

Unit4 Road safety


教学内容: Story time


1. 能正确的听、说、读单词: a pavement, a road, a zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights

2. 初步感知运用日常交际用语You must \mustn’t… you can\ can’t…

3. 初步掌握文中出现的交通规则:You must first look for a zebra crossing and then look at the traffic lights. We must first look left, then right and then look left again. We mustn’t run and play on the road. etc

3. 理解,掌握课文内容,用正确的语音语调朗读课文。


1. 能正确的听、说、读单词: a pavement, a road, a zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights

2. 正确运用日常交际用语You must \mustn’t… you can\ can’t…

3. 能借助提示,完整的复述本课内容。







Step1. Warm up & Lead in

1.Sing a song. The wheels on the bus.

2. Free talk

T: How do you come to school?

Ss: I come to school by bus\ car\ bike\ on foot. etc.

T: I see. You use different traffic tools to come to school.

I think road safety is the most important for us. (Learn the topic: Road safety )

S: Yes.

T: Le t’s learn Unit 4 Road safety

Step2. Presentation

1. Learn the new words

T: Boys and girls, what can you see on the road?

Ss: I can see …(交通灯,斑马线, green man, red man …)

Show the pictures about them and learn the new words.

pavement , road , zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights

Learn the words the groups, help each other to learn the words. Have a chant:

Traffic lights, red, yellow, green.

Red light, red light, stop, stop, stop.

Yellow light, yellow light, wait ,wait, wait.

Green light, green light, go, go ,go. (边说边做相应的动作。)

2. Learn the traffic rules.

T: Now you are a student in Grade 6. Do you know any traffic rules?

Read the rules and judge.(根据学生已有的生活经验和学生的英语知识积累,先通过思考朗读帮助学生的建立知识建构,为下面学习课文和语言输出做铺垫。)

We must walk on the pavements. ( )

We can cross the road with other people. ( )

The traffic lights have two colours. ( )

We mustn’t run and pla y on the road. ( )

Before crossing the road, we must look left and right.( ) We must run quickly on the road.( )

T: Well down. You know many traffic rules.

What can you find from the sentences?(让学生读句子,感知语气上的变化。)

must 的语气强一些,表示一定,必须。它的否定形式是mustn’t. can 的语气相对弱些,表示可以能够。

3. Text teaching

1).Watch the cartoon and put the sentences in right orders.

A. Sometimes, you can’t find a zebra crossing, you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.

B. First, you must look for a zebra crossing.

C. You can cross the road with other people. Because the driver can see you easily.

D. Then, you must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man.

E. Before crossing the road, you must first look left, then right and then left again.

Work in groups. B—D—A —E—C

Check the answer.

2) Listen and repeat

Read in groups, help each other to read the text.

3) Then complete Think and write. Complete the notes below. Check in groups.

The teacher checks.

Ss read it together.

4) Look and act. Look at the pictures, suppose you are a policeman, What should you say?

T shows the pictures on P36-37

It is a red man. You mustn’t cross the road now.

It is a green man. You can cross the road now.

You must wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.

You can wait with other people. The drivers can see you easily.

You mustn’t play on the road. (出示课文图片,创设当警察的情境,让学生用所学的语言进行有目的的操练。)

5) Look and say.

Show the picture on page 38.

Work in groups.

What must you do to cross the road safely?

We must…

What must you not do on the road?

We mustn’t…

Write them on the books.

Summry: 情态助动词can, must的用法:

can: 能,可以。Can’t: 不能,不可以,是否定形式。后面都接V 原形.

Must:必须,一定,mustn’t: 禁止。后面也加V原形。Must….?回答:Yes, sb. must. No, sb. needn’t.

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Finish P38 Think and write Complete the notes below.



Show in groups.

Then show in front of the class.


1. Read the story correctly and freely.

2. Write some traffic rules.

3. Make a play :On the road., act next class.


Unit4 Road safety

How can you cross the roads safely?

Traffic rules…

What must you do to cross the road safely?

We must + V原形…

What must you not do on the road ?

We mustn’t + V原形


Unit4 Road safety


教学内容: Grammar time , Fun time &Sound time


1. 复习上节课所学的词汇和课文内容。

2. 能正确的听、说、读单词: a pavement, a road, a zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights

3. 正确运用日常交际用语You must \mustn’t… you can\ can’t…

4. 通过本课时的学习,让学生进一步用英语表达交通规则,通过情态动词和重读来强调句子的重要部分。


1. 复习上节课所学的词汇和课文内容。

2. 正确运用日常交际用语You must \mustn’t… You can\ can’t…

3. 了解句子的重读。


1. 正确运用日常交际用语You must \mustn’t… You can\ can’t…

2. 让学生进一步用英语表达交通规则,通过情态动词和重读来强调句子的重要部分。

教具准备:tape recorder


Step 1: Revision

1.Review the text

T: Good morning, class. Last lesson, we learned the text ‘Road safety ’, did you remember?

Ss: Yes.

2.Answer the questions.


1. How can you cross the the roads safely?

2. When you can’t find a zebra crossing , what can you do?

3. What must you not do on the road?


T: Who can read the text for us?

Ask some students to read the text.

3. Show your play: On the road.

1. Step

2. Grammar

1. Learn “must” and “mustn’t”, can and can’t

T: You know the rules very well.

To keep safe, we must follow the rules. Everybody must follow the rules everywhere and at all the time..

Do you know “must”?

Ss: Yes.

T: Mustn’t means you shouldn’t do the things. mustn’t= must not.

a. Read the four sentences on P39. Understand the sentences.

b. Play a game: 去掉“must” and “mustn’t”.(比较句子的含义发生了什么变化。)

Then teacher ask them to make sentences with “must” and “mustn’t”.

eg. You look for a zebra crossing. ----You must look for a zebra crossing.

You play football on the road. ----You mustn’t play football on the road.

(也可以把本部分两个方框中句子中的情态动词 can 和must, can’t 和mustn’t 进行调换,体会其意义和用法)

c. Discuss in groups and make sentences..

2.Choose the words to complete the sentences.


We talk loudly in the library.

You eat too much sweet food.

They wait under the big tree.

You keep your classroom clean.

You plant more trees to keep the air clean.

You run quickly on the road.

Summary:情态助动词can, must的用法:

can: 能,可以。Can’t: 不能,不可以,是否定形式。后面都接V 原形.

Must:必须,一定,mustn’t: 禁止。后面也加V原形。Must….?回答:Yes, sb. must. No, sb. needn’t

Step 3 Fun time

1. Play the game in groups: (模仿书上范例玩“红绿灯“游戏,一人为交警,提出问题,指定人回答,要求迅速准确。)

2. Change the places:

T: What must you do in the library?

Ss: You must keep quiet.

T: What mustn’t you do in the library?

Ss: You mustn’t eat or drink here.

3. Listen and repeat. (听着对就跟读,否则不跟读,并订正。) 主要考察学生对must和 mustn’t用法的掌握,不过要跟熟练地听、说、读。

Step 4 Sound time

T: You tell others the rulers with “must、mustn’t、can、can’t” correctly. And you can use Stress correctly. Let’s listen what the stress is?(告诉学生除了情态动词可以表示事情的重要性外,对句中个别词的重读也可以起到强调的作用。)

Listen and repeat. 感知被重读的单词。

Practice in groups.

Show time.

举一反三朗读本单元Story time 中的句子,尝试重读和弱读。


1. 熟读Story time,注意重读。

2. 抄写Grammar 中的句子。并用“must、mustn’t、can、can’t”. 仿写4个句子。

3. 预习Cartoon time.


Unit4 Road safety

can’t: 不能,不可以


mustn’t: 禁止。后面都接V原形

Unit4 Road safety


教学内容: Cartoon time & Culture time


1. 能用正确的语音语调朗读cartoon,在熟读的基础上分角色朗读。

2. 能了解中外交通规则的差异。






Step1. warm up

1. Greeting

2. Listen, read and judge


Say yeah, yeah, yeah, if you think it is true.

Say No, no, no, if you think it is false.

You go to school by bus.

We must cross the road on the zebra crossing.

We can’t wait for the green man.

The driver can drive after drinking.

First get on, then get off.

We mustn’t play on the road.

We mustn’t look at the traffic lights.

We must cross the road safely.

We walk on the left side of the road.

Step2.Culture time

Judge the last sentence above.

T: Is it true?

Ss: No. We walk on the right side.

T: Yes, in China, people drive on the right side of the road. But ,there are two places, they are not like this. Do you know where they are?

Read the Culture time and find them.

Learn the new words: except, Macau.

Listen and learn to say: In the UK, people drive on the left side of the road.

In China, except Hong Kong and Macau, people drive on the right side of the road.

Homework: 上网搜索还有哪些国家从道路左侧或右侧走路。

Step 3 Cartoon time

1、T: Now Bobby and Tina wants to get out Let’s watch the cartoon and answer the questions.

Q1:Where do Bobby and Tina want to go?

Q2 How do they get there?

Q3: How many times does the bus stop? Why?

2. Read the cartoon and answer the questions.

The bus stops two times, why ?

Encourage the Ss to collect the information from the whole text.

The bus stops two times. The bus stops the first time, because there is a red light. The second one ,because some elephants are crossing the road.

T: We must look at the traffic lights and cross the road with other people, drivers can see you easily.

Ss: Yes.

3. Practice.

Listen and repeat.

Read in roles.

Retell the story.

Bobby and Tina go to see their aunt Alice. They call aunt Alice. Aunt tells them they can take a bus to get there. They gets on the bus. They see many cars on the road. They’re going fast.

The bus stops, because there is a red lights. Later the bus stops again, because there are some elephants crossing the road.

4.T: What can you find from this story?

Ss: We must follow the traffic rules. Before outing, we must choose the right traffic tools.

Step4 Homework

1. Read the cartoon freely and correctly.

2. 上网搜索还有哪些国家从道路左侧或右侧走路。

3. 预习剩下的板块。


Unit4 Road safety

drive on the left\right side of the road

except Hong Kong and Macau

take the bus get on

Unit4 Road safety


教学内容: Checkout time and Ticking time


1. 按要求掌握本单元单词、句型和日常用语。

2. 理解所学情态动词的用法,在做习题的过程中巩固运用。

3. 能够在表演和复述故事的过程中体会语言的运用。

4. 通过Checkout time以及Ticking time的学习来评价自己本单元的学习情况。




4通过Checkout time以及Ticking time的学习来评价自己本单元的学习情况。


能够在表演和复述故事的过程中体会语言的运用。正确使用must 和must not, can 和can’t.。

教学准备:多媒体课件 tape



1. Free talk

1. How are you this morning?

2. Nice to meet you.

3. How do you come to school?

4. Do you know any traffic rules? Can you tell us?

5. What must you do to cross the road safely?

6. What must you not do on the road?

7. Which side of the road do you walk?

2. Act the cartoon

Step2. Checkout time and Ticking time

1.Read and circle

1) Ask and answer


T:Can we cross the road? (红灯)

Ss: No, you can’t. You must wait.

T:Can we cross the road? (绿灯)

Ss: Yes, you can.


T: Must I walk on the zebra crossing to cross the road? Ss: Yes, you must.

2)Read and circle

Look at the pictures , read and circle. Work in groups. Then teacher checks.

3) Make dialogues.

T: You are in the library now, please make dialogues with Can I\ Must I…?

Work in groups.

3. Think and write

T: This is our classroom. It is beautiful. Try to make our classroom better, we must make it clean and tidy(整洁)。 We must follow the rules everywhere.

We must not throw the rubbish.

We must (not)…

2) Complete the poster with “must” and “must not”.

Complete alone, then check in groups.

Teacher checks.

Read the rule loudly. (注意对个别单词的重读)

Step 3 Ticking time



1. Make Park rules ,Family rules, Library rules …in groups.




2 、同步练习


Unit4 Road safety

drive on the left\right side of the road

except Hong Kong and Macau

take the bus get on


Unit4 Road safety









Unit4 Road safety 单元测试



2、穿过马路 ________________

3、在人行道上等 _______________

4、小心汽车 ______________


6、see you easily________________

7、talk loudly________________

8、get on ________________

9、a busy road ____________ 10、to keep safe ________________


( 1、How can you cross the road _______ ?

A. safe

B. safety

C. safely ()2、you must ________ a zebra crossing.

A. look at

B. look for

C. look out


()3、The students are waiting ________ the pavemeng.

A. on

B. in

C. behind

()4、The child go to school ________ Saturday and Sunday .

A. and

B. between

C. except

()5、Must I go to see the doctor? No, you ________ . You can have a rest.

A. must

B. needn’t

C. mustn’t

()6、There are three bedrooms on ________ floor.

A. the first

B. one

C. first

()7、There ________ any milk in the fridge.

A. isn’t

B. aren’t

C. are

()8、——Can I help you ? —— ________

A. Yes, you can.

B. I’d like some fruit.

C. No, thanks.

()9、Can you show________ the way to Zhongshan road?

A. I

B. we

C. me

()10、There is________ English book on the desk.

A. a

B. an

C. some


1、Some dogs ________ (crossing\ are crossing)the busy road.

2、You must keep yourself ________ (safe\ safety).

3、It’s late. We ________ (must\ can) run quickly.

4、Dad uses it to clean the window ________ (easy、easily).

5、There isn’t any ________(bread\ cakes)on the table.



What ________ you ________ on the road?


Youmust first look ____, then__and then left ________ .


________ is the bus ________ again?


Youmustkeepyourdesk________ and________ .


I’ll Show You the Way

A driver: Hello, sir. I want to go to the Moon Hotel. Do

you know it?

An old man: Yes ,let me get on, I’ll show you the way.( They

drive about ten miles, and come to a small house.)

An old man: Stop here!

A driver: But this isn’t a hotel.

An old man: No, this is my house. And now I’ll show you the

way to the Moon Hotel. Go back nine miles. Then you’ll see

the Moon Hotel on the left.


1.Where does the driver want to go?

________________________________________ 2.Where does the old man take him?

_________________________________________ 3.Why doesn’t the old man stop the driver when they pass

the hotel?


4. How many miles does the driver go to the Moon Hotel




牛津小学英语2A教案 课题:Unit1 My family 教材类型:所属学科:英语>>2A(二上) 主备教师:一一备课时间:3 浏览人数:1 ☆教学调整☆教案内容: 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、会认单词father、mother、brother、sister、me 2、能用This is my …来介绍自己的家庭成员。 教学重点 目标1、2 教学准备: 手指套、全家福照片、图片、一副眼镜、领带 教学时间:三课时 教学过程: 第一课时 一、warm up 1、greetingT: Good morning. How are you? 2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down.二、present ation T show the family photo: now, boys and girls, look,what is this? This is my family photo. Look, my father, my mother and me . This is my family.用手圈一 下。教my family.由慢到快。 Ss read one by one Ss say : my family, your family.(出示他们的照片) (一)teach: father, mother, me (1)老师出示自己的全家照自问自答:look, guess who is he? S: Father. (给予学 生适当的奖励) T: Yes. This is my father。 T show the card :father 贴于Bb, 领读几遍,注意th 的发音。 Ss read : father,father ,my father (一小组传卡片挨个读; 一组一组读,) T : look, this is my father. 出示句型卡片This is my …… 学生跟读遍。 T:Who can follow me ?introduce your father学生手指着照片练说。 (2)教师指着自己父亲的照片问:This is my father. Is this my father? S: No.(若学生能说出mother, 则给予奖励)


1.Alice has got a lot of presents and birthday cards from her family and relatives. (1)...havegot...IthinkIhavegotone. 现在完成时结构havegot在口语中相当于一般现在时have的意义,表示“有”。 不过,在美国英语中常用have,而在英国英语中则常用havegot。 他有一个兄弟。Hehasgotabrother.(英式)=Hehasabrother.(美式) ◆现在完成时结构只有一种疑问方式,即:Have/Has...got...? ◆而一般现在时结构有两种疑问方式,即:Do/Does...have...?或Have/Has...? 你有一把雨伞吗?①Haveyougotanumbrella?②Doyouhaveanumbrella?③Haveyouanumbrella? 注意这两种结构疑问句的回答略有不同。 ①—H aveyougotadictionary?—Yes,Ihave./No,Ihaven't. ②—Doyouhaveadictionary?—Yes,Ido./No,Idon't. 考点链接 1.Doyouhaveamotorbike?(同义句)→you amotorbike? 2.Idon'thaveamobilephonelikethat.→I amobilephonelikethat. (2) a lot of = lots of +可数名词复数/不可数名词 I have a lot of friends.= I have lots of friends. There is a lot of water in the glass . = There is lots of water in the glass. (3) 介词from many uncles do you have How many+可数名词复数+do/does+主语+have(how many在句首,名词复数跟着走) How many的用法:1)there be句型中主语的数量,如some,five,only one等提问时,如果 是可数名词,不管是单是复都当复,因为说话人不知道具体的数量,而many只 能接可数名词复数,所以be一定要用are How many+可数名词复数+are there+地点或时间状语 There is a book on the desk. How many books are there on the desk There are seven days in a week. How many days are there in a week How much的用法:1)询问事物的数量,接不可数名词How much milk is there in the glass

沪教牛津版六年级英语上册教案 Module2 Unit2

沪教牛津版六年级英语上册教案 Unit 2 My home 一、单元分析(Unit Analysis) (一)单元地位(Unit Position) 本单元是Module 2的第二个单元,在内容上介绍了Ben 和Kitty居住的生活小区和他们的家;在语法结构上它继续介绍并操练一般现在时特殊疑问句的用法;在复习形容词比较级的基础上介绍形容词最高级形式;本单元中出现的序数词是在中学阶段首次出现,而“there be”句型的介绍,为unit 3的教学做了铺垫。 (二)单元目标(Unit Target) 1.词汇学习:1)掌握表示生活小区中的设施和建筑物的名称 2)复习表示不同功能房间的词汇 3)学会用介词词组表示不同的方位 4)复习序数词的用法 2.语言功能: 1)学会根据小区示意图简单介绍居住的生活小区的环境设施 2)学会用英语询问和表达地址和电话号码 3)学会根据房型图简单介绍居住的房间及描述理想中的房间 3.语法结构: 1)熟练掌握一般现在时的特殊疑问句 2)复习形容词比较级形式,学习形容词最高级形式的基本用法 4.综合运用:模拟More oral practice中第二个对话Moving into a new housing estate,综合运用本单元所学的内容编写对话并表演

(三) 单元重点 (Unit Focus ) 1. 关键词汇 address, kindergarten, room, 7-eleven, tennis, top, tennis court, the tallest, the biggest, live in a housing estate / Block___ , live on the ___ floor , live at (address) 2. 语言功能 1) Description 描述居住情况 Describing a housing estate Describing a flat 1. Asking for information 询问信息 ● A: Where is the fountain? B: It is in front of Block 1. ● A: Where are the tennis courts? B: They are behind the swimming pool. ● A: What’s Eddie Chen’s address B: He lives at Flat 18B, Block2, Rose Garden Estate, Garden City. ● A: What’s his telephone number? B: It’s 6376 9711. ● A: How many flats are there in your block? B: There are …. ● Which floor do you live on? 2. Comparison 进行比较 a) Who lives in the tallest block? b) It’s the biggest flat. They live in Block 1. It has 30 floors. They live on the ninth floor. There are shops, a school, … a swimming pool and tennis courts in the housing estate. We live in Flat A. It has eight rooms. It’s the big gest flat. This flat is small. There are … bedrooms, … sitting rooms … in this flat.


新版小学英语六年级上册Unit2A let’s talk教学设计 一、教学目标与要求 1.能听、说、读、写四会掌握句子:“How do you go to school Usually I go to school on foot.Sometimes I go by bike.”并能在情景中正确运用。 2.能够表述自己以何种方式上学并简单陈述原因,如:Usually I go to school by bus because it's fast. 3.能够听董Let's try的录音内容并选出正确选项。掌握Let’s talk and read and write部分的句型。 4.学会调查和统计、分析数据,并能表示出来。 二、教学重、难点分析 1.本课时的教学重点是听、说、读、写句型:How do you go to school Usually Sometimes I go by… 2.本课时的教学难点是学生书写四会句子并能简单陈述选择某种交通方式上学的原因。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 2.教师准备本单元A Let's learn部分的单词卡片。 3.教师课前在黑板上画出空白柱状图,用于统计班内学生上学方式的调查

4.学生每人准备一张卡片,画一个印象最深刻的交通标志。 四、教学步骤和建议 1.热身(Warm-up) T: “Good morning! How do you go to school today What about you Do you go by bus,too”然后学生复习Let's chant部分的歌谣。 2.预习(Preview) (1)教师出示单词卡片,提问:“How do you go to school”学生根据图片内容回答:“I go to school by…”师生会话直到班级里大部分学生能够准确说出图中交通工具的名称以及该句型。然后学生两人一组练习句型:“How do you go to school I go to school by…” (2)Let's try 3.新课呈现(Presentation) Let's talk (1)教师放课文录音,之前向学生提出问题:“How does Sarah go to school listen.”学生听后模拟Sarah来回答问题。 (2)学生跟读录音,然后两人一组替换句型中的关键词练习对话。 (3)Group work T:“How do I go to school,do you know Ask me,please!”然后教师在黑板上画一辆自行车、一辆公共汽车和一辆计程车的图案,并分别在后面两图旁标当地的价格,如:l yuan,7 yuan,回答说:“Usually I go to school by bike。because it's good exercise.Sometimes I go by bus,because it's cheap.It costs l yuan. Sometimes I go by taxi,because it's


Unit 1 Where I Live Teaching aids: A. Words : letters Aa --Bb , bin , park , road , building , Shanghai B. Structures : I live in …. I love …. I see …. That’s … C. Functions : Give simple instructions; Refer to specific classroom objects. Material: 1. Student's Book 2A page 2--6 2. Cassette 1A and a cassette player 3. Wallcharts 4. Photograph page 1 5. Alphabet Cards Teaching times: 5 times Learning targets: A. Basic aims: 1. Be able to identify the letters Aa -- Bb 2. Be able to give simple instructions 3. Be able to use the simple present tense to indicate facts 4. Be able to "point to your home" 5. Read the rhyme B. Further aims: 1. 2.Practise saying a new rhyme substituting 'Shanghai' with another places Language focus: 1. Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects 2. Using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences 3. Learning the words: bin , park , road , building , Shanghai Period 1 Teaching focus: Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects

六年级上册英语教案-Unit 5《Open Day》 |牛津上海版

Unit 5 Open Day Tasks in this unit Talking about future events; planning events; sequencing activities; writing invitations; reading captions; writing a description of events. Period One Language focus: Using the simple future tense to talk about future events e.g., Your parents will arrive at two o’clock. Usin g adverbs of time e.g., What will they do first? Language skills: Listening Recognize the difference in the use of intonation in questions, statements (including approval) and commands, and respond appropriately Speaking Use appropriate intonation and stress to convey intended meanings and feelings Reading Read written language in meaningful chunks Writing Develop written texts by expressing own ideas Materials: 1.Student’s Book 6A page 32 2.Workbook 6A pages 28 and 29 3.Cassette 6A 4.Cassette p layer Pre-task preparation Ask the students: What do we do on Open Day? What do parents do? Write a list on the board as the students mention activities. Play the cassette for Look and learn. The students repeat. While-task procedure 1.Give the students time to read Look and read silently. 2.Play the cassette. The students follow in their books. 3.In groups of six, students practise the dialogue. Select groups to read the dialogue.


2A Unit4 Clean the table,please全课时教案 第一课时 一、教学目标: (1)能听懂、会说、初步认读a door,a window,a sofa,a desk,a table和a chair,发音正确。 (2)能听懂Clean the…,please. (3)初步学习歌曲Clean the chair。 二、教学重点难点: (1)能听懂、会说、初步认读a door,a window,a sofa,a desk,a table和a chair,发音正确。 (2)能听懂Clean the…,please. 三、教具准备及辅助活动:教学光碟 四、教学过程: Step1 Free talk: 1、结合B部分图片,看图练习对话。 ——Look at the moon/ sun/ star. ——Oh, it’s bright/ small/ big. 同桌练习,小组内练说。 2、利用其他学生熟悉的物体,如铅笔盒、橡皮等,运用以上句型练习,教师给 予指导、纠正。 Step2 Presentation and pracitce 1、播放B部分单词录音,请学生边指着图片,边听边跟读单词。 2、出示门的图片 T:What`s this? S:It`s a door. 引导学生用刚才所听的单词来回答,教学单词door

T:a door,clean the door 教师边说边做擦的动作,带领学生边说边理解句子意思。 3、以同样的方法教学 a window、a sofa、a desk、a table、a chair 注意适当讲解desk和table两样东西的不同。 4、以“what`s missing?”游戏巩固单词。 5、将本部分做成Listen and number的练习巩固。 Step3 Enjoy a song 播放歌曲Clean the chair,让学生听几遍,初步熟悉歌曲歌词和曲调。 Step4 Practise 活动手册P15: 请学生朗读B部分单词,再以What`s this?It`s…来说说每幅图片的内容,然后完成练习。 Step5 Assign homework (1)听录音,读熟B部分单词。 (2)运用Clean the…,用家里的实物依次练习。 (3)鼓励学生平时用所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。 第二课时 一、教学目标: (1) 能听懂Clean the…,please.并能用All right.或OK.回答。 (2) 能使用Clean the…,please.请求他人完成相应的动作,语音语调正确。 (3) 进一步歌曲Clean the chair。 二、教学重点难点: (1)能听懂Clean the…,please.并能用All right.或OK.回答。 (2)能使用Clean the…,please.请求他人完成相应的动作,语音语调正确。三、教具准备及辅助活动:教学光碟


牛津英语六年级上册练习 Module 3 unit 1 The food we eat 一.词语 海鲜______________ 大蒜蒸虾__________________水煮蛋______________ 咸肉炒蛋______________菜单______________冷冻食品_________________ 炸鸡翅_____________________西红柿蛋汤_____________________ 最喜欢的____________面条_______________蔬菜__________________ 二.句子 1.晚上你想吃什么? __________________________________________________________________ 晚餐我想吃饭。 ___________________________________________________________ 2.你想吃肉还是海鲜? __________________________________________________________________ 我们肉吧! _____________________________________________________________________ 3.你想喝什么汤? ______________________________________________________________________ 4.我们今晚吃炒白菜。 _____________________________________________________________________ 5.你买虾了吗? ____________________________________________________________________ 6.这些虾多少钱? _______________________________________________________________________ 这些虾要25元。 _______________________________________________________________________

牛津沪教版六上英语Unit 11 Trees 教案

Module 4 The natural world Unit 11 Trees 教案 一、教学目标 1. 认知目标:学习掌握新词汇:wood,cool,match,miss,了解树木在人们生活中的重要作用,为人们提供的各种资源,呼吁人们多多植树,多多保护树木资源。 2. 能力目标:能运用所学句型与同学交流树木的重要性以及我们树木为人们提供了什么。 3. 情感目标:让学生通过对课文内容的学习掌握,增强学习的信心,调动学生的学习兴趣。 二、教学重难点 1. 重点 能运用所学句型与同学交流树木的重要性以及我们树木为人们提供了什么。 2. 难点 句型:We get / use / …from trees. 三、教学用具 多媒体教学设备、单词卡片。 四、教学设计 Step 1 warming 1. 师生互相问好,教师说出一个关于树木的谜语让大家猜一猜。教师询问同学是否了解树木?树木有什么重要作用?可以为人们提供什么? 2. 教师向学生们说说树木的基本知识,介绍树木可以为人们提供什么。 Step 2 Revision and Presentation 1. 教师告诉学生我们这节课就要学学如何用英语与同学交流树木的重要作用以及树木为人们提供了什么。 2. 教师请学生树木的重要作用有哪些,应该如何保护树木资源。 3. 教师出示单词卡片进行新单词教学,带读并配合肢体动作让同学们印象深刻。 4. 教师播放课文内容录音,请同学们认真听一遍,争取做到理解内容。 Step 3 Practice 1. 分小组讨论练习,两人一组,相互交流树木的重要作用。 A: I like trees, they make our city beautiful, and we get wood from trees.


新版小学英语六年级上册全册教案 Unit 1 : You should obey the rules. Lesson 1 Date: Time arrange: The first period Type of class: New lesson \ oral class I Teaching Aims: 1、Knowledge aim: (1) Understand and speak out the words : ask question actively, do not make noise, bequiet, do not eat in class. (2) Understand and speak out the sentences : Listen to the teacher carefully. Do not be late for class \ school. May I ask you a question? Hand in your homework on time. 2、Ability aim: (1)Make the sentence with the words. (2) Can express about some rules. (3) Develop students ’ imagination. 3、Emotion aim \Teaching affection. (1) Can discern action which good or bad . (2) Be confident during studying English. (3) Learn to cooperate with others and communicate with their partners. (4) Get fun from English studying. II Important teaching point and difficult point (1)Apply the sentences to the real situation. (1)Speak out the sentences in right tone. III Teaching Aids: 1、Some papers for making class rules. 2、A little blackboard of class rules, sone cards, a recorder, tape. IV Activity conception \ Teaching methods (1)Group-works (2)Listening and speaking V Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warming-up \ Revision (3’) Sing a song: Nice to see you again. Step 2 Presentation (12’) (1)T: Hi ! Boys and girls, How is your holiday ? (2)Ss:------ (3)T:New semester is begin, how are you going to study in the new semester? (4)Ss:------


课题:2B Unit1 Where’s Kitty?Story time 授课时间 (Period 1) 教学设计: 二次备课 一、教学目标Learning objectives: 1. Read and know the new words: on, under, behind, in, sofa, vase, basket, where. 2. Read and know the new sentence pattern: Where’s…? It’s in/ on/under/ behind the…Is it…? 二、教学重难点: 重点:Important points: 1. Read and know the new words: on, under, behind, in, sofa, vase, basket, where. 2. Read and know the new sentence pattern: Where’s…? It’s in/ on/under/ behind the…Is it…? 难点:Difficulties: Read and know the new sentence pattern: Where’s…? It’s in/ on/under/ behind the…Is it…? 三、教学时间: 1 课时 四、学情分析:Analysis of the students: Students may have difficulties in pronunciations of the new words; I should concern about their needs and pay more attention to them. 五、教学准备:Preparations: PPT cards 六、教学方法: Teaching methods: Interesting stimulating method Task-based teaching method 七、教学过程:Teaching procedures: Step 1. Warming up 1.Greetings. T:Good morning, boys and girls. Ss:Good morning, Miss Lu. T: Let’s sing a song: On in under Step 2. Presentation(1) 1.Show a picture of on/ in/ under/ behind. T: Do you like the song “on in under”? How many prepositions can you hear? 2.Look and say: ①Look, What’s this? Ss: It’s a cat. T: Where’s the cat? Teach: where(Use different ways to drill) T: It’s on the box. Teach: on(Use different ways to drill)


小学英语六年级上册(全英)教案 do you go there?Period OneTeaching contents: Part A let’s learn & let’s playTeaching aims: 1、To enable the students to master the four skills phrases: on foot,by bike,by bus,by train, by plane,by ship,by subway 2、 To enable the students to ask about the ways of traffic with the following sentence patterns: How do you go to school? Or How do you go to Canada…?”And answer with“I go by…”Teaching focus: To master the four skills phrases: by train, by plane, by subway, by ship, by bike, on foot Teaching difficulty:To differ “subway” from“train”Teaching methods: Communicative ApproachTeaching aids: 1、Word cards 2、 Tape recorder and tape 3、 Multi-media playerTeaching procedure: 1、(Warm-up) Greeting: Good morning , class ! Glad to meet you again、 Ho w are you? What day is it? What ‘s the date? What’s the weather like today?


牛津2A Unit 1 Where I Live Teaching aids: A. Words : letters Aa --Bb , bin , park , road , building , Shanghai B. Structures : I live in …. I love …. I see …. That’s … C. Functions : Give simple instructions; Refer to specific classroom objects. Material: 1. Student's Book 2A page 2--6 2. Cassette 1A and a cassette player 3. Wallcharts 4. Photograph page 1 5. Alphabet Cards Teaching times: 5 times Learning targets: A. Basic aims: 1. Be able to identify the letters Aa -- Bb 2. Be able to give simple instructions 3. Be able to use the simple present tense to indicate facts 4. Be able to "point to your home" 5. Read the rhyme B. Further aims: 1. 2.Practise saying a new rhyme substituting 'Shanghai' with another places Language focus: 1. Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects 2. Using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences 3. Learning the words: bin , park , road , building , Shanghai Period 1 Teaching focus: Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects Teaching steps: Students activities Teaching activities Teaching starlegry Media Pre-task preparation:


Module 1 Family and friends Unit 1 Family and relatives 1.family and relatives 家庭和亲戚 2. a family tree 一个家谱 3.grandsons and granddaughters 孙子和孙女们/外孙和外孙女们 4.get a lot of presents 得到许多礼物 5.Happy Birthday (to sb.) ! 生日快乐! 6.get a birthday card from sb. 从某人那儿得到一张生日卡 7.one of my family members 我的家庭成员之一 8.only have one aunt 仅仅有一个阿姨 9.my classmates 我的同班同学 10.go shopping 去购物 11.what else 其他什么 12.play badminton 打羽毛球 13.go cycling 去骑自行车 14.go swimming 去游泳 15.two cousins 两个堂/表兄弟/妹 16.how many + 名词复数多少…… 语言点 1. This is my grandfather.这是我的(外)祖父。 These are my family and relatives.这些是我的家人和亲戚。 注意句中各成分保持单复数同形。 2. I?m their son.. 我是他们的儿子。 We?re their sons.我们是他们的儿子。 3. How many uncles do you have?你有多少个叔叔? How many后面接可数名词的复数形式。 4. What do you do with your…?你和你的…干什么? 5. What else do you do with your…?你和你的…还干什么? 6. What else do you do with your…?你和你的…还干什么?With是个介词,后面接人称代词时,要用宾格的形式。With me/him/her/it/us /them 7. always/sometimes/usually是频度副词,提问应该要用How often…?


牛津英语6A教案Unit 1 Public signs 第一课时 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:mean, danger, should, shouldn’t, litter, park, cycle. 2.能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:public, a sign, grass, quiet, touch, keep off. 3.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it meam? It means you shouldn’t …教学重点: 1.能正确听说读会写句型:What does it meam? It means you shouldn’t … 2.能正确能听说读写单词:mean, danger, should, shouldn’t, litter, park, cycle. 教学过程: 一. Everyday English: How are you? Pass the ball to … Give the pen to … Where’s … What’s the score? 二.Presentation and practise: 1. T: Let’s go the the park.(多媒体展示公园情景,出现许多公共标志牌) T: What’s this?It’s a public sign. Learn : public sign. T: Let’s look at some public signs on the Internet.多媒体展示九个标志。

T: Can you read them? 学生能朗读其中的八个:No parking. No eating and drinking. Keep quiet. Do not touch. 通过复习帮助学生巩固以上四句话。 Park以前所学的意思是公园,在这里的意思是停车。 2.T: (Point to a sign)What does this sign mean? 板书:What does this sign mean? 学习这句话,讲解mean的意思及其中ea的发音。再次强调助动词用does及其语法意义。T: It means “No smoking”. 板示:No smoking. 学习这句话。 让学生回答smoking 的动词原形,smoke,并再次复习它的变化规则。 T: What does this sign mean? S: It means “No smoking.”. T: Yes. It means you shouldn’t smoke. 板示:It means you shouldn’t smoke. 并学习这句话。 讲解shouldn’t=should not ,should为情态动词,意思为应该,后跟动词原形。 3. T: What does this sign mean? T: It means “No littering.” 板示:No littering. 学习这句话。 litter为littering 的动词原形,意为乱丢杂务。 同理学习:No parking. No cycling. 注意park的意思与以前不同意思为停放汽车。cycling的动词原形为cycle. 4. 叫一学生上前来问:What does it mean?


Unit 1 How Do You Go There? 第一课时总第 1 节 一、学习目标 1.能够听、说、读、写短语:on foot,by bike,by bus,by train。 2.能够听、说、认读短语:by plane,by ship, by subway。 3.能用句子 “How d0 you go to school? How do you go to Canada/…?”来替换询问别人的出行方式;并能够用句子 “I go by…”进行回答。 4.听懂、会吟唱Let's chant的歌谣。 5.帮助学生了解交通规则,并在生活中自觉遵守交通规则。 二、教学重点、难点分析 本课时的教学重点和难点是掌握四会短语和 A Let's learn部分中运用某种交通工具去某地的表达法,并能替换关键词进行问答。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备Let's start部分和主情景图的教学挂图。2.教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 3.教师准备A Let's learn部分的单词卡片。 四、教学步骤 1.热身(Warm-up) (1)复习副词:always,usually,often,sometimes,never 的读音与词义。 T: When do you get up?/ When do you go to school?...(引导学生用always,usually,often,sometimes 回答) (2)T: Today I go to school on bus. I usually go to school on foot. 教师利用肢体动作帮助学生理解句子意思。 T: What about you? Do you go by bike or by bus? Do you go on foot? Or by car? 师生之间自由会话,引出几种常见的交通方式。
