



Passage :It’s Softball Season

Want to have fun excecisingin the sun? Want to meet new friends and learnhow to work as part of a team? Want to represent your school in friendlycompetition against other school? Want to gain health benefits that can makeyou an even better student? Then join the girls’softball team!

We’ll be holding a meeting on Wednesday, January 15, at 7:00 pm in thegymnasium for anyone interested in joining the team. At the meeting, you andyour parents will get to talk to current members of the team and me, the coach.We’ll also hand out schedules of the games this season.

You’ll need to do a few things before you can join the team. First, you mustbring me a letter from your doctor confirming that you are in good health.Second, you’ll need to make sure that you have at least a “B” grade average inall your classes. Third, since they are very important to prepare for games,you’ll need to make time in your schedule for the practice sessions. These areheld every day after school for two hours. Fouth, you need to go to every game.Sometimes you will miss classes because of the games. However, you must notifyyour teachers at least a week in advance of the absence because of the games.However, you must notify your teacher at least a week in advance of theabsence. You should compete in advance any work you’ll miss and submit it atleast one day before the absednce. Finnaly, you and your parents will also needto complete some forms, such as permission slips.

I look forward to meeting you. Go, team!

Ms. Gobron



在加入团队之前,你需要做一些事情。首先,你必须给我一封医生的信,证明你身体健康。第二,你需要确保你的班级中至少有一个“B”级的平均分数。第三,因为他们对于准备比赛非常重要,所以你需要在练习时间中安排时间。放学后每天放学两个小时。 Fouth,你需要去参加每场比赛。有时你会因为比赛而错过课程。但是,由于比赛的原因,您必须至少提前一周通知您的老师。但是,您必须至少在缺席一周前通知您的老师。你应该提前参加任何你会错过的工作,并在弃权前至少一天提交。 Finnaly,你和你的父母也需要填写一些表格,比如许可证单。



What was the teacher’s main reason for writing this letter?


(A) To take sudents to join the softball team


(B) To remind softball players to study seriously


(C) To encourage softball players to excecise regulayly


(D) To tell students the results of a recent softball game

















老托福阅读真题及答案解析 托福从听、说、读、写四方面进行英语能力全面考核。托福频道为大家提供了这四个方面的资料,希望对大家有所帮助。 Aviculturists, people who raise birds for commercial sale, have not yet learned how to simulate the natural incubation of parrot eggs in the wild. They continue to look for better ways to increase egg production and to improve chick survival rates. When parrots incubate their eggs in the wild, the temperature and humidity of the nest are controlled naturally. Heat is transferred from the bird's skin to the top portion of the eggshell, leaving the sides and bottom of the egg at a cooler temperature. This temperature gradient may be vital to successful hatching. Nest construction can contribute to this temperature gradient. Nests of loosely arranged sticks, rocks, or dirt are cooler in temperature at the bottom where the egg contacts the nesting material. Such nests also act as humidity regulators by allowing rain to drain into the bottom sections of the nest so that the eggs are not in direct contact with the water. As the water that collects in the bottom of the nest evaporates, the water vapor rises and is heated by the incubating bird, which adds significant humidity to the incubation environment. In artificial incubation programs, aviculturists remove eggs from the nests of parrots and incubate them under laboratory conditions. Most commercial incubators heat the eggs fairly evenly from top to bottom, thus ignoring the bird's method of natural incubation, and perhaps reducing the viability and survivability of the hatching chicks. When incubators are not used, aviculturists sometimes suspend wooden boxes outdoors to use as nests in which to place eggs. In areas where weather can become cold after eggs are laid, it is very important to maintain a deep foundation of nesting material to act as insulator against the cold bottom of the box. If eggs rest against the wooden bottom in extremely cold weather conditions, they can become chilled to a point where the embryo can no longer survive. Similarly, these boxes should be protected from direct sunlight to avoid high temperatures that are also fatal to the growing embryo. Nesting material should be added in sufficient amounts to avoid both extreme temperature situations mentioned above and assure that the eggs have a soft, secure place to rest. 1. What is the main idea of the passage ? (A) Nesting material varies according to the parrots' environment. (B) Humidity is an important factor in incubating parrots' eggs. (C) Aviculturists have constructed the ideal nest box for parrots. (D) Wild parrots' nests provide information useful for artificial incubation. 2. The word "They" in line 2 refers to


秋风清,秋月明,落叶聚还散,寒鸦栖复惊。 (莎姐自己的经历)一个月突破托福听力的方法----莎姐系列(更新了下载方法)-听力,托福 更新一下下载方法。由于有些资料比较大,资源很难找到。大家可以到115网络优盘下载。。(感谢Archeruo 同学提供的此下载方法)。可下载的文件有旧托福段子MP3(即小马过河上的场景音频)原文文本莎姐提供的一些资料。网址为:http://bbs./thread-1290972-1-146.html以后还会上传更多资料。包括新东方的网络课堂等等需下载的资源清单和说明(checklist):1.(莎姐自己的经历)一个月突破托福听力的方法----莎姐系列全文(word 文档)见附件2. 听力笔记黄金法则(word文档)见附件3. 旧托福听力段子(MP3 压缩文件一共51M左右)由于旧托福段子MP3文件还有播放器文件太大,远远超过上传最大1000kb的规定,我无法将其上传。目前有以下几种下载方法,请大家反馈以下哪种最好使(方法一无效,已删除)方法二:(1)留意:假如流量超过限制,可以点转发键,转发到自己的邮箱里再进行下载我在上看到叶子mj同学的帖子提供了下载方法(感谢叶子同学,我试了一下,确实可以下载),请登录网易邮箱https://www.360docs.net/doc/744535795.html,账号changjingfenleixia密码changjingfenlei 进进邮箱后,寻找一封题为Fw:场景分类下马骏(是一封3月11日的邮件,发件人为xianxingdaishu163,附件约为51M的邮件)的邮件,点开它,托福段子MP3 就在这封邮件的附件里,可以点击下载。由于超过下载流量限制,附件现在无法下载。转发也没用的话,说明你用的邮箱都不支持这么大的附件,所以收到了系统退信大家最好转发到qq邮箱,然后就可以在qq邮箱里下载附件了。QQ邮箱的附件可以达到1G大家请尝试方法二中的方法,把邮件转发到自己的QQ邮箱再进行下载。此方法被证实是尽对有效的,由于我之前把亲身把材料发给几个留邮箱的同学就是用的这个方法。以后大家请自行应用方法二。无需留邮箱了给我了。(2)感谢markovchain同学把方法二中邮箱中的音频保存到随邮箱的网易网盘了,在网盘中我的文档里,就能下载了。应该没有流量限制。速度挺快的。大家可以尝试此种方法。好的下载方法真是越来越多啦!方法三:http://bbs./thread-1290972-1-146.html 网络U盘,大家可以前往下载 4. 托福段子的原文文本(rar压缩文件) 见附件5. 听写播放器听写听力所用的播放器是Cool Edit Pro V2.1 ,这个网址提供下载:https://www.360docs.net/doc/744535795.html,/soft/5664.html(莎姐自己的经历)一个月突破托福听力的方法----莎姐系列(正文)1. 莎姐也曾为听力苦恼我在听力上花了很大的精力,终极听力得了27分。可以说付出总算有了回报。但是我并不是一开始就找对练习听力的方向。最开始的时候,我发现练听力是一个折磨人的过程。要问练听力最难过的事是什么,我觉得是发现自己怎么也跟不上托福段子的节奏。那还有更痛苦的事吗?有!更痛苦的是好不轻易听懂几个句子,等到做题的时候,发现刚才听得内容全部忘光了。不知道你有没有跟我一样的经历。托福听力确实让我头疼了好几个月。我做完了一本厚厚的蓝色delta之后,发现自己的听力一点上进也没有。还好我及时开窍了,发现了光做听力模拟题对我一点用没有。我必须另辟门路。于是,我辗转搜索各种听力练习资料,搜集各种民间的听力秘籍。我翻了很多书,读了很多听力分享帖,我还下了不同版本的新东方的听力讲座来听。慢慢的我总结了一些有用的方法。然后我花了一个月的时间往练习。这一个月,我的听力真正的有了上进。可以说,没有这一个月的练习,我是尽对不可能得到27分。2托福听力一个月突破法如下:1.练听写的原因及方法首先,听力不好,由于我们有两个缺点:我们的耳朵和我们的记忆容量。反之,假如有了好的耳朵,和大的记忆容量,我们的听力不可能不好。敏锐的耳朵可以帮助我们捕捉每一个单词,每一个句子,让我们能听得懂。记忆容量可以使我们更好的理解听力段子,帮助我们答题。由于好的记忆力可以让我们串词成句,串


0308 托福试题 阅读( 55minutes ) Question 1-11 seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it had trapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteur found that in ordinary air these exists a variety of solid structures ranging in size from 0.01 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of these bodies resembled the reproductive (15) structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells . As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen If food is allowed to stand for some time, putrefies .When the putrefied material is examined microscopically ,it is teeming with bacteria. Where do these bacteria come from , since they are fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenth century, many people believed microorganisms originated by spontaneous (5 ) generation ,a hypothetical living organisms develop from nonliving matter. The most powerful spontaneous generation microbiologist Louis showed that structures present in air closely found not that it to be seen in such process by which of the theory of French chemist and opponent was the Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur resemble the microorganisms


2020年托福阅读模拟试题及答案(卷九) 托福阅读文本: The Native American peoples of the north Pacific Coast created a highly complex maritime culture as they invented modes of production unique to their special environment. In addition to their sophisticated technical culture, they also attained one of the most complex social organizations of any nonagricultural people in the world. In a division of labor similar to that of the hunting peoples in the interior and among foraging peoples throughout the world, the men did most of the fishing, and the women processed the catch. Women also specialized in the gathering of the abundant shellfish that lived closer to shore. They collected oysters, crabs, sea urchins, mussels, abalone, and clams, which they could gather while remaining close to their children. The maritime life harvested by the women not only provided food, but also supplied more of the raw materials for making tools than did fish gathered by the men. Of particular importance for the native tool kit before the introduction of metal was the wide knife made from the larger mussel shells, and a variety of cutting edges that could be made from other marine shells. The women used their tools to process all of the fish and marine mammals brought in by the men. They cleaned the fish, and dried vast quantities of them for the winter. They sun-dried fish when practical, but


托福阅读真题100篇原文+题目(一) 托福阅读在备考的过程中,大家可以多找一些真题来进行练习 PASSAGE 1 By the mid-nineteenth century, the term icebox had entered the American language, but icewas still only beginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in the United States. The ice tradegrew with the growth of cities. Ice was used in hotels, taverns, and hospitals, and by someforward-looking city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter. After the Civil War (1861-1865),as ice was used to refrigerate freight cars, it also came into household use. Even before 1880, halfthe ice sold in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and one-third of that sold in Boston andChicago, went to families for their own use. This had become possible because a new householdconvenience, the icebox, a precursor of the modern refrigerator, had been invented. Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose. In the early nineteenthcentury, the knowledge of the physics of heat, which was essential to a science of refrigeration,was rudimentary. The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the icefrom melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the cooling.Nevertheless, early efforts to economize ice included wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept theice from doing its job. Not until near the end of the nineteenth century did inventors achieve thedelicate balance of insulation and circulation needed for an efficient icebox. But as early as 1803, an ingenious Maryland farmer, Thomas Moore, had been on the righttrack. He owned a farm about twenty miles outside the city of Washington, for which the villageof Georgetown was the market center. When he used an icebox of his own design to transport hisbutter to market, he found that customers would pass up the rapidly melting stuff


最近看到周围很多同学考托福,就想起来很久之前自己准备托福时候的情景。当时就很想等到闲下来写一写经验,可是一直都很忙。我写这个主要也是因为网上流传好多托福经验,但是我发现这些经验根本不靠谱,因为好多人是先考的GRE,那再考托福不就是练练听力口语吗,阅读作文直接秒杀,所以那些经验对于像我一样四级基础的人都是浮云,按照那个做肯定没什么用处,因为你跟他们基础差很多。我当时考了托福100分,觉得有用的同学就看看,觉得没什么用的就别耽误大伙儿准备托福的宝贵时间。 从前往后依次是:单词问题,写作(写作29分一周速成),阅读,听力,口语等考试材料的问题,还有就是托福分数的高低。 (一)单词问题(如果你掌握六级以上词汇可以不用背单词) 先说一下我背单词的经历。 这个单词真是让我非常无语的东西其实。我所有种类的英语书里单词书最多,可以说除了新东方托福红宝其它的我全有,什么托福21天,词以类记,托福词汇,词根词缀字典,非常之多。最后我发现我真正也没有背多少,感觉词汇就是我的一大桎梏,总是懒得背,因为太多了实在是,总是背了前面忘了后面,于是就懒得去看了,这可能也是我突破托福的一个瓶颈吧。到了最后考试的时候,我也是只有《托福21天词汇》背到了12天(前面已经忘记了嗯多),词以类记看了3页,别的单词书除了当字典用用就没正式看过。估计很多同学都跟我差不多吧(除了某熊),不过其实单词不是决定托福高低的唯一因素! 再说说单词的用处。单词就是阅读和听力上比较重要,因为到了口语和写作的部分是靠你自己的英语输出,你一定会用你最熟悉最擅长的单词去描述议论,那些仅仅知道意思的词是不可能在非常短的时间内第一反应出现的,比如你想说“好”,你第一反应肯定是good,而不会是unprecedented这种有点矫情的词儿。阅读上面,背单词一定是有帮助的!不过单词背到了一定量,它的边际效用也就递减了,你再背太多也没什么意义。我觉得最好就是背到你做阅读的时候关键词都知道是什么意思就行了。 (二)写作 先说说我的写作准备。我到临考前一周时间开始准备口语和作文的。在这一周时间里我攒了个独立的模板,然后列了列机经里面作文的提纲就去考试了,结果竟然是29分,让我很惊讶。 先说说独立写作。 我因为打字还比较快,所以在思路成熟以后独立一般都能字数450+,考试时候写了475+。个人感觉,字数占到作文成功的70%因素。开始我觉得这有点奇怪,可是后来想


TOEFL词汇题精选440题 001. Most of these leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists working for The word "representative" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) typical (B) satisfied (C) supportive (D) distinctive 002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety today. The word "prized" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) valued (B) universal (C) uncommon (D) preserved 003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century. The word "overtaken" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) surpassed (B) inclined (C) expressed (D) applied 004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps only a couple of inches per day. However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The word "intervals" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) records (B) speeds (C) distances (D) periods 005. The increasing water pressure under the glaciers also might be influenced by the climate, volcanic heat, or earthquakes. The word "freeing" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) pushing (B) releasing (C) strengthening (D) draining 006. A flood of ice would then surge into the turn would release more ice and set in motion a vicious cycle. The word "plunge" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) drop (B) extend (C) melt (D) drift 007. Group members look to instrumental leaders to "get things done." Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group's members. The word "collective" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) necessary (B) typical (C) group (D) particular 008. They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties or is subjected to discipline, are quick to lighten a serious


2019托福阅读:模拟试题及答案解析(6) 【托福】 Although only 1 person in 20 in the Colonial period lived in a city, the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development of North America. They were at the cutting edge of social change. It was in the cities that the elements that can be associated with modern capitalism first appeared — the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in place of social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coat or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools. "The cities predicted the future," wrote historian Gary. B. Nash, "even though they were but overgrown villages compared to the great urban centers of Europe, the Middle East and China." Except for Boston, whose population stabilized at about 16,000 in 1760, cities grew by exponential leaps through the eighteenth century. In the fifteen years prior to the outbreak of the War for independence in 1775, more than 200,000 immigrants arrived on North American shores. This meant that a population the size of Boston was arriving every year, and most of it flowed into the port cities in the Northeast. Philadelphia's population nearly doubted in those years, reaching about 30,000 in 1774, New York grew at almost the same rate, reaching about 25,000 by 1775. The quality of the hinterland dictated the pace of growth of the cities. The land surrounding Boston had always been poor farm country, and by the mid-eighteenth century it


The Extinction of the Dinosaurs million years ago) and the Paleocene period (65..C55 million years ago) in part by the types and amounts of rocks and fossils they contain or lack. Before the limit of 65 million years ago,marine 2.strata are rich in calcium carbonate due to accumulations of fossils of microscopic algae deposited on the sea floor. Above the 65-million-year limit,sea-floor sediments contain much less calcium carbonate ,and fossils of several families of mollusks are no longer found. In continental sediments ,dinosaur fossils ,though frequent before 65 million years ago ,are totally absent. By 3.contrast,new families of mammals appear,including large mammals for the first time. Scientists wondered for many years about what could have caused the dinosaurs' rapid disappearance at the end of the Cretaceous period,coming up with a great variety of theories and scenarios. For some, it could have been due to unfavorable genetic changes triggered by a dramatic increaseby a factor of 10,100,1,000 in cosmic-ray particles reaching the Earth after a supernova explosion somewhere in the neighborhood of the solar system. For these high-energy particles to affect life,they would have to get through the protective barrier of the Earth's magnetosphere ,the region of the upper atmosphere controlled by Earth's magnetic field. That could have happened if the cloud of particles from the supernova explosion reached the Earth during a period when the magnetosphere was weakened , something that may happen when the Earth's magnetic field changes direction. And we know that the magnetic north and south poles of the Earth switch on the average twice every million years. However,this is not the only possible explanation for dinosaur destruction . 4.Other theories have raised the possibility of strong climate changes in the tropics (but they then must be explained) . Certainly,if climate changes,the changed distributions of temperature and rainfall modify the conditions that favor one ecosystem over another. The extinction of a particular family,genus,or species may result from a complicated chain of indirect causes and effects. Over thirty years ago ,scientist Carl Sagan quoted one suggestion that the demise of the dinosaurs resulted from the disappearance of a species of fern plant that was important for dinosaur digestion. Other theories involved a worldwide cold wave following the spread of a layer of cold but not very salty water in the world's oceans ,which floated on the surface because,with its low salinity,the water was less dense. 5.Proponents of another theory that remains under consideration today postulate that the extinction of the dinosaurs corresponds to a period of intense volcanic activity. It's not a question of just one or even of a thousand eruptions comparable to the explosion of Krakatoa in 1883,one of the largest volcanic events in modern times ,but rather of a prolonged period of activity. On the Deccan plateau in India,basalt (volcanic) rocks cover more than 500,000 square kilometers (nearly 200,000 square miles),and correspond to massive lava outflows occurring precisely at the end of the Cretaceous. This sort of outflow could correspond to volcanic activity similar to the activity that drives sea-floor spreading ,with lava emerging from elongated fractures in the crust rather than from craters. 6.The volcanic convulsion that buried the Deccan plateau in lava must also have changed the composition of the atmosphere and severely affected climate. Initially,there must have been strong sudden cooling resulting from the blocking of sunlight by sulfate aerosol veils in the


托福阅读28分高分备考要求 托福阅读高分策略相比口语写作而言相对简单,但是也是一大挑战。下面就来和大家谈谈要拿到托福阅读高分策略28+都有哪些需要了解的呢? 托福阅读高分策略 想得28分以上,一般就是错3个左右,也就是不含加试一篇一个。给自己的要求:不能错词汇题以外的任何题 阅读时间: 15分钟一篇,一篇13/14道题。(官方要求是20分钟一篇) 13道题中除了4道词汇题,1道多选题之外,其他题目一般是在第三段/第四段,大概第8题/第9题的样子,是一段会出2道理解题的段落。题目编排,近几年的TPO一般第一篇第二篇文章偏难,生词多,第三篇简单难度类似早期TPO。 在题目上一般是(细节词汇,细节作用,细节词汇,细节词汇改写,细节词汇,黑点大意)规律就是每一段都会出细节题(In paragraph n...)再加一道其他题,早期一段只有一道题的情况几乎不存在了。 简单的文章可能会出比较难的大意题,尤其是对比型的简单文章。用上面的标准控制时间,用下面的方法去读的话,20分钟一般都是够用的。 托福阅读高分障碍: 速度:1’大概150-170字,生词量一般而且前后不出现感觉自相矛盾需要停下来想的情况下。 选项:词汇量一般,有时词汇题的相似词汇不造句都感觉不出区别。 新托福阅读真题训练技巧: 1,粗看下文章的段数,对每段大概几道题有个预期。(比如只有5段,那长段肯定是3道题)粗看每段第一句话,对文章的整体意思心中有数。 2,每段段首变成中文理解,以迅速的进入状态,并记忆主要意思。(就算只有一道词汇题,这段的段首也要读) 3,每读一段整理一次逻辑,A支持的观点是,A的观点的问题是B的观点是。(记忆法,图像帮助理解,逻辑帮助记忆,生成图像来理解含义,对逻辑部分用色彩记忆红黄绿记忆法,每一段的第一句作为逻辑中心标记黄色。 这段如果讲倒推如原因,在脑中的逻辑框架就在红色的区域生成记忆,如果正推将后果等就在绿色区域生成图像,读完全文留下来的会是每一排都是红黄绿三色的逻辑关系,每一段都纵向罗列,如下)红——黄——绿 4,鉴于每段都会出细节题,如果有词汇题等先只看一句话,做完了要看到细节题问的什么再看文章,鉴于有四个选项,选一个对的或者不对的,看的时候自己要边看边总结,比如总结出三个步骤,解释了三个方面的问题,或者其他。5,要检查,每个不确定的题都标上guess回来看,我不确定的题错的概率还是非常高的。如果不走神的理解全文,一般15分钟是够的,还能剩下几分钟检查。 新托福阅读真题做题策略: 词汇题、句子改写题——只读该句不读完整段耗时3分钟 词汇题看好单词的词性、发出者(是人,是物),保持一致的最对,看这一句即可。 In the past,whole cities grew from the arduoustask of cutting and piling stone upon. Some of the world’s finest stonearchitecture can be seen in the ruins of the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu high in the eastern Andes Mountains of Peru.猜词是保证不了完全准了,根据意思,这道题排除BD,剩下AC很是纠结,但
