2014年秋仁爱版九年级英语上Unit 1 topic 1 section A导学案

2014年秋仁爱版九年级英语上Unit 1  topic 1 section A导学案
2014年秋仁爱版九年级英语上Unit 1  topic 1 section A导学案

Unit 1 topic 1


课题名称Section A 第课时课型

考纲要求 1.掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习现在完成时。




重点、难点能区别并会恰当使用have/has been to和have/has gone to。






(一) 读1a, 完成1b。

(二) 自主学习:

1. 自学第1和第2页的内容,并写出下列英语。

1)变化中的世界_________________2)巨大的变化__________________ 3)越来越漂亮______________ 4)如此(那么)多的人_________________

5)好久不见________________ 6)度过一个美好的暑假___________________ 2. 观察1a中出现的现在完成时的句子并翻译理解

1) You have just come back from your hometown. 译:_____________________

2) Great changes have taken place there. 译:_____________________________

3) My hometown has become more and more beautiful. 译:_________________

4) Where have you been? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents.


5) Where’s Maria? She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer. 译:______________ (三)合作探究


___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________



Rita, you have just come back from your hometown.

点拨:现在完成时时态是由“助动词____________+动词的过去分词”构成,表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响。如:I have seen the movie twice.




肯定回答:_____________________ 否定回答:________________________ 特殊疑问句:_____________________________________

练习:写出原句的否定句:____________________________________________ 写出原句的一般疑问句并肯定回答:_________________________________


探究任务二:have / has been to --- have / has gone to

点拨:have / has been to表示曾经______________,现在_____________;

have / has gone to表示已经______________,现在______________.

链接:have (has) been in 表示现在还在那里,

Eg:Maria ________________ Africa. She will be back in a week.

Wang Hua _________________ the Great Wall twice.


Great changes have taken place there. 译:_________________________________ 点拨:take place意为“_____________”。“happen”也有“发生”的意思,它们之间的区别在于“___________”指偶然发生,“_________”指根据


Eg: 1) The traffic accident __________ last Friday.

2) You will never guess what has __________.

3) The art festival will ___________ on October 1st.



( )1. Tom _________ to China three times.

A. has been

B. has gone

C. have been

( )2. ——I didn’t see you the whole summer holiday.

——I ______ Yunnan on August 2nd. I ______there for two weeks.

A. went to; have been

B. have gone; have gone

C. went to; was

D. have gone; have been

( )3. -------A: Where is Peter? Do you know?

------B: Sorry , I don't .But I think he ___the library.

A. has been to

B. have gone to

C. has gone to

( ) 4. Hi, Kangkang, where have you______?

A. gone

B. been to

C. been

D. gone to

( ) 5. He got up ______ late that he was late for work today.

A. such

B. so

C. very

D. Too

( ) 6. _____ you ever _____ America ? Yes, I have.

A. Have…gone to

B. Have…gone in

C. Have…been to

D. Have …been in Ⅱ、用have gone或have been

1. Where are the boy students? They _____ to the school factory.

2.---- Is your father in? -----No, he __________ to Shenzhen.

----______he ever _____ there before ? ----Yes, he _________ there several times.

3. He asked me if I___________ to Hangzhou before. I told him that I wanted to go there for a visit as I ________ never _______ to that city before.





仁爱版九年级英语教学计划 陈娟萍 一、指导思想: 1、要面向全体学生,关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,提高人文素养,增强实践能力,培养创新精神; 2、突出学生主体,尊重个体差异,让学生在老师的指导下构建知识,提高技能,活跃思维,展现个性,发展心智和拓展视野; 3二、学生情况分析 今年任教的两个班英语,学生的基本情况较差,部分学生已经对英语失去了信心,还有一部分学生觉得英语越来越难,渐渐力不从心了,不感兴趣了,据老师反馈上课的注意力也不集中了,发言也不是很活跃。针对这种情况,教学的时候需要注意在备课中增加趣味性,以此来提高学生对英语学习的兴趣。 三、教材分析 教学目的 1.要使学生受到听、说、读、写、英语的训练,掌握最基础的语言知识和语言技能以及培养初步援用英语交际的能力;养成良好的外语学习习惯,掌握学习外语的基本方法;为进一步学习和运用英语打下扎实的基础。 2.使学生明确学习英语的目的性, 3.培养初步运用英语交际的能力和自学能力。 具体目标: 针对实际情况,我制定了以下二方面的教学目标: 1.语言技能: 听:1、能听懂课文大致内容;2、能抓住简单语段中的观点; 说:1、能使用恰当的语调和节奏表达课文大意;2、能经过准备就一般话题作短暂表达 读:1、能理解阅读材料中不同的观点和态度;2、能识别不同文体的特征;3、能通过分析句子结构理解难句和长句;

写:1、能简单写出连贯且结构较完整的句子,2、能默写课文;3、能在写作文中基本做到文体较规范、语句较通顺; 2.语言知识: 语音:1、逐步做到语音、语调自然、得体;2、根据语音辨别和书写不太熟悉的单词或简单语句。 词汇:1、运用词汇描述比较复杂的事物、行为和特征,说明概念等;2、尽可能学会使用规定的习惯用语或固定搭配。 语法:1、进一步掌握描述时间、地点、方位的表达方式;2、进一步理解、掌握比较人、物体及事物的表达方式;3、使用适当的语言形式进行描述和表达观点、态度、情感等;4、学习、掌握基本语篇知识并根据特定目的有效地组织信息。 功能:1、掌握询问信息、谈论物件,表示否定,表示不肯定,表示发生在某一过去时间之前的行为。2、灵活运用已经学过的常用功能项目,进一步学习并掌握如何描写与分类,描写物体,和叙述等语言功能项目;3、恰当理解和表达道歉和应答,忠告等交际功能; 四、课时安排 每周7节,共4个单元,期中考试前完成第1,2单元内容。 五、教学具体措施 1、摸清学生基本情况,逐步激励学生对英语产生学习兴趣。 2、重视课堂教学质量,逐步提高学生英语交际能力。 3、有意识培养学生听力、表述、朗读、书写和作业的基本能力。 4、重视思维过程系统编排,由浅入深,由易到难,由已知到未知,循序渐进,点面结合,逐步扩展,循环往现,以加深影响。


仁爱英语九年级上册单词表 Unit 1 The Developing World Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly. cruel 残忍的,残酷的,无情的 proper 恰当的,合适的;真正的 by the way 顺便说 △volunteer 义务工作者;志愿者 bell 铃;钟;钟(铃)声,钟形物chairwoman 女主席,女会长;女议长 yet 尚,还,仍然 grandson(外)孙子 social社会的 disabled 残疾的,残废的 l earn…from… 学;学习 shut 关上,封闭;禁闭;合拢 dig 挖(洞,沟等);掘 teenager(13~19岁的)青少年,十几岁的少年granny祖母,外婆;老奶奶 describe 描写,叙述 in detail 详细地 education 教育,培养 childhood 童年 support 供养,抚养;支持,赞助 nowadays 当今,现在 develop (使)发展;(使)发达;开发 rapidly快地,迅速地 △leisure空闲,闲暇,业余时间 development 发展;发达;开发 narrow 狭窄的 communication 交流;交往;通讯 quick快的;敏捷的;急剧的;快地;敏捷地;急剧地 keep in touch with 跟……保持联系 relative 亲属;亲戚 far away遥远的 telegram 电报;电文 sort 种类,类别;把……分类;拣选 fax 传真;传真机 rapid 快的,迅速的 progress 进步;进展进展;逐步发展 make progress 取得进展;取得进步 already已经succeed成功 organization组织,机构 rope 绳子,绳索 war 战争 △tug of war 拔河 △hide-and-seek 捉迷藏 note 便条,笔记;注释;钞票; 纸币;记下,记录; 注意,留意 composition 作文;作曲 consider 考虑 draw up 拟定,起草 tool 工具,器具 thanks to 由于, 幸亏 Topic 2 What a large population! each other 相互 probably 很可能,大概 call up 打电话,号召 European 欧洲的 population 人口,人数 take place发生 because of 因为,由于 policy 政策,方针 neither 也不 recent 近来的,最近的 billion 十亿 increase (使)增加,(使)增大;增加,增强,增大 write down 写下,记下 difficulty困难,费力 be short of 短缺 so far 到目前为止 measure 措施,方法 take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事 percent 百分之…… offer 提供 less than 不到,少于 unless 如果不……,除非…… couple 一对;夫妇 a couple of 一些,几个 market 市场;集市


Unit 1 The Changinging World Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly. Section A The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: proper, by the way, bell, grandpa, chairwoman, grandson 2. Learn a useful sentence: There goes the bell. 3. Learn the present perfect tense: (1)Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. (2)—Where have you been, Jane? —I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. (3)—By the way, where’s Maria? —She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer… 4. Talk about the children’s vacation experiences. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具录音机/小黑板/学生的旅游纪念照/图片/幻灯片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review 通过教师询问学生的暑期活动,导入话题,呈现部分生词。 T: Listen! The bell is ringing. Let’s begin our class! (教师解释The bell is ringing等于There goes ,板书bell,要求学生掌握。) bell T: Nice to see you again. Did you enjoy your summer holiday? Ss: Yes. T: Hi, S1, where did you go during your summer holiday? S1: I went to … T: S2, did you go to your grandpa’s home? (板书grandpa,要求学生掌握。) 2 grandpa 3 S3: I went to West Lake with my father. T: Wow! West Lake is a beautiful place. What did you do there? S3: I enjoyed the beautiful scenery, took photos and bought many beautiful postcards. T: S4, what about you? S4: I had to stay at home to help my mother with the housework. T: Oh, I feel glad for what you did, and I think you’re a good girl. You’re helpful. S5, did you go to


仁爱版英语九年级上册知识点汇总 2017-11-20九年级上册(重点短语、句型和语法) Unit1 The Changing World Topic1 Our country has developed rapidly. 【重点短语和句型】 1. have a good summer holiday 暑假过得愉快 2. come back from 从......回来 3. have/has been to 去过 4. have/has gone to 去了 5. not...any more 再也不... 6. take photos 照相 7. by the way 顺便问一下 8. take part in 参加 9. around/all over/throughout the world 全世界 10. tell sb. something about... 告诉某人关于某事 11. have/live a happy/hard life 过着幸福/艰苦的生活 12. describe...in detail 详细描述 13. give support to 支持... 14. see...oneself 亲眼看见 15. keep in touch with 与...保持联系 16. far away 遥远的 17. kinds/sorts of 各种各样的... 18. not only...but also 不仅...而且... 19. make progress 取得进步 20. more than/over 多于 21. develop/improve rapidly 迅速发展/改善 22. tell sb. (not ) to do sth. 告诉某人(别)做某事 23. ask sb. (not ) to do sth. 要求某人(别)做某事 24. in order to do sth. 为了做某事 25. have to do sth. 不得不做某事 26. It's +形容词+for sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说做某事是...的 27. why not do sth.=why don’t you do sth 为什么不做某事 28. succeed/be successful in doing sth. 成功地做某事


仁爱版英语九年级上册教案 Unit 1 The Developing World Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly. Section A The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and useful expressions: cruel, proper, by the way, bell, chairwoman, yet, grandson 2. Learn the present perfect tense: You have just come back from your hometown. Where have you been, Jane? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. By the way, where’s Maria? She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer… 3. Learn some functional sentences: I felt sorry for them. There goes the bell. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/童工图片/小黑板/多媒体图片或幻灯片/学生的旅游纪念照 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:12分钟)


仁爱英语九年级上册单词表 Unit 1 第1单元 Topic 1 adj.恰当的,合适的;真正的 顺便说 n.义务工作者;志愿者 n.钟(铃)声;铃,钟;钟状物n.爷爷;外公 n.女主席,女会长;女议长 n.(外)孙子 adj.残疾的,残废的 v.关上,封闭;禁闭;合拢 n.绳子,绳索 n.(13~19岁的)青少年, 十几岁的少年n.祖母,外婆;老奶奶 v.描写,叙述 详细地 n.教育;培养 .童年,幼年时代 v.&n.供养,抚养;支持,赞助 n.(尤指户外的)体力劳动者, 劳工,工人 v.(使)发展;(使)发达;开发adv.快地,迅速地 adv.幸运的 n.发展;发达;开发 adj.狭窄的 n.交流;交往;通讯 adj.快的;敏捷的;急剧的; adv.快地;敏捷地;急剧地 n.空闲,闲暇,业余时间跟……保持联系 n.亲属,亲戚 遥远的 adv.主要地,总体上,大致 n.电报;电文 改革开放 n.种类,类别; v.把……分类;拣选 n.传真;传真机 adj.快的,迅速的 n.进步;进展; v.进展;逐步发展取得进展;取得进步 adv.已经 v.成功 n.组织,机构 n.战争 n.拔河 n.便条;笔记;注释;钞票, 纸币;v.记下,记录;注 意,留意 n.作文;作曲 v.考虑 拟定,起草 n.工具,器具 幸亏,由于 Unit 1 第1单元 Topic 2 adv.尚,还,仍热 adv.很可能,大概 打电话,号召adj.欧洲的 n.人口,人数 近来的,最近的 因为,由于 n.政策,方针 adv.也不 十亿 v.(使)增加,(使)增大 n.增加,增强,增大 n.困难,费力 短缺 到目前为止 n.措施,方法 采取措施做某事 adj.新生的,初生的 n.百分之…… .如果不……,除非…… n.一对;夫妇 一些,几个 n.市场;集市 n.运输,运送 adj.极好的,优秀的 赶上,跟上 n.关系;亲属 属于 Unit 1 第1单元 Topic 3 事实上,其实 n.洪水;v.(被)淹没;(使)泛滥 v.发现 adj.直接的;直达的; v.指挥;指导;监督;管 理 adj.可能的 adj.公平的,合理的;(肤色) 白皙的 n.发明,创造 .使兴奋,使激动 在困难时,在贫困之中 adj.医学的;医疗的 n.疗法;治疗 v.提供 n.谈话,交谈 n.秘书;书记 n.工程师;技师 n.渔民;钓鱼健身者 adj.死的,无生命的 n.军队 n.创伤,伤口; v.伤,伤害 n.孙女,外孙女 n.(外)孙或孙女,孙辈 n.& v. 痛,疼痛 n.火;火炉 n.楼梯 adv.在楼下,到楼下; n.楼下 n.木板;布告牌;委员会; v.上(船,火车,飞机) n.技能,技巧 n.毒品;药,药物 v.偷,窃取 v.不服从 目的,意图 v.提到,说起; n.提及 adj.社会的 v.力求达到,力争做到;目的是, 旨在;n.目标 adv.到(在)国外 国内外 付款 Unit2第2单元 Topic1 n.蜜蜂 天哪;啊呀 adj.化学的; n.化学品 adj.废弃的,丢弃的,无用的; n.废弃物,废料; v.浪费 n.小溪 n.土壤,土地 v.呼吸 adj.有害的 (尤指对健康或环境)有害的,导 致损害的 v.&n.影响 adj.弱的;差的;淡的 n.生产;出产;制造 n.气体;煤气 n.胸部;箱子,盒子 adv.不管怎样 adj。下述的,下列的;(时间 上)接着的 n.煤 n.电;电流 n.搭档,合作者 adj.聋的 v.印刷 听力丧失 v.打扰;扰乱 n.&v.危害;伤害;损害 prep.包括……在内 n.标题,题目 n.垃圾;废物 n.(把木材锯成木板的)锯木厂 adj.附近的 n.效果;作用 v.造成;创造 n.产业,工业 v.破坏,毁坏 n.血,血液 n.压力;压迫;压强 Unit2 第2单元 Topic 2 (作为)结果;由于 adj.无理的,粗鲁的 n.行为,举止 一开始;初期 一天天;逐日 消失,灭亡 n.重要性 n.沙,沙子 n.沙尘暴 砍倒 转换成,把……变成 n.沙漠 v.舍弃,遗弃 v.防止,预防 .妨碍,防止,预防 人 conj.虽然,尽管 n.法律,法令;定律 关掉(水、电、电视、收音机等) n.(自来水,煤气等的)龙头 在地球上;究竟,到底 臭氧层 二氧化碳 n.时期,时代 无数的,大量的,数以百万计 的 拿走 v.污染 n.氧气 n.放射,放射物 n.毛毯,毯子 n.&v.逃跑;逃脱 v.上升,上涨 温室效应 n.水平线,水平 n.火星 提到,涉及,有关 占去,占据(时间、空间等) n.垃圾 v.回收;再循环 Unit2 第2单元 Topic 3 v.减小;缩小;降低 adj.塑料的 n.(美)罐子;罐头 v.猜想,假定,料想 应当,应该 v.点头 n.同意,一致;协定,协议 v.(使)动摇,震动 to 应该 n.距离 n.布 n.行动,动作 n.电池 n.电力;动力;力 酸雨 adj.原子核的,原子能的;核动 力的biogas n.沼气 n.技术 n.(收割后干燥的)禾杆,麦 秆,稻草 adj.电动的,用电的 adj.效率高的;有能力的 磁悬浮列车 prep.每,每一 n.轮,车轮,轮子 n.向导,导游;指南,手册 n.钢,钢铁 n.运动;活动 n.旅行,路程 towel n.毛巾 v.& n.提供 Review of Units 1-2 第1、2单元复习


Unit 1 Topic 1 I. 重点词组 1.take photos 照相 2.learn…from…向……学习 3.in detail 详细地 4.in order to为了 5.give support to… 为……提供帮助 6.see sth. oneself 亲眼所见某物 7.keep in touch with 与……保持联系 8.sorts of各种各样的 9.make progress 取得进步 10.draw up 起草,拟定 11.thanks to 由于 II.重点句型 1. In one place I saw children working for a cruel boss.在一处我看到了孩子们为残忍的老板干活。 2. I felt sorry for them.我对他们深表同情。 3. Where have you been, Jane? 你去过哪里,简? 4. She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer.她去古巴当志愿者了。 5. There goes the bell. 铃响了。 6. Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.虽然我没有时间去旅行,但是我仍然感到很开心。 7. Now our country has developed rapidly.现在我们国家发展迅速。 III.语法 1. 现在完成时态的构成:助动词have/has+动词的过去分词 e.g. You have just come back from your hometown. 2. 现在完成时态的句式: e.g. (1) I have been to Mount Huang with my parents.


仁爱版英语九年级全册 单词 Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-

U1 Topic1 take place 发生.,进行 volunteer n.志愿者 bell n.钟声;钟.,铃 Africa n.非洲 disable adj.残疾的.,残废的 shut v.关闭.,关上 ever adv.在任何时候.,从来 rope n.绳子.,绳索 narrow adj.狭窄的 various adj.,各种各样的 report n.&v.通讯;交流 keep in touch with 与...保持联系relative n.亲属.,亲戚 telegram n.电报;电文 rapidly adv.快速地.,迅速地since prep.&conj.自...从;既然reform n.改革.,改良 reform and opening-up 改革开放satisfy v.使满足.,使满意medical adj.医学的.,医疗的cellphone=mobile phone 移动电话fax n.传真.,传真机 machine n.机器.,机械 rapid adj.迅速的.,快速的progress n.&v. 进步;进展 make progress 取得进步 already adv.已经.,早已 succeed in dong sth. 成功地做了... pleased adj.高兴的 leisure n.空闲.,空暇 hide v.躲藏;遮挡;隐瞒

hide and seek 捉迷藏 chess n.国际象棋 radio n.收音机 spare adj.空闲的.,空余的 recent adj.近来的.,最近的abroad adv.在国外;到国外 U1 Topic2 yet adv.仍.,还 probably adv.很可能.,大概cinema n..电影院 department store 百货公司nearby adj.&adv. 附近;在附近population n.人口.,人数 billion num.十亿 increase v.&n.(使)增大.,增加;增大 reach v.实现;达到;够得着;到达luckily adv. 幸运地 policy n.政策.,方针 Russia n. 俄罗斯 measure n. 措施,方法 social adj. 社会的;社交的 supply v.&n.提供;供应量.,补给natural adj. 天然的;天生的worse adj.&adv. 更差的;更差 so far 到目前为止 government n. 政府.,内阁 take measures to do sth. 采取措施做... thanks to sb./sth. 幸亏.,由于paragraph n. 段落 opportunity n. 机会.,时机newborn adj. 新生的.,初生的percent n. 百分之...


仁爱版九年级英语上册知识点汇总 Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly (P1---P8) SectionA p1 一、短语 come-came-come来become-became-become成为go-went-gone去take-took-taken带来have-had-had有be/am is are-was were-been是 have a good summer/winter holiday过一个愉快的暑/寒假have a good time come back from sp=return from sp从某处回来have been to曾经去过(人已回来) many places near my home我家附近的许多地方has gone to去了(人还没回来) many places of interest许多名胜古迹more and more beautiful越来越漂亮 take place发生by the way顺便问一下 an English summer school 一所英语培训学校take photos/pictures照相 improve my English提高我的英语for a long time 很长一段时间 二、句子 1. Did you have a good summer holiday? Not bad你暑假过得愉快吗? 不错 2.How was your trip?你的旅行怎么样? Great /Not bad 3.where have you been ,Jane?I have been to Mount Huang.我曾经去过北京(人已回来) 4.Where‘s Maria? She has gone to cuba她去了古巴(人还没回来) 5. Great changes have taken place in my hometown. 6. There were so many people there that I couldn‘t find a proper place to take photos so--- that+从句(否定句)= too ---to --- so--- that+从句(肯定句)=形/副+enough to do sth He is so young that he can‘t go to school=He is too young to go to school. =He isn‘t old enough to go to school He is so tall that he can reach the apple on the tree =He is tall enough to reach the apple on the tree. 7.Listen! There goes the the bell听! 上课铃响了


Unit 5 Knowing About China Topic 1 How much do you know about China? Section A The main activity is 1a. I . Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn some new words and phrases: 2. Learn the attributive clauses which use“that”or“which”. 3. Learn about the geography of China. 4. Cultivate the students’ patriotism through learning about the geography of China. II. Teaching aids: 五岳的图片/幻灯片/中国地图/录音机 III.Teaching ways: Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review (时间:5分钟) 1.让学生尽可能地用英语和同伴谈论他们最喜爱的名胜,培养他们的爱国之情。导入新课。 (呈现一些五岳等名胜的图片,引导学生快速谈论My favorite place is ...,激发他们的英语思维。) ,并对其加以描述。让1-2组学生表演。 2.Pair work.谈论My favorite place is … T: Well done. You’ve just talked about many places of interest. As we know, China is a great country. It has about 5 000 years of history. D o you want to know more about it? OK, let’s come to the new unit. Step 2 Presentation (时间:13分钟) 继续谈论中国的名胜古迹,呈现1a内容,引出并学习文中生词及定语从句。 1. (出示泰山图片。) T: Have you been to Mount Tai? (介绍。) T: I went there two years ago. I like it best. Mount Tai lies in Shandong Province. Every year many tourists visit it. It attracts a great number of tourists from all over the world. (板书并要求学生掌握lie in和a great number of,理解attract和province。然后让学生用所学新词说出他们最喜爱的名胜,操练新知识。) lie in=be in province attract a great number of=many T: N ow talk about your favorite places with the new words and phrases. You can say them like this: My favorite place is … It lies in … It attracts many/a great number of tourists … (板书并要求学生掌握fetch。) fetch (示范fetch动作展示Guide to China这本书。) T: The book is Guide to China.It introduces China in detail. I can also say: Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail. (板书并要求学生掌握introduce,理解guide。) introduce guide (板书句子,教师适当讲解,要求学生初步掌握that和which引导的定语从句。)


仁爱版英语九年级上册知识点归纳 I. 重点词组 1.learn…from…向……学习 2.in order to为了 3.give support to… 为……提供帮助 4.see sth. oneself 亲眼所见某物 5.keep in touch with 与……保持联系 6.sorts of各种各样的 7.make progress 取得进步 8.thanks to 由于 II.重点句型 1. Where have you been, Jane? 你去过哪里,简? 2. She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer.她去古巴当志愿者了。 3. There goes the bell. 铃响了。 4. Thou gh I had n o time to travel, I still fe lt very ha ppy.虽然我没有时间去旅行,但是我仍然感到很开心。 5. Now our country has developed rapidly.现在我们国家发展迅速。 III.语法 1. 现在完成时态的构成:助动词have/has+动词的过去分词 e.g. You have just come back from your hometown. 2. 现在完成时态的句式: e.g. (1) I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. (2) I haven’t seen him for a long time. (3) Where have you been? (4) ——Have you ever cleaned a room? ——Yes, I have. / No, I ha ven’t. 3. have/ has been与have/has gone 的区别 have/has been to sp.表示曾经到过某地——have/has gone to sp.表示已经去了某地 e.g. (1) I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. (2) She ha s gone to Cuba to be a volunteer.


仁爱英语九年级上册单词 Unit 1 The Developing World Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly. cruel 残忍的,残酷的,无情的 proper 恰当的,合适的;真正的 by the way顺便说 △volunteer义务工作者;志愿者 bell 铃;钟;钟(铃)声,钟形物 chairwoman 女主席,女会长;女议长 yet 尚,还,仍然 grandson(外)孙子 social社会的 disabled 残疾的,残废的 le arn…from… 学;学习 shut 关上,封闭;禁闭;合拢 dig 挖(洞,沟等);掘 teenager(13~19岁的)青少年,十几岁的少年 granny祖母,外婆;老奶奶 describe 描写,叙述 in detail 详细地 education 教育,培养 childhood 童年 support 供养,抚养;支持,赞助 nowadays 当今,现在 develop (使)发展;(使)发达;开发 rapidly快地,迅速地 △leisure空闲,闲暇,业余时间 development 发展;发达;开发 narrow 狭窄的 communication 交流;交往;通讯 quick快的;敏捷的;急剧的;快地;敏捷地;急剧地 keep in touch with 跟……保持联系 relative 亲属;亲戚 far away遥远的 telegram 电报;电文 sort 种类,类别;把……分类;拣选 fax 传真;传真机 rapid 快的,迅速的 progress 进步;进展进展;逐步发展 make progress 取得进展;取得进步 already已经 succeed成功


(仁爱版英语九年级)Unit 1 Topic 1 Section B 教学案例 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:10分钟) 创设情境对话,复习现在完成时态,并学习部分生词。1. (通过做游戏,复习现在完成时。) T: Hi, boys and girls. Let’s play the game “Quick Response”. T: Where have you been, S1? S1: I have been to Hong Kong, and I bought many t hings. … T: Where has S2 gone? S3: He/She has gone to Mr. Lee’s office. T: When will he/she come back? S3: In an hour. … 2. (教师出示一张吉姆的旅游照片,介绍他的假期经历,导入并教授生词。) T: Do you want to know where Jim has been during his summer holiday? Ss:Yes. T: It’s a photo of hi m. Let me describe it in detail. (板书并要求学生掌握。) describe, in detail S4: Has he been to Beijing? T: Yes, he has. He has been to Beijing with his parents, granny and little sister. (板书并要求学生掌握。) granny T: His little sister went there for further education. Her dream is to study abroad. Luckily, with the development of our country, most of you will have a chance to study abroad. You are all lucky. But there are many disabled children. They are unlucky. We should try our best to help them. Look at this picture. Let’s have a discussion. (板书并适当讲解生词,要求学生掌握education, development, develop;理解disabled;了解luckily。) education luckily develop →development disabled Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:14分钟) 创设语言情境,让学生掌握现在完成时态的一般疑问句,学习部分生词,呈现1a、2a,完成2b。1. (教师拿出一张“残疾儿童之家”的图片,导入现在完成时的一般疑问句。) T: This picture is a disabled children’s home. Have you ever been there?(教师可用汉语解释disabled children’s home的意思,帮助学生理解。) Ss: Yes, we have./No, we haven’t.(引导学生回答。) T: Maria has been to a disabled children’s home. Do you want to know what Maria has done there? Ss: Certainly. T: OK. Let’s listen to the tape and answer the following question. What did she do to help them? (听1a录音回答上面问题,核对答案。) T: Did Maria have anytime to travel? Ss: No, she didn’t. But she still felt happy. T: Yes. Though she has no time to travel, she has learned a lot from her holiday experiences. (教师解释though引导让步状语从句,不与but连用。板书并要求学生掌握。) Though she has no time to travel, she … 2. (播放1a录音,学生跟读,注意语音和语调。) T: Please listen to 1a again and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 3. (听2a录音,回答幻灯片中出示的问题。) T: Today we all have a happy life, but in the past, people’s lives were very hard, even some children had to be child laborers. Listen to the tape, and answer the following questions. (1) Did Kangkang’s granny have a hard life in the past? (2) What d id Kangkang tell Rita about Chinese teenagers in the past? (3) How did most children spend their childhood in the past? (板书并讲解生词,要求学生理解。) laborer, teenager, childhood 4. (学生打开课本,再听2a,跟读并找出疑难点。) T: Open your books now. Listen to 2a again and repeat. Mark the difficulties when you are reading. 5. (引导学生说出疑难点和含有现在完成时态的句子,教师讲解疑难点,板书要点并要求学生理解生词support 和rapidly。) have/live a hard life Is that so? can’t/couldn’t afford sth. Our country has developed rapidly. give support to sb./give sb. support 6. (学生仔细阅读2a,完成2b。两分钟后,核对答案。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:8分钟) 通过比赛、谈论等形式,激发学生朗读兴趣,培养学生的听、说技能,巩固2a,完成2c。1. (分角色朗读2a,选择四组进行比赛,激发学生朗读兴趣。对表现好的小组,给予掌声鼓励。) 2. (学生两人一组,谈论过去的孩子和现在孩子的不同生活。) T: Work in pairs to talk about children’s different lives in the past and nowadays. Example: S1:In the past, many families were big and poor. S2:Yes. The parents couldn’t afford their children’s education. S1:The children had no chance to go to school. S2:Some of the children had to be child laborers and never had enough food to eat. S1:I feel sorry for them. We are so happy nowadays. S2:Nowadays, our country has developed rapidly. Most children can get a good education. … T: Just now, you compared Chinese teenagers’ lives in the past with those nowadays. You did very well! 3. (听录音,完成2c。提高学生听力技能,进一步了解过去与现在的青少年的生活变化。) T: Listen to the tape
