Is There True Friendship between Male and Female

Is There True Friendship between Male and Female

Is There True Friendship between Male and Female

In the dictionary, a friend is the one you know well and like. So, what does like mean? What's the difference between like and love? There is true friendship between men and women? For most people, I think, it's a beautiful lies.

First of all, male and female are born mutually attracted, especially when they are in heat, which our human beings call it puberty. Men are animals. Though, under the pressure of our rational minds and moral standards, our emotional sexual compulsion is mercilessly repressed. Like the north and south pole, they have the tendency to get closer. There's no continuing reputation without mutual attraction. Then, this kind of excitement can not be securely controlled. Love makes people crazy, even more sex!

A glass of wine, a hug, a drop of tear, a word, or even a casual eyesight can totally smash the frail film into pieces. More sadly, people are easily slipped. Once these impulsions are released out of the ethical cage, he or she will become your lover. There's no friendship anymore.

When you treat him a true friend, whether he does so? For most people, these friendships have only two endings. He is actually sexually attracted by you. This is the first ending. And the second one is he may have some potential homosexual tendency.
