


试卷总分:100 得分:100

一、多选题(共4 道试题,共10 分)

1. Which sentences apply the rhetorical device of sarcasm?

A. The victory of vivisection marks a great advance in the triumph of ruthless, non-moral utilitarianism over the old world of ethical law;…

B. The women?s magazines are about one third dedicated to clothes, one third to mild comment on sex, and the other third to recipes and pictures of handsome salads, desserts, and main courses.

C. It is bad for our souls, our minds, and our digestion.

D. Psychoanalysts, the elite of the psychiatric profession, rarely accept them as patients.

满分:2.5 分


2. Which of the following sentences apply the rhetorical device of transferred epithet?

A. “But there is a man in my office, a Mr. H., who proses it away from morning to night, …

B. I stare at the reproachfully blank paper until sights and sounds become dim and confused, …

2017年电大开 放英语1形成性考核册答案(最新无错版)

2017电大开放英语1形成性考核册答案(最新 无错版) 开放英语(1)形成性考核册作业1答案 选择题请在在选项上画√

1、请写出下列名词的复数形式。 Parent photo bus life half child w oman tooth Parents photos buses lives haves children women teeth 2、频度副词often,always,sometimes等在句中的位置是有规律的,请写出这些规律,并各举一个例句。 (1)在动词 to be之后: Are you always at home on Sunday? (2)在实意动词之前: I sometimes go to London. (3)在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前。 I do not often go to work by bus. 3、请写现在进行时的两种用法,并分别举一个例句。 (1)现在进行时表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在进行的动作。 He is talking to a customer.

(2)现在进行时也可以表示这一段时期正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻江没有进行。 LiJun is working on a new database at the moment ,but right now she is sleeping. 4、请用学过的功能句型介绍你自己的姓名、年龄、所在城市、工作。请用英语写(略) 开放英语(1)作业1 第一部分交际用语 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 第二部分词汇与结构 6. B 7. A 8. C 9 .C 10. C 11 .B 12 .B 13. C 14 .C 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. A 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. A 第三部分句型变换 26. He is a manager. Is he a manager? 27. She usually goes to work by bus. Does she usually go to work by bus? 28. There are fifty students in the class. Are there fifty students in the class? 29. They have a large house.


[南开大学]20秋学期《大学英语(一)》在线作业 提示:请认真学习本资料,并完成课程复习!!100 一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分) 1.She ( )work next Monday. A.is starting B.starts C.started [本题参考选择是]:A 2.The quality inspector ____ finished products carefully to make sure each was in good condition. A.looked over B.found out C.held up D.stuck to [本题参考选择是]:A 3.I go swimming on ( ) Thursdays for two hours. A./ B.a C.an [本题参考选择是]:A 4.( ) people are my friends. ( ) people are my husband's friends. A.These, Those B.This, That C.Here, There [本题参考选择是]:A 5.Do you have( ) friends in Shanghai? A.many B.any C.not [本题参考选择是]:B 6.A:( ), Polly? B:I'd like a glass of wine, thank you. A.Do you want B.What would you like C.What you like [本题参考选择是]:B 7.I'm a nurse. I work ( )David ( )the same hospital.


高级英语19春在线作业1-0005 Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of metaphor? A:She felt her cheek pale and cold and, out of a maze of distress, … B:He would drown her. C:She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue. D:The boat blew a long mournful whistle into the mist. 答案:A,B Antithesis is applied in ________. A:If a mere sentiment justifies cruelty, why stop at a sentiment for the whole human race? B:It is so deep a need that it will find harmful outlets of this kind unless innocent outlets are at hand. C:If it is not defended on the ground that it reduces human suffering, on what ground can it be defended? D:If we find a man giving pleasure it is for us to prove (if we criticize him) that his action is wrong. But if we find a man inflicting pain it is for him to prove that his action is right. 答案:B,D Which of the following sentences use the rhetorical device of hyperbole? A:Death would be too kind and brief.


开放英语(1)作业1 第一部分交际用语 1一5小题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right),不恰当的选B(Wrong),并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共10分) 1.( A)—How old is the manager? -- He is 35 years old. A. Right B.Wrong 问年龄 2.(A)—What do they do? — They work in a bank. A.Right B.Wrong 问职业 3.( B)—Would you like some crisps? —--No, I’m sorry. A. Right B.Wrong “你要来一些薯片吗?”表提议。回答‖No, thanks.‖表拒绝;回答:“Yes, please./All right./Yes./OK.”表接受。 4.( B)—How much does the flat cost a month? —--It’s on th e tenth floor. A. Right B.Wrong 问租金 5.( A)—Could you sign the register ,please? —--Of course. A. Right B.Wrong “请你签一下这份登记表。”表请求。 第二部分词汇与结构 6-25小题:阅读下面的句子, 选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共40分)

6. ( B ) He ___ for an IT company. A.work B. works C. Working 主语为第三人称单数,谓语也用单数形式。 7. ( A ) I have coffee ___ breakfast time. A.at B. in C. On “at+ breakfast/ lunch/ supper”固定搭配,“在早餐/午餐/晚餐时”。 8. ( C ) ____ name is Wanghua. A. He B. He’s C. His 形容词性物主代词“his”修饰名词。 9. ( C ) She is ___ only accountant in my son’s company. A. a B. an C. The 定冠词“the”表特指,“唯一”的意思。 10. ( C ) Maria often has walk with ___ parents in the morning.. A. she B. their C. Her 形容词性物主代词“her”修饰名词。 11. (B ) ___ you got any family? A. Do B. Have C. Has “have got”=“have”表“有”。 12. (B)He’s responsible ___ the central computer system. A. in B. for C.of “be responsible for”表示“对……负责”,固定搭配。 13. (C ) The Business Banking Department is on ___ floor. A. second B. the two C. the second 表示楼层用the+序数词。 14. (C ) Wang Li is ___ a new marketing campsign at the moment. A. plan B. planing C. planning 句子用现在进行时。 15. (C) Polly enjoys ___ the guitar in a band in her free time. A. play B. to play C. playing “enjoy doing sth. ”固定搭配,表示“乐于做...;喜欢做..”。 16. (B ) There ___ three plants in the corners of the room.


开放英语I(1)作业1 (Unit 1~6) 第一部分交际用语(10分) 1-5题: 阅读下面的小对话,判断稚是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right),不恰当的选B(Wrong),并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共10分) (A) 1.-How old is the manager? -- He is 35 year old. A. Right B. Wrong (A) 2. – What do they do ? -- They work in a bank. A Right B. Wrong (B) 3. –Would you like some crisps? - No, I’m sorry.. A. Right B. Wrong (B) 4. – How much does the flat cost a month? - It’s on the tenth floor. A. Right B. Wrong (A) 5. – Could you sign the register, please? - Of course. A. Right B. Wrong 第二部分词汇与结构(40分) 6~25小题:阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共40分) (B)6. He _____ for an IT company. A. work B. works C. working (A) 7. I have coffee _____ breakfast time A. at B. in C. on (C) 8. _____ name is Wanghua. A. He B. He’s C. His (C) 9. She is _______ only accountant in my son’s company. A. a B. an C. the (C) 10. Maria often has a walk with _______ parents in the morning. A. she B. their C. her (B) 11. _________ you got any family ? A. Do B. Have C Has (B) 12. He’s responsible _____ the central computer system. A. in B. for C. of (C) 13. The Business Banking Department is on ____ floor. A. second B. the two C. the second (C) 14. Wang Li is _______ a new market campaign at the moment. A. plan B. planing C. planning (C) 15. Polly enjoys ________ the guitar in a band in her free time.


华南师范大学2015《高级英语》在线作业题库及满分答案1.第1题 choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. the black boys and girls need not have felt ___ for their dark skin in the summer camp. A.A. self-effacing; B. self-centered; C. self-conscious; D. self-evident B.所有选项均列于A选项下 C.所有选项均列于A选项下 D.所有选项均列于A选项下 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. the weather forecast for today predicted ___ weather with sunshine, rain, snow and wind and that is just what londoners have had. A.A. variable; B. various; C. variant; D. varied B.所有选项均列于A选项下 C.所有选项均列于A选项下 D.所有选项均列于A选项下

您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. commercial banks make most of their ___ from interest-earning loans and investments in stocks and bonds. A.A. means; B. dividends; C. earnings; D. compound interest B.所有选项均列于A选项下 C.所有选项均列于A选项下 D.所有选项均列于A选项下 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. there was a nobility about this simple-minded person which was ___. A.A. most engaged; B. the most engaging; C. to be most engaging; D. most engaging B.所有选项均列于A选项下 C.所有选项均列于A选项下


地大《开放英语3》在线作业一答案 | 大“开放英语3 ”网上作业1 答案 试卷总分数:100考试时间:-试卷分数:100单项选择 1 单项选择(25道题,100分))分数:100 v 1。有趣吗?-)。它一直播放到午夜。它是由几个名人主演的。我应该呆在家里看电视。我坐在4:4 199的角落里。艾米,我想今天把这份报告打出来。-)。我希望你能帮助我。我对这份报告一无所知。把它留到明天吧满分:4 分:43 分:去年我已经戒烟了。 a 吸烟者吸烟者吸烟者吸烟者满分:4 分:4 分:4 分:我从1997 年开始就住在这里-)。答:我非常喜欢它们。我只在周末看。 很难说,实际上我太忙了,四分之四点六秒都没时间说 。-我怎么去开罗?-)。对不起。我不明白 199。你可以赶上9:30的航班,在巴黎换机。恐怕你错过了d 次航班。 我很高兴告诉你怎么走。满分:4 分:4 199 7分。-我不喜欢星期天的体育节目。-索多伊布。I . c . soamid。nei theram I /4:4 8。-)。别担心我,呆在床上好好休息,一定有什么不对劲的地方,是的,谢谢医生,但我还是觉得头晕,满分:4 分,49 分,他已经写了四本成功的书,写了 199 分,一直在写 199,作家 199,满分:4 分, 199。-)。我英语说得很好。我会说英语和法语。英语是我的母语。 大多数人都同意他的观点。 a . b . a . c 不. 填 1/ 4

D .一 满分:4分:4 12。-)。答:我从巴黎搬到这里。我的整个生活是 。我在这里工作了将近10 年。我从来没有去过那里。她独自带了两个孩子。 不要在 Dxx 补考。离开 |满分:4 分:4 14。你好,莎莉。一切都好吗?―)。对你有好处。哦,我同意c。这是正确的。所以4: 4 中的 。明年,我打算去XX。上午第 199 号,d . hav 199满分:4分:4 16分。-走那边,坐下。不,我不累。谢谢,但我宁愿站在 c。是的,这是一个好方法。这不要紧 4:4 17。-)。是的,我想喝咖啡。是的,请 d。非常好,4: 4: 4 18 中有 。-)。答:当然可以。给你。请不要客气。没什么 D。是的,我有一手 满分:4分:4 19。-)。答: 看起来很舒服。是的,和我们预期的一样安静。你真体贴。不,满分:4 分:4 2/ 4


电大开放英语《一》(1)形成性考核 册开放英语(1)作业1 第一部分交际用语(10分) 1一5小题:阅读下面的小对话,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中,红色为参考答案。(每题2分,共10分) (A)1.— How old is the manager? — He is 35 years old. A. Right. B. Wrong. (A)2.— What do they do? — They work in a bank. A. Right. B. Wrong. (B)3.— Would you like some crisps? —No, I’m sorry. A. Right. B. Wrong. (B)4.— How much does the flat cost a month? —It’s on the tenth floor. A. Right. B. Wrong. (A)5.— Could you sign the register, please?.

— Of course. A. Right. B. Wrong. 第二部分词汇与结构(40分) 6-25小题:阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共40分) ( B )6. He __________ for an IT company. A. work B. works C. working ( A )7. I have coffee _______ breakfast time. A. at B. in C. on ( C )8. ______ name is Wanghua. A. He B. He’s C. His ( C )9. She is _______ only accountant in my son's company. A. a B. an C. the ( C )10. Maria often has a walk with ________parents in the morning. A. she B. their C. her ( B )11. ___________ you got any family?


《1609》在线作业 1. TPN refers to() A. Trading Process Network Post B. Trading Price Network Post C. Trading Price Net Position D. Trading Process Nigation Post 满分:2 分得分:2 A 2. Transaction broker provides a ()payment mechanism for buyers and sellers to settle a transaction. A. direct B. indirect C. auction D. third party 满分:2 分得分:2 D 3. A search engine reads its () of sites and site information around the world for particular items searched on by users. A. webpage B. database C. attachment D. password 满分:2 分得分:2 B 4. business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of intellectural property that can be protected with a () A. password B. system C. patent D. strategy 满分:2 分得分:2 C 5. one of the best mesurements for what sells well on the Internet is () A. common sense B. technology C. quality D. marketing 满分:2 分得分:2 A


福师《高级英语(二)》在线作业二 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 单选题 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. I am ( ) enough to make up my own mind. You do not need to teach me. A. young B. mature C. numerical D. guarantee 满分:2 分 2. Slavery was ( ) in Canada in 1833, and Canadian authorities encouraged the slaves, who escaped from America, to settle on its vast virgin land A. diluted B. dissipated C. abolished D. resigned 满分:2 分 3. We enjoy seeing the glorious _______ of the rising sun. A. beams B. beans C. beef D. beer 满分:2 分 4. They’re going to build a big office block on that __ piece of land. A. void B. vacant C. blank D. shallow 满分:2 分 5. They have already ( ) the telephone in their new home A. parceled B. spun C. installed D. retained 满分:2 分 6. He wants to _______ his appointment from Monday to Wednesday. A. transfer B. decay C. advance D. postpone 满分:2 分 7. In today’s class, the students were asked to ( )their mistakes on the exam paper and put in their possible corrections. A. cancel B. omit C. extinguish D. erase


在开始完成考核册之前应认真阅读使用说明和记录单(1 -2页) 学前记录卡(第3页) 学习资源: 学生按照实际情况进行选项,在是否处画“√” 回顾与总结: (第4页) 学习内容 1. 学习过多少时态? ①一般现在时②一般过去时③现在完成时④过去完成时⑤现在进行时⑥过去进行时⑦一般将来时 2. 你现在的词汇量: 1800 3. 英语I中最难学习的: 新的词汇太多记单词最困难 4. 还有那些没有掌握: 虚拟条件句, 进行时的被动语态 5. 你认为…哪些是优势哪些有待改进 自己在阅读方面还可以,但是挺立和口语需要提高 学习 方法 1. 每周5~7小时不足 2. 有计划不能坚持工作原因 3. 一部分 4. 网上学习资源 5. 问老师,自己查资料 本学期学习目标和计划(第5页) 学习目标 1. 听力方面: 听懂日常会话 2. 口语方面: 用简单的词汇表达 3. 阅读方面: 读懂课文 4. 写作方面:按照老师的要求写短文 学习记录卡1 (第7~8页) (Unit1~6) 学 习 过 程 1. A√B√C√ 2. A√B√C√ 3. A√B√C√ 4. A√B√C√ 学 习 内

容 1. Unit1~6中主要学习的语法项目: 一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时Used to 过去时的被动语态过去完成时定语从句 2. 这六个单元还没有掌握的语言点: 过去完成时定语从句 3. 这六个单元最喜欢的话题 Describing family relationship 印象最深的Cultural Note The change of the family patterns 阶段性学习体会总结: 开学初期老师给我们讲了什么是开放教育,如何学习开放教育课程。我们对开放教育和开放教育课程有了基本的了解.也对开放英语课程有了比较全面的认识。特别是通过上英语课程,我们不仅仅学习了英语语法知识,也学习到了学习方法。还体会到了开放教育的“自我学习、教师辅导、网络资源、师生互动”的新的学习模式。 由于自己的英语底子薄,基础差,所以还不能够完全掌握老师讲的内容。在老师的精心辅导下,我的英语知识有了很快的进步。自己感觉到有重新拾起了英语。心中有了成就感。 目前的问题是:我还不能充分地网络资源。这是因为自己的电脑知识不够好,因此不能够和老师、和同学即使地进行网上交流。 作业1 1~5 D A C B B 6~10 D B D A B 11~15 C D B A B 16~20 CBBDB 21~25 C D DA B 26~30 B D C C A 31~35 A C D C A 36~40 T, T, T,,F, NG 写作: 范文一: Changes in life Over the recent years, I′ve seen great changes in my life. Many aspects are to be concerned, but by simply specifying how my family are better off now than ever before suffices it all. We used to live in a cramped and gloomy room, and things were not so good as we had to strive for light and even more fresh air. Now, in this spacious and luminous room that I¨m talking about, I′m leading a life that′s more than satisfactory and getting around here and there is no longer a big problem. 范文二: Changes in Life Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place in our life. Take my family for example. My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past. But now we Call long distance at home. And once my parents listened to the radio for news and other information. But now we get the news by watching TV. Another big change is in my living conditions. When they got married abo ut


开放英语(1)形考作业答案 作业1 第一部分交际用语 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 第二部分词汇与结构 6. B 7. A 8. C 9 .C 10. C 11 .B 12 .B 13. C 14 .C 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. B 1 9. B 20. A 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. A 第三部分句型变换 26. He is a manager. Is he a manager? 27. She usually goes to work by bus. Does she usually go to work by bus? 28. There are fifty students in the class. Are there fifty students in the class? 29. They have a large house. Have they a large house? / Do they have a large house? 30. He’s curren tly working on TV advertisements. Is he currently working on TV advertisements? 第四部分阅读理解 31.B 32.A 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.B 37.B 38.B 39.A 40.C 第五部分翻译41--45题:将下列英文句子翻译成中文。 41. The Meeting Rooms are on the ground floor. 会议室在一楼。 42. He ’s talking to a customer right now. 他此刻正在和一顾客讲话。 43. David usually have a sandwich in his office at lunchtime. 大卫午餐时间经常在办公室吃三明治。 44. I have a reservation for a single room. 我预定了一间单人间。 45. I’m waiting for an important telephone call from my boss in Shanghai.我在等我的上海老板的一个重要电话。 作业2 第一部分交际英语 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A 第二部分词汇与结构 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.A 21.A 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.C 第三部分句型变换 26—30小题;将下列句子改写为否定句。 26. You can smoke in the bedrooms. You can not ( can’t ) smoke in the bedrooms. 27. It usually snows in winter in Ireland.


高级英语20春在线作业1-0005 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、多选题(共4 道试题,共10 分) 1.Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of metaphor? A.She felt her cheek pale and cold and, out of a maze of distress, … B.He would drown her. C.She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue. D.The boat blew a long mournful whistle into the mist. 答案:AB 2.Antithesis is applied in ________. A.If a mere sentiment justifies cruelty, why stop at a sentiment for the whole human race? B.It is so deep a need that it will find harmful outlets of this kind unless innocent outlets are at hand. C.If it is not defended on the ground that it reduces human suffering, on what ground can it be defended? D.If we find a man giving pleasure it is for us to prove (if we criticize him) that his action is wrong. But if we find a man inflicting pain it is for him to prove that his action is right. 答案:BD


开放英语3形成性考核册答案学习记录卡1 (第7~8页) (Unit1~6) 学习过程1. A√B√C√ 2. A√B√C√ 3. A√B√C√ 4. A√B√C√ 学习内容1. Unit1~6中主要学习的语法项目: 一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时 Used to 过去时的被动语态过去完成时定语从句 2. 这六个单元还没有掌握的语言点: 过去完成时定语从句 3. 这六个单元最喜欢的话题 Describing family relationship 印象最深的Cultural Note The change of the family patterns 阶段性学习体会总结: 开学初期老师给我们讲了什么是开放教育,如何学习开放教育课程。我们对开放教育和开放教育课程有了基本的了解.也对开放英语课程有了比较全面的认识。特别是通过上英语课程,我们不仅仅学习了英语语法知识,也学习到了学习方法。还体会到了开放教育的“自我学习、教师辅导、网络资源、师生互动”的新的学习模式。 由于自己的英语底子薄,基础差,所以还不能够完全掌握老师讲的内容。在老师的精心辅导下,我的英语知识有了很快的进步。自己感觉到有重新拾起了英语。心中有了成就感。 目前的问题是:我还不能充分地网络资源。这是因为自己的电脑知识不够好,因此不能够和老师、和同学即使地进行网上交流。 学习记录卡2 ( 第17页 ) (Unit7~12) 学习过程1. A√B√C√ 2. A√B√C√ 3. A√B√C√ 4. A√B√C√ 学习内容1、 Unit7~12中主要学习的语法项目: 现在完成时、动名词、真实条件句、构词法、祈使句、现在进行时被动、虚拟条件句、间接引语 2、这六个单元还没有掌握的语言点: 虚拟条件句、间接引语 3、这六个单元最喜欢的话题 Learning about the ancient and modern Olympic Games 印象最深的Cultural Note DIY (自己动手) 阶段性学习体会总结: 自己通过两个月的英语课程学习,明显感觉到自己在英语语法知识和英语词汇上有了很大的进步,另外还学习到了学习方法。还体会到了如何才能够成为一个合格的开放教育的学员。 辅导老师精心辅导,课堂上深入浅出,让每个学员都能够学习到知识,我的英语很快的进步。这使我在学习上有了很大的信心。 目前的问题是:我还不能充分地网络资源。这是因为自己的电脑知识不够好,没有真正地适应开放教育的新模式。在学习上主要还是靠辅导老师的面授,而不能够和老师、和同学即使地进行网上交流。 学习记录卡3 ( 第27页 ) (Unit13~18) 学习过1. A√B√C√ 2. A√B√C√ 3. A√B√C√


开放英语(1)作业2(Units7~12) 第一部分交际用语(10分) 1~5小题:阅读下面的小对话,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共10分) ()1.----How do I getto the airport,please? -----___________________________. A.There isa flight B.It takesabout an hour C.Yor can take thetube ()2.----What doesyourEnglish teacher look like? ----____________________________. A.She likes singing B.She’s tall andhaslong,wavy hair C.Shelooks sad ( )3.----What’s the weather likein this area? ----__________________________. A.That’s all right B.It’srainy C.Yes,it’s fine ( )4.----Would you like togowith us? -----_________________________. A.Ok,I’d love B.I would like C.I’d loveto ( )5.----Excuse me,where isthe nearestbank,please? ----________________________. A.It’s not sure B.That’s allright C.It’snextto the newsagent 第二部分词汇与结构(40分) 6~25小题:阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共40分) ( )6.----_________Singapore like? ----It’s small and well-organised. A.What does B.What is C.How is ( )7.How many_________would you like to buy? A.coffee B.oil C.oranges ( )8.I don’tneed____________coffee,thanks. A.some B.any C.no ( )9._____________rice do you want to buy? A.How much B.Howmany C.How


高级英语17春在线作业1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、多选题 (共 4 道试题,共 10 分)abc 1. Which sentences apply the rhetorical device of sarcasm? A. The victory of vivisection marks a great advance in the triumph of ruthless, non-moral utilitarianism over the old world of ethical law;… B. The women’s magazines are about one third dedicated to clothes, one third to mild comment on sex, and the other third to recipes and pictures of handsome salads, desserts, and main courses. C. It is bad for our souls, our minds, and our digestion. D. Psychoanalysts, the elite of the psychiatric profession, rarely accept them as patients. 满分:2.5 分 正确答案:AD 2. Which of the following sentences apply the rhetorical device of transferred epithet? A. “But there is a man in my office, a Mr. H., who proses it away from morning to night, … B. I stare at the reproachfully blank paper until sights and sounds become dim and confused, … C. Who would want to remonstrate and argue with them? D. … and I would pass ours in tormenting sleeplessness. 满分:2.5 分 正确答案:BD 3. Which of the following sentences do not use the rhetorical device of personification? A. … and my image of her would have been shattered like the unmendable Humpty-Dumpty. B. But they talked, and from the side of the building where I waited for the ground to open up and swallow me, I heard … C. Like women in English novels who walked the moors with their loyal dogs racing at a respectful distance. Like the women who sat in front of roaring fireplaces, …. Women who walked over the “heath” and read … D. Through the cloth film, I saw the shadow approach. 满分:2.5 分 正确答案:ACD 4. Which of the sentences below use the rhetorical device of rhetorical question? A. What stimulation? B. How many times have I heard them say: “If you want to see what a really bad paper
