1 Boolean System Revisited Its Performance and its Behavior

[5] Salton, G. (1972) “A new comparison between conventional indexing (MEDLARS) and automatic text processing (SMART),” Journal of the American Society for Information Science, V ol.23, 75-84.

[6] Evans, L. (1975) “Search strategy variations in SDI pro?les,” Report

R75/21, INSPEC, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London.

[7] Evans, L. (1975) “Methods of ranking SDI and IR outputs,” Report R75/ 23, INSPEC, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London.

[8] Turtle, H. (1994) “Natural language vs. Boolean query evaluation: A comparison of retrieval performance,” Proceedings of the 17th Annual Inter-national ACM-SIGIR conference, 212-221, Dublin, Ireland.

[9] Harman, D. K., editor. (1996) Overview of the Fourth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-4), to be published by NIST.

[10] Lu, X. A. and Keefer, R. B. (1995) “Query expansion/reduction and its impact on retrieval effectiveness,” Overview of the Third Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-3), NIST Special Publication 500-225, edited by D. K. Harman, 231-240.

[11] Tague, J. M. (1981) “The pragmatics of information retrieval experimen-tation,” Information Retrieval Experiment, Chapter 5, 59-102, edited by K. S. Jones, Butterworth.

The test results from this static design suggest that the Boolean system could have a similar performance as the best relevance ranking systems in the envi-ronment of TREC4. A closer examination on mean precision and mean recall, however, suggest that the selected ranking systems, especially the manual ad hoc systems did slightly better, but not statistically signi?cant. The results from the one-way ANOV A tests and the associated MANOV A tests are very consistent throughout.

Unlike the other reported research work, this study took a step further to examine the retrieval behavior of the selected systems. The behavior was

de?ned as the capability of a system in retrieving uniquely relevant docu-ments and unique documents for a query. The Boolean searcher may hesitate to only rely on the ranking system if the Boolean system maintains such a capability. The results from the behavior tests do suggest that the Boolean system tends to retrieve a set of relevant documents that is signi?cantly dif-ferent from the relevant set retrieved by the selected ranking systems. On the other hand, the unique document set that the Boolean system tends to create is not that distinct from the unique set that the ranking systems tend to build, especially when the ranking systems are those manual ad hoc systems in TREC4.

5.0 References

[1] Aitchison, T. M. Et al. (1970) “Comparative evaluation of indexing lan-guages, Part II: Results,” Report R70/2, INSPEC, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London.

[2] Cleverdon, C. W. (1970) An investigation into a suitable mechanised information retrieval system at the defense operational analysis establish-ment, Cran?eld Institute of Technology.

[3] Miller, W. L. (1971) “The ef?ciency of MEDLARS titles for retrieval,”Journal of the American Society for Information Science, V ol.22, 318-321.

[4] Miller, W. L. (1971) “A probabilistic search strategy for MEDLARS,”Journal of Documentation, V ol.27, 254-266.

Critical value of T = 1.96824

Least signi?cant difference = 11.812

Comparisons signi?cant indicated by ***Difference between Means

boolean - uwgcl1 1.224

boolean - CnQst2 7.776

boolean - pircs213.020***

boolean - INQ20215.061***

uwgcl1 - CnQst2 6.551

uwgcl1 - pircs211.796

uwgcl1 - INQ20213.837***

.... no other comparisons are signi?cant

4.0 Conclusion

A study of comparing the Boolean retrieval system to the general ranking systems was carried out during and after TREC4. The conference provided a rare opportunity for constructing a sound experiment design to compare these two types of retrieval systems. The design bene?ted from 1) the large and diverse test databases, 2) the short query topics, 3) the interactive search instructions for Boolean search, and 4) the list of the best performed ranking systems for comparison. The design used the existing cutoff method, based on the size of a Boolean document set to turn the ranking document list to a document set for comparing it to the Boolean set. This method separates retrieval and presenting since the former can be studied statically while the latter needs a situation of information need to justify the effectiveness of a particular presentation scheme such as subject relevance or subject currency. The discussion of the design suggests that for the purpose of presenting retrieved documents subject relevance is merely one of many different rele-vance dimensions, and that with the possibility of presenting the retrieved along different relevance dimensions, the traditional relevance ranking prin-ciple appears rigid and in?exible.

Critical value of studentized range = 4.057Minimum signi?cant difference = 3.96

Means with the same letter are

not signi?cantly different

Tukey Grouping Mean N System

A 6.42949boolean

B A 6.24549uwgcl1 B A 6.08249CnQst2


C 3.73549pircs2

C 2.08249INQ202

Critical value of Studentized range = 4.057Minimum signi?cant difference = 17.218

Means with the same letter are

not signi?cantly different

Tucky Grouping Mean N System

A32.02049boolean A30.79649uwgcl1 A24.24549CnQst2 A19.00049pircs2 A16.95949INQ202

described in the preceding paragraph for the automatic ad hoc systems. As before the results from the general one-way ANOV A analysis reported in [Table 7] for the variable uniquely relevant document and the variable unique document suggest that there is at least one system in the current matrix that is signi?cantly different from the rest.

The voting in multiple comparison in [Table 8] is that the Boolean system retrieved more uniquely relevant documents than “INQ202” did, and both “uwgcl1” and “CnQst2” retrieved more uniquely relevant documents than “INQ202” did. “pircs2” is apparently neutral and is indifferent from any other system. In terms of retrieving just unique documents the Tukey group-ing in [Table 9] fails in indicating which system(s) contributed to the signi?-cant difference detected in [Table 7]. It is only the pairwise T-tests in [Table 10] that suggest that the Boolean system is more productive in ?nding unique documents than “pircs2” and “INQ202”, and “uwgcl1” is more productive than “INQ202”. The tests in [Table 9-10] still suggest that the Boolean sys-tem is different from at least some of the manual ad hoc systems in retrieving system5


Source DF Anova SS mean sqr F value Pr > F

system41000.68200.136 4.29.0009


Source DF Anova SS mean sqr F value Pr > F

system410719.822143.964 2.43.0353

Manova Test:no system effect

S = 2M = 1N = 142.5

Statistic Value F Num DF Den DF Fr > F

Wilks’.918748 2.484410547.0064

Roy’s.079987 4.60735288.0005

For the variable unique document, a similar examination to [Table 6], how-ever, reveals a slightly different picture. It is that the Boolean system only retrieved more unique documents than “CrnlAE” did, the Boolean system retrieved a similar number of unique documents as the three other systems,namely, “INQ201” “cityal” and “pircs1.”

Turning to the second behavior matrix consisting of the Boolean system and the manual ad hoc systems, the picture is more complicated than the one

Critical value of studentized range = 3.887

Minimum signi?cant difference = 3.976

Means with the same letter are not signi?cantly different Tukey Grouping Mean N System A 9.61249boolean B 3.83749CrnlAE B 3.22449pircs1 B 2.71449citya1 B




Critical value of studentized range = 3.887

Minimum signi?cant difference = 20.919

Means with the same letter are not signi?cantly different Tukey Grouping Mean N System A 39.87849boolean B A 25.93949INQ201B A 22.06149citya1B A 21.77649pircs1B








3.2 Retrieval Behavior

The results from analyzing the retrieval behavior of the Boolean and auto-matic ad hoc systems suggest that the systems are different. As illustrated in [Table 4] some systems in the ?rst behavior matrix retrieved more uniquely relevant documents as well as more unique documents than other systems in the group. The examination to [Table 5] reveals that it is the Boolean system that made the difference. The Boolean system is statistically different from any automatic ad hoc system in the group in retrieving more uniquely rele-system5


Source DF Anova SS mean sqr F value Pr > F



Source DF Anova SS mean sqr F value Pr > F

system415677.413919.35 2.76.0284

Manova Test:no system effect

S = 2M = 0.5N = 118.5

Statistic Value F Num DF Den DF Pr > F

Wilks’.854631 4.88218478.0001


either precision measure or recall measure [T able 2]. The ANOV A test was repeated with the data transformed ?rst using square root function and sec-ond using the inverse trigonometric sine function to take care the potential problem of unequal variances usually associated with percentage ?gures. The system10


Source DF Anova SS mean sqr F value Pr > F



Source DF Anova SS mean sqr F value Pr > F


Manova test:no system effect

S = 2M = 3N = 238.5

Statistic Value F Num DF Den DF Pr > F


Roy’s.016554.88299480.5404 multivariate analysis of variance that took both precision and recall into account also suggest that there is no statistical difference among the 10 sys-tems.

The 2 Tukey Groupings generated by Tukey’s Studentized Range Test for the variable precision and the variable recall contain only one group that covers every system, suggesting, again, that there is no signi?cant difference among the 10 systems. The mean precisions and the mean recalls copied from the 2 Tukey Groupings are listed in [Table3] for the 10 systems.

mance difference among the 10 systems. When such difference is detected, the further analysis like Tukey’s Studentized Range (HSD) Test or pairwise T-test can be employed to ?nd out the system(s) that is different from the rest. MANOV A test can also be applied to this matrix to obtain the multivariate statistics of the two dependent variables.

This study takes an additional step to investigate whether the different sys-tems tend to retrieve different documents or more speci?cally different rele-vant documents in a quantitative term. For this task a matrix with the same dimensions as the precision-recall matrix described in the preceding para-graph is populated with the number of unique documents retrieved and with the number of unique relevant documents retrieved in each cell. Once the populated matrix is ready, the same one-way ANOV A test and the same MANOV A test can be applied to it, with both the number of unique docu-ments and the number of unique relevant documents as dependent variables and system as independent variable. The test results should provide the insight as to whether the systems tend to retrieve a similar amount of unique documents and unique relevant documents.

A de?nition for unique documents and unique relevant documents is in order. Initially the unique document to a system was de?ned as a document that was only retrieved by that system. The same de?nition applied to the unique rele-vant documents. Since the Boolean system is more comparable to the man-ual ad hoc systems, this study splits the matrix into two, the ?rst behavior matrix having the Boolean system and the 4 manual ad hoc systems, and the second behavior matrix having the Boolean system and the 4 automatic ad hoc systems.

Note that a system with a capability of retrieving many unique documents is not necessarily a better system in terms of precision and recall. A system with such a behavior is merely a different system, and it may be helpful to the searchers in their recall-oriented research work.

3.0 Results

3.1 Retrieval Effectiveness

The one-way ANOV A test results from analyzing the precision-recall matrix suggest that there is no statistical difference among the 10 systems in terms of

average macro-precision and macro-recall [9] are 0.38 and 0.22, respectively. The composed E measure with alpha=0.5 is 0.76.

The relevance ranking systems in this study are the four best performers in the automatic and manual ad hoc tests [6]. Since both the Boolean system and the manual ad hoc systems had human involvement, their results are more comparable. The automatic ad hoc systems were included and com-pared for drawing a general performance conclusion.

The four best automatic ranking systems are “CrnlAE” from Cornell Univer-sity, “pircs1” from Queen’s College, “citya1” from City University of Lon-don, and “INQ201” from University of Massachusetts. Later another system “CrnlAL” from Cornell University was added to this group. The four best manual systems are “CnQst2” from Excalibur Technologies Inc., “pircs2”from Queens College, “uwgcl1” from University of Waterloo, and “INQ202”from university of Massachusetts.. For each of the selected ranking systems its 50 rank lists submitted to NIST for scoring were used for comparison. The query relevance table was also used for extracting the relevant documents from the rank lists.

To make the Boolean search results comparable to the ranking results, this study turned every relevance rank list into a document set using the size of the corresponding Boolean answer set generated for the same query [5]. The major bene?t of this method is its focus on the process of search, leaving out the process of presenting search results and the associated relevance factors such as subject relevance and subject currency, and allowing a more static comparison with a better experimental control. The other arguments in the introduction section regarding the favorable TREC4 environment further reduce the potential bias usually associated with this method.

The actual design can be easily represented in a form of a matrix with its rows as queries and its columns as various systems, Boolean or ranking. Each cell in the matrix has two items, precision ratio and recall ratio calculated for a particular system and a particular query. Since there are 49 (Topic 201 was removed from the test by NIST) queries and 10 systems, the matrix has 490 cells or 490 pairs of precision and recall ratios. The populated matrix invites a typical one-way ANOV A analysis with both precision and recall as depen-dent variables and system as independent variable. The results from the one-way ANOV A test should indicate whether there is any signi?cant perfor-

Finally the number of interactions with the system is very limited and in some cases is zero. The limited number of interaction with the system enhance the comparability of the Boolean search results to those from the ranking systems.


























The Boolean search results can be summarized as follows: The range of search time is from 4 and half minutes to 143 minutes, the average search time is 38 minutes, and the median search time is 30 minutes. The average micro-precision and micro-recall [11] are 0.4 and 0.17, respectively, and the

yet, the ad hoc search with manual query expansion in TREC4 is very similar to the Boolean search from the search procedure point of view.

2.0 Experiment Design

The Boolean search results are the results that Lexis-Nexis submitted to the interactive search track in TREC4. Brie?y, each of the 10 Boolean search subjects, the Boolean search experts from the customer services department, was given 5 of the 50 TREC4 ad hoc topics in the sequence from 201 to 250. The topic assignment ignores any speci?c subject expertise on the part of any given subject. The databases for the ad hoc tests in TREC3 and TREC4 were loaded into the Lexis-Nexis online system for the subjects to access them through a Boolean querying interface. The interface provides every Boolean search feature that one can ?nd in the commercial online systems, including word truncation and proximity. Some subjects interacted with the TREC3 queries and data for getting familiar with the TREC environment. The sub-jects were instructed to complete each search topic within 30 minutes and to create an answer set that is fairly precise and comprehensive as they usually do for their customers. The test searches were carried out by the subjects, in their of?ces, on a time available basis. In most cases, the topics were begun and ?nished without interruption. However, in some cases, a topic was saved, while business demands had to be met. This environment accounts for some of the lengthy times associated with a few topics.

For the purpose of this study the Lexis-Nexis entry for the interactive track did a few tasks that were neither required nor instructed. For maintaining the sample size the Lexis-Nexis entry did all 50 topics instead of the required 25 for the interactive search task. Next, unlike other interactive search entries in TREC4 the ?nal answer set for every test topic represents the complete docu-ment set from a single Boolean search without reviewing each individual retrieved document. That is, the subjects did not manually construct the ?nal answer set to include those documents deemed relevant by them, or to exclude those documents deemed not relevant by them. This is the major rea-son why the sizes of the answer sets have a wider range (Table 1) than those from other interactive systems. This is also the reason that the Boolean search results are more comparable to those of the manual ad hoc in TREC4 where the designer of the ranking system manually built the ?nal search queries.

machine interaction. As a result, the ranking system may maintain a better performance by ranking the old and relevant document higher than the recent and relevant while the Boolean system may suffer given the same ranking sequence. For a better experimental design it is prudent to retreat to only compare the density of retrieved relevant documents in the Boolean and rank-ing systems, leaving the issue of determining which relevance factor, subject relevance or subject currency, is more important to the searcher.

These reported studies also failed in looking into the retrieved documents to examine whether the retrieved from different systems are similar or signi?-cantly different regardless their recall and precision performances. When there are many relevant documents available the systems with comparable performance may have different retrieval behavior, that is, they retrieve dif-ferent sets of the relevant documents. Speci?cally, the Boolean searcher would be reluctant to migrate to the natural language search system if the Boolean system tends to ?nd different relevant documents. Thus it is desir-able to look beyond the traditional effectiveness measures when comparing the Boolean system and the ranking system.

TREC4 [9] presents an excellent opportunity to conduct a thorough compari-son of the Boolean system and the relevance ranking system. First of all, the test data is suf?ciently large and diverse, putting adequate stress on the involved systems. Particularly neither the Boolean search subject nor the ranking system designer is able to guess the amount of relevant documents in the test databases. Second, the test queries are much shorter than those used in the ?rst three TRECs, with the average size (i.e., number of searchable words) close to the query size in the commercial retrieval environment [10]. Without the short queries the experimental design will favor the relevance ranking system and punish the Boolean system. Third, the search instructions designed for the interactive search track in TREC4 prevent any Boolean search subject from creating an answer set that is either very large to boost recall to an arti?cially high level or extremely small to ensure unrealistically high precision. The instructions are recall as well as precision neutral. The search time of thirty minute also prevent any Boolean search subject from constructing very knowledgeable Boolean queries, making the Boolean search similar to those performed in the real situations. Fourth and ?nally, the good systems identi?ed in the ad hoc tests represent a group of different rele-vance ranking systems, making more general observations feasible. Better

1.0 Introduction

Boolean search has been dominating the commercial information retrieval for over 30 years and a large number of professional searchers have mastered the Boolean search tool. The size of the Boolean searcher community forces the latest information retrieval software vendors to provide this search feature. But the Boolean search is an aged search technique. The criticism to the Boolean search system range from its requirement of intensive user training to its awkwardness in expressing complex conceptual relationships in que-ries, and to the absence of relevance ranking. The newly commercialized nat-ural language search systems, like Freestyle TM, are free from these problems and enable the professionals as well as the end-users to access the large com-mercial full-text databases.

An interesting question arises: should the Boolean search system be replaced entirely by the natural language search system that has relevance ranking capability? A positive answer to this question requires that the natural lan-guage search system is better than the Boolean system in terms of retrieval effectiveness, and that the natural language search system is capable of ?nd-ing a similar set of relevant documents that the Boolean system tends to ?nd. The motivation for having a better performance is obvious, the motivation for retrieving a similar set of relevant documents is to demonstrate to the user the redundancy of the Boolean system.

The information retrieval literature in the past suggests that in terms of search query formulation the simple relevance ranking system that accepts natural language queries usually performs as good as the Boolean system that pro-vides complex querying language [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. However these studies used very small test databases and their results suffered the lack of generalizabil-ity. A more recent study [8] using much larger test database suggested that the relevance ranking system could perform better than the Boolean system. Unfortunately the study used only legal data instead of more general materi-als, and employed only one type of relevance ranking system. In addition the study had the methodological issue of comparing relevance ranking to chro-nological ordering that de?nitely favored the relevance ranking system. Sub-ject relevance and subject currency are two different relevance factors. The Boolean searcher attempts to incorporate both factors in the search in order to read recent and relevant documents ?rst. By contrast the ranking system can only handle the single factor--subject relevance, indicating that the traditional ranking principle is rather rigid and in?exible in the environment of man-

Boolean System Revisited:

Its Performance and its Behavior

X. Allan Lu*, John D. Holt, David J. Miller

Lexis-Nexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.

9555 Springboro Pike

Miamisburg, Ohio 45342

Telephone: 513-865-6800 ext. 5404

Fax: 513-865-1655

alan, johnh,davidm@https://www.360docs.net/doc/8113237461.html,


This experimental study attempts to provide a general conclusion to the Boolean information retrieval system regarding its performance on retrieval effectiveness and its behavior on retrieval of different relevant documents. Speci?cally a representative commercial Boolean system is compared to the best ranking systems reported in TREC4. The Boolean system delivered a comparable performance and retrieved a set of rather unique relevant docu-ments. The study also justi?es its methodology for comparing non-ranking and ranking systems.


[第一章] 概述 一、系统简介 考勤系统主要是考勤设置和员工考勤记录的统计与输出,此系统能够满足任何考勤规则(如:轮班、换班、跨天班、加班、请假、出差、上下班都考勤、只考上班勤、只考下班勤、以及无规律上班、加班、休息等),可以统计出每一个员工的迟到、早退、旷工的次数和加班、休息日加班,节假日加班的时间。能够以多种报表的形式或直接打印出来等功能。 二、系统组成 指纹考勤机:采集指纹数据,根据员工人数和出入口的多少决定采用台数。 网络电缆:联网多台考勤机之间的通讯、主考勤机与计算机之间的通讯。 操作系统:Win98/Win2000/Win2003/WinXP/Win7/Vista(32) 软件系统:考勤系统MYSQL或SQL Server2000数据库。 适用浏览器:IE6.0/IE7.0/IE8.0/IE9.0/Firefox/Chrome/360等 三、系统安装卸载 运行光盘里面的Setup.exe,按照提示安装即可。 如何卸载: 通过操作系统的[控制面版]的[添加/删除程序]卸载本系统 3.1软件安装步骤 1、将安装光盘放入CD-ROM,若没有出现下面的界面,请运行光盘上的【Setup.exe】

2、点击【下一步>】,进入选择安装路径界面: 3、选择好安装的路径,点击【下一步>】进入以下界面, 4、点击【安装】进入软件安装界面如下图:

5、系统会自动进行软件的安装和配置,出现以下界面点击【完成】,完成考勤软件的安装: 3.2 软件卸载 1、打开电脑系统的【开始】-【设置】-【控制面板】-【添加或删除程序】 找到【WebEcard】点击卸载,就能删除软件。


应用ADS设计微带线带通滤波器 1、微带带通微带线的基本知识 微波带通滤波器是应用广泛、结构类型繁多的微波滤波器,但适合微带结构的带通滤波器结构就不是那么多了,这是由于微带线本身的局限性,因为微带结构是个平面电路,中心导带必须制作在一个平面基片上,这样所有的具有串联短截线的滤波器都不能用微带结构来实现;其次在微带结构中短路端不易实现和精确控制,因而所有具有短路短截线和谐振器的滤波器也不太适合于微带结构。 微带线带通滤波器的电路结构的主要形式有5种: 1、电容间隙耦合滤波器 带宽较窄,在微波低端上显得太长,不够紧凑,在2GHz以上有辐射损耗。 2、平行耦合微带线带通滤波器 窄带滤波器,有5%到25%的相对带宽,能够精确设计,常为人们所乐用。但其在微波低端显得过长,结构不够紧凑;在频带较宽时耦合间隙较小,实现比较困难。 3、发夹线带通滤波器 把耦合微带线谐振器折迭成发夹形式而成。这种滤波器由于容易激起表面波,性能不够理想,故常把它与耦合谐振器混合来用,以防止表面波的直接耦合。这种滤波器的精确设计较难。

4、1/4波长短路短截线滤波器 5、半波长开路短截线滤波器 下面主要介绍平行耦合微带线带通滤波器的设计,这里只对其整个设计过程和方法进行简单的介绍。 2、平行耦合线微带带通滤波器 平行耦合线微带带通滤波器是由几节半波长谐振器组合而成的,它不要求对地连接,结构简单,易于实现,是一种应用广泛的滤波器。整个电路可以印制在很薄的介质基片上(可以簿到1mm以下),故其横截面尺寸比波导、同轴线结构的小得多;其纵向尺寸虽和工作波长可以比拟,但采用高介电常数的介质基片,使线上的波长比自由空间小了几倍,同样可以减小;此外,整个微带电路元件共用接地板,只需由导体带条构成电路图形,结构大为紧凑,从而大大减小了体积和重量。 关于平行耦合线微带带通滤波器的设计方法,已有不少资料予以介绍。但是,在设计过程中发现,到目前为止所查阅到的各种文献,还没有一种能够做到准确设计。在经典的工程设计中,为避免繁杂的运算,一般只采用简化公式并查阅图表,这就造成较大的误差。而使用电子计算机进行辅助设计时,则可以力求数学模型精确,而不追求过分的简化。基于实际设计的需要,我对于平行耦合线微带



一、项目承办单位基本情况 目前,养猪场主要从事生猪的饲养。猪场现有5名工作人员,其中饲养员4名,兽医专业技术人员1名(福建农林大学)。 二、项目发展现状与存在问题 1、项目发展现状 猪场占地面积32.6亩(含种植果林、绿化地),建设面积7亩。现有圈舍10座(约2500平方米),其中育肥舍800 平方米,保育舍600 平方米,分娩舍400 平方米,母猪定位舍250 平方米,后备母猪舍200 平方米,公猪舍80 平方米,病猪舍80 平方米,消毒更衣室20 平方米,兽医实验室25 平方米、30 平方米,沼气池3口,生产及生活配套设施约100 平方米。养猪场现有良种母猪43头,后备母猪40头,现役公猪3头,后备公猪2头,现存栏数430头,年出栏860头。 2、项目存在的主要问题 (1)随着公司养殖规模的不断扩大,原有的沼气池的处理能力已无法满足项目的需要; (2)现有的产床数不足,造成母猪生产的时候死胎或小猪成活率低等,严重影响公司的经济效益; (3)现有部分猪舍由于使用年限较长,已出现老化、漏雨等问题,急需进行维修改造; (4)公司现有粪污处理设施不足;

(5)防疫化验仪器设备不足。 三、建设目标、建设规模与建设内容 1、建设目标 项目建设以国家农业产业政策和农业产业结构调整为指导思想,结合养猪业生产发展总体情况,推行标准化养殖,做到污水达标排放和废弃物综合利用,走资源节约型和环境友好型的发展路子,提高生猪养殖的技术水平,提高生猪的质量安全水平,增强养猪业的市场竞争力。 2、建设规模与建设内容 项目主要任务是生猪标准化规模养殖场的建设,主要建设内容为粪污处理、猪舍的标准化改造以及防疫等配套设施建设。 (1)改造猪舍700平方米; (2)改造排污渠300米; (3)改建沼气池20立方米; (4)配套体视显微镜1台、产床15张,母猪超声波妊娠测定仪1台、超声波消毒喷雾机1台、恒温培养箱1台、固液分离机1台。 项目主要建设内容见表3-1。 建设内容一览表

软件系统 用户操作手册

机票预订系统 ——用户操作手册 1. 引言 1.1 编写目的 本操作手册供本系统操作人员参考之用,为浏览器端使用人员说明本系统操作方法。 1.2 项目背景 本项目(机票预定系统)时由蓝天航空公司委托,由本软件开发小组负责开发。 1.3 定义 WINDOWS XP:本系统所采用的操作系统。 SQL SERVER:系统服务器所使用的数据库管理系统(DBMS)。 1.4 参考资料 1.机票预定系统项目开发计划软件开发小组2007/8 2.需求规格说明书软件开发小组2007/8 3.概要设计说明书软件开发小组2007/8 4. 详细设计说明书软件开发小组2007/8 5.软件工程齐治昌谭庆平宁洪等高等教育出版社1997/1 2. 软件概述 2.1 目标 本系统分为服务器端和客户机端两个部分,旅行社为客户机端,航空公司为服务器端。客户机和服务器通过网络进行通信。旅行社通过网络把预定机票的旅客信息(姓名,性别,工作单位,身份证号码,旅行时间,旅行目的地等)传输到服务器,服务器程序通过对

数据库的查询来为旅客安排航班,并把安排结果传输到客户机,客户机印出取票通知和帐单。旅客在飞机起飞前一天凭取票通知和帐单到旅行社交款,客户机将旅客信息传输给服务器,服务器在数据库中校对无误后,发出确认信息给客户机,客户机即印出机票给旅客。 2.2 功能 系统实现了在各个客户机端预定机票的功能,并在B/S结构的基础上采用了一些实时处理,以达到快速响应。客户机端除了预定之外,本系统还可进行航班查询和取消预定的功能。服务器端还实现了对航班信息的自动管理和数据库查询,维护功能。 2.3 性能 数据精确度: 输入数据: 旅行社输入: 旅客姓名String 旅客性别String 身份证号码String 联系方式String 电子邮件String 工作单位String 航班号String 航班日期Date 飞机票号String 座位等级String 出发地String 目的地String 航空公司输入: 旅客姓名String 旅客性别String 身份证号码String 联系方式String 电子邮件String 工作单位String 航班号String 航班日期Date 飞机票号String 座位等级String 出发地String 目的地String 销售统计的年月String


实验八 有源滤波器的设计 一.实验目的 1. 学习有源滤波器的设计方法。 2. 掌握有源滤波器的安装与调试方法。 3. 了解电阻、电容和Q 值对滤波器性能的影响。 二.预习要求 1. 根据滤波器的技术指标要求,选用滤波器电路,计算电路中各元件的数值。设计出 满足技术指标要求的滤波器。 2. 根据设计与计算的结果,写出设计报告。 3. 制定出实验方案,选择实验用的仪器设备。 三.设计方法 有源滤波器的形式有好几种,下面只介绍具有巴特沃斯响应的二阶滤波器的设计。 巴特沃斯低通滤波器的幅频特性为: n c uo u A j A 21)(??? ? ??+= ωωω , n=1,2,3,. . . (1) 写成: n c uo u A j A 211) (??? ? ??+=ωωω (2) )(ωj A u 其中A uo 为通带内的电压放大倍数,ωC A uo 为截止角频率,n 称为滤波器的阶。从(2) 式中可知,当ω=0时,(2)式有最大值1; 0.707A uo ω=ωC 时,(2)式等于0.707,即A u 衰减了3dB ;n 取得越大,随着ω的增加,滤波器的输出电压衰减越快,滤波器的幅频特性越接近于理想特性。如图1所示。ω 当 ω>>ωC 时, n c uo u A j A ??? ? ??≈ωωω1 )( (3) 图1低通滤波器的幅频特性曲线

两边取对数,得: lg 20c uo u n A j A ωω ωlg 20)(-≈ (4) 此时阻带衰减速率为: -20ndB/十倍频或-6ndB/倍频,该式称为衰减估算式。 表1列出了归一化的、n 为1 ~ 8阶的巴特沃斯低通滤波器传递函数的分母多项式。 在表1的归一化巴特沃斯低通滤波器传递函数的分母多项式中,S L = c s ω,ωC 是低通 滤波器的截止频率。 对于一阶低通滤波器,其传递函数: c c uo u s A s A ωω+= )( (5) 归一化的传递函数: 1 )(+= L uo L u s A s A (6) 对于二阶低通滤波器,其传递函数:2 22)(c c c uo u s Q s A s A ωωω++ = (7) 归一化后的传递函数: 1 1)(2 ++= L L uo L u s Q s A s A (8) 由表1可以看出,任何高阶滤波器都可由一阶和二阶滤波器级联而成。对于n 为偶数的高阶滤波器,可以由2n 节二阶滤波器级联而成;而n 为奇数的高阶滤波器可以由2 1-n 节二


养殖场的规划设计 设计原则:修建牛舍的目的是为了给牛创造适宜的生活环境,保障牛的健康和生产的正常运行。花较少的资金、饲料、能源和劳力,获得更多的畜产品和较高的经济效益。为此,设计肉牛舍应掌握以下原则: (一)为牛创造适宜的环境,一个适宜的环境可以充分发挥牛的生产潜力,提高饲料利用率。一般来说,家畜的生产力20%取决于品种,40%—50%取决于饲料,20%—30%取决于环境。不适宜的环境温度可以使家畜的生产力下降。此外,即使喂给全价饲料,如果没有适宜的环境,饲料也不能最大限度地转化为畜产品,从而降低了饲料利用率。由此可见,修建畜舍时,必须符合家畜对各种环境条件的要求,包括温度、湿度、通风、光照、空气中的二氧化碳、氨、硫化氢,为家畜创造适宜的环境。 (二)要符合生产工艺要求,保证生产的顺利进行和畜牧兽医技术措施的实施。肉牛生产工艺包括牛群的组成和周转方式,运送草料,饲喂,饮水,清粪等,也包括测量、称重、采精输精、防治、生产护理等技术措施。修建牛舍必须与本场生产工艺相结合。否则,必将给生产造成不便,甚至使生产无法进行。 (三)严格卫生防疫,防止疫病传播流行性疫病对牛场会形成威胁,造成经济损失。通过修建规范牛舍,为家畜创造适宜环境,将会防止或减少疫病发生。此外,修建畜舍时还应特别注意卫生要求,以利于兽医防疫制度的执行。要根据防疫要求合理进行场地规划和建筑物布局,确定畜舍的朝向和间距,设置消毒设施,合理安置污物处理设施等。 (四)要做到经济合理,技术可行在满足以上三项要求的前提下,畜舍修建还应尽量降低工程造价和设备投资,以降低生产成本,加快资金周转。因此,畜舍修建要尽量利用自然界的有利条件(如自然通风,自然光照等),尽量就地取材,采用当地建筑施工习惯,适当减少附属用房面积。畜舍设计方案必须通过施工能够实现的,否则,方案再好而施工技术上不可行,也只能是空想的设计。 规划布局:牛场场区规划应本着因地制宜和科学饲养的要求,合理布局,统筹安排。考虑今后发展,留有余地,利于环保。场地建筑物的配置应做到紧凑整齐,提高土地利用率节约用地,不占或少占耕地,供电线路、供水管道节约,有利于整个生产过程和便于防火灭病,并注意防火安全。 1、分区规划布局:奶牛场一般包括3-4个功能区,即生活区、管理区、生产区和粪尿污水处理、病畜管理区。具体布局遵循以下原则:a、生活区:指职工文化住宅区。应在牛场上风头和地势较高地段,并与生产区保持100 米以远距离,以保证生活区良好的卫生环境。 b、管理区:包括与经营管理、产品加工销售有关的建筑物。管理区要和生产区严格分开,保证50米以上距离,外来人员只能在管理区活动,场外运输车辆牲畜严禁进入生产区。 c、生产区:应设在场区地势较低的位置,要能控制场外人员和车辆,使之不能直接进入生产区,要保证最安全,最安静。大门口设立门卫传达室、消毒室、更衣室和车辆消毒池,严禁非生产人员出入场内,出入人员和车辆必须经消毒室或消毒池进行消毒。生产区奶牛舍要合理布局,分阶段分群饲养,按泌乳牛群、干乳牛群、产房、犊牛舍、育成前期牛舍、育成后期牛舍顺序排列,各牛舍之间要保持适当距离,布局整齐,以便防疫和防火。但也要适当集中,节约水电线路管道,缩短饲草饲料及粪运输距离,便于科学管理。粗饲料库设在生产区下风口地势较高处,与其他建筑物保持60米防火距离。兼顾由场外运入,再运到牛舍两个环节。饲料库、干草棚、加工车间和青贮池,离牛舍要近一些,位置适中一些,便于车辆运送草料,减少劳动强度。但必须防止牛舍和运动场因污水渗入而污染草料。 d、粪尿污水处理、病畜管理区:设在生产区下风地势低处,与生产区保持300米卫生间距,病牛区应便于隔离,单独通道,便于消毒,便于污物处理等。尸坑和焚尸炉距畜舍300-500 米。防止污水粪尿


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用 友 T+ 软 件 系 统 操 作 手 册 版本号:目录

一、系统登录 、下载T+浏览器 首次登陆需要用浏览器打开软件地址,即:(一般服务器默认设置,具体登陆地址请参考实际配置),第一次登陆会提示下载T+浏览器,按照提示下载安装T+浏览器,然后打开T+浏览器,输入软件登陆地址。 ,T+浏览器, 、软件登陆 按键盘上的“回车键(enter)”打开软件登陆页面,如下: 选择选择“普通用户”,输入软件工程师分配的用户名和密码,选择对应的账套,以下以demo为例,如下图: 点击登陆,进入软件, 二、基础档案设置 、部门、人员档案设置 新增的部门或者人员在系统中可按照如下方法进行维护, 、往来单位设置 供应商客户档案的添加方法如下: 添加往来单位分类: 、会计科目及结算方式设置 会计科目: 系统预置170个《2013小企业会计准则》科目,如下:

结算方式,如下: 三、软件操作 、凭证处理 填制 进入总账填制凭证菜单,增加凭证,填制摘要和科目,注意有辅助核算的会计科目, 以下为点开总账的处理流程图: 如若现金流量系统指定错误,可按照以下步骤修改: 凭证在没有审核时,可以直接在当前凭证上修改,然后点击“保存”完成修改; 凭证审核 进入总审核凭证菜单下,如下图: 选择审核凭证的会计期间: 、凭证记账 进入凭证菜单下的记账菜单, 、月末结转 期间损益结转 四、日常帐表查询与统计 、余额表 用于查询统计各级科目的本期发生额、累计发生额和余额等。传统的总账,是以总账科目分页设账,而余额表则可输出某月或某几个月的所有总账科目或明细科目的期初余额、本期发生额、累计发生额、期末余额,在实行计算机记账后,我们建议用户用余额表代替总账。


滤波器是一种只传输指定频段信号,抑制其它频段信号的电路。 滤波器分为无源滤波器与有源滤波器两种: ①无源滤波器: 由电感L、电容C及电阻R等无源元件组成 ②有源滤波器: 一般由集成运放与RC网络构成,它具有体积小、性能稳定等优点,同时,由于集成运放的增益和输入阻抗都很高,输出阻抗很低,故有源滤波器还兼有放大与缓冲作用。 利用有源滤波器可以突出有用频率的信号,衰减无用频率的信号,抑制干扰和噪声,以达到提高信噪比或选频的目的,因而有源滤波器被广泛应用于通信、测量及控制技术中的小信号处理。 从功能来上有源滤波器分为: 低通滤波器(LPF)、高通滤波器(HPF)、 带通滤波器(BPF)、带阻滤波器(BEF)、 全通滤波器(APF)。 其中前四种滤波器间互有联系,LPF与HPF间互为对偶关系。当LPF的通带截止频率高于HPF的通带截止频率时,将LPF与HPF相串联,就构成了BPF,而LPF与HPF并联,就构成BEF。在实用电子电路中,还可能同时采用几种不同型式的滤波电路。滤波电路的主要性能指标有通带电压放大倍数AVP、通带截止频率fP及阻尼系数Q等。 带通滤波器(BPF) (a)电路图(b)幅频特性 图1 压控电压源二阶带通滤波器 工作原理:这种滤波器的作用是只允许在某一个通频带范围内的信号通过,而比通频带下限频率低和比上限频率高的信号均加以衰减或抑制。典型的带通滤波器可以从二阶低通滤波器中将其中一级改成高通而成。如图1(a)所示。 电路性能参数 通带增益 中心频率 通带宽度 选择性 此电路的优点是改变Rf和R4的比例就可改变频宽而不影响中心频率。 例.要求设计一个有源二阶带通滤波器,指标要求为: 通带中心频率 通带中心频率处的电压放大倍数: 带宽: 设计步骤: 1)选用图2电路。 2)该电路的传输函数: 品质因数: 通带的中心角频率: 通带中心角频率处的电压放大倍数: 取,则:


2017年礼县永赢养殖种植农民专业合作社畜禽健康养殖项目 实施方案 二〇一七年九月

目录 实施方案 (1) 一、项目概况 (3) 二、建设背景与编制依据 (3) 三、工艺技术方案 (5) 四、建设内容 (6) 五、投资概算 (7) 六、资金筹措 (7) 七、实施计划 (7) 八、附件 (8)

2017年礼县永赢养殖种植农民专业合作社畜禽健康养 殖项目实施方案 一、项目概况 1、项目名称:2017年礼县永赢养殖种植农民专业合作社畜禽健康 养殖项目 2、项目承建单位:礼县永赢养殖种植农民专业合作社 3、项目建设法人:张永代 4、项目主管单位:甘肃陇南市礼县畜牧兽医局 5、项目建设地点:陇南市礼县肖良乡坪望村 6、项目建设规模: 扩建砖混和彩钢结构猪舍275㎡,修建排污管道150m,新建集污池140m3。 7、项目投资: 项目总投资: 30 万元,其中财政补助25万,自筹资金 5万元。 8、项目建设期限:2017年9月中旬开始2017年11月中旬结束。 二、建设背景与编制依据 1、项目由来 项目由来:根据农业部、财政部《关于做好2017年中央财政农业生产发展等项目实施工作的通知》(农财发〔2017〕11号)和国务院办公厅《关于加快推进畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用的意见》(国办发〔2017〕48号),牢固树立“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”发展理念,坚持

源头减量、过程控制、末端利用的治理路径,以种养结合、循环利用为主要推广模式,以畜禽养殖大县和规模养殖场为重点,以有机肥和沼气等为主要利用方向,加强畜禽规模养殖场粪污处理利用设施建设,全力推进畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用,积极贡献提升家禽规模养殖标准化水平,推进全省畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用工作,降低养殖成本,改善防疫条件,提高生猪生产能力的精神。因此,积极响应国家的号召和要求,走标准化生猪养殖,决定建设该项目。 2、项目的必要性:近年来,虽然生猪养殖逐步向规模化方向发展,但是离标准化生产的要求相差很远,存在圈舍建造、废弃物处理、人流、物流等方面缺乏科学的设计和管理,有的圈舍间距太近,有的没有消毒设施,有的没有粪污处理设施,粪便到处堆积,病死畜乱扔等等,使空气和水流受到严重污染,成为疾病流行的隐患。养殖场随时会成为疾病疫源地,一旦引发动物或人畜共患病,所带来的损失和危害更大。动物疫病不但给国家或地区和人民造成巨大的经济损失,而且还危及人民群众生命安全。因此,在日益严峻的动物疫病防控形势和生猪养殖产生的污染日趋严重的情况下,改善生猪规模养殖场排粪污处理设施等的建设,加快生猪规模养殖标准化生产,提高养殖场的排污处理能力和疾病预防能力十分必要和迫切的。 3、实施方案编制依据 (1)、编制依据: 本项目依据《甘肃省农牧厅关于印发2017年畜禽健康养殖项目实施方案的通知》(甘农牧财发〔2017〕73号)的文件精神编制。 (2)、实施方案编制中所采取的建筑工程的建设标准及规范:


带通滤波器设计步骤 1、根据需求选择合适的低通滤波器原型 2、把带通滤波器带宽作为低通滤波器的截止频率,根据抑制点的频率距离带通滤波器中心频点距离的两倍作为需要抑制的频率,换算抑制频率与截止频率的比值,得出m 的值,然后根据m 值选择低通滤波器的原型参数值。 滤波器的时域特性 任何信号通过滤波器都会产生时延。Bessel filter 是特殊的滤波器在于对于通带内的所有频率而言,引入的时延都是恒定的。这就意味着相对于输入,输出信号的相位变化与工作的频率是成比例的。而其他类型的滤波器(如Butterworth, Chebyshev,inverse Chebyshev,and Causer )在输出信号中引入的相位变化与频率不成比例。相位随频率变化的速率称之为群延迟(group delay )。群延迟随滤波器级数的增加而增加。 模拟滤波器的归一化 归一化的滤波器是通带截止频率为w=1radian/s, 也就是1/2πHz 或约0.159Hz 。这主要是因为电抗元件在1弧度的时候,描述比较简单,XL=L, XC=1/C ,计算也可以大大简化。归一化的无源滤波器的特征阻抗为1欧姆。归一化的理由就是简化计算。 Bessel filter 特征:通带平坦,阻带具有微小的起伏。阻带的衰减相对缓慢,直到原理截止频率高次谐波点的地方。原理截止频率点的衰减具有的经验公式为n*6dB/octave ,其中,n 表示滤波器的阶数,octave 表示是频率的加倍。例如,3阶滤波器,将有18dB/octave 的衰减变化。正是由于在截止频率的缓慢变化,使得它有较好的时域响应。 Bessel 响应的本质截止频率是在与能够给出1s 延迟的点,这个点依赖于滤波器的阶数。 逆切比雪夫LPF 原型参数计算公式(Inverse Chebyshev filter parameters calculate equiations ) ) (cosh )(cosh 11Ω=--Cn n 其中 1101.0-=A Cn , A 为抑制频率点的衰减值,以dB 为单位;Ω为抑制频率与截止频率的比值 例:假设LPF 的3dB 截止频率为10Hz,在15Hz 的频点需要抑制20dB,则有: 95.91020*1.0==Cn ;Ω=15/10=1.5 1.39624.0988.2) 5.1(cosh )95.9(cosh 11===--n ,因此,滤波器的阶数至少应该为4


小区规模肉牛养殖牛舍建筑必须综合考虑饲养目的、饲养场所的条件规模及养牛设施等因素。在大规模饲养时,要考虑节省劳力;小规模饲养时,要便于详细观察每头牛的状态,以充分发挥牛的生理特点,提高经济效益。肉牛养殖小区通常是由当地乡、村划出一片空地,由个人投资建设牛场,分户饲养,集体投资建立兽医室或服务站。这样既便于防疫,又可防止环境污染,提高饲养管理水平和产品质量。各地肉牛养殖小区虽然形式不同,但都应遵循以下原则: 一、小区场址的选择:肉牛养殖小区场址的选择,应遵循规模化育肥牛场选择场址的原则。如果条件不具备,也可因地制宜,充分利用当地空闲地、但必须保证交通运输方便,以便于饲料和牛只的进出。 二、小区的形式:肉牛养殖小区主要有自繁自养、架子牛育肥、自繁自养和架子牛育肥相结合三种形式。自繁自养可充分利用粗饲料,降低饲养成本,但饲养周期长,资金周转慢,适于经济条件较差的地区。架子牛育肥投资较大,精饲料需求量大,饲养成本高,但饲养周期短,资金周转快,经济效益高。自繁自养和架子牛育肥相结合,可充分利用上述两者的优点,但饲养管理复杂。 三、小区的布局与设计:肉牛养殖小区的布局、设计要求与规模化牛场近似,也应包括消毒池、兽医室、生产牛舍、隔离牛舍、饲料间、

青贮池、氨化池、贮粪场、粪污处理设施、装牛台等设施,但生活区、生产区的划分不很明显,牛舍一般为单列式,每栋6-12间,为1-2户所有,1-2间为饲料室和宿舍,其余为牛舍。每间牛舍饲养3-5头,基础牛舍、产犊舍、犊牛培育舍、育成牛舍和育肥牛舍的划分不明显。青贮池和氨化池由各养牛户按饲养规模集资建设,一般二池合一,这样既可节约投资,又可提高设备的利用率。青贮池和氨化池一般位于牛舍的两侧,便于取料。 四、小区牛舍的建筑:肉牛养殖小区牛舍的建筑也与规模化牛场相似,但要求较低,可充分利用当地的材料,以降低建筑成本。在气候温暖的地区,搭建简易棚舍即可,可大量节约投资;在夏天炎热、冬季气候较冷的地区,应建造较坚固的开放式牛舍或半开放式牛舍,这样的牛舍夏天可保证通风良好,冬季用塑料布和草席将牛舍封闭起来,以便于保温。


3D M S监控平台软件 使用说明书 版本: 深圳市亚美达通讯设备有限公司


1、系统登录 启动客户端软件(),出现登录界面,输入正确的用户名和登录密码,点击登录按钮即可进入监控软件。 2、主界面 主界面采用Windows标准风格,分为: 标题栏:上方第一行,包括软件名称、Windows标准缩放按钮。 菜单栏:上方第二行,为软件功能的菜单。 工具栏:上方第三行,软件常用功能的快捷方式图标。 状态栏:最下方一行,显示服务器连接状态和登录用户信息。 树形区:左侧,按层次显示所有监控站点,可在监控站点名称上单击右键弹出菜单,执行常用功能,亦可在监控站点名称上双击左键,进入监控站点界面。 地图区:采用网络矢量地图,显示监控中心及各个监控站点的地图位置信息。 简明信息区:显示监控站点树形区所选择监控站点的简明监测数据,点击详细信息按钮可进入监控站点界面。 报警区:集中显示所有监测报警信息。

3、监控站点界面 左键双击主界面树形区中的监控站点名称,或者点击简明信息区的详细信息按钮,可以进入监控站点界面。监控站点界面分为组态图形、数据列表、单灯、监控点资料四个部分,单灯操作的具体细节在后面章节有详细描述。 组态图形:以组态图形方式显示监控站点的监测数据和状态。

数据列表:以数据列表方式显示监控站点的监测数据和状态。 单灯:当前监控站点的单灯监控界面,包括单灯的显示效果、报警信息、监测数据、手动控制、灯杆配置、自控时间表等。 监控点资料:显示监控点静态数据和照片。

4、配电箱端的远程操作 配电箱端的远程操作包括遥测数据、设置自动开关灯时间表、手动开关灯、校准时钟、设置参数。可以从菜单的操作选项、工具图标栏、树形区监控站点名称上单击右键菜单进入此界面。左边为需要远程操作的监控站点,右上为远程操作的内容,右下为命令执行反馈。 选择待操作监控站点时,请点击左下角选择监控点按钮,弹出监控站点选择对话框,将左边需要操作的监控站点移动到右边并确定。 遥测数据:远程遥测配电箱、电缆防盗的监测数据。选择待遥测的设备类型,然后点击遥测数据按钮即可。 设置自动开关灯时间:远程设置配电箱中接触器吸合、断开的自动控制开关灯时间表。此命令操作是将已经编辑好并存储在数据库中的自控时间表下发至配电箱端采集器中。 手动开关灯:远程手动开关灯,开关灯时必须设置延时时间,即手动控制到什么时候失效。 校准时钟:远程校准采集器、集中器的时钟。 设置采集器参数:设置采集器的各类物理型参数,采集器安装调试完后不用操作。 5、单灯监控 进入监控站点界面来进行单灯监控操作。 报警信息:显示此监控站点的所有单灯报警信息。


RC 有源带通滤波器的设计 滤波器的功能是让一定频率范围内的信号通过,而将此频率范围之外的信号加以抑制或使其急剧衰 减。当干 扰信号与有用信号不在同一频率范围之内,可使用滤波器有效的抑制干扰。 用LC 网络组成的无源滤波器在低频范围内有体积重量大,价格昂贵和衰减大等缺点,而用集成运放 和RC 网络组成的有源滤波器则比较适用于低频,此外,它还具有一定的增益,且因输入与输出之间有良 好的隔离而便于级联。由于大多数反映生理信息的光电信号具有频率低、幅度小、易受干扰等特点,因而 RC 有源滤波器普遍应用于光电弱信号检测电路中。 一.技术指标 总增益为1 ; 通带频率范围为 300Hz —3000Hz ,通带内允许的最大波动为 -1db —+1db ; 阻带边缘频率范围为 225Hz 和4000Hz 、阻带内最小衰减为 20db ; 二?设计过程 1 .采用低通-高通级联实现带通滤波器; 将带通滤波器的技术指标分成低通滤波器和高通滤波器两个独立的技术指标,分别设计出低通滤波器 和高通 滤波器,再级联即得带通滤波器。 低通滤波器的技术指标为: f PH = 3000Hz A max - 1d B G =1 f SH = 4000Hz A min = 20dB 高通滤波器的技术指标为: f pL = 300Hz A max = 1d B G = 1 f si_ - 225Hz A min - 20dB 2. 选用切比雪夫逼近方式计算阶数 (1).低通滤波器阶数 N >ch 4[J(10 0.1Amin -1)/(10 0.1Ami N 1 _ ■ 1 Ch ( f SH / f PH ) (2).高通滤波器阶数 N 2 ch'[ *. (10 0.1Amin -1)/(100.1Amax -1)] Ch^(f pL /f SL ) 3. 求滤波器的传递函数 1) .根据Ni 查表求出归一化低通滤波器传递函数 H LP (S)二 H LP (S)| S S' 2= --- 2冗PH 2) .根据Na 查表求出归一化高通滤波器传递函数 N 2 H_P (S ',去归一化得 H^s ',去归一化得


目录 一、主要施工方法 (2) 二、拟投入的主要物资计划 (19) 三、拟投入的主要施工机械 (21) 四、劳动力安排计划 (21) 五、确保工程质量的技术组织措施 (25) 六、确保安全生产的技术组织措施 (26) 七、确保工期的技术组织措施 (27) 八、确保文明施工的技术组织措施 (28) 九、施工总进度表或施工网络图 (30) 十、造价控制的技术和管理措施 (30) 十一、施工总平面图 (43) 十二、有必要说明的其他问题.......................... 附表一:拟投入本工程的主要施工设备表 附表二:拟配备本工程的试验和检测仪器设备表 附表三:劳动力计划表 附表四:计划开、竣工日期和施工进度网络图 附表五:施工总平面图

一、主要施工办法 1、施工组织设计编制依据 1.1国家现行的技术标准;施工规及验收标准;工程质量检验评定标准和施工操作规程;国家、省、市颁发的有关规定及相应文件。 1.2 建设部颁发的《建筑工程施工现场管理规定》。 1.3 **省发布的建筑工程文明施工的有关规定。 1.4 本工程招标文件。 1.5 我公司ISO-9001质量管理认证颁布的《质量手册》、《程序文件》、第三层次文件。 2、工程概况 本工程为***养殖场工程,主要包括怀孕舍、中转池、消毒池、降温池、垃圾池、蓄水池、清洗池、料灌基础、发电机房、厕所、伙房宿舍、封闭通道、大门、饲料道路、哺乳舍、洗澡间、公猪站、进猪通道及配套装饰工程等工程。 建设地点为********,资金来源为自筹,本工程实行包工包料、包安全、包文明施工、包质量、包工期的总承包负责制。 3、工程建设任务目标 本工程项目施工的指导思想是:运用科学管理手段,认真执行ISO-9001质量保证体系;运用先进的计算机工程管理软件对本工程进行及时、科学的管理,使本工程创出良好的经济效益和社会效益。 3.1工期目标:自开工之日起135天完工。 3.2 质量目标:确保合格标准。 3.3 安全目标:杜绝重伤与死亡事故发生。


明源软件系统操作手册 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

系统操作手册 目录 9 一、文档说明 本指引基于集团成本业务模型及各项目实际业务开展流程编写,目的在于统一规范各项目上的系统业务操作,明确各岗位人员操作流程及所涉及模块,提升应用熟练度和工作效率。 二、操作清单

三、操作说明 系统中红色项目为必填项;蓝色项目为选填项;普通字体项目允许为空。下文同,不再赘述。 1、目标成本(系统登录路径:成本管理—目标成本—目标成本) 1.1目标成本编制 系统中进行方案版、施工图版的管理,《目标成本-方案版》应在《总规划方案设计》通过评审后后两周内完成编制;《目标成本-施工图版》应在施工图通过评审后50个工作日内完成编制,要求目标成本通 过审批后,及时去分解合约规划。 详见图解:

更多操作详解: 1.【目标成本】模块单 击“目标成本” 2 .选择项目 3.选择需要编辑的版本 4.点击编辑 5.在最末级科目上输入目标成本金额 7.点击保存 6. 上传合约规划分解方案(按照集团统一模板),一并进行审核 注意:支持上传多个文档。 8.发起审批 注意:流程标题是自动生成,请勿修改。 9.录入发起说明,可备注审批注意事项。 10.选择发起人所在的岗位 注意:如果发起人有兼职岗,请选择所操作业务数据归属的岗位。 11.发起审批。审批通过之后,该目标成本即生

Excel批量编制:可以先导出 Excel,然后在office中按照 导出文档中的说明规范批量 编辑目标成本,然后再导入 进系统。 引入其他阶段版本:如果有 编辑【基准版】之前版本的 目标成本,可通过快速引入 其他阶段目标成本的基础上 进行二次编辑,提高编辑效 率。 注意:其他版本的目标成本 1.2目标成本调整 依据动态成本月度分析会决议,组织编制目标成本/合约规划调整方案并审核,调整的依据如下: ①产品配置变化、市场价格变动对目标成本影响; ②未来1个月合同预估对合约预算的影响; 目标成本调整详见图解:


畜禽养殖场规划设计与管理复习题 1、国家法律规定规模养殖场的选址要求: (1)距离生活饮用水源地、动物屠宰加工场所、动物和动物产品集贸市场500米以上;距离种畜禽场1000米以上;距离动物诊疗场所200米以上;动物饲养场(养殖小区)之间距离不少于500米;(2)距离动物隔离场所、无害化处理场所3000米以上;(3)距离城镇居民区、文化教育科研等人口集中区域及公路、铁路等主要交通干线500米以上。 2、国家法律规定规模养殖场的布局要求: (1)场区周围建有围墙;(2)场区出入口处设置与门同宽,长4米、深0.3米以上的消毒池;(3)生产区与生活办公区分开,并有隔离设施;(4)生产区入口处设置更衣消毒室,各养殖栋舍出入口设置消毒池或者消毒垫;(5)生产区内清洁道、污染道分设;(6)生产区内各养殖栋舍之间距离在5米以上或者有隔离设施。 3、国家法律规定规模养殖场的设施设备要求: (1)场区入口处配置消毒设备;(2) 生产区有良好的采光、通风设施设备;(3) 圈舍地面和墙壁选用适宜材料,以便清洗消毒;(4) 配备疫苗冷冻(冷藏)设备、消毒和诊疗等防疫设备的兽医室,或者有兽医机构为其提供相应服务; (5) 有与生产规模相适应的无害化处理、污水污物处理设施设备;(6) 有相对独立的引入动物隔离舍和患病动物隔离舍。 4、畜禽场规划设计的原则:遵循人类生存和养殖生态环境的和谐共处,养殖业与整个大农业、社会经济发展相互协调的良性循环模式。 5、畜禽规划设计的要素:养殖场生产特点、生产规模、饲养管理方式、生产集约化程度、地势、地形、土质、水源、交通、气候、居民点位置等外部环境。

6、地形要求: ?地形整齐开阔、有足够的面积。 地形整齐,便于合理布局畜牧场建筑和各种设施,有利于充分利用场地;开阔的地形对养殖场通风采光、施工运输和管理提供方便;足够的面积可为畜牧场的发展留有空间。 ?土壤透气性好、透水性好的砂壤土。 畜牧场场地的土壤情况对畜禽影响很大。透气、透水性好的土壤,一般持水力和毛细管作用较差,不潮湿,易干燥。受污染后容易氧化分解而达到净化,场区空气卫生状况较好,,抗压能力较大,且不易冻结,建筑物不易受潮。 ?化学和生物学特性、地方病和疫情情况 受客观条件限制,不宜过分强调土壤种类和物理特性,应着重化学和生物学特性,注意地方病和疫情调查。 7、地势要求: 地势较高、干燥、平坦或有缓坡,坡度在25%以下,背风向阳,北高南低,坐北朝南,偏东南12°- 15°。 8、生物安全要求: 场址的选择必须符合人畜相处的公共卫生和生物安全要求。 场址应选择在城镇居民区常年主导风向的下风向或侧风向处。 选择荒坡闲置地建场,避免人畜争地。 场址周围有广袤的种植区域,可保证较大的粪污及建设配套的排污处理,使有机废弃物经过处理达标后循环利用。 禁止在旅游区、自然保护区、人口密集区、水资源保护区、环境公害污染严重的地区及国家规定的禁养区建场。



目录 总页数:共24页 1. 简介...................................................................................................................................... - 1 - 2. 软件安装与卸载.................................................................................................................. - 1 - 2.1. 运行环境.................................................................................................................. - 1 - 2.2. GSurf_EX安装与卸载............................................................................................ - 1 - 3. 界面说明.............................................................................................................................. - 3 - 3.1. 主界面说明.............................................................................................................. - 3 - 3.2. 工具栏说明.............................................................................................................. - 4 - 3.3. 播放工具条说明...................................................................................................... - 4 - 4. 软件操作指南...................................................................................................................... - 5 - 4.1. 添加设备/删除设备................................................................................................. - 5 - 4.2. 时间表配置.............................................................................................................. - 6 - 4.3. 报警联动.................................................................................................................. - 7 - 4.4. 本地配置.................................................................................................................. - 8 - 4.5. 设备配置.................................................................................................................. - 9 - 4.6. 语言切换................................................................................................................ - 10 - 4.7. 远程配置................................................................................................................ - 11 - 5. 视频控制............................................................................................................................ - 12 - 5.1. 实时预览................................................................................................................ - 12 - 5.2. 云台控制................................................................................................................ - 12 - 5.3. 轮巡播放视频........................................................................................................ - 13 - 5.4. 录像及回放............................................................................................................ - 14 - 6. 电子地图............................................................................................................................ - 16 - 6.1. 添加地图................................................................................................................ - 16 - 6.2. 添加地图提醒........................................................................................................ - 17 - 7. 管理工具............................................................................................................................ - 18 - 7.1. 用户管理................................................................................................................ - 18 - 7.2. 日志管理................................................................................................................ - 19 - 7.3. 回放工具................................................................................................................ - 20 - 7.4. 搜索工具................................................................................................................ - 21 -
