

Unit 8 When is your birthday

ppy I’m ver y ________ ________ ________ you.

5. The English test is on No

her sister?


( )3. The New Year party is ________ the evening of January 1st.

3. ________


邀请) me to Wuhan. But I’m

6 for the

d. So the t est isn’t

( )10. A. boring B. easy

ore. friends Frank, David and Gr ace come to the party. Frank brings some pens for Oh, I am

A. friends

B. classmates

C. brothers


C. K

ketball game is on October 12th and the volleyball game is on

) sport. It is real

And many students lo ve Novem ber, because we have a school trip on November etball


考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分 一、完型填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I worked hard for a whole week. So I decided to relax and went out of town with my son for the 1 . When we were walking on the street, we felt a little 2 . So we found a café and 3 to have lunch there. After we sat down at our table, I 4 an elderly couple having lunch at a table across the room. I must have looked over at them a few times because my son asked me if I 5 them. I shook my head and said no. But I told him that they 6 me of my own grandparents. When the waitress came over, I asked her if she knew them. She said she did. She said it was the elderly man’s birthday today. On hearing this, I wanted to do something for them, so I told the 7 that I wanted to buy them the lunch and gave her the money. Some time later, the elderly couple came over to 8 us. They were so excited that someone had bought them lunch. It was really a big 9 for them. They said that they had been a little 10 because their own son and daughter seemed to have 11 the old man’s birthday. But they were really cheered up by my 12 . My son was surprised that I had paid for this couple who we didn’t know. He asked me why I did it. I smiled at him and replied that my grandparents used to go out for lunch to celebrate their birthdays in the same way and it just felt like the 13 thing to do to make this couple smile, 14 on their birthdays. Hearing my 15 , my son smiled. 1. A. weekB. hourC. monthD. weekend 2. A. hungryB. thirstyC. hotD. bored 3.A. continuedB. decidedC. refusedD. begged 4. A. noticedB. visitedC. recognizedD. attracted 5.A.interruptedB. invitedC. knewD. needed 6.A.introducedB. remindedC. broughtD. sent 7. A. managerB. manC. coupleD. waitress 8. A. supportB. comfortC. impressD. thank 9. A. activityB. surpriseC. chanceD. change10. A. movedB. tiredC. shockedD. sad11. A. ruinedB. delayedC. forgottenD. celebrated12. A. actionB. adviceC. opinionD. wish13. A. rightB. normalC.unnecessaryD. useful14. A. alwaysB. onlyC. especiallyD. even15. A. excusesB. newsC. questionsD. words 二、语法填空(共10小题 每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Dinosaurs now are far away from us. Dinosaurs were real animals that once lived on the earth, but they _16_ (die) out about 65 million years ago. The _17_(disappear) of the dinosaurs is _18_ some way a great mystery. Some scientists think that the climate changed suddenly. Fossils of trees tell us that the temperature dropped a lot and that the level of the sea dropped as well. This means that it got suddenly much _19_ (cold). Perhaps the dinosaurs were too slow __20__(change) with the climate. A new idea is _21_ a meteor(流星) crashed into the earth. Scientists discovered a place in Mexico __ they think the meteor crashed. They think that there was a lot of dust from the meteor. The dust landed on the plants. Also the dust blocked(阻挡)the sun’s light for as long as five years. Many animals, __ (include) dinosaurs, were plant eaters, and perhaps the dust killed __24___. This means there was nothing left for meat eating dinosaurs to eat, and so they died out. But, as many animals from that time did not die, we are not 100% sure what ___25___ (real) happened. 三、阅读 第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A I have been using the Internet since I was five years old, when my dad first sat me down in front of a computer and connected me to the World Wide Web. I've always felt like a master of the Internet world. AOL Instant Messaging, MSN, Gmail, Facebook, Myspace - I've got it all under control. I thought there was nothing more to it besides checking my e-mail and wasting my time, until I was introduced to electronic commerce (e-commerce): business on the Internet. Some online businesses are run from one-room home offices. Others have hundreds of employees spread


2017届河北省承德实验中学高三上学期期中考试 数学(文)试题 一.选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.若,,,a b c R a b ∈>且,则下列不等式正确的个数是( ) ① b a 1 1< ②22b a > ③44bc ac > ④1 122+>+c b c a A .1 B .2 C .3 D.4 2.已知甲、乙两组数据如图茎叶图所示,若它们的中位数相同,平均数也相同, 则图中的,m n 的比值 m n =( ) A. 38 B .13 C .29 D.1 3.设公差不为零的等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若)(2324a a a +=,则 47S S 等于 ( ) A .4 7 B . 5 14 C .7 D .14 4.已知βα,是两个不同的平面,,m n 是两条不同的直线给出下列命题: ①若,,βα?⊥m m 则βα⊥; ②若ββαα∥∥n m n m ,,,?⊥,则αβ; ③如果n m n m ,,,αα??是异面直线,那么n 与α相交; ④若,n ,n ,m n m α βαβ=??,且则n α且n β. 其中的真命题是( ) A .①② B .②③ C .③④ D .①④ 5.已知{}n a 是等比数列,231 2,4 a a ==,则12231n n a a a a a a ++++=( ) A .16(14)n -- B .16(12)n -- C .32(14)3n -- D .32(12)3 n -- 6.设2z x y =+,其中变量x ,y 满足0, 0,0,x y x y y k +≥?? -≤??≤≤? 若z 的最大值为6,则z 的最小值为( ) A .2- B .1- C .1 D .2


北京海淀学区小学大派位对口中学 [标签:海淀中心派位重点小学]幼教精华资讯免费订阅 对于幼升小计划择校的家长来说,了解所择的小学背后的初中校的情况非常重要。上好一个小学,就是为了上好一个初中奠定基础。 1.五棵松中心: A.五一小学、太平路小学、群英小学、培英小学——育英中学、太平路中学、二零六中学。 B.图强一小、图强二小、玉泉小学、采石路小学——育英中学、永定路中学。 C.育英学校小学部——直升育英学校。 2.羊坊店中心: A.羊坊店中心小学、羊坊店四小、翠微小学、七一小学、羊坊店五小——玉渊潭中学、五十七中、翠微中学、卫国中学. B.育鸿学校小学部——直升育鸿学校。 3.二里沟中心: A.花园村二小、立新学校(原甘家口小学)、二里沟小学——立新学校、首师大二附中、海淀实验中学、理工附中。 B.亮甲店小学、六一小学、定慧里小学——教师进修实验学校、六一中学、首师大二附中。 C.实验小学(本校及美丽园分校)、八里庄小学——教师进修实验学校、立新学校、首师大二附中、海淀实验中学、理工附中。 D.万寿寺小学、魏公村小学、理工大附小、北洼路小学、苏州街小学、车道沟小学——理工附中、海淀实验中学、万寿寺中学、十九中学。

E.银燕小学、万泉小学曙光校区(原厂西门小学)——理工附中、海淀实验中学、蓝靛厂中学。 F.立新学校小学部——直升立新学校。 4.双榆树中心: A.艺师附小、星火小学、今典小学、师大实验小学——一二三中学、明光中学。 B.北下关小学、农科院附小、向东小学、交大附小——一零五中学、交大二附中、一二三中学。 C.民族小学、前进小学、北医附小、学院路小学、九一小学、北航附小(非子弟)——陶行知中学、学院路中学、北医附中、北航附中。 D.北航附小(子弟)——北航附中。 5.海淀中心: A.中关村一小、中关村二小、中关村三小、中关村四小、双榆树一小、双榆树中心小学、知春路小学——中关村中学、一零一中学初中部、八一中学、知春里中学。 B.中关村二小(原成府小学)、清河五小、北大附小(非子弟)、清华附小(非子弟)——中关村中学、上地中学(上地实验学校分校)。 C.北大附小(子弟)——北达资源。 D.清华附小(子弟)——清华附属初级中学。 彩和坊小学、万泉小学、万泉河小学、六朗庄小学、西颐小学、人大附小(非子弟)、中关村三小万柳分校(06年3月以后转入)——八一中学、十九中学、万泉河中学。 E.人大附小(子弟)——人大附中本校或分校。 F.人大附小(07年3月以后转入)——属四季青中心——蓝靛厂中学。 G.万泉小学曙光分校——首师大二附中曙光校区。


河北省清河县高二上学期语文期末考试试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、选择题 (共1题;共6分) 1. (6分) (2017高三下·浙江月考) 阅读下面的文字,完成各小题。 宣纸名噪艺林,关于其生产技艺,历代的制造者都讳莫如深。但其所带来的财富和商机却使它自古以来便受到众多觊觎。历代都有能工巧匠苦心孤诣钻研宣纸技艺。根据可考资料国外仿制宣纸的企图也层出不穷。可从结果来看,移地仿制的“宣纸”无论是润墨性,还是拉力、洁度都与真品大相径庭,即便是造纸历史悠久的日本也是如此。在饱受挫败后,日方也断了仿制的念头,直接向中国购买。 宣纸的秘密真的如此深藏不露吗?然而,宣纸专家却告诉我们,如今不仅买到宣纸即可化验出成分,大致的工艺流程也是妇孺皆知,从这个意义上来说,宣纸已经“无密可守。” (1) 文段中的划线词,运用不正确的一项是() A . 关于 B . 觊觎 C . 层出不穷 D . 妇孺皆知 (2) 文段中画横线的甲、乙、丙句,标点有误的一项是() A . 甲 B . 乙 C . 丙 二、现代文阅读 (共2题;共18分)

2. (6分) (2017高一下·九江期中) 阅读下面的文字,完成下列各题。 刘勰《文心雕龙·隐秀》篇:“情在词外曰‘隐’,状溢目前曰‘秀’”。刘勰所谓词外之情即言外之意,这两句话可以说最简明扼要地概括了诗的语言的本质。中国传统诗论和传统哲学爱讲“言不尽意”“言有尽而意无穷”,恰恰是重视诗的语言不同于一般非诗的语言的表现,恰恰说明了诗的语言乃是以说出的东西暗示出未说出的“无穷之意”。如果语言根本不能表意,那还有什么诗的艺术可言呢?中国是一个诗的国度,所以也特别重视发挥语言的诗性,重视用诗的语言表达无穷之意。诗的语言不能像平常说话或科学的逻辑论证那样铺陈展开,它要求用尽量少的语言表达尽量多的内涵,所谓“言约旨远”“语少意足,有无穷之味”说的就是这个意思。为了要含蓄不露,暗示较大的未说出的东西的空间,诗中的言词一定要量少而含金量大,否则,就成为无诗意的散文了。王力先生曾以杜甫《春日忆李白》中的两联为例具体说明了诗的语言的这一特征:“例如杜甫的《春日忆李白》中‘清新庾开府,俊逸鲍参军。渭北春天树,江东日暮云’,若依散文的语法看,这四句话是不完整的,但是诗人的意思已经完全表达出来了。当时杜甫在渭北(长安),李白在江东,杜甫看见了暮云春树,触景生情,就引起了对好友的回忆。假如增加一些字,反而令人感到是多余的了。” 中国古典诗中有以单个的语词为象征的,例如以松柏象征坚贞;也有以全诗为象征的,例如张九龄的《感遇》:“江南有丹橘,经冬犹绿林。岂伊地气暖,自有岁寒心。可以荐佳客,奈何阻重深。运命唯所遇,循环不可寻。徒言树桃李,此木岂无阴。”这就是以丹橘及其经冬不谢的具体形象,象征诗人高洁的品格,从而使读者理解诗人的内心生活。中国人无论古人还是今人,都有共同的传统背景,生活于一个古今一体的“共同体”中,所以即使是今人也能理解丹橘的品质,从而使古人张九龄的个体性的东西得到今人的理解和同情。张九龄的《感遇》可以说全诗都是用象征性语言暗示更深远的意境或情意。又如王维的《终南别业》:“中岁颇好道,晚家南山陲。兴来每独往,胜事空自知。行到水穷处,坐看云起时。偶然值林叟,谈笑无还期。”全诗写的是实情实景,然而这些富有象征性和暗喻性的语言却指向个没有说出的物我两忘的境界,让读者能心领神会,恍若身历其境。 中国古典诗中有不少描写景物注重形似的好诗,但中国传统美学思想却更加崇尚画意与深远的境界相结合的诗,崇尚有神韵的诗,而不是崇尚单纯形似的诗。王维的《终南别业》诗中有画,而又在画的背后隐蔽着一种悠然、空寂的境界。陶渊明的《饮酒》:“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山山。气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。”表面上是一首描写田园山水的单纯写景的诗,但仅仅这样来看待这首诗,则显然未能真正领略其诗意。这几句诗在描写“人境”的现实田园景物时,却隐蔽着语言文字所未说出的超现实的情趣和理想境界,正所谓“象外之象,景外之景”。 (摘编自张世英《语言的诗性与诗的语言》) (1)


惠州市实验中学2021届高三第二次月考试题 英语 2020.10 (考试时间120分钟,满分120分) 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Need a fall fix? Try one from these great places. 1. Mackinac Island, Michigan The only way to reach this famed car-free island is by boat and ferry, and once visitors arrive, they're attracted by. the history, scenery and fall colors. "It's a throwback to years past, a little town, and there's a big state park as well," Blackwell says.“You're allowed to have boats all around the island." 2. Tellico Lake, Tennessee With nearly 400 miles of shoreline, this waterway flowing out of the Great Smoky Mountains is largely unexploited, well-protected in its natural state. Fall visitors find a range of colors reflecting in the clean water, says Blackwell, who vacationed in the area-with his family as a child.“The thick forest there just allows you to see more greenery and wildlife. 3. Dillon Reservoir, Colorado With an hour from Denver, this lake is home to what claims to be the nation's highest sailing club, at an altitude of more than 9,000 feet. Marinas in the towns of Dillon and Frisco make it easy to get out on the water and to see the bright yellows and golds of fall leaves.“People are surprised that there's boating in Colorado, and you can see the mountains just before the snowfall," Blackwell says. 4. Lake Monroe, Indiana The state's largest lake is surrounded by more than 13,000 acres of protected forest and three recreation areas, making it an ideal place to see fall colors, particularly from oaks and the tulip poplar, the state tree. " I's a gem(宝石)in southern Indiana" says Blackwell, who grew up in the area. "There are lots of different activities: canoeing, kayaking and fishing. 1. What is special about Mackinac island? A.It's like a modern city, B.Visitors can't take boats around it.


2019-2020学年河北省邢台市清河县清河中学新高考化学模拟试卷 一、单选题(本题包括15个小题,每小题4分,共60分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.对下图两种化合物的结构或性质描述正确的是 A.不是同分异构体 B.分子中共平面的碳原子数相同 C.均能与溴水反应 D.可用红外光谱区分,但不能用核磁共振氢谱区分 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 A、二者分子式相同而结构不同,所以二者是同分异构体,错误; B、第一种物质含有苯环,8个C原子共面,第二种物质含有碳碳双键,7个C原子共面,错误; C、第一种物质含有酚羟基,可与溴水发生取代反应,第二种物质含有碳碳双键,可与溴水发生加成反应,正确; D、两种有机物H原子位置不同,可用核磁共振氢谱区分,错误; 答案选C。 2.下列有关物质的性质与用途具有对应关系的是() A.Al2O3的熔点很高,可用作耐火材料 B.NH3具有还原性,可用作制冷剂 C.SO2具有氧化性,可用于纸浆的漂白 D.钠钾合金的密度小,可用作快中子反应堆的热交换剂 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 A、氧化铝熔点很高,所以可以做耐火材料,选项A正确; B、氨气中的氮元素化合价是-3价,具有还原性,做制冷剂,是氨气易液化的原因,选项B错误; C.二氧化硫可用于漂白纸浆是因为其具有漂白性,与二氧化硫的氧化性无关,选项C错误; D.在快中子反应堆中,不能使用水来传递堆芯中的热量,因为它会减缓快中子的速度,钠和钾的合金可

用于快中子反应堆作热交换剂,选项D错误; 答案选A。 3.只用如图所示装置进行下列实验,能够得出相应实验结论的是选 项 ①②③实验结论 A 稀盐酸Na2CO3Na2SiO3溶液非金属性:Cl>C>Si B 饱和食 盐水 电石高锰酸钾溶液生成乙炔 C 浓盐酸MnO2NaBr溶液氧化性Cl2>Br2 D 浓硫酸Na2SO3溴水SO2具有还原性 A.A B.B C.C D.D 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 A.盐酸易挥发,且为无氧酸,挥发出来的氯化氢也能与硅酸钠反应,则图中装置不能比较Cl、C、Si的非金属性,故A错误; B.生成的乙炔中混有硫化氢,乙炔和硫化氢都能被高锰酸钾氧化,使高锰酸钾褪色,不能证明气体中一定含有乙炔,故B错误; C.浓盐酸与二氧化锰的反应需要加热,常温下不能生成氯气,故C错误; D.浓硫酸与亚硫酸钠反应生成二氧化硫,二氧化硫与溴水发生氧化还原反应生成硫酸和HBr,说明SO2具有还原性,故D正确; 故选D。 4.根据下列实验操作和现象所得出的结论正确的是() 选项实验操作和现象结论 A 向鸡蛋清溶液中加入少量CuSO4溶液,出现 浑浊 蛋白质可能发生了变性

河北省清河挥公实验中学高考地理一轮复习 每日一记11

每日一记11 【学习目标】 识记水循环和洋流基本特征 【学习重点】 识记水循环和洋流基本特征 【学法指导】 阅读必修1,完成导学案 【学习流程】 第二章 第一节 地壳的物质组成和物质循环 第四节 水循环和洋流 一、水循环 概念:水在地理环境中空间位置的 ,以及与之相伴的 状态和 状态的变化。 在 能及 的作用下,水在 、 和 间通过吸收 或放出 ,以 、 、 三态的转化形成了总量平衡的循环运动。水循环又使地表 得以大规模地运动,并塑造了多种 。 过程:读图填出图中箭头表示的水循环过程 水循环过程伴随着能量在地理环境中大规模转化和交换 水是洁净的可再生资源,人类目前只能以增加或减少 、 及 等方式,去影响水循环的个别环节。 二、洋流 概念:洋流又叫 ,是指大洋表层海水常年大规模地沿一定方向进行较为稳定的流动。 影响:是地球表面热环境的主要调节者,巨大的洋流系统促进了地球高低纬度地区间的能量交换。洋流与所流经区域之间,也通过能量交换来改变其环境特征。 分布规律: 在南北半球的热带、副热带海区形成以南北纬 ~ 为中心 的大洋环流,北半球呈 时针方向,南半球呈 时针方向。 ① ④ 海洋 ⑤⑥ ② ③ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨

大洋东侧为流,西侧为流。 在北半球中高纬度海区形成以为中心的大洋环流呈 时针方向流动,大洋东侧为 流,西侧为流。 在南极大陆外围地区形成环球形的,就性质来讲属于。 (2)海水运动形式除洋流外,还有、。 洋流形成的成因有、、。 a、b、c、d形成是由于, a、d由于风吹拂, b、c由于风吹拂。 e、f折向低纬是赤道洋流的,性质上属于寒流。 在太平洋里e、f分别是流和流。 在大西洋里e、f分别是流和流。 地理热点案例 纳木错湖被《中国国家地理》“选美中国”活动评选为“中国最美的五大湖泊”第三名。湖面海拔4718米,草原绕湖四周,水草丰美。面积1920平方公里,是中国西藏自治区最大的内陆湖。据此完成下列问题。 b


广东省惠州市实验中学2019级高一下学期期中考试 英语 出题人:欧阳文芳钱秀英陈艳曾晓蓓审题人:龙琳 试卷满分:150分考试用时:120分钟 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Now is the best time for Hong Kong shopping lovers, as most shops and markets are having their seasonal sales.With the same amount of money, you can find different kinds of goods in this city. Women, young and old, rarely resist(抵抗) the attraction of this shopping paradise(乐园)at this time of year. Lovers will surely have an exciting Chri stmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations at the Time Square or in the western styled bars. Spending your holiday in Hong Kong will be easy too, as several packing tours are available from CZL Travel Service, with four-day tours for less than 15,000 yuan. Tour package 1(3,200 yuan) : a 4-day-tour including three nights’ accommodation(住宿), science helicopter flight, night ferrytour of Victoria Harbor and shuttle bus to the park to view the city at night. Tour package 2(1,880yuan): a 4-day-shopping tour including three nights accommodation, tour to Golden Beach and the Vexwork Museum, shuttle bus to the Peak and shopping opportunities. Tour package 3 (1,480 yuan ) : a 4-day-DIY- tour including three nights accommodation in a four-star hotel and total freedom to do what you want. 1. Which month is the best time for Hong Kong shopping lovers? A.October B. November. C. January. D December. 2. The advertisement is mainly intended to attract people to_______. A. go shopping in Hong Kong B. purchase tour packages from CZL Travel Service C. enjoy Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations D. visit famous places of interests in Hong Kong a 3. If you want to go shopping while visiting the Vex work Museum, you'd better choose_____. A. Tour package 1 B. Tour package 3 C .Tour package 2 D. Tour package 1&2 B In 1971 a young man who grew up very poor was traveling across the country, trying to make a new start for himself. Along the way he had completely run out of(用光了…) money and was forced to spend the night in his car. This continued until one morning, after a week of sleeping in his car, he walked nervously into a restaurant and ordered a big breakfast. After eating his first good meal in week, he found himself lying to the waiter, telling him he had lost his wallet.The waiter, who was also the owner, walked behind the chair where the young man had been sitting.He bent down, and came up with a $20 bill that looked as if it had fallen on the floor and said, “Son, you must have dropped this,” the owner said.The young man couldn’t believe his luck! He quickly paid for the breakfast, left a tip, bought gas with the change, and headed West. On the way out of town, he began to understand what the owner did.Maybe nobody dropped


数学试卷 一、选择题 1.已知集合260lg 2{|}{|()}A x x x B x y x =-≤==--,,则A B ?=( ) A.? B. [22)-, C. (2]3, D. (3,)+∞ 2.设复数z 满足()1i 2i z +=(其中i 为虚数单位),则下列结论正确的是( ) A. 2z = B.z 的虚部为i C. 22z = D.z 的共轭复数为1i - 3.若函数110,1()lg ,1 x x f x x x -?≤=?>?,则()()10f f =( ) A.9 B.1 C . 1 10 D.0 4.《算法统宗》 中有一图形称为“方五斜七图”,注曰:方五斜七者此乃言其大略矣,内方五尺 外方七尺有奇. 实际上,这是一种开平方的近似计算,即用 7 近似表示 5 时, 外方的边长为 略大于7,如图所示,在外方内随机取一点,则此点取自内方的概率为( ) A . 12 B C .57 D .25 49 5.在等比数列{}n a 中, 若2 63288a a a ==, 则n a =( ) A. 12n n a -= B. 2n n a = C. 13n n a -= D. 3n n a = 6.为计算 1234171834561920 T =?????? L ,设计了下面的程序框图,则在空白框中应填入( )

A. W W i =? B. ()1W W i =?+ C. ()2W W i =?+ D. ()3W W i ?+= 7.椭圆22 22:1(0)x y C a b a b +=>>的左.右焦点为12,F F ,过2F 垂直于 x 轴的直线交 C 于,A B 两 点,若1AF B △为等边三角形,则椭圆 C 的离心率为( ) A . 12 B .2 C .13 D .3 8.二项式63)x -的展开式中的常数项为( ) A.-540 B.135 C.270 D.540 9.如图,直线2230x y +-=经过函数()sin π0()f x x ω?ω?=+><(,)图象的最高点M 和最低点N ,则( ) A. π,02ω?== B. π,0ω?== C. ππ,24ω?==- D. π π,2 ω?== 10.已知双曲线22 2 : 1(0)16x y C b b -=> ,12,F F 分别为C 的左.右焦点,过2F 的直线l 交C 的左. 右支分别于,A B 且11AF BF =,则AB =( ) A.4 B.8 C.16 D.32 11.设函数()2sin ,[0,π]x f x ae x x =-∈有且仅有一个零点,则实数a 的值为( ) A π4 e B π4 - C π2 e D π2 -


北京市海淀区中学排名1人大附中 2北大附中 3清华附中 4首师大附中 5一零一中学 6十一学校 7理工大附中 8八一中学 9人大附中分校 10中关村中学 11交大附中 12建华实验学校 13首师大附属育新学校 14育英中学 15海淀外国语实验学校 16二十中 17海淀区教师进修学校附属实验学校 18北航附中 19十九中 20科迪实验中学 21育英学校 22石油附中 23海淀实验中学(原阜成路中学) 24首师大二附中(原花园村中学) 25五十七中 26北医附中 27一二三中 28方致实验学校 29立新学校 30师达中学 31玉渊潭中学 32知春里中学 33地大附中 34中关村外国语学校 35翠微中学 36矿院附中 37民大附中 38农大附中 39明光中学 40北大附中香山分校 41经济管理学校高中部 42陶行知中学

43永定路中学 44六十七中 45清华育才实验学校 46一零五中 47六一中学 48理工附中分校 49万寿寺中学 50太平路中学 51北外附属外国语学校 52温泉二中 53科兴实验中学 54蓝靛厂中学 55中关村中学分校(原清华附中分校) 56皮革工业学校高中部 57一佳高级中学 58二十一世纪实验学校 59清华志清中学 60盲人学校 61仁达中学 62世贤学院附中 63尚丽外国语学校 64清华园兴起中学 第一档次 1. 人大附中:继04、05两年人大附中骄人的高考成绩后,06年人大附再创辉煌,600分以上全年级460人左右,重点大学升学率98%. 2. 北京四中:400人左右。四中考生由于只有人大附中的一半,平均水平无校能敌,但分数主要密集于600-650之间,而人大附培养了强中之强的王牌近卫军,几个实验班分数集中于650分以上,考上清华北大人数多出于此王牌近卫军。四中第一地位只能拱手相让. 3. 师大实验中学:300人左右。整体水平发挥正常,仍稳居全市第三的位置,但由于考生分数普遍偏高,导致实验中学的部分考生未能上线第一志愿,文科班重点大学升学率96%,理科班94%. 4. 师大二附中:300人左右,师大二附中文科之强,可从文科600分70多人,多于人大附的50余人看出,文理综合位列第四,重点大学升学率94%左右,直逼实验中学,与其几乎不相上下.


惠州市实验中学2020年上学期高三英语第一次月考试题 2020.9 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分120分(最终成绩按总分135分进行折算),考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第I[卷(非选择题)两部分。 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置。 3.全部答案应在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 第I卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Grandparents who help out occasionally with childcare or provide support for others in their community tend to live longer than seniors who do not care for other people, according to a study from Berlin, Germany.‘Having no contact with grandchildren at all can negatively impact grandparents’ health. This link could be deeply rooted in our evolutionary past when help with childcare was important for the survival of the human species,” said Sonja Hilbrand, one of the researchers. However, having full-time custody of grandchildren may harm their health. The findings are drawn from data on more than 500 people over age 70 in the Berlin aging Study. The participants completed interviews and medical 1ests every two years. Overall after considering grandparents age and general state of health, the risk of dying was one-third lower for grandparents who cared for their grandchildren, compared with grandparents who didn’t provide any childcare. Half of the grandparents who cared for grandchildren were still alive ten years after the initial interview. The same was true for participants who did not have grandchildren but supported their adult children in some way, such as helping with housework. In contrast about half of the participants who did not help others died within five years after the start of the study. “Caregiving may be thought also as an activity that keeps caregivers physically and mentally active, said Professor Arpino, adding that previous studies suggest that caregiving may improve cognitive functioning, mental and physical health. Arpino noted, however, that caregiving is not the only activity that can improve health, and
