


中央计划经济centrally planned economy

指令性经济mandatory plan

网络经济Internet-based economy

实证经济学positive economy

外向型经济export-oriented economy

实体经济the real economy

规模经济economies of scale

规模不经济diseconomy of scale

经济规律laws of economics

看不见的手the invisible hand

发挥市场调节作用give play to the regulatory role of the market

经济和法律的杠杆economic and legal leverages

经济计划和市场调节相结合combine economic planning with market regulation 优化资源配置optimize allocations of scale

规模经营优势advantage of economies of scale

比较优势comparative advantage

新凯恩思主义new Keynesian


供给学派supply-side economist

企业集团business conglomerate

全民所有制ownership by the whole people

集体所有制collective ownership

国有企业state-ownership enterprises(SOEs)

集体企业partnership enterprises

私营企业private businesses

民营企业privately-run businesses

中小企业small and medium enterprises(Sees) 三资企业three forms of foreign-invested enterprises

连锁企业franchise/chain businesses

下游企业down-stream enterprises

高附加值high added value

主要经济指标major economic indicator

人均国内生产总值GDP per capita

工农业总产值gross output value of industry and agriculture 工业增加值industrial added value

实际增长率growth rate in real terms

年均增长率average growth rate per am mum

可持续增长sustainable growth

出口导向型增长export-led growth

投资驱动增长investment-driven growth


经济效益economic returns/business performance

社会商品零售总额total retail sales

百分点percentage point

按原口径计算calculate at the base line

按不变价格计算calculate at constant price

按可比价格计算calculate at comparable price

投资回报率rate of return on investment

外贸进出口总额total foreign trade value

外贸顺差foreign trade surplus


实际利用外资foreign investment in place

资金到位fully funded

财政收入tax revenue

国民收入national income

总需求曲线aggregate demand curve

总供给曲线aggregate supply curve

总支出曲线aggregate expenditures curve

消费价格指数consumer price index(CIP)

零售价格指数retail price index(CPI)

生活费用价格总指数total price index of living cost

生活费用income available for living expenses

扣除物价因素in real terms

居民储存存款domestic savings

恩格尔系数(食品开支比例)Engel coefficient

基尼系数(地区差别)Gina coefficient

科斯定理Cease’s theorem

购买力平价法purchasing power parity(PPP)

片面追求发展速度excessive pursuit of growth

经济增长减速slowdown of economic growth

泡沫经济bubble economy

经济过热overheating of economy

炒房地产热frenzied and speculative trading in the property market 三角债chain debts/interenterprise arrears

结构失调structural imbalance

结构性矛盾突出acute structural imbalance

优化结构structural optimization


供不应求short supply

需求拉动的通货膨胀demand-pull inflation



菲律普曲线(失业与货胀)Phillips cure




大萧条great depression

负增长negative depression

高息集资raise funds by offering high interest

超前消费deficit spending

收益递减diminishing returns

边际效用递减diminishing marginal utility

财政赤字(盈余)budget deficit(surplus)

瓶颈制约bottleneck constrains


提高经济效益enhance economic performance/increase economic returns

社会效益beneficial social effect

充分就业full employment

实现持续,稳定,协调的发展bring about sustained, stable and coordinated development

培育新的经济增长点foster new sectors economic growth

拉动经济增长fuel economic growth

扭亏为盈turn a loss-making business into a profitable one

放权让利decentralization and interest concessions

深化改革intensify reform/deepen one’s commitment to reforms

配套改革supporting (concomitant) reforms

配套资金counterpart funds/local funding of

改革试点pilot for reform



杠杆率leverage ratio

杠杆收购leveraged buyout

利改税substitution of tax payment for profit delivery

费改税transform administrative fees into taxes

债转股debt-to-equity swap

充分发挥货币政策的作用give full play to the role of monetary policy

事实积极的财政政策follow a pro-active fiscal policy

向银行增发国债,扩大投资The government issued additional treasury bonds to banks to increase investment


放松银根to ease monetary policy

收紧银根tighten up monetary policy


适度从紧的财政政策moderately tight fiscal policy

信用紧缩credit crunch

启动民间投资attract investment from the private sector

加速国民经济信息化develop information-based economy/accelerate IT application in economy

实现经济增长方式的转变effect change in the main source of economic growth (from investment expansion to performance gains)

优化经济结构optimize economic structure

输入活力bring vigor into

扩大内需expand domestic demand

改善居民心理预期inspire the general public’s confidence in the future needs

鼓励增加即期消费encourage more immediate consumption

整顿经济秩序rectify economic order

市场潜力转化为现实的购买Market potential turns into tangible purchasing power 基本适度broadly appropriate

平衡发展balanced development

平稳回升steady recovery

普遍回升broad-based recovery

软着陆soft landing

复式预算制capital and current budgetary account

工业成本利润率profit-to-cost ratio

规范行为regularize behavior

国计民生national interest and people’s livelihood

基础设施投资investment in infrastructure

基本经济要素economic fundamentals

(银行资金)头寸宽裕(头寸紧缺)in an easy position(tight position)

招标投标制the system of public bidding for project

适销对路的产品the right products/readily marketable products

经济特区special economic zones(Seas)

“十五”计划The 10th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development

劳动密集型labor intensive

技术,智力,资本密集型technology knowledge or capital intensive

高附加值的深加工down-stream processing with high added-value

技术入股technology appraised as capital stock

风险投资venture investment

生产资料capital goods

固定资产投资investment in fixed assets

折旧费depreciation cost

关系国计民生的产品products vital to national economy and people’s livelihood

朝阳产业sunrise(emerging) industry

承包经营contract for business management

承包责任制system for contracted responsibility

计件工资制度piece-rate system

最高限价price ceiling

鼓励give incentive to

非公有成分non-public sectors

主要成分dominant sector


搞活企业invigorate enterprises

经济繁荣economy boom

中国现代化三步走战略the three-step development strategy of China’s modernization drive

1990年国民生产总值比1980年翻一番GNP91990) doubles that of 1980

2000年人均国内生产总值比1980年翻两番,人民生活达到小康水平GDP of 2000 guadruples that of 1980;people live a fairy comfortable life.

到21世纪中期,达到中等发达国家水平21st century, the lever of development is expected to be a par with the mid-ranking developed countries.

新兴工业化国家newly industrialized countries(NICs)



这是我们的价目表This is our price list.

您觉得这个报价如何?What did you think about that offer?

这些价格是你们的国内价吗?Are these prices for your domestic customers as well. 这些价格也同样使用于海外We apply these prices to overseas customers as well.

我们可以还价We may make a counteroffer.

市场条件依国家不同而异Market conditions vary from country to country.

您应该知道,本地市场竞争很激烈As you may know, the market here is very competitive.

换句话说,我们需要较低的价格In other words, we need lower prices.

您可以报一个更合适的价格吗?Could you make a more favorable offer?

价格因数量而有所不同Prices depend on volume.

您对市场怎么预测?What is your estimate of the market?

你们的价格高的太离谱了Your prices are much too high.

我可以降到70美元,这是最低价了I am prepared to go to 70 US dollars, but no further.

那我们暂定在70美元Then, let us shake on 70 US dollars.

假如今天下定单,什么时候可以收货?When could I expect to get the supply if I gave you an order today?

您可以确定发货日期吗?Could you confirm the dispatch date?

产品怎样包装,运输?How are the products packaged and shipped?

您打算怎样付款?How would you propose to pay?

我们通常在发货后40天内用支票付款We always pay by check 40 days after dispatch..

我们必须有信用证才能出货We always ask for a letter of credit before dispatch.

贵公司可以做我们的经销商,但不是代理商,同意吗?Your company can become our distributor, but not agent. Do you agree?

经销商指的是贵公司可以自行出货,并以合理的差价卖出By distributor, I mean that your company may buy the products on your own account, and resell them with a reasonable markup.

代理商指的是贵公司以抽佣金方式卖我们公司的产品By agent, I mean that your company may sell the products on behalf of my company and receives commission. 合资经营谈判

下一步,假如该产品畅销,我们可以考虑在本地直接生产Thinking ahead, assuming that the product sells well, we may consider the possibility of producing it here.

我们公司必须对这样的合资企业拥有控股权Our company must have a controlling interest in such joint venture.

股权比例可以商量,不排除各占50 的合资We are flexible about the ownership ratio and do not rule out a 50/50 JV.

我认为,50对50的投资比例行不通I do not believe a 50/50 venture is workable. 我建议可以考虑采取合伙制形式I suggest we consider the form of partnership.

如何确定股权价值How would the value of equity be determined?

该合资企业有什么负责人?What kind of officers does the JV have?

由谁来提名这些负责人?Who would nominate the officers?

总裁任期时间多久?What is the duration of the term of CEO?

我方已有几个总裁人选We have a few CEO candidates in mind.

由于总部开会都用汉语,总裁如果是中国人,沟通就比较方便Since meetings are held at our head office and carried out in the Chinese language, it would facilitate communication if the CEO is a Chinese.

某些重要的管理事项必须有董事或股东一致同意Some important items regarding the management shall be effected only by unanimous consent of all the board members or shareholders.

如果事情经过讨论还无法解决,则由合资公司母公司会议决定If it is still unresolved after discussion, the case shall be referred to a meeting of the presidents of the parent company for a final decision.

我方认为,成功的关键之一在于确保不断地更新换代We believe that one of the keys to success is to ensure an on-going updating and upgrading.


现在该讨论协议书了吧Perhaps it is time to discuss the agreement.

如果一切都令人满意,我们可以起草一份合同If everything is satisfactory, we can draw up a formal contract.

我想概括一下双方商定的要点If I may, I would like to summarize the points we agreed upon.

如果您同意,我提议由我方草拟草案I propose we prepare the draft if you agree. 我们有一些参考资料We have some documents as model.

我们回根据这个标准合同准备一份草案We prepare a draft according to this standard contract.

是否请双方律师出席下次会议?Should both of us have our lawyers present in our next meeting?

实际上我方已经请了一家知名的律师事物所着手起草了In fact we have asked a reputable law firm to start drafting.

我想请您说明几个问题Could I ask you to clarify a few points?

请问合同中的“吨”是怎么界定的?How is the term “ton” defined in the proposed contract?

哪一方有权终止合同?Which party has the ultimate right to terminate the contract? 这一条跟您的说明并不一致I think this clause and your explanation are at odds with each other.

我方找不到“不可抗力”条款We cannot find a force majeure clause.

我们疏忽遗漏了,非常抱歉We must have slipped. I apologize for the oversight.

但我们确实不是故意的But I assure you it was not intentional.

我想更具体的商议一下担保条件I would like to discuss the terms of warranty in more detail.

我方认为,合同书里不应该写上这么模糊的条款We do not think we should leave such an ambiguous clause in the contract.

这一条并没有表达我的观点I am afraid this clause does not address the points I raised.

坦率地说,第8段对我方并不公平Frankly speaking, I do not think Paragraph 8 is fair to us.

贵方的改动同双方商定的条件有很大的出入The revision you present is far from the terms we agreed upon.

除非恰当地加上…,否则我们无法再谈下去We cannot proceed any further unless you properly incorporate.

我们得想方设法就这个遗留问题达成共识We need to make a renewed effort to come to some accord on this remaining issue.

如果贵方接受我方的第二款的意见,我方愿意对第三款作让步We are wiling to bend on clause 3 if you can accept our position on clause 2.

我们认为,我方已对贵方的条件采取了折中的办法We believe we have met your terms halfway.

对这个条件,我们已经没有回旋的余地了We have no room for maneuver on this term.

按我们公司政策规定,这一条只能如此Our company’s policy dictates that this clause has to be as it is.

只剩下一个问题没解决,我得向我们公司领导层汇报,请他们研究There is only one pending issue. I must report to our management for their deliberation.

今晚加把劲,完成协议书文本,我们明天就可以签约If we work a little harder tonight to finish the text of the agreement, we can be ready for signing tomorrow.


经济交流economic exchange

对外经济交流economic cooperation(business partnership) concerning foreign interests

“引进来”strategy of “Attracting Foreign Investment”

“走出去”strategy of “Going Global”

国家标准化组织International Organization for Standardization(ISO)

闭关政策“closed-door” (exclusion) policy

闭关自守cut oneself off from the outside world

实行全方位开放All regions and sectors are open up.

大经贸战略strategy of broadly-based foreign trade and economic cooperation

营造良好的投资环境forest a favorable investment climate

软环境intangible infrastructure

扩大对外投资的开放领域expand the scope for FDI

取消或进一步放宽外商投资限制eliminate or future relax restrictions on foreign investment

鼓励外资的税收政策tax incentives for attracting foreign investment

出口退税制度system of refunding taxes on exported goods

保证金台账制度deposit account system for processing trade

免二减三exemption for income tax for the first 2 years of making profit and 50% tax reduction for the following 3 years

积极引进外来资金,技术,人才和管理经验actively introduce capital, technology, competent professionals and managerial expertise from outside

国际竞争性招标international competitive bidding

跨国公司multinational corporation

实行国民待遇grant national treatment to

可行性研究feasibility study

投资协议金额contracted foreign direct investment

实际利用外资foreign investment in actual use

利用外资utilization of foreign capital

吸收外资foreign capital intake

合作方式approach to cooperation

外商独资经营wholly foreign-owned operation

外商控股controlling foreign equity

合资经营equity joint

合作经营contractual joint venture

合营期限contract term of a joint venture

三来一补three-forms of OEM and compensation trades 来料加工processing with materials

来件装配processing with given samples

来样加工assembling supplied components


统包工程turn-key project


优惠条件concessional/favorable terms

减免税收tax reduction and exemption

投资重点investment priority

现汇spot exchange

实物investment in kind

工业产权industrial property

外资企业本地化naturalization of foreign enterprise

外资企业国有化nationalization of foreign enterprise

零部件国产化比率rate of local contents of components 外债external debt

国际通行做法universal practice

公开招标open bidding

招标call for bid/tender invitation

招标文件tender documents

协议招标negotiated bidding

投标保证金tender bond

投标bid for/submission of tender document

标价bid price/quotation

投标策略tender’s tactics

评标tender assessment

开标tender opening

定标award of contract

废标rejection of all bids

中标win a tender/a bidding

接受外方股东担保accept guarantee provided by foreign shareholders

外汇质押foreign exchange collateral securities

中国外汇指定银行designates Chinese bank dealing in foreign exchange business 涉外经济法律foreign-related economic law



关税及经贸总协定General Agreement of Tariff and Trade(GATT)

缔约方contracting parties

正式而言,关贸总协定是法律文书Officially GATT was a legal text.

关贸总协定管的只是货物贸易GATT dealt only with trade in goods.

乌拉圭回合The Uruguay Round, the largest trade negotiation under GATT throughout the world.


世界贸易组织是世界上独一无二的处理国家之间贸易规则的世界性组织,其核心是世贸协议The World Trade Organization(WTO) is the only international body dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements. 世界贸易组织及世贸协议是永久性的The WTO and its agreements are permanent.

成员的立法机构批准了世贸协议Members have ratified the WTO agreements.

协议本身描述了世贸的运作The agreements themselves describe hoe the WTO is to function.

世贸还管服务贸易和知识产权The WTO covers services and intellectual property as well.

世贸争端解决体系更迅速,更主动The WTO dispute settlement system is faster, more automatic.

其裁决不受阻挠Its rulings cannot be blocked.

国民待遇-给予外国人和本国人一样的待遇national treatment-giving others the same treatment as one’s own nationals


使贸易尽可能自由流动help trade flow as freely as possible

作为一个贸易谈判的论坛serve as a forum for trade negotiations

争端解决settle disputes


非歧视without discrimination

更利于欠发达国家more beneficial for less developed countries


总理事会General Council

货物贸易理事会Council for Trade in goods

与贸易有关的知识产权理事会Council for Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

服务贸易理事会Council for Trade in service

仲裁小组Dispute Settlement Panel

上诉法庭Appellate Body

最不发达国家高级别会议High-lever Meeting for LDCs


诸边协议(几个世贸成员之间)Plurilaterals(signed by only a few WTO members than all)

最惠国待遇most-favored-nation treatment


多边贸易体系multilateral trade system

行业谈判sectoral negotiations

最初谈判权initialing rights(INRs)

《识产权协议》Agreement on Intellectual Property Rights

自然人流动presence of natural person

加入议定书Protocol on the Accession

国营贸易产品products subjects to state trading

指定经营产品products subjects to designating trading

(农业)黄箱政策yellow box policy

(农业)综合支持总量total aggregate measurement of support(Total AMS) (农业)微量支持水平deminimis level

市场准入market access

非关税措施取消时间表non-tariff measures subject to phased elimination

需逐步取消的补贴subsidies to be phased out

关税配额tariff quotas

优惠关税preferential tariff

非关税减让non-tariff concessions

进口配额import quota

非配额产品quota-free products

进口渗透import penetration

基础税率base tariff level

进口环节税import linkage tax



倾销dumping sales

反倾销措施anti-dumping measures against

交叉报复cross retaliate


更明确的产品安全标准规定clearer criteria for regulations dealing with the safety standards of products

比较优势产业industries with comparative advantage

《关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解》Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes

妥善解决争端resolve disputes peacefully and constructively

上诉机构appeal body

《北美自由贸易协定》North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA)

东盟自由贸易区ASEAN Free Area

东部和南部非洲共同市场Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa(COMESA)


外贸量quantum of foreign trade

转口贸易entrepot trade

有行贸易visible trade

无形贸易invisible trade

无纸贸易electronic data interchange

记账贸易trade with payment open account

零沽交易odd lots trading

出口替代政策export substitute policy

《国际贸易标准分类》Standard International Trade Classification(SITC)

知识产权贸易trade of intellectual-property

非货物贸易non-merchandise trade

建筑工程服务construction engineering service

贸易差额balance of trade

贸易顺差trade surplus

贸易逆差trade deficit

入超excess of foreign imports

出超excess of foreign exports

外销上升strong export sales

减缓增幅sluggish increase

互通有无mutual exchange of needed products

国际分工international division of labor

布雷顿林体系Bretton Woods System

关税的初高点initial height of the tariff

关税减让tariff concession

关税升级tariff escalation

关税优惠tariff preference

关税自主tariff autonomy

关税最高限额tariff ceiling

对外贸易仲裁委员会Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission

贸易自由化trade liberalization

多边贸易体系multilateral trading system

进口许可证制度import license system

外贸管制foreign trade control

进出口经营权power to engage in import and export trade

掠夺性倾销predatory dumping

外贸国家垄断制foreign trade under state monopoly

法治rule of law

入世accede to WTO

与世界经济的联系更密切be more closely linked to the world economy

适应市场经济需要的法律体系还不够健全The regulatory and legal system is not well established to the demand of market economy.

经济管理体制可能会出现一些不适应THE economic management system may not be readily adapted to the changes.

一些行业和企业可能会受到一些冲击Some sectors of economy and some businesses may be adversely affected.

苛刻的条件harsh terms

立足中国国情,发挥自身优势processed from national conditions in China and bring our advantages into play

扬长避短,趋利弊害,迎接经济全球化的挑战foster strengths, circumvent weaknesses and rise to the challenge of economic globalization

深化国有企业改革intensify reform on state-owned enterprises

增强技术创新能力increase capability of technological innovation

增强市场竞争能力enhance competitiveness on the market

增强抗风险能力improve risk management

统一政策,放开经营,平等竞争unified policy, liberalized operation, equal completion

自负盈亏,工贸结合,推行代理制responsibility for one’s own profits and losses, integration of industry and foreign trade, and promotion of agent system

守约,保质,薄利,重信observe agreement, guarantee quality, make small profits and value good faith

外汇存留retention of foreign exchange

保税仓库bonded warehouse

互惠合同reciprocal contract

国际结算international settlements

国际收支条款BOP(Balance-of-payments) Provisions

出口收汇核销单paper for verification of export earnings

出口许可证制export license system

出口波动补偿资助compensatory financing

出口信贷国家担保制export credit guarantee system

出口市场多样化diversification of overseas market

出口退税foreign export rebate(drawback)

出口提单export bill of landing

《国际贸易术语解释通则》International of Trade Terms/Incoterms

国际商会International Chamber of Commerce

习惯做法course of dealing

工厂交货EX works (EXW)

船边交货free alongside ship(FCA)

船上交货free on board(FOB)

成本加运费cost and freight(CFR)

许可证,其他许可和手续license, authorization and formalities 到岸价格cost, insurance and freight(CIF)

运费,保险费付至carriage and insurance paid to(CIP)

边境交货delivered at frontier(DAF)

目的港船上交货delivered ex ship (DES)

目的港码头交货delivered ex quay(DEQ)

未完税交货delivered duty unpaid(DDU)

清关customs clearance

对外承包工程contracted projects in other countries

对外经济援助economic-aid to other countries

经济援助项目economic-aid to projects


受援国recipient countries

专家组specialist groups

实物援助assistance in kind



认证机构certification authority(CA)

支付前通知advance notification of payment

装运前通知advance shipment notice(ASN)

自动交换中心automated clearing houses(ACH)

自动取款机automated teller machine(ATM)

条形码bar coding

伪签名blind signature


资金集中与支付cash concentration and disbursement(CCD) 审查芯片clipper chip

消费者电子数据交换consumer EDI

永续更新continuous replenishment(CR)

公司交易支付corporate trade payments(CTP)

电子数据交换成本costs of EDI

数据编码加密标准data encryption standard(DES)

计账卡debit card

支付服务disbursement services


重复付款double spending


电子数据交换网关EDI gateways

电子数据交换集线路EDI hubs

电子数据交换翻译软件EDI translation software

消费者有效应答efficient consumer response(ECR)


电子商务标准设定electronic commerce standard-setting


财政预算fiscal budget

临时预算extraordinary budget

预算收入budgetary revenue

预算支出budgetary expenditure

预算赤字budgetary deficit

预算盈余budgetary surplus

外汇收入earnings from foreign exchange

行政管理费administrative costs

自筹投资项目self-financed projects
