10000 词汇学习笔记

10000 词汇学习笔记
10000 词汇学习笔记

10000 词汇学习笔记lesson 1(1)

1. abdomen:part of the body below the chest and diaphragm,containing

the stomach. 腹部

abdominal(adj) 腹部的an abdominal operation 腹部手术

belly :(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin ;belly 肚子,

with an empty belly 空着肚子

in the belly of a ship 在船腹里

belly out(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind bellied out the sails

2. bereave :使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife 使他丧失妻子的事故

the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人

the bereaved 丧失亲人的人

bereavement (n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人

deprive:take sth away from sb;prevent sb from enjoying or using sth 剥

夺sb/sth 的sth ;阻止某人享有或使用sth

deprive sb/sth of sth

deprive of one's civil rights 剥夺某人的公民权

deprivation (n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物

widespread deprivation 普遍贫困

Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.错失假日是极大的损失。

deprived (adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived childhood 贫苦的童年

3。consecrate :devote sth/sb to or reserve sth/sb for a special (esp

religious) purpose 把sth/sb 献给sth/sb 做某种(尤其宗教)用途

consecrate sth/sb to sth

consecrate one's life to the service of God,to the relief of suffering 献身


devote :give one's time,energy to sth/sb; dedicate 为某人付出,向某人奉

献,献身于devote oneself/sth to sb/sth

devoted (adj):热爱的,非常忠实的,全心全意的a devoted son 孝子

She is devoted to her children. 她深爱她的孩子。

devotee (n):献身于某事物的人,热心者,某事物的迷恋者;某一宗派的拥护者a devotee of sport

devotion (n):devotion to sth/sb 深爱,忠心,忠诚

4.evoke:bring to mind(a feeling,memory) 引起或唤起情感,记忆

produce or cause(a response ,reaction) 产生或引起(回应,反应)

evocation (n):

invoke:use as a reason for one's action 援用(sth)为行动依据或理由

beg for sth by praying 以祷告祈求某事物

The government has invoked the Official Secrets Act in having thebook


invocation(n): invocation to sb 求助于神或法律

5。groove :沟,槽,纹

习语:get into a groove 养成某种生活习惯



newly furrowed fields 刚犁过的田地


The old bus jolted along 旧公共汽车颠簸而行

jolt sb into/out of sth:使某人受到震惊而采取某种行动

He was jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realized he had

only a short time to finish the article.他意识到须在很短的时间里就得把文


joggle :使某人/某物轻轻摇动

7。obsolete :不再使用的,过时的

antiquated :(通常做贬义)过时的,废弃的

8。prowl:小心的悄悄移动;悄悄行经(某处);~ about/around 徘徊wild animals prowling in the forest 在森林里轻轻行走的野兽

I could hear him prowling around in his bedroom all night.我听到他整夜在



bands of hooligans roving round the streets 成群结伙在街上游荡的流氓

习语:have a roving eye 时刻寻找着调情或做风流事的机会

9。scoop :用铲、勺挖

scoop sth out \up 铲出,挖出

shovel:用铲铲进shovel sth into

10. status:地位身份职位

situation :状况,处境,局面,形势位置

situation comedy 情景喜剧

11.:sue 对某人提起诉讼,控告某人sue sb for sth 控告某人要求sth

If you don't complete the work, I will sue you for damages.如果你不把工


sue for sth (常用于法庭上)请求sue for peace 请求和解

indict:(就某事)控告,起诉或告发某人indict sb for sth

He was indicted for murder.他被控杀人。

10000 词汇学习笔记lesson 1(2)

1. bandit:member of a gang of armed robbers 土匪强盗



2. commemorate :keep a great person or event in people ‘s memories 纪

念(伟人,大事件等);指(雕像,纪念碑等)作为对某人某事的纪念We commemorate the founding of our nation with a public holiday 。我们放


This memorial commemorates those who died in the war。这座纪念碑是纪


celebrate :mark (a hapy or important day ,event)with festivities and rejoicing 庆祝,祝贺

celebrated (adj):著名的,驰名的

3. defile :(文或修辞)make sth dirty or impure 使某物肮脏或不纯

rivers defiled by pollution 受污染的河流

(特)march in single file or a narrow column 指部队单行或纵队前进

defilement (n):污损,弄脏


sb/sth with

The laboratory animals had been infected with the bacteria 。实验室的动物


infection (n):~with sth 传染,感染the infection of the body with

bacteria 身体受细菌侵染。

4. deviation :(~from sth )not following the normal or expected

course 、plan 偏离正常或原定的路线,计划;偏差

deviation from the rules 违背规则

deviate (v):(~from sth )偏离路线,标准;背离

deviationism (n):政治上的离经叛道

delegate :(~sb to sth )挑选或委派某人作代表;挑选或委派某人执行;


delegate sb to a conference 委托某人作代表出席会议

The new manager was delegated toreorganize the department。派这位新


The job had to be delegated to an assistant 。这项工作得交给助手去做。

delegation (n):代表,委托

5. fortitude :(在痛苦、危险或困难面前表现出的)勇气、坚韧和自制力

He bore the pain with great fortitude 。他以极大得毅力忍受了痛苦。

endurance :忍耐力

He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness 。他生病得整个过


(特)endurance 作定语endurance test 耐力测验

endurable (adj)可忍耐的,可容忍的

enduring (adj)持续的,持久的

6. inconsolable :that cannot be comforted 不能安慰的,无法慰藉的

The children were inconsolable when their father died。这些孩子因为丧父


console sb on/for sth 安慰,慰问某人Nothing could console him when hi s

pet died。


depress (v):make sb sad and without enthusiasm 使某人忧愁、消沉、


Wet weather always depresses me。我在阴雨天总是心灰意懒。

depress a piano key 按下钢琴键

depress sales 使销售额下降

depressed (adj):忧愁的,沮丧的,消沉的

depressing (adj):令人忧愁的,使人沮丧的

7. nibble :(~at sth )小口咬某物,轻咬;对(好意,提议)谨慎的表示


fish nibbling (at)the bait 鱼轻咬鱼饵

He nibbled at my idea,but would not make a definite decision 。他对我的


bite :(~into sth)咬某人(某物)

She bit into the apple。她咬了一口苹果。

8. pageant:盛装的游行,露天演出的历史剧;壮丽的场面,伟观


exhibition :展览,展览会

(习语)make an exhibition of oneself (贬)当中出丑,出洋相

9. scourge :(用以打人的)鞭子;(比喻)引起灾害的事物或人


The new boss was the scourge of the inefficient。新老板来了以后,不称职



As a teacher,he is a disaster。他是个很糟糕的教师。

disastrous (adj):灾难性的,造成灾害的,失败的

10. tumble :使某人倒下或坠落(尤指身不由己或猛劲儿),但通常并无重伤tumble down the stairs 从楼梯上摔下


fall down/over :倒下(尤指突然间),倒塌

fall away/off 向下倾斜

fall into sth 进入某种状态,变成

10000 词汇学习笔记lesson 1(3)

1、afflict:(v 通常用于被动语态)使某人某物苦恼、疼痛或悲伤~sb/s th

with sth

Severe drought has afflicted the countryside 。严重的干旱使乡村深受其害。

She is afflicted with(suffers from)arthritis。她患关节炎。

affliction(n)疼痛,折磨,悲痛;造成痛苦的事物help people in afflictio n


distress :(通常用于被动语态)给某人某物带来痛苦,悲伤,苦难,贫困,困苦,危难等

(n)极大的痛苦,悲伤,苦难等(的缘由);贫困,困苦;危难,困境Towards the end of the marathon several runners showed signs of

distress 。马拉松比赛接近终点时,有些参赛者显出极难受的样子。

Her death was a great distress to the family。她去世后全家人极为悲痛。

A ship in distress 遇险的船

distressful (adj)

distressing (adj)令人痛苦的,令人苦恼的

2、censure :(v)严厉批评某人,正式责备某人

(n)strong criticism or condemnation 指责,谴责,斥责

Two MPs were censured by the speaker。有两个议员遭到议长的斥责。

Pass a vote of censure on sb 通过对某人的不信任投票

blame:(v)责备,责怪,指责,归咎于~sb for/on sth

If you fail the exam you ’ll only have yourself to blame 。你若考试不及格,


(谚)A bad workman blames his tools 。拙匠埋怨工具差。

(习)be to blame for sth 对某坏事应负责,应受责备。

Which driver was to blame for the accident?

3、dissimulate :(v)hide or disguise one ’s thought or feelings;dissemble


dissimulation (n)

deceive:(v)~sb/oneself into doing sth 欺骗某人做某事,使自己信以


We were deceived into believing that he could help us。我们被骗了,还以


deceiver (n)骗子

deception (n)欺骗,deception on the public 欺骗公众

deceptive (adj)可能欺骗的,导致误解的

4、flog(v)重重责打某人(尤指用棍棒或鞭子);(口)卖给某人某物~sth to sb



spank a child ’s bottom 掴小孩的屁股



的记录)~A on/in B ~ B with A inscription (n)题字,题名,铭文caption (n)杂志,文章重的标题、题目;附于照片、插图上的说明文字;


6、meddle(v)(贬)干预,干涉,管闲事~in sth ;乱动、瞎动不应动

的事情~with sth

Don ’t meddle in my affairs。别管我的事。

Who ’s been meddling with my papers ?谁乱翻了我的文件?

meddlesome (adj)好干预,好管闲事的


intervene(vi)指人干涉,调停,调解,斡旋~in sth ~between A an d B;

指时间进入,介入,在其间;(指事情发生)以阻碍(某事);intervene in a dispute 调解纷争

during the years that intervened 这期间的若干年

intervention (n)干涉,介入

interventionist (n)干涉主义者,主张干涉的人

7、postuer :(n)姿势,姿态;举止;看法,态度


Stop posturing in front of that mirror。别在镜子前摆姿势了。

attitude (n)看法,态度

8、rummage(vi、n)翻找或搜寻某物~among/in/through sth for sth ~


ransack(vt)彻底搜寻~sth for sth

9、spout(v)指液体喷出,涌出~out of/from

water spouting from a broken water-pipe 从破裂的水管中喷出的水


Blood was pouring from the wound。血从伤口中涌出。

10、traverse (vt)走过,横贯或穿越某地区

skies traversing the slopes 穿过斜坡的滑雪者


intersect(vt)(尤用于被动语态)横断,横切;(指线条、道路)相交,交叉~sth with sth

The lines AB and CD intersect at E。直线AB 与直线CD 相交于点E。

11、wistful (adj)发愁的,渴望的(尤指过去的或不可得到的东西)

wistful eyes 露出渴求目光的眼睛

yearning (n)渴望,热望~for sb/sth

yearningly (adv)渴望地

词汇10000 学习笔记lesson 1(4)

1、amicable :(adj)友好的,无敌意的

An amicable settlement was reached。已达成和解。

amicability (n)

amiable :(adj)友好的,和蔼可亲的,好脾气的

an amiable character 温柔的性格

2、blizzard :severe snowstorm 暴风雪

snowstorm:heavy fall of snow,esp with a strong wind 暴风雪,雪暴

3、cruise :(v)(航船)巡游,巡航;以中等速度行驶~about

a destroyer cruising about in the sea 在海上游弋的驱除舰

Taxis cruised about,hoping to pick up late fares 出租车以中等速度转来转


voyage :(v)航行,航海

voyaging across the Indian Ocean 作穿越印度洋的航行

4、eradicate :(v)根除,消灭某事物,结束某事物

Smallpox has almost been eradicated 天花几乎已消灭。

extirpate :(v)根除或铲除

extirpate social evils 根除社会弊病

5、glimmer :(v)发出微弱的闪光;


glimmering (n)微光,迹象

We began to see a glimmering of a solution to the problem 我们开始看到



gleam in sb ’s eyes 酝酿中的意念,令人向往的人和事物

6、lump:(v)~sb/sth together 将人或物归并在一起考虑,将人或物同


We have lumped all the advanced students in the single class。我们把程


lumpish (adj)指人粗大的,笨拙的,愚蠢的

block:(v)阻碍,堵塞~sth up

7、ransack:(v)彻底搜索某处~sth for sth ;抢劫,掠夺

ransack the house for those papers 满屋子寻找那些文件

rummage:(v)翻找,搜寻~among/in/through sth for sth

8、slash :(v)用剑、刀砍~at sth(with sth ).

gash:(v)割一道伤口~sth on sth

gash one ’s arm on a piece of broken glass 胳膊被玻璃碎片划了一个大口



Tired from her walk she slumped down onto the sofa 。她走累了,一屁股坐


depress :(v)使某人忧愁,消沉,沮丧

10、vogue:(n)流行的或盛行的式样~for sth

a new vogue for low-heeled shoes 低跟鞋新潮流

fashion :(n)样子,式样;时尚,风气

dressed in the latest fashion 穿着入时的

词汇学习笔记lesson 1(5)

1、ascribe(v)~sth to sb/sth 认为某事物是由某人造成或写成;归功于、


He ascribed his failure to bad luck。他把失败归咎于运气不好。

This play is usually ascribed to Shakespeare。这个剧本一般认为是莎士比


ascribable (adj)(作表语)~to sb/sth 可归于某人某事物的

His success is ascribable simply to hard work。他的成功是由于勤奋。

attribute (v)~sth to sb/sth 认为某事物是属于某人的,由某人引起的

He attributes his success to hard work and a bit of luck。他认为他的成功



Her greatest attribute was her kindness 。她最大的特点是为人厚道。

attributable (adj)(作表语)可归属于或归因于某事物的


Democracy is a bulwark of freedom。民主是自由的保障。

safeguard (n)~against sb/sth 安全措施,保护性措施

We will introduce legal safeguard against fraud。我们为制止诈骗活动要采


3、dubious (adj)~about sth/doing sth (尤作表语)半信半疑,可疑;(贬)名声不大好的,不可靠的;结果未定的,不能确定的;

I remain dubious about his motives 。我对他的动机心存疑虑。


The weather looks rather doubtful 。天气看起来靠不住。


There are many facets to this question。这个问题有很多方面。



heed a warning 注意一项警告

(习语)take heed of sth 听从Take heed of your doctor ’s advice 听从医


attention (n)注意,专心

attentive (adj)注意的,留心的,警惕的

6、huddle (v)(尤用于被动语态)使某事物聚集在一起

We all huddled around the radio to hear the news。我们围坐在收音机旁听


gather(v)聚集,集合;收集,收拢(分散的东西)~sth together/up 7、mumble (v)含糊的说某事,唧咕~about sth ~sth to sb

What are you mumbling about?你在唧咕说些什么


The wind murmured in the trees 风在林中低鸣。



9、smog (n)雾和烟的混合物,烟雾






词汇10000 学习笔记lesson 2(1)

1、absolve (vt)~sb from/of sth 开脱某人(的罪责),宣布免除某人(所受的责难)

The court absolved the accused man。法官判决被告无罪。

★exonerate (vt)(尤用于被动语态)宣布某人无罪过~sb from sth He was exonerated from all responsibility for the accident。已确定他无须



He is without bias。他没有偏见


3、contend (vi)~with/against sb/sth ~for sth 与竞争对手争夺,与


Several teams are contending for the prize。有几个队在争夺锦标。

★compete (vi)~against/with sb/in sth/for sth 竞争、对抗、比赛

a house that has competed in the Grand National four times。参加过4 次


4、deplore (vt)被某事物震惊或触犯;谴责

She deplored his actions。她谴责他令人愤慨的行为

◎deplorable (adj)应受谴责的

★lament(v)~for/over sb/sth 为某人(某事物)感到悲痛,哀悼

lament for a dead friend 哀悼亡友

5、fracture (n)折断,断裂,破裂,(尤指骨折)

a fracture of leg 腿部骨折


The pot shattered as it hit the floor。罐子掉在地板上摔割粉碎。

6、magnitude (n)(通常指大的)量,大小;重要,重要性,重要程度The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening 。这种流行病传播范围之广



7、pith (n)(木)髄,某些植物茎中的海绵组织

(喻)the pith of sth 最重要的部分,精髓


She was the essence of kindness 。她本性善良。

8、relish(n)~for sth (美食等的)享受,滋味;美味,乐趣;兴趣,吸引力,感染力

She savoured the joke with relish。她对这个笑话很感兴趣。

★zest(n)~for sth 极大的快乐或兴奋;热情,兴趣

He entered into our plans with terrific zest。他满腔热情的参加了我们的项


9、sneak (v)~on sb to sb (贬,尤为儿童用语)告状,打小报告

She sneaked on her best friend to the teacher。她向老师告了她最好的朋友



He ‘s usually lurking near the bar 他通常出没在酒吧附近。

10、tidings (n)(古或谑)消息,音信

Have you heard the good tidings?你听到那个好消息了么?


词汇10000 学习笔记lesson 2(2)

1 aghast(adj)(尤作表语)~at sth 惊恐,惊奇

He stood aghast at the terrible sight。他被那可怕的景象吓呆了。

★astonished(adj )(通常做表语)感到惊讶,吃惊

She looked astonished when she heard the news。她听到那消息时显得很


◎astonishing (adj)使人惊讶的,惊人的

I find it quite astonishing that none of you like the play。我感到惊讶的是你


There was an astonishing number of applicants of the job。申请这份工作


astonish (vt)使某人惊讶,吃惊,震惊

The news astonished everyone 。这个消息使大家感到吃惊。


2、cumbe r(v)阻碍,拖累

We could not cumber our thought with his reproaches。我们不会因为他的


★hinder(vt)~sth/sb from sth/doing sth 阻碍,妨碍某人某事物的进


Production was hindered by lack of materials 。由于缺乏原料,生产陷入停


3、decree (v)发布(命令),颁布(法令)


The governor decreed a day of mourning 。地方长官发布哀悼一日的命令。

Fate decreed that they would not meet again。他们受命运的安排再也不能


★determine (v)确定某事物,决定;测定,找出(某未知事物),算出;决定做某事~on/upon sth

determine a date for a meeting 确定会议日期

determine exactly what happened 查出究竟发生了什么事

◎determined (adj)有决心的,意志坚定的

4、frolic(vi)(pt、pp frolicked )~about 嬉戏

Children frolicked about in the swimming -pool。孩子们在游泳池里嬉戏。


Lambs frisked about in the meadow 。小羊在草地上蹦来蹦去。

5、intercourse(n)~with sb ~between sb and sb (与国家,人等的)


★relation(n)关系,关联~between A and B

6、menace (n)威胁,恐吓;~to sb/sth 进行威胁恐吓的人

These weapons are a menace to world peace 。这些武器就是对世界和平的


★intimidated (vt)~sb into sth/ into sth 恐吓、威胁某人做某事

intimidate a witness 恐吓目击证人。

7、precipice (n)悬崖,峭壁

The country ’s economy was on the edge of the precipice 。该国的经济已处





9、sprout (vi)~out/up from sth 长出来,出现,发芽,萌芽

new buds sprouting on the trees。树上长出的新芽


10、tread (pt trod pp trodden )~on sth/sb 踩,行走,踏

She trod lightly so as to not to wake the baby 。她走路很清,以免影响孩子。


The campers had trampled the corn down。野蛮的人踩坏了庄稼

词汇10000 学习笔记lesson 2(3)

1、ammunition (n)supply of bullets bombs grenades 弹药;用于争论中


The had to meet the attack with very little ammunition 。他们不得不以极少



He was killed by a single bullet in the heart。他被射中心脏身亡。

2、doting (adj)(做定语)溺爱的,偏爱的,宠爱的

a doting mother 宠爱孩子的母亲

◎dote (vi)~on sb/sth 喜爱、溺爱某人某事物

She dotes on her grandchildren 。她十分钟爱她的孙儿女。grandchildren 。


★fond(adj)(做定语)慈爱的,深情的;(表语)~of sb/doing sth 喜


a fond look 申请的目光

◎fondly 亲爱的,温柔的

◎fondness(n)~for sb/sth 喜爱,深情

His fondness for his eldest grandchild 。他对长孙的钟爱

3、engross (vt)(通常用于被动)占去某人的全部时间或注意力,使全神


an engrossing story 引人入胜的故事

★absorb (vt)吸收某事物,吸进;将某物某人合并,并吞;减轻(冲击、


Buffers absorbed most of the shock 。缓冲器使震动减少了许多。

His business absorbs him。他专心致志的处理业务。

◎absorbing (adj)十分吸引人的

◎absorbent (n)能吸收水分等的物质

★adsorb (vt)(常指固体)吸附气体或液体至其表面

4、g u s h(vi )~out from sth (突然大量的)流出,涌出,泻出;~ov er s b/ st h (贬)滔滔不绝的说,过分热心的说

(n)(尤做单数)涌出a gush of


His tears flow freely down her face。他眼泪止不住顺着脸颊往下流

5、insuperable (adj)(指困难)不能克服的

★unconquerable (adj)(障碍)难以克服的,难以征服的

6、ordeal (n)苦难经历;(尤指对品格、耐力的)严峻考验

The hostages went through a dreadful ordeal。每个人质都经历了可怕的折




Commit sb for trial 将某人拘禁候审

Put a car through safety trials。对汽车进行安全性能测验

Her child is a trial to his teachers 。她的孩子让老师很伤脑筋

(词组)go on trial 或stand trial for sth 受审判

She went on trial for murder。她因涉嫌谋杀罪而受审。

(词组)on trial 在试验中,在测试中

Take the machine on trial for a week,把机器试验一星期

(词组)put sb on trial for sth 使某人被控告而受审

She was put on trial for fraud 她因诈骗罪而受审

(习语)trial and error 反复试验,从中找出失败的解决办法

learn by trial and error 通过反复试验学习



wear a dress pouched over a belt。穿着腰带上方蓬松的连衣裙


◎sackful(n)一袋的量two sackfuls of flour 两袋面粉

8、screech(vi,vt)~(sth )(out)at sb 尖叫,尖声喊出;(n)尖


She screeched insults at us 她尖着嗓子骂我们。

★shriek(vi)~with sth 尖声大叫,激动的尖叫

9、stature (n)身高;(凭才能或成就而获得的)名望


10、undermine (v)在某物下挖洞或挖通道,从根基出损坏

Badgers had undermined the foundations of the church 。獾在这座教堂的地



Metals are eroded by acids 金属能北酸腐蚀。

词汇10000 学习笔记lesson 2(4)

1、assess :(vt)确定,评定(某数额)~sth at sth;确定,评定(某

事物)的价值,估价;估计、评定某事物的质量~sth as sth

assess the damage at ¥350 评定损害赔偿金为350 元

have a house assessed by a valuer 由估价者给房子估价

I’d assess your chance as extremely low。我估计你成功的机会极微。



★appraise :(vt)assess the value or quality of sb/sth 评价,估价,鉴

It would be unwise to buy the house before having it appraised 。买房子不


◎appraisal (n)评价,估价,鉴定



chamber concert 室内音乐会

★room(n)房间,室;(pl)一套房间(通常指租的),寓所;机会,范围,余地~for sth

There ’s plenty of room for improvement in your work 你的工作还有很多改


◎roomfu l(a)一室所能容纳的数量,一屋子的


(习语)There ’s no room to swing a cat。这地方过于狭小。

3、disdain (v)feeling that sb is not good enough 鄙视、轻视,蔑视

Treat other people ’s idea with desdain。蔑视别人的意见

★despise (vt)~sb/sth for sth 鄙视、藐视、看不起

Strike -breakers are often despised by their workmates 。破坏罢工的人常



Was it you I espied jogging in the park this morning ?我今天早上看到有个



(v)~over sth 简略的、浮皮潦草的或敷衍的处理某事(以求避开难堪)With this polish you can give a good high gloss to the wood。使用这种光蜡


gloss paint 清漆

gloss over the awkward facts 掩饰令人尴尬的事实

◎glossy (adj)光滑的,光亮的

★sleek (adj)smooth and glossy 光滑而有光泽的;(贬)指人保养的很好的,脑满肠肥的;时髦的


★doorman (n)看门人


★parcel (n)指包起来(常指用牛皮纸)邮寄的物品


★lecter n(n)(台面倾斜用于放讲稿的)讲台,(教堂用的)读经台9、scorch (vt)将物品表面烫焦、烫糊、烫的变色

The meet will scorch if you don ’t lower the gas 如果你不把煤气关小点肉


★singe (vi)烧焦,烧糊

10、surge (v)波浪起伏,汹涌

The crowd surged into the stadium。观众涌入体育场。

★rise (v)上升,达到

11、utensil (n)器皿、用具(尤指家庭日用的)

★impleme nt(n)工具,器具;(v)使事物生效、履行、实施

词汇10000 学习笔记lesson 2(5)



(习语)at daggers drawn with sb 与某人剑拔弩张

look daggers at sb 对某人怒目而视

2、compassion (n)~for sb 同情,怜悯

The plight of the refugees arouses our compassion 。难民的


◎compassionate (adj)表示怜悯的,有同情心的

★sympathy(n)~for/towards sb 同情,同情心;(pl)慰问,(感情上的)支持,赞同

Out of sympathy for the homeless children ,he gave them

shelter for the night。他怀着恻隐之心留那些无家可归的孩子过夜。

Y ou have my deepest sympathies on the death of your


3、detain (vt)阻止某人离开或做某事;耽搁,延误

She was detained in the office by unexpected callers。有些


◎detainee (n)被拘留者

★retard (vt)使某物放缓或延迟;阻止某人某事物的进步和发展retard the spark of an engine 使点火延迟

Lack of sun retards plant growth 。光照不足则植物生长缓慢

◎retarded (adj)身体或(尤指)精神发育迟缓的,智力迟钝的4、faction (n)(贬)组织上的小派别,派系(尤指政治上)rival factions within the party 党内的对立派别

★clique (n)小集团,派系、朋党

The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals 。这


5、hue (n)颜色,色彩,色调,色度

Add orange paint to get a warmer hue。


6、luster(n)(光滑表面的)柔和光泽、光彩;光荣,出色Brave deeds adding luster ot one ’s name。使自己扬名增光的


★shimmer (vi)发闪烁的微光

The surface of the road shimmered in the heat of the sun


7、persevere(vi)~at/in/with sth ~with sb (褒)坚持做某事(尤指不畏困难)

Y ou ’ll need to persevere if you want the business to succeed 。


◎perseverance (n)坚持不懈,持之以恒

★persist(vi)~in sth 坚持,执意

He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle 。他执意要骑那辆


8、rave(vi)~at/against/about sb 胡言乱语,说胡话,说疯话

The patient began to rave incoherently at the nurse 。病人对护


★effervesce (vi)(指液体)释放出气泡,咝咝起泡了

9、slay(slew,slain )杀,残杀(尤指敌人)

soldiers slain in battle 在战斗中被杀害的士兵


The guard was killed with a high-powered rifle 。那士兵被



Take two of the tablets three times daily after meal。每日



He has to take six pills a day until the recovers 他每天要福

6 粒药丸直到痊愈。

11、voluptuous (adj)给人奢华或感官享受的

the voluptuous enjoyment of a hot bath 热水浴的舒适享受

★sensuous(adj )刺激感官的,感觉官能的

the sensuous appeal of her painting 她的画使人赏心悦目。

词汇10000 学习笔记lesson 3(1)

1、access (n)~to sth means of approaching or entering (进入或


The village is easy of access 。到那个村子的路很容易走。

The only access to the farmhouse is across the field。要到那


~to sth/sb (使用某物或接近某人的)机会,权利

Students must have access to a good library。学生要有使用


◎accessible (adj)~to sb 可接近的,可进入的,可使用的


The time is approaching when we must think about buying

a new house。我们要想一想买新房子的事情了,时机即将来临。

As you approach the town the first building you see is the

church 。接近那座城镇时,首先看到的就是教堂。


Few writers even begin to approach Shakespeare ’s

greatness 。莎士比亚的伟大,鲜有作家能望其项背。

(vt)begin to tackle 着手处理(事务、难题等)

Before trying to solve the puzzle ,let us consider the best wa y

to approach it。想要解决这一难题,咱们先来考虑一下如何着手为上策。


At her approach ,the children ran off。她走近的时候,孩子们



That ’s the nearest approach to a smile he ever makes。那已算



◎approachable (adj)(指人或物)可接近的

2、beckon(v)(以手、臂、头部的动作)召唤某人(通常使之走近或跟随自己)~to sb to do sth

City life beckons many a country boy。都市生活吸引着许多乡


~sb in, on, over, etc 示意某人按指定的方向行动

The girl standing at the mouth of the cave beckoned him in 。


★signal(v)(不用于被动)~to sb/sth for sth 发信号传达(某信息),


signaling wildly with one ’s arms 奋力挥臂打信号

3、concur(vi)~with sb in sth 同意,表示意见一致

She expressed her opposition to the plan,and I fully concur

with her in this matter。她对计划表示反对,在这一问题上我完全同意她的看法。


Everything concurred to produce a successful result。所有的


★agree(vi)~to sth 同意,答应

~with 同意,与某人意见一致

4、denounce (vt)~sb to sb as sth (向当局)告发某人

An informer denounced him to the police as a terrorist 。检举



Union officials denounced the action as a breach of the


★accuse(vt)~sb of sth 指责某人有错,犯罪或犯法;指控,控告,谴责

accuse sb of cheating 谴责某人欺诈


accusatory remarks,glances 谴责的言语、目光

5、fray(n)the fray(修辞或谑)打斗,争吵


Constant rubbing will fray even the thickest rope。再粗的绳



The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire。那件夹克



shredding top-secret documents 用碎纸机把绝密文件切成



6、hamper(vt)prevent the movement or activity ;hinder sb/sth 束缚某人;妨碍某人某事物

Our progress was hampered by the bad weather 。我们前进


★hinder(vt)~sb/sth from doing sth prevent the progress

obstruct or delay sb 阻碍、妨碍某事物的进展,阻挠或耽误某人Production was hindered by lack of materials 。由于缺乏原



Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern

society 。暴力犯罪仅危害现代社会的弊病之一。


He’s prone to minor ailments 。他动不动就生点小病。

8、plod(vi)~along/on 迈着沉重的脚步行走;艰难的行走;缓慢的进


We plodded on through the rain for several hours。我们在雨中


~away 持续并缓慢(艰难的)工作

He plodded away all night at the accounts but didn ’t finish

them in time。他彻夜不眠的清理帐目,却未能按时完成。


He trudged 20 miles。他吃力的走了20 英里。


the remnants of a shattered army 被击溃的军队残余部分

remnants of one ’s former glory 自己过去的光荣见证


10、snore (vi)打鼾,打呼噜

snoring noisily with his mouth open 张着嘴大声打鼾

★wheeze(vi)呼吸时有声响(指由胸部发出的哨声,如因哮喘、支气管炎)11、tinge (vt)(尤用于被动语态)~sth with sth 使某物稍染颜色;使某物略受影响

admiring tinged with envy 稍含妒忌的赞美

★tincture(n)~of sth (事物或性质的)些微迹象或特色

a tincture of heresy 稍有异端意味

词汇10000 学习笔记lesson 3(2)

1、bicker(vi)~with sb over/about sth (为小事)争吵

The children are always bickering over their toys 孩子们常常


★wrangle(vi,n)~with sb about/over sth 与某人为某事争吵或争辩

They were involved in a long legal wrangle with the

company over payment。他们与那家公司在付款问题上陷入长期的法律纠纷


2、contrive (vt)plan cleverly or deceitfully ;invent;design 谋划或策划



contrive to live on a small income 靠微薄收入精打细


◎contrived (adj)(贬)人为的,策划的,虚假的,非自发的

a contrived incident intended to mislead the newspaper


★hatch(vi)~out (指小鸟、小鱼)从卵里孵出

The hen hatches out her young by sitting on the eggs 母


(vt)~sth out/up 策划(阴谋),拟定(计划)

What mischief are those children hatching up?那些孩子在



I was dazzled by his headlights 。他的车头灯照的我目眩。


He was dazzled by her beauty and wit 她的聪明美貌使他为



(习)in the glare of publicity 经常在报纸电视上的,受公众


(vi)~at sb/sth 怒视,恶狠狠的盯视

He didn ’t shout and swear,but just glared sliently at me。他


◎glaring (adj)令人目眩的,耀眼的;生气的,凶狠的

4、fumble (vt)(笨拙的或紧张的)摸索或处理某事物

He fumbled the ball and then dropped it。他笨手笨脚的漏接了


(vi)~at/for/with sth 笨手笨脚的寻找某物

She fumbled with her notes and began to speak 她手忙脚乱


★grope(vi)~about for/after sth 摸索,探索

a tricky question which groping him for an answer。迫使他搜


5、impair (vt)削弱或损害某事物

Today ’s attack has seriously impaired attempts to achieve

peace in the area 。今日发动的攻击严重损害了在该地区谋求和平的努力。

★damage(n)~to sth 损失,损害,损毁;(复数)损害赔偿金


damage relations between two countries 损害两国的



He felt mortified 他深感难堪

◎mortifying (adj)使人丢脸的

◎mortification (n)难堪

★humiliate (vt)使某人感到羞耻或不光彩,使丧失尊严或自尊

He felt humiliated by her scornful remarks 他听到她


◎humiliation (n)受辱

7、predominant (adj)有势力的,占优势的

Which country is the predominant member of the

alliance ?哪个国家在联盟中居于支配地位?


Her predominant character is honesty 。她最为突出的优

★outstanding (adj)杰出的,优秀的,


The outstanding features of the landscape。景色的显著特


8、sanitary (adj)清洁的,卫生的,保健的

Conditions in the kitchen was not very sanitary 。厨房环境不



hygienic conditions 卫生的环境

◎hygiene (n)卫生学



10、warrant(n)~for sth 授权命令

issue a warrant for sb ’s arrest 发出逮捕某人的逮捕


a travel warrant 通行证

(n)~for sth/doing sth 正当理由,根据

He had no warrant for doing that 他那样做毫无道理

(vt) 证明正当、有理或恰当

Nothing can warrant such severe punishment 。这样严厉

de 惩罚毫无依据。


◎assure (v)明确或有信心的告诉某人,向某人保证

They were assured that everything possible was

done 已经向他们保证,凡是可能做的都做到了。

(v)~sb/oneself of sth 使某人(自己)对某事物确信


They tried to assure him of their willingness to

work 他们尽力使他相信他们乐于工作。

◎assured (或者self-assured )(adj)自信的,有把握的

词汇10000 学习笔记lesson 3(3)

1、allocate (vt)~sth to sb/sth assign sth for a special perpuse (为某目的)配给,分配某事物给某人

allocate funds to us for repair work 拨出经费给我们做修理

◎allocation (n)配给,分配,拨出

★apportion(vt)~sth among/to sb give sth as a share 分配某事物,分派某事物

I don ’t wish to apportion blame among you/to any of you 。我


◎apportionmen t(n)分配,分派


gangs of youths brawling in the streets 在街上打打闹闹的一


★fight(vi)~against 争取克服、战胜、摧毁或防止某事物

fight against poverty 与贫困做斗争

The two dogs are fighting over a bone。两只小狗为一块


(vi)~about/over sth 争吵,争论

It’s a trivial matter and not worth fighting about。区区小


(词组)fight back 反击,回击,抵抗

After a disastrous first half the team fought back to

level the match。该队在上半场惨败后重整旗鼓以求扳回平局。

(词组)fight sb/sth off 抵抗或击退某人某事物

fighting off repeated enemy attack 击退敌人一次又一次


3、cynical(adj)愤世嫉俗的,自私的不为人所齿的,心中只有自己的They ’ve grown rather cynical about democracy 他们逐渐感


★sarcastic (adj)讽刺的,讥讽的,挖苦的

a sarcastic person 好挖苦的人


★contemptuous (adj)鄙视的,表示轻蔑的

He threw it away with contemptuous gesture。他带着不屑一顾


★sneer(vi)~at sb/sth 嘲笑,讥笑某人某事物

I resent the way he sneer at our efforts 我们已十分努力而他


4、embellish(vt)~sth with sth 美化、装饰或修饰某物;渲染、添枝加叶(使之更有趣,可笑)

a dress embellished with lace and ribbons 有花边和饰带的


He often embellishes the tales of his travels。他常给他的旅


◎embellishment (n)装饰、渲染、润色;装饰之物

★adorn(vt)~sth/sb/oneself with sth 装饰某物、某人、自己,装点,佩戴,装扮

The dancer was adorned with flowers 跳舞的人戴着许多花。

5、gallant (adj)勇敢的,英勇的;华丽的,堂皇的

a gallant soldier 勇敢的战士

a gallant ship 华丽的船


He won many hearts by his gallantry。他以殷勤热情赢得



1 L1~3 *L1~3 2 L4~6 *L1~3 *L4~6 3 L7~9 *L4~6 *L7~9 4 L10~12 *L1~3 *L7~9 *L10~12 5 L13~15 *L4~6 *L10~12 *L13~15 6 L16~18 *L7~9 *L13~15 *L16~18 7 L19~21 *L10~12 *L16~18 *L19~21 8 L22~24 *L1~3 *L13~15 *L19~21 *L22~24 9 L25~27 *L4~6 *L16~18 *L22~24 *L25~27 10 L28~30 *L7~9 *L19~21 *L25~27 *L28~30 11 L31~33 *L10~12 *L22~24 *L28~30 *L31~33 12 L34~36 *L13~15 *L25~27 *L31~33 *L34~36 13 L37~39 *L16~18 *L28~30 *L34~36 *L37~39 14 L40~42 *L19~21 *L31~33 *L37~39 *L40~42 15 L43~45 *L1~3 *L22~24 *L34~36 *L40~42 *L43~45 16 *L4~6 *L25~27 *L37~39 *L43~45 17 *L7~9 *L28~30 *L40~42 18 *L10~12 *L31~33 *L43~45 19 *L13~15 *L34~36 20 *L16~18 *L37~39 21 *L19~21 *L40~42 22 *L22~24 *L43~45 23 *L25~27 24 *L28~30 25 *L31~33 26 *L34~36 27 *L37~39 28 *L40~42 29 *L43~45 30 *L1~3 31 *L4~6 32 *L7~9 33 *L10~12 34 *L13~15 35 *L16~18 36 *L19~21 37 *L22~24 38 *L25~27 39 *L28~30 40 *L31~33 41 *L34~36 42 *L37~39 43 *L40~42 44 *L43~45 *单词一天不背就会忘,一个月不背就会前功尽弃。请坚持每天45分钟左右的时间复习3个List,可保无忧! 背一页红宝书单词10个需要5分钟。在背下一页前,立即返回第一个单词,迅速复习一遍。第二页也是如法炮制。用这种方法背过6页以后,立即从第一页开始复习。由于这些单词刚刚背过这一遍复习只需要三分钟。然后用同样的方法背1~12页。整个List大约一个小时。 最佳记忆时间上午9-11、下午3-4. 晚上7-10 本方法进行到中间阶段地时候,是最为关键也是最为痛苦地时候,极其容易半途而废,请一定咬牙挺过去。如果实在坚持不下去了。把一天3个List减少到2个List。从本质上来讲,背单词就是一个与遗忘不断的奋斗的过程,正可谓逆水行舟,不进则退。 人的记忆周期分为短期记忆和长期记忆两种。


2017年英语六级词汇选项专项练习业精于勤而荒于嬉,行成于思而毁于随。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017年大学英语六级考试词汇选项专项练习,希望能给大家带来帮助! part 1 the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. the trffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed. the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology. _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again. A. bean making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal. A. surround the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991. A. survived

always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinding about. A. novel be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully A. sorting do not have a _______ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. . A. continue the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government, not by each state. A. federal works in our university as a visiting _______, not as a formal faculty member. A. traditional you fill in the application form, please use your _______ address so that we can contact you easily later. A. policy _______ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude. A. pretends can not trust him any more because he often ________ his duty. A. owes 参考答案: part 2 to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.

自传 10000字

本人××,性别男,汉族人,1980年4月5日出生,籍贯天津,硕士研究生在学,工人家庭出身,本人现在为共青团员,现就读于南开大学×××系,攻读硕士学位研究生。家庭成员母亲,×××,群众,退休工人。 我于一九八零年四月五日出生在一个普通的知识分子家庭,我是沐浴着党的阳光、伴随着祖国的改革开放而成长起来的。我的母亲是一名质检工作者,父亲是一名工程师。在这样的家庭中长大,从小时候起,母亲谦虚严谨、细致谨慎的生活态度,父亲刻苦好学、兢兢业业的工作作风就深深地感染着我,教育着我。一九八六年九月我进入了天津市×××小学,从此开始了我的学习生涯。临学前,母亲教导我,鲜艳的红领巾是革命先辈们的鲜血染红的,是少年先锋队的标志,只有像毛主席、周总理那样为革命奋斗终生的老前辈们才配戴上它;只有像钱学森、李四光那样为祖国的科学事业奉献出毕生精力的科学家们才配戴上它;只有像雷锋、王进喜那样为保卫祖国、建设祖国不怕苦、不怕累的解放军战士们和劳动模范们才配戴上它。我牢记母亲的话,进入小学后,我在各科学习上努力刻苦、争当先进;在各项劳动中处处争先、不怕苦、不怕累;在各种活动中踊跃参加、积极表现。在小学二年级首批光荣地加入了中国少年先锋队,我抚摸着胸前的红领巾暗暗下定决心,一定要更加进步,更加努力。在小学阶段,我连续六年担任班委、班长,连续五年被评为校级三好学生、区级三好学生,并在五、六年级的时候担任校大队委、大队长。 一九九二年六月,我作为优秀毕业生被所在校推荐到当时的天津市级重点中学——天津市×××中学,并在随后的入学考试中取得了总分第七名的优异成绩。在这个陌生的环境下,我和我的红领巾决定成为最勇敢最坚韧的小战士,这个时候我已经按照一个共青团员的标准来要求自己。在初中一年级的第二学期,我终于盼来了期待已久的入团宣誓!中国共产主义青年团是广大青年在实践中学习共产主义的学校,在那里我加强了对党的认识。我告诫自己要做一个党的好孩子,并且时刻督促着我自己一定要戒骄戒躁,要继续努力,将来向党组织靠拢。在初中阶段,我同样连续三年担任班长,连续三年被评为优秀学生干部。 一九九五年五月,我又是作为优秀毕业生被所在校推荐到当时的天津市直属五所重点高级中学之一的天津市××中学参加先期考试,入学考试的时候在将近五千名的考生中,我以总分排名第七十九的骄人成绩顺利考入我梦寐以求的学校。十五岁的我是一个充满青春朝气、奋发向上的我;是一个对事物有着无穷无尽的好奇心和求知欲的我;是一个永远不知疲倦、事事争先的我;是一个对未来有着各种各样的憧憬和希望的我,也正是在这三年的学习生活中,我开始大量的阅读书籍,尤其是马克思主义著作,这让我渐渐的对马列主义、毛泽东思想有了初步的认识,并逐渐确立起了正确地世界观和人生观。在我上高中二年级的时候,我们敬爱的无产阶级革命家——邓小平同志逝世了,我当时的心情和全国人民一样的悲痛,我在心里告诉自己一定要加倍努力,做一名共产主义战士,学好科学文化知识,为以后继续完成祖国的改革开放事业做准备,并为了建设中国特色的社会主义和实现共产主义奋斗终身。在整个高中阶段由于我成绩优异,连续三年获得减免全部学杂费的奖学金。在学业上,我是学科骨干,连续两年被选入校奥林匹克物理竞赛集训队;在学习之外,我一直担任校广播站的站长、播音员,校辩论队队员,在高中二年级加入校羽毛球队,多次代表学校参加各类比赛。在高中阶段,我一直担任副班长,连续三年被评为优秀学生干部、文艺骨干和校优秀运动员。


刘毅词汇系列之Lesson 1 adv在国外 v影响 v上(学);参加n责难 n气泡 n墓地 n赞扬 n冲突,争斗 v合作 adj好奇的 adj美味的 v指导adj直接的v拉 n帝国 n事件 n失败 n文卷档v 归档adj坦白的 v产生 v停止前进 n角 adj个别的n个人n(时间的)间隔n绳结 adj自由主义的adj华丽的 adj心理的 adj暂时的 adj中立的 v遗漏,删除 n孔雀 n先驱者 v祈祷 v读…的音 n种族,比赛 n亲戚adj相对的v常去,求助 v摩;擦 n阴暗处 n情势 adj疼痛的 v覆盖;铺基础词汇 abroad affect attend blame bubble cemetery commendation conflict cooperate curious delicious direct draw empire event failure file frank generate halt horn individual interval knot liberal magnificent mental momentary neutral omit peacock pioneer pray pronounce race relative resort rub shadow situation sore spread n胃 n手提箱 n天才 n王位 n/v转移,调职 n使用 n元音字母 v缩回,撤销 Lesson 2 adj绝对的 n经销处 n态度 adj空白的 n堆,容量 n典礼 n贸易 v混淆 n铜 v诅咒 n娱乐,消遣 v消失 n/v漂流 v雇用 n证据 n能力,大学教员 adj经济上的 n货物 adj慷慨的 adj便利的 adj可怕的 adj勤劳的 adj亲密的 n了解,学识 n自由 n庄严 v提起 n纪念物 n绰号 n洋葱 n山顶 n坑 v传教 n证据 stomach suitcase talent throne transfer usage vowel withdraw absolute agency attitude blank bulk ceremony commerce confuse copper curse delight disappear drift employ evidence faculty financial freight generous handy horrible industrious intimate knowledge liberty majesty mention monument nickname onion peak pit preach proof


优质参考文档 TOEFL词汇题精选440题 001.Mostoftheseleaderswereinvolvedinpubliclif easreformers,activistsworkingforwomen'srightt ovote,orauthors,andwerenot representative at allofthegreatofordinarRwomen. Theword"representative"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing? (A)tRpical (B)satisfied (C)supportive (D)distinctive 002.IntheUnitedStates,LouisComfortTiffanR(1 843- 1933)wasthemostnotedeRponentofthisstRle,pr oducingagreatvarietRofglassformsandsurfaces, whichwerewidelRcopiedintheirtimeandarehigh lR prized todaR. Theword"prized"isclosestinmeaningtowhichoff ollowing? (A)valued (B)universal (C)uncommon (D)preserved 003.TheArtNouveaustRlewasamajorforceinthe decorativeartsfrom1895until1915,althoughitsin fluencecontinuedthroughoutthemid- 1920's.ItwaseventuallRtobe overtaken bRanew schoolofthoughtknownasFunctionalismthathad beenpresentsincetheturnofthecenturR. Theword"overtaken"isclosestinmeaningtowhic hoffollowing? (A)surpassed (B)inclined (C)eRpressed (D)applied 004.Duringmostoftheirlives,surgeglaciersbeha velikenormalglaciers,travelingperhapsonlRaco upleofinchesperdaR.However,at intervals of10t o100Rears,theseglaciersmoveforwardupto100ti mesfasterthanusual. Theword"intervals"isclosestinmeaningtowhich offollowing? (A)records (B)speeds (C)distances (D)periods 005.Theincreasingwaterpressureundertheglaci ermightliftitoffitsbed,overcomingthefrictionbet weeniceandrock,thus freeing theglacier,whichr apidlRslidersdownhillsurgeglaciersalsomightbe influencedbRtheclimate,volcanicheat,orearthq uakes. Theword"freeing"isclosestinmeaningtowhicho ffollowing? (A)pushing (B)releasing (C)strengthening (D)draining 006.AfloodoficewouldthensurgeintotheSouther nSea.Withthecontinuedriseinsealevel,moreicew ould plunge intotheocean,causingsealevelstoris eevenhigher,whichinturnwouldreleasemoreicea ndsetinmotionaviciouscRcle. Theword"plunge"isclosestinmeaningtowhichof following?


例题讲解理工类B级词汇选项出题特点 1.I have been trying to(设法) quit (放弃,辞职)smoking(吸烟). A.give up(放弃) B.pick up(捡起, 获得, 加快) C.build up(增进,加强) D.take up (占据(时间/空间),拿起, 开始从事) 答案:A。 quit – give up – abandon 放弃 出题特点: 1.出现了彼此成为干扰项的备选项:四个选项构成形式相似,具有一定的混淆性。 2.Relief workers (救援人员)were shocked (震惊的)by what they saw. A.moved (被感动的,被移动的) B.touched (被感动的) C.surprised(感到惊讶的) D. worried(担心的) 答案:C。 surprised – shocked – astonished – amazed 吃惊的 worried – anxious – concerned 担心的 be worried/anxious/ concerned about.../担心... (be) anxious to do sth – (be) eager to do sth. – (be) keen to do sth . 渴望... 出题特点: 1.备选项中出现了互为近义词的选项:A和B。 2.划线词词义较单一,常常只需要根据划线词的基本词义就能直接判定答案。 提示1: 被选项中的近义词常常只是干扰项,因此通常可以直接排除掉被选项中的近义选项。 14.Their style(风格,文体) of playing football (踢足球)is utterly (完全地)different(不同的). A.barely B.scarcely C.hardly (近义词) D.totally (完全地) 答案: D。 出题特点: 1.备选项中出现了互为近义词的选项:A, B 和C; 2.划线词及备选项中出现了派生词(常考词缀:-ly, -ful, un-, im-, -er/-or); 提示2: 往年词汇选项题中涉及过的词汇仍然可能出现在考题中。 提示3: 程度副词(very, much, somewhat, rather, fairly, kind of(稍微), a lot(非常) 等)和否定副词(hardly, scarcely, seldom, rarely)为常考词; 【


个人自传范文 我叫xxx,女,汉族,19xx年x月x日出生,籍贯xxx。现就读于xxx。我是一个性格开朗,认真负责,沉着稳重的人。大学生活给了我很多启示,我所经历的事在改变着我,使我不断完善自我,逐渐走向成熟。 我一直在追求人格的升华,注重自己的品行。我崇拜有巨大人格魅力的人,并一直希望自己也能做到。在大学生活中,我坚持着自我反省且努力的完善自己的人格。四年中,我读了一些名著和几本完善人格的书,对自己有所帮助,越来越认识到品行对一个人来说是多么的重要,关系到是否能形成正确的人生观世界观。所以无论在什么情况下,我都以品德至上来要求自己。无论何时何地我都奉行严于律己的信条,并切实的遵行它。平时友爱同学,尊师重道,乐于助人。以前只是觉得帮助别人感到很开心,是一种传统美德。现在我理解道理,乐于助人不仅能铸造高尚的品德,而且自身也会得到很多利益,帮助别人的同时也是在帮助自己。回顾四年,我很公文有约高兴能在同学有困难的时候曾经帮助过他们,相对的,在我有困难时我的同学们也无私的伸出了援助之手。对于老师,我一向是十分敬重的,因为他们在我彷徨的时候指导帮助我。如果没有老师的帮助,我可能将不知道何去何从。我现在领悟到,与其说品德是个人的人品操行,不如说是个人对整个社会的责任。一个人活在这个世界上,就得对社会负起一

定的责任义务,有了高尚的品德,就能正确认识自己所负的责任,在贡献中实现自身的价值。 在学校期间,我虚心求学、刻苦认真、吃苦耐劳,工作兢兢业业,及时总结;注重理论联系实际,培养自己的自学能力以及分析、解决问题的能力。在丰富多彩的大学生活中,为了扩大知识面和培养自己的业余爱好,积极参加校内外的实践活动,重视团队合作精神。在出色地完成上级交予的任务外,还在校内组织和开展一些有意义的活动中,能有力地组织同学及调动同学们的积极性;从中也锻炼和提高了自己的组织和领导能力。表现出较强的与人密切合作的能力和良好的环境适应能力;并且深受同学们和老师以及领导的认可。 在思想品德上,本人有良好道德修养,并有坚定的政治方向.我热爱祖国,热爱人民,坚决拥护共产党领导和社会主义范文大全制度,遵纪守法,爱护公共财产,团结同学,乐于助人.并以务实求真的精神热 心参予学校的公益宣传和爱国主义活动. 珍贵的四年大学生活接近尾声,特此总结一下大学四年的得失,从中继承做得好的方面改进不足的地方,使自己回顾走过的路,也更是为了看清将来要走的路。 我的学习成绩不是非常好,但我却在学习的过程中收获了很多。首先是我端正了学习态度。在我考进大学时,脑子里想的是好好放松从重压下解放出来的自己,然而很快我就明白了,大学仍需努力认真的学习。看到周围的同学们拼命的学习,我也打消了初衷,开始大学的学习旅程。其次是极大程度的提高了自己的自学能力。由于大学的


刘毅词汇系列之基础词汇 Lesson 1 n胃stomach adv 在国外abroad n 手提箱suitcase v 影响affect n 天才talent v 上(学);参加attend n 王位throne n 责难blame n/v 转移,调职transfer n 气泡bubble n 使用usage n 墓地cemetery n 元音字母vowel n 赞扬commendation v 缩回,撤销withdraw n 冲突,争斗conflict Lesson 2 v 合作cooperate adj 绝对的absolute adj 好奇的curious n 经销处agency adj 美味的delicious n 态度attitude v 指导adj 直接的direct adj 空白的blank v拉draw n 堆,容量bulk n 帝国empire n 典礼ceremony n 事件event n 贸易commerce n 失败failure v 混淆confuse n 文卷档v 归档file n铜copper adj 坦白的frank v 诅咒curse v 产生generate n 娱乐,消遣delight v 停止前进halt v 消失disappear n角horn n/v 漂流drift adj 个别的n 个人individual v 雇用employ n (时间的)间隔interval n 证据evidence n 绳结knot n 能力,大学教员faculty adj 自由主义的liberal adj 经济上的financial adj 华丽的magnificent n 货物freight adj 心理的mental adj 慷慨的generous adj 暂时的momentary adj 便利的handy adj 中立的neutral adj 可怕的horrible v 遗漏,删除omit adj 勤劳的industrious n 孔雀peacock adj 亲密的intimate n 先驱者pioneer n 了解,学识knowledge v 祈祷pray n 自由liberty v读…的音pronounce n 庄严majesty n 种族,比赛race v 提起mention n 亲戚adj 相对的relative n 纪念物monument v 常去,求助resort n 绰号nickname v 摩;擦rub n 洋葱onion n 阴暗处shadow n 山顶peak n 情势situation n坑pit adj 疼痛的sore v 传教preach v 覆盖;铺spread n 证据proof


abdomen n.(人体的)腹部 The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen. 那位有身孕的妇人有增大的下腹。 bereave v.剥夺;使丧失;使痛失(亲属等) The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them. 当救援的飞机没有看到他们时,那些迷路的徒者丧失了希望。 consecrate v.奉为神圣;尊崇 This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the sol-diers who died here. 这战场被视为圣地以纪念于该处的战士。 evoke v.唤起;引起 A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh. 好笑话并不一定逗人大笑。 groove n.沟;槽;凹线 Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road. 车轮在泥泞的路上留下了凹痕。 jolt v.摇动;使颠簸 The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road. 那旧车了走过崎岖的道路时,很历害地颠簸着它的乘客。 obsolete adj.作废的;过时的 Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom. 现今,用鞠躬来欢迎女士已是过时的习俗。 prowl v.潜行以寻觅或偷窃 Many wild animals prowl at night looking for someting to eat. 许多野兽在夜间巡行以找寻食物。 scoop v.掘;挖 The children scooped holes in the sand. 孩子们挖沙坑。 status n.状况;地位Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs. 外交家关心世界局势。 sue v.起诉;控告 The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train. 那位农夫因他的牛被火车压死而控告火车站。bandit n.强盗;土匪 The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed,either alone or in a group. 在典型的西部片中,土匪单独或成群结队骑着马县且全副武装。 commemorate v.纪念;庆祝 Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. 圣诞节是庆祝耶酥基督的诞生。 defile v.弄脏;弄污 The children's muddy shoes defiled all the rugs in the hotel. 孩子们泥泞的鞋子弄脏了旅社所有的地毯。deviation n.离题;偏差 Running in the the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed. 在走廊上奔跑是违反校规且不被允许的。fortitude n.坚忍;刚毅 She could bear the disap-pointments of other people with tolerable fortitude. 她能够毅然忍受他人带给她的失望。inconsolable adj.伤心的 The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten. 那小女孩因失去她的小猫而伤心不已。 nibble vi. 细咬;细食 Aren't yo uhungry?Y ou are only nibbling your food. 你不饿吗?你只是在轻咬你的食物。pageant n.壮观;华饰


2019托福词汇表热点词汇汇总 学习英语词汇是一个长久的过程,希望大家一定要坚持下去呀!下面小编给大家带来2019托福词汇表热点词汇汇总,希望对你们有所帮助。 2019托福词汇表之环保话题类 white pollute 白色污染 sustainable development 可持续发展 ecosystem 生态系统 environmental pollution 环境污染 over-fishing (overgrazing) 过度捕捞 (过度放牧) sand storm 沙尘暴 resource exhaustion 资源枯竭 water and soil conservation 水土保持 soil erosion 土壤流失 clear-cutting (deforestation) 滥砍滥伐 desertification 沙漠化 conserve natural resources 保护自然资源 shortage of fresh water 淡水短缺 disruption of ecological balance 生态失衡 natural preservation zone 自然保护区 2019托福词汇表之教育话题类 the craze for graduate school 考研热 surf the internet 网上冲浪 cyberspace 网络空间 inter-disciplinary talent 复合型人才 assignment of graduates 毕业生分配 net friend 网友 examination-oriented education 应试教育 teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教 quality-oriented education 素质教育


2017年专四英语考试词汇选项试题及答案解析 2017年专四英语考试词汇选项试题及答案解析 In nature there are no groundless talk, the earth will not form.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017年专四英语考试词汇选项试题及答案解析,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网! 1. Tom has been a vegetarian ____principle for years . A. in B. on C. for D. by 2. When I got out of the car and walked about among them, __2__one old man who shook his head disapprovingly, they all began to cheer . A. see that B. except that C. provided that D. except for 3. ____The water left in the kettle, the doctor put several things he unwrapped from a handkerchief.

A. At B. To C. Within D. Into 4. I am ____grateful for the many kindnesses you have shown my son. A. excessively B. much C. certainly D. exceedingly?? 5. The ____of AIDS has led to an expansion in research seeking a cure. A. innovation B. selection C. proliferation D. conviction 6. I am sorry I have no time at present to ____more detail or give you an account of other cities of interest.?


党员入党自传10000字 [提示]入党申请书请点击以下链接: 入党志愿书|入党申请书范文|入党申请书3000字|入党转正申请书|入党自传|入党介绍人意见 本人××,性别男,汉族人,1980年4月5日出生,籍贯天津,硕士研究生在学,工人家庭出身,本人现在为共青团员,现就读于南开大学×××系,攻读硕士学位研究生。家庭成员母亲,×××,群众,退休工人。 我于一九八零年四月五日出生在一个普通的知识分子家庭,我是沐浴着党的阳光、伴随着祖国的改革开放而成长起来的。我的母亲是一名质检工作者,父亲是一名工程师。在这样的家庭中长大,从小时候起,母亲谦虚严谨、细致谨慎的生活态度,父亲刻苦好学、兢兢业业的工作作风就深深地感染着我,教育着我。一九八六年九月我进入了天津市×××小学,从此开始了我的学习生涯。临学前,母亲教导我,鲜艳的红领巾是革命先辈们的鲜血染红的,是少年先锋队的标志,只有像毛主席、周总理那样为革命奋斗终生的老前辈们才配戴上它;只有像钱学森、李四光那样为祖国的科学事业奉献出毕生精力的科学家们才配戴上它;只有像雷锋、王进喜那样为保卫祖国、建设祖国不怕苦、不怕累的解放军战士们和劳动模范们才配戴上它。我牢记母亲的话,进入小学

后,我在各科学习上努力刻苦、争当先进;在各项劳动中处处争先、不怕苦、不怕累;在各种活动中踊跃参加、积极表现。在小学二年级首批光荣地加入了中国少年先锋队,我抚摸着胸前的红领巾暗暗下定决心,一定要更加进步,更加努力。在小学阶段,我连续六年担任班委、班长,连续五年被评为校级三好学生、区级三好学生,并在五、六年级的时候担任校大队委、大队长。 一九九二年六月,我作为优秀毕业生被所在校推荐到当时的天津市级重点中学——天津市×××中学,并在随后的入学考试中取得了总分第七名的优异成绩。在这个陌生的环境下,我和我的红领巾决定成为最勇敢最坚韧的小战士,这个时候我已经按照一个共青团员的标准来要求自己。在初中一年级的第二学期,我终于盼来了期待已久的入团宣誓!中国共产主义青年团是广大青年在实践中学习共产主义的学校,在那里我加强了对党的认识。我告诫自己要做一个党的好孩子,并且时刻督促着我自己一定要戒骄戒躁,要继续努力,将来向党组织靠拢。在初中阶段,我同样连续三年担任班长,连续三年被评为优秀学生干部。 一九九五年五月,我又是作为优秀毕业生被所在校推荐到当时的天津市直属五所重点高级中学之一的天津市××中学参加先期考试,入学考试的时候在将近五千名的考生中,我以总分排名第七十九的骄人成绩顺利考入我梦寐以求


刘毅10000词汇学习笔记lesson 1(1) 1.abdomen:part of the body below the chest and diaphragm, containing the stomach. 腹部 Abdominal (adj) 腹部的an abdominal operation 腹部手术 belly:(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin;belly 肚子,胃with an empty belly 空着肚子 in the belly of a ship 在船腹里 belly out(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind bellied out the sails 2.bereave:使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife 使他丧失妻子的事故 the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人 the bereaved 丧失亲人的人 bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人 deprive:take sth away from sb; prevent sb from enjoying or using sth 剥夺sb/sth的sth;阻止某人享有或使用sth deprive sb/sth of sth deprive of one's civil rights 剥夺某人的公民权 deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物 widespread deprivation 普遍贫困 Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.错失假日是极大的损失。 deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived childhood 贫苦的童年


地理GEOGRAPHY plain平原plateau (highla nd) 咼地 con tour 轮廓;海岸线 con ti nen tal isla nd 大陆岛 geography 地理 geographer 地理学家lowla nd 低地volca nic isla nd 火山岛hemisphere 半球basin 盆地coral isla nd 珊瑚岛meridia n 子午线,经线caver n (cave) 洞穴in sular 海岛的 parallel平行圈,纬线oasis (沙漠)绿洲islet小岛 latitude 纬度cleft (flaw)裂缝penin sular 半岛 Ion gitude 经度crevice (rift; slit) 裂缝ledge 暗礁 elevatio n 海拔summit 山顶remote-se nsing 遥感的altitude 高度ran ge (山)脉terrain 地域 horizon 地平线valley 峡谷terrestrial 地球的,陆地的equator 赤道gorge 峡谷terrestrial heat Arctic北极canyon 峡谷(geothermal) 地热 An tarctic(A ntarctica) 南cha nn el (strait) 海峡terrestrial magn etism 极marine (maritime; (geomag netism) 地磁expediti on 探险oceanic )海的subterra nean( un dergro n avigati on 航海tide 潮汐ebb (away)退und)地底下 topography 地形,地形学潮evaporati on 蒸发 con ti nent 大陆sea-floor spreadi ng 海床sali nity 含盐度 con ti nen tal shelf 大陆架扩展sedime nt 沉淀物,沉积物 con ti nen tal drift 大陆漂ocea n bottom 海床tropics 热带地区 移说coastla nd 沿海地区tropical 热带的


我叫,性别男,汉族人,一九九零年五月出生,大三学生,本人现为共青团员,就读于天津职业学电子系,专业为微电子学。主要家庭成员有父亲杨,母亲,现居住于河南省辉县市,在一个普通而又温暖的家庭,我健康、幸福地成长。良好的成长环境使我对中国共产党有了由浅至深的认识,并逐步形成了共产主义的世界观、人生观,立下了为共产主义事业奋斗终身的志愿。 我的父亲、母亲都是爱党敬党的农民。父母对我的教育是很严格的,当我还是孩提时,他们就教育我做事要踏实,要爱党敬党,作党的好儿女。从小父母亲就给我讲党的历史,党的纪律,还教我唱歌颂党的歌。父亲告诉我:今天的幸福生活来之不易,是无数的先烈用生命换来的。中国共产党领导人民推翻三座大山,建立了新中国,帮助灾区人民重建家园,领导人民走向富强。使我深深体会到“没有共产党就没有新中国”。 童年的时光总是特别的美好,也总是过得特别地快。一九九七年九月我开始在小学读一年级, 从此便开始了我的学习生涯。在那里老师不但讲授文化知识,而且还谆谆教导我从小立志刻苦学习,成为德才兼备的人,长大为国效力。我记忆最深的是我的一年级班主任陈老师,她是一位有多年工作经验的教师,她总是教导我们要像革命先辈那样受人爱戴,要从点滴的小事做起,她使我知道了任何事情都是由点滴的小事构成的。那时候看到比自己高年级的哥哥姐姐们戴着鲜艳的红领巾从我身旁走过去,我就特别的羡慕,因为母亲也曾经教导我,红领巾是革命先辈们用鲜血染成的,是少年先锋队的标志。早日成为一名少年先锋队员是我那个时候最大的心愿。所以我在学习上认真刻苦,严格要求自己;在劳动中,处处抢先,不怕脏,不怕累;在思想上,积极向上,爱党敬党,做党的好儿女;在父母眼中我是一名好孩子,在老师心中我是一名好学生,在同学中我是一名好伙伴。通过自己的努力,终于在小学三年级,我光荣地加入了中国少年先锋队。当戴上那鲜艳的红领巾的那一刻,我是那么的高兴,那么的自豪。在小学阶段,我年年被评为三好学生。之后的生活中,我更加严格要求自己。 九八年夏天我国遭遇了百年罕见的大洪水,通过各种新闻媒体,我深深的感受到党的伟大。抗洪期间,广大的共产党员, 抢在最前面,冲到最险处,在党的坚强领导下,在全国人民的努力下,最终战胜了一次又一次的险情。当时,上至中央,下至百姓,每个人都自觉的投入到了抗洪抢险的斗争中。江总书记亲自视察了荆州地区的灾情,给军民很大的鼓舞。在抗洪中,军民团结如一人,党员干部更是日日夜夜连续奋战,将洪水造成的损失降到最低限。在那些没有受到灾情的地区,人们纷纷开展了捐赠活动,一车车的物资,一批批的捐款运到了灾区, 十三亿人联系在一起,从中我们再次看到了党的领导的力量,再次感受到了祖国大家庭的温暖。 九九年十月一日,中国迎来了她50华诞,看着庄严的阅兵仪式,当一个个方阵通过天安门时我心潮澎湃,不仅是被他们的威武雄姿所打动,更主要的是因为我看到了在党中央的领导下我们的祖国越来越强大。这些都深深的影响到了我们对英雄的认识和建国的艰辛的认识。使我们以英雄为榜样,好好学习不辜负他们对我们的希望。只有我们努力学习去建设我们的祖国才能使我们的祖国更加强大。激情在心中跳跃,不由自主的喊出祖国万岁,中国共产党万岁,人民万岁。同年十二月二十日,我国又顺利收回了对澳门的行使主权,全国上下都沉浸在了一片喜悦的气氛中,使我深深的相信在党的领导下,台湾回归祖国也指日可待了。 二零零二年九月我以优异的成绩升入初级中学.。升入初中以后,随着思想品德课的学习,我对中国共产党有了初步的了解。刚开始我对中国共产主义青年团的认识只是停留在认为她只是比少先队更高一级的组织,但是通过老师和团委书记为我们的耐心讲解,我们知道了中国共产主义青年团是中国优秀青年的群众组织。是中国共产党的得力助手和后备军,是广大青年在实践中学习中国特色社会主义和共产主义的学校。那时我对中国共产党的了解还只是停留在知道她是中国人民的坚强后盾,是她让中国人民过上了好日子,所以我要想加入中国共产党就要首先加入中国共产主义青年团,所以我在初中时严格要求自己,不管是任何
