

1.accord v. ~ (with) (与……)相配合, 一致, 符合

What you said does not accord with the previous evidence.

His behaviour and his principles do not accord.

2.admission n [u] (入会,入学,入场等的)许可,入会费,门票Admission to the school is by examination only

3.alike adj. (常作表语)相似,一样adv. 相似,一样地

You two are more alike than I thought.

The two friends are very much alike.

She treats all her children alike.

4.amount vi. ~ (to) =add up, be equal 总计,等于

His debts amount to $3,000.

n.[u] =total 总数

What is the amount of my bill?

He could only pay half the amount he owed.

n. [C]=quantity 数量(多与不可数名词连用)

a large amount of

Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge

5.apology n. [C]道歉make / offer an apology to sb

make sb an apology for doing sth

Please accept my apologies.

I must offer an apology for not going to her party.

6.arrange v. 安排, 筹备,商定,调解

arrange with sb for /about sth 与…商定某事

I have arranged a taxi for us.

The dispute was arranged.

He arranged with the old lady about the board and took his leave.

7.arrest vt.逮捕,拘留

The police arrested the criminal.

8.aside adv. 在旁边,向一边

We stood aside to let her pass.

Put your trouble aside.

9.attendant adj. =following 伴随的

One of the attendant difficulties during the war was lack of food.

n. [C] =waiter 侍从, 服务员

The queen was always surrounded by he attendants.

10.attraction n. [U] 吸引力n. [C]吸引人的东西

The film has little attraction for some people.

The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides.

The city has its attractions.

11.available adj.可以得到的, 可以利用的,有效的(指人)能出席的These tickets are available for one month only.

The book you ordered is not available.

Are you available for the meeting tomorrow morning?

12.bargain n. 廉价货, 交易v.讲价钱bargain with sb

The boys made a bargain with one another to exchange baseball gloves.

These good shoes are a real bargain at such a low price.

13.bark vi. (狗)犬叫vt.大声地,怒气冲冲地叫

The dog always barks at the strangers.

14.bet v.赌,打赌

He never bets.

He bet me ten dollars on John’s coming.

n. make a bet with sb 与某人打赌

accept / take up a bet 同意打赌

15.catalogue n.[C]目录,目录册

a card catalogue 卡片式目录

v. 把…….编入目录catalogue a collection of books 把一批书编目

https://www.360docs.net/doc/876372156.html,pletely adv. 完全地;完整地

17.concern vt.涉及;影响;和……有关系

n. ①(利害)关系(C)②关心,挂念(U)

As concerns 关于

18.conclude vt.结论;断定;推断


concluding adj. concluding speech结束演讲;闭幕词

19.chess n. (U)国际象棋(C)棋盘chessman 棋子

20.childhood n.(U; C) ①幼年时代,童年②早期,初期

21.closely adv.密切地;接近

22.clue n. ①线索②思路,提示

vt. 为……提供线索

Not have a clue不懂,一无所知clue in给予提示

https://www.360docs.net/doc/876372156.html,edy n. ①喜剧(U)②喜剧片(C)


https://www.360docs.net/doc/876372156.html,mand n.①命令;指令(C)②指挥(U)③有控制或使用的


give a command 下命令

have a good command of English 精通英语

v. ①命令command sb.to do sth.

command that 从句(从句谓语动词用should+动词原形)

e.g: The general commanded his men to attack the city.

He commanded that we(should )come at once.

②指挥 e.g The king commands the armed forces.



e.g This great man is able to command everyone’s respect.

25.conquer v.①以武力占领;征服②赢得赞誉,爱慕③击败


n. conqueror 征服者

conquest n. (U)征服,击败(C)掠取物,战利品;make a conquest of 征服

26.consumer n.消费者;顾客;用户

27.contest n. ①比赛;竞赛

vt. ①争夺,竞争②争论,争辩,辩驳

vi. 争夺(with,against)

28.country n. ①国家,国土(C)through the country

②the country 全国人民


④the country =countryside 乡下,农村

e.g Bob like the country better than the city.

29.create v. ①创造,创建,创作②引起,产生


creation (U) 创造,产生(C)创造物;作品;新式样

creative adj. ①创造性的,创作的②有创作力的

creature n.生物(人或动物)

creator 创造者

30.cycle n. ①循环;周期the cycle of the seasons


cyclic adj.循环的cyclone 气旋;暴风

31.deaf adj. ①聋的 a deaf man 聋子(dunb哑blind 瞎)

②be deaf to sth 对某事听不进

③turn a deaf ear to 对……置若罔闻;不理睬

the deaf (pl) 耳聋的人

deaf-aid 助听器

32.dishonest adj. ①不老实的;②骗人的,欺骗性的


dishonesty n.

33.document n. ①文件,公文,文献②证件;证券



34.Dutch adj. 荷兰的,荷兰人的,荷兰语的

n. ①(U)荷兰语②(pl)荷兰人

35.efficiently adv. 使工业经营管理效率更高

efficient adj. ①能胜任的,有能力的②有效力的


efficiency (U) 能力,效力,效能

36.Egypt n 埃及

37.Egyptian adj.埃及的,埃及人的n. ①埃及人( C ) ②埃及语(U)

38.E-mail =Electronic Mail

39.emotional adj. ①感情上的,情绪上的②激起感情的


emotionally adv.

emotionless adj 没感情的,冷漠的

emotive adj.(指词等)激发感情的 e.g Capital punishment is an emotive issue.

emotion n. ①( C )激情,情感,情绪②(U) 激动,感动40.employee n.受雇佣者,雇工,雇员

employer n.雇佣者,雇主

employ v. ①雇用②使用(东西)

employment n. ①雇用②就业;职业

get (lose)employment就(失)业

employable adj.可雇佣,可使用

41.enable v. ①使某人能够做某事


e.g Dilligence enabled him to succeed.

42.environment (C,U) (影响人们生活的)环境,情况等environmental adj. 环境的

environmentally adv.

43.estate n. ①( C) 地产,地皮


real estate 不动产personal estate 动产estate agent 房地产经纪人

44.evidence①(U) 根据,证词,证据②(C,U)痕迹,迹象

③(U) 显著;明显

in evidence明显的,显而易见的call sb. in evidence 传某人做证

evident=obvious adj.明显,明白

45.explorer n. 探测者,探险者,探究者,勘探者

explore v. ①勘探,探测②仔细检查,探究

exploration ( C) (U) 勘探,探测

exploratory adj.勘探的,探索的

46.external adj ①外面的,为外面的,位于某物外表的


47..insect n. 昆虫a small creature with no bones and a hard

outer covering,six legs and a body divided into three

parts, such as an ant or fly.

48.inspire vt. encourage in the ability to act, esp. with a great

result 鼓舞、激励;to be the force which produce

(usu. a good result)促使,导致,引起

eg. Inspired by his inspiring speech, he is determined to work harder.

His best music was inpired by the memory of his mother.


49..insurance (U.) 保险,保险业life insurance 人寿保险

insurance policy 保险单insurance company保险公司

insure vt. to protect against loss of money,life,good ect.给……保险

My house is insured against fire. 我的房子买了火险。

50.intelligence (U) ability to learn and understand聪明才智,理解

an intelligence test 智力测试

intelligent adj. having or showing powers of reasoning or understanding理解力强的,有才智的,聪明的



51.internet n.国际互联网,因特网

52.interview n.面试,面谈,采访vt. 面试,面谈,采访中提问

interviewer n.

53.invert vt. to put in the opposite position or order esp. upside

down使颠倒,使倒转,使反向,上下倒置invertion n. 倒装

54.kit n.工具箱,工具盒;the clothes or other articles needed by a

soldier,sailor etc,or carried by a traveller 随身携带


对比:kid 小孩,少年,小山羊

https://www.360docs.net/doc/876372156.html,ne n. a narrow,often winding esp. in the country 小路,小




https://www.360docs.net/doc/876372156.html,rgely adv. To a great degree, chiefly 大半地,主要地,很多

57. lean vi. to be in a position that is not upright;slope倾斜;to

rest on or against sth倚靠,斜靠

lean against…斜靠lean on/upon = depend on

adj.(of people or animals) very thin; producing or having little value 贫瘠的,贫乏的,无多大价值的

This year has been a very lean year for business.


leaning n. a feeling or opinion(in favour of) 倾向,偏好eg. Most young people have a leaning towards rock music.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

58.lid n. 盖子

59. link n. sth that connects two other parts连接物,联系;

one ring of a chain 链环(的一节)

eg. Is there a link between smoking and lung cancer?

vt. to join or connect 连接,联系

eg. The road links all the new towns.

They walked with linked arms.

She was able to link up all the different pieces of information .

link-up n. 连接处,接合处

a road link-up 道路的交会连接处

a television link-up 电视转播站

60. literacy(U.) the state of being able to read and write (being


反义词:illiteracy 文盲

literate adj. able to read and write 有读写能力的;

well-educated受过教育的,有文化修养的反义词:illiterate 文盲的

literature (U.) 文学,文学作品;印刷品,宣传品

eg. English literature modern literature

61.logic (U.) 逻辑学,论理学,推理学

logical adj. 逻辑的,有逻辑的反义词:illogical

62. likely adj.

他有可能同意这项计划吗?_____________________________ 反义词:unlikely

63.mankind (U.) 人类

Mankind __________(be) quite different from animals.

64.manufacture vt. to make or produce by machinery, esp. in

large quantities 生产,制造

eg. manufactured goods 制成品

manufacturing industry 制造业

manufacturer n. 制造商

65. medium n. a method for giving information, form of art 传


复数:mediums 或media

adj. of middle size,amount, quality, value etc中等的,中间的

a medium-sized cabbage

66.melt vt. to cause a solid to become liquid 使融化,使溶解

vi. to become liquid 反义词:freeze

melt away : disappear easily

67. mislead vt. to cause sb. to form a mistaken idea or to act

wrongly or mistakenly 错引,误导

68. mixture n. 混合物mix vt. vi. 混合mix …up

with …

mixed adj. of different kinds 各种各样的,混合的

mixed feelings 复杂/矛盾的心情

a mixed school 男女同校的学校

mixed-up : confused 弄糊涂的,迷惑不解的

mix-up n. 混乱状态

69.monument n. 纪念碑,纪念馆

70. mop n. 拖把,蓬乱的头发vt.用拖把拖洗,擦,抹

71. mostly adv. 大多数地强调比例关系

most 1)构成最高级的一种形式

2)a most + adj/adv.“非常……的”


4)at the most 5) make the most of 尽量利用72. mount n. 山,山峰Mount Everest 珠穆朗玛峰

Mount Tai 泰山

73. mushroom n. 蘑菇,菌类植物

vi. grow or develop fast

74.musician n.音乐家music n.

musical n. 音乐片adj. 音乐的,喜爱音乐的,精通音乐的

75. myth(C.) 神话故事,虚构的故事,荒诞的见解(U.)神话

mythical adj. 神话的,虚构的,幻想出来的

76. rank n. [C] 排;队伍,军队;社会阶层

vt. 把……列队;把……分等级

Vi. 列为如:~ next to :仅次于……

77. reader n. ①读者,朗诵者;②读本,读物,文选

readable: (adj. )=Interesting or easy to read

My brother is a great reader.

78. recover --- ________(n.)

vt. ①恢复,挽回;~ oneself ; ~ one’s health ;

②补偿= get back (sth lost or taken away) ~ one’s

79.losses vi. return to the usual state of health, strength,

activity etc.痊愈,恢复

eg. The police recovered the stolen jewellery.

He has recovered from his bad cold and can go out tomorrow.

80. reject__________(n.)

vt. ①throw away as useless or imperfect;丢弃;抛开

②=refuse to accept拒绝,抵制,驳回

eg. She rejected my suggestion.

He was rejected for the army because of his bad eyes.

81. remark / / vt. / n. 评论,议论,讲述;


______________(adj. ) 非凡的;显著的;值得注意的

eg: make ~ achievement

“ It’s getting late”, he remarked. (=said)

Everyone remarke d loudly on his absence.(谈论)

82. reporter n. ①报告人,汇报人;②记者;通讯员

report : ①vt./ vi. 报告,汇报,报道;②n. 报告,汇报It’s reported that …; make a report:

83. reverse / / vt./vi. ①= turn over 颠倒,翻转;


adj. =opposite in position颠倒的,相反的,反面的

in ~ order : 颠倒次序

n. =the opposite in position ; the back

She reversed the sheet of paper.

He reversed the car through the gate.

Shall we reverse the order and put Z at the beginning of this


84. rid : vi.使摆脱,除去,把……消灭掉

__________a bad habit 除去不良习惯

85. royal/ / adj. ①王室的,(英国)皇家的eg: The

Royal Navy ; the royal palaces


eg. They welcame us royally.(隆重地)

86. scanda l / / [C/U] 丑闻,丑事;[U] 流言蜚语

87. schedule / / n.计划表,日程安排表;timetable 时间表

vt. 安排,预定

eg;The meeting was ~d for that evening.

The president is ~d to make a speech tomorrow.

according to schedule :按照预定

ahead of (on, behind) schedule : (进度上) 提前(准时,落后)

88. seaside [U] =the edge of the sea(海滨) ;

seasick: adj. 晕船的seashell: 贝壳

seashore: land along the edge of the sea (海岸;海滨,海边)

a seaside town ; a holiday at / by the seaside 在海滨度假

89. sedan / / n. 轿子,轿车,单舱汽艇

90. select vt. 挑选,选择select---selection---selector

eg. He selected a tie to match his suit.

91.self-respect (vt.)---___________(n.) 自尊___________(adj.)

92. shrug / / vt. shrug---shrugged--- ~ ---shrugging

耸(肩)(表示无奈,冷淡,不满等)93.simply adv.1) in a simple way;easily;plainly,clearly or naturely



3)无比较级,用于加强语气= really , very much simple adj. Eg. live a simple life ;

simple-minded ; 头脑简单的,愚蠢的;单纯的,老实的simply ---simplify (vt.) 简化,简写 a simplified reader 简易读eg. She is ~ dressed (她穿着朴素)

This cake is made quite simply.

I don’t like driving , I do it simply to get to work each day.

My dear, it’s simply wonderful to see you.亲爱的,见到你实在是太好了

Try to simplify your explanation for the children.

94. skeleton/ / n. [C] (人/动物)骨骼,骨架;


eg. I’ve written the skeleton of my report, but I have to fill in the details.

95.slip slip---slipped---slipped--slipping

①滑,溜,跌交My foot slipped and I nearly fell.


She slipped into the room when no one was looking.

slip n. ①失足,跌交;②小过失,失误;③小纸条,纸片

96. sofa / / 沙发

97.source/ / n. ①a place from which something comes,

producing place

②the place where a stream of water starts eg. the source of war; the source of the information Where is the source of the Nile?

98.sport : n. ①[U]运动②[C] 某项运动③[pl.] 运动会eg. Which sport do you like best, basketball, tennis or badminton.

adj. [用~s] 有关运动的

如: a sports meet/ meeting; a sports field

99.squirrel / / :松鼠

100.steady / / adj./adv.

①firm, not shaking 坚固的,稳固的,不动摇的

eg. hold that candle steady

②平稳的,不急剧变化的keep up a steady growth

③not changing , stable 不变的,稳定的 a steady income/job

④可靠的,稳健的,正经的She needs to marry someone steady.

101.stubborn / / : adj.

①determined; with a strong will 坚决的;倔强的

②difficult to use, move, change, etc.

This lock is rather stubborn; it needs oiling


102.sue / / vi.

①sue (for)= charge for控告,告状

②sue (for)= to beg or ask for something esp. in court


103.supermarket : 超市

104. survival / / n. [U] 幸存,生还,死里逃生

survive vt. ①=continue to live ,esp. after coming close to


②= to continue to live after…:……之后还活着survivor : n. 生还者,幸存者

eg. We survived, although the others died in the accident.

We survived the accident.

105. Sweden // n. 瑞典Swede n. 瑞典人106. Swedish / / adj. 瑞典的;瑞典人的;瑞典语的

n. 瑞典语the Swedish 瑞典人(总称)107. system / / n. 系统;体制the solar ~ 太阳系

a railway ~ : 铁路网

制度;体制 a social ~ : 社会制度108. tablet / / n. 药片take two ~s before every meal.

(刻铭文的)碑,匾 a memorial ~ :纪念碑

小块,小片 a ~ of soap

109. technology / / n. 技术;工艺;工艺学

science and ~ :科学与技术

technologist (n.) : 技术专家;工艺学家

technological (adj.) :工艺的

technique (n.) :技术;技巧

110.textbook n. 课本;教科书

111.tightly adv. 紧紧地

_________________________ 门关得紧紧地

112. tough/ / adj. 坚韧的;不易磨损的;强硬的;难对付的

eg: a beefsteak as ~ as leather; a ~ sailor; a ~ policy;

a ~job; ~-minded

_________(adv.) ___________(n.) ___________(v.)

113.traditional / / adj. 传统的;惯例的

~ Chinese medicine

____________(n.) ________________(adv.)

114. trend / / vi. 伸向;倾向;趋向


n. (海岸、河岸的)走向;趋向

the ~ of the coastline ; the general ~ of history

115.truthful/ / adj. 说真话的;诚实的;真实的;如实的

____________(adv.) __________(n.)

116. title n.标题,题目,称号,头衔vt. 加标题于;授予……的称号117.tortoise / / n. 乌龟;(缓慢或落后的)人或物

118. tunnel / / n. 隧道;坑道;烟囱

一条连接英国和法国的海底隧道__________________________ 119. unpleasant / / adj. 讨厌的;令人不愉快的

________(vt. 使人愉快) _________(adj. 使人愉快的)

___________(反义词) ____________(adv.)

120.unthinkable / / adj.难以想象的;非常的;不可思议的如:~ joy__________(可以想象的)

121. upset (upset---upset---upsetting)

vt. 弄翻;打翻;扰乱;打乱



vi. 翻倒;倾覆n. 翻倒;扰乱adj.心烦意乱的122. view n. 风景;景色;观点;意见;意图;梗概

观点:a point of ~ 初看,一看见: at first ~

vt. 看;仔细观察;考虑;估计



123. violin n. 小提琴_____________(小提琴家)

124.waist n. 腰;腰部;背心;马甲;船腰;飞机机身中部


125.warship / / n. 军舰

worship / / n./vt. (宗)崇拜;尊敬

126.white-collar / / adj. 白领阶层的

___________(蓝领阶层的); _____________(脑力劳动者)

127.winner n. 获胜者;成功者------____________(反义词)

128. within prep.在……里面(内部);在……范围以内;不超过adv. 在里面,在内部

eg:在屋内_______________;一小时内__________________ 在某人够得着的范围______________________;

live within one’s income 量入而出

129. worthy adj.有价值的;可尊敬的(常作表语)值得;配得上例如:这篇文章值得细读。

The article is ~ of ____________________________.

The article is ~ of ____________________________.

The article is ~ to ____________________________. 130.wrap(wrapped, wrapped)----___________(反义词)

vt. 包;裹;捆;覆盖;遮蔽vi. 缠绕;重叠;包装起来如:________________________(把书包在报纸里)

be wrapped up in : 完全被包在……里;全神贯注于……eg: ______________________________(他全神贯注地在看电视)
