Clustering Microarray Data based on Density and Shared Nearest Neighbor

Clustering Microarray Data based on Density and Shared Nearest Neighbor
Clustering Microarray Data based on Density and Shared Nearest Neighbor

Clustering Microarray Data based on Density and Shared Nearest

Neighbor Measure

Ranapratap Syamala, Taufik Abidin, and William Perrizo

Computer Science Department

North Dakota State University

Fargo, ND 58105, USA


{pratap.syamala, taufik.abidin, william.perrizo} @,


Microarray technology is being used to study several genes at a time generating huge amounts of data. Managing and extracting useful information from such data is a big challenge for the bioinformatics community. Clustering is an important data mining technique that has been proved to be useful for the analysis and understanding of such data. Clustering is used to automatically identify similar groups of objects based on a given measure. In microarray data, the genes that exhibit similar expression profiles are co-expressed and will be grouped into a single cluster. In this paper, we propose a new clustering algorithm based on density and shared nearest neighbor measure to identify clusters of genes exhibiting similar expression profiles. In our algorithm, we used an efficient bitwise vertical data structure called P-tree1to decompose the microarray data into separate bit vectors. Pearson’s correlation coefficient is used as the similarity measure to identify the core points of the clusters by calculating the density of the genes. Also in our algorithm, there is no need to specify the number of clusters ahead. The clusters in the data set are identified automatically based on the core genes. We experimentally show that our algorithm is fast and scalable when applied on Iyer’s microarray data set for cluster analysis.

Keywords:Clustering, P-tree, Microarray data, Gene expression profiles, Co-expressed genes


Microarray technology is one of the biggest breakthroughs in the field of genomics that had enabled to perform high throughput experiments for genome-wide monitoring of genes. These experiments generate large amounts of data and analysis of such data is a major challenge in the field of bioinformatics. The gene expression analysis 1P-tree technology is patented by NDSU. United States Patent No. 6,941,303.across whole genome is highly effective in identifying and studying co-expressed genes in a given organism.

Co-expressed genes represent genes that exhibit similar expression profiles in a microarray experiment. The common trend exhibited by the co-expressed genes is called coherent gene expression pattern(coherent pattern) [10]. Analysis of co-expressed genes and coherent patterns is useful in identifying functional categories of a group of genes characterizing different regulatory mechanisms in the cells and give an indication of gene expression levels in different cells at different stages of cell cycle. They also provide an insight into how genes and gene products interact to form interaction networks. Figure 1 shows an example of profiles of co-expressed genes in a cluster.

The main objectives of microarray data analysis can be divided into three categories: class discovery,class prediction,and class comparison. The important goal of class discovery is to identify the clusters of genes that have similar gene expression profiles over a time series of experiments. Clustering is the main technique employed in class discovery. Class prediction is assigning an unspecified gene to a class given the expression of other genes with known class labels. Classification is the main technique used in class prediction. Class comparison aims at identifying the genes that differ in expression profiles between different classes of genes.

Figure.1 Example: Gene expression profiles or patterns of co-expressed genes

In this paper, we concentrated on clustering or unsupervised learning of microarray data analysis to address the class discovery problem. Typically in clustering, the objective is to find clusters of objects such that the objects within a cluster are more similar to each other than to other objects in a different cluster. In microarray data analysis, genes that exhibit similar gene expression profile or similar patterns of expression will be clustered together. To calculate the similarity between genes, several statistical measures have been developed. In our algorithm, we used Pearson’s correlation coefficient to calculate the similarity of two genes across different time series as this statistic captures similarity in shape of the expression profile.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a brief overview on some of the existing clustering algorithms that are being used for microarray data analysis. In section 3, we provide definitions and describe the new clustering algorithm. In section 4, we show the empirical results obtained by our algorithm on Iyer’s microarray data set and provide a discussion about the results of our algorithm. Section 5 gives a short conclusion and directions for future work.


Several efficient and effective clustering techniques have been developed in statistics, machine learning, and data mining. These include partition-based clustering methods like K-means and K-medoids algorithms, self-organizing maps (SOM) [14], hierarchical clustering like AGNES and DIANA [7], and BIRCH [15], and density-based approaches like DBSCAN [5], OPTICS [1]. However, partition- based clustering methods always require the number of clusters need to be specified and almost always only identify globular clusters. They are not suitable for large data sets having clusters with different shapes, sizes, and high dimensions while in hierarchical clustering methods a decision has to be made regarding selection of merge points or split points which is critical because once a decision is made, it is difficult to undo the step. Also, these hierarchical methods do not scale well for large data sets with high dimensions and the computational complexity is very high. Agglomerative hierarchical clustering technique was implemented by Eisen et. al for cluster analysis of microarray data [4]. Density based approaches are used to identify clusters of different shapes, sizes, and densities in a data space. For each point the density of a data point has to be greater than a give threshold to be included in a cluster. But DBSCAN cannot find clusters with different densities because the core point definition used makes it difficult to identify core points for clusters with varying density [11]. Typically, in microarray data, genes express differently to different treatments and hence to find the genes that have similar expression profiles using partition- based or hierarchical clustering techniques is difficult.

The proposed clustering algorithm is based on density and utilizes a shared nearest neighbor measure to identify the clusters of co-expressed genes. The concept of shared nearest neighbors was proposed by Jarvis and Patrick in [9] and is further studied in ROCK [6]. They define that two points in a cluster are similar when they share the same nearest neighbors. In our approach, we use this property to merge nearest neighbors of two genes with highest density and also while assigning border genes to appropriate clusters. The algorithm is explained in detail in section 3.


3.1 P-tree Overview

In our approach, we employed an efficient and scalable vertical data structure called P-tree [13] that has been proven to be effective in clustering [1] [11]. P-trees are vertical, lossless and data-mining ready data structures. P-trees can be created from relational databases by decomposing each attribute into separate bit vectors, one for each bit position of numeric values in that attribute. The main operations that can be carried out on P-trees are basic logical operations like AND ( ), OR ( ), and NOT ('). A huge advantage can be gained while performing select operation and other aggregate operations such as root count, max, and min using P-trees. Root count is the count of the number of 1-bits in a basic P-tree or P-trees resulting from any logical operations. These operations and others are discussed in more detail in [3].

3.2 Density and Shared Nearest

Neighbor Measure

Pearson’s correlation coefficient is one of the standard statistics that has been used to calculate the similarity between genes in microarray data analysis. A similarity matrix is built for the whole data set based on the correlation coefficients between the genes across a time series. Density of a gene g i is defined as the sum of the similarity of its neighbors and can be represented as equation (1).

density (g i) = |n











where n=number of neighbors of g i similarity


We use the shared nearest neighbor measure while processing the neighbors of two most dense genes (g i, g j) to a cluster and while assigning the border genes to the appropriate clusters. Specifically, we assign the neighbors of two most dense genes (g i, g j) to the same cluster if both the genes share neighbors greater than a given shared nearest neighbor threshold (snnThreshold). If g i and g j are the genes with highest density identified from equation (1), then the number of shared nearest neighbors can be obtained from the following equation:

shared nearest neighbors,

snn (g

,g j) = size ( NN(g i)

cluster to which it is being assigned. The following two cases will be considered:

Case I:If the border gene share neighbors with any cluster:Find the border gene with highest density and get all its neighbors greater than or equal to the given similarity threshold. Then find the cluster with which the neighbors of the border gene share highest number of neighbors and assign the border gene to that cluster.

Case II: If the border gene does not share any neighbors with any of the clusters: Find the most similar gene to the current border gene and assign the border gene to the cluster to which the most similar gene belongs. In case of ties, assign the border genes based on its similarity to the core gene of the cluster combined with the above criteria.

3.4 Parameterization:

Similarity threshold:In our clustering algorithm, pairwise similarity is used to determine the similarity between two genes across a time series. The higher the similarity, the tighter are the clusters obtained and the genes in such clusters will be highly similar either in their function or their localization in the cell. Hence, setting the similarity threshold is easy based on the levels of similarity a user desires. Typically, in microarray experiments, it is desirable to have genes that give as much information as possible and hence clusters with highly co-expressed genes are desired.

Shared nearest neighbor threshold:This parameter is used to determine whether the most dense genes being processed should be clustered together or not. If snnThreshold is too large, then our algorithm will find few, well-separated clusters that have more genes in clusters when the dense genes share neighbors. On the other hand, if the snnThrehsold is too small, then there is a chance that cluster with uniform density could be broken into several small tight clusters. Hence this parameter determines cluster size based on the user input and domain knowledge is highly useful while assigning this parameter.


The performance of the clustering algorithm was tested on an Intel Pentium 4, 2.6 GHz processor with 3.8GB RAM, running Red Hat Linux 2.4.20-8smp. The algorithm is written in C++ programming language.

To show the practical application of our clustering algorithm, we applied our algorithm on Iyer’s microarray data set [8]. The results are shown in Figure 3. The data set contains the response of human fibroblasts to serum on cDNA microarrays.

Procedure: Clustering based on density and shared nearest neighbors

I nput: All genes and noise true/false

Output: Clusters of genes

//unprocessed genes = all genes

// g i and g j– the two densest genes of the unprocessed genes

//m ostDenseGenes, coreGenes, borderGenes, noiseGenes – vectors

//snnThreshold, sim Threshold – the num ber of

shared nearest neighbors, sim ilarity // threshold respectively


WHI LE (unprocessedGenes > 0) DO

m ostDenseGenes f indTwoMostDenseGenes, (g i,g j)


processedGenes.add m ostDenseGenes

getNeighbors (m ostDenseGenes, sim Threshold)

I F noNeighbors (m ostDenseGenes) THEN

noiseGenes.add m ostDenseGenes

ELSE I F rootCount(NNm(g i)NNm(g j))>snnThreshold THEN

clusterNeighbors() (N N (g i) N N (g j))

processedGenes.add neighbors(m ostDenseGenes)


FOR i=1 TO m ostDenseGenes.size () DO

currentGene m ostDenseGenes[i]

I F currentGene has Neigbors THEN

I F isCore (currentGene) THEN

coreGenes.add currentGene

neighbors processNeighbors (currentGene)

clusterNeighbors ()


borderGenes.add currentGene



noiseGenes.add currentGene




Update unprocessedGenes


//assign borderGenes to clusters

FOR i=0 TO borderGenes.size()

neighbors (borderGene)



c luster[i] borderGene


c luster[i] borderGene base

d on sim ilarity



//assign noise to the clusters

I F noise == true THEN

cluster[i] assign noiseGenes



Figure 2. Clustering algorithm based on density and shared nearest neighbor measure

This data set contains the expression profiles of 517 human genes corresponding to changes in mRNA levels at 12 times, ranging from 15 min to24 hours after serum stimulation. The expression changes are given as the ratio of the expression level at the given time-point to the expression level in serum-starved fibroblasts. The algorithm groups the genes with similar expression profiles into clusters. Figure 3 shows some of the clusters identified by our algorithm with similarity threshold 0.90. The algorithm was able to obtain the same clustering results with snnThreshold of 15 and 20.

The gene expression profiles that show odd peaks in the cluster are the border genes and noise genes, if noise genes are considered in the clustering process. The expression profiles of these genes give additional information. They have similar pattern with respect to the other genes in the cluster except at certain time points in the treatment or cell cycle. Observing these genes closely might give an important insight about the behavior of that particular gene at certain time point in the cell cycle. If the noise genes are excluded, clusters having highly similar expression profiles i.e., the highly co-expressed genes will be obtained. The computation time for processing the clusters once the similarity matrix is built takes only 5.70 seconds for 517 genes. This shows that our algorithm is extremely fast.

In the case of partition-based clustering algorithms, a priori knowledge about the number of clusters is required where as in our algorithm we do not require to specify the number of clusters as the number of clusters will be equal to the number of core genes identified during the clustering process. When compared to the hierarchical clustering algorithms, we do not need any cut off point to identify the clusters. With respect to the density-based algorithms like DBSCAN, where the number of neighborhood points within a given radius is used to identify the core points, our algorithm uses all the neighbors of a given point greater than or equal to a given similarity threshold to identify the core points based on density. Also shared nearest neighbor measure reflects the local density of the points in the data space and hence is relatively stable to high dimensional data while assigning border points to the clusters.


In this paper, we presented a new clustering algorithm based on density and shared nearest neighbor measure and applied to microarray data to group genes with similar gene expression profiles into a cluster. The density-based approach to identify the core points is useful in finding clusters with different shapes, and the use of shared nearest neighbor measure eliminates the problems with varying densities in the data space. Our experimental results on Iyer’s microarray data set show that our algorithm is fast and scalable. The number of clusters is not needed a priori as the number of clusters is determined automatically based on the density. This kind of cluster analysis on microarray data is extremely useful in the field of genomics as the function of genes can be attributed on a genomic scale. In the future, we would like to include visualization for the results obtained by our algorithm, expand our work to more real world data sets, and compare the results with state-of-the-art algorithms. Also it is reasonable to explore sub-clustering on the main clusters by changing the snnThreshold parameter so that compact small clusters can be obtained.


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on the contrary的解析

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含有同义词的成语 本文是关于含有同义词的成语,感谢您的阅读! 一、含有同义词的成语 俯拾即是——多如牛毛囊萤积雪——刺骨悬梁突飞猛进——一日千里 改天换地——扭转乾坤你死我活——势不两立突如其来——从天而降 固执己见——一意孤行皮开肉绽——血肉模糊免死狗烹——鸟尽弓藏 瓜熟蒂落——水到渠成品头题足——说三道四唾手可得——易如反掌 管中窥豹——坐井观天破釜沉舟——义无反顾望梅止渴——画饼充饥 滚瓜烂熟——倒背如流七上八下——忐忑不安无稽之谈——流言蜚语 狐假虎威——狗仗人势棋逢对手——势均力敌满腹经纶——学富五车 华而不实——绣花枕头旗开得胜——马到成功五体投地——心悦诚服 画蛇添足——多此一举气势磅礴——排山倒海欣欣向荣——蒸蒸日上 火烧火燎——心急如焚弃旧图新——改邪归正出类拔萃——鹤

疾恶如仇——刚正不阿千里迢迢——山遥路远秀色可餐——丰姿绰约 焦头烂额——狼狈不堪千人所指——众矢之的绣花枕头——华而不实 矫揉造作——故作姿态千岩万壑——层峦叠障外强中干——色厉内荏 绞尽脑汁——殚精竭虑蜻蜓点水——浅尝辄止夜深人静——万籁俱寂 脍炙人口——百读不厌事必躬亲——身体力行有气无力——无精打采 困兽犹斗——狗急跳墙殊途同归——异曲同工遇难呈祥——逢凶化吉 浪子回头——悔过自新束手就擒——坐以待毙誉满天下——名垂青史 劳逸结合——一张一弛水到渠成——瓜熟蒂落原形毕露——暴露无遗 两面三刀——阳奉阴违水滴石穿——绳锯木断凿壁偷光——悬梁刺股 流星赶月——风驰电掣水落石出——真相大白知难而进——勇往直前 鸾凤和鸣——夫倡妇随死有余辜——十恶不赦直截了当——开

瞒天过海——声东击西四分五裂——支离破碎中庸之道——不偏不倚 满腔热忱——热情洋溢四面八方——五湖四海自不量力——螳臂当车 毛骨悚然——胆战心惊岁月如梭——光阴似箭捉鸡骂狗——指桑骂槐 接袂成帷——摩肩接踵穷本极源——寻根究底夜以继日——通宵达旦 穷当益坚——自强不息穷凶极恶——青面獠牙一败涂地——全军覆没 截趾适屦——生搬硬套穷极无聊——心灰意冷一步登天——平步青云 居官守法——廉洁奉公日月如梭——光阴似箭一张一弛——劳逸结合 杀鸡取卵——竭泽而渔相提并论——同日而语一掷千金——挥霍无度 空空如也——一无所有神工鬼斧——匠心独运永垂不朽——万古流芳 空穴来风——事出有因神气活现——趾高气扬优哉游哉——自由自在 空中楼阁——海市蜃楼神色自若——从容不迫犹豫不决——优


3万同义词库伪原创近义词效果很好天昏地暗←暗无天日 窃笑←暗笑 阴影←暗影 切口←暗语 黑暗←暗中 邋遢←肮脏 抬头←昂首 傲睨一世←昂首望天 高昂←昂扬 洼地←凹地 高低←凹凸 折磨←熬煎 锻炼←熬炼 飞翔←翱翔 高傲←傲岸 狂妄←傲慢 渺视←傲睨 傲世轻物←傲睨万物 傲睨万物←傲睨一世 傲睨万物←傲世轻物

睥睨←傲视 坚贞不屈←傲雪欺霜 骄兵必败←傲卒多败 骄兵必败←傲卒多降 秘密←奥秘 秘密←奥密 玄妙←奥妙 悔恨←懊悔 烦恼←懊恼 悔恨←懊丧 四行孤军←八百壮士 才高八斗←八斗之才 四面楚歌←八方受敌 八棍子撂不着←八竿子打不着陈腔滥调←八股 稀奇古怪←八怪七喇 八竿子打不着←八棍子撂不着不相上下←八两半斤 五花八门←八门五花 八面玲珑←八面见光 八面见光←八面玲珑 四面楚歌←八面受敌

气势汹汹←八面威风发草帖←八字帖 逢迎←巴结 渴望←巴望 翦绺←扒手 废除←拔除 起锚←拔锚 适得其反←拔苗助长选取←拔取 扶植←拔擢 猖←跋扈 进退失据←跋前疐后动辄得咎←跋前踬后后记←跋文 促膝谈心←把臂而谈痛处←把柄 操纵←把持 切脉←把脉 看管←把守 戏弄←把玩簸弄 当心←把稳 驾驭←把握

花招←把戏 歇工←罢工 而已←罢了 撤职←罢免 歇手←罢手 放手←罢休 蛮横←霸道 机谋←霸术 攻克←霸占 呆子←白痴 白费←白搭 鹤发←白发 皓首苍颜←白发苍颜庞眉皓发←白发银须白搭←白费 枉费心机←白费心血口语←白话 光阴似箭←白驹过隙石蜡←白腊 洋蜡←白蜡 白天←白日 白日升天←白日飞升

白日飞升←白日升天 空手←白手 自食其力←白手起家 老人←白叟 白昼←白天 白净←白皙 沧海桑田←白云苍狗 碧眼儿←白种人 白天←白昼 利剑←白 千般←百般 百发百中←百步穿杨 扶摇直上←百尺竿头 有口难言←百辞莫辩 矢无虚发←百发百中 民生凋敝←百孔千疮 合家←百口 寥寥无几←百里挑一 千了百当←百了千当 鸭蛋虽密也有缝←百密一疏大惑不解←百思不解 童言无忌←百无禁忌


一般过去式 时间状语:yesterday just now (刚刚) the day before three days ag0 a week ago in 1880 last month last year 1. I was in the classroom yesterday. I was not in the classroom yesterday. Were you in the classroom yesterday. 2. They went to see the film the day before. Did they go to see the film the day before. They did go to see the film the day before. 3. The man beat his wife yesterday. The man didn’t beat his wife yesterday. 4. I was a high student three years ago. 5. She became a teacher in 2009. 6. They began to study english a week ago 7. My mother brought a book from Canada last year. 8.My parents build a house to me four years ago . 9.He was husband ago. She was a cooker last mouth. My father was in the Xinjiang half a year ago. 10.My grandfather was a famer six years ago. 11.He burned in 1991


带有近义词的成语大全 导读:见多识广察言观色高瞻远瞩左顾右盼调兵遣将粉身碎骨狂风暴雨旁敲侧击千辛万苦眼疾手快 生龙活虎惊天动地七拼八凑胡言乱语欢天喜地 改朝换代道听途说半斤八两胡言乱语千变万化 万紫千红姹紫嫣红花红柳绿狂风暴雨旁敲侧击 鸡鸣狗吠狼心狗肺虎背熊腰獐头鼠脑千辛万苦 眼疾手快生龙活虎先来后到不知不觉粗枝大叶 跋山涉水天造地设七零八落兴国安邦翻山越岭 百依百顺背井离乡和颜悦色冰天雪地严寒酷暑 救死扶伤志同道合豪言壮语吆五喝六摇头摆尾 撕心裂肺枝折花落胡言乱语高瞻远瞩高谈阔论 眼疾手快聚精会神金枝玉叶三年五载左邻右舍 发号施令自由自在旁敲侧击千辛万苦眼疾手快 生龙活虎惊天动地七拼八凑胡言乱语改朝换代 道听途说万紫千红姹紫嫣红花红柳绿狂风暴雨 心平气和海枯石烂火树银花刀光剑影装神弄鬼 铜墙铁壁装模做样平心静气拈花惹草珠联壁合 吟风弄月栉风沐雨风餐露宿瓜田李下茹毛饮血 门当户对风起云涌冰肌玉骨冰清玉洁莺歌燕舞 龙腾虎跃鸟语花香杀鸡儆猴指桑骂槐含沙射影 水性扬花扬花柳絮鸡毛蒜皮鸡鸣狗盗鼠窃狗偷

獐头鼠目贼眉鼠眼羊贪狼狠天翻地覆改朝换代 玉树琼枝玉润珠圆残花败柳珠光宝气卖官鬻爵 天怒人怨背井离乡扶老携幼拖家带口颐指气使 龙行虎步日新月异山珍海味山肴海错瓮牖绳枢 轻描淡写千丝万缕千头万绪朝思暮想携云握雨 雨散云收雨骤风狂暴风骤雨防微杜渐盲人瞎马 兵强马壮人喊马嘶兔死狐悲鸟尽弓藏依红偎翠 莺声燕语虎头蛇尾虎背熊腰摩肩接踵天光水色 冰削雪融天高云淡登堂入室宽衣解带披头散发 干柴烈火郎才女貌郎情妾意卧薪尝胆酒池肉林 三宫六院三妻四妾鹤发童颜鸡皮鹤骨咬文嚼字 仙风道骨得陇望蜀雕梁画栋心宽体胖海阔天空 欺男霸女大刀阔斧山重水复山穷水尽单枪匹马 拉帮结伙成群结队奇思妙想强词夺理巧取豪夺 国泰民安攻城略地反璞归真伐毛洗髓只言片语 三言两语品头论足长年累月人寿年丰三教九流 真心实意剜肉补疮抛头露面沉鱼落雁闭月羞花 打情骂俏嬉皮笑脸涤瑕荡垢洗心革面招降纳叛 乐善好施 感谢您的阅读,本文如对您有帮助,可下载编辑,谢谢


小学语文近义词、反义词汇总 近义词 来回-往返立刻-马上赶快-赶紧突然-忽然寒冷-严寒坚决-果断恐惊-恐惧暗香-幽香荒芜-荒凉得意-自得听见-闻声农夫-农民慈祥-慈爱飞翔-翱翔详细-具体每天-天天赛过-胜过好像-似乎闻名-著名满意-满足新居-新房捕获-捕捉海疆-海域天涯-天边结实-坚固遇到-碰到轻巧-轻便整齐-整洁证明-证实评比-评选注意-注重供应-供给辛苦-辛劳认识-熟悉预报-预告舒畅-愉快立刻-连忙突然-忽然四周-四面精彩-出色笨重-粗笨直立-竖立听从-服从绝技-特技附近-四周惊叹-赞叹柔美-优美洒脱-潇洒疾驰-奔驰奇丽-秀丽淘气-调皮震惊-震动预测-猜测特殊-特别小扣-轻敲相宜-适宜毕竟-究竟陶醉-沉醉苏醒-清醒惊疑-惊奇审视-审阅愣住-停住眺望-远望防备-防御抵挡-抵抗挖苦-讥讽疑惑-迷惑夸耀-炫耀轻蔑-轻视强盛-强大侮辱-欺辱严肃-严厉清澈-清亮打扰-打搅形状-外形悄悄-静静



休戚与共的近义词 休戚与共的同义词 下为在实际语言应用场景中对应同义词语的应用范例和释义说明(同义词权威性及收录量行业领先)。 tong gan gong ku 1、同甘共苦 示例:当你的级别足够高,不需要承担繁重的工作,而你依然主动承担的时候,你其实是在告诉每一个同事,你很有担当,并且跟他们同甘共苦。 xi xi xiang guan 2、息息相关 示例:今晚,我将会告知美国民众针对利比亚问题美国在国际社会上所作的努力方面的最新消息。--我们已做了什么、我们计划做什么以及为什么利比亚问题和我们息息相关。 tong yang xiang guan 3、痛痒相关 示例:爱与我的生活痛痒相关。 xiu qi xiang guan 4、休戚相关 示例:他说:在以往,亚洲某个小国的一次金融危机不会连累世界其它地区。然而这次危机的蔓延方式给了我们这样的教训:如今各国经济都是休戚相关的。如今的经济全球化使得世界各国的经济都密切相关,所以泰国和韩国在1997年的经济问题会波及世界各地,影响了许多国家的经济。这段话里的习惯用语allinthesameboat,意思还是大家都同命运、共患难。 tong zhou gong ji 5、同舟共济 示例:中国共产党人传承了为追求民族独立、民主自由和民生幸福,追求国家富强、实现国家统一而矢志不渝、斗志弥坚的辛亥革命精神,激励着海内外全体华

夏儿女自强不息、开拓进取、开放包容、同舟共济,实现了世纪梦想、开创了崭新局面。 luo jing xia shi 6、落井下石 示例:"当然,丰田存在一些问题,但我感觉它被落井下石,"日本丰田市一座生产Prius的车厂员工KazuoAkatsuka称. xue rou xiang lian 7、血肉相连 示例:晚饭后不久,冬日的太阳下山之前,我忽然想到:一个真正意义的家庭并不总是自己血肉相连的骨肉,它是彼此间的心灵相通,心灵契合。 feng yu tong zhou 8、风雨同舟 示例:那份不由自主的倾慕,那份无法遏制的思念,那份风雨同舟的深情,那份相濡以沫的挚爱,正是生命最深却的慰藉与最坚实的依靠。 yi mai xiang lian 9、一脉相连 示例:腾龙电子聆听客户的一言一语,不论交易大小与否,我们亦珍惜每个销售的机会,我们坚信客户与我们的业务是一脉相连。 yu shi ju fen 10、玉石俱焚 示例:但也不是所有的初创企业都成为成功的典范:景和安然承诺过要彻底改变其行业,结果却落了个玉石俱焚的下场。


含同义词的成语 导读:导语:同义词是指几个意思相近或一样的词语。我们平时也有接触同义词的时候,下面小编给大家介绍含有同义词的成语知识,希望同学们喜欢~ 含有一对同义词的成语 惊心动魄争奇斗艳生龙活虎添油加醋降龙伏虎争权夺利高楼大厦狂风暴雨满山遍野 翻江倒海怪模怪样民脂民膏五颜六色千言万语无边无际一清二楚火烧火燎千变万化 唉声叹气接二连胜星罗棋布翻云覆雨道听途说摩拳擦掌如花似玉慈眉善目争分夺秒 地动山摇无忧无虑风驰电掣报仇雪恨酒囊饭袋咬文嚼字无依无靠山崩地裂海阔天空 无精打采流言飞语谨言慎行赤手空拳日积月累添枝加叶品头论足心灵手巧口干舌燥 心旷神怡难分难解感恩戴德欢蹦乱跳风平浪静千姿百态不声不响涂脂抹粉伤天害理 大摇大摆颠三倒四捕风捉影添砖加瓦平心静气抓耳挠腮不偏不倚见多识广察言观色 高瞻远瞩左顾右盼调兵遣将粉身碎骨狂风暴雨旁敲侧击改朝换代道听途说千辛万苦 眼疾手快生龙活虎惊天动地七拼八凑胡言乱语

含有两对同义词的成语 深思熟虑真凭实据灵丹妙药凶神恶煞街头巷议翻山越岭精雕细刻生拉硬扯 琼楼玉宇层峦叠嶂心烦意乱崇山峻岭奇形怪状惊涛骇浪装模作样摇头晃脑文丛字顺 改朝换代通风报信能说会道甜言蜜语分门别类追根究底虚情假意幸灾乐祸通情达理 丰功伟绩歪门邪道生擒活捉离乡背井豪言壮语汪洋大海斩尽杀绝 含有同义、反义词的成语 摇头摆尾返老还童欢天喜地瞻前顾后同生共死惊天动地说长道短寻死觅活昏天黑地 挑肥拣瘦开天辟地街头巷尾同甘共苦冷嘲热讽尔虞我诈横冲直撞左顾右盼新仇旧恨 大街小巷东张西望阴差阳错左思右想天罗地网长吁短叹南腔北调明争暗斗东奔西跑 手舞足蹈生离死别来踪去迹东躲西藏南征北战鬼使神差天崩地塌 感谢您的阅读,本文如对您有帮助,可下载编辑,谢谢


近义词 1.两字近义词 爱慕—喜爱安然—安稳解释—讲解遨游—游览奥秘—神秘决心—决定懊悔—后悔偶然—偶尔聚拢—聚集爱护—爱惜遨游—漫游机灵—机敏偶尔—间或安慰—宽慰纠正—改正安慰—抚慰报酬—酬劳巨大—庞大悲哀—悲伤崩塌—倒塌渴望—渴求必然—必定避免—幸免宽广—广阔必须—一定抱怨—埋怨慷慨—大方比美—媲美宝贵—珍贵可惜—惋惜悲哀—悲痛避开—躲开恐怖—恐惧悲惨—悲凉悲惨—凄惨愧疚—内疚报答—答谢碧绿—翠绿劳苦—劳累包括—包含本领—本事立即—马上帮助—援助半晌—半天灵便—灵活猜测—推测才干—才能浏览—扫瞄采用—采纳慈悲—慈善良好—优良慈祥—慈爱葱茏—葱郁连绵—绵延聪明—聪慧催促—督促凉爽—凉快诧异—惊异冷淡—冷漠颤动—抖动沉浸—沉醉灵活—灵敏惩罚—惩处迟延—拖延另外—其它耻笑—讥笑耻笑—嘲笑满意—中意憧憬—向往酬谢—答谢漫步—闲逛啜泣—抽泣创造—制造茂密—茂盛绰号—外号沉静—寂静

渺小—微小陈设—陈列沉思—深思描绘—描述从容—镇定弥漫—布满倘若—假如密切—紧密沉默—安静勉励—鼓励持续—延续颤抖—发抖觉察—发觉藐视—轻视灿烂—明媚传说—传闻泯灭—消灭慈祥—慈爱打扮—装扮摹仿—模仿 打搅—打扰胆怯—害怕模范—榜样淡忘—忘却 叮嘱—嘱咐萌芽—发芽陡崖—悬崖对付—应付 传授—教授猛烈—强烈成功—胜利踌躇—犹豫 朦胧—模糊沉积—淤积沉寂—沉静命令—指示 对照—对比诞生—降生茂密—稠密忙碌—劳碌 短暂—瞬间独特—特别迷蒙—迷茫打扰—打搅 担心—放心马上—立刻陡峭—峻峭悲哀—悲伤 遍布—遍及便捷—便利鸟瞰—俯视恩赐—赏赐 飞驰—奔驰凝结—凝聚发布—公布发誓—宣誓 凝视—注视发展—进展繁殖—生殖挪移—移动 反抗—抵抗防御—防备难过—难受妨碍—阻碍 分量—重量能手—专家分外—格外愤怒—愤慨 偶尔—间或锋利—锐利服侍—侍侯便宜—廉价 浮现—出现赋予—给予哺育—培育分辩—辩解 富裕—宽裕判断—推断嘱咐—叮嘱发现—发觉 批评—批判峰峦—山峰发愣—发呆僻静—偏僻 覆盖—掩盖乏味—无聊疲倦—疲乏仿佛—好像


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形容集体的成语 篇一:关于团结协作的成语 关于团结协作的成语、谚语、名言等 风雨同舟和衷共济精诚团结齐心协力群策群力 同心协力同舟共济万众一心患难与共众志成城 患难与共草木接兵同甘共苦父子连手, 齐力断金 众人划桨开大船 一个巴掌拍不响。 众人拾柴火焰高 1、单丝不成线,独木不成林。——俗语 2、二人同心,其力断金。——《易经》 3、若不团结,任何力量都是弱小的。——拉封丹 4、共同的事业,共同的斗争,可以使人们产生忍受一切的力量。——奥斯特洛夫斯基 5、人心齐,泰山移。——中国谚语 6、五人团结一只虎,十人团结一条龙,百人团结像泰山。——邓中夏 7、凡是经过考验的朋友,就应该把他们紧紧地团结在你的周围。——英.莎士比亚9、团结就有力量和智慧,没有诚意实行平等或平等不充分,就不可能有持久而真诚的团结。——英.欧文 8、单个的人是软弱无力的,就像漂流的鲁滨逊一样,只有同别人在一起,他才能完成许多事业。——德.叔本华

9、不管努力的目标是什么,不管他干什么,他单枪匹马总是没有力量的。合群永远是一切善良思想的人的最高需要。——德.歌德展。万夫一力,天下无敌。------刘基 10、三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。-------中国谚语 11、一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。----中国谚语 12、天时不如地利,地利不如人和。----《孟子》 13、经营企业,是许多环节的共同运作,差一个念头,就决定整个失败。----松下幸之助 14、人心齐,泰山移。-------谚语 15、团结就是力量。-------谚语 篇二:形容团队精神的语句 形容团队精神的语句 5、人是要有帮助的。荷花虽好,也要绿叶扶持。一个篱笆打三个桩,一个好汉要有三个帮。——毛泽东 12、一滴水飘不起纸片,大海上能航行轮船和军舰;一棵孤树不顶用,一片树林挡狂风??这就是团队精神重要性力量的直观表现,这也是我所理解的团队精神,也是团队精神重要之所在。 13、一滴水只有放进大海里才永远不会干涸,一个人只有当他把自己和集体事业融合在一起的时候才能最有力量。——雷锋 14、一堆沙子是松散的,可是它和水泥、石子、水混合后,比花岗岩还坚韧。——王杰

学生造句--Unit 1

●I wonder if it’s because I have been at school for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about going home. ●It is because she wasn’t well that she fell far behind her classmates this semester. ●I can well remember that there was a time when I took it for granted that friends should do everything for me. ●In order to make a difference to society, they spent almost all of their spare time in raising money for the charity. ●It’s no pleasure eating at school any longer because the food is not so tasty as that at home. ●He happened to be hit by a new idea when he was walking along the riverbank. ●I wonder if I can cope with stressful situations in life independently. ●It is because I take things for granted that I make so many mistakes. ●The treasure is so rare that a growing number of people are looking for it. ●He picks on the weak mn in order that we may pay attention to him. ●It’s no pleasure being disturbed whena I settle down to my work. ●I can well remember that when I was a child, I always made mistakes on purpose for fun. ●It’s no pleasure accompany her hanging out on the street on such a rainy day. ●I can well remember that there was a time when I threw my whole self into study in order to live up to my parents’ expectation and enter my dream university. ●I can well remember that she stuck with me all the time and helped me regain my confidence during my tough time five years ago. ●It is because he makes it a priority to study that he always gets good grades. ●I wonder if we should abandon this idea because there is no point in doing so. ●I wonder if it was because I ate ice-cream that I had an upset student this morning. ●It is because she refused to die that she became incredibly successful. ●She is so considerate that many of us turn to her for comfort. ●I can well remember that once I underestimated the power of words and hurt my friend. ●He works extremely hard in order to live up to his expectations. ●I happened to see a butterfly settle on the beautiful flower. ●It’s no pleasure making fun of others. ●It was the first time in the new semester that I had burned the midnight oil to study. ●It’s no pleasure taking everything into account when you long to have the relaxing life. ●I wonder if it was because he abandoned himself to despair that he was killed in a car accident when he was driving. ●Jack is always picking on younger children in order to show off his power. ●It is because he always burns the midnight oil that he oversleeps sometimes. ●I happened to find some pictures to do with my grandfather when I was going through the drawer. ●It was because I didn’t dare look at the failure face to face that I failed again. ●I tell my friend that failure is not scary in order that she can rebound from failure. ●I throw my whole self to study in order to pass the final exam. ●It was the first time that I had made a speech in public and enjoyed the thunder of applause. ●Alice happened to be on the street when a UFO landed right in front of her. ●It was the first time that I had kept myself open and talked sincerely with my parents. ●It was a beautiful sunny day. The weather was so comfortable that I settled myself into the


近义词 寻找—寻觅躲藏—躲避呼唤—呼喊滋润—滋养温暖—暖和美丽—漂亮惋惜—可惜常常—经常许多—很多习惯—习性明亮—光明提着—拎着沿着—顺着足迹—脚印年迈—年老献出—贡献清新—清爽保护—保卫舒适—舒服照顾—照料难过—伤心忽然—突然附近—临近清晰—清楚雄伟—雄壮环绕—围绕茂盛—茂密展现—展示喜爱—喜欢立即—马上出名—著名热情—盛情降临—来临装点—装扮整齐—整洁犹如—好象奇怪—奇特一定—必定哄骗—欺骗辨别—辨认简单—容易举动—行动仍然—仍旧研究—探索专心—专注称赞—赞扬奇怪—好奇透明—晶莹往常—往日苦恼—烦恼慌张—惊慌忠实—忠诚要是—假如正确—准确观赏—观看害怕—惧怕飞快—飞速感谢—谢谢特别—特殊主意—办法参加—参与仔细—认真满意—满足惊讶—惊奇洁白—雪白发现—发觉巴望—盼望焦急—着急幸亏—幸好信服—相信讨厌—厌恶孤单—孤独讥笑—嘲笑羡慕—仰慕剩下—余下急忙—连忙斥责—指责大约—大概看望—探望聊天—谈话研制—研发暖烘烘—热乎乎乐滋滋—喜洋洋慢慢地—渐渐地 隐隐约约—模模糊糊五光十色—五颜六色黑沉沉—黑压压

反义词 早—晚新—旧快—慢买—卖真—假远—近亮—暗满—空南—北稠—稀直—弯冷—热斜—正美—丑笑—哭好—坏瘦—肥甜—苦长—短荣—枯深—浅饱—饿甜—苦爱—恨死—活 减少—增加温暖—寒冷健壮—瘦弱自豪—自卑模糊—清晰害羞—大方脱掉—穿上打开—关上安全—危险消失—出现寒冷—炎热黑暗—光明死亡—生存伟大—渺小摇头—点头点燃—熄灭仔细—粗心失败—胜利清楚—模糊讨厌—喜爱特别—普通欺负—爱护雪白—乌黑高大—矮小明白—糊涂常常—偶尔仔细—粗心附近—远处高兴—难过轻松—沉重喜欢—讨厌富裕—贫穷聪明—愚蠢光滑—粗糙勤劳—懒惰诚实—狡猾真诚—虚假骄傲—虚心表扬—批评和蔼—凶恶慌张—沉着分辨—混淆繁华—冷清美丽—丑陋欢乐—悲伤难忘—遗忘热情—冷淡茂密—稀疏灿烂—暗淡明亮—昏暗勇敢—懦弱保护—破坏吸引—排斥准确—错误容易—困难整齐—凌乱迟疑——果断厚厚的—薄薄的沉甸甸—轻飘飘暖烘烘—冷冰冰隐隐约约—清清楚楚躲躲藏藏—大大方方 冷冷清清—热热闹闹


同义近义成语辨析 1、哑口无言:说不出话的原因是理屈。张口结舌:说不出话的原因除了理屈,还可能是紧张或害怕。 2、信口开河:指毫无根据的随嘴乱说。信口雌黄:指不顾事实的随意乱说。 3、处心积虑:蓄谋已久,含贬义;千方百计:想尽一切办法,中性词。 4、深思熟虑:细致周到的考虑。深谋远虑:计划的周密,考虑的长远。 5、笑容满面:形容脸上流露出快乐、和悦的样子,多用于表一般性的喜悦。春风满面:形容满脸流露着愉快、得意的样子,侧重于得意心情 6、心满意足:感到心里非常满足。如愿以偿:按照自己的愿望得到了满足。 7、休戚与共:祸患、利害、忧乐彼此共同承受,有同甘共苦的意思。休戚相关:祸患、利害、忧乐相互关联,形容彼此关系密切,但无"同甘共苦"的意思。 8、言不由衷:话不是由内心发出的,形容虚伪敷衍,不说真心话。口是心非:嘴上说的是一套,心里想的却是另一套,形容心口不一。前者侧重一时的应付,虚伪程度轻;后者纯属有意欺骗,虚伪程度较重。 9、扬长避短:发扬自己之长,避开自己之短。取长补短:可以指取此物之长,补他物之短,也可以指取他人之长,补自己之短。前者重在"避",后者重在"补"。 10、养痈遗患:长了痈疽,但怕痛不割除,终于留下大祸,多用来比喻由于无原则的宽容而留下灾祸。姑息养奸:无原则的宽容,助长了坏人坏事。前着的语意比后者重。 11、咬文嚼字:形容过分斟酌字句而死抠字眼,多指读死书而忽视对整体内容的理解,也可用在讲话时过分推敲字句以炫耀自己,略带贬义。字斟句酌:指对字句反复推敲琢磨,多半用来称赞人讲话或写文章,在语言上认真推敲,也可用来读文章时对语言的仔细品味。 近义成语辨析 1、参差不齐良莠不齐 二者都指"不整齐"。用于人,前者指水平不一,后者指好人坏人本质有别;用于物,前者指高低长短大小不一;后者指好事坏事混在一起。如: ①校园里的花草,长得参差不齐。 ②改革开放时期,在某些方面出现一些良莠不齐的现象是在所难免的。 2、步履维艰寸步难行 二者都可指行走十分困难。但前者一般只用于老年人或有病的人;后者常比喻处境困 难。如: ①我爷爷今年八十多岁了,又因为有病,走起路来显得步履维艰。 ②日本鬼子被我们的游击战、地道战打得寸步难行。 3、耸人听闻骇人听闻 前者指故意夸大或捏造事实使听者震惊;后者指事件本身使人听了非常吃惊害怕。如: ①许多资产阶级报纸为了推广销路,经常刊登一些耸人听闻的消息,吸引读者。 ②新闻媒介披露了同一天同幢楼里发生的两起凶杀抢劫案,真是骇人听闻啊! 4、如虎添翼为虎添翼 前者指使强的更强,一般用于人或组织,带褒义;后者则比喻给恶人做帮凶,助


高中英语~词性~句子成分~语法构成 第一章节:英语句子中的词性 1.名词:n. 名词是指事物的名称,在句子中主要作主语.宾语.表语.同位语。 2.形容词;adj. 形容词是指对名词进行修饰~限定~描述~的成份,主要作定语.表语.。形容词在汉语中是(的).其标志是: ous. Al .ful .ive。. 3.动词:vt. 动词是指主语发出的一个动作,一般用来作谓语。 4.副词:adv. 副词是指表示动作发生的地点. 时间. 条件. 方式. 原因. 目的. 结果.伴随让步. 一般用来修饰动词. 形容词。副词在汉语中是(地).其标志是:ly。 5.代词:pron. 代词是指用来代替名词的词,名词所能担任的作用,代词也同样.代词主要用来作主语. 宾语. 表语. 同位语。 6.介词:prep.介词是指表示动词和名次关系的词,例如:in on at of about with for to。其特征:

介词后的动词要用—ing形式。介词加代词时,代词要用宾格。例如:give up her(him)这种形式是正确的,而give up she(he)这种形式是错误的。 7.冠词:冠词是指修饰名词,表名词泛指或特指。冠词有a an the 。 8.叹词:叹词表示一种语气。例如:OH. Ya 等 9.连词:连词是指连接两个并列的成分,这两个并列的成分可以是两个词也可以是两个句子。例如:and but or so 。 10.数词:数词是指表示数量关系词,一般分为基数词和序数词 第二章节:英语句子成分 主语:动作的发出者,一般放在动词前或句首。由名词. 代词. 数词. 不定时. 动名词. 或从句充当。 谓语:指主语发出来的动作,只能由动词充当,一般紧跟在主语后面。 宾语:指动作的承受着,一般由代词. 名词. 数词. 不定时. 动名词. 或从句充当. 介词后面的成分也叫介词宾语。 定语:只对名词起限定修饰的成分,一般由形容


部编人教版语文小学近义词大全 爱慕—喜爱安然—安稳奥秘—神秘懊悔—后悔报酬—酬劳悲哀—悲伤崩塌—倒塌必然—必定避免—幸免便宜—廉价哺育—培育猜测—推测才干—才能采用—采纳颤动—抖动沉浸—沉醉惩罚—惩处迟延—拖延耻笑—讥笑炽热—酷热憧憬—向往酬谢—答谢啜泣—抽泣创造—制造绰号—外号慈悲—慈善慈祥—慈爱葱茏—葱郁聪明—聪慧催促—督促璀璨—明亮打扮—装扮打搅—打扰胆怯—害怕淡忘—忘却调皮—淘气叮嘱—嘱咐妒忌—嫉妒对付—应付对照—对比恩赐—赏赐发布—公布发誓—宣誓发展—进展繁殖—生殖反抗—抵抗防御—防备妨碍—阻碍分量—重量分外—格外愤怒—愤慨锋利—锐利服侍—侍侯浮现—出现赋予—给予告别—告辞恭敬—尊敬估计—估量鼓励—鼓舞固然—当然故意—有意关心—关怀管理—治理贯通—贯穿瑰宝—珍宝含糊—模糊寒冷—严寒和蔼—和气宏伟—雄伟欢跃—喜悦环绕—围绕荒芜—荒凉回顾—回忆汇集—汇合获取—猎取祸患—祸害机灵—灵巧积累—积存即将—马上疾驰—飞奔寄托—寄予讥笑—嘲笑坚固—牢固坚毅—坚强艰苦—艰难艰难—困难建造—建筑交织—交错娇嫩—柔嫩节制—克制竭力—尽力解救—拯救谨防—防备谨慎—慎重惊险—危险精密—周密精致—精巧敬仰—仰慕境界—境地居然—竟然开辟—开发慷慨—大方可惜—惋惜空暇—空闲恐怖—恐惧

