


41. Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth, wheat

____ by far the biggest cereal crop.

A. is

B. been

C. be

D. being

答案:D 参考译文:农业是这个国家财富主要的来源,其中小麦是最主要的谷类作物。【试题分析】本题考查对非谓语动词的掌握。【详细解答】这是一个独立主格结构。wheat前用逗号,且没有连词,表示这一句起补充说明的作用,该空不能用动词的形式,则being为唯一之选。

42. Jack ____from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety.

A. has been missing

B. has been missed?

C. had been missing

D. was missed

答案:A 参考译文:到目前为止,杰克已经失踪两天了,我开始担心他的安全。【试题分析】本题考查时态的用法。【详细解答】由句中时间状语“for some time now”可知,这里要用现在完成时;选项A为现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去某一时间一直持续到现在,故为正确答案。

43. Above the trees are the hills, ____ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.

A. where

B. of whose

C. whose

D. which

答案:C 参考译文:树的后面有小山,它的壮丽景色在河面上真实地反射出来。【试题分析】本题为语法题,考查关系代词的用法。【详细解答】这是一个定语从句,此处缺少一个关系代词。whose 指代前面的hills, whose magnificence表示它的壮丽景色。

44. Who____ was coming to see me in my office this afternoon?

A. you said

B. did you say

C. did you say that

D. you did say

答案:B 参考译文:你说今天下午谁会到办公室找我?【试题分析】本题考查插入语的用法。【详细解答】 did you say是一个插入语。比如说 Who do you think is the best teacher in our school? 即你认为谁是我们学校最好的老师?

45. —Does Alan like hamburgers?

—Yes. So much ____ that he eats them almost every day.

A. for

B. as

C. to

D. so

答案:D 参考译文:---艾伦喜欢汉堡包吗?---喜欢,以至于他几乎每天吃。【试题分析】本题考查连词的用法。【详细解答】这句话实际上是 (He likes Hamburgers) so much so that he eats them almost every day. 连词“so that”如此...以致。

46. Your ideas, ____, seem unusual to me.

A. like her

B. like hers

C. similar to her

D. similar to herself

答案:B 参考译文:你的想法,如同她的想法一样,对我来说不同寻常。【试题分析】本题考查对代词的掌握。【详细解答】只有hers可指代她的想法。而her, herself表示她自己。故B为正确答案。

47. The opening ceremony is a great occasion. It is essential

____for that.

A. for us to be prepared

B. that we are prepared

C. of us to be prepared

D. our being prepared

答案:A 参考译文:开幕式是一件大事,我们必须准备。【试题分析】本题为语法题,考查对虚拟语气的掌握。【详细解答】在类似essential, necessary之类的形容词后面,句子的动词形式为 (should)+动词原形。故选项B不对。而essential 后面一般跟to/for, 故A为正确答案。

48. Time ____, the celebration will be held as scheduled.

A. permit

B. permitting

C. permitted

D. permits

答案:B 参考译文:如果时间允许,庆祝会如期举行。【试题分析】本题考查独立主格结构的用法。【详细解答】当从句的主语和主句的主语不一样时,且没有连词,从句的主语用独立主格结构。Time permitting相当于If time is permitted. 故B为正确答案。

49. ____ I like economics, I like sociology much better.

A. As mush as

B. So much

C. How much

D. Much as

答案:D 参考译文:尽管我喜欢经济学,但我更喜欢社会学。【试题分析】本题考查连词的用法。【详细解答】在这四个选项中,as表示“尽管”,引导的条件状语从句时,从句需倒装,即将形容词、副词提至句首,故选项D


50. It is futile to discuss the matter further, because ____going

to agree upon anything today.

A. neither you nor I are

B. neither you nor me am

C. neither you nor I am

D. neither me nor you are

答案:C 参考译文:进一步讨论这个事情是无益的,因为今天你我都在任何事情上不愿达成一致【试题分析】本题为语法题,考查对主谓一致原则的掌握。【详细解答】若两个或两个以上的主语由“or”, “nor”, “either...or”,

“neither...nor”, “not only...but also”,连接,遵守就近原则。故选项C为正确答案。

51. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, ____ is something we had not expected.

A. which

B. it

C. that

D. what

答案:A 参考译文:他们克服所有的困难,提前两个月完成这个项目,这是我们没有预料到的。【试题分析】本题考查关系代词的用法。【详细解答】这是一个非限制性定语从句,此处缺少一个关系代词,指代前面的整个句子。在这四个选项中,只有选项A有此功能,因此A项是正确答案。

52. He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man ____ he was twenty years ago.

A. which

B. that

C. who

D. whom

答案:B 参考译文:由于多年的劳作,他身体状况很差。他已不是二十年前的他了。【试题分析】本题为考查关系词的用法。【详细解答】这是一个定语从句,此处缺少一个关系代词。选项B为正确答案。

53. She would have been more agreeable if she had changed a little bit, ____?

A. hadn’t she

B. hasn’t she

C. wouldn’t she

D. didn’t she

答案:C 参考译文:如果她稍微改变一点会更可爱,不是吗?【试题分析】本题为考查反意疑问句的用法。【详细解答】该题句子的主干“She would have been more agreeable”, 故附加疑问句为“wouldn’t she”.

54. At three thousand feet, wide plains begin to appear, and there is never a moment when some distant mountain is not


A. on view

B. at a glance

C. on the scene

D. in sight

答案:D 参考译文:三千英尺处,没有了宽广的平原,遥远的山脉随处可见。【试题分析】本题为词语辨析题。【详细解答】 on view意为“展览着”;at a glance意为“一看就”; on the scene意为“在场”;in sight 意为“(指某物)看得见”。根据句意,选项D为正确答案。

55. The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of weapons and the discovery of fire, although nobody knows exactly when he acquired the use

of the ____.

A. latter

B. latest

C. later

D. last

答案:A 参考译文:文明发展的最初两个阶段是发明了武器和发现了火,尽管没有人确切地知道后者使用的时间。【试题分析】本题为形容词词义辨析题。【详细解答】latter意为“(刚提到的两者之间的)后者”; latest意为“最近的,最新的”;later意为“后来”; last意为“最后的”。根据句意,只有选项A表示“后者”,选项A为正确答案。

56. It will take us twenty minutes to get to the railway station,

____traffic delays.

A. acknowledging

B. affording

C. allowing for

D. accounting for

答案:C 参考译文:把交通阻塞的时间顾及在内,我们将花二十分钟到达火车站。【试题分析】本题为词语辨析题。【详细解答】 acknowledging意为“承认,供认”; affording意为“提供,给予”,allowing for意为“顾

及”; accounting for意为“对...作出满意的解释”。根据句意,选项C为正确答案。

57. He will have to____ his indecent behaviour one day.

A. answer to

B. answer for

C. answer back

D. answer about

答案:B 参考译文:他将为他的无礼行为承担后果。【试题分析】本题为动词短语词义辨析题。【详细解答】 answer to意为“对...有反应,顺从”;answer for意为“对…负责,承担后果”; answer back意为“无礼回嘴,顶嘴”。根据句意,选项B为正确答案。

58. With ____ exceptions, the former president does not appear in public now.

A. rare

B. unusual

C. extraordinary

D. unique

答案:A 参考译文:除了极个别情况外,前总统不公开露面。【试题分析】本题为词语辨析题。【详细解答】 rare意为“稀少的,罕有的”;unusual 意为“不平常的”; extraordinary意为“不平常的,特别的”; unique意为“唯一的,独一无二的”。故选项A为正确答案。

59. We have been hearing ____accounts of your work.

A. favoured

B. favourable

C. favourite

D. favouring

答案:B 参考译文:我们一直听到赞扬你工作做得好的话。【试题分析】本题为形容词词义辨析题。【详细解答】 favoured意为“有利的,称心的”;favourable意为“令人满意的,表示赞许的”;favourite意为“最受喜欢的”。根据句意,选项B为正确答案。

60. During the summer holiday season there are no ____ rooms in this seaside hotel.

A. empty

B. blank

C. deserted

D. vacant

答案:D 参考译文:在夏季度假期间,这个海边旅馆没有空房间。【试题分析】本题考查固定搭配的掌握。【详细解答】 empty意为“空的”,强调房间里无物体; blank意为“空白的”,如“a blank page空白的一页”;deserted意为“荒废的,(因被弃)无人住的”; vacant意为“(地方等)空的,未被占用的”,如“vacant house / room空屋子(房间)”。根据句意,选项D为正确答案。

61. Drive straight ahead, and then you will see a ____ to the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway.

A. sign

B. mark

C. signal

D. board

答案:A 参考译文:笔直往前开,然后你将看到一个上海-南京高速公路的指示牌。【试题分析】本题为名词词义辨析题。【详细解答】 sign意为“牌子,指示牌”;mark意为“(书写的,印刷的)符号”;signal意为“信号,手势,暗号”;board意为“木板”。根据句意,选项A为正确答案。

62. Whenever possible, Ian ____ how well he speaks Japanese.

A. shows up

B. shows around

C. shows off

D. shows out

答案:C 参考译文:只要有可能,艾就炫耀他的日语讲得好。【试题分析】本题为动词短语词义辨析题。【详细解答】 show up指“出现”;show around 指“为某人作向导”;show off指“炫耀,卖弄”;没有show out词组。根据句意,选项C为正确答案。

63. The tenant left nothing behind except some ____ of paper, cloth, etc.

A. sheets

B. scraps

C. papers

D. slice

答案:B 参考译文:除了一些纸片和布以外,这个房客什么也没留下。【试题分析】本题考查固定搭配的掌握。【详细解答】 sheets指“片,块,张”,可以说“a sheet of paper”,但一般不能和“cloth”搭配;scraps意为“小片,碎片”;pages指“页”, 不能和“paper, cloth”搭配;slices指“(食物上切下的)薄片”。根据句意,选项B为正确答案。

64. Shares on the stock market have ____ as a result of a worldwide economic downturn.

A. turned

B. changed

C. floated

D. fluctuated

答案:D 参考译文:由于世界经济的衰退,股票市场上的股票有所波动。【试题分析】本题为动词词义辨析题。【详细解答】 turned意为“旋转,转动”;changed意为“改变”;floated意为“漂浮”;fluctuated意为“波动,起伏”。根据句意,选项D为正确答案。

65. I think you can take a(n) ____ language course to improve your English.

A. intermediate

B. middle

C. medium

D. mid

答案:A 参考译文:我认为你可以选一个中级语言课程提高你的英语。【试题分析】本题为形容词词义辨析题。【详细解答】intermediate意为“中级的”,如“intermediate course /level /book 中级课程/水平/书本”; middle意为“中间的”,表示方位; medium 意为“传播媒介”;mid意为“在...中间“,诗歌中用的较多。故选项A为正确答案


大学英语四级语法题大全 1、_____all our kindness to help her, Sara refused to listen. A.At B.In C.For D.On 2、____beforewe depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party. A.Had they arrived B.Would they arrive C.Were they arriving D.Were they to arrive 3、____ conflict among city-states caused the eventual decline of Greek civilization. A.Continuous B.Continual C.Constant D.Contrary 4、____ he's already heard the news. A.Chances are B.Chance is C.Opportunities are D.Opportunity is 5、____ his knowledge and academic background, he is basically stupid. A.But for B.According to C.For all D.Thanks to 6、____ man can now create radioactive elements, there is nothing he can do to reduce their radioactivity. A.As B.Whether C.While D.Now that


Smart 词汇记忆组群1 indeed ad. 真正地;确实,实在 deed n. 行为,行动;功绩;契约 相关单词act vi. 行为,做;起作用 n. 行为 ag,act=to act(行动) agency n. 代理;代理处agent n. 代理人,代理商agony n. 极度痛苦 action n. 行动;作用 active a. 活跃的,积极的;在活动中的 activity n. 活动,活跃;行动actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员 actual a. 实际的,事实的actually ad. 实际上;竟然react vi. 起作用,反应;反对,起反作用;起化学反应reaction n. (to)反应;反作用 exact a. 确切的,精确的exactly ad. 确切地;恰恰正是,确实 interaction n. 相互作用,相互影响 inter=between,among interfere vi. 干涉,介入;阻碍,干扰 interference n. 干涉,介入;阻碍,干扰 interior a. 内部的;内地的,国内的 n. 内部;内地 intermediate a. 中间的;中级的 n. 中间体,媒介物 interpret vt. 解释,说明vi. 口译,翻译interpretation n. 解释,口译 interpreter n. 译员,口译者interview n./v. 接见,会见;面谈,面试 interval n. 间隔,间距;(幕间)休息 internal a. 内的,内部的;国内的,内政的相关单词 external a. 外部的,外面的 ex-=fully,out exterior a. 外部的,外面的 n. 外部 explain v. 解释,说明 example n. 例子;榜样,模 范 形近单词 sample vt. 抽样,取样 Smart词汇记忆组群2 block n.街区;木块;障碍物; vt.堵塞,拦阻 barrier n.屏障;障碍 bar=bar(横木) embarrass vt.使窘迫,使为 难 bar n.酒吧间,售酒的柜台;条, 杆;栅,栏; vt.阻止,阻拦 barrel n.桶,筒 与“容器”相关的单词 basin n.盆,洗脸盆;盆地 bucket n.水桶,桶 drum n.鼓状的桶;鼓 pail n.桶,提桶 tub n.桶,盆,浴盆 jar n.罐子,坛子,广口瓶 kettle n.水壶 pot n.壶,罐 can n.罐头,听头 tin n.锡;罐头 container n.容器,集装箱 tain,ten,tin=to hold,to keep(保持) content n.内容,目录;容量 content a.满意的,满足的; vt.使满意,是满足 continual a.不停的,频频的 continue vt.继续,延伸 continuous a.连续不断的, 持续的 contain vt.包含,容纳 attain v.(尤指经过努力)达 到,获得 entertain vt.招待;是欢乐 entertainment n.娱乐 fountain n.喷泉 maintain vt.维持,保持;赡 养,负担;维修,保养;坚持, 主张 maintenance n.维持,保持; 维修,保持 obtain vt.获得,得到 sustain vt.保持,使......持续 不息;供养,维持(生命等); 支持 rentain vt.保持,保留 形近单词 remain vi.剩下;留待;依然 是 remains n.残余,剩余;遗迹 main a.主要的,总的 mainly ad.主要地,大体上 Smart词汇记忆组群3 bio=life(生命) biography n.传记 biology n.生物学;生态学 log=to speak(说话) catalog(ue) n.目录(册); vt.将(书籍,资料等)编入目 录 dialog(ue) n.对话,对白 logical a.逻辑上的,符合逻辑 的 apology n.道歉,认错,谢罪 apologize vi.道歉,认错 psychological a.心理的,心 理学的 technology n.工艺,技术 techn(o)=art(技 艺),skill(技术) technical a.技术的,工艺的 technician n.技术员,技师 technique n.技术;技艺 相关单词 science n.科学,科学研究 sci=to know(知道) scientific a.科学(上)的 scientist n.(自然)科学家 unconscious a.不省人事的; 未意识到的 consciousness n.意识,觉 悟 conscience n.良心,道德心 conscious a.意识到的;有意 的;神智清醒的 相关单词 aware a.知道的,意识到的 recognize vt.认识,认出;承 认 recognition n.认出,识别; 承认 realize vt.认识到;实现 reality n.现实;真实(性)


英语专业四级语法汇总 语法回顾篇: 专四语法考点虚拟语气、情态动词、非谓语动词、复合句、倒装、小语法(省略,时态,反义疑问句,代词,强调句,主谓一致,冠词,形容词及副词)、as 的特殊用法。 专四英语语法考点串讲之一虚拟语气 一般说来,有下列几种考点需要考生注意(十考点及两备考点) 考点1. 与现在事实相反 从句谓语动词用did (be用were), 主句谓语动词would (should, could, might)+do; 考点2. 与过去事实相反 从句谓语动词用had done, 主句谓语动词用would(should, could, might)+ have done; 例如: 43. I _________the party much more if there hadn’t been quite such a crowd of people there. A. would enjoy B. will have enjoyed C. would have enjoyed D. will be enjoying KEY: C 49. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there _________ quite such a crowd of people there. A. weren’t B. hasn’t been C. hadn’t been D. wouldn’t KEY: C 考点3.与将来事实相反, 从句谓语动词用:did (should + do或were + to do), 主句谓语动词用:would (should, could, might)+do。


英语专业四级历年语法试题 虚拟语气部分 1. If you _____ in such a hurry, you _____ sugar into the sauce instead of salt. (TEM4-1992-50) A. were not, would not put B. were, would put C. had been, would have put D. had not been, would not have put 2. _____ their help, we would not have succeeded. (TEM4-1992-55) A. Hadn’t been for B. Had not it been for C. It hadn’t been for D. Had it not been for 3. She asked that she _____ allowed to see her son in police custody. (TEM4-1993-50) A. would be B. could b C. be D. was 4. _____ your timely advice, I would never have known how to go about the work.

(TEM4-1994-53) A. Unless B. But for C. Except for D. Not for 5. It was recommended that passengers _____ smoke during the flight. (TEM4-1994-58) A.not B. need not C. could not D. would not 6. _____ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with questions. (TEM4-1994-62) A. If I realized B. Had I realized C. I realized D. As I realized 7. _____, he would not have recovered so quickly. (TEM4-1995-65) A. Hadn’t he been taken good care of B. Had he not been taken good care of C. Had not he been taken good care of D. Had he been not taken good care of 8. I _____ the party much more if there hadn’t been quite such a crowd of people


2016年英语专业四级考试词汇语法真题 参考答案与解析 11. How can I concentrate if you _________ continually ______ me with silly questions? A. have… interrupted B. are… interrupted C. had… interrupting D. were… interrupting 选A。虽然我觉得更应该说you are continually interrupting me with silly questions。不过这里用现在完成时表示的是一个动作发生过成为过去经历,有可能多次发生,也就是打断一次、两次、三次等等不断重复到现在。 12. Among the four sentences below, Sentence ___ expresses the highest degree of possibility? A. It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. B. It might take a long time to find a solution to the problem. C. It could take a long time to find a solution to the problem. D. It should take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 选D。四个里把握度最高的是should,其次是may,最后是might和could。 13. She is a better speaker than _____ in the class. A. any boy B. the other boys C. other any girl D. all the girls 选A。主语是she,女的,所以不能选B。C的正确说法是any other girl。 14. Nobody heard him sing, ______? A. did one B. did he C. didn’t they D. did they 选B。根据专四语法出题依据的书《新编英语语法教程》(章振邦)317页,nobody这种附加疑问句,书面语里用he。口语里偶见they。实际上,现代英语里为了避免有语言歧视(为什么只有he,没有she),很多人都避免只用he,而多改为they。 15. I can’t put up with ________. A. that friend of you B. that friend of yours C. the friend of you D. the friend of yours 选B。根据专四语法出题依据的书《新编英语语法教程》(章振邦)57-58页,这种双重属格结构所修饰的名词可带a, any, some等表示非确定特指的限定词,但通常不带定冠词。比如a daughter of Mrs. Green’s, any/some daughters of Mrs/ Green’s。 16. There has been an increasing number of _______ in primary schools in the past few years. A. man teacher B. men teacher C. man teachers D. men teachers 选D。合成名词复数,man/woman这种,两种都要变成复数,比如women drivers。


基础词汇 rabbit [] n. 兔子;兔皮,兔肉 vi. 猎兔 vt. 该死,让…见鬼去吧 【例句】They will go rabbiting tomorrow. 他们明天去打兔子。 n. 收音机;无线电报,无线电话 v. 无线电通讯 n. 破布,碎布;(低劣的)报纸 【例句】Her remarks were like a red rag to a bull: he was furious with her. 她的话惹得他对她暴跳如雷。 【词组】in rags 穿着破衣,衣衫褴褛 n. 栏杆,扶手;( pl. )铁路,铁轨 vi. 责骂,抱怨 【例句】She did not rail at her husband. 她没有责备丈夫。 【词组】by rail 由铁路,乘火车 on the rails 正常进行;在正常轨道上

railroad(同railway) n. 铁路 v. 由铁道运输;在…铺设铁路;强迫 【例句】Railroad trains and buses are public conveyances. 火车和公共汽车是公共交通工具。 n. 铁道,铁路 n. 雨 v. 下雨;如雨般落下 n. 虹;五彩缤纷的排列;幻想 adj. 五彩缤纷的;彩虹状的 v. 使呈彩虹状;如彩虹般装饰 【例句】The rainbow arches the heavens. 彩虹横跨在天际。 n. 雨衣 adj. 下雨的;多雨的 v. 举起,提升;抚养,饲养;建立,树立;提出,发出;筹集,募集【例句】He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。



一名词的种类 1According to the new tax law, any money earned over that level is taxed at the of 59 per cent. A.ratio B. percentage C. proportion D. Rate 【详解】答案为D,按照新的税收法,凡是收入超过邢个标准的都要按59%的税率征税。 名词词义和用法辨析题。rate“比率”通常用于at the rate of(按......的比率),故D正确。ratio“比,比率”,多以具体数据体现两个关系平行的事物的数量之比,所涉及的两个比较项必须同时出现;percentage“百分比”,因后面已经出现百分数,可排除此项;“比例”,通常用于in proportion to(依照比例;和......相比)和in the proportion of (以......的比例) 2The police have offered a large for information leading to the robber’s arrest. A.award B. compensation C.prize D.reward 【详解】答案为D,警方已经开出了大额悬赏,希望有人能提供有助于抓获抢劫犯的消息。reward表示“酬劳、报酬、奖赏”一般指因为做了某件事或提供了某种服务而应得的报答或酬谢。在本中,reward表示给提供消息的人报酬或奖赏,符合题意,选D。award表

示“奖,奖品,奖金”;prize的含义与award非常相似,也表示因出众的表现而获得的“奖品,奖金”,经常与某次考试、竞赛相联系;compensation 表示“补偿,赔偿” 3Drive straight ahead,and then you will see a to the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway. A.sign B. mark C.signal D.board 【详解】答案为A,直接向前开,然后你会看见一个路标指向上海一南京高速公路。sign“标记,记号,征兆”,尤指标准化的、复杂的或记号的形状本身带有指向意义的符号,还可指手势。在本甸用作“路标”这种标准化且带有形状含义的标记,符合题意。mark“标志,痕迹,记号”;signal“信号”,通常指特定情况下对有关人员发出的声音或行为;board“(供特殊用途的)木板”。 二名词单复数 4“Look! The police ________ here to keep order! Go away quickly,” one of them shouted. A. is coming B. comes C. are coming D. has come


英语专业四级语法词汇练习题(6) 所属:专四专八阅读:1021 次评论:7条 [我要评论] [+我要收藏] 有关否定 1)双重否定最常见的形式有: no(not).。.but..。没有……不……?no(not)...without.。.没有……不,除……不 no(not)...unless没有……就不…… not。。。until直到……才…… 例如:There is no one but knows it。没有一个人不知道此事. 2)can not与副词too,enough, sufficiently, over,too much等词连用时,意为“无论怎样也不过分",“越…越”。例如:?Youcannot be too careful。你越仔细越好。 We cannot praise himtoomuch.我们无论怎样赞扬他也不过分。 近义词辨析 break, crack, crush, shatter,break,smash?这组词均含有“打破”或“挤碎"的意思。 break 是这组词中最常用的,指使某件东西破碎。 If you break that vase, you’ll have to pay for it。如果打破了那只花瓶,你就得赔偿。 crack?指打裂某物,但不一定打碎,因而通常不会成为碎片。?You may crack these nuts with a hammer。你可以用锤子把这些坚果敲开。 crush 强调挤压或踩的动作,毁坏程度取决于被压物的组织结构,或变形,或成小块,或可恢复原状。 To make wine, you first crush the grapes。若要造酒,需先将葡萄压碎. shatter 打破某物,力大到使碎片飞出很远,常指整件东西完全被毁。?The explosio n shattered most of the windows in thebuilding。爆炸震碎了那座大楼的大部分窗玻璃. smash?突出暴力,击打时动作较猛,被击打的东西往往完全报废。?He smashe dthe window with a brick.他用砖块击碎窗玻璃。 全真模拟试题


综英专四真题 一、谓语动词 63. In his plays Shakespeare _____ his characters live through their language. (2008) A. would make B. had made C. made D. makes 58.The committee has anticipated the problems that ____in the road construction project. (2007) A. arise B. will arise ? C. arose D. have arisen 59.The student said there were a few points in the essay he ____impossible to comprehend. (2006) A. had found B. finds C. has found D. would find(2007) 60.He would have finished his college education, but he______ to quit and find a job to support his family. (2007) A. had had B. has C. had D. would have 54. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday. (2005) A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came 55. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. (2005) A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be 56.Jack __ from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety. 2003 A. has been missing B. has been missed C. had been missing D. was missed 2. For some time now, world leaders ___out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction. 2002 a. had been pointing b. have been pointing c. were pointing d. pointed 二、非谓语动词: 非谓语动词–分词


1. Would you mind ____ quiet for a moment? I'm trying ____ of form. A) keeping,to fill out B) keeping,filling outC) keep,to fill out D) to keep,to fill out 2. Mercury is different from other industrial metals ____ it is a liquid. A) because of B) whereas C) in that D) though 3. He made a hypothesis ____ the great storms on the sun create large amounts of electric energy. A) why B) whichC) when D) that 4. He had the ____ over other boys of having had very good preschool education. A) alternative B) advantage C) ability D) challenge 5. ____ went to the birthday party last night. A) Many friends of John B) Many John’s friends C) Many of John friends D) Many friends of John's 6. —"Are you tired?"—"No, not ____." A) in the least B) at the least C) so to speak D) at least 7. The notice says that no books in the reading room are allowed ____ out of it. A) to take B) take C) taking D) to be taken 8. ____ in the front row and ____ a pair of binoculars I saw everything clearly and beautifully. A) Seated,using B) Seating,using C) Seated,used D) Seating,used 9. ____ they want to the bar to enjoy a drink. A) No sooner had they got to know the news when B) Hardly they had got to know the news than C) No sooner had they got to know the news than D) Scarcely had they got to know the news than 10. At the beginning of a year, everybody ____ many plans for the comingdays. A) come up with B) come up to C) come through D) come round 答案与解析: 1.A安静一会儿好吗?我正在填表。习惯用法的考查。Would you mind doing something?(你介意做……吗?)。try to do something(努力或设法做……。) 2.C水银不同于其他的金属,因为它是液体。 A)because of因为、由于,后接名词。B)though而、却。C)in that因为,由于,后接从句。D)though尽管。 3.D他做了一个假想:太阳系一场巨大风暴能产生出大量电能。本题属同位语从句。that引导的从句做抽象名词hypothesis 的同位语。 4.B在接受良好的学前教育方面,他比其他的孩子有优势。习惯用法的考查。have the advantage over在……方面占优势。 A)alternative二者择一;C)ability能力;D)challenge挑战。 5.D昨晚约翰的很多朋友去参加了生日晚会。本句考查的是语法中名词的双重所有格:of + 名词’s ,此结构常用于表示部分概念或带有一定的感情色彩。 6.A——“你累吗?”——“一点儿也不累。”习惯用法的考查。A)not in the least 一点儿也不;B)at (the) least至少;C)so to speak 可以这么说。 7.D告示上说阅览室的书不允许被带出去。本题考查动词的用法。动词allow后跟不定式做宾语。本题属于被动语态,故应用be allowed to be done。 8.A坐在前排,用望远镜我能清楚地看到所有的事物。本题考查分词的用法。seat一词的用法较为特殊,它的被动形式常表示主动的意义。 9.C他们一知道那个消息,就去酒吧喝酒庆祝。本题考查倒装。no sooner...than..., hardly/scarcely...when...,都表示“一……就……”。当no sooner或hardly/scarcely置于句首时,主谓要倒装。 10.A新年伊始,每个人都为将来制定了很多计划。动词词组的考查。A)come up with(提出、提供)。B)come to合计、


English英语专八专四学习复习资料 英语专四语法重点汇总 版权所有,违者必究,未经协议授权,禁止下载使用。 注:如恶意泄漏该资料,或通过该资料作为任何盈利的手段,作者有权追究其法律责任。 本资料为过来人的考试经验所整理,也需结合其他复习书籍一起备考哦 这份资料集结历年专四的考试重点,按考试经验已经过筛选 一、非谓语动词的主要考点 1. 有些典型动词后面可以接上不定式或动名词来做宾语的,但是在意思上是有区别的,主要常考到的动词罗列如下: mean to do想要(做某事)VS mean doing意味(做某事)propose to do 打算(做某事)VS propose doing建议(做某事)forget to do忘记(要做的事)VS forget doing忘记(已做的事)remember to do记得(要做某事)VS remember doing记得(做过)go on to do继而(做另一件事)VS go on doing继续(做原来的事)stop to do停下来去做另一件事VS stop doing停止正在做的事regret to do(对将要做的事)遗憾VS regret doing(对已做过的事)后悔 2. 不定式的习惯用法 典型句型整理如下: 如:“cannot help but do”——“不得不做某事” 如:“cannot but do”——“不禁做某事” 如:“cannot choose but do”——“不由自主地做某事” 如:“can do nothing but do”——“不能不做某事”

如:“have no choice but to do”——“只能做某事” 如:“have no alternative but to do”——“只能做某事” 例句:The boy cannot help but be greatly influenced by the useful instruction given by his family tutor. When I start my job career, I cannot choose but look back upon the beautiful days I spent on campus. 3. 动名词的习惯用法 典型动名词的习惯句型整理罗列如下: 如:be busy/active doing sth. 如:It’s no good/use doing sth. 如:spend/waste time doing sth. 如:have difficulty/trouble/problem doing sth. 如:have a good/great/wonderful time doing sth. 如:There is no point/sense/harm/ use doing sth. 例句: There is no use crying over spilt milk.(典型例句) 牛奶洒了,哭也没用;后悔是没有用的;覆水难受 I really have problem solving these mathematic questions since I am not major in science after all.


英语专四语法句子成分 (必须的成分:主语和谓语。可能有的成分:宾语、补语、修饰语「定语、状语、同位语」) 主语 (1)主语(Subject)一般在句子开头,是句子的“陈述对象”,通常由名词、代词、不定式、动名词、相当于名词的词组或从句、引用充当。如: The students all love their English teacher. 这些学生都喜爱他们的英语老师。 They go to school by bus. 他们乘公共汽车上学。 Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes. 看太多电视对你的眼睛是有害的。 What we need is a good rest. 我们需要的是好好休息一下。 “I love you”is often heard on Valentine's Day. 情人节时,经常听到有人说“我爱你”。 (2)形式主语与真实主语(Formal Subject and Real Subject) 主语是不定式短语、动名词短语或分句时,常会放在句尾,用it代替它原来的位置,这个it 称为形式主语,放在句尾的原主语为真实主语。如: It is very hard to get to sleep.入睡很难。(不定式短语为真实主语,it为形式主语。) It's a pity that you can't come. 你不能来真是件遗憾的事。(句子为真实主语,it为形式主语。) 谓语 全部倒装和部分倒装: 如果谓语在主语前面, 就是倒装语序. 倒装语序又分为全部倒装和部分倒装. 在全部倒装的句子中, 整个谓语都放在主语的前面: Here are some registered letters for you. In came a man with a white beard. 在部分倒装的句子中只是谓语中的一部分(如助动词, 情态动词, 或系动词be等)放在主语前面, 其余部分仍在主语后面: Under no circumstances must a soldier leave his post. I couldn’t answer the question. Nor could anyone else in our class. Only in this way is it possible to accomplish the above-mentioned glorious task. 以neither, nor, so等开始的句子: 由so引起的表示前面所说情况也适用于另一人(或东西)的句子(肯定句), 由neither, nor引起的表示前面所说情况也适用于另一人(或东西)的句子(否定句), 助动词或be置于主语前. “We must start for the work-site now”. “ So must we.” I am quite willing to help and so are the others. He didn’t drop any hint. Nor (Neither) did his secretary. “I won’t do such a thing.” “Nor (Neither) will I.”


1) After searching for half an hour, she realized that her glasses ____ on the table all the time. A) were lain B) had been lain C) are lying D)had been lying 2) By the time you get to Beijing tomorrow, I ____ for Shanghai. A) shall have left B) will leave C) am leaving D)have already left 3) I bought a new house last year, but I ____ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A) didn't sell B) have not sold C) had not sold D) don't sell 4) Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they ____ better health. A) could have enjoyed B) have enjoyed C) have been enjoyed D)are enjoying 5) I decided to go to the library as soon as I ____ . A) finish what I did B) finished what I did C) finished what I was doing D) would finish what I was doing 6) Julia hadn't reached the restaurant when Jim ____ there. A)got B) has got C) had got D) had been 7) Even though they ____ for twenty years, the two neighbors are not on good terms. A) have been lived side by side B) had been living side by side C) have been side by side living D) have been living side by side 8) When the final grades were posted, Max ____ that he had passed the physics exam after all. A) discovers B) discovered C) had discovered D) has discovered 9) I ____ you the book as soon as possible, I promise you. A) would send B) will send C) sent D) send 10) We ____ down when she ____ plates of food for us. A) had hardly sat, had bought B) hardly sat, bought C) hardly sat, had bought D) had hardly sat, bought


1、prosecute [ 'prosikjuit] vt.对…提起公诉,告发,检举;继续从事w.起诉, 【记】词根记忆: pro(向前、大量的)+secut(跟随)+e:大量跟随:该被检举了!向前跟随:继续从事 2、transition [traen'zijan] n.过渡,转变 区分transit 运输 区分transient 转瞬即逝的 3、casualty [ 'kaesuslti] n.伤亡人员,受害人 【记】来自casual (a办偶然的):偶然遇害了 4、permeate [丨psimieit] v.弥漫,遍布,散布;渗入,渗透 【记】词根记忆:per(贯穿)+meat+e 空气中贯穿着肉味:弥漫! 5、pendulum [ 'pendjubm] n.摆,钟摆;摇摆不定的事态(或局面) 【记】词根记忆:pend(悬挂)+ulum ->o摇摆 6、refund [ 'rilfAnd] n.退款[rii'fAnd] vt.退还(钱款) 【记】词根记忆:re(向后)+fund(资金)-o退回资金-退款 7、linger [ Woga] w.(因不愿离开而)留恋徘徊;慢消失 【记】联想记忆:歌手(singer)留恋(linger)曾经的舞台 【短语】linger on继续存留 8、converge [k3niv3:d3] w.(在一点上)会合,互相靠拢;聚集,集中;(思想、观点等)十分 相似,相同 【记】词根记忆:con(共同)+verge(转)-转到一起-聚集 【记】联想记忆:in+cent(分,分币)+ive -用钱(分币)刺激-刺激,鼓励 9、associate [saujieit] no伙伴,同事v.(在思想上)把…联系在一起;使联


英语专八专四学习复习资料English 英语专四语法重点汇 总 ,禁止下载使用。版权所有,违者必究,未经协议授权注:如恶意泄漏该资料,或通过该资料作为任何盈利的手段,作者有权追究其法律责任。 本资料为过来人的考试经验所整理,也需结合其他复习书籍一起备考哦 这份资料集结历年专四的考试重点,按考试经验已经过筛选 一、非谓语动词的主要考点 1. 有些典型动词后面可以接上不定式或动名词来做宾语的,但是在意思上是有区别的,主要常考到的动词罗列如下: mean to do想要(做某事)VS mean doing意味(做某事)propose to do 打算(做某事)VS propose doing建议(做某事)forget to do忘记(要做的事)VS forget doing忘记(已做的事)remember to do记得(要做某事)VS remember doing记得(做过)go on to do继而(做另一件事)VS go on doing继续(做原来的事)stop to do停下来去做另一件事VS stop doing停止正在做的事regret to do(对将要做的事)遗憾VS regret doing(对已做过的事)后悔 2. 不定式的习惯用法 典型句型整理如下: 如:“cannot help but do”——“不得不做某事” 如:“cannot but do”——“不禁做某事” 如:“cannot choose but do”——“不由自主地做某事”

“不能不做某事””——can do nothing but do“如: 如:“have no choice but to do”——“只能做某事” 如:“have no alternative but to do”——“只能做某事” 例句:The boy cannot help but be greatly influenced by the useful instruction given by his family tutor. When I start my job career, I cannot choose but look back upon the beautiful days I spent on campus. 3. 动名词的习惯用法 典型动名词的习惯句型整理罗列如下: 如:be busy/active doing sth. 如:It's no good/use doing sth. 如:spend/waste time doing sth. 如:have difficulty/trouble/problem doing sth. 如:have a good/great/wonderful time doing sth. 如:There is no point/sense/harm/ use doing sth. 例句: There is no use crying over spilt milk.(典型例句) 牛奶洒了,哭也没用;后悔是没有用的;覆水难受 I really have problem solving these mathematic questions
