




给水系统采用分区供水。一层至六层为低区,由市政给水管网直接供水;七至十一层层为高区,由屋顶水箱供水。排水系统采用污水和废水合流制排水系统。厨房排水及生活污水经化粪池局部处理后再排入市政排水管网。消防系统设计成消火栓灭火系统和自喷系统,火灾初期10min的水由消防水箱供给,正常供水由消防水泵从贮水池内抽取。雨水系统,本建筑采用外排水系统。给水管和排水管都采用 UPVC管,消防系统采用镀锌钢管。




This design is a 11 layers(层)building of the public residence(定居的,居民)building to , completing the design of the water supply system and draining(排水)the system, fire fight system(fire hydrant(节水栓,消防龙头) systems and automatic sprinkler(自动喷水灭火系统)system) and the system of the roof rain water。

Based on the synthesis(综合)analysis, Suppose two lead-in tubes, both has safeguarded (防护设施)the water supply security, and saved the energy consumption.(消耗)The water supply system adoption cent area supply water。the 1~6rd floor is the low district(地区),the source is the municipal(市的) water-supply net-work.The 7~11rd floor is the high district,which source is the tank(箱,罐,储水池)of the roof.The sewerage (污水)system uses the sewage and the waste water combined drainage(排水)system.The canning waste water and the sanitary(卫生)sewage disperses(使疏散,传播) into the municipal drainage pipe(管)network after disposed(安排,处置)in the septic(腐败性的,腐败物)tank.The fire fight system design becomes to eliminate(除去,消除)the fire to bolt(螺钉,螺栓)to extinguish(熄灭)fire the system and automatic sprinkler system, a fire water of the early 10 minutes is supply by the fire fight water tank, normal the water supply be pumped(泵)by the fire fight Pump from the Saving pond。Rain-water system,This building use the outdoor rainwater system. The water pipe and drain pipes adopt the UPVC tubes , the fire fight system is adopt to plate the zinc(锌)steel(钢)pipe.

In the designation process , I carried on settling each system project , the flat(平坦的)surface arranges and computing(计算,估算), and chosing the type of various equipments , and do the great engineering budget estimation(预算)and establishment (建立,开设)procedure of the Excel. Finally , drew(滴)the flat surface construction(建筑)diagram and the system stalk side diagrams of each system with the CAD.

KEY WORDS: Water supply, Drain off water, The fire hydrant, rainwater,Water pipe material


2019年全国给排水科学与工程专业大学实力排名及就业前景排名(完整版) 全国给排水科学与工程专业大学实力排名及就业前景排名(完整版) 全国共有50所开设了给排水科学与工程专业的大学参与了排名,其中排名第一的是哈尔滨工业大学,排名第二的是华中科技大学,排名第三的是重庆大学,以下是给排水科学与工程专业大学排名具体列表: 给排水科学与工程专业大学排名学校名称1哈尔滨工业大学2华中科技大学3重庆大学4河海大学5合肥工业大学6长安大学7西安建筑科技大学8北京建筑大学9太原理工大学10华侨大学11浙江工商大学12贵州大学13武汉科技大学14华东交通大学15长沙理工大学16青海大学17新疆大学18青岛理工大学19兰州交通大学20山东建筑大学21河北农业大学22济南大学23湖南工业大学24安徽建筑大学25武汉轻工大学26安徽工业大学27河北科技大学28江西理工大学29南昌航空大学30武汉纺织大学31兰州理工大学32湖南科技大学33吉林建筑大学34河北建筑工程学院35广东石油化工学院36内蒙古科技大学37长春工程学院38河北工程大学39西南林业大学40山东农业大学41湖北工程学院42湖北理工学院43吉林化工学院44华中科

技大学武昌分校45武汉科技大学城市学院46华北电力大学科技学院47南昌大学科学技术学院48华东交通大学理工学院49河北联合大学轻工学院50武汉纺织大学外经贸学院 以上给排水科学与工程专业大学排名是根据给排水科学与工程专业在热门省市(北京、湖北、广东等)录取分数线为依据综合排名,供大家参考。 给排水科学与工程专业培养具备城市给水工程、排水工程、取水工程、防洪工程、建筑给水排水工程、工业给水排水工程、水污染控制规划和水资源利用与保护等方面的知识,能在政府部门、规划部门、经济管理部门、环保部门、设计单位、工矿企业、科研单位、大、中专院校等从事规划、设计、施工、管理、教育和研究开发方面工作的给水排水工程学科的高级工程技术人才。


给排水科学与工程专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Water Supply and Sewerage Science & Engineering 一、培养目标 Ⅰ.Educational Objectives 本专业培养适应我国社会主义现代化建设需要,德、智、体、美全面发展,基础扎实、知识面宽、能力强、素质高、有创新意识,从事城市给排水科学与工程的规划、设计、施工、运营、教育和研究开发等方面工作的高级工程技术人才。 This program is designed to equip students with a broad fundamental knowledge to be technicians as one who discharges duties ethically, independently, competently and constructively in planning, design, construction, management, teaching and research of water and wastewater science and engineering. 二、基本规格要求 Ⅱ.Skills Profile 1. 在比较系统地学习必需的数理、化学、生物等科学知识基础上,通过本专业基本训练,掌握水资源利用与保护,水处理工程、给水排水管道工程等专业理论; 2. 学会水的开采、加工、输送、回收与再用等工程规划与设计方法; 3. 获得水工程的项目管理、施工组织、设备运转等方面的基本能力; 4. 了解本学科的理论前沿和发展动态,具有初步的科学研究与技术开发能力。 Students of the course are able to: 1.Gain the knowledge of the discipline in water resource utilization and protection, water treatment engineering and water supply and sewerage pipe engineering; 2.Develop the engineering planning and design method in water exploitation, processing, transportation and recycle; 3.Develop the abilities of item management, construction organization, devices operation in


Laminar and Turbulent Flow Observation shows that two entirely different types of fluid flow exist. This was demon- strated by Osborne Reynolds in 1883 through an experiment in which water was discharged from a tank through a glass tube. The rate of flow could be controlled by a valve at the outlet, and a fine filament of dye injected at the entrance to the tube. At low velocities, it was found that the dye filament remained intact throughout the length of the tube, showing that the particles of water moved in parallel lines. This type of flow is known as laminar, viscous or streamline, the particles of fluid moving in an orderly manner and retaining the same relative positions in successive cross- sections. As the velocity in the tube was increased by opening the outlet valve, a point was eventually reached at which the dye filament at first began to oscillate and then broke up so that the colour was diffused over the whole cross-section, showing that the particles of fluid no longer moved in an orderly manner but occupied different relative position in successive cross-sections. This type of flow is known as turbulent and is characterized by continuous small fluctuations in the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the fluid particles, which are accompanied by corresponding small fluctuations of pressure. When the motion of a fluid particle in a stream is disturbed, its inertia


建筑给排水设计配合例谈 摘要:文章结合具体工程实例,从土建、建筑、结构、电气等方面探讨建筑给排水设计配合问题。关键词:建筑给排水;设计配合;土建;结构 建筑、结构、电气、装潢等专业对给排水设计有直接的影响,诸专业间的设计配合也间接地影响给排水的设计和施工。 1.土建间的配合 阳江市某学校实训楼工程,建筑施工图卫生间的开间尺寸见图1。基础结构按尺寸进行施工,楼层结构按两个3600 开间尺寸施工。施工几层后发现与建筑施工图、基础结构图不一致。如最后两个现浇面的开间尺寸再改,势必造成给排水立管又多了两个弯头,所以楼层结构开间尺寸不得不将错就错。给排水立管不得不作相应的变更处理。因而除底层外,楼层开间使用功能受到一些影响。 2.建筑配合 厨卫的位置 在选型设计时,尽量将厨卫组合在一起,使它们能合用一套给排水系统。厨卫的位置,虽然要有明窗和通风条件,但厨卫没有必要占用朝阳的一侧。尤其是厨房,其油烟会熏蒸阳台晾晒的衣物。非住宅楼的卫生间,在较寒冷的地区应

组合在朝阳的一侧,以免冬季冻伤管道和配件。 立管位置 给排水立管能设在卫生间的就不选设在厨房,以免油烟和温差结露腐蚀管道等配件;能隐蔽的绝不明设,为此厨卫门的门垛长度至少要有120mm;再次是靠近用水器具、方便维修、不影响其它功能的使用。 在较寒冷的地区,为了防冻,可将立管选设在厨房另一侧的小餐厅墙角处,见图2。1200 门洞还可再设双开门,有利室内保温。 用水器具位置 坐便器背靠小高窗,使用时较隐蔽,洗面盆连接一宽敞、明亮的台板,在左侧方案中,坐便器占用了台板位置且正对窗中,视之不隐蔽。还有的将坐便器设于背靠!轴墙,不仅不隐蔽而且排水横管不经济。 落水管的处理 阳江市商住楼,其北侧落水管只下引至二层室外走道,漫流至排水管,造成雨天行走不便,冬季走道结冰易跌跤。较好地解决办法是尽量将落水管沿底层挑梁侧边穿过走道现浇板后,顺柱外侧引至- 平台下小暗沟。此柱门侧再设砖门垛或混凝土门垛,给卷闸门滑槽留下空间。若落水管因外门窗洞所限而拉开间距较大时,可选择穿过现浇板后紧贴现浇板下设横管最短的一梁柱侧边设置,并注意卷闸门库的空

蓝梅主编 给排水科学与工程专业英语部分课文翻译中文版

第四单元给水系统 一般来说,供水系统可划分为四个主要组成部分:(1)水源和取水工程(2)水处理和存储(3)输水干管和配水管网。常见的未处理的水或者说是原水的来源是像河流、湖泊、泉水、人造水库之类的地表水源以及像岩洞和水井之类的地下水源。修建取水构筑物和泵站是为了从这些水源中取水。原水通过输水干管输送到自来水厂进行处理并且处理后的出水储存到清水池。处理的程度取决于原水的水质和出水水质要求。有时候,地下水的水质是如此的好以至于在供给给用户之前只需消毒即可。由于自来水厂一般是根据平均日需求流量设计的,所以,清水池为水需求日变化量提供了一个缓冲区。 水通过输水干管长距离输送。如果输水干管中的水流是通过泵所产生的压力水头维持的,那么我们称这个干管为增压管。另外,如果输水干管中的水流是靠由于高差产生的可获得的重力势能维持的,那么我们称这个干管为重力管。在输水干管中没有中间取水。与输水干管类似,在配水管网中水流的维持要么靠泵增压,要么靠重力势能。一般来说,在平坦地区,大的配水管网中的水压是靠泵提供的,然而,在不平坦的地区,配水管网中的压力水头是靠重力势能维持的。 一个配水管网通过引入管连接配水给用户。这样的配水管网可能有不同的形状,并且这些形状取决于这个地区的布局。一般地,配水管网有环状或枝状的管道结构,但是,根据当地城市道路和街区总体布局计划,有时候环状和枝状结构合用。城市配水管网大多上是环状形式,然而,乡村地区的管网是枝状形式。由于供水服务可靠性要求高,环状管网优于枝状管网。 配水管网的成本取决于对管网的几何形状合适的选择。城市计划采用的街道布局的选择对提供一个最小成本的供水系统来说是重要的。环状管网最常见的两个供水结构是方格状、环状和辐射状;然而,我们不可能找到一个最佳的几何形状而使得成本最低。 一般地,城镇供水系统是单入口环状管系统。如上所说,环状系统有一些通过系统相互连接的管道使得通过这些连接接的管道,可以供水到同一个需水点。与枝状系统不同,在环状系统中,由于需水量在空间和时间上的变化,管道中的水流方向并非不变。 环状管网可为系统提供余量,提高系统应对局部变化的能力,并且保证管道故障时为用户供水。从水质方面来说,环状形状可减少水龄,因此被推广。管道的尺寸和配水系统的设计对减少水龄来说是重要的因素。由于多方向水流模式和系统中流动模式随时间的变化,水不会停留在一个地方,这样减少了水龄。环状配水系统的优缺点如表4.1所述。 优点:1.Minimize loss of services.as main breaks can be isolated due to multidirectional flow to demand points.2.Reliability for fire protection is higher due to redundancy in the system.3.Likely to meet increase in water demand -higher capacity and lower velocities.4.Better residual chlorine due to in line mixing and fewer dead ends. 5.Reduced water age. 在文献中曾记载过,只考虑最低成本设计的环状管网系统会转化成树状似的结构,这一做法导致在最终的设计中失去最初的几何形状。环状保证了系统的可靠性。因此,一个只考虑最低成本为依据的设计打败了在环状管网中所提供的基本功能。有文献记载设计环状管网系统的方法。尽管这个方法也是仅以考虑最低成本为基础,它通过对管网中所有管道最优化规划从而保持了管网的环状结构。


河北建筑工程学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系别:城建系 专业:给水排水工程 班级: 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Wan Fang foreign languages (用外文写) literature datebase 附件:1、外文原文;2、外文资料翻译译文。

1、外文原文(复印件) Supplying and draining waterin hospital construction With the fact that modern medicine science promptness develops,new technique , the new armamentarium are continuing without end , modernized medical treatment thereby consonant with that is building a hospital , are also are confronted with new design idea and new technology applying. Disregarding secondary hospital building function , what whose gets along environment, still , finclause the hospital builds equipment and is equipped with system, the request is without exception higher and higher. Because of it is to ensure daily work living not only need the rapid and intense life relevance recovering from the illness , avoiding crippling , rescuing, and promote with giving treatment to a patient. Not only the design accomplishing to the special field draining away water need to satisfy the request being unlike a function in hospital building on equipment , but also safety is be obliged to reliable. Following is built according to the hospital. 一HOSPITAL GIVES A SEWERAGE 1) Modernized hospital equipment and equipment system content is numerous , the function is peculiar , the request is very high. Except demanding to swear to continue supplying with the use water according with quality level sufficiently, need more according to demand of different medical treatment instrument and different administrative or tehcnical office to water quality , water pressure , the water temperature, classify setting up water treatment system and be in progress to system to increase pressure reduction. 2) The hospital operating rooms , the delivery room operation the water hygiene, saliva washing hands by shower bath water , the dentistry dentistry chair ought to adopt the water purifying degassing. In the homeland few are large-scale , the high rank hospital centre supplies a room, the centre disinfecting has also adopted to purify the water disinfecting, now that swear to there be no dust , the sterility , to remove the pathopoiesia source , to avoid the blockage infecting , cutting down equipment microtubule. 3) Hospital preparation rooms preparation uses water to adopt distilled water, and sets up in making distilled water system to have part pressure boost facilities. The handicraft responds to according to different hospital preparation handicraft but fixes concrete system distilled water, should satisfy demand of whose handicraft to water quality , water yield , water pressure act in close coordination that the preparation handicraft reserves corresponding to drain-pipe and



给排水科学与工程生产实习报告 通过近三年的理论学习和一系列的课程设计实践环节的训练,学生在理论基础、应用技术和专业知识等诸方面已初步具备了给排水科学与工程专业的业务知识。但是,将所学的理论知识应用于科学研究和工程设计尚有一个过程。生产实习的目的是让我们把所学的理论知识与实践相结合,培养我们的实际动手能力,为我们的后续学习和面向社会实际工作打下良好的基础。 一、实习目的和要求 1.在掌握给排水科学与工程专业基础知识和部分专业知识的基础上,结合实习 过程中的收获,提高给排水工程的感性认识。 2.扩大学生的专业知识范围,加深和巩固所学的理论知识。 3.了解和掌握自来水厂和污水处理厂的设计特点,工艺流程,主要设计参数, 各构筑物选型的依据及其优缺点,运行中存在的问题及改进措施。 4.了解和掌握自来水厂和污水处理厂运行管理方面的技能。 5.参加生产劳动,树立热爱劳动的思想,作为一名工程技术人员,通过劳动锻 炼,更能体会到在实践中发挥自己所长、服务社会的重要意义。 6.在实习期间,学生应认真记录技术人员和工人师傅介绍的有关内容,认真仔 细的写好实习日志,绘制必要的的草图,并及时整理笔记。 二、实习时间表:

三、实习内容 <一>、航空港污水处理厂参观实习 1、航空港污水处理厂简介 航空港污水处理厂位于双流县西航港街道江安村,规划占地175.24亩,设计总规模为10万吨/日。根据成都市主城区排水规划,航空港污水处理厂服务成都市第五排水分区内中南部污水,厂服务面积为36.8平方公里。航空港污水处理厂的建设分两期实施,一期分两阶段建设,已完成的一阶段于2007年9月9日动工,2008年9月30日建成通水。土建及配套设施按5万吨/日建设,生化部分按1.98万吨/日实施,2011年建成1.51万吨/日(为二期),2012年建成1.51万吨/日(为三期)。 航空港污水处理厂处理流程由预处理、生化处理、深度处理和污泥处理四部分组成。其中预处理由粗格栅、提升泵房、细格栅和曝气沉砂池构成;生化处理采用改良A/A/O工艺,由选择区、厌氧区、缺氧区、好氧区、沉淀池和鼓风机房构成;深度处理由絮凝消毒池的网格反应区和斜管沉淀池、以及絮凝加药间和消毒加药间构成;污泥处理由储泥池和污泥脱水机房构成。(详见下图)


History of Water Supply Man’s search for pure water began in prehistoric times. Much of his earliest activity is subject to speculation. Some individuals might have led water where they wanted it through trenches dug in the earth, a hollow log was perhaps used as the first water pipe. Thousands of years must have passed before our more recent ancestors learned to build cities and enjoy the convenience of water pipes to the home and drains for water-carried wastes. Our earliest archeological records of central water supply and wastewater disposal date back about 5000 years, to Nippur of Sumeria. In the ruins of Nippur there is an arched drain with the stones set in full "voussoir" position, each stone being a wedge tapering downward into place. Water was drawn from wells and cisterns.An extensive system of drainage conveyed the wastes from the palaces and residential districts of the city. The earliest recorded knowledge of water treatment is in the Sanskrit medical lore and Egyptian Wall inscri ptions. Sanskrit writings dating about 2000 B.C. tell how to purify foul water by boiling in copper vessels,exposing to sunlight, filtering through charcoal, and cooling in an earthen vessel. The earliest known apparatus for clarifying liquids was pictureed on Egyptian walls in the fifteenth and thirteenth centuries B.C. The first picture represents the siphoning of either water of settled wine. A second picture shows the use of wick siphons in an Egyptian kitchen. The first engineering report on water supply and treatment was made in A.D. 98 by Sextus Julius Frontinus, water-commissioner of Rome. He produced two books on the water supply of Rome. In these he described a settling reservoir at the head of one of the aqueducts. His writings were first translated into English by the noted hydraulic engineer Clemens Herschel in 1899. In the eight century A.D. an Arabian alchemist,Geber,wrote a rather specialized treatise on distillation that included various stills for water and other liquids. The English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon wrote of his experiments on the purification of water by filtration, boiling, distillation and clarification by coagulation. This was published in 1627, one year after his death. Bacon also noted that clarifying water trends to improve health and increase the "pleasure of the eye". The first known illutrated descri ption of sand filters was published in 1685 by Luc Antonio Porzio, an Italian physician. He wrote a book on conserving the health of soldier in camps, based on his experience in the Austro-Turkish War. This was probably the earliest published work on mass sanitation.He described and illustrated the use of sand filters and sedimentation. Porzio also stated that his filtration was the same as "by those who built the wells in the Palace of the Doges in Venice and in the palace of Cardinal Sachett,at Rome." The oldest known archeological examples of water filtration are in Venice and the colonies she occupied. The ornate heads on the cisterns bear dates,but it is not known when the filters were placed.Venice,Built on a Series of islands, depended on catching and storing rainwater for its principal freshwater supply for over 1300 years. Cisterns were built and many were connected in stone-grated catch basins and then filtered through sand into cisterns. A comprehensive article on the water supply of Venice appeared in the Practical Mechanics Journal in 1863.The land area of Venice was 12.85 acres and the average yearly rainfall was 32 inches(in). Nearly all of this rainfall was collected in 177 public and 1900 private cisterns. These


给排水科学与工程专业培养计划第一部分培养方案 一、学制 标准学制:4年;学习年限:3-6年。 二、授予学位 工学学士学位。 三、毕业和学位要求 修满本培养计划规定学分并符合《北京交通大学本科生学籍管理规定》要求的学生,可获得给排水科学与工程专业本科毕业证书。 符合毕业要求并达到《北京交通大学授予普通本科毕业生学士学位实施细则》要求的学生,经学校学位委员会审核批准,可授予工学学士学位。 四、专业定位 给排水科学与工程专业:突出以水质工程学、建筑给排水、泵站与给排水管道工程等课程为主线兼顾环境污染监测与控制、膜法水处理、水处理自动控制、水资源可持续利用与管理相关课程为特色教育,达到国内先进水平。 五、培养目标 给排水科学与工程专业培养适应社会主义现代化建设需要,具有较高的道德文化修养与人文素养,较强的实践能力和创新精神,掌握坚实的数学、外语、物理与计算机应用基础知识,掌握当代给排水科学与工程学科的基本理论和基本知识,获得给水排水工程师基本训练,具有能够引领给排水科学与工程领域科技发展的潜质,并具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才。 六、培养标准及实现矩阵 按照培养目标要求,制定本专业人才培养在知识、能力和素质三个方面的标准,同时将培养标准落实到具体的课程、实践等教学环节中,构建培养标准实现矩阵。格式如下: 表1 培养标准及实现矩阵 方内培养标实现环节或途 具有较扎实的数学和自然科学基础微积分几何与代数概率论与数理统计环境科学信息科学了解现代物理大学物理物理 实验自然科学基础知通识核心课全心理学的基本知识,了解当代科学任选课;环境学概术发展的其他主要方面和应用前 具有基本的人文社会科学知识,熟思想政治理论课哲学、政治学、经济学、社会学、通识核心课全校任人文社科基础知 课学等方面的基本知识,了解文学、术等方面的基础知工程项目经济与管掌握工程经济、项目管理的基本理环境分析化 学无机化学有机化学掌握化学的基本原理和分析方理化工程力学;流体力学;结构力掌握力学的基本原理和分析方 环境微生物学;环境生物化掌握微生物学的基本原理和分析方知掌握工程测绘的基本原理和方法、画法几何;工程制图; 测量法几何与工程制图的基本原环境工程原掌握环境工程学基本原理和分析方专业基本理论知水质工程学;泵站与给水

建筑 给排水 外文翻译 英文文献 多层住宅建筑给排水设计的几个问题

译文来源:美国PE杂志建筑给排水工程师2010年第10期 The multilevel residential housing is given and drains off water several questions designed Summary : This text give and drain off water on multilevel residential housing design supply water the exertion of the tubular product , Way of laying of pipeline, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and air conditioner condensation water of pot-type boiler discharge issue goes on the discussion , And put forward some concrete views. Keyword: Skyscraper, supply water the tubular product , the pipeline is laid, The water gauge, the solar water heater The skyscraper is simple with its auxiliary facility, the fabrication cost is low, the characteristic such as being convenient of estate management, Receive the welcomes of the real estate developer and vast resident of small and medium-sized cities very much. How project planning and design of inhabited region, scientific and technological industry of comfortable house, lead the request according to 2000, Improve the design level of the house, build out a comfortable living space for each household, It is each designers duty. As the heart of the house --The kitchen, bathroom, is that the function is complicated, hygiene, safe and comfortable degree are expected much, It is miscellaneous to build, the space expecting much in technology. So, the designer must consider synthetically with the idea and method of global design that the kitchen, bathroom give installation of the drainage pipeline and equipment,etc. . Give and drain off water on skyscraper design supply water exertion, to lay pipeline of tubular product, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and empty of pot-type boiler now Transfer condensation water discharge issue discuss together with colleagues. ( 1)supply water tubular product select problem for use Traditional watersupply tubular product adopt zinc-plated steel tube generally, because zinc-plated steel tube exchange the corrosion, Use short-lived , use for and send domestic water can satisfied with water quality sanitary standard shortcoming, Ministry of Construction is popularizing the application of the feed pipe of plastics energetically . A lot of districts and cities have already expressed regulations: Forbid designing and using the zinc-plated steel tube , use widely the feed pipe of plastics. The plastics supply water In charge of compared with metal pipeline, light, it is fine to able to bear the intensity of keeping, Send obstruction little liquid , able to bear chemistry better to corrode performance, it is convenient to install, The steel energy-conservation of the province, merit of having long performance life etc.. Supply water and use plastics pipeline: Hard polyvinyl chloride( PVC-U), high density polyethylene( HDPE), pay and unite polyethylene( PEX) , modify the polypropylene( PP-R, PP-C), gather butene( PB), aluminium mould and compound and in charge of and the steel is moulded and compound and is managed etc.. Choice of tubular product economic comparative


中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Optimum combination of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection in coal-accumulated basin of North China Abstract The conflict among water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection is getting more and more serious due to the irrational drainage and exploitation of ground water resources in coal-accumulated basins of North China.Efficient solutions to the conflict are tomaintain long-term dynamic balance between input and output of the

ground water basins,and to try to improve resourcification of the mine water.All solutions must guarantee the eco-environment quality.This paper presents a new idea of optimum combination of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection so as to solve theproblem of unstable mine water supply,which is caused by the changeable water drainage for the whole combination system.Both the management of hydraulic techniques and constraints in economy,society,ecology,environment,insustuial structural adjustments and sustainable developments have been taken into account.Since the traditional and separate management of different departments of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection is broken up these departments work together to avoid repeated geological survey and specific evaluation calculations so that large amount of national investment can be saved and precise calculation for the whole system can be obtained.In the light of the conflict of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection in a typical sector in Jiaozuo coal mine,a case study puts forward an optimum combination scheme,in which a maximum economic benefit objective is constrained by multiple factors.The scheme provides a very important scientific base for finding a sustainable development strategy. Keywords combination system of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection,optimal combination,resourcification of mine water. 1Analyses of necessity for the combination There are three related problems in the basin.It is well known that the major mine-hydrogeological characteristics of the coal accumulated basin in North China display a stereo water-filling structure,which is formed by multi-layer aquifers connected hydraulically together with various kinds of inner or outer boundaries.Mine water hazards have seriously restricted the healthy development of coal industry in China because of more water-filling sources and stronger water-filling capacity in coal mines of the basin.Coal reserves in the basin are threatened by the water hazards.In Fengfeng,Xingtai,Jiaozuo,Zibao,Huaibei and Huainan coal mine districts,for example,it is estimated
