


——Would you likemeat or fish?

——I'd prefer meat,please.


Do you prefercooling for yourself or eating in a restaurant?自己做饭还是喜欢下馆子?—Do you likeswimming?你喜欢游泳吗?

—Yes, but I prefersailing.喜欢,但我更喜欢驾驶帆船。


Do you prefer tocook for yourself, or to eat in a restaurant?

I prefer to spendthe weekend at home.我喜欢在家里度周末。

I would prefer tostay at home tonight.

She prefers to bealone.

4.Prefer sb. to dosth.(宁愿某人做…………)

Their fatherprefers them to be home early.他们的父亲宁愿他们早点回家。

I thought youwould prefer me not to knock.

5.prefer A to B(相对B而言更喜欢A)


I prefer dogs tocats.在狗与猫之间我更喜欢狗。

Most people prefertrains to buses.


I prefer writing aterm paper to taking an examination.


I prefer stayingat home to going out.


Thousands ofchildren nowadays prefer doing their homework to a background of pop-music todoing it in a quiet room.成千上万的孩子如今一边听流行音乐一边做作业,也不愿在安安静静的房间里做。

She has alwayspreferred marking her own clothes rather than buying them in the shops.她向来喜欢自己做衣服,而不到商店里去买衣服。

6.Prefer+不定式+rather than+(省略to)不定式(宁愿………….而不愿…………)

1)本句型中,第一个不定式前面要加to,第二个不定式前面以不加to居多。例如: He prefers to dierather than become traitor.他宁死也不做叛徒。Rather than become traitor , he prefers todie .

Older people oftenfear change. They know what they can do best. They prefer to repeat theirsuccesses rather than risk failure.年纪大的人常常怕变化。他们知道什么最


She preferred tosew rather than to knit.她喜欢缝纫而不喜欢编织。

2)rather than也可以置于句首:

Rather than buy acar of his own, he prefers to rent one.


I prefer to stayat home rather than go/going to see a film.我觉得与其去看电影倒不如待在家里。

I would prefer tospend the weekend at home rather than drive/driving all the way to yourmother's.我觉得与其开车跑那么远的路到你母亲那里度周末,倒不如在家里过更好些。

4)prefer…ratherthan中的rather也可以移到第一个不定式之前(preferrather…than),这种用法多见于书面语。例如:He preferred rather to take the whole blamehimself than to allow it to fall on the innocent. 他宁可自己承担全部责任而不愿让无辜的人受到连累。

5)prefer to do Arather than do B意义相同,试比较:Joe prefers skating to skiing. Joe prefer toskate rather than ski.

Bill preferredplaying soccer to swimming.

Bill preferred toplay soccer rather than swim.

He preferredrating a car to having one of his own.

He prefers to renta car rather than to have one of his own.他宁愿租车也不愿买车。

6)用prefer…rather than代替prefer…to连接名词的形式偶尔也可见到。如:

Mr.Brunner prefers chemistry rather than physics.

有人认为两者的区别是:prefer…to表示一般的倾向,prefer…ratherthan则表示在某种具体场合的选择。如:Whatshall we have to drink,port or sherry?我们喝什么呢,葡萄酒还是雪利酒?

I should preferport rather than sherry.我宁愿喝葡萄酒而不喝雪利酒。


Would you preferthat I come on Monday instead of on Tuesday?你宁愿让我星期一来而不是星期二来吗?

Iprefer that someone else should do this.我觉得还是让别人来做这件事比较好。prefer 作及物动词使用,通常意思是“更喜欢,宁愿”。

1. prefer + 名词/动名词/不定式

例:I prefer some apples. / I preferhaving(to have) some apples. 我更喜欢吃苹果。

2. prefer somebody to do something 宁愿某人做某事

例:My daddy prefers me not to swimin that river because it's too dangerous.


3. prefer A to B 在 A 和 B 中更喜欢 A

例:I prefer green tea to coffee. 绿茶和咖啡比较起来我更喜欢绿茶。

I prefercooking myself to eating out. 我宁愿自己做饭也不愿出去吃。


4. prefer to do something rather than ...

这个用法类似于用法3,不过rather than后面可以是不定式、名词、动名词或动词原形。

例:I prefer to stay at home ratherthan go out in the heavy rain.


注意:这里 rather than 后面可以用 goingout或to go out 都可以。而且rather than 也可以放在句子开头:Rather than go out in the heavyrain, I prefer to stay at home.

5. 宾语从句prefer that


例:I prefer that we should gathermore information on that issue.


6. prefer 用法的常用成语及习惯用语

prefer to die rather than surrender 宁死不屈

rather than 用法小结

rather than 是一个并列连词,用法比较复杂,现归纳如下:

1. rather than 与would 连用时,构成“would rather...than...”句式,意思是“宁愿……而不愿……”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一。例如:

She'd rather die than lose the children. 她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。

2. rather than 不与would连用时,表示客观事实,意为“是……而不是……;与其……不如……”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不


(1) 连接两个名词或代词

He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。You rather than I are going to go camping. 是你而不是我要去要野营。

注意:rather than 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。

(2) 连接两个形容词

The sweater she bought was beautiful rather thancheap. 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。

(3) 连接两个介词(短语)或动名词

We will have the meeting in the classroom ratherthan in the great hall. 我们是在教


She enjoys singing rather than dancing. 她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。

(4) 连接两个分句

We should help him rather than he should help us. 是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们。

(5) 连接两个不定式

I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。

注意:rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带to,也可以不带to, 如上句。但rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带to 的不定式。如:Rather than allow the vegetables

to go bad, he sold them at half price. 他唯恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。

(6) 连接两个动词

He ran rather than walked. 他是跑来的,而不是走来的。

注意:这里rather than 后用了walked,而没有用walk,表示客观事实,而不是主观愿望。如果换成walk,则作“宁愿……而不愿……”解。

would rather的用法

一、would rather意思是“宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是为好”,后接动词原形,常省略为’d rather,表示优先选择的一种方式

其否定形式是would rather not do sth。would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的人

称一律用would rather。

“would rather+动词原形”是英语中常见的一个惯用句式,美国英语中多用had rather。would (had)在此决无“过去”之意,它是一个情态助动词,且无词性、时态变化。

例 Mr Li would rather not listen to rock music. 李先生不愿意听摇滚音乐。

If you’d rather be alone, we’ll all leave here. 如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我们都离开这


He’d rather work in the countryside. 她宁可到农村去工作。

You would rather stay at home and do some readingthis evening. 今晚你最好呆在家中读点书。

二、如果在两者中进行取舍,表示“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……宁可……”的意思时,则可用would rather…than…或would…rather than…的句型

例 I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. 我宁可在家看电视而不愿去看电影。

The children would walk there rather than take abus. 孩子们宁愿步行去那里而不愿乘公共汽车。

请注意 1) would rather…than…/would…rather than…也可以颠倒为:rather than…would…。Would(rather)和than后都接不带to的动词不定式,若选用的动词相同,那么than 后的动词可以省略。

例 I would rather have noodles than rice. 我宁愿吃面条也不吃米饭。

He would rather drink wine than beer.他喜欢喝红葡萄酒而不喜欢喝啤酒。

Rather than work in such bad condition, he wouldgive up. 与其在这样差的条件下工作,他宁愿放弃。

2)使用would rather…than…句型时要注意“平行结构”,即在than 的前后要用两个同类的词或词组,如两个名词、两个不定式、两个介词短语等。

例 I would rather go to work by bike than by bus. 我宁愿骑自行车也不愿乘公共汽车去上班。

I would rather talk with his mother than with hisfather. 我宁愿和他妈说话而不愿和他爸说话。

三、在疑问句式中,would rather 与would rather…than…中的would要放在主语之前例 Would you rather stay here or go home? 你愿意呆在这里,还是回家?

Which would you rather have, apples or bananas? 你喜欢吃苹果还是香蕉?

Would you rather read a novel than read a poem?你宁愿看小说而不愿朗读诗歌吗?

四、would rather+从句,是一个常用的虚拟语气句型 Would rather+从句,谓语一般用过去时来表示现在或将来。其意为“宁愿……,还是……好些”“一个人宁愿另一个人做某事”。引导从句的that常省略。在谈到过去的动作时,谓语则用过去完成时。

例 John wants to see me today. I would rather he cameto tomorrow than today. 约翰今天想去看我。我宁愿他明天来看我而不是今天。(句中came不是表示过去而是表示将来)

We’d rather he paid us the money tomorrow. 我们宁愿他明天付给我们那笔钱。Don’t come tomorrow. I’d rather you came nextweekend. 明天别来。我希望你下


请注意1)如果谈到过去的动作,也就是表示过去已经发生的事情在选择上不恰当。此时,主句一般为I had rather ,其(that)从句则用过去完成时。例 Would rather you had not done that. 我真希望你没有做那件事。

2)如果只涉及主语本人而不涉及另一个人,则would rather之后不接that从句而接have done结构。

例 I would rather have gone to the theatre thanstayed home night. 我真希望昨天晚上去看了戏而不是呆在家里。 He would rather be poor thanhave got money by dishonest methods.他宁可穷也不愿意用不诚实的手段获取金钱。

Henry would rather that his girlfriend worked inthe same department as he does.亨利希望他的女朋友和他在一个部门工作。

五、would rather/sooner和prefer/would prefer的区别 would rather和would sooner之间一般没有区别,但经常接触到的是would rather。

例Tom would rather/sooner read than talk.汤姆宁可读书而不愿谈天。 Tom prefers reading to talking.汤姆喜欢读书而不喜欢谈天。

请注意 1)would rather后跟不带to的不定式+than+不带 to的不定式,而prefer后跟动名词+to+动名词。有时prefer后面也可跟名词,而在would rather之后要求只带动词原形。

例 He prefers wine to beer.= He would rather drink wine than beer.他喜欢喝红葡萄酒而不喜欢喝啤酒。

I prefer tennis to golf.= I’d rather play tennis than golf.我喜欢打网球而不喜欢打高尔夫球。 2)某些 prefer+名词的情况不能用 would rather完全确切地表达出来:He prefers dogs to cats.(他喜欢狗而不喜欢猫。)和 He would rather have dogsthan cats.(他宁可养狗而不愿养猫。)很明显,这两句的意思并不完全相同。

3) would rather+不带to的不定式有时可代替 would prefer+带 to的不定式。

例 I’d rather fly than go by sea.=I’d prefer to fly.我宁愿乘飞机也不愿乘船。


例—Would you like some gin?

—I’d prefer a coffee.=I’d rather have coffee thangin.



4)would rather/sooner和would prefer后面都可跟完成式,但后者带to。

例 We went by sea but I’d rather have gone by air=I’dprefer to have gone by air.我们是乘船去的,可我本想乘飞机去。(我愿意乘飞机去,可我的愿望未能实现。)

这和would like+不定式的完成式有点相似,would like+带to 的不定式的完成式也表示未能实现的愿望。


高中英语语法系统全解 第一章动词时态 在英语中,不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态,要用不同的动词形式来表示,这就叫做动词的时态。一、一般时 一般时包括一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时和一般过去将来时。 A.一般现在时 1.一般现在时的构成 一般现在时主要用动词原形来表示。主语是第三人称单数时,动词后面要加-s 或-es。 They want good jobs. 他们想要好的工作。 The coat matches the dress. 外衣和裙子很相配。 This work does not satisfy me. 这项工作我不满意。 Do you understand? 你懂了吗? 2.一般现在时的用法 ①一般现在时的基本用法 a. 表示现在习惯性的动作或存在状态 He always takes a walk after supper. 晚饭后他总是散散步。 Everyone is in high spirits now. 现在大家都情绪高涨。 b. 表示客观事实或普遍真理 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起在西方落下。 Sound travels faster through water than it does through air. 声音在水中的传播速度要比在空气中快。

Time and tide wait for no man. 时间不等人。 c. 表示主语的特征、能力和状态 This cloth feels soft. 这布摸上去很软。 I love classical music. 我喜欢古典音乐。 The President still seems able to find time to go fishing. 看来总统仍能有时间去钓鱼。 d. 表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作 The meeting begins at 7:00. 会议七点钟开始。 We leave here at 8:00 sharp. 我们八点整离开这里。 e. 在时间、条件、让步状语从句中表示将来动作 When you come next time, bring me some magazines. 你下次来时,给我带几本杂志。 If time allows, we shall go there tomorrow. 如果时间允许的话,我们明天去那里。 Whether he agrees or not, I will stay at home. 不管他同意与否,我都会待在家里。 ②一般现在时的特殊用法 a. 用于新闻标题或图片说明中 China Declares Manned Spaceflight Successful 中国宣布载人航天飞行圆满成功 Laura Bush Arrives in Moscow 劳拉·布什抵达莫斯科 b. 用于体育运动、表演等实况报道中 Francis slips past, passes the ball to Yao Ming, who jumps, catches and shoots it into the basket.


LESSON ONE 句子的三种模式 导言本课的重点是掌握英语的三种基本句型,注意词性和词序,以及定语的位置,同时注意中英文表达上的相同和不相同的地方。三种基本句型虽然简单,但至关重要。掌握好它们,在今后的学习中有一通百通之效。 其实英语只有三种基本句型 ▲主+系动词+表 词序 1 主语 2 系动词 3 表语 即句子的用于连接主语表示主语身份、状态以及主体和表语所处的位置 词性* 名词 代词 Be (is, am, are) * 名词形容词 介词+* 名词(介词短语) 注:*注意该结构中的名词,它们能被定语修饰。 1 这个人是一个老师。The man is a teacher. 主语系表语主语系表语(名词) 2 他(是)很忙。He is busy. 主语系表语主语系表语(形容词)▲注意中文中的系动词经常被省略,而英文中绝不能省。

3 她(是)在教室里。She is in the classroom. 主语系表语主语系表语(介词短语) ▲定语只修饰名词,不破坏句子的基本结构。通常由形容词和介词短语充当,形容词放在所修饰的名词之前,而介词短语放在所修饰的名词之后,请注意英语与汉语词序的不同。看懂中文的定语是翻译好定语的关键。 介词短语 4 幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。--- 英国法学家波洛克 介词短语 Happiness i s a station between too much and too little . -----------Pollock, British jurist 形容词介词短语 5 高个子的男人是从英国来的老师。

形容词介词短语 The tall man is a teacher from England. 介词短语形容词 6. 她在二楼的小教室里。 形容词介词短语 She is i n the small classroom on the second floor. The teacher in the classroom is handsome. My book is o n the deskin the classroom. 表语(介词短语)定语(介词短语)She is in the small classroom on t he second floor.


【学英语必看】 《英语语法手册》 在实用英语备受青睐的现在,大家在学习英语和准备各种考试时,总是把 听说读写放在首位,诚然,学习语言重在实践。但是,请不要忽视语法的作用,特别是在阅读和写作中,他能帮助你分析清楚句子结构,准确抓住句子的要点,更能帮你写出复杂而优美的长句。 以下为你整理《英语语法手册》全集,不需背诵记忆,只要静下心阅读一遍,就能有所收获! 宝宝更希望你能把他们融在平时的阅读写作里. [英语语法手册]关于词类和句子成分 根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的功用将词分为若干类,叫做词类。一个 句子由各个功用不同的部分所构成,这些部分叫做句子成分。 学一个词,要学它的发音、拼法、意义,也要记它的词类;更重要的是要 了解它和其他词的关系,及其在句中作什么句子成分。如China is in East Asia(中国位于东亚)一句中的China这个单词所属的词类是名词,在句子中作主语。 词类(parts of speech) 英语的词通常分为十大类: 1)名词(noun,缩写为n.)是人和事物的名称,如pen(钢笔),English(英语),life(生活)。 2)代词(pronoun,缩写为pron.)是用来代替名词的词,如we(我们),his(他的),all(全部)。 3)形容词(adjective,缩写为adj.)用来修饰名词,如great(伟大的),honest(诚实的),difficult(困难的)。 4)数词(numeral,缩写为num.)是表示"多少"和"第几"的词,如four(四),eighteen(十八),first(第一),eighth(十八),hundred(一百)。


三天搞定英语语法 英语语法分为两个部分。一个部分是词法,即词的构成和词的使用规律。另一个部分是句法,即句子的组成和句子的使用方法。 英语语法的特点可以用三句话来表示:1、每个词都有词性;2、每句话都有动词(实意动词或系动词);3、每句话都必须符合五个基本句型。 三句话用一句话来说,就是,标出句中每一个单词的词性,找出句中所有动词,并标出其种类和相应的句子成分。理解,掌握,运用好这句话,按照一:词性;二:动词种类;三:动词相对应的句子成分;四:从句;五:非谓语动词方法就能透彻理解英语语法体系。 词的分类 词类又叫词性,英语单词根据其在句子中的功能,可以分成十个大类。 词类词义英语名称缩写形式例词中译 noun n. student 学生 1、名词表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名 称。 2、代词主要用来代替名词。pronoun pron. you 你 3、形容词表示人或事物的性质或特征。adjective adj. happy 高兴的 4、数词表示数目或事物的顺序。numeral num. three 三 5、动词表示动作或状态。verb v. cut 砍、割 adverb adv. quickly 迅速地 6、副词修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时 间、地点、程度等。 7、冠词用在名词前,帮助说明名词。article art. a 一个 preposition prep. at 在... 8、介词表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句 子成分的关系。 9、连词用来连接词、短语或句子。conjunction conj. and 和 10、感叹词表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。interjection interj. Oh 哦 词性的分类: 修饰: 形容数冠代词名词 (red)(one)(a/the)(my)wood 1.名词 代替: 代词it 形容词the red 数词one


一、引出开头 1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …(就我所知…) 2:Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注) 3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题) 4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题)5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……) 6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……)7:A lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……) 8:It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道...) 二、表达不同观点 1:People's views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……)2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解) 3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异) 4:There are different opinions among people as to……(对于……人们的观点大不相同) 三、表示结尾 1:In short, it can be said that……(总之,他的意思是……) 2:From what has been mentioned above, w e can come to the conclusion that……(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论……) 3:Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that……(把所有的这些因素加以考虑,我们自然可以得出结论……) 4:Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that……(因此,我们最好的出这样的结论……) 5:There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.(毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点) 6:All in all, we cannot live without……,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.(总之,我们没有……无法生活,但同时我们必须寻求新的解决办法来面对可能出现的新问题) 四、提出建议 1:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了)2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……(毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够重视) 3:Obviously ,if we want to do something … it is essential that……(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是……) 4:Only in this way can we ……(只有这样,我们才能……) 5:Spare no effort to+V(不遗余力的) 五、预示后果


一、选择题 1.My grandfather is 85 years old. he's in excellent condition. A.Or B.And C.As D.So 2.Tony is English ________ he is thirteen years old. A.but B.and C.or D.so 3.—Alice didn't go to the party ______her illness. —I'm sorry to hear that. A.because B.but C.so D.because of 4.-- I bought Granny a present, ___ she didn't like it. A.but B.and C.or D.so 5.Plan ahead for everything, _______ you will have a hurry life. A.and B.or C.for D.but 6.My brother will get up early tomorrow morning ___________ he must go to bed now. A.and B.but C.so D.or 7.I live far away from my school, ________ I have to get up early every day. A.and B.but C.so D.or 8.— Would you like some cakes? — No, thanks. They smell delicious I’m not hungry. A.and B.so C.but D.or 9.Lucy is my classmate,_______ she is twelve too. A.because B.but C.so D.and 10.I know her, ____________I forget(忘了)her name. A.so B.and C.but 11.He speaks English French. He speaks Chinese. A.either; or B.not only; but also C.both; and D.neither; nor 12.The UK is a small__________beautiful country. A.and B.but C.so 13.—What happened just now? —A car hit an old man at the crossing. He was hurt, not too bad. A.and B.or C.so D.but 14.His schoolbag _____ his baseball are on the sofa,____ his clock is not. A.and ,and B.but, but C.and ,but D.but, and 15.—Let’s talk about the result of the survey. —________ many students like to watch sports shows, ________ game shows are the most popular. A.Although; but B.Although; / C.But; although D.But; /


大学英语语法 学习提纲 一、词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see . 6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before . 10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。如: I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名词、 代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。如: He can spell the word.(他能拼这个词) 有些及物动词带有两个宾语,一个指物,一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间 接宾语。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他给 我写了一封信) 有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾 语。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他给我写了一封信) 5、定语修饰名词或代词,通常由形容词、代词、数词等担任。如: Shanghai is a big city .(上海是个大城市)


被动语态 现在范畴一般现在时am/is/are made 现在进行时am / is /are being made 现在完成时has/have been made 过去范畴一般过去时was/were made 过去进行时was/werebeingmade 过去完成时had been made 将来范畴一般将来时shall/will be made 将来完成时shall/will have been made 过去将来时should/would be made 过去将来完成时should/would have been made 1. 被动语态的各种时态 被动语态(The Passive Voice)是动词的一种形式,表示主语是谓语动词的承受者。被动 语态便于论述客观事实,故常用于科技文章、新闻报道、书刊介绍以及景物描写。被动语态没有将来进行时、过去将来进行时和完成进行时形式。 (1) 一般现在时的被动语态 I am not so easily deceived. 我不会轻易上当受骗的。 Computers are widely used in the world. 计算机在世界范围内得到广泛应用。 (2) 一般过去时的被动语态 The car was seriously damaged. 汽车受到严重损坏。 Printing was introduced into Europe from China. 印刷术是由中国传入欧洲的。 (3) 现在进行时的被动语态 The question is being discussed at the meeting. 这个问题现在正在会上讨论。 The children are being taken care of by their aunt. 孩子们现在正由其姑妈照看。 (4) 过去进行时的被动语态 When I called, tea was being served. 当我来访时,正值上茶之际。 When they arrived,the experiments were being made. 他们到达时,实验正在进行。


一、选择题 1.Peter would like a bowl of ________noodles. A.tomato and egg B.tomato and eggs C.tomatoes and eggs D.tomatoes and egg 2.________wild animals are disappearing because of the ________of their living areas. A.The number of; lost B.The number of; losing C.A number of; lose D.A number of; loss 3.I’m hungry. I want some _________. A.water B.bread C.toys D.homework 4.Is it a picture_________ your school? A.of B.to C.and D.with 5.There are two________ near our school. A.shoe shops B.shoes shops C.shoe's shops D.shoes' shops 6.---- _________ is it from Nanjing to Beijing? --- It’s less than three ___________ flight. A.How long, hour’s B.How far, hour’s C.How long, hours’D.How far, hours’ 7.There is a______ shop and two_______ shops not far away from my school. A.sports; shoe B.sports; shoes C.sport; shoe D.sport; shoes 8.—I hear your family have made up their ________ to India next month. Have a pleasant journey. —Thank you. A.mind travelling B.minds travelling C.mind to travel D.minds to travel 9.—Do you know Shanghai is one of _______ in the world? —Yes, it’s bigger than _______ city in China. A.the biggest city; any B.the biggest cities; any C.the biggest cities; any other D.the biggest cities; the other 10.Some ________went to Japan to help when they knew that many ________ lost their homes in the earthquake. A.Germen; Japanese B.Frenchmen; Japaneses C.Germans; Japanese 11.There________some water in the bottle. A.is B.am C.are D.be 12.________the________Mike’ s and Jack’s? A.Is, rooms B.Are, room C.Are, rooms D.Is, room 13.Good food and_______help her_______better. A.exercise; study B.exercise; studies


语法知识 1 句子结构 1.句子结构:主+谓+宾/ 主+谓/ 谓+宾 一个句子中只能有一个谓语。如果一个句子含有两个及以上谓语肯定就是错的句子,自己写作时需谨记。阅读时,分析难句可从谓语入手,因为它只有一个,好找。 从句也是句子,所以可包含谓语,但它是属于从句的谓语,与主句不同谓语不同,也就是说主句中的谓语还是仅有一个。 2.主语的引导词不能省,宾语的可以省。 2 非谓语动词 包括不定式、动名词、分词(现在分词和过去分词)和独立主格。非谓语动词除了不能独立作谓语外,可以承担句子的其他成分。 1 不定式 1) 一般式。同时发生或将要发生。 He seems to know this.(同时) I hope to see you again.(将要) 2) 完成式。已经发生。 I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.(发生在sorry之前) He seems to have caught a cold.(发生在seems之前) 3) 进行式。正在进行。 He seems to be eating something.

4) 完成进行式。已经发生且一直进行 He was happy to have been staying with his uncle. 1.1不定式做表语 表将来,用于命令、要求等。 You are always to knock before you enter my room. 2 动名词 动名词格式:动词原形+ing 动名词和现在分词区别: 1)现在分词 作定语、表语、状语。起形容词、副词作用。有时也用在复合结构中。不能做主语,一看到是主语成分,必定是动名词。一般可翻译成“…的”的意思。 2)动名词 作主语、宾语、表语。起名词作用。单独用或动名词短语。表示抽象的一般行为。 3 分词 包括现在分词和过去分词。现在分词:动词原形+ing;过去分词:动词原形+ed。现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动。具体方式参见上文动名词中的“动名词和现在分词区别”。 过去分词和过去式区别: 过去分词充当副词、形容词,是非谓语;过去式充当动词,是谓语。 ·过去分词:Accompanied by his friend, he went to the railway station.Given better attention,the plants could grow better. ·过去式:The new worlds Freud explored were inside man himself.


第三节写作中真正实用的英语语法 据考证,“语法”一词源于希腊语“Grammatike”,意指体现于写作过程中的“文字的技巧”,它是语言运用的规则,构建句子的框架,遣词造句的黏合剂,也是英语各项技能的基础,尤其在写作过程中起着举足轻重的作用。 但四、六级考试改革中对语法题目的减少使很多人误以为语法的地位被削弱,加之近年来重视综合技能的各类语言理论的出现,使得一部分考生在写作复习过程中完全摈弃对语法部分的准备,久而久之,形成了“轻语法,重语感”的习惯。而另一部分考生则缺乏必要的语法运用能力,他们可以准确解答语法题目,却不能在作文中灵活运用语法写出漂亮句子。这些考生文章的共同特点就是只有其意,不见其形。 语言是思维的外衣,准确的语法是高分作文的重要必备条件。如果考生能在写作中娴熟地运用语法技巧,就可以使文章逻辑严密,形神兼备。 鉴于语法体系庞大繁杂而备考时间有限,此节内容无法涵盖整个语法体系,只能选择写作中出现频率较高的语法进行重点讲解,如状语前置、倒装、虚拟语气、强调句等,并辅以例句讲解,希望能够帮助考生扫除写作中的语法障碍,轻松闯关。 状语前置 一般而言,英语句子中,状语成分的位置是可前可后的。但状语的前置是六级作文中常用的句式。所谓状语前置,就是把修饰动词的状语结构,如分词短语,介词短语,动词不定式结构等放到句首。 这一句式的最大优点就是断句自然,让单调的句子有跳跃的节奏感。请看下面句子: 1)With the expansion of industrialization, requirement for energy all over the world is on the rise.(随着工业化进程的发展,全世界的能源需求都在增加。) 2)Once lushly forested, this region has seen more than 80% of its original vegetation cut down or burned. (这个地区曾经丛林密布,但现在80% 的原生植被被砍伐或焚烧。) 3)To reach millions of people who watch television, advertisers are willing to pay big money. (为了能抓住千千万万的电视观众,广告商们不惜花费巨额资金。) 在以上例句中,状语的前置使得句子结构分明,避免了后置的平庸化,尤其是第二个句子中的状语部分,既简洁又有力,本身就是一个出彩的表达,如果放置到句尾就不会出现这种效果了。而第三句中不定式目的状语的前置还在一定程度上起到了强调的作用。 倒装 倒装又分为全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词置于主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did等,并将其置于主语之前。倒装的作用是为了强调或平衡句子结构。 倒装本身是较复杂的高级结构,如果在六级写作中能加以正确运用,就特别


一、选择题 1.—_________ is it from Wuxi to Shanghai? —It’s about ________ drive. A.How long; a two hours’B.How far; a two-hours C.How far; two hours’D.How long; a two-hour 2.________the________Mike’ s and Jack’s? A.Is, rooms B.Are, room C.Are, rooms D.Is, room 3.— Do you know all the names in your class, Mr King? —No, only part of them. A.student B.students C.student’s D.students’4.Alan usually goes to Harbin in .He likes playing with snow. A.May B.July C.September D.November 5.Is it a picture_________ your school? A.of B.to C.and D.with 6.—Let’s make a banana milk shake. —How many ________ do we need? A.bananas B.cup of milk C.honey 7.—Do _________ like going to ___________? —I don’t know. A.woman teachers, clothes shops B.women teachers, clothes shops C.woman teachers, sport shops D.women teachers, vegetables shops 8.—I hear your family have made up their ________ to India next month. Have a pleasant journey. —Thank you. A.mind travelling B.minds travelling C.mind to travel D.minds to travel 9.—Do you know Shanghai is one of _______ in the world? —Yes, it’s bigger than _______ city in China. A.the biggest city; any B.the biggest cities; any C.the biggest cities; any other D.the biggest cities; the other 10.—What does your mother have for dinner? — A.Chickens and tomato B.Chicken and tomatoes.C.Chicken and tomato.11.My sister and I like eating two _______ and some _______ for dinner. They are really delicious. A.salad; eggs B.salads; eggs C.salad; eggs D.salads; egg 12.—Do you think it is _______good advice? —Yes, it’s really _______useful suggestion.


系统学习英语语法的好书 怎样学习英语语法怎样学习语法呢?下面拟从四个方面简要谈一谈:(1)练好基本句型。我国近年来的英语教学实践证明:在初学阶段,采用听说、学习基本句型的方法去学习英语语法,是行之有效的。句型学习是通过听说的方法去学习传统语法里最常用的语法项目(把 它们变为句型去操练)。句型训练实际上吸取了传统语法与结构语法 两派的长处。当前国内的英语广播(电视)教学,在入门阶段,多采 用句型教学法。所以自学者或者收听广播(收看电视)实行学习,或 者根据所选用的课本提供的句型用替换词实行替换练习。所学的句型 应该是由浅入深,由简到繁;讲求熟练掌握,不要贪多冒进。每学一 个项目,首先要把单项练习练熟,然后过渡到综合练习,最后则应做 到扩大使用。以定语从句这个项为例。把"I read a novel yesterday.和"It was extremely Interesting."这两个单句改为"The novel I read yesterday was extremely interesting."这就 是定语从句的单项练习。首先要反复实行替换练习。如把"I saw a man this morning."和"The man is my teacher."改为"The man I saw this morning is my teacher."把"I saw a film last night."和"The film was very amusing."改为"The film I saw last night was very amusing."这种练习虽然是枯燥的,却是重要 的基本功,务求把定语从句练到脱口而出的地步。这是第一步。第二 步是把定语从句放在一定的语言情景中去综合使用,实行一问一答。如:A:Did you enjoy the opera? A:The one we saw last night,of course. B:Yes,very much.第三步是扩大使用,也就是把定语从句和以 前学过的两三个项目放在一起去操练。A:Do you know who Edgar Snow was?(一般问句;名词从句) B:Yes,he was an American writer who interviewed Chairman Mao in Beijing.(定语从句)


最新《英语语法手册》电子版 在实用英语备受青睐的现在,大家在学习英语和准备各种考试时,总是把听说读写放在首位,诚然,学习语言重在实践。但是,请不要忽视语法的作用,特别是在阅读和写作中,他能帮助你分析清楚句子结构,准确抓住句子的要点,更能帮你写出复杂而优美的长句。 以下为你整理《英语语法手册》全集,不需背诵记忆,只要静下心阅读一遍,就能有所收获! 宝宝更希望你能把他们融在平时的阅读写作里. [英语语法手册]关于词类和句子成分 根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的功用将词分为若干类,叫做词类。一个句子由各个功用不同的部分所构成,这些部分叫做句子成分。 学一个词,要学它的发音、拼法、意义,也要记它的词类;更重要的是要了解它和其他词的关系,及其在句中作什么句子成分。如China is in East Asia(中国位于东亚)一句中的China这个单词所属的词类是名词,在句子中作主语。 词类(parts of speech) 英语的词通常分为十大类: 1)名词(noun,缩写为n.)是人和事物的名称,如pen(钢笔),

English(英语),life(生活)。 2)代词(pronoun,缩写为pron.)是用来代替名词的词,如we(我们),his(他的),all(全部)。 3)形容词(adjective,缩写为adj.)用来修饰名词,如great(伟大的),honest(诚实的),difficult(困难的)。 4)数词(numeral,缩写为num.)是表示"多少"和"第几"的词,如four(四),eighteen(十八),first(第一),eighth(十八),hundred(一百)。 5)动词(verb,缩写为v)表示动作和状态,如write(写),walk(行走),think(想)。 6)副词(adverb,缩写为。adv.)是修饰动词、形容词和副词的词,如quickly(快),often(经常),very(很)。 7)冠词(article,缩写为art.)说明名词所指的人或物的词,如a,an(一个),the(这,那)。 8)介词(preposition,缩写为prep.)表示名词(或代词)与句子里其它词的关系,如from(从),in(在…内),between(在…之间)。 9)连词(conjunction,缩写为conj.)是连接词、短语、从句和句子的词,如and(和),because(因为),if(假如)。 10)感叹词(interjection,缩写为int.)表示感情,如。oh(噢),aha(啊哈),hush(嘘)。 [注一]属于前六类(名、代、形、数、动、副等词)的词都有实义,


一、选择题 1.Would you like to live a house a flat? A.between; and B.from; to C.on; and D.in; or 2.I like math______ I don't like P.E. A.and B.but C.because 3.Mike does his homework and __________ to play football after school every day. A.goes B.go C.to go D.went 4.Don't run so fast, ____________you might fall over. A.or B.and C.unless 5.Don't came in ____________ you are called. A.after B.until C.since 6.—Alice didn't go to the party ______her illness. —I'm sorry to hear that. A.because B.but C.so D.because of 7.Everyone knows fire is very useful in our daily life, it is also dangerous. A.so B.or C.because D.but 8.It's raining hard outside, _______ we have to watch TV at home. A.so B.but C.because D.if 9.—Have you ever tried food in Singapore? —Ye s.______ you like Indian food, Western food ______ Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore. A.Either;or B.Neither;nor C.Both;and D.Whether;or 10.I don’t like running, I like swimming. A.and B.but C.with D.so 11.My grandfather is over 70 ______ he thinks he is very young. A.and B.so C.because D.but 12.—Can you play soccer? —No, I can't.________I can play basketball. A.But B.Because C.So 13.His schoolbag _____ his baseball are on the sofa,____ his clock is not. A.and ,and B.but, but C.and ,but D.but, and 14.A break between classes is a good time for students to play sports and talk with their classmates, so it __________helps with students' health,___________ improves their social skills. A.either; or B.neither; nor C.not only; but also D.not; but 15._______ we were tired, we continued our journey. At last, we reached the top of the mountain. A.If B.Though C.While D.After
