














11.1-5 ABDCB 6-10 ABCDA













1.The restaurant industry has one thing in common with the film industry: the

high failure rate among its small businesses.

2.His greatness lies in his outstanding ability to connect the qualities of a

scientist with those of an industrialist.

3.We have replaced ethnic identity with professional identity, the way we

replaced neighborhoods with the workplace, which is quite obvious among the mobile professions.

4.Plainly, in any large enterprise the boss cannot be directly involved in

everything, and some means have to be found to transfer his belief to others.

5. No one was willing to experience the feeling of being out of control and

dependent on someone else’s approval, at someone else’s mercy.

6. The human beings longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to

do things, with his hand, with his mind and with his will.

7. The government hopes that the sale of a chunk of its assets will help make up

for its loss.

8. In modern society, people are more likely to be identified by their professions,

rather than by their communities.

9. Careers and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness

and contentment.

10. We did have an investigation with regard to the issue, but we should not

comment on it.

Unit 2



2.Was hounded








10.Status quo





1. launched

2. with

3. however

4. on

5. hiding

6. exercise

7. varied

8. within

9. scores 10. average 11. quickest 12. received 13. problems 14. along 15. essential 16. through 17. perform 18. avoid 19. series 20. drop


1.Although she has gone through numerous failures, Katherine still believes that she could make a world champion of her son.

2.The training program is not really a bad experience. But I would have liked it better if the courses had been a bit more practical.

3.You should have known better than to open a suspicious attachment.

4. Unfortunately he died from a sudden traffic accident, leaving the experience half-done.

5. Wouldn’t it be better if the food market on the street corner could be turned into a garden?

6. Much as I am eager to please everyone, I seem never be able to speak out the right thing at the right time.

7. This little gadget makes a good present for the elderly, for it can keep accurate track of one’s blood pressure

8.Jane is always working so hard to achieve the next thing and she never has time to sit back and pat herself on the back about the things that she has already done.

9. Tom sized up the situation, and decided to downsize his business, which turned out to be a wise decision.

10. It is not enough for our university to resign itself to the status quo; it should speed up its development, and make itself one of the best universities in China.

Unit 3


1. plummet

2. daunt

3. harrowing

4. disposition

5. surface

6. imminent

7. exertion 8. wholesome 9. stranded

10. gobble


1-5 ACBCA 6-10 BDACB


1. keys

2. divided

3. external

4. life

5. to

6. function

7. means

8. understanding

9. oneself 10. of

11. successful 12. internally 13. others

14. can 15. lies 16. teach 17. derived

18. conduct 19. find 20. apply


1.When someone is in “desert of experience”—a period of feeling barren of

options, even hope, the most important thing is not allow yourself to be stranded in the desert.

2.With financial resources exhausted and the pressure of a big family to support,

Jimmy wanted to escape at first but finally his courage and good humor saw him through.

3.Someone believes that it is never too late to embark on a new career in any

period of life.

4.What makes sense is to face the challenge rather than run away from the

troubles after suffering a significant loss.

5.With the small income from her restaurant job, Mary could barely make ends


6.It draws on people that failure is nothing to be afraid of . But it is a precious

experience in life.

7.The president wishes every student to forge ahead on the career ladder at the

commencement ceremony.

8.Scientists are studying smokers and the people with depression in an attempt

to sort out their complicated physical and psychological problems.

9.Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or shielding their children

from the knowledge that they have failed.

10.No one can be perfect, so be easy on oneself.

Unit 4


1. sane

2. insatiable

3. purports

4. uplifting

5. devout

6. static

7. arbitrary

8. rapt

9. cardinal 10. demanding





2. by

3. mind

4. found

5. yourself

6. with

7. worrying

8. unnecessary

9. everything 10. lies

11. reason 12. focus 13. problems 14. right

15. regardless 16. around 17. happens

18. react 19. life 20. only


1.In modern society, advertising has become one modern form of expression

almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness.

2.Lectures will never entirely disappear from the university scene, because they

spring from a long tradition in a setting that rightly values tradition for its own sake.

3.Short of having their own children, the couple can never experience the

pleasure of being parents.

4.He takes others’success as a kind of challenge and motivation. He keeps

telling himself that he should do better than others.

5.If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with

unhappiness. The truth is that things that lead to happiness involve some pain.

6.In homes where money was tight, no sacrifice was too great in order that the

child has whatever he needed to learn to become a musician.

7.As long as we understand that fun does not bring happiness, we can begin to

lead our lives differently.

8.If we do get what we want we’ll keep thinking of all that we don’t possess

—and we will remain dissatisfied.

9.The only way to truly balance your career with family life is to think long and

hard about your life values and live by them.

10.Anyone who wants to have a both fruitful and cheerful life should deal well

with the relationship between work and play.

Unit 5


1. foolproof

2. insane

3. default

4. likewise

5. transmitted

6. afar

7. productivity 8. identify 9. limp 10. disability


1-5 CABDC 6-10 ABBCD


1. application

2. tool

3. insurance

4. power

5. civilizations

6. DNA

7. life

8. advances

9. completely 10. sea 11. and 12. surplus 13. phenomenon 14. techniques 15. diseases 16. has 17. room 18. prediction 19. get 20. with


1.God forbid it if ever I had bought smart appliances!

2.He is concerned about state affairs and keeps reading newspapers every day.

3.When it comes to the rocketing price of housing, the media generally agree

that neither the government nor land developers can shrink from their responsibilities.

4.Visiting local bookshops for second-hand books at random, I came across

more and more books that had come from libraries.

5.Even if you read Owner’s Manual, you can’t operate your washing machine.

6.This job position has attracted many applicants, so before you contact the

personnel officer, you need to figure out what is unique about yourself.

7.The Minister of Foreign Affairs quickly adopted a more temperate tone, which

was generally thought at least temporarily to have saved his shaky political career.

8.It has been proved time and again by human history that great men are too

often unknown, or, what is worse, misunderstood by others.

9.The tension soon transmitted itself to all the members of the crowd, and we all

held our breath to watch what would happen.

10.To check whether the accused men had confessed all his crimes, the court

decided to confront him with a witness.


Lesson 1 Question: 1. Why did John Koshak decide to stay although he knew the hurricane would be bad? For the following reasons: For one thing, the house was 23 feet above sea level; for another,he was unwilling to abandon his home. 2. How did the man prepare for the hurricane? Why was a generator necessary? They filled bathtubs and pails. Besides, they checked out batteries for portable radio and flashlights, and fuel for the lantern. A generator was necessary because John's father wired several light bulbs to it and prepared a connection to the refrigerator. 3. What made it impossible for the Koshak to escape? It was impossible for the Koshers to escape both by car and on foot. The car's electrical system had been killed by water. Meanwhile, the water became too deep for them to escape on foot. 4. Why did John Koshak feel a crushing guilt? Because he blamed himself for underestimating the power of the hurricane and then endangering the whole family by his wrong decision not to flee safer inland. 5. Why did Grandma Koshak ask children to be sing? A: Because she knew how frightened the children were and wanted to boost their spirit. 6. What was a hurricane party? What happened to the party gores? A hurricane party was the one that was held by several vacationers to enjoy the spectacle of the hurricane with a clear and broad view in the fancy Richelieu Apartments from where they believed they would be safe. Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart by the hurricane and 26 people perished. 7. What did Grandma Koshak mean when she said," We lost practically all our possessions, but the family came through it. When I think of that, I realize we lost nothing important?" She meant that human lives are more important than material possessions. 8. How did the community of Gulfport act after Hurricane Camille was over? They managed to make their lives return to normal and began rebuilding their community without any delay. Paraphrase: 1. We're elevated 23 feet. Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. The house was built in 1915 and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3. We can batten down and ride it out. We can prepare ourselves for the hurricane and manage to survive it without much damage. 4. The generator was doused, and the lights went out. Water got into the generator, and it didn't work. As a result, the lights were put out. 5. Everybody out the back door to the cars! Everybody go out though the back door and get into the cars. 6. The electrical system had been killed by water. The electrical system in the cars had been destroyed by water. 7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. When John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he b


新职业英语2_通用版_U n i t1——U n i t8_ 课后翻译题答案

1.公司所有规章制度都应严格遵守。(observe) All the company rules and regulations must be strictly observed. 2.和这些同学在一起我们应随便一些。(casual) We should be casual when we stay with these students. 3.上述所说的是一些在职场环境中非常有用的交际技能。The above-mentioned are some communication skills that are very useful in an office setting. 4.我们有一个专业的团队来营销我们的产品。(professional) We have a professional team to market our products. 5.你知道今秋流行黑衣服吗?(trendy) Do you know black clothes will be trendy this fall? 6.与其求人,不如求己。(rely on) We would rather rely on ourselves instead of seeking help from others. 7.新车必须符合国家标准。(comply with) New vehicles must comply with national standards. 8.我们公司的一些年轻人可能会来寻求你的建议。(seek) Some young people in our company may come to seek your advice 1.我把咖啡洒了一桌。(spill)


《希望英语4》翻译练习答案 Unit 1 A 1. 顾客越是觉得回报多,他们回头光顾的机会就越大。 The more the customers feel rewarded, the greater the odds they will repeat their shopping. 2.生意成功的秘密就在于高质量的服务。 The secret for successful businesses lies in high quality services. 3.如果顾客得不到充分的回报,他们很可能转到别的地方去购物。 If the customers are not rewarded adequately, they may shop elsewhere. 4.我们善待我们的顾客,反过来,他们也会通过带来更多的顾客来回报我们。 We treat our customers well, and in turn they will reward us by bringing in more customers. 5.简而言之,在商业中采用双赢政策(win-win policy)我们就有机会赢得更多顾客。 T o put it simple, we shall have better chance to win more customers by adopting a win-win policy in

businesses. B 掌握国际贸易的知识及其蕴藏的力量和实施的方法,不仅对那些直接从事国际贸易工作的管理人员,而且对所有的管理者都是十分必要的。国际贸易,即进出口贸易,常常是制造业、自然资源、能源以及农产品等方面的企业进行国际经营活动的首选形式。UNIT 2 A 1.毕业以后,他曾雄心勃勃地想回家乡大干一番事业,然而却发现在那里将军无用武之地。 After graduation, he had thought with great ambition of working hard in his hometown, but he found himself just like a fish out of water there. 2.如果不采取实际行动来解决问题的话,一味的抱怨只能使简单的问题更加复杂。 If active actions were not taken to solve the problems, constant complaints would make the simple issue more complex. 3.他说这项工作是专门为那些有闯劲的人设计的。He said that the job was specially designed for aggressive people. 4. 该国人民对战后残酷的经济形势不抱任何幻想。 People in that country have no illusion about the


新职业英语2课文习题答案 Unit4 1.昨天我留下加了一会儿班。(extra) I stayed and did some extra work yesterday 2.为了赶上她的同学,她学习非常努力。(in an effort to). She has been studying very hard in an effort to catch up with her classmates 3.电视提供大众化的娱乐。(universal) Television provides universal entertainment 4.我们怎样才能提高顾客的忠诚度?(loyalty) Howcan we improve customerloyalty? 5.请你方便时给我们寄一份你们最新的产品目录。(convenience) Please send us a copy of your latest catalog at your convenience 6.他手头工作太多了,不能跟我们去野餐。(on hand) He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us. 7.这则广告会引起各地读者的注意。(capture) The advertisement will capture the attention of readers everywhere. 8.新闻节目是通过卫星传送到我们这里来的。(via)The news program came to us via satellite. nit 8 1. 如果错过这次机会,你会后悔的。(slip away) You will regret it if you let this opportunityslip away. 2. 他一点点地暴露了他的野心。(ambition) Little by little he revealed his ambitions. 3. 当你靠近床时,走路轻一点。(approach) Walk softly as you approach the

高级英语第一册Unit12 课后练习题答案

THE LOONS 课后习题答案/answer I . 1)The Tonnerres were poor The basis of their dwelling was a small square cabin made of poles and mud, which had been built some fifty years before. As the Tonnerres had increased in number, their settlement had been added, until thc clearing at the foot of the town hill was a chaos of lean-tos, wooden packing cases, warped lumber, discarded car tyres, ramshackle chicken coops, tangled strands of barbed wire and rusty tin cans. 2)Sometimes, one of them would get involved in a fight on Main Street and be put for the night in the barred cell underneath the Court House. 3)Because she had had tuberculosis of the bone, and should have a couple of months rest to get better. 4)Her mother first objected to take Piquette along because she was afraid that the girl would spread the disease to her children and she believed that the girl was not hygienic. She then agreed to do so because she preferred Piquette to the narrator's grandmother, who promised not to go along with the family and decided to stay in the city if the girl was taken along. 5)The cottage was called Macleod, their family name. The scenery there was quite beautiful with all kinds of plants and animals at the lakeside. 6)The narrator knew that maybe Piquette was an Indian descendant who knew the woods quite well, so she tried to ask Piquette to go and play in the wood and tell her stories about woods. 7)Because Piquette thought the narrator was scorning and showing contempt for her Indian ancestors, which was just opposite to her original intention. 8)Because the narrator felt somewhat guilty. Piquette stayed most of the time in the cottage and hardly played with the narrator. At the same time, she felt there was in Piquette something strange and unknown and unfathomable. 9)That was the very rare chance she was unguarded and unmasked, so that the author could perceive her inner world. 10)Her full name is Vanessa Macleod. 11)Just as the narrator's father predicted, the loons would go away when more cottages were built at the lake with more people moving in. The loons disappeared as nature was ruined by civilization. In a similar way, Piquette and her people failed to find their position in modern society. Ⅱ. 1)who looked deadly serious, never laughed 2)Sometimes old Jules, or his son Lazarus, would get involved in a rough, noisy quarrel or fight on a Saturday night after much drinking of liquor. 3)She often missed her classes and had little interest in schoolwork. 4)I only knew her as a person who would make other people feel ill at ease. 5)She lived and moved somewhere within my range of sight (Although I saw her, I paid little attention to her). 6)If my mother had to make a choice between Grandmother Macleod and

新职业英语2 通用版 Unit1——Unit8 课后翻译题答案

新职业英语2 通用版Unit1——Unit8 课后翻译题答案 ============================================================================================ Unit1 1.公司所有规章制度都应严格遵守。(observe) All the company rules and regulations must be strictly observed. 2.和这些同学在一起我们应随便一些。(casual) We should be casual when we stay with these students. 3.上述所说的是一些在职场环境中非常有用的交际技能。(setting) The above-mentioned are some communication skills that are very useful in an office setting. 4.我们有一个专业的团队来营销我们的产品。(professional) We have a professional team to market our products. 5.你知道今秋流行黑衣服吗?(trendy) Do you know black clothes will be trendy this fall? 6.与其求人,不如求己。(rely on) We would rather rely on ourselves instead of seeking help from others. 7.新车必须符合国家标准。(comply with) New vehicles must comply with national standards. 8.我们公司的一些年轻人可能会来寻求你的建议。(seek) Some young people in our company may come to seek your advice -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Unit 2 1.我把咖啡洒了一桌。(spill) I spilt coffee all over my desk. 2. 会上要求我们每个人都提出建议。(contribute) We were all asked to contribute ideas at the meeting. 3. 水果在运送时容易腐烂。(perishable) Fruits are perishable during transportation. 4. 负责的军官在战斗中受了重伤。(in charge) The officer in charge was wounded badly in the battle. 5. 显然那间公寓一直没有人住。(apparently) Apparently, no one has been living in that flat. 6. 他在退休之前领到了一笔补偿金。(payoff) He got a payoff before the retirement. 7. 经理正在把工作分配给几个工作人员。(assign) The manager is assigning the work to several clerks. 8. 他们正在努力寻找和平解决这种冲突的方法。(solution) They are working hard to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unit 3 1.你得确保你已为未来的工作做好了准备。(ensure) You need to ensure that you are fully prepared for your future job. 2.在他们的帮助下,我们最后完成了我们的任务。(accomplish)


翻译 Unit1 1.公司所有规章制度都应严格遵守。(observe) All the company rules and regulations must be strictly observed. 2. 和这些同学在一起我们应随便一些。(casual) We should be casual when we stay with these students 3. 上述所说的是一些在职场环境中非常有用的交际技能。(setting) The above-mentioned are some communication skills that are very useful in an office setting. 4. 我们有一个专业的团队来营销我们的产品。(professional) We have a professional team to market our products. 5. 你知道今秋流行黑衣服吗?(trendy) Do you know black clothes will be trendy this fall? 6. 与其求人,不如求己。(rely on) We would rather rely on ourselves instead of seeking help from others. 7. 新车必须符合国家标准。(comply with) New vehicles must comply with national standards 8. 我们公司的一些年轻人可能会来寻求你的建议。(seek) Some young people in our company may come to seek your advice. Unit2 1. 我把咖啡洒了一桌。(spill) I spilt coffee all over my desk. 2. 会上要求我们每个人都提出建议。(contribute) We were all asked to contribute ideas at the meeting. 3. 水果在运送时容易腐烂。(perishable) Fruits are perishable during transportation. 4. 负责的军官在战斗中受了重伤。(in charge) The officer in charge was wounded badly in the battle. 5. 显然那间公寓一直没有人住。(apparently)

高级英语 课后习题答案

Unit1 Paraphrase 1.Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2.The house was built in1915, and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4.Water got into the generator, it stopped working. As a result all lights were put out. 5.Everyone go out through the back door and get into the cars! 6.The electrical systems in the cars had been destroyed/ruined by water. 7.As john watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the family by making the wrong decision not to flee inland. 8.Oh, God, please help us to get through this dangerous situation. 9.She sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped. 10.Janis didn't show any fear on the spot during the storm, but she revealed her feelings caused by the storm a few nights after the hurricane by getting up in the middle of the night and crying softly. Practice with words and expressions A 1.main:a principal pipe, conduit, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc.


1.词汇题 2.根据单词正确形式填空 1.entrepreneur 企业家 1. entertaining招待给...娱乐 1.link 链接联系 2. manner方式习惯规矩 2.Acquired 获得拥有 3. implied意味着暗指 3.tend to 倾向于 4. urgency紧迫 4.relevant (紧密)相关的 5. intelligently聪颖的机智的 5.stay away from 远离 6. formal 正式的拘谨的有条理的 6.excel突出擅长 7. conduct表现实施 7.popularity普及大众化声望8. knowledgeable知识渊博的有见识的 8.features特色特点9. turned out增强发展起来 9.fueled刺激给....提供燃料10. representative代表具有代表性的 1.individuals 个人个体 2.schedule 时间表计划表 3.reflects 反映 4.range范围 5.appropriate适合的适当的 6.operate操作运转 7.challenging挑战 8.deal with 处理 9.prospects前景前途期望 10.anticipate预计期望 1.ran over 把..。飞快地读(看检查)一遍 2.outweighed超过比...重 3.target 目标对象 4.attempt尝试努力 5.sketch草图素描 6.remote远程的遥控的远的 7.enhance提高提升 8.manufacture生产 9.flattened把...弄平变平 10.located指出确定..的位置 1.profit利润 2.participate参与 3.consumers消费者 4.legal 法律的合法的 5.additional 额外的附加的 6.parties 一方当事人 7.opportunity机会 8.specialized in 专门从事专攻 9.exchange交换 10.export 出口


Unit1 1)等我们终于找到8号房间的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,累得上气不接下气。我打开门锁,我们都走了进去。 2)她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。 3)我不知道为什么我非得了解文学。可是招生办公室的那位女士说,虽然我读过陀思妥耶夫斯基和梅尔维尔的小说,虽然一个没上过高中的人能读这些书的确令人敬佩,但这门课是必修课。 4)我乐得飘飘然了,第一件事就是去买所需要的课本,然后用纽约大学紫白相间的护封把它们套起来,这样地铁里的乘客就会向我投来艳羡的目光了。 5)接着,教授告诉我们,观念并不是从天而降的现成品。从长远来看,清教徒是宗教改革运动的产物,他们继承了宗教改革运动的世界观,并且他们对孩子的态度也由此体现了宗教改革运动的思想。 1. Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed up for it. 2.Online education provides those who work full time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time. 3. When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor’s mouth. 4. No one detects his despair well hidden behind his smile. 5. Some students are easy about talking with strangers, while some others find it hard to do so. Unit 2 1. They don’t serve chips/French fries here. If you want them, you have to go to a KFC or McDonalds. 2. He picked up a walnut and tried to crack it with a hammer, but instead he crushed it. 3. When the gold was heated and melted, they poured it into a mould to form a gold bar. 4. He admitted to breaking the window of the classroom. 5. To our delight, the new economic policy is beginning to have a positive effect on the economy. Unit 3 1. It is most likely that teachers won’t think much of students who cannot think for themselves 2. When he was in high school, hardly anyone did scientific experiments, much less had training in this respect. 3. Envy is the result of laziness and ignorance.


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 高职高专新职业英语职业综合英语1课后练习答案unit1 task 1 1996 : google begun as larry page's research project . 1998: page and sergey set up the company and registered the google .com 2000: The search engine grew quickly and it began to sell advertising on the website Recently : Google has also owned B logger and other hot websites and become the leader in terms of ad-based revenue on the web . Task 4 Model 1 1. The wheels appears to be going back when a car is speeding . 2. Everyone appears to talking about Google earth these days . 3. No one appeared to have noticed his sadness . Model 2 1. Most people don't like the idea that human might be cloned someday . 2. But you are trying to cover up the fact that we d on't have enough money . 3. we have to accept that the goods have been damaged . Task 5 1. All these can not be achieved overnight . 2. The gym tends to get very busy at around 6 o'clock 3. This area is not safe at the moment , so it is better to stay away from it . 4. They are one of the top five supermarkets in the area in terms of sales . 5. This room has to serve as both bed room and living room . 6. The production department is responsible for monitoring the progress of this project .



1.词汇题 2.根据单词正确形式填空 1.e ntrepre neur 企业家 1. en terta ining 招 待给…娱乐 1.link 链接联系 2. manner 方式 习惯 规 矩 2. Acquired 获得拥有 3. implied 意味着暗 指 3. tend to 倾向于 4. urgency 紧迫 4. releva nt (紧密)相关的 5. i ntellige ntly 聪颖的机智的 5. stay away from 远离 拘谨的有条理的 6. excel 突出擅长 实施 7. popularity 普及大众化声望 8. knowledgeable 知识渊博的 有见识的 8. features 特色 特点 9. turned out 增 强 发展起来 9. fueled 刺激 给....提供燃料 10. representative 代表 具有代表性的 1.individuals 个人 个体 2. schedule 时间表计划表 6. formal 正式的 7. con duct 表现

3. reflects 反映 4. range 范围 5. appropriate适合的适当的 6.operate 操作运转 7. challenging 挑战 8. deal with 处理 9. prospects前景前途期望 10. anticipate 预计期望 1. ran over把..。飞快地读(看检查)一遍 2.outweighed超过比…重 3. target目标对象 4. attempt尝试努力 5. sketch草图素描 6. remote远程的遥控的远的 7. enhance提高提升 8. manufacture 生产 9. flattened把…弄平变平 10.located指出确定..的位置 1. profit 利润


新编实用英语综合教程2 unit 1 课后习题答案 P4-1 ①What are you doing tonight② i was wondering ③i wish i could ④write a term paper ⑤ some other time then ⑥ That's right P4-2 1)are you doing anything special tommorrow evening ? 2) i would like invite you to come to my birthday party . would you like to join us ? :3) Good , will you come at 7:00 ? 4) Lemonade if you must bring sth . P4-3 1) what are you going to do this weekend ? 2) Thunderstorm is on this weekend . 3) the early or the late show 4) Maybe go to KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken ) or a Coffee Shop . 5) i 'd rather go to KFC 6) when and where shall we meet ? P5-1 ①tomorrow②ball game③skiing④f or a long time ⑤very warm⑥agree P6-2

① No , she doen't ②going to the ball game and skiing ③She heard it on the radio ④ No , he doesn't ⑤ He will give claire a call P6-3 ① the time and place ②fine ③formal written ④ in writing ⑤ at the bottom ⑥ attend ⑦ in person or by phone ⑧ comfortable P7-4 1) d 2) C 3) a 4) b P8-1 1) You should not fell committed until you know what the invitation 2) it is : apology , reason for refusal , thanks for the invitation . 3) it means each pays one's own check when eating in a restaurant . 4) the word "sometime ". P9-2 1) instances 2) informal 3)entertain 4) host 5) casual 6)suggestion P9-3 ① invent an excuse later ② present problems ③ explicit④ specific time mentioned ⑤ Yes , th at would be nice . P9-4 1) instance 2) present 3) hostess 4. appropriate 5)invent 6) entertain 7) explicit 8) identify P9-5 !) For convenience , the photo will be shown in time sequence. 2) You are required to stop your car after an accident .
