







Some people think if you are happy, you are blind to reality. But when we research it, happiness actually ______every single business and educational outcome for the brain. How did we ______ this? Why do we have these social misunderstandings about happiness? Because we assumed you were ______.

When we study people, scientists are often interested in what the average is. Many people think happiness is genetic. That's only half the story, because the average person does not fight their ______. When we stop studying the average and begin ______ positive outliers(离群值) -- people who are above average for a positive aspect like optimism or intelligence -- a ______ different picture appears. Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and ______.

______, happiness is a choice. It is a choice about where your single processor brain will devote its finite resources as you process the world. If you scan for the ______ first, your brain really has no resources left over to see the things you are grateful for or the meaning embedded(嵌入) in your work. But if you scan the world for the positive, you start to acquire an ______advantage.

I wrote the cover story for the Harvard Business Review magazine on "Happiness Leads to Profits." Based on my article called "Positive Intelligence" and my research in The Happiness Advantage, I ______ our researched conclusion: the single greatest advantage in the modern economy is a ______ and busy workforce.

A decade of research in the business world ______ that happiness raises nearly every business and educational ______: increasing sales by 37%, productivity by 31%, and ______ on tasks by 19%, as well as a number of health and quality-of-life improvements. 1.A. rises B. arises C. raises D. realizes

2.A. think B. miss C. know D. understand

3.A. usual B. single C. unique D. average

4.A. bodies B. faces C. genes D. fates

5.A. researching B. discovering C. finding D. observing

6.A. mildly B. hardly C. crazily D. wildly

7.A. interest B. success C. safety D. failure

8.A. Scientifically B. Fortunately C. Gradually D. Strangely

9.A. active B. passive C. negative D. positive

10.A. interesting B. embarrassing C. annoying D. amazing

11.A. Talked B. summarized[来 C. thought D. underlined

12.A. silly B. funny C. common D. happy

13.A. means B. proves C. wishes D. hopes

14.A. outcome B. answer C. cause D. reality

15.A. behavior B. mistake C. accuracy D. possession




















2.B。考查动从i辨析以及语境理解。Think认为。Miss错过;不理解。Know知道。Understand 理解。我们为什么没有理解这一点呢?故选B.



5.A。考查动词辩词以及语境理解。Researching研究;调查。Discovering发现。Finding (意外偶然地发现)。Observing观察到,看到。“当我们停止研究平常人并且开始研究积极的离群值时”。并且与studying对应。

6.D.考查动词解析与语境理解。Mildly轻微地;稍微地;温和地。Hardly几乎不。Crazily 非常快地;拼命地;疯狂地。Wildly及其;非常。故选D.


8.A.考查副词辨析和语境理解。Scientifically合乎科学地。Fortunately幸运地。Gradually 逐渐地。Strangely奇怪地。“合乎科学地,幸福是一种选择”。故选A.



11.B.考查动词辨析和语境理解。Talked谈论。Summarized总结;概述。Though认为。Underlined 强调,;在.......下面划线。“基于我的《积极的智慧》一文和我们对幸福的好处的研究,我总结了我们的研究结论”。





现实;实际。“educational outcome教育成果”。并且在第一段提到过。故选A.



Once upon a time, there was a gang of evil goblins(小妖精) who lived in a forest. They spent a lot of their time__16. (make) fun of a poor old man who could now hardly move, see, or hear. They showed no respect for __17. age.

The situation became so extreme that Great Wizard (男巫) decided to teach the goblins _18.__ lesson. He cast a spell , and from that moment, every insult(侮辱)___19._was directed at the old man made the old man better, _20. _ had the opposite effect on the goblin who was doing the insulting. Of course, the goblins knew nothing about 21._ was happening. The more they called the man an “old fool”, the__22. (young) of mind he became, while the goblin who _23._(shout )at him aged rapidly, and became a little more foolish.

As time went on, those evil goblins were becoming terribly old , ugly, stupid, and clumsy __24.__ even realizing it. Finally, the Great Wizard allowed the goblins to see themselves, and__25._ (surprise)they saw that they had turned into the disgusting creatures we now know as trolls(巨魔).









23.had shouted






16.making 考查动词的固定搭配:spend ......(in) doing ......他们话费很长时间取笑


17.his 考查代词及语境理解。他们不尊重他的年龄。His在这里指代上文提到的“a poor man”.

18.a 考查词组的固定搭配。Teach sb a lesson.给某人一个教训。情况变得越来越严重以


19.that 考查定语从句。他施了一个魔法,从那时起,每一个对老人的侮辱都会使得老人变得更好。That引导定语从句,在定语从句中做主语。

20.but 考查并列连词及语境理解。但对侮辱老人的小妖精有相反的影响。表转折。21.what 考查宾语从句及语境理解。小妖精们对正在发生的事情一无所知。What在此宾语从句中做主语。

22.younger 考查固定句式以及语境理解。“the比......the 比,越......越......”他们越是叫那个老人老傻瓜,老人的心态越年轻。

【心态8】had shouted 考查动词的时态。此处的动作发生在became之前,是过去的过去,故要用过去完成时。

23.without 考查介词及语境理解。随着时间的推移,那些小妖精甚至没有意识到他们逐渐变老、变丑、变愚蠢以及变的笨拙。

24.surprisingly 考查副词以及句子成分的理解。此处此处并列句中主谓宾齐全,只能加一个状语,因此填surprise的副词形式。


Why don’t so many Americans accept the theory of evolution? A 2001 Gall up Poll found that 45 percent of Americans agree with the statement “God created the human being pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so ”, while 37 percent preferred a mixed belief that “Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process”, and only 12percent accepted the standard scientific theory that “Human being have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process”.

There are at least four reasons to make people resistant to accepting evolution.

1. The warfare model of science and religion. The belief that there is a war between science and religion where one is right and the other is wrong, and that one must choose one over the other.

2. The belief that evolution is a threat to specific religious tenets(信条). Many people attempt to use science to prove certain religious tenets, but when they do not appear to fit, the science is rejected.

3. Misunderstanding of evolutionary theory. A significant problem is that most people know so little about the theory. In the 2001 Gallup Poll, for example, a quarter of the people surveyed said they didn’t know enough to say whether they accepted evolution or not, and only 34 percent considered themselves to be “very informed ” about the theory.

4. The fear t hat evolution degrades our humanity. Darwin revealed us to be “mere animals”, subject to the same natural laws and historical forces as all other animals. Believers should embrace science, especially evolutionary theory, for what it has done to uncover the magnificence of the divinity(神学) in a depth never dreamed by our ancient ancestors. We have learned a lot in 4,000 years, and that knowledge should never be denied. Instead, science should be welcomed by all who cherish human understanding and wisdom.

26.According to the Poll, most people in America believe_____________.

A. human beings have developed from less advanced forms of life

B. God contributed to the present form of human beings

C. God created human beings in the present form

D. God guided the pro cess of human beings’ development

27.Which of the following is NOT the reason why people don’t accept evolution?

A. There is always a war between evolution and religion.

B. Some religious tenets can’t be proved by science.

C. Many people don’t know enough about evolution.

D. They fear that we will become “mere animals”.

28.What can we learn form the passage about evolutionary theory?

A. Whether evolutionary theory is science is a question.

B. It has explained the brilliance of the divinity better than before.

C. It must make religion disapp ear and they can’t exist at the same time.

D. Darwin made little contribution to the theory.

29.What is the writer’s view on the evolutionary theory?

A. It is not science and should be resisted.

B. It is science but should be resisted.

C. It is not science but should be accepted.

D. It is science and should be accepted.

30.The author wrote the passage to_________________.

A. tell the readers that many Americans refuse evolution theory.

B. tell the readers why so many Americans refuse evolution theory.

C. advise the readers to value science, including evolution theory.

D. tell the difference between science and religion.









26.B 考查细节理解。根据民意测评,美国的大部分人相信什么。“A 2001 Gallup Poll found that 45 percent of Americans agree with the statement “God created the human being pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so”27.D 考查细节理解。以下不是人们为什么不接受进化的原因的是。“The fear that evolution degrades our humanity”是进化会降低人类等级的担心,而不是变成纯粹的动物的担心。28.B 考查推理判断。关于进化论我们能从文中了解到什么?“Believers should embrace science, especially evolutionary theory, for what it has done to uncover the magnificence of the divinity(神学) in a depth never dreamed by our ancient ancestors. ”人们应该信仰科学,特别是进化论,因为进化论中更深层地发现了神学的重要性,这是我们的先人想都没想到过的。

29.D 考查推理判断。Believers should embrace science, especially evolutionary theory, .......Instead, science should be welcomed by all who cherish human

understanding and wisdom. 人们应该信仰科学,尤其是进化论......反而,科学应该被所有珍惜人类理解与人类智慧的所接受。

30.C 考查推理判断。Believers should embrace science, especially evolutionary theory, .......Instead, science should be welcomed by all who cherish human understanding and wisdom. 由最后一段可知,本文告诉我们要重视科学,包括进化论。


Alibaba started taking the lead in China, simply enough, by connecting big Chinese manufacturers(制造商)with big buyers across the world. Its business-to-business site,, allowed business to buy almost everything. Alibaba’s advantage wasn’t hard to identify: size. Alibaba is just big, even by Chinese standards. Its marketplaces attract 231 million active buyers, 8 million sellers, 11.3 billion orders a year—and Alibaba is just the middleman. It encourages people to use its markets—not charging small sellers a percentage of the sale.

If you want a quick look into the influence of Alibaba on daily Chinese life, take my experience. I moved to Beijing almost a year ago and quickly got tired of visiting small stores across the crowded, polluted city of 20 million people in search of new electroni cs, bathroom furnishings, and anything else my wife wanted. “You’re looking for what exactly? Why not try it? ” my Chinese teacher asked me one day. With that, my wonderful new relationship with Alibaba began.

Alibaba’s original business-to-business model now is secondary to consumer buying. Chinese retail(零售)buying makes up 80% of Alibaba’s profit, and leading that group is Taobao, with 800 million items for sale and the most unbelievable selection of things you’ll ever find., is Alibaba’s other b ig site, where you can find brand name goods from Nike and Unilever near the lowest prices.

What I have a hard time explaining to friends and family back in the U.S. is how China has gone beyond traditional shopping—big-box retailers especially —in favor of online purchases on Taobao and a few other sites. In smaller towns than Beijing, where big retailers have not yet traveled, shopping online is shopping, and shopping is Taobao.

I have a list of some of my recent purchases on Taobao for a sense of how extensive the marketplace is. Almost everything arrived a day or two after ordering with free shipping. I’m not even a big buyer, because I need friends to help me search the Chinese-language site. When I was searching my purchase history on my Chinese teache r’s iPad, which helps me buy goods, I looked through with great difficulty about 10 of her purchases for every one of mine.

31.Alibaba’s advantage mainly lies in ___________.

A. its big size

B. its business-to-business service

C. its not charging small sellers

D. its low price

32.What can we learn from the underlined sentence in the passage?

A. Alibaba is of middle size among all the online sites

B. Alibaba will continue to develop.

C. Alibaba stands out as the best online site.

D. Alibaba acts as a bridge between the buyers and sellers.

33.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. a new store

B. Alibaba

C. a business

D. a foreign website

34.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The author’s Chinese teacher is also an online purchase lover.

B. Taobao has no obvious advantage over other similar online sites.

C. Alibaba’s business-to-business service earns more money than retail now.

D., provides more profit than Taobao.

35.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Shopping online is TaoBao.

B. The influence of shopping online goes beyond traditional shopping.

C. Alibaba greatly influences p eople’s daily purchase in China.

D. How the author purchases online in China.









31.A 考查细节理解。阿里巴巴的优势主要在于什么。Alibaba’s advantage wasn’t hard to identify: size. Alibaba is just big, even by Chinese standards. 阿里巴巴的优势不难识别:size.阿里巴巴就算用中国的标准来看依然很大。

32.D 考查句意理解以及推理判断。从文章的划线句我们可以明白什么。 Alibaba is just the middleman. 阿里巴巴是中间商。D. Alibaba acts as a bridge between the buyers and sellers.阿里巴巴在买方与卖方间充当着桥梁的角色。与划线句意相符。

33.B 考查推理判断。划线词it在文中第二段指的是。Why not try it? ” ……With that, my wonderful new relationship with Alibaba began. 与Alibaba的一种全新关系开始了。由此两处都可以看出it在此指代Alibaba.

34.A 考查细节理解以及推理判断。从文章中我们可以推断出什么?, is Alibaba’s other big site, where you can find brand name goods from Nike and Unilever near the lowest prices.由此可知,对于,,在文中没有具体提到它盈利多少。故选A。

35.C 考查推理判断。文章主要是关于什么?纵观全文,本文一作者在中国的亲身经历讲了阿里巴巴对人们在中国的日常购买产生的重要影响。故选C。


I wished I had known earlier the fact that I was a low achiever because there was

a reason bey ond my control. Then I needn’t have worked so hard in my late twenties and early thirties. But I just didn’t know that. I was writing and writing. I was working for no other reason than to hear people praise me.

Most people who go through university read at least twice as fast as I do. I can never

tell my left from my right. I avoid dialing a telephone if I can help it, because I sometimes have to try three times before getting the number right. I hear that recording “The number you have reached is not in service” more than any man on earth. Despite my weaknesses I view my dyslexia(difficulty in reading) as a gift, not a curse(诅咒). Many dyslexics are good at right brain, namely abstract thought, and that is what my king of creative writing is. I’m starting w ith nothing and coming up with something that didn’t exist before. That’s my strong point. I owe my career to Ralph, Salisbury, my writing instructor at the University of Oregon, who looked past my misspellings and gave me encouragement and hope. I just carried on and never looked back. I’m also very “visual”. This means nothing in school, but when I write books or scripts, I’m seeing everything in my imagination. I write quickly. I go like the wind and can get up to 15 pages a day. Writing is not the problem. I have no problem downloading; it is inputting where things get messed up.

The real fear I have for dyslexics is not that they have to struggle with messy input, but that they will quit on themselves before they finish school. Parents have to create victories whenever they can, whether it is music, sports or the arts. You want your dyslexic child to be able to say, “Yeah, reading is hard. But I have these other things I can do.”

36.According to the passage we know that________.

A. The author had known he was a low achiever since he was a little child

B. The author didn’t work very hard on writing in his late twenties

C. The author owed his dyslexia to his laziness in the childhood

D. The author worked hard for people’s praise

37.From Paragraph 3 we can know that ______

A. The author was grateful to his writing instructor

B. The author often complained about his dyslexia

C. The author had trouble with both inputting and outputting.

D. Having problem in inputting, the author wrote slowly.

38.For dyslexics, the author thinks that_________.

A. they should work as hard as himself

B. they had better choose to drop out of school

C. they should be constantly encouraged

D. they should put their hearts into reading

39.Which of the following proverbs can best summarize the main idea of the passage?

A. He who laughs last laughs best.

B. Where there is a will, there is a way.

C. Reading enriches the mind.

D. When God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.

40.What kind of man is the writer?

A. Open-minded and optimistic

B. diligent and generous

C. clever but selfish

D. kind but useless









36.D 考查细节理解与推理判断。根据文章我们可以得只什么。 I was working for no other reason than to hear people praise me.我之所以努力不为其他只为听到别人对我的赞扬。由此可以推断出D是正确的。

37.A 考查细节理解与推理判断。从文章的第三段我们可以知道什么。I owe my career to Ralph, Salisbury, my writing instructor at the University of Oregon, who looked past my misspellings and gave me encouragement and hope.我把我的事业归功于透过我的拼写错误并给予我鼓励与希望的导师Ralph, Salisbury.故选A.

38.C 考查细节理解。对于有阅读困难的人,作者认为? The real fear I have for dyslexics is not that they have to struggle with messy input, but that they will quit on themselves before they finish school. Parents have to create victories whenever they can, whether it is music, sports or the arts. You want your dyslexic child to be able to say, “Yeah, reading is hard. But I have these other things I can do.”不管是在音乐,体育或艺术上只要他们可以,家长就得给他们创造成功。

39.D 考查推理判断。以下谚语最能概述本文中心思想的是?D. When God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.上帝为你关上一扇门,他同时也会为你打开一扇窗。

40.A 考查推理判断。本文作者是什么类型的人?A. Open-minded and optimistic思想开明和乐观的。 B. diligent and generous勤奋慷慨的。C. clever but selfish聪明但自私的。

D. kind but useless善良但无用的。文章主要描写了一个有阅读障碍的人在写作上取得了极大的成功。故选A.


Suzanne Clement first met Xavier Dolan when he was 17 — an "ambitious, intelligent, hyperactive" young director who wanted to make a film called "J'ai tue ma mere" ("I Killed My Mother").

The Quebecois actress never doubted his talents. Now eight years later, she stars in his acclaimed film "Mommy," which has been selected as Canada's foreign-language entry to the Oscars.

"I think 'Mommy' is like a continuation of this amazing authenticity(真实性)that he puts into his work," said Clement in a recent telephone interview. "He's saying something very deep. And he started to say those deep things about his life when he was doing his first movie."

The film focuses on a trio of troubled characters: widowed mother Diane (Anne Dorval), her violent son Steve (Antoine-Olivier Pilon), and Kyla, a shy, mysterious neighbour with a terrible stammer(口吃)who offers to help (Clement).

While the dynamic between Diane and Steve is perhaps the most important, Kyla's character is equally compelling. The viewer knows she is on leave from her teaching

job and she recently stammered, but the reasons are left somewhat vague.

She said Dolan contacted her last summer, shortly before "Mommy" began filming, and sought help in fleshing out Kyla's story. "He told me, 'I have this third character and I'd love you to play her, but she's not very, very definite now. If you want to talk about her and give your input, I'd like to build her.'" she recalled. "Mommy" opens in Toronto on Friday before screening in other Canadian cities. It premiered(首映)at the Cannes Film Festival in May, where audiences gave it a lengthy standing applause before it was awarded with the prestigious Jury Prize.

After appearing in Dolan's "J'ai tue ma mere" in 2009, Clement went on to star in his film "Laurence Anyways," for which she won the Cannes Un Certain Regard award for Best Actress in 2012.

41.Which statement is True according to the passage?

A. Xavier Dolan made a film called “J’ai tue ma mere” when he’s 17.

B. When Suzanne Clement first met Dolan, she doubted his talents.

C. Dolan made the film “Mommy” at the age of 25.

D. Dolan’s film “Mommy” has received the Oscars.

42.The underlined word “compelling” in Para.5 can be replaced by ________.

A. attractive

B. boring

C. pessimistic

D. active

43.How many films did Clement star in Dolan’s films?

A. Four

B. Three

C. Two

D. One

44.When the film “Mommy” premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, _________.

A. it received many criticisms.

B. it attracted no attention at all.

C. it turned out a success.

D. it had already been awarded with the Jury Prize.

45.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. Suzanne Clement and Xavier Dolan

B. Their successful film “Mommy”

C. All their successful films.

D. How to make a film.









41.C 考查细节理解。根据文章以下哪个是正确的?uzanne Clement first met Xavier Dolan when he was 17. Now eight years later, she stars in his acclaimed film "Mommy," .uzanne Clement遇见Xavier Dolan的时候,他17岁。八年后,uzanne Clement出演了他的"Mommy," 。

42.A 考查词义理解与推理判断。划线词“compelling”在文中第五段可以被什么替换?Compelling引人注目的。

43.B 考查推理判断。Clement饰演了几部Dolan的电影?After appearing in Dolan's "J'ai tue ma mere" in 2009, Clement went on to star in his film "Laurence Anyways," 由此可推断出她出演了三部他的电影。

44.C 考查细节理解。电影“Mommy”在 the Cannes Film Festival上首映时,有什么样的结果。C. it turned out a success.结果取得了成功。where audiences gave it a lengthy standing applause before it was awarded with the prestigious Jury Prize. 在这个电影被授予享有盛名的Jury Prize前,观众给予了连续不断的掌声。故选C.

45.B 考查推理判断。本文主要关于什么?纵观全文,它都是紧紧围绕Mummy这一电影展开的。其他选项都与文章主要内容相符。



46.Mary’s mother, a successful businesswoman, would l ike to hold a grand birthday party for Mary’s fourteenth birthday this Saturday. The party should be held in an unusual place where Mary and her friends can eat snacks, play games as well as see films.

47.Tony will be five years old next Sunday. Considering the weather is becoming warmer, his parents plan to take him to a place where they can have a barbecue, eat a birthday cake and play games with some relatives.

48.Linda plans to invite her best friend Tom to celebrate her eleventh birthday. Both the children are fond of hamburgers, French fries and Coke. Also, the parents of the children want to take the opportunity to chat as well.

49.Hunter would like to invite five friends to stay in his community to celebrate his fifteenth birthday. However, his home is very small, and his parents don’t want to hold the party outside their community or spend too much money on it. 50.Peter, a ten-year-old boy, respects firefighters very much and shows great interest in extinguishing fire equipment and stories about firefighters. For his coming birthday, his parents hope to prepare a unique birthday party for him.









46.D 根据玛丽母亲介绍可知,要为14岁生日的玛丽举办生日的party要有特色,她和她的小伙伴们能一起吃零食、玩游戏,还能看电影。选项D介绍的是的是一个允许自带生日蛋糕的出租电影院,提供零食等。这正符合要求。故选D。

47.A 根据介绍,Tom的爸爸妈妈想要带他去一个能进行户外烧烤,吃生日蛋糕,玩游戏的地方过生日。选项A介绍的便是能提供野炊餐桌以及工具、以及供儿童玩耍的器材,并且能买到生日蛋糕的地方。符合要求。故选A。

48.B 根据琳达,我们可知她和她的小伙伴们都喜欢汉堡包、薯条与可乐。并且孩子的家长也想趁此机会好好聊天。选项B,麦当劳能提供以上食物,并且还有其他具有吸引力的游戏场和塑料彩球池,从而家长们也可以放心地让孩子们玩耍,自己也能聊天消遣。符合要求。故选B。

49.F 根据Hunter,他家有点小并且他爸爸妈妈不想在他们社区外举办生日聚会,同时也不想花费太多钱在这个上面。选项F是一个社区俱乐部,能免费提供或以低价租给居民。比你家里,它能提供更多的房间,并且与你的家离得很近。选项F能免费向当地居民提供房间来举行生日聚会,还能让孩子们试穿一些消防员的装备并能合照留影作为生日礼物。符合要求。故选F。

50.E 根据peter,我们可以知道他很喜欢消防员,并且对区分消防装备和关于消防员的故事很感兴趣。选项E能免费向当地居民提供房间来举行生日聚会。另外,消防部还能带生日聚会上的孩子们游览消防站,还能让孩子们试穿一些消防员的装备并能合照留影作为生日礼物。符合要求。故选F。


51.With the increasing popularity of smart phones, more and more young people in China are glued to them.___________________________________________________________________________ _____

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With the increasing popularity of smart phones, more and more young people in China are glued to them. To ensure the safety of phone users on the road, the first “mobile

phone sidewalk in China” was built in Yangrenjie Scenic Spot, Chongqing. It is divided into two pathways, one for cell phone users and the other for those ordinary pedestrians. As for its appearance, different people hold different opinions. Some people think it reasonable, viewing it as a good solution to the unnecessary injuries when they use phones while walking. However, others consider it pointless, believing it would be better if phone users can get rid of the bad habits of getting addicted to using phones and enforce the safety education for pedestrians.



【亮点说明】短文用了短语,增加了文章的语言色彩,如with the increasing popularity of;are glued to;get addicted to等;文章用了分词做状语,表伴随,并使两种观点形成鲜明的对比,把那么多的信息放在了一个句子里来表达,可见写作功底;增加了文章的亮点。考点:考查议论文。

52.“When should I begin to acquire good habits?”a young boy asked his teacher.“How old are you?” asked the teacher.

“Eight years old, sir.”answered the boy.

“Then you have just lost eight years,” the teacher replied.

There is no doubt that habits are formed at a very early age. When one is young, it is easy to acquire good habits.

Good habits are practices that help us in our daily life. The habit of brushing one’s teet h in the morning, for instance, keeps one’s teeth clean and prevents a bad smell which is unpleasant to others. Bad habits such as sticking one’s tongue out, biting one’s fingernails and picking one’s nose, are undesirable ways of behaving in front of others. If we want people to enjoy being with us, we should try to develop habits that are pleasant.

It is said, “We sow an act; we reap a habit. We sow a habit and we reap a character.” The habits we formed at an early age shape our character. Habits are like tributaries(支流) which flow into a river. The river is made up of all its tributaries;

a person’s character is made up of all the habits that he or she has acquired over the years.








1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文的句子。

2. 作文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。



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The author tells us that habits are formed when we are young and we should try to develop good habits, for they benefit us in our daily life and help us shape our character.

I can’t agree more with the author. Cultivating a good habit can not only shape our character, increase our inner beauty but also influence those people around you. Therefore, I think it is of great significance to form a good habit.

As for me, I benefit a lot from my good habits like getting up early to speak English aloud, reviewing and previewing lessons before going to bed every day. In the past, I didn’t dare to speak English before o thers because of my poor pronunciation and I also did badly in my English tests. Thanks to my good habits, however, I have been making progress in my English study. Now I am proud of my speaking and writing in English.

Then how can we form a good habit? First of all, you should be determined to fight against your laziness. Once you make up your mind to do something, never give up easily. Then, you have to be confident, believing that you can become a better person. Last but not least, keep urging yourself. It may take a long period for you to form a good habit but remember it is perseverance that makes you successful!




【亮点说明】短文用了短语,增加了文章的色彩。如:can’t agree more; not only......but also......;还用了一些过渡的衔接词;如:as for me; first of all; last but not least 等;使短文读起来流畅自然。并且用了it is...... That强调句式,增加了文章的亮点。



辽宁省五校2018届高三英语上学期期末考试试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分^满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18. 答案是B。 1. What does the man like about the play? A. The story. B. The ending. C. The actor. 2. Which place are the speakers trying to find? A. A hotel. B. A bank. C. A restaurant. 3. At what time will the two speakers meet? A. 5:20. B. 5:10. C. 4:40. 4. What will the man do? A. Change the plan. B. Wait for a phone call. C. Sort things out. 5. What does the woman want to do? A. See a film with the man. B. Offer the man some help. C. Listen to some great music. 第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答6、7题。 6. Where is Ben?


普通高校招生英语统一口试评分标准及题目 普通高校招生英语统一口试成绩分为优,良,合格,不合格四个评判等级,供相关院校录取时参 注意:1. 考生口试时间一般不超过5分钟 2. 考生进场后,主考一般以下面两句开始: 1. Show me your admission card, please. 2. Sit down, please. 高考口语考试题目 第一套(第一份) 1. What do you usually do at weekends? 2. Which teacher do you like best in senior high school? Why? 3. How do you feel about your middle school life? (第二份) 1. Which film star do you like best? Why? 2. Do you like to be a volunteer? Why / why not? 3. Do you often help your parents with the housework? Why/ why not? (第三份) 1.What would you like to be in the future? 2.Can you say something about Internet? 3.Do you often practice your English Writing? Why/ why not? 第二套(第一份) 1.Do you like helping others? Why/ why not? 2.Do you like watching movies in your spare time? Why/ why not? 3.Would you please say something about a place you have visited? (第二份) 1.Can you say something about your favorite teacher? 2.What is the happiest thing in your life? Why? 3.Would you please tell us something about your favorite singer(s)? (第三份) 1.What animal do you like best? Why? 2.How do you practice your oral English? 3.Which scientist do you like best? Why? 第三套(第一份)


广东高考英语听说考前训练及技巧 2017.11.6 广东高考英语人机对话口语考试分三部分:(共60分,折算15分) 第一部分:Reading Aloud 根据视频大声朗读文章,要求流利通顺,文章中有一定的新词汇。 (20分) 第二部分:Role Play 要求扮演角色,与电脑互问互答,先根据提示问三个问题,再回答五个问题。(16分) 第三部分:Oral Competition 口头作文,听一篇文章,然后根据故事梗概和关键词,复述该故 事。(24分) 听说合考总的答题策略: 1、调整话筒,让话筒靠近嘴巴,保证录音质量。 2、养成作好笔记的习惯。 3、录音答题时保持镇定,确保自己的发挥。 Part A 答题技巧 应试技巧:第一遍看视频听录音时,注意力应放在说话者的发音、语调和意群停顿上,同时尽可能地记下一些关键词语。自我演练时,考生首先要熟悉画外音所叙述的内容,记住需要换气和停顿的地方。第二遍边听录音边看视频上文字时,最为关键的是要注意说话者的语频,并对个别较难发音的词语加以关注。录音时,考生是看着相同的视频片段进行录音。这时最为关键的是语频要与视频上显示的保持一致。一定要读出来,碰到不懂的单词,按字母规律发音,不要不读。 Part B答题技巧 1).听前抢读和预测: 预测可能出现的词汇(尤其是关键词),和出题方向。 如:情景介绍:女士和男士谈论即将来临的面试

预测:关键词interview 可能出题方向When will you have the interview? How will you go there? Are you prepared for /nervous about it? 2)做笔记,抓关键信息 前面的英文短片部分和三问部分是所有听力信息的输入部分,这两部分要做好听力笔记。在三问环节,计算机会回答两遍.计算机回答问题的内容往往是下一部分回答的答案或提示。 观看英文短片时要在听懂大意的同时留意涉及的人物、事物、时间、行为等相关信息(5w1h),并适当做笔记,在短时间内强记细节信息,如年代,单价,折扣价,门牌号等。 练习快速记笔记,用最简洁的符号记录信息。如字母/箭头/数字/汉字/图形等。 如:考生用英语提问:新图书馆周末开放吗? (Is the library open on weekends?) 计算机回答 (Y es. It‘s open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekends and it opens one hour earlier from Monday to Friday. 播放2遍) 计算机提问 (When does the new library open from Monday to Friday? 播放2遍) 考生回答计算机提问(It opens at 8:00 a.m. from Monday to Friday.) 3)准确获取信息后,考生不需要再关注画面,应更留心使用规范的英语进行问答。 4)时间上的把握,注意力高度集中(整个过程) 5)放弃过去的信息。 Part B 答题注意事项 1).提问部分


广东高考英语听说考试 满分经验 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

广东高考英语听说考试满分经验 我是今年(2017年)6月毕业的广东考生,很幸运的是,我听说考试拿了满分。其实这个不确定因素很大,最最重要是考试时候的状态。 1、我先跟你说说考试那会的事吧。一般来说一个班里总会有那么些人被分在了同一个考试的语音室,进去以后尽量跟听力好的人在一起,那里的隔音效果都不会好,所以你很容易听到别人的答案(当然最好是你自己确定答案,那时我们有一个考试语音室的人跟着大家喊同一个答案,结果都错了)。 2、考试分3部分,第一部分是电脑给一段视频(英文配音英文字幕,一般是介绍某个动物或者地方的视频),电脑第一次放视频的时候,你不要急着跟读,留意出现的陌生单词的读音,快速笔记,之后它给出原文文字并停1分钟左右给你练习,快速读一遍,记下不会读的单词,等下一次播音,记住,前面几句一定一定要读的非常非常熟,据一些老师的说法,很多评分员只听前几句,因为他们要听很多份也会疲倦。第三次放音的时候跟读。然后就是你自己跟着视频字幕读了,一定记住,读的时候不要结巴,一定要大声而且装作很有底气的样子,我听过自己的录音,声音有没有底气效果出来真的差很多,就算你突然忘了某个单词怎么读也要流利的随便读一个过去,老师有时是听不出你读错没有,但他肯定能听出你是否流利。所以一定要集中精神。 3、第二部分是念一段话然后让你对着中文字幕翻译几个问题,在回答他英文问的无字幕的问题,开始的一段话是读一遍,所以一定要听清而且一定要做笔记,非常快那种缩写笔记。我那时候因为第二部分好几题没听清,所以跟着旁边的女生喊的答案,其实我也不知道我喊的是什么,不过当你真的不知答案的时候,认真听旁边的答案,跟着念,一定要念的像,就算你不知道他喊得是啥,只要在时间范围内迟一点答题也没关系的。很奇怪的是,我跟着旁边的女生念,她14分,我15分满分了。所以我想应该是老师听着你的读音跟正确答案比较像就给分了,而且我念的很有气-装作很肯定答案的样子。 4、第三部分是电脑念一篇短文(一般是故事)念两遍,然后给时间你整理练习,之后自己复述故事内容。听的时候一定要做笔记,越详细越好。这一部分的评分标准是一共有那么十几个要点,答对一个就给相应的分数,所以念的很罗嗦也没关系,尽可能把你听到的信息说出来。而且,还是那句话,念的要有底气!一定要流利! 5、说说平时吧,找几十份听力练习题,就是考试形式的那种,可以买一本专门的广东听说训练的练习册,配光碟的,英语双语报也有相关联系。然后就是不断地练习了,练的时候找好节奏,就是听的过程中怎样记笔记的问题,你最好找到一种英文单词缩写的办法(自己能看明白的)因为考试那时候真的没时间记完所有信息,要学会简写重点的词,联系时一个是练你的听力,一个试炼你的记笔记的能力技巧。 6、如果你的听力真的很差那种,那么你要恶补一下了,去网上下一些听力(可以是疯狂英语的听力,一篇篇短文的那种,跟考试录音比较像)每天睡前起床必须要听,最好吃饭也听,而且要尽力听懂,这比较难,不过这样你坚持一个星期效果肯定出来了。我听力一般般,这样在睡前听几篇,一个星期后能听比较快的英文了。 7、对了,补充一点小细节,考试的时候每一段录音放完后会滴一声然后进入答题时间,你会看到一个倒计时间的条,记住,别太赶着答题,有时候滴一声后1-3秒内电脑还没进入录音状态,我练习时有一次就是太急了有几个单词念出来没被录进电脑。。 这是我本身的一些经验,希望对你有帮助,不要太紧张,考前一定要睡好,个人感觉考场上状态比平时重要,退一万步讲,我们那届分数出来分数段在9-15分,15分很少,14分


2011-2012学年度第一学期高三年级 英语试题 第一部分英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分) 第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。、 1. loose A. present B. usual C. usage D. rose 2. south A. courage B. soup C. southern D. trousers 3. official A. concert B. ocean C. coast D. century 4. steam A. hear B. nearly C. mean D. heart 5.judge B. husband C.true D. huge 第二节情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.选项中有两个为多余选项。 A: Any good news? B: Not really. 6 So I was left behind after school yesterday. A: 7 B: Sometimes I do. The day before yesterday, I was quiet in my history class but I still had to stay after school. A: 8 B: Because I fell asleep. But it wasn’t m y fault. 9 A: I advise you to take school more seriously. If you don’t pass your exam, you will have to drop out and work as a result; B: 10 If I have a job, I have to do dull work every day. But now I am in school, I must listen to dull teachers every day. A: Something must be wrong with you. Go to the psychologist first. A: You are lazy. B: I don’t understand. C: You made your teacher angry. D: Better keep quiet in class. E: The lesson is dull. F: I don’t think it makes much difference. G: I was talking without being asked in class. 第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 11.The CEO needs an assistant with ____ little knowledge of German and ___ experience in administrative management. A. the, an B.the, / C. a, an D. a, / 12. Many houses were destroyed in the heavy rain. They should get them _____. A. to repair B. repaired C. repairing D. repair 13. Allow children to voice their opinions, ____ they are different from your own.

高考改革英语新增口语考试:怎么教 如何学

高考改革英语新增口语考试:怎么教如何学 根据上海新高考方案,从2017年起,外语考试每一年举行两次,在听力和笔试的基础上,首次引入英语口语考试,纳入总分。那么新高考后的英语学科,老师应该怎么教,学生究竟如何学,为此,记者采访了来自市教育考试院的专家、高中教研员和英语教师。 口语测试,选考成了必考 市教育考试院专家徐雯介绍,2017年起,英语口语考试将采用人机对话的考查方式,而口语和听力是什么样的题型,分别占总分比例是多少,这些目前还没有明确。待实施细则出台,届时会向社会公布。 其实,上海高考外语口语考试之前一直都有。高校招生专业不同,有的专业对外语口试有所要求,学生可自行报名参加。2012年起,上海为了减轻学生备考压力,取消了高考英语口试,而是在高中学业水平考试的外语考试中单独进行口语测试,时间为20分钟,口语测试成绩分合格、不合格两类;“合格”成绩再分A、B、C、D四个等第。 不少实验性示范性高中老师表示,之前,基本上所有参加高考的学生都会选择报考英语口试,即使不一定会报考英语相关专业,也会抱着试一试的态度参加。有些学校则会统一要求学生报考。从2017年起增加口语考,对这部分学生来说影响不大。青浦区教师进修学院英语教研员郝民说,对于普通中学学生、特别是郊区中学学生来说,英语口语考从选考变成必考,还是颇有压力,不善于“说”的学生要提前准备起来。 新高考口语考查的是什么 徐雯表示,不管口语题型和占总分比例是多少,考查的核心都是学生应用英语这门语言的能力,而单靠做题、背单词并不能提高应用语言的能力。 目前,高中英语学业水平考的口语试题包括朗读句子、情景提问、看图说话、听说结合、简述与问答等题型。专家们表示,新高考英语口语考虽然题型没有公布,但考查内容万变不离其宗。 在徐雯看来,英语听说测试的知识目标和写作、阅读等类似,但是口语考查更注重表达。“首先应该解决实际生活碰到的问题。”徐雯说,比如去超市买东西、问路等,这些都是生活中经常碰到的事,学生们学英语要重视这种日常交流。 仅仅会日常交流,显然不能符合英语口语考的要求。对于高中生来说,外语成为一门语言工具,还需要他能借助外语清晰地表达自己的看法、感受和观点。不少英语教研员表示,能自如叙述一件事,或者阐述一个观点,这是更深层次的外语表达。这种表达测试在之前上海进行的口语测试中就多次涉及。另外,与写作、阅读考查不同,口语考查可能还涉及到测语音。专家预测,虽然目前上海对此没有硬性要求,并不代表今后不会引入语音测试。有的


高考英语口试材料 12 套、广东高考英语口语考试题型分析及备考策略、提高高考英语听力的 六大关键及高考英语听力应试注意事项 Test One Part One People do get hurt in "adventure sports" and the most dangerous is climbing, which kills eight people a year. But it is not always obvious which activities are dangerous. For instance, two people die every year in hanggliding accidents, but the same number are killed by badminiton, whereas six people a year die in fishing accidents! So "exciting" isn't always the same as "dangerous". This is even more true when you consider the activities of every day life. Many more people die due to accidents in the home than from sports of any king. Part Two 1.It's nice of you to show me around your school. 2.What about taking Bus No 104 to the Shanghai Railway Station? 3.I am sorry I have to leave now. I have to catch the last bus. 4.How did you enjoy the concert last night? 5.I wonder if I could use your mobile phone. Part Three (1-2)Your friend is inviting you to see a film. Ask your friend two questions about it. (3-4)You have a toothache and want to make a appointment to see Dr Brown. The nurse asks you two questions. Part Four What do you think of the development of transportation in Shanghai? Part Five The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday... Test Two Part One Teenagers who don't get up in the morning are brighter and more successful. A study of students' sleep by reserarchers in the USA found that teenagers who get up early are often tired and can't concentrate in class. "Young children love to get up early but teenagers have a different biological clock," says a professor of Brown University. Her reserach showed that teenagers naturally go to sleep and wake up later than normal-for good biological reasons. Now many American schools have changed the start of their morning classes from 7.30 to 8.30 or even 9.00. Part Two 1.(Telephone rings) Hello, may I speak to Mr Smith? 2.I'm sorry that I forgot to bring the book here. 3.I'd love you to come to my birthday party. 4.Why not have another cup of tea? 5.You're busy. Is there anything I can do for you? Part Three (1-2)You are in your Rnglish teacher's office, asking the teacher two questions about English learning.


2013年广东高考英语听说考试A Michelle’s Part A: Reading Aloud 录像原文:根据音频朗读并标出重音′、停顿/ 、连读⌒、升调↗、降调↘,并注意黑体单词音标。 In the heart of London sits one of Britain’s most recognisable buildings. Yet its story is one of the least understood. But what is now the site of a spendid palace was once open countryside. As royal residences go, Buckingham Palace is something of a newcomer. The state rooms are less than 200 years old. Yet its history is much older and more dramatic than you might think. Its rooms are filled with objects that are clues to the character of kings and queens past. And the art and architecture combine to make a statement about Britain’s place in the world. Part B: Role Play 角色:你是校电视台记者Mary 任务:(1)就新技术对教育的影响采访Dr. Brown; (2)根据谈话内容回答同学们的提问。 1. Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinese tips. (1) Please get ready to ask the first question in English. 中文呈现:在将来的教室里互联网有什么用? 提问:? (2) Please get ready to ask the second question in English. 中文呈现:将来学生如何参加考试? 提问:? (3) Please get ready to ask the third question in English. 中文呈现:将来学生需要学习什么? 提问:? 2. Please get ready to answer five questions in English. (1) Please get ready to answer the first question. 回答:. (2) Please get ready to answer the second question. 回答:. (3) Please get ready to answer the third question. 回答:. (4) Please get ready to answer the fourth question. 回答:. (5) Please get ready to answer the fifth question.


广东省清远市清城区高三第一学期期末统考(B)卷 英语试题 (本卷满分150分,时间120分钟) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the man want to do? A.Fly a kite. B.Go to the park. C.Play on the Internet. 2.What will the girl buy this evening? A.Sunglasses. B.A scarf.C.Gloves. 3.What does the man suggest the woman do? A.Take a taxi.B.Walk to the hotel.C.Ask someone else for help.4.Who is probably the woman? A.A hotel clerk.B.A police officer.C.The man's wife. 5.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A birthday party.B.New Year's gifts.C.The man's parents. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.What is the party for? A.A birthday. B.A graduation ceremony.C.A wedding. 7.Where does the man’s cousin 1ive now?


高考英语口语考试备考须知 成绩评定评分等第为优、良、及格、不及格。一般情况下高校的要求要在良以上。 评分标准: 优:语音、语调准确,吐音清晰,朗读流利,对句子重读、意群和停 顿、连读、节奏等方面把握较好,能回答主考所提出的问题。 良:语音、语调比较准确,朗读流利,对重读、意群和停顿、连读、节 奏等把握较好,基本上能回答主考所提出的问题。 及格:语音、语调基本准确,虽有些错音,但能模仿出正确读音,朗读 较为流利,能回答主考所提出的部分问题。 不及格:口吃、大舌、嘶哑、方言过重或有其他先天性发音障碍(即可评为不及格),语音语调差,且无法模仿出正确的读音,朗读文段不流利,几乎回答不了主考所提出的问题。 大部分的学生经过认真准备,达到良的水平一般都没有问题,考官培训的时候也都被要求放低标准,尽量不卡考生的前程。所以大家放松心情,一定要自信,你们都很棒! 为大家考试顺利特补充以下几点:(请大家格外注意黑体部分) 考试内容: 福建省高考英语口试主要由两大内容组成:1,朗读短文;2,回答问题。 一,短文。在短文朗读过程中,将着重考查考生的语音、语调、流 利度、重读、意群、连读、节奏等基本的语音技能。所以应在1分钟准备的时候一边快熟朗读,一边读懂短文,有利于正式考试的时候能够按照意群朗读达到理想的效果。同时,文章中还会出现若干个非常见人名、地名,遇到读不出来的单词,你可根据词型,大概发音就行,不要卡在那了,关键是流利。还要注意序数词,2nd, 3rd 等以及较长数字如 754,000,000的准确读法。 另外,值得注意的是朗读和回答不必求快,从容自然的表现不仅给人留下良好的印象,也有利于你与考官的交流。 二,问题。问题将由教官口头提出。考生将见不到考题的文字。这也是同时在考查考生的听力能力。毕竟,听、说不分家。考生如果没有听 清问题,可以请考官重复问题。口试过程中有些紧张,有时考官提出的问题不太明白,你可请他再重复一遍,用诸如这样的问话I’m sorry! I don’t quite follow you. Would you like to repeat your question/ Could your say it again/ I beg you pardon! 思考过程中的思维流停顿、反复,是可以被接受的。如果需要做思考再回答的,可以说:“Let me think it over for a


高考听说口语考试常用问答句 一·一般疑问句及回答 ①Are you + 名词?“你是···?答“yes, 主谓”或者“no, 否定” Eg. Are you American? Yes, I am. ∕No, I am not. ②Is this your……?“这是你的……吗?” Eg. Is this your skirt? Yes, it is. ∕No, it isn’t. ③Are ∕is there any……?“有些……吗” Eg. Is there any bread on the table? Yes, there is. ∕No, there isn’t. ④Can you ……?“你能够(可以)……吗” Eg. Can you speak English? Yes, I can. ∕No, I can’t. ⑤Do you like……?∕Would you like some……?“你喜欢……吗” Eg. Do you like apple? Yes, I do. ∕No, I don’t. ⑥Do you want……? “你想要……吗?” Eg. Do you want a cup of coffee? Yes, please.∕No, thanks. ⑦Have you ……?“你已经……了吗” Has she had breakfast? Yes, she has.∕No, she hasn’t. ⑧Is that all? “就这些了吗?” That’s all. 总结:一般疑问句特点是把谓语动词或者助动词提到主语之前,回答的时候,先回答yes或者no,接着主语加谓语动词或者助动词即可。


2019—2020学年度高三校际联合检测 英语 2020.01 本试卷共三部分,共10页。满分120分。考试时间100分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将答题卡上交。 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Barbican Art Gallery A world-class arts and learning center,the Barbican pushes the boundaries of all major art forms including dance,film,music,theater and many visual arts from Egypt.Tickets: Adult:£10 online/£12 at the door 13-17 years old:£6 online/£8 at the door Children aged 12 and under:Free Opening Times: Sat.—Wed.:10 a.m.—6 p.m.;Thu.—Fri.:10 a.m.—9 p.m. Review by Laura Miller:I have just watched To Kill a Mockingbird here.The play and actors were fantastic.Nice and clean ladies’toilets with hot water.During the interval,they were selling the usual ice cream and drinks.Not all staff were friendly,but most were.I would come again to watch another show or even the same one. The British Museum


本试卷分第I卷(选择题) 和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考 试用时120分钟,满分150分。 考试结束,将答题卡交回。 第I卷(共100分) 1.答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用直径0 . 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,井贴好条形码。 请认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名和科目。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答 案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28,1926. Since Lee’s mother was mentally ill, she was raised by her father. She became very close to her father. The naughty Lee loved reading, and would make up stories

with Truman Capote, her neighbor who was two years older than her. Seeing his daughter’s imagination, Lee’s father gave her a typewriter. Before her final year in the University of Alabama, Lee dropped out to become a writer. She moved to New York City where her childhood friend Truman was already established as a famous writer. While there, she worked on her first book —To kill a Mockingbird. It won her the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 and was made into an Academy Award winning movie the following year. To kill a Mockingbird tells the story of six-year-old Scout and her brother who live in the town of Maycomb, Alabama with their single father Atticus. Atticus is a lawyer who defends the blacks. At a young age, Scout is exposed to the terrors of segregation(种族隔离). Then, in 2014, the first draft of a new book —Go Set a Watchman was discovered among Lee’s papers. It is the story of 26-year-old Scout who returns to Maycomb to visit her father. She is shocked to find her father a changed man. Atticus has turned into a segregationist! The story shows the mixed feelings Scout has for the changes that have taken place in her hometown and father. A loner for most of her life, Harper Lee stayed unmarried,


高考英语口语考试试题 及其解答过程 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

第一套 Part One: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read. Several studies have shown that humor seems to help sick people get back their health faster. The idea is not new. But today, doctors are still trying to figure out exactly how this works. In some hospitals, doctors do scientific experiments with laughter. They show funny films like Mr. Bean to patients who have diseases to make them laugh. Actors dress up in silly clothes and tell funny jokes. Smiles and laughter seem to make illness less painful. In addition, the hospital atmosphere is more cheerful for everyone. Part Two: Make quick responses to the sentences you hear: 1.How do you go to school everyday 2. 3.Why don’t you wear that new coat 4. 5. 6.Watch your steps, please. 7.Hey, please don’t use my dictionary without asking. 8.Oh, I’m really sorry, I’ve knocked over your tea. Part Three: Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation: (1-2) You want to buy a digital camera. You are now at the camera counter in a department store. You ask the shop assistant… (3-4) Your friend Li Mei has just returned from her trip to Qingdao. You ask her … Part Four: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk on this topic in at least six sentences. Do you think it necessary for teenagers to keep off fast food such as fried chicken and potato chips Why or why not Part Five: you will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk about the following pictures in at least seven sentences. Begin your talk with the sentence given. Yesterday was Xiao Ming’s seventeenth birthday. 第二套 Part One: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read. Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular way is to participate in sports. There are team sports, such as baseball, basketball and football. There are individual sports, also, such as golf and swimming. In addition, hiking, skiing, and mountain climbing have a great attraction for people who like to be outdoors. Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to participate in them. Many people prefer to be spectators, either by attending the games in person, or watching them on television.
