怪才他身材矮小,头却很大,与他的身材很不相称——是个满脸病容的矮子。他神经兮兮,有皮肤病,贴身穿比丝绸粗糙一点的任何衣服都会使他痛苦不堪。而且他还是个夸大妄想狂。他是个极其自负的怪人。除非事情与自己有关,否则他从来不屑对世界或世人瞧上一眼。对他来说,他不仅是世界上最重要的人物,而且在他眼里,他是惟一活在世界上的人。他认为自己是世界上最伟大的戏剧家之一、最伟大的思想家之一、最伟大的作曲家之一。听听他的谈话,仿佛他就是集莎士比亚、贝多芬、柏拉图三人于一身。想要听到他的高论十分容易,他是世上最能使人筋疲力竭的健谈者之一。同他度过一个夜晚,就是听他一个人滔滔不绝地说上一晚。有时,他才华横溢;有时,他又令人极其厌烦。但无论是妙趣横生还是枯燥无味,他的谈话只有一个主题:他自己,他自己的所思所为。他狂妄地认为自己总是正确的。任何人在最无足轻重的问题上露出丝毫的异议,都会激得他的强烈谴责。他可能会一连好几个小时滔滔不绝,千方百计地证明自己如何如何正确。有了这种使人耗尽心力的雄辩本事,听者最后都被他弄得头昏脑涨,耳朵发聋,为了图个清静,只好同意他的说法。他从来不会觉得,对于跟他接触的人来说,他和他的所作所为并不是使人产生强烈兴趣而为之倾倒的事情。他几乎对世间的任何领域都有自己的理



2、电镀新工艺介绍 2 .1合金电镀 合金电镀一直是电镀新工艺开发的重要领域。以往为取代昴贵的镀镍而开发的铜锡合金,就曾经是一种新工艺。现在的代镍和节镍镀层,也都是各种合金。因为合金可以综合单一金属的优点,并具有单一金属所不具备的新的特性,比如硬度、耐腐蚀性、功能性等。现在已经认识到,电镀作为一种湿法冶金技术,能生产出用电、热方法做不到的新合金。包括在制作非晶态材料和纳米材料方面,电镀技术都是有优势的。合金电镀的原理在传统的理论中是要求两种共沉积的金属的电极电位要接近,如果一个的电位较正,另一个的电位较负,就要采用络合剂将正电位的金属的离子络合,使之放电电位向负的方向移动,与另一金属的电位相近,达到共沉积的目的。这在现在也仍然对合金新工艺的开发有指导意义。但是现在越来越多的合金中的另一种成分的量非常小,就是这种少量的金属分散在另一金属中,却改变了金属的性能。用传统冶金学的观点是这些掺入的金属是占据在主体金属的某些晶格位上,从而改变了金属的物理性能。但实际上,用火法冶金很难把微量金属分散到另一金属中去,而采用电镀的方法则比较容易做到。不过电镀方法得到的合金的结构是否符合冶金学的原理,则是值得探讨的课题。现在已经得到应用的新合金工艺有锌系列,镍系列,铜系列,锡系列,银系列等。锌作为钢铁的优良廉价的防护性镀层被广泛地采用 , 但是自从日本汽车打进欧洲和北美市场,汽车的耐盐防护性就提到了议事日程。〈1〉在开展高耐蚀性镀层的研究中,锌合金的研究引人注目。最先出现的是锡锌合金,这种合金的含锌量在30%左右时耐盐水喷雾时间最长,出现红锈的时间可达1500个小时以上。最开始进入实用化的工艺是70年代末的有机羧酸的中性镀液,后来有柠檬酸镀液,现在我公司已经开发出硫酸盐光亮镀锡锌工艺。在锡锌工艺之后出现的是锌镍工艺。这种工艺由于含镍量在5-10%,成本比锡锌要低,因此很快得到普及。最先出现的是用于钢板连续电镀的硫酸盐工艺,这大约在1982年前后。以后开发出氯化铵型工艺,现在比较成熟的是碱性锌酸盐工艺。这种工艺的特点是抗腐蚀性能特别好,不经钝化的镀层耐盐雾到出现红锈的时间在150小时以上。在高温下也仍能维持其优良的防护性能。因此在汽车等行业有较多应用。 在锌镍开发之后两年,锌铁工艺就进入了实用化。锌铁与前面的工艺不同的是铁的含量很小,只在 0.2 到0.6 左右。虽然以前有用于钢板电镀的锌铁合金,其含铁量在10-20%,但现在进入实用的还是这种低铁含量的镀层。比较成熟的有锌酸盐工艺。其耐蚀性也很好,但一定要经过钝化才能有高的耐蚀性,当含铁量在 0. 4 左右时,出现红锈的盐水喷雾时间可达1500小时以上。现在,我公司已经开发出氯化钠型锌铁新工艺,并有黄色、彩色等高耐蚀性的钝化产品。 在欧洲还有用锌钴合金工艺的,这种工艺与锌铁一样,可以不用银盐做出黑色钝化膜。含钴量也仅在1%左右. 镍一直是电镀加工工业中的重要镀种,由于镍资源的紧张和价格昂贵,开发镍合金电镀是节镍的一种选择。同时,有些镍合金的功能性能也是市场所需要的,因此,镍基合金的应用也很广泛。镍铁合金不仅可节约部分镍,而且镀层性能也比纯镍镀层要好。这种镀层的含铁量在 7%-30% 左右,镀层中的含铁量与镀液中的镍铁比例成正比。也有采用镍锰铁合金电镀工艺的报导。 <2 >用于装饰的镍合金更多,特别是黑色镀层方面,不少是用的镍合金,比如镍锡,镍钴,镍镉等。铜镍合金更是在装饰电镀中有较多的应用。 <3 >铜合金如铜锡合金,铜锌合金,很早就有大量的应用。这方面的新工艺的主攻方向是以非氰化物络合物来取代氰化物,比如焦磷酸盐,柠檬酸盐镀铜合金等。锡作为钎焊性镀层主要是用在电子电镀行业,但也可以用在装饰和防护方面,比如代银的锡合金,用于罐头盒防腐的镀锡工艺等。但主要还是电子工业中有大量应用,现在用得最多的仍然是锡铅合金。也有锡铈,锡铋等。当前的趋势是采用无氟和无铅的新工艺取代老工艺。<4 >其它贵金属的合金主要是用在装饰和功能性方面,这里就不一一加以介绍。正如前面讲到的,由于合金电镀技术的开发可能产生出一些新的合金,这不仅在表面处理业有重要意义,对材料学科也有重要意义。因此,在新世纪,对合金电镀的研究仍会加紧进行。 特别是在多元合金,包括三元、四元合金等的开发上还有很大的空间 2.2电子电镀 如前所述,21世纪被称为高信息化世纪。所谓高信息化世纪就是以因特网为传播工具的信息爆炸的世纪。在这个世纪内,电子产品的品种和产量将有更快更大的发展,这给电子电镀业也带来很大的机遇和挑战。因此,现在新工艺的开发有很大的比重将放在电子电镀方面。 所谓电子电镀就是用于电子产品或电子工业的电镀技术。用于电子行业的镀层有很多,包括导电性镀层,钎焊性镀层,信息载体镀层,电磁屏蔽镀层,电子功能性镀层,印刷电路板电镀,电子构件防护性镀层,电子产品装饰性镀层等。电子电镀工艺除了少数是利用了传统的工艺以外,大多数是近几十年开发的新工艺。比如非金属电镀新工艺,化学镀新工艺,贵金属电镀新工艺,合金电镀新工艺等。 以印刷线路板的电镀为例,它是以孔金属化为中心的综合了前处理、化学镀、电镀、退镀等技术的工艺。印


必修一阅读鉴赏第一单元1.*沁园春?长沙……………………………………毛泽东3 2.诗两首雨巷…………………………………………戴望舒6 再别康桥………………………………………徐志摩8 3.大堰河--我的保姆………………………………艾青10 第二单元4.烛之武退秦师………………………………….《左传》16 5.荆轲刺秦王………………………………….《战国策》18 6.*鸿门宴……………………………………..司马迁22 第三单元7.记念刘和珍君……………………………………鲁迅27 8.小狗包弟……………………………………….巴金32 9.*记梁任公先生的一次演讲…………………………梁实秋36 第四单元10.短新闻两篇别了,“不列颠尼亚”…………………………周婷杨兴39 奥斯维辛没有什么新闻…………………………罗森塔尔41 11.包身工………………………………………..夏衍44 12.*飞向太空的航程……………………….贾永曹智白瑞雪52 必修二阅读鉴赏第一单元1.荷塘月色…………………………………..朱自清2.故都的秋…………………………………..郁达夫3.*囚绿记…………………………………..陆蠡第二单元4.《诗经》两首氓采薇5.离骚………………………………………屈原6.*《孔雀东南飞》(并序) 7.*诗三首涉江采芙蓉《古诗十九首》短歌行……………………………………曹操归园田居(其一)…………………………..陶渊明第三单元8.兰亭集序……………………………………王羲之9.赤壁赋……………………………………..苏轼10.*游褒禅山记………………………………王安石第四单元11.就任北京大学校长之演说……………………..蔡元培12.我有一个梦想………………………………马丁?路德?金1 3.*在马克思墓前的讲话…………………………恩格斯第三册阅读鉴赏第一单元1.林黛玉进贾府………………………………….曹雪芹2.祝福………………………………………..鲁迅3. *老人与海…………………………………….海明威第二单元4.蜀道难……………………………………….李白5.杜甫诗三首秋兴八首(其一) 咏怀古迹(其三) 登高6.琵琶行(并序)………………………………..白居易7.*李商隐诗两首锦瑟马嵬(其二) 第三单元8.寡人之于国也…………………………………《孟子》9.劝学……………………………………….《荀子》10.*过秦论…………………………………….贾谊11.*师说………………………………………韩愈第四单元12.动物游戏之谜………………………………..周立明13.宇宙的边疆………………………………….卡尔?萨根14.*凤蝶外传……………………………………董纯才15.*一名物理学家的教育历程……………………….加来道雄第四册阅读鉴赏第一单元1.窦娥冤………………………………………..关汉卿2.雷雨………………………………………….曹禹3.*哈姆莱特……………………………………莎士比亚第二单元4.柳永词两首望海潮(东南形胜) 雨霖铃(寒蝉凄切) 5.苏轼词两首念奴娇?赤壁怀古定风波(莫听穿林打叶声) 6.辛弃疾词两首水龙吟?登建康赏心亭永遇乐?京口北固亭怀古7.*李清照词两首醉花阴(薄雾浓云愁永昼) 声声慢(寻寻觅觅) 第三单元8.拿来主义……………………………………….鲁迅9.父母与孩子之间的爱……………………………..弗罗姆10.*短文三篇热爱生


《电镀污染物排放标准》(GB21900-2008) 1 适用范围 本标准规定了电镀企业和拥有电镀设施企业的电镀水污染物和大气污染物的排放限值等内容。 本标准适用于现有电镀企业的水污染物排放管理、大气污染物排放管理。 本标准适用于对电镀设施建设项目的环境影响评价、环境保护设施设计、竣工环境保护验收及其投产后的水、大气污染物排放管理。 本标准也适用于阳极氧化表面处理工艺设施。 本标准适用于法律允许的污染物排放行为;新设立污染源的选址和特殊保护区域内现有污染源的管理,按照《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》、《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》、《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》、《中华人民共和国放射性污染防治法》和《中国人民共和国环境影响评价法》等法律、法规、规章的相关规定执行。 本标准规定的水污染物排放浓度限值适用于企业向环境水体的排放行为。 企业向设臵污水处理厂的城镇排水系统排放废水时,有毒污染物总铬、六价铬、总镍、总镉、总银、总铅、总汞在

本标准规定的监控位臵执行相应的排放限值;其他污染物的排放控制要求由企业与城镇污水处理厂根据其污水处理能力商定或执行相关标准,并报当地环境保护主管部门备案;城镇污水处理厂应保证排放污染物达到相应排放标准要求。 建设项目拟向设臵污水处理厂的城镇排放水系统排放废水时,由建设单位和城镇污水处理厂按前款的规定执行。 2 规范性引用文件 本标准内容引用了下列文件中的条款。 GB/T6920-1986 水质 pH值的测定玻璃电极法 GB/T7466-1987 水质总铬的测定高锰酸钾氧化-二苯碳酰二肼分光光度法 GB/T7467-1987 水质六价铬的测定二苯碳酰二肼分光光度法 GB/T7468-1987 水质汞的测定冷原子吸收分光光度法 GB/T7469-1987 水质汞的测定双硫腙分光光度法 GB/T7470-1987 水质铅的测定双硫腙分光光度法 GB/T7471-1987 水质镉的测定双硫腙分光光度法 GB/T7472-1987 水质锌的测定双硫腙分光光度法 GB/T7473-1987 水质铜的测定 2,9-二甲基-1,10菲罗啉分光光度法 GB/T7474-1987 水质铜的测定二乙基二硫氨基甲酸


精心整理1?目的本规范规定了零部件电镀层的选择和各镀种及化学处理的标注方法。?本规范适用于产品零部件设计时电镀层种类的选择。? 2?引用标准?GB1238-76?JB/288-75? 3?电镀层的主要目的? 3.1?保护金属零件表面,防止腐蚀。? 3.2?装饰零件外表,使外表美观。? 3.3?提高零件的工作性能。如提高表面硬度、耐磨性、导电性、导磁性、耐热性、钎焊性、反光能力;节约及代替有色金属或贵金属;提高轴承使用寿命;修复磨损零件;热处理时的局部保护以及其它特殊性能。? 4?决定电镀层种类和厚度的因素 4.1零件的工作环境; 4.2被镀零件的种类、材料和性质;? 4.3电镀层的性质和用途;? 4.4零件的结构、形状和尺寸的公差;? 4.5镀层与其互相接触金属的材料、性质;? 4.6零件的要求使用期限。? 5?镀层使用条件的分类? 5.1腐蚀性比较严重的工作环境:大气中含有较多的工业气体、燃料废气、灰尘和盐分以及相对湿度较大的地区。例如工业城市、离海较近的地区和湿热带地区等。或具有大量燃料废气和二氧化硫的室内,以及经常接触手汗的工作条件。? 5.2腐蚀性中等的工作环境:大气中含有少量的工业气体、燃料废气、灰尘和盐分以及相对湿度中等的地区。例如离海较远的一般城市和一般室内环境。?

5.3?腐蚀性轻微的工作环境:大气中工业气体、燃料废气、灰尘和盐分的含量很少,而且气候比较干燥。例如干热带地区、密封良好的设备的内部。? 从防腐蚀的要求来看,有些金属在腐蚀性轻微的条件下可以不加保护层而应用。在比较严重的工作环境下,大部分金属要求有一定形式的防护,而有些金属则不能使用。? 从保护基体金属免受腐蚀的要求来看,一般可考虑:? a.贵金属(金、铂)、含铬18%以上的不锈钢、轧制的磁性合金材料、以及镍铜合金等,一般不需再加防护层。? b.碳钢、低合金钢和铸铁制造的零件,在大气中容易腐蚀,应加保护层。由于工作条件的限制不能采用保护层时,应采用油封防锈。在油中工作的零件,可以不加防护层。? c.铜和铜合金制造的零件,根据不同的使用条件,采用光亮酸洗、钝化、电镀或涂漆保护等。用磷青铜或铍青铜制造的精密零件可以不进行表面处理。? d.铝和铝合金制造的零件,可以采用阳极氧化和封闭处理。不适于阳极氧化的小零件,可采用化学氧化处理。铸造铝合金可采用涂漆防护。用作通信机箱的铝合金须进行导电氧化。? e.锌合金制造的零件,可以采用磷化、钝化、电镀或涂漆防护。? 6?电镀层的选择? 6.1?各类电镀层的特性及用途?镀层按其用途可分下列三类:? a.防护性镀层:主要作用是保护基体金属免受外界腐蚀,不规定对产品的装饰要求。? b.防护-装饰性镀层:除保护基体金属外,还使零件表面美观。?

高中外研社英语选修六Module5课文Frankenstein's Monster

Frankenstein's Monster Part 1 The story of Frankenstein Frankenstein is a young scientist/ from Geneva, in Switzerland. While studying at university, he discovers the secret of how to give life/ to lifeless matter. Using bones from dead bodies, he creates a creature/ that resembles a human being/ and gives it life. The creature, which is unusually large/ and strong, is extremely ugly, and terrifies all those/ who see it. However, the monster, who has learnt to speak, is intelligent/ and has human emotions. Lonely and unhappy, he begins to hate his creator, Frankenstein. When Frankenstein refuses to create a wife/ for him, the monster murders Frankenstein's brother, his best friend Clerval, and finally, Frankenstein's wife Elizabeth. The scientist chases the creature/ to the Arctic/ in order to destroy him, but he dies there. At the end of the story, the monster disappears into the ice/ and snow/ to end his own life. Part 2 Extract from Frankenstein It was on a cold November night/ that I saw my creation/ for the first time. Feeling very anxious, I prepared the equipment/ that would give life/ to the thing/ that lay at my feet. It was already one/ in the morning/ and the rain/ fell against the window. My candle was almost burnt out when, by its tiny light,I saw the yellow eye of the creature open. It breathed hard, and moved its arms and legs. How can I describe my emotions/ when I saw this happen? How can I describe the monster who I had worked/ so hard/ to create? I had tried to make him beautiful. Beautiful! He was the ugliest thing/ I had ever seen! You could see the veins/ beneath his yellow skin. His hair was black/ and his teeth were white. But these things contrasted horribly with his yellow eyes, his wrinkled yellow skin and black lips. I had worked/ for nearly two years/ with one aim only, to give life to a lifeless body. For this/ I had not slept, I had destroyed my health. I had wanted it more than anything/ in the world. But now/ I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and horror and disgust/ filled my heart. Now/ my only thoughts were, "I wish I had not created this creature, I wish I was on the other side of the world, I wish I could disappear!” When he turned to look at me, I felt unable to stay in the same room as him. I rushed out, and /for a long time/ I walked up and down my bedroom. At last/ I threw myself on the bed/ in my clothes, trying to find a few moments of sleep. But although I slept, I had terrible dreams. I dreamt I saw my fiancée/ walking in the streets of our town. She looked well/ and happy/ but as I kissed her lips,they became pale, as if she were dead. Her face changed and I thought/ I held the body of my dead mother/ in my arms. I woke, shaking with fear. At that same moment,I saw the creature/ that I had created. He was standing/by my bed/ and watching me. His



阳极泥 展开 复制搜索 编辑本段概述 电镀是指在含有欲镀金属的盐类溶液中,以被镀基体金属为阴极,通过电解作用,使镀液中欲镀金属的阳离子在基体金属表面沉积出来,形成镀层的一种表面加工方法。镀层性能不同于基体金属,具有新的特征。根据镀层的功能分为防护性镀层,装饰性镀层及其它功能性镀层。 电镀基本原理图 编辑本段电镀的基本原理 电镀是一种电化学过程,也是一种氧化还原过程.电镀的基本过程是将零件浸在金属盐的溶液中作为阴极,金属板作为阳极,接直流电源后,在零件上沉积出所需的镀层。 例如:镀镍时,阴极为待镀零件,阳极为纯镍板,在阴阳极分别发生如下反应: 阴极(镀件):Ni2++2e→Ni (主反应) 2H++e→H2↑ (副反应) 阳极(镍板):Ni -2e→Ni2+ (主反应) 4OH--4e→2H2O+O2+4e (副反应) 不是所有的金属离子都能从水溶液中沉积出来,如果阴极上氢离子还原为氢的副反应占主要地位,则金属离子难以在阴极上析出.根据实验,金属离子自水溶液中电沉积的可能性,可从元素周期表中得到一定的规律,如表1.1所示。 阳极分为可溶性阳极和不溶性阳极,大多数阳极为与镀层相对应的可溶性阳极,如:镀锌为锌阳极,镀银为银阳极,镀锡-铅合金使用锡-铅合金阳极.但是少数电镀由于阳极溶解困难,使用不溶性阳极,如酸性镀金使用的是多为铂或钛阳极.镀液主盐离子靠添加配制好的标准含金溶液来补充.镀铬阳极使用纯铅,铅-锡合金,铅-锑合金等不溶性阳极。 编辑本段工艺过程 一般包括电镀前预处理,电镀及镀后处理三个阶段。完整过程: 1、浸酸→全板电镀 五金及装饰性电镀工艺程序


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必修1 沁园春·长沙(全文)毛泽东 独立寒秋, 湘江北去, 橘子洲头。 看万山红遍, 层林尽染, 漫江碧透, 百舸争流。 鹰击长空, 鱼翔浅底, 万类霜天竞自由。 怅寥廓, 问苍茫大地, 谁主沉浮。 携来百侣曾游, 忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。

恰同学少年, 风华正茂, 书生意气, 挥斥方遒。 指点江山, 激扬文字, 粪土当年万户侯。 曾记否, 到中流击水, 浪遏飞舟。 雨巷(全文)戴望舒撑着油纸伞,独自 彷徨在悠长、悠长 又寂寥的雨巷, 我希望逢着 一个丁香一样地

结着愁怨的姑娘。 她是有 丁香一样的颜色, 丁香一样的芬芳, 丁香一样的忧愁, 在雨中哀怨, 哀怨又彷徨; 她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷,撑着油纸伞 像我一样, 像我一样地 默默彳亍着 冷漠、凄清,又惆怅。她默默地走近, 走近,又投出 太息一般的眼光

她飘过 像梦一般地, 像梦一般地凄婉迷茫。像梦中飘过 一枝丁香地, 我身旁飘过这个女郎;她默默地远了,远了,到了颓圮的篱墙, 走尽这雨巷。 在雨的哀曲里, 消了她的颜色, 散了她的芬芳, 消散了,甚至她的 太息般的眼光 丁香般的惆怅。 撑着油纸伞,独自

彷徨在悠长、悠长 又寂寥的雨巷, 我希望飘过 一个丁香一样地 结着愁怨的姑娘。 再别康桥(全文)徐志摩 轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来; 我轻轻的招手,作别西天的云彩。 那河畔的金柳,是夕阳中的新娘; 波光里的艳影,在我的心头荡漾。 软泥上的青荇,油油的在水底招摇; 在康河的柔波里,我甘心做一条水草! 那榆荫下的一潭,不是清泉, 是天上虹揉碎在浮藻间,沉淀着彩虹似的梦。寻梦?撑一支长篙,向青草更青处漫溯, 满载一船星辉,在星辉斑斓里放歌。



1 目的本规范规定了零部件电镀层的选择和各镀种及化学处理的标注方法。本规范适用于产品零部件设计时电镀层种类的选择。 2 引用标准 GB1238-76 JB/288-75 3 电镀层的主要目的 3.1 保护金属零件表面,防止腐蚀。 3.2 装饰零件外表,使外表美观。 3.3 提高零件的工作性能。如提高表面硬度、耐磨性、导电性、导磁性、耐热性、钎焊性、反光能力;节约及代替有色金属或贵金属;提高轴承使用寿命;修复磨损零件;热处理时的局部保护以及其它特殊性能。 4 决定电镀层种类和厚度的因素 4.1零件的工作环境; 4.2被镀零件的种类、材料和性质; 4.3电镀层的性质和用途; 4.4零件的结构、形状和尺寸的公差; 4.5镀层与其互相接触金属的材料、性质; 4.6零件的要求使用期限。 5 镀层使用条件的分类 5.1腐蚀性比较严重的工作环境:大气中含有较多的工业气体、燃料废气、灰尘和盐分以及相对湿度较大的地区。例如工业城市、离海较近的地区和湿热带地区等。或具有大量燃料废气和二氧化硫的室内,以及经常接触手汗的工作条件。

5.2腐蚀性中等的工作环境:大气中含有少量的工业气体、燃料废气、灰尘和盐分以及相对湿度中等的地区。例如离海较远的一般城市和一般室内环境。 5.3 腐蚀性轻微的工作环境:大气中工业气体、燃料废气、灰尘和盐分的含量很少,而且气候比较干燥。例如干热带地区、密封良好的设备的内部。 从防腐蚀的要求来看,有些金属在腐蚀性轻微的条件下可以不加保护层而应用。在比较严重的工作环境下,大部分金属要求有一定形式的防护,而有些金属则不能使用。 从保护基体金属免受腐蚀的要求来看,一般可考虑: a.贵金属(金、铂)、含铬18%以上的不锈钢、轧制的磁性合金材料、以及镍铜合金等,一般不需再加防护层。 b.碳钢、低合金钢和铸铁制造的零件,在大气中容易腐蚀,应加保护层。由于工作条件的限制不能采用保护层时,应采用油封防锈。在油中工作的零件,可以不加防护层。 c.铜和铜合金制造的零件,根据不同的使用条件,采用光亮酸洗、钝化、电镀或涂漆保护等。用磷青铜或铍青铜制造的精密零件可以不进行表面处理。 d.铝和铝合金制造的零件,可以采用阳极氧化和封闭处理。不适于阳极氧化的小零件,可采用化学氧化处理。铸造铝合金可采用涂漆防护。用作通信机箱的铝合金须进行导电氧化。 e.锌合金制造的零件,可以采用磷化、钝化、电镀或涂漆防护。 6 电镀层的选择


Unit 7 The Monster Deems Taylor 1He was an undersized little man, with a head too big for his body ― a sickly little man. His nerves were bad. He had skin trouble. It was agony for him to wear anything next to his skin coarser than silk. And he had delusions of grandeur. 2He was a monster of conceit. Never for one minute did he look at the world or at people, except in relation to himself. He believed himself to be one of the greatest dramatists in the world, one of the greatest thinkers, and one of the greatest composers. To hear him talk, he was Shakespeare, and Beethoven, and Plato, rolled into one. He was one of the most exhausting conversationalists that ever lived. Sometimes he was brilliant; sometimes he was maddeningly tiresome. But whether he was being brilliant or dull, he had one sole topic of conversation: himself. What he thought and what he did. 3He had a mania for being in the right. The slightest hint of disagreement, from anyone, on the most trivial point, was enough to set him off on a harangue that might last for hours, in which he proved himself right in so many ways, and with such exhausting volubility, that in the end his hearer, stunned and deafened, would agree with him, for the sake of peace. 4It never occurred to him that he and his doing were not of the most intense and fascinating interest to anyone with whom he came in contact. He had theories about almost any subject under the sun, including vegetarianism, the drama, politics, and music; and in support of these theories he wrote pamphlets, letters, books ... thousands upon thousands of words, hundreds and hundreds of pages. He not only wrote these things, and published them ― usually at somebody else’s expense ― but he would sit and read them aloud, for hours, to his friends, and his family. 5He had the emotional stability of a six-year-old child. When he felt out of sorts, he would rave and stamp, or sink into suicidal gloom and talk darkly of going to the East to end his days as a Buddhist monk. Ten minutes later, when something pleased him he would rush out of doors and run around the garden, or jump up and down off the sofa, or stand on his head. He could be grief-stricken over the death of a pet dog, and could be callous and heartless to a degree that would have made a Roman emperor shudder. 6He was almost innocent of any sense of responsibility. He was convinced that


电镀工艺 一、目的: 电镀的目的是在底层铜上加厚镀铜(图形电镀将在加厚镀铜之后再镀上一层抗蚀镀层Sn,以保护所需铜在蚀板时不被蚀去,形成所需图形)。 二、流程简介: 1.板面电镀: PTH—→上/下板—→预浸—→镀铜—→水洗—→下板—→焜棍—→水 洗—→上板。 2.图形电镀: 前工序(D/F)—→上/下板—→除油—→双水洗—→微蚀—→水洗—→预 浸—→镀铜—→喷水洗—→预浸—→镀锡—→双水洗—→下板—→焜棍—→水洗—→上板。 三、流程的功能: 1.除油: 作用:①清洁铜面,除去包括手指印,显影后残留的有机和无机污染物等。 ②润湿铜面,特别是孔壁。 控制参数:H2SO4:4~6% V/V 温度:35±5℃ 除油剂SE–250 22~28% V/V 影响:除油剂浓度太低或温度太低可能会导致甩铜、孔内无铜及线路凹痕等缺陷。 2.水洗: 作用:清洁、去除生产板上除油剂等杂污,避免带入下一流程而造成污染,影响品质。 影响:水流量太小,水质差会有较多的线路凹痕产生。水流量要求>2000L/hr。

3.微蚀: 作用:①粗化待镀底层铜表面,以增大其表面积而增大结合力。 ②进一步清洁板面与孔壁铜层。 控制参数:过硫酸钠(NPS):40~60g/l H2SO4:1~3% Cu2+:<15g/l 温度:30±2℃ 影响:NPS浓度太低或温度太低会引起甩铜缺陷,NPS浓度太高或微蚀时间过长会导致孔内无铜。 基本要求:①打气②过滤③冷却 4.水洗: 作用:将微蚀后生产板上残留的药水洗去以避免带入下一流程而造成污染。 5.预浸缸: 作用:①将微蚀后底层铜产生的Cu氧化物蚀去,保证镀铜前底层铜面清洁。 ②保护酸铜缸,使液中H2SO4浓度维持相对稳定。 控制参数:H2SO4:8~12% V/V 影响:H2SO4浓度太低会导致板面粗糙。 6.铜缸: ①基本要求: a. 打气 b. 循环过滤 c. 冷却 d. 摇摆 ②镀铜原理: 阳极Cu–2e—→Cu2+ 阴极Cu2++2e—→Cu↓ ③操作条件: A.电流密度: 对一般的生产而言,阴极的电流密度应为1.0~3.5A/dm2(9.3~ 32.6A/ft2),在低电位会有比较好的厚度分布和整平作用,但对 于添加剂中的Brightener会造成较大的用量,而高电位的情况则 相反。


高中语文必修一背诵篇目 1、《沁园春长沙》毛泽东 独立寒秋,湘江北去,橘子洲头。 看万山红遍,层林尽染;漫江碧透,百舸争流。 鹰击长空,鱼翔浅底,万类霜天竞自由。 怅寥廓,问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮? 携来百侣曾游,忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。 恰同学少年,风华正茂;书生意气,挥斥方遒。 指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯。 曾记否,到中流击水,浪遏飞舟? 2、《诗两首》 (1)、《雨巷》戴望舒 撑着油纸伞,独自 /彷徨在悠长、悠长/又寂寥的雨巷, 我希望逢着 /一个丁香一样的 /结着愁怨的姑娘。 她是有 /丁香一样的颜色,/丁香一样的芬芳, /丁香一样的忧愁, 在雨中哀怨, /哀怨又彷徨; /她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷, 撑着油纸伞 /像我一样, /像我一样地 /默默彳亍着 冷漠、凄清,又惆怅。 /她静默地走近/走近,又投出 太息一般的眼光,/她飘过 /像梦一般地, /像梦一般地凄婉迷茫。 像梦中飘过 /一枝丁香的, /我身旁飘过这女郎; 她静默地远了,远了,/到了颓圮的篱墙, /走尽这雨巷。 在雨的哀曲里, /消了她的颜色, /散了她的芬芳, /消散了,甚至她的 太息般的眼光, /丁香般的惆怅/撑着油纸伞,独自 /彷徨在悠长,悠长 又寂寥的雨巷, /我希望飘过 /一个丁香一样的 /结着愁怨的姑娘。 (2)、《再别康桥》徐志摩 轻轻的我走了, /正如我轻轻的来; /我轻轻的招手, /作别西天的云彩。 那河畔的金柳, /是夕阳中的新娘; /波光里的艳影, /在我的心头荡漾。 软泥上的青荇, /油油的在水底招摇; /在康河的柔波里, /我甘心做一条水草!那榆阴下的一潭, /不是清泉,是天上虹 /揉碎在浮藻间, /沉淀着彩虹似的梦。寻梦?撑一支长篙, /向青草更青处漫溯, /满载一船星辉, /在星辉斑斓里放歌。但我不能放歌, /悄悄是别离的笙箫; /夏虫也为我沉默, / 沉默是今晚的康桥!悄悄的我走了, /正如我悄悄的来;/我挥一挥衣袖, /不带走一片云彩。 4、《荆轲刺秦王》 太子及宾客知其事者,皆白衣冠以送之。至易水上,既祖,取道。高渐离击筑,荆轲和而歌,为变徵之声,士皆垂泪涕泣。又前而为歌曰:“风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复还!”复为慷慨羽声,士皆瞋目,发尽上指冠。于是荆轲遂就车而去,终已不顾。 5、《记念刘和珍君》鲁迅 (1)、真的猛士,敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血。这是怎样的哀痛者和幸福者?然而造化又常常为庸人设计,以时间的流驶,来洗涤旧迹,仅使留下淡红的血色和微漠的悲哀。在这淡红的血色和微漠的悲哀中,又给人暂得偷生,维持着这似人非人的世界。我不知道这样的世界何时是一个尽头!


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加工技术要求与检验规范 冲压、旋压件: 1.规格大小、材料厚度、冲孔位置、孔径的大小、翻边、卷边及口径、高度要与图纸相符,重要尺寸控制在公差范围内; 2.端面要平整,确保其配合面的垂直度与平行度; 3.边角表面光滑,冲孔孔位无余料毛刺阻塞,切口要平整无利边、毛刺、批锋、锐角; 4.抛光后表面无明显拉升痕、皱纹波、冲压模具印、旋压纹、凹凸点; 5.冲孔孔位无明显拉大与变形; 6.未注明倒角为X*X°; 管类: 1.规格尺寸要与工程图纸相符,重要尺寸控制在公差范围内; 2.钻孔或攻牙要直且尺寸要准,深度、孔径或牙距与图纸相符; 3.两端切口要平,管内去除毛刺和批锋; 4.弯管形状自然,过度圆滑,无明显折线感,与工程图纸或样板对比一 致; 5.打头管打头部位规格要准确; 6.粗胚表面不可有明显的生锈、夹伤、刮伤、起皱、管材破裂; 7.过线处必须倒角,管内中孔顺畅,无杂物堵塞; 8.抛光时纹路一致、抛线细腻、无砂眼、砂纹粗、起层、外表面需平整光滑无蜡垢; 9.未注明倒角为X*X°; 翻砂件: 1.规格尺寸符合工程图纸要求,重要配合尺寸控制在公差范围内; 2.端面要平整,确保配合面的垂直度与平行度; 3.钻孔或攻牙要直且尺寸要准,深度、孔径或牙距与图纸相符;重量要符合要求; 4.粗胚表面光滑,表面粗糙度不得大于XX; 5.配重类粗胚材质表面良好,应无明显模痕、缺料、变形现象;其它翻砂类产品抛光、抛砂后无明显瑕疵; 6.抛光时纹路一致、抛线细腻、不出现粗砂纹、起层、外表面需平整光滑无腊垢,表面砂眼抛光后在同一可视面可接受两处且大小不能超过1mm; 7.外观造型花纹整批一致,与样品对比无明显差异; 8.产品不可有毛刺、批锋、利边; 焊接组件: 1.焊接工艺:铜焊、银焊、铁焊、碰焊、亚弧焊、二氧化碳焊等 2.所有焊接零件需打砂后方可焊接; 3.焊接要牢固,不能虚焊、漏焊; 4.焊接尺寸要控制在公差范围内,角度要准确;
