第九讲 克服汉语英语

第九讲    克服汉语英语
第九讲    克服汉语英语





(1)名词:其中多余名词的意思在例子中的其他用词中已有表达To accelerate the pace of economic reform

There have been good harvests in agriculture.

Living standards for the people in both urban and rural areas continued to rise.

These hardships are temporary in nature.

(red in color; few in number)

The development of our economy in the future will, to a large extent, depends on …

We should adopt a series of measures to ensure that …

Following the realization of modernization and electrification of

agriculture …

It’s essential to strengthen the building of national defense

These constitute important conditions in striving for the fulfillment of the general task in the transitional period.

The key to the solution lies in the curtailment of expenditure.


A serious mistake in the work of planning

Promotion of the cause of peaceful reunification

Reform in the field of economy

To ensure a relationship of close cooperation between…

We must oppose the practice of extravagance.

These principles apply to all cases of relations between China and other countries.

This,coupled with the factor of price instability, caused …



It’s impossible to accomplish the transformation of the whole society overnight.

They should conduct a careful examination of …

Try to entice the Korean army to launch an attack against them

They must make up their minds to implement the reform of the current system.

To bring about a change in this state of affairs

Until China realizes industrial modernization


Approval should be given to all these projects. (All these projects should be approved)

Solutions to these problems can be found only through…(These problems can only be solved through…)

Grain rationing was implemented. (Grain was rationed)


Our troops used the method of slow advance

Three garrison divisions were necessary to perform the task of guarding warehouses.

We adopted the policy of withdrawal.

In all matters we must assume the attitude of admitting what we do and what do not know

We should adopt the principle of combining solutions to people’s immediate difficulties with long-term development.

We need to achieve the objective of clarity in ideology

3) 官腔动词词组

It is especially necessary to make great efforts to assimilate the

achievements of other cultures

(try our best to, do our utmost to, do everything possible to, strive to, endeavor to, work hard to)

All enterprises must pay attention to promoting excellent workers. (pay heed to, lay stress on, attach importance to, stress, emphasize The principal task at present is to do a good job in disseminating and applying the results of scientific and technological research.

(make a success of, achieve success in, do successful work in, be good at )

2. 多余修饰语

(1)形容词:mutual cooperation positive guidance an unfortunate tragedy

financial revenue and expenditure all-round encirclement final completion

the broad masses of the people (the masses) favorable opportunity

a tiny handful of trouble-makers active efforts (actively promote …)

effective control of … (effectively control …)

actual effect (real, true) / truly, actually, really

副词:now the government is working hard to …

Previously we used to overemphasize …

Successfully accomplish / developed …

Further deepen reform

These practices should be totally abolished.

(thoroughly eliminated, completed smashed, totally destroyed) During the entire process of reform and opening, we must persistently oppose corruption. (combat)

(2) 陈词滥调

Resolutely enforce, clearly defined,

3. 成对词的重复

Help and assistance stir up and incite views and opinions prudent and cautious

Sentiments and feelings fair and equitable encourage and promote

firmly and resolutely discuss and debate ceaselessly and unremittingly


Maintain extensive international contacts and dealings with all kinds of people


名词:experiences and lessons, discussions and deliberation, skills

and abilities, setbacks and defeats, errors and mistakes, practices and customs, troubles and problems, trials and test, paths and rountes, divisions and splits, functions and responsibilities, shortcomings and weaknesses, consciousness and awareness, forecasts and predictions, shrinkage and decrease, steps and measures, instructions and commands, plots and intrigues, complaints and dissatisfactions, disputes and dissension, restrictions and shackles, (political) system and structure, development and construction (plan)

动词:choosing and promoting (young carders), consider and study, endorse and support, (dike) give away and collapse, triumph and overcome, defeat and overthrow, flee and retreat, unmasked and revealed, absorbing and incorporating, following and putting into effect (advice)

形容词:strong and solid, weak and faint, upright and honest, irresolute and hesitant, major and important, short and brief

副词:correctly and properly, wholly and completely, conscientiously and painstakingly, vividly and dramatically, earnestly and sincerely

(2)其中一个此的意思包含另一个,去除意思窄的一个词Consider and work out ways to use such investment

More examples: accusations and attacks, corruptions and

degenerations, wise and sensible, appropriate and advisable,

firm and unshakable, precious and useful, necessary and

imperative, unprecedented and unique, forward-looking and

far-sighted, mentally and ideologically (confused)


The editorial calls for strengthening and building the party. (expanding)

4. 重复表达


We must practice economy and reduce unnecessary expenditure.

We must further strengthen the building of national defence in order to enhance our defense strength.


We should reduce taxes on enterprises so as to allow them to retain more of their profits and thus increase their financial capacity.

China’s socialist system of law has now been basically established, so that the situation in which there were no laws has been changed.


We should pay close attention to the formulation of annual plans and not neglect it.

We must maintain our vigilance and never be off guard.

5. 可以被简化或替代的重复


This year we have issued one hundred million fen of government bonds, which has done much to withdraw currency from circulation and stabilized prices. However, we issued more government bonds than necessary.

For our part, we have already made a concession by putting forward the principle of “one country, two systems.” We believe that eventually our motherland will be reunified based on the principle of “one country, two systems.” (that principle)


It is correct to carry out the reform and opening up…The reform and opening up will not be accomplished in a short period of time. (The two tasks will not be completed in a short time.)


Why cannot these lines, principles, and policies be changed? Because the practice of the past twenty years has proved that these lines, principles, and principles are completely correct. (they)







Adherence to Marxism is vital to China, and so is adherence to socialism.

It is vital for China to adhere to Marxism and socialism.

Reading of newly published materials is also important.

It is also important to read newly published materials.

2) 用动名词替代

Economic revitalization will be an arduous task.

Revitalizing the economy will be an arduous task.

3) 用形容词或副词代替

Facts will prove the correctness of the policies.

Facts will prove that the policies are correct.

We must guard against blindness in action.

We must guard against acting blindly.


When the purchase of grain is mostly entrusted to state companies, and grain traders are allowed to carry no more than 50 jin with them, their regulating role is restricted. (the traders’)

If each enterprise goes it alone, they will never be able to improve the quality of their products.


Inside the grand Dacheng Palace in the middle of the Confucius Temple, musicians will play tunes allegedly refined by Confucius, using antique instruments including the stringed guqin.

We should also review our experience frequently and make adjustments in light of the conditions when we find problems.

4.悬浮修饰语Dangling Modifiers

In recent years, China has introduced much technology and equipment from abroad, playing an important role in improving its petrochemical technology.

As leaders, it is necessary to get a clear picture of the problems and work out measures to solve them.


Timber is needed for construction and to withstand floods. (provide) One-sidedness means thinking in terms of absolutes, that is, a metaphysical approach to problems. (taking)


We hold countless meetings, and our articles and speeches are too long and too repetitious, in both content and language. Reiteration in speech is needed, but one must be concise. (of course)




1.For example, if some of them who live in the cities with their families

are not suited to work in the countryside, we should not force them to move, instead, allow them to remain in the cities.

2.The transfer of surplus labor force from rural areas to non-agricultural

trades or its rational flow from one place to another is an objective requirement and inevitable trend of economic development.

3.Revitalization and further development of agriculture production

represents the central task in our current efforts to adjust the national economy.

4.We have to pay attention to lowering the average age of members of

the leading bodies and selecting Marxists as leaders.

5.The focus of work for this year is to exert efforts to resolutely

overcome unhealthy practices and to push forward the building of clean and honest government.

Keys to Exercises:

1.For example, if some of them who live in the cities with their families

are not suited to work in the countryside, we should allow them to remain in the cities.

2.The transfer of surplus labor from farming to non-agricultural

occupations or its rational flow from one place to another is an objective requirement of economic development.

3.Revitalization and expansion of agriculture production is our central

task in adjusting the national economy.

4.We have to select as members of the leading bodies younger people

and Marxists.

5. The focus of work for this year is to overcome unhealthy practices

and to build clean and honest government


小学英语课堂常用游戏20个 游戏一 1、游戏名称:Magic Box 魔术盒子 2、游戏规则: 1) 将准备复习或学习的物体装入魔术盒中; 2) 请学生伸手进盒子摸一摸,然后用英语说出来; 3)或者老师公布猜测范围,让学生猜猜盒子里有什么东西,然后自己伸进盒子摸,判断自己是否正确。猜中者可以自己盖笑脸印章,猜错者可以表演一个节目。 3、游戏功能:适用于复习各种单词或句型What?s in it? Is it …? 4.、游戏举例:学习水果、学具等同类单词之后,课前复习可采用这游戏,即直观,又富有情趣。 游戏二 1、游戏名称:Pass 2、游戏规则:1)学生依次报数,当遇到数字3或3的倍数或含3的数字,均以“pass”代替,错误者给小组减分。 2)数字可以根据学生的学习情况而定,1-10可以取2,20以内可以取3,30以上可以取4或5。 3、游戏功能:适用于操练,复习各类数字。 4、游戏举例:学习1-20数字后,取数字“3”进行游戏,起加强、巩固的功效,学生感觉有挑战,同时又面向全体学生。 游戏三 1、游戏名称Guessing Game 2、游戏规则: (1)分别呈现图片,让学生熟悉、并齐读。 (2)分别图片顺序,并翻转过来,让学生猜面向老师的图片是哪个英语单词; (3)一次猜中者盖大笑脸;第二次猜中者盖小笑脸;第三次猜中者口头表扬一次;超过四次未中,老师公布答案。 3、游戏功能:适用课前、课中,操练,复习各类新单词。 4、游戏举例:学习文具单词后,此游戏帮助学生高频率、大面积巩固所学新知识。 游戏四 1、游戏名称Draw and colour 2、游戏规则:让学生听指令,画简笔画,并涂颜色。 3、游戏功能:适用于课前热身活动、导入新课或小任务。 4、游戏举例:学习食物、水果或文具后,让学生听指令,画画、涂色,在完成任务的过程中操练所学语音知识,如: T: Draw an apple, color it green. Ss: I like apples, I like green. 延伸游戏,也可以让学生自由画,自由图色,自由表达。 游戏五 1、游戏名称:name of group 2、游戏的功能:适合巩固字母或单词 3、游戏的具体操作步骤: 当完成了当堂课字母或单词的教授后,马上开始进入游戏状态(以a ,b ,c d 和颜色单词red, yellow, blue, green为例) T : boys and girls ,you are so clever (这里用适当的汉语:作为对大家的奖励,我给每一组起一个名字)now , each group I will give you a name !Group 1, you’re A/ red, Group 2, you’re B/ yellow ,Group 3, you’re C/ blue, Group 4, you’re D/ green. now ,Group 1, what is your name ? ( listen to the students ) Group 1 : A/ red


5栋 Building No.5 ----------- 请看相关资料 翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如 **区 **路 **号 而外国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如 **号 **路 **区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的 . 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小, 如:X 国 X 省 X 市 X 区 X 路 X 号, 而英文地址则刚好相反, 是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X 号, X 路, X 区, X 市, X 省, X 国。掌握了这个原则,翻译起来就容易多了! X 室 Room X X 号 No. X X 单元 Unit X X 号楼 Building No. X X 街 X Street X 路 X Road X 区 X District X 县 X County X 镇 X Town

X 市 X City X 省 X Province 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 中文地址翻译范例: 宝山区示范新村 37号 403室 Room 403, No. 37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路 125弄 34号 201室 Room 201, No. 34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South, HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路 42号李有财 Li Youcai Room 42 Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473004 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店李有财 Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city Hubei Prov. China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路 272号特钢公司李有财


英汉句子表达方式差异及翻译 英汉句子表达方式差异是影响学生英汉互译水平提高的主要原因。文章主要从几个方面探讨英汉句子表达方式的差异,以期对学生的英汉互译水平的提高有所帮助。 在英语教学中, 常常会发现:学生在英译汉时,汉语欧式化,半土半洋,晦涩、难懂; 在汉译英时,英语似乎已被汉语同化, 句子中充满了中国式的英语(Chinglish) 。其中原因恐怕涉及很多方面,但最主要的原因在于学生对两种语言的句子表达方式差异不甚了解。因此在英语教学中, 应坚持英汉比较的原则,让学生从理性认识上弄清两种语言的异同,把精力集中于解决异的问题上。正如吕淑湘所说:“对于中国学生最有用的帮助是让他们认识英语和汉语的差别,在每一个具体问题---词形、词义、语法范畴、句子结构上, 都尽可能用汉语的情况来跟英语作比较,让他们通过这种比较得到更深刻的领会。”本文主要探讨英汉句子表达方式的一些差异, 以期对学生的英汉互译水平的提高有所帮助。 一、英语重形合,汉语重意合 英汉句子中, 成分与成分之间或句子与句子之间的连接方式不同。英语多靠形合,汉语多靠意合。 所谓形合就是指英语句子中各分句之间的联系大多是通过词汇纽带直接地显现出来的。所谓意合就是指汉语句子主要通过字词的意义连结起来。英语单词本身就是一种有形式标记的语言, 比如英语在词形变化上除了通过词根或词尾表示词类、词义外,还有名词的单、复数形式, 动词的各种时态形式, 人称代词的格的形式等, 这些词的形式的变化表示着意义的变化。正如吕淑湘先生指出:在某些语言里,形态即使不是语法的一切,至少也是语法的根本。”而汉语在表示动作和事物的关系上(词类,名词数、格, 动词时态) 几乎全部依赖意合。申小龙先生就汉语的无标记性曾指出过:“汉语语词意蕴丰富有余, 配合制约不足,一个个语词好象一个个基本粒子,可以随意碰撞, 只要凑在一起就能意合, 不搞形式主义。”不少学者用了很多生动的例子来说明汉语的这种意合性。比如纸花, 花纸; 半斤, 斤半; 商量好, 好商量; 词序变了, 意义完全改变。在句子结构上, 英语句子的主干结构突出,即主谓机制突出,其它修饰、限制、平行、补充等成分好似主干上的旁枝,借助各种关联词进行空间搭架,把各个子句(clause) 有机地结合起来。而汉语句子则没有一定的主谓框架限制, 句子与句子之间不用或少用连结词来表示相互之间的关系, 而通过逻辑纽带或语序间接地表现出来,有可能几个动词结构连用,或几个名词性短语连续铺排,节奏简洁明快。在表达一些复杂思想时,一般是按时间顺序或事理逻辑关系逐步交代, 层层铺开,形成了汉语句子所特有的线型结构。因此,有的语言学家把英语句子比作一棵参天大树,一串葡萄, 一串珍珠; 把汉语句子比作一根竹子, 一盘珍珠, 这不失为非常形象的比喻。根据以上英汉句子结构的根本差异, 在英汉互译时要注意进行形合法和意合法之间的转换。具体地说, 在汉译英时常常要有意识地在译文中选用适当的词如连词、关系词、介词等按照英语的语法逻辑关系将汉语的几个意义片断连结为并列句或复合句,既正确译出原文的意思,又符合英语的句法。英译汉时, 我们需要将有着层层从属或修饰关系的英语句子按照时间顺序或逻辑顺序分散为几个意义片段,以符合汉语的表达习惯,请看以下几例。 1. As long as the green mountains are there , oneshould not worry about firewood. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 2. If winter comes ,can spring be far behind ? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 3. This means that a rectangular picture can be builtup from the 551 digits by putting them


1.Answerthesequestionsaccordingtothelastlesson根据上节课内容回答我的问题 2.Listentothedialogueoncemoreandcompletetheseexercises.再听一遍并完成这些联系。3.Whocantalkaboutthestoryinyourownwords?谁能用自己的话谈论一下这个故事4.Whocanrecitethetext?Handsup.Please 5.Toletmeseeifyou’veunderstood,I’llasksomeque stionsonthispassage.让我看看你们是否已掌握,就这段文章,我要提几个问题 6. 7. 8. 9. 16 17. 23.Practiceafterclass.memorizethesewords,课后做些练习,熟记这些单词 24.Takenotes,please.请记笔记 25.Whowouldliketocometothefrontandwriteontheblackboard? 谁愿意上前把答案写到黑板上? 26.Somuchforthediction,pleasehandinyourexercise-books. 听写到这里,请把你们的练习本交上了 27.Nowwe’regoingtolearnsomenewwordsandexpressions

我们来学习一些新词汇和短语 28.Haveyoupreviewedthenewwords?你们预习了新单词吗? 29.What’sthemeaningoftheword?这个单词的意思含义是什么? 30.Whocanexplaintheuseofthewordtome?谁能解释下这个单词的用法 31.Givemeanexample,please?Canyougivemeanexample?谁来举个例子 32.Ok.Tellmethedefensesbetweenthetwosentences 请告诉我这两个短语的不同 34. 39 45.Listentothetapewithyourbooksclosed.听录音的时候,请合上书。 46.Let‘s checktheanswers让我们对下答案。 47.Listenagain,doexercise2.please.再听一遍,做练习二。 48.Listentothetapeagain,andrepeat,thenanswermorequestions再听一遍录音,跟读,回答问题 49.What’s thetitleofthepassage,please?这篇短文的题目是什么? 50.Howmanyparagraphsarethereinthisarticle?这篇文章有多少段落? 51.Skimming—readfastthentellmethemain/generalideaofeachparagraph.


唯美的中文翻译成英文 Abandon 放弃 Disguise 伪装 Abiding 持久的,不变的~friendship Indifferent 无所谓 Forever 最爱 I know what you want 我知道你想要什么 See you forget the breathe 看见你忘了呼吸 Destiny takes a hand.命中注定 anyway 不管怎样 sunflower high-profile向日葵,高姿态。 look like love 看起来像爱 Holding my hand, eyes closed you would not get lost 牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路 If one day the world betrayed you, at least I betray the world for you! 假如有一天世界背叛了你,至少还有我为你背叛这个世界! This was spoiled child, do not know the heart hurts, naive cruel. 这样被宠惯了的小孩子,不知道人心是会伤的,天真的残忍。

How I want to see you, have a look you changed recently, no longer said once, just greetings, said one to you, just say the word, long time no see. 我多么想和你见一面,看看你最近的改变,不再去说从前,只是寒暄,对你说一句,只说这一句,好久不见。 In fact, not wine, but when the thought of drinking the unbearable past. 其实酒不醉人,只是在喝的时候想起了那不堪的过去。 The wind does not know clouds drift, day not know rain down, eyes do not understand the tears of weakness, so you don't know me 风不懂云的漂泊,天不懂雨的落魄,眼不懂泪的懦弱,所以你不懂我 Some people a lifetime to deceive people, but some people a lifetime to cheat a person 有些人一辈子都在骗人,而有些人用一辈子去骗一个人 Alone and lonely, is always better than sad together 独自寂寞,总好过一起悲伤 You are my one city, one day, you go, my city, also fell 你是我的一座城,有一天,你离开了,我的城,也就倒了。


1.What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. 那些没有打倒我的使我变得更加强壮。 2.What you see reflects what your heart is like. 你看到什么样的世界,你就拥有什么样的内心。 3.Don’t patronize others and take the wrong steps under your own feet. 光顾着看别人,走错了自己脚下的路。 4.When either your joy or your sorrow becomes great,the world becomes small. 当你的快乐或悲伤变得很大,世界就会变得很小。 5.Life is not if, only the consequences and results. 人生没有如果,只有后果和结果。 6.Expectation is the root of all heartache. 期待是所有心痛的根源。 7.More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin. 比赢的意愿更为强大的是从零开始的勇气。 8.To change for others is to lie to yourself. 为他人而改变自己,就是欺骗自己。 9.To change for others is to lie to yourself. 为他人而改变自己,就是欺骗自己。 10.A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your successes. 真正的朋友从不追究你的过错,也从不嫉妒你的成功。 11.You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too. 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。


PASSAGE A Since about 1800, near the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, coal, petroleum, and gas have been used at a rapidly increasing rate. The supply of these fuels is limited, and electric power is very scarce in many places. Some scientists believe solar energy is the only source which can meet the worlds’ enormous need for power. Great progress had been made in harnessing the sun. Not only is the sun now used in cooking, but it also supplies power for such things as beacon lights for ships and airplanes. It operates telephone lines, portable radios, electric clocks, hearing aids, and even communications satellites. Some homes and office buildings in the United States are now being heated with solar energy. The three most significant types of solar equipment so far are the furnace, the still, and the cell. Solar furnaces heat water or air, which is then circulated through a building to make it comfortable. Solar stills are especially important because they can provide fresh water at a relatively cheap rate. Salt can be easily removed from sea water with a solar still. The most highly developed is the solar cell. Some cells are so effective that they can turn 16 per cent of the energy they receive from the sun into electric energy. One of the cell’s b iggest advantages is that it can be made either small enough to carry or large enough to produce a current that can run an automobile. Besides, it has a very long life. It is still too expensive for the average consumer. But when ways are discovered to produce it more cheaply, we can expect its use to be wide-spread. PASSAGE B Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories centering on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior because they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through interaction with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in response to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status or as a rejection of middle-class values. Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, ignoring the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes for lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are subject to criticism. Changes in the social structure may indirectly affect juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy, which lead to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general, make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in turn lead more youths into criminal behavior. Families have also experienced changes these years. More families consist of one parent households or two working parents; consequently, children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional family structure. This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates. Other identifiable causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act, although a direct causal relationship has not yet been established.


课堂上常用的英语 Classroom English 第1部分课前准备和上课 1 before class begins (上课前) Come on (now)快走啊! Let’s wait outside our classroom. 让我们在教室外面等一会吧! 咱们进去吧 Let’ go in. Hurry up!快点 喂,孩子们,咱们进教室吧 Hi,guys, let’s go inside Where is Class Two ,Grade Two ?二年级二班在哪儿? Are you a new student?你是新生么? That’s our new English teacher over there 那是我们新的英语老师。. Hurry up so that I can start the lesson .快点!我们要上课了。 Run quickly!快点跑! Come in and sit down 进来,坐下. Come in and close the door . 进来把门关上。 2Greetings 问候 Good afternoon, everybody/boys/and/girls, children. 大家/孩子们下午好。 Good morning Zhang Hua 早上好,张华。

Hello ,everyone.大家好。 Nice to meet you all.很高兴见到你们 Hello ,Wang Li 你好,王利 Hi ,Li Ming 你好黎明 How are you ?你好么? How are you ,Tom?你好吗,汤姆? How is your father/mother?你父亲/母亲怎样? How is your little sister?你的小妹妹怎么样? How are you getting on ?近来怎么样? How’s life?生活怎么样? How’re you feeling today ,Mike? 迈克,你今天感觉怎么样? Are you all well this morning? 今天上午你们感觉都很好吗? Are you feeling better today. Wei Hua ? 卫华,你今天感觉好多了吗? 3 Before starting the class(上课前) Have you got the time?你知道几点了吗? How many minutes are there to go ?还有几分钟上课? There are still five minutes .还有5分钟 Class will begin soon .很快就要上课了。 The bell will ring in a few minutes.还有几分钟铃就响。 Is it time for class ?上课的时间到了吗? 快到上课的时间了。 It’s nearly time for class.


如何将汉语翻译成英语 将汉语翻译成英语的技巧 一、代入法 这是进行英语写作时最常用的方法。同学们在掌握一定的词汇和短语之后,结合一定的语法知识,按照句子的结构特点,直接用英语代入相应的句式即可。如: ◎他从不承认自己的失败。 He never admits his failure. ◎那项比赛吸引了大批观众。 The match attracted a large crowd. ◎他把蛋糕分成4块。 He divided the cake intofour pieces. 二、还原法 即把疑问句、强调句、倒装句等还原成基本结构。这是避免写错句子的一种有效的办法。如: ◎这是开往格拉斯哥的火车吗? Is this the train forGlasgow? 还原为陈述句:This isthe train for Glasgow. ◎他是因为爱我的钱才同我结了婚。 It was because he lovedmy money that he married me. 还原为非强调句:Becausehe loved my money, he married me.

◎光速很快,我们几乎没法想象它的速度。 So fast does lighttravel that we can hardly imagine its speed. 还原为正常语序:Lighttravels so fast that we can hardly imagine its speed. 三、分解法 就是把一个句子分成两个或两个以上的句子。这样既能把意思表达得更明了,又能减少写错句子的几率。如: ◎我们要干就要干好。 If we do a thing, weshould do it well. ◎从各地来的学生中有许多是北方人。 There are students fromall over the country. Many of them are from the North. 四、合并法 就是把两个或两个以上的简单句用一个复合句或较复杂的简单句表达出来。这种方法最能体现学生的英语表达能力,同时也最能提高文章的可读性。如: ◎我们迷路了,这使我们的野营旅行变成了一次冒险。 Our camping trip turnedinto an adventure when we got lost. ◎天气转晴了,这是我们没有想到的。 The weather turned outto be very good, which was more than we could expect. ◎狼是高度群体化的动物,它们的成功依赖于合作。 Wolves are highly socialanimals whose success depends upon their cooperation.


小学英语单词大全 一.学习用品(school things) 二.人体(body) 脚foot头head脸face头发hair鼻子nose嘴mouth眼睛eye耳朵ear手臂arm手hand手指hand腿leg尾巴tail身体body 三.颜色(color) 红red 蓝blue 黄yellow 绿green 白white黑black粉红pink 紫p urple 橙orange 棕brown 灰grey 四.动物(animals) 猫cat 狗dog 猪pig鸭duck兔rabbit马horse 大象elephant蚂蚁ant鱼fish鹰eagle鹿deer 海狸beaver 鸟bird蛇snake 老鼠mouse 松鼠squirrel熊bear 袋鼠kangaroo 猴monkey熊猫panda狮子lion老虎tiger狐狸fox斑马zebra长颈鹿giraffe鹅goose母鸡hen火鸡turkey小羊lamb绵羊sheep山羊goat奶牛cow驴donkey鱿鱼squid龙虾lobster鲨鱼shark 海豹seal抹香鲸sperm whale虎鲸killer whale 五.人物(people) 朋友friend男孩boy女孩girl母亲mother父亲father姐妹sister兄弟brother叔叔;舅舅uncle男人man女人woman先生mr.小姐miss女士lady妈妈mom爸爸dad父母parents(外)祖母grandma/grandmother(外)祖父grandpa/grandfather姑姑aunt儿子son婴儿baby堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cousin小孩kid同学classmate女王queen参观者visitor邻居ne ighbors校长principal 大学生university student笔友pen pal旅行者tourist人物people机器人robot 六.职业(jobs) 教师teacher学生student医生doctor护士nurse司机driver 农民farmer歌唱家singer(男)警察policeman作家writer男演员actor女演员actress画家artist电视台记者tv reporter工程师engineer会计accountant销售员salesperson清洁工cleaner棒球运动员baseball player 售货员assistant(女)警察policewoman 七.食品、饮料(food and drink) 米饭rice面包bread牛肉beef牛奶milk水water蛋egg鱼fish豆腐t ofu蛋糕cake热狗hot dog猪肉pork汉堡包hamburger炸薯条french fries曲奇cookie饼干biscuit果酱jam面条noodle肉meat鸡肉chicken羊肉mutton蔬菜vegetable沙拉salad汤soup冰ice冰激凌ice-cream可乐coke果汁juice茶tea咖啡coffee早餐breakfast午餐lunch晚餐dinner 十八.星期( week ) 星期一monday 星期二tuesday星期三wednesday 星期四thursday 星期五friday 星期六saturday星期日sunday周末weekend 十九.月份(months) 一月份january(jan.)二月份february(feb.) 三月份march(mar.)四月份april (apr)五月份may (may)六月份june(jun) 七月份july(jul) 八月份august(aug.) 九月份september(sept.) 十月份october(oct.) 十一月 november(nov.)十二月december(dec.) 二十.季节( seasons ) 春spring 夏summer秋fall冬winter 二十一.方位(directions)


[转] 英语中常见的123个中国成语写作就不用愁字数啦 1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog. 2.百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing. 3.比上不足比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst. 4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start. 5.不眠之夜 white night 6.不以物喜不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses 7.不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one's best 8.不打不成交 No discord, no concord. 9.拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul 10.辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new 11.大事化小小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all 12.大开眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener 13.国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace 14.过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little 15.功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits. 16.好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more 17.好事不出门恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad


英语课堂游戏 1、回音壁游戏: 从第一组的声音高到最后一组的声音微弱。与此对应的是声浪的游戏,刚好与回音壁游戏相反,读单词时从第一组的声音高到最后一组的声音越来越大。老师可以把这两个游戏相互结合,看看那组的学生反应最快,给优秀的大组加分。 2、警察抓小偷: 首先老师请一个学员当警察,背对黑板,然后老师将所学的一个单词卡片放在下一个学员的书下,然后让全班同学一起读这个单词,然后这个当警察的学员开始找这张卡片,当警察离卡片越来越近时,其他的学员则在朗读的声音越来越大,反之,当警察离卡片越来越远时,其他的学员在朗读的声音越来越小。持有卡片的学生不读出声音,但是可以做出相应的嘴形。那么警察就必须根据学员声音的提示找出卡片,规定时间如果找出来的可以获得奖励。 2、小和尚挑水: 老师读某一个单词,点到谁,他旁边的两个学员要一起站起来读这个单词,如果没有做到的话,其他的学员就做哐水状来惩罚他们 3、中英文抢答: 教师领读单词数遍,采取竞争机制,然后玩抢答的游戏,老师说中文或英文,学员迅速把它翻译过来,大组进行竞争,快者获得奖励。

4、左手和右手: 老师带带读新单词,左手代表男生,右手代表女生,两手同时出来,一起读,如握拳头,都不出声,如有犯规者,给对手加分 5、踩地雷: 老师将要复习的单词板书在黑板上,然后在一些单词的旁边画上圆圈(即“地雷”)老师带读,当老师读到画了圆圈的单词时,同学不能读,如果谁读了,其它同学就会发出“哄”的一声,地雷爆破,那位同学即被淘汰(注意:老师每读完一轮,可以换单词,增加难度,也可不用标记炸弹,直接用做出炸弹手势。)。 6、扔炸弹: 老师可以把一个比较长的句子分成三等份,每等下面放一个炸弹,分别分配给三个大组,然后老师把炸弹扔向哪一个组,哪一个组就要大声的读出相对应的部分,出现错误的一组将不给分,其它的组给分。 7、抱抱团: 老师请一群学生上台,学生在台上站成一排,当老师说“one”时,学生自己抱自己,当老师喊“two”时,两个学生抱在一起,此时单个的学生和超过两个人抱在一起的学生淘汰,以此类推,老师可以根据班上情况喊出“one,two,three,four,five”等数字。 8、123木头人:


小学英语单词大全 一.学习用品(school things) 二.人体(body) 脚foot头head脸face头发hair鼻子nose嘴mouth眼睛eye耳朵ear手臂arm手hand 手指hand腿leg尾巴tail身体body 三.颜色(color) 红red 蓝blue 黄yellow 绿green 白white 黑black 粉红pink 紫purple 橙orange 棕brown 灰grey 四.动物(animals) 猫cat 狗dog 猪pig 鸭duck 兔rabbit马horse 大象elephant蚂蚁ant鱼fish鹰 eagle鹿deer 海狸beaver 鸟bird蛇snake 老鼠mouse 松鼠squirrel熊bear 袋鼠 kangaroo 猴monkey 熊猫panda 狮子lion老虎tiger 狐狸fox斑马zebra长颈鹿giraffe 鹅goose母鸡hen火鸡turkey小羊lamb绵羊sheep山羊goat奶牛cow驴donkey鱿鱼squid 龙虾lobster鲨鱼shark 海豹seal抹香鲸sperm whale虎鲸killer whale 五.人物(people) 朋友friend男孩boy女孩girl母亲mother父亲father 姐妹sister兄弟brother叔 叔;舅舅uncle男人man女人woman先生mr.小姐miss女士lady妈妈mom爸爸dad父母parents (外)祖母grandma/grandmother(外)祖父 grandpa/grandfather姑姑aunt儿子son婴儿baby堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cousin 小孩kid同学classmate 女王queen参观者visitor邻居neighbors校长principal 大学生 university student笔友pen pal旅行者tourist人物people机器人robot 六.职业(jobs) 教师teacher学生student医生doctor护士nurse司机driver 农民farmer 歌唱家 singer(男)警察policeman作家writer男演员actor女演员actress画家artist电视台 记者tv reporter工程师engineer会计accountant销售员salesperson清洁工cleaner棒 球运动员baseball player售货员assistant(女)警察policewoman 七.食品、饮料(food and drink) 米饭rice面包bread牛肉beef牛奶milk水water蛋egg鱼fish豆腐tofu蛋糕cake 热狗hot dog 猪肉pork汉堡包hamburger炸薯条french fries曲奇cookie饼干biscuit 果酱jam面条noodle肉meat鸡肉chicken羊肉mutton蔬菜vegetable沙拉salad汤soup 冰ice冰激凌ice-cream可乐coke果汁juice茶tea咖啡coffee早餐breakfast午餐lunch 晚餐dinner 十八.星期( week ) 星期一monday 星期二tuesday 星期三wednesday 星期四thursday 星期五friday 星期六saturday星期日sunday周末weekend 十九.月份(months) 一月份january (jan.) 二月份february(feb.) 三月份march(mar.)四月份april (apr) 五月份may (may)六月份june(jun) 七月份july(jul) 八月份august(aug.) 九月份 september(sept.) 十月份october(oct.) 十一月 november(nov.) 十二月december(dec.) 二十.季节( seasons ) 春spring 夏summer 秋fall冬winter 二十一.方位(directions) 南south北north东east西west左边left右边right
