Gender inequality

Gender inequality
Gender inequality

Hello, every one, today our topic is gender inequality. Firstly, I’d like to introduce three admirable women.

As we all know, Wu zetian was the first female emperor in our country, but do you know who was the first female president of the world? It is Isabel Peron. who succeeded her husband as Argentine first female president according to the constitution In 1974.

The second one is Simone de Beauvoir, she is a feminist rather than a writer. One of her well-known saying is “One is not born a woman, but becomes one”. For instance,, people consider that girls should like Barbie doll, while toy cars belong to boys. Girls should always conduct themselves as a lady, however, boys need to be virile.

The last is a famous singer Beyonce.Beyonce published an article calling for the equality between men and women in January 5th 2014. She said that although people say gender equality all the time, the inequality between men and women still exists. We still have a lot of things to do to realize gender equality.

The World Economic Forum published the Global Gender Gap Report annually since 2006. The report examines four critical areas of inequality between men and women in 130 economies around the globe, over 93% of the worl d’s population. The four critical areas are:

Economic participation and opportunity

Educational attainment

Political empowerment

Health and survival

This picture is the Global Gender Gap Report in 2013, it covers 136countries

The highest possible score is 1 and the lowest possible score is 0.

Iceland got the highest score 0.8731, there is no doubt that it became the most egalitarian country in the world for men and women. China got 0.6908 , it is 69th. According to this map, we can see that most countries are covered by yellow and green, only a few countries are covered by blue. So to realize gender equality, we still have a long way to go.

Next, welcome my teammate to make a presentation.
