



I. Vocabulary

1. The more he finds about himself in other newspapers, the more indignant he will be with those

whose reports are meagre.

A. rich

B. brilliant

C. annoying

D. scarce

2. They had plenty to eat. But they spent all their leisure visiting neighbouring farms and

stealing potatoes, which they hoarded.

A. swallowed

B. ate up

C. stored secretly

D. gave back

3. Some acts which would be bad, simply in themselves, may be excusable and even laudable

when they are necessary means to a greater good.

A. laughable

B. forgiven

C. praiseworthy

D. admissible

4. Satiety is a dream which will always elude you.

A. attract

B. lure

C. escape

D. tempt

5. The search for sunken treasure has become more popular as a legitimate endeavor.

A. justified

B. innocent

C. prudent

D. fundamental

6. Awareness of this is a kind of redemptive grace, but it doesn’t appreciably lead to repentance a

nd a revolution in consumer habits.

A. conscious

B. compensative

C. imaginative

D. appreciative

7. America is anachronistic in so many ways, and not least in its clinging to a belief.

A. modern-fashioned

B. full of crimes

C. behind the times

D. highly-developed

8. He felt ________ to live a simple and lonely life in that remote village.

A. sufficient

B. adequate

C. contented

D. competent

9. Crop rotation has prevented the soil from _______.

A. poverty

B. impoverishment

C. weakness

D. infirmity

10. He remembered reading somewhere that baldness shows virility.

A. character of man

B. great varieties

C. quickness

D. fragility

11. His voice, though familiar, irked him; it sounded thin and scratchy.

A. pleased

B. interested

C. excited

D. irritated

12. There are certain disfiguring and mortal diseases about which there has probably never been

any snobbery.

A. perpetual

B. fatal

C. moral

D. flexible

13. In 1940 the Democrats nominated Roosevelt for an unprecedented third term.

A. unimportant

B. unheard of

C. unjustified

D. unhampered

14. The value of snobbery in general consists in its power to stimulate activity.

A. suffocate

B. forbid

C. permit

D. incite

15. He laughed and shouted, trying to ________ his sorrow in excitement.

A. drown

B. utter

C. conceal

D. sink

16. The traffic policeman waited patiently while the drunken driver _____ in his pocket for his

driver’s license.

A. pluck

B. fumble

C. flip

D. bloat

17. There is no need to ________ over a broken vase. It’s so c heap.

A. muse

B. view

C. pinch

D. fuss

18. The summer was so hot and dry that leaves on the trees all ________.

A. drooped

B. faded

C. flicked

D. drained

19. It is not ________ to take reference books out of the library.

A. admissible

B. skeptical

C. permissible

D. admirable

20. Her easy success in the job made her ________, which is very dangerous.

A. complacent

B. docile

C. accomplished

D. important

II. Text Comprehension

1. In "Jerusalem the Golden", Clara''s mother chose Battersby Grammar School for

her because (“Jerusalem the Golden”)

A. she could not afford the bus fare to a better school.

B. she didn''t have to spend money on the school uniform.

C. she had no trust in education and wanted to spend as little as she could as long as she

kept her social position in the neighborhood.

D. she didn''t care what opinions other people might have of her so long as her child could get

a good education.

2. Clara liked her school for all the reasons that most people would specify as

particular causes for dislike. What aspects of the school attract her so much?

(“Jerusalem the Golden”)

A. She could do whatever she liked at school.

B. The school was full of good teachers and so many intelligent pupils whom she admired

so much.

C. The school looked so large and even bleak to her, and there were so many pupils she

did not know, which was quite different from her home.

D. She was proud at school because she came from an area used to inhabited by the middle


3. “Vegetables with crisp and crackling texture emerge as mush, slippery and

stringy as hair nets simmered in Vaseline.” (“Science Has Spoiled My Supper”) What figure of speech is used in the sentence?

A. personification

B. metaphor

C. metonymy

D. hyperbole

4. By "acquisitiveness" is meant (“On Human Nature and Politics”)

A. the wish to possess as much as possible of goods, or the title to goods.

B. one aspect of human nature that is acquired in political struggle.

C. the wish to survive the conquest of hunger.

D. the wish that is originated from acquiring food.

5. Which of the following is NOT true about power according to Russell? (“On Human Nature and Politics”)

A. Knowledge is power.

B. The love of power is not always a bad motive.

C. The love of power is the most important of all the four motives.

D. Those who have never experienced power have a stronger wish for it.

6. How does Anthony Burgess organize his idea in "Is America Falling Apart?"

(“Is American Falling Apart?”)

A. He first puts forward his idea that America is falling apart. Then he follows it up with

examples to show the gravity of the problems.

B. He points out what problems with America are, analyses how they lead to neurosis, and

suggests what Americans should do.

C. He compares the problems with America in the 60''s to those in the 30''s, points out how

serious they are and suggests what Americans should do.

D. He points out problems with America, analyses the origins of the problems and

concludes that America is hopeless.

7. When commenting on American way of consumption, the writer says "Planned

obsolescence is not conducive to pride in workmanship." (“Is American Falling Apart?”)What does he mean?

A. Workmen do not feel proud because they have to obey orders.

B. Planning in workmanship is out of date, so there''s no pride to talk about.

C. Articles designed to break or wear out quickly do not help people to take a pride in their


D. Products are so unattractive that people do not feel proud of them.

8. One of the problems with American education is that (“Is American Falling


A. the teachers work very conscientiously and lack creativeness.

B. the teachers do not follow the school textbooks strictly.

C. the teachers experiment with new methods of education.

D. teachers can not be fired except for raping girl students and getting boy students drunk.

9. In "America, filling in the vacuum left by the liquefied British Empire,...", (“Is

American Falling Apart?”) "the liquefied British Empire" means

A. the British Empire which is surrounded by water.

B. a strong and enforced empire.

C. the British Empire which used to be great.

D. the British Empire that has thoroughly collapsed.

10. The title "Ace in the Hole" indicates that (“Ace in the Hole”)

A. Ace anderson was in an embarrassing situation.

B. Ace dropped into a ditch while driving home.

C. Ace was so angry with her wife.

D. Ace was trapped in a trick and could not get out of it.

11. What is Ace''s mother''s attitude towards his marriage with Evey? (“Ace in the


A. She had all along thought his marriage was not satisfactory but had hesitated to say so until


B. She was strongly opposed to their marriage and didn''t accept Evey from the


C. She was quite satisfied with Evey.

D. She thought Evey was acceptable as a Catholic although she sometimes behaved oddly.

12. At the end of the story, (“Ace in the Hole”)

A. the dinner music from the radio eased off the tension between Ace and Evey.

B. Ace and Evey broke up and separated.

C. Ace was totally disappointed with their marriage but could do nothing about it.

D. Evey admitted her mistake and everything went on well.

13. According to Aldous Huxley, (“Selected Snobberies”)

A. Men are snobbish almost about everything.

B. There is no snobbery about any disfiguring or mortal disease.

C. All snobberies will cause harm and danger to society.

D. Some snobberies should be admired while others despised.

14. "The snobbery of family" refers to (“Selected Snobberies”)

A. having excessive pride of one''s family.

B. snobbery existing among family members.

C. jealousy about other families.

D. jealousy about each other in one family.

15. "... consumption-snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to fade away in

the flower of youth ..." can be interpreted as: (“Selected Snobberies”)

A. shopping-snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to be immersed in so

many wonderful commodities.

B. tuberculosis-snobs, who thought it would be romantic to recover with the help

of young flowers.

C. tuberculosis-snobs, who thought it would be romantic to die when young.

D. shopping-snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to go home with

flowers which were not in full blossom.


1. The shabbiness of the district and the dingy gloom of the school itself meant nothing to Clara. To her, the building was endlessly exciting, and she liked it for all the reasons that most people would specify as particular causes for dislike.

2. If we apply to other attributes the criteria we apply these days to appetite, we would want bright children anymore; we’d merely want them to look bright and get through school fast. We wouldn’t be interested in beautiful women, but just good pain job.

3. If we regard activity as being in itself a good, then we must count all snobberies as good; for all provoke activity. If, with the Buddhists, we regard all activity in this w orld of illusion as bad, then we shall condemn all snobberies out of hand.


1-5 DCCCA 6-10 BCCBA 11-15 DBBDA 16-20BDDCA

II.Text Comprehension

1-5 CCCAD 6-10 DCACA 11-15 BADCC





福建师范大学《大学英语(1) 》作业考核试题


▆■■■■■■■■■■■■ A.It doesn’t matter. B. Oh, my head aches badly. C. It is not the matter. D. Don’t worry. 10. — Have you ever been to the Great Wall in Beijing? —__________ A. Yes, I am . B. No, I don’t. C. No, I’ve never been there. D. Certainly, I went there. 三、语法与词汇:30%(答案必须填在答卷表格里,否则不得分) 1. We all believe that computer ______ smaller and smaller in the coming years. A. can be become B. will be got C. will be changed D. can turn 2. He ___________________ not to leave waste paper in public places any more. A. warns B. warned C. is warned D. was warned 3. That factory _________ nearly 50 years ago. A. has been built B. had built C. was built D. has built 4. Don’t worry. Everything will _____________ in time. A. be finished B. finish C. finished D. be finishing 5. Her application for the position _______________ by the boss. A. was refused B. was refusing C. refused D. is refusing 6. He__________ the Communist Party_____________2002. A. has joined, in B. has joined, since C. joined, on D. joined, in 7. Jack_________ in the street when I_________ on him. A. walked…called B. was walking …was calling C. walked … was calling D. was walking …called 8. “Where is Mary?” “She__________ to school.” A. will go B. has been C. has gone D. went 9. This time last year I___________ my holiday in the countryside. A. have B. was having C. am having D. have had 10. I’m sorry that I__________ you had been there already. A. won’t know B. didn’t know C. don’t know D. haven’t known 11. By the end of 2020 China _____________ much stronger and richer. A. will become B. would become C. is becoming D. will have become 12. It _______________ years since I last saw you. A. was B. is C. will be D. has been 13. I __________ my homework now. A. finish B. finished C. have finished D. had finished 14. The room _____________ often cleaned by the worker. A. has B. will be C. was D. is 15. The railway ______________ in three years. A. is complete B. will completed C. has completed D. will be completed 四.英译汉:30% Drinking habits vary widely among Americans. Some families never serve any drinks, others have them before dinner, or perhaps after dinner. You are more likely to be offered a cocktail before dinner than wine with the meal. If you do not get used to American cocktails, you can ask for something else. Moreover, drinks may be poured over ice. (翻译答案必须填写在第1页答卷上,不要在此处答题,否则不得分)


中国在维护和推动经济全球化发展方面的作用和主张 经济全球化是社会生产力发展的客观要求和科技进步的必然结果,是不可阻挡的历史大势,它不以人的意志为转移,顺之则昌盛,逆之则衰亡。 1、中国是经济全球化的坚定捍卫者 经济全球化是不可逆转的历史潮流,世贸组织规则是经济全球化的重要制度保障,符合各国的共同利益。面对新形势新挑战,中方愿同世贸组织成员共同努力,推动经济全球化向更加开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展。中国愿意帮助有需要的世贸成员落实协定谈判结果,支持在最不发达国家融入多边贸易体制。改革开放以来,我国货物贸易占世界比重大幅提升。 在贸易方面,中国积极参与与做大全球经济贸易“蛋糕”,与贸易伙伴各得其利。 在关税方面。2018年,中国陆续宣布了一系列新的开放举措,包括创造更具吸引力的投资营商环境,大幅降低商品进口关税。 ●大幅降低1449中日常消费品、1585中工业品等商品进口关税。 ●实现进口抗癌药全部零关税。 ●中国关税总水平已经降到%。 在规则方面,中国支持完善全球自由贸易体系。面对根本不顾别国的利益,关起门来搞贸享的根本逻辑,对此重大问题,中国交出的答案是协商、共同推进全球自由贸易体系的升级换代,谋性、开放性的新型全球治理机制体系。 2、中国经济是拉动全球经济增长的最强引擎 中国是全球经济增长最大的驱动力,中国经济增长对全球意义长大。没有中国的世界经济将黯淡无光。中国的发展是世界的机遇。中国是全球经济治理的积极参与者和贡献者。我们主张本着工商、共建、共享的全球经济治理理念,积极推动建设开放包容的世界经济,推动经济全球化朝开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展。我们积极推动全球经济治理机制改革,增加新兴市场和发展中国家发言权和代表性。我们积极推动构建更好的国际发展合作格局,落实联合国2030年可是续 发展议程,推动国际社会将发展置于全球宏观经济政策协调的突出位置,努力解决全球发展不平衡问题。 3、中国方案引领全球化发展新方向 (一)支持多边主义和自由贸易,支持贸易自由化。 世界各国“要维护世界贸易组织规则,支持开放、透明、包容、非规则性的多边贸易体制,构建开放型世界经济”“加快实施自由贸易区战略,是适应 经济全球化的趋势的战略要求”,让贸易成为推动经济全球化的基本动力。中 国不仅要成为现行多边贸易体制度的支持者、维护者,还要在国际贸易规则制 定,全球制度建设中作出贡献。 (二)提出全球经济治理的中国方案,贡献中国智慧。 坚持合作共赢,建设开放经济 坚持创新引领,把握发展机遇 坚持包容普惠,造福各国人民 坚持多边主义。完善全球治理 全球金融治理格局:共同构造公正高效的全球金融治理格局,维护世界经济稳


福建师范大学选聘博士生指导教师 工作实施细则 (2017年6月15日校学位评定委员会会议审议修订) 第一章总则 第一条为促进我校学科建设,适应学位与研究生教育发展的需要,进一步加强博士生指导教师队伍建设,提高博士生培养质量,根据上级有关文件精神,结合我校实际,特制定本实施细则。 第二条博士生指导教师(以下简称“博导”)是指导、培养博士生的重要工作岗位,按需设岗,选聘上岗。 第二章岗位职责 第三条博导是博士生培养的第一责任人,负有对博士生进行学科前沿引导、科研方法指导和学术规范教导的责任,对博士生思想品德、科学伦理起到示范和教育作用,应为人师表,教书育人。 第四条参与培养方案的制(修)订,根据培养方案和博士生具体情况制订博士生个人培养计划,指导和落实博士生的课程学习、科学研究、学位论文撰写等培养环节,引导博士生参加学术活动和发表学术论文,定期检查培养计划执行情况。 第五条发掘博士生的学术潜能,指导博士生参与课题研究;能提供博士生必要的科研经费和适当的生活补助。 第六条参与博士生招生工作,严把生源质量关。

第七条积极参与学位与研究生教育的改革和研究。 第三章选聘原则 第八条有利于学科建设和学科结构的调整;有利于为国家培养经济建设、科技进步和社会发展所需要的高层次专门人才;有利于优化博导队伍结构,发挥导师集体指导的作用;有利于提高研究生培养质量。 第九条严格遵守“坚持标准,优化结构,公正合理,择优选聘”原则,严格执行回避制度。 第十条在有博士学位授予权的学科、专业范围内进行。原则上不跨一级学科博士学位授权点选聘博导。 第四章选聘条件和程序 第十一条新选聘博导的基本条件: (一)热爱研究生教育事业,熟悉研究生教育政策法规,具有高尚的科学道德,治学严谨,认真履行教师岗位职责,作风正派。 (二)具有博士学位。 (三)具有教授(或相当)专业技术职务;或者具有副教授(或相当)专业技术职务,年龄45周岁(截至申报当年6月30日)以下,主持并在研(逾期未结题的除外)国家自然科学基金面上项目或国家社科基金项目以上级别科研项目。 (四)年龄不超过55周岁(截至申报当年6月30日),身体健康。


福建师范大学网络教育 大学英语期末考试卷A Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】

1. — Hello, this is David speaking. Is Michael there — ________________ A. Hold on. I’ll get him. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, I am David. D. Yes, what do you want 2. — Which one do you prefer, the window seat or the aisle seat —_____________ A. I prefer a window seat. B. I like neither. C. Both will do. D. I don’t know. 3. — Mr. Smith, must we hand in our composition next Monday —____________ A. Yes, you will. B. Yes, you must. It’s the deadline. C. No, you mustn’t. D. You can wait. 4. — You look tired. What’s the matter —______________ A. It doesn’t matter. B. Oh, my head aches badly. C. It is not the matter. D. Don’t worry. 5. — Mary, help yourself to some salad. —____________ A. I don’t like salad. B. Sorry, I can’t help. C. Thanks, but I’ve had enough. D. No, I can’t. 6. —You’ve won the basketball game. Congratulations!—____________ A. Oh, not really. B. No one else could do it. C. Thank you. We’re really lucky. D. It’s good of you to say so. 7. — Would you mind doing me a favor now —____________ A. No, of course. B. Yes, help yourself. C. No, of course not. D. Sure, go ahead. 8. — Excuse me, Sir. Could you hold the suitcase for me —____________ A. It’s a pleasure. B. My pleasure. C. I could. D. With pleasure. 9. —It’s really nice of you to give me a hand in time! —____________ A. Thank you. B. No, no. C. With pleasure. D. It’s my pleasure. 10. — How soon do you want to leave for the picnic —____________ A. Sooner or later. B. Be Quick. C. As I like. D. In an hour. 三、语法与词汇:30%(答案必须填在答卷表格里,否则不得分) 1. Kate said that ____________. A. she had finished writing the composition the night before B. she had finished writing the composition last day C. I finished writing the composition on the last night D. she finished writing the composition before the night 2. “Did you enjoy last night’s concert” “Yes. Though the last piece _________rather poorly.” A. was played B. played C. was playing D. playing 3. He__________ the Communist Party_____________2002. A. has joined, in B. has joined, since C. joined, on D. joined, in 4. Jack_________ in the street when I_________ on him. A. walked…called B. was walking …was calling C. walked …was calling D. was walking …called 5. David ____________ himself while he __________the machine. A. hurted… was fixing B. hurts… is fixing C. hurt …fixed D. hurt … was fixing 6. The event _________ at the time last year. A. happens B. happened C. is happened D. was happened 7. Since computers were invented, it __________ that they are indispensable for scientific research. A. thought B. has been thought C. is thinking D. had thought 8. We all believe that computer ___________ smaller and smaller in the coming years. A. can be become B. will be got C. will be changed D. can turn 9. He ___________________ not to leave waste paper in public places any more. A. warns B. warned


应届研究生想考上博士,除非考自己导师的,要不就是自己实力超强,起码研究生阶段发个几篇核心期刊论文,然后对研究方向有相当深刻认识,否则...... 全国英语专业博士点(2009-03-05 17:09:39)标签:考研杂谈 设有“英语语言文学”博士点的高校(共27所) 北京大学、清华大学、北京师范大学、中国社会科学院研究生院、北京外国语大学 中国人民解放军外国语学院、中国人民解放军通信指挥学院 厦门大学、山东大学、四川大学、河南大学 复旦大学、上海外国语大学、华东师范大学 南京大学、苏州大学、南京师范大学 东北师范大学、湖南师范大学 南开大学、中山大学 2006年新增英语博士点 福建师范大学、华中师范大学 北京语言大学、浙江大学 中南大学、西南大学 设有“外国语言学及应用语言学”博士点的高校(共9所) 北京外国语大学 复旦大学、上海交通大学、上海外国语大学 南京大学 广东外语外贸大学 06年新增英语博士点 同济大学、中山大学、南京师范大学 同时设有1:“外国语言学及应用语言学”和2:“英语语言文学”博士点的高校(共6所)北京外国语大学 复旦大学、上海外国语大学 南京大学 中山大学、南京师范大学 英语专业考研考博全国重点院校推荐(2009-08-14 22:17:25)标签:教育 北京大学 英语语言文学为国家重点学科、与外国语言学及应用语言学均为一级博士点 1919年北京大学建立英语系,胡适任系主任。至今已有83年的历史。北大英语系是我国第一批硕士点和博士点之一,也是外国语言文学专业的博士后流动站和国家第一批重点学科点。研究门类齐全、研究实力雄厚。英语系研究生共设有英语文学、英语语言学、美国研


大学英语(1)第三次网络作业 (三次网络作业的平均成绩占期末考试成绩30%,作业一经批改评分,将不能修改;此次作业完成后应交到“在线作业”一栏本次作业界面中;作业必须按最后一页答卷表格格式作答,不要以附件形式缴交) 一、交际用语对话练习:(针对每个对话未完成的部分选择最适当的答案) 1. — Please help yourself to the seafood — _______ a. Thanks, but I don?t like the seafood. b. Sorry, I c an?t help. c. Well, seafood don?t suit for. d. No, I can?t. 2. — Can you go to the concert with us this evening? — _______ a. No, I already have plans. b. I?d love to, but I?m busy tonight. c. No, I really don?t like being with you. d. I?m ill, so I shouldn?t go out. 3. —Congratulations! You won the first prize in today?s speech contest. — _______. a. Yes, I beat the others. b. No, no I didn?t do it well. c. Thank you. d. It?s a pleasur e. 4. — Must I take a taxi? — No, you _______. You can take my car. a. had better to


福建师范大学《现代远程教育》在线作业100分答案一、单选题 1正确高效地阅读一篇文章的顺序是(A) * /A/先泛读再精读 * /B/先精读再泛读 * /C/从头到尾按顺序读 * /D/从尾到头倒序读 2小李学完《远程学习导引》的每一章内容后都会去交流讨论区发帖,提出他在学习上遇到的问题,有时候也会把他的问题通过E-mail(电子邮件)发给老师,老师在看 到小李的帖子或邮件之后会给予回复,小李与老师之间的这种交互是(A)。 * /A/异步交互 * /B/同步交互 * /C/协作交互 * /D/WE * /E/交互 3关于情绪的表述,不正确的是(B ) * /A/情绪不是天生定型的,会随着身心的成长与发展、对情境知觉能力的提高 以及个人经验和应变行为的改变而改变 * /B/情绪有好坏之分,好情绪会让我们身心愉快,而坏情绪会让我们感觉黯然无光* /C/情绪的本质实质上是围绕着自我中心而产生的一种执著心 * /D/不管是哪一种情绪,都是我们对生活的一种内在的体验和感受 4IP数据广播指的是采用(B )协议,基于DVB标准来传送数据流。 * /A/TCP * /B/IP * /C/FTP * /D/RTP 5第一次使用Outlook Experss收发邮件前首先应该做的工作是(B)。 * /A/写新邮件 * /B/设置邮箱的POP3和SMTP协议 * /C/添加地址薄 * /D/收发邮箱 6远程教育的基本特征是(A )。 * /A/时空分离 * /B/教学分离 * /C/空间分离 * /D/时间分离 7常见的笔记格式不包括(B )。 * /A/摘要式笔记 * /B/复习笔记 * /C/提纲式笔记 * /D/网状型笔记 8远程教育的发展划分为三代,以下正确的是(A)。 * /A/函授教育、多种媒体教学的远程教育、开放灵活的远程学习 * /B/卫星教育、多媒体远程教育、函授教育 * /C/函授教育、卫星教育、开放灵活的远程学习 * /D/卫星教育、多种媒体教学的远程教育、开放灵活的远程学习 9对远程学生来说,非学习性上网不包括(C )。 * /A/阅读新闻 * /B/玩游戏


福建师范大学体育博士入学考试专业课为1.体育教学理论与实践,2.运动生理学 参考书目 1.体育教学理论与实践,主要涉及运动训练学/田麦久高等教育出版社2006.7 .学校体育学/周登嵩,人民体育出版社,2004 体育院校通用教材 2.运动生理学/邓树勋,高等教育出版社,2005.7(版本) 历年试题真题: 一、体育教学理论与实践 04年:1.当今体育教学的指导思想? 2.当前学校体育研究热点问题有哪些?其背景是什么? 3.举例一项熟悉的竞技运动项目,分析其制胜规律? 05年:1.简述我国竞技体育与学校体育的关系? 2.现代体育科研发展的趋势? 3.当代竞技体育规则多变性,面对这种挑战我们要如何应对? 06年:1.分析你所熟悉的运动项目,应如何处理“专项训练”与“一般训练”的关系? 2.终身体育思想对体育课程改革产生了哪些方面的影响? 3.体育教学过程有哪些基本功能?结合实际? 07年:1.结合教学实践,论述当前体育课程改革的现状及其发展方向? 2.现代运动训练的主要特征及发展趋势,请举例说明? 08年:1.体育课程目标与体育教学目标的作用,区别及其关系? 2.体育教学模式有哪些?举例说明体育教学中如何正确选择运用合适的教学模式? 3.任举一例,一项优秀运动员的技术特征? 09年:1.影响体育课发展外在因素有哪些?这些因素如何影响体育课程发展的?联系实际? 2.结合教学案例,论述体育教学中如何选择运用教学方法? 3.竞技体育的主要特征? 10年:1.联系实际,论述体育教学中如何选择与运用体育教学方法,并分析目前我国体育教学评价改革的主要趋势? 2.体育课程资源开发利用有何意义,应从哪些方面进行开发利用?举例说明? 3.为什么说技术训练是青少年运动训练的重点?青少年训练应重视哪些主要问题? 论述专项技术与专项素质的关系? 11年:1.联系实际论述在体育教学中如何贯彻因材施教原则,举例? 2.结合我国当前基础教育课程改革实际,论述如何进一步深化体育教学改革? 3.周期安排原则定义,科学依据及应用原则训练学要点?当前国内外对运动训练中 “训练周期”理论有哪些新认识,举例? 12年:(记不清了,大概内容是)1.体育环境环境教学设计, 2.运动训练方法结构及分类体系 3.列举我国一项奥运项目的竞技能力特征? 13年:1.运用教学论的基本理论阐述体育过程有哪些基本规律? 2.在课程编制过程中,如何正确认识和处理统一要求与多样化的关系?学科课程与活 动课程的特点各是什么?请联系实际论述学科课程与活动课程的区别与联系? 3.论述第29届奥运会获金项目的特点?并举例说明任意两项群获金运动员竞技结构 能力有什么不同?


福建师范大学网络与继续教育学院 《中国传统文化》A/B模拟练习题参考答案 教学中心_________专业___________学号__________姓名___________成绩__________ 一、名词解释: 1、弱冠 弱冠是男子二十岁。古人二十岁行冠礼,以示成年,但体犹未壮,故称“弱冠”。指刚成年。指二十岁。弱冠:古代男子20岁叫作“弱”,这时就要行“冠礼”,即戴上表示已成人的帽子。“弱冠”即年满20岁的男子。后世泛指男子二十左右的年纪。 2、“七出” “七出”又称“七去”,“七弃”。中国古代休弃妻子的七种理由。即:不顺父母,去;无子,去;淫,去;妒,去;有恶疾,去;多言,去;窃盗,去。“七出”体现了男尊女卑思想,显示了礼制对夫权的维护。 3、嫡长子继承制 商代的继承制度是父死子继,辅之以兄终弟及西周初年,周公制礼作乐,始行嫡长子制度,是指在统治阶级内部划分为天子、诸侯、大夫、士四个等级,财产和地位,世世相传实行世袭制。在各个等级中,继承财产和职位者,必须是嫡妻长子。这种继承制度能有效的避免了统治阶级内部兄弟之间为争夺权位和财产的继承而引发得祸乱,从而维护了王权的威严和社会的稳定。 4、六家七宗 佛教用语。魏晋时期般若学各派的总称。佛教徒对般若部诸经所讲的"空"义产生不同理解﹐至东晋形成“六家七宗”﹐即道安的“本无宗”﹑支敏度的“心无宗”﹑支道林的“即色宗”﹑于法开的“识含宗”﹑道壹的“幻化宗”﹑于道邃的“缘会宗”﹐是为“六家”。其中“本无”又分出“本无异宗”﹐故名“七宗”。 5、文字狱 清朝统治者迫害知识分子的一种冤狱。多发于康、雍、乾三朝。康熙时期的文字狱主要针对那些有反清复明思想的人物及著作。在编纂《四库全书》时,从搜集来的图书中,发现了大量对清朝统治不利的东西,于是故意从作


复变函数作业一 一、判断(对的用T 表示,错的用F 表示) 1、如果0()f z '存在,那么()f z 在0z 解析。( F ) 2、()n Ln z nLnz =。( F ) 3、当且仅当z 为实数时,z e 为实数。( F ) 4、设()f z u iv =+在区域D 是解析的,如果u 是实常数,那么()f z 在整个D 是常数;如果v 是实常数,那么()f z 在D 也是常数。( T ) 二、填空 1 、Re n ??????????= ;Im n ?????????? = 。 2、设ω是1的n 次根,1ω≠,则211n ωωω-++++= 0 。 3、在映射2z ω=下,扇形区域0arg ,14z z π<< <的像区域为 。 4、若()()11n n i i +=-,则n = 。 三、计算 1、 计算下列函数值:1)()n i L e ;2 1)、()n i L e 解: 主值 ()ln ln arg i i i e e i e i =+=, ()()ln 22,i i Ln e e k i i k i k ππ∴=+=+∈Z 2 解: 设3+4i 的平方根是x+yi ,x 、y ∈R ,则有 x 2-y 2=3,且 2xy=4, 求得 x=2,y=1,或x=-2 y=-1,

故3+4i 的平方根是 2+i ,或-2-i , 故答案为:2+i ,或-2-i 2、下列函数在复平面上何处可导?何处解析? 1 ; 2)()()2222x y x i xy y --+- 。 1 ; 解: 因为 f(z)=|z| 当趋于0-时 f(z)=|-1; 当趋于0+时 f(z)=|1; 右极限不等于左极限。 所以f(z)=|z|在z=0处不可导,而在除0以外的其他地方都可导且解析。 2)()()2222x y x i xy y --+- 。 解: 212,,2v 221 v ,2x x y y x y y x u x v y u y x y u u v y =-=??????=-=-????==-?=- 仅在直线12 y = 上可导,在复平面上处处不解析。 3、函数2322()2f z x y x y i =-+是否为解析函数?求出其导数。 解:不是解析函数,因为满足条件的只有两个点,不成区域 2 (,)24x x f x y u iv x xy '=+=+ 3234(0,0)0,,4323f f i ??''==+ ???


《英语教学法》期末考试A卷 答:教学资源是为教学的有效开展提供的素材等各种可被利用的条件,通常包括教材、案例、影视、图片、课件等,也包括 2. 英语写作策略 答:是学生学习英语和培养语言能力的主要内容, 3.教学设计 答:是根据课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划。一般包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法、教学步骤与时间分配等环节。 4.发现式教学法 答:亦称假设法和探究法,这是一种基于问题学习的教学方法,是指 二、论述题(30分) 1. PWP教学过程的本质特征是什么? 答:英语阅读教学中的PWP过程指的是将整个学习过程分为学习前(pre-learning)、学习中(while-learning)和学习后 (post-learning)三个阶段。PWP模式简洁实用,对促进 2. 英语教学中如何进行教材的整合。请举例说明。 答:人教版《普通高中课程标准实验教科书》中每一个模块的 每个单元都围绕一个主要话题开展听、说、读、写活动,各个 部分的教学目标明确,不分课次和顺序,方便1文献综述 在知网查询了相关资料发现:董艳丽在英语教学设计中如 何整合教材中,主要讲述了英语较教材模块之间的整合以及教 材整合的原则;周金妹在教材整合在初中英语教学中的运用中 提出,教材英语教学内容、学生学情相整合;林华英在整合英 语教材,提高教学实效中,从宏观上提出了教材整合的策略; 梁银碧在整合教材给学生轻松英语课堂中提出从学生的角度 进行教材的整合。笔者认为,教材整合不单单是单元模块间的 整合,还应该是一学期的教材整合,学年与学年间教材的整合, 还应考虑小学、初中、高中教材的衔接性问题,并根据地区间 差异进行教材整合。 2教材整合 教材整合概念的提出 在2011年义务教育英语课程标准中提出教材整合的概念,其 指出:“教材是实现教学目标的重要材料和手段,教材整合的 必要性 教材整合可以提高学生的学习效率。兴趣是最好的老师, 如果在教学过程中教材整合可以帮助学生形成一套英语学习 体系。在传统教学中,教材整合有利于激发学生学习的主动性。 我们的教学活动的中心就是学生,学生是学习的主体,以学生 的需求、兴趣、爱好进行重组教材并在教学过程中了解学生的 需要,学习中困惑点,以此来扩展调整教材可以让学生投入到 课堂中来,提高学生学习的主动性,让每个学生都有所收获, 使学生得到全面的发展,对英语学习充满激情和活力。 教材整合的主要策略 分析教材,找到本套教材的重难点,列出框架体系。 适当的补充或延伸。我们处于信息网络时代,要善于运用 网络资源,对教材资源进行补充和延伸。例如在必修3 unit1 Festivals in the world,在本单元导入之前可以在网上查阅 世界各地的节日传统,让学生了解更多的西方文化知识,扩大 他们的知识层面,达到英语教学的效果。 适当的删减或替换。对于教材中不太适合的内容,在进行教学 设计时要依据学生的认知规律,进行替换和删减。如果全部照 搬教材,学生会产生畏惧或厌倦的情绪,因此 教材与学生学情的整合。学生是学习的主体,课程知识的 形成和运作须符合学生发展的需要。因而,我们在进行教材整


福建师范大学网络教育英语考试试题 一、语法和词汇(共125题) 1. The bridge is three hundred ________ long. A.feet B.foots C.footes D.feets 2. It?s only ________ walk from here to the cinema. A.half an hours B.half a hour?s C.half an hour?s D.half a hours? 3. “What are those women?” “They are________.” A.policewomans B.policewomen C.women policeman D.woman policewomen 4. Yesterday evening we had a lovely evening at ________. A.Peter?s and Helen?s B.Peter and Helen C.Peter and Helens D.Peter and Helen?s 5. I have ________ for you, Mary. A.a good news B.many good news C.some good news D.a few good news 6. ________ a few sheep behind the house. A.It is B.They are C.There are D.There is 7. By the end of last year, they________ a new railway station. A.built B.had built C.has built D.would build 8. There is going to ________ a film tonight. A.are B.is C.have D.be 9. “Have you finished your work?” “No, ________.” A.haven?t B.not yet


《心理学》期末试卷A 一、试述皮亚杰认知发展阶段理论的主要内容及其教学含义(50分)。 答:皮亚杰认知发展阶段理论:认知发展观:皮亚杰认为,发展是一种在个体.与环境的相互作用过程中实现的意义建构。他用图式、同化、顺应和平衡来解释这一过程。发展阶段论:皮亚杰把个体从出生到成熟的发展过程分为四个阶段。 1.感知运动阶段(0~2岁):这一阶段儿童的认知发展主要是感觉和动作的分化。 儿童主要通过感知运动图式与外界发生相互作用,一般在9-12月,儿童获得客体永恒性。 2.前运算阶段(2~7 岁):儿童进入智慧发展阶段,思维已表现出了符号性的特点,但其思维具有具体形象性、不可逆性、自我中心等特征,尚未获得守恒的概念。存在泛灵论的思维。 3.具体运算阶段(7~11岁)∶儿童具有了明显的符号性和逻辑性,能进行简单的 逻辑推演,克服了思维的自我中心性,获得了守恒的概念,思维可逆。但这一阶段儿童的思维活动仍局限于具体的事物及日常经验,缺乏抽象性。 4.形式运算阶段(11~15岁)∶儿童总体的思维特点是能够提出和检验假设,能监控和内省自己的思维活动,思维具有抽象性,思维可逆和补偿。 皮亚杰发展理论的教学含义: 1.肯定了儿童认知发展是其道德发展的必要条件.在皮亚杰看来,无论是儿童道德判断、道德情感,还是对道德规则的学习和理解都要受到认知水平的制约。 2.丰富和发展了儿童道德发展的阶段理论,并确定了教育的适当作用.他指出:儿童的道德发展阶段是一个不可跳跃的和不可逆的连续过程,把这一过程概括为“自爱--他律-一自律--公道”等阶段,并对各阶段道德发展作了详细论证,将皮亚杰有关理论引申到道德教育上,具有多方面的指导意义.第一,儿童道德认识的提高是一个渐进的发展过程,作为教育者应很好地理解儿童,努力使德育内容适合儿童的认识水平,不能超越发展阶段对儿童提出不切实际的要求:第二,发展智


2008年《实变函数与泛函分析》考博题 本试卷共五大题,每题20分,要求在指定答卷纸中答题. 一、设0f ≠是Banach 空间X 上的一个连续线性泛函,对给定的一个数c ,相应定义了一个超平面():{:()}H c x X f x c =∈=. (1) 证明空间任一点x X ∈到()H c 的距离 ()(,())f x c d x H x f ?=. (2) 就三维欧氏空间3X R =的情况,说明上述结论的几 何意义. 二、(1)叙述赋范线性空间X 上的线性泛函保范延拓的Hahn Banach ?定理. (2)写出你所熟悉的上述Hahn Banach ?定理的两个推论. (3)Hahn Banach ?定理有这样一个几何形式的表现:设M 是X 的一个线性子空间,0x X ∈,0:g x M =+= 0{:}x x x M +∈是X 中的一个线性族,如果g 与单位开球:{:1}B x X x =∈<不相交,则有超平面H 包含g 而且与B 不相交.请证明之. 三、设X 和Y 是Banach 空间, :T X Y →是有界线性算子,

且T 的值域()R T 是Y 中的第二类型(也称第二纲)集.证明存在一个正数0c >,使对每个y Y ∈,有x X ∈,使 ,Tx y x c y =≤. 四、1{}n n x ∞=是Banach 空间X 中的点列,如果对任何连续 线性泛函*f X ∈,都有1 ()n n f x ∞ =<∞∑,证明存在0c >,使对每个* f X ∈都成立1 ()n n f x c f ∞=≤∑. 五、给定一个有界数列1{}n n A a ∞==,对每一复数列 12{}n n x x l ∞==∈,按1{}n n n Tx a x ∞==定义了一个2l 到自身的线性 映射.(1)证明T 是有界线性算子,并求出T ;(2)求出T 的谱()T σ(要求尽可能地细分出()T σ的成份);(3)说明T 是否可能为紧算子;(4)如果X 是一个有Schauder 基1 {}n n e ∞=的复Banach 空间,对每个1 n n n x x e ∞ ==∑,仍然按1 n n n n Tx a x e ∞==∑定义算子:T X X →,情况又如何?讨论之.


1、什么是Active Directory?Active Directory的架构包含哪些内容? 答:(1)Active Directory:ActiveDirectory是目录服务,是面向Windows Standard Server、Windows Enterprise Server 以及Windows Datacenter Server 的目录服务。Active Directory不能运行在Windows Web Server上,但是可以通过它对运行Windows Web Server的计算机进行管理)Active Directory存储了有关网络对象的信息,例如用户、组、计算机、共享资源、打印机和联系人等,并且让管理员和用户能够轻松地查找和使用这些信息。 (2)架构中包括了两种类型的定义:属性和分类。属性和分类还可以被称作架构对象或元数据 2、用户账户有哪几种?如何创建用户账户 答:用户账户有以下几种:本地用户账户、域用户账户和内置用户账户 创建一个本地用户账户和域用户帐户具体看下面步骤: ①案例:创建一个本地用户账户,如用户名为wangnan。 具体步骤如下: (1)打开“控制面板”,双击“管理工具”,在“管理工具”窗口中双击“计算机管理”图标,打开“计算机管理”窗口。(2)单击“本地用户和组”前面的加号,展开“用户”图标,右击“用户”,在弹出的快捷菜单中单击“新用户”,打开“新用户”对话框,有“新用户”框中输入wangnan;在“全名”框中输入王楠;在“描述”框中输入账户的简单描述,如“网络教研室老师”以方便日后的管理工作;在“密码”和“确定密码”框中输入密码。 (3)单击“创建”按钮,在“计算机管理”窗口中就可以看到新创建的用户账户 ②案例:在poef.fjnu.fdu域上创建一个域用户帐户,用户名为zhangwei。 (1)在“管理工具”窗口中选择“Active Directory用户和计算机”,打开“Active Directory用户和计算机”窗口。(2)在窗口的左侧窗格中单击要建立帐户的域,右击该域中的User,在快捷菜单中选择“新建”→“用户”,打开“新建对象–用户”对话框,在该对话框中输入要创建的用户的登录名,登录名是用来在域中活动并访问资源的惟一凭证,也即账户名,登录名在域中必须惟一。 (3)单击“下一步”按钮,在对话框中输入密码(注意输入的密码是区分大小写的)。选择“用户下次登录时须要改密码”复选框,则用户在下次用这个密码登录之后就需要更改这个密码。 (4)单击“下一步”按钮,在接着的对话框中单击“完成”按钮,结束添加域用户账户的操作。 3、域模式下的组的类型有哪些? 答:域模式中的组又称为域组,存储在域的Active Directory 中,在Active Directory中有两种类型的组:通讯组和安全组。可以使用通讯组创建电子邮件通讯组列表,使用安全组给共享资源指派权限。 4、什么叫组策略?使用组策略的好处。 答:组策略是一组配置设置,组策略管理员应用于活动目录存储中的一个或多个对象。组策略管理员利用组策略控制域中用户的工作环境。组策略也可以控制在指定OU位置上的用户的工作环境。另外,使用Active Directory站点和服务管理单元,组策略管理员可以在站点上设置组策略。 组策略优点 (1)保护用户环境。作为安全要求较高的网络的管理员,可能希望为每台计算机创建一个锁定的工作环境。通过为指定用户实现相应的组策略设置,并结合NTFS权限、强制用户配置文件和其他Windows Server 2003安全特性,可以阻止用户安装软件和访问非授权程序或数据。还可以阻止用户删除对操作系统或应用程序功能有重要作用 (2)增强用户环境。可以使用组策略通过下列操作来增强用户环境:自动安装应用程序到用户的“开始”菜单。启动应用程序分发,方便用户在网络上找到并安装相应应用程序。安装文件或快捷方式到网络上相应位置或用户计算机上的特定文件夹。当用户登录或注销、计算机启动或关闭时自动执行任务或应用程序。重定向文件夹到网络位置增强数据可靠性。
