

Lesson 53

Hot snake


First listen and then answer the question.


What caused the fire?

At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a firemen accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. The explanation was simple but very unusual.

A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.

New words and expressions 生词和短语

hot adj. 带电的,充电的

fireman n. 消防队员

cause v. 引起; n. 原因

examine v. 检查

accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地

remains n. 尸体,残骸

wire n. 电线

volt n. 伏特(电压单位)

power line 电力线

solve v. 解决

mystery n. 谜

snatch v. 抓住

spark n. 电火花



消防队员偶然发现了起火的原因。他发现了缠绕在16,000伏高压线上的一条死蛇。就这样,他解开了起火之谜。解释很简单,却异乎寻常。一只鸟把蛇从地上抓起来,然后把它扔到了电线上。于是蛇就缠住了几根电线。当它这样做时,把火花送到了地面,这些火花立刻引起了一场大火。【New words and expressions】生词和短语

★hot adj. 带电的,充电的


hot-hot-hot: 麻辣烫

hot-wings: 辣鸡翅

hot-tempered :火爆(脾气)的

hot-line :热线

hot topic :热门话题

hot cake :热蛋糕

hot dog :热狗

It sells like a hot cake/cakes.

hot :新鲜的

best seller: 畅销的东西

hot potato :棘手的问题

hot news :最热点的新闻

hot snake

★fireman n. 消防队员

hydrant: 消防栓

fire extinguisher:灭火器

extinguish=put out: 灭火

★cause v. 引起;n. 原因

cause sth.:引起麻烦

Carelessness causes accidents.

Pride causes failure.

cause sb to do sth. :导致某人做某事Illness caused him to lose his temper Because 因为be cause

reason : 理由, cause 原因

cause :强调事情发生的直接原因(一个) reason :其他各种的理由(很多个)

★examine v. 检查

examine the soil

check :核实,核对

★accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地accident->accidental->accidentally accident :事故

unexpectedly :出乎意料地Unexpectedly he didn't go.

I met the famous writer accidentally. ★remains n. 尸体,残骸

dead body

★wire n. 电线

★volt n. 伏特(电压单位)

★power line电力线

★solve v. 解决

solve the mystery(迷)

solve the problem

★mystery n. 谜

★snatch v. 抓住

catch: 抓鱼


snatch :突然抓起来

seize : 抓住(用力)

seize my arm

★spark n. 电火花

First listen and then answer the question.


What caused the fire?

At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a firemen accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.




put out a fire : 扑灭火

a fire :一场(堆)火

since then: 从那时起到现在为止

have been trying to


broken glass :被打碎的玻璃片

cigarette ends :烟头

be able to

be sure that :对...很有把握

quite sure :相当的把握性

rather: 相当



quite a few :颇有几个(相当多的)

start a fire= cause a fire

accidentally :偶然地

unexpectedly :出乎别人意料之外

cause :直接原因

notice :注意别人不注意的东西


wind one's way :蜿蜒而行

wind vt. 盘旋,缠绕

16,000-volt power line

连字符一旦加在两个词中间,这个词之间就失去了加复数的资格,能够加连字符的概念一定是做定语in this way :以这种方式


had done



do so :这么做

I refuse to do so


down to the ground


hot snake :触电的蛇

get an electric shake :触电

now that : 既然


quiet adj. 安静的

quite adv. 相当地,非常地,很



cause v.

1. cause sth..导致,引起

2.cause sb to do sth...导致某人做某事

reason v.

reason with sb劝说(以道理)

beg for sth :乞求什么东西


drop vt.+宾语(名词或代词),强调的是不小心掉下来

fall vi. 无宾语, 强调的是掉下来的概念,动作

【Multiple choice questions】

6. key phrase : be able to = can, succeed in doing 11. in this way 以这种方式= that's how

like 在英文中不表示方式

【Summary writing】

1. now that 既然

Now that firemen have put out a big forest fire in California,they have been trying to discover its cause.

2. 区分同位语和定语从句的区别:



5. In winding itself around the wires the snake had sent sparks to the ground and it caused the fire.

介词in,on 放在动词-ing前面的理解方式和没有in,on的理解方式一样


逐句精讲新概念英语第二册:第55课并非金矿 Lesson 55:Not a gold mine 新概念英语2课文内容: Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where — it is said — pirates used to hide gold. The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. Very excited, the party dug a hole two feel deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. In spite of this, many people are confident that 'The Revealer' may reveal something of value fairly soon. 本文语法:复习现在分词和过去分词作定语的用法 (参考Lesson 29的语法分析。) 新概念英语2逐句精讲: 1. Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. 最近,找到失踪宝藏的梦想差一点儿变成现实。 语言点句子的主体实际是Dreams came true.“梦想成真”。of finding...是介词短语作dreams的后置定语。 2、A new machine called "The Revealer" has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. 一种叫“探宝器”的新机器已经发明出来,人们用它来探測埋藏在地下的金子. 语言点 called..在此是过去分词短语作后置定语(见Lesson 29)。 3、The machine was used in a cave near the seashore whereit is said一pirates used to hide gold. 在靠近海边的一个据说过去海盗常在里面藏金子的岩洞里,这种机器被派上了用场。 语言点1 use—词的灵活应用: 1) use作实义动词,意为“使用' 相当于employ。 2) used to do表示“过去常常做,现在不再做了”,注意,此结构加动 词原形。 例:I used to swim every day when I was a child.孩提时代,我每天去游泳。 used to没有人称和数的变化,例: She /1 / They used to do … 3) be used to doing = be accustomed to doing 习惯于做某事

裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记:Lesson 54 What nationality are they

Lesson 54 What nationality are they? Where do they come from? New words and expressions: Australia n.澳大利亚Australian n.澳大利亚人Austria n.奥地利 Austrian n.澳大利人 Canada n.加拿大 Canadian n.加拿大人 China n.中国 Finland n.芬兰 Finnish n.芬兰人 India n.印度 Indian n.印度人 Japan n.日本 Nigeria n.尼日利亚 Nigerian n.尼日利亚人Turkey n.土耳其

Turkish n.土耳其人Korea n.韩国 Polish n.波兰人Poland n.波兰 Thai n.泰国人Thailand n.泰国 China--- the People's Republic of China Exercise A: Example: The sun rises early. Does the sun rise early? The sun doesn't rise early. 1.The sun sets late. Does the sun set late? The sun doesn't set late. 2. He likes ice cream. Does he like ice cream? He doesn't like ice cream. 3. Mrs. Jones wants a biscuit. Does Mrs. Jones want a biscuit? She doesn't want a biscuit.


新概念英语第二册逐句精讲语言点第55课(3) Lesson 55:Not a gold mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where — it is said — pirates used to hide gold. The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. Very excited, the party dug a hole two feel deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. In spite of this, many people are confident that 'The Revealer' may reveal something of value fairly soon. 句子讲解: 本文语法:复习现在分词和过去分词作定语的用法 (参考Lesson 29 的语法分析。) 8. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. 但最后找到的是一枚几乎一文不值的小金币。 语言点 which was almost worthless为定语从句,修饰coin。

新概念英语第二册第61课-Trouble with the Hubble

新概念英语第二册第61课:Trouble with the Hubble Lesson 61 Trouble with the Hubble哈勃望远镜的困境First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What is the special importance of a telescope in space? The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20,1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars. Right from the start there was trouble with the Hubble. The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its main mirror was faulty! NASA is now going to put the telescope right, so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it. The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs. Of course, the Hubble is above the earth's atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen. The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. By the time you read this, the Hubble's eagle eye will have sent us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures. 参考译文 哈勃望远镜于1990年4月20日由国家航空航天局发射升空,耗资10多亿美元。从最开始哈勃望远镜就有问题。它传送给我们的图像很令人失望,因为它的主要镜子有误差。国家航天局准备纠正这一错误,为此将把4名宇航员送入太空修复望远镜。“奋进”号航天飞机将把宇航员送上哈勃。当宇航员进行必要的修复工作时,“奋进”号上的一只机器手将抓住望远镜并托住它。当然,哈勃位于地球的大气层之外,因此,它很快就会给我们传送我们所见到过的、有关行星和远距离星系的最清晰的照片。哈勃将告诉我们有关宇宙的年龄和大小的许多事情。等到你读到这篇文章时,敏锐的哈勃望远镜已经为我们送来了成千上万张精彩的照片。

2016新概念第一册 Lesson 83-84 课堂及 课后练习

新概念一Lesson 83-84 课内语法 一、单词:拼读、过关、讲解 1.mess in a mess⑴杂乱,混乱⑵陷入困境/make a mess of 使(工作、计划等)成一团糟 eg;Excuse the mess.房子很乱,请原谅。 2.pack n.小包:a pack of cigarettes一包香烟 vt.&vi.打包,装箱:We are packing our suitcases. 我们正在收拾手提箱 3.suitcase 手提箱 briefcase公文包;trunk结实的大衣箱 4.leave vt.离开,舍弃:We are going to leave tomorrow. 我们打算明天走留下;忘带:He left his book in the garden.他把书忘在花园里了。 leave for 动身到(某处) leave n.假;假期:ask for leave请假 5.already 已经:I have already had my holiday this year. 二、课文:领读、句子过关、讲解 1.进来 come in 2.have lunch (with sb.)和……吃饭 3.at用于时间点前 4.一杯咖啡 a cup of coffee 5.living room客厅 6.乱七八糟,请原谅 excuse the mess 7.打算,准备 be going to 8.度假 have a holiday=go on holiday 9.Are' t you lucky!你们真幸运! 10.呆在家 stay at home 11.suitcase (复数) suitcases; housewife (复数)housewives ; milkman(复数)milkmen 12.让某人做某事 let sb do sth 三、语法㈠现在完成时 ⑴在英语中,现在完成时主要用于以下两种情况:或者表示在过去不确定的时间里发生的并与现在有着某种联系的动作;或者表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作。本课中萨姆所面临的是第1种情况,正是因为他吃了饭,喝过了咖啡,也休过假,因此他谢绝了汤姆的邀请,并表示今年已无可能再次休假。 ⑵现在完成时在汉语中常用“了”、“过”或“已经”来表示。 ⑶现在完成时由have/has+过去分词构成,单数第3人称用has ,其他人称皆用have 。规则动词则无统一的规律可言,需特别加以记忆。 ⑷一般现在完成时通常与表示不确定的时间副词或短语连用,如 just,already,before,never,ever,twice,three times等。 例:The car has arrived.汽车已经到了。 He has travelled over many countries.他到很多国家旅游过。 变疑问句:Has he travelled over many countries. ㈡动词变过去分词的规则变法: 1、直接在动词后面加ed finished 2、以不发音e结尾的动词直接加d arrived 3、以辅音字母加y, 把y变i加ed studied 4、辅元、辅且重读,双写词尾辅音字母加ed stopped 5、不规则变化详见表 课内练习单选 1.He ____at home for a week. A.has B.has stayed C.stayed D.staying 2.I ______already _______a holiday this year.


新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson51~56 新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson51~52 【课文】 HANS: Where do you come from? DIMITRI: I come from Greece. HANS: What's the climate like in your country? DIMITRI: It's very pleasant. HANS: What's the weather like in spring? DIMITRI: It's often windy in March. It's always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes. HANS: What's it like in summer? DIMITRI: It's always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines every day.

HANS: Is it cold or warm in autumn? DIMITRI: It's always warm in September and October. It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes. HANS: Is it very cold in winter? DIMITRI: It's often cold in December, January and February. It snows sometimes. 【课文翻译】 汉斯:你是哪国人? 迪米特里:我是希腊人。 汉斯:你们的国家的气候是怎么样? 迪米特里:气候非常宜人。 汉斯:春季的天气怎么样? 迪米特里:3月里常常刮风。4月和5月的天气总暖洋洋的,但有时下雨。


NCE 2 Lesson 61 Trouble with Hubble (将来完成时) 1.英汉互译 哈勃望远镜发射空间 10亿有错误的宇行员抓 大气层遥远的星系宇宙 鹰眼机器手‘奋进‘号航天飞机造价为从最开始哈勃望远镜 把,……修好送上把……带到…… 到……为止大量,许多哈勃望远镜的困境 2.选词填空(cost,pay, take ,spend) ①What do these jeans _____________ , please? ②He _________ two hours doing his homework yesterday. ③The new bomber was developed and built at a _____________ of $ 5 billion. ④The company have decided to _____________ exactly $ 9,999 for the car. 5.How much did your new glasses _____________? 6.It __________ me two hours to go to work by bus yesterday. 7.They __________ two thousand dollars on this new car. 3.用将来完成时改写(will have done)

①The electrician (finish) the job by 12 o’clock today. ②By 12 o’clock he (work) on the system for over three hours. ③By this time next week we (have) four more English lessons. ④By 2010 I (learn) English for about 15 years! ⑤By the end of this year our teacher (teach) history for about 20 years. ⑥By the end of the year our teacher (taught) history to thousands of students. 完形填空: Traffic rules(规则) help to keep people1.The pedestrian(行人) has as many rules to 2as the driver of a car.You should walk on the sidewalk(人行道).Always be careful 3you walk across the road.If you like riding a bike,don’t ride in the middle of the road or run 4 red traffic lights.When you ride a bike with a friend,don’t look around.If you drive a car,you should 5at the traffic lights.You must always 6 a seat belt(安全带).Without belts,

新概念英语第一册Lesson 53-54练习题

Lesson 53 and Lesson 54 一、单词拼写。(20分) 1.m______ (温和的) 2. a________ (总是) 3. n________ (北方) 4.e________ (东方) 5. w_________ (潮湿的) 6.w________(西方) 7.s_________ (南方) 8. s__________(季节) 9.b________(最) 10.C___________(中国) 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空(20分) 1. What colour are you going (paint) it? 2. the plane often (fly) under the bridge? 3.The sun (set) late in spring and summer. 4. Jim not (like) autumn or winter. 5. Look, the cats (run) along the wall. 三、根据句意填空(20分) 1. We come from Germany,but Stella comes Spain. 2. You’re Italian. You come from . 3. she come from Norway? 4. He is . He comes from Greece. 5. What are you? I’m Russian. 四、选择填空(30分) ( ) 1. Would you like tea? A. any B. every C. each D.some ( ) 2. It’s mild, but it pleasant. A.always is not B.is always not C. is not always D. always is not ( ) 3. It’s often wet ________ the west. A. on B. in C. / D. of ( ) 4. --Are you going to Jim’s birthday party this Sunday? --Yes,_______________________. A.I’m going to see my grandma this Sunday. B.I’m going there with Tom. C.I have to study for a test. D.I have no time this Sunday. ( ) 5. —Whose notebook is this? —It Jim’s. It has his name on it. A. can’t be B. must be C. can be ( ) 6. is the climate like in your country? A. How B. What C. Which D. How often ( ) 7. Can the cats climb the big tree? A.Yes,it can B. No,it can’t C. No,they can’t D. Yes,please ( )8. Jack new words on the blackboard. A.write B. is write C. is writeing D. is writing


课文81 烤牛肉和土豆 622. Hi, Carol!Where's Tom?你好,卡罗尔!汤姆在哪儿? 623. He's upstairs.他在楼上。 624. He's having a bath.他正在洗澡。汤姆! 625. Tom!Yes?什么事? 626. Sam's here.萨姆来了。 627. I'm nearly ready.我马上就好。 628. Hello, Sam.你好,萨姆。 629. Have a cigarette.请抽烟。 630. No, thanks, Tom.不,谢谢,汤姆。 631. Have a glass of whisky then.那么,来杯威士忌吧。 632. OK. Thanks.好的,谢谢。 633. Is dinner ready, Carol?卡罗尔,饭好了吗? 634. It's nearly ready.马上就好。 635. We can have dinner at seven o'clock.7点钟我们可以吃饭。 636. Sam and I had lunch together today.我和萨姆今天一起吃的午饭。 637. We went to a restaurant.我们去了一家饭店。 638. What did you have?你们吃了什么? 639. We had roast beef and potatoes.我们吃的是烤牛肉和土豆。 640. Oh!噢! 641. What's the matter, Carol?怎么了,卡罗尔? 642. Well, you're going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight!唉,今晚你们又要吃烤牛肉和土豆了! 课文83 度假 643. Hello, https://www.360docs.net/doc/8113695634.html,e in.你好,萨姆。进来吧。 644. Hi, Sam.你好,萨姆。 645. We're having lunch.我们正在吃午饭, 646. Do you want to have lunch with us?你跟我们一起吃午饭好吗? 647. No, thank you. Tom.不,汤姆,谢谢。 648. I've already had lunch.我已经吃过饭了。 649. I had a lunch at half past twelve.我在12点半吃的。 650. Have a cup of coffee then.那么喝杯咖啡吧。 651. I've just had a cup, thank you.我刚喝了一杯,谢谢。 652. I had one after my lunch.我是在饭后喝的。 653. Let's go into the living room,Carol.我们到客厅里去吧,卡罗尔。 654. We can have our coffee there.我们可以在那里喝咖啡。 655. Excuse the mess, Sam.屋子很乱,请原谅,萨姆。 656. This room's very untidy.诚心诚意里乱七八糟。 657. We're packing our suitcases.我们正在收拾手提箱。 658. We're going to leave tomorrow.明天我们就要走了。 659. Tom and I are going to have a holiday.我和汤姆准备去度假。 660. Aren't you lucky!你们真幸运! 661. When are you going to have a holiday, Sam?萨姆,你准备什么时候去度假? 662. I don't know.我不知道。


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(54—60) 一.英译汉(20`) 1. in the office ___________ 2.the large size________ 3. 小号___________ 4. envelope___________ 5. change ___________ 6. 去学校___________ 7. on foot ___________ 8.10:00 ___________ 9.stay at home ___________ 10. drink tea ___________ 11. Living room _________ 12. an interesting book _________ 13.in the garden _________ 14. at the moment ___________ 15. 在早上___________ 16. in the afternoon _______ 17. at night ______________ 18. at noon ___________ 19. in spring ___________ 20. in summer _____________ 二.选择正确的词填空。(10分) A.用any, some 填空. 1. T here is _______ water in the glass, but there isn’t _______ milk in the bottle. 2. Is there ________ apples on the table? ---- Yes,there are ________ here. B.用am not aren’t isn’t can’t don’t doesn’t 填空. 1. My father likes coffee, but I ________. 2. Lily likes tea, but Jim _________. 3. He is very tall, but she ________. 4. They are very happy, but we ________. 5. He likes playing football, but he _______ like swimming. 6. I like running, but I _______ like jumping. 7. I _______ like swimming, Lucy _______ likes swimming, too. 8. She can type very well, but I _________. 三.选择填空。(20分) ( ) 1. ________ is this shirt? A. Who B. Where C. Whose D. When


新概念英语第二册测试(40-55) 一、写出下列词的英语.(1’×15) 奇迹般地没有受伤的主人使尴尬 美德报偿禁止解决 入口海盗价值有信心的 电火花金子最后 二、写出下列词的汉语. (1’×15) persuade register annoying mix treasure examine bury worthless have sticky finger invent detect mess snatch mystery dismay 三.选择。(1’×15) 1、—When do you usually _______every morning ? —At 6:30 and then have breakfast . A. get up B. get on C. get together D. get along 2、—Have you ever been to Nanjing ? —Yes . I _______there last summer . A. go B. went C. have been D. will go 3、—______your classroom_______ every day ? —Yes. It is. A. Was ,cleaned B. Will , be cleaned C. Is ,cleaned D.Has,been cleaned 4. —Must I finish________ the book in this week? —No, you needn’t. A. to be read B. to read C. being read D. reading 5. —Have you decided _______for you holiday? —To Dr. Sun’s Mausoleum. A. where to go B. when to go C. how to go D. who to go 6.—Which of the twins will succeed? —The one _______works harder, I think. A. whom B. who C. which D. whose 7. —You went to the cinema last night, didn’t you? —________ . I was at home. A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. No, I didn’t D. Yes , I did.

新概念英语第二册 lesson61 课文讲解

Lesson 61 Trouble with the Hubble 一、阅读课文 The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20,1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars. Right from the start there was trouble with the Hubble. The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its main mirror was faulty! NASA is now going to put the telescope right, so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it. The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs. Of course, the Hubble is above the earth's atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen. The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. By the time you read this, the Hubble's eagle eye will have sent us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures. (161 words) 二、单词解析 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8113695634.html,unch [l??nt?] v. 发射;发起;发动 NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays.美国国家航空航天局计划发射一颗卫星来研究宇宙射线。 The fact that he is gone has given more weight to fears that he may try to launch a civil war. 他已离开这一事实让人更加担心他可能要发动一场内战。 We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste. 我们发动了一场声势浩大的广告宣传攻势来推销我们的新型牙膏。 n.发射;发行;投放市场 product launch新产品发布会 the launch of the space shuttle航天飞机的发射 the launch of a campaign 运动的发起 2. at a cost of “以……价格”,同钱币名词连用。 He ordered the costumes from Japan at a cost of about $200 (89 pounds) each. 他从日本定购服装,每套大约200美元(89英镑)。 The stoves are designed to have a lifetime of up to three years at a cost of about fifteen dollars. 这个灶具的最常使用年限为3年,造价约15美元。 对比at the cost of 以……为代价 The fire was put out at the cost of a fireman’s life. 这场火灾是以一位消防队员生命的代价才扑灭的。 It is a little like medieval justice: sometimes innocence can be proved only at the cost of a career. 这有点象中世纪的司法制度;有时候,只是牺牲一个人的前程,才能证明他无辜。 3. faulty ['f??lti] adj.不完美的,有缺陷的 We traced the trouble to a faulty transformer. 经追查,我们发现问题出在一台有缺陷的变压器上。 She took the faulty radio back to the shop and demanded a refund. 她将有毛病的收音机拿回商店去要求退款。 adj. 错误的

新概念英语第一册Lesson 53课后练习册答案

新概念英语第一册Lesson 53课后练习册答案 Lesson 53 阅读理解 (1)答案与解析 1. 从I have to finish my homework before I go to bed.来看, 作者是在晚上做作业的。要填evening。 2. My mother cleans the dining-room and then she washes the school clothes for me.告诉我们,母亲要做家务事。故应填housework。 3. 由My father says the shops are open now.我们能够得知,父亲认为商店没相关门。要填closed。 4. 从When I got to the Uncle Wang’s shop, he says hello to me.来看,他对“我”很友好。该空应填 friendly。 5. 从They are not expensive. I buy one exercise-book and go home quickly.能够看出,那里的东西不贵。 故应填cheap。 (2)答案与解析 1. B。从My friend Diana is in Class Two, Grade One.能够得知,她是一个学生。 2. A。The first class begins and I leaves their school.已经 告诉我们,她是早上去学校的。

3. B。我们能够从There’re twenty boys and twenty-two girls in her class.了解到,他们有42 个学生。 4. A。从Diana and another girl are on duty.能够了解到,有两个学生在打扫教室。 5. A。由Miss Gao is coming. She teaches them English.能够证实,她是他们的英语老师。 英汉翻译 1. My husband doesn’t like spring and summer. 2. Where do you come from? Are you Australian? 3. What’s the weather like in your hometown? 4. Which season do you like best? 5. The climate is warm, but it isn’t always pleasant. 6. The days are long and the nights are short. 7. We come from Poland. 8. Do you come from France?


新概念英语单词第一册第55 课:索耶一家人 live [lv] v.住,生活 【派生】 living生 【充】 life生活alive活着的 【搭配】 live on...靠??生活 【例句】 A:Who lives with you? A:你和住在一起? B:Kate and Nancy do. B:我跟特和南希?起住。 stay [ste]停,逗留 【充】 stop over中途停留 【搭配】 stay at home 待在家stay still 静止不stay out of不参与stay up熬夜 【例句】 A: How long do you plan to stay here? A:你打算在儿停留多久? B:I will stay here for about ten days. B:我将在儿待大概10 天。 home [hm] 家 【派生】 homeland 祖国

【单词搭配】 at home 在家 go home 回家 【单词例句】 A:I must go back home where many things are waiting for me to settle B: We're very sorry to see you go. A:我必须回国了,很多事正等着我去处理。 B:您要走了,我们感到非常遗憾。 housework['hauswa :k] 家务 【单词构造】 house(房子) +work(工作) = housework (家务)【单词搭配】 do the housework做家务 【单词例句】 A: My mother always says I spend too much time on watching TV A:我妈妈总是说我把太多的时间花费在看电视上。 B: Then you should finish your homework, and then help your parents with the housework some day. B:那你以后应该先完成家庭怍业,然后帮父母做些家务。 【单词搭配】 get together相聚all together一起 【单词例句】 A: Your roommate is so nice A:你的室友真是太好了。 B: Yes, we get along together very we
