GERD Asthma (2)

GERD Asthma (2)
GERD Asthma (2)

Original Paper

Digestion 2008;77:218–224

DOI:10.1159/000146083 A

sthma and Gastroesophageal Reflux: Clinical Evaluation of Esophago-Bronchial

Reflex and Proximal Reflux András Rosztóczy a László Makk b Ferenc Izbéki a Richárd Róka a Attila Somfay b

Tibor Wittmann a


F irst Department of Medicine and b D epartment of Pulmonology, Albert Szent-Gy?rgyi Medical Centre,

University of Szeged, S zeged , Hungary

acid perfusion is able to establish the presence of EBR, how-

ever prospective therapeutic trials are needed to confirm its

clinical value. The increased amount of acid reflux during the

supine period in patients with EBR may indicate a role for ap-

propriate nighttime acid suppressive therapy.

C opyright ? 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel Introduction G astroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common disorder, with approximately 20% of the general popula-tion suffering from its classical symptoms at least once a week [1, 2] . Among patients with asthma GER

D has been shown to be more prevalent, especially nighttime symp-toms [3] . Furthermore, not only the prevalence of symp-tomatic GERD is increased in patients with asthma, but a similarly high proportion of patients have abnormal gas-troesophageal reflux without the typical reflux symptoms (heartburn, regurgitation) as well, thus gastroesophageal reflux is considered to play an important role in the patho-genesis of the disease [4–6] . Gastroesophageal reflux can trigger bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) in two ma-K ey Words G astroesophageal reflux disease ?Bronchial hyperresponsiveness ? Asthma ?Esophago-bronchial reflex Abstract

A ims: To evaluate the prevalence of proximal reflux and esophago-bronchial reflex (EBR) in patients with asthma,

and to compare the symptom spectrum, esophageal acid

sensitivity, pH monitoring, and the endoscopic and mano-

metric parameters of EBR-positive and -negative patients

with asthma. P atients and Methods: Forty-three consecu-

tive patients with recent diagnoses of asthma and 20 pa-

tients with chronic cough but without asthma were prospec-

tively submitted to detailed reflux and respiratory symptom

analysis, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, esophageal ma-

nometry, Bernstein test and double-channel intra-esopha-

geal pH monitoring. The presence of EBR was studied by

combined esophageal acid (0.1

N HCl) perfusion and metha-choline test. R esults: Patients with asthma had significantly

more proximal acid reflux than controls. Patients with EBR

positivity were more likely to have an acid-sensitive esopha-

gus and had more acid reflux especially in the supine period

at the distal measurement point. Other parameters were

similar. C onclusions: Patients with asthma had significantly

more proximal acid reflux than those with chronic cough.

The combination of the methacholine test with esophageal R eceived: January 28, 2008

A ccepted: June 16, 2008

P ublished online: July 19, 2008 András Rosztóczy,MD F irst Department of Medicine, Albert Szent-Gy?rgyi Medical Centre U niversity of Szeged, Korányi fasor 8 HU–6720Szeged (Hungary)

T el./Fax +36 62 54 59 97, E-Mail ?

2008 S. Karger AG, Basel 0012–2823/08/0774–0218$24.50/0

Accessible online at:,/dig F.I. was supported by a grant from the National Office for Research

and Technology (RET-08/2004).

jor pathways. The first is microaspiration which will occur when the regurgitated gastric acid reaches the pharynx and drops into the airways of patients. The second in-volves reflex mechanisms when acid triggers the sensory nerve endings of the distal esophagus. This may cause ei-ther a typical vagal response (involving esophageal affer-ents, the nucleus of the solitary tract in the midbrain, and efferents projecting to the tracheobronchial tree) or an axon reflex with neuroinflammatory consequences [7] .

A lthough these pathways are well established, human studies – evaluating their role in gastrosophageal reflux-induced BHR – are still not available [8, 9] .

F urthermore, the controversial results of anti-reflux therapeutic modalities in patients with asthma may sug-gest a role for patient selection on this basis [10–12] .

T herefore, in the present study we aimed to evaluate the prevalence of proximal reflux and esophago-bronchi-al reflex (EBR) in patients with asthma, and secondly, to compare the symptom spectrum, esophageal acid sensi-tivity, pH monitoring, and the endoscopic and manomet-ric parameters of E BR-positive and -negative patients with asthma.

Patients and Meth ods

S ixty-five consecutive patients with a recent diagnosis of bron-chial asthma were prospectively invited for evaluation of GERD. Twenty-two of the 65 patients refused to participate and 43 pa-tients (male/female 12/31, mean age 46, (range 27–76) years) signed the consent form and took part in the study. A group of 20 patients with chronic cough but without BHR and matched for age, sex and body mass index (BMI) was studied as control.

A ll patients with asthma met the criteria of the American Tho-racic Society [13] and the diagnosis was confirmed by methacho-line provocation test. Patients with inhalative allergy (pollinosis, house dust, etc.), autonomic neuropathy (diabetics, chronic alco-hol consumers, etc.) or regular smokers (more than 1 cigarette/ week) were not enrolled. Patients with impaired baseline respira-tory function (FE V 1!70%) were also excluded. Patients were screened for GERD by means of symptom analysis, upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy, esophageal manometry, 24-hour double-channel pH monitoring, and esophageal acid sensitivity (Bern-stein) testing. The presence of EBR was evaluated by combined methacholine and Bernstein test. The results of the diagnostic tests performed were not disclosed to the investigators. Proton pump inhibitors were stopped 7 days before testing. Other drugs affecting gastrointestinal motility, acid secretion, visceral sensi-tivity and anti-asthmatic treatments – such as long-acting ?-ago-nists and inhalative steroids – were suspended 72 h before the studies. During this period patients were allowed to use short-act-ing ?-agonists in case of asthmatic wheezing, but tests were post-poned if the patient needed such treatment during the last 12 h. The study protocol was approved by the Medical Ethics Commit-tee of the University of Szeged.

Lung Function Tests

F or lung function tests, a Lung test 1,000 spirometer (MES, Krakow, Poland) equipped with the ISPA provocation system was used. Lung function tests were carried out each day between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. in a room with controlled temperature and hu-midity.

E sophageal Acid Sensitivity (Bernstein Test)

P atients were fasted overnight before the study. A baseline spi-rometry was carried out and FEV 1was measured. For the Bern-stein test a naso-esophageal perfusion catheter was positioned 10 cm above the lower esophageal sphincter and the spirometry was repeated. During the acid stimulation test 0.9% saline and 0.1 N HCl was perfused (12 ml/min for 10 min) in a double-blinded manner with repeated spirometries after each session. Esophageal and respiratory symptoms were monitored during the proce-dure.

Establishment of BHR and EBR

P atients with a normal baseline lung function test (FEV 1170% of the predicted value) were submitted to the following provoca-tion: a naso-esophageal catheter was placed 10 cm above the low-er esophageal sphincter and either 0.9% saline or 0.1 N HCl was perfused (12 ml/min) in a double-blinded manner during the methacholine test. Increased concentrations of methacholine (0.03–8.0 mg/ml; Metacolina Lofarma 1% Polvere per inalazione, Lofarma, Italy) were inhaled at 3-min intervals. The methacho-line dose was doubled at each step of the procedure. The proce-dure was stopped if FEV 1decreased by 20% compared to the base-line value.

P atients were considered to have EBR, if the 20% FEV 1de-crease was reached by an at least one-step ( 61 doubling concen-tration) lower dose of methacholine than during NaCl perfu-sion.

Esophag eal and Respiratory Symptom Analysis

P atients were asked to complete a standardized questionnaire regarding their symptoms related to GERD (such as heartburn, chest pain and gastroesophageal acid regurgitation) and bronchi-al asthma (wheezing, cough).

Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

T he presence and severity of esophagitis were assessed by up-per gastrointestinal endoscopy (Olympus Q130) on the basis of the Los Angeles classification [14] .

T he severity of esophagitis was scored as: no erosions = 0; grade LA-A = 1; grade LA-B = 2; grade LA-C = 3, and grade LA-D = 4.

24-Hour Double-Channel Intra-Esophageal pH Monitoring

T he 24-hour intra-esophageal pH monitoring studies were carried out on an inpatient basis using the classical criteria of De-Meester et al. [15, 16] . Proximal pH results were considered abnor-mal in accordance to the criteria of Cool et al. [17] . A double-chan-nel, naso-esophageal, antimony pH probe (Synectics Medical, Sweden) was positioned. E lectrodes were located 5 and 20 cm above the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), and were connected to a portable data logger (Digitrapper pH, Synectics Medical, Swe-den). Computer-assisted data analysis was carried out with the Polygram for Windows 98 software supplied by Synectics Medical,

Asthma and GE RD Digestion 2008;77:218–224219

R osztóczy /Makk /Izbéki /Róka /Somfay /

Wittmann Digestion 2008;77:218–224220Sweden. The following parameters, e.g. the number of episodes

with pH ! 4, the percentage of the time with pH ! 4, the number of

episodes with pH ! 4 lasting for longer than 5 min, and the longest

episode with pH ! 4, were recorded during the full length of the

study, and separately in the upright, supine and postprandial (120

min) periods. The DeMeester score was also calculated.

Esophag eal Manometry

E sophageal motility was studied by standard, water perfusion,

stationary manometry (Polygraph HR, Synectics Medical, Swe-

den) with computer-assisted analysis of the tracings (Polygram

5.06C2, Synectics Medical, Sweden) according to our previously

published protocol. Briefly, a station pull-through technique was

applied, and measurements were made at the levels of the lower

esophageal sphincter, the esophageal body, the upper esophageal

sphincter and the pharynx, on the basis of Castell’s criteria [18,

19] .

Statistical Analysis

F or statistical analysis the Graphpad Prism 4.0 software was

used. Frequency distribution analysis was carried out by Fischer’s

test; group means were compared by Student’s unpaired t test, with Welch’s correction if the variances were different. The level of significance was set at p !0.05. R esults E valuation of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Patients with Asthma and Chronic Cough T able 1 summarizes the demographic data of the 43 patients enrolled. All 22 patients (34%) who did not par-ticipate marked ‘lack of any gastrointestinal symptoms’ as the cause of refusal. T he symptomatic evaluation of patients with asthma (n = 43) and chronic cough (n = 20) showed that the prev-alence of either typical reflux symptoms (heartburn, acid regurgitation) or respiratory symptoms (chronic cough, wheezing) were similar. Both groups included a similar number of patients with no typical reflux symptoms, but who had respiratory symptoms only. The patient groups were also similar in terms of Bernstein test positivity and the endoscopic severity of esophagitis ( t able 1 ). The re-sults obtained by esophageal manometry, such as lower esophageal sphincter pressure, relaxation time, esopha-geal body peristaltic wave amplitude, duration, propaga-tion velocity, rate of simultaneous contractions were not different (data not shown). T he parameters of respiratory function (FEV 1,peak expiratory flow) did not change significantly in either pa-tient group during the acid perfusion test. The FEV 1val-ues are shown in f igure 1 . Furthermore, the acid perfu-sion test alone was not able to provoke a significant ( 1 20%) reduction of FEV 1 in any patient. T he 24-hour double-channel esophageal pH monitor-ing showed that patients with asthma have significantly higher acidic reflux parameters with the exception of postprandial values at 20 cm above the LES than those without BHR. On the other hand pH parameters ob-tained at 5 cm above the LE S were not different ( t a-ble 2 ). E valuation of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Patients with and without EBR I n 22/43 (51%) patients with asthma, esophageal acid perfusion enhanced methacholine sensitivity. These pa-tients were considered to have EBR. This subgroup of pa-tients reached the limit of a 20% FEV 1 decrease at 2 (range 1–4) steps lower cumulative methacholine dose than dur-ing the baseline challenge. The mean methacholine con-centrations were 3.6 8 0.6 and 1.4 8 0.3 mg/ml, respec-Table 1. Demographic data, clinical symptom spectrum and en-doscopic results of patients with asthma (BHR+) and patients

with chronic cough (BHR–)

Demographic data

n 4320

Male/female 12/315/15n.s.

Age, years 46824983n.s.

BMI 28.680.830.681.3n.s.

Clinical symptoms

Heartburn 30 (70%)12 (60%)n.s.

Acid regurgitation 26 (60%)13 (65%)n.s.

No reflux symptom 12 (28%) 6 (30%)n.s.

Cough 37 (86%)20 (100%)n.s.

Wheeze 37 (86%)14 (70%)n.s.

Bernstein test positivity 18 (42%)9 (45%)n.s.


Hiatal hernia 23 (55%)10 (50%)n.s.

NERD/ERD 29/1410/10n.s.

LA-A 74

LA-B 56

LA-C 20

LA-D 00

Mean esophagitis score 1.6480.20 1.6080.16n.s.

NERD = Patients without esophageal erosions; ERD = patients

with esophageal erosions; LA-A, -B, -C, -D = Los Angeles grade

A, B, C, D esophagitis, n.s. = not significant.

Unless otherwise indicated the data are presented the num-

bers of patients with percentages in parentheses or mean 8


Asthma and GE RD Digestion 2008;77:218–224221

tively. Considering that esophageal acid perfusion is able

to induce chest discomfort and it may consequently im-

pair respiratory function, forced vital capacity (FVC) and

FEV 1 /FVC values were also recorded ( t able 3 ).

I n the remaining 21 patients esophageal HCl perfu-

sion did not change the methacholine concentration (3.7

8 0.7 vs. 3.8 8 0.7 mg/ml) necessary for a 20% FEV 1de-

crease. EBR-positive and -negative subgroups showed no

difference in demographic parameters, symptom spec-

trum and endoscopic results ( t able 4 ). Manometric pa-

rameters were also similar (data not shown).

I n patients with EBR (n = 22) the baseline Bernstein

test reproduced the typical symptoms significantly more

often than in subjects without E BR (n = 21, p !0.03),

however the esophageal acid perfusion test was not able

to provoke a significant FEV 1 decrease in itself (data not


T he 24-hour double-channel pH monitoring revealed

significantly higher esophageal acid exposure times at

5 cm above the LES in patients with EBR in the supine

period (p ! 0.04) and during the course of the whole study

(p ! 0.05). On the contrary, no differences were seen be-

tween values at the proximal point (20 cm above the LES;

t able 5 ).

C oncerning the two major pathways involved in the

development of gastroesophageal acid reflux-induced

BHR, the prevalence of abnormal proximal reflux was 12

of 43 patients, and EBR was present in 22 of 43 cases. Sev-

enteen patients had neither an abnormal proximal reflux

nor a positive EBR test ( f ig. 2 ).

F ig. 1. Changes of FEV 1 during the esophageal acid perfusion test.

a In patients with bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR+, n = 43, I ) and in patients with chronic cough (BHR–, n = 20, y ).

b In

patients with esophago-bronchial reflex positivity (EBR+, n = 22,

I ) and negativity (EBR–, n = 21, y ). Baseline = After perfusion tube insertion; NaCl = after 0.9% NaCl perfusion; HCl = after 0.1 N HCl perfusion. Data expressed as mean 8SE M. Table 2. Results of double-channel esophageal pH monitoring in patients with asthma (BHR+; n = 43), and in patients with chron-ic cough (BHR–; n = 20) at 5 and 20 cm above the LES (mean 8 SEM)20 cm above the LOS pH <4 episodes in 24 h, n 18865820.04Upright 15845820.03Supine 1184482n.s.>5 min, 24 h 0.480. time pH <4, 24 h, %0.980., % 1.480., %0.380., % 1.980.80.680.3n.s.5 cm above the LOS pH <4 episodes in 24 h, n 768973815n.s.Upright 67884988n.s.Supine 108224812n.s.Postprandial 44863586n.s.>5 min, 24 h 1.180.3 1.780.7n.s.Fraction time pH < 4, 24 h, % 3.480.5 4.281.3n.s.Upright, % 5.080.8 5.081.6n.s.Supine, % 1.180.3 3.181.1n.s.Postprandial, %7.981.18.682.8n.s.DeMeester score 14.582.018.384.9n.s.n.s. = Not significant.

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Wittmann Digestion 2008;77:218–224


F ig. 2. The prevalence of esophago-bronchial reflex (E BR) and

pathological proximal reflux (ppGER) in patients with asthma.

Table 4. Demographic data, clinical symptom spectrum and en-

doscopic results of patients with esophago-bronchial reflex posi-

tivity (E BR+) and patients without esophago-bronchial reflex


Demographic data

n 2221

Male/female 4/188/13n.s.

Age, years 49834283n.s.

BMI 29.581.027.681.3n.s.

Clinical symptoms

Heartburn 13 (59%)17 (81%)n.s.

Acid regurgitation 12 (55%)14 (67%)n.s.

No reflux symptoms 8 (36%) 4 (19%)n.s.

Cough 20 (91%)17 (81%)n.s.

Wheeze 19 (86%)18 (86%)n.s.

Bernstein test positivity 13 (59%) 5 (24%)0.03


Hiatal hernia 12 (55%)12 (57%)n.s.

NERD/ERD 14/815/6n.s.

LA-A 52

LA-B 14

LA-C 20

LA-D 00

Mean esophagitis score 1.6380.32 1.6780.21n.s.

NERD = Patients without esophageal erosions; ERD = patients

with esophageal erosions; LA-A, -B, -C, -D = Los Angeles grade

A, B, C, D esophagitis; n.s. = not significant.

Unless otherwise indicated the data are presented as the num-

bers of patients with percentages in parentheses or mean 8 SEM.

Table 3. Parameters of respiratory function during methacholine test combined with esophageal perfusion of NaCl and HCl in pa-tients with esophago-bronchial reflex (mean 8 SEM)Table 5. Results of double-channel esophageal pH monitoring in patients with esophago-bronchial reflex positivity (EBR+; n = 22) and in patients without esophago-bronchial reflex (EBR–; n = 21) at 5 and 20 cm above the lower esophageal sphincter (LES; mean 8 SEM)20 cm above the LES pH <4 episodes in 24 h, n 188418811n.s.Upright 14841689n.s.Supine 481382n.s.Postprandial 10831187n.s.>5 min, 24 h 0.380.10.480.3n.s.Fraction time pH <4, 24 h, %0.780.2 1.180.7n.s.Upright, % 1.080.3 1.881.3n.s.Supine, %0.380.10.380.3n.s.Postprandial, % 1.780.5 2.281.5n.s.5 cm above the LES pH <4 episodes in 24 h, n 9481658870.05Upright 808155387n.s.Supine 14845810.04Postprandial 528103686n.s.>5 min, 24 h 1.480.50.880.3n.s.Fraction time pH <4, 24 h, % 4.380.8 2.480.40.04Upright, % 6.381.4 3.780.7n.s.Supine, % 1.680.50.580.10.04Postprandial, %9.782.3 6.081.5n.s.DeMeester score 18.183.310.781.50.05n.s. = Not significant.


A lthough several studies have been carried out to eval-uate the relationship between asthma and GERD [3–12, 20, 21] , our study is the first to evaluate the prevalence of the two major pathogenetic pathways involved in a paral-lel fashion. Experimental studies in cats showed that mi-croaspiration of acid – caused by proximal gastroesopha-geal reflux –impaired the respiratory function ten times more potently than esophageal acid perfusion. Although similar studies were not carried out in conscious humans, the presence of microaspiration may be considered a more severe pathological condition [20, 22] .

I n our study, an abnormal proximal acid reflux was established in 28% of the patients with BHR, while 51% had positive results on the EBR test. Our results provide evidence for the coexistence of the two pathophysiologi-cal pathways, as a significant overlap (8 patients, 19%) was observed between the groups with pathological prox-imal reflux and EBR positivity. Although 9 of the 17 pa-tients who had neither pathological proximal acid reflux nor a positive EBR test had at least 1 proximal acid reflux episode, GERD seems unlikely to play a role in the devel-opment of their asthma. This hypothesis should be fur-ther tested by the evaluation of non-acidic or weak acidic reflux in this subset of the patients [21] .

O ur patients with asthma (BHR+) had significantly more acid exposure in the proximal esophagus compared to the control group with chronic cough (BHR–), how-ever their clinical symptom spectrum was similar. This may suggest that patients with asthma have a different, more acidic reflux composition than those with chronic cough and other proximal respiratory disorders. In these latter patient groups recent studies provided data for the important pathogenetic role of weak and non-acidic re-flux [23–25] .

W e were not able to make a distinction between pa-tient groups by stationary esophageal manometry in any of the studied parameters of LE S and esophageal body motility. This confirms the previous observation of Zer-bib et al. [26] who found similar resting LES pressures in patients with and without BHR. They evaluated the num-ber of transient LES relaxations as well, and found no dif-ference at rest, but an increase after methacholine chal-lenge. Since they observed an increased number of reflux episodes in this period, they proposed that bronchial ob-struction may trigger or aggravate gastroesophageal re-flux through this mechanism.

I n our patients with asthma, the baseline esophageal acid perfusion test has failed to change the respiratory function significantly, similar to the results of Wu et al.

[8] and Hervé et al. [9] . Furthermore, our results support their other observation as esophageal acid perfusion is able to enhance the effect of methacholine stimulation in such patients.

W e have been able to demonstrate that esophageal acid perfusion enhanced the effect of methacholine challenge in 50% of the patients with BHR, while none of the pa-tients with normal baseline methacholine test had sig-nificant FEV 1reduction when esophageal acid perfusion was added. This suggests that the studied reflex is not present in patients without BHR. On the other hand, the esophagus of patients with EBR positivity appeared to be more sensitive to acid as their typical reflux symptom had more likely been reproduced by the standard Bernstein test. The 24-hour pH monitoring results of these patients showed significantly higher values for acidic reflux in the distal esophagus, especially in the sleeping period, com-pared to those without EBR positivity. The data that Zer-bib et al. [26] provided as bronchial obstruction can in-crease the number of transient LES relaxations may lead us to consider that patients with asthma and EBR may be at a higher risk as their reflux episodes may trigger/ag-gravate the bronchial obstruction, which would further trigger/aggravate reflux by promoting transient LES re-laxations. Controlled therapeutic trials are needed to confirm the hypothesis as more potent anti-reflux thera-py – not only the elimination of pathological proximal reflux and microaspiration, but distal acidic gastroesoph-ageal reflux episodes as well – might be important for the better control of asthma in this subset of patients.

A further important observation was that all other parameters studied, such as the prevalence of hiatal her-nia, erosive esophagitis, or the symptom spectrum, were similar in patients groups with and without BHR. At en-doscopy, a macroscopically intact esophageal mucosa was observed at a similar rate to other studies conducted in patients with extra-esophageal reflux disease [2].Con-cerning the symptom spectrum of the patients studied approximately one third of the enrolled patients had no typical reflux symptoms at all. It is known that patients with respiratory disorders may have silent GE RD [6], which means that they lack typical reflux symptoms in spite of the presence of abnormal acid reflux. Conse-quently these patients are invisible for the epidemiologi-cal studies based on typical reflux symptoms, and only detailed clinical evaluation may reveal their reflux. We observed that the enrollment of patients without typical reflux symptoms for esophageal function analysis is more difficult. While we were able to enroll all patients

Asthma and GE RD Digestion 2008;77:218–224223

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Digestion 2008;77:218–224224with typical reflux symptoms, approximately two thirds

(22/34) of the patients with BHR and without reflux

symptoms refused participation. Reviewing the litera-

ture, the available studies have not evaluated this prob-

lem. The small number of subjects studied without typi-

cal reflux symptoms did not allow us to compare their

esophageal function parameters to those of patients with

reflux symptoms. Further prospective analysis of the

esophageal function in patients with BHR with and

without reflux symptoms may be useful to clarify this

question.Conclusions P atients with BHR had significantly more proximal acid reflux than those with chronic cough. The combina-tion of methacholine test with esophageal acid perfusion is able to establish EBR, however prospective therapeutic trials are needed to confirm its clinical value. The in-creased amount of acid reflux during the supine period in patients with EBR positivity may indicate that the ef-fectiveness of nighttime acid suppressive therapy can be important for the attenuation of the reflex. Since the re-

sults of anti-reflux treatments are controversial in pa-

tients with asthma, it might be useful to test such a subset

of patients in further trials.


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病例一 患者陈亚勤,女,42岁,因右侧肢体活动不利二年余收住入院,患者于2008-11-18晚8点左右于跳绳时突感左侧肢体活动不利,无意识模糊,无呕吐,恶心,后被家人送至常州市第一人民医院,CT查示脑出血,予挂水等保守治疗,后病情平稳,回家自行康复。其间,曾于常州当地康复医院康复一月,目前患者留有右侧肢体活动不利,为进一步康复入住我科。病程中患者一般情况尚可,否认“冠心病”、“糖尿病”史,有高血压病史2年余,平时服苯磺酸左旋氨氯地平空血压,血压控制尚可,在130/85mmHg,有继发性癫痫病史一年余,服药控制,否认药敏史。体格检查:T36.5℃,P72次/分,R18次/分,BP125/80mmHg,发育正常,营养中等,神志清晰,精神状况可,皮肤黏膜无黄染,浅表淋巴结未及肿大,头颅无畸形,眼耳口鼻无特殊,颈转无敌抗,未及肿大甲状腺,胸廓对称无畸形,心肺无特殊,腰转无抵抗,肝脾肋下未及,双肾区无叩击痛,脊柱四肢无畸形,肛门及外生殖器未检。 专科检查,神清,听理解可,语利,对答切题,轮椅推入病房。可在一人辅助下步行,浅感觉(左侧)正常,左侧深感觉减退,左侧腱反射亢进,左巴氏征(+),左踝阵挛(+),肌力(MMT):左上肢:肩前屈、外展2级,肩后伸0级,肘屈2级,肘伸1级,腕伸2级,腕屈曲1级;左下肢:髋屈伸3级,膝屈3级,伸4级,踝背伸0级,跖屈2级。肌张力(mA):左屈肘肌1+级,左伸肘肌1级,左腕伸肌1级,左指屈肌1+级,左小腿三头肌1级,关节被动活动度:左踝背伸至0°时受限,坐位平衡3级,立位平衡2级。左侧Brunnstrom分级:Ⅲ-Ⅱ-Ⅳ。ADL(MBI):60分(吃饭10分,穿衣5分,大小便各10分,上厕所5分,床椅转移15分,平平地走5分。辅检:头颅MRI:右侧基底节区出血。 初步诊断:1、脑出血后遗症,左侧偏瘫;2、继发性癫痫;3、高血压病。诊断依据:1、因右侧肢体活动不利二年余入院;2、病史明确;3、辅检支持;4、左巴氏征(+)。鉴别诊断:与脑梗塞相鉴别。 病例二 患者徐建明,男,54岁,因“言语不清,伴右侧肢体活动不利九个月余”入院。患者于2010年8月27日晚7时许疲劳诱因下突发右侧肢体麻木活动不利,当即有呕心呕吐,二便失禁,于当地医院急查头颅CT示“脑出血”,出血量约38ml,测血压180/130mmhg,于急诊行“去颅瓣减压术”。术后患者昏迷,呼之不应,于当地医院重症监护病房行气管切开治


心理测评量表(SCL-90)编号________ 姓名________ 性别____ 年龄____ 测验日期_________ 指导语:以下列出了有些人可能会有的问题,请仔细地阅读每一条,然后根据最近一星期以内下述情况 影响您的实际感觉,在每个问题后标明该题的程度得分。其中,“没有”选1,

分析统计指标 A.总分 1.总分是90个项目所得分之和。 2.总症状指数,也称总均分,是将总分除以90(=总分÷90)。 3.阳性项目数是指评为1-4分的项目数,阳性症状痛苦水平是指总分除以阳性项目数(=总分÷阳性项目数)。 4.阳性症状均分是指总分减去阴性项目(评为0的项目)总分,再除以阳性项目数。 B.因子分 SCL-90包括9个因子,每一个因子反映出病人的某方面症状痛苦情况,通过因子分可了解症状分布特点。 因子分=组成某一因子的各项目总分/组成某一因子的项目数 9个因子含义及所包含项目为: 1.躯体化:包括1,4,12,27,40,42,48,49,52,53,56,58共12项。该因子主要反映身体不适感,包括心血管、胃肠道、呼吸和其他系统的主诉不适,和头痛、背痛、肌肉酸痛,以及焦虑的其他躯体表现。 2.强迫症状:包括了3,9,10,28,38,45,46,51,55,65共10项。主要指那些明知没有必要,但又无法摆脱的无意义的思想、冲动和行为,还有一些比较一般的认知障碍的行为征象也在这一因子中反映。 3.人际关系敏感:包括6,21,34,36,37,41,61,69,73共9项。主要指某些个人不自在与自卑感,特别是与其他人相比较时更加突出。在人际交往中的自卑感,心神不安,明显不自在,以及人际交流中的自我意识,消极的期待亦是这方面症状的典型原因。 4.抑郁:包括5,14,15,20,22,26,29,30,31,32,54,71,79共13项。苦闷的情感与心境为代表性症状,还以生活兴趣的减退,动力缺乏,活力丧失等为特征。还反映失望,悲观以及与抑郁相联系的认知和躯体方面的感受,另外,还包括有关死亡的思想和自杀观念。


ACG:Barrett 食管最新诊疗指南 概述 胃食管反流病(GERD)在世界范围内发病率逐年上升,其中 10%~15% 发生 Barret 食管(BE)。后者因与食管腺癌(EAC)密切相关,其诊治受到广泛关注。2015 年 11 月,美国胃肠病学会(ACG)在 Am J Gastrolenterol 杂志上在线发布了更新的 BE 临床诊治指南,对该病诊治提供了更多的循证依据,尤其是对需要筛查的高危患者范围规定以及内镜治疗的新内容更是亮点。 该指南共有 45 条推荐意见,分为诊断、筛查、监测、治疗(药物、内镜、手术)、内镜治疗后续处理、内镜培训等几个方面。采用 GRADE 系统,证据等级分为:高、中等、低、极低四级,推荐等级分为:强烈、有条件二级(详见表 1)。 部分内容解读及循证依据 1. BE 诊断的建立 突起长度 < 1 cm 不诊断 BE 的原因为不同观察者之间可能存在差异及发生 EAC 的风险极低。在美国诊断 BE 要求存在肠上皮化生(IM),而英国不要求。研究发现 BE 发生 EAC 风险与 IM 有关,因此本指南仍以 IM 做为诊断 BE 的条件。而 IM 的检出率与取材量正相关。未证实 IM 者需在 1~2 年内复查,因有研究发现约 30% 会在复查时检出 IM。

2. BE 的流行病学及自然史 发生 BE 的危险因素包括:慢性(5 年以上)GERD 史、年龄 >50 岁、男性、吸烟、中心型肥胖、白种人。饮酒并不是危险因素,甚至可能是保护因素。BE 患者的一级亲属更易罹患。 BE 患者发生异型增生及 EAC 的危险因素包括:年龄、BE 的突起长度、中心型肥胖、吸烟、非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)/ 质子泵抑制剂(PPI)/ 他汀类药物使用不足。BE 不同阶段与癌变的关系:无异型增生者癌变率约 0.2%~0.5% / 年,轻度异型增生(LGD)0.7%/ 年,重度异型增生(HGD)7%/ 年,>90% 的 BE 患者并非死于 EAC。3. BE 的治疗 近年来成瘤性 BE 的内镜治疗方面进展迅速,与上一版相比,本版指南的最大变化在于治疗。 化学预防:目前大部分 BE 患者存在症状性 GERD,使用 PPI 可以控制症状,即使无 GERD 的 BE 患者,也有研究显示持续 PPI 治疗可降低癌变风险。加之 PPI 目前价廉、安全,因此推荐使用。尽管有研究表明 NSAIDs 有预防食管癌的作用,但鉴于其副作用可能致命,且内镜治疗能有效预防 LGD 癌变,因此本指南不推荐使用NSAIDs。 内镜治疗:近 10 年来,内镜治疗技术的进展大大拓展了 BE 的治疗人群,这也要求内镜医师更好地掌握循证研究成果进行内镜治疗决


上肢病例分析 病例 1 一位 52 岁的女性,在一条碎石小径骑车,她突然失去平衡,摔倒时上臂伸直撑地。主 诉:听到明显的喀嚓声,并感到肩部突然疼痛。她的丈夫,一位内科医师,观察到她的锁骨 在中外 1/3 处畸形,意识到她摔断了锁骨。他还注意到她肩部的外侧向内下陷落,骨折的 锁骨内侧部分升高。他用他的T 恤衫吊起她的上臂。 临床解剖学问题 1.锁骨通常在何处易骨折? 2.成人的锁骨骨折比儿童更常见吗? 3.为什么她的肩部向内下陷落? 4.为什么她的锁骨骨折不伴有肩锁关节脱位? 5.为什么骨折的是锁骨而不是腕骨? 病例 2 一位 35岁的棒球投手告诉他的接球手和教练,他感到肩部疼痛逐渐加重。他继续投球, 但因为疼痛和无力,特别是在臂部外展和向外侧旋转时加剧,他不得不停下来。队医检查时 发现,他的冈上肌在肱骨大结节附近有压痛。MRI 检查发现这位投手的肌腱袖撕裂。 临床解剖学问题 1.什么是肌腱袖? 2.肌腱袖扭伤的常见原因有哪些? 3.常撕裂肌腱袖的哪一部分? 4.这些损伤只出现在棒球投手吗? 5.此时哪种肩部运动减弱并引起疼痛? 病例 3 一位 44 岁的女性为对她的乳腺癌进行分期和治疗,接受了右侧腋窝外科手术以清扫淋 巴结。回家几周后,她的丈夫说在她牵张训练中,当她推墙时,右侧肩胛骨异常突出。她在 梳头时,右胳膊难以举过头顶。在外科医生复诊时,医师说在诊断性手术操作中,一根神经 意外受到损伤,从而导致了她的肩胛骨异常和她的胳膊不能自然上举。 临床解剖学问题 1.可能损伤的是哪根神经? 2.此损伤为何引起她的肩胛骨“翼状突起”和手臂难以上举?

3.如果此种肩胛骨异常发生在交通事故者,什么样的骨折可能导致该神经受损? 4.在清扫腋窝淋巴结时,还有哪些神经易于受损? 5.可能出现哪些手臂运动异常? 6.是否会在一定区域有皮肤感觉缺失? 病例 4 一次在人工草地上的橄榄球运动中,一位 38 岁的运球手,被一个后卫球员撞倒在地。 他的右肩重重摔倒在地,他说他的右肩中度疼痛,在试着手臂上举时疼痛加剧。一位整形外 科医师在对他的右肩检查时,注意到锁骨肩峰端轻度向上移位。向下压锁骨有压痛,并且锁 骨与肩峰结合处轻微可动。手臂外展超过 90°时,引起剧烈疼痛,肩峰和锁骨在肩锁关节 处异常运动。 临床解剖学问题 1.肩锁关节的哪个部位撞到了坚硬的人工草皮? 2.根据你的肩锁关节的解剖学知识,他的肩部摔伤导致了什么损伤? 3.体育记者将这种损伤称作什么? 4.你认为哪个(些)韧带会断裂或撕裂? 5.关节囊会受到损伤吗? 6.如果那位运动员漏接了球,手张开撑地摔倒,你认为哪块骨会骨折? 病例 5 一位 32 岁的女性在学习网球,她每天都训练,大约坚持了 2 周时间。她向教练报告说 她的肘部外侧疼痛,并沿着前臂放散。教练已熟悉初学者的这种抱怨,他让她拿着网球拍, 在腕关节处手背伸。直到教练阻止她的手背伸时,她才感到疼痛。当教练让她指出最疼痛的 区域时,她指向肱骨外上髁。当教练压迫肱骨外上髁时,因剧烈的疼痛她抽回肘部。教练压 迫伸肌腱时,她也感到剧烈疼痛。 临床解剖学问题 1.你认为她为何种肘部损伤? 2.这种损伤的机制是什么? 3.这种损伤只发生在网球运动员吗? 4.在这种损伤中,局部压痛的具体位点在哪儿? 5.为什么这位女士有沿着前臂后外侧的放散痛? 病例 6


注意力情况测评表 姓名:__________年级: __________年龄: __________日期: __________家长签字:_________联系方式:____________ 注意力是学习之母,注意力水平的高低,直接影响着学生智力发展和对知识的吸收,直接决定着学生学习成绩的好坏。如果学生在40分钟内注意力不能高度集中,将老师讲的内容听进去、弄懂、记住,老师教得再好,学生的学习成绩都无法保证。提高学生注意力水平是提高学生学习成绩的最关键因素。若注意力问题不能及时解决,不仅学生会出现上课走神、听课质量差、粗心大意、写作业慢、多动不安、考试易出错等问题!还会使学生知识欠账越来越多,学习成绩越来越差!而注意力差不仅不会随着年龄的增长而改变,还会形成粗心、马虎、自控力差、做事不认真、半途而废等不良行为。注意力差仅靠老师和家长说教,甚至家长打、骂、逼、压等惩罚手段都根本起不到任何效果。唯一的办法就是家长对注意力问题必须高度重视,并采取有效措施及时纠正。 注意事项:1、本测评表由家长和孩子共同完成,以孩子为主,家长配合; 2、每个问题只能选择一个答案,选择答案时要实事求是; 3、填好后,请将本表格交回老师,老师会根据测评情况给孩子出据测评报告书,方便家长更好的了解和帮助孩子的成长。


评价标准: 35—45分:您的孩子的注意力非常棒!孩子能在自己想做的事情上保持相当长的时间和高效的注意力,他具备一个成为成功人士的潜质。您的孩子是老师眼中学习认真的好学生,是家中父母懂事的好孩子,是同学学习的好榜样。当然,有效的注意和正确地运用好注意的方法,同样会在孩子以后的学习和生活中起到积极的作用。 25—34分:您的孩子的注意力基本上能够维持日常的学习和生活的需要。但是,还有许多事情因为孩子的注意力不够集中而不够完美。如果孩子能再专心一点,也许学习成绩就会提高一大步。如果不是因为上课时容易走神,老师的提问就不会答非所问……想结束上面的遗憾吗?只要父母和孩子能够按照科学的注意力方法加强训练,注意力就会越来越好。 15—24分:警钟已经敲响了,您孩子的注意力急待提高!您的孩子是不是经常觉得在看电视或者玩游戏的时候注意力很集中,而一到上课或者做作业的时候就不能有效地集中注意力?孩子可能很容易被周围环境所干扰,即使没有干扰的时候也很容易开小差。为此,孩子也很苦恼,但就是管不住自己。其实,有这种情况也不要紧,每个人的注意力都是可以通过训练得到提高的。只要父母和孩子按照科学的方法坚持训练,这种情况是会得到改善的。不然,孩子这一辈子就可能被荒废了,学习时不能专心学习,将来工作时也会三心二意,一事无成! 孩子注意力差可能引发的问题 根据卫生部及教育部考试中心调查显示,目前,注意力差已被列为学生十大问题之首,并且更会引发令家长不可想象的严重问题: 厌恶学习:注意力不集中者一定存在着学习困难,进而影响到学习兴趣和自信心,感受到学习的乏味与无奈,因此将会排斥、拒绝或厌恶学习,学习成绩将越来越差。最终将经常遭受家长的责骂、老师的抱怨、同学的排斥,久而久之将面临着叛逆期的考验,是家庭和社会潜在的危机。 考试失败:每年各种升学考试的学生,由于粗心大意,而导致最后丢掉本不该丢掉的分数平均达到每科13分。可以说,在中国,升学考试分数相差一分,就可以决定一个孩子今后的命运,相差一分就可能与


人才测评量表 您好! 下面几个有趣的小测试和小故事能够帮助您了解自身的一些信息,请您根据自己的实际情况作相应的回答。答案无所谓对错。请把您的回答写在各题要求的位置上。 一、A量表 如果总是出现某种情况,请打“4”分;常常出现某种情况,请打“3分”;很少有这样的情况,打“2分”,从未出现过这样的情况,请打“1分”。分数打在每一道题的前面。 1. 处于变动的时代,是否保持耐心和不屈不挠? 2. 在变动的过程中,是否检讨自己和自己的眼光? 3. 对自己的眼光有信心吗? 4. 是否只对得要领的事做决定? 5. 是否避免在时机不成熟时做决定? 6. 只制定能有效执行的决策吗? 7. 避免对别人应做的事情做决定吗? 8. 会控制住自己对侵略性行为所采取的反应吗? 9. 是否养成把眼光放到未来的习惯? 10. 一旦您对未来有了一套看法时,是否会冷静自持,而非总是对后果牵肠挂肚?

二、B量表 请根据自己的情况,在每一道题的前面,写上是或否。 1. 是否能在原来的工作岗位上迅速适应同您的习惯格格不入的全新的工作规律、工作作风? 2. 能很快适应新集体、新环境吗? 3. 勇于公开表明自己的意见吗?特别是明知自己的意见不符合领导意图的时候? 4. 假如有人推荐您到另一个单位担任各方面条件都较好的职务时,您能毫不含糊地立即表示同意吗? 5. 对于已经发生的错误,是否竭力否认,或者时千方百计寻找借口开脱? 6. 能够向人说明自己不同意某事的真是原因和理由,从不采用各种言语或手段掩盖自己的真实思想吗? 7. 在处理某一有争论的问题时,如已经过认真调查和严肃讨论,弄清了事实真相,能够迅速改变自己原先的观点吗? 8. 在阅读处理文件或审定文稿时,发现文件或文稿思想正确,但文学风格您不喜欢,是否要求作者采纳您的意见并按您的意图改正? 9. 如果在商店或陈列橱窗里看见一种非常喜欢,但是并非十分必要的东西,您会立即买下吗? 10. 您会在最心爱的人的劝告影响下改变自己的决定吗? 11. 您能提前把自己的工作和休假计划定好而不随意更改吗? 12. 是否实现自己许过的诺言? 四、练习题


肩及上肢病例 病例十五:李某,女,54。右肩部疼痛,活动受限1年,加重2月余。一年前患者因受风着凉后出现右肩部疼痛,活动受限,不能上举、不能内收、不能后背。右手握力Ⅳ级、左手握力正常,加重2个月。患者肩部疼痛夜晚加重,肩胛骨部位有“透风”的感觉,恶寒、喜温、喜按,遂来就诊。 局部检查:右肩部活动明显受限,肩周局部压痛,阿普莱“瘙痒”试验(+),梳头试验(+),摸背试验(+),内旋30°,上举120°,水平位后伸15°,臂丛牵拉(-)。右手握力Ⅳ级,左手正常。 X线示:右肩关节未见明显异常,颈椎椎体排列整齐,生理曲度存在。 病例十六:患者何x,男,63岁。主诉右肩关节疼痛、活动障碍半年余。最初肩部轻痛,逐渐加重至疼痛难忍,常半夜痛醒。后疼痛逐渐减轻,但肩关节活动范围缩小,活动障碍逐渐加重,肩关节外展、外旋、后伸功能受到限制。 检查:肩前、后、外侧均有压痛,以大结节、喙突、大小圆肌处明显。外展功能受限,被动继续外展时,肩部随之高耸。肩臂部肌肉萎缩,以三角肌为明显,患者肩关节活动度为外展40°,内收20°,前曲90°,后伸20°。 病例十七:张X,男,46岁,瓦工。一个月前搬拿重物时,突然觉右肘疼痛,休息后症状缓解。近日右肘外侧出现疼痛,不能作握拳、旋转前臂动作,握物无力,活动前臂后疼痛加重,遂来就诊。

检查:右肘肱骨外上髁及桡骨小头高点压痛明显,局部有肿胀感,伸肘屈腕试验阳性。X线未见异常。 病例十八:李X,男,25岁,羽毛球运动员。因右腕关节疼痛一月,加重一周前来就诊。患者诉右腕关节背侧尺桡骨间疼痛,腕部软弱无力,前臂及腕部做旋转活动时,疼痛加重。 检查:腕部无肿胀,腕关节背侧尺桡骨间隙部压痛明显,腕关节背伸尺侧倾斜受压时,疼痛加重,尺骨小头明显地在腕背部隆起,推之活动范围较左侧增加,按之平、松手又再见隆起,右手握力检查稍减退。


------------- 2010年8月15日,1:30首次病程记录 患者牛高,男,22岁,以“头、胸、髋部、右上肢、左下肢外伤后意识障碍1天”为代主诉于2010年8月15日,0:30由唐河县人民医院转入。家属代诉:患者于1天前在交通意外中伤及头、胸、髋部、右上肢、左下肢等处,具体受伤机制不详,受伤后情况不详,被他人送至唐河县人民医院;诊治不详,患者呕吐出胃内容物约100ml,非喷射性,无四肢抽搐、二便失禁等症状,来我院,行头胸部CT(2010年8月14日,p0141930)检查示:左侧半球内可见多处团块状高密度灶,右侧颞叶内亦可见混杂密度灶,右侧颞骨颅板下可见梭形高密度灶,纵裂池内可见高密度铸型,颅底池变窄,脑干受压,中线右移位,右侧颞骨可见骨折线。左肺野可见高密度团片灶,边缘模糊,左侧胸膜增厚,并可见积液。以“颅脑损伤”收住我科。入院查体:T37.0℃,P58次/分,R18次/分,BP100/65mmHg;中度昏迷,烦躁,查体不合作,GCS评分(E1M1V3)5分。头右颞顶部见一直径约6.0cm的丘型隆起,波动感不明显;双眼睑青无紫,结膜无充血,双侧瞳孔等大正圆,直径约3.0mm,对光反应消失;右侧外耳道有淡红色血性液流出,乳突区未见异常。颈抵抗,脑膜刺激征阳性。左胸壁软组织肿胀,双肺呼吸音粗,闻及湿性啰音,以左下肺为著。髋部、右肩部、右前臂、右膝部、左足2、3、4趾背部见不规则形皮肤缺损,深达皮下,有渗出;右上肢无活动,肌张力低,余肢体有不自主活动,肌力Ⅲ级,肌张力减弱。生理反射减弱,双侧Babinski阳性。拟诊讨论:初步诊断:一、重型内开放性颅脑损伤:1、左额叶、双颞叶脑挫裂伤并颅内血肿;2、外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血;3、右颞部硬膜外血肿;4、右侧颞骨骨折,右中颅底骨折;5、右颞顶部头皮血肿;二、合并损伤:1、胸部闭合性损伤;(1)左肺挫裂伤并左侧胸腔积液;(2)左胸壁软组织软组织损伤;2、髋部、右肩部、右前臂、右膝部、左足皮肤擦伤;3、吸入性肺炎。诊断依据:1、病史:头、胸、髋部、右上肢、左下肢外伤后意识障碍1天;2、临床症状体征:BP100/65mmHg,中度昏迷,烦躁,GCS评分(E1M1V3)5分;头右颞顶部见一


常用心理测评量表 人格量表: MMPI明尼苏达多相人格调查表 16PF卡特尔16PF测题 CBCL儿童行为量表 BRS儿童行为评定量表 EPQ艾森克个性问卷(成人) EPQ艾森克个性问卷(儿童) A型行为问卷 智力量表: MMSE简易智力状态检查 I/Q TEST智商测试 BSSD痴呆简易筛查量表 CRT瑞文测验联合型 中国成人智力量表 婚姻家庭量表: OLSON婚姻质量问卷 儿童青少年量表: 婴儿—初中生社会生活能力量表 NYLS3-7岁儿童气质问卷 多动指数CIH Conners儿童行为问卷(父母用) Conners儿童行为问卷(教师用) 儿童孤独症评定量表 儿童孤独症诊断量表 考试焦虑自评量表 常用临床评定量表: SCL-9090项症状清单 SDS抑郁自评量表 SAS焦虑自评量表 STAI-S状态焦虑量表 STAI-T特质焦虑量表 CGI临床疗效总评量表 ADI日常生活能力量表 其他量表: 家庭环境量表FES 生活事件量表LES 流调用自评量表CES-D 职业个性自测 性格内外向调查表 狂躁量表BRMS 汉密顿抑郁量表HAMD

汉密顿焦虑量表HAMA HAD医院焦虑抑郁量表NORS 阿森斯失眠量表 匹兹堡睡眠质量指数 爱泼沃斯思睡量表 阴性症状量表SANS 阳性症状量表SAPS 阳性症状和阴性症状量表PANSS 简明精神病量表BPRS 慢性精神病人标准化精神评定量表 精神病人护理观察量表NORS 酒精依赖筛查表MAST 锥体外系副反应量表单RSESE 护士用住院病人观察量表NOSIE 自尊量表(SES)是由Rosenberg编制的,最初是设计用以评定青少年关于自我价值和自我接纳的总体感受。该量表由10个题目组成,设计中充分考虑了测定的方便。受试者直接报告这些描述是否符合他们自己。分四级评分,1表示非常符合,2表示符合,3表示不符合,4表示很不符合。测查后的统计处理以总分为准,总分范围是10—40分,分值越高,自尊程度越高。[7] 罗森伯格的自尊量表(SES) 下面这个测试是根据您一周内的情绪体验,根据实践活动回答: A:非常符合;B:符合;C:不符合;D:很不符合 1、我认为自己是个有价值的人,至少与别人不相上下。 (1)非常同意(2)同意(3)不同意(4)非常不同意 2、我觉得我有许多优点。 (1)非常同意(2)同意(3)不同意(4)非常不同意 3、总的来说,我倾向于认为自己是一个失败者。* (1)非常同意(2)同意(3)不同意(4)非常不同意 4、我做事可以做得和大多数人一样好。 (1)非常同意(2)同意(3)不同意(4)非常不同意 5、我觉得自己没有什么值得自豪的地方。* (1)非常同意(2)同意(3)不同意(4)非常不同意 6、我对自己持有一种肯定的态度。 (1)非常同意(2)同意(3)不同意(4)非常不同意 7、整体而言,我对自己觉得很满意。


中国胃食管反流病专家共识意见解读(最全版) 胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease,GERD)是常见的消化系统疾病,其发病率有逐渐增高的趋势。2006年和2007年我国发布了GERD的诊治指南,对指导GERD的临床诊治发挥了重要作用。近年来在GERD的临床实践和研究中,国内外学者针对本领域的热点问题,如难治性GERD、质子泵抑制剂(proton pump inhibitors,PPI)与抗血小板药物的相互作用等进行了相应的临床研究,并获取了有重要参考价值的数据。因此,有必要根据最新的研究进展对GERD的诊治指南进行更新。本次共识意见的制订由中华医学会消化病学分会组织我国本领域的有关专家组成共识意见专家委员会,并采用国际通用的Delphi程序。首先由工作小组搜索Medline、Embase、Cochrane和万方数据库等,制订共识意见的草案,随后由专家委员会进行多轮讨论并投票,直至达成共识。 投票意见的推荐等级分为6级:A+为非常同意,A为同意但有少许保留意见,A-为同意但有较多保留意见,D-为不同意但有较多保留意见,D为不同意但有少许保留意见,D+为完全不同意。相应证据等级分为4级:高质量为进一步研究也不可能改变该疗效评估结果的可信度;中等质量为进一步研究很可能影响该疗效评估结果的可信度,且可能改变该评估结果;低质量为进一步研究极有可能影响该疗效评估结果的可信度,且该评估结果很可能改变;极低质量为任何疗效评估结果均很不确定。本次共识意见共分为症状、诊断、治疗、难治性GERD、GERD的合并症和食管外症状六大部分共29项。

一、胃食管反流病的症状和诊断 1. 胃灼热和反流是胃食管反流病最常见的典型症状推荐级别:A+93.33%,A 6.67%;证据等级:高质量)。 2. 胸痛、上腹痛、上腹烧灼感、嗳气等为GERD不典型症状(推荐级别:A+46.67%,A 40%,A-1 3.33%;证据等级:中等质量)。 3. 胸痛患者需先排除心脏的因素才进行反流的评估(推荐级别:A+73.33%,A 13.33%,A-13.33%;证据等级:中等质量)。 4. GERD可伴随食管外症状包括咳嗽、咽喉症状、哮喘及牙蚀症等(推荐级别:A+29.41%,A 64.71%,A- 5.88%;证据等级:中等质量)。 5. PPI试验简便有效,可作为GERD的初步诊断方法(推荐级别:A+64.71%,A 11.76%,A-23.53%;证据等级:高质量)。 6. 食管反流监测是GERD的有效检查方法,未使用PPI可选择单纯pH监测,正在使用PPI则需加阻抗监测以检测非酸反流(推荐级别:A+58.82%,A 41.18%;证据等级:中等质量)。 7. 对有反流症状的初诊患者建议行内镜检查,胃镜检查正常者不推荐行常规食管活检(推荐级别:A+37.5%,A 56.25%,A-6.25%;证据等级:中等质量)。 8. 食管钡剂造影不推荐为GERD的诊断方法(推荐级别:A+68.75%, A 18.75%,A-12.5%;证据等级:中等质量)。 9. 食管测压可了解食管动力状态,用于术前评估,不作为GERD的诊断手段(推荐级别:A+60.0%,A 33.33%,A-6.67%;证据等级:中等质量82.35%)。


学生注意力测评量表 注意力测评量表 一、对下列自测题,符合自己情况的在括号内画“√”,反之画“×”。 1、上课听讲时,常常走神,心不在焉。() 2、星期天忙这忙那,什么都想干似地度过一天。() 3、想干的事情好多,却不能静下心来认真做其中一件,结果什么事都没有做好。()4、做语文作业时,就急着想做数学作业,恨不得一下把作业做完。() 5、担心第二天上学迟到,有时整晚睡觉不踏实。() 6、总觉得上课时间过得太慢。() 7、做作业时,常走神,想起作业以外的事情。() 8、始终忘记不了前几天被老师批评的情景。() 9、在看书学习时,很在意周围的声音,对周围的声音听得特别清楚。() 10、读书静不下心来,不能持续30分钟以上。() 11、一件事干得太久,就会很不耐烦,急切的希望快点结束。() 12、对刚看完的漫画书会重新看好几遍。() 13、在等同学时,觉得时间长的特别难熬。() 14、和朋友聊天时,有时会无缘无故地说其其他无关的事。() 15、学校集会时间稍长一点,就会不耐烦,哈欠连天,也不知道主持人说什么。()评估标准: “√”0分,“×”1分。总分为15分。得分越高,注意力越强。 0-3分注意力差 4-7分注意力稍差 8-11分注意力一般 12-13分注意力好 14-15分注意力很好

二、世界著名的“舒尔特方格”测试法。“舒尔特方格”不但可以简单测量注意力水平,而且是很好的训练方法。如图: 图由1CM × 1CM 的25 个方格组成,格子内任意排列1 —— 25 的共25 个数字。测量时,要求被测者用手指按1 —— 25 的顺序依次指出其位置,同时诵读出声,施测者一旁记录所用时间。数完25 个数字所用时间越短,注意力水平越高。 评估标准: 以7——12 岁年龄组为例,能达到26 "以上为优秀,学习成绩应是名列前茅,42 "属于中等水平,班级排名会在中游或偏下,50 "则问题较大,考试会出现不及格现象。18 岁及以上成年人最好可达到8 "的水平,25 "为中等水平 三、对下列测试题作答,符合自己情况的在括号内画“√”,反之画“×”。 1、妈妈教导我的时候,我常常会左耳进,右耳出,不知她在说什么。() 2、做作业时,语文作业也未做完,我往往急着做数学作业。() 1、我常常看漫画书,很少看只有文字的书。() 2、一有担心的事情,我会终日忧心忡忡,干什么事情都提不起精神。() 3、我老爱穿那一两套自己特别喜欢的衣服。() 4、上课时,我常常会想起其它事情,以致影响到听老师讲课。() 5、做作业时,我会觉得时间过得特别慢。() 6、我的好朋友各方面都和自己很相似。() 7、哪怕很小的事情我都担心自己做不好。() 8、被老师批评后,我始终忘记不了当时的难堪情景。() 9、我做事情喜欢拖拖拉拉。() 10、期末复习时,我喜欢一会儿复习这科,一会儿复习那科。() 11、放假时,我会用几天时间把所有作业做完,其余时间尽情地玩。() 12、在等人时,我会觉得特别心烦。()


胃食管反流病基层诊疗指南(2019年)完整版 一、概述 (一)定义 胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD)是指胃十二指肠内容物反流入食管引起反酸、烧心等症状。反流也可引起口腔、咽喉、气道等食管邻近的组织损害,出现食管外表现,如哮喘、慢性咳嗽、特发性肺纤维化、声嘶、咽喉炎和牙蚀症等。 (二)流行病学 GERD是世界范围内的常见病,西方国家GERD患病率为10%~20%[1],国内尚缺乏大规模流行病学资料,有Meta分析显示国内GERD的患病率为12.5%[2],且呈现出南低北高的特点,可能与饮食习惯等因素有关。虽然目前我国GERD患病率较西方国家低,但随着我国生活方式西化、人口的老龄化,GERD患病呈逐年上升趋势。 (三)分类 根据反流是否导致食管黏膜糜烂、溃疡,分为糜烂性食管炎(erosive esophagitis, EE)、非糜烂性反流病(nonerosive reflux disease, NERD),其中NERD最常见。EE可以合并食管狭窄、溃疡和消化道出血。目前认为GERD的两种类型相对独立,相互

之间不转化或很少转化,这两种疾病类型相互关联及进展的关系需要进一步研究证实。 二、病因和发病机制 (一)诱因或危险因素 流行病学资料显示GERD发病和年龄、性别、肥胖、生活方式等因素有关。老年人EE检出率高于青年人[3]。男性GERD患者比例明显高于女性[4]。肥胖、高脂肪饮食、吸烟、饮酒、喝浓茶、咖啡等因素与GERD的发生呈正相关,而体育锻炼和高纤维饮食可能为GERD的保护因素[5,6]。 (二)发病机制 胃食管反流的发生取决于抗反流防线与反流物攻击能力之间的平衡。反流发生时,胃酸、胃蛋白酶、胆汁等反流物可直接刺激食管黏膜造成损伤,抗反流防御机制减弱可导致胃食管反流事件增多,而食管清除能力下降使反流物接触食管黏膜的时间延长,易导致攻击和损伤。 1.抗反流屏障结构和功能异常[7,8]: (1)贲门切除术后、食管裂孔疝、腹内压增高(妊娠、肥胖、腹水等)可导致食管下括约肌(lower esophagus sphincter, LES)结构受损。


心理测评量表(SCL-90) 编号________ 姓名________ 性别____ 年龄____ 测验日期_________ 指导语:以下列出了有些人可能会有的问题,请仔细地阅读每一条,然后根据最近一星期以内下述情况 影响您的实际感觉,在每个问题后标明该题的程度得分。其中,“没有”选1,

分析统计指标 A.总分 1.总分是90个项目所得分之和。 2.总症状指数,也称总均分,是将总分除以90(=总分÷90)。 3.阳性项目数是指评为1-4分的项目数,阳性症状痛苦水平是指总分除以阳性项目数(=总分÷阳性项目数)。 4.阳性症状均分是指总分减去阴性项目(评为0的项目)总分,再除以阳性项目数。 B.因子分 SCL-90包括9个因子,每一个因子反映出病人的某方面症状痛苦情况,通过因子分可了解症状分布特点。 因子分=组成某一因子的各项目总分/组成某一因子的项目数 9个因子含义及所包含项目为: 1.躯体化:包括1,4,12,27,40,42,48,49,52,53,56,58共12项。该因子主要反映身体不适感,包括心血管、胃肠道、呼吸和其他系统的主诉不适,和头痛、背痛、肌肉酸痛,以及焦虑的其他躯体表现。 2.强迫症状:包括了3,9,10,28,38,45,46,51,55,65共10项。主要指那些明知没有必要,但又无法摆脱的无意义的思想、冲动和行为,还有一些比较一般的认知障碍的行为征象也在这一因子中反映。 3.人际关系敏感:包括6,21,34,36,37,41,61,69,73共9项。主要指某些个人不自在与自卑感,特别是与其他人相比较时更加突出。在人际交往中的自卑感,心神不安,明显不自在,以及人际交流中的自我意识,消极的期待亦是这方面症状的典型原因。 4.抑郁:包括5,14,15,20,22,26,29,30,31,32,54,71,79共13项。苦闷

外伤病程记录-病例纸 (1)

2010年8月15日,1:30首次病程记录 患者牛高,男,22岁,以“头、胸、髋部、右上肢、左下肢外伤后意识障碍1天”为代主诉于2010年8月15日,0:30由唐河县人民医院转入。家属代诉:患者于1天前在交通意外中伤及头、胸、髋部、右上肢、左下肢等处,具体受伤机制不详,受伤后情况不详,被他人送至唐河县人民医院;诊治不详,患者呕吐出胃内容物约100ml,非喷射性,无四肢抽搐、二便失禁等症状,来我院,行头胸部CT(2010年8月14日,p0141930)检查示:左侧半球内可见多处团块状高密度灶,右侧颞叶内亦可见混杂密度灶,右侧颞骨颅板下可见梭形高密度灶,纵裂池内可见高密度铸型,颅底池变窄,脑干受压,中线右移位,右侧颞骨可见骨折线。左肺野可见高密度团片灶,边缘模糊,左侧胸膜增厚,并可见积液。以“颅脑损伤”收住我科。入院查体:T37.0℃,P58次/分,R18次/分,BP100/65mmHg;中度昏迷,烦躁,查体不合作,GCS评分(E1M1V3)5分。头右颞顶部见一直径约6.0cm的丘型隆起,波动感不明显;双眼睑青无紫,结膜无充血,双侧瞳孔等大正圆,直径约3.0mm,对光反应消失;右侧外耳道有淡红色血性液流出,乳突区未见异常。颈抵抗,脑膜刺激征阳性。左胸壁软组织肿胀,双肺呼吸音粗,闻及湿性啰音,以左下肺为着。髋部、右肩部、右前臂、右膝部、左足2、3、4趾背部见不规则形皮肤缺损,深达皮下,有渗出;右上肢无活动,肌张力低,余肢体有不自主活动,肌力Ⅲ级,肌张力减弱。生理反射减弱,双侧Babinski阳性。拟诊讨论:初步诊断:一、重型内开放性颅脑损伤:1、左额叶、双颞叶脑挫裂伤并颅内血肿;2、外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血;3、右颞部硬膜外血肿;4、右侧颞骨骨折,右中颅底骨折;5、右颞顶部头皮血肿;二、合并损伤:1、胸部闭合性损伤;(1)左肺挫裂伤并左侧胸腔积液;(2)左胸壁软组织软组织损伤;2、髋部、右肩部、右前臂、右膝部、左足皮肤擦伤;3、吸入性肺炎。诊断依据:1、病史:头、胸、髋部、右上肢、左下肢外伤后意识障碍1天;2、临床症状体征:BP100/65mmHg,中度昏迷,烦躁,GCS评分(E1M1V3)5分;头右颞顶部见一直径约6.0cm的丘型隆起,波动感不明显;双侧瞳孔等大正圆,直径约3.0mm,对光反

中国儿童注意力水平测评量表 儿童

中国儿童注意力水平测评 量表儿童 The document was prepared on January 2, 2021

中国儿童注意力水平测评量表姓名年级年龄日期 (我承诺会如实填写以下内容) 1、做作业时,您喜欢开着电视或听着音乐吗() A、是的,我觉得只有这样做作业才不会枯燥。 B、不是,我做作业一向很专心,一边看电视,一边做作业会相互干扰。 C、一般不会,但有时做作业时间长的时候会看看电视。 2、听别人讲话时,您会常常想着另外一件事吗() A、是的,我会不由自主地想其它一些事情。 B、我会尽量应付讲话的人。 C、我不会一心二用,否则可能两件事情都做不好。 3、您常常在做作业的时候还能耳听八方吗() A、我在做作业时对周围的一切了如指掌。 B、我做作业时不关心周围的事情。 C、这种情况不常发生,除非我在抄习题。 4、做暑假作业时,您花几天的时间就能将所有的作业做完吗() A、是的,快速做完后,会有更多的时间用来玩。 B、基本不是,因为这样做会影响做功课的质量。

C、偶尔,如果有事想出去玩才会这样。 5、您每次看书的时间有多长() A、我一般最长能看一个小时左右。 B、是的,看一小会儿我就想玩,坐不住。 C、我每次看书时间都很长,能坚持住两个小时左右。 6、您经常在看完一页书后却不知书上讲的是什么吗() A、是的,我很难集中注意力。 B、我只能记住一点。 C、我看完书后,能记住书上所讲的内容。 7、做试卷时,您会经常漏掉题目吗() A、是的,我很粗心,做题有点心不在焉。 B、不会,我做任何事情都很认真。 C、我几乎每次都要漏掉点什么。 8、上课时,您是否经常想起昨天发生的事情() A、是的,我很容易想起昨天开心的事情。 B、上课的时候,我会跟着老师的节拍走。 C、当上课不紧张时,我会开一会儿小差。 9、妈妈叫您拿碗筷,您却常常会拿错其他的东西吗() A、当我在看喜欢的动画片时会。


《中国胃食管反流病多学科诊疗共识》(2019)要点 1 背景 目前我国胃食管反流病(GERD)的医学普及和教育仍严重缺失和失衡,医务人员对该病认识不足,检查率和根治率均较低,导致多数由胃食管反流引起的“咳嗽、哮喘、咽喉炎”等被长期漏诊或误诊,整体诊疗水平较国际尚有较大差距。 2 方法学 3 多学科概念 胃食管气道反流性疾病(GARD),即消化道反流物对食管和气道等反流通道的刺激和损伤所造成的不适症状、并发症和/或终末器官效应的一种疾病,可表现为典型GERD、反流性胸痛、反流性口腔疾病、反流性咽喉炎、反流性咳嗽(GERC)、反流性哮喘、反流性喉痉挛和反流性误吸等,症状可为偶发,也可频繁或持续,并且可引起反流相关的炎症、黏膜损伤、癌前病变乃至肿瘤。 得益于上述概念的推广和应用,2013年GERD诊治指南将GERD 定义为胃内容物反流至食管、口腔(包括咽喉)和/或肺导致的一系列症状、终末器官效应和/或并发症的一种疾病。此定义进一步明确了食管外反流是GERD的重要组成部分,人们很快就同意并接受了这一新定义,现已证实GERD的食管外症状和并发症非常丰富且具有普遍性,临床表现极具异质性和复杂性。上述概念并行不悖地应用于不同的学科,纠正了临床上大量漏诊和误治,发挥了

非常积极的作用,这些概念虽有所区别,但总体趋势是其内涵趋向统一,其外延涉及的症状和体征不断扩展。 4 发病机制 4.1多种因素和多个部位均参与了GERD的发生,而GEJ是GERD发生的初始部位,也是导致反流的最主要的解剖部位(图2)。[专家意见:A+(91.7%), A( 5.6%),A-(2.7%)] 4.2胃食管低动力状态是GERD的主要动力学特征,也是胃食管反流常见的诱发或加重因素。[专家意见:A+(69.4%),A(27.8%),不确定(2.8%)] 4.3GERD总是伴有不同程度的内脏感受阈值降低(高敏感)和组织反应性增强。[专家意见:A+(7 5.0%),A(13.9%),A-(5.6%),不确定(5.5%)] 4.4 食管外器官(如咽喉、气道)对反流物的抵抗能力和清除能力均弱于食管,对反流物的反应阈值通常低于食管。[专家意见:A+(7 5.0%), A (22.2%),不确定(2.8%)] 4.5中医对GERD的病机有独特的认识,中医认为肝胆失于疏泄,脾失健运,肺失宣肃,导致胃失和降,胃气上逆,上犯食管,为GERD的基本病机。[专家意见:A(8.3%),不确定(91.7%)] 4.6GERD的临床表现多样,识别不同个体GERD 的发病机制是个体化管理和治疗的前提。[专家意见:A+(100%)] 5 临床表现


三、病案分析: 男、24岁,5天前感冒,2天前出现双下肢无力,并逐渐加重,第2天即完全不有活动入院。查体:双下肢远近端肌力0级,肌张力低,腱反射减弱,病理反射未引出,剑突以下痛,温触觉和深感觉消失,腹壁反射和提睾反射消失,小便潴留,脊柱无压痛。 请提出定位诊断,病因诊断,以及进一步检查措施,并提出治疗方案。 三、①定位诊断:胸6平面髓内横贯性损害 ②病因诊断:脊髓炎 ③腰穿,脊椎照片 ④治疗:激素,预防感染,所作用抗菌素,设置导尿管,防止褥疮及肺部感染,恢复期加强肢体锻炼,促进肌力恢复。 三、病例分析: 农民病员,男,40岁。右上肢疼痛4个月,右下肢无力1个月,逐渐加重。既往无特殊。检查:右瞳<左瞳,光反射好。右手小鱼际肌萎缩并有束颤。右上肢腱反射减弱,右手尺侧面痛觉消失,左上肢正常。右下肢肌力3级,肌张力高,腱反射亢进,病理反射阳性。左上肢肌力、张力、反射正

常。右上下肢深感觉明显减退,左侧第二肋骨平面以下痛觉消失。双侧触觉正常。 请回答下列问题: ①该病人受损的神经结构有哪些? ②病变部位在什么地方?(横、纵定位) ③应首先对该病人作什么检查最好? ④该病人应首先考虑什么疾病?尚需考虑疾病? ⑤如果作脑脊液检查,是否有异常发现?如果有,可能是什么改变? 三、病例分析: ①左侧颈交感神经,右侧颈脊髓前角细胞,右侧皮质脊髓束,右侧薄束,楔束,右侧脊髓血脑末。 ②横定位:颈5-胸1平面纵定位:右侧髓外 ③颈段MRI ④首先考虑脊髓外肿瘤,脊髓炎、脊髓蛛网膜炎。 ⑤脑脊液检查应该有异常发现,主要表现为脊椎管阻塞,CS F 且的增高 三、病案分析: 男65岁,1天前起床时感左手无力,吐词不清,6小时前出现左侧偏身运动不能,不能言语。既往有高血压史。查体:左


胃食管反流病人的食管动力测定 冯晓霞欧晓娟何璐 重庆医科大学附二院消化内科,重庆,400010 重庆医科大学附二院消化内科,重庆,400010 重庆医科大学附二院消化内科,重庆,400010 摘要: 目的本文通过对食管炎患者进行食管动力测定,并与健康对照比较,旨在探讨食管动力障碍与食管炎的关系.方法受试者共86人,分为2组,正常对照组34例,男17例,女17例,平均年龄为42.9岁,均无食管反流症状,排除消化道及严重全身器质性疾病,胃镜排除食管炎. 反流性食管炎组52例,男32例,女20例,平均年龄为41.9岁,具有较典型的胃食管反流症状(烧心、胸骨后疼痛),胃镜检查均证实为食管下段炎症.受试者在检查前3天停用所有抑酸药物,禁食4h后进行检查.先行定标,经鼻腔插管至65cm,以定点牵拉法检测下食管括约肌压力、下食管括约肌长度、下食管括约肌松弛压、松弛率、食管体部运动功能、上食管括约肌压力、上食管括约肌松弛率.结果反流性食管炎患者下食管括约肌压力(10±6.37)较对照组(21.57±5 .70)明显降低,而下食管括约肌松弛压、松弛率及下食管括约肌长度与正常对照组比较无显著差异.反流性食管炎组中其食管体部的正常蠕动占31.7%,而对照组为85.3%,食管炎组中正常蠕动所占比例明显低于对照组,食管炎组出现低压收缩比例为12.6%,同步收缩为39.6%,不协调收缩为25.7%.其中以同步收缩和不协调收缩的比例较对照组明显升高.食管炎组食管体部的收缩压(远端和近端收缩压)均显著低于对照组.食管炎患者上食管括约肌压力及其松弛压、松弛率均大致正常,与对照组比较差异不显著.结论反流性食管炎患者存在明显的食管运动功能障碍,主要表现在下食管括约肌压力降低及食管体部收缩乏力,收缩不协调.
