should college students fall in love?大学应该谈恋爱吗


should college students fall in love?

In modern times,love is a popular topic,espacially in our fleshmen.According to a recent survey, about six out of every ten college graduates have the experience of dating with the opposite sex. The number is not a surprise at all, Should college students fall in love?it’s a good thing or a bad thing?


有的人谈恋爱之前为了性!some student who falling in love just for sex! 有的人恋爱是为了炫耀some just for show off

有的人恋爱是盲目跟风some just blindly following

有的人谈恋爱只是想有个人陪着吃饭逛街打发时间some just want someone

to keep accompany to eat and hang out to kill the time.

Even so,my view is that college students should fall in love!


But some people say If you fall in love, you will certainly neglect

your studies and cannot catch up with your class.of course frequenty going out on a date may result in frequent absence from classes, whi ch will neglect your studies. But someones who falling in love, study h arder and make greater progress in order to please their girl (or boy) frie nd. Someone else, on the contrary, who has not fallen in love, cannot conce ntrate on learning.Look at the picture.等等!!!有人说如果谈恋爱就会影响学习,当然频繁的约会可能会导致频繁的旷课,这会影响他们的学习。有的人恋爱后,比原来学习更努力为的就是让他们的男朋友或是女朋友高兴。反而其他一些没有恋爱


someone say i dont have enough money for love .OK,money is important for us! To please their girl friends, boy students always dress smart ly, shop generously and eat out frequently,it waist much money, but I think you can eat in school and not frequently going out on date,or you can AA! Love is two people who matter,Don't give the pressure to the other side!!get to konw each other, tolerate each other, underst and each other.没有钱,为了取悦于他们的女朋友,年轻的男生总是要讲究穿着,浪费了很多钱。但是我觉得你可以在学校吃啊,不要经常出去约会嘛,也可以AA嘛。恋爱本来就是两个人的事情,不要给对方压力!相互理解、相互包容、相互体谅.

it’s only one for young,why not fall in love,Be crazy before we get to o ld.After all falling in love can make you learn how to love, how to take care of others and how to cherish each other. When people fall in love, they will think about the real meaning of love and life, and consider more about their future


By the way!It’s said that if you don't fall in love in the college,what you can do is waiting fo r a blind date after work, and then see a movie, have dinner,and then get married.. so Don't let the chances slip away.something lost will never come back!


So what are you still waiting for?be brave,to love!

