
美国《名利场》评2013最佳穿着《名利场》(Vanity Fair)2013年的最佳着装榜单已经新鲜出炉,除了凯特王妃、贝嫂、碧昂斯这些常客,其中还有一位极令国人尊敬赞叹的女性位列其中,快来一睹为快吧。

《名利场》(Vanity Fair) 是美国著名文化生活类时尚杂志。美国衡量一个明星是不是真正“A 咖”级,就看ta能不能上2个杂志的封面,一个是《Vogue》;另一个就是《名利场》(Vanity Fair) 。只要登上《名利场》(Vanity Fair) 的封面,这个人在全球走红就是相当不远的事情了。


1.凯丽·华盛顿(KERRY WASHINGTON)身穿这件MIUMIU拼接蕾丝晚礼服亮相,高雅迷人的气质令人羡慕,手里拿着精致的手包让整个造型更加完美。


2.贾斯汀·汀布莱克(JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE)帅气的小伙身穿格子图案的西服套装,英俊小生自然是众多女粉丝追逐的对象。


3.剑桥王妃凯特(the Duke of Cambridge)刚刚晋升荣为妈妈,嫁入皇家的平民王妃以她独特的笑容征服了全球观众。


4.卡门·戴尔·奥利菲斯(CARMEN DELL'OREFICE)这位时尚界资深的模特一身红色长裙亮相,优雅与高贵的气场无人能敌。


5.基斯·理查兹(KEITH RIcharDS)阴阳怪气的杰克船长只有他能表达地淋漓尽致,虽然是大叔级别,但是依旧风采无限。


6.维多利亚·贝克汉姆(VICTORIA BECKHAM)幸福的女人拥有美满的家庭,一身黑色西服套装就是她固有的穿衣Style。


7.超模吉赛尔·邦辰和老公小托马斯·爱德华·布雷迪(GISELE BüNDCHEN AND TOM BRADY)这一对娱乐圈的靓男美女的穿衣品味一直很受关注。


8.勒布朗·詹姆斯(LEBRON JAMES)这位黑色型男穿着蓝色西服和黑色小碎格衬衫,搭配黑框眼镜格外精神。


9.桑姆·布郎尼(THOM BROWNE)灰色西服套装外面搭配黑色西服,脚上的鞋子是光着脚穿,格外嬉皮的风格也赢得了众多掌声。


10.德莉·海明威(DREE HEMINGWAY)甜美的笑容加上俏皮可爱的服装搭配尽显女性柔美个性,当然是娱乐圈瞩目的明星。




12.斯滕森;亨瑞克·史坦森(HENRIK LUNDQVIST)帅气的型男留着小胡子真的让人立刻产生吸引力,型男的小胡须也是性别吸引力的重要体现。


13.詹娜·莱恩兹(Jenna Lyons)是时尚服装鞋履品牌J.CREW的创始人,她的穿衣风格引领者时尚界风潮。


14.丽萨(CAROLINE ISSA)时尚杂志《Tank》创始人、时尚总监每一次出镜都是简单干练,她不是绝色美人却时刻闪耀自信迷人魅力。


15.西班牙公主Letizia(H.R.H. PRINCESS LETIZIA OF ASTURIAS)拥有皇室的优良基因,美艳中还带着母性的光辉,引领高端时尚潮流。


16.吉利(JILL KARGMAN)一身黑色晚礼服美艳靓丽,手里拎着手包更是凸显贵妇情怀,出席各种高端酒会必然要打扮入时才可以。


17.珐瑞(ISAAC FERRY)竖条纹的西服套装散发休闲特性,搭配白色礼帽与墨镜增添了明星气质,帅气型男走到哪儿都是众人瞩目的焦点。


18.蒂塔·万提斯(DITA VON TEESE)脱衣舞娘的审美得到大家认可,复古的穿衣风格加上烈焰红唇的彩妆是她招牌式搭配。




20.瑞典玛德来娜公主(H.R.H. PRINCESS MADELEINE OF SWEDEN)曾被称为“瑞典乃至欧洲最美丽公主”,未来可继承的财产高达1650万欧元。不仅容貌身材俱佳而且还是名副其实的白富美啊!


2014 Final Exam Study Guide for American Literature Class Plan of Final Exam 1.Best Choice Question 10% 2.True or False Question 10% 3.Definition 10% 4.Give Brief Answers to Questions 30% 5.Critical Comments 40% American Literature Review Poe’s Poetic Ideas; Major Ideas in Emerson’s “Nature”; Whitman’s Style; Formal Features of Dickinson’s Poetry; Analysis of “Miniver Cheevy” by Edwin Arlington Robinson; Comment on “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost; Naturalistic reading of Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser; The Theme and Techniques in Eliot’s “The Waste Land”; Theme and Technique in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald; Comment on Hemingway’s style and theme in A Farewell to Arms; Analysis of “Dry September” by William Faulkner; Literary terms: Transcendentalism American Naturalism The Lost Generation The Jazz Age Free Verse The Iceberg Analogy


《研究生英语英美文学欣赏》课程简介 课程编号: 课程名称:研究生英语英美文学欣赏 学时与学分:34学时/1学分 时间:2013-2 ---- 2013-7 教学对象:全日制非英语专业研究生 教师:刘晓燕等 课程描叙 一、课程性质和任务 本课程的目的是为培养理解和鉴赏英国和美国文学原著的能力而设置一门选修课程,旨在使学生掌握英国和美国文学源流和发展的基础上,通过阅读代表性的英国和美国文学作品,理解作品的内容,学会分析作品的艺术特色,并努力掌握正确评价文学作品的标准和方法,增强对作品中表现的社会生活和人物感情的理解,提高语言基本功和阅读文学作品的能力和鉴赏水平,提升整体人文素质。本课程的主要内容包括英国和美国文学史上代表作家的简要介绍和作品选读,结合英国和美国文学各个历史断代的主要历史背景,文学文化思潮和流派,社会政治、经济、文化等对英国和美国文学史上最具有影响、最具有代表性的作家的作品中的艺术特色、主题结构、人物刻画、语言风格和思想意义等进行深入地分析。 本课程主要为英美文学欣赏课,课堂讲授与研讨相结合。教师布置学生课前对作家生平、历史背景、和阅读材料进行研究,课堂上进行重点阅读和分析。本课程要求学生大量阅读,结合课堂上所讲授的英美文学的基本知识点和文学理论批评方法,体会经典文学作品的语言精妙之处、人物塑造方法、情节架构、文学修辞手法、写作技巧等等,并进而了解历史时代背景、文化知识、社会政经形势等。此外,本课程还要求学生能积极参与课堂讨论,鼓励新观点和新视角,能运用文学理论批评方法研究作品,学期中将不定期地布置相关作业,学期末将以学术论文的形式考查学习效果。 二、课程的教学内容及学时分配 第1学时英国文艺复兴时期简介 重点:文艺复兴;人文主义;主要作家和艺术特色 第2-3学时莎士比亚(I)(II) 重点:要重点理解莎士比亚思想和创作风格的变化,了解莎士比亚十四行诗的特点,品味莎士比亚作品的特色,能够对莎士比亚部分作品进行现代阐释。 第4学时弗朗西斯·培根和约翰·多恩 重点:理解培根的“论学习”的主要内容和修辞手法的运用;理解玄学派诗歌在16、17世纪的发展,其文艺宗旨与当时的文艺思潮的区别。


An Analysis on Satirical Devices in How to Live Well on Nothing a Year, V anity Fair In How to Live Well on Nothing a Year, Vanity Fair, a quite representative excerpt, Thackeray abundantly and appropriately employs the satirical device by elaborate description of the well-crafted and compelling features of the characters in profoundly cynical and trenchant words, which outright reveals his marvelous capability in writing satire.To achieve the ironic artistic effect, he used various methods such as making large quantities of literary comparisons, employing symbolism in naming, making sarcastic comments on the characters and using cultural allusions and etc.Moreover, the way Thackeray employs satirical device is never too deliberate but exceedingly natural and smooth, making the author’s sarcastic attitude between the lines peculiarly amusing to perceive by the readers. In the second paragraph of How to Live Well on Nothing a Year, when describing the luxuriant and comfortable lives that Mr. and Mrs. Crawley led soon after their arrival in Paris, the author wrote, “who may have been disposed during this period of elation to slight the people”, in which the satirical tone was rather crystal-clear. The phrase “disposed to” vividly indicated that Mr. Crawley did or paid literally nothing but could still live well and be fervidly welcomed simply on the aristocratic prestige of the Crawley family, or more precisely, his aunt, revealing the hypocrisy and absurdity of the aristocrats of higher class. “This period of elation to slight the people” showed Mr. Crawley’ s genuine attitude towards the military and the war: he actually despised them and only wanted to make a great fortune from the war, no matter how despicable and abhorrent that was. A s Thackeray put it in a satirical tone, “Our friend the Colonel had a great aptitude for all games of chance, and exercising himself, as he continually did, with thecards”, he described Mr. Crawley’ s tireless indulgence in gambling of all kinds as “exercising himself with the cards”, sneering at his pursuit of nothing serious or meaningful but indulgent pleasure in gambling. As Thackeray employed an omniscient narrator to tell the story, he even started with “our friend” to refer to Mr. Crawley in asuperficially easygoing tone, further heightening the effect of satire. In this chapter of Vanity Fair, sometimes the satirical device Thackeray employed could be rather obscure in form but still efficient in conveying ironic meaning. While describing the days


摘要蓓基是英国著名批判现实主义作家威廉?梅克皮斯?萨克雷的成名作《名利场》中塑造的一个出身贫贱、受尽歧视,梦想摆脱困境,苦心经营,不择手段踏入上层社会的女性形象,本文通过对蓓基形象的分析展示了当时英国社会女性的处境。 关键词:《名利场》蓓基形象 《名利场》是英国著名的批判现实主义作家威廉?梅克皮斯?萨克雷创作的一部“没有男主人公”的长篇小说,作品发表于1847-1848年,以19世纪初叶热闹的英国上流社会为背景,向人们展示了当时英国上流社会追名逐利、冷酷虚假、唯利是图、趋炎附势的黑暗面和道德危机。作品以女主人蓓基曲折复杂的人生经历为主线,成功地塑造出一位出身贫贱、受尽歧视,梦想摆脱困境,苦心经营,不择手段踏入上层社会的女性形象。作为一个人生经历复杂多变、情感生活曲折动荡的人物,蓓基勇敢坚强、聪明伶俐、八面玲珑、她不仅有着明确的奋斗目标和积极的进取精神,而且还能巧妙运用名利场中的规则,勇敢反抗阶级社会和男权社会的压迫,以特殊的方式主宰社会,但对名利和地位的疯狂追逐也使她抛弃了良心、荣誉和尊严,最终落得孤独终老的结局。蓓基是作品中最具魅力、最具光彩的人物形象,她身上既闪烁着独特的人性活力和性格魅力,同时也折射出资本主义社会冷酷无情、唯利是图、惟势是趋的丑恶本质。 一确定目标,积极进取 蓓基幼年丧母,父亲是一个嗜酒如命的穷画师,在蓓基十七岁时因酒癫症而亡。早年丧母,少年丧父的悲惨经历不仅使蓓基从小游离于社会不同文化群体间,而且还使她学会了和各种各样人打交道的本领。为了生存,她必须承受周遭的白眼和生活坎坷,“贫穷的生活使她养成阴沉沉的脾气”,强烈的生存欲望使她不择手段、费尽心机地要求社会的接纳:为了生存,她必须磨练坚韧、机警、狡诈、精明的性格;为了生存,她梦想摆脱困境进入上层社会,努力将自己的生命力表现出来。父亲死后,无依无靠的蓓基寄宿在一个半似修道院半似监狱的女子学校,过着半工半读的生活,尽管她继承了父亲的艺术家的天赋和母亲的表演艺术,尽管她能说一口纯正的法语,具有很强的独立生活能力,但却由于出身贫穷卑微而饱受富家小姐和女校长的歧视和怠慢。但她唯一的朋友――一个没有什么都爱好、没有性格、没有自己漂亮的女孩爱米莉,却因出身富贵、家庭富裕而受到所有人的尊重和喜爱。冷眼、折磨使她看透了世态炎凉、人间冷暖,屈辱、虐待使她悟透了人与人之间的悬殊是由金钱和地位决定的,怨恨、不平使她形成了冷酷、自私、嫉妒的性格;对势利社会的痛恨,对自身社会地位的不满使她的人格发生了严重异化,产生了反抗歧视的情绪,聪明机警、果敢好强、独立勇敢的她下定决心要把自己从牢笼中解放出来,和社会进行抗争。而这种反抗在学校时就大获全胜:为了摆脱她,女校长为她写了封评语极佳的推荐信,牧师乔瑟夫为她魂不守舍,等等。她以毒攻毒的反抗行为不仅得到社会的承认,还成为她实践自己人生价值的一种探索。 但随着阅历的增加和人格的成熟,蓓基越来越认识到这种反抗并不能彻底改变她的生活境况,因此她将希望寄托于婚姻,希望嫁个家道殷实或血统高贵的男人,一劳永逸的改变穷困的生活状况。19世纪的英国是一个争名夺利、腐化堕落的时代,作为家庭角色的妇女只是男人的附庸和奴婢,地位低下受尽冷落,她们的社会功能具有很大的局限性,很难争得应有的权利。为改变这种生活处境,一些受过教育却没有财产的女性只能依靠婚姻作为反抗社会、提高自身社会地位的途径。现实环境的严苛与努力奋斗的期待使得蓓基明确地将嫁给贵族作为跻身上流社会的捷径,为此,根本没有资格站在上流社会单身贵族未婚妻队伍里的蓓基使尽浑身解数通过施展情色魅力一步步接近贵族的边缘,成为贵族圈的焦点。在特定的历史条件下,作为“名利场”中的一个小人物,在丧失女性主体意识的环境中,蓓基凭借自己的精明与算计,损人利己地打拼出一片属于自己的天地,终于改变了自己受歧视的社会地位,爬到社会上层,跻身富贵行列,成为上流社会一颗娇艳的明星,争得了人的尊严和平等。


作业 1.第1题 When we say that a poor young man from the West tried to make his fortune in the East but was disillusioned in the quest of an idealized dream, we are probably discussing about ______’s thematic concern in his fiction writing. A.Henry James B.Scott Fitzgerald C.Hemingway D.William Faulkne 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 ___ did not ever show his/her concern for the Indians. A.Anne Bradstreet B.Philip Freneau C.Roger Williams D.John Eliot 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 ____ made many translations, among which, Dante’s Divine Comedy was the best. A.William C. Bryant B.Henry W. Longfellow C.Emerson D.Hawthorne 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 The Declaration of Independence was the product of the joint efforts by ___, A.George Washington

美国文学史第一部分材料(复习+ 作业+预习)

Handouts for American Literature (I) Introduction I. Literature---defined by Webster’s Universal Unabridged Dictionary as “all writings in prose or verse, especially those of an imaginative or critical character”. A kind of work imaginative and creative, either written or oral, made of three categories: drama, poetry and fiction ? A. Drama—comedy, tragedy, historical play, legendary play, mystery play Bible), miracle play(saints), morality play, satire, closet drama ? B. Fiction—romance, legend, short-short story, short story, novelette, novel(historical, picaresque, Gothic, science fiction, detective, psychological, stream-of-consciousness)? C. Poetry—epic, narrative poem, blank verse, sonnet, epigram, elegy, ode, picture poem, parody, free verse(open form) II. 9 American Nobel Prize winners in literature: 1930 Sinclair Lewis(1885–1951)---Main Street, Babbitt 1936 Eugene O’Neill (1888-1953) ---dramatist, The Hairy Ape, The Emperor Jones, Beyond the Horizon, Desire Under the Elms, Long Days Journey into Night 1938 Pearl Buck (1892-1973)--- The Good Earth 1948 T. S. Eliot---American to British nationality, poet, playwright and critic, father of modernism, Waste Land 1949 William Faulkner (1897–1962) ---novelist, series about a fictional southern county; The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, As I Lay Dying 1954 Ernest Hemingway (1899–1961) ---The Old Man and the Sea, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Sun Also Rises 1962 John Steinbeck(1902-1968)---The Grapes of Wrath, about farmers’ hardship 1976 Soul Bellow(1915 –2005)---a Jewish writer, Seize the Day, Henderson the Rain King, Herzog, Humboldt's Gift 1993 Toni Morrison(1931- )---a black woman writer, The Bluest Eye, Sula, Song of Solomon, Tar Baby, Beloved, Jazz, Paradise, Love, A Mercy, about black people Part One The Literature of Colonial America England (provided the overwhelming majority of the immigrants) 1607---Jamestown (in memory of king James I), 1st permanent English settlement in America 1620---Heading for Hudson River, pilgrims landed at Plymouth (by Mayflower, 73 men and 29 women), signed the Mayflower Compact, which has become the base of American independence and constitution. In 1621, the pilgrims celebrated a huge harvest to thank God (Thanksgiving Day) 1630---Great Migration of English Puritans to New England began. 1732---Last and 13th colony (Georgia) was founded ●Settlers came for 2 purposes: fortune and religious freedom ● 3 religions in the world ---Christianity, Islam, Buddhism ●Puritanism (influenced by Calvin) ---principles and practices of the Puritans. ---The main doctrines of it are the following four aspects: predestination (God has decided a person’s fate even before his birth),


2013春美国文学在线作业100分 1.第11题 ___ is not a name to refer to Natty Bumppo in Cooper’s frontier saga. A.deerslayer B.pathfinder C.hawkeye D.Mohican 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第12题 “these are times that try men’s souls”is a sentence quoted from paine’s pamphlet___. A.American Crisis https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f14190475.html,mon Sense C.On Human Rights 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第13题 The first American writer who propounded that a piece of literary work should focus on the production of a single emotional effect is ___. A. Nathaniel Hawthorne B.Herman Melville C.Edgar Ellan Poe 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第14题 "Lost Generation" is a term first coined by ---.

A.Ernest Hemingway B.Fitzgerald C. Gertrude Stein 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第15题 Among the following 3 poets the one who was once imprisoned for political reasons is ---. A.Carl Sandburg B.Edwin Arlington Robinson C.Ezra Pound 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 6.第16题 As a Modernist poet, Pound is noted for his active involvement in the ______ A.cubist school of modern painting B.Imagist Movement C.stream-of-consciousness technique D.German Expressionism 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 7.第17题 The first great American juvenile literature was _____. A.Sketch Book B.The Legend of Sleepy Hollow C.Walden D.Mardi 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0


1.第6题 The novel Sister Carrie opens with a description of Carrie on a train trip to the city of _______ looking for a factory job. A.New York B.Beijing C.Boston D.Chicago 答案:D 2.第7题 Among the following titles, only one is not among the Leather-Stoking Tales series. It is__________. A.The Last of the Mohicans B.The Prairie C.The Pathfinder D.Moby Dick 答案:D 3.第8题 The last finished novel written by Fitzgerald is __________. A.This Side of Paradise B.All the Sad Young Men C.The Great Gatsby D.Tender Is the Night 答案:D 4.第9题 "Two roads diverged in a yellow woods" is a line in a poem written by ---. A.T. S. Eliot B.Wallace Stevens C.Robert Frost 答案:C 5.第10题 In Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter,the central character Hester Prynne had a secret affair with _____________. A.Chillingworth B.Pearl C.Dimmesdale D.Hester Prynne 答案:C 6.第11题


《外国文学史》练习题 一、填空题 1、希腊神话包括神的故事和_英雄传说两部分内容。 2、马克思指出:“希腊神话不只是希腊艺术的武库,而且是它的土壤”。 3、希腊英雄传说中最著名的英雄是赫拉克勒斯。。 4、希腊的悲剧和喜剧都起源于酒神颂歌祭祀。 5、古希腊悲剧的奠基人是埃斯库罗斯。 6、马克思称赞普罗米修斯_是“哲学的日历中最高尚的圣者和殉道者”。 7、古希腊最著名的喜剧家是阿里斯托芬。 8、希腊新喜剧的代表性作家是米南德。 9、柏拉图的《理想国》是欧洲唯心主义文艺理论的肇始之作。 10、古希腊最著名的独唱琴歌女诗人是萨福。 11、亚里斯多德的《诗学》是欧洲美学史上第一部有系统的重要文献。 12、贺拉斯在《诗艺》中提出了“寓教于乐”的文艺观。 13、奥维德的《变形记_》诗古代希腊罗马神话的汇集。 14、维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯记》是欧洲文学史上第一部“_个人创作史诗”。 15、荷马史诗包括《依利亚特》和《奥德修纪》两部作品。 16、骑士文学的主要体裁是骑士抒情诗和骑士传奇。 17、但丁早期创作的代表作是描写爱情的诗集《新生》。 18、但丁的代表作《神曲》的原名是《喜剧_》。 19、14至17世纪初,欧洲新兴资产阶级反封建反教会的思想文化运动被称为文艺复兴运动。 20、“人文主义之父”彼特拉克的艺术实践使欧洲抒情诗体达到完美的境界。 21、欧洲文学史上第一部现实主义小说《十日谈》采用了《一千零一夜》式的大故事套小故事框式结构。 22、“西班牙戏剧之父”维伽的代表作是《羊泉村》。 23、乔叟的代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》在结构上类似《十日谈》。 24、《堂吉珂德》中与主人公相辅相成的生动形象是桑丘·潘沙。 25、莎士比亚历史剧的代表作是《亨利四世》。 26、莎士比亚在《威尼斯商人》中塑造的新女性形象是鲍西娅。 27、运用三一律创作最为成功的法国古典主义悲剧作家是拉辛。 28、布瓦洛的诗体理论著作《诗艺》是古典主义创作的法典。 29、恩格斯认为笛福笔下的鲁滨孙是一个“真正的资产者”。 30、斯威夫特的代表作是《格列佛游记》。 31、菲尔丁的代表作是《汤姆·琼斯》。 32、狄德罗的《哲学思想录》被恩格斯誉为“辩证法的杰作”。 33、《费加罗的婚姻》的作者是博马舍。 34、莫里哀的《伪君子》标志着他性格喜剧创作的开始。 35、歌德的《浮士德》被恩格斯赞为“建立了一个最伟大的批判的功绩”。 36、海涅的代表作是《德国,一个冬天的童话》。 37、夏多布里昂的《阿达拉》被看作是法国浪漫主义文学的先声。 38、密茨凯维奇的代表作是《先人祭》第三部和《塔杜施先生》。 39、库柏的代表作是由五部长篇小说组成的《最后一个莫希干人》。 40、霍桑的代表作是《红字》。


美国文学作业 作业 1.第9题 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was written by _______. A.Henry James B.Mark Twain C.Jack London D.Theodore Dreiser 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第10题 “all sappy as maples and flat as the prairie” is a comment made by james russell lowell on the female characters in novels written by______. A.Washington Irving B.James Fenimore Cooper C.Philip Freneau D.George Washington 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第11题 Among the following novels, only one was not written by Herman Melville. It is _____________. A.The Confidence-Man B.The PIlot C.Moby Dick 答案:B 您的答案:B

题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第12题 Sister Carrie is a noel written by ___. A.Theodore Dreiser B.Stephen Crance C. Frank Norris 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第13题 The central character’s name in James Fenimore Cooper’s novel series The Leatherstocking Tales is ______________. A.Isabelle Archer B.Natty Bumpo C.Ishmael 答案:B 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0 6.第14题 _______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history. A.Stephen Crane B.Frank Norris C.Jack London D.Walt Whitman 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 7.第15题


2013-2014-1 美国文学史及选读期末复习材料 实用标准文案 Ⅰ Multiple choices 1. Which is not connected with Thomas Paine? A. Common Sense B. The American Crisis C. The Rights of Man D. The Autobiography 2. “These are the times that try men’s souls”, these words were once read to Washington’s troops and did much to spur excitement to further action with hope and confidence. Who is the author of these words? A.Benjamin Franklin B. Thomas Paine C. Thomas Jefferson D. George Washington 3. At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the ______. A. Chartist Movement B. Romanticist Movement C. Enlightenment Movement D. Modernist Movement 4. In American literature, the Enlighteners were favorable to______. A. the colonial order B. religious obscurantism C. the Puritan tradition D. the secular literature 5. The English colonies in North America rose in arms against their parent country and the Continental Congress adopted ______ in 177 6. A. Declaration of Independence B. the Sugar Act C. the Stamp Act D. the Mayflower Compact 6. ______ usually was regarded as the first American writer. A. William Bradford B. Anne Bradstreet C. Emily Dickinson D. Captain John Smith 7. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the “______” who appeared in America. A. Ninth Muse B. Tenth Muse C. Best Muse D. First Muse 8. Who was considered as the “poet of American Revolution”? A. Anne Bradstreet B. Edward Taylor C. Michael Wigglesworth D. Philip Freneau 9. In 1817, the stately poem called Thanatopsis introduced the best poet ______ to appear in America up to that time. A. Edward Taylor B. Philip Freneau C. William Cullen Bryant D. Edgar Allen Poe 10. The finest example of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s symbolism is the recreation of Puritan Boston in ______. A. The Scarlet Letter B. Young Goodman Brown C. The Marble Faun D. The Ambitious Guest 11. “The universe is composed of Nature and the soul… Spirit is present everywhere”. This is the voice of the book Nature written by Emerson, which pushed American Romanticism into a new phase, the phase of New England ______. A. Romanticism B. Transcendentalism C. Naturalism D. Symbolism 12. Which is generally regarded as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism? A. Nature B. Walden C. On Beauty D. Self-Reliance


XXXX学院 毕业设计(论文) 题目:浅析《名利场》中蓓基·夏普的形象特征 (英文): A Brief Analysis of Rebecca Sharp’s Characteristics in Vanity Fair 系别:外语系 专业:英语 姓名:XXXXX 学号:XXXXXXXXXXXX 指导教师:XXXXXXXX 日期:2013年5 月

A Brief Analysis of Rebecca Sharp’s Characteristic in Vanity fair ABSTRACT William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) is one of the representatives of the English critical realistic writers. Vanity Fair is regarded as his masterpiece. Owing to its extraordinary literary merits, Vanity Fair is listed among the most notable nineteenth-century English novels. The novel is based on the popular British upper society in nineteenth century, and vividly describes a smart girl Rebecca who wanted to master her own fate and get out of poverty. In order to reach the upper society she was capable of everything. Through her efforts, she raised herself out of poverty into the upper class, but lost everything in the end. On the basis of the author’s background, this thesis will analyze the characteristics of Rebecca embodied in the novel Vanity Fair.The thesis is divided into five parts. The first part introduces the background of the author—William Makepeace Thackeray and his masterpiece Vanity Fair. The second part introduces the importance of characteristics in a novel and the research status of characteristics embodied in the novel Vanity Fair. The third part analyzes Rebecca Sharp’s characteristics. On the basis of the analysis, the fourth part explores the cause of Rebecca Sharp’s characteristics. And the last part has a summary of this thesis. Key Words: Thackeray; Vanity Fair; Rebecca Sharp; characteristics


《美国文学》作业 I.Multiple Choice 1. American literature is only more than ____ years old. A. 500 B.400 C. 200 D.100 2. The Puritan values did no include______. A. wastefulness B. thrift C. piety D. hard work 3. The 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment. ______was the dominant spirit. A. Humanism B. Rationalism C. Romanticism D. Realism 4. Franklin was the epitome of the______. A. American Enlightenment B. Sugar Act C. Charlist movement D. Romanticism 5. _____was the most leading spirit of the Transcendentalism. A. Franklin B. Hawthorne C. Paine D. Emerson 6. “Moby Dick was written by_____ A. Mark Twain B. Thoreau C. Melville D. Whitman 7. “The Scarlet Letter” is characterized by its______. A. symbolism B. rationalism C. Platonism D. classicism 8. “Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece of________. A. Henry James B. Jack London C. Mark Twain D. Stephen Crane 9. Choose the novel written by Henry James A. The Golden Bowl B. The Portrait of a Lady C. Sister Carrie D. Daisy Miller 10. Early in the 20th century, _____ published works that would change the nature of American poetry. A. Ezra Pound B. T.S. Eliot C. Robert Frost D. both A and B 11._____ is the founder of “Imagist” movement. A. Ezra Pound B. Hemingway C. Robert Frost D. Steinbeck 12. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by_____ A. Naturalism B. Transcendentalism C. Local Colorism D. Imagism 13. ________ is said to be the father of American poetry A. T.S. Eliot B. E.D. Robinson C. Philip Freneau D. Dreiser 14. Hawthorne is regarded as a _______. A. naturalist B. classicist C. realist D. romanticist 15. ______ represents the most leading spirit of American Transcendentalism.
