


Geography of the United Kingdom

Dr. Carol W. Pollard


?Some important terms: Rationalism, Idealism,

? a priori, a posteriori, the Renaissance, the Age

?of Enlightenment, Romanticism, Existentialism,

?Positivism, Pragmatism

?Three Phases of Western Civilization:

?Antiquity ; The Middle Ages (the Medieval Period) ; The Modern Age

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


?located on the British Isles: the main island, Britain, containing England, Wales, and Scotland; part of the Irish Island; and a host of nearby smaller island


?The UK consists of the separate entities of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well ad the many islands around Britain and the few remnants of the British Empire

Map of Great Britain

the British Isles: 1. the main island-Britain 2. part of the Irish island 3. a host of nearby islands

General Characteristics of the United Kingdom,nd Area: 242,000 sq km 79

2. Climate: remarkably mild

3.Mountains:not very high by world standard

Ben Nevis(本尼维斯山) in Scotland

4. Population: aging and densely populated areas in Europe

5.Transportation: a. the Chunnel b. right-hand driver's seat



?Population: over 5 million people

?Area: nearly 80,000 sq km

?Language: Caelic; Official Language: English

?Main Region: 1. the High lands and western isles;

? 2. the Lowlands; 3. the Southern Uplands Capital: Edinburgh All in all, the Highlands and Western Isles and the Southern Uplands main in agriculture, and the lowlands in industry, esp, the heavy industry. The former two regions are not developed, but the lowland is very developed

Northern Ireland

People: most live in Belfast and Derry

Capital: Belfast

Land and Resources: its geology is very similar with that of Scotland


Language: Cymru

People: nearly 3 million

Area: 20764 sq km land of mountain

Major source: Welsh slate


Population: 46,220,955

Arear: 130,836 sq km

Main regions: the Pennines,the Lake District

the Vale of Eden, Lowland of Central England, Southern Uplands, and South and So

Important Terms

The British Isles

The Chunnel

The Lake District


The Fen Region

London Basin


? 1. In what ways has water been important to the UK?

? 2. The Welsh, Scottish, and Irish peoples have a "Celtic" culture in common. In what ways are their regions similar and dissimilar?

? 3.What geographic features aided the growth of Britain's industries?

? 4. How is the Uk linked to Europe?


The full name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the North Ireland. When people refer to this country, they often use different names, such as Britain, Great Britain, England, United Kingdom or U.K.

that located to the northwest of mainland Europe. It is made up of many small islands collectively known as Britain Isles(不列颠群岛),covering an area of 242,910 square kilometers. The island of Britain accounts for more than 90% of the whole island, that's why the country also know as Great Britain. It is geographically and historically divided into three parts:England,Scoland and Wales. The Ireland is divided into two parts: Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland is part of Britain, while Republic of Ireland is a independent country.



England is the largest part of Britain, located in the south of the island, with Wales to the west and Scotland to the north. It has an area of 130,410 square kilometers and covers nearly 60% of the whole island. The River Thames, the second longest river and the most important river of England, originates in southwest England, flow through the Midlands of England to London and empties into the North Sea. England is the most populous and wealthiest of the country, so people sometimes refer to the whole country as England, a name that people of Scotland, Wales and Ireland don't like very much. It is highly urbanized with 80% of the population living in cities. London,

the capital of both England and the United Kingdom, located in southeast England.



Scotland, with an area of 78,789 square kilometers, occupies the north portion of the Britain. It is the second largest of the four consistituent parts of the United Kingdom, both in population and in area. The Clyde River is the most important river of Scotland. Edinburgh(爱丁堡)is the capital of Scotland. Tourism is on e of the most important industry of Scotland. Tourists from all over the world come to enjoy the beauty of Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch Whisky, to see Scotsmen wearing kilts(苏格兰方格呢短裙) and playing bagpipes(风笛).



Wales is very close to the most densely populated parts of central England, with an entire area of about 20,758 square kilometers. It's capital is Cardiff(加的夫).The longest river of Britain, the Severn River, which is 354 kilometers long, originates in mid-Wales, flow through the Bristol Channel. Wales has been dominated by England longer than the other parts of Britain. However,it retains a powerful sense of its differed from England. It's own language, Welsh is spoken by 20% of the population, much more than those who speak Gaelic(盖尔语)in Scotland and Ireland.


Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four regions, both in population and in area. It has an area of 14,144 square kilometers and occupies the northern one sixth of the island. It's capital is Belfast(贝尔法斯特).Lough Neagh(讷湖),the largest lake of Britain, is located in Northern Ireland. Although Northern Ireland is the smallest region, it is quite significant partly because of the political troubles there


chapter2 习题答案

一.名词解释 1.假根 是Rhizopus(根霉属)等低等真菌匍匐菌丝与固体基质接触处分化出来的根状结构,具有固着和吸取养料等功能。 2.假菌丝 当酵母菌进行一连串的芽殖后,如果长大的子细胞与母细胞不立即分离,其间仅以狭小的面积相连,则这种藕节状的细胞串就称为假菌丝 3.气生菌丝 伸展到空间的菌丝体,颜色较深、直径较粗的分枝菌丝,其成熟后分化成孢子丝4.子囊果 能产生有性孢子的、结构复杂的子实体称为子囊果 5.生活史 又称生命周期,指上一代生物经一系列生长、发育阶段而产生下一代个体的全部过程为生活史 6、异宗配合:指毛霉在形成接合孢子时,凡是由不同性的菌丝体上形成的性器官结合 而产生有性孢子的则称异宗配合。 7、同宗配合:指毛霉在形成接合孢子时,凡是由同一个菌丝体上形成的配子囊结合而 产生有性孢子的则称同宗配合。 8、锁状联合:指担子菌亚门的次生菌丝的菌丝尖端生长方式。 9Saccharomyces cerevisiae 酿酒酵母 二.填空 1、真菌的无性繁殖方式有裂殖、芽殖、无性孢子繁殖和菌丝体断裂。 2、酵母菌的无性繁殖方式主要有裂殖、芽殖。 3、真菌的有性孢子的种类有:卵孢子、接合孢子、子囊孢子和担孢子四种;真菌的无 性孢子的种类有:游动孢子、子囊孢子、分生孢子、节孢子和厚垣孢子五种。 4、根霉的形态特征是具有假根和匍匐功丝且菌丝无隔;曲霉的形态特征是具顶囊和足 细胞,菌丝有隔;青霉的形态特征是具扫帚状的分生孢子梗。 5.粘菌可分为__细胞粘菌___和_原质团粘菌__两个门. 6.真核微生物细胞质核糖体类型为80S,原核微生物核糖体类型为_70S___. 7.子囊果有闭囊果,_子囊壳_____ 和_____子囊盘________三种类型。


Chapter2 About me 单元分析: 本单元由句型教学、语篇教学、故事教学、小诗和语音等几个部分组成。本单元重点 学习了如何用英语提问关于我的一些情况以及回答的方式等一些常用语。通过本课学习使学生学会对日常用语进行交际、说英语、背小诗,做游戏、敢干开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评 价中树立信心在小组活动中积极参与合作,在表演、对话、诗歌等形式的学习过程中激发学 生对英语学习的兴趣。文中出现的许多地名在日常生活中并不常见,并且很难读准发音,因此在学习语篇时老师应尽可能给学生创世适合他们的情境,便于操练,利于学习。在故事教学中中,充分交给学生,发挥其小组合作的主动性,充分利用语言操练。另外,通过琅琅上 口的小诗形式提高学生的学习积极性,有益于学生记忆。 Language focus: 1.Where do you live? 2.Ilive in Chai Wan. 3.What’s your telephone number?. Language focus: i: thin, win, hit, sit /I/ Text types: conversations, stories, maps, stories, telephone books, poems 教具准备: PPT、图片。 课时安排: 本单元共安排五课时

Chapter2 About me (Period 1) 一、Teaching contents: 《International Edition Longman Welcome to English》 Chapter2 About me Part A 二、Teaching aims 1. Aims of knowledge a. To introduce pupils to different means of places in Hong Kong. b. To encourage pupils to learn the names of some districts in Hong Kong. c. To encourage pupils to ask and answer about the ways they come to school. d. Ask and answer about the districts they live in . 2. Aims of abilities a. Use simple sentences to communicate with others. b. Use interrogative pronouns to find out specific information about transport in Hong Kong. c. To establish and maintain relationships and routines in carring out classroom of emotion Develop participatory, cooperative, love and caring attitudes 三、Difficult and key points Key points: encourage pupils to learn the names of some districts in Hong Kong. b. Pupils learn the names of different means of districts in Hong Kong. encourage pupils to ask and answer about the ways they come to school. Difficult points: To introduce pupils to know the pronunciations of districts in Hong Kong. 四、Teaching aids 1. flash cards 2. PPT 五、T eaching procedure: Step 1. Warm-up 1. Greetings 2. Warm-up activities. with the Ss Step 2. Presentation 1. Good morning class! Nice to meet you .What’s the weather like today ? What day is it today? 2. What’s this ?


2.6.1在组装前,完成易熔塞的密封测试 do the sealing test of the fusible plug before assembly 1.将润滑脂涂在封圈上。 Let the grease painted on the seal ring 。 2.将安装封圈的易熔塞安装到测试夹具上,按手册要求力矩拧紧。 Let the fusible plug of sealing ring install to Fixture ,screw it in accordance with the provided torque of the manual. 3.供氮气压力17 bar(250 psi),待压力稳定后,调解压力至17 bar(250 psi)。 Supply of the nitrogen, the pressure of nitrogen is 17 bar(250 psi),adjust the pressure to 17 bar(250 psi)after the pressure is stable. 4.保持测试压力3分钟后,检查无压力降,将肥皂液涂抹于易熔塞上,检查应无渗漏。 Keep the testing pressure constant after 3 minutes , check it and no pressure down; smear the fusible plug with the soap water, and find it no leakage. 5.完成测试后,释放测试压力,并用水冲洗干净 After the testing is done, release the testing pressure, and wash it clear with water. 6. 从测试夹具上拆下测试件 Remove the testware from the testing fixture. 2.6.2轮毂组装:Assembly of the hub 以A320飞机主轮毂件号C20195162为例介绍轮毂组装程序: Introduce the assembly program of the hub case of the A320 main hub(Part NO.C20195162): 1.轮毂轴承的使用和安装过程中的注意事项 The use of hub bearing and the attentions of installing. 1).为了确保安全性和可靠性,每次更换轮胎时要认真检查轮毂轴承,注意轴承是否有磨 损和卡阻,安装轴承时要完全注油 For safety and reliability, heck the hub bearing Carefully when replace the wheel everytime. Note bearing for abrasion and jamming. Filled oil entirely when install the bearings. 2).因为轮毂的两个轴承协同工作的,如果一个轴承损坏,应该成对替换 The two bearings of hub is Collaborative work ,so replace them in pairs when one bearing is damage 3).在拆卸和安装轮毂轴承外环的过程中,应采用正确的方法和合适的专用工具。以防止 轮毂和相关零部件损坏。 when remove and install out-cup of bearing ,The right approach and tools should be adopted to prevent damage to hub and related parts. 4).安装轴承时应该在干净整洁的环境中,细小的颗粒和水进入轴承会缩短轴承的使用 寿命,注意轴承不要掉在地上,安装前应对轴承座的状况进行检查,即使是微小的 磨损也会导致配合不良,从而引起轴承的损坏。 Bearings should be installed in a clean and tidy environment,Small particles and water into the bearing will shorten the bearing life. Note that bearings do not fall to the ground。Before bearing installed status of bearing supports should be checked.


Chapter Two Pollution Fighters I.章节分析 (一)综述 本单元的Reading部分的文章是关于“树和环境”。通过一名中学生采访科学家来了解“树”对环境保护所起的作用。“污染”问题是一个旧话题,在6B Module 1The Natural Elements和教材后面的Project 1 The Environment 都谈论到环境与污染的问题;7A Module 3 Natural Elements Unit 4 Forests and land中谈到了森林,实际上就是谈树的作用和用途。其中的大部分内容都是我们的学生很熟悉的,所以老师在引入新课时,可以从学生们熟悉的话题“森林”谈起,很自然的进入新课内容。 本单元的Listening部分也是围绕主题,通过Completing a notice的形式,进一步让学生了解树的作用,从而积极投入到“植树战役”中去。Language部分介绍了现在进行时(the present continuous tense)的用法。Speaking部分围绕本课的主题讨论How to fight pollution我们可以把这部分内容放在Post-reading环节,让学生进行讨论。Using English 部分(The index) 老师可以告诉学生the index 与the contents page 都可以帮助我们快速了解一本书的信息,只是the index 的排版大部分在书后,而且是以字母循序排列的,有主题,比较详细而the contents page 的排版在书的前面,按页码排序。Writing部分是为学校报纸写一篇有关工人们是如何建造一个sitting-out area的文章。 (二)教学目标 1. 知识目标 1)词汇:掌握本章出现的生词。 2)语法:能熟练运用现在进行时的陈述句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句。 3)功能:能和同学,老师表达自己的思想。 4)话题:能谈论“抗污染”这一话题。 2. 能力目标 1)听:通过听录音材料来培养学生捕捉特定信息的能力。并强化自己在阅读中所获取的信息。 2)说:通过看图说话,谈论话题,与同学交流,合作中反复运用语言,自己的所学来表达自己的思想,观点。 3)读:通过朗读对话,快速阅读来培养学生快速捕捉信息,解决问题的能力。 4)写:根据所给话题,把自己的想法,观点与同伴的交流成果写在纸上。 3. 情感目标 通过谈论话题,小组合作的形式激发学生学习英语的兴趣以及合作意识。强化学生自主学习的目的。指导协同努力实现自己的教学目标。 (三)教学方法


Chapter 2 Revision exercises reference 1.What are the two major media of communication? Of the two, which one is primary and why? Refer to section 2.1 The two major media of communication are speech and writing. Of the two, speech is considered primary for the following reasons: 1) from the point of view of linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing. The writing system of any language is always a later invention. 2) In everyday communication, speech conveys a greater amount of information than writing. 3) Speech is always the way in which every native speaker acquires his mother tongue, and writing is learned and taught later as part of formal education. 2.What is voicing and how is it caused? Refer to section 2.2.2 (1) V oicing is a phonetic feature of some speech sounds. It is caused by the vibration of the speaker's vocal cords when he produces a certain sound. If a sound bears this feature, it is voiced. If such a feature is absent in the pronunciation of a sound, it is voiceless. All vowels in English are voiced; and some consonants in English are voiced such as [d] and [v] while others are voiceless such as [p] and [s]. 3.Explain with examples how broad transcription and narrow transcription differ. Both broad and narrow transcriptions are ways to transcribe speech sounds, i.e. ways of using written symbols to represent speech sounds. In broad transcription, only the letter symbols are used, and the principle is to use one letter for one sound, such as [P] and [I]. In narrow transcription, a set of symbols called diacritics are added to the letter symbols to show the finer differences between similar sounds, such as[P h] and [?]. 4.How are the English consonants classified? As in the pronunciation of consonants the air stream coming from the lungs is somehow obstructed, it is possible and also necessary to classify them in terms of manner of articulation and place of articulation. In terms of manner of obstruction, the consonants are classified into the following groups: stops, fricatives, affricates, liquids, nasals and glides. In terms of place of obstruction, the consonants are classified into the following groups: bilabial, labiodental, dental, alveolar, palatal, velar, and glottal.

Chapter 2 Cartoons教学设计

Chapter 2 Cartoons教学设计Chapter 2 cartoons teaching design

Chapter 2 Cartoons教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是初中生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 teaching aims: learn the important phrases of this chapter. phrases for chapter popular with…受…欢 迎 tom and jerry is popular with children. 2.cartoon characters卡通人物 mickey is one of the most popular cartoon characters. full of… 充满…;装 满… the short cartoon is full of fun. 4.have a long history 历史悠 久 the cartoons also have a long history. the late 1930s 在20世纪30年代晚 期 they worked for the mgm in the late 1930s.


Chapter 2 Protecting our environment Chapter topic overview: The topic for the whole chapter is about the environmental pollution and how to protect all kinds of pollution. The main passage is an interview between a student and a doctor about trees. The Listening task is to complete a poster about planting trees. The Language section is about the present continuous tense. The Speaking section includes a discussion about ways of fighting pollution. The Writing task is to describe how some workers have built a leisure area. Finally in the Using English section, students learn what the index of a book is, and practice using an index to find material for a project on pollution. The cartoon: In this cartoon Lo is playing a trick on Hi. He has an apple seed in his hand, and asks if it will grow into a pear tree. Hi assumes that the seed is a pear seed, and so gives the wrong answer. Pre-chapter activities: 1.Ask students to guess what the chapter is about by looking at the cartoon. 2.Then ask students to list some things we get from trees and that we use, eat, drink or wear in our daily lives. Some possible answers are: use—pencils, chopsticks, tables, chairs, paper eat—fruit, nuts drink—tea (leaves), coffee (beans) wear—flowers, shoes (rubber) 3.Ask students if they think we should have more or fewer trees in Shenzhen. Encourage students to tell you why. 4.Ask students if they have ever planted a tree. If they have, ask them where and for what reason(s). Reading A.What do you know about…? Ask students to do the quiz. Encourage guessing if they do not know the answers. B.Look and think As always, students should not read the passage. They should guess the answers and then confirm the correctness of their guesses when they read the passage. The answers should be checked with students after they complete Exercise E. C.Find the meanings Do Exercises C1 and C2 to ensure that students understand the vocabulary. The numbers in brackets refer to the paragraphs where the words can be found. D.Find the facts

朗文Chapter6 教案

Chapter 6 Places in the park Teaching Aims: Aims of the knowledge: 1. The theme of this chapter is Places in the park. 2. Pupils learn the names of different places in the park. 3. They ask and answer questions about the locations of these places. 4. They also talk about where they can do different things in the park. 5. Language Functions Interrogative adverb (locations):Where Prepositions(positions):between in front of behind 6. Vocabulary Behind between tennis court entrance exit in front of Playground pond snack bar swimming pool Receptive: see-saw ,slide 7. Phonics r-controlled vowel:ar/a:/ 8. Collaboration Skills 9. Communication Skills 10. Critical Thinking Skills Aims of the abilities: Listening: Locate specific information ; Recognise pronoun references Speaking: Connect ideas by using cohesive devices; Provide information in response to factual or yes/no questions. Reading: Recognise common text types. Aims of the emotion: Common good, with respect for rules of law and the environment. Key points: 1. The theme of this chapter is Places in the park. 2. Pupils learn to talk about signs commonly seen in the park. 3. They talk about the relevant rules. 4. They also talk about what they cannot do in the park if they follow the rules. Difficult points: 1.They also learn to ask and answer questions about what they can do or what they can’t do. 2.They talk about the relevant rules. Chapter6 Places in the park (Period 1) 一、Teaching contents: 《International Edition Longman Welcome to English》 Chapter6 Places in the park PartA 二、Teaching aims:

SOLUTION chapter2

Chapter 2 Home Work Practice 2-21 (Objective 2-6) Ray, the owner of a small company, asked Holmes, a CPA, to conduct an audit of the company’s records. Ray told Holmes that an audit was to be completed in time to submit audited financial statements to a bank as part of a loan application. Holmes immediately accepted the engagement and agreed to provide an auditor’s report within 3 wee ks. Ray agreed to pay Holmes a fixed fee plus a bonus if the loan was granted. Holmes hired two accounting students to conduct the audit and spent several hours telling them exactly what to do. Holmes told the students not to spend time reviewing internal controls but instead to concentrate on proving the mathematical accuracy of the ledger accounts and summarizing the data in the accounting records that support Ray’s financial statements. The students followed Holmes’s instructions and after 2 weeks gave Holmes the financial statements, which did not include footnotes. Holmes reviewed the statements and prepared an unqualifie d auditor’s report. The report did not refer to generally accepted accounting principles or to the consistent application of such principles. Required: Briefly describe each of the 10 generally accepted auditing standards and indicate how the action(s) of Holmes resulted in a failure to comply with each standard. 2-21


(三)培优篇 I.单项选择。 ( )1.I warned my brother ____ that old computer. A. to buy B. buy C. not to buy D. not buy ( )2.What do you mean ____ ? A. on Earth B. on the earth C. on earth D. On the Earth ( )3.Wendy usually _____ business meeting on Friday. A. takes part in B. joins C. attends D. goes ( )4.Will you go to attend the lecture ____ the science of universe. A. about B. of C. on D. in ( )5.---Collecting stamps is an _____ hobby. -----Yes, I’m ______ in it very much. A. interesting ;interesting B. interested; interested C. interested; interesting D. interesting ; interested ( )6.—Hello. Everyone should keep our classroom ___. ---Yes. You are right. A. cleaned B. cleans C. cleaning D. clean ( )7.—Tom, would you like to ___ us in the game? --Yes. I’d like to. But I have some homework to do. A. join B. have joined C. join in D. took part in ( )8.You should not leave your window ____when you are sleepy. You might catch a cold. A. open C. opened C. opening D. opens ( )9.---May I listen to the music here ,Mr White ? ---Sorry, you’d better ____it like that. A. not to do B. not do C. don’t do D. not do to ( )10.—Why not ___ music ?It can make you ____. A. listen to ; relaxed B. to listen ; to relax C. listening ; relax D. listened to ;relaxing ( )11.He boften offered ___ me whenever I was in trouble. A. help B. helping C. to help D. helped ( )12.The talk show on TV is very popular. It often makes people ___. A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed ( )13. --I haven’t seen Grace for a long time. --I haven’t seen her ,____ A. other B. too C. either D. instead ( )14.—How did you go to school? --_____. A. By a bus B. On bus C. On a bus D. By the bus ( )15.Excuse me ,can you tell me ___ next? A. how to do B. what should we do C. what we should do D. how should we do ( )16.Be sure to let Tom know the notice as soon as he ____. A. will arrive B. was arriving C. arrives D. arrived

chapter2 习题

一.名词解释 1.假根 2.假菌丝 3.气生菌丝 4.子囊果 5.生活史 6、异宗配合: 7、同宗配合: 8、锁状联合: 9Saccharomyces cerevisiae 二.填空 1、真菌的无性繁殖方式有、、和。 2、酵母菌的无性繁殖方式主要有、。 3、真菌的有性孢子的种类有:、、和;真菌的无性孢子的种类 有:、、、和五种。 4、根霉的形态特征是具有和且菌丝;曲霉的形态特征是具 有;青霉的形态特征是具有。 5.粘菌可分为和_ _两个门. 6.真核微生物细胞质核糖体类型为,原核微生物核糖体类型为. 7.子囊果有闭囊果,和三种类型。 8. 同的酵母菌产生的有性孢子有和_ 9. 类酵母的营养体只能以二倍体形式存在,酿酒酵母的营养体能以形式存在,八孢 酵母的营养体能以形式存在。 10.根霉属于接合菌门,香菇属于菌门。 11.某些原生动物在不利条件下形成的保护结构是 12.霉菌在有性繁殖中所形成的有性孢子有,, 和四种类型。 13属于真核微生物的主要有、、 14真菌的五个亚门分别是.、、、、 15真菌的菌丝分化成很多特殊的形态结构,如、。

16霉菌的菌丝包括两种类型,毛霉的菌丝属于_ _;曲霉的菌丝属于。 17分生孢子梗状如扫帚是的重要分类特征。 三.判断 1. 子囊菌的双核菌丝通过锁状联合进行分裂和繁殖。() 2. 担孢子是单核菌丝形成的。() 3. 粘菌属于真菌。() 4. 当某些粘菌的变形虫细胞产生ATP 时,其它变形虫细胞便向它们聚集。() 5.原生动物的鞭毛和纤毛都是9+2型的。() 6.当环境条件不适时,细胞粘菌的原生质团可分为许多组的原生质() 7.子囊菌亚门产生的有性孢子为孢囊孢子。( ) 8.曲霉菌产生的有性孢子是担孢子。( ) 9.单细胞藻类和原生动物属于真核微生物。() 10原核细胞中只含有70S的核糖体,而真核细胞中只含有80S的核糖体。( ) 11因为不具吸收营养的功能,所以,将根霉的根称为“假根”。( ) 四.选择 1.下述属于真菌有性孢子的是() A 孢囊孢子B子囊孢子 C 游动孢子 D 节孢子 2.琼脂是从下述那种藻类中提取的:() A 褐藻 B 红藻C绿藻 D 硅藻 3. 下述是真菌的无性孢子的是() A 担孢子 B 接合孢子C子囊孢子 D 孢囊孢子 4.种真菌产生孢囊孢子和接合孢子,菌丝中无横隔膜,它属于() A 子囊菌门B担子菌门 C 接合菌门D半知菌类 5.下述对藻类不正确的是() A 可行无性生殖 B 大多数细胞壁中含有纤维素 C 都行光能自养 D 有的有鞭毛 6.一种单细胞藻类有细胞壁,含叶绿素a b, 储藏淀粉,它极可能是() A 褐藻 B 甲藻 C 绿藻 D 红藻 7、下列能产子囊孢子的霉菌是()。 A、毛霉和根霉 B、青霉和曲霉 C、赤霉和脉孢霉 D、木霉和腐霉 8、锁状联合是担子菌(D)的生长方式。

SBS1 chapter2 教案

辅导讲义 学员姓名:side 1 年级:科目: side 1 学科教师: 授课日期2017.11.25 授课时段周六1-3 授课主题Chapter 2 教学内容 课前回顾 包括上次课的课后作业讲解、单词听写、错题重现、日校答疑、重难点回顾等…… Chapter2 要点:Classroom Objects (教室物品) Rooms in the Home(家中房间)Cities and Nationalities(城市和国籍)Places Around Town(市内场所) 词汇:board bookshelf bulletin board ruler pencil notebook attic basement bathroom bedroom dining room garage kitchen living room yard bank hospital library movie theater park post office restaurant supermarket zoo 句型:Where am I? Where is he/she/it? Where are we/you/they? How are you? Fine. And you? Fine, thanks. 互动练习:Study and review Classroom Objects. Ask sb or sth using “where....”, learn to answer. Reading - Learn cities and nationalities Learn Places Around Town Reading - Learn Places Around Town Listening(greeting) and pronunciation(reduced and) 作业: 1.抄写单词三英一中,下节课听写 2.微信熟读P13,P15的Reading. 3.背诵P13,P15 的Reading 4.听语音资料,模仿发音,注意语调。 1

香港朗文2A Chapter1 教案

Unit 1 Coming to school 单元分析: 本单元由词组教学、语篇教学、调查表、小歌谣等几个部分组成。本单元重点学习了如何用英语提问出行的方式以及回答的方式等一些常用语。通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语、背歌谣,做游戏、敢干开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立信心在小组活动中积极参与合作,在表演、游戏、诗歌等形式的学习过程中激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。文中出现的许多交通工具在日常生活中并不常见,尤其是在我们南京根本没有,因此在学习语篇时老师应尽可能给学生创世适合他们的情境,便于操练,利于学习。在问卷调查环节中,充分交给学生,发挥其小组合作的主动性,充分利用语言操练。另外,通过琅琅上口的歌谣形式提高学生的学习积极性,有益于学生记忆。 Language focus: 1.How do you come to school? 2.By MTR. 3.I come to school on foot. Language focus: tr: tram, train fr: friend, afraid Text types: conversations, stories, tables, tongue twisters, charts, songs 教具准备: PPT、图片。 课时安排: 本单元共安排五课时

Chapter1 Coming to school (Period 1) 一、Teaching contents: 《International Edition Longman Welcome to English》 Chapter1 Coming to school Part A 二、Teaching aims 1. Aims of knowledge a.To make all the students have the ability to read the following four phrases: by bus, by minibus, by school bus, by ferry b.To make all the students know the meaning of the following by bus, by minibus, by school bus, by ferry c.To make all the students knows the differences among bus, minibus and school bus d.To make all the students know the meaning of “How do you come to school?”. 2. Aims of abilities a.To make all the students know how to answer the question “How do you come to school?” according to the pictures b.To make all the students have the ability to say the following phrases: by bus, by minibus, by school bus, by ferry 3. Aims of emotion To make the students know his or her own way to come to school 三、Difficult and key points 1. To make the students know the difference among bus, minibus and school bus 2. To make all the students have the ability to answer the question “How do you come to school?” according to the pictures showed on the screen. 四、Teaching aids 1. flash cards 2. PPT 五、T eaching procedure: Step 1. Greetings Step 2. Warm up Sing a song about bus. Step 3. Presentation 1. by bus From the song, to review the word “bus”. Then show the students the picture of “by bus”, and present the picture of “school” and sentence “I go to school by bus.” 2. minibus and school bus Present the pictures of “minibus” and “school bus” beside the picture of “bus”, then ask the students to find the differences among them. The students can answer this question in Chinese.
