
龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e13062328.html,








1. 开门见山点题。第一段是主题段,必须一开始就以一两句简单且精炼的文字表明主题,不宜太长。如果所给说明已经详细点明了主题,也可直奔主题,而省去开头段落。

2. 简明扼要叙事。试题要求结合具体事例进行描述,在描述时,注意要具体、真实、生动,避免大而空或虚而泛,因此最好是自己亲身经历或最熟悉的身边的人或事。事例不要多而杂,一个典型的即可。记叙事例时要写出具体过程、前因后果,过程合乎逻辑,但又不宜太长、太细,要能说明文章主题和自己的观点,不能脱离主题随意发挥。

3. 画龙点睛收尾。结尾是对文章的一种归纳和总结,要求语言精炼,真正能够起到“点睛”的作用。语句要浓缩要点,一锤定音,并首尾呼应,这样全文才能显得浑然一体。

Sympathy is to humans what water is to fish. Express our sympathy and the world will be better.

When it comes to this, my memory goes back to the winter last year(改作last winter). So cold was it that there was almost no one in the street. The cold wind blew widely and I couldn’t help trembling. Suddenly, a man caught my eye. He was on a wheelchair and could hardly move,hopeless and tired. On seeing this, I felt as if my heart were broken. Without a second thought(可以删除), I ran to him and asked whether I could give him a hand(改为whether he needed some help). He smiled to me and chatted with me.(改为He smiled and asked me if I could assist him find the way to the hospital.)I said,“with pleasure.” Having done this, I felt happier and warmer. Two days later, I received a gift, attached to which was a colorful card,reading “Thanks for your help. Had it not been for your golden heart,I wouldn’t have made it.” It was his words that left a deep impression on me, thus making me realize the importance of sympathy.(改作His words made me realize the importance of sympathy.)
