Near-salt deformation in La Popa basin, Mexico, and the northern Gulf of Mexico A general model

Near-salt deformation in La Popa basin, Mexico, and the northern Gulf of Mexico A general model
Near-salt deformation in La Popa basin, Mexico, and the northern Gulf of Mexico A general model


Mark G.Rowan Rowan Consulting,Inc.,8508th Street,Boulder,Colorado 80302;mgrowan@,

Mark Rowan has degrees from Caltech,Berkeley,and the University of Colorado.He was an exploration geologist with Sohio,a consultant with Geo-Logic Systems and Alastair Beach Associates,and a research professor at the University of Colorado.He is now an independent consultant specializing in structural geology and salt tectonics and is the instructor for AAPG’s salt tectonics school.Timothy,wton Institute for Tectonic Studies,New Mexico State University,Las Cruces,New Mexico 88003

Tim Lawton received degrees from the University of California,Santa Cruz (1973),Stanford (1980),and the University of Arizona (1983).He worked as a development geologist and research sedimentologist for Sohio Petro-leum and is currently a professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at New Mexico State University.He specializes in clastic depositional systems,stratigraphy,and tectonic analysis.

Katherine A.Giles Institute for Tectonic Studies,New Mexico State University,Las Cruces,New Mexico 88003

Kate Giles graduated from the University of Wisconsin,Madison,the University of Iowa,and the University of Arizona.She worked at Exxon Production Research and is currently an associate professor at New Mexico State University and director of the Institute of Tectonic Studies.She specializes in carbonate depositional systems,sequence stratigraphy,and sedimentation as it relates to tectonics.Robert A.Ratliff Geo-Logic Systems,LLC,Boulder,Colorado

Bob Ratliff received his Ph.D.from the

University of Colorado.He worked for Geo-Logic Systems (GLS)and CogniSeis Develop-ment,where he was responsible for the

technical content and marketing of the GeoSec and GeoStrat software packages.He rejoined GLS and is currently director of Product Development and active in research on the geometry,kinematics,and interpretation of rock deformation.

Near-salt deformation in La Popa basin,Mexico,and the northern Gulf of Mexico:A general model for passive diapirism

Mark G.Rowan,Timothy,wton,Katherine A.Giles,and Robert A.Ratliff


Strata adjacent to exposed diapirs in La Popa basin,northeastern Mexico,comprise stacked halokinetic sequences consisting of un-conformity-bounded packages of thinned and rotated strata cut by radial faults.Deformation results from shallow drape folding over the flanks of the rising diapirs and not from deep drag folding in diapir-peripheral shear zones.Subsurface analogs from the Gulf of Mexico have diapir-flanking geometries ranging from similar,wide zones of upturned and thinned strata to undeformed,constant-thickness strata.Subhorizontal salt tongues display little subsalt deformation and thinning.

We propose a general model for passive diapirism and flank deformation that includes (1)gradually varying salt-flow rates,(2)superposed episodic sedimentation that results in changing bathy-metric relief,(3)rotation of near-surface strata as salt inflates rel-ative to the adjacent basin,(4)failure and erosion of strata in the steepening bathymetric halo,and (5)bedding-parallel slip surfaces that converge on unconformities and onlap surfaces.A primary factor influencing flank geometries is the width of the bathymetric high extending beyond the diapir edge.This is largely dependent on the thickness of the halokinetic sequence onlapping the diapir,which in turn is controlled mostly by the interplay between salt inflation/deflation rates and sedimentation rates.Other factors include the amount of concurrent shortening,which produces a wider but less intense zone of deformation,and the position on the scarp of salt breakout and extrusion.

Our model is important for exploration and production in diapir-flank and subsalt settings because of its implications for trap size and geometry,reservoir distribution,trap compartmentalization

Copyright #2003.The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.All rights reserved.

Manuscript received August 16,2002;provisional acceptance September 30,2002;revised manuscript received December 11,2002;final acceptance January 15,2003.DOI:10.1306/01150302012

AAPG Bulletin,v.87,no.5(May 2003),pp.733–756733

734Near-Salt Deformation in La Popa Basin,Mexico,and the Northern Gulf of Mexico

and pressure seals,and hydrocarbon charge.It can help in explaining complex and enigmatic well data and in better assessing risk in areas of poor seismic imaging.


Passive diapirism is the syndepositional growth of a salt body near the sea floor or land surface (Nelson,1989;Jackson and Talbot,1991;Vendeville and Jackson,1992a).It is commonly considered equivalent to downbuilding (Barton,1933),in which surrounding minibasins sink into the salt-source layer,thereby driving salt flow into the growing salt body.However,salt can grow passively in the absence of minibasin subsidence if the salt is inflated,for example,by shortening.In any case,the salt body grows as a vertical stock when salt-flow rates equal sediment-aggradation rates,or it ex-pands as a subhorizontal salt tongue if salt flow greatly outpaces sedimentation (Vendeville and Jackson,1991;McGuinness and Hossack,1993;Talbot,1993).

Diapirism may be initiated in several ways.For example,it may be triggered by extension and reactive diapirism (Vendeville and Jackson,1992a),it may start by the breaching of contractional detachment folds (Coward and Stewart,1995),or it may be driven by progradational loading (Ge et al.,1997).In each case,there is a brief episode of active diapirism (Vendeville and Jackson,1992a;Schultz-Ela et al.,1993),during which the salt body pierces a thin,weak overburden to reach the depositional surface,before passive diapirism takes over.Passive diapirism dominates the history of most diapiric salt bodies and ceases only when salt flow cannot keep up with sedimentation,usually when the source salt layer is depleted,the feeder closes off,or shortening ceases.

Diapirism is commonly accompanied by near-salt deformation in which adjacent or underlying strata are folded and faulted.Faulting may be perpendicular to the diapir boundary (radial),parallel to the diapir (concentric),or more complex (e.g.,Johnson and Bredeson,1971;Rowan et al.,1999;Davison et al.,2000b).Folding may range from negligible,with little thinning of flanking strata,to substantial,with vertical or even overturned beds,local unconformities,and significant stratal thinning (e.g.,Bornhauser,1969;Johnson and Bredeson,1971;Giles and Lawton,2002).

The area of folded strata around a diapir is typically called the ‘‘drag zone,’’because near-diapir folding is commonly attributed to shearing (or drag)of the rocks surrounding the diapir as the salt rises and the sediments sink (e.g.,Bornhauser,1969;Brown,1998;Alsop et al.,2000;Davison et al.,2000a).Such folding may be a product of either active piercement or passive rise.Experimental models using a variety of salt and sediment analogs,in which diapir-flanking folds have been generated by shear,have been used to support this interpretation (e.g.,Parker and McDowell,1955;Jackson et al.,1988;Davison et al.,1993;Podladchikov et al.,1993;Alsop,1996).


We thank the sponsors of the La Popa basin Joint Industry Consortium for funding:Amerada Hess,Anadarko,BP,ChevronTexaco,Conoco,Devon,ENI-Agip,Enterprise,ExxonMobil,Phil-lips,and Shell.Discussions with their staff as well as B.Vendeville,F.Vega-Vera,I.Davison,and D.Schultz-Ela were very helpful,and M.Jackson,D.Schultz-Ela,B.Trudgill,and K.Bowker suggested revisions that helped clarify our message.This research could not have been completed without the hard work of graduate students at New Mexico State University:J.Aschoff,S.Furgal,K.Graff,K.Hon,L.Hunnicutt,D.Mercer,D.Shelley,and A.Weislogel.F.Diegel (Shell)and R.Hobbs and L.Liro (Veritas)assisted with permission to show seismic data,and WesternGeco and Veritas kindly allowed the data to be shown.Finally,we thank Geo-Logic Systems,LLC for use of the LithoTect restoration software.

There are several fundamental problems with the drag-fold model.First,it assumes that the salt and adjacent strata have roughly equal strengths and simi-lar mechanical behavior.In fact,salt is a viscous ma-terial having negligible effective strength,whereas even shallowly buried sediments are plastic materials having mechanical strength and anisotropy.Second,drag fold-ing is incompatible with the observation that many di-apirs and subhorizontal salt tongues have little,if any, adjacent deformation or thinning.Third,the drag-fold model cannot explain beds that are folded beyond the dip of the diapir edge(e.g.,overturned beds on a ver-tical diapir).Moreover,it does not account for local unconformities and locally variable degrees of upturn.

Johnson and Bredeson(1971)recognized that dom-ing of a thin overburden above a passive diapir is a more plausible model than drag folding for observed stratal geometries.Other workers have speculated that passive diapirs grow by cycles of true passive diapirism,burial, and active piercement(Jackson et al.,1988;Schultz-Ela et al.,1993).However,it was only when exposed diapirs in La Popa basin in Mexico were studied that such a pro-cess was first documented(Lawton and Giles,1997;Giles and Lawton,2002).A model was proposed in which near-diapir folding is not a product of drag,but takes place at shallow levels as bathymetric relief increases and decreases because of the interplay between gradually varying salt-rise rates and high-frequency fluctuations in sedimentation rate(Rowan et al.,2000a,b).Finite-element modeling(Schultz-Ela,2003,this volume)has substantiated this model in that these simulations fail to produce significant folding by drag but do generate re-alistic fold geometries by near-surface rotation of thin, wedge-shaped flaps of overburden.

In this paper,we use field data from two exposed diapirs in La Popa basin and seismic data over analo-gous subsurface structures to derive a general model for passive diapirism and the associated deformation zone.We first build on the description and model for halokinetic sequences at El Papalote diapir(Giles and Lawton,2002),but focus on the structural geometry, kinematics,and evolution of folding.After comparing the deformation and stratigraphy at El Papalote and El Gordo diapirs,we use seismic images of currently growing salt bodies in the northern Gulf of Mexico to identify the factors that influence bathymetry above diapirs or allochthonous salt tongues.Ultimately,a complex relationship between the geometry of the salt body,salt inflation/deflation rates,sedimentation rate, and the resultant local bathymetric relief dictates whether there will be substantial folding and over-turning of beds,only moderate folding,or effectively no upturn and thinning of flanking or subsalt strata.

The significance of this work is its applicability to diapir-flank traps and subsalt truncation traps that con-tain large volumes of hydrocarbons in salt basins around the world.These traps are typically areas of poor seis-mic image quality because of steep dips or overlying salt. Better appreciation of possible structural geometries and deformation processes in these environments will help explorationists interpret data,understand reser-voir compartmentalization,and predict sand-thinning patterns adjacent to salt.


Regional Setting

La Popa basin is a small depocenter located in the foreland of the Sierra Madre Oriental foldbelt in north-eastern Mexico(Figure1).The basin contains several elliptical outcrops of gypsum representing eroded salt stocks and a25-km-long faultlike structure having inter-mittent remnant gypsum that marks an exposed subver-tical salt weld(Giles and Lawton,1999).The presence of subsurface salt in the basin is indicated by a Pemex well in the core of an adjacent detachment fold that spudded in gypsum but penetrated more than3000m of halite at depth(Lopez-Ramos,1982;Lawton et al.,2001).

The tectonostratigraphic history of La Popa basin is only summarized here;for further details and refer-ences,see Lawton et al.(2001)and Giles and Lawton (2002).The basin formed during Triassic–Jurassic rift-ing,probably as a pull-apart basin on a strike-slip mar-gin associated with the separation of North and South America and the opening of the Gulf of Mexico.Post-rift subsidence resulted in widespread evaporite dep-osition during the Oxfordian(and possibly earlier)in La Popa basin and adjacent areas.This was followed by a period of shallow-to deep-water carbonate deposition from the Late Jurassic into the Late Cretaceous.The ba-sin is dominated by a siliciclastic successsion of Upper Cretaceous to middle Eocene shales,siltstones,and sand-stones deposited in a foreland basin that developed east and north of the Sierra Madre orogenic belt.Depositional environments ranged from prodeltaic to fluvial.Lentic-ular carbonate strata(‘‘lentils’’of McBride et al.,1974) are interbedded with deeper-water facies of the silici-clastic succession only adjacent to the diapirs and weld.

Observed deformation in La Popa basin is a result of combined salt withdrawal/diapirism and regional

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contraction (Figures 1,2).Diapirism as old as the Ap-tian can be documented from surface exposures (Law-ton et al.,2001),although it likely started even earlier,shortly after deposition of the evaporites,as suggested by latest Jurassic cooling ages for metaigneous blocks carried up in the diapirs (Garrison and McMillan,1999).Shortening occurred during the latest Creta-ceous to Eocene Hidalgoan orogeny (Guzma ′n and de Cserna,1963),while diapirism was ongoing,and was accommodated primarily by salt-cored detachment folding and lateral squeezing of the salt body now represented by the weld (Rowan et al.,2001).

El Papalote Diapir


El Papalote diapir is located on a northeast-dipping fold limb between the El Gordo anticline and the syncline adjacent to the weld (Figures 2,3).A small flexure on


Near-Salt Deformation in La Popa Basin,Mexico,and the Northern Gulf of


Figure,ndsat image of La Popa basin in northeastern Mexico (inset).El Papalote and El Gordo diapirs and a 25-km-long vertical weld are in blue,and the axial traces of plunging,salt-cored detachment folds of the Hidalgoan orogeny are in red.

the limb runs through the diapir,having dips first flattening from 30–35j to about 20j ,then steepening to about 45j before returning to regional dip values (Figure 2).This flexure accommodates 200m of short-ening 2km away from the diapir.

A concentric zone of folded strata is present around El Papalote diapir some 500–1000m in width (Figure 3),in which strikes gradually approach paral-lelism with the edge of the stock and dips increase to vertical or overturned.The geometry is best seen be-neath the flaring southeastern flank of the diapir (Fig-ure 4),where there is a series of unconformity-bound halokinetic sequences (Giles and Lawton,2002)com-prising both siliciclastic strata and carbonate lentils adjacent to the diapir.The oldest exposed sequence consists of a wedge of overturned strata (including len-til 1)that dips moderately westward.Dips shallow to subhorizontal (but overturned)about 200m from the diapir,where the sequence is truncated by a vertical unconformity at the base of lentil 2.This unconformity bounds the next higher sequence,which has a similar overall geometry and is likewise truncated beneath the stratigraphically higher unconformity,a pattern repeat-ed through younger sequences.The angular unconform-ities grade laterally to corrrelative conformities within about 250m of the diapir.

There is a systematic stratigraphy in the haloki-netic sequences (Giles and Lawton,2002).Each package has a carbonate lentil above the lower unconformity.The base of the lentil is a debris flow with dominant

carbonate clasts and subordinate metaigneous clasts derived from blocks entrained in the diapir (Garrison and McMillan,1999).The main body of the lentil grades from thick,proximal facies adjacent to the diapir to thin,more distal calciturbidites encased in black shales.Overlying siliciclastic strata onlap the lentil and thin toward the diapir,near which the entire sequence is truncated by the upper unconformity,which forms the base of the overlying sequence.

The exposed edge of the diapir parallels the base of overturned lentil 1,where it dips about 35j toward the diapir (Figure 4).Although gypsum is not present farther up the hill because of erosion,we infer that the original diapir-sediment interface continued along the base of lentil 1to its intersection with lentil 2.Other-wise,there would be a local pod of older strata,and the diapir edge would have cut back downsection at a higher structural level,an unlikely scenario.If our interpretation is correct,the diapir edge had a local cusp at the unconformity,where it changes abruptly from subhorizontal at the base of lentil 1to vertical at the base of lentil 2.We infer that a similar cusp was present at the contact of each sequence pair,with the cusp’s shape dictated by the angle of truncation at the unconformity.

Observed small-scale deformation in the sedimen-tary section surrounding the diapir is relatively in-significant.Shales contain a steep,northwest-striking cleavage that is axial-planar to the regional folds.Sand-stones and carbonates have minor fractures and veins,

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Figure 2.Cross sections in La Popa basin showing (a)regional structures,including El Gordo anticline,the teepee structure of the vertical weld,and the intervening syncline,and (b)local structures,including El Gordo diapir,along El Gordo anticline,and El Papalote diapir,along a minor flexure on the northeast-dipping fold limb.Short red lines are measured bedding attitudes.Strata include Kac =carbonate lentils equivalent to the Aptian Cupido and Albian Aurora formations;Ki =basinal carbonates of the Cenomanian to Santonian Indidura Formation;Kp =Campanian Parras shale;Km =Maastrichtian Muerto sandstone;Kpsl,Kpml,Kpsm,TKd,Tpmu,and Tpss =Lower Siltstone,Lower Mudstone,Middle Siltstone,Delgado Sandstone,Upper Mudstone,and Upper Sandstone members,respectively,of the Maastrichtian to Paleocene Potrerillos Formation;Ta,Tv,and Tc =Eocene Adjuntas,Viento,and Carroza formations,respectively;Klg,Kmg,Ksj,1,and 5/6=carbonate lentils in mudstone members of the Potrerillos Formation.Section locations are indicated on Figures 1and 3.

most of which fit into three categories:(1)a set with northeast strikes and steep dips that represents axial-parallel extension along the regional folds;(2)a set perpendicular to local folded beds,but with similar strikes,that formed because of outer-arc extension;(3)a set oriented at high angles to the diapir boundary that accommodated tangential extension around the diapir (Figure 5a).The latter deformation is also expressed by radial,steep faults with as much as 20m of offset that extend as much as 1km away from the diapir (Figure 3).Displacement on the radial faults is greatest near the diapir and decreases outward to the fault tips.In addi-tion,radial ‘‘dikes’’of gypsum cut lentil 1adjacent to the diapir (Figure 5a).

The only shear zones or breccias oriented parallel to the diapir edge are present in the outer 100m of the diapir itself.No diapir-parallel high-strain zones are present in adjacent rocks.Instead,shear deformation in diapir-flanking strata is concentrated along the uncon-formities.These are brittle shear zones as much as 20cm wide consisting of brecciated subunconformity li-thologies in a matrix of fine-grained crushed rock and


Near-Salt Deformation in La Popa Basin,Mexico,and the Northern Gulf of


Figure 3.Geologic map of the two diapirs.Red lines indicate the axial traces of folds:El Gordo anticline,which passes through El Gordo diapir,a minor flexure expressed as an anticline-syncline pair at El Papalote diapir,and an orthogonal withdrawal syncline to the southwest of El Gordo diapir.Green dashed lines indicate the limits of the deformation zones around the diapirs,where bedding is rotated to steeper dips.The amount of rotation from horizontal (in degrees)is indicated by numbers in red (90is vertical,180is horizontal but upside-down).Siliciclastic strata are in pastel colors (see Figure 2)and carbonate lentils are in brighter shades (Kpgl =Lower Gordo lentil;Kpgm =Middle Gordo lentil;Tpgu =Upper Gordo lentil).

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Figure 4.Cross section of the eastern flank of El Papalote diapir (location shown on Figure 3).Siliciclastics that thin toward the diapir are in pastel colors (see Figure 2),and carbonate lentils (1to 5)that pinch out away from the diapir are in brighter shades.The salt flares to the east and is flanked by stacked halokinetic sequences bounded by unconformities at the bases of the lentils.Unit boundaries are solid where certain,dashed where approxi-mate,and dotted where inferred.See text for


Figure 5.(a)Photograph taken from just inside El Papalote diapir,looking out at the vertical base of lentil 1,which is cut by a swarm of radial veins and a gypsum dike that record concentric extension during drape folding of the overburden.(b)Photograph of the unconformity at the vertical base of lentil 2,which truncates horizontal,overturned sandstones of the Potrerillos Formation;the unconformity is a 10–20-cm-wide brittle shear zone with sense-of-shear indicators showing older beds moved away from the diapir.

secondary carbonate cement(Figure5b).Sense-of-shear indicators show that the underlying,truncated beds moved away from the diapir.


To understand the growth of El Papalote diapir and the progressive development and deformation of halo-kinetic sequences,we apply2-D structural restoration to the cross section of Figure4.Numerous algorithms are available and commonly applied in restoration(e.g., Davison,1986;White et al.,1986;Williams and Vann, 1987;Rowan and Kligfield,1989).Simple flexural-slip restoration maintains the length of the horizon being restored and imposes curvilinear sliding surfaces parallel to this horizon.Simple vertical/oblique slip applies lin-ear sliding surfaces at some chosen orientation,common-ly parallel to antithetic faults or axial surfaces of restored folds.Slip-line restoration invokes curvilinear slip parallel to a fault or,in this case,the edge of the diapir,thereby modeling a halo of simple shear around the diapir.

In the case of diapirs like El Papalote,having over-turned beds,convergent and onlapping strata,and angu-lar unconformities,each of these restoration methods requires slip surfaces locally oblique to bedding.Depend-ing on the algorithm and the local geometry,slip surfaces range from bedding-parallel to bedding-perpendicular. Yet there is no field evidence for deformation zones cutting through competent beds or for the consequent dip-dependent thinning.The implication is that the dom-inant deformation mechanism is slip along bedding, which preserves bed lengths and thicknesses.Conse-quently,we employ a new algorithm termed complex flexural slip,which models slip along nonparallel bed-ding surfaces(Ratliff et al.,1999).The lengths and thicknesses of individual beds are maintained,although slip between beds results in thinning or thickening of larger stratal packages.Slip surfaces converge at onlap surfaces and unconformities,consistent with the signifi-cant slip seen on unconformities at El Papalote(Figure 5b).Nevertheless,complex flexural slip still simplifies the true deformation,in that incompetent beds probably experienced complicated small-scale shear and flow that resulted in bed thinning.

The restoration of flanking strata at El Papalote is shown in Figure6.However,it is easier to understand the progressive deformation by examining the restora-tion of modeled halokinetic sequences(Figure7).In both figures,the restoration template(upper surface) is horizontal because there are no constraints on the pa-leobathymetry of each horizon.Variable bathymetric relief is an important component of the deformation (Giles and Lawton,2002)that will be addressed below in the general model for passive diapirism.

Both restorations(Figures6,7)show that de-formation is not a product of shear around the diapir, i.e.,the folds are not drag folds.Instead,they are best termed drape folds because they form by rotation of wedge-shaped flaps of overburden(halokinetic se-quences)as the diapir inflates and flanking strata sink. Synrotational sedimentation produces the wedge shape of each halokinetic sequence.The deformation occurs in the shallow subsurface and folding ceases with increas-ing burial(Figure6),although there may be continued relative salt rise.Similar results in models by Schultz-Ela(2003,this volume)show that this idea is not only kinematically but also dynamically feasible.

During bed rotation,strata directly beneath a diapir-flank unconformity translate along the uncon-formity,thereby increasing the original erosional angle of truncation and creating a cusp along the diapir edge (Figures7,8).These cusps are not primary salt wings caused by lateral extrusion of salt(Yeilding and Travis, 1997),but instead are secondary by-products of the deformation,with the mobile salt filling in the space created by the increasingly angular unconformities.

The drape-fold model has an important conse-quence for three-dimensional deformation around di-apirs with elliptical plan shapes or any local convex-outward geometry.As the overburden rotates,it must experience tangential extension and split much as the petals of a flower separate when they open.This pro-duces the radial faults,veins,and gypsum dikes seen adjacent to El Papalote diapir.The intensity of this deformation,as well as slip along the unconformities, decreases rapidly away from the diapir.

Comparison of El Gordo and El Papalote Diapirs

El Gordo diapir has many of the same stratigraphic and structural features seen at El Papalote diapir.It has a concentric deformation zone having halokinetic sequences,beds that are rotated to vertical and be-yond,local unconformities,and radial faults(Figure 3).It also has exposed cusps at the gypsum-sediment interface where unconformities intersect the diapir (Figure9).However,there are key differences that we examine in the following sections.


Whereas El Papalote diapir is on the limb of a regional Hidalgoan anticline,El Gordo diapir is located along the hinge of the fold(Figures2,3).This anticline

740Near-Salt Deformation in La Popa Basin,Mexico,and the Northern Gulf of Mexico

accommodates about2km of shortening just1.7km away from El Gordo,whereas the small flexure pass-ing through El Papalote records one-tenth as much shortening.As both diapirs predated the folding,one might expect that both would have been squeezed similarly,because the presence of weak salt localizes contractional strain and controls fold development (e.g.,Vendeville and Nilsen,1995;Rowan et al.,2000c). However,the two diapirs and the weld are too close together for all three to form major folds because the thickness of folded strata(>6400m,Lawton et al., 2001)results in a fold wavelength of at least10km (Figure1).Thus,major anticlines developed along El Gordo and the weld,whereas only a minor flexure de-veloped at El Papalote.

Deformation at El Gordo diapir covers a broader area but is not as severe as that at El Papalote diapir. The deformed zone around El Gordo diapir is up to 2km wide,more than the800m at El Papalote dia-pir(Figure3).Correspondingly,the unconformities bounding halokinetic sequences extend farther away from El Gordo diapir(as much as800m)than from El Papalote diapir( 200m).Despite this broader zone of deformation at El Gordo diapir,the degree of folding is less than it is at El Papalote diapir,with beds only rotating a maximum of34j beyond vertical as opposed to being completely overturned at El Papalote diapir(Figure3).Because of this,the max-imum angular discordance observed on El Gordo un-conformities is about75j,compared to90j on those at El Papalote diapir.


All siliciclastic units thin as they approach the diapirs. Measured sections of the Delgado Sandstone docu-ment that thinning takes place within400m of El Papa-lote but within1200m of El Gordo(J.Aschoff,2002, personal communication).Carbonate lentils also show

Rowan et al.741 Figure 6.Sequential restorations of the cross section in Figure4constructed in LithoTect using complex flexural slip (slip along nonparallel beds;Ratliff et al.,1999),a horizontal restoration template,and a pin line at the right edge of the section.The first restoration to the top of Tpmu(a)removes the effects of Hidalgoan shortening;although this is a strike line with respect to Hidalgoan structures,a sharp lateral strain gradient caused by squeezing of the weak diapir is manifested as a steep local fold plunge along strike to the southeast.Thus, the Tpmu restoration(a)shows the deformation associated with passive diapirism,which is sequentially restored in(b)to (d).Note the increasing angular discordance of the unconform-ities during progressive rotation and the creation of cusps at the salt edge because of slip along the unconformities. Bathymetric relief is not reconstructed,but would have an important effect;for example,the Kpsm monocline in(b)and (c)was probably a simple,progressive upturn of beds.

key differences between the two diapirs (Figure 10).As compared to El Papalote diapir,those at El Gordo diapir are generally thicker and extend farther away from the diapir,and they typically have shallower water facies (Hunnicutt,1998;Mercer,2002).More-over,there are variations around El Gordo diapir itself,in that lentils reach greater distances from the diapir on the northeast side.

In summary,the stratigraphic trends are consist-ent with the structural data.Both the lentils and the siliciclastics indicate broader and higher bathymetric relief at El Gordo diapir.El Gordo diapir is located on a major anticline and has a wider,but less severe,surrounding zone of deformation.

GENERAL MODEL FOR PASSIVE DIAPIRISM Near-diapir folding associated with passive diapirism is found in salt basins throughout the world,although


Near-Salt Deformation in La Popa Basin,Mexico,and the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Figure 7.Model halokinetic sequences HS1and HS2(a)and restoration to the top of HS1(b).Restoration was carried out in LithoTect using complex flexural slip,a vertical pin line outside the defor-mation halo,and a horizontal restoration template.Slip along convergent bedding planes in HS1is transferred to the over-lying unconformity as the diapir rises and the stratal wedge is folded and onlapped by HS2.The result is that the tip of the wedge (x)draws back along the uncon-formity to point y,thereby creating a cusp in the edge of


Figure 8.Sequential stages in the model restoration of Figure 7overlapped and slightly offset to show the progressive deformation as the diapir rises and the flanking minibasin subsides.Gradual onlap and rotation of HS2during drape folding is accompanied by further folding of HS1and slip along the intervening unconformity,resulting in an increasing angle of


the degree of deformation varies(e.g.,the northern Gulf of Mexico[Johnson and Bredeson,1971],onshore Nova Scotia[Alsop et al.,2000],the southern North Sea [Davison et al.,2000a],onshore Yemen[Davison et al., 1996a],southern and central Iran[Kent,1979;Jackson et al.,1990],and the Adelaide geosyncline of Australia [Dyson,1996]).A particularly well-imaged seismic ex-ample of stacked halokinetic sequences from the Pre-caspian basin of Kazakhstan is illustrated in Figure11.

A single comprehensive model can explain the ob-served variations in salt-flank deformation.Our mod-el for the growth and emplacement of passive diapirs and allochthonous salt tongues is based on several key elements.

Key Elements of Model

Salt-Rise Rate

We assume that the rate of diapir rise relative to as-sociated subsidence of the surrounding strata varies only gradually through time.It is not incremental in-flux of sediment that drives salt movement;instead,the primary factor is the differential load between preexisting sediment in the subsiding minibasin and the thin diapir overburden(Vendeville et al.,1993;Prather et al.,1998;Rowan and Weimer,1998).The rate of diapir rise driven by this differential load steadily in-creases as the minibasin grows in thickness,slows be-cause of viscous drag forces in the thinning source salt layer,and eventually ceases when the layer is com-pletely evacuated and a weld forms(Vendeville et al., 1993).Any pulse of increased sedimentation,such as during a lowstand on the slope,increases the differ-ential load,but this is a second-order effect super-imposed on the primary drive of the existing load.

Diapir-rise rates are also influenced by lateral forces acting on the diapir walls.Extension and con-traction both preferentially affect diapirs because they are the weakest parts of the rock volume.Extension has the effect of slowing the rise of passive diapirs because the diapir widens with time;in some cases, the diapir may even collapse instead of grow(Ven-deville and Jackson,1992b).Conversely,shortening narrows the diapir and accelerates upward salt flow (Vendeville and Nilsen,1995).

Rowan et al.743

Figure9.Geologic map of the north-

western corner of El Gordo diapir showing

a prominent cusp where the halokinetic

unconformity at the base of Middle Gordo

lentil(Kpgm)intersects the diapir.The

map is oriented(see North arrow)so

that it shows a down-plunge view and

thus approximates a cross section.

Sedimentation Rate

In contrast to the gradual changes in subsidence/dia-pirism rates,sedimentation rates show high-frequency variations.These are largely caused by eustatic changes in sea level but also may be caused by lateral shifting of deltas and/or turbidite channel systems and fans.Thus,sedimentation rates sometimes exceed sub-sidence rates and sometimes are slower.The result is that bathymetric relief around the diapir fluctuates:rapid sedimentation decreases the relief as the mini-basin is filled,and slow sedimentation increases the re-lief as the basin subsides and the diapir inflates (Ro-wan and Weimer,1998;Prather et al.,1998;Giles and Lawton,2002).Origin of Folding and Faulting

Salt bodies that grow passively are typically covered by a thin condensed section of finer grained material depos-ited on the bathymetric high (e.g.,Worrall and Snel-son,1989;Fletcher et al.,1995;Moore et al.,1995).As bathymetric relief increases,this cover is gradually draped over the edge of the rising diapir,forming a scarp at the sea floor.It is this draping,not viscous drag,that rotates beds and creates diapir-flank folds.The three-dimensional effects of draping over curved salt boundaries also lead to radial faults adjacent to the diapir.For example,radial faults are most abundant at the curved terminations of elongate salt diapirs in the southern North Sea (Davison et al.,2000b).


Near-Salt Deformation in La Popa Basin,Mexico,and the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Figure 10.Facies,thicknesses,and lengths of carbonate lentils at El Gordo and El Papalote dia-pirs (see Figures 2–4for lentil nomenclature).Range of widths at El Gordo diapir are for the southwestern (shorter)and northeastern (longer)flanks.El Gordo lentils are generally thick-er,wider,and shallower than those at El Papalote diapir,but there are more Paleocene lentils at El Papalote


Deformation Mechanism

Folding is accommodated primarily by slip along con-vergent bedding surfaces,slip that is concentrated at angular unconformities and onlap surfaces (complex flexural slip;Figures 7,8).Although near-surface stra-ta are relatively unconsolidated,bedding provides an anisotropy that controls deformation.This is a sim-plification,of course,that neglects a likely component of bed lengthening and thinning,especially in con-densed muds above the diapir.Bed-parallel slip is docu-mented around several diapirs in the southern North Sea (Davison et al.,2000a),although it is unclear whether this is related to local diapiric rise or regional contractional deformation.

Origin of Unconformities

Our model stipulates that when the bathymetric scarp becomes sufficiently steep,it fails gravitationally,as depicted for salt sheets by McGuinness and Hossack (1993).This slumped material may form debris flows,as at El Papalote diapir (Giles and Lawton,2002)and in the southern North Sea (Davison et al.,2000a),or it may be represented by the structurally complex ‘‘gumbo zones’’beneath some salt tongues (Fletcher

et al.,1995).In the slope environment,the slumped fine-grained material of the condensed section may be winnowed away by currents or entrained in later tur-bidity flows and thus be undetectable.Turbidity flows may even contribute to the erosion as they increase in velocity while passing over and down the steep scarp.In any case,the erosion of the draped cover creates a local angular unconformity between the rotated,trun-cated beds beneath the failure surface and subsequent strata that onlap the surface (Giles and Lawton,2002).These unconformities are local to the bathymetric scarp and pass quickly into correlative conformities away from the diapir.Different Model Scenarios

We have already stated that observed near-diapir geom-etries vary widely,from severe overturn and thinning of beds to essentially undeformed,constant-thickness strata.We present below five different scenarios,all based on the common key elements of our model,which produce very different results.The scenarios vary in the relationship between salt-body geometry and the associated bathymetric expression.

Rowan et al.


Figure 11.Uninterpreted (a)and interpreted (b)time-migrated 2-D seismic profile from the Precaspian basin in Kazakhstan showing stacked halokinetic sequences bounded by angular unconformities (u)that intersect the diapir at cusps (c)and pass into correlative conformities away from the diapir.The basal unit of each sequence is parallel to the unconformity and then the diapir edge and is onlapped by younger strata,equivalent to the lentils in La Popa basin.Scale not available.

Diapir with Wide Halo of Bathymetric Relief

Many diapirs have areas of bathymetric relief that ex-tend for some distance beyond the diapir edges (Fig-ure 12).When modeled using complex flexural slip,this scenario creates a wide zone of deformation with thick halokinetic sequences,significant onlap and thin-ning,overturned beds,and prominent,highly angular unconformities (Figure 13).Discordance at unconform-ities increases with time as underlying beds translate away from the diapir during folding to create cusps in the salt edge.Bed rotation gradually wanes with depth,so that the stratal geometry remains unchanged after sufficient burial.

Diapir with Narrow Halo of Bathymetric Relief

Other diapirs have narrower zones of bathymetric re-lief that extend only a short distance beyond the diapir.A model of this scenario yields very different diapir-flank geometries than those produced in the previous example.The halokinetic sequences are thinner and more frequent,the width of the deformation halo is nar-rower,the amount of upturn and thinning is markedly less,and the unconformities are subtle and less angular

(Figure 14).An example is seen on the right side of the diapir in Figure 15b.

Diapir with No Halo of Bathymetric Relief

In extreme cases,there is little,if any,thinning and deformation of flanking strata (Figure 15a).This can be seen in a modern example,where the width of the bathymetric high is approximately the same as that of the diapir (left side of Figure 15b).Consequently,there is almost no adjacent deformation,and no radial faults are expected because there is no flap of strata being folded.

Shortened Diapir

Both diapirs in Figure 16have thrust faults and as-sociated contractional folds extending laterally away from them in map view (Rowan,1995).The diapirs have been subjected to shortening at the basinward margin of an allochthonous salt canopy in response to gravity spreading and updip extension.Bathymetric relief is higher and broader than in diapirs with no shortening:in these examples,there is as much as 400m of relief extending as much as 3km from the diapir


Near-Salt Deformation in La Popa Basin,Mexico,and the Northern Gulf of


Figure 12.Time-migrated 3-D seismic profile from the northern Gulf of Mexico showing a diapir with a bathymetric halo extending approximately 650m away from the diapir edges.The underlying stratal wedge is strongly rotated,with beds approaching vertical (scale is roughly 1:1).This is the same diapir as in figure 11of Rowan (1995).Data courtesy of WesternGeco.

edge.In contrast,the diapir in Figure12has a bathy-metric halo200m high and650m wide,and that in Figure15b has only about100m of relief immediately above the diapir.

The subsurface deformation is correspondingly dif-ferent,in that there is a much broader zone of thinning and upturn of beds around the salt(Figure16).Fur-thermore,the erosional unconformity on the left flank of the right-hand diapir becomes conformable some1.5 km away from the diapir.In contrast,any unconformi-ties around the diapir in Figure12would have a max-imum extent of roughly500m because the zone of drape folding is narrower.

We have not modeled shortened diapirs because the flanking stratal geometries are largely unconstrained. Folding is a response not only to passive diapirism,but also to regional contraction.The fold geometry is thus influenced by the depth to the detachment,the amount of shortening,the presence and dip of any adjacent reverse faults,and the diapir shape.

Subhorizontal Salt Tongues/Canopies

The previous scenarios have all involved roughly ver-tical salt diapirs.The surrounding deformation is ex-pected to be similar in the case of diapirs that flare outward.In other words,the degree of upturn and thinning in adjacent strata will depend largely on the height and areal extent of the bathymetric relief,which in turn are dependent upon the interplay between salt-flow rates and sedimentation rates.

However,at some point,the similarity between vertical growth and more lateral extrusion of salt fails. Subhorizontal salt bodies typically have subsalt strata that are truncated by the base salt with little thinning or deformation(Figure17).We do not refer here to the complex geometries sometimes found in so-called ‘‘gumbo zones,’’where the section just below salt may have overturned beds,repeated sections,and generally complex deformation and biostratigraphy(Harrison and Patton,1995).These zones probably represent material slumped off the bathymetric scarp above the toe of salt and subsequently overriden as the salt extruded basinward(McGuinness and Hossack,1993; Fletcher et al.,1995).Instead,we refer to the larger scale geometry of subsalt strata,which are typically relatively undisturbed.

The explanation lies again in the relationship be-tween the salt geometry and the bathymetric relief. In the case of a vertical diapir,the drape folding caused by diapiric growth and basin subsidence occurs adja-cent to the rising diapir(Figure13).The breakout of salt occurs relatively high on the bathymetric scarp, and folded strata are preserved around the diapir.In the case of subhorizontal salt,the tip of salt is near the base of the scarp(Figure17a,b),and the salt breaks through at this position.Thus,the rotated strata mak-ing up the scarp are those that are eroded away,so that only undeformed strata are preserved beneath the salt after it extrudes basinward.A contributing factor is that subhorizontal salt tongues/canopies generally serve as detachments for gravitational failure and basinward translation of the overburden.Thus,the tip of the salt commonly lies on a thrust fault that cuts through to the base of the bathymetric scarp.As the salt and its over-burden advance basinward,only the undeformed foot-wall is preserved below the salt.


We have shown that the relationship between salt geometry and associated bathymetric relief dictates the nature and degree of near-diapir deformation dur-ing passive diapirism.Because the rotation of beds in the bathymetric scarp produces the folding,the width of the scarp beyond the point of salt breakthrough determines the width of the deformation zone pre-served in the subsurface.

However,what controls the width of the bathy-metric halo?In the case of a vertical or flaring diapir without shortening,it is the thickness of the over-burden wedge(halokinetic sequence)and its mechan-ical strength,as first suggested by Parker and McDowell (1955).A thick wedge of strata produces a wider zone of deformation than a thin wedge folded to the same degree of rotation.Thus,relatively thick overburden produces a broad area of bathymetric relief(Figure12), thinner overburden generates a narrow halo of relief, and an absence of overburden results in bathymetric relief that is restricted to the area directly above the diapir(Figure15b).

In turn,the interplay between salt-flow rates and variations in sedimentation rates during episodic deposi-tion controls the thickness of the halokinetic sequence. When sedimentation rates exceed salt inflation/deflation rates(for example,during lowstands on the slope),bathy-metric relief decreases as a thickening wedge of strata onlaps and covers the diapir(Figure13).When sedimen-tation slows(during transgressive and highstand peri-ods),bathymetric relief builds again to the point of failure,and the result is a broad deformation halo.In contrast,if maximum sedimentation rates are rela-tively slow,onlap of the diapir will be minor,and the

Rowan et al.747

Figure13.Kinematic forward

model of halokinetic sequence

deposition and deformation

during drape folding over the

flank of a vertical diapir having

a broad bathymetric halo and

overall rapid sedimentation.

Each stage(a–i)represents an

equal time interval and amount

of relative inflation of the salt or

subsidence of the basin.Bathy-

metric relief during each of the

two cycles first decreases and

then increases as sedimentation

rates are rapid and then slow.

The top of the diapir and

flanking beds are removed

when the steepness of the scarp

reaches an arbitrary angle(de-

noted by‘‘failure’’),thereby

producing the bounding uncon-

formities of the two halokinetic

sequences.The angularity of the

unconformity increases from(e)

to(g)and creates a cusp in the

diapir edge.The modeling was

carried out in LithoTect using

complex flexural slip(slip along

nonparallel beds)and a pin line

at the right edge.Bed lengths

are maintained except over the

top of the diapir,where there is

lengthening.Not to scale.

748Near-Salt Deformation in La Popa Basin,Mexico,and the Northern Gulf of Mexico

overburden wedge will be thin,leading to a narrower zone of deformation(Figure14).

This explanation is compatible with our field observations.The thick,broad halokinetic sequence between lentils1and2at El Papalote diapir formed during deposition of the Middle Siltstone Member of the Potrerillos Formation,whereas the thinner,nar-rower halokinetic sequences between lentils2and6 formed during slower deposition of the black shales of the Upper Mudstone Member(Figures4,6).Recent finite-element modeling is also in agreement:the greatest amount of diapir-flank folding is generated when there is episodic rapid deposition of thick units (Schultz-Ela,2003,this volume).

The proposed link between deformation-zone width and the interplay between diapir rise and sedi-mentation rates apparently fails in the case of diapirs having minimal,if any,flank folding and thinning(Fig-ure15).This geometry typically occurs on the upper slope when both sedimentation and salt-rise rates are very rapid.For example,the average aggradation rate around the diapir in Figure15over the last half-million years was about0.4cm/yr;lowstand sedimentation rates would have been significantly higher.In our model,this scenario should lead to wide zones of bathymetric relief and folding.We offer two possible explanations for the apparent lack of deformation. First,it may be that absolute rates,not just relative rates,of diapir rise and sedimentation are important.If both are very rapid,the high strain rates may cause the diapir edge to behave like a brittle fault,so that there is little folding(just as salt can fault instead of flow under high strain rates,e.g.,Davison et al.,1996b).Alter-natively,bathymetric relief built during a highstand (slow sedimentation rate)may be stripped off by high-velocity,delta-front turbidity currents early in the subsequent lowstand.The lack of preserved bathy-metric relief would result in little diapir-flanking deformation.

We have suggested that the width of the deforma-tion halo depends in part on the thickness of the folded wedge.This thickness also influences the degree of folding,because for a given bed-convergence angle in a wedge,the bottom bed of a thick wedge has a steeper dip adjacent to the salt than the lowest bed of a thinner wedge having the same width.In the former case,there-fore,scarp failure,erosion,and subsequent onlap pro-duces more angular discordance at the unconformity. Further deformation as the overlying halokinetic se-quence is deposited and rotated increases the angular discordance as subjacent beds translate along the un-conformity.

Rowan et al.749


forward model similar

to that in Figure13,but

having a narrower ba-

thymetric halo and slower

overall sedimentation

rates.The result is that

bathymetric relief con-

tinuously builds up to

the point of failure,pro-

ducing thinner halokinetic

sequences,less upturn

of beds,only subtle un-

conformities,and no

cusps.The time interval

reflected by the red beds

is double that of the yel-

low beds.Modeling car-

ried out in LithoTect;not

to scale.

Other factors affect the degree to which folding develops.One is the amount of time between deposition and erosion.For a given rate of rotation (which depends on the inflation/subsidence rate),a scarp that fails after a relatively long time will have steeper dips adjacent to the diapir.Beds that are truncated sooner,either through


Near-Salt Deformation in La Popa Basin,Mexico,and the Northern Gulf of


Figure 15.(a)Well-log cross section through the overhanging edge of Cote Blanche diapir,onshore Louisiana,showing essentially no thinning or upturn of flanking strata (from Johnson and Bredeson,1971,reprinted by permission of the AAPG whose permission is required for further use).(b)Time-migrated 3-D seismic profile from the northern Gulf of Mexico showing a diapir having no bathymetric halo and correspondingly little thinning and deformation of flanking strata on the left side,and a narrow bathymetric halo and corresponding deformation zone on the right side (this is the same diapir as in figure 12of Rowan,1995;data courtesy of WesternGeco).

gravitational failure or erosion by loop currents or tur-bidity currents,will have less rotation.This may explain the difference between the sharp folding and 90j unconformities of lentils 2and 3at El Papalote diapir (Figures 4,6)and the more subtle folding and truncation in the modeled thin wedge (Figure 14).

Another factor is suggested by finite-element models of Schultz-Ela (2003,this volume),in which the very top of the diapir tends to spread because the thin overburden and free face of the bathymetric scarp offer little lateral resistance.This enhances rotation of the onlapping wedge and,although it cannot be doc-umented,may help explain the large amount of over-turn at El Papalote diapir.

The discussion to this point has focused on vertical or flaring diapirs growing purely passively.Any coeval shortening has a significant impact.If the shortening is relatively minor and thus confined to the diapir itself,it simply increases the rate of upward salt flow as the diapir is squeezed.This may initially increase the de-gree of folding,but the width of the bathymetric halo actually decreases if sedimentation can no longer keep up with and onlap the more rapidly growing bathy-metric relief.

With adequate shortening,an elongate,salt-cored detachment fold develops extending away from the diapir.Beds uplifted and rotated on this fold form a broad,high area of bathymetric relief (Figure 16)and a correspondingly wide zone of deformation.However,the deformation halo is characterized by a combination of growth-fold geometries,with progressive rotation of gradually thinning beds over a wide area,and more local halokinetic geometries.Therefore,the degree of bed upturn in halokinetic sequences tends to be less in diapirs along folds (e.g.,El Gordo)than in diapirs with only minor shortening (e.g.,El Papalote).Unconform-ities are correspondingly less angular,although they may extend farther from the diapir because of the wider bathymetric scarp.

The degree of near-diapir deformation commonly varies around a salt body because asymmetric diapir geometries,subsidence,and/or sedimentation generate asymmetric bathymetric relief.For example,although the left-hand diapir in Figure 16has roughly symmetric bathymetric slopes,the other has a gentle downdip flank and a narrower,steeper updip flank.Both diapirs are being shortened,but there is also a component of vertical subsidence into salt underlying the updip minibasin (right edge of the section).The results of such asymmetric subsidence can be seen at El Gordo diapir,where a linear withdrawal syncline intersects the southwestern diapir flank (Figure 3).Greater bed rotation (Figure 3)and less-extensive lentils (Figure 10)occur along this flank than along the northeastern

Rowan et al.


Figure 16.Time-migrated 3-D seismic profile from the northern Gulf of Mexico showing two shortened diapirs (same as in figure 19of Rowan,1995).The bathymetric halos are as much as 3km wide,underlying strata are thinned and rotated over a similar distance,and an angular unconformity extends 1.5km away from the diapir edge.The steeper,narrower bathymetric scarp on the right is caused by subsidence of the flanking minibasin into underlying salt.Data courtesy of WesternGeco.

flank,as would be expected for a steeper and narrower bathymetric halo than one dominated by shortening (Figure 18).

El Papalote diapir provides another example of asymmetry commonly seen on diapirs on the slope.Clastic source areas lay to the west of La Popa basin (Lawton et al.,2001),and bryozoan reefs on the east-ern flank of the diapir indicate a sediment-shadow ef-fect (Hunnicutt,1998).The basinward margin of the diapir would have had a slightly higher,narrower,and steeper bathymetric scarp (Figure 18),which is consist-ent with the greater amount of bed overturn observed on the eastern flank (Figure 3).The higher bathymetric scarp would also favor outward spreading of the salt and consequent folding,as in the simulations of Schultz-Ela (2003,this volume).

Because field data show that La Popa diapirs were episodically eroded,salt emergence is built into our forward models (Figures 13,14).However,it is un-likely that all parts of a diapir are uncovered except in the case of narrow stocks.Since salt breakout occurs mostly along the flanks because of slumping,it is prob-able that salt bodies with larger horizontal extent have significant areas that remain covered by sediment.This is why condensed but incomplete sections of older strata are commonly found on the tops of many diapirs (e.g.,Johnson and Bredeson,1971;Moore et al.,1995).In fact,diapir exposure is not even required in passive diapirism and may not occur in many cases or over prolonged periods of evolution of some diapirs.It is enough that sufficient material is regularly removed or thinned so that the overburden remains thin enough for the diapir to continue rising.There is also no need for salt breakthrough in the case of subhorizontal salt tongues (Figure 17),if the draped overburden remains thin through erosion and keeps moving forward with the advancing salt.

We have proposed that the interplay between salt-rise rates and sedimentation rates largely controls near-diapir deformation.Yet the same relationship is used to explain the dip of the salt-sediment interface,with equal rates allowing vertical diapirism and high ratios of salt-flow rate to sedimentation rate responsible for lateral salt extrusion (Vendeville and Jackson,1991;McGuinness and Hossack,1993;Talbot,1993).There is no incompatibility between these proposals because


Near-Salt Deformation in La Popa Basin,Mexico,and the Northern Gulf of


Figure 17.(a)and (b)Time-migrated,3-D seismic profile and 1:1depth section,respectively,across a subhorizontal salt tongue and its bathymetric scarp;the tip of the salt is at the toe of the scarp,so that only undeformed strata will underlie the salt after it advances.Data courtesy of Veritas Marine Surveys.(c)Prestack depth-migrated portion of another line showing a lack of subsalt thinning and folding where the base salt is subhorizontal and apparent flank folding where the base salt ramps up (modified from Liro et al.,2001,reprinted by permission of the Gulf Coast Section SEPM Foundation).

LA76810 主要引脚功能

LA76810 主要引脚功能 2007-09-10 11:44 ( 1 ) 25 脚电压。 25 脚为行扫描及总线接口供电端 , 内置 5 . 0 V 稳压管 , 外经 R217 接在+ 12V电源上 , 正常时 , 25 脚电压为 5 . 0 V , 若该脚电压丢失 , 行扫描电路及 I C 总线接口均不工作 , 产生三无现象。 ( 2 ) 11 脚及 12 脚电压。 11 脚和 12 脚为 I C 总线输入端 , 正常工作时为 4 . 6 V 左右 , 若 I C总线电压不正常 , LA76810 也就不能正常工作 , 并产生黑屏现象。此时扫描电路虽工作 , 但无光栅 , 若提高帘栅电压 , 可能出现带回扫线的光栅。 ( 3 ) 8 脚电压。 8 脚为内部中频电路供电端 , 采用 + 5V 电压进行供电 , 若供电丢失 , 中放电路就不会工作 , 产生无图无声现象。 ( 4 ) 18 脚电压。 18 脚为 RGB 电路供电端 , 内置 8 V 稳压管 , 若供电不正常 , 会使内部 RGB电路不工作 , 产生黑屏现象 , 此时 , 19 脚、20 脚及 21 脚均无电压输出。 ( 5 ) 46 脚电压。 46 脚为检波后视频信号输出端子。有信号时 , 此脚电压为 1 . 8V 左右 , 无信号时为 3 . 0V 左右 , 因而通过测量该脚电压可以判断有无视频信号 输出。 ( 6 ) 28 脚电压。 28 脚为行逆程脉冲输入脚 , 行逆程脉冲在 LA76810 内部用于行中心位置调整、亮度钳位、色同步选通及行消隐。当行逆程脉冲正常时 , 28 脚电压为1 V 左右 , 无行逆程脉冲输入时 , 28 脚为 2 . 0 V 左右 , 此时19 脚、20 脚及 21 脚电压极低 , 末级视放管几乎处于截止状态 , 整机出现黑屏或光栅极暗的现象。 ( 7 ) 10 脚电压。 10 脚为 AFT 电压输出端 , 在有信号时 , 若中频 PLL 环路处于锁定状态 , 则10 脚电压约 2 . 6 V 左右 , 且在搜台时该脚电压大幅度摆动。若摆幅很小或不摆动 , 说明 PLL 环路不能准确锁定。在无信号时 , 10 脚电压为 4 . 8V 左右 , 因而 10 脚电压的变化规律可用来判断中频 PLL 环路的锁相情况。 海信76810 机芯总线 用户遥控器后壳打开, 取出电路板, 可以发现在“ 上、下、左、右”键位置处, 有一未连通的断点,用焊锡将其连好, 此时“ 上、下、左、右”键中间位置的碳膜即为“ TEST”位置, 只要在该处装一个键,遥控器上的“ TEST”键, 电视机屏幕上显示“ TEST”字样, 表明整机进入总线调整状态( 即维修模式) 。调整完毕, 再按“ TEST”键, 可退出调整状态。进入维修模式后, 用数字“ 0 ~9”键可进入相应的调整菜单。(cpu lc863324a-5n09)


在世博会的舞台上,总是活跃着这样一群建筑师,他们的创作思想与世博会主题紧密相连,他们的设计作品体现出前卫的科技之美。虽然其中一些建筑未被永久的保存下来,但他们设计的建筑和他们的名字却被人们牢牢记住。这些伟大的建筑师们用他们的灵感与专注,创造出世博会上一个又一个震撼与奇迹,而世博会也成为这些建筑师事业的辉煌标记,将他们思想与作品永远铭记在建筑的史册之中。 在众多在世博会上大放异彩的建筑师中,现代建筑大师密斯?凡德罗无疑是最具代表性的一位。1929年,在西班牙巴塞罗那举办了国际博览会,密斯设计的德国馆,以其 密斯·凡德罗与巴塞罗那德国馆 文?李政?李贺楠 典型的现代主义风格,成为这届博览会中最有影响力的建筑作品。虽然,巴塞罗那德国馆建成后只有3个月就随着展览的闭幕而被拆除,但其所产生的重大影响一直持续到今天。 巴塞罗那德国馆 巴塞罗那德国馆建立在一个约4英尺高的石砌平台之上,由一个主厅和二开间附属用房组成。主厅的承重结构为8根十字形断面的钢柱,屋顶是薄薄的一片向四周悬挑的屋顶。大理石和玻璃构成的墙板也是简单光洁的薄片,纵横交错,布置灵活,形成既分割又连通,既封闭又开敞的 “一个博览会的效益取决于它探讨的基本问题,伟大的博览会历史告诉我们,只有博览会探讨生活问题才会取得成功……经济、技术和文化条件已经有了根本性的变化,技术与工业两方面都完全面临着新问题,寻求好的方案,对于我们的文化与我们的社会以及技术工业都非常重要。” ——密斯塞罗那博览 10

空间序列。 巴塞罗那馆入口前面的平台上是一个大水池,大厅后院有一个小水池,以水作为纽带,将室内外空间互相穿插贯通,形成奇妙的流动空间。巴塞罗那馆整个建筑对建筑材料的颜色、纹理、质地的选择十分精细,搭配异常考究,比例推敲精当,使整个建筑物显出高贵、雅致、生动、鲜亮的品质,向人们展示了历史上前所未有的建筑艺术。巴塞罗那馆对20世纪现代建筑的艺术风格产生了广泛影响,也使密斯成为当时世界上最受注目的现代主义建筑大师。巴塞罗那馆以其纯净的形式,灵动的空间,钢与玻璃材质完美的运用,成为现代主义建筑的经典之作,也成为密斯建筑中里程碑式的作品。 密斯的创作道路 1886年,密斯出生于德国亚堔的一个石匠家庭,绝少有人知道一位现代建筑的先行者正是从这里走出了他人生的第一步。密斯没有受过正式的建筑学教育,他对建筑最初的认识与理解始于父亲的石匠作坊和那些精美的古建筑。可以说,他的建筑思想是从实践与体验中产生的。与一些建筑大师关注艺术形式不同,密斯的一生都专注于建筑材料的研究,研究材料的施工工艺,研究材料的美学特征。这些建筑思想的形成或许与密斯成长经历有着内在的联系。 1905年,密斯在19岁时来到柏林, 在一个擅长木结构设计的布鲁诺?保罗建筑师事务所当学徒,后来又到现代主义建筑大师彼得?贝伦斯事务所工作。在19世纪初,古典主义建筑依然是当时德国流行的建筑形式,但也有少数建筑师倡导要用新工艺和新材料创造出时代的新建筑。彼得?贝伦斯是建筑新思潮代表人物,他的事务所逐渐成为培养现代建筑大师的摇篮。格罗皮乌斯、柯布西耶、密斯?凡德罗这些二十世纪现代建筑大师都曾在彼得?贝伦斯事务所工作过。 从事经过事务所工作的经历,使密斯获得了丰富的实际经验,1913年,密斯在柏林开设了自己的建筑事务所。1919年,密斯大胆的推出了一个全玻璃帷幕大楼的建筑案,让他赢得了世界的注目,随后他设计出了许多精简风格的建筑,并在1929年设计巴塞罗那世界博览会德国馆时,达到事业高峰。1930年,在格罗皮乌斯的推荐下,密斯被任命为包豪斯学校的校长。因为当时德国纳粹党专政,1933年,包豪斯学校被迫关闭。密斯毅然决定前往美国继续开拓自己的建筑事业。 在美国,密斯的命运逐渐发生了变化,美国自由的思想氛围,为他的建筑设计提供了宽松的创造空间;美国雄厚的经济实力,为他新技术和新材料实践提供了充足的资金支持。特别是第二次世界大战之后,美国作为战后新兴的发达资本主义国家,需要在世界范围内建立起本土的文化观和价值观,而密斯的建筑作品则以其反传统的先锋性和新技术的时代性成为美国文化的精神载体,向全世界建筑界发出了呐喊和宣言。 钢和玻璃建筑之王 密斯在建筑史上最大的成就在于建立了钢建筑的新语言,虽然同一时代的建筑师也有对钢建筑的研究,但却没有人能够深入到建立起钢建筑体系的深度。从19世纪20年代初开始,密斯就认识到玻璃墙面与钢构架的结合将成为新时代建筑的标志。密斯仔细研究钢建筑的材料特质和力学特点,使钢建筑不再是曲高和寡的实验性建筑,而是 走入现实社会,成为服务于社 会大众的建筑形式; 密斯还 World Culture People 11


tb1238引脚功能定义: 1,5V 外接去加重电容 2,3.6V 音频输出 3, 8.9V 中频电源 4, 2.4V AFT 5, 地 6, 1.3V 中频输入 7, 1.3V 同上 8, 5V 高频自动增益控制 9, 4.3V AGC滤波 10,1.7V APC 11, 4.43M晶震 12, 地 13,0.1V 14,1.1 R入 15,1.1 G 16,1.1 B 17,9V 电源 18,2.5V R出 19 G 20 B 21,2.5V 自动亮度,对比度输入22,4.5V 场锯齿波滤波 23,4.8V 场负反溃输入 24,1.3V 场激励入 25,0.2V 外接V-AGC滤波26,4.1V 总线 27,4.1V 总线 28,9V H电源 29,3.7 识别信号输入 30,1.4 行逆程输入

31,4.7 复合同步信号输入 32,1.9 行激励输出 33, 地 34,1.3 沙保脉冲输出 35,3 视频输出 36,5.2 5V电源 37, 空 38 空 39,1 Y信号输入 40,6.1 行AFC检波 41,1.5 亮度信号输入 42 地 43,2.85 全电视信号输入 44,1.75 黑电平检波 45,2.8 C信号输入 46,5 Y/C分离电源 47,3.7 全电视信号输出 48,4.55 环路滤波 49 地 50,8 VCO震荡 51,8 同上 52,9 VCO电源 53,3.5 伴音信号输入 54,5.65 滤波 55,3.2 空(外接音频信号输入) 56,4.1 调频直流反馈滤波器 集成块87CM38N--3658的资料 集成块87CM38N--3658的资料:(数字是引脚编号) 1:GAD 地$ z# h8 E$ g3 u! ?0 d 2:pipVOL 画中画音量控制/ b' x2 h X1 O! S" Z 3:RMT OUT 遥控调整输出 4:MUTE 静音控制输出) z5 n e4 N) x0 g Z- P) ]


LA76810引脚功能及测试数据 引脚功能工作电压/V 对地电阻(R×1KΩ) 正测/Ω 反测/Ω 1 音频输出 2.0 3.9K 3.8K 2 调频输出 1.9 7.0K 8.5K 3 图象中频AGC滤波2.1 7.4K 9.0K 4 RF AGC输出 3. 5 6.8K 16K 5 图象中频输入 2. 6 7.2K 8.2K 6 图象中频输入 2.6 7.2K 8.2K 7 地0 0 0 8 中频电源 4.6 0.5K 0.5K 9 滤波 1.5 7.4K 9.5K 10 AFT输出 2.2 7.0K 8.8K 11 总线数据线 4.4 4.3K 5.5K 12 总线时钟线 4.3 4.3K 5.5K 13 自动亮度限制 3.9 5.6K 4.5K 14 R输入0.5 7.2K 8.6K 15 G输入0.5 7.2K 8.6K 16 B输入0.5 7.2K 8.6K 17 消隐输入0 3.4K 3.4K 18 RGB电源7.2 0.7K 0.7K 19 R输出 2.0 5.5K 7.8K 20 G输出 1.9 5.6K 7.8K 21 B输出 2.0 5.5K 7.8K 22 同步分离输出0.2 5.8K 8.0K 23 场输出 2.2 2.0K 2.0K 24 场锯齿波滤波 1.2 7.4K 8.6K 25 行电源 4.9 0.7K 0.7K 26 行AFC滤波 2.4 7.4K 9.1K 27 行输出0.5 2.2K 2.1K 28 行逆程脉冲输入0.8 7.2K 8.2K 29 VCO基准 1.4 4.9K 4.8K 30 4MHz时钟输出0.1 5.4K 9.1K 31 电源 4.7 0.5K 0.5K 32 滤波7.5 4.8K ∞K 33 地0 0 0 34 SECAM B-Y输入 1.6 7.5K 8.2K 35 SECAM R-Y输入 1.6 7.5K 8.4K 36 C-AFC滤波 3.5 7.8K 8.8K 37 FSC输出 2.1 7.0K 8.2K 38 4.43MHz晶振 2.5 7.6K 8.8K 39 色度APC滤波 2.7 7.5K 8.4K


巴塞罗那德国馆空间分析 一、少就是多 德国馆的少表现为它简洁的空间几何特征:基面通过简单的矩形大理石基面进行抬升、基面周边以条形玛瑙石墙和大理石墙进行围合,通过一面乌檀木墙和一面大理石墙分割空间,加以玻璃幕墙稍加围合,各个空间以及墙面都表现为干净利落的矩形。 德国馆的多表现为多处巧妙的平衡:在巧妙分隔空间的同时又使得空间相互流通一体;在以统一的矩形形式表现空间以及以矩形墙面分隔空间的同时,又使用从石墙到玻璃幕墙再到木墙、从大理石地面的同向矩形空间到异向矩形水池的变化使得整个建筑内部空间表现得跳动多变;抬高的基面表现了这一建筑空间相对周围空间的外向型与重要性,同时在这一基面上下沉的水池以及U型的垂直基面的外部墙体又表现出内向性与围合感;两个U型垂直面一个有顶、一个无顶,形成一个倾向外部空间,另一个倾向于内部空间的对比与均衡 二、流通空间 建筑本身:各个空间存在透视、通行、共有、包含等多种位置关系使得各个空间并未完全分离,这得益于密斯在使用了钢柱支撑之后解放了墙体的功能,使其能更自由地被安置,从而形成纵横交错、隔而不断的室内空间布局,各个空间衔接、穿插,以便引导人流;两端的U 型垂直面开口端相对,中间有一大理石墙面部分阻断,这样使得大的两个空间在一定程度上保持视觉和空间上的连续性,把基面相对延伸从而连成一体,在视觉上使得两个相邻空间相互流通、联系加强。

建筑与周围环境;在这个建筑的设计中,密斯并未如传统建筑设计一般以墙作为支撑,而改用十字形断面镀镍钢柱支撑钢筋混凝土屋顶,又大量采用玻璃幕墙,在视觉上建立了室内外空间的界限但并未打断穿越这一界限的空间流,这也使馆体在室外环境形成的负环境中作为正形体存在的同时通过玻璃幕墙以及茶色外墙使得房体与外部花园在由内到外的渐变中连为一体;基面虽然被抬高,使得整体室内室外空间连续性被打断,但视觉连续性尚存。 三、全面空间 从整体结构层面来看,密斯运用原形切割的统合方法,将一个大的矩形空间分割为几个小空间,可以看出他分割的几个空间都是简洁实用的矩形空间,但这几个空间之间存在一个主次的地位关系,因其功能由走廊厅到安放椅子的主厅再到设有水池的小空间不一而同同时又以主厅为主,这体现出他所谓“一统空间”即“全面空间”的思想,即空间形式是可以相对固定不变的,但其内部布置以及衍生出的功能可以有诸多变化。 四、深层思想 抬高的大理石基面、大片的透明玻璃幕墙、轻盈的结构体系、深远出挑的薄屋顶、似开似闭的空间印象以及其宽阔的内部空间内简单的布置、光影交错的情景都让人不免感到与现实的脱离以及空洞,仿佛密斯想让人们想让人们忘记些关于现实的东西:当魏玛德国在经济危机的冲击下已经渐渐坠入法西斯专政的漩涡中,当希特勒的纳粹党渐渐席卷了德国,当民众对一战战败条约的不满和对现有生活状况的不满


LA76933各脚功能表 引脚符号功能电压 (V) 有信号.无信号 1. SIF 伴音中频信号输出 2.3 2.2 2. IF AGC 中放AGC滤波检波 2.5 2.3 3. SIF 伴音中频输入 3.3 3.3 4. FM 调频检波滤波器 2.2 2.2 5. FM.OUT FM输出 2.2 2.2 6.VOL.OUT 音频输出 2.3 2.2 7.SND APC 伴音中频解调APC滤波器 2.3 0.6 8. IF VCC 中频电路+5V电源供电 5.0 5.0 9.AUDIO IN 外部音频输入 1.8 1.8 10. ABL 自动束电流输入 3.8 3.8 11.RGB VCC RGB矩阵电路供电 8.3 8.3 12. R OUT R基色信号输出 2.5 2.5 13. G OUT G基色信号输出 2.5 2.4 14. B OUT B基色信号输出 2.5 2.4 15. N.C 不连接 0 0 16.V.RANP 场锯齿波电压形成端 1.9 1.9 17.VDR.OUT 场激励脉冲输出 2.3 2.3 18. VCO 行振荡基准电流设置端 1.7 1.7 19. VCC 行启动和行电路供电 5.1 5.2 20. AFC AFC环路滤波 28 2.7 21.HDP.OUT 行激励脉冲输出 0.5 0.5 22. GND 视频/色度/偏转地 0 0 23.INTO/POO 不连接 0 0 24.INT1/PO1 不连接 0 0 25. PO2 SVHS控制 5.0 5.0 26.INT3/PO3 红外遥控信号输入 4.9 4.9 27. AV2 AV1 外部接口输入 0 0 28. AV2 AV1 外部接口输入 0 0 29. P17 不连接 0 0 30. MUTE 静音控制信号输出 0 0 31. SDA I2C总线串行数据输出/输入 4.8 4.8 32. SCL I2C总线串行时钟输出 4.8 4.8 33. XT1.XT2 时钟振荡器 0.02 0.02 34. XT1.XT2 时钟振荡器 2.0 2.0 35.CPU VCC CPU电源端 5.0 5.0 36. POWER 开/关机控制 5.0 5.0 ; 37. -- 空 4.9 4.9 38. AGC 自动增益控制 2.1 4.4 39. KEY 本机键控信号输入 4.9 4.9 40. RESET RESET(复位) 5.1 5.1


LC863324引脚资料 微处理器 ●简介 LC863324与ROM存储器、LA76810、高频头、接收器等通过I2C总线相连接。LC863324内部具有时钟发生器、中断控制、待机控制、OSD控制电路。在伴音小信号通道的处理过程中,共有5个部份受I2C总线控制,它们是伴音中频、PM增益、去加重时间常数、静音和鉴频增益。 微处理器41脚、42脚输出的波段控制码直接输入到调谐器的两个波段码输入端。经过调谐内部的波段译码电路译码后,切换选台接收信号的频段。LE863324输出的AFT电压是由本机图像中频振荡信号和接收的图像中频信号经过鉴频后得到。 LC863324输出的射频AGC电压是由中频AGC电压经过延迟后取得,根据解调后视频信号幅度的大小,采用峰值检波的方式产生中频AGC电压去控制中放增益。 ●引脚功能与维修数据 在TCL2518E型机上测定 脚位符号功能直流电压(V) 序号有信号 1 BASS 低音控制0.5 2 MUTE 静音控制0 3 SCKO 外接时钟,末用0 4 SECAM.KIL SECAM.消色.接地0 5 PW2 脉宽调制输出.末用0 6 PW3 脉宽调制输出.末用0 7 POWER 待机控制 5 8 TUNE 调谐输出 4.2 9 GND 接地0 10 XTAL1 振荡 1.5 11 XTAL2 振荡 2.5 12 VDD 电源 5.0 13 KEY—IN 按键输入0 14 AFT一IN AFl'输入 2.5 15 AGC.IN AGC输入 5 16 OPIIONSEL 电源检测0 17 RESET 复位 5.0

18 FILTER 字符振荡滤波 2.7 19 OPTIONSEL 接地0.9 20 V—SYNC 场同步脉冲人 5 21 H—SYNC 行同步脉冲人 4.2 22 R 红字符输出0 23 C 绿字符输出0 24 B 蓝字符输出0 25 OSD—BLK 字符消隐0 26 I 字符强度.末用0 27 ROMDATA 存贮器数据 5 28 ROMCLOCK 存贮器时钟 5 29 SDA I2C总线数据 4.7 30 SCL I2C总线时钟 4.6 31 SAFTY 保护控制 5 32 S—IDENT S端子识别 5.7 33 SD 识别信号0.8 34 REM—IN 遥控信号输入 3.5 35 SIF1 伴音中频切换.末用 5 36 SIF2 伴音中频切换.末用0 37 TV/AV TV/AV切换0 38 AV1/AV2 AV1/AV2切换0 39 EXT.MUTE 外部静音0 40 LAN.SW LAN开关.末用0 41 BAND2 波段控制2 5 42 BAND1 波段控制1 5


LA76810 LA76810是三洋公司于99年开发成功的用于PAL/NTSC 制彩色电视信号处理的大规模集成电路单片可完成图像伴音的解调色解码亮度处理同步及行场小信号的处理 LA76810集成度高外围元件少用于替代三洋A6机芯的LA7687A 单片被称为A12机芯 LA76810具有以下特点单片多制式适用于处理PAL/NTSC 视频信号配合免调 试SECAM 解码电路可实现全制式解码采用PLL 图像和伴音解调采用单晶体完成PAL NTSC 制信号解调内藏一行基带延迟线亮度延迟线不需外接各种带通滤波器陷波器 内置伴音和视频选择开关50/60Hz 场频自动识别I 2C 总线控制等芯片还内置了峰化清晰度改善电路挖芯降噪处理电路黑电平延伸电路对比度改善电路等A12机芯电视整机线路比较简单外接元件也很少便于生产与维修 海信电器股份有限公司在2000年研制投产了A12单片机芯并在升级彩电系列休闲系列及环保二代系列产品中大量使用其主要机型有TC1410L TC1423TC2102G TC2110L TC2166L TC2175G TC2181F TC2199A TC2505TC2540AM TC2588D TC2961L TC2975DL TC2999L TF2110D 等 对地阻值k 引脚 序号 标 号 功 能 电压值V 黑笔接地 红笔接地 1 AUDIO OUT 伴音输出 2.25 8.5 9.1 2 FM OUT 伴音调频解调 2.37 9.4 11.0 3 PIF AGC 中放AGC 滤波 2.40 9.8 11. 4 4 RF AGC OUT 高放AGC 输出 3.50 9.4 33.0 5 PIF IN 中频输入 2.85 9.5 9.9 6 PIF IN 中频输入 2.85 9.5 9.9 7 IF GND 中频电路地 0 0 0 8 VCC(VIF) 图像中频供电 4.90 1.4 1.4 9 FM FIL 调频解调滤波 2.20 9.8 12.2 10 AFT OUT AFT 信号输出 2.40 7.5 10.5 11 BUS DATA 总线数据线 4.50 8.0 12.5 12 BUS CLOCK 总线时钟线 4.48 7.9 12.5 13 ABL 自动亮度限制输入 2.21 6.4 8.0 14 R IN 字符红信号输入 0.02 9.4 10.8 15 G IN 字符绿信号输入 0.02 9.4 10.8 16 B IN 字符蓝信号输入 0.02 9.4 10.8 17 BL IN 字符消隐信号输入 0.80 3.3 3.3 18 VCC(RGB) RGB 电路供电 8.24 1.0 0.9 19 R OUT 红信号输出 2.46 9.0 8.5 20 G OUT 绿信号输出 2.50 9.1 8.5 21 B OUT 蓝信号输出 2.55 9.3 8.5 22 SYNC 同步信号输出 0.37 7.3 10.6 23 V OUT 场激励信号输出 2.60 2.0 2.0 24 V RAMP ALC FIL 场信号形成滤波 2.07 9.5 11.0 25 VCC(H/D) 行场激励信号电路供电 5.10 1.0 1.0 26 AFC FIL AFC 滤波 2.56 9.5 11.5 27 H.OUT 行激励信号输出 0.64 2.2 2.2 28 FBP IN 反馈脉冲输入 1.12 9.2 10.1


LA76810A引脚功能 1.AUDIO OUT伴音音频输出 2.4伏 2.FM OUT伴音检波输出2.4伏 3.PIF AGC中频AGC 2.6伏 4.RF AGC高频AGC 1.7伏 5.VIF IN1图像中频输入12.8伏 6.VIF IN2图像中频输入22.8伏 7.GND(IF)中放地0伏 8.VCC(VIF)中放电源5伏 9.FM FIL伴音检波滤波2.3伏 10.AFT OUT AFT输出2.7伏 11.DATA数据总线4.7伏 12.CLOCK时钟总线4.7伏 13.ABL自动亮度控制3.9伏 14.R IN红字符输入0.9伏 15.G IN绿字符输入0.9伏 16.B IN蓝字符输入0.9伏 17.BLANK IN字符消隐输入0伏 18.VCC(RGB) RGB电源7.9伏 19.R OUT红输出1.8伏 20.G OUT绿输出1.8伏

21.B OUT蓝输出1.8伏 22.SYNC同步信号输出0.4伏 23.V OUT场推动信号输出2.2伏 24.RAM PALC FIL场锯齿波形成滤波2.8伏 25.VCC(H)行电源5伏 26.H AFC FIL行AFC滤波2.6伏 27.H OUT行推动信号输出0.7伏 28.FBP IN行逆程脉冲输入,沙堡脉冲形成1.1伏 29.VCO IREF行参考电流1.6伏 30.CLOCK OUT 4MHZ时钟信号输出0.9伏 31.VCC(CCD)1H-CCD电源4.5伏,D FIL 1H-CCD滤波8.3伏 33.GND(CCD/H) 1H-CCD/行振荡地0伏 34.SECAM B-Y IN SECAM B-Y输入2.4伏 35.SECAM R-Y IN SECAM R-Y输入2.4伏 36.APC2 FIL APC2滤波3.7伏 37.FSC OUT负载波输出2.2伏 38.XTAL4.43MHZ晶体振荡2.7伏 39.APC1 FIL APC1滤波3.4伏 40.SELEC V OUT视频选择输出2.1伏 41.GND(V/C/D)视频/色度/偏转电路地0伏 42.EXT VIDEO IN外视频信号/Y信号输入2.4伏


la76810 LA76810功能说明 引脚电压(V)功能说明 1 2.3 音频开关选择,音频信号(TV或AV)输出端 2 2. 3 伴音鉴频外接去加重电容 3 2.5 中频AGC检波滤波电容 4 1.6 射频AGC电压输出 5 2.8 图象中频信号输入1 6 2.8 图象中频信号输入2 7 0 中频电路地 8 5 中频电路5V电压 9 2 调频检波滤波电容 10 2.5 AFT控制电压输出 11 4.6 总线控制数据输入/输出端 12 4.6 总线控制时钟输入端 13 4.3 ABL检测输入端 14 .8 字符R输入端 15 .8 字符G输入端 16 .8 字符B输入端 17 0 快速消隐脉冲输入端,阀值电压为2V,当该脚电压大于2V时,(19)~(21)脚输出屏显R、G、B信号;当该脚电压小于2V时,(19)~(21)脚输出图象R、G、B信号 18 8 RGB输出电路电源电压输入端 19 1.9 R信号输出 20 1.9 G信号输出 21 1.9 B信号输出 22 .3 ID识别同步信号输出端 23 2.3 场偏转激励锯齿波电压输出端 24 2.7 场偏转锯齿波形成电容及平滑电容外接端 25 5 行扫描电路及总线接口电路电源输入端 26 2.6 AFC1环路低通滤波器RC时间常数影响行同步引入/保持范围及同步稳定性 27 .6 行扫描激励脉冲输出端 28 1.1 AFC2环路比较行,逆程脉冲输入端改变R、C值可调画面水平中心 29 1.6 参考电流产生端需外接4.7K电阻接地 30 .9 4MHz时钟信号输出端交流耦合(30P)送到SECAM解码电路 31 5 1H基带延迟线电路5V电源电压输入端 32 8.3 内藏1H基带延迟线的升压电路(泵电源)输出端外接自举电容 33 0 1H延迟线及偏转信号处理电路接地端 34 2.4 SECAM解码B-Y信号输入端不用时经0.01uF接地 35 2.4 SECAM解码R-Y信号输入端不用时经0.01uF接地 36 0 色副载波恢复VCO低通滤波电容外接端 37 2.3 SECAM电路接口端此脚不用时,需经10K接地

小信号解码集成块LA76810A LA76818A引脚功能和应用电路图纸

小信号解码集成块LA76810A LA76818A引脚功能和应用电 路图纸 LA76810A引脚功能LA76818A引脚功能引脚 功能工作电压/V 对地电阻(R×1KΩ) 正测/Ω反测/Ω 1 音频输出 2.0 3.9K 3.8K 2 调频输出 1.9 7.0K 8.5K 3 图象中频【AGC】滤波2.1 7.4K 9.0K 4 RF 【AGC】输出 3. 5 6.8K 16K 5 图象中频输入 2. 6 7.2K 8.2K 6 图象中频输入 2.6 7.2K 8.2K 7 地0 0 0 8 中频dianyuan电源 4.6 0.5K 0.5K 9 滤波 1.5 7.4K 9.5K 10 AFT输出 2.2 7.0K 8.8K 11 总线【存储器数据】线 4.4 4.3K

12 总线时钟线 4.3 4.3K 5.5K 13 自动亮度限制 3.9 5.6K 4.5K 14 R输入0.5 7.2K 8.6K 15 G输入0.5 7.2K 8.6K 16 B输入0.5 7.2K 8.6K 17 消隐输入0 3.4K 3.4K 18 RGBdianyuan电源7.2 0.7K 0.7K 19 R输出 2.0 5.5K 7.8K 20 G输出 1.9 5.6K 7.8K 21 B输出 2.0 5.5K 7.8K 22 同步分离输出0.2 5.8K 8.0K 23 场输出 2.2 2.0K 2.0K 24 场锯齿波滤波 1.2 7.4K 8.6K 25 行dianyuan电源 4.9 0.7K

26 行AFC滤波 2.4 7.4K 9.1K 27 行输出0.5 2.2K 2.1K 28 行逆程脉冲输入0.8 7.2K 8.2K 29 VCO基准 1.4 4.9K 4.8K 30 4MHz时钟输出0.1 5.4K 9.1K 31 dianyuan电源 4.7 0.5K 0.5K 32 滤波7.5 4.8K ∞K 33 地0 0 0 34 SECAM B-Y输入 1.6 7.5K 8.2K 35 SECAM R-Y输入 1.6 7.5K 8.4K 36 C-AFC滤波 3.5 7.8K 8.8K 37 FSC输出 2.1 7.0K 8.2K 38 4.43MHz晶振 2.5 7.6K


LA76830各脚功能 LA76830的功能同LA76810是一样的。 LA76810与图像中频信号处理有关的脚是集成块(3)~(8)(10)(46)~(50)脚。这些脚的外接元件和集成块内部相关电路构成了对图像中频信号进行处理的电路。该部分电路输入图像中频信号,输出视频信号、自动频率控制信号、高放AGC控制电压。 集成块(5)(6)脚为图像中频信号输入端,(5)(6)脚输入的图像中频信号,经集成块内部图像中频信号放大电路和视频检波等电路处理后,得到视频全电视信号、第二伴音中频信号、自动频率控制信号和高放AGC控制电压,分别从集成块(46)(52)(4)(10)脚输出。其中(46)脚输出视频全电视信号,(52)脚输出第二伴音中频信号,(10)脚输出自动频率控制信号,(4)脚输出高放AGC控制电压。 (46)脚输出的视频全电视信号,经电阻隔离后,既可由电容直接耦合到集成块(44)脚,进入视频信号和色度信号处理电路进行处理;也可输往专用视频切换电路,由专用视频切换电路与其它视频信号进行切换后,再进入视频信号和色度信号处理电路进行处理。 (4)脚输出的高放AGC电压,经外接电容C205滤波后,输往高频调谐器的高放AGC电压输入端。控制高放级的增益。(4)脚的直流电压在静态(无信号输入)和动态(有信号输入)下是不一样的。正常情况下,该脚电压应当随电视机接收信号强弱变化而变化。如果(4)脚电压不能随输入的TV电视信号强弱变化而变化,则说明集成电路LA76810损坏。(10)脚输出的自动频率控制信号由集成块内部AFT电压形成电路自动形成。该脚输出的AFT信号经外接电容C214滤波后,直接输往微处理器(CPU)的AFT信号输入端,作为自动搜索预置节目过程中的电台识别信号。如果(10)脚不能输出正常的AFT信号,电视机将出现利用全自动搜索功能预置节目时,节目号不变(不锁台)故障。 在集成块(3)(4)脚外接元件正常情况下,(10)脚能否输出正常的AFT电压,取决于集成块(47)(48)(49)(50)脚外接元件、色副载波恢复电路和集成块是否正常。在电视机出现利用全自动搜索功能预置节目,节目号不变故障时,维修中,若判定故障由图像中频信号处理电路引起,检修图像中频信号处理电路时,可首先利用微调功能进行节目预置,如果通过微调方式能调出稳定的彩色图像和声音,则说明集成块LA76810(3)(47)(50)脚的外接元件和色副载波恢复电路工作正常,自动搜索节目号不变故障在集成块(48)(49)脚外接元件和集成块。此时,检查(48)(49)脚外接元件和集成块就可排除故障。 如果利用微调功能不能调出正常图像和声音,则说明自动搜索预置节目过程中,节目号不变故障在集成块(3)(47)(48)(49)(50)脚外电路、色副载波恢复电路和集成块,检 查时,应首先检查集成块(3)(47)(48)(49)(50)脚外电路中的元件和色副载波恢复电路,若正常,则故障在集成块。 集成块(3)脚为图像中放AGC滤波端,外接电容为中放AGC滤波电容,外接电容容量变小或漏电,会使图像中放电路工作异常,造成电视机图像和伴音不正常。电视机出现图像异常故障时,若无信号输入时,屏幕噪点正常,可判定该脚外接电容无故障,若噪点不正常,则需要对该脚外电路中的电容进行更换。 集成块(47)脚为PLL环路滤波端,外接电容对APC电路检测出的反映PLL环路引入范围的脉冲电压进行滤波,得到平滑直流电压加到PLL环路的开关电路上,通过对开关的控制,调整PLL环路的引入范围。该脚外接元件,特别是容量较大的电容性能不良,将使PLL环路的引入范围不正常,造成图像中频信号处理电路工作异常,使图像中频信号处理电路无正常的视频信号、自动频率控制信号、高放AGC电压输出。最终造成图像变差或自动搜索不存台故障。在电视机出现图像变差或自动搜索不存台故障时,判定该脚外电路是否存在故障,


LA76930引脚功能 脚号引脚代码功能电压 I SIF OUT 伴音中频输出 2.27 同下 2 IF AGC FILTER 中放AGC滤波 2.62 3 SIF IN 伴音中频输入 3.08 4 FM FILTER 调频滤波 2.66 5 FM AUDIO 调频后的音频输出 2.28 6 AUDIO OUT 音频信号输出 2.36 7 SIF PLL FILTER 伴音中频锁相环滤波 2.28 8 Vcc 中放电源 4.94 9 AUDIO IN 外部音频输入 2.30 10 ABL 亮度控制 4.50 1l Vcc RGB处理电源7.51 12 R OUT 红基色输出 2.80 13 G OUT 绿基色输出 2.72 14 B OUT 蓝基色输出 2.95 15 AKB 未用0.12 16 VCAP 场锯齿波电容 3.42 17 VRAMP 场锯齿波输出 3.05 18 VCO 压控振荡基准电流 1.65 19 HVcc 行电源 5.02 20 AFC FILTER 行AFC滤波 2.59 21 HOR OUT 行激励脉冲信号输出 1.23 22 GND 地 0 23 X-RAY X射线保护(低电平有效) 0.12 24 ID S 端子识别 4.95 25 ID DVD 输入端子识别 4.98 26 REM 遥控输入 5.00 27 AV I/AV2 AV 1/AV2 选择0.05 28 STANDBY 开机/待机控制2:50 29 RF OUT 高频调谐脉冲输出0.01 30 MUTE 功放的静音控制0.01 31 SDA 数据线 3.55 32 SCL 时钟线 3.56 33 XTAL IN 晶振输入 1.39 34 XTAL OUT 晶振输出 2.65 35 Vcc 电源 4.98 36 BAND 高频头频段控制A 4.98 37 BAND 高频头频段控制B 0.02 38 TV/AV TV/AV 选择控制0.02 39 KEY 键盘信号输入 4.20 40 RESET 复位 3.95


集成电路LA76810A引脚功能 浏览次数:2708次悬赏分:0 | 提问时间:2009-9-14 18:58 | 提问者:老赵头哈哈 推荐答案 LA76810 引脚电压(V)功能说明 1 2.3 音频开关选择,音频信号(TV或AV)输出端。 2 2. 3 伴音鉴频外接去加重电容。 3 2.5 中频AGC检波滤波电容。 4 1.6 射频AGC电压输出。 5 2.8 图象中频信号输入1 。 6 2.8 图象中频信号输入2 。 7 0 中频电路地。 8 5 中频电路5V电压。 9 2 调频检波滤波电容。 10 2.5 AFT控制电压输出。 11 4.6 总线控制数据输入/输出端。 12 4.6 总线控制时钟输入端。 13 4.3 ABL检测输入端。 14 .8 字符R输入端。 15 .8 字符G输入端。 16 .8 字符B输入端。 17 0 快速消隐脉冲输入端,阀值电压为2V,当该脚电压大于2V时,(19)~(21)脚输出屏显R、G、B信号;当该脚电压小于2V时,(19)~(21)脚输出图象R、G、B信号 18 8 RGB输出电路电源电压输入端。 19 1.9 R信号输出。 20 1.9 G信号输出。 21 1.9 B信号输出。 22 .3 ID识别同步信号输出端。 23 2.3 场偏转激励锯齿波电压输出端。

24 2.7 场偏转锯齿波形成电容及平滑电容外接端。 25 5 行扫描电路及总线接口电路电源输入端。 26 2.6 AFC1环路低通滤波器 RC时间常数影响行同步引入/保持范围及同步稳定性 27 .6 行扫描激励脉冲输出端。 28 1.1 AFC2环路比较行,逆程脉冲输入端改变R、C值可调画面水平中心 29 1.6 参考电流产生端需外接4.7K电阻接地 30 .9 4MHz时钟信号输出端交流耦合(30P)送到SECAM解码电路 31 5 1H基带延迟线电路5V电源电压输入端。 32 8.3 内藏1H基带延迟线的升压电路(泵电源)输出端外接自举电容 33 0 1H延迟线及偏转信号处理电路接地端。 34 2.4 SECAM解码B-Y信号输入端不用时经0.01uF接地 35 2.4 SECAM解码R-Y信号输入端不用时经0.01uF接地 36 0 色副载波恢复VCO低通滤波电容外接端。 37 2.3 SECAM电路接口端此脚不用时,需经10K接地 38 2.8 4.43MHz晶振。 39 3.5 色副载波VCO电路PLL环路低通滤波器外接端。 40 2.2 内置视频选择开关选择CVBS信号输出端。 41 0 视频、色度、偏转电路接地端。 42 2.5 外视频信号或Y信号输入端。 43 5 视频、色度、偏转电路电源。 44 2.7 内视频信号或外(AV)色度信号C输入端。 45 3.1 黑电平扩展滤波电容。 46 2.4 TV视频信号输出端。 47 3.6 图象中频载波(38MHz)VCO、PLL环路滤波器外接端。 48 0 图象中频载波恢复VCO振荡电路外接端1 。 49 4.2 图象中频载波恢复VCO振荡电路外接端2 。 50 2.4 VCO滤波器外接端推荐用0.1uF 51 2.2 外(AV)音频信号输入端。 52 1.9 第二伴音中频信号输出端。


巴塞罗那德国馆 ——密斯?凡?德?罗空间模型 模型组员: 李成耀,梁汉极,卢炯挺,司徒尚孚,宋嘉豪,彭培龙

1929年,密斯·范·德·罗设计了著名的巴塞罗那博览会德国馆,该馆在博览会结束后拆除,它是一个传奇。巴塞罗那德国馆占地长约50米,宽约25米,由一个主厅、两间附属用房、两片水池、几道围墙组成。除少量桌椅外,没有其他展品。其目的是显示这座建筑物本身所体现的一种新的建筑空间效果和处理手法。这个展馆存在仅仅6个月。但它却在被拆除25年后得到世人的吹捧,被高呼为是“魏玛共和国”在世界面前树立自由、开放、友好、现代化的明信片和形象大使。 巴塞罗那德国展览馆的墙体是可以不用承受屋面重量的,柱子的功能才是去支撑建筑,这是与我国“墙倒屋不塌“建筑结构有异曲同工之处。墙体是用来划分空间的,起隔断作用,而密斯·凡·德·罗在这座德国馆的墙体运用了石墙和透明与半透明的玻璃墙。这样不但解决了功能划分,而且还增加了建筑的通透性,使室内与室外融为一体,让每一个参观者都深切的感受到德国馆处处通透自由。 这一建筑是现代主义建筑最初成果之一。它突破了传统砖石承重结构必然造成的封闭的、孤立的室内空间形式,采取一种开放的、连绵不断的空间划分方式。主厅用8根十字型断面的渡镍钢柱支撑一片钢筋混凝土的平屋顶,墙壁因不承重而可以一片片的自由布置,形成一些既分隔又连通的空间,互相衔接、穿插,以引导人流,使人在行进中感受到丰富的空间变化。 德国馆在建筑形式处理上也突破了传统的砖石建筑的以手工业方式精雕细刻和以装饰效果为主的手法,而主要靠钢铁、玻璃等新建筑材料表现其光洁平直的精确的美、新颖的美,以及材料本身的文理和质感的美。墙体和顶棚相接,玻璃墙也从地面一直到顶棚,而不象传统处理手法那样需要有过渡或连接部分,因此给你以简洁明快的印象,建筑物采用了不同色彩和质感的石灰石、缟玛瑙石、玻璃、地毯等。 整个德国馆立在一片不高的基座上面。主厅部分有8根十字形的钢柱,上面顶着一块薄薄的简单的屋顶。隔墙有玻璃和大理石两种。墙的位置灵活而且很偶然,它们纵横交错,有的延伸出去成为院墙。由此形成了一些既分隔又连通的半封闭边开敞的空间,室内各部分之间,室内和室外时间相互穿插,没有明确的分界,也是现代建筑中常用的流动空间的一个典型。


LA76832引脚功能资料 LA76832的电路结构和功能与LA76810基本相同,仅在LA76810的基础上增加了枕形校正功能,使个别脚位功能有所变化。现将有关脚位功能变化说明如下: 1)LA76832的22脚为枕形校正(E/W)功能输出,LA76810的22脚为SD识别信号输出,因此LA76810与LA76832不能互换代用。 2)在康佳T2588A等大屏幕"A"型中没有应用SECAM制解码功能,因此LA76832原设定的SECAMB-Y 输人和SECAMR-Y输入取消,将34脚改作X射线保护输入,35脚改作彩识别输出。 3)LA76832的枕形失真校正功能可通过I2C总线进行下列项目的调整:行幅调整(EWDC)、枕形失真补偿(EWAMP)、斜率补偿(EWTILT)、四角补偿(EWCORNER)。 当使用场输出集成电路LA7840/LA7841ck402h背靠背kappa鞋子h5510h紫砂壶拍卖时,可通过I2C 总线调整:场中心位置(V.DC)、场幅度(V.Size)、场线性调整(V.Line)、场"S"校正(V.SC)。 ●引脚功能及实测数据 在康佳T2588A型机上测定 引脚符号功能直流电压(V) 序号待机有信号 1 AUDIO OUT 音频信号输出2.24 2.4 2 FM OUT 调频信号输出2. 3 2.3 3 IF AGC FIL 中放ACC滤波 0 2.5 4 RF AGC OUT 高放ACC输出4.0 1.7 5 PIF IN 中频输入2.8 2.8 6 PIF IN 中频输入2.8 2.8 7 IF.GND 中放地端0 0 8 IF.VCC 中放供电端电源5.0 5.0 9 FM FILTER 调频滤波器2.0 2.0 10 AFT OUT 自动频率调节输出4.7 2.3 11 SDA I2C总线数据线4.6 4.6 12 SCL I2C总线时钟线4.4 4.4 13 ABL 自动亮度限制输入2.1 2.1 14 R IN 爱购h手机皮套左右开z红字符信号输入3.9 0 15 C IN 绿字符信号输入0 0 16 B IN 蓝字符信号输入0 0 17 BLANK IN 字符底色消隐输人端2.5 0 18 RGB VCC RGB矩阵电源8.0 8.0 19 R OUT 红基色信号输出2.9 2.3 20 C OUT 绿基色信号输出1.8 2.4 21 B OUT 蓝基色信号输出1.5 2.4 22 E/W 水平枕校信号输出0.1 0.15 23 V. OUT 场激励信号输出2.4 2.4 24 V.RAMP ALC 场锯齿波和自动亮度控制1.4 1.4 25 HOR VCC 行振荡电源供电5.0 5.0 26 AFC FILTER AFC滤波器端2.5 2.5
