

同义词替换词全集 国内考生常用的表达更得分的表达方式


1things that one tries hard

to do one's undertakings/ one's commitments

2The fact is that…The reality is that…

3joy happiness/ delight/ enjoyment 4sadness sorrow/ grief

5danger hazard/ peril

(后面这个词语气很强,危险程度非同一般) [派生] dangerous;hazardous

6education ≈schooling

(指学校教育,家庭教育则用upbringing/ parenting)[区分]家庭教育的两个词upbringi ng是从孩子的角度说的,比如children's upbringing;而parenting是从家长的角度来说,比如sensible parenting.

7advertisement/ advertising 如果你写过关于广告的题目,就一定体会过不停轮换使用advertisement/

advertising有多郁闷。其实主体段论证中完全可以把广告类细化,比如commercials(电视或者互联网上的广告),flyers(传单广告,北京最常见的形式就是“135****,办证”),billboards(大幅的广告牌)或者no n-profit advertisements=public-interest advertisements (公益广告)

8car automobile

9economic crisis economic

meltdown(很接近)/recession(这个一般仅仅还是衰退)/the Great


10famous people celebrities (单数为celebrity)




指人文学科)/the human race

12wealth fortune(s)


13[相关] rich wealthy/ affluent (adj.)




15[派生] skilled adept/ adroit (adj.)

16method methodology

(国外学术写作中超级常用的词,基本就是m ethod的故作高深版)

17field sphere/ domain/ arena 18understanding of≈ grasp of/ command of 19choice option


21basic structure in a city or

a country infrastructure

22tiredness for a long time fatigue

23is a must of is a prerequisite for (是……的必备先决条件)

24the Internet≈the information




26strong belief faith (in)

27aim intention

28worries anxieties


29influence impact/ repercussion/ implication

30influence on each other mutual influence(类似的表达还有mutual

respect, mutual trust和mutual understanding/ interaction between A and B/ interplay between A and B

31many different kinds of…a variety of…/ a wide array of…/ a wide range of…

32wrong ideas held by many

people misconceptions

33fame prestige/ sterling reputation 34range≈spectrum

35sense≈ recognition

36part component


37wise[相关] sensible (adj.) 38gap disparity

39a system for a particular

purpose≈ a mechanism for…

40 a solution to sth.a remedy for sth.


41bad students ≈ unruly students/ disruptive students

42bad behavior unethical behavior/ immoral behavior

43organizations that help

poor people charities/ charitable organizations

44difference distinction

45[派生] be different from be distinct from (adj.)

46person individual

47personality≈ disposition

48businesses enterprises(这里指企业)49prices that are too high exorbitant prices

50the rate of…the incidence

of…(后面一般跟坏事儿,比如unemployme nt/ crime/ a disease)

51intense enthusiasm zeal/ passion



使用这个词)global cultural homogenization

53 a thing that is necessary a necessity

54a thing that is new and

interesting a novelty

55 a thing that is rare a rarity

56things that people are not

sure about uncertainties

57 a world language a universal language

58friends companions

59relaxation≈ recreation

60self-respect≈ self-esteem and dignity

61respect sb./ sth.hold sb./ sth. in high regard

62[反义] look down on…treat … with contempt = despise (v.) 63self-control self-discipline

64criminal convict

65prisoner inmate

66drinks≈ alcoholic beverages

67people who walk on the

street pedestrians

68old generations in history ancestors

69a person who benefits

from sth. a beneficiary of sth.

70a disease that spreads


an epidemic (注意这个词虽然是-


71a very unpleasant way of

life misery

72a task that requires lots of

effort an arduous task

73emotion≈ sentiment

74enemy≈ opponent/ foe

75narrow minds insular minds (狭隘的头脑或者观念)

76 a way to do sth.an approach to doing sth./ an avenue towards sth.

77hobby≈ pastime/ diversion

78progress progression

(经常指抽象的进步,比如写关于society/ career/ technology的话题)






81duty obligation(用于比较重要的责任)

82difficulty hindrance/ impediment/ hurdles

83pressure from your

classmates peer pressure

84citizens who can work labor force/


85problems or diseases that

exist for a long time persistent problems/ chronic diseases

86a life without regular

exercise a sedentary lifestyle

87result consequence (表示消极的结果更多一些)88thoughts≈ considerations

89the lack of knowledge ignorance


90harm (n.)adverse effect

91harm (vt.)damage destroy/ ruin

(这两个词比damage程度更重)spoil(后面跟the cityscape/ scenery/


(后面跟抽象概念,比如stability/ social order/ harmony)jeopardize

(后面跟抽象概念,比如one's future/ one's career)tarnish (后面跟one's reputation/ image)sap/ dampen (后面跟one's enthusiasm/ interest/ confidence)

92[派生] harmful detrimental (adj.)

93[派生] be harmful to

≈ pose a threat to

94bad luck misfortune

95trouble adversity/ dilemma/ predicament/ hardship

96crime offense/ criminal act

97youth crime≈ juvenile delinquency

98criminal offender/ ≈ culprit/ ≈ perpetrator

99serious crime heinous crime/ felony

100 a minor crime a misdemeanor

101shortage (of)scarcity (of)/ dearth (of)

102the only one an exception

103places where animals live habitat


104worrying≈ disturbing

105very popular prevalent/ ubiquitous

106TRUE genuine (truly a genuinely)


profound (深刻的,后面经常跟wisdom/ truths/

understanding/ impact/ thoughts)

108strong powerful/ mighty

109weak≈ vulnerable




111very disappointing lamentable/ pathetic

112be good (for)be beneficial (to) = be in the best interests (of) 113be not as good as be inferior to

114be better than be superior to

115uninteresting mundane


116many numerous(注意要跟可数名词)117complicated intricate

118strange odd/ bizarre/


119cannot be turned back be irreversible 120produce useful results productive 121practical≈ realistic

122mature sophisticated


123selfish self-centered/ materialistic 124proud (贬义)conceited

125suitable fitting

126most suitable optimal

127lonely isolated/ alienated

128alone solitary

129be easily influenced by


be susceptible to sth. (一般是坏事情,比如a

disease/ attacks)

130is better than is superior to 131not as good as…is inferior to

132be the same be identical/ be homogenous/ be

uniform(后面两个词比较正式,一般是说cultur al




133interesting≈ stimulating

134boring≈ monotonous/ repetitive

135useless redundant

136smart intelligent

137famous renowned

138positive≈ desirable/ encouraging

139happy delighted

140enjoyable delightful

141can be used be available

142hard to understand bewildering/ baffling/ confusing

143(laws/ rules/ people)

not strict lenient

144healthy wholesome(注意说人的健康还是要用healthy,但是如果说事物有益健康,就可以用wholesome )

145good for the


eco-friendly(比如Biking is far more eco-friendly

than driving their SUVs.)

146nervous/ anxious≈ apprehensive

147doubt sth.be skeptical about sth.

148fair≈ justified

149unfair≈ unwarranted/ unjustifiable

150huge enormous/ massive/ vast/ colossal

151small tiny/ miniscule(后面一般跟抽象名词)

152have many different

abilities be versatile/ be well-rounded

153be familiar with be well-acquainted with

154very successful/

admirable distinguished

155proper appropriate

156typical quintessential (这个语气非常强)

157exact precise/ ≈ accurate 158ugly unsightly

159poor-quality substandard (housing/ accommodation/ work/ goods/ machines)

160the present…the current…/ the existing…(比如the current financial crisis/ the existing environmental problems)

161outdated antiquated/ obsolete

162highly-respected esteemed

163complete(adj.)/ whole entire

164spend a lot of money lead an extravagant/ a lavish life

165open enlighted/ progressive

(开明的,逐步的,经常用来形容govern-ment 或者society)

166sth. must be carried out sth. is compulsory/ sth. is mandatory

167with long history time-

honored(后面经常跟抽象名词,比如tradition/ practice/ methods/ heritage)

168continuing forever perpetual

169important significant essential


170very attractive very appealing/ fascinating/ captivating 171very careful cautious

172be very interested in be absorbed in/ be engrossed in

173be qualified for be eligible for

174disappointing frustrating

175wrong erroneous

176long and a bit

annoying lengthy

177very difficult daunting/ formidable

178being spread in

uncontrolled way

rampant (后面经常跟负面现象,比如crime,

pollution 或者discrimination)

179cruel≈ inhumane/ merciless

180fat overweight/ obese(后面这个已经胖出病了)

181having wrong opinions skewed/ biased


182including many things comprehensive (综合的,全面的)

183enough adequate/ sufficient/ ample/


184too much excessive

185very little minimal (注意不是minimum)

186cause bad effects counterproductive

(其实地道英文写作里这个词不见得和生产有关,只要阻止人们达到目的,都可以写它count erproductive)


stringent (后面一般跟laws,


188urgent pressing (problems)

189quiet tranquil and serene


190make sth. strong strengthen/ fortify/ reinforce/ consolidate sth. 191make sth. weak weaken/ erode (侵蚀)

192make sth. better enhance/

better(很少看到国内考生用better当动词,其实在学术写作中better sth.是挺常见的表达)

193make sth. worse aggravate/ exacerbate sth.

194control…(a negative

trend)curb…(crime/ pollution/ economic recessions)

195stop cease

196manage sth.≈ regulate sth./oversee sth. 197appear emerge/ arise

(后者的主语一般是抽象概念,比如debate)198die out go extinct

199fail to see neglect/ overlook

200set…free release (prisoners/ stress)

201begin commence/ initiate

(后者跟抽象概念更多,比如initiate the conflict)

202narrow/ bridge the gap

between A and



[反义] widen the gap between A and B

203be forced to do sth.be compelled to do sth.

204keep complaining

about sth.grumble about sth.

205try hard to do sth.

≈pursue sth.(one's goal/one's career/ business

interests/ maximum profit/ hegemony)

206do sth.≈ perform/ conduct


207do not do sth.refrain from doing sth.

208carry out implement

209turn…into…convert…to/ into…


decline/ dwindle(特指逐渐缓慢的减少)/ dip/

slip (后两个词用来指短促的下降)

211make a crime

commit a crime(注意作文中不要用make a


212commit a crime again revert to crime (这里的crime作不可数名词)213punish penalize

214[派生]punishment penalty

215spread propagate/ disseminate

(这两个词后面经常跟information/ ideas/ belief这类名词)

216develop fast flourish/ thrive




cultivate/ foster/


词,比如an interest in social issues)

218[相关]fast-developing burgeoning




220build construct

221gather garner,但这个词只能用在很正式的意思,而且略有贬义,比如garner funding, garner support during the UN climate conference at Copenhagen

222measure gauge, 比measure稍正式一点

223teach sth.≈impart sth./ inculcate

sth.(注意如果teach后面是人则不要替换)224start initiate 多用于政府类话题

225support espouse,后面跟某种重要的事业,类似的还有动词champion(作动词不是冠军的意思了)和动词sanction(它作名词则变成了“制裁”)

226praise≈ compliment/ extol(后面这个语气很强)227support≈ buttress/ bolster

228prove/ confirm verify

229create generate(一般是大规模的产生,比如generate employment opportunities/ generate tax revenue/ electricity)

breed(一般是产生消极的东西,比如conflict/ crime/


pawn inventions/ innovations)230use≈ utilize/exploit

231use…again recycle

232work hard work assiduously

233get ≈acquire(注意acquire/ gain knowledge比learn


234consider contemplate/ reflect on/ ponder




236provide sth.afford sth.


237need require(注意主语如果是人称则一般还需要使用need,但如果主语是事物,则可以改用requir e)

238like sth. very much ≈ have an affinity for sth./ have a strong attachment to sth.

239be unhappy about complain about (v.)/ be discontended with (adj.) 240ask for request




242look like sth.resemble sth.

243treat…poorly mistreat…/ abuse…

244consider sth. valuable value sth./ treasure sth./ cherish sth.

245keep ≈ maintain/ preserve(这个词后面经常跟traditions/ cultural heritage/ wild animals/ natural resources等)

246mix… together blend/ combine/ synthesize

247solve tackle/ combat/ address 248notice discern

249understand… to

mean…/ to be…



250choose sth./ choose to

do sth.opt for sth./ opt to do sth.

251achieve fulfill (one's dream/ one's goal/ one's potential/

one's obligation/ one's promise/ one's task)

252appear in large

numbers sprout up/ mushroom

253make… less serious relieve/ ease/

alleviate(作文中经常用到的搭配有relieve stress/ alleviate poverty/ ease the traffic congestion等)

254pay…for (one's loss)compensate…for…

255pay…for (one's effort)reward…for…

256make sth. faster accelerate sth./ speed up sth. 257join participate in

258outweight prevail



259contribute to promote/


260prevent the

development of…hinder/impede/ inhibit/ obstruct…

261find out≈ identify

262encourage sb. to…≈motivate sb. to…263like sth. very much adore sth.

264dislike sth. very much abhor/ detest/ loathe

265hate resent/ hold a grudge against 266limit restrict/ constrain

267avoid≈ bypass/ eschew/ shun

268is not limited to…is not restricted to…/ is not confined


269be so surprised be astonished/ be astounded/ be startled

270decide determine

271move to…relocate to…/ have been relocated to…

272come from…originate from/ in…


boost/ enhance(比如boost solidarity增进团结/

enhance productivity提高生产率)

274waste use… lavishly

275attack assail (语气更强烈)




277increase augment(多用于政府投资类话题)

278help assist

279help (n.)assistance

280set up establish

281try to do sth.attempt to do sth.

282try hard to do sth.make a strenuous/ an arduous/ a painstaking effort to do sth.

283change alter

284change… a lot fundamentally change…/ radically change…/ transform…

285solve address/ combat

286correct (vt.)rectify (a mistake)

287take down demolish/ raze(谈到拆老建筑的时候常用)288obey

abide by/ comply with/ conform to (后面跟the

law/ rules/ regulations等)

289ban ban… altogether/ strictly prohibit…

290criticize condemn/



show an upward trend/ be on the rise反义:show a

downward trend

292depend on

hinge on= be contingent on(意思是:取决于


293depend on rely on(意思是:依靠……)

294deal with cope with

295do one's best to do https://www.360docs.net/doc/7b3209570.html,mit oneself to doing sth./ strive to do sth./ do

one's utmost to do sth./ spare no effort to do sth.

296use up exhaust (energy/ resources)/ stretch (resources) to the limit

297report the details of

sth.report sth. In graphic detail

298prevent sb. from

focusing on…distract sb. from…

299spend A on B≈ dedicate A to B

300use too much…stretch… to the limit/ put a strain on…



rge chemical waste into rivers, streams and lakes)302get used to get accustomed to

303die out go extinct

304continue to exist persist

305come with…be attended by / be accompanied by…

306broaden one's horizons expand one's outlook/ enlarge one's vision (broaden one's


307break the law violate the law 308put sb. In prison incarcerate sb. 309make laws against…legislate against…

310[相关]law legislation


311make sth. active

stimulate (后面经常跟imagination/ creativity/

interest/ economic growth等词汇)

312make one's dream

come true fulfill one's potential/ attain one's goal

313have the right to do

sth.be entitled to do sth.

314lead to change in act as a catalyst for change in…

315stick to adhere to/ cling to


316deal with the need meet the demand/ satisfy the need

317take… away from sb.

deprive sb. of…(省略号中可以填入freedom/

leisure time/ the right to等值得拥有的内容) 318give sb. the ability to enable sb. to

319get a clear idea of get a clear perspective of

320be lost go

astray(作文中如果写青少年“误入歧途”,就不要再写get lost)

321spend too much time


be addicted to/ be preoccupied with/ be obsessed

with (这三个词组的语气越来越强)

322prepare for…pave the way for…/ lay the groundwork for…/ lay a solid foundation for…(为……打好基础)

323break the balance upset the balance

324balance A and B

strike a balance between A and B (在A


325catch capture

326think of… as regard…as/ view…as/perceive…as 327get rid of eliminate/ remove

328get rid of abolish(多用于政府类话题,废除)329make… higher

drive up(后面经常跟the crime rate/

unemployment rate)


330more and more +adj.Increasingly +adj. 但要注意如果后面不是adj.

而是noun, 那么就可以用an increasing number of (跟可数名词)/ an increasing amount


331mainly primarily/ principally/ chiefly 332In the old days,…Traditionally,…/ Historically,…333now≈ currently



335very soon immediately 336not often at all rarely

337completely entirely

338do sth. without careful

thought do sth. Impulsively




340only≈ merely (注意只有a little/ a

bit后面跟形容词的时候才可以这样替换)341 a little/ a bit

somewhat (注意只有a little/ a


342mainly primarily/ principally/ chiefly


343about regarding/ concerning/ with respect to/ with regard to

344before…prior to…

345 a few

a handful of (请注意仅指少数时a couple


346Although…, the real

situation is…

Hypothetically,…/ Theoretically,…/ In theory/

Ideally,...→But in reality, …/ But in actuality,…/

But in practice,…(Ideally 指“理想化地说”)

347Most young people…Young people tend to…=Young people typically… (tend to


348needs to be changed is crying out for reform(固定短语)349be punished by the law be brought to justice

350do sth. together make a concerted effort to do sth.

351It is common for sb.

to…It is standard practice for sb. to…

352is based on…is predicted on…

353have no choice but


have no option but to…/ have no alternative but


354be worth the effort be worthwhile

355and so on etc.(前面可加逗号)

356become more than exceed/ surpass

357grow fast grow dramatically/ soar/ rocket

358fall fast fall drastically/ plunge/ plummet

359much higher considerably/ substantially/ significantly higher

360 a little higher marginally higher/ slightly higher/ fractionally higher

361is closely connected is intrinsically linked to…362through by way of (介词短语) 363on the whole overall

364because of due to/ owing


365before (时间)prior to

366in this aspect in this regard/ in this respect


367despite/ in spite of notwithstanding(请注意这三个词都是后面不惜


368in fact

as a matter of fact ≈ in essence/ essentially (in

essence/ essentially 的意思是“本质上”)369besides apart from

370about/ around approximately

371It is obvious that…It is evident that…

372sth. stops.sth. comes to a standstill

373be similar to…be akin to…(学术写作中相当常见的句型)

374 A is as … as B B is … A is equally…

375It is impossible that…It is highly unlikely that…

376 A has made B+adj./n.

A has rendered B+adj./ n. (这里的宾语B


377 A has made B do sth.A has promoted/ impelled sb. to do sth.


378sth. does not always

remain the same.

sth. is not carved in stone


379A high percentage


The proportion of… is very high.


380The cause of … is …can be attributed to/ can be ascribed to…(可以归因于……)

381no matter regardless of/ irrespective of(注意no matter后面一般跟从句,而regardless of和irrespective


382talking about…/

speaking of

in terms of…


terms of culture, this city is fascinating. But in

terms of traffic, it is inferior.)


同义词替换词 国内考生常用的表达更得分的表达方式 名词 1things that one tries hard to do one's undertakings/ one's commitments 2The fact is that?The reality is that? 3joy happiness/delight/ enjoyment 4sadness sorrow/ grief 5danger hazard/ peril ( 后面这个词语气很强,危险程度 非同一般 ) [派生 ] dangerous; hazardous ≈schooling (指学校教育,家庭教育则用 6education upbringing/ parenting)[ 区分 ]家庭教育的两个词 upbringing 是从孩子的角度说的,比如children's upbringing;而 parenting 是从家长的角度来说,比如 sensible parenting. 如果你写过关于广告的题目,就一定体会过 不停轮换使用 advertisement/ advertising有多郁闷。其实主体段论证中完全可以把广告类 7advertisement/ advertising 细化,比如 commercials(电视或者互联网上的广告), flyers(传单广告,北京最常见的形式就是“ 135****,办证”), billboards (大幅的广告牌)或者 non-profit advertisements=public-interest advertisements (公益广告) 8car Automobile 9economic crisis economic meltdown(很接近) /recession(这个一般仅仅还是衰退) /the Great Depression (这个则是特指 1929 年开始的那次了) 10famous people celebrities (单数为 celebrity) 11human beings(备考生使humanity(注意这个词的单数指人类,复数用过多)指人文学科) /the human race 12wealth fortune(s)( fortune 作财富的意思时可以加复数) 13[ 相关 ] rich wealthy/ affluent (adj.) 14skill≈注意这个词的正确解释是技能 technique( 或者方法,而不是 technology 科技 ) 15[ 派生 ] skilled adept/ adroit (adj.)


同义词替换 一、名词/名词短语 1.author= writer 作家 2.century=a hundred years 世纪、百年 3.chance= opportunity 机会 4.decision = resolution 决定 5.dishes = food 食物 6.family = home 家 7.firm = company 公司 8.first name = give name 名字 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7b3209570.html,st name = family name 10.gift = present 礼物 11.litter = rubbish/trash 垃圾 12.match = contest比赛 13.message = information信息 14.note = message 短信 15.part=area地区 16.pen pal = pen friend 笔友 17.photo = picture 照片 18.question= problem 问题 19.shop = store 商店 20.sight= places of interest 名胜、风景 21.some day = one day 来日、将来有一天 22.sportsman = athlete 运动员 23.spot = place 地点、场所 24.stop = station 车站 25.suggestion = advice忠告 26.table=desk 桌子 27.talk = conversation谈话 28.test= exam 考试 29.the Smiths = the Smith family 史密斯一家 30.theme = topic 主题 31.tonight = this evening 今晚 32.top dog=winner赢家 33.two times = twice 两次、两倍 34.two and a half hour = two hours and a half 两个半小时 35.vacation = holiday 假期 36.way = method 方法 37.work = job 工作 二、动词/动词短语 38.ask for help= turn to 寻求帮助 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7b3209570.html,e again = pardon 再一次 40.act = perform 表演 41.add---to---=put ---on---把---加到---上 42.afford = buy 买;承担得起 43.allow= permit 允许;准许 44.do---by oneself= alone 单独地;独自地 45.be hungry for becoming = be looking forward to becoming 渴望成为 46.argue = quarrel 争论 47.arrive in = get to=reach 到达 48.be from = come from 来自 49.do well/better in = be good/better at(更)擅长于 50.be late for = miss 错过 51.be willing to do= would like to do 乐意做某事 52.believe = trust 相信53.break down = doesn’t work 故障 54.call sb. up = give a phone call to sb. 给某人打电话 55.care about = worry about 担心 56.catch a bus = take a bus 坐公共汽车 57.choose = pick out / select 选择 58.clean out = clean up 把---打扫干净 59.clean = sweep 打扫 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7b3209570.html,e up with = think of 提出;想出 61.continue = keep 继续 62.cross = go across 穿过 63.deal with = do with 处理;应付 64.discover = find out 发现 65.do chores = do housework 做家务事 66.drop = throw 扔 67.fix up = mend / repair 修理 68.follow = understand 理解;明白 69.get on well with = get along well with 与---友好相处 70.get over = overcome 克服 71.give out = hand out 分发 72.give sb. A hand = help sb. 帮助某人 73.go to the movies = go to the cinema 去看电影 74.grow up = become an adult 长大 75.have a good /great/nice time = enjoy oneself/ oneselves 玩得很开心 76.hand in =turn in 上交 77.join = take part in 发生 78.have an eve on = have a taste of 有---的品味 79.hold on to= keep doing sth./continue doing sth. 继续;坚持 80.hate = dislike 恨;不喜欢 81.affect = influence 影响 82.keep one’s word = keep one’s promise 信守承诺 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7b3209570.html,ugh at = make fun of 嘲笑;取笑 84.learn by oneself = teach oneself 自学 85.leave for = go to 出发去 86.look after = take care of 照顾 87.offer = provide 提供 88.pass = go by (时间)流逝 89.raise = collect 收集 90.raise money = make money 挣钱 91.realize = come true/ achieve 实现 92.receive = accept 收到;接受 93.remember = not forget 记住;不忘记 94.reply = answer 回答;答复 95.rest = break 休息 96.return = come /give back 还回 97.run away = run off 跑开;迅速离开 98.Run out of = use up 用完;耗尽 99.telephone = ring up 打电话 100.stay away from = keep away from 与---保持距离 101.stay healthy = keep healthy =keep sb. in good health 保持健康 102.stop = give up 停止;放弃 103.look like = take after 看起来像;长得像


★ 形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 1.Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant 2.Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous 3.Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful 4.Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent 5.Poor 贫穷的Impoverished 7.Serious 严重的Severe 8.Obvious 明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident 9.cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive ★ 动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为: think = assert= hold = claim = argue 8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten 1.Improve 提高:Promote、Advance、Enhance 2.change 改变:Transform 3.Emphasize 强调:Highlight、Stress、Address(这是个9星级用法) 4.Develop培养:Agriculture、Cultivate、Nurture 5.Break 破坏:Impair、Undermine这两个词指的是抽象意义上的破坏Jeopardize、Devastate 6.Keep 保存Preserve、Conserve 保护资源 7.deal With解决Tackle、Address(这也是高难度用法,很牛)、Resolve 8.need 需要Require、necessita ★ 名词: 1. 影响:influence= impact 2. 危险:danger = perils =hazard 3. 污染:pollution = contamination 4. 人类:human beings= mankind = human race


同义词替换大全 Cambridge 4 TEST 1 1.ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no n otice=not take any notice忽略,无视v. 2.encounter=face=confront=meet遇见,遭遇v. 3.mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n. 4.easy to reach=accessible容易达到的adj. 5.change=modify(modification) 改变v. 6.destruction=destroy=loss毁坏n. 7.investigate=make inquiries=enquiries=go into=probe=look int o 调查v. 8. where=geographical location 表地点 9.important=vital=essential=crucial重要的adj. 10.reason=cause=factor=origins=root=stimulus=impetus原因n. 11.protect=guard=safeguard=shield=conservation保护v. 12.newspapers, television=media媒体n. 13.where to live=habitat居住地n. 14.get warmer=global warming变暖n. 15.contribute to=play a part有助于v. 16.survive=continuing existence幸存,活下来v. 17.curriculum=course=syllabus课程n.


Part1 A A range of=an array of= a list of= a collection of=a series of= a set of一系列Accelerate=speed up加速 Accomplishment=achievement 成就,完成 Accomplish=achieve (V)完成,达成,成就 Attend=participate in 参加 Achieve=obtain=gain=access to sth 得到、获得 Aim.n=objective=goal 目的 Aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on 集中、强调 Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do尝试作,想要作 Approximately=roughly=about=some=around 大约 As a result=consequently=as a consequence=hence因此、从而Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联Attach to=connect to=link to与……相连接、附着在……上 At will=at random=by chance=by accident=accidentally随意地 B Be similar to=closely resembled =have something in common 相似 Be used to=be devoted to专门用于 Be equivalent to=be equal to 等同于 Be taken aback=be surprised 吃惊 C Calculate=measure 衡量 Catch up with=keep pace with跟上步伐 Chief=major=dominant=principle主要的 Chronic=long term 慢性病的 Concern n. =focus关心的问题 Concept =conception=notion=idea=understanding概念、理解 Confront=encounter=in the face of面临 Consist of=comprise由什么组成 Contribute to=result in=lead to=link to=responsible for导致 Cooperate with=work with 与……协作 Convert to=turn into 转为、转变为 D Distract from= can not concentrate 使精力分散 Diminish=decrease=shrink 减少 Distinct=distinguish=different=unique不同的 Distinct variety of =different kind of=separate kind of不同的 Due to=because of由于 Drawback=defect=ill缺点 E Endanger=threaten 威胁


核心动词: 1.想,认为 think,hold,argue,concede,assert,deem,consider,believe, maitain, 2深思熟虑,仔细考虑 ponder,deliberate,meditate,comteplate,reflect 3.培养 cultivate,foster,nurture,nourish 4.加强,巩固 strengthen,sonsolidate,reinforce, 5.显示,表明 manifest, display,show,reveal,present,suggest,demonstrate,indicat e,illustrate,reflect 6.确认,证实 verify, confirm, establish,affirm 7.断言,宣称 declare,claim,allege,assert,state 8.支持,维护,拥护 support,maitain,uphold,approve,advocate,champion 9.反对 oppose,be against,disagree,disapprove,object to

10.解决(问题,麻烦) solve,tackle,combat,address,resovle,cope with,settle 11.导致,引发,引起 give rise to,trigger,spark,lead to,bring about,result in, 12.建议,提议 suggest,recommend,urge,propose,advise,put forward, 13.阻止,阻碍,限制 prevcnt, deter,jeopardize,restrain,confine (to),restrict,refrain,limit 14.影响 have effect on, affect,influence,have an impact on,sway 15.增长,发展,提高 increase,rise,develop,enhance,improve,advance,upgrade,r aise,facilitate,boost,promote 16.下降,减少 decrease,decline,fall,drop,slump 17.实现,完成 fulfil,realize,achieve,accomplish,attain 18.提供,给予 supply,provide,perform…for,offer,yield


新托福词汇同义词替换表(写作,阅读,口语,写作)系列之(A,B,C) 同义词的积累对于阅读最大的好处就是让你真正明白正确答案的标准和特征,同样的道理,对于听力,也是听力原文和让你答题的选项之间常常不会是原封不动的说法,考官给考生制造难度的最常见方法就是换表达形式,但是不改变意思,同义词替换或者正话反说或者反话正说等等出题人常用的“伎俩”,因此以下开始给同学们列出所有新托福词汇的同义词归纳。 背完的单词如何能够灵活的输出,我在课堂以及讲座总是说要进行意群的划分,或者具体说就是同 义词的积累或者同类词的积累,因为这样储备之后我们在口语以及写作中就能够多样的表达,让语言的变 化性和生动性能够提高,比如很多同学说到“重要”,总是只能输出一个“important”,但其实写作中和口语 还有类似essential,influential,crucial等等多样的表达。好了,说过了同义词对于“口语”和“写作”这两大输出 环节的作用之后,再说同义词对于“听力”和“阅读”这两大输入环境的作用,阅读理解的精髓就是原文的信息 和选项信息的同义转化,因此例如原文中说一个方法非常的apparent,选项里的常常同义改写原说法,比 如变成“se lf-evident”或者“obvious”,因此同义词的积累对于阅读最大的好处就是让你真正明白正确答案的 标准和特征,同样的道理,对于听力,也是听力原文和让你答题的选项之间常常不会是原封不动的说法, 考官给考生制造难度的最常见方法就是换表达形式,但是不改变意思,同义词替换或者正话反说或者反话 正说等等出题人常用的“伎俩”,因此以下开始给同学们列出所有新托福词汇的同义词归纳。

同义词 替换大全

将替换过的词加粗字号调大一号 双眼=眼睛 真的=确实 不过=只是 如今=现在 算是=就是 对于=关于 一具=一个 身体=躯体 还是=依然 适应=习惯 知道=明白 愿意=情愿 其实=事实上 贵妃=皇妃 但是=然而 不会=可不能 这里=这个地方 人生=人一辈子 跳过=跃过 已经=差不多 阶段=时期 直接=直截了当 这样=如此 人品=运气 可是=但是 冷静=平复 根据=依照 记忆=经历 原因=缘故 所以=因此 算了=罢了 医生=大夫 继续=接着 经过=通过 抬举=高看 身孕=怀孩子 事情=情况 这个=那个 叹气=哀息 可怜=悲伤 就是=确实是基本=差不多 不好=不行 孩子=小孩 将来=今后 明天=改日 根本=全然 儿子=亲孩子 计划=打算 何况=况且 非常=特别 特意=专门 办法=方法 怎么=如何 疑惑=不明白 想法=办法 问=咨询 恐怕=估计 虽然=尽管 此时=如今 身边=周围 可以=能够 提前=提早 并且=同时 肯定=确信 暗中=背地 好像=看起来 很=非常 答应=承诺 于是=因此 没多久=不大会儿 都是=基本上 第二天=翌日 外面=别处 似乎=大概 忘记=不记得 彻底=完全 主要=要紧 心里=内心 以前=往常 马上=立即 当然=所以 习惯=适应 活泼=爽朗 为什么=什么原因 不少=很多 毕竟=怎么说 未来=以后 日子=生活 如果=假如 那里=那儿 麻烦=烦恼 提拔=擢升 思考=考虑 地方=地点 时间=时刻 估计=可能 竟然=难道 激动=兴奋 说=讲 连忙=赶紧 女人=女的 少女=女孩 员工=职员 城市=都市 忽然=突然 竟然=居然 似乎=好像 事情=情况 屋子=房子 怎样=怎么样 货物=物资 别=不 影响=妨碍 开朗=活泼 进去=到里面去 接受=同意 怎样=如何 懂=明白 知道=明白 大哥=老大 老板=老总 样子=模样 额头=头顶 感觉=感受 钱=钞票 医生=大夫 无论=不管 非常=特别 亭子=阁楼 竟然=居然 姑娘=小姐 老婆=夫人 丈夫=夫君、相公 管家=总管 少年=青年 大家=大伙儿 相爱=恩爱 车上=车内 爱慕=喜爱 安然=安稳 遨游=游览 奥秘=神秘 懊悔=后悔 报酬=酬劳 悲哀=悲伤 崩塌=倒塌 必然=必定 避免=幸免 便宜=廉价 哺育=培育 猜测=推测 才干=才能 采用=采纳 诧异=惊诧 颤动=抖动 沉浸=沉醉 惩罚=惩处 迟延=拖延 耻笑=讥笑 炽热=酷热 憧憬=向往 酬谢=答谢 啜泣=抽泣 创造=制造 绰号=外号 慈悲=慈善


1 解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle 2 损害: Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize 3 给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford 4 培养::Develop, cultivate, foster 5 优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength 6 缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness 7 使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle 8 重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative 9 认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced 10 保护:Protect, conserve, preserve 11 确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge 12 有害的: Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental 13 要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition 14 消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away 15 导致: Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate 16 因此: So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this 17 增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to 18 降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to, slump to, descend to,sink to,slide to 19 保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,


Part 1 A A band of= a herd of=a flock of 一群 A range of=an array of= a list of= a collection of=a series of= a set of一系列Accelerate=speed up加速 Accomplishment=achievement 成就,完成 Accomplish=achieve (V)完成,达成,成就 Attend=participate in 参加 Achieve=obtain=gain=access to sth 得到、获得 Adapt to=integrate into使适应、融为一体 Aim.n=objective=goal 目的 Aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on 集中、强调 An array of=a list of =a set of=a series of 一系列 Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do尝试作,想要作 Approximately=roughly=about=some=around 大约 Appreciation=interest 欣赏 As a result=consequently=as a consequence=hence因此、从而 As well as=and和 As well=too也 Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联Attach to=connect to=link to=serve与……相连接、附着在……上 At will=at random=by chance=by accident=accidentally随意地Automatically ensure=guarantee确保 B Be similar to=closely resembled =have something in common 相似 Be used to=be devoted to专门用于 Be equivalent to=be equal to 等同于 Be taken aback=be surprised 吃惊 Briskly =rapidly=swiftly快速地 C Calculate=measure 衡量 Catch up with=keep pace with跟上步伐 Chief=major=dominant=principle主要的 Chronic=long term 慢性病的 Complain=illness 病症 Concern n. =focus关心的问题


A A band of= a herd of=a flock of 一群 A range of=an array of= a list of= a collection of=a series of= a set of一系列 Accelerate=speed up加速 Accomplishment=achievement 成就,完成 V)完成,达成,成就Accomplish=achieve ( Attend=participate in 参加 Achieve=obtain=gain=access to sth 得到、获得 Adapt to=integrate into使适应、融为 一体 Aim.n=objective=goal 目的集中、强调 Aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on An array of=a list of =a set of=a series of 一系列 Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do尝试作,想要作 Approximately=roughly=about=some=around 大约 Appreciation=interest 欣赏 As a result=consequently=as a consequence=hence因此、 从而 As well as=and和 As well=too也……相关联Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……上Attach to=connect to=link to=serve与……相连 接、附着在随意地=At will=at randomby chance=by accident=accidentally 确保 Automatically ensure=guarantee B 相似Be similar to=closely resembled =have something in common 专门用于Be used to=be devoted to 等同于Be equivalent to=be equal to 吃惊Be taken aback=be surprised Briskly =rapidly=swiftly快速地C Calculate=measure 衡量 Catch up with=keep pace with跟上步伐 Chief=major=dominant=principle主要的 Chronic=long term 慢性病的 Complain=illness 病症 Concern n. =focus关心的问题 Concern v. =about 与……有关 Concept =conception=notion=idea=understanding概念、理解 Condition=regulate 调节 Confront=encounter=in the face of面临 Concern = care关心 Consist of=comprise由什么组成 Concur with sb=agree with sb 同意某人 Contaminate=pollute=poison 污染 Contend=assert=claim断言 Contribute to=result in=lead to=link to=responsible for导致 Cooperate with=work with 与……协作 转为、转变为Convert to=turn into 出现Crop up=crop out=come up D 退化Degenerated=underdeveloped 使精力分散Distract from= can not concentrate 致命的Deadly=fateful 减少Diminish=decrease=shrink 不真实的Distort reality=far from reality=dishonest 不同之处


同义词替换大全 Cambridge4TEST1 1.ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no notice=not ta ke any notice忽略,无视v. 2.encounter=face=confront=meet 遇见,遭遇v. 3.mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n. 4.easy to reach=accessible容易达到的adj. 5.change=modify(modification)改变v. 6.destruction=destroy=loss毁坏n. 7.investigate=make inquiries=enquiries=go into=probe=look into调查v. 8.where=geographical location表地点 9.important=vital=essential=crucial重要的adj. 10.reason=cause=factor=origins=root=stimulus=impetus原因n. 11.protect=guard=safeguard=shield=conservation保护v. 12.newspapers,television=media媒体n. 13.where to live=habitat居住地n. 14.get warmer=global warming变暖n. 15.contribute to=play a part有助于v. 16.survive=continuing existence幸存,活下来v. 17.curriculum=course=syllabus课程n. 18.link to=be connected with=be linked with把…和…相联系v.


【干货词汇】30个剑桥雅思同义词替换汇总 1.increase=go up/rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=expand=pick up=widen=intensify=build up增加 2.assistant=helper=coach 助手n. 3.distraction=something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing分心的事物n. 4.cornerstone=basis=foundation=the key 基石n. 5.disturb=interrupt=bother=distract=put somebody off 打扰v. 6.identity=someone’s identity is their name or who they are 身份n. 7.repetition=doing or saying the same thing many times重复n. 8.exaggerate=overstate夸张,夸大v. 9.supply=provide=furnish=give 提供v. 10.handicap=difficult=obstacle=hindrance=bar=deterrent 障碍,困难 n. 11.interact=if people interact with each other, they talk to each other, work together etc. 互动v. 12.construct=build=make=found 建造v. 13.stimulate=encourage=activate=motivate鼓励,刺激v.


雅思阅读题目出题的本质是三种替换:同义词/词组替换,句型替换,语法替换,以下是剑桥真题中的考点词,替换词,一次多义总结: 1.rigid/stiff/unchanged/little change僵硬的,一成不变的 2.significant/enormous/dramatic/tremendous/appreciably/remarkable/crucial/巨大的,明显的,程度大的/substantial 3.approximately 将近-nearly, almost 4.proportion/percentage 比例 5.be involved (in)/involve in/involvement[n.]涉及,卷入,参与 6.given/considering , in regard to/despite/although有鉴于、考虑到,尽管 6.induce [v] 引入,引导,引诱/inductive [n] 归纳>< deduce/deductive推断 7. fortune/destiny/chances 8.deplete 开采完,耗尽/exhaust–exhaust emission (尾气)排放/exploit https://www.360docs.net/doc/7b3209570.html,plex 错综复杂的/complicated/sophisticated老奸巨滑的,复杂的 10.capacity能力,容量/competence(竞争)能力/ability能力(笼统的) 11.确保,保障:Secure-security/ensure (insure)/guarantee 押金 12. solely/merely/only 13.a vast array of 系列/a great variety of 花样,品种/a great rang 系列of 14.pesticide 杀虫/suicide 自杀/homicide/murder杀人 15. believe/assume(responsibility)/suppose 16.授权,委托:authorize/commission 佣金/entitle 头衔+ment =right (权利) 17. purchase/buy 18. ethnic 种族的/ethic 伦理,道德的+ s =[n] 19. modify/change [v] shift work 轮班工作[n] 20. insight/knowledge/learning/understanding/knowing 21.constrain拘泥,限制/restrict 限制/limit 22.circumstance 环境(社会)/surroundings/environment 环境(环保)背景background 后台/settings后台,布景/context 上下文(文章中) 23.notorious 臭名昭著的/flagrant臭的>
