


成功思维Thought for success



1917年,《福布斯》杂志创立时的宗旨,是基于一种热切的愿望,要在商业世界里撒播荒废已久的人文精神。自创刊以来,每一期的《福布斯》都有这样的标题:“在所有值得拥有的事物中,最重要的是拥有了解”(With all thy getting, get understanding)。不仅如此,这些年来,我们从未间断,在每一期的杂志里留一整个扉页给“商业生涯语粹”,将古今圣贤的省思凝化为一种生活的哲思,以及宽宏的包容与慈悲。我一直深信,美好的远景终将到来,雇主与员工,以及所有的人类都会明白,对他人的服务,正是最佳的待己之道。

------福布斯(B. C. Forbes)为奠定成功的基础,请谨记下列标杆:


失败时的运动精神胜利时的欢笑准备的智慧自信的价值诚实的意义工作的恩典奋斗中的纪律人格的魅力健康的风采单纯的力量赏心悦目的礼仪谦恭的吸引力--------海斯特(Rolla C. Hester)


Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve! - -------Andrew Carnegie 想象自己正面临空前的成功关头,灿烂光明的远景就在眼前。前进!前进!--------安德鲁·卡内基Achievement is the death of endeavor and the birth of disgust. ------Ambrose Bierce 成就乃努力的结束,厌恶的开始。-------安布罗斯·比尔斯An unsurprising person believes according to what he achieves. An aspiring person achieves according to what he believes.

-------Sri Chinmoy 平庸者信奉既有的成就,胸怀大志者成就未完成的信念。-------斯里·钦摩Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed. -------Emily Dickinson 从未成功的人视成功为最甜美的事。-------艾米丽·迪金森For unflagging interest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonably well, certainly makes all other forms of success and achievements lose their importance by comparison. -----Theodore Roosevelt 一屋子小孩的高昂兴致和欢愉,将使各种功名尘就相形失色。------西奥多·罗斯福So great has been the endurance, so incredible the achievement, that, as long as the sun keeps a set course in heaven, it would be foolish to despair of the human race. ------Ernest L. Woodward 愈是坚忍,成就愈是不凡。只要太阳仍依宇宙的轨道运行不辍,所有对人生竞赛的绝望便显得愚蠢。

------恩奈斯特·L·伍德沃德It takes a highly intellectual individual to enjoy leisure……Most of us had better count on working. What a man really wants is creative challenge with sufficient skills to bring him within the reach of success so that he may have the expanding joy of achievement. -------Dr. Fay B. Nash 智者方能享受闲逸,而大部分人最好投注于工作之中。人们真正需要的是创造性的挑战和丰富的技能,以引领其迈向成功,欢享成就之乐。-----费·纳什博士Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance. -------Bruce Barton 除非敢坚信自己的确胜人一筹,否则难以缔造辉煌的成就。-------布鲁斯·巴顿Success is the reward for accomplishment. --------Harry F. Banks 成功乃实践之奖赏。--------哈里·班克斯Success is a ruthless competitor for it flatters and nourishes our weaknesses and lulls us into complacency. We bask in the sunshine of accomplishment and lose the spirit of humility which helps us visualize all the factors which have contributed

to our success. ------Samuel Tilden 成功是个无情的对手,它助长我们的缺点,并使我们志得意满。当我们沐浴在成功的温暖光芒下,便丧失了帮助我们看清一切、裨益成功的谦逊精神。------赛谬尔·迪尔登The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing it exactly right. ------Edward C. Simmons 失败与成功之别,在于“几乎做对”与“完全做对”。------爱德华·西蒙斯You can’t anything without getting in someone’s way. You can’t be detached and effective. -------Abba Eban 若不超越他人,即无法成就功业。公正无私与追求绩效实难两全。------阿巴·伊班The secret of the true love of work is the hope of success in that work; not for the money reward, for the time spent, or for the skill exercised, but for the successful result in the accomplishment of the work itself. ------Sidney A. Weltmer 对工作的真爱,在于对成功工作的期盼;不是为了金钱的报酬,也不是为了所花的时间和所演练的技能,而是为了完成工作时所导致的成功结果。-------西德尼·魏德曼There are two things to aim at in life: first to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. -------Logan Pearsall Smith 人生有两大目标:首先是得其所愿,而后是尽情享受。而惟上智者方能做到后者。------罗根·帕索·史密斯


A successful man is the one who can lay a foundation with the bricks that others throw at him. -------Sidney Greenberg 成功的人可以用人们丢向他身上的砖石筑起坚实的基台。------西德尼·格林伯格Adversity makes men; good fortune makes monsters. -------French Proverb 逆境塑造勇者,顺境创造怪物。------法谚All adverse and depressing influences can be overcome, not by fighting, but by rising above them. ----Charles Cable Colton 所有的拂逆与不利的因素都能克服,不是借由抗争,而是超越它们。-----克尔顿The greatest obstacle to your success is probably you. -------Frank Tyger 成功的最大障碍可能就是你自己。-------弗兰克·泰格He that can heroically endure adversity will bear prosperity with equal greatness of soul; for the mind that cannot be dejected by the former is not likely to be transported with the latter. -------Harry Fielding 勇于承受不幸的人,将可享有伟大性灵的荣耀;不因逆境而沮丧的人,亦不因荣耀而忘形。-------亨利·菲尔丁The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success comes only after. ------Confucius 仁者先难而后获。-------孔子I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. ------Booker T. Washington 成功并非以你一生中所达到的职位来衡量,而在于追求成功的过程中你所克服的困难。-------布克·华盛顿If you succeed in life, you must do it in spite of the efforts of others to pull you down. There is nothing in the idea that people are willing to help those who help themselves. People are willing to help a man who can’t help himself, but as soon as a man is able to help himself, and does it, they join in making his life as uncomfortable as possible. -Edgar Watson Howe 纵使旁人扯你后腿,你也要坚持下去才能成功。人们多不愿帮助能够自助的人,而较愿意帮助无助的人,但当无助的人开始自助时,人们却又开始打击他。-----埃德加·豪In adversity assume the countenance of prosperity, and in prosperity moderate the temper and desires. ------Livy 逆境中仍保有容光焕发的神色,得意时则能调和性情和欲望。------李维In prosperous times I have sometimes felt my fancy and powers of language flag, but adversity is to me at least a tonic and bracer. -------Walter Scott 当意气风发时,我常感到表达能力与灵感正在枯竭,而逆境对我,至少是一帖振奋良方。-----沃尔特·斯科特Most barriers to your success are man-made. And most often, you’re the man who made them. -------Frank Tyger 成功的大部分障碍都是人为的,而大多数情况下,你就是那位障碍的制造者。-----弗兰克·泰格Let no one or anything stand between you and the difficult task let nothing deny you this rich chance to gain strength by

adversity, confidence by mastery, and success by deserving it. Do it better each time. Do it better than anyone else can do it.

------Harlow H. Curtice 别让任何人或事阻挡在你与困难的任务之间,莫失去借由逆境获得力量,借由练达获得自信,并因此掌握获得成功的契机。必须一次比一次做得好,而且每次都做得比别人好。------哈洛·柯蒂斯Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes and seeing them gratified. He that labors in any great or laudable undertaking has his fatigues first supported by hope and afterwards rewarded by joy. ------Samuel Johnson 生命中再没有比征服困难更令人喜悦的事,由一个成功过渡到另一个成功,不断塑造新的期望,并见到梦想成真。任何伟大且让人赞佩的辛勤工作者,他的付出会因希望而获得支撑,最后也会因报偿而享有喜悦。

- ----------赛谬尔·约翰逊One very important ingredient of success is a good, wide-awake, persistent, tireless enemy. An enemy to an ambitious man is like the rhinoceros bird to rhinoceros. When the enemy comes, the rhinoceros tells about it. When a successful man is making mistakes, the enemy immediately calls attention and warns the man. Get for yourself a first class enemy, cultivate him as an enemy, and when you achieve success, thank him. -------Colonel Frank B. Shutts 成功的重要因素之一在于由一个优秀、清醒、永远随行的敌人。这个敌人对一个有企图心的人而言,就像犀牛鸟之于犀牛,会告知外敌的来犯。当成功的人犯错时,这个敌人会立刻提醒并警告他。给自己一个头号敌人,训练他成为一个好敌人,并在你抵达成功的终点时好好地感谢他。-------弗兰克·肖特Take care to be an economist in prosperity; there is no fear of your being one in adversity. --------Johann Zimmerman 在得意时做一个谨慎的经济学家,那么在失意时才不至于恐慌。------齐默曼The friend of my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. ------Ulysses S. Grant 我最珍视的始终是患难中的朋友。比起准备与我共享荣华富贵的人,我宁可相信曾帮助我走过黯淡岁月的人。

------尤利西斯·格兰特Prosperity is too apt to prevent us from examining our conduct; but adversity leads us to think properly of our state, and so is most beneficial to us. --------Samuel Johnson 顺境太容易让我们轻忽自己的行为,而逆境却引导我们正视自己的状态,所有对我们最有利。-----赛谬尔·约翰逊


Ambition, confidence, enthusiasm, and success are produced by courage, faith, pride and hard work. ------ Harry F. Banks 企图心、自信、热诚及成功是由勇气、信心、自尊及勤奋所产生的。------哈里·班克斯Ambition is an idol on whose wings great minds are carried to extremes, to be sublimely great, or to be nothing.

-------Thomas Southern 企图心像一个神偶,其双翼可以承载伟大的性灵四处飞翔。-------托马斯·肖恩Ambitions is most aroused by the trumpet clang of another’s fame. --------Baltasar Gracian 企图心大多是被别人的声名震天所激起的。------巴尔塔沙·格拉西安Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast that however high we reach, we are never satisfied.

-----Niccolo Machiavelli 企图心在我们胸中是无比激越的情绪,不论爬得多高,我们永不满足。------马基雅维利Every man has a secret ambition: to outsmart horses, fish, and women. -------Mark Twain 每个男人都有一颗秘密的企图心:要比马、鱼及女人更聪明。-------马克·吐温Most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled by great ambitions. -----Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 假如不是被过大的野心所困扰,大部分人都可以在小事情上成功。-------朗费罗Ambition is the spur that makes men struggle with destiny. It is heaven’s own incentive to make purpose great and achievement greater. -------Donald G. Mitchell 企图心是股激励人心的力量,使人与命运争斗。它是上天的奖励,使目标伟大,使成就更伟大。---唐纳德·米歇尔

The desire not to be anything is the desire not to be. --------Ayn Rand 没有具体目标的愿望,就不算是愿望。-----爱恩·兰德Ambition is to the mind what the cap is to the falcon; it blinds us first, and then compels us to tower by reason of our blindness. ------Charles Cable Colton 企图心之于人就像帽子之于鹰,它首先让我们盲目,然后以盲目为由,驱使我们展翅高飞。-----查尔斯·克尔顿Ambition makes the same mistake concerning power that avarice makes as to wealth. She begins by accumulating it as a means to happiness, and finishes by continuing to accumulate it as an end. ------Charles Cable Colton 企图心对权力所造成的错误,就像贪婪之于财富:起先是为了快乐而追求它,最后竟然把追求权力当作终极目标。

------查尔斯·克尔顿Ambition is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds. -------Thomas D. English 企图心像胚芽,所有的尊贵由此成长茁壮。------托马斯·英格丽斯Every man is enthusiastic at times. One man has enthusiasm for thirty minutes, another man has it for thirty days, but it is the man who has it for thirty years who makes a success in life. -------Edward B. Butler 每个人的热诚都有时间性:某个人只有三十分钟的热诚,另一个人却有三十天,结果是具有三十年热诚的人,获得了一生的成就。-------爱德华·巴特勒Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul. -------Charles Buxton 经验显示:成功的背后,热诚多于能力,赢家是能够将身体与心灵投注于工作中的人。-----查尔斯·巴斯顿I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hands, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm and hard work. -------Harry S. Truman 我发现:不管是男人还是女人,那些攀登上高峰者都是以全副精力、热诚专注于手边工作的人。-----哈里·杜鲁门Many people have the ambition to succeed; they may even have special aptitude for their job. And yet they do not move ahead. Why? Perhaps they think that since they can master the job, there is no need to master themselves. —John Stevenson 许多人都有成功的企图心,他们甚至具备自己工作上的特殊才能。但为何仍停滞不前呢?或许他们认为自己已经可以掌握工作,所有就不需要掌握自己了。-----约翰·斯蒂文森The slave has but one master; the man of ambition has as many as there are people useful to his fortune.

-------Jean De La Bruyere



A character standard is far more important than even a golden standard. The success of all economic systems is still dependent upon both righteous leaders and righteous people. In the last analysis, our national character-----that is, whether it is spiritually or materially minded. --------Roger Babson 品格的标准比黄金的标准还来的重要。成功的经济体系,端赖正直的领袖以及正直的人民。最新的研究指出,国家的命运端视国家的品格而定----究竟是精神还是物质导向。-------罗杰·巴布森A man’s treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character---- how he makes it and how he spends it.

-----James Moffatt 一个人对金钱的处理是其人格的最佳验证-----看他如何赚又如何花这些钱。------詹姆斯·莫非特Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success. ------John Hays Hammond 品格是所有正当成就的真正基础。------约翰·海斯·哈姆德You cannot build character and courage by taking away man’s initiative and independence. ------Abraham Lincoln 缺少主动与独立,无从建立一个人的品格和勇气。------亚伯拉罕·林肯A quick and sound judgment, good common sense, kind feeling, and an instinctive perception of character, in these are the elements of what is called tact, which has so much to do with acceptability and success in life. ------Charles Simmons 敏捷而周延的判断,丰富的常识,体贴的情怀,加上天赋的直观,构成了所谓的练达,并带来一生的圆融与成功。

-------查尔斯·西蒙A talent can be cultivated in tranquility; a character only in the rushing stream of life. -----Johann Wolfgang V on Goethe 才能可以在平和中培养,而人格却只能在生活的湍流中成形。-----歌德Capitalism is the only system in the world founded on credit and character. ------Hubert Eaton 资本主义乃世上唯一建立在信用与人格上的系统。-----休伯特·伊顿As diamonds cut diamonds, and one hone smooths a second, all the parts of intellect are whetstones to each other, and genius, which is but the result of their mutual sharpening, is character, too. ------Cyrus A. Bartol 正如用钻石切割钻石,磨刀石切磋磨刀石,所有的知识分子也互为磨石,而天才只是彼此磨锐的成果,也是一种人格特质罢了。-----赛鲁斯·巴图A man’s true estate of power and riches is to be in himself; not in his dwelling or position or external relations, but in his own essential character. -----Henry Ward Beecher 拥有权力与财富的人,其真正的资产在自己的身上,不是豪宅、高位或外在的人际关系,而是自己的基本特质。

------亨利·沃德·比彻It is sometimes frightening to observe the success which comes even to the outlaw with a polished technique……But I believe we must reckon with character in the end, for it is as potent a force in world conflict as it is in our own domestic affairs. It strikes the last blow in any battle. -----Philip D. Reed 有时检视成功会令人心惊肉跳,恶人以洗练的技巧也可以得到它。但我相信最后仍必须诉诸人格,它是世界冲突与国内事务中一股强大的力量,在任何战役中总能发挥致命的最后一击。-----菲利普·里德Man is still responsible. He must turn the alloy of modern experience into the steel of mastery and character. His success lies not with the stars but with himself. He must carry on the fight of self-correction and discipline. He must fight mediocrity as sin and live against the imperative of life’s highest ideal. -----Frank Curtis Williams, D. D. 人生最重要的责任,在于他必须将当下的经验淬炼成钢铁般的技巧与人格。其成功并非凭借命运,而是靠自己的奋斗。他必须在改过与纪律中力争上游,必须视平庸如罪恶,并与之争战,为生命中最崇高的理想奋斗不懈。

------弗兰克·柯蒂斯·威廉Our world is a college, events are teachers, happiness is the graduating point, and character is the diploma God gives man.

------Newell Dwight Hillis 我们的世界像座学校,各种事物是老师,毕业的时候畅享快乐,而人格正是老天授予我们的毕业证书。

-------纽维尔·怀特·西里斯The most important thing for a young man is to establish a credit----a reputation, character. ------John D. Rockefeller 一个年轻人最重要的是要建立信用-----包括名誉及人格。-------约翰·洛克菲勒Moderate desires constitute a character fitted to acquire all the good which the world can yield. He who has this character is prepared, in whatever situation he is, therewith to be content: has learned the science of being happy; and possesses the alchemic stone which changes every metal into gold. ------Timothy Dwight 适度的欲望,构成了足以成就所有美好事物的人格,具备这种品格的人,不论身处何种境遇,总能依此自持自足:因为他已领略快乐的秘诀,并拥有点石成金的能力。------提摩泰·怀特No legitimate business man ever got started on the road to permanent success by any other means than that of hard, intelligent work, coupled with an earned credit, plus character. ------F. D. Van Amburgh 没有任何企业可以不倚靠辛劳、智慧以及信誉和品格,而能朝永久的成功迈进。-------安博齐Our success in war and peace depends not on luck, or rhetoric, or the intervention of mythical gods; it depends on human character and modern scientific creations, and on respect for the meaning and methods of science. ------Harlow Shapley 我们在战争或和平时的成功,并非取决于运气、辞令或命运之神的帮助;而是凭借人格与现代科学的发明,以及对科学方法和意义的尊重。-------哈洛·夏普里The accumulation of property is no guarantee of the development of character, but the development of character, or of any other good whatever, is impossible without property. ------William Graham Sumner



The first step in handling anything is gain the ability to face it. ------L. Ron Hubbard 处理事情的第一步在于培养面对它的能力。------里恩·赫伯德Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and honorable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself.

------Cicero 信心是心灵以坚定的希望和自信在荣耀和伟大中启航的那种感觉。-----西塞罗Confidence is the foundation for all business relations. The degree of confidence a man has in others, and the degree of confidence others have in him, determines a man’s standing in the commercial and industrial world.--William J.H. Boetcker 信心是所有业务关系的基础。一个人对别人的信心与别人对他的信心决定了他在工商界的地位。-----威廉·巴克特Skill and confidence is an unconquered army. -------George Herbert 才能及信心乃牢不可破的军队。------乔治·赫伯特Each golden sunrise ushers in new opportunities for those who retain faith in themselves, and keep their chins up. No one has ever seen a cock crow with its head down. Courage to start and willingness to keep everlastingly at it are the requisites for success. Meet the sunrise with confidence. Fill every golden minute with right thinking and worthwhile endeavor. Do this and there will be joy for you in each golden sunset. ------Alonzo Newton Benn 每一个金色朝阳总为拥有自信的人带来新的机会,并使他们抬头挺胸,正如公鸡从不低头啼叫一样。勇敢出发,坚定不懈是成功的不二法门。信心十足地迎向朝阳,以正确的思考和有意义的努力,丰富每一个黄金时刻,金色夕阳下的你必将欢乐洋溢。------阿隆佐·牛顿·本Blow your own horn loud. If you succeed, people will forgive your noise; if you fail, they’ll forget it. -----William Feather 吹响你的号角,如果你成功了,人们会原谅你的嘈杂;如果你失败了,人们会忘掉它。------威廉·费舍尔Faith in your own powers and confidence in your individual methods are essential to success. -------Roderick Stevens 对自己的信念坚定,以及对个人做法有信心,是成功的关键。------洛德瑞克·斯蒂文森Fight! Be somebody! If you have lost confidence in yourself, make believe you are somebody else, somebody that’s got brains, and act like him. ------Sol Hess 奋斗!效法他人!如果你已失去自信,请想象自己是某个杰出、有智慧的人,并尽量效法他。-----索尔·汉斯If at first you do succeed, it can give you a false sense of importance. -----Frank Tyger 如果你一开始就成功,很容易会有自以为重要的错觉。-----弗兰克·泰格Invest in yourself----if you have confidence in yourself. ------William Feather 投资在自己身上,如果你对自己有信心。------威廉·费舍尔Man must be arched and buttressed from within; else the temple will crumble to dust. ------Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 人必须强化自己的内在,否则这庙堂将土崩瓦解。------安东尼诺斯Success in business implies optimism, mutual confidence, and fair play. A business man must hold a high opinion of the worth of what he has to sell, and he must feel that he is a useful public servant. ------R. H. Cabell 事业上的成功,意指乐观、互信及公平的竞争。企业人必须对自己所销售的商品具有高度的评价,并觉得自己是大众最有价值的服务提供者。-----坎贝尔The percentage of mistakes in quick decisions is no greater than in long-drawn-out vacillations and the effect of decisiveness itself “make things go” and creates confidence. ------Anne O’Hare McCormick 快速的决定并不比犹豫的延宕容易出错,而果决的好处在于“推动事物”与建立自信。---安尼·奥海尔·麦考密克The pious and just honoring of ourselves may be thought the fountainhead from whence every laudable and worthy enterprise issues forth. -------John Milton 所有令人赞赏和有价值的企业,其发展的源头,在于能够给自己一份虔诚而正当的尊荣。------约翰·密尔顿This country was not built by men who relied on somebody else to take care of them. It was built by men who relied on themselves, who dared to shape their own lives, who had enough courage to blaze new trials------enough confidence in

themselves to take the necessary risks. -------J. Ollie Edmunds 这个国家不是由依赖别人来照顾自己的人所建立的,而是由自立的人所拓建,他们敢于塑造自己的人生,勇于照亮自己的道路-----有充分的自信以承担必要的风险。------奥利·埃德蒙


Courage conquers all things. ------Ovid 勇气征服一切。------奥维德Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. -----Winston S. Churchill 站起来演讲需要勇气,坐下来聆听同样需要勇气。-------温斯顿·丘吉尔Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good; that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding; and that there is always tomorrow. ------Dorothy Thompson 勇气是克服危险、不幸、恐惧、不公平的力量,并且肯定生命纵有遗憾,依然是美好的;万事万物或许超乎我们的理解,但均各具意义;不论今天如何,我们永远有明天。-------多西·汤姆逊Courage leads star ward, fear toward death. -------Seneca 勇气带来荣耀,畏惧则导致覆亡。------赛涅卡Courage is grace under pressure. -------Ernest Hemingway 勇气乃压力之下的美德。-------海明威Success is never final and failure never fatal. It’s courage that counts. ------George F. Tilton 成功永无尽头,失败永不致命,惟勇气可恃。-------乔治·泰顿Courage is worth nothing if the gods withhold their aid. -------Euripides 若老天不肯帮忙,则勇气不知分文。-------欧里彼得斯Courage consists in equality to the problem before us. -------Ralph Waldo Emerson 当我们能平等地看待所有的问题时,勇气便已然存在。-----爱默生Courage is a virtue only so far as it is directed to produce. ------Francois Finn Elon 勇气只有在被引导去从事创造的时候才算是美德。------弗兰克斯·芬尼·埃隆Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.

-------John Quincy Adams 勇气及坚毅具有神奇的力量,在它面前,困难化为乌有,阻碍亦烟消云散。------约翰·昆西·亚当斯Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps. ------David Lloyd George 一个人若被赋予使命,就不要畏惧迈开大步,因你无法以两个小跳跃跨过深渊。-------大卫·劳合·乔治Set the course of your lives by the three stars----sincerity, courage, unselfishness. From these flow a host of other virtues……He who follows them and does not seek success, will attain the highest type of success, that which lies in the esteem of those among whom he dwells. ------Dr. Monroe E. Deutsch 用三颗星惟你的人生立下方向-----真诚、勇气、无私。由此导引出其余的美德……遵循这方向而不刻意追求成功的人,将达到成功的最高境界,成为别人尊崇的对象。------蒙罗·杜谢博士Failure is only postponed success as long as courage “coaches” ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory.

------Herbert Kaufman 只要勇气能够“驾驭”野心,失败顶多只是延缓成功的到来。坚毅的习性却是获得胜利的必备条件。------考夫曼Fix your eyes upon the greatness of your country as you have it before you day by day……And when you feel her great, remember that her greatness with knowledge of their duty and with a sense of honor in action, who, even if they failed in some venture, would not think of depriving their country of their powers but laid them at her feet as their fairest offering.

------Pericles 将你的目光注视着国家的伟大,因为你每一天都得面对她…当你感到她的伟大时,切记她的伟大乃由具备勇气与职务上的知识以及在行为上具备荣誉感的人所挣来的:他们纵使在某些行动中失败,仍不放弃对国家尽一己之力,反

而以鞠躬尽瘁作为最真挚的献礼。------皮里克斯It is courage the world needs, not infallibility……Courage is always the surest wisdom. ------Wilfred T. Grenfell 世界所需要的是勇气而非永不失败,勇气永远是最真切的智慧。-------格伦菲尔The difference between getting somewhere and nowhere is the courage to make an early start. The fellow who sits still and does just what he is told will never be told to do big things. -------Charles M. Schwab 出人头地与一事无成的差别在于刚开始是否具有勇气,守株待兔且只知听命行事的人,永远不会有成大器的机会。

-------查理·施瓦布The greatest asset of any nation is the spirit of its people, and the greatest danger that can menace any nation is the breakdown of that spirit----the will to win and the courage to work. -------George B. Courtelyou 国家最大的资产是人民的精神,而威胁国家的最大危机乃精神的瓦解,也就是失去赢的意志与工作的勇气。

-------乔治·寇特尤The only security is courage. -------Francois De La Rochefoucauld 唯一的安全就是勇气。------拉罗斯福科The strongest, most generous and proudest of all virtues is courage. ------Michel De Montaigne 最强大、最慷慨、最值得骄傲的美德就是勇气。------蒙泰吉Success is the child of audacity. ------Benjamin Disraeli 成功是由大胆所孕育的小孩。------本杰明·迪斯累利


Blaming destiny is a poor out for those who don’t reach desired destinations. ------Malcolm S. Forbes 对达目标的人而言,诅咒命运是不好的。------马尔科姆·福布斯Character is destiny. ------Heraclites 性格即命运。--------赫拉克利特Ideals are like stars: you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny. ------Carl Schulz 理想如星辰:你无法伸手触及它,但正如汪洋大海中的船员,只要你选择它们作为你的指引,并追随它们。便可抵达你的目的。-------卡尔·舒尔茨Success is a journey----not a destination. -------H. Tom Collard 成功是一段过程而不是目标。-------汤姆·克拉德Let us follow our destiny, ebb and flow. Whatever may happen, we master fortune by accepting it. ------Virgil 让我们遵循命运的潮起潮落,不论发生什么事,都借着接受它来主宰命运。------维吉尔Men are born to succeed----not to fail. -------Henry David Thoreau 人为成功而生,而非失败。------亨利·大卫·梭罗Misfortune does not always wait on vice; nor is success the constant guest of virtue. -------William Harvard 不幸,不必然是恶行的结果,而成功亦不全是美德的常客。------威廉·哈佛To find a career to which you are adapted by nature, and then to work hard at it, is about as near to a formula for success and happiness as the world provides. One of the fortune aspects of this formula is that, granted the right career has been found, the hard work takes care of itself. Then hard work is not hard work at all. ------Mark Sullivan 寻找适合你个性的生涯,并全力投入,这几乎就是世上成功及快乐的公式,而这公式的好处是,认定正确的生涯目标后,自然而然会努力工作,那么辛苦就再也不那么辛苦了。-------马克·沙利文We do not know, in most cases, how far social failure and success are due to heredity, and how far to environment. But environment is the easier of the two to improve. ------J. B. S. Hal Dane 在大多数情况下,我们不知道遗传及环境与个人在社会上的成败有多大关系,但环境是二者中较容易改善的。

------霍尔丹My destiny is solitude, and my life is work. -------Richard Wagner

我的命运是孤独,我的生活即工作。-------理查德·瓦格纳The cause of freedom is identified with the destinies of humanity, and in whatever part of the world it gains ground by and by, it will be a common gain to all those who desire it. ------Louis Kossuth 自由的缘起与人类的命运一致,无论它在世界何处逐渐生根,对所有企盼它的人而言,都将是共同的收获。

------路易士·科苏斯The road to success is usually off the beaten path. ------ Frank Tyger 成功之路通常不是惯走的路。------弗兰克·泰格We sow our thoughts, and we reap our actions; we sow our actions, and we reap our habits; we sow our habits and we reap our characters; we sow our characters and we reap our destiny. ------Charles A. Hall 我们播种思考,收获行动;播种行动,收获习性;播种习性,收获品格;播种品格,收获命运。------查尔斯·霍尔


The entire world over it is true that a double----minded man is unstable in all his ways, like a wave on the streamlet, tossed hither and thither with every eddy of its tide. A determinate purpose in life and a steady adhesion to it through all disadvantages are indispensable conditions of success. -------William M. Puns Hon 优柔寡断者始终摇摆不定,正如小河中的水波,带着每个浪潮的漩涡。到处摆荡。生命中果断的目标与不畏险阻的坚定意志,正是成功不可或缺的条件。------威廉·普宏Decision and determination are the engineer and fireman of our train to opportunity and success. ------Burt Lawler 决心与果断是迈向机会与成功列车的工程师与司炉工。------波特·罗洛尔Either attempt it not, or succeed. ------Ovid 若无意尝试,就不会成功。------奥维德If you would succeed in life, it is of first importance that your individuality, your independence, your determination be trained that you not be lost in the crowd. ------Orison Swett Madden 如果你想成功,首先必须训练自己的个性,让自己独立果决,才不至于迷失在芸芸众生之中。------奥里森·马登This world is given as the prize for the men in earnest. -------Frederick W. Robertson 诚挚者的奖品就是全世界。------弗雷德里克·罗伯逊Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. -------William Feather 成功之钥在于:别人都放弃后,你仍坚持到底。-------威廉·费舍尔The successful man lengthens his stride when he discovers that the signpost has deceived him; the failure looks for a place to sit down. -------J. R. Rogers 成功的人发现受到路标愚弄时,仍迈步而行,但失败者却找个地方先坐下来再说。------罗杰斯There hath grown no grass on my heels since I went hence. -------Nicholas Udall 一旦出发,就不懈怠。-------尼古拉斯·乌代尔Success in business does not depend upon genius. Any young man of ordinary intelligence who is normally sound and not afraid of work should succeed in spite of obstacles and handicaps if he plays the game fairly and keeps everlastingly at it.

-------James C. Penny 商业上的成功,不是凭借天才。任何中等资质的年轻人,只要大致健全、不畏工作,公平竞争、坚持到底,不论有何阻隔障碍,终会成功。-------詹姆斯·彭尼Nothing, not even sheer ability, can make up for the dedication required for a successful business career. -----Ray Eppert 没有任何东西,纵使是绝对的能力,能够比得上成功的事业生涯中所需的专注。-----瑞·艾伯特There is nothing in the world really beneficial that does not lie within the reach of an informed understanding and a well-protected pursuit. ------Edmund Burke 世上任何能创造利益之事,都是得自于充分的掌握状况,并依既定计划努力执行。------埃蒙德·博克We do not meet with success except by reiterated efforts. -------Francoise De Maintenon 除非一再努力,否则难以成功。------曼特侬夫人

When business is not all that it should be, there is a temptation to sit back and say, “Well, what’s the use! We’ve done everything possible to stir up a little business and there is nothing doing so what’s the use of trying!” There is always a way. There was a way in, and there is a way out. And success comes to the man who grits his teeth, squares his jaw, and says, “There is a way for me and, by jingo, I’ll find it.” The stagnator gathers green scum, finally dries up and leaves an unsightly hollow. -------Clifford Sloan 当业务不尽如人意时,会有一股想要退缩的冲动,并且说:“那有什么用!我们已用尽各种办法来提高业绩却仍一无所获,尝试又有什么用!”一定有方法。总有路子可走。成功总降临在咬紧牙根,收起下颚的人身上。他说道:“必定有属于我的道路,而且绝对能找到它。”而停滞不前的人,犹如淤泥上绿色的浮渣,当水分蒸发后,只会留下难看的凹洞。------克里夫·斯隆You do not succeed because you do not know what you want, or you don’t want it intensely enough. ------Frank Crane 如果你不知道自己要什么,或你的需求不够殷切,你便难以成功。------弗兰克·奎恩


Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. ------Langston Hughes 将梦想紧紧抓住,因为如果没有梦想,生命就像折翼之鸟无法翱翔。------兰斯顿·休斯Always dream and shoot higher that you know you can do. Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. ------William Faulkner 永远拥有梦想,并眺望比自己能力所及更高的目标。不必费心要比自己的同侪或前任好,而是要能超越自己。

------威廉·福纳克Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. ------Theodore Roosevelt 目光注视繁星,脚跟立稳大地。-------西奥多·罗斯福The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream. ------William Shakespeare 野心的真正本质,只是梦想的投影。-------威廉·莎士比亚Dreamers and doers---the world generally divides men into those two general classifications, but the world is often wrong. There are men who win the admiration and respect of their fellowmen. They are the men worthwhile. Dreaming is just another name for thinking, planning, devising----another way of saying that a man exercises his soul. A steadfast soul, holding steadily to a dream ideal, plus a sturdy will determined to succeed in any venture, can make any dream come true. Use your mind and your will. They work together for you beautifully if you’ll only give them a chance. ------B. N. Mills 在这个世界上,人通常可以分为两种:梦想家和实践家,但者不一定是正确的。能获得部属的仰慕及崇敬,才是有价值的人。梦想只是思考、计划、想象的代名词,只是个人操练自己心灵的另一种说法。坚定的心灵,牢牢抓住梦想,加上坚强的意志,不畏险阻立志成功,便能使美梦成真。善用你的心灵与意志,只要你给它们机会,他们一定会给你带来美好的成果。-------米尔斯Dreams never hurt anybody if he keeps working right behind the dream to make as much of it come real as he can.

------Frank W. Woolworth 梦想永远不会伤害任何人----只要他持续为梦想而努力,并尽其所能使之成真。------弗兰克·伍尔沃斯Happiness should always remain a bit incomplete. After all, dreams are boundless. ------Anatoly Karpov 快乐永不满足。毕竟,梦想是无止境的。-----卡尔波夫Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true. ------Leon J. Sureness 快乐属于那些有梦想的并准备付出代价来实现它的人。-----里昂·苏尼斯The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service.

------Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 一个人的生命不在于只看见远景与梦想,而在于宽厚待人,立定志向,努力付出。-----朗费罗Imagination is the secret reservoir of the riches of the human race. ------Maude L. Frandsen 想象力是人类财富的秘密蓄水池。------弗兰德森If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will

meet with a success unexpected in common hours. ------Henry David Thoreau 如果一个人能自信地朝着梦想迈进,并努力达到梦想中的生活,那么他将在短时间内拥有非凡的成就。

-----亨利·大卫·梭罗I hope the day will never come when the American nation will be the champion of the status quo. Once that happens, we shall have forfeited, and rightly forfeited, the support of the unsatisfied, of those who are the victims of inevitable imperfections, of those who, young in years or spirit, believe that they can make a better world and of those who dream dreams and want to make their dreams come true. ------John Foster Dulles 我希望美国成为举世之冠的日子永远不会到来,因为一旦如此,我们将丧失,真的丧失这些人的支持:不满足者,完美主义者,生理或心理上年轻并相信自己可以创造更美好未来的人,以及敢于做梦并愿意使梦想成真的人。

-----约翰·福斯特·杜勒斯Ideas must work through the brains and the arms of good and brave men, or they are no better than dreams.

----Ralph Waldo Emerson 理想必须透过良善勇敢者的实践,否则只是梦想罢了。-----爱默生Some men see things as they are and ask, “Why?” I dream things that never were and ask, “Why not?” --Robert F. Kennedy 某些人之看到既有的事物,并问道:“为什么?”我则梦想前所未有的事,并问道“为什么不?”------肯尼迪There is no shame in having fallen. Nor any shame in being born into a lowly estate. There is only shame in not struggling to rise. And also shame for not wishing to attain the better. Or not dreaming about it and praying for it. -----Samuel Amalu 失败并不可耻,生于贫困也不可耻。可耻的是不竭力进步,不希望达到更好的境界,或不为此梦想祈祷。

-----赛谬尔·阿玛路We sometimes from dreams pick up some hint worth improving by……reflection. -----Thomas Jefferson 我们有时可因观照梦想而得到值得改善的启发。------托马斯·杰佛逊Your imagination has much to do with your life. It pictures beauty, success, and desired results. On the other hand, it brings into focus ugliness, distress, and failure. It is for you to decide how you want your imagination to serve you.

------Philip Conley 你的相信与你的生活息息相关,它描绘出美丽、成功、欲求的事物;另一方面,它也带来丑陋、痛苦与失败。是你,决定想象对你有何功用。-----菲利普·康利


Be awful nice to them going up, because you’re gonna meet them all coming down. ------Jimmy Durante 请善待高升的人,因为你将看见他们跌落。-------吉米·杜兰特Generally speaking, success brings out the actors’ worst qualities and failure the best. ------George Abbott 一般来讲,成功带给演员最糟的特质,反之,失败则激发最美好的特质。-----乔治·艾伯特If I die prematurely, at any rate I shall be saved from being bored by my own success. ------Samuel Butler 如果我早逝,至少我将远离成就所带来的厌烦。------赛谬尔·巴特勒To be successful, you’ve got to be willing to fail. ------Frank Tyger 要成功,则你先要能失败。------弗兰克·泰格The secret of success in life is known only to those who have not succeeded. ------J. Churton Collins 生命中成功的奥秘只有未成功的人才能领略。-----丘顿·柯林斯Nobody succeeds in a big way except by risking failure. ------William Feather 只有冒着失败的危险才能够成就大业。-----威廉·费舍尔Shrinking easily becomes a habit as difficult to throw off as the use of drugs and has ruined many men’s chances for success. -------Henry L. Doherty 逃避正如喝药,容易变成难以割舍的习惯,会毁灭许多人成功的机会。-----亨利·多赫尔蒂If I wanted to become a tramp, I would seek information and advice from the most successful tramp I could find. If I wanted to become a failure, I would seek advice from men who have never succeeded. If I wanted to succeed in all things, I

would look around me for those who are succeeding, and do as they have done. -------Joseph Marshall Wade 假如我想成为一个漂泊者,我会向最成功的漂泊者寻求资讯及建议;假如我要成为一个失败者,我会向从未成功的人请求指导;假如我要事事成功,我会环顾四周,寻找成功的人并效法他们。-----约瑟夫·马歇尔·韦德Sometimes a noble failure serves the world as faithfully as a distinguished success. ------Edward Dow den 有时高贵的失败和杰出的成功,对世界有着共同的贡献。------爱德华·道顿Success comes to those who becomes success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious. ------Napoleon Hill 成功降临在有成功意识的人身上,失败降临在漫不经心地让自己有失败意识的人身上。------拿破仑·希尔Success has ruined many a man. ------Benjamin Franklin 成功摧毁了很多人。------本杰明·富兰克林Success is the brand on the brow of the man who has aimed too low. -----John Mansfield 成功是目标过低人额头上的标记。------约翰·梅斯费尔德The ladder of life is full of splinters, but they always prick the hardest when we’re sliding down. ------William Brownell 生命的阶梯充满碎片,而且对滑落的人刺痛最深。------约翰·布朗内尔The line between success and failure is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it---so fine that we often are on the line and do not know it. -----Ralph Waldo Emerson 失败与成功的界限如此细微,我们几乎无法察觉自己已经越界----如此细微,以致濒临边缘却浑然不觉。-----爱默生The secret of success of every man who has ever been successful lies in the fact that he formed the habit of doing those things failures don’t like to do. ------A. Jackson King 每个成功的人,其成功的秘诀都在于:他们习惯于做失败者不爱做的事。-----杰克逊·金There isn’t much thrill in success unless one has first been close to failure. ------William Feather 除非濒临失败,否则成功不会令你感动。------威廉·费舍尔To be ambitious for wealth, and yet always expecting to be poor; to be always doubting your ability to get what you long for, is like trying to reach east by traveling west. There is no philosophy which will help man to succeed when he is always doubting his ability to do so, and thus attracting failure. No matter how hard you work for success, if your thought is saturated with the fear of failure, it will kill your efforts, neutralize your endeavors and make success impossible.

------Charles Bedouin 企图拥有财富,但总是预期贫穷;始终怀疑自己所追求目标的能力,就像目标在东边却向西旅行一样。没有哲理可以帮助怀疑自己能力的人成功,他终会失败。不管你多么努力地朝成功迈进,如果你的思想充满对失败的恐惧,那将扼杀你的努力,抵消你的辛劳,并使成功变得遥不可及。------查理·博度安We mount to heaven mostly on the ruins of our cherished schemes, finding our failures were successes.

- ------Amos Bronson Alcott 我们所珍视的计划倾颓成荒冢,当我们立足其上登上天堂,却猛然发现我们所认为失败的,事实上竟是成功。

------阿莫斯·布朗森·奥尔科特You and I must not complain if our plans break down if we have done our part. That probably means that the plans of one who knows more than we do have succeed. ------Edward E. Hale 如果我们已尽全力,而计划依然失败,你我就不该再抱怨。因为这意味着有人比我们更足智多谋,而这样的人已经成功了。------爱德华·黑尔


A friendship founded on business is a good deal better than a business founded on friendship. -----John D. Rockefeller 建立在生意上的友谊要远胜于建立在友谊上的生意。------约翰·洛克菲勒A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. ------Arnold Glasow 除非你碰巧时运不济,否则真正的朋友绝不会扯你后腿。------阿诺德·格拉索Every man, however wise, needs the advice of some sagacious friend in the affairs of life. ------Plautus

在人生路途上,不论是多么聪明的人,总会需要睿智的朋友提供建言。------普拉图斯Few men have the natural strength to honor a friend’s success without envy. -----Aeschylus 很少人具有这种天生的长处:推崇朋友的成功,而毫无嫉妒之心。-----埃斯库罗斯Friends are an aid to the young, to guard them from error; to the elderly, to attend to their wants and to supplement their failing power of action; to those in the prime of life, to assist them to noble deeds. -----Aristotle 对年少者而言,朋友引领他们远离错误;对年长者而言,朋友援其所需,并弥补他们行动力的匮乏;对年壮者而言,朋友帮助他们表现高尚的行为。------亚里士多德Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another.

------Eustace Budgell 友谊是两个人之间强烈而惯常的相悦之情,并能够提升彼此美好的特质和内心的快乐。----巴杰尔Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. -------Woodrow Wilson 友谊是唯一能将这个世界砌合在一起的东西。-----伍德罗·威尔逊He is our friend who loves more than admires us, and would aid us in our great work. ------William Ellery Chaining 朋友对我们的爱胜于对我们的崇拜,并能协助我们完成伟大的志业。------威廉·查宁If you have no friends to share or rejoice in your success in life----if you cannot look back to those to whom you owe gratitude, or forward to those to whom you ought to afford protection, still it is no less incumbent on you to move steadily in the path of duty; for your active exertions are due not only to society; but in humble gratitude to the being who made you a member of it, with powers to serve yourself and others. -----Walter Scott 如果你没有朋友可以分享生命中的成功,如果你无法回顾你所该感谢的人,或无法前瞻你所该保护的人,你肩上的担子并未稍获减轻。行动的力量并非只来自社会,更来自谦逊的感恩,要感谢引领你成为社会一分子的人们。正是这份感恩,并带给你自己和他人真正的力量。-----沃尔特·斯科特If you’ll forget the things you give and never forget what you receive; quite soon you’ll make a host of friends who’ll gladly aid you to achieve. ------Alonzo Newton Benn 若你总是忘记自己所施与的,铭记自己所接受的,那么你很快就可以交到一大群朋友,而且是一群乐意帮助你成功的朋友。-----阿隆佐·牛顿·本It is a good thing to be rich, it is a good thing to be strong, but it is a better thing to be beloved of many friends. ---Euripides 富有是好事,强壮也是好事,但皆不如受到许多朋友的喜爱来得更好。------欧里彼得斯Real success is not on the stage, but off the stage is a human being, and how you get along with your fellow men.

------Sammy Davis Jr.

真正的成功不在舞台上,而是在舞台下,那真实的你以及你和友伴之间的相处。-----小萨米·戴维斯The ability to form friendships, to make people believe in you and trust you, is one of the few absolutely fundamental qualities of success. Selling, buying, negotiating are so much smoother and easier when the parties enjoy each other’s confidence. The young man who can make friends quickly will find that he will glide instead of stumbling through life.

-----John J. McGuirk 建立友谊,让人们相信你、依赖你,是通往成功的少数路径之一。销售、买卖、斡旋,都因为彼此间的信任而无往不利。容易与人为友的年轻人,在人生的旅途上,将一帆风顺。-----约翰·麦克古卡The making of friends who are real friends is the best token we have of a man’s success in life. -----Edward E. Hale 拥有真正的朋友,是成功人生的最佳写照。-----爱德华·霍尔The man or woman who treasures his friends is usually solid gold himself. -----Marjorie Holmes 珍惜友情者,通常也让自己更加高贵。------马乔里·霍尔姆斯The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.

------Theodore Roosevelt 塑造成功的过程中,最重要的成分是知道如何与人相处。-----西奥多·罗斯福We are all travelers in the desert of life and the best we can find in our journey is an honest friend.

- --------Robert Louis Stevenson 我们都是生命荒漠中的过客,旅途中最美好的事物莫过于找到真诚的朋友。-----罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森What are friends for if you don’t use them? ------Freddie Myers 若不加以运用的话,朋友有什么用?------福瑞迪·迈尔When fortune smiles, what need of friends? -----Euripides 当幸运之神微笑时,哪还需要朋友?------欧里彼得斯Years and years of happiness only make us realize how lucky we are to have friends that have shared and made that happiness is reality. ------Robert E. Fredrick 年复一年的快乐,让我们了解到自己是多么的幸运,能够拥有一些不仅能共同分享快乐并能使快乐成真的朋友。



No one’s happiness but my own is in my power to achieve or to destroy. ----Ayn Rand 惟有来自内心真正的快乐,才是主宰成功或失败的关键力量。-----安·瑞德Happiness and misery depend not upon how high up or low down you are ---they depend not upon these, but on the direction in which you are tending. ------Samuel Butler 快乐或悲伤并不在于你目前的处境多好或多坏---而在于你正朝着哪个方向前进。------赛谬尔·巴特勒Happiness consists more in small conveniences or pleasure that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the course of his life. ------Benjamin Franklin 快乐来自于日常生活中小小的满足或欢乐,而不在于生命中可与而不可求的好运气。------本杰明·富兰克林It is not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do, that is the secret of happiness. ------James M. Barrie 快乐的秘诀,不在于做你所爱做的事,而在于爱你所做的事。-----詹姆斯·巴利Happiness is a dividend on a well-invested life. ------Duncan Stuart 快乐是善加投资人生的红利。------邓肯·斯图亚特I look on that man as happy who, when there is a question of success, looks into his work for a reply.

- -----Ralph Waldo Emerson 快乐的人在对成功有所质疑的时候,能够在工作中寻求解答。------爱默生Happiness is only a by-product of successful living. -----Dr. Austen Fox Riggs 快乐只不过是成功人生的副产品。-----奥斯丁·福克斯·里格斯Here below is not the land of happiness; it is only the land of toil; and every joy which comes to us is only to strengthen us for some greater labor that is to succeed. ------Immanuel Fichte 足下并非快乐之地,而是艰辛的旅途;任何欢愉的来临,都不过是为了让我们更加坚强地,面对不可知的未来,以便获得成功。------伊曼纽·费希特I believe in the possibility of happiness, if one cultivates intuition and outlives the grosser passions, including optimism.

------George Santayana 如果我们能够培养本能与直觉,活出更鲜明的热情和乐观的精神,那么快乐便近在眼前。------乔治·桑塔亚娜Planning for happiness is rarely successful. Happiness just happens. ------Robert Half 蓄意计划快乐,通常不会成功。快乐只是自然而然地发生。------罗伯特·哈弗If you observe a really happy man, you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias, or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that had rolled under the radiator, striving for it as the goal itself. He will have become aware that he is happy in the course of living life twenty-four crowed hours of each day. ------W. Beran Wolfe 如果你观察一个真正快乐的人,你将发现他正在建造一艘船,谱写交响乐,教育他的儿子,栽植天竺牡丹,或是在大戈壁沙漠里找寻恐龙蛋。他不会刻意追寻快乐,就像领扣在光下便会熠熠生辉般,没有其他目的。他心中明白,在每天充实的二十四小时里,他已拥有了快乐。--------贝伦·伍尔夫

If virtue promises happiness, prosperity and peace, then progress in virtue is progress in each of these; for to whatever point the perfection of anything brings us, progress is always an approach toward it. ------Epictetus 如果美德能够为你带来快乐、兴盛与和平,那么在美德上进步也将能带来这些进步;进步永远是获得美好事物的途径。------艾皮克特图斯Mankind differ in their notions of happiness; but in my opinion he truly possesses it who lives in the anticipation of honest fame, and the glorious figure he shall make in the eyes of posterity. ------Pliny the Younger 每个人对快乐的观念各自不同,但依我之见,真正快乐的人,追求的是正直诚实之名,以及在后世子孙眼中荣耀的形象。------小普林尼Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. -----Benjamin Franklin 金钱从未让人们快乐过,现在不会,将来也不会。在金钱的本质中,找不到足以制造快乐的元素。------富兰克林Search foe a single, inclusive good is doomed to failure. Such happiness as life is capable of comes from the full participation of all our powers in the endeavor to wrest from each changing situation of experience its own full and unique meaning. -----John Dewey 欲寻求单一向度却全面的幸福,终归要失败。人生的幸福来自运用各种力量,全力以赴去追求的成果;来自体验各种变化所具有的丰富而独特的意义。------约翰·德维Someone has well said, “Success is a journey, not a destination.” Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road. -------Robert R. Updegraff 有人说的好,“成功是旅程而不是终点”,快乐应与你一路相随,而不是在终点才与你相遇。---罗伯特·亚德格拉夫Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get. ------Dave Gardner 成功是得到你所要的,快乐是要你所得到的。------大卫·加德纳The hours we pass with happy prospects in view are more pleasing than those crowed with fruition. ----Oliver Goldsmith 在我们的人生旅途中,满怀乐观的期盼,要比拥有一堆成就更令人心旷神怡。------奥利弗·哥德史密斯The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and then you find it put your whole soul in it---every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have. -----John D. Rockefeller 通往快乐之路只有两个简单的原则:以是发掘你感兴趣又能够做得好的事,一旦发掘了,就不遗余力,将你整个身心都投入,二是投入每一丝一毫的能量与野心,以及你的天赋和才能。-----约翰·洛克菲勒We rich men count our happiness to lie in the little superfluities, not in necessities. -----Plutarch 富有的人依赖微不足道的奢侈品而非生活中不可或缺的必需品,以获得快乐。-----普鲁塔克Where ambition ends, happiness begins. ------Hungarian Proverb 野心的尽头是快乐的开始。------匈牙利谚语We never enjoy perfect happiness; our most fortunate successes are mingled with sadness; some anxieties always perplex the reality of our satisfaction. -------Pierre Corneille 我们从未拥有过完美的快乐,纵使最幸运的成功也难免夹杂着悲伤;某些心灵上的忧虑,总模糊了原本的满足。

-----皮尔·康奈乐What a man dose with his wealth depends upon his idea of happiness. Those who draw prizes in life are apt to spend tastelessly, if not viciously, not knowing that it requires as much talent to spend as to make. ----Edwin P. Whipple 一个人花钱的态度,取决于他对快乐的看法。那些把人生视为竞技场的人,花起钱来不是恶形恶状,就是每什么品味。他们不知道,花钱所需要的才能和赚钱是一样的。------埃德文·维普乐What is happiness? The feeling that power increases that resistance is overcome. -----Friedrich W. Nietzsche 快乐是什么-----感到力量逐渐累积而阻力一一被克服。-------尼采The secret of success in society is a certain heartiness and sympathy. A man, who is not happy in company, cannot find any word in his memory that will fit the occasion; all his information is a little impertinent. A man, who is happy there, finds in every turn of the conversation occasions for the introduction of what he has to say. The favorites of society are able men, and of more spirit than wit, who have no uncomfortable egotism, but who exactly fill the hour and the company, contended and contenting. ------Ralph Waldo Emerson 社会上成功的秘诀,在于真诚与和谐,在群体中不快乐的人,总难找到适合情境的只言片语,仿佛任何词藻都不对

味。在群体中快乐的人,于每次谈话的场合,总能找到合适的开场白,表达他该说的话。能干的人在社会上最受欢迎,而他的性情比机智还要重要,他没有那种让人不舒服的自我主义。他的存在,让自己和群体同时充满挑战和满足。-----爱默生You never see the stock called happiness quoted on the exchange. -----Henry Van Dyke 在证券交易场上,永远没有叫快乐的股票。------亨利·凡·戴克


Details often kill initiative, but there have been few successful men who weren’t good at details. Don’t ignore details. Lick them. ----William B. Given Jr. 繁文缛节常会扼杀创意,但少有成功的人是不擅于细节的。别忽略细节,应好好整顿它们。-----小威廉·吉文Genius is initiative on fire. ------Holbrook Jackson 天才是着了火的原创力。-----霍布鲁克·杰克逊I can give you a six-word formula for success:” Think things through---then follow through.”----Edward Rickenbacker 成功八字诀:“彻底思考,贯彻执行。”-----爱德华·里肯巴克尔I will spit on my hands and take better hold. -----John Heywood 我将在手上吐沫,准备抓得更稳。-----约翰·海伍德Success is often just an idea away. -----Frank Tyger 成功通常只在一念之间。-----弗兰克·泰格If you want to succeed, you should strike out on new paths rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.

-----John D. Rockefeller 如果你想要成功,就该找出新的路来,而不是在众人都走的路上追寻前人的步伐。------约翰·洛克菲勒Initiative is to success what a lighted match is to a candle. -----Orlando A. Battista 创意之于成功,犹如火柴之于蜡烛。-----奥兰多·贝塔To get anywhere, strike out for somewhere, or you’ll get nowhere. -----Martha Lupton 想要抵达任何地方,就要先有个目的地,否则什么地方也到不了。------玛莎·鲁顿Our vast progress in transportation, past and future, is only a symbol of the progress that is possible by constantly striving toward new horizons in every human activity. Who can say what new horizons lie before us if we can but maintain the initiative and develop the imagination to penetrate them---new economic horizons, new horizons in the art of government, new social horizons, new horizons expending in all directions, to the end that greater degrees of well-being may be enjoyed by everyone, everywhere. -----Alfred P. Sloan Jr. 我们在交通运输上的重大进展,无论过去或未来,都只是人类朝着未知领域不断前进的象征。谁能预料未来将会是怎样的新世界,但只要我们能保有创意,并运用想象力,便能超越----新的经济领域,政府运作的新艺术,新的社会范畴,并在各方面扩张新领域,直到任何地方、任何人,都能够享有更大的幸福为止。-----小阿尔弗雷德·斯隆The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try nothing and succeed. ----Lloyd Jones 尝试过后才失败,总胜于什么都未尝试却成功的人。-----罗伊德·琼斯Success won’t just come to you. It has to be met at least halfway. ------Frank Tyger 成功不会主动降临,你至少得到半途上去迎接它。-----弗兰克·泰格It is the direct man who strikes sledgehammer blows, who penetrate the very marrow of a subject at every stroke and gets the meat out of a proposition, who does things. -----Orison Swett Mar den 这是位直截了当的人----挥舞着致命的长锤,每一击都能洞穿主题的精髓,从各个提议与主张中汲取实质的内涵,这样,才算是真正在做事的人。-----奥里森·马登The key to whatever success I enjoy today is: don’t ask, do. -----Vikki Carr 我的成功关键在于:不要多问,动手去做。-----维奇·卡尔


A great business success is probably never attained by chasing the dollar, but is due to pride in one’s work---the pride that

makes business an art. -----Henry L. Doherty 伟大的事业成就,并非来自对金钱的追求,而是来自工作中的尊严-----正是这份尊严,视工作变成一种艺术。

------亨利·多赫尔蒂A little integrity is better than any career. ----Ralph Waldo Emerson 一点点正直远胜于任何事业。------爱默生A successful life is not an easy life. It is built upon strong qualities, sacrifice, endeavor, loyalty, integrity.

- -----Grant D. Brandon 成功的生涯并非轻易可得,它建立在健全的品质、牺牲、努力、忠诚和正直之上。------格兰特·布兰顿Success can corrupt; usefulness can only exalt. ------Dimitri Mitropolous 成功可能带来腐败,而能干则只能赢来别人的赞美。------迪米特里·米特洛普洛斯Every man should make up his mind that if he expects to succeed, he must give an honest return for the other man’s dollar.

------Edward H. Harriman 一个人想要成功的话,就应该下定决心,至少他必须诚实地把欠他人的钱还给人家。-----爱德华·哈里曼I do the very best I know how---the very best I can; and mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference. -----Abraham Lincoln 追求我所能达到的最大成就,坚持目标,全力以赴,绝不停歇。若最终我所坚持的都正确,则任何对我的打击都毫无意义。若最终我所坚持的都错了,则即使有十个天使发誓我是对的,那对结果一点帮助也没有。------林肯For employee success, loyalty and integrity are equally as important as ability. -----Harry F. Banks 做一个成功的员工,忠诚与正直的重要性并不亚于能力。-----哈里·班克斯If a man successful in business expends a part of his income in things of no real use, while the poor employed by him pass through difficulties in getting the necessaries of life, the require his serious attention. ------John Wolman 若一个事业有成的人把钱财浪费在无用的事物上,而他所雇用的穷人却依然在为生活所需而辛苦挣扎,那么他就应该严肃地面对这件事。-----约翰·沃尔曼Integrity is the first step to true greatness. Men love to praise, but are slow to practice it. ------Charles Simmons 正直是通往伟大的第一步。人们喜爱赞扬他人,但却疏于实践。-----查尔斯·西蒙斯Man cannot be satisfied with mere success. He is concerned with the terms upon which success comes to him. And very often the terms seem more important than the success. ------Charles A. Bennett 成功本身无法令人满足,人们在意的是导致成功的原则和过程,而这些东西甚至要比成功来得重要。-----本尼特Mark, young man, the line you succeed in will be of your own finding. The Davids in life do not slay the Goliaths of difficulty and temptation in another’s armor, even though it be the king’s, but with their own self-made weapons, though they be nothing more formidable than a sling and a pebble. ------G. E. Bishop 注意了,年轻人!发现自我才是成功之道。大卫不会穿着别人的甲胄----即便是国王的赐予----去击杀生命中犹如巨人般的困难和迷惑,而是用自制的武器迎接强敌,纵使那武器犹如投石器和小石子般微不足道。------毕肖普You, yourself, have got to see that there is no just interpretation of life except in terms of life’s best things. No pleasure philosophy, no sensuality, no place nor power, no material success can for a moment give such inner satisfaction as the sense of living for good purposes, for maintenance of integrity, for the preservation of self-approval. -----Minot Simons 你,你自己,要看清楚,只有生命中最美好的事物,才足以赋予生命的意义。任何享乐哲学、官能主义、物质上的成功、权势或身份,都无法像追求美好的生命目标、维护正直、追求自我肯定那般,带给我们内心的满足。---西蒙Our definition of success is unorthodox. We claim that any man who is honest, fair, tolerant, kindly, charitable of others and well behaved is a success, no matter what his station in life. ------Jay E. House 我们对成功的定义有别于一般的见解,我们宣称任何诚实、公正、宽容,待人慈善慷慨、行为端正者,是成功的人,而不在乎他在社会上的身份。-----杰·豪斯The man who will use his skills and constructive imagination to see how he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he

can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed. ----Henry Ford 成功属于运用自己的技能和具建设性的想象力,为所得的每一块钱做最大的贡献者,而不是吝于付出的人。---福特The private and personal blessings we enjoy, the blessings of immunity, safeguard, liberty, and integrity, deserve the thanksgiving of a whole life. -----Jeremy Taylor 我们所享有个人的、私密的恩赐-----安全、无忧、自由于正直的恩赐,值得我们终生感恩。-----杰瑞米·泰勒The vital force in business life is the honest desire to serve. Business, it is said, is the science of service. He profits most who serves best. At the very bottom of the wish to render service must be honesty of purpose, and, as I go along through life, I see more and more that honesty in word, thought, and work means success. It spells a life worth living and in business clean success. -----George Bernhard 在企业界中,成功的主要力量,来自于最诚挚的服务欲望。商业活动是服务的科学,服务最好的人收获必然最丰盛,但服务的动机必须是真心诚意的。在人生旅途中,我愈来愈明白,言语、思想和工作中的诚意孕育着成功。它带来有价值的生命,以及赢得诚信正派的成功。-----乔治·伯哈德


Every successful man I have heard of has done the best he could with conditions as he found them, and not waited until the next year for better. ------Edgar Watson Howe 据我所知,每一个成功的人,都是在既有的条件下,做最好的发挥,而不是等到来年一切好转时再说。----埃德加Opportunity is the best captain of all endeavors. -----Sophocles 机会是所有努力的最佳领航者。-----斯福克斯The great secret of success in life is for a man to be ready when his opportunity comes. ------Benjamin Disraeli 一个人成功的最佳秘诀在于当机会来临时,他已做好准备。-----本杰明·迪斯累利Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing in life is to know when to forego an advantage.

-----Benjamin Disraeli 除了懂得何时掌握机会外,生命中另一件最重要的事,在于知道何时该放弃某些既得的利益。---本杰明·迪斯累利I do not want anybody to convince my son that someone will guarantee him a living. I want him rather to realize that there is plenty of opportunity in this country for him to achieve success, but whether he wins or loses depends entirely on his own character, perseverance, thrift, intelligence, and capacity for hard work. ----Major John L. Griffith 我不希望任何人让我的儿子以为,有人可以保障他一辈子衣食无忧。我宁可让他认为,这个国家里有许多成功的机会在等待他,但其失败完全取决于他的个性、毅力、节俭、智慧,以及应付困难工作的能耐。----约翰·格里菲斯No great man ever complains of want of opportunity. ------Ralph Waldo Emerson 伟大的人从不抱怨缺乏机会。-----爱默生No man can make his opportunity. He can only make use of such opportunities as occurs. -----Forrest P. Sherman 没有人能够创造自己的机会,只能够在机会来临时善于运用。-----福瑞斯特·谢尔曼Nobody’s problem is ideal. Nobody has things just as he would like them. The thing to do is to make a success with what material I have. It is sheer waste of time and soul-power to imagine what I would do if things were different. They are not different. ------Dr. Frank Crane 没有任何人的问题是完美的,没有人能够让每一件事皆遂其所愿。应该做的是在既有资源下创造成功。空想换种情况我会如何如何,那只不过是浪费自己的时间和精力罢了!事实上,情况是不会变的。-----弗兰克·克莱恩博士The ladder of success doesn’t care who climbs it. -----Frank Tyger 成功之梯不会介意谁去爬它。-----弗兰克·泰格What is opportunity to the man who can’t use it? An unfecundated egg, which the waves of time wash away into nonentity.

-----George Eliot 对不懂得运用的人而言,机会是什么?就像是未受孕的卵,在时间之流的冲击下消失无踪。-----乔治·艾略特One big reason why men do not develop greater abilities, greater sales strength, and greater resourcefulness is because they use neither their abilities nor their opportunities. We don’t need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What

we need is to use what we have. Men fail and their families suffer deprivations when all the time these men have in their possession the same assets other men are utilizing to accumulate a fortune……Life doesn’t cheat. It doesn’t pay in counterfeit coin. It doesn’t lock up shop and go home when payday comes. It pays every man exactly what he has earned. The age-old law that a man gets what he earns hasn’t been suspended. When we take that truth home and believe it, we’ve turned a big corner on the high road that runs straight through to success. -----Basil S. Walsh 为什么有些人无法发挥出更伟大的能力,更震撼人心的销售力量,以及更多的智谋,主要原因在于,他们既没有发挥所能,也没有运用机会。我们不需要更大的力量、更多的能力,或是更幸运的机会,我们只需要运用既有的资源。当有些人失败并连累家人时,另外一些拥有相同资源的人,却善加运用,并积累出财富。生命不会骗人,它不会付给你假钞,也不会在付钱的日子关门回家去。它付给每个人所该得的。人人得其所哉这条古老法则仍然有效,当我们带着这条真理回家去且信仰它时,我们在人生旅途上便转了一个正确的弯,走上直奔成功的大道。---贝西·沃什The man who works need never be a problem to anyone. Opportunities multiply as they are seized; they die when neglected. Life is a long line of opportunities. -----John Wicker 力行工作的人不会成为别人的负担,生命是一长串的机会。机会被掌握时,加倍成长;机会被忽略时,形同消逝。

------约翰·维克The most successful business man is the man who holds onto the old just as long as it is good and grabs the new just as soon as it is better. -----Robert P. Vanderpoel 最成功的商人,只要是好的东西,不管多旧都会把握;只要是更好的东西,不管多新必定立即掌握。------凡德普There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. -------William Shakespeare 人的世界里,潮起潮落,涨潮是启航,赢取财富;若反其道而行,则人生的航程,注定要搁浅。------莎士比亚There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity. -----Douglas McArthur 世上没有安全,只有机会。------道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟True success is the only thing that you cannot have unless and until you have offered it to others. -----Sri Chinmoy 只有把成功贡献给他人,你才能真正拥有成功。-----斯里·钦摩Vigilance in watching opportunity; tact and daring in seizing upon opportunity; force and persistence in crowding opportunity to its utmost possible achievement----these are the martial virtues which must command success.

------Austin Phelps 观察机会是要警醒,抓住机会是要大胆机敏。处处都是机会时,要以全部的力量和毅力追求可能的极致成就,这是在战场上追求成功的必备美德。------奥斯丁·菲尔普斯


Handful patience is worth more than a bushel of brains. -----Dutch Proverb

满手的耐心比十加仑的脑还有用。------荷兰谚语A leaf that is destined to grow large is full of grooves and wrinkles at the start. Now if one has no patience and wants it smooth offhand like a willow leaf, there is trouble ahead. -----Johann Wolfgang V on Goethe 未长大的绿芽充满着沟纹和褶皱。如果没有耐心地马上要它平滑如柳叶,麻烦将近在眼前。-------歌德All human power is a compound of time and patience. ------Honoree De Balzac 人类所有的力量都是由耐心和时间所组成的。------巴尔扎克Genius is patience. -----George-Louis Leclerc De Buffoon 天才即是耐心。------布丰Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly start remedying them----every day begins the task anew. -----St. Francis De Sales 对所有的事情都要耐心,尤其是对你自己。在顾及自己的瑕疵时,不要失去勇气,只要立即修补,并天天如此更新自己。------圣弗朗西斯He that has no patience has nothing at all. ------Italian Proverb

没有耐心的人一无所有。------意大利谚语In most things success depends on knowing how long it takes to succeed. -----Montesquieu 在大多数情况下,成功有赖于知道要花多长时间成功。------孟德斯鸠It is natural to every man t wish for distinction; and the praise of those who can confer honor by their praise, in spite of all false philosophy, is sweet to every human heart; but as eminence can be but the lot of a few, patience of obscurity is a duty which we owe not more to our own happiness than to the quite of the world at large. -----Sydney Smith 出类拔萃是每个人的愿望,那些来自崇拜者口中的赞扬,不管是真是假,仍然让人感到欢喜。只是卓越并非人人可得,因此,谦卑的耐心便成了我们对自己的快乐以及对世界的安宁,所负有的最大责任。-----西德尼·史密斯It is not necessary for all great men to be great in action. The greatest and most sublime power is often simple patience.

------Horace Bushnell 并非所有伟大的人都必须在行动中显得伟大。最伟大、最崇高的力量,往往来自单纯的耐心。-----布什内尔On the whole, it is patience which makes the final difference between those who succeed or fail in all things. All the greatest people have it in an infinite degree, and among the less, the patient weak ones always conquer the impatient strong.

------John Ruskin 整体而言,耐心是影响成败的关键。所有伟大的人物都有无比的耐心。而在其余凡人之间,有耐心的弱者,通常能够征服没有耐心的强人。------约翰·罗斯金Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.

------Johann Schiller 惟有拥有足够的耐心,把简单的事情做到尽善尽美,方能够积累才干,轻松地完成困难的任务。-----席勒Patience: a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue. ------Ambrose Bierce 耐心是失望的缩影,却被乔装为美德。-----安布鲁斯·比尔斯Patience and time do more than strength or passion. -----Jean De La Fontaine 耐心与时间的较量远胜于力量或热情的成就。-----拉封丹Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius. ------Benjamin Disraeli 耐心是天才的必要元素之一。------本杰明·迪斯累利Patience is bitter, but its fruits are sweet. -----Jean-Jacques Rousseau 耐心虽苦,但成果却是甜美的。------卢梭Patience is passion tamed. -----Lyman Abbott 耐心是受驯服的热情。------里曼·艾伯特Patience is the companion of wisdom. ------St. Augustine 耐心是智慧之友。------圣奥古斯丁Successful salesmen, authors, executives and workmen of every sort need patience. The great liability of youth is not inexperience but impatience. ------William Feather 成功的业务人员、作家、管理者,以及各行各业的工作人员,都需要耐心。年轻人最大的缺点不在于没有经验,而在于没有耐心。------威廉·费舍尔Possess your soul with patience. -----John Dryden 让你的灵魂充满耐心。-----约翰·德莱顿The road to success is not to be run upon by seven-leagued boots. Step by step, little by little, bit by bit---that is the way to wealth, that is the way to wisdom,that is the way to glory. -----Charles Buxton 通往成功的路,不宜用二十里长的靴子来走。而得要按部就班,一点一滴,才能够通往财富,通往智慧,通向荣耀。

------查尔斯·巴斯顿Success consists of a series of little daily victories. ------Laddie F. Hutar 成功是由一连串小小的、日常的胜利所组成的。-----兰代·胡特There’s no music in “rest”, but there’s the making of music in it. And people are always missing that part of the life melody,


2014福布斯中国富豪榜发布,中国亿万富豪(billionaires,即10亿美元)人数出现大幅增长,从一年前的168人增至今年的242人。中国互联网企业家成为今年榜单上的焦点,前三甲 分别是阿里巴巴马云、百度李彦宏和腾讯马化腾。 马云在今年首次摘得中国首富桂冠。电子商务巨头阿里巴巴不久前在纽约证券交易所进行破纪录的首次公开募股(IPO),使马云赢得全世界的瞩目,其净资产也从去年的71亿美元飙升至今年的195亿美元。 李彦宏排名第二,净资产从去年的111亿美元增至今年的147亿美元。现年45岁的李彦宏是中国第一大搜索引擎百度的董事长。纳斯达克[微博]上市的百度股票在今年屡创新高。通过收购与内部拓展,百度巩固了无线业务,正致力于基于语音和图片识别的下一代搜索技术。 马化腾的财富从去年的102亿美元增至今年的144亿美元,排名也从去年的第五升至 第三。借助网络游戏创造的丰厚利润,马化腾将腾讯公司打造成了一家科技巨头,进而又通过即时消息等各种免费服务来推广其游戏。腾讯的即时通信服务微信吸引了近4.4亿用户。过去一年中,该公司还入股物流企业华南城和电子商务公司京东商城,加深在电子商务领域的涉足。 与此同时,随着京东商城于今年5月在纳斯达克成功上市,这家在线购物网站的董事 长兼CEO刘强东也以71亿美元的净资产攀升至榜单第十位。 福布斯杂志社高级编辑、福布斯亚洲上海分社社长范鲁贤(Russell Flannery)表示:“中国互联网企业家的财富开始赶超诸如保罗?艾伦(Paul Allen)、埃里克?施密特(Eric Schmidt)、杨致远(Jerry Yang)和雪莉?桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)等美国科技界的标志人物。”作为福 布斯中国富豪榜制榜人的范鲁贤称:“这告诉我们,在一个电子商务与移动服务将更为普及 的时代,中国即便一时超越不了美国,也将与美国角逐这个时代新创财富的很大一部分。” 其他值得一提的上榜富豪包括:可再生能源企业家李河君,其净资产从去年的109亿 美元增长至今年的130亿美元,排名第五。他的汉能控股专注于薄膜太阳能技术等替代能源。与此同时,小米智能手机神话的缔造者雷军]也度过了一个丰收年,以91亿美元净资产实现财富大突破,夺得榜单第八席。 而中国传统行业的富豪,比如房地产业,则度过了颇具挑战性的一年。在中国房地产开发商步履维艰的这一年,去年的首富、大连万达集团董事长王健林,排名下滑三个位次,降至第四名。其净资产从141亿美元缩水至132亿美元。饮料企业娃哈哈集团董事长宗庆后 的名次也有下滑,虽然其净资产保持在110亿美元不变。


20世纪《福布斯》二十本最具影响力的商业书籍 《福布斯》杂志评出了上个世纪末最具影响力的二十本商业书籍。上世纪70年代末,美国经济陷入衰退的阵痛期,来自阿拉伯世界的石油威胁及来自日本的经济压力使美国人的日子很不好过,商 业书籍也因此被尘封一时。但在接下来的80和90年代,美国经济保持了二十年的持续增长,一大批优秀的CEO如比尔·盖茨、李·艾科卡、唐纳德·特朗普,出现在人们的视野中。商业书籍的出版和发行也因此空前活跃,本次评出的二十本书按类别分为管理类、叙事类、投资类及传记类。它们分别是: 1.汤姆·彼得斯错了吗? 管理类书籍在整个排行榜上所占的比重最大,其中汤姆·彼得斯(Thomas Peters)的《追求卓越》高居榜首。这本书出版于1982年,最开始源自著名的咨询公司麦肯锡的一个内部项目。当时的美国商业界正倍受日本公司咄咄逼人的扩张姿态的困扰,日本公司普遍采用的严格的制度化管理让这个战败国的经济迅速崛起。面对强烈个人主义精神的员工,美国公司领导成了被长期讥笑的低能者。汤姆·彼得斯与罗伯特·沃特曼的《追求卓越》成了美国商业的拯救者。这本书为管理设定了一个积极的目标,而非强调面临的难题。彼得斯提出的杰出企业的8个特性几乎为未来20年的商业管理奠定了格局: 1.偏好行动而不是沉思 2.在产品和服务上接近顾客的需求 3.鼓励自治和放松,而不是紧密监督 4.对雇员的态度是鼓励其生产力,避免“我们”和“他们”这种对立情绪 5.以一种被称为“走动式管理”保持与大家的紧密接触 6.“专注于自身”以保持商业优势,因此避免了无关的风险 7.组织结构简洁,人员精干 8.对目标同时保持松紧有度的特性,但却不窒息创新的控制系统。 今日的企业领袖没有人不承认深受汤姆·彼得斯原则的影响。《追求卓越》成为第一本销量超过百万的商业书籍,这本书甚至促成了商业书籍出版业的成熟。汤姆·彼得斯也成了一位标志性的明星人物。 今日的汤姆·彼得斯已经失去了最初的光彩,人们甚至开始遗忘他了。在《追求卓越》出版20周年之际,汤姆·彼得斯亲自撰文,讲述他写这本书的初衷和过程,他的观点对在哪里,错在哪里,他承认当时自己说了一些谎话。对于试图为商界确定未来日程的精英来说,《追求卓越》背后的故事提供了一系列不可多得的教训。此书引导的潮流向我们展示了20年来商业世界急剧变化的生动图景。 “我们忘了贴一个警告标签。注意!没有永恒的东西。任何东西吃得太多都会有毒。请记住:商业中所有事情都是悖论。为达到追求,必须持之以恒。而当你持之以恒之时,你就容易受到攻击。你看,这就是悖论。面对它吧!”这是此书出版20年之后汤姆·彼得斯的再一次表白,“卓越只是一种过于静态的观念,而世界实在变化太快了。” 好公司能否变成卓越公司


《福布斯》左右世界经济发展的十大富豪名 人故事 一个人的财富和他在世界的影响力并不一定成正比,因此在评出20XX年度全球富豪榜之后,《福布斯》又依据各位富翁的公司规模、政治权势、影响范畴,以及对社会的公益贡献,评出了10位最有影响力的富豪。它认为,正是这些人左右着世界经济的发展。 第一名:微软董事长比尔·盖茨 资产:407亿美元、财富排名:1 连续6年蝉联世界首富的盖茨,当仁不让地入选最有影响力的亿万富豪。电脑是当今世界上最重要的信息工具,而微软的操作系统在全球93%的电脑上运行,盖茨的影响力是不言而喻的。盖茨同时还是最大的慈善家,去年捐款十几亿美元,尤其关注疫苗研究。 第二名:“股神”华伦·巴菲特 资产:305亿美元、财富排名:2 巴菲特在华尔街绝对是一言九鼎,如果他看跌哪只股票,那只股票将难逃股价狂泻的命运。现在全球经济衰退、股市低迷,他的经济预言尤其受到市场的关注。他拥有王牌投资公司BerkshireHathaway的36%的股份,每年获得巨额的投资回报。他承诺身后将资产留给慈善组织。

第三名:意大利总理贝卢斯科尼 资产:59亿美元、财富排名:45 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼集政权、财富于一身,他是500强企业、投资公司菲宁维斯特集团的老板,拥有意大利最大的电视网络,还涉足银行、保险和出版业。他的另一个特色就是拥有老牌足球俱乐部AC米兰队。 第四名:传媒大亨默多克 资产:55亿美元、财富排名:54 拥有电影公司、出版公司和卫星电视的默多克,在传媒界的影响力日益强大,而他的对手美国在线时代华纳却陷入了债务的泥潭。多样化的经营将他的影响力扩展到了全球范围的政治、经济及文化。他麾下的电视台福克斯的节目备受欢迎,比如《大富翁乔》就成为美国家喻户晓的王牌节目。目前他正在推出第二家卫星电视DirecTV。


福布斯发布2010全球企业排行榜通用电气滑落第二 来源:不详2010-4-26 11:45:28 浏览次数:88 美国《福布斯》杂志4月21日公布了2010年全球企业排行榜,去年排名第一的通用电气今年排名滑落至第2位,摩根大通则跃升至第一位。排名第三和第四的企业分别为美国银行和石油巨头埃克森美孚 公司(Exxon Mobile Corp.)。中国工商银行荣登第五位。 美国和日本仍然在榜单中占主导地位,但上榜企业数量较去年共减少33家,而中国上榜企业数量继续保持22家企业的增速。排名前100位的日本企业也从上年的11家锐减至3家。中国则有7家企业进入前 百,超过了日本。 排在前10名的企业分别是: 1、摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase) 2、通用电气(General Electric) 3、美国银行(Bank of America) 4、埃克森-美孚(ExxonMobil) 5、中国工商银行(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 6、西班牙国际银行(Banco Santander) 7、美国富国银行(Wells Fargo) 8、汇丰控股(HSBC Holdings) 9、荷兰皇家壳牌( Royal Dutch Shell) 10、英国石油公司(BP) 摩根大通上周公布,第一季度净利润年比激增55%,提升了投资者的乐观情绪,即美国各银行正在从这场席卷金融业的危机中走出。摩根大通是资产仅次于美国银行(Bank of America Corp.)的美国第二大银行。 与此同时,通用电气报告称,第一季度净利润年比下滑31%,但该公司表示,其部分主要市场的条件似乎正在改善。通用电气是经济的龙头企业也是工业设备及服务的全球供应商。 丰田因大规模召回风波及全球汽车销售低迷而排名大幅下滑。三菱日联金融集团等日本大型金融机构


2009年福布斯中国富豪榜 (1-400名全部名单) 富豪排行榜:揭密中外富豪创富历程与奢华生活 世界500强:《财富》全球最大五百家公司排名 2009排名 2008排名姓名性别年龄 2009财富(亿RMB)公司名称总部所在地主要产业 1 23 王传福男 43 396.0 比亚迪广东深圳电池、IT零部件、汽车 2 1 刘永行男 61 375.5 东方希望集团上海饲料、重化工业、投资 3 16 宗庆后男 6 4 327.7 娃哈哈集团浙江杭州饮料 4 40 吕向阳男 47 279.9 融捷投资、比亚迪股份广东广州投资、金融、矿业、房地产 5 3 杨惠妍女 28 266.3 碧桂园广东佛山房地产 6 18 许荣茂男 59 262.9 世茂集团上海/香港房地产 7 9 马化腾男 38 259.4 腾讯广东深圳门户网站、网络游戏 8 130 刘忠田男 45 258.8 忠旺集团辽宁辽阳铝型材、塑料型材 9 6 张近东男 46 252.6 苏宁电器江苏南京家电零售 10 35 王健林男 55 239.0 大连万达集团辽宁大连房地产

11 31陈发树男 48 218.5 新华都实业集团福建福州黄金等有色金属、连锁零售、投资 12 27梁稳根男 52 211.6 三一集团湖南长沙机械制造 13 5 周成建父女男 44 204.8 美特斯邦威集团上海服装连锁 14 7 李彦宏男 41 198.0 百度北京搜索引擎 15 20何享健男 67 191.2 美的集团广东佛山家电 16 11卢志强男 58 180.9 泛海控股集团北京金融、房地产、投资 17 4 刘永好家族男 58 177.5 新希望集团四川成都饲料、房地产、金融 18 339张志熔男 37 170.7 上海阳光投资集团上海房地产、造船 19 26黄伟男 50 163.9 新湖集团浙江杭州能源交通、海洋资源、房地产 20 53郭广昌男 42 160.4 复星国际上海钢铁、房地产、医药、零售、金融 21 22鲁冠球父子男 64 158.4 万向集团浙江杭州汽车零部件、投资 22 19潘石屹、张欣夫妇男/女46/44 157.0 SOHO中国北京房地产 23 17丁磊男 38 153.6 网易广东广州门户网站、网络游戏 24 52张桂平父子男 58 150.2 苏宁环球集团江苏南京房地产 25 15朱林瑶女 40 146.8 华宝国际香港香料香精 26 30张力男 56 143.4 富力集团广东广州房地产、金融


《福布斯》公布2010年度世界亿万富翁排行榜 3月11日,福布斯公布2010年度世界亿万富翁排行榜,墨西哥的电信巨擎卡洛斯-斯利姆·赫鲁(CarlosSlimHelu)占据第一宝座。而Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)则以40亿美元净资产当选为IT界最年轻的富豪。 以下为IT界年轻富豪榜榜单情况(顺序按年龄排列): 马克·扎克伯格( Mark Zuckerberg ) 年龄:25岁 净收入:40亿美元 在去年金融危机中名次下滑的扎克伯格再次成为世界上最年轻的亿万富翁。近期,SecondMarket在Facebook的私有产权转换交易中估计其价值高达150亿美元。2004年初,扎克伯格还是哈佛大学大二学生时创立了Facebook,从PayPal的创建人彼得(PeterThiel)获取资金后便退学。过去的12个月中,Facebook的用户数目飞涨130%,达到4亿。尽管扎克伯格暂时不考虑IPO,但是公开发行股票似乎已经无可避免了。 田中良和( YoshikazuTanaka ) 年龄:33岁 净收入:14亿美金 第二位世界最年轻的亿万富翁是田中良和(YoshikazuTanaka)。他的财富来自于他创建的社交网站Gree.他事业起点是在索尼,然后在日本亿万富翁HiroshiMikitani的网上购物网站Rekuten任职。2004年离职创建Gree。他把网站转型为着重移动游戏,现在每个月大约吸引了一百万新用户,他们通过手机参与虚拟社交游戏,并购买他们的网络人物的服装和配件。 塞吉·布林( Sergey Brin ) 年龄:36岁 净收入:175亿美金 谷歌合伙创始人使他一跃成为世界上排名第24位的富翁。去年谷歌的收入达到237亿美元,他手中掌握的谷歌股份上涨了70%,布林的财富增加了55亿美元。谷歌一月份运行Android软件的智能机NexusOne发布,三月份升级版谷歌浏览器Chrome面世。布林从俄罗斯移民到美国,在斯坦福认识了他的合作伙伴拉里·佩奇(LarryPage),在1998年攻读博士生时退学。去年,布林曾把羊引入了谷歌校园,因为他认为动物对于除草机来说对环境损


《财富》杂志推荐的75本商业必读书 商业兴衰 《1929 年大崩盘》(The Great Crash 1929) 《非同寻常的大众幻想与群众性癫狂》(Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds) 《有趣的钱财》(Funny Money) 《沸腾岁月: 华尔街60 年代牛市兴衰记》(The Go-Go Years: The Drama and Crashing Finale of Wall Street's Bullish '60s) 企业 《门口的野蛮人》(Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco) 《基业长青》(Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies) 《链锯》(Chainsaw: The Notorious Career of Al Dunlap in the Era of Profit-at-any-price) 《谁说大象不会跳舞?》(Who Says Elephants Can't Dance ?) 决策 《安那普尔那: 女人的地方》(Annapurna: A Woman's Place) 《出类拔萃之辈》(The Best and the Brightest) 《大洋深处: 埃塞克斯捕鲸船的悲剧》(In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex) 《杀手天使》(The Killer Angels),迈克尔?沙拉(Michael Shaara)著 《十三天: 古巴导弹危机回忆录》(Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis) 经济学 《资本主义、社会主义和民主》(Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy) 《一切待售: 市场的好处和限度》(Everything for Sale: The Virtues and Limits of Markets)《就业、利息和货币通论》(The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money)第十二章《流行的国际主义》(Pop Internationalism) 《国富论》(The Wealth of Nations)


税负痛苦指数(Tax Misery Index) 什么是税负痛苦指数 税负痛苦指数是根据各地的公司税率、个人所得税率、富人税率、销售税率/增值税率,以及雇主和雇员的社会保障贡献等计算而得,指数越高意味痛苦程度越高。 福布斯杂志推出其最新2009年全球税负痛苦指数排行榜,中国大陆排名全球第二税负痛苦地,排名第一的则是法国。卡塔尔、阿拉伯联合酋长国和中国香港地区则经福布斯评判,分列全球税负痛苦最轻地区的一、二、三位。其中卡塔尔只征收公司所得税,而阿联酋没有公司税但征收社会保障税。这三个地区有一个共同点即都不征收增值税。 [编辑] 《福布斯》中文版在2005年7月刊上以封面标题形式发表特别报道:2005税负痛苦指数(TaxMiseryIndex),标题为“税务世界:扁平并快乐着”,旨在通过一年一度的全球税负调查,为企业及其雇员提供投资和就业指导,用这一指数作为衡量一项政策是否有利于吸引资本和人才的最佳标准,负数表示吸引力增加。署名JackAnderson.该指数通过将一国主体税种的最高边际法定税率直接加总得到。其与我国税负有关的基本结论主要有: 一是税负痛苦及变化指数中国排名第二,绝对值为160,变动幅度为零。文中说:“《福布斯》全球版2005年的税负痛苦及变化指数显示,多数国家延续着5年以来的趋势,正在降低而非提高边际效率,令人惊讶的是,中国的指数是排名第二,中国正准备采用一套受法国启发而建立的税收体制,以便从未来的收入增长中获益。”其中法国税负痛苦指数174.8,为全球最高。 二是北京税负痛苦指数排行最高。文中说:“对于地方性税收较高的国家,我们指定了特定的地区。今年我们开始将中国的这些地方性税收计算在内,尽管逐年的比较不能反映出巨大的变化。但与去年相比,北京却几乎冲到了痛苦指数排行榜的顶端。而在全球大多数地区,地方收入通常是靠财产税征集,因此不会对痛苦指数产生影响。” 三是税负痛苦指数与总体税负变动趋势不一致,多数国家总体税负上升。文中说:“虽然税负痛苦指数及总体税负的排名通常相互吻合,但只有同时观察这两项指标,才能发现一个重要的矛盾——虽然决定痛苦指数的边际税率总体走向趋低,然而自1980年以来,只有8个世界经合组织成员国降低了税收在国内生产总值中所占的百分比。这说明税收转移正在出现,令起初光明的前景变得黯淡。总体税负表明,政府支出预计将增加,其中包括了公共赤字,还包括国家部门采用各种非税手段消耗掉的资源。” [编辑] (一)税负痛苦指数不能准确衡量名义税负的高低 税负痛苦指数的得分是以各地区最高边际税率计算的,被选用的各税种最高边际税率加总的结果就是税负痛苦指数。如《福布斯》推出的税负痛苦指数即是将企业所得税、个人所得税、财产税、雇主社会保险、雇员社会保险和增值税(或销售税)最高法定税率直接加总,对应我国的具体情况,财产税为零,其他各税依次为企业所得税33%、个人所得税45%、雇主社会保险即公司缴纳的社保金44.5%、雇员社会保险即个人缴纳的社保金20.5%,增值税17%,最高边际税率直接加总得出税负指数为160.结论是在全球52个国家及地区中,中国内地的税负指数位居第二,位居榜首的法国为174.8.

2019年福布斯年度中国名人榜-范文word版 (1页)

2019年福布斯年度中国名人榜-范文word版 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 福布斯年度中国名人榜 4月24日,福布斯发布了201X年中国名人榜,范冰冰登榜首,周杰伦居 第二,刘德华居第三。获得诺贝尔文学奖的莫言,首次上榜即名列第16位。孙俪凭借《甄嬛传》成为排名上升幅度最大的明星,从去年的96名上升至第22名。 In April 24 th , Forbes released the 201X list of Chinese celebrities , Fan Bingbing on top , Jay Chou ranked second , Andy Lau ranked third . Won the Nobel Prize for literature of Mo Yan , is ranked sixteenth on the list for the first time . Sun Li with " biography " as the number of enrollment increase the biggest star , from last year ' s 96 rise to twenty - second . 福布斯名人榜用收入和曝光率两大指标来衡量名人的商业价值,收入直观 地体现了明星的商业价值以及过去一年的工作情况,同时也能体现出各领域的 变化趋势。 FORBES CHINA recently released its list of China & rsquo ; s most luminous celebrities . They & rsquo ; re talented , beautiful and raking in the endorsements . 《福布斯》中文版最近公布了中国最引人注目的名人榜。他们有才华外形好,获得的代言机会也很多。 FORBES CHINA & rsquo ; s annual celebrity list is based on income and appearances in magazines , newspapers , TV shows and online . Stars from the mainland , Taiwan and Hong Kong are included . And the winners are :


福布斯2002中国富豪排行榜 1.荣智健 年龄:60 出生地:江苏无锡 教育:大学(天津大学,电子工程) 主要公司:中信泰富集团(https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f5015554.html,) 公司总部:香港 第一次上市:香港主板——0267中信泰富(1990) 主要行业:基础设施,房地产,零售 资产:8.5亿美元(2001年7.8亿美元) 中信泰富今天的核心业务仍然是基础设施建设,包括在上海和香港的隧道、桥梁建设;还有发电站、航空以及电信。另外中信泰富也投资在房地、,市场开发、分销网络、钢铁,以及最近的一个医药公司。去年的销售收入达到22亿美元(2000年20亿美元),纳税3850万美元,集团有员工12000名。荣氏家族是在中国近代史上跨世纪的商业王朝,创建于上世纪二十年代繁华的上海,在1949年中国解放之后,荣氏家族开始延伸到海外,但仍然和中国政府保持着密切的联系。荣智健的父亲荣毅仁曾于1993年当选为中国国家副主席,历时5年。荣智健在文化大革命期间被下放农村改造,之后在中国电力部工作了14年,于1978年移居香港并创立了自己的公司,9年后加入中信泰富集团。中信泰富是中国国际信托投资公司在香港的分公司,中国国际信托投资公司是在荣智健父亲荣毅仁领导下的中国对外的一扇窗户。荣智健是香港赛马会董事。 2.许荣茂 年龄:52 出生地:福建石狮 教育:硕士

主要公司:世茂集团(https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f5015554.html,) 公司总部:上海,香港 第一次上市:上海——600823世茂股份(2000年8月),香港主板——0649世茂中国控股(2002年3月) 主要行业:香港、上海、北京、福建的房地产 资产:7.8亿美元(2001年7.2亿美元) 许荣茂在上世纪七十年代末的中国香港做过股票经纪人,他的第一桶金便来自于香港八十年代初的股市。回到中国国内后,他做过服装出口生意,主要销往美国;之后又投资了200万美元在他的家乡福建建造了一个度假村。后来开始把注意力转移到了高档房地产项目的投资,开始于北京,而现在主要的业务都在上海。世茂集团去年的销售收入达到5亿美元(2000年2.,5亿美元),纳税超过0.12亿美元,有1500名员工。世茂集团现在主要投资于5大项目,预计总投资达25亿美元,同时也开始往中小城市发展。许荣茂有MBA学位。 3.孙广信 年龄:40 出生地:新疆 教育:大学(安徽陆军指挥学院) 主要公司:广汇集团(https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f5015554.html,) 公司总部:新疆乌鲁木齐 第一次上市:上海——600256广汇股份(2000年5月) 主要行业:乌鲁木齐房地产,建筑材料,天然气 资产:6亿美元(2001年4.3亿美元) 今年天然气业务已经列入了广汇集团的日程表,计划在5年中投资10亿美元,今年已经投资了3亿美元。孙广信成长于遥远的新疆,他参加了1979年的中越战争,转业后于1988年用借来的5万美元开了一家海鲜餐馆,九十年代早期做过石油钻井机器的贸易。之后开始


美国著名财经杂志《福布斯》评选出“全球最棒的11座桥梁” 1.胶州湾大桥,世界上最长的跨海大桥位于中国,于2011年6月开通。胶州湾大桥(也 叫青岛海湾大桥),长达26.4英里(约42.4千米),位于中国东北部的山东省,横跨胶州湾,连接了港口城市青岛市区和黄岛。 2.米约大桥,穿梭云间的法国米约大桥是世界上最高的公路桥。它最高的一根桥墩比埃菲 尔铁塔还要高。这座桥的建造资金来自著名的法国纪念碑的建造公司。桥的构想来自工程师米歇尔·维洛克斯(Michel Virlogeux),设计师则是诺曼·福斯特爵士(Sir Norman Foster)。这座斜拉索桥(桥面由连接桥墩的一系列钢索拉住)共有七根水泥桥墩和一根钢铁桥墩,跨度超过1.5英里(约2.4公里),横跨法国南部米约附近的塔恩河谷(Tarn)。 3.康沃尔-温莎棚桥(Cornish-Windsor Covered Bridge),很少有景象比坐落在古朴乡村的棚 桥(covered bridges)更能代表美洲大陆,展现过去的简单时光。尽管世界各地都能看到棚桥,但它们真正兴盛是在新大陆。杜普雷的书中写道:“那里的木材取之不竭,而

时间异常珍贵。” 4.布鲁克林大桥,美国国家公园管理局(National Park Service)已将它认定为国家历史地 标(National Historic Landmark)。据国家公园管理局描述,它是世界上最早的钢丝悬索桥之一,创下了诸多工程上的标杆。 5.赫德森波桥,新加坡滨海湾双螺旋桥开通于2010年4月,长约1,000英尺(304.8米), 连接新加坡青年奥林匹克公园和新建的马里纳海湾沙滩综合度假区(Marina Bay Sands integrated resort)。这座桥由考克斯集团(Cox Group)和六一建筑设计公司(Architects 61),以及国际工程建筑公司奥雅那工程顾问公司(Arup)联合设计。


2017福布斯世界名人榜 近日,《福布斯》杂志发布了2017年全球百大名人榜,下面是cN人才小编收集整理的2017福布斯世界名人榜,欢迎阅读参考!~ 2017福布斯全球名人榜前十名 第一名、碧昂斯·诺里斯 第二名、勒布朗·詹姆斯 第三名、德瑞博士 第四名、奥普拉·温弗瑞 第五名、艾伦·德杰尼勒斯 第六名、jay-Z 第七名、佛洛依德·梅威瑟 第八名、蕾哈娜 第九名、凯蒂·佩里 第十名、小罗伯特·唐尼 2017福布斯世界名人榜 排名姓名年龄收入-万美元所属类别1碧昂斯·诺里斯/Beyonceknowles3211500音乐人2勒布朗·詹姆斯/LeBronjames297200运动员3德瑞博士/音乐人4奥普拉·温弗瑞/oprahwinfrey608200媒体名人5艾伦·德杰尼勒斯/EllenDeGeneres567000媒体名人6jay-Z446000音乐人7佛



历届福布斯中国富豪榜上的首富名录 2010年10月27日 16:57 查看评论 2003年首富:丁磊 “2003年福布斯中国富豪榜”10月30日下午在北京华彬国际大厦揭晓,丁磊名列榜首,他持有网易公司58.5%的股份,当前市值约合人民币76亿元。荣智健、许荣茂、鲁冠球、刘永好、陈天桥、刘永行、叶立培、郭广昌、陈丽华列二至十名。

2004年首富:荣智健 11月4日上午,著名商业杂志《福布斯》在北京天伦王朝饭店公布了2004福布斯大陆富豪榜,荣智健家族以控股中信泰富14.9亿美元荣登2004福布斯大陆富豪榜榜首。 2005年首富:荣智健

2005年11月3日上午,世界领先商业杂志《福布斯》在北京公布了2005福布斯中国富豪榜。这是《福布斯》杂志自从1995年推出第一份富豪榜以来,第八次公布这个著名的榜单。在2005福布斯中国富豪榜上,荣智健家族依旧以133亿人民币的财富独占鳌头,而朱孟依家族和丁磊分别以116亿人民币和103亿人民币的资产紧随其后。 2006年首富:黄光裕 《福布斯》2006中国富豪榜11月2日发布,黄光裕以180.9亿资产居首,许荣茂、荣智健家族进前三,朱孟依家族、张茵、张力、施正荣、刘永行、郭广昌、鲁冠球分列第四至

第十。 2007年首富:杨惠妍 2007年11月1日,《福布斯》中文版正式发布2007年福布斯中国富豪榜的400位全榜单,中国新老富豪再次集体亮相。碧桂园创始人之一杨国强26岁的女儿杨惠妍,登上了 中国首富的宝座。 2008年首富:刘永行 上海2008年10月30日。著名商业杂志《福布斯》中文版今天正式发布其年度重磅榜单——2008福布斯中国富豪榜。饲料及铝业大亨刘永行获封新一届的“中国首富”。


贾乃亮个人简介 贾乃亮个人简介贾乃亮,1984年4月12日出生于哈尔滨市松北区,中国大陆男演员。2002年,出演第一部电视剧《北京假日》。2003年,主演古装历史戏剧《大唐歌飞》。2006年,因主演电视剧《美丽分贝》而走红,随后首次参演电影《第601个电话》。2011年,主演家庭情感剧《当婆婆遇上妈》获得亚洲偶像盛典最受媒体关注艺人奖。2012年7月6日与李小璐举行婚礼,两人于2012年10月23日获得一女。2014年,携爱女参加浙江卫视真人秀《爸爸回来了》。2016年,获中国电视剧品质盛典年度最具突破演员奖,并与经纪人郭红波一起成立了影视公司——童乐影视。2017年9月22日,福布斯中国发布“2017中国名人榜”,贾乃亮位列第33位。 2018年1月,参演电视剧《推手》。 贾乃亮社会评价贾乃亮家里从事高科技信息产业,家境非常好,是货真价实“富二代”,但他一直自食其力,不花家里的钱,为人很低调,周围很多人不知道原来他家里这么富有;虽然很早就在《大唐歌飞》中惊艳亮相,但这并非让贾乃亮的星路一帆风顺,一直难以摆脱偶像气质的他,在《春桃的战争》、《家产》、《拿什么拯救你,我的爱人》、《当婆婆遇到妈》等不同题材的电视剧中逐渐磨练了演技。 贾乃亮经典语录⊙、不管生活怎么样,你一定要往阳光的方向去面对,而且每天都有阳光,开开心心的。如果每天总为

烦心的事去纠结,就过的太苦了。 贾乃亮 ⊙、最美的时光,是早上家人给你准备的爱心营养早餐;是蓝天白云和阳光灿烂的好天气;是上班路上陌生人一个善意的微笑;是楼下咖啡店飘来的一缕浓郁的清香;还是信心满满地迎接新一周的工作与学习。生活中每一刻都是最美的时光。 ⊙、如果有一天你要从别的星球离开,你会选择爱情留下,还是回到地球? ⊙、谣言止于智者,我相信大家的眼睛!可网络是否该纯净些?法律是否该完善些?一个“疑似”这样的词,打了法律的擦边球又达到了媒介“娱乐”的目的,可曾想过给我们一家人带来的伤害? ⊙、好多事情一起经历。没有过多华丽的语言去装饰,我知道你的感触,我想陪着你,幸福地过这一辈子。


2009年世界500强排行榜?https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f5015554.html, ?? 2009年07月08日???? 如欲了解更详细内容,请访问财富英文网站,或关注将于10月下旬出版的《财富》(中文版)杂志世界500强特辑。 2008 排名2007 排名公司名称国家/地区营业收入 百万美元利润 百万美元13Royal Dutch Shell荷兰458361.026277.022Exxon Mobil美国442851.045220.031Wal-Mart Stores美国405607.013400.044BP英国367053.021157.056Chevron美国263159.023931.068Total法国234674.115500.4710ConocoPhillips美国230764.0-16998.087ING Group荷兰226577.0-1067.0916Sinopec中国207814.51961.2105Toyota Motor日本204352.3-4349.311.Japan Post Holdings日本198699.84208.51212General Electric美国183207.017410.01325China National Petroleum中国181122.610270.81418Volkswagen德国166579.16956.91524State Grid中国164135.9664.51619Dexia Group比利时161268.8-4868.21727ENI意大利159348.512917.0189General Motors美国148979.0-30860.01913Ford Motor美国146277.0-14672.02022Allianz德国142394.6-3577.22120HSBC Holdings英国142049.05728.02247Gazprom俄罗斯141454.729864.12311Daimler德国140327.91973.02421BNP Paribas法国136096.44421.82533Carrefour法国129133.91861.52652E.ON德国127277.71853.027.PDVSA 委内瑞拉126364.07451.02839ArcelorMittal卢森堡124936.09399.02929AT&T美国124028.012867.03037Siemens德国123595.48595.13142Pemex墨西哥119234.6-10055.63241Hewlett-Packard美国118364.08329.03349Valero Energy美国118298.0-1131.03463Petrobras巴西118257.018879.03558Banco Santander西班牙117803.012992.33659Statoil Hydro挪威116210.97664.23728Bank of America Corp.美国113106.04008.03836Royal Bank of Scotland英国113087.4-43166.93917Citigroup美国112372.0-27684.04038Samsung Electronics韩国110350.05027.34130Berkshire Hathaway 美国107786.04994.04244McKesson美国106632.0823.04343SociétéGénérale法国104378.32942.04454Nippon Telegraph & Telephone日本103684.45362.04546International Business Machines美国103630.012334.04623Crédit Agricole法国103582.11498.84734Assicurazioni Generali意大利103103.01260.14857Nestlé瑞士101564.616669.64932J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.美国101491.05605.05056Metro德国101216.7589.95140Honda Motor日本99652.41363.85248Hitachi日本99544.2-7837.253193GDF Suez法国99419.17109.35455Deutsche Post德国98708.0-2470.75553Verizon Communications美国97354.06428.05651Tesco英国94300.43751.05768?lectricité de France法国94084.24976.55877UniCredit Group?意大利94036.05872.05973BASF德国91193.44262.36060Cardinal Health美国91091.41300.66164Deutsche Telekom德国90259.62170.662109Enel意大利90004.97747.36380CVS Caremark美国87471.93212.16471Fiat意大利86913.62359.56590Lukoil俄罗斯86340.09144.06676Telefónica?西班牙84814.711112.36750Nissan Motor日本83982.0-2326.46879Procter & Gamble美国83503.012075.06967LG韩国82081.8829.87026Deutsche Bank德国81360.4-5613.27181UnitedHealth Group美国81186.02977.07286SK Holdings?韩国80810.4259.37315AXA法国80256.81351.07489ThyssenKrupp德国


赵本山上福布斯中国富豪榜前八上亿年收入从何而来?[复制链接] 欣健按摩器 中级拍友 QQ 624881117 帖子 274 精华 金钱 7元宝 73 银币 注册时间 2011-11-15 最后登录 2013-1-18 QQ交谈 加为好友 串个门 TA的店铺 楼主 发表于 2012-2-8 01:46 |只看该作者|倒序浏览|打印 有媒体报道娱乐大亨赵本山在今年《福布斯》中文版推出的“2011 年中国名人榜”上,综合排名位列第十,而在收入排名中则以1.04 亿元的年收入位列第八。这就说明赵本山不仅仅只是一个著名演 员,同时还是一个年收入不菲的不折不扣的亿万富翁,这刚好印证 了坊间传说他每年的进项不下一个亿的说法。那么人们不禁要问, 他的上亿年收入到底是从哪里赚来的呢? 这其实并不是一个很难回答的问题。考察一下赵本山的角色定位, 我们就知道,赵本山不仅仅只是在“二人转”这个方面有突出成 就,他还有一个不为人注意的职业定位,那就是他更是一个成功的 娱乐业商人。 可以说,赵本山的收入除了出场费之外,更多的是来自于他的商业 运作。他出色的商业头脑,加之他精彩的商业活动,让他赚得盆满 钵满,使他富得流油。

给赵本山带来巨额收入的摇钱树,是他创制的娱乐企业本山传媒。本山传媒以刘老根大舞台为依托,每年要为赵本山带来数亿产值。目前全国共有9家刘老根大舞台,沈阳三家,北京、天津、长春、吉林、哈尔滨、本溪各一家。 以沈阳刘老根大舞台为例,散座票价从180元至480元,包厢票价为2600元至3000元,剧场可容780位观众。按平均票价300元,每场观众600人,每年演出200场计算,仅沈阳一家刘老根大舞台的年票房收入就在3600万左右。据媒体援引本山传媒提供的数据表明,2009年时刘老根大舞台的票房收入就已经达到了1.9亿。 那么2010年刘老根大舞台的票房收入有多少,我们自然就可以推算出来了。据《光明日报》报道,2010年刘老根大舞台演出2000多场,收入近2亿元。


福布斯评选世界最美的大学 美国财经杂志《福布斯》日前评出“全球最美大学校园”。入选的14个校园中,10个来自美国,3个来自欧洲,唯一上榜的亚洲院校是中国的清华大学。据《福布斯》网站消息,该杂志近日请建筑师和大学校园设计师组成评审团,选出他们心目中“最美的校园”。最终入选的校园,既有规模宏大的如牛津大学,也有结构精巧的如斯克利普斯学院。 凯尼恩学院是美国俄亥俄州最古老的私立高等院校,建于1824年,学校建筑风格为哥特式风格。一条3米宽的林阴路穿过学校中央,为校园增添几分乡村风情。 点评:这里是能让人静心思考大问题的小地方。 建立于12世纪的英国牛津大学更像是一座城市。牛津城中有许多中世纪建筑瑰宝,神话般的建筑遗址、长满青苔的石凳、蜿蜒曲折的小巷,使人感觉在历史中漫步。 点评:修道院风格配合精美的建筑,如同建筑仙境。

美国新泽西州的普林斯顿大学是“常青藤盟校”之一,四周环绕着清澈的河水,景色优美。校内有很多后哥特式建筑,大部分为石头建筑。 点评:不仅有古老的石头建筑,还有充满生机的绿色。 斯克利普斯学院。这所位于美国加州的女子学院常被描述为“美国最美的校园”,其设计以建筑和风景的完美结合而闻名。 点评:校园中种植了很多琥珀树,可谓满园“秋色”关不住。 斯坦福大学位于美国加州,占地35平方公里,是美国面积第二大的大学,校内大多为17世纪西班牙风格的建筑,黄砖红瓦。

点评:历经了种种变迁,一直保持着自身的“连贯性”。 爱尔兰都柏林的圣三一学院是1592年英国女王伊丽莎白一世下令兴建的,校内各时期的建筑自成方阵,颇具时代特色。该校的图书馆久负盛名,藏有大量珍贵著作。 点评:站在如林的书架中间,任何赞美之词都无法表达数十万古籍所代表的知识力量。 清华大学地处北京西北郊繁盛的园林区,校园周围名园古迹林立,园内林木俊秀。校园西区为老校区,以美式的校园布局和众多西洋风格的砖水木清华石结构历史建筑为特色;东区校园则以上世纪50年代兴建的苏式主楼为主体,90年代开始新建了现代风格的建筑物。 点评:水木清华,钟灵毓秀。
