Financial Intermediation and Credit Po Business Cycle Analysis Mark Gertler and Nobuhiro Kiyotaki N

Financial Intermediation and Credit Po Business Cycle Analysis Mark Gertler and Nobuhiro Kiyotaki N
Financial Intermediation and Credit Po Business Cycle Analysis Mark Gertler and Nobuhiro Kiyotaki N

Financial Intermediation and Credit Policy in Business Cycle Analysis Mark Gertler and Nobuhiro Kiyotaki N.Y.U. and Princeton October 2009 This version: February 2010 Abstract We develop a canonical framework to help organize thinking about credit market frictions and aggregate economic activity in the context of the current crisis. We use the framework to focus on two issues in particular: ?rst, how disruptions in ?nancial intermediation can induce a crisis that a§ects real activity; and second, to illustrate how various credit market interventions by the central bank and/or the Treasury of the type we have seen recently, might work to mitigate the crisis. We make use of earlier literature to develop the particular framework we o§er. We also characterize how very recent literature is incorporating insights from the crisis. Prepared for the Handbook of Monetary Economics 1 1 Introduction To motivate interest in a paper on ?nancial factors in business áuctuations it use to be necessary to appeal either to the Great Depression or to the experiences of many emerging market economies. This is no longer necessary. Over the past few years the U.S. and much of the industrialized world have experienced the worst ?nancial crisis of the post-war. The global recession that has followed also appears to have been the most severe of this era. At the time of this writing there is evidence that the ?nancial sector has stabilized and the real economy has stopped contracting. The path to recovery, however, remains highly uncertain. The timing of recent events, though, poses a challenge for writing a Handbook chapter on credit market frictions and aggregate economic activity. It is true that over the last several decades there has been a robust literature in this area. Bernanke, Gertler and Gilchrist (BGG, 1999) surveyed much of the earlier work a decade ago in the Handbook of Macroeconomics. Since the time of that survey, the literature has continued to grow. While much of this work is relevant to the current situation, this literature obviously did not anticipate all the key empirical phenomena that have played out during the current crisis. A new literature that builds on the earlier work is rapidly cropping up to address these issues. Most of these papers, though, are in preliminary working paper form. Our plan in this chapter is to look both forward and backward. We look forward in the sense that we o§er a canonical framework to help organize thinking about credit market frictions and aggregate economic activity in the context of the current crisis. The framework is not meant as comprehensive description of recent events but rather as a ?rst pass at characterizing some of the key aspects and at laying out issues for future research. We look backward by making use of earlier literature to develop the particular framework we o§er. In doing so, we address how this literature may be relevant to the new issues that have arisen. We also, as best we can, characterize how very recent literature is incorporating insights from the crisis. From our vantage, there are two broad aspects of the crisis that have not been fully captured in work on ?nancial factors in business cycles. First, by all accounts, the current crisis has featured a signi?cant disruption of ?nancial 2 intermediation.1 Much of the earlier macroeconomics literature with ?nancial frictions emphasized credit market constraints on non-?nancial borrowers and treated intermediaries largely as a veil (see, e.g. BGG). Second, to combat the crisis, both the monetary and ?scal authorities in many countries including the US. have employed various unconventional policy measures that in involve some form of direct lending in credit markets. From the standpoint of the Federal Reserve, these "credit" policies represent a signi?cant break from tradition. In the post war era, the Fed scrupulously avoided any exposure to private sector credit risk. However, in the current crisis the central bank has acted to o§set the disruption of intermediation by making imperfectly secured loans to ?nancial institutions and by lending directly to high grade non-?nancial borrowers. In addition, the ?scal

authority acting in conjunction with the central bank injected equity into the major banks with the similar objective of improving credit áows. Though the issue is not without considerable controversy, many observers argue that these interventions helped stabilized ?nancial markets and, as consequence, helped limit the decline of real activity. Since these policies are relatively new, much of the existing literature is silent about them. With this background in mind, we begin in the next section by developing a baseline model that incorporates ?nancial intermediation into an otherwise frictionless business cycle framework. Our goal is twofold: ?rst to illustrate how disruptions in ?nancial intermediation can induce a crisis that a§ects real activity; and second, to illustrate how various credit market interventions by the central bank and/or the Treasury of the type we have seen recently, might work to mitigate the crisis. As in Bernanke and Gertler (1989), Kiyotaki and Moore (1997) and others, we endogenize ?nancial market frictions by introducing an agency problem between borrowers and lenders.2 The agency problem works to introduce a wedge between the cost of external ?nance and the opportunity cost of in- 1For a description of the disruption of ?nancial intermediation during the current recession, see Brunnermeier (2008), Gorton (2009) and Bernanke (2009). For a more general description of ?nancial crisis over the last several hundred years, see Reinhart and Rogo§ (2009). 2A partial of other macro models with ?nancial frictions in this vein includes, Williamson (1987), Holmstrom and Tirole (1997), Carlstrom and Fuerst (2007), Caballero and Kristhnamurthy (2001), Kristhnamurthy (2003), Christiano, Motto and Rostagno (2005), Lorenzoni (2008), Fostel and Geanakoplos (2009), and Brunnermeir and Sannikov (2009). 3 ternal ?nance, which adds to the overall cost of credit that a borrower faces. The size of the external ?nance premium, further, depends on the condition of borrower balance sheets. Roughly speaking, as a borrowerís percentage stake in the outcome of an investment project increases, his or her incentive to deviate from the interests of lendersídeclines. The external ?nance premium then declines as a result. In general equilibrium, a "?nancial accelerator" emerges. As balance sheets strengthen with improved economics conditions, the external ?nance problem declines, which works to enhance borrower spending, thus enhancing the boom. Along the way, there is mutual feedback between the ?nancial and real sectors. In this framework, a crisis is a situation where balance sheets of borrowers deteriorate sharply, possibly associated with a sharp deterioration in asset prices, causing the external ?nance premium to jump. The impact of the ?nancial distress on the cost of credit then depresses real activity.3 Bernanke and Gertler (1989), Kiyotaki and Moore (1997) and others focus on credit constraints faced by non-?nancial borrowers.4 As we noted earlier, however, the evidence suggests that disruption of ?nancial intermediation is a key feature of both recent and historical crises. Thus we focus our attention here on ?nancial intermediation. We begin by supposing that ?nancial intermediaries have skills in evaluating and monitoring borrowers, which makes it e¢ cient for credit to áow from lenders to non-?nancial borrowers through these institutions. In particular, we assume that households deposit funds in ?nancial intermediaries that in turn lend funds to non-?nancial ?rms. We then introduce an agency problem that potentially constrains the ability of intermediaries to obtain funds from depositors. When the constraint is binding (or there is some chance it may bind), the intermediaryís balance sheet limits its ability to obtain deposits. In this instance, the constraint e§ectively introduces a wedge between the loan and deposit rates. During a crisis, this spread widens substantially, which in turn sharply raises the cost of credit that non-?nancial borrowers face. As recent events suggest, however, in a crisis, ?nancial institutions face 3Most of the

models focus on the impact of borrower constraints on producer durable spending. See Monacelli (2009) and Iacoviello (2005) for extensions to consumer durables and housing. Jermann and Quadrini (2009), amongst others, focus on borrowing constraints on employment. 4An exception is Holmstrom and Tirole (1997). More recent work includes see He and Kristhnamurthy (2009), and Angeloni and Faia (2009). 4 di¢ culty not only in obtaining depositor funds in retail ?nancial markets but also in obtaining funds from one another in wholesale ("inter-bank") markets. Indeed, the ?rst signals of a crisis are often strains in the interbank market. We capture this phenomenon by subjecting ?nancial institutions to idiosyncratic "liquidity" shocks, which have the e§ect of creating surplus and de?cits of funds across ?nancial institutions. If the interbank market works perfectly, then funds áow smoothly from institutions with surplus funds to those in need. In this case, loan rates are thus equalized across di§erent ?nancial institutions. Aggregate behavior in this instance resembles the case of homogeneous intermediaries. However, to the extent that the agency problem that limits an intermediaryís ability to obtain funds from depositors also limits its ability to obtain funds from other ?nancial institutions and to the extent that non?nancial ?rms can obtain funds only from a limited set of ?nancial intermediaries, disruptions of inter-bank markets are possible that can a§ect real activity. In this instance, intermediaries with de?cit funds o§er higher loan rates to non?nancial ?rms than intermediaries with surplus funds. In a crisis this gap widens. Financial markets e§ectively become segmented and sclerotic. As we show, the ine¢ cient allocation of funds across intermediaries can further depress aggregate activity. In section 3 we incorporate credit policies within the formal framework. In practice the central bank employed three broad types of policies. The ?rst, which was introduced early in the crisis, was to permit discount window lending to banks secured by private credit. The second, introduced in the wake of the Lehmann default was to lend directly in relatively high grade credit markets, including markets in commercial paper, agency debt and mortgagebacked securities. The third (and most controversial) involved direct assistance to large ?nancial institutions, including the equity injections and debt guarantees under the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) as well as the emergency loans to JP Morgan Chase (who took over Bear Stearns) and AIG. We stress that within our framework, the net bene?ts from these various credit market interventions are increasing in the severity of the crisis. This helps account for why it makes sense to employ them only in crisis situations. In section 4, we use the model to simulate numerically a crisis that has some key features of the current crisis. Absent credit market frictions, the disturbance initiating the crisis induces only a mild recession. With credit frictions (especially those in interbank market), however, an endogenous disruption of ?nancial intermediation works to magnify the downturn. We then 5 explore how various credit policies can help mitigate the situation. Our baseline model is quite parsimonious and meant mainly to expose the key issues. In section 5, we discuss a number of questions and possible extensions. In some cases, there is relevant literature that we discuss. We conclude in section 6 with a brief overview of the literature, stressing the implications of this literature for going forward. 2 A Canonical Model of Financial Intermediation and Business Fluctuations Overall, the speci?c business cycle model is a hybrid of Gertler and Karadiís (2009) framework that allows for ?nancial intermediation and Kiyotaki and Mooreís (2008) framework that allows for liquidity risk. We keep the core macro model simple in order to see clearly the role of intermediation and liquidity. On the other hand , we also allow for some features prevalent in conventional quantitative macro models (such as Christiano, Eichenbaum and Evans (2005), Smets and

Wouters (2007)) in order to get rough sense of the importance of the factors we introduce.5 For simplicity we restrict attention to a purely real model and only credit policies, as opposed to conventional monetary models. Extending the model to allow for nominal rigidities is straightforward (see., e.g., Gertler and Karadi, 2009), and permits studying conventional monetary policy along with unconventional policies. However, because much of the insight into how credit market frictions may a§ect real activity and how various credit policies may work can be obtained from studying a purely real model, we abstract from nominal frictions.6 5Some recent monetary DSGE models that incorporate ?nancial factors include Christiano, Motto, and Rostagno (2009) and Gilchrist, Ortiz and Zakresjek (2009). 6There, however, several insights that monetary models add, however. First, if the zero lower bound on the nominal interest is binding, the ?nancial market disruptions will have a larger e§ect than otherwise. This is because the central bank is not free to further reduce the nominal rate to o§set the crisis. Second, to the extent there are nominal price and/or wage rigidities that induce countercyclical markups, the e§ect of the credit market disruption and aggregate activity is ampli?ed. See, e.g., Gertler and Karadi (2009) and Del Negro, Ferrero, Eggertsson and Kiyotaki (2010) for an illustration of both of these points. 6 2.1 Physical Setup Before describing our economy with ?nancial frictions, we present the physical environment. We begin with technology and resource constraints. There are a continuum of ?rms of mass unity located on a continuum of islands. Each ?rm produces output using an identical constant returns to scale Cobb-Douglas production function with capital and labor as inputs. Because labor is perfectly mobile across ?rms and islands, we can express aggregate output Yt as a function of aggregate capital Kt and aggregate labor hours Lt as: Yt = AtKt

L 1 t ; 0 < < 1; (1) where At is aggregate productivity which follows a Markov process. Each period investment opportunities arrive randomly to a fraction i of islands. On a fraction n = 1 i of islands, there are no investment opportunities. Only ?rms on islands with investment opportunities can acquire new capital. The arrival of investment opportunities is i.i.d. across time and across islands. The structure of this idiosyncratic risk provides a simple way to introduce liquidity needs by ?rms, following Kiyotaki and Moore (2008). Let It denote aggregate investment,

the rate of physical deprecation and t+1 a shock to the quality of capital. Then the law of motion for capital is given by : Kt+1 = t+1[It + i (1

)Kt ] + t+1 n (1

)Kt = t+1[It + (1

)Kt ]: (2) The ?rst term of the right reáects capital accumulated by ?rms on investing islands and the second is capital remained on non-investing islands. Summing across islands yields a conventional aggregate relation for the evolution of capital, except for the presence of the disturbance t+1. Following the ?nance literature (e.g., Merton (1973)), we introduce the capital quality shock as a simple way to introduce an exogenous source of variation in the value of capital. (The random variable t+1 is best thought of as capturing some form of economic obsolescence, as opposed to physical depreciation).7 We 7One way to motivate this disturbance is to assume that ?nal output is a C.E.S. composite of a continuum of intermediate goods that are in turn produced by employing capital and labor in a Cobb-Douglas production technology. Suppose that, once capital is installed, capital is good-speci?c and that each period a random fraction of goods become obsolete and are replaced by new goods. The capital used to produced the obsolete goods 7 assume the capital quality shock t+1 also follows a Markov process.8 Firms on investing islands acquire capital from capital producers who operate in a national market. There are convex adjustment costs in the gross rate of change in investment. Aggregate output is divided between household consumption Ct , investment expenditures, and government consumption Gt , Yt = Ct + [1 + f( It It1 )]It + Gt (3) where f( It It1 )It reáects physical adjustment costs, with f(1) = f 0 (1) = 0 and f 00(It=It1) > 0: Next we turn to preferences: Et X1 i=0 i ln(Ct+i Ct+i1) 1 + " L 1+" t+i (4) where Et is the expectation operator conditional on date t information and 2 (0; 1). We abstract from many frictions in the conventional DSGE framework (e.g. nominal price and wage rigidities, variable capital utilization, etc.). However, we allow both the habit formation of consumption and the adjustment costs of investment because, as the DSGE literature has found, these features are helpful for reasonable quantitative performance and because they can be kept in the model at minimal cost of additional complexity. If there were no ?nancial frictions, the competitive equilibrium would correspond to a solution of the plannerís problem that involves choosing aggregate quantities (Yt ; Lt ; Ct ; It ; Kt+1) as a function of the aggregate state (Ct1; It1; Kt ; At ; t ) in order to maximize the expected discounted utility of the representative household subject to the resource constraints. This frictionless economy (a standard real business cycle model) will serve as a benchmark to which we may compare the implications of the ?nancial frictions. In what follows we will introduce banks that intermediate funds between households and non-?nancial in a retail ?nancial market. In addition, we will allow for a wholesale inter-bank market, where banks with surplus funds on is now worthless and the capital for the new goods is not fully on line. The aggregate capital stock will then evolve according to equation. (2). 8Other recent papers that make use of this kind of disturbance include, Gertler and Karadi (2009), Brunnermeier and Sannikov (2009) and Gourio (2009). 8 non-investment islands lend to banks in need of funds on investing islands. We will also introduce ?nancial frictions that may impede credit áows in both the retail and wholesale ?nancial markets and then study the consequences for real activity. 2.2 Households In our economy with credit frictions, households lend to non-?nancial ?rms via ?nancial intermediaries. Following Gertler and Karadi (2009), we formulate the household sector in way that permits maintaining the tractability of the representative agent approach. In particular, there is a representative household with a continuum of members of measure unity. Within the household there are 1 f "workers" and f "bankers". Workers supply labor and return their wages to the household. Each banker manages a ?nancial intermediary (which we will call a "bank") and also transfers dividends back to household. Within the family there is perfect consumption insurance.

Households do not hold capital directly. Rather, they deposit funds in banks. (It may be best to think of them as depositing funds in banks other than the ones they own). In our model, bank deposits are riskless one period securities (though banks may be restricted in the quantity they can issue). Households may also hold riskless one period government debt which is a perfect substitute for bank deposits. Let Wt denote the wage rate, Tt lump sum taxes, Rt the gross return on riskless debt from t1 to t; Dt the quantity of riskless debt held, and t net distributions from ownership of both banks and non-?nancial ?rms. Then the household chooses consumption, labor supply and deposits (Ct ; Lt ; Dt+1) to maximize expected discounted utility (4) subject to the áow of funds constraint, Ct = WtLt + t Tt + RtDt Dt+1: (5) where a signi?cant component of t is from dividends paid by banks. Let uCt denote the marginal utility of consumption and t;t+1 the householdís stochastic discount factor. Then the householdís ?rst order conditions for labor supply and consumption/saving are given by Et(uCt)Wt = L' t ; (6) 9 Ett;t+1Rt+1 = 1; (7) with uCt (Ct Ct1) 1 (Ct+1 Ct) 1 and t;t+1

uCt+1 uCt : Because banks may be ?nancially constrained, bankers will retain earning to accumulate assets. Absent some motive for paying dividends, they may ?nd it optimal to accumulate to the point where the ?nancial constraint they face is no longer binding. In order to limit bankersíability to save to overcome ?nancial constraints, we allow for turnover between bankers and workers. In particular, we assume that with i.i.d. probability 1 , a banker exits next period, (which gives an average survival time = 1 1 ). Upon exiting, a banker transfers retained earnings to the household and becomes a worker. Note that the expected survival time may be quite long (in our baseline calibration it is ten years.) It is critical, however, that the expected horizon is ?nite, in order to motivate payouts while the ?nancial constraints are still binding. Each period, (1 )f workers randomly become bankers, keeping the number in each occupation constant. Finally, because in equilibrium bankers will not be able to operate without any ?nancial resources, each new banker receives a "start up" transfer from the family as a small constant fraction of the total assets of entrepreneurs. Accordingly, t is the net funds transferred to the household - funds transferred from exiting bankers minus the fund transferred to new bankers. An alternative to our approach of having a consolidated family of workers and bankers would be to have the two groups as distinct sets of agents, without any consumption insurance between the two groups. It is unlikely, however, that the key results of our paper would change qualitatively. By sticking with complete consumption insurance, we are able to have lending and borrowing in equilibrium and still maintain the tractability of the representative household approach. 2.3 Banks To ?nance lending in each period, banks raise funds in a national ?nancial market. Within the national ?nancial market, there is a retail m


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我想存钱。I’d like to make a deposit. 有利息吗?Is there any interest? 利率是多少?What’s the interest rate? 我需要填写存款单吗?Do I need to fill out the deposit slip? 我需要填写取款单吗?Do I need to fill out the withdraw slip? 你能告诉我账户余额吗?Could you tell me the account balance? 我想把钱转到储蓄账户上。I’d like to transfer money in my savings account. 我想取美元。I want to make a withdraw of dollars. 请给我些零钱。Please give me some change. 能给我兑换块钱零钱吗?Can I have change for a fifty? 自动取款机在哪?Where is the automatic teller machine? 挂失与销户 我把存折弄丢了。I lost my passbook. 我是来办理存折挂失的。I’ve come to report the loss of my bankbook. 你们能给我一个新的银行卡吗?Can you give me a new bank card? 我想销户。I’d like to close my account.


银行英语口语,银行常用英语情景口语对话 1、我想从户头里提出一些钱 May: I’d like to withdraw some money from my account. 我想从户头里提出一些钱。 Clerk: Can I see your passbook and the withdrawal slip, please? 可不可以让我看您的存折及提款单呢? May: Sure. 当然可以。 Clerk: Let me just make sure. You want to withdraw one thousand dollars? 让我确定一下。您要提1000 美元? May: That’s right. 是的。 2、您要办理什么业务? Clerk: What can I help you with? 您要办理什么业务? Denny: I'd like to deposit some money. 我要存钱。 Clerk: How much would you like to deposit? 您要存多少? Denny: Twenty thousand. 两万。 Clerk: Give me your money and passbook. 把您的钱和存折给我。 Denny: Here you are. 好的。 Clerk: Hold on. Please sign on the deposit receipt. 稍等. 请在这张存款凭条上签一下字。 Denny: OK. 好的。 Clerk: Please take good care of your passbook. 请收好您的存折。 3、帮我查一下卡里现在总共有多少钱吧 Mary: Hello, I'd like to deposit ten thousand RMB. 你好,我要存一万元。 Clerk: Please give me your money and bank card. 请把您的钱和卡给我。 Mary: Can you check the balance in my account? 再麻烦你帮我查一下卡里现在总共有多少钱? Clerk: Sure, hold on…Please sign on the sheet. 好的,稍等……请在这张单子上签一下字。 Mary: Done, here you are. 签好了,给。 Clerk: There's one hundred thousand now in your account. Please take care of your deposit slip.


一、建立分类下拉列表填充项 我们常常要将企业的名称输入到表格中,为了保持名称的一致性,利用“数据有效性”功能建了一个分类下拉列表填充项。 1.在Sheet2中,将企业名称按类别(如“工业企业”、“商业企业”、“个体企业”等)分别输入不同列中,建立一个企业名称数据库。 2.选中A列(“工业企业”名称所在列),在“名称”栏内,输入“工业企业”字符后,按“回车”键进行确认。 仿照上面的操作,将B、C……列分别命名为“商业企业”、“个体 3.切换到Sheet1中,选中需要输入“企业类别”的列(如企业”…… ? C列),执行“数据→有效性”命令,打开“数据有效性”对话框。在“设置”标签中,单击“允许”右侧的下拉按钮,选中“序列”选项,在下面的“来源”方框中,输入“工业企业”,“商业企业”,“个体企业”……序列(各元素之间用英文逗号隔开),确定退出。?再选中需要输入企业名称的列(如D列),再打开“数据有效性”对话框,选中“序列”选项后,在“来源”方框中输入公式:=INDIRECT(C1),确定退出。 4.选中C列任意单元格(如C4),单击右侧下拉按钮,选择相应的“企业类别”填入单元格中。然后选中该单元格对应的D列单元格(如D4),单击下拉按钮,即可从相应类别的企业名称列表中选择需要的企业名称填入该单元格中。 提示:在以后打印报表时,如果不需要打印“企业类别”列,可以选中该列,右击鼠标,选“隐藏”选项,将该列隐藏起来即可。?二、建立“常用文档”新菜单?在菜单栏上新建一个“常用文档”菜单,

将常用的工作簿文档添加到其中,方便随时调用。? 1.在工具栏空白处右击鼠标,选“自定义”选项,打开“自定义”对话框。在“命令”标签中,选中“类别”下的“新菜单”项,再将“命令”下面的“新菜单”拖到菜单栏。?按“更改所选内容”按钮,在弹出菜单的“命名”框中输入一个名称(如“常用文档”)。? 2.再在“类别”下面任选一项(如“插入”选项),在右边“命令”下面任选一项(如“超链接”选项),将它拖到新菜单(常用文档)中,并仿照上面的操作对它进行命名(如“工资表”等),建立第一个工作簿文档列表名称。 重复上面的操作,多添加几个文档列表名称。 3.选中“常用文档”菜单中某个菜单项(如“工资表”等),右击鼠标,在弹出的快捷菜单中,选“分配超链接→打开”选项,打开“分配超链接”对话框。通过按“查找范围”右侧的下拉按钮,定位到相应的工作簿(如“工资.xls”等)文件夹,并选中该工作簿文档。 重复上面的操作,将菜单项和与它对应的工作簿文档超链接起来。 4.以后需要打开“常用文档”菜单中的某个工作簿文档时,只要展开“常用文档”菜单,单击其中的相应选项即可。 提示:尽管我们将“超链接”选项拖到了“常用文档”菜单中,但并不影响“插入”菜单中“超链接”菜单项和“常用”工具栏上的“插入超链接”按钮的功能。 三、让不同类型数据用不同颜色显示 在工资表中,如果想让大于等于2000元的工资总额以“红色”显示,大于等于1500元的工资总额以“蓝色”显示,低于1000元的工


英语口语:银行英语情景口语 银行英语口语-新开帐户 What kind of account did you have in your mind? 你想开哪种帐户? Do you like to open a current account? 你想开一个活期存款帐户吗? A deposit or current account? 定期还是活期? Please tell me how you would like to deposit your money. 请告诉我你想存何种户头? There's a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings. 支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收。 Our minimum deposit for a savings account is 100 dollars. 我们储蓄存款的最低存款额是100美圆。 Five yuan is the minimum original deposit. 最低起存款额是5元。 You can open a savings account at any time with an initial deposit of 50 dollars. 你可随时以50美圆的起存额开立储蓄帐户。 Even one yuan is all right.

甚至一元也能够起存。 Here is your pasbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it. 这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。 I should like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。 I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. 我需开个支票帐户,这样就能付帐。 We'd like to know how we open a checking-savings account. 我们想知道如何开一个支票储蓄帐户。 I have a checking account here. 我在这里有一个支票存款帐户。 I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。 Can I open a current account here? 我能否在这儿开个活期存款帐户? I want to open a deposit account with you. 我要开个储蓄帐户。 I'd like to open a deposit account with you. 我想在你们这儿开个定期存款帐户。


甚至一元也可以起存。 Here is your pasbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it. 这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。 I should like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。 I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. 我需开个支票帐户,这样就能付帐。 We 'd like to know how we open a checking-savings account. 我们想知道如何开一个支票储蓄帐户。 I have a checking account here. 我在 这里有一个支票存款帐户。 I think I 'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。 Can I open a current account here? 我能否在这儿开个活期存款帐户?I want to open a deposit account with you. 我要开个储蓄帐户。 I'd like to open a deposit account with you. 我想在你们这儿开个定期存款帐户。 Could you tell me the difference between a savings account and a checking account? 请告诉我储蓄存款与支票存款的区别好吗? Please tell me the procedure for opening a savings account. 请告诉我开个储蓄帐户需要什么手续。 Will 100 yuan be enough for a minimum deposit? 100 元作最低存款额够吗? I'd like to know whether a 200 yuan deposit will be enough for opening a checking account. 我想知道开一个支票帐户200 元存款是否够。 Could you tell me how to operate this account? 请告诉我如何经管这个帐户好吗?Is there any minimum for the first deposit? 第一次储蓄有最低限额吗? How much does each account cost? 每个帐户要花多少钱? Useful Phrases current deposit, current account 活期存款 fixed deposit, fixed account 定期存款 fixed deposit by installments 零存整取 joint account 存款帐户 to ope n an acco unt 开户头 银行英语口语-存款 How much do you want to deposit with us? 你想在我们这存多少? How much do you wish to pay into your account? 你希望在你的户头上存多少? How much money do you plan to keep in your account on a regular basis? 你计划在你的户头上定期存放多少钱?


:在银行,你可能会用到的口语 关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里 开户 我想开个账户。I’d like to open an account. 这是我的身份证。Here is my ID card. 其他的证件行吗Is other identification OK 你能告诉我怎么办理吗Could you tell me how to do it 你能告诉我开定期账户的程序吗Can you tell me the procedure for opening a time deposit account 开账户我必须存多少钱How much do I have to deposit to open an account 开一个储蓄账户的最低存款额是多少What’s the minimum deposit saving account 开活期账户有服务费吗Is there a service charge if I open a checking account 我想申请一张信用卡。I’d like to apply for a credit card. 我想要存折。I want a bank book. 我现在可以输密码了吗Can I press my pin number now 收手续费吗Is there a handling charge 存取款 我想存钱。I’d like to make a deposit.

有利息吗Is there any interest 利率是多少What’s the interest rate 我需要填写存款单吗Do I need to fill out the deposit slip 我需要填写取款单吗Do I need to fill out the withdraw slip 你能告诉我账户余额吗Could you tell me the account balance 我想把钱转到储蓄账户上。I’d like to transfer money in my savings account. 我想取美元。I want to make a withdraw of dollars. 请给我些零钱。Please give me some change. 能给我兑换块钱零钱吗Can I have change for a fifty 自动取款机在哪Where is the automatic teller machine 挂失与销户 我把存折弄丢了。I lost my passbook. 我是来办理存折挂失的。I’ve come to report the loss of my bankbook. 你们能给我一个新的银行卡吗Can you give me a new bank card 我想销户。I’d like to close my account. 我想把账单先还清,然后再把信用卡账户消掉。I’d like to pay the bills first, and then close this credit card account.


银行常用英语口语情景对话 我收到了你们银行的汇款通知。 A:Could I take a look at it, please? Let me just check these details ... right.请让我看一看,好吗?让我检查一下内容……没错。 B:Mr CK Chen contacted me this morning and asked me to come in for the remittance.今天早上CK Chen先生与我联系,让我来接收汇款。 A:I've got the details here. 10,000 RMB sent by Mr CK Chen from Guangzhou. Could I see some ID? You passport, for example?我已经在这儿查到了详情。 CK Chen先生从广州汇来10000元。 我能看一下身份证件吗?比如,您的护照?B:Here you go. Can I deposit some into my account and take some in cash? I need 1,000 RMB for my expenses, you see.给你。 我能存一些到我的账户并且取一些现金吗?你瞧,我需要1000元来应付我的日常开销。 A:That's no problem. Could you please sign here? Here's the 1,000 RMB in cash,your passport back, and the remaining balance has been deposited in your account.没问题。 您能在这里签字吗?这是1000元的现金,护照还给您,余额已经存进您的账户了。 银行常用英语口语对话(二)A:Hello, you seem a little lost. Can I help


Excel在会计和财务中的应用 第二章excel进阶 1.作为功能强大的电子表格,excel具有很强大的数据计算功能。 2.excel的操作对象包括单元格,工作表,工作簿和工作范围。 (1)单元格是工作簿的基本对象核心,也是组成excel工作簿的最小单位。在工具----选项----常规----R1C1中可以把列的ABC转化为123. (2)工作表用sheet表示,最多能有255个,而每一个工作表最多可以有65536行,256列数据。 (3)工作簿用book表示,是计算和存储数据的文件,每一个工作表都可以包含多张工作表。(练习窗口重排)打开工作簿显示sheet1,然后在窗口----新建窗口,单击新建窗口中的sheet2,然后在窗口----重排窗口,选中水平平铺。(4)选取工作范围可以是连续的也可以是离散的单元格。一篇连续区域直接用鼠标左键,然后拖动;几篇不连续的区域或单元格,可按住ctrl建;选中一行或一列可单击序列去的字母或行列去的数字。 3.输入多行数据,在一个单元格中输入两行数据,只要同时按下alt+enter键就可以在第二行开始输入。 4.数据的快速填充 (1)在多个单元格中输入相同的数据 首先选择输入相同数据的单元格,然后输入数据,并同时按下ctrl+enter. (2)自动完成输入功能 如果在单元格中输入的起始字符与该列以有单元格中的类容相符,excel会自动填写其余字符,如果接受就按enter不接受就继续输入,按backspace可以清

除自动提供的字符;或者单击右键,从下拉列表中选择也可。 (3)自动填充 如果输入的数字或文字数据并不一样,而是遵循某种规律,应先建立一段有规律的数据,然后选中她们,拖到适当的位置。 (4)用户自定义填充序列在工具----选项----自定义序列,进行自行填充。5.工作表的基本操作 (1)激活工作表 ①单击工作簿底部的“工作表”标签 ②使用键盘,按ctrl+pageup快捷键激活当前页的前一页工作表,然后按ctrl+pagedown快捷键激活当前页的后一页工作表。 ③使用工作表的“标签滚动”按钮 (2)插入和删除工作表 ①选择插入---工作表命令 ②在需要插入工作表的后一个工作表标签上单击右键,在快捷菜单中选择插入命令。 ①选择编辑----删除工作表命令,然后确定。 ②在需要删除的工作表标签上单击鼠标右键,在选择删除命令,在单击确定。(3)移动和复制 ①使用菜单:激活要移动的工作表,选择编辑---移动或复制工作表命令,打开移动或复制工作表对话框,根据需要选择。 ②使用鼠标:单击要移动的工作表标签,将他拖到指定位置,然后释放鼠标。如果是复制操作,则需要在拖动鼠标时按住ctrl键。


银行卡业务信用卡咨询的英语情景对话 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《银行卡业务信用卡咨询的英语情景对话》的内容,具体内容:银行英语其实是没有同学们想象中的那么深奥的,下面我今天就给大家整理关于银行的英语情景口语,大家可以多多阅读一下英语口语A: Hello, welcome to Cr... 银行英语其实是没有同学们想象中的那么深奥的,下面我今天就给大家整理关于银行的英语情景口语,大家可以多多阅读一下 英语口语 A: Hello, welcome to Credit Services. How can we help you? 您好,欢迎光临信贷业务部。我们能如何为您效劳? B: Im interested in applying for a credit card with you. 我想在你们这里申请一张信用卡。 A: Are you an existing customer? 您现在是我们的客户吗? B: Yes, Ive had a Current Account with a debit card with you for years. Now,Im looking at upgrading to a credit card. 是的,我已经在你们这里办了一个带借记卡的活期存款账户,有好几年了。现在,我希望升级成信用卡。 A: May I ask why you didnt think of applying for a credit card with us sooner? Most young people jump at the chance. 请允许我问您一下,您为什么不早一点儿想到在我们这里申请一张信用


English manual Saying hello 打招呼 1.Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上好!(下午好/晚上好) 2.Hello/Hi./Hey. 你好(嗨/嘿。) 3.How are you? 你好吗? 4.(I’m)great. Thank you./Thanks. 很好,谢谢! 5.(I’m)just fine. 还可以。 6.(I’m)not bad. 还不错。 7.I’m OK. 我很好。 8.I’m doing really well. 我很好。 Saying goodbye 说再见 1. Good-bye./Bye./Bye-bye. 再见。 2. Good night. 晚安。 3. See you later/tomorrow. 回头见!/明天见! 4. Have a good evening/a nice day. 祝你有一个愉快的夜晚 (一天) Introducing yourself 介绍自己 1. Hi. My name is Tom. 你好,我叫Tom。 2. I’m Tom. 我是Tom。 3.It is nice to meet you, Tom. 见到你很高兴,Tom。

Introducing someone 介绍某人 1. Tom, this is Helen. Tom,这是Helen。 2. Hi, Tom. It’s nice to meet you. 嗨,Tom!见到你很高兴。 3. Pleased/Good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 Asking personal information 交换个人信息 1. What’s your name,please? 请问你叫什么名字? 2. What’s your surname? 你姓什么? 3. Where are you from? 你是哪儿的人? 4. Can I have your phone number? 能给留个您的电话号码吗? 5. How’s everything? 你怎么样? Asking about countries, nationalities, and languages 询问国家,国籍和语言1. -Are you from England? 你是英国人吗? -Yes, I am. 是的。 -No, I’m not. I’m from New Zealand. 不是,我是新西兰人。2. -Where is he from? 他是哪里人? -He’s from America. 他是美国人。


2014 / 2015 学年第 一 学期 内蒙古扎兰屯林业学校考试命题纸 一、单项选择题(每题 2分,共40分) 1. 在Excel 中,给当前单元格输入数值型数据时,默认为( )。 A 、居中 B 、左对齐 C 、右对齐 D 、随机 2.在Excel 中,要在同一工作簿中把工作表sheet3移动到sheet1前面,应 ( )。 A 、单击工作表sheet3标签,并沿着标签行拖动到sheet1前 B 、单击工作表sheet3标签,并按住Ctrl 键沿着标签行隙 拖到sheet1 前 C 、单击工作表sheet3标签,并选"编辑"菜单的"复制"命令,然后单击工作表sheet1标签,再选"编辑"菜单的"粘贴"命令 D 、单击工作表sheet3标签,并选"编辑"菜单的"剪切"命令,然后单击工作 表sheet1标签,再选"编辑"菜单的"粘贴"命令 3.在Excel 中,A1单元格设定其数字格式为整数,当输入"33.51"时,显示为 ( )。 A 、33.51 B 、33 C 、34 D 、ERROR 4 .在Excel 中,用户在工作表中输入日期,( )形式不符合日期格 式。 A 、’20-02-2000’ B 、02-OCT-2000 C 、2000/10/01 D 、2000-10-01 5.下列关于Excel 的叙述中,不正确的一条是( )。 A 、在单元格名称框中不可以填入单元格区域,如A1:D5 B 、在单元格名称框中可以填写单元格的地址 C 、在单元格名称框中显示出当前单元格的地址 D 、在单元格名称框中可以填入各种形式的单元格的地址 6. 在Excel 中,选定整个工作表的方法是( )。 A 、双击状态栏 B 、单击左上角的行列坐标的交叉点 C 、右键单击任一单元格,从弹出的快捷菜单中选择"选定工作表" D 、按下Alt 键的同时双击第一个单元格 7. 在Excel 中产生图表的源数据发生变化后,图表将( )。 A 、不会改变 B 、发生改变,但与数据无关 C 、发生相应的改变 D 、被删除 8. 在Excel 中输入分数时,最好以混合形式(0 ?/?)方式输入,以免与( )格式相混。 A 、日期 B 、货币 C 、数值 D 、文本 9. 应纳个人所得税税额的计算公式为应纳税所得额乘以使用税率减去( )。 A 、所得额 B 、速算扣除数 C 、工资薪金收入 D 、三险一金 10. 在Excel 中,在单元格中输入 =12>24,确认后,此单元格显示的内容为( )。 A 、TRUE B 、=12>24 C 、FALSE D 、12>24 11. 在Excel 中工作簿名称被放置在( )。 A 、标签行 B 、标题栏 C 、工具栏 D 、信息行 12. 在Excel 中,在单元格中输入 =6+16+MIN(16,6),将显示( )。 A 、38 B 、44 C 、22 D 、28 13. 在Excel 中选取"自动筛选"命令后,在清单上的( )出现了下拉式按钮图标。 A 、字段名处 B 、所有单元格内 C 、空白单元格内 D 、底部 14. 在Excel 中建立图表时,我们一般( )。 A 、先输入数据,再建立图表 B 、建完图表后,再输入数据 C 、在输入的同时,建立图表 D 、首先建立一个图表标签 15. 年数总和法计算固定资产累计折旧使用财务函数( ) 。 A 、DDB( ) B 、SLN( ) C 、SYD( ) D 、IF( ) 16. 在Excel 中,若单元格C1中公式为=A1+B2,将其复制到单元格E5,则E5中的公 式是( )。 A 、=C3+A4 B 、=C5+D6 C 、=C3+D4 D 、=A3+B4 17. 用于分析某种利润率变化的图表是( )。 A 、面积图 B 、直方图 C 、折线图 D 、饼图 18. 下列不属于产品成本计算的基本方法是( )。 A 、分次法 B 、品种法 C 、分批法 D 、分步法 19. 在同一工作簿中,Sheet1工作表中的D3单元格要引用Sheet3工作表中F6单元 格中的数据,其引用表述为( )。 A 、=F6 B 、=Sheet3!F6 C 、=F6! Sheet3 D 、Sheet3#F6 20. Excel 保存的工作簿默认文件扩展名是( )。 A 、XLS B 、XLT C 、DBF D 、TXT 二、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1. 如果科目级长设定为两位,在编码时,若科目在十个以下,编码的十位数必须以 ____________表示。 班级: 姓名: 学号: …………………...……………装………………….……....…..订…………..….………….线……………………………………….


关于使用银行卡的情景英语口语 我们在学习英语的时候可能很少会学习银行英语,所以下面小编今天就给大家整理关于银行的英语情景口语,欢迎大家参考和阅读 英语口语 A: Welcome to IBJ. What can I do for you today? 欢迎光临IBJ银行。今天我能为您做些什么吗? B: I'd like to pay some money in using my card, please. 我想请你帮我用我的卡存一些钱。 A: No problem. Could you let me have your card and the money to be deposited? 没问题。您能给我您的卡和要存入的钱吗? B: Here it is. I usually use the machine, but there seems to be such a long queue at the moment. 给你。我通常使用取款机,但是现在好像排上了很长的队。 A: Yes,it's the same every day during the lunchtime rush. We will be putting in a new ATM in the near future,though. That should help to ease the queues. 是呀,这种情况在中午高峰期时天天如此。不过,我们最近将要增加一台新的自动提款机。这样应该有助于减少排队时间啦。 B: I'll look forward to that, I can't stand queuing. 我就盼着它呐,我无法忍受排队。 A: I know what you mean. How much would you like to deposit with us today? 我理解您的意思。今天您想在我们这里存多少钱? B: 1,000 RMB, it should all be there. 1000元,应该都在这里了。 A: That's correct, 1,000 RMB. I'll need your personal code to deposit this. Could you enter it on this key pad,please? 对,1000元整。我需要您的密码来存款。请您在这个键盘上输入密码,好吗? B: OK, done. When will it show in my account? Not for withdrawal,I mean just registered. 好的,行了。这钱什么时候能在我的账户上显示出来?不是要取款,我是说登录。


acceptance acceptance credit accommodation bill account accrued interest acknowledgement advance advice and pay aggregate assets at sight authority to purchase balance balance certificate bank draft banker’s bill Bank Holiday bank note bankruptcy bearer check bills payable bills receivable call deposit cashier cashier’s check certificate of deposit chartered bank check book checking account clean bill clearing balance clearing banks clearing house client collateral loan collateral security collection bill compound interest counterfoil countersign crossed check date of payment debtor default deficiency deposit rate documentary bill documentary credit documents against acceptance documents against payment documents against trust receipt draw drawee 承兑汇票 远期信用状(=usance credit) 空头(或融通)票据 存款,帐薄 应收付利息 承认,确认,接受 预付,定金 通知付款 合计 财产 见票即付 委托购买证 余额 余额(款)证明单 银行支票 银行汇票 银行休业日 银行钞票 破产 见票即付支票 应付汇票 应收汇票 通知存款(=deposit at notice,deposit at call) 出纳员 银行本行支票 存款证明书 特许银行 支票薄 使用支票的活期存款 光票 票据交换尾数 转帐(或清算)银行 票据交换所 顾客 抵押贷款 抵押品 托收汇票 复利 票根,副票 副署 划线支票 付款日期 债务者 违约 赤字 存款利率


英语口语之银行卡业务 英语口语之银行卡业务 1. I want to have a debit card. 我想要办张借记卡。 还能这样说: Could you do me a favor to handle a debit card? I'd like to apply for a debit card. 应用解析: bank debits 银行客户支付总额; cash debit 现金收入; delayed income debits 延迟收入借记卡;suspense debit 暂付款,暂记借项; to the debit of 记入借方 2. Can you give me some information about it? 你可以给我一些相关信息吗? 还能这样说: Can you tell me some information about it? I'd like to know something about it. 3. Something is wrong with my bank card. 我的银行卡出了点儿问题。 还能这样说: There is something wrong with my bank card. My bank card doesn't work. 谚语: Never challenges a fool to do wrong. 不要怂恿愚人干错事。 4. Can you give me a new banking card? 能给我一张新的银行卡吗? 还能这样说: I wonder if you can give me a new banking card. Would you help me handling a new bank card? 应用解析: brand new 崭新,全新; new from 刚从……出来的; new to 对……来说不熟悉 I can't find my bank card any longer. 应用解析: card catalogue 卡片目录;卡片目录区; storage card 内存卡,储存卡; key card 出入证,钥匙卡; identification card 身份证

简明外贸报价单(Price List)范本

简明外贸报价单(Price List)范本 简明外贸报价单(Price List)范本 报价单 Price List 报价日期:年月日 Supplier Address 供应商公司地 址 Contact Approv als 联系人名产品认 证 Tel Fax 电话号码传真号 码 Mobile Messen ger MSN,QQ,Skype: 手机小灵通即时通 讯 Establish ed OEM 成立时间贴牌加工 Employe es R&D Staff

员工人数研发人 数 E-mail Website 邮箱地址公司网 址 Item No. Description Produc t's Photo Specificat ion FOB Zhongs han QTY./C TN CTN's Measrure N.W(k g) G.W.(k g) Materials,approvals,te chnical parameters and etc. LxWxH, Dia. USD PCS LxWxH( cm) 货号 产品描述包括产品 材料、技术参数等 产品 图片 长、宽、 高、直径 等 美元离 岸价 每箱个 数 外箱尺寸 产品 净重 产品 毛重 Remarks备注: 1,Payment terms: 1,付款方式 2,Single package's type,materias and size 2,单个包装的方式、材料及尺 寸 3,Inner package's type,materials and size

3,内包装的方式、材料及尺寸4,QTY./Inner Package 4,内包装中的产品数量 5,CTNs/20',QTY./20' 5,每个20'柜中的箱数和产品 个数 6,CTNs/40',QTY./40' 6,每个40'柜中的箱数和产品 个数 7,Delivery time: 7,交货期 8,Others 8,其他条款


银行卡业务信用卡咨询的英语情景对话银行英语其实是没有同学们想象中的那么深奥的,下面小编今天就给大家整理关于银行的英语情景口语,大家可以多多阅读一下 英语口语 A:H e l l o,w e l c o m e t o C r e d i t S e r v i c e s.H o w c a n w e h e l p y o u? 您好,欢迎光临信贷业务部。我们能如何为您效劳? B: I m i n t e r e s t e d i n a p p l y i n g f o r a c r e d i t c a r d w i t h y o u. 我想在你们这里申请一张信用卡。 A:A r e y o u a n e x i s t i n g c u s t o m e r? 您现在是我们的客户吗? B: Y e s, I v e h a d a C u r r e n t A c c o u n t w i t h a d e b i t c a r d w i t h y o u f o r y e a r s.N o w,I m l o o k i n g a t u p g r a d i n g t o a c r e d i t c a r d. 是的,我已经在你们这里办了一个带借记卡的活期存款账户,有好几年了。现在,我希望升级成信用卡。 A: M a y I a s k w h y y o u d i d n t t h i n k o f a p p l y i n g f o r a c r e d i t c a r d w i t h u s s o o n e r? M o s t y o u n g p e o p l e j u m p
