2011 12月雅思口语预测!!

2011 12月雅思口语预测!!
2011 12月雅思口语预测!!

葛支支:回复@郑仁强:原帖:强哥我杀来了!华师room 408 气质外国阿姨P1 study or work birthday what do in birthday which birthday are important P2 old person P3 people's retirement time should be same? why company prefer old people than youth? what your country's retirement time?

. 楚楚amnesiac:回复@郑仁强:武汉 06上午9点半,湖大13考场,考官是一个帅气时尚的年轻男子,人很nice…p1 hometown 噪音对噪音有何感受p2 two people from the same family 是什么样的有什么共同点如何相处p3父母个性会影响孩子吗一个人的personality会变吗为什么政府雇主应如何支持父母教育孩子……:) (50秒前)


P1family ,food,bird.p2 music event,p3比较现在和过去儿童接触音乐的不同,现在儿童与过去儿童听音乐时间的变化,音乐是否应列入学校课程。 (今天20:34)

林小Lu爱執信:广州下午考得RM309 一个老年女人挺nice的。问了超级无敌多个问题:PART1:问hometown,holiday,internet,shop online每个大类又有好几个问题。P2介绍一个老人,Part3:你觉得老人家和你们住在一起有什么好,不好。老人家和年轻人有什么不一样,老人家为什么退休了还工作,为什么一些公司还请老人.. (16分钟前)

小嘉颖-Catherine:发了三次都发送失败,为人品,坚持!广州仲恺402 中年男考官好Nice 标准口音P1study . Noise . Voice P 2广告P3政府是否控制,小孩是否受影响,中国是否控制。P2他没看表超时到我无话可说了… (31分钟前)

.. gaoyunlonger:北语206,考官长的特别像诺丁山情缘里的男主角,part 2

考的广告,最后还和我握了手,十分nice (59分钟前)

.. 王文茜:沈阳下午考的 RM08 一个帅男子年龄看不出来带耳环不过人很nice 发音超标准我的是family events 我个人觉得他问的问题都不难最后还wish me have a nice day 强哥作文预测很给力谢谢你哦希望强哥真的保佑我6就行哦 (今天 18:16)

.. Meredith梁新茹:强哥阿,人品!!part1,colour,name,hometown,part2,something you would like to suceed in doing 。。part3,围绕成功奖励。。乱说的,强哥保佑!6号4点15苏州。 (今天 16:39)

.. G_Well:呼和浩特 RM2 p1 住房名字由来喜不喜欢 p2 关于报刊杂志喜欢看什么内容什么人喜欢看同类的杂志 p3男女对杂志的不同选择怎么信任其

中的内容感觉问的不难就是被打断了两次后面节奏有点乱了答的没啥条理了成了想到哪就说哪了杯具啊求rp (今天 16:15)

.. 爱禽海:上海外贸,105,part1study,subject,why,part2advertising,瞎说的,求RP (今天 15:48)

.. 依赖自己1:老师,与世界接轨integrate sb into would system to follow the world practice,给点建议吧 (今天 15:47)

.. 我是Pineapple-ZZ:上午海南海大,room408一个老男人挺古板的,

p1name.hometown.mobile phone的好处,手机在未来的发展p2 描述一个另你生气的场景,和谁在哪……这个没说好……p3 生气时发泄出来好不好,男女气表达方式的不同……说到后面他笑了希望会有好结果~攒人品~ (今天 15:42)

.. 吴立Lawyer:福州,part1:工作还是学生,家乡,家乡的交通,你有驾照么,你为什么开车,家乡是不是有利孩子生长,part2:jobs,part3:什么工作在中国收入比较高,你喜欢有意思的工作还是来钱的工作,小孩怎么过生日,你喜欢与父母还是朋友一起过生日。 (今天 15:38)

.. 秋的小角落:北语305。美女一位,说话很清楚很认真…问问旅行。第二部分是餐馆。第三部分是关于在家吃还是在外面吃,还有家务活之类的…求高分!!!(今天 15:23)

.. Guai_BG:北京语言大学202 一个女的二十多不到30 有点黑像印度的鼻子上有颗钻但是没有口音发音很标准而且说话特快态度挺好一直乐呵呵的 p1书信email noise 交通方式 p2 a work place p3 许多人工作离家很远为什么他们每天花很多时间去上班你怎么看 (今天 15:07)

.. 小小快乐Susan:东南大学南京 RM424 女 USA 中年金色短发和蔼带眼

镜 P1:study computer Tv P2:family event(when member what why is good) P3:你对待family与friend关系。这次裸考雅思,比较淡定,完全木有扯完,屡次被打断,也不知道有没有答到要点。。。。。 (今天 15:03)

.. 张秒秒:武汉 13 一蓝一褐色眼睛帅哥…part1hometown dancing part2一件生气的事part3对情绪敏感的人在人际交往中有什么好处,情绪对疾病的正负面影响 (今天 14:51)

. YQM-smile:石家庄,严肃的帅哥,P1,work or study,holiday,dancing,P2,the old people you like to talk with,P3,do you think the old people can help the family?第一次考,紧张地嗷嗷的,求保佑啊! (今天 14:43)

.. 鲜橙鲜橙:呼和浩特RM2,男,白人,语速较快,Part1,name,hometown,happiness,weather,哪一种天气对写作有好处,你喜欢在什么天气下写作。part2,你希望做成功的一件事。part3,在中国家长会如何表达对孩子的鼓励,你认为在公司老板对员工的奖励和家里家长对孩子的鼓励有什么不同。 (今天14:42)

.. kathy文11:part 2 TV program~~哪时看的,什么吸引你看,从中学到什么~~part 3 小孩喜欢看电视吗?看电视有什么作用,好还是不好?所有的电视节目都有教育作用吗?上电视节目容易出名吗?等等~~ 攒人品~求6啊~~ (今天14:32)

.. kathy文11:11.6上午10:45,武汉湖大,RM14~~刚回到寝室~考官是是个老太太~头发全白啊~part 1 姓名,学生还是工作,在哪上学,什么专业,中国学这个专业的人多吗,上过哪几类学校,父母帮你选high school还是自己选,喜欢哪种学校,为什么习惯这种学校~~(待续) (今天 14:31)

.. 愛cherry的曉芄籽:第一部分。letter,hometown,dancing。第二部分,TV programm。 (今天 14:29)

.. 李碧雯PHOEBE:11-06广州仲恺RM305上午10:20的。part1问了weather,colour,part2 问了a conversation you have by mobile,然后part3就一直再讨论mobile的用处呀,老年人跟年轻人用mobile的不同跟相同等等等 (今天14:28)

.. Danath_老彭:北语406,考餐馆。另外,北语一考生由于带手机成绩取消,悲催啊。 (今天 14:27)

.. Joyce_Kwok子一:强哥我早上发的题你怎么不转呢呃武汉 room03 金发美女很好很喜欢笑 1驾照家乡手机2描述动物3跟动物有关的一切问题野生的宠物啊什么之类的有点多强哥保佑我我今天说话舌头有点打结呵呵求人品 (今天 14:06)

.. 谢耶娜Sienna:再补充补充...part3问了年轻人和老人喜欢听一样类型的音乐吗喜欢听自己写的音乐还是别人的 ...外国音乐在中国受欢迎吗 part1问

了职业还有关于电视的喜欢看什么类型的为什么喜欢和谁看.. (今天 14:05)

.. 枫姬:福建师大309,蛮可爱的一个考官带一个小耳钉,一直笑眯眯的,就是每个部分都问不多P1问名字,小学P2问休闲方式P3大众都有什么休闲活动,夫妻要不共同爱好,小时候父母给了太多压力了吗?大学怎么样? (今天


.. 凌夏妍爱学术:太原理工大,r07,第一部分是Bird .weather 第二部分A regular walk ,是个外国美女,不爱笑,但感觉很nice,语速很快,声音比较低,但发音很标准,吐字很清晰… (今天 13:47)

.. 玛丽要对自己狠对别人狠回归美好:成都 RM08 光头男感觉是土耳其那边勒?!无表情各种冷。。不晓得是不是传说中的“光头杀手”~~>_<~~P1hometown exercise P2animal P3animal相关动物应该被保护还是应该在野外生活现在你们国家的人得不得kill animal 养不养宠物之类的有关动物一系列问题。光头啊光头~~强哥救我~~~ (今天 13:39)

.. 放空的kook:贵阳/rm04/高个子老头,白人,长脸(好像叫:Galton)/nice 度:9/P1:学生or还是工作了;工作中有什么困难;是否喜欢你的工作;什么时候第一次上网;你喜欢网购吗,多久一次;没网络影响生活吗;P2说Leader;P3:所有人都想当leader吗;所有人都能当leader吗;素质有哪些?是否需要leader?如何培养? (今天 13:38)

.. woody05:兰州 rm5 一个白皮肤的中年人第一部分 hometown what do you like about your hometown is your hometown good for young people dance childhood activity 第二部分 an experience in a bad weather 第三部分effects of bad weather what people do in bad weather what governent do (今天 13:31)

.. H_di焮咜:长沙5号下午最后一场,RM1507,是个喜欢微笑的澳洲人,30多岁的男性。P1问了专业还有些关于幸福的问题,P2问的是some interesting things in free time,还问了我的first school是哪个。还问中国小孩,成人有空做什么 (今天 13:18)

. L娅7_Ocd_Odd:全程20多个问题但我一下子只记得这么多应该只有4,5个遗漏的小问题了反正就那几个大范围变着法顺着你的回答问虽然题目不少但是时间并不长估计考官太饿了回答音乐系列问题时我提了几次年轻人喜欢Adele,Lady Gaga这种全球性音乐的代表人物考官所以问了我几次中国文化里的音乐(今天 12:53)

.. L娅7_Ocd_Odd:P3 音乐延伸太多小问题了大概的有:中国人选择教育小孩的歌曲他们愿意学吗过生日时中国人选择歌曲的特别习惯中国特色的表达音乐方式… teenage and adolesent选择音乐的差别… 唱歌重要吗作用是什么如果唱得不好呢? (今天 12:52)

.. L娅7_Ocd_Odd:自己在家做饭如何(此时我说了在家做healthy因为地沟油的存在,因为考试时本就午饭时间又考场在酒店客房楼下是婚宴餐厅对方又是个大大大胖子,此时饭菜香味好浓考官听到地沟油一脸XXX状) P2 一首让你充满回忆的歌原话不记得了 (今天 12:51)

.. L娅7_Ocd_Odd:长沙金辉酒店中午12点 RM1507 一个巨胖的看不出20-40具体哪个年龄段的和善男人口音美国人 P1 工作or学生专业选择原因打算… 游泳在pool or sea and why 小孩子从小学游泳同意吗and why 当地特色食物家庭聚餐看法 (今天 12:49)

.. sindyabc:黑大 room6 P1 house,meal,P2 a person who has a healthy life style P3 围绕健康饮食的一系列问题。英国中年大爷,估计快到中午了吧,一点都不热情,问了一堆吃的。。。 (今天 12:48)

.. 思维广小姐:P1信和一妹儿家乡P2旅途P3交通旅游贵阳2房貌似叫david超好人很热情 (今天 12:30)

.. 戴思小思:强哥,刚考完就想着给你来帖回忆了,杭州,早上10:55,part1问的一些有关于childhood的题目;part2是想从事的job;part3是各种有关于职业和pay的问题。。 (今天 12:25)

.. 钟程不叫明慧要屠鸭:南昌大白胡子很好的考官 P1家人朋友游泳p2一首歌 p3青年和成人喜欢的歌种卡拉ok 我没怎么准备去了总卡壳。。。把握好机会其实这次运气挺好的。good luck (今天 12:25)

.. Aal-Izz-Well-Caesar:南昌 RM106 一个高个中年男子 P1 用电脑干什么上网干什么住哪怎么改进 P2 day off P3 工作时间的长短比较假期的休闲方式(男女的差异)一个长假期好还是多个短假期好等等老点头会微笑比较nice!(今天 12:24)

.. rebecca逍遥要高分烤鸭:上海财大~瘦瘦的考官戴眼镜~第二部分讲最爱的餐厅~第三部份问人们的饮食观念是否改变~为什么吃不健康的食物 (今天12:22)

.. 采一束sunshine:刚考完,上海财大,309,第一部分:姓名,来自城市或农村,

家乡适合年轻人吗,会几种语言,想学什么语言,中国人学语言的困难,你童年是什么样的人,第二部分:描述一件让你生气的事,第三部分:围绕第二部分情绪要不要表现出来,中国人是否善于表达情绪,男人跟女人表达情绪的区别 (今天12:22)

.. Elsa_雪:上海市华师大 rm416 p2 一个你将来想去的地方 p3关于旅游的好处旅途中碰到的麻烦…考官美国人 50左右人很不错,一直对我笑… (今天12:19)

.. 勤劳的菜菜同学:郑州,R3,一60岁往上重口音的老太太。题目,an expensive device you would like to buy。求人品!求强哥保佑! (今天 12:16)

.. YY_KYUNIM:北语,402,part1:swimming,flat or house part2,a day off , part3 为什么要有休假,想要一个长假还是很多短假,男人女人度假方式一样不一样。考官是中老年男子,很和善,一直微笑。 (今天 11:45)

馥卉之王:深圳赛格~VIP3~高大的老头人还不错~Part1:work or student,mobile phone,dancing,Part2:book,Part3:关于book 的各种问题~~~大家加油!!据说强哥很牛B 来赞人品啦 (今天 11:33)

.. miki_ccc:广州仲凯603第一,个人信息第二,一个花园,第三,围绕公园展开。是个挺爱笑的老爷爷,不过有时还是会偶尔邹眉头 (今天 11:32)

.. 谢耶娜Sienna:南宁 RM305 非常和蔼的一个老头子 part2是说一首歌能引起你回想到一段特定时间的。。。 (今天 11:27)

.. 奥路菲Orphee:武汉14考场,一个老太太,人很慈祥,第一部分全是手机相关的内容,第二部分抽的讲电视节目,第三部分是问的电视为什么使人成名,以及为什么人们对电视里面的名人感兴趣,第一部分还问了专业,并且问了你们国家的人是不是都选择这个专业 (今天 11:22)

.. jennyxmu:厦门 502,part2: describe a sports competition;part3问了一些关于体育流行的体育项目,男女在体育比赛中的竞争力哪个更强等等。 (今天 11:20)

.. 一条kk:宿命,碰上了和上回同一个考官…太原考点,Room08,男考官,David,考官还不错,第一部分,名字,家乡,舞蹈。第二部分,想要再读的一本书。第三部分,关于阅读的延伸。求进步! (今天 11:20)

.. cookie簬宝:福州 310 第二部分是理想的工作积攒人品 (今天 11:16)

.. 王小琦Bling:石家庄考区RM11,一个胖胖和蔼的男考官。Part1

major,language,letter and e-mail Part2 an occasion when you hear music from another country.Part3有关music的一系列问题,你们流行的音乐的种类,老年人和年轻人喜欢的音乐有什么不同,等等。攒RP! (今天 11:11)

.. 王凌妍:今天在上海对外贸易大学考的,106考场的,是个貌似南美洲的男人,贡献一下我的场外蹲点的题目:第一批:说的是旅游,第二批说的是服装,我的题目最变态了是考个人的性格特征和名族性格!!大家注意啊!这个题目真的很让人郁闷的!!看到的可以准备一下!!求人品!!! (今天 11:07)

.. 邹大大:上海财大 ROOM408 刚出来。考官是年轻光头男子还算NICE。P1 喜欢的房间想改变什么 computer P2 a gift u wanna give to your friend P3 traditional gift in China (今天 11:02)

.. Melody大麻烦:广州仲恺501,超和蔼的印度小老头,搞的我不自觉的往外冒印度口音,汗…第一部分,工作还是上学,学这个专业的人多么,小时候是什么样的孩子,小时候喜欢什么活动,学过舞蹈么,中国人什么时候会跳舞,喜欢欣

赏舞蹈么.第二部分,想做的工作,是什么,什么工作内容,要什么品质,为什么想做;三:什么工 (今天 11:02)

.. 广博雅正_何霖霖霖霖:广州仲恺301 考官是个挺nice的30岁的卷毛男人,中途只打了一个呵欠……part1 major name part2 a character in children story part3 围绕童话和人物的一系列问题……求rp啊!! (今天 10:51)

.. _陆西西:上海华师大411男问学生否,问第一个学校,问儿童故事有什么作用之类,问电脑怎么用,问儿时的喜欢的人物,时间恰的很准就说了10分钟,攒人品啦! 下午考的加油 (今天 10:48)

.. 方几喂:南宁蹲题3——a job which you want to do in the future; the most important job in China; an angry situation; a sport event you watched on TV or you took part in; an open air place for relax END (今天 10:41)

.. 方几喂:南宁蹲题2——a foreign film; something you want to learn in the future; an expensive thing you want to buy; a book; advertisement;

a song which influence your life; a type of music; how do you make sth. success; an animal; a bird; a family photo; a way of communication(cell phone (今天 10:39)

方几喂:南宁蹲题——a person you want to talk with;an excellent student in your class; neighbor; a person in the news;a place you will go in your day off;a work palce; a shop you ever went to; a city you like to visit;

a place you want to live;a restaurant you ever went with your parent (今天 10:35)

.. 冬子求好运:郑州 room9 考官年轻,还算nice,看着像印度人或者墨西哥人…music from another coutry…然后一直追问我中西方摇滚音乐的差别…我都想shi了…… (今天 10:32)

.. 花花的酱酱酱:北语402 考官带个耳钉,太醒目了。 part1:house happiness birds part2:foreign film Part3: 外国电影延伸考官没有按套路走,上来直接问喜欢house还是apartment 。 (今天 10:26)

.. KOP周锐:part1 hometown dance part2 a book part3 围绕book 电脑能不能取代book之类的求6分!!! (今天 10:26)

.. lily的周末很无聊:上财……第一部分问了学科,学的人多不多…生日。第二部分是你看到的一个广告,内容,在哪里看到的,为什么记得。第三部分,政府有没有控制广告,对哪些广告加以了控制。我杯具了……额了好几下 (今天10:25)

.. 下辈子做一只野鸭:对了,第一部分还问了鸟,城市鸟多吗,有什么鸟,有什么象征,人是否应该保护鸟类 (今天 10:25)

.. 下辈子做一只野鸭:6号北语407 微胖的欧美中年男子,part1 家乡,喜欢住房子还是公寓,描述下你最喜欢的room,想要那些改变。part2,interesting or unusual thing you did in the past.part3 比现在的人在没事的时候喜欢做什么,男人跟女人比谁的空闲时间更多,老人喜欢做什么,为什么现在的人觉得自己比以前聪明 (今天 10:25)

.. 只是微笑没有了Lolita:强哥!....我跪求您的意见..11月26号日子怎么样?.!!!.我报了19号的...您快给我点意见吧,我在纠结26号要不要报。。我急2月份走的。。!强哥,速回。! (今天 10:17)

.. 下辈子做一只野鸭:6号北语407 微胖的欧美中年男子,part1 家乡,喜欢住房子还是公寓,描述下你最喜欢的room,想要那些改变。part2,interesting or unusual thing you did in the past.part3 比现在的人在没事的时候喜欢做什么,男人跟女人比谁的空闲时间更多,老人喜欢做什么,为什么现在的人觉得自己比以前聪明 (今天 10:14)

.. KOP周锐:广州仲恺R604 考官应该有五六十岁操着一口浓重的欧洲口音

part1 喜不喜欢dance之类的 part2 a book part3围绕book 电脑会不会取代book 求6分!!! (今天 09:52)

.. Ever_Free:lifestyle 。PT3你认为怎么样的饮食最健康,为何kfc M记不健康,为何不健康还那么多人吃,人们通常以没有时间为借口不运动怎么办,有人认为运动给人带来危害你怎么看,你觉得学校应该从小培养孩子的运动观念吗?家长呢?暂时想起这么多 (今天 09:41)

.. Ever_Free:北语11月06日09:10 rm 404。是个很和蔼的英国老大妈!录完音了还跟我聊瑜伽呢!攒人品的时刻到了。PT1家乡,学习/工作,怎么过课余时间,愿意花更多的时间陪家人还是朋友,喜欢使用电脑吗为神马,你通常用电脑做什么。PT2描述一个person has a healthy l (今天 09:40)

.. 勤劳的菜菜同学:强哥。今天口语碰到个60加的老太太,口音特别重!郑州考场R3,考想买的东西。求保佑!求人品!求口语6.5!

. 张小琳啦啦啦:苏州郊西交利物浦~考官巨高小头白人哦~part1 city hobby part2 old people part3 老年人可以帮助年轻人做什么,年轻人可以教老年人做什么~~考官一般nice。 (今天 09:15)

.. 卖萌小烤鸭:!! damn ,my period has not come yet!!it scared my sister and frightened my dad!只能说中文博大精深! (今天 09:09)

.. 白冕1115:呼和浩特市rm01考官白卷发,有50多岁看上去。p1,名字,喜不喜欢跳舞,喜欢看舞蹈吗?p2,哪个领导是你赞扬的?p3,一个好的领导具备什么品质?积攒rp (今天 09:05)

.. 笑点D:回复@郑仁强:口语回忆: part1永恒不变的话题, Part2卡片是关于a wedding you attended, *whose wedding, *location of the wedding, *what happened on the wedding. part3 wedding延展到了presents类, 问了wedding 在你的国家送些什么东西, 和以前比有什么不同等等... (今天 09:04)


2018年1-4月雅思口语新题预测:sleep 三立在线教育雅思频道为大家准备了2018年1-4月雅思口语新题预测:sleep,供同学们学习参考。每年的1、5、9月为雅思换题月。每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰30%到40%的旧题,并且补充相应数量的新题,大家在备考雅思口语的时候,一定要根据雅思口语话题的变化来变更自己的机经版本。希望三立在线教育为大家提供的1-4月预测题对大家考试有所帮助。 雅思口语相关话题:Sleep 1. How many hours do you sleep every day? 2. Is it necessary to take a nap every day? 3. Do old people sleep a lot? Why? 4. How to have a good sleep? 5. Do you like to get up early in the morning? 6. Can you sleep well if you are in a noisy environment? How many hours do you sleep at night? What time do you go to bed? Do you have a nap during the day?

Do you think sleep is important? 雅思口语相关参考答案 Usually I sleep for seven to eight hours every day in order to let my body relax. But if I want to do something very important at night, I could only sleep for less than four hours. Yes, I believe that after having lunch at noon, it’s beneficial for body to take a nap, half of hour would be enough, to brace for the tasks in the afternoon. Yes, I guess the elderly people do need to sleep more. I believe the reason is that after years of working, stress and the natural process breaks down people’s body until all they want to do is sleep, consequently, their bodies take longer to recharge the batteries. I believe you have to follow several rules to get a good sleep regularly. Firstly, go to bed at the same time every night. Choose a time when you normally feel tired, so that you don’t toss and turn. Besides, make sure your bed is comfortable so that you can stretch and turn in bed comfortably. As well as that, stay away from big meals at night or try to make dinnertime earlier in the evening, and avoid heavy, rich foods before bed.


【雅思口语预测】雅思口语话题题库范文 雅思口语精准预测刘薇简介环球雅思北京学校副校长最受欢迎口语教师授课时激情中透着温婉幽默里渗入励志秉承让学生 "轻松复习事半功倍"的教学理念。 从事雅思教学多年北京大学传播学硕士曾学术访问哈佛大学 耶鲁大学等世界顶尖名校。 著作《雅思九天口语高分之路》、《剑桥雅思全真试题原版解析8》。本月预测重点本预测适用于xx年4月雅思考试超高频和重回题库考题、一级重点、都是重点类别需要考生准备细致答案。二级重点考生考生准备思路即可。 Part 1 分类汇总一基本信息类 1. Name 什么名字,中文名含义,未来换吗 2. Study or work 上班还上学上学问专业或最喜欢学科上班工作内容,参加过培训吗,未来换工作吗 3. Hometown 家乡哪里,有什么特别的地方,未来想居住的地方 4. Weather 喜欢什么天气家乡天气,家乡天气今年的变化 5. Family 家庭情况,家庭时间如何度过,全家人喜欢一起做什么二衣食住行类 1. Living 住flat还是house,最喜欢的房间,如果重装修会怎么做 2. Building 喜欢什么建筑,你们国家的人更喜欢传统还是时尚建筑,未来建筑的发展 3.

Countryside 喜欢郊区吗,郊区与城市的区别,什么人喜欢郊区 4. Transport 家乡交通特点,公共交通和私人交通的优缺点,未 来如何改善 5. Boating 划过船吗,坐过船吗,好处,你们国 家水运多吗 6. Clothes and fashion 喜欢什么衣服,喜欢时 尚吗,时尚对生活的影响 7. Bags 平时背包包吗,什么类型的 宝宝,知道哪些包包,丢过包包吗 8. Keeping healthy and fit 如何保持健康,如何保持身材 9. Daily routine and favorite time in a day 典型的一天,一天中最喜欢的时间段 10. Sleeping 几点睡几点起,睡不着怎么办,如何培养好的睡眠习惯 三娱乐休闲 1. Music 喜欢什么类型音乐,喜欢在家听还是concert hall。会乐器吗,什么乐器。 2. dancing 会舞蹈吗,中国人喜欢什么舞蹈,传统舞蹈得到了 传承吗 3. photography 喜欢摄影吗,喜欢给别人拍还是别人 给你拍,喜欢收藏照片吗 4. painting 会画画儿吗,小孩子学 习绘画的好处,有什么绘画技巧吗 5. sport 最喜欢什么运 动,好处 6. museum 喜欢去博物馆吗,好处,博物馆该收费吗7. leisure and relaxation 喜欢什么休闲活动,跟谁,在哪 儿,好处,中国人都喜欢什么休闲 8. weekends 如何度过周 末,周末加班吗,老板应该给发工资吗 9. postcards 喜欢 ___吗,发给别人或者收到过吗,跟email的区别 10. public park 喜欢去公园吗,做什么,应该有更多公园吗四科技生活


A Good Law Describe a good law in your country. You should say what the law is how you first learned about this law who benefits from this law and explain why you think this is a good law. Part3 1.What role does law play in society? 2.If there were no laws, what do you think society (or life) would be like? 3.Can you give any examples of what is illegal in China? 4.Many people think that an occasional, minor breach of the law is ok. What do you think? Your First Cellphone Describe your first mobile phone. You should say: when you got it how you got it

what you used it for and explain how you felt when you got it. Part3 1.Are mobile phones very common in your country? 2.Do all types of people use mobile phones or is it mostly a case of certain types of people using them? 3.Do many old people use mobile phones? 4.Do you think old people find it easy to use a cell-phone? 5.At what age do people in your country usually get their first cell-phone? Another Culture Describe a place where you enjoyed learning about another culture. You should say: what place it was why you went there what you learned and explain why you enjoyed learning about this culture. Part3


2020年1月-4月雅思口语话题库(IELTS完整版) 话题库说明: 此次话题库更新为2020年1月换题季更新,适用于2020年1月-4月参加雅思考试的考生,包含各渠道最新题库,可下载打印高清版进行复习准备,预祝各位考生一次通过。话题库共包含两部分 PART1:共37个话题,新题13题,旧题24题 PART2:共48个话题,新题23题,旧题25题 PART1 话题-(本部分包含37个话题,新题13题,旧题24题) PART1 新题回库(共13题) Water sport Have you done water sports? What water sports do you like doing? Are water sports popular in China? What kind of water sports do you want to try? Spending time by yourself Do you usually spend time by yourself? What did you do last time you were by yourself? How do you usually spend your time by yourself?

Do you like spending time by yourself? Cake Do you like dessert? Do you like eating cakes? What desserts do Chinese people like? Have you ever made cakes? Science class Do you like science class? Did you have science class in primary school or high school? What kind of science did you do at school? Do you think science classes are important? Running How often do you go for a run? Where do you usually go running? Do you like running? Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy? Break Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks? What do you usually do during a break? Why do you need to take a break? How often do you take a break?


雅思考试(IELTS)/备考辅导 2015年12月19日雅思口语机经预测Part1 Time management How do you usually organize time? 解题思路: 这道题可以从自身经历出发,分情况去谈。比如要完成一个比较复杂的任务时如制定旅*程或是学习计划,就会先制定好一个时间表,每天每个时段要做什么,更细节的还可以安排到当天这个地方的到达路线是怎样的,并且需要乘坐什么交通工具到达,还可以包括该地点的营业时间,这样安排旅*程一定事半功倍,心里也会比较踏实。 Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans? 解题思路: 如果在第一部分问这道题,可以尽量从自己的例子出发去谈。比如一开始也会比较难遵守制定的计划,但是过一段时间发现如果不按计划做事会很没效率,也会耽误自己的行程,到最后临时抱佛脚会有更大压力和责任。所以逐渐学习一步一步按计划来,行动才会妥当,脚步也会更

稳健。 Part2 Describe a special festival in your culture/country You should say: when this festival is who you celebrate it with what people do during this event and explain why this festival is special. 解题思路: 这道题尽量从比较新颖的角度出发,可以谈光棍节或 是购物节,这都是最近新出现的节日,也是年轻人比较熟 悉并且有不一样意义的节日。比如光棍节就是给单身男女 过的节日,因为已经有情人节和七夕,所以在光棍节时单 身男女能够一起出去聚会,发泄心中的不满,聊聊天吃吃饭,说不定还可以促成一段姻缘。还可以解释光棍节选择 的日期的含义,也比较形象。 2015年12月19日雅思口语机经预测.doc [全文共666字] 编号:6275420


IELTS Speaking Part 1 2021 January – April 1.Hometown 1)What’s your hometown? 2)Is that a big city or a small p lace? 3)How long have you been living t here? 4)Do you like your h ometown? 5)What do you like (most) about your h ometown? 6)Is there anything you dislike about i t? 7)Do you think you will live there for a long time? 2.Work or Study Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student? (work) 1)What type of work do you do? 2)Why did you choose this kind of job? [Why/Why not?] 3)Have you made any friends with the people you work with? (Study) 1)Where are you studying 2)Why did you choose to study there? [Why/Why not?] 3)Have you made any friends with the people you study with? [Why/Why not?] 3.Home/Accommodation Let’s talk about where you live 1) How far from here do you live in? 2) Do you prefer to live in the city or the countryside? [Why/Why not?] 3) Are the transports near your place very good? [Why/Why not?] 4)Do you live in a house or a flat? 5) Do you want to live in a house or an apartment in the future? [Why/Why not?] 6)Can you describe the place where you live? 7)Please describe the room you live in. 4.The area you live in 1)Where do you like to go in that area? 2)Do you know any famous people in your area? 3)What are some changes in the area recently? 4)Do you like the area that you live in?


2021年1-4月雅思口语题库新题 Part1 Reading 1.Do you like reading? 2.Do you like to read at home or in other place? 3.In what places do you think it is difficult to read? 4.Do you like to read by yourself or with other people? Taking a rest 1.How often do you take a rest? 2.Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest? 3.How do you feel after taking a nap? 4.Is it important for you to take a rest every day? 5.What do you usually do when you are resting? Get up early 1.Do you often get up early in the morning? 2.What do you usually do when you get up early? 3.Do you get up early on weekends? 4.Which morning do you like best in a week? Farming 1.Have you visited a farm? 2.What can you do on a farm? 3.Do you think farming is important? 4.Are there any farms in your hometown? 5.Did you do farm work when you were young? Singing 1.Do you like singing? 2.When do you sing? 3.Will you take singing lessons in the future? 4.Did you enjoy singing when you were young? Decoration


1 Some people believe that health care should be free for everyone, while others think that people should pay for their health care. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 2 Nowadays there are many new towns. It is more important to provide parks and sports facilities than to provide shopping centers in these new towns for people to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 3 Some think that “vertical cities” where people live and work in tall buildings are better. Others, however, believe that “horizontal cities” where there are few tall buildings are better. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 4 Once children start school, their teachers have more influence on their intellectual development and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 5 The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 6 Some people think that government funding for schools should be spent on science subjects rather than on other subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 7 Some people believe that all young adults should be required to do unpaid work to help their local community. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? 8 Some working parents believe that childcare centers can provide the best care for their children. Others, however, think that family members, such as grandparents, can do it better. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 9 Today, more and more people choose to live by themselves. What are the causes of this? Is this a positive or negative development? 10 Many people are afraid of leaving their homes because of the fear of crime. Some people think that more actions should be taken to prevent crime. Others, however, believe that little can be done. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 11 Today, there are many advertisements aimed at children, such as advertisements for toys and snacks. Some people think that advertisements aimed at children should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 12 The increasing use of mobile phones and computers makes people lose the ability to communicate face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 13 The range and quality of food that we can buy has changed because of technological advances. Some people think this change is an improvement. Others, however, believe this change is harmful. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


2018年1-4月雅思口语话题part1新题 三立在线教育为大家带来2018年1-4月雅思口语话题part1新题,希望能帮助大家更好的雅思备考。 1.口语part1话题相关题目:Music 1. Do you like music? Why / why not? 2. What kind of music do you listen to? Why? 3. Has the music that you listen to changed since you were young? 4. Do you think older and younger generations prefer different types of music? 5. Do you play any instruments? 6. Have you got any hobbies or interests? 雅思口语part1参考答案 1. Yes, I love to spend my leisure time listening music. 2. Well, there is no special category that I am following most. but for sure I have preference based on my mood. Normally I'm a huge fan of classical music with soft melodies. These are always refreshing my mind. During working alone like cooking, cleaning household staffs I listen to rock songs with high volume which brings a lot of energy. To be honest there is no drastic changes. I noticed few mere changes for instance I have now more interest on English song which was never in my favorite list.


这是一篇最用心最励志的雅思口语经验分享,和更多的烤鸭们远离全聚德烤鸭店的火海 【NOTE: 在整篇经验分享中,我会在那些我们中文经常脱口而出的(slip off the tongue)、老生常谈(cut-and-dried word)的字眼或语句中配上地道的英文翻译(大多翻译出自牛津高阶词典,并且非常适合英语口语,注意:很多词组都是for the speaking purpose only, 绝不能用于写作)。但愿大家从阅读这一篇口语经验分享的这一刻开始,就进入备战英语口语的状态,算是给大家的口语复习计划剪彩了(give all you guys a simplified ribbon-cutting ceremony)】 口语分享篇 这些天,一直在想,究竟怎么才能写一篇好的雅思口语经验分享呢?如果只是把我的口语复习资料简单地叠加然后罗列出来,那就是只是copy和paste的事情(it is a matter of seconds)。但这样的做潜台词(implied word) 就是说,让别人去参考或者背自己的答案。作为一名在烤鸭界―被烤‖多年、饱经沧桑(endure all the hardships of exposure) 的老鸭来说,这种方法明显是很低效很费时的(It is not a preferable way coz it is inefficient and time-consuming),因为它无助于我们提高口语交流表达能力,对我们的逻辑思维能力来说,它更是一种毒药(this is simply because it is not only helpless to enhance our spoken skills, but poisonous to corrupt our logical thinking)。之前,在我备考雅思的过程中,我也看过不少的经验分享,但是看完之后不免有些失望,因为我觉得他们写得不够系统(not that systemic),缺乏逻辑结构(absence of logical structure),没有切中要害(hit the nail on the head)。我觉得吧,一篇好的经验分享不单单能授之以鱼,更重要的是要授之以渔(Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime)。今天本人有幸在这里分享自己在过去几个月的心路历程和口语心得,真心希望这篇日志能帮助各位摆脱口语困境(get rid of current adversity),早日征服雅思口语(conquering spoken English is just a matter of time and practice)。 【假如你是一个就读于外国语学校或者是英语专业的童鞋,或者从高中开始就在国外接受教育的人(for you, speaking English is just like a piece of cake. It is no big deal),那你看我这篇日志纯碎是浪费你的时间(It is a waste of time reading this. You do not even bother to scan it)。假如你是一个渴望英语口语能一蹴而就、瞬间能突飞猛进(solve the problems at a single stroke)的人,那这篇日志对你来说就是一坨狗屎(It is full of crap/shit for you)。】 其实雅思口语只是块敲门砖(a stepping-stone to success),从你踏上飞往国外的国际航班那一刻起,你无时无刻不在面临着一场又一场的真实―雅思‖live show (It is a live show instead of a rehearsal. You will encounter challenges as well as opportunities for speaking English anytime anywhere)。从租房子到银行开户,从大学orientation week的新生交流和自我介绍到和老师教授的问答互动,从tutorial上每一次的presentation到课后和老外一同discussion for group assignment,从找过工作过程中的phone interview 或者face-to-face interview 到真正工作中和同事(colleagues)、和经理(supervisors)、或者客户(clients) 的交流,口语表达能力都是异常的重要(It is exclusively important to master an excellent communication skill)。当然,你可以选择沉默是金(silence is golden),你可以选择随声附和(echo other‘s views),你可以选择只和中国学生交朋友(confine yourself to Chinese social network),但是你会因此与很多有利于表达你自己个性的机会失之交臂(let slip such golden opportunities to express yourself),你也随之与真正的西方文化和主流的西方社会渐行渐远(keep your distance from western mainstream)。雅思终究是浮云,总会在你人生的某一天之后烟消云散(pass away like a cloud),但是,英语口语应该成为你我生活的一部分,而不是一场接一场的考试(It is supposed to be part of our daily lives rather than a lasting exam)。 雅思口语,曾经一直是我的死穴(speaking once was my Ac hilles‘heel);它就像一个刺,曾经一直刺痛着我的神经(It was like a sting, which always frustrated me)。从2006年到2010年初,我一共考了4次雅思,几乎每次口语都毫无疑问地包揽最低分,并且一再刷新我的雅思单科成绩最低分。所以,我一直把雅思口语列为我的头号杀手(It was always the biggest killer for me)。以下为我过去四年9次烤鸭的口语成绩: 2006年07月xx日@广州仲恺:6.0 分2007年07月xx日@广州仲恺:5.0 分2007年09月xx日@北京朝阳:6.0 分2010年02月xx日@广州仲恺:5.5 分2010年12月11日@悉尼ACL:6.0 分2011年01月22日@悉尼ACL:7.0 分2011年02月12日@卧龙岗大学:8.5 分2011年02月26日@新南威尔士大学:7.0 分2011年03月05日@悉尼ACL:8.0分 记得2007的时候,为了满足悉尼大学商科招生中雅思单科不能低于6.0的要求,我开始拼命地背


Names 1.Who gave u your name? It is my grandpa who gave me my name coz he was the oldest person in my family,so all the family members should respect his opinion. Beside,my mother told me that my grandpa had already decided the name to me before I was born. 2.Does your name have any particular meaning? Yes,you know,my name is ZYR. In Chinese meaning,“yong”means forever and perpetual, while …Rui?means clever and smart..so I guess my grandpa hoped that I could be an intelligent person throughout my life. 3.Do u like u name? Actually ,I pretty like it.It conveyed the love from my grandpa and it always reminds me of my grandpa. 4.In your country,do people feel that their name is very important? It depends,some folks think that their names play a crucial role in their lives and careers.a particular name can bring luckiness to them.While other people regard name just as a simple symbol,it does not matter what it is.


2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2新题范文之 难忘的故事 三立在线教育雅思网给大家带来的是2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2新题范文之难忘的故事。希望以下内容给雅思备考的同学带来帮助。 Describe a memorable story told by someone You should say: Who told you the story? When you heard the story What the story was about Why you found it memorable 1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:难忘的故事(memorable story) The story that i remember quite clearly is called the Race Between the Hare and the Tortoise. It was told by my father when i was about 6 years old. The story goes like this: an arrogant here thought the was the fastest animal in the forest. Quite interestingly, a tortoise wanted to challenge him. The hare laughed very hard because it sounded very ridiculous to him. The tortoise wanted to have a race with him. The race attracted all the animals in the forest. A staring line was made and off the hare and tortoise went. The hare was very fast, so he was far ahead, then he took a rest. The tortoise, however, kept moving forward slowly but surly. By the time the tortoise came up, his opponent was sleeping. The hare didn’t wake up until it was too late. The winner was the tortoise. It’s a quite simple but meaningful story. It teaches us that, as long as we stick to our goals, we will reach it, no matter what.

雅思口语话题:What do you learn from your jobma

环球雅思教研组为大家带来口语话题练习一份,主要是对近期流行的话题进行分析,并预测了雅思口语考点,希望对大家2014年雅思口语考试有所帮助! 题目:What do you learn from your job/major? 【正常答案】 I master a lot of skills and know how to deal with different situations, I feel a great sense of satisfaction. 【参考范文】 But really what it is, is to just broaden your horizons and to look at the world in a wider perspective. I think acting gives me the opportunity to explore that much more. But what I really need to do when I'm not acting is to go out in the world and absorb all that information. I keep them in my mind, my library for when I can use them again when I'm acting.I think in my field, in my business, you come across barriers and challenges everyday, and to be able to have the peace of mind, to calmly look at the whole situation and learn how to make decisions off that is the most important. I think nowadays it's very hard for people to be in the moment. You are always thinking what I got to do next, what happened yesterday, but what's happening in front of you are enjoying that moment in front of you, that's the most important thing. And that's what we try to do in acting. 演戏可以扩大我的视野,用更广阔的视角看世界。我认为,演戏给我提供了很多探索世界的机会。但是,当我不演戏时,我真正需要的是出去看世界,获取各种信息。我将它们储存在我的大脑中,当我演戏时我可以从这个“图书馆”中提取信息。在我看来,每个人每天都会面对各种各样的困难和挑战,如何做到用平和的心冷静地看待全局以及做出抉择,这才是最重要的。我认为,现在的人们已经很难活在当下了。人们总是考虑着未来,惦记着昨天,而如何享受好现在,活在当下却是最重要的。这也是我在演戏时想要传达的东西。 以上就是小编为大家带来的本雅思口语话题What do you learn from your job/major?可参考的资料,希望对大家的雅思口语练习有用!
