



at first

first of all

in the beginning

in the first place

at present

to begin with


to start with




in general

generally speaking

for one thing……for another

on one hand……on the other hand

when asked about……,most people say……

when it comes to……,some people think……

now it is widely believed……

in reaction to the idea, some people say……

these days we often hear about……

many nations have been faced with the problem……

nowadays there is a growing tendency

should we……? Opinions vary greatly

this has proved to be the case

nothing can be more obvious……

recent studies indicate……

no one can deny the fact……

recently the problem has been brought into focus.



After a few days

In other words


After a while

In particular


From now on

In the same way

What’s more

In addition

Just as

For instance


Of course

For this purpose

To illustrate this point, let us consider……


After all

All the same

On the contrary




In contrast

In fact




As a matter of fact


Rather than



As I have said

As has been noted

In brief


At last

In conclusion


At length


In short

By and large

In summary

Above all



As a consequence

As a result

To sum up

All in all

From what has been discussed above, we may draw a conclusion……It is time that we urged……

There is no easy method, but ……might be helpful


英语写作常用词语和句子 一、常用的过渡词 1.用以解释的过渡词 now, in addition, for, in this case, furthermore, in fact… 2.表示强调的过渡词 certainly, indeed, above all, surely, most important… 3.表示限制的过渡词 but, however, although, though, yet, except for… 4.用以举例的过渡词 for example, for instance, thus, such, next… 5.表示递进或补充的过渡词 in addition, furthermore, also, moreover, yet… 6.表达顺序的过渡词 first, second, third, afterward, meanwhile, thereafter, last, finally, eventually… 7.用以表示比较的过渡词 like, in the same way, similarly, equally important, too… 8.用以表示对比的过渡词 unlike, in contrast, whereas, on the other hand, instead… 9.表示让步的过渡词 although, nevertheless, of course, after all, clearly, still, yet… 10.用以表达结果的过渡词 therefore, as a result, consequently, then, thereby, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, so, otherwise… 11.用以表示总结的过渡词 to sum up, finally, in conclusion, at last, in short, in a word, in the long run, in summary… 二、常用句子 1.比较 (1)The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. (2)The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. (3)A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that… (4)It is reasonable to maintain that…, but it would be foolish to claim that… (5)For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. (6)Like anything else, it has its faults. (7)Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects. (8)People used to think…, but things are different now. (9)the same is true of B. (10)Wondering as A is, it has its drawbacks. 2.原因 (1)A number of factors are accountable for this situation. (2)The answer to this problem involves many factors. (3)The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that… (4)The factors that contribute to this situation include…


中学英语教学案例分析(1) What things can harm the environment ? What do you think we should do to improve our environment ? ) 活动目的:通过列举污染源,学生更清楚当前环境的不仅如人意,保护环境刻不容缓,从而使学生增强保护环境的意识。他们动脑筋,想办法,积极讨论保护环境的措施,在不知不觉中提高英语语言运用能力。 活动过程: T: There is much pollution all over the world now . Can you tell me what it is ? (学生很快地回答) Ss: Water pollution ; Air pollution; Noise pollution;soil pollution …etc. T: Do you know what causes water pollution ? Ss: Factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes . T: All the factories ? Ss: No . T: What factories ? Ss: Paper factories , printing and dyeing mills , plastic factories…ect. ( 学生不会用英语说“印染厂及塑料厂”,他们说中文,我说英文。) T: What else can cause water pollution ,too? Ss: Some people throw rubbish into rivers and lakes . T: How can we help to solve this problem ? ( 学生们分组讨论解决办法。 ) Ss: We can advise the directors of these factories


高中英语阅读与写作整合教学设计 一,教学设计 设计意图:运用“讨论式”的英语教学模式和采用“任务型”英语教学途径,培养同学们的听说读写能力,突出阅读和写作技能训练、学习策略的培养、阅读和写作的实践,从而使学生领会语言信息的输入与输出、阅读和写作之间的内在联系,并引导学生独立思考并以讨论、合作学习的方式练习英语写作。 主题内容:Born Dying Unit 7 SBII 相关领域:信息技术,医学 课时安排:2课时 任务布置: 1、网上查寻有关的信息并做汇报; 2、课堂阅读两篇文章 3、写一篇英语演讲稿“Cherish Your Life & Prevent AIDS” 实施过程: 第一课时:信息输入——阅读课 教学目标: 1、检阅学生课外查阅有关的信息资料和学生对知识的了解情况; 2、培养学生的阅读策略和提高阅读能力; 3、学会“善待他人,关爱自己,珍惜生命”。 教学形式:讨论交流合作 教学过程(Teaching Procedures) Step 1、Pre-reading 课前教师给学生布置如下任务:1.What is AIDS ? What is HIV? 2. How do people get AIDS? 3. What happens to people who have AIDS? 4. How does Xiaohua feel about having AIDS? 5. How do her friends and family feel about her disease? 6. Something about the World AIDS DAY. 要求学生带着这些任务预习课文。学生要回答以上问题,除阅读课文外,还必须查找相关材料,做好记录。此环节学生可采用分工合作的学习方式。此时教师可以给学生一些必要的帮助,如:提供网站名,提供一些阅读材料。由于学生是在任务目标驱使下预习,预习就很有成效,而不是走过场。为课堂讨论奠定了基础,同时也提高了课堂教学的效率,发挥了学生的主体作用,培养了学生查找信息的能力和较强的自学能力。 Step 2: Lead-in Collect the information Ss have found and at the same time ask the Ss to exchange the information about HIV/AIDS. And ask Ss to discuss the following questions. 1. Answer the following questions What is AIDS? How is it infected? Who gets it easily? What attitude do people have now ? 2.What can you do on World AIDS Day? 3. Do you think it is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV/AIDS? Give your views.


摘要是对一篇文章的主题思想的简单陈述。它用最简洁的语言概括了原文的主题。写摘要主要包括三个步骤:(1)阅读;(2)写作;(3)修改成文。 第一步:阅读 A.认真阅读给定的原文材料。如果一遍不能理解,就多读两遍。阅读次数越多,你对原文的理解就越深刻。 B.给摘要起一个标题。用那些能概括文章主题思想的单词、短语或短句子作为标题。也可以采用文中的主题句作为标题。主题句往往出现在文章的开头或结尾。一个好标题有助于确定文章的中心思想。C.现在,就该决定原文中哪些部分重要,哪些部分次重要了。对重要部分的主要观点进行概括。 D.简要地记下主要观点——主题、标题、细节等你认为对概括摘要重要的东西。 第二步:动手写作 A. 摘要应该只有原文的三分之一或四分之一长。因此首先数一下原文的字数,然后除以三,得到一个数字。摘要的字数可以少于这个数字,但是千万不能超过这个数字。 B. 摘要应全部用自己的话完成。不要引用原文的句子。 C. 应该遵循原文的逻辑顺序。这样你就不必重新组织观点、事实。 D. 摘要必须全面、清晰地表明原文所载的信息,以便你的读者不需翻阅原文就可以完全掌握材料的原意。 1 / 19

E. 写摘要时可以采用下列几种小技巧: 1) 删除细节。只保留主要观点。 2) 选择一至两个例子。原文中可能包括5个或更多的例子,你只需从中筛选一至二个例子。 3) 把长段的描述变成短小、简单的句子。如果材料中描述某人或某事用了十个句子,那么你只要把它们变成一两句即可。 4) 避免重复。在原文中,为了强调某个主题,可能会重复论证说明。但是这在摘要中是不能使用的。应该删除那些突出强调的重述句。 5) 压缩长的句子。如下列两例: “His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.” 可以概括为:”He was very brave in battle.” “He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor.” 可以概括为:“He was in financial difficulties.” 6) 你还可以使用词组代替整句或者从句。请看下面的例子:“Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, Lushan Mountain, and Mount Huang, were visited by only a few people in the past. Today, better wages, holidays with pay, new hotels on these mountains, and better train and bus services, have brought them within reach of many who never thought of visiting them ten years ago.” 2 / 19


七年级上Unit 2教学案例分析七年级上Unit 2单元主要教学一些物品的名称,如:学习用品,服装,水果,家具等等。要求学生能用下列句型进行交流。 A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a pen. A: Spell it, please. B: P_E_N, pen. 本单元安排在26个字母之后,因此,字母的认读,单词的拼写,以及单词的读音也是本课的重点之一。在课堂设计的过程中,考虑到这节课的具体情况:单词较少,绝大多数学生都已在小学学过,但是,由于我所教班级学生的英语水平比较薄弱,虽然他们在小学已经学过这部分内容,加上小学英语的要求和初中英语要求的不同,他们对知识点的掌握程度还达不到初中水平。鉴于以上种种原因,我尝试着用让学生自己教会自己的方法来完成这节课的教学。整节课,我设计了绘画比赛,问答学习,调查统计等几个环节,一环紧扣一环,让学生在潜移默化中自然而然地学到了新知识。实践证明,我这样的安排不仅调动了已会的同学,让他们尝到了为人师的成就感和自豪感;与此同时,还让那些不会的同学有了更多更细心的学习机会,排除了师生之间的隔阂,让他们从自己的同龄人中学习,他们感到自然,易于接受。这不失为本课的一大闪光点。 上课前,我准备了四张图画纸。在师生互相问好以后,我把全班分成A,B,C,D四大组,然后把这四张纸分给他们,每组一张。要求他

们在5分钟以内完成一副画。A组画水果,B组画学习用品,C组画家具,D组画服装及床上用品。接着,老师把他们的绘画作品收上来,然后指着下列物品(a pen, a book, a pencil, a ruler, a pencil case, a backpack, a pencil sharpener, a dictionary, an eraser问学生 T: What’s this in English? S: It’s a pen. T: Spell it, please. S: P-E-N, pen. 老师示范性地问两次,然后请学生来互相问答,同时,板书下列单词:pen, book, pencil, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpen er, dictionary.。再让学生跟读几次上面的单词,以帮助那些还不会的同学掌握这些生词的读音和拼写形式。接着,老师在电脑上打出一副副关于以上单词的物品一件,并引导他们正确使用a和an进行问答。最后,由他们自己归纳出的a和an的基本用法。 接下来,我安排了一个知识延伸的环节,让学生充分利用他们自己亲手绘制的图片,用What’s this in English? It’s a / an….的结构互相教学另外一些单词,如:an apple, an orange, a banana, a pear, a grape, a watermelon; a bed, a desk , a chair, a blackboard; a b ag, a notebook; a shoe, a jacket, a hat 等等。学生词汇量的丰富多彩,完全出乎我的意料。这也是这节课成功的重要原因之一。 最后,在下课前,我给他们布置了一道既达到了知识的延伸,又激发了他们学习兴趣的家庭作业:让他们去寻找生活中常见的物品一


Book6 Module3 Interpersonal relationship—— Friendship 高中英语写作课教案 Teaching Aims 1.To get the students to appreciating remarks on friendship or friends. 2.To enable the students to write a short story about friends or friendships. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Discussion Now, I found 500 pounds in Roy's pocket. Did Roy steal the money from the charity? Someone says ‘yes', someone says ‘no'. If Roy did steal the money from the charity, shall I tell the teacher or call the police? If Roy didn't steal the money, what should I do? Discuss it in groups of four . Collect answers from students. Draw a conclusion; whether Roy stole the money or not, we help him all the same. Because we're friends. Friends are the ones we can get help from and we can trust. In this unit, we have talked a lot about friends and friendship,


开头常用万能句子: 1.Depending on personal experience, personal type and emotion concern, we find that some people hold the idea of..., while others prefer... 基于个人经历、个性类型和情感关注的不同,我们发现有人持……的观点,而另外一些人则更喜欢…… 例句:Depending on personal experience, personal type and emotion concern, we find that some people hold the idea of living in the small town, while others prefer the big city. 基于个人经历、个性类型和情感关注的不同,我们发现有人喜欢生活在小城镇,而另外一些人则更喜欢大城市。 2.When asked about..., the vast/ overwhelming majority of/ most/ many/ quite a few people say/ think/ believe/ answer that... But... 当被问及……时,多数(大多数、许多)人认为(回答)……但是……例句:When asked about choosing living place, the vast people think that living in the big city is perfect. But I think living in the small town is the better choice. 当被问及在选择居住地方时,多数人认为居住在城市是很棒的。但是我觉得住在小城镇更好。 3.When it comes to ..., some think/ hold/ believe... 当提及……时,有人认为…… 例句:When it comes to sports, some believe basketball is the most popular one. 当提到运动时,有人认为篮球是最受欢迎的。 4.It has become apparent to us that... 对我们来说,……已经变得很明显了 例句:It has become apparent to us that living in a small town is more comfortable. 对我们来说,住在小城镇更加舒服。 5.Nowadays, it is commonly/ widely/ generally believed/ thought/ held that..., but I wonder/ doubt that... 如今,人们普遍认为……,但是我怀疑…… 例句:Nowadays, it is generally believed that living in a big city is convenient, but I doubt that living in a small country is more comfortable. 如今,人们普遍认为住在大城市更便利,但是我觉得住在小城镇更加舒服。 6.With the rapid growth of..., ...have/has become increasingly


高中英语写作教学案例分析 杨 芳

2013. 11. 10 高中英语写作教学案例分析 一.思考的问题:怎样让学生在写作中减少经常会出现一些很低级的错误。学生在写作中经常会出现一些很低级的错误,但屡禁不止,很是头疼。为了让学生避免这些错误,本人把错误收集在一起,并让学生来改,之后类似的问题减少了许多。 二、教学过程描述:我首先把书面表达的评分原则呈现给学生,再指出好的方面和不足方面: (一)评分原则: 1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。 3. 词数少于100和多于150的,从总分中减去2分。 4. 评分时应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。 5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面。评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 6. 如书写较差以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。 (二)好的方面 1.能按照要求把要点写出; 2.有意

识地用上好词好句; 3.连接词用得较好; 4.书写有提高。 (三)主要的错误 1.有语病的句子很多; 2.应用词汇和语法结构的数量少和准确性差; 3.拼写与标点符号较差; 4.书写较差以至影响交际。 具体的错误分类列出,有句子,有说明,还有巩固练习: 1. 有……人死于交通事故 There were 500,000 people died in the traffic accident. 分析:这是有语病的句子,其句法应该是“主语+谓语+状语”,即People died in the accident. There were放上去何用之有?千万不能按汉语的句式来写英语句子。再如:有十二人在打篮球。Twelve people are playing basketball.(不能用There are twelve people are playing basketball.) 有三个同学没来上课。Three students didn’t come to school. (不能用There were three students didn’t come to school.) 请改正: There is also a few people hold a completely different opinion. (去掉There is ) 2. 动词的第三人称单数的词尾变化。究其原因是受汉语的影响,一定在记住英语的谓语动词必须跟主语保持一致。下面有几个错误的句子,请指出并改正错误: It provide a good job. (provides) The car give us convenience. (gives) Everything have two sides. (has) 高中各年级课件教案习题汇总语文数学英语物理化学 The car have


考研英语作文常用句子总结 句型在英语学习中占有不可替代的作用,背诵一些有用的句子对于我们来说也是非常重要的。考研英语作文冲刺复习要注意积累,记忆一些好的句式。素材丰富了,大家才能下笔灵活,下面分享的这些考研英语常用写作句型,大家可以收藏。 1.The cartoon vividly shows an important truth that…漫画生动地揭示了一个重要的道理 2.As is vividly depicted in the drawings 漫画生动地描述了 3.Clearly, the cartoon reveals a very common problem in our society 很明显,漫画揭示了我们社会的一个普遍现象 4.The implied meaning of the drawings is that 漫画的寓意是 5.As is manifested in the cartoon 如漫画所示 6.The two drawings stand in a sharp contrast 两幅图形成了鲜明的对比 7.A ridiculous situation 一个可笑的场景 8.To grasp the full implication 充分理解寓意 9.With sweats trailing down the face 汗流满面 10.There is no denying that… 毋庸置疑…… 11.There is a general assumption that 人们普遍认为 12.To make careful decision 认真做决定


初中英语教学案例分析 思考的问题: 1.如何创造有利于学生学习的心理状态,形成积极的学习态度? 案例片段描述:曾经听过两节课,期间两位老师都谈到一个话题“肥胖”。 片段一,教师在讲到stop sb. from doing sth.这个短语时,让学生来造句,有一位学生站起来,与老师发生了这样一段对话: Student: My mother often stops me from eating meat. Teacher: Why? Student: Because my mother says I’m t oo fat. 全班同学哄堂大笑,这位学生很难为情,但老师下面的一句话马上将气氛缓和了过来。 Teacher: But I don’t think you are too fat. You are strong. 片段二,教师组织学生表演自己创作的“看病”对话,想找一位较胖的学生来担任“患者”,有一位长得胖呼呼的学生自告奋勇站起来,于是发生这样一段对话: Teacher: Ok! Who will act the sick people? Any volunteers? Student: I will. Teacher: Good! I think you are fat. You are the right person! 当时全班同学哄堂大笑,这位学生一脸的尴尬,一个劲地挠头。 教学反思:两位老师在处理一个相同的话题时运用了两种截然不同的方法,毋庸置疑,前者的处理有利于学生的学习,而后者的处理则会对心理比较脆弱的学生产生负面的影响。语言教学在很大程度上依赖于学生与教师之间的团结、合作、相互支持的人际关系,而这种关系时刻都受到彼此情感的影响,恰当、合理地使用语言,有助于沟通情感,增进友谊和相互尊重,改善这种人际关系,同时还可以创建一种和谐的语言活动氛围,努力产生浸润性的效果,让学生愉快地沉浸在英语的氛围中。在课上,教师要善于调控学生的情感态度,建立融洽、民主、团结、相互尊重的氛围,创造有利于学习的心理状态,形成积极的学习态度,让学生学得主动,学得愉快。 案例片段(二) 思考的问题:


高中英语写作教学 【课程简介】 本课程围绕两个专题进行,主要探讨高中英语写作教学和高考英语写作训练。 第一个专题是“高中英语写作教学”,主要围绕“为什么要开展写作教学?”“如何提高学生的写作能力?”“写作课的教学模式有哪些?”进行讨论。首先结合课标,对各级写作教学的要求做了简单说明,接下来就如何进行高中英语写作训练提出一些方法,然后是结合不同类型的写作课教学模式,主要介绍了如何通过对话练习写作,如何通过阅读练习写作,如何通过听力练习写作和如何通过其他材料练习写作四种教学模式,并就如何评价学生作品提出了具体建议。通过具体案例呈现了知识、理解、应用等写作训练的方式。 第二个专题内容主要围绕“高考过程性写作训练”展开。为了更直观,我们请来擅长写作教学的一线教师,介绍了在高三写作教学中教师的作用;并从写作前、写作中和写作后三个环节的设计,结合具体的案例,介绍了如何保证写作课堂教学的有效性。同时分析了学生在写作的三个阶段,即:模式体验阶段;量变积蓄阶段;质变绽放阶段。 在分析写作课的构成、过程、类别等基本概念的基础上,重点探讨课堂教学中学生的主要问题。课程从课堂教学目标的确定、不同文体的训练等方面介绍了实用可行的方法,满足学生需求和发展的多元性。 在写作课评价方面,从诊断、促进、和学习等功能出发,介绍了如何开展写作评价、如何鼓励学生的参与,发挥学生在评价中的主体作用。 希望本课程能够帮助教师正确认识写作教学,更好地反思自己在写作教学的开展,为其以后设计写作教学、实施和反思提供必要的指导。 【学习要求】 通过本课堂的教学,教师们应该做到以下几点: 1. 概念方面 1) 能够解释新课程标准对高中写作不同级别的要求,了解高考考纲的写作要求,明确过程性写作和传统写作的区别,两者在目的、教学设计与评价方式上有什么不同; 2) 能够解释写作教学的多元性,并举例说明。 2. 分析能力 1) 能够反思自己写作课堂教学设计,找出不足,提出改进意见; 2) 听一节写作课,能够为其他教师指出存在的问题,并提出建议;


1、There is an arbitration clause in the contract. (or insurance clause, inspection clause, shipping clause...) 这是合同中的一项仲裁条款。(或:保险条款,检验条款,装运条款等) 2、We sincerely hope that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations. 我们真诚希望质量、数量都与合同规定相吻合。 3、The contract states that the supplier will be charge d a penalty if there is a delay in delivery. 合同规定如果供货商延误交货期,将被罚款。 4、The contract comes into effect today, we can’t go back on our word now. 合同已于今日生效,我们不能反悔了。 5、Once the contract is approved by the Chinese government, it is legally binding upon both parties. 合同一经中国政府批准,对双方就有了法律约束力。 6、We always carry out the terms of our contract to the letter and stand by what we say. 我们坚持重合同,守信用。 7、You have no grounds for backing out of the contract. 你们没有正当理由背弃合同。 8、In case one party fails to carry out the contract, the other party is entitled to cancel the contract. 如果一方不执行合同,另一方有权撤消该合同。 9、This contract will come into force as soon as it is signed by two parties. 合同一经双方签定即生效。 10、Are you worrying about the non-execution of the contract and non-payment on our part? 你是否担心我们不履行合同或者拒不付款?

高考英语写作专题 地点介绍教案

高考英语写作专题地点介绍教案 写前输入: 1)用于按空间展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有: above in front of in the centre of on the left across below in the distance on the right beyond nearby opposite to over also further next to on top of up down close to beneath under around near to along 2)有关地点说明文应该着重掌握面积﹑人口﹑位置﹑环境﹑今昔对比等。以城市为例:(请仔细体会下面的句子的精彩之处) 1.Our city covers … square kilometers 2.Our city has an area of …square kilometers 3.The size of our city is ... square kilometers 4.The population of our city is… 5.Our city has a population of … 6.Our city is located in…, 7.It is very convenient for you to come to our city… 8.You can take a bus, a train or a plane to…. 9.The best way to experience… is to take a bus tour. 10.It takes … to take a bus from… to… 11.… is only a few bus stops from downtown. 12.… is within eas y reach. 13.The city stretches itself lazily along….. 14.The city is well-known/famous for its…/as… 15.The city offers …..and a variety of … 16.Wherever you go, there are plenty of activities to choose from. 17.You can go on the city tours to enjoy the sights, taste the local food, explore the lively nightlife and learn about its history and culture. 18.If you are interested in …, you can…. If you prefer…, you can… 19.After exploring …, you can relax and enjoy a good meal in… 20.There’re … where visitors can find shade from the hot sun and a moment’s rest from the busy city. 21.A walk around …is a feast for the mind as well as the eye. 22.The city is home to … 23.The city treats visitors to (blue seas)… 24.… is a must-see for tourists, as…… 25.The city, know n as…, attracts millions of visitors from all over the world. 26.…may explain why people spend so much time on trips to … 27.… reminds visitors that it is an important… 28.You are sure to have a wonderful time in…. 29.Few visitors leave the city feeling disappointed.


英语六级作文高级句子及万能模板句式1.随着经济的快速发展 with the rapid development of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长 the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard 3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges 5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that… 6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development 7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention 8.不可否认It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that… 9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate 10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue 11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument 12.一些人…而另外一些人… Some people… while others… 13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally, 14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absol ute consensus on… 15.有充分的理由支持


高中英语写作教学案例 一、引言 写作一直是中学阶段英语教学的重头戏,同时也是问题存在比较多的地方。通过近几年高中英语写作课的课堂教学实践,并结合高中学生在英语写作中所表现出的问题,我发现将过程教学法应用于写作指导中的效果更明显,尤其是应用于写前准备阶段,更有利于培养学生的写作兴趣、参与意识和合作意识。过程教学法将写作大致分为三个阶段:写前阶段、写作阶段和文章修改。这三个阶段是一个循环的过程,教师的反馈和指导一直贯穿其中,学生则应当不断地阅读自己的文章,结合教师的意见对文章进行修改。 俗话说,“万事开头难”,写作也是这样的。写前阶段作为写作的初始阶段,对后面的整个过程起着至关重要的作用。在这个阶段中学生应当考虑三个方面的问题:写作的主题、写作的目的以及文章的读者。写前阶段的准备工作可以给学生提供充分的思考,让学生做到胸有成竹,动笔写的时候就会文思泉涌。 二、教学案例分析 下面这个教学案例是实践中的一部分,这个案例中写前阶段的信息输入是选取了brainstorming这种形式。 (一)写作话题的选取 为了更好的贴近学生的生活,我选取了一个与学生息息相关的一个话题:Freedom。广州是一个大都市,学生们就生活在这样一个氛围中,对于不同学校的管理制度有不同的看法。这堂课主要采取的是小组讨论发言的形式,将全班同学每四人分为一个小组,让每个小组先内部讨论然后再发言。 (二)写作话题的讨论 目前,许多学校对学生采取封闭式管理,学生对此看法不一。请根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇短文,谈谈自己的看法。(字数:150左右) 我每提出一个问题会给大家几秒钟的时间思考,这些问题果然起到了抛砖引玉


英语写信作文万能句子 【篇一:英语写作书信类作文常用句型】 英语写作书信类作文常用句型 o 小 o o ?? o o oo ? ? 一、写作格式 1、称呼 (1)机构 a、不认识负责人 dear sir or madam, dear sir / madam, to whom it may concern, b、认识负责人 dear mr./ms. president/professor/manager/editor (michael) wang, (2)个人

a、关系不亲密 dear mr./ms. president/professor/manager/editor wang, b、关系亲密 dear michael, 2、正文 3、落款 (1)祝福语 best wishes! / the best regards! (2)签名 yours sincerely, li ming 二、必用信息 常用的开头语有: i have received your letter of july ist. 7月1 日来信已经收悉。 i have the pleasure to tell you that …….很高兴告诉你……。 i am very much delighted to receive your letter. 非常高兴收到你的来信。 it is my honor to inform you that ……很荣幸告诉你……。 常用的结束套话有: i am looking forward to hearing from you 盼早日回信。 wish best regards. 祝好。 thank you for your help 感谢你的帮助!


英语教学案例及分析 what things can harm the environment ? what do you think we should do to improve our environment ? ) 活动目的:通过列举污染源,学生更清楚当前环境的不仅如人意,保护环境刻不容缓,从而使学生增强保护环境的意识。他们动脑筋,想办法,积极讨论保护环境的措施,在不知不觉中提高英语语言运用能力。 活动过程: t: there is much pollution all over the world now . can you tell me what it is ? (学生很快地回答) ss: water pollution ; air pollution; noise pollution;soil pollution …etc. t: do you know what causes water pollution ? ss: factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes . t: all the factories ? ss: no . t: what factories ? ss: paper factories , printing and dyeing mills , plastic factories…ect. ( 学生不会用英语说“印染厂及塑料厂”,他们说中文,我说英文。) t: what else can cause water pollution ,too? ss: some people throw rubbish into rivers and lakes . t: how can we help to solve this problem ? ( 学生们分组讨论解决办法。 ) ss: we can advise the directors of these factories to stop pouring waste water into rivers and lakes . t: if they don’t accept your advice ,what else can we do ? (学生们讨论更热烈了,过了一会儿,他们七嘴八舌地说:) ss:1. we can write a letter to green china about it . 2. we can also ask newspaper reporters and tv station reporters to report these factories . …… t: there is a paper factory in my hometown .it pours waste water into the river every day . the people in the town drink the water of the river every day . they have advise the leader to stop pouring waste water into the river many times .but he never accepts it . can you write a letter about it to the green china ? (学生异口同声说“yes”。由于写作太费时间,这封信作为回家作业,请同学们写在作业本上。)
