

Unit3 Sea water and rain water

一、单元分析(Unit Analysis)

(一)单元地位(Unit Position)

16B 中已出现了use water to do sth.,本单元介绍了此句型的另为一种表达方式:use water for doing sth., 教师可以从use…to do.. 引出use … for doing用法。教师让学生用身边的例子和生活经验,导入此句型。,鼓励用此句型进行操练。

2本单元出现了if… will…的复合句,要加强操练。学生对复合句的用法不很熟练,应设计各种情景,强化此句型的操练,以达到熟练运用。

3新的句型:we can save water by doing sth.学生在接受时会遇到困难,应该多加以机械操练。

4祈使句已经在前两册中出现过,本单元继续加强。Fixing dripping taps. Turn dripping taps off.

5Have you ever seen…? 的句型在6A,6B中都已出现,但作为知识难点,教师在学习过程中还要再复现与强调。


(二)单元目标(Unit Target)

1熟练掌握use sth. for doing sth. / We use water for showering. / We use water for cooking. 2If… will…复合句的掌握,结合阅读的材料进行操练。

3掌握句型:How can we use water?

We can use water by doing sth.

4介词for 的用法(后跟一段时间); 介词by, under的用法


(三)单元重点(Unit Points)

1 关键词:

⑴关于海洋生物的介绍:a coral reef, seaweed, dolphin, shark, intelligent.

⑵关于如何节约用水:fix a dripping tap, turn a running tap off, take a shower

2 功能:


3 语法点:

⑴ if 引导的状语从句主句的谓语动词是一般将来时态,从句的谓语动词是一般现在时


⑵ use for doing sth. We can save water by doing sth. for,by 介词后跟动名词。

二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)




1从杂志,网络上收集海洋生物的照片。问学生海洋生物的名字,可以用brain-storm 的形式。并用适当方式巩固海洋生物名称。

2 播放录音,让学生阅读文章。也可以在巩固海洋生物的基础上把p48-p49的阅读语


3 教师就文章内容设计提出一些问题,或是复述课文等活动,巩固复习阅读内容。

Where do we find water? What can we find in the ocean? How can we get drinking

water from sea water?

4 小组竞赛,可以提高学生学习英语的兴趣,问题见:P49。也可以收集其他多个




把学生学习英语的成果用小报或是别的形式予以展示,可以很好的调动学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们学习英语有了成就感。班级里要留出一定的空间把小组的Class Project 展示出来。

1 教师可由关于水的重要性的问题引入:Where does water come from? Why do animals

and plants need water? How long can we live without water?


3播放录音,阅读文章。向学生介绍句型: If there is no rain, what will happen? 学生回

答:If there is no rain, there will be no water to drink. If表示可能性和条件。


5继续讨论水的用途,介绍新句型:we use water for doing sth. 学生回答:we use water for brushing our teeth. We use water for showering. 并操练此句型的用法。

6小组活动。完成P51页上的表格;然后小组讨论关于水的用途的更多的信息,可分成:at home, at school, at work 三部分进行讨论;小组最后请代表汇报讨论的结果。




1用图片引入新单词:a dripping tap , a running tap, a shower. 教师可以提供浪费用水的图片,学生也可以上网搜集关于此项的图片。

2节约水的重要性,给出P52 页的图片,学生看图说出:Don’t brush your teeth under a running tap. Turn dripping taps off 等。

3根据P52 页的内容,引出P53页的内容,介绍新的句型:How can we save water? We can save water by fixing dripping taps.可以根据句型内容作分组活动,进一步巩固此句型。

4学生用How can we save water? We can save water by fixing dripping taps. 做pair-work.

5最后小组活动,学生写出P53页的report 。并在全班范围内加以反馈。





Keep a record of all the activities you and your family do each day that use water including:


词义辨析 实词(按词头字音序排列) 1.保障/保证 【例句】 劳动人民的自由权①资本主义的两党制不过是维护资产阶级专政的一种方法,它绝不能保障 .. 利。 每一个教师有一定的时间进修业务,提高专业水平。 ②该校采取各种措施,保证 .. 【辨析】“保障”强调保护(生命、财产、权力),使不受侵犯和破坏。“保证”指担保,确保既定的要求标准,不打折扣。 2.包含/饱含 【例句】 着好几层意思。 ①文章的这一段落包含 .. ②他的胸中饱含 着对祖国大好河山的热爱。 .. 【辨析】“包含”是事物本身所含有的意思。“饱含”是充满的意思。 3.必须/必需 【例句】 的设备,建起了一座小化工厂。 ①他们只用了一年多时间、四万多元资金,就添置了各种必需 .. ②我们必须 把经济建设的任务提到首要地位。 .. 【辨析】“必须”副词,表示事实上情理上必要;一定要。在句子中作状语。“必需”动词,一定要有,不可少。在句子中可作谓语中心语、定语。 4.暴发/爆发

【例句】 了震惊中外的“五四”运动。 ①1919年爆发 .. 给人民生命财产造成了很大的损失。 ②山洪暴发 .. 【辨析】“暴发”是突然发作,如山洪暴发,可引申为发财得势之意,多含贬义;“暴发”不能带宾语。“爆发”本指火山内部的岩浆突然冲破地壳,如火山爆发,可引申为力量、情绪忽然发作,事变突然发生;“爆发”可以带宾语。 5.摈弃/抛弃 【例句】 旧观念,接受新思想。 ①摒弃 .. ②为了金钱,他抛弃 了家庭,这种做法为人唾弃。 .. 【辨析】“摈弃”有抛弃意,但多用于抽象。“抛弃”多用于具体。 6.波及/涉及 【例句】 美国经济的发展,继而引起全球经济的震荡。 ①对伊战争所耗费的大量军费开支必然波及 .. ②这起案件涉及 好几个人。 .. 【辨析】“波及”强调影响到,“涉及”强调关联到。 7.不止/不只 【例句】 六十岁了。 ①他恐怕不止 .. 要修,而且一定要修好。 ②水库不只 .. 【辨析】“不止”是超出一定数量或范围,动词。“不只”是不但的意思,属连词,用在递进


一、选择题 1.He wrote his phone number ________ a piece paper. A.on B.for C.in D.from 2.— Mr. Wilson, can I ask you some questions about your speech? — Certainly, feel __________ to ask me. A.good B.patient C.free D.happy 3.Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ________ plants can spread to new places. A.so B.or C.but D.for 4.He is wearing his sunglasses to himself from the strong sunlight. A.prevent B.stop C.keep D.protect 5.—Help yourselves! The drinks are ________ me. —Thank you. Yo u’re always so generous. A.above B.in C.on D.over 6.Gina didn’t study medicine. ________, she decided to become an actor. A.Instead B.Again C.Anyway D.Also 7.Mr. Smith gave us some________on how to improve our speaking skills. A.advice B.news C.knowledge D.information 8.World Book Day takes place ________ April 23rd every year. A.at B.in C.on 9.Wang Dong didn't go to school yesterday ________ he was ill. A.so B.if C.because 10.Kangkang usually does her homework ________ it is very late at night. A.until B.when C.before D.after 11.The next Olympic Games will be held in Japan________ 27th July 2020. A.on B.in C.at D.of 12.We’d better finish our work ________ one go. Don’t put it off till next time. A.in B.to C.on D.for 13.—Hardly any people believe that a(n) ________ meeting will lead to a lasting love. —I agree. A.familiar B.distant C.accidental D.present 14.—Do you like English? —Yes, I think it is difficult ________ interesting. A.and B.but C.because 15.I’d like to________the mall because it’s crowded and no isy. A.visit B.hang out C.walk D.go off 16.—Which country has the biggest population in the world?


一、选择题 1.—What do you think of the performance today? —Great! ________ but a musical genius could perform so successfully. A.All B.None C.Anybody D.Everybody 2.Many people think Erquan rngyue is too sad, _____________ it's my favorite. A.and B.so C.or D.but 3.I don’t want to go. __________, I am too tired. A.However B.And C.Besides D.But 4.Her only problem, ________ you can call it a problem, is that she expects to be successful all the time. A.if B.because C.though D.since 5.—Have you got Kathy’s________ for her concert? —Yes, I’d like to go and enjoy it. A.interview B.information C.invitation D.introduction 6.He can’t wait to get a ticket to the movie, so he________ for it yesterday. A.spent B.paid C.took D.cost 7.You should be careful to pay over the Internet, ________it’s not always safe. A.so B.because C.after D.as soon as 8.The song Where Is Time Gone sung by Diamond(张碧晨)________the yearly general champion of China’s Voice. A.lost B.won C.beat D.got 9.Danny looks sad. How I________ telling him the bad news! A.remember B.regret C.refuse 10.Wang Dong didn't go to school yesterday ________ he was ill. A.so B.if C.because 11.I didn't know which dictionary was better, so I took ________. A.none B.neither C.each 12.My email ________ to you last night. Have you received it ________? A.sent; too B.is sent; already C.was sent; yet D.was sent; either 13.—Hardly any people believe that a(n) ________ meeting will lead to a lasting love. —I agree. A.familiar B.distant C.accidental D.present 14.You can’t ___ how I missed my mother at that time. A.offer B.provide C.imagine D.dream 15.—Why did Jim look so happy? —It________ him that he had a good choice even if he failed in the job interview. A.learned B.broke C.hit D.received



1) quite 相当/quiet 安静地 2) affect v 影响, 假装/ effect n 结果, 影响 3) adapt 适应/ adopt 采用 / adept 内行 4) angel 天使/ angle 角度 5) dairy 牛奶厂/ diary 日记 6) contend 奋斗, 斗争/ content 内容, 满足的/ context 上下文,语境/ contest 竞争, 比赛 7) principal 校长, 主要的/ principle 原则 8) implicit 含蓄的/ explicit 明白的,直白的 9) dessert 甜食/ desert 沙漠 v 放弃/ dissert 写论文 10) pat 轻拍/ tap 轻打/ slap 掌击/ rap 敲,打 11) decent 正经的/ descent n 向下, 血统/ descend v 向下 12) sweet 甜的/ sweat 汗水 13) later 后来/ latter 后者/ latest 最近的/ lately adv最近 14) costume 服装/ custom 习惯 15) extensive 广泛的/ intensive 深刻的 16) aural 耳的/ oral 口头的 17) abroad 国外 / aboard 上(船,飞机) 18) altar 祭坛/ alter 改变 19) assent 同意/ ascent 上升/ accent 口音 20) champion 冠军 / champagne 香槟酒/ campaign 战役 21) baron男爵/ barren 不毛之地的/ barn 古仓 22) beam 梁,光束/ bean 豆 / been be的过去式 23) precede 领先/ proceed 进行,继续 24) pray 祈祷/ prey 猎物


2019届高考英语常用词汇辨析 高考英语常用词汇辨析500例a about around round 作副词时都含“四处”、“遍地”的意思。 about 系常用词, 如:look about 四处看。 around 具有 about 的基本意思, 因此 look about=look around, 但在下列短语里 around没有 about正式, 如:travel around 各处旅行 round 和 around在非正式用法中可以互换, 但一般用 round时 更简练。在正式用语中, 一般用 round指“旋转”, 而用 around指“处处”, “到处”, 如:she turned round at such a noise. 听到这样的吵声, 她回头看。i have been looking for it all around. 我到处都找过了。 另外, 英国人用 round的地方, 美国人倾向于用 around, 如:[英] winter comes round.[美] winter comes around. above all;after all;at all  above all意为“尤其是”、“首先”、“最重要的是”,常位于句首或句中,作插入语,起强调作用。如: but above all tell me quickly what i have to do.可首先快些告诉我该做什么。 a clock must above all keeps good time.时钟最重要的是必须走得准。  after all意为“毕竟”、“终究”、“终归”、“到底”,在句中位置较灵活。可位于句首、句中或句末。如:after all,your birthday is only two weeks away.毕竟,两周后就是你的生日。 he is,after all,a small child.他毕竟还是个小孩子。 he failed after all.他终于失败了。  at all用于否定句时,意为“丝毫; 根本”,用于疑问句时意为“究竟;到底”,用于条件句时,常译为“当真;实在”。用于肯定句中,表示说话人的某种情绪或情感(如怀疑或惊奇等),意为“竟然”等。如:he doesn’t like you at all.他根本不喜欢你。 are you going to do it at all?你究竟做不做这件事? if you do it at all,do it well.若你真要做这件事,就得做好。 i was surprised at his coming at all.他竟然来了,我很惊讶。 add; add to; add…to; add up to  add作“加,增加”解时,既可作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词;作“又说,补充说”解时,与直接或间接引语连用。如: if the tea is too strong, add some more hot water.如果茶太浓了,再加点开水。 after a short while, he


词汇辨析105题 1. It rained continuously for a week, completely _______ our holiday. A. troubling B. bothering C. ruining D. damaging 2. When I _______ my shopping list, I found I’d forgotten to buy pork and eggs. A. checked B. examined C. tested D. measured 3. The president wanted to _______ him about filling the post of the sales department. A. accept B. cooperate C. approach D. demand 4. He lay in bed, listening to the rain _______ the window. A. hitting B. defeating C. beating D. striking 5.What a _______ that dress makes! She looks very pretty now. A. transplant B. transportation C. translation D. transformation 6. A(n) _______ will be paid to anyone who brings back the money Mr. Brown lost, according to the advertisement. A. award B. prize C. reward D. profit 7. The fuel tank has a ________ of 12 gallons. A. capacity B. potential C. ability D. possibility 8. The next morning Mr. Smithson spoke his mind to his wife in a very straightforward _______. A. route B. method C. manner D. routine 9. —Why are you so frightened? —I saw two dark _______ enter the building. A. shades B. appearances C. shadows D. figures 10. Mike’s temper and personality show tha t he can become a soldier of the top _______. A. circle B. rank C. category D. grade 11. Although Miss Black began her _______ by singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous singer in the world. A. employment B. career C. occupation D. profession 12. Although I liked the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _______ from the window. A. look B. picture C. view D. sight 13. The law that farmers don’t need to turn over agricultural tax to the state has come into _______. A. effect B. season C. view D. power 14. Mary was praised by the headmaster in public and on that _______ she was simply proud. A. position B. circumstance C. occasion D. situation 15. There are a number of words in the English language that were French in ______. A. root B. base C. bottom D. origin 16. The Browns stood staring at the happy _______ of children playing in the park. A. scene B. landscape C. scenery D. view 17. You’d better p ut the milk in the fridge, which has a _______ to go bad in hot weather. A. currency B. tendency C. trend D. way 18. He has a _______ knowledge of animals. A. brief B. folk C. flat D. broad 19. Is your ring _____ gold?


生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见的;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失? 雅思 200组英语词汇辨析 1. clothes, cloth, clothing clothes 统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数, cloth 指布, 为不可数名词 clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用 a piece of, an article of 2. incident, accident incident 指小事件 , accident 指不幸的事故 He was killed in the accident. 3. amount, number amount 后接不可数名词, number 后接可数名词 a number of students 4. family, house, home home 家,包括住处和家人, house 房子, 住宅, family 家庭成员 . My family is a happy one. 5. sound, voice, noise sound 自然界各种各样的声音, voice 人的嗓音, noise 噪音 I hate the loud noise outside. 6. photo, picture, drawing photo 用照相机拍摄的照片, picture 可指相片,图片,电影片, drawing 画的画 Let’s go and see a good picture.

7. vocabulary, word vocabulary 词汇,一个人拥有的单词量, word 具体的单词 He has a large vocabulary. 8. population, people population 人口,人数, people 具体的人 China has a large population. 9. weather, climate weather 一天内具体的天气状况, climate 长期的气候状况 The climate here is not good for you. 10. road, street, path, way road 具体的公路,马路, street 街道, path 小路,小径, way 道路,途径 take this road; in the street, show me the way to the museum. 11. course, subject course 课程(可包括多门科目 , subject 科目(具体的学科 a summer course 12. custom, habit custom 传统风俗,习俗,也可指生活习惯, 后接 to do, habit 生活习惯,习惯成自然, 后接of doing. I’ve got the habit of drinking a lot. 13. cause, reason cause 指造成某一事实或现象的直接原因, 后接 of sth./doing sth, reason 用来解释某种现象或结果的理由,后接 for sth./doing sth. the reason for being late 14. exercise, exercises, practice


最新高考英语单词辨析专题训练附答案 一、单项选择 1.________ in the battle this morning, we sent the soldier to hospital in a hurry. A.Being badly woundedB.Since he was badly wounded C.Badly wounded D.Since badly wounded 2.I was glad to meet Jenny again, _______ I didn’t want to spend all day with her. A.but B.and C.so D.or 3.Mike didn’t play football yesterday because he had ________his leg. A.damaged B.hurt C.hit D.struck 4.The house was too expensive and too big. _______, I’d grown fond of our little rented house. A.Besides B.Therefore C.Somehow D.Otherwise 5.He gave him a new name to hide his _______ when he went to carry out the secret task. A.emotion B.talent C.identity D.devotion 6.The movie The Little Prince has been a hit, and even the book sells well. _______ the story is moving. A.Specially B.Obviously C.Especially D.Actually 7.Today, both male and female athletes from around the world can take part in the Olympics, __________ nation they come from. A.no matter B.whatever C.what D.no matter where 8.E-libraries are more and more popular in that they give us access to books when we are unable to ______ get to a library. A.conventionally B.accidentally C.appropriatelyD.physically 9.Mozart _________ his last opera shortly before his death. A.conducted B.composed C.complex D.completed 10.The new law has come into________;surely it will have ________ on industry of the country. A.affect; an effect B.effect; affect C.effect; an effect D.an effect; affect 11.Also she felt her home wasn’t enough for someone like Larry who wanted to improve his social position. A.elegant B.endless C.evident D.efficient


雅思复习资料必备 一、基本的训练材料 市面上的雅思备考材料种类繁多、参差不齐,如何从繁多的资料中选择最接近ielts 考试的训练材料哪?我的建议是—— 1.首先 cambridge university press 出的材料。所有的ielts试题都是由 cambridge university 考试委员会出的,所以选用复习材料第一选 cambridge university press 出的材料。虽说可能有点难,但你必须适应它,它的难度可以说就是ielts的难度。 2. 慎用澳大利亚出的材料,一般他们的难度偏低。 3.尽量不用国内自己杜撰的材料。 下面给大家推荐一些雅思资料 综合类: 《how to prepare for ielts》 其他任何备考书都可以不买,这本必须买!用过的人都说,这是目前最接近真题的材料了。我也非常喜欢这本书,老外写的 建议用法:初期可以看这本书,了解题型,分项练习。最后有4个paper, 阅读有难度,可以复习中后期做。《insight into ielts》 由剑桥大学雅思培训专家编写 ,剑桥大学出版社出版。系英联邦国家雅思培训机构专用教材。此书提供的 实例 特别是听力口语资料均选自雅思考试库,最为接近雅思考试真题。向来被奉为雅思培训领域的精典教材, 中国雅思培训机构的如新东方、环球均将此书作为自己编辑教材的第一手资料。 此书有雅思培训 “圣经”之称。属于雅思杀手级材料。 2004 年,出品了姊妹篇《insight into ielts extra》。透析1是紫皮,¥50左右,透析2是深绿色,一书一磁带。透析2不错。《101 helpful hints for ielts 》、《202 useful exercises for ielts》 虽说可能有些过时了,但确是很重要的基础训练教材。尤其是内容基本涵盖了 Australia 的背景,另外对数字和字母的发音训练极其有用。觉得确实是过时了,就是好题外面的书也能找到。 《focus on ielts》 剑桥刚出不久,基本上囊括所有背景知识与词汇。《cambrdige ielts 1》、《cambrdige ielts 2 》、《cambrdige ielts 3》 每本书带有4套a类训练题、2套g类训练题。不用多说了,建议留几套,考前拿来作模拟考试训练。 我建议大家好好研究剑3,有烤鸭专门钻研书本的听力,不断精听,听记原文,精读剑桥阅读文章,吸取 好的句型和表达,写作也有了提高。书后的写作范文也值得好好学习。 《cambrdige ielts 4》《cambrdige ielts 5》 《


高考常见词汇辨析(三) H habit, practice, custom, convention这组名词一般含义为“习惯”。 habit指个人的“习惯”,通常用于表示做事、思考问题或行为举止的不自觉的方式方法 That proved to be my undoing, for I soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen. 这证明是我的失败,因为我不久就回到在电视屏幕前打瞌睡的坏习惯去了。 practice 既可表示个人的也可表示社会的“习惯”,这种“习惯”从性质上看是一种反复不断的或是有选择性的行为或者方法 On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat——the normally accepted practice in many northern countries. 在另一方面,一想到用动物油煎马铃薯,你便会作呕。然而在许多北欧国家里,这是为大家接受的通常习惯。 She walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open,yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out. 她慢慢地走进厅堂,并且立刻发现所有的房门都是开着的。但是按照她自己的一般习惯,她在外出前总是把门全部关好的。 custom 具有habit 和practice 的一切含义,此外,custom 还包含这样一层意思:长期而广泛采用的行为或方法,即风俗习惯,按照某地区人们共同生活及其行为的准则或规范,它不仅有指导意义,而且具有必须遵循的意义 Don't be a slave to custom. 不要做风俗习惯的奴隶。 From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour. 一个人从诞生的那一时刻起,他降生后所处的风俗习惯便给他的阅历和行为定型。 convention 其实是其他3个词的近义词,它的含义为:固定的或公众一致承认的行事或表达思想的方法They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. 他们不顾社会习俗,并未意识到自己在做些与众不同的事。 hand down;hand in;hand over;hand out ;by hand ;hands up hand down作“把……传下来”解。例如: …knowledge,customs and memories were handed down by the elders of the race. ……他们的知识,生活习惯以及人们所怀念的事情,都是由他们的祖先传下来的。 The story was handed down from one generation to another.这个故事世代相传。 hand in为“把……交上来”、“交给”、“递交”之意。例如: Time is up.Hand in your examination papers.时间到了,请把试卷交上来。 hand over作“转交”或“移送”解。例如: Please hand over this money to XiaoZhou.请将这笔钱转交小周。 The thief was handed over to the police.小偷已被移送到公安机关了。 hand out为“散发”之意。例如: When I got to the classroom the teacher had already begun handing out the test papers. 我赶到教室时,老师已开始分发试卷了。 hands up表示“举起手来”; by hand表示“用手”、“手工”,是介词短语,作方式状语。 [EXERCISES] ①This toy was made . ②After class,you must your homework. ③If you have any questions to ask,please . (Keys:①by hand ②hand in ③hands up)


高考语文基础知识之词 语辨析题集锦含详解 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

词语 词义辨析 实词(按词头字音序排列) 1.保障/保证 【例句】 ①资本主义的两党制不过是维护资产阶级专政的一种方法,它绝不能保障.. 劳动人民的自由权利。 ②该校采取各种措施,保证.. 每一个教师有一定的时间进修业务,提高专业水平。 【辨析】“保障”强调保护(生命、财产、权力),使不受侵犯和破坏。“保证”指担保,确保既定的要求标准,不打折扣。 2.包含/饱含 【例句】 ①文章的这一段落包含.. 着好几层意思。 ②他的胸中饱含.. 着对祖国大好河山的热爱。 【辨析】 “包含”是事物本身所含有的意思。“饱含”是充满的意思。 3.必须/必需 【例句】 ①他们只用了一年多时间、四万多元资金,就添置了各种必需.. 的设备, 建起了一座小化工厂。 ②我们必须.. 把经济建设的任务提到首要地位。 【辨析】“必须”副词,表示事实上情理上必要;一定要。在句子中作状语。“必需”动词,一定要有,不可少。在句子中可作谓语中心语、定语。 4.暴发/爆发 【例句】 ①1919年爆发.. 了震惊中外的“五四”运动。 ②山洪暴发.. 给人民生命财产造成了很大的损失。 【辨析】“暴发”是突然发作,如山洪暴发,可引申为发财得势之意,多含贬义;“暴发”不能带宾语。“爆发”本指火山内部的岩浆突然冲破地壳,如火山爆发,可引申为力量、情绪忽然发作,事变突然发生;“爆发”可以带宾语。 5.摈弃/抛弃 【例句】 ①摒弃.. 旧观念,接受新思想。

②为了金钱,他抛弃了家庭,这种做法为人唾弃。 【辨析】“摈弃”有抛弃意,但多用于抽象。“抛弃”多用于具体。 6.波及/涉及 【例句】 ①对伊战争所耗费的大量军费开支必然波及.. 美国经济的发展,继而引起全球经济的震荡。 ②这起案件涉及.. 好几个人。 【辨析】“波及”强调影响到,“涉及”强调关联到。 7.不止/不只 【例句】 ①他恐怕不止.. 六十岁了。 ②水库不只.. 要修,而且一定要修好。 【辨析】“不止”是超出一定数量或范围,动词。“不只”是不但的意思,属连词,用在递进关系得复句中。 8.不齿/不耻 【例句】 ①此人坏事做绝,为大家所不齿.. 。 ②他虽是着名学者,但却不耻.. 于向别人讨教。 【辨析】“不齿”指不与同列(表示鄙视),如“人所不齿”。“不耻”指不以之为羞耻。如“不耻下问”。 9.不及/不如 【例句】 ①《梅花三弄》不及.. 《春江花月夜》幽雅动人。 ②与其花这么多时间打电话,不如.. 骑车去一趟。 【辨析】“不及”只用来比较不同的人或事物,因此只能前后都是名词。“不如”除用于比较人或事物外,还可以比较动作行为的利弊得失,因此除名词外,前后可以是动词或小句。 10.查看/察看 【例句】 ①审计人员仔细查看.. 了每一张销售单据,没有发现什么问题。 ②气象员一天两次察看.. 风向,及时向指挥所报告。 【辨析】“查看”检查、观察(事物的情况),如查看灾情。“察看”为了解情况而细看,如察看风向、察看动静。 11.出生/出身 【例句】 ① 1900年农历8月13日,方志敏就出生.. 在这个山村里。


M3U3 练习一姓名 一、翻译词组: 1.在家 2.挨着墙 3.在超市外面 4.在十一点三刻 5.下周 6.回家 7.移动图片8.闭眼 二、选择填空: 1. It’s11:30. Ben and Alice their dog. A: Look for B: looking for C: are looking for 2.Sam in our flat at ten. But I can’t see it now. A: was B: is C: isn’t 3.The man was the police station at 9:15. But now he is coming out. A: beside B: outside C: inside 4.Where is my dog? You find it? A: Are B: Can C: Is 5.Let’s give a surprise him. A: for B; to C; with 三、用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. There are some (policewoman) in the police station. 2.---Where (be) the children? ------ They (be) in the park. Now They (not be). 3.----What the policemen (do)? ----They (chase) the thief. 4. Let’s (move) the bookshelf. 5. ---Open your eyes. What’s different? -----The chair (be) under the window. Now it (be)near the sofa. 6. I (see) the birds (sing) in the trees just now. 7. Mary, (put) the table beside the door.


雅思词汇:100组英语词汇辨析 1. clothes, cloth, clothing clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数,cloth指布,为不可数名词clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of, an article of 2. incident, accident incident指小事件, accident指不幸的事故He was killed in the accident. 3. amount, number amount后接不可数名词,number后接可数名词a number of students 4. family, house, home home 家,包括住处和家人,house房子,住宅,family家庭成员. My family is a happy one. 5. sound, voice, noise sound自然界各种各样的声音,voice人的嗓音,noise噪音I hate the loud noise outside. 6. photo, picture, drawing photo用照相机拍摄的照片,picture可指相片,图片,电影片,drawing画的画 Let’s go and see a good picture. 7. vocabulary, word vocabulary词汇,一个人拥有的单词量,word具体的单词He has a large vocabulary. 8. population, people population人口,人数,people具体的人China has a large population. 9. weather, climate weather一天内具体的天气状况,climate长期的气候状况The climate here is not good for you. 10. road, street, path, way road具体的公路,马路,street街道,path小路,小径,way道路,途径 take this road; in the street, show me the way to the museum. 11. course, subject course课程(可包括多门科目),subject科目(具体的学科)a summer course 12. custom, habit custom传统风俗,习俗,也可指生活习惯,后接to do,habit生活习惯,习惯成自然,后接of doing. I’ve got the habit of drinking a lot. 13. cause, reason
