


《英语教学法》模拟试题1及答案 1. Which of the following is true of second language learning A. Natural language exposure. B. Informal learning context. C. Structured input. D. Little error correction. 2. What type of learners can benefit most from real object instruction A. Individual learners. { [5. Tactile learners. C. Auditory learners. D. Visual learners. 3. What type of intelligence is cooperative learning best suited for A. Interpersonal intelligence. B. Intrapersonal intelligence. C. Logical intelligence. D. Linguistic intelligence. ? 4. What does the following practise * Peer and I v. vent to the cinema yesterday. Peter and * I went to the cinema yesterday. Peer and I zoent to the * cinema yesterday. Peer and I zoent to the cinema * yesterday. A. Stress. B. Articulation. C. Liaison. 》 D. Intonation. 5. What learning strategy can the following help to train Match the adjectives on the left with the nouns on the right. H cavy Day Nice Baby Close Building Light Rain Tall Friend $ Cute Smoker


第1章语言和语言学习 Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks. 1.The way language teachers teach in the classroom is to some extent influenced by the way they_____languages. 【答案】learned 【解析】语言教师学习语言的方式从某种程度上影响他们的课堂教学方式。 2.Different views on language generate different_____. 【答案】teaching methodologies 【解析】对语言的不同观点会产生不同的教学方法。 3.In the past century,language teaching and learning practice has been influenced by three different views of language:the_____view,the_____view and the_____ view. 【答案】structural,functional,interactional 【解析】上世纪的语言教学和语言学习受三种语言观的影响:结构主义,功能主义,交互主义。 4._____theories are concerned with how the mind organises new information such as habit formation,induction,making inference,hypothesis testing and generalization.


小学英语教学法期末复习题库 一、填空 1、小学生具有无意注意占主导,有意注意有一定发展、注意不够稳定,常常带有情结色彩、注意的品质较差等特点和优越条件。 2、小学英语课堂教学的特点是重视培养和激发学生学习英语的深厚兴趣,在教学活动中要有和谐的语言教学氛围,要重视学生基本技能和学习习惯的培养。 3、基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 4、《英语新课程标准》提出学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。 5、语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证。情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素,学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。 6、教学是教师的教和学生的学的统一活动。就英语教学而言,教学的实质就是一种特殊的认识过程。英语教学过程就是生生之间和师生之间的共同参与、合作、交流的活动过程。 7、学生认识的客体是英语,教师认识的客体是教学规律。教学双方都为对方提供信息,英语就是为了促进交流。 8、教学的最终任务是培养学习者的交际能力。 9、交际性原则提出的主要依据有三点:第一,语言是表达意义的体系;第二,语言的主要功能是交际功能;第三,语言的主要单位不仅是语法、结构特征,还包括功能范畴。 10、情景教学的原则提出的主要依据有三点:第一小学生的心理和年龄特点;第二,语言的习得规律;第三,小学生的学习规律。 11、语言教学的内容包括语言知识和语言技能两个方面 12、体态语是指说话时的表情、手势、动作等。 13、在教学中写有两方面的含义:一是书写,二是写作。 14、良好的课堂气氛是搞好课堂教学,保证教学质量的关键。 15、备课的主要任务是熟悉教材、写出具体教案、确定课时教学目标、教学方法、板书计划、课内练习题等。 16、教学效果不取决于教师,也不取决于学生,而是双方共同活动的结果. 17、小学英语教学的原则包括:交际性原则、听说领先的原则、情境教学原则和趣味性原则。 18、英语课堂教学的实质是交际。 19、遵循视听说与读写结合的原则,教学要采用听说领先、读写跟上的方法。 20. 小学阶段的英语小学目标(教学目标)是:通过听、说、玩、看等教学活动,激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,使其养成良好的学习习惯;通过学习使学生获取对英语的一些感性认识,掌握一定的语言基本技能,培养初步运用英语进行听、说的交际能力;开发智力,发展包括观察、记忆、思维和想象等内容的思维能力,培养学生建立科学的世界观、人生观、价值观、对通过英语传递的思想、文化、情感等有初步的跨文化认知的意识;培养学生的爱国主义精神以及世界公民的意识。 21、小学英语教学法是研究小学英语教学的理论和实践,是研究小学英语教学的全部过程及其规律的一个科学体系。 22、教师在教学活动之前主要应编写好三种计划:学期教学进度计划,单元教学计划,课时计划。 23、备好课,必须做好如下三方面的工作:了解学生,钻研教材,制定教学计划。 24、新课程设置是按九年一贯制设置义务教育阶段课程的方式,小学阶段以综合课程为主,



《开放英语二》复习题I、单选题 A. Complete each sentence below by selecting the best answer from the options given. 1. - I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. - _B_____________ ____________ A. Either have I B. Neither have I C. Haven't I D. So have I 2. - What subjects are you studying? - ____C__________ _______________ ____. A. Yes, I'm studying history B. I'm studying now C. I'm studying philosophy D. I'm doing my homework 3. - I wonder if you could help me. - ___________D___ _______________ ____. A. I could B. Yes, I do C. No, not at all D. Of course 4. - Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00. - ____________A__

_______________ ____. A. Don't worry. We've got 20 minutes B. Thank you. No hurry C. Never mind. You go if you like D. The lecture is useful 5. - David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. - ____________C__ _______________ ____. A. I haven't been getting much sleep either B. You'd better not push yourself too hard, or you'll get sick C. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up like that D. You'd better do exercises regularly 6. - Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you. - ____________C__ _______________ ____. A. There's no problem B. It's a pleasure C. That's quite all right D. I didn't realize that

英语教学法教程试题库 辅修

英语教学法教程试题库 Unit 1 Part I Read the following statements or questions and choose the best answer for each statement or question. 1. Much of human behavior is influenced by their_____ _____ A. experiences B. wisdom C. knowledge D. parents 2. What is the basis for syllabus design, teaching methodology, teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom? A. teaching attitude B. definitions of language C. structural view of language D. functional view 3. What does the structural view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 4. What does the functional view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 5. What does the interactional view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 6. Which of the following teaching method is based on the behaviorist theory? B A. Grammar translation B. Audio-lingual C. Task-based teaching and learning D. Communicative teaching 7.What are the characteristics of audio-lingual method? https://www.360docs.net/doc/778499936.html,nguage is learned by constant repetition and the the reinforcement of the teacher B.Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised. C.Students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules. D.Both A and B. 8.Which three groups can summarize all the elements of the qualities of a good teacher? A.Ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal styles B. Ethic devotion, professional qualities and individual freedom C. Individual freedom, professional qualities and personal styles D. Ethic devotion, personal styles and individual freedom 9.What are the purposeful preparation that a language teacher normally receives before he starts the practice of teaching? A.Learning from other’s experiences B.Learning the received knowledge C.Learning from one’s own experiences as a teacher


开放英语(1形成性考核册作业 1答案 选择题请在在选项上画√ 1、请自我评估一下目前的英语基础 你是否掌握了本课程作为起点要求的 600基础词汇:是否√ 2、你现有的词汇量约为 -:500词,熟练使用的词汇约为:300 3、请写出你认为自己已经掌握的内容:人称代词、冠词、一般现在时、词类、 there be的句型等的用法。 下面提供一些英语学习的方法, 供你参考。但请注意,语言的运用是一种技能,这种技能不是专靠技巧能够获得的, 必须要对学习的内容本身投入较多的时间和精力。只有通过大量而反复的练习,才能真正做到熟能生巧。 (根据实际选择行当的方法用√表示 1、把英语当成获取信息、交流的工具,让英语派上用场,也让自己从学习中找到乐趣 . 2、每周制订一份切实可行的学习计划 , 帮助自己安排学习时间 , 完成学习任务 . 3、我每天都会抽出一些时间学习英语,不间断地进行听说读写的练习。 4、记忆单词时不是孤立地死记硬背 , 而是通过例句来记住它的含义 \搭配 , 并试着用它造句来加深理解和记忆。 5、学习新单词时注意它的词性及其变化形式。例如,名词要区分是可数还是不可数, 如果是可数名词,还要了解它的复数形式;动词要分清是及物,还是不及物,以及它的各种变化形式(单数第三人称的变化形式; ing 形式等等。

6、在学习新的语法知识时注意把新知识与已经掌握的联系起来,并进行归纳总结,加深理解。 7、选择自己感兴趣的内容进行阅读,如小说、幽默故事等,以保证有足够的动力坚持下去。 8、看到好的的句子就把它摘抄下来,反复诵读。 9、先跟读音内容,尽量模仿其语音语调,然后再不跟录音自己大声朗读。将自己的朗读录下来与原录音内容进行比较,找出差距。 10选择一些难度适当的听力材料反复听然后进行听力练习,争取做到一字不漏。 11、营造听力的语言环境,如听英语广播、看英语电视节目,坚持每天都有语音输入, 锻炼自己的听力。 12、学完一篇课文后,将其译为汉语,然后不看原文再将汉语译文口译回英文,这样既作了复述练习, 又作了口语练习, 同时还发掘出一些学习课文时容易忽略的地道的英语用法。 13、经常选择身边非常熟悉的人或事物,用英语进行讲述。 14、说英语的时候不刻意追求语言形式上的完全正确, 而将注意力集中在要表达的意思上。 15、经常使用英英字典。 16、经常用英语记述一些身边发生的事情。 如果你有什么好的学习方法,可以写在这里和大家共享。 认真预习和巩固复习,加强听、说、读、写训练,经常上网学习,按时完成作业。 1、下列名词的复数形式。 Parent photo bus life half child woman tooth


《英语教学法》模拟试题1及答案 Achievement Test for "Teaching English in the Primary School"3 I. Choose the best answer (30 %) Directions: In this part, you are given fifteen queslions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best answer the question. (30 points, 2 points each) 1. Which of the following is true of second language learning? A. Natural language exposure. B. Informal learning context. C. Structured input. D. Little error correction. 2. What type of learners can benefit most from real object instruction? A. Individual learners. [5. Tactile learners. C. Auditory learners. D. Visual learners. 3. What type of intelligence is cooperative learning best suited for? A. Interpersonal intelligence. B. Intrapersonal intelligence. C. Logical intelligence. D. Linguistic intelligence. 4. What does the following practise? * Peer and I v. vent to the cinema yesterday. Peter and * I went to the cinema yesterday. Peer and I zoent to the * cinema yesterday. Peer and I zoent to the cinema * yesterday. A. Stress. B. Articulation. C. Liaison. D. Intonation. 5. What learning strategy can the following help to train? Match the adjectives on the left with the nouns on the right. H cavy Day Nice Baby Close Building Light Rain Tall Friend Cute Smoker A. Grouping. B. Collocation. C. Imitation.


英语教学法复习题: 一、Multiple-choice questions 1. ( ) is planning for a whole programme or a whole-year course. A. Micro planning B. Macron planning C. Teaching D. Language learning 2. The 3-stage model is pre-reading, ( ) and post-reading. A. practice B. writing C. while-reading D. preparation 3. By language skills, we mean communicative skills involved in listening, speaking, reading and ( ). A. drawing B. describing C. practicing D. writing 4. When did Harmer suggest the following measures for undisciplined acts and badly behaving students ( ) A 1984 B 1985 C 1983 D 1986 5. What should the teaching of pronunciation focus on A. reading phonetic transcripts of words B. writing phonetic transcripts of words C. students’ ability to identify and produce English sounds themselves D. acquire native-like pronunciation 6. Which is not our realistic goal of teaching pronunciation listed below A. creativity B. consistency C. intelligibility D communicative efficiency 7. Proper lesson planning is essential for both novice and ( ) teacher. A. experienced B. young C. old D. new 8. The principles for good lesson planning are in terms of aim, variety, flexibility, ( ) , and linkage. A. type B. learnability C. attitude D. language 9. ( ) means the realistic goals for the lesson. A. Variety B. Linkage C. Aim D. Lesson planning 10. Linkage means the stages and the ( ) within each stage are planned in such a way that they are someway linked with one another. A. directions B. steps C. goals D. types 11. Ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: macro planning and ( ). A. teaching planning B. language teaching C. assessment D. micro planning 12. Which is not the kind of stress that is important to achieving good pronunciation listed below A. word-level stress B. paragraph-level stress C. phrase-level stress D. sentence-level stress 13. Pronunciation is difficult to teach without some drills on ( ) A. gestures B .action C. sounds D. correction 14. Grammar practice is usually divided into two categories, they are ( ) A. mechanical practice and effective practice B. meaningful practice and effective practice C. communicative practice and mechanical practice https://www.360docs.net/doc/778499936.html,municative practice and effective practice


《开放英语二》复习题 I、单选题 A. Complete each sentence below by selecting the best answer from the options given. 1. - I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. - _B_________________________ A. Either have I B. Neither have I C. Haven't I D. So have I 2. - What subjects are you studying? - ____C____________________________ _. A. Yes, I'm studying history B. I'm studying now C. I'm studying philosophy D. I'm doing my homework 3. - I wonder if you could help me. - ___________D_____________________ _. A. I could B. Yes, I do C. No, not at all D. Of course 4. - Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00. - ____________A____________________ _. A. Don't worry. We've got 20 minutes B. Thank you. No hurry C. Never mind. You go if you like D. The lecture is useful 5. - David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. - ____________C____________________ _. A. I haven't been getting much sleep either B. You'd better not push yourself too hard, or you'll get sick C. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up like that D. You'd better do exercises regularly 6. - Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you. - ____________C____________________ _. A. There's no problem B. It's a pleasure C. That's quite all right D. I didn't realize that 7. - Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble. - ________A________________________ _. A. It's no trouble at all B. That's all right. I like it C. I don't think it's a trouble D. That's very kind of you 8. - I've ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? - _________________________________. A. You are Ckind to invite me B. Yes, please C. A beer is fine for me. I'm not hungry yet D. I find pizza is tasty 9. - What would you like, tea or coffee? - _______B_________________________ _. A. Yes, I would B. Coffee, please C. Yes, please D. It's very nice 10. - Hello, could I speak to Don please? - ________D_________________________? A. Who are you B. What's the problem C. Are you Jane


新课程小学英语教学法复习题 五、案例分析 1、谈谈以下游戏设计的成功之处和有待改进之处。 单词接龙 教师将学生分成四组,每组发一套字母卡片,教师喊出一个单词,持有该单词字母的学生迅速跑上来排成一行,哪个小组快,哪个小组就取胜。 2、请从“游戏设计要尽量顾及全体学生”这一方面入手对以下案例进行分析。 Chanting Race 教师请五名学生上台,他们分别头戴Beijing, London, Moscow ,Singapore ,Sydney 的头饰,手持windy , sunny , cloudy , rainy , snowy的卡片。教师打节拍说:Rainy , rainy .手持“Rainy”卡片的学生说:It’s rainy in London .并转问他人,说:Cloudy, cloudy,手持“Cloudy”卡片的学生说:It’s cloudy in Moscow . 并转问他人。接不上的便被淘汰,坚持到最后的学生获胜。 3、请从任务设计要有适合的情景和语境这一方面入手对以下任务设计的案例进行分析。 “What would you like?”任务设计 教材依据:PEP小学英语(四年级上册)Unit 5 A Let’s talk 课前教师和学生把教室布置成中国餐厅或麦当劳店或肯德基店;并用下列单词制作英文菜单若干份:hamburger, hot dog, chicken, bread, beef, soup, rice等。要求学生进入此餐馆必须使用英语进行交流。 例如: Assistant:Can I help you ? What would you like? :I’d like some beef and rice. S 1 Assistant:Wait a minute. How much? S 2: Assistant:Twenty yuan. 4、请依据任务设计的具体要求对以下案例进行分析。 “Our school”任务设计 教材依据:PEP小学英语(四年级下册)Unit 1 Let’s talk 教师呈现空白的教学楼的轮廓图,让学生听“Let’s talk ”部分的对话录音,根据获得的信息将图片分别贴到相应的位置,并用所学语言进行描述。 5、请找出以下案例设计中存在的问题,并提出你的建议。 “Look at the elephant”教学设计片段 这节课要求学生能用“It has….”的句型描述动物,在各种情境中体会运用,培养良好的情感品质。在课的巩固拓展部分,教师设计了这样一个活动。他要求学生在掌握了“It has….”这个新句型的基础上,能用“He/She has….”句型介绍自己的好朋友。这位教师是这样开始的。 T: Mr. Fu is your new friends, yes or no? Ss: Yes. T: I have big eyes. I have a small mouth. I have a new friend. He’s Li Shuiqi.(班上一学生) T: Hello. S: Hello. T: He has big eyes. He has a small nose. He is handsome.(教师向全班介绍这位朋友)


国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语 2》2024 期末考试及答案(试卷号:2205)

11. The man me if I knew the way to subway station. A. told B. asked C. said 12. This photo be of Beij ing, There’s the Great Wall. B. could A. can’ I C. must 13. China and Canada are the same size. A. about B. under C. over 14. She’ s the person owns the restaurant. A. who B. which C. what 15. Mike offered to help and so john. A. does B. is C. did 16. If I you , I’ d sell that car as quickly as possible. B.am A. were C. was 17. A . What does she B: Oh , she’s very beautiful with long dark hair. A. look like B. take after C. like ]8. is wrong with the car. It won’ t start. A. Nothing B. Something C. Everything 19. If I Peter, I him about the meeting. A. see , will tell B. see , tell C. will see , tell 20. If you the tickets, I will do the packing. A. will book R. book C. booked


开放英语I(2) 期末复习题2205 第一部分交际用语 阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选择A (Right),不恰当的选择B(Wrong),并将答案写在答题纸 上。 (B)1. -Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago. A. Right B. Wrong (B)2. -What are you going to do this evening?-I went there with some friends. A. Right B. Wrong (A)3.-Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?-Hi, Jack. We had a great time. A. Right B. Wrong (B)4. -Is there a bank near here? -Yes. I saw him this morning. A. Right B. Wrong (A)5. -How do you like the film?-Jt's very good. I like it. A. Right B. Wrong (B) 6.-Do you like your job? -I'm a nurse. A. Right B. Wrong (A) 7.-Have you been to America? -I've never been there but I hope to go there in the future. A. Right B. Wrong (B) 8.-Where did you go for your holiday? -Two years ago. A. Right B. Wrong (A) 9.-Hello.Is that Ivydale Guesthouse? -Yes,it is. Can I help you? A. Right B. Wrong (A)10.-Have you had a good day? -Yes,but I'm very tired. A. Right B. Wrong (B)11. --Is there a bank near here? --Yes. I saw him this morning. A. Right B. Wrong (A)12.--What does he look like? --He is tall and thin. A. Right B. Wrong (B)13.--Where did you go for your holiday? --Two years ago. A. Right B. Wrong (B)14. --What are you going to do this evening? --I went there with some friends. A. Right B. Wrong (A)15.--How can I book a cheap hotel? --If I were you, I'd phone a travel agent. A. Right B. Wrong (B )16. –Shall we go to a restaurant? --See you later. A. Right B. Wrong (A )17. -What would you like to have? -An orange juice, please. A. Right B. Wrong (B )18. -Where did you go for your holiday? -Two years ago. A. Right B. Wrong (A )19. -What time will the next train leave? -At 8.19. A. Right B. Wrong (B )20. -What are you going to do tomorrow morning? -I saw a film with my son. A. Right B. Wrong (B)21. –How is the weather today? --I’m fine, thank you. A. Right B. Wrong (A)22. -what does he look like? -He is tall and thin. A. Right B. Wrong (B)23. -Can I help you? -Nice to see you. A. Right B. Wrong (A)24. -What’s your job? -I’m a nurse. A. Right B. Wrong (B)25. -Shall we have something to eat before we go? -Nice to meet you. A. Right B. Wrong 以下100题请仔细阅读答案,参照上述类型题,然后对照选项,给出Right or Wrong 的选择。 1. --- Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon. --- ______B_____________? A. Can I help you B. What did she say C. How much is it 2. --- Have you ever tried sailing? --- _____A______________. A. No. I’d like to try B.Yes, I am C. No, thank you 3. --- What are you going to do this evening? --- ______________A____________. A. I’m going to meet some friends B. I’ve seen a film with some friends 4. --- Is there a bank near here? --- __________C_________. A. No, I don’t like it B. Yes. I saw him this morning C. Yes. There is one just down the road 5. --- What time will the next train leave? --- ___B_____. A. Five people B. At 8.19 C. At the railway station 6. --- Where did you go in China? --- ________B___________. A. I went there by train B. I went to Xi’an and Guilin C. Last year 7. --- Have you been to America? --- _______A____________. A. Yes. I went there last year B. Yes. I like it very much C. No, thank you. I’ve already had lunch 8. --- _________C________________? --- Because I got a job here. A. How old are you B. When did you come here C. Why do you come to live in China 9. --- _____B_______________? --- I’m a journalist. A. What’s your name B. What’s your job C. Where are you from 10. --- Are you ready to order? --- _______B__________. A. It’s a good idea B. Yes. I’ll have a steak, please C. It’s very kind of you 11. --- ___________C______________? --- Two years ago. A. Where did he go B. How long has he been in America C. When did he go to America 12. --- ______C_____________? --- Yes, I am. A. What’s your name B.How old are you C. Are you married 13. --- What did you think of the film? --- _______A___________. A. I thought it was really great B. No, thank you. C. I’d rather go back home 14. --- Are you ready to order? --- _________A__________. A. Yes. I’ll have a chicken salad please B. I’m sorry about it C. Goodbye 15. --- ________A______________? --- Ice cream for me please. A. Are you ready to order B. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight C. What is this 16. --- Are you ready to order? --- ________C____________ A. It looks good, thanks. B. Yes, so am I. C. Could I have a glass of wine please? 17. --- Why don’t we go to a restaurant? --- _________B_____________. 1
