

Unit 6 Design

课时练2 知识运用板块练


(2018·甘肃重点中学协作体高三第一次联考)From an early age, Parker always said that he would be an astronaut when he grew up. But no matter how much he studied and took tests, he was never__1__ to fly in space.__2__, he grew over the maximum age for taking the selection tests. In other words, he would never be able to fulfill his__3__.

Thinking about all the time and__4__ Parker had put into trying to be an astronaut, people felt__5__ for him. Despite what he was told about having to__6__ his ambition, Parker continued training and studying,__7__ he was going to have the tests the next month.

He__8__ as he got older, and when he was a very old man he heard that they were doing some very important__9__ experiments. For those experiments they needed a very__10__ astronaut. Parker, who walked with a__11__, was the only old man in the whole world who was__12__ to fly in a rocket. Therefore, Parker found himself flying in__13__, all with the help of science. It was clear that the __14__ gained during those missions helped to cure one of the worst sicknesses for old people, and Parker was __15__ as a hero.

Photos of the astronaut with a walking stick and no teeth__16__ all over the world, and became a__17__ of how you can never train or learn too much. It showed that__18__ effort always brings__19__ even though it may not be in the form we had first__20__.


1.A.noticed B.selected

C.invited D.permitted

B解析:根据下文中的“he grew over the maximum age for taking the selection tests”可知,此处指他从来没有被选(selected)去太空飞行。

2.A.Secretly B.Suddenly

C.Luckily D.Finally

D解析:最后,Parker已经超过了选拔考试的最大年龄。finally “最终,终于”。

3.A.dream B.task

C.need D.belief


4.A.reputation B.power

C.effort D.practice

C解析:根据第一段中的“But no matter how much he studied and took tests”可知,Parker付出了很多时间和努力(effort)。人们一想到Parker为成为宇航员所付出的时间和努力就为他感到遗憾(sorry)。

5.A.happy B.sorry

C.nervous D.calm


6.A.ignore B.forget

C.develop D.abandon

D解析:尽管有人告诉Parker,他不得不放弃(abandon) 他的目标,但他还是继续训练和学习,好像(as if)下个月他要参加测试似的。

7.A.so that B.now that

C.as if D.even though


8.A.carried on B.took on

C.turned off D.got off

A解析:Parker继续(学习和训练)。carry on“继续做,坚持干”,符合语境。

9.A.electrical B.physical

C.medical D.political

C解析:根据下文中的“during those missions help ed to cure one of the worst sicknesses for old people”可知,Parker得知他们在太空做医学实验。medical“医疗的”,符合语境。electrical“用电的”;physical“物理学的”;political“政治的”。

10.A.sick B.experienced

C.active D.old

D解析:根据语境可知,他们需要一位年纪大的(old) 宇航员。

11.A.map B.stick

C.guide D.candle

B解析:根据下文中的“Photos of the astronaut with a walking stick”可知,当时Parker走路需要拐杖。a walking stick“拐杖”。

12.A.planned B.trained

C.forced D.allowed


2017高考英语必考知识点总结 2017高考英语必考知识点:as引导的非限制性定语从句 在as引导的非限制性定语从句中,连接代词as在句子中可以作主语、宾语或表语等,可以指人或物。其在定语从句中的位置比较灵活,即可以在句子前面,在句子中间或句子末尾。常用的结构有:as we all know; as is well known to ; as is often the case; as is said/mentioned above; as has been said before; as I told you before; as is evident; as often happens; as can be seen; as is/was expected; as we expect; as I can remember等。 [注意1]as通常只指整个句子的内容,不表示部分内容。 [注意2]as引导的非限制性定语从句通常指事先可以预料到的料想到的,表达好的方面。 [注意3]as引导限制性定语从句时,常构成the same as ; such as ; so/as as 等结构。在从句中既可以指人、物,也可以指整个句子。 [例句] This is also part of your work, as I told you before. 我曾告诉过你,这也是你工作的一部分。 The man was a teacher, as was evident from his way of speaking.

从那人说话的样子可明显看出,他是个老师。 Such ideas as he hits on are worthless. 像他那样偶然想起的主意是无用的。 It s the same story as I heard from her yesterday. 这故事跟我从她那儿听到的相同。 He will marry as pretty a girl as he can find. 他要尽可能找漂亮的女孩结婚。 Such people as have made great contributions to the world should be greatly respected.那些对世界做出巨大贡献的人们应该受到极大的尊重。 2017高考英语必考知识点:which引导的非限制性定语从句 which引导的非限制性定语从句既可以指整个句子内容,也可以指句子的部分内容(如单词或词组等),在句子中可以作主语、宾语(动词或介词的)、定语等。注意它在句子中的位置:只能放在主句后,不能放在主句前。表达的内容是不好的、事先没有预料到的等时,常用which,只指物。 [例句] Yellowstone National Park, which is in Wyoming, is one of the


2020年高考:英语知识点高频必考归纳 1.able 用法:be able to do Note: 反义词unable表示不能,而disabled表示残疾的。 be able to do可以表示经过艰难困苦才能做到的事。 2.abroad 用法:表示到(在)国外,是一个副词,前面不加介词。 Note: 可以说from abroad, 表示从国外回来。 3.admit 用法:表示承认的时候后面要加上动名词形式。 Note: 表示允许进入的时候与介词to搭配。 4.advise 用法:advise sb. to do; advise doing Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。 5.afford 用法:通常与动词不定式搭配使用。 Note: 前面需要有be able to或can等词。 6.after 用法:表示在时间、空间之后;be after表示追寻。 Note: 用在将来时的时候后面接一时间点,而in接一个时间段,如:after 3 o’clock; in 3 days. 7.agree 用法:与介词on, to, with及动词不定式搭配。 Note: agree on表示达成一致;agree to表示批准;agree with表示同意某人说的话。 8.alive 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。 Note: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury sb. alive. 9.allow 用法:allow doing; allow sb. to do Note: 可以表示允许进入,如:Please allow me in. 10.among 用法:用在三者或三者以上的群体中。 Note: 还可以表示其中之一,如:He is among the best. 11.and 用法:用于连接两个词、短语、句子或其他相同结构。 Note: 与祈使句搭配时往往可以表示条件。如:Work hard, and you’ll succeed sooner or later. 12.another 用法:表示又一个,泛指,相当于one more的含义。 Note: 不能直接加复数名词,需要与一个数词搭配,如:another 2 weeks. 13.answer 用法:及物动词,但在作名词时要与介词to搭配。 Note: 可以表示接电话、应门等。如:answer the phone/door. 14.anxious 用法:be anxious for/about/to do Note: be anxious about表示担心;be anxious for表示盼望得到。 15.appear 用法:不及物动词,没有宾语,没有被动语态。 Note: 还可以作为系动词,与seem同义,表示看起来……。 16.arrive 用法:arrive at表示到一个小地方;arrive in表示到一个大地方。 Note: 引申含义表示得出,如:arrive at a decision/conclusion. 17.ask 用法:ask to do; ask sb. to do; ask for Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:ask that sb. (should) do的形式。 18.asleep 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。 Note: 通常与动词be及fall搭配;sound asleep表示熟睡。 19.attend 用法:表示参加,后面经常加上meeting, lecture, conference, class, school, wedding, funeral等词;也可以表示照顾,照料。 Note: attend to可以表示处理、照料等。 20.attention 用法:pay attention to; draw/catch sb’s attention Note: 写通知时的常用语:May I have your attention, please?


【高考】英语冲刺导练7 ---炳辉书店--- 【读写应用综合训练】 一、完形填空Cloze test 7记叙文 -7 Dad had a green comb. He bought it when he married Mum. Every night, he would hand me his 26 and say, “Good girl, help Daddy clean it, OK?” I was 27 to do it. At age five , this dull task brought me such 28 . I would excitedly turn the tap 29 and brush the comb carefully. Satis fied that I’d done a good job, I would happily return the comb to Dad. He would 30 affectionately at me and place the comb on his wallet. Two years later, Dad started his own 31 , which wasn’t doing so well. That was when things started to 32 . Dad didn’t come home as early and as much as he used to. Mum and I became 33 with him for placing our family in trouble. With 34 , an uncomfortable silence grew between us. After my g raduation, Dad’s business was getting back on track. On my 28th birthday, Dad came home 35 . As usual I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said ,“Hey, would you help me 36 my comb?” I looked at him a while, then 37 the comb and headed to the sink. It hit me then: why, as a child, 38 Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure. That routine meant Dad was home early to 39 the evening with Mum and me. It 40 a happy and loving family. I passed the clean comb back to Dad. He smiled at me and 41 placed his comb on his wallet. But this time, I noticed something 42 . Dad had aged. He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, 43 his smile was still as 44 as before, the smile of a father who just wanted a good 45 for his family. 26. A. bag B. wallet C. comb D. brush 27. A. annoyed B. relieved C. ashamed D. pleased 28. A. joy B. sadness C. courage D. pain 29. A. out B. over C. in D. on 30. A. stare B. smile C. shout D. laugh 31. A. family B. business C. task D. journey 32. A. progress B. change C. improve D. form 33. A. satisfied B. delighted C. mad D. strict 34. A. time B. patience C. speed D. ease 35. A. occasionally B. early C. frequently D. rarely 36. A. sharply B. repair C. clean D. keep 37. A. dropped B. took C. handed D. threw 38. A. watching B. letting C. helping D. hearing 39. A. find B. lose C. waste D. spend 40. A. affected B. broke C. meant D. supported 41. A. firmly B. hurriedly C. casually D. carefully 42. A. different B. exciting C. interesting D. urgent 43. A. for B. or C. so D. yet 44. A. convincing B. heartwarming C. cautious D. innocent 45. A. origin B. life C. reputation D. education 二、阅读理解Reading 1 Practising key kills 3-2


专题一定语从句 一、关系代词引导的定语从句 1、that 指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 which 指物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语(作宾语时可以省略) who 指人在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 whom 指人在从句中作宾语 whose 指人或物在从句中作定语 as 指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 but 指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 注意:指物时,whose+名词=the+名词+of which 或of which+the+名词 2、as 的用法 (1)常用于下列结构:such…as; so…as;the same…as; as…as 注意:the same…as 表示同一类,不同一个 the same…that 表示同一个 (2)as与which的区别 a、位置不同 as可放在主句后,主句前或主句中间;which只能放在主句后。 b、as起连接作用,表达说话人的观点、看法,并指出主句内容的根据或出处,意为“正如,正像”。 Which相当于并列句,可以用and this来代替,意为“这一点,这件事’”。 注意:as常用于下列结构:as we know/ as is known to all, as we all can see, as has been said before/above, as might be excepted, as is often the case, 一般不能用which代替as。 C、在从句中作主语时,which既可作系动词be的主语也可作实义动词的主语,而as只可作系动词be的主语。 3、but用作关系代词,相当于who/that…not 例:In China there is no one but knows Lei Feng. 二、只用that不用which的情况 1、.先行词为all , much, everything, nothing , something ,anything, nothing, none, the one等不定代词时 2、先行词被only, any, few, little, no , all, just , very ,right等修饰时. 3、当先行词是最高级或被形容词最高级修饰时。 4、当先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时。 5、当先行词是数词时. 6、当先行词既指人又指物时。 7、如有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已用which,另一个关系代词则宜用that。 8、主句是There be结构,修饰其主语的定语从句宜用that 作关系代词。 9、被修饰成分为表语,或者关系代词本身是定语从句的表语时,该关系代词宜用that。 10、先行词为what,关系代词用that。


江苏高考英语语法专题复习知识点汇总 一、冠词The Article 知识要点: 冠词是一种虚词,放在名词的前面,帮助说明名词的含义。冠词分不定冠词(The Indefinite Article)和定冠词(The definite Article)两种。a (an) 是不定冠词,a用在辅音之前:如a book, a man; an用在元音之前,如:an old man, an hour, an interesting book等。the是定冠词。 一、不定冠词的用法 1、指人或事物的某一种类(泛指)。这是不定冠词a (an)的基本用法。如:She is a girl. I am a teacher. Please pass me an apple. 2、指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。如:He borrowed a story-book from the library. A Li is looking for you. 一位姓李的同志正在找你。 3、表示数量,有“一”的意思,但数的概念没有one强烈。如: I have a mouth, a nose and two eyes. 4、用于某些固定词组中。如: a bit, a few, a little, a lot of, a piece of, a cup of, a glass of, a pile of, a pair of, have a good time, for a while, for a long time等。 5、用在抽象名词前,表具体的介绍——a + 抽象名词,起具体化的作用。如: This little girl is a joy to her parents. 这女孩对她父母来说是一个乐趣。 It is a pleasure to talk with you. 跟您交谈真是一件愉快的事情。 It is an honour to me to attend the meeting. 参加这个会,对我来说是一种荣誉。 二、定冠词的用法: 1、特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。这是定冠词the的基本用法。如: Beijing is the capital of China. The pen on the desk is mine. 2、指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。如: Where is the teacher? Open the window, please. 3、指上文提过的人或事物(第二次出现)。如: There was a chair by the window. On the chair sat a young woman with a baby in her arms. The baby was thin. 4、用在世界上独一无二的事物前。如:


2018年高考英语单词必考知识点总结归纳 一、一个星期七天 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 二、一年十二个月 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 三、一年四季 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 四、容易拼写错的数字 1. eighth第八 2. ninth第九 3. forty四十 4. twelfth第十二 5. twentieth第二十 四、亲属称呼 1. daughter (女儿) 2. niece (女性晚辈) 3. nephew (男性晚辈) 4. cousin (同辈兄弟姐妹) 5. aunt (女性长辈) 6. uncle (男性长辈) 五、以下动词加-ed或-ing要双写最后一个字母

1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔 2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制 3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认 4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现 5. prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿 6. refer (referred, referring) 提到 7. forget (forgetting ) 忘记 8. permit (permitted, permitting)允许 9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备 注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语) 六、部分过去式和过去分词不规则变化的动词 1. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播 2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑 3. forbid (forbade, forbidden) 禁止 4. forgive (forgave, forgiven) 原谅 5. freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰 6. hang (作“绞死”讲,是规则的;作“悬挂”讲,其过去式过去分词都是hung) 7. lie (作“说谎”讲时,是规则的;作“位于”讲时,其过去式是lay,过去分词是lain) 8. seek (sought, sought) 寻求 9. shake (shook, shaken) 发抖 10. sing (sang, sung) 唱歌


天津市耀华中学2017届高考英语冲刺导练(37) 【读写应用综合训练】 一、完形填空Cloze 6 In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested,so the specialist tested him again.To my 36 ,it was the same score. Later that evening,I 37told Frank what I had learned that day.After talking it over,we agreed that we knew our 38 much better than an IQtest.We 39that Michael's score must have been a 40and we should treat him 41 as usual. We moved to Indiana in 1962,and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same year.He got42 grades in the school,especially43biology and chemistry,which was a great comfort. Michael 44 Indiana University in 1965 as a pre-medical student.Soon afterwards,his teacher permitted him to take more courses than 45 .In 1968,he was accepted by the School of Medicine, Yale University. On graduation day in 1972,Frank and I 46 the ceremony(典礼)at Yale.After the ceremony,We told Michael about the 47 IQ score he got when he was six.Since that day,Michael sometimes would look at us and say 48 ,“My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldn't be a doctor,not until after I graduated from medical school!”It is his special way of thanking us for the 49 we had in him. Interestingly,Michael then50 another IQ test.We went to the same clinic where he had 51 the test eighteen years before.This time Michael scored 126,an increase of36 points.A result like that was supposed to be 52 . Children often do as 53 as what adults,particularly parents and teachers, 54 of them.That is,tell a child he is “55 ,”and he may play the role of a foolish child. 36.A. joy B. surprise C. dislike D. disappointment 37. A. tearfully B. fearfully C. cheerfully D. hopefully 38. A. student B. son C. friendD. doctor 39. A. argued B. realized C. decided D. understood 40. A. joke B. mistake C. warningD. wonder 41. A. speciallyB. strictly C. naturally D. carefully 42. A. poorB. goodC. average D. standard 43. A. inB. about C. of D. for 44. A. visited B. chose C. passed D. entered 45. A. allowed B. described C. required D. offered 46. A. missed B. held C. delayed D. attended 47. A. high B. sameC. low D. different 48. A. curiouslyB. eagerly C. calmly D. jokingly 49. A. faith B. interestC. pride D. delight 50. A. looked for B. asked for C. waited for D. prepared for 51. A. received B. accepted C. organized D. discussed 52. A. imperfect B. impossible C. uncertain D. unsatisfactory 53. A. honestlyB. muchC. well D. bravely 54. A. hear B. learnC. expectD. speak 55. A. wise B. rude C. shy D. stupid 二、阅读理解Reading Comprehension Test ?Reading Skills阅读理解能力考查6理解主旨和要义 [能力解析]:一段独立完整的文字材料有其主旨和大义,有时在开头就点明,有时则分解表述,有时在篇尾总结点出,有时则需要读者从字里行间领会推断而得。包括标题(title)、主旨(main idea)等,考查整体理解和对主旨的归纳、概况能力。 Passage 1 All too often, a choice that seems sustainable(永续的) turns out on closer examination to be problematic. Probably the best example is the rush to produce ethanol(乙醇) for fuel from corn. Corn is a renewable resource—you can harvest it and grow more, almost limitlessly. So replacing gas with corn ethanol seems like a great idea . One might get a bit more energy out of the


高中英语知识点总结 1.able 用法:be able to do Note: 反义词unable表示不能,而disabled表示残疾的。 be able to do可以表示经过艰难困苦才能做到的事。 2.abroad 用法:表示到(在)国外,是一个副词,前面不加介词。 Note: 可以说from abroad, 表示从国外回来。 3.admit 用法:表示承认的时候后面要加上动名词形式。 Note: 表示允许进入的时候与介词to搭配。 4.advise 用法:advise sb. to do; advise doing Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。 5.afford 用法:通常与动词不定式搭配使用。 Note: 前面需要有be able to或can等词。 6.after 用法:表示在时间、空间之后;be after表示追寻。 Note: 用在将来时的时候后面接一时间点,而in接一个时间段,如:after 3 o’clock; in 3 days. 7.agree 用法:与介词on, to, with及动词不定式搭配。 Note: agree on表示达成一致;agree to表示批准;agree with表示同意某人说的话。 8.alive 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。 Note: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury sb. alive. 9.allow 用法:allow doing; allow sb. to do Note: 可以表示允许进入,如:Please allow me in. 10.among 用法:用在三者或三者以上的群体中。 Note: 还可以表示其中之一,如:He is among the best. 11.and 用法:用于连接两个词、短语、句子或其他相同结构。


高考英语重点知识点大全 主语从句 主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it代替,而本身放在句子末尾。 1. It 作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较。 It 作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构,主语从句的连接词没有变化。而it引导的强调句则是对句子某一部分进行强调,无论强调的是什么成分,都可用连词that。被强调部分指人是也可用who/whom。 例如: It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film. It doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not. It is in the morning that the murder took place. It is John that broke the window. 2. 用it 作形式主语的结构。 (1) It is +名词+从句 It is a fact that …事实是… It is an honor that …非常荣幸 It is common knowledge that …是常识 (2) it is +形容词+从句

It is natural that…很自然… It is strange that…奇怪的是… (3) it is +不及物动词+从句 It seems that…似乎… It happened that…碰巧… (4) it +过去分词+从句 It is reported that…据报道… It has been proved that…已证实… 3. 主语从句不可位于句首的五种情况。 (1) if 引导的主语从句不可居于复合句句首。 (2) It is said ,(reported) …结构中的主语从句不可提前。 例如: It is said that President Jingo will visit our school next week. (right) That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said. (wrong) (3) It happens…,It occurs…结构中的主语从句不可提前。 例如: It occurred to him that he failed in the examination. (right) That he failed in the examination occurred to him. (wrong) (4) It doesn’t matter how/whether …结构中的主语从句不可提前。


高考英语完形填空专题 解题技巧与方法指导 一、利用首句来解题,根据全文来选择 首句一般不设空。因此我们应重视首句,并利用首句预测短文的问 题和全文内容。 1. I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was and when I was 14 he said, “You’re never going to be anything but a failure. A. bright B. useless C. simple D. hopeful 2. Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her first concert. She had been waiting for this moment for years and years. “Now it is here last,” she thought. “How beautiful her ___1___ is.” The song made her go back to the days when she was Lauren’s age As a young girl, Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer. She studied ___2___ in France, Italy and in the United States. “You can become a her teachers told her. “But y ou must be fine ___3___ in the future,”  prepared to study hard and work for many years. 1. A. voice B. face C. dress D. life 2. A. French B. music C. piano D. dance 3. A. actress B. student C. singer D. dancer 二、根据上下文语境,合理推断来解题 1. Our father was a struggling lawyer, but I always knew he was . He


天津市耀华中学2017届高考英语冲刺导练(32) 【读写应用综合训练】 一、完形填空Cloze 1 Roberta appeared on the stage. She took a deep breath and began to 16 . Now she was Portia, a strong–willed 17 in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. The theater was filled with people. She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced, the words flowing 18 from her. 19 , Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition (选拔试演). She 20 being in front of other people. She was very 21 at school. She had never thought she was good enough at anything to 22 much attention. She stayed mostly to herself, making 23 friends. She had excellent grades, 24 she always thought that something was missing. Two weeks before the audition, Roberta’s mother had heard about it and 25 her to join in. “I can’t think of anyone else better suited to 26 the part. Remember all the plays you used to act out for us?” Her mother wouldn’t let the 27 drop. “You’re just a little scared. Everyone gets scared. You know you 28 do it. The trick is to look past the 29 to find the love of what you’re doing.’’ So Roberta had made an appointment with the head of the Drama Club. She had read the play and found herself excited by the 30 of speaking such rich words. In secret she practiced Port ia’s part, 31 the lines by repeating them over and over. It wasn’t hard; she 32 every minute of it. Every time she spoke the words, she had a new 33 of the lines, as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels. On the day of the audition, she 34 two of Portia’s famous speeches for the auditors. When she had finished, the head of the Drama Club announced the 35 was hers. 16. A. sing B. dance C. speak D. report 17. A. member B. actress C. player D. character 18. A. weakly B. rapidly C. smoothly D. slowly 19. A. At first B. In fact C. After all D. In all 20. A. hated B. enjoyed C. appreciated D. regretted 21. A. honest B. shy C. polite D. patient 22. A. avoid B. focus C. pay D. attract 23. A. few B. a few C. several D. many 24. A. or B. so C. for D. but 25. A. forced B. requested C. encouraged D. reminded 26. A. accept B. play C. offer D. learn 27. A. role B. matter C. interest D. grade 28. A. can B. must C. may D. should 29. A. anger B. pain C. sadness D. fear 30. A. purpose B. way C. idea D. importance 31. A. memorizing B. organizing C. checking D. improving 32. A. disliked B. loved C. expected D. bore 33. A. consideration B. description C. selection D. understanding 34. A. practiced B. planned C. performed D. delivered 35. A. part B. play C. speech D. position 二、阅读理解Reading Comprehension Test ?Reading Skills阅读理解能力■考查 1理解、获取文中具体信息 [能力解析] 用于阐释主旨的事实与细节,有些直接,有些则间接。考查具体信息提及与否, 判断信息正误或各种Wh-问题相关的信息; ?Passage 1



【2018高考】英语超重点学习营 课前资料 目录: 一、重点单词 二、重点词组 三、高级词汇 四、词组固定搭配 五、高级句型结构 六、过去完成时概念 七、阅读理解解题指导 一、重点单词 1.able 用法:be able to do Note: 反义词unable表示不能,而disabled表示残疾的。 be able to do可以表示经过艰难困苦才能做到的事。 2.abroad 用法:表示到(在)国外,是一个副词,前面不加介词。 Note: 可以说from abroad, 表示从国外回来。 3.admit 用法:表示承认的时候后面要加上动名词形式。Note: 表示允许进入的时候与介词to搭配。 4.advise 用法:advise sb. to do; advise doing Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。 5.afford 用法:通常与动词不定式搭配使用。 Note: 前面需要有be able to或can等词。 6.after 用法:表示在时间、空间之后;be after表示追寻。

Note: 用在将来时的时候后面接一时间点,而in接一个时间段,如:after 3 o’clock; in 3 days. 7.agree 用法:与介词on, to, with及动词不定式搭配。 Note: agree on表示达成一致;agree to 表示批准;agree with表示同意某人说的话。 8.alive 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。 Note: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury sb. alive. 9.allow 用法:allow doing; allow sb. to do Note: 可以表示允许进入,如:Please allow me in. 10.among 用法:用在三者或三者以上的群体中。 Note: 还可以表示其中之一,如:He is among the best. 11.and 用法:用于连接两个词、短语、句子或其他相同结构。Note: 与祈使句搭配时往往可以表示条件。如:Work hard, and you’ll succeed sooner or later. 12.another 用法:表示又一个,泛指,相当于one more的含义。 Note: 不能直接加复数名词,需要与一个数词搭配,如:another 2 weeks. 13.answer 用法:及物动词,但在作名词时要与介词to搭配。 Note: 可以表示接电话、应门等。如:answer the phone/door. 14.anxious 用法:be anxious for/about/to do Note: be anxious about表示担心;be anxious for表示盼望得到。 15.appear 用法:不及物动词,没有宾语,没有被动语态。 Note: 还可以作为系动词,与seem同义,表示看起来……。 16.arrive 用法:arrive at表示到一个小地方;arrive in表示到一个大地方。Note: 引申含义表示得出,如:arrive at a decision/conclusion.
