4.英汉翻译教程 (1)

4.英汉翻译教程 (1)
4.英汉翻译教程 (1)




1.Translation is the art of recomposing a work in another language without losing its original flavor.( Columbia Encyclopedia )

2. Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. ( Eugene A. Nida )

3.翻译是把一种语言表达的意义用另一种语言传达出来,以达到沟通思想感情、传播文化知识、促进社会文明,特别是推动译语文化兴旺昌盛的目的。(孙致礼2003:6 )


1. Yan Fu (1854-1921)

In translation, there are three aspects difficult to bring about: faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. It is no easy work to realize ―faithfulness‖! If there is only faithfulness without expressiveness , the translation doesn’t amount to translation. From here we can see expressiveness is of great importance.


①Japanese army killed millions of innocent people during the war.


②Action is equal to reaction, but it acts in a contrary direction.


③We shall all miss him, but we wish him a long and happy retirement.


④For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

古往今来多少离合悲欢, 谁曾见这样的哀怨辛酸!

⑤Crafty men contempt studies, simple men admire them, and wise use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them , won by observation.


2. Fu Lei (1908-1966)

①From there I could see the whole valley below, the field, the river , and the village. It was all beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing.


②He carried on a business , but brought his pigs to the wrong market.


3.Qian Zhongshu

①Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outline, bathed in a deep blue sea; but its vineyards, green and smiling, give it

a soft and easy grace. It is friendly, remote, and debonair.


②The young people were all in high favour, especially Alice, whose sweet face and temper would have endeared her to the devil himself, but there was much shaking of heads over her handsome husband, Peter, who had a hot eye for a fine leg, as Matty put it, and was apt to put an arm round the kitchen girls if he had the chance.


4. Alexander Fraser Tytler

①You country is a consistent and resolute champion of all the people who struggle against terrorism.――贵国一直坚定地站在反对恐怖主义的前列.

②It is the champion of apartheid.――它是导致种族隔离的罪魁祸首

③A thousand mustaches can live together, but not four breasts. 千条汉子能共处,两个婆娘难相容.

④Being invited to dance, she would not very well refuse. ――有人请她跳舞,她不好意拒绝

5. Eugen A. Nida

①Poison (a name of cosmetic)――百爱神②Coca-Cola――可口可乐

③《半夜鸡叫》――A Cock Crying at Midnight.

6. Peter Newmark

①迎客时说:路上辛苦了.――Did you enjoy your trip?

②请客时说:没什么菜,随便吃.――Help yourself.

7. Vermeer and Nord:

①Red Star Over China——《西行漫记》

②While facing foreign pressure, China was also weakened by social unrest which resulted from a great increase in population and inadequate farmland. This led to peasant uprisings. The Taiping Rebellion. The most serious one was the Taiping Rebellion, led by Hong Xiuquan. The rebellion was one of the most destructive unrest in history, taking as many as 30 million lives. …



?Walls have ears 隔墙有耳。She has a heart as hard as flint. 她生来一副铁石心肠。

?It was packed like a tin of sardines. 挤得象一听沙丁鱼。

?At present, the superpowers are armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons, placing the people of the whole world under their nuclear threat.


2. Reproducing the same image plus paraphrase.

?To carry coals to Newcastle. 运煤到纽卡索,多此一举。

?The planners were busy bypassing the Gordian knot.


3.Replacing the image in the SL with a familiar TL image.

?One stone, two birds.一箭双雕。

?Richard could not go to a library and writing the report was a job of making bricks without straw. 理查德不能去图书馆,那么要写这份报告无异于要他做无米之炊。

?He that sows the wind will reap the whirlwind. 玩火者自焚。

?Tom is as poor as a church mouse. 汤姆一贫如洗

?Don’t teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧

4.Delete the image.

?How could she remain as cool as cucumber at such a critical moment?


?Mary was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. 玛丽生在富贵之家

?Among so many well-dressed and cultured people, the country girl felt like a fish out of water.


?Many people don’t like Jack because he is a wet blanket.



Literal Translation and Free Translation

Adam’s apple喉结It rains cats and dogs. 大雨滂沱

Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it. 不必担心过早,(不必自寻烦恼)

Do you see any green in my eye? 你以为我是幼稚可欺的吗?

1. There’s no pot so ugly it can’t find a lid.

Literal translation: 再丑的罐儿也不愁配个盖儿。Or:罐儿再丑,配个盖儿不犯愁。

Free translation:再丑的姑娘也不愁找不到婆家。Or:丑女不愁嫁。

2.Little fish does not eat big fish.

Literal translation: 小鱼吃不了大鱼。Free translation: 胳膊拧不过大腿。

3.What the tongue says, the neck pays for

Literal translation: 舌头说话,脖子还帐。Free translation: 舌头闯祸,脖子遭殃。

4.What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster!

Literal translation: 孵出来是母鸡就别想冒充公鸡!

Free translation: 生就是个女人就别想冒充男人!

5.A gift is the key to open the door closed against you.

Literal translation: 礼物是打开把你关在门外的房门的钥匙。

Free translation: 大门把你关在外,礼物送到门自开。


三、增译的运用1. 增添原文所省略的词语

●1)Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter.


●2)The best conductor has the least resistance and the poorest the greatest.


●3)In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqué.


2 .增添必要的连接词

●1)Heated, water will change into vapor. 水如受热,就会汽化。

●2)However carefully boiler casings and steam pipes are sealed, some heat escapes and is lost.


●3)Since air has weight, it exerts force on any object immersed in it.


3 .用增词表达出复数概念

●1)Note that the words ―velocity‖ and ―speed‖ require explanation.


●2)He stretched his legs which were scattered with scars. 他伸出双腿,露出腿上的道道伤痕。

●3)The mountains began to throw their long blue shadows over the valley.


4. 用增词法把抽象概念表达清楚

●1)Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty. 氧化作用会使钢铁生锈。

●2)This lack of resistance in very cold metals may become useful in electronic computers.


●3)After all preparations were made, the plane took off. 一切准备工作就绪以后,飞机就起飞了。

5 .逻辑性增词

●1)Air pressure decreases with altitude.


●2)I was taught that two sides of a triangle were greater than the third.


●3)This shows that the resistance of an electric conductor is inversely proportional to its cross-section area.


6 .概括性增词

●)According to scientists, it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of topsoil.


●2)The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers, artificial satellites and rockets.


●3)The principal functions that may be performed by vacuum tubes are rectification, amplification, oscillation, modulation, and detection.


7 .从修辞和连贯角度考虑增词

●1)This printer is indeed cheap and fine. 这部打印机真是物美价廉。

●2) Yes, I like Chinese food. Lots of people do these days. Sort of the fashion.


●3) A scientist constantly tried to defeat his hypotheses, his theories and his conclusion.


8 .重复性增词

●1)Avoid using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidity.


●2)I had experienced oxygen and/ or engine trouble.


●3)They could sense her (Titanic) mass, her eerie quiet and the ruined splendor of a lost age.



9 .背景性增译

●1)This great scientist was born in New England. 这位伟大的科学家出生于美国东北部的新英格兰。

●2 )The blond boy quickly crossed himself. 那个金发男孩立刻在胸前画十字,祈求上帝保佑。

●3)The British people are still profoundly divided on the issue of joining Europe.


四、案例分析Beauty Dies香消玉殒


●1. Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.

●2. Suppose it were so?

●3.White clouds float over the blue sky.

●4. Correspondents went flying off to Baghdad for interview last month.

●5.The U. N. Security council is doing its best to ease tensions in Baghdad.

●6.Our students should be developed in an all-round way--morally intellectually and physically.

●7.China and the United States reached an agreement on the agenda of the meeting

●8.Their host carved, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed healths.

●9. Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing exact man.

●10. They carried on the work in spite of the difficulties.












(1)A doctor should have patience in work. 医生对待工作应当有耐心。

?(2)The moon was slowly rising above the sea. 月亮慢慢从海上升起。

?(3) Any substance is made up of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas.



?(1) He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders. 他将双手放进衣袋,然后耸了耸肩。?(2) For two weeks, he had been studying the house, looking at its rooms, its electric wiring, its path and its garden.两周以来,他一直注意观察房子的情况,查看各个房间,留心电线的走向、通道和花园的布局。?(3) They went in to dinner. It was excellent, and the wine was good. Its influence presently had its effect on them. They talked not only without acrimony, but even with friendliness. 他们进入餐室用餐。美酒佳肴,顿受感染,



?(1) When the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low. 气压低,沸点就低。

?(2) Solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do. 如同液体和气体一样,固体也能膨胀和收缩。

?(3) For this reason television signals have a short range. 因此,电视信号的传播距离很短。

?4. 省略介词


?(1) Rumours had already spread along the streets and lanes.大街小巷早就传遍了各种流言蜚语。

?(2) Smoking is prohibited in public places.公共场所不许吸烟。

?(3) The difference between the two machines consists in power. 这两台机器的差别在于功率不同。?5. 省略连接词

?(1) He looked gloomy and troubled. 他看上去有些忧愁不安。

?(2) Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract. 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。?(3) If winter comes, can spring be far behind ? 冬天来了,春天还会遥远吗?


?(1) University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.


(2) 1945 witnessed the end of the Anti-Japannese War. 1945年,抗日战争结束了。

(3) On arriving at the destination, I became a very tired man. 到了目的地,我累极了。


?(1) The old man was dead and gone last week. 那个老头上周死了。

?(2) Our goals and aims must be reached. 我们的目的一定要达到。

?(3) Her mother was surprised and taken aback. 她母亲确实吓了一跳。


?1. A doctor should have patience in his work.

?2. We cannot see sound waves as they travel through air.

?3. It is only shallow people who judge by appearances.

?4. We live and learn.

?5. In spring the day is getting longer and longer and the night shorter and shorter.

?6. Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes.

?7. If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

?8. Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy.

?9. Different kinds of matter have different properties.

?10. 1945 witnessed the end of the Anti-Japanese War.

?11. Our goals and aims must be reached.

?12. If you give him an inch, he will take a mile.

?13. These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources.

?14. Winter is the best time to study the growth of trees. Although the leaves are gone and the branches are bare, the trees themselves are beautiful.

?15. It is not entirely right to say that if there is food, let everyone share it.

?16. Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge has given man the practical result of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by others.

17. There was no haste or restlessness in his manner but a poised friendliness.

18. Never trouble yourself with trouble till trouble troubles you.

19. The true joy of joys is the joy that joys in the joy of others.

20. For generations, coal and oil have been regarded as the chief energy source to transport man from place to place.


















?1 His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest 他因受贿而被捕。

?2 My suggestion is that he should quit smoking at once. 我建议他立即戒烟。

?3 Our age is witnessing a profound political change. 我们的时代是深刻的政治变化的见证。

?4 He did not look or act like his usual self– his face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head , his hair was wildly rumpled. 他此时的样子和表现都一反常态---脸孔涨得通红,帽子向后斜戴着,头发也乱成一团。


?1 She seemed too ignorant of the way of the world. 她好像太不懂世道常情了。

?2 Bryan was suspicious of the wily Dawrrow. 布赖恩怀疑达罗诡计多端。

?3 The old man lay all night on his sleepless bed. 老人躺在床上,彻夜难眠。


?1 Blushing, fidgeting nervously with his tie, blinking timidly, he faced us silently for a minute.


?2 Men ran round the Spurr’s house looking for a way in, but it seemed impossible.



?1 Without plants, life could not go on. 没有植物,生命就无法延续。

?2 She spoke English well with an American accent, not, though, a very exaggerated.


?3 Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty. 千百万山区人终于摆脱了贫困。


?1 The APEC meeting in Shanghai was a great success. 在上海召开的亚太经合组织会议非常成功。

?2 The fresh air after the rain gave one a feeling of exceptional coolness and comfort.


?3 That guy was considered hypocritical. 那个家伙被认为是个伪君子。

?4 Obedience is obligatory on a soldier. 服从命令是军人的天职。


?1 He spent an anxious day in the lockup. 他在拘留所里焦急地熬过了一天。

?2 He talked to the foreigner in hesitant English. 他结结巴巴地用英语同那个外国人交谈。

?3. Traditionally, there have been very good relations between the two countries.


?4 We have made a careful study of the soil properties in that region.



?1 The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.

?2 Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.

?3 Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps.

?4 A force is needed to move an object against inertia.

?5 The fact that she was able to send a message was a hint. But I had to be cautious.

?6 Both of the substances are soluble in water.

?7 As he ran out, he forgot to have his shoes on.

?8 When the switch is off, the circuit is open and electricity doesn’t go through.

?9 Such materials are characterized by good insulation and high resistance to wear.

?10 The design aims at automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance and high productivity.

?11 They did their best to help the sick and the wounded.

?12 In the fission process the fission fragments are very radioactive.

?13 The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.

?14 Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.

?15 Earthquakes are closely related to faulting.

?16 It is demonstrated that gases are perfectly elastic.

?17 Below 4℃, water is in continuous expansion instead of continuous contraction.

?18 A helicopter is free to go almost anywhere.

?19 I have the honor to inform you that your request is granted.

?20 The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the city poor.


1 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的机声,我感到心驰神往。

2 火箭已被用来探索宇宙。

3 党的干部每天长时间工作,吃的是粗茶淡饭,住的是冰冷的窑洞,点的是黯淡的油灯。

4 为使物体克服惯性而运动,就需要一个力。

5 她能够给我带个信儿这件事就是个暗示。但是我必须小心谨慎。

6 两种物质都能溶于水

7 他跑出去时,忘记了穿鞋。

8 当开关断开时,电路就形成开路,电流不能通过。9 这些材料的特点是:绝缘性好,耐磨性强。

10 设计的目的在于自动操作,调节方便,维护简易,生产率高。11 他们尽了最大的努力帮助病号和伤员。12 在裂变过程中,裂变碎片具有强烈的放射性。13 她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她那时的情绪。

14 学习中的独立思考是绝对必须的。15 地震与地层断裂有密切的关系。

16 人们已经证实,气体具有理想的弹性。17 水在4摄氏度以下就不断地膨胀,而不是不断地收缩。18 直升飞机几乎可以自由地飞到任何地方去19 我荣幸地通知您,您的请求已得到批准。

20 新市长有礼貌地前来访问城市贫民,获得了他们的一些好感。




?1)The whole country was armed in a few days. 几天之内全国武装起来了。

?2)The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated.


?3)After several rounds of talk, an agreement was finally arrived at. 经过几轮谈判之后,协议终于达成了。?2.原宾语变为主语

?1) By the end of the war 800 people had been saved by the organization.大战结束时,这个组织拯救了800人。?2)A new way of displaying time has been given by electronics. 电子技术提供了一种新的显示时间的方法。?3)Communications satellites are used for international living transmission throughout the world.



?1) The picture was painted by Tom. 这幅画是汤姆画的。

?2)The house was built of wood in 1985. 这座房子是1985年用木头修建的。

?3) The volume is not measured in square millimeters. It is measured in cubic millimeters.



?1)To explore the moon’s surface, rockets were launched again and again.为了探测月球的表面,人们一次又一次地发射火箭。2)Salt is known to have a very strong corroding effect on metals.大家知道,盐对金属有很强的腐蚀作用。3) It is well known that smoking is harmful to the health.众所周知,吸烟对人体有害。


?1) The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end to. 必须立即终止这种讨厌的噪音。

?2) Attention has been paid to the new measures to prevent corrosion. 已经注意到采取防腐措施。

?3) Best surface finish is provided by machining methods, especially by grinding.



?1) If the scheme is approved, work on the project will start immediately. 如果方案被批准,这项工程将立即

开工。2) He was seen to steal the bike. 他偷自行车给人家看到了。

?3) She was fired for incompetence. 她因不胜任工作而被解雇了。


?1)She was set upon by two masked men. 她遭到两个蒙面男子的袭击。

?2) Everyone was fed up with her gossip. 人人都受够了她的流言蜚语。

?3) The region was visited by the worst drought in twenty years. 这个地区遭受到了二十年来最严重的旱灾。?3.译成―为……所‖结构

?1)Such conduct will be looked down upon by all with sense of decency.这种行为将会为一切有良知的人所蔑

视。2) All the building were destroyed in a big fire. 所有的建筑物均为一场大火所焚毁。

?3)Only a small part of the sun’s energy reaching the earth is used by us.



?1)The villege is populated by about 1300 famers. 这个村里住着1300农民。

?2) Most trees are denuded of leaves in winter. 大多数树木冬天要落叶。

?3) The news was passed on by word of mouth. 众口相传,消息已不胫而走。

?4)She was delivered of a boy. 她生了一个男孩。

?5) He was told that two of them seemed unlikely to make the grade. 他已得知他们中有两个人好像不能及格。?6)She and her husband have been asked out for the banquet. 她和丈夫应邀赴宴去了。

?7)He has been wedded to translation. 他与翻译结下了不解之缘。

?8)She did not wish to be troubled. 她不愿找麻烦。


1. Many basins were formed by the subsidence of the earth’s crust.

2.The project was completed ahead of schedule.

3.It is considered that bioclimatology is an involved subject.

4.The decision to invest heavily in an enterprise was not taken lightly.

5.Nonverbal communication, particularly touch, plays a large role in satisfying personal needs. Children need touch as a demonstration that they are cared for and loved. In times of stress and anxiety, you will stroke your arms or neck as a way of soothing yourself.







Passage Translation

As oil is found deep in the ground its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rock structure must be carried out. If it is thought that the rocks in a certain area contain oil, ―drilling rig‖ is assembled. The most obvious part of a drilling rig is called ―a derrick‖. It is used to lift sections of pipe, which are lowered into the hole made by the drill. As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in. If oil is struck a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of valve.




?1)The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.


?2)That district was a very apparent hot-spot. 那个地区是个麻烦的地方,这是显而易见的。

?3)His informality impressed me deeply. 不拘礼节,这是他给我留下的深刻印象。


?1)There are many kinds of atoms, differing in both mass and properties.原子种类很多,质量与性质都不相同。?2)Energy can neither be created nor destroyed , a universally accepted law.


?3)she fell asleep with the lamp burning. 灯还亮着,她就睡着了。


?1)It is quite certain that mankind will eventually solve the riddle of AIDS. 人类最终必将解开艾滋病之谜,这一点是可以肯定的。2)I am at a loss what I ought to say on that occasion. 在那种场合该说些什么话,这实在是叫我一筹莫展。3)He smiled at that ,with a rueful curve of his lips, but his eyes were alight with an emotion she was afraid to identify. 听了这话,他笑了,双唇合成一条曲线,露出一副悔恨的样子。但两眼仍熠熠发光,含情脉脉。这种感情她不敢认同。


1. Illogically, she had expected some kind of miracle solution.

2. It goes without saying that oxygen is the most active element in the atmosphere.

3. Both peaks are majestically towering high mountains and are blessed with paradise status, or in Chinese Shangri-la.

4. They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all.

5. Elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman, who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable.









?1.She is very busy at home. She has to take care of the children and do the kitchen work.


?2.He was very honest. He was open-hearted. 他为人诚实而坦率。

?3.She had to go back home to look after her husband. He was confined to his bed.



?1)Barbados is a relatively young country, a small country in North America.


?2)Water is not only the most common liquid in the world, but it is also the most important.



1)I am blest if I know. 我一点儿也不知道。

2)He felt free to do as he wished. 他想怎么做就怎么做。


1.It was April 1945. The Second World War was coming to an end.

2.Her father became the mayor of the city. He was a pilot in the air force.

3.There are people here from all over the country. Many of them are from the North.

4.He had a small business in the city of Qingdao. This city is a seaport in Shangdong.

5.There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.




●1.We should by no means neglect the evaporation of water. 我们决不能忽视水的蒸发作用。

●2.All the people were exasperated by his fault-finding. 大家都被他那种吹毛求疵的做法激怒了。

●3.If we attack quickly, we can nip the enemy’s plans in the bud. 如果我们迅速进攻,可以把敌人的计划消灭在萌芽状态。 4.The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing.


●5.As Albert Einstein once said, ― Life for the American is always becoming , never being.‖

●正如埃尔波特·爱因斯坦曾经说过的那样:― 对美国人来说,生活总是变化不息,而从来不会原地踏步。‖二.抽象译法

●1.Henry knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine. 亨利知道不论境遇如何,他都可把家庭作靠山。

●2.What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. 少时所学,到老不忘。

●3.I was practically on my knees but he still refused. 我几乎是苦苦哀求,但他依然拒绝。

●4.The matter was finally settled under the table. 事情终于私下解决了。

●5.He earns scarcely enough to keep body and soul together. 他挣的钱几乎难以维持生活。

Exercises(1) (抽象→具体)

1.We were all greatly moved by his loftiness.

2.His arrogance sent him into isolation and helplessness.

3.The dancing hall was filled with gayety.

4.There had been too much violence in that region.





Exercises(2) (具体→抽象)

1.I will break my neck to get this done by Friday.

2.By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and the husband.

3.The society held its meeting behind closed doors.

4.I have no head for music.

5.Please don’t wake a sleeping dog.








●1.This is the reservoir that we built after the flood last year. 这就是去年洪水过后我们修建的水库。

●2.People who cannot distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blinded. 分不清颜色的人是色盲。

●3.Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with. 污染是我们必须解决的一个迫切问题。

●4.Our two countries are neighbours whose friendship is of long standing. 我们两国是有着悠久友谊的邻邦。

●5.My brother’s laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence. 我哥哥富有感染力的笑声打破了沉默。

●https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f19067610.html,st night we saw a good movie, which was about the history of the Second World War.



1)Day light comes from the sun, which is a mass of hot , glowing gas.


●2)Mechanical energy is changed into electric energy, which in turn is changed into mechanical energy.


●3)He unselfishly contributed his uncommon talents and indefatigable spirit to the struggle which today brings them those aims within the reach of a majority of the human race.




●1) It is called the north pole of the magnet which is usually marked N. 这就叫磁体的北极,通常用N表示。

●2)She was the movie star who was going into business now. 她是个影星,目前正在经商。

●3)I have a niece, who studies in our university, too. 我有一个侄女,也在我们这所大学里学习。


●1)We have seen many chemical changes, from which physical changes are quite different.


●2)That activity was postponed, which was exactly what we wanted. 那项活动延期了,这正是我们所希望的。

●3)Electronic computers, which make it possible to free man from the labour of complex measurements and computations, have found wide application in engineering.



●1.There is a man who follows behind you for long. 有个人跟在你后面好长时间了。

●2.We have a social and political system which differs in many respects from your own.


●3.This is the production line that was established last year. 这条生产线是去年建成的。


1)The computer, which seems to play the role of a human brain, is often called an eletronic brain.


●2)You must grasp the concept of ―work‖ which is very important in physics.



●1)She took Chinese medicine which relieve her symptoms. 她服了中药,结果缓解了症状。

●2)That Party developed an acute crisis of opportunism which almost destroyed the Party.



●1)The newswoman wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to that shipwreck.


●2)They have built up a new college here, where students will be trained to be engineers and scientists.



●1)There is no bad habit that may not be cured by a strong willpower.


●2)Man become desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their families.



●1)Rockets, which have been widely used for missile propulsion, have many other application.


●2)The scientist, who was dog-tired, went on with the experiment.


Exercises 1.A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words. 2.I told the interesting story to Susan, who told it to her sister. 3.There are many people who want to visit the Great Wall.

4.She did not remember anything about her father who died when she was a newborn baby.

5.I’ll try to get an illustrated dictionary dealing with technical glossary, which will enable me to translate scientific literature more exactly.






?Before college, the only people I had ever known who were interested in art or music or literature, the only ones who read books, the only ones who ever seemed to enjoy a sense of ease and grace were the mothers and

daughters. Like the menfolk, they fretted about money, they scrimped and made-do. But, when the pay stopped coming in, they were not the ones who had failed. Nor did they have to go to war, and that seemed to me a blessed fact. By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was an expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at school, at the library, at church.


?There is nothing in the high comedy of the world so admirably as the special department called Fame.

?在这个极富色彩的人间喜剧舞台上,还没有什么能比作―名声‖的这一特别场景(剧目)更让人叹为观止。?…It is a very long time since I attended a Mass. In this pilgrimage town you get the real thing , with a crowd of real worshippers; and because of the shrine, those who come to church include the paralyzed, the crippled, the blind, the deformed, the dying, a terrible parade…




?Proverbs are heirlooms, treasured and passed on from generation to generation. We assume these pithy phrases sum up timeless wisdom. But are the truisms really true? Psychologists have found they’re pretty hit-or-miss. Still, they persist. After all, you know what they say: old habits ---and old sayings---die hard.



?The patient shook her head and stretched out her hands towards the baby. The doctor put it in her arms. She

kissed it on the forehead. 病人摇了摇头,把手向婴儿伸去。医生把孩子放到她怀里。她吻了吻孩子的前额。?―But if a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavour to conceal it, he must find it out.‖

?―Perhaps he must ,if he sees enough of her.‖ ---Jane Auten: Pride and prejudice





?His tories make men wise; poets […] witty; the mathematics[…] subtle; natural philosophy[…] deep; moral[…] grave; logic and rhetoric[…] able to contend.读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。

?A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well a s […] by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as […] of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be […] of books or […] of men.要了解一个人,可以看他交什么样的朋友,可以看他看什么样的书,因为有的人跟人交朋友,有的人跟书交朋友,但不管跟人交朋友还是跟书交朋友,都应该交好朋友。

(七) 替代(substitution)

?As for the soul of man, the Eskimos do not claim to know exactly what it is … but then who does? They see it, however, as the beginning of life, the initiator of all activities within a being and the energy without which life cannot continue.对于人的灵魂,爱斯基摩人没有说他们确切知道其为何物--- 可是又有谁能说清呢?但是他们把它视为生命的开端,是一个人全部活动的发起者,是生命延续所必需的能源。



第一章 汉英语言对比 相关参考: 翻译教学和研究的经验表明:翻译理论和技巧必须建立在不同语言和文化的对比分析基础上。英汉互译的几项基本原则和技巧,如选词(Diction)、转换(Conversion)、增补(Amplification)、省略(Omission)、重复(Repetition)、替代(Substitution)、变换(Variation)、倒臵(Inversion)、拆离(Division)、缀合(Combination)、阐释(Annotation)、浓缩(Condensation)、重组(Reconstruction),以及时态、语态、语气、习语、术语等的译法,都集中地体现了英汉的不同特点。机器翻译是让计算机按照人们所制定的程序和指令进行不同语言的对比转换,也离不开对比分析。翻译之所以困难,归根结底是因为语言差异和文化差异。因此,对比、分析和归纳这些差异,便是翻译学的重要任务。 不同语言的对比分析不仅有利于教学和翻译,也有助于语言交际。通过对比分析,人们可以进一步认识外语和母语的特性,在进行交际时,能够有意识地注意不同语言各自的表现方法,以顺应这些差异,防止表达错误,避免运用失当,从而达到交际的目的。 ——连淑能,《英汉对比研究》 纪德是最理解莎士比亚的法国作家之一。在他看来,“没有任何作家比莎士比亚更值得翻译”,但同时,“也没有任何作家比他更难翻译,译文更容易走样”。纪德对莎士比亚的理解是双重的,既是精神的,也是语言的。他在与莎士比亚的相遇与相识中,经历了一系列的考验。对他在翻译中经历的这番历史奇遇,他曾在为七星文库出版的《莎士比亚戏剧集》撰写的前言中作了详尽的描述:描述了两种文化与两种语言之间的遭遇,也揭示了翻译中译者所面临的种种障碍。 纪德首先看到的,是语言与文化层面的逻辑性,这涉及到不同语言的思维方法。他说:“莎士比亚很少考虑逻辑性,而我们拉丁文化缺了逻辑性就踉踉跄跄。莎士比亚笔下的形象相互重现,相互推倒。面对如此丰富的形象,我们可怜的译者目瞪口呆。他不愿意对这种绚丽多彩有丝毫遗漏,因此不得不将英文原本中用仅仅一个词表示的暗喻译成一个句子。原来像蛇一样紧紧盘成一团的诗意,如今成了松开的弹簧。翻译成了解释。逻辑倒是很满意,但魅力不再起作用。莎士比亚的诗句飞跃而过的空间,迟缓的熊虫一瘸一拐才能走完。”在紧密的逻辑与丰富的形象之间,英语与法语的天平有所侧重,在两者的遭遇中,译者的无奈与局限源于文化与语言的巨大差异。 头脑清醒的纪德没有丝毫责备英语或莎士比亚的语言的意思,相反,在翻译莎士比亚的戏剧中,他充分意识到了母语的缺陷。他说:“只有在接触外语时,我们才意识到本国语言的缺陷,因此,只会法语的法国人是看不到缺陷的。”他的这一观点与德国作家歌德的观点几乎是一致的。异之于我,可作一明镜,从异中更清楚地照清自身。在这个意义上,与异语文化的接触,有助于认识母语与母语文化的不足。看清了自身的不足,便有可能从异语异文化中去摄取营养,弥补自身,丰富自身。 在艰难的翻译中,纪德亲历了种种障碍,他结合翻译中的具体例证,作了某


第一章 一、概述 1.(1)英语:是语法型,重语法结构,注重以形显意,靠关联词,用显性连接 (2)汉语:是语义型,重语义结构,通过逻辑纽带或语序间接地表现出来,隐形连接。 2.英语的形式接应手段:除关系代词、关系副词、连接代词、连接副词之外,还有若干连词和为数众多的介词。英语的句子通常均有各种关联词来表示多种语法关系。 3.翻译特点(意合与形合): (1)英语译为汉语:形合转为意合类似松绑(注意汉语意合表现力、句法特点) (2)汉语译为英语:意合转为形合类似(注意符合英语句法结构),要求上下文中语义搭配合乎事理,强调的是语言结构内部意义关系的“意合”,即造句注重意念连贯,具体表现是关联词的大量省略,很多成分也经常隐去。 4.关于形合与意合的说明:虽然英语和汉语句法中有形合与意合的 特征以及两者相互转换的必要,但不能由此推断英语中的形合结构必须一律转换为汉语的意合,或汉语的意合一律转成英语的形合。因为每一种语言都有自身的伸缩性,形合与意合两种句法在英语和汉语中同样是存在的,只是在汉语中意合更为普遍,而英语中形合更为普遍。 二、例句 1.形合到意合的转换: (1)I may be wrong and you may be right,and by an effort ,we may be nearer to the truth.也许我是错的,你是对的。我们做出努力,就会更接近真理。 (2)Now there is in America a curious combination of pride in having risen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genius delight in what one is able to accomplish with one’s own hands.现在美国有一个奇特的现象:一方面人们为上升到不在需要靠体力劳动谋生的地位而感到自


汉英翻译基础教程 第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 (2) 第二章词法翻译的一般技巧 (4) 第三章名词的抽象和具体译法 (9) 第四章动词的翻译 (11) 第五章数词和冠词的翻译 (12) 第六章成语的英译 (13) 第七章修辞格的翻译 (17) 笫八章文化词语的翻译 (19) 第九章汉英句子比较与翻译 (20) 第十章换序和转态译法 (23) 笫十一章断句合句译法 (25) 笫十二章长句的翻译 (27) 第十四章汉英语篇比较与翻译 (29) 第十五章风格与翻译 (30) 第十六章语用与翻译 (32)

第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 第一节翻译中的选义 一、结合语境选择较贴切的译文 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 二、译出下列词语,注意词语的不同搭配 1. a swarm of bees a brood of chickens a litter of pups 2. a bevy of beautiful ladies a pack of hounds a team of ducks a herd of antelopes 3. unfailing support proactive fiscal policy make effective use of overseas resources 4. make a phone call take a taxi knit a woolen sweater fetch water play basketball spray insecticide 5. basic wage capital construction essential commodity primary industry fundamental interest 三、翻译下列句子,注意画线词语的理解 1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern 2. Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public. 3. They offered some suggestions for the revision of the plan. 4. Everyone complained against such a practice. 5. They had a dispute at the meeting. 6. You should follow the doctor's advice. 7. They reached a consensus on this issue. 8. There is still some unfinished business to settle. 9. We have consulted him about the matter. 10. Please go back. There is nothing of your concern now 第二节翻译中的选词 一、翻译下列各句,注意词的选择和搭配。 1. That depends upon circumstances.


《英汉翻译理论与实践》课程教学大纲 (英文名称E-C Translation: Theory and Practice) 一、课程说明 课程编码 22110280 课程总学时 32 周学时 2 学分 1.5 课程性质专业必修课适用专业英语专业1、教学内容与学时安排(见下表): 教学内容与学时安排表

2、课程教学目的与要求: 本课程是高等学校英语专业三年级学生开设的一门专业必修课。它是理论与实践相结合的一门课程,其主要目的在于使学生具备笔头英汉翻译的基本能力。通过介绍各类文体语言的特点、汉英两种语言的对比和分析以及各种不同文体的翻译方法,使学生掌握英汉翻译的基本理论,掌握英汉词语、长句及各种文体的翻译技巧和英译汉的能力。要求译文比较准确、流畅,翻译速度达到每小时250-300字。 3、本门课程与其它课程关系: 本课程为英语专业本科三年级学生开设。学生在修该课程之前已修完综合阅读,综合英语,语法学,词汇学,英美文化等课程,这些课程都为学生修该课程奠定了扎实的语言基础。该课程又是学生综合英语语言运用能力的体现和反映,它的开设不仅能提高学生的翻译能力,而且它与英美文学,语言学,口译,高级英语等都能帮助学生进一步提高他们的综合英语语言运用能力。 4、推荐教材及参考书: 教材采用孙致礼编著的《新编英汉翻译教程》上海外语教育出版社(2003年4月第1版)教学参考书 Baker, Mona. 2001. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Bassnett S, Lefevere A. 2001. Constructing Cultures: Essays On Literary Translation.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Brown Gillian & Yule George. 1983. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2000 Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press. Hatim B. 2001. Communication Across Cultures:Translation Theory and Contrastive Text


高等教育自学考试冲刺模拟试卷一 (英语专业) 英汉翻译教程(三) Part One I.Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each)A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent to the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 1.For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home. A.对英国来说,我们的欧盟成员和世界贸易组织成员身份把这带到了家。 B.对英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织把我们送到了家。 C.对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。 D.对我们英国来说,我们的欧盟成员和世界贸易组织成员身份使我们如鱼得水。 2.So now he contrived an eager, ingratiating smile, which he bestowed on Mr. Squires. A.因此他就装出急切的、迷人的笑,并投向史奎尔先生。 B.因此他就装出殷切的、拍马的笑,并把这笑赠予史奎尔先生。 C.因此他就对史奎尔先生装出一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸。 D.因此他就给史奎尔先生设计了一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸。 3. People disappear in that river every year, one of the policemen said to me that afternoon, half in dismay, half in frustration. A. 这条河里年年都有人消失,”当天下午警察中的一个以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。 B. 这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 C. 这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。 D. 年年都有人消失在这条河里,”当天下午警察中的一个半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 4. As recently as the early 1960s, the phrase environmental law ” would probably have produced little more than a puzzled look, even from many lawyers.


翻译理论与实践课作业 天津科技大学外语学院 作业一:字词的翻译 一、词的理解 1.一词多义: wet She had a wet nurse for the infant Elliot. If you think I am for him, you are all wet. She wet her pants at the news. State state and revolution, state of the union the united states. 3.词义引申:抽象化、具体化 Every life has its roses and thorns. She stood there chewing over the strange thing. The engine sounds good. At 23, he had first learned what it is to be a Negro. 4.词的褒贬:comment Alice was excited as a child, delighted to be once more the center of the comment. But what a comment, she could not help reflecting, on her own charms. He walked around the room. He then stopped and looked around, “comment” ? 5.词的轻重:看词类、看场合、看句型、看习惯等等。Through;free He slept the night through. There is a through train to Beijing. Through this way, they finished the task. She is free with her money. I made her free of my library. 二、词义的表达 1.直译法 dark horse Hot dog Forbidden fruit 暴发户半边天红卫兵 2意译法 blue jacket the yellow leaf Wet blanket 炒鱿鱼下海白拿 3.直译意译结合法 the apple of one’s eye as dull as a goose Once in a blue moon as cool as a cucumber Black sheep as timid as a rabbit 4.音译法

《英汉翻译简明教程》学习辅导书(课文-演 讲)【圣才出品】

第10单元演讲(Speeches) 10.1 复习笔记 翻译理论选读 一、 A New Concept of Translating by Eugene A. Nida and Charles R. T aber Each language has its own genius.1 In the first place, it is essential to recognize that each language has its own genius. That is to say, each language possesses certain distinctive characteristics which give it a special character. 尤金·奈达(Eugene A. Nida)博士是美国圣经学会翻译部主任。他不仅在美国主持《圣经》的英译工作,还在世界各地指导许多其他语言的翻译工作。 奈达认为,过去人们在翻译过程中过于重视与原文在形式上保持一致,而他主张着重考虑读者对译文的反应,应使译文的读者和原文的读者产生同样的感受。 关于原语,就《圣经》而言,也就是希伯来语和希腊语,奈达认为它们也不过是工具,被人们用来表达《圣经》里包含的意思而已。 关于译语,奈达认为每一种语言都有自己的特点,在构词法、语序、句子结构、谚语诸方面各不相同。各个民族的文化背景不同,对各自的语言也产生不同的影响。译者不必因为译语缺少某种表达方式而抱怨;相反地,他应该尊重这一语言的特点,最大限度地发挥其潜

力,以找出适当的表达方式。他的结论是,要想使译文保持原作的内容,就必须在形式上有所改变。 word-building capacities, unique patterns of phrase order, techniques for linking clauses into sentences, markers of discourse,2 and special discourse types of poetry, proverbs, and song. Each language is rich in vocabulary for the areas of cultural focus, the specialties of the people, e.g., cattle (Anuaks in the Sudan), yams (Ponapeans in Micronesia), hunting and fishing (Piros in Peru), or technology(the western world). Some languages are rich in modal particles.3Others seem particularly adept in the development of figurative language, and many have very rich literary resources, both written and oral. To communicate effectively one must respect the genius of each language. Rather than bemoan the lack of some feature in a language, one must respect the features of the receptor language4and exploit the potentialities of the language to the greatest possible extent. Unfortunately, in some instances translators have actually tried to “remake” a language. For example, one missionary in Latin America insisted on trying to introduce the passive voice of the verb into a language which had no such form. Of course, this was not successful. One must simply accept the fact that there are many languages which do not have a passive voice. They merely choose to report actions only as active. Rather than force the formal structure of one language upon an- other, the effective translator is quite prepared to make any and all formal changes5 necessary

《英汉翻译基础教程》 笔记及习题(篇章翻译)【圣才出品】

第7单元篇章翻译 7.1 复习笔记 语篇通常指一系列连续的语段或句子构成的语言整体。语篇包括“话语”(discourse)和“篇章”(text)。语篇特征为:连贯、衔接,且具有明确的论题结构。 一、衔接 根据Halliday和Hasan的著作《英语中的衔接》,衔接手段大致可分为两种:语法衔接手段(grammatical cohesion)和词汇衔接手段(lexical cohesion)。前者又可以包括指称(reference)、省略(ellipsis)、替代(substitution)和连词(conjunction)。 1. 指代 指代主要分为三类:人称指代、指示指代和比较指代。 英语中,为了实现衔接,一般尽量采用代词指代前面出现的名词。汉语倾向于重复前文出现的名词,或者采用“零式指称”,省略主语。例: My friend looked somewhat ill at ease when he told me this: At the time when he bought this big house, his children had all been at school. Now they had their own homes and jobs. 【译文】朋友有点不好意思地说,买这座房子时,孩子们还在上学,如今都成家立业了。 2. 省略

省略可以分为名词省略、动词省略和小句省略。例: I had many wonderful ideas, but I only put a few into practice. 【译文】我有很多美妙的想法,但是只把少数付诸实践了。 3. 替代 “替代”指用较简短的语言形式替代上文中的某些词语,使行文简练流畅。 (1)名词替代比较常见的是使用one代替前文出现的某个名词。例: Carrie picked out the new abode because of its newness and bright wood—work. It was one of the very new ones supplied with steam heat, which was a great advantage.(Sister Carrie, Dreiser, T) 【译文】嘉莉选中这套新居所,是因为它是新建的,而且房间的木质部分色泽鲜亮,屋里有暖气,这是当时最新的房子才有的。 【分析】原文中,ones替代了abode;译文中,“房子”与其前面的“居所”构成同义词。 (2)动词替代经常是用助动词do的几种形式来代替前文出现的某个动词或动作意义。例: And yet this John Openshaw seems to me to be walking amid even greater perils than did the Sholtos. 【译文】可是在我看来,这个约翰·奥彭肖似乎是正在面临着比舒尔托更大的危险。 【分析】原文中,did替代了walked amid peril;译文中,该处同样进行了省略处理。 (3)小句替代使用指示代词指代前文出现的某一小句或者某一概念。例: “Well, I’ve got twenty-two dollars, but there’s everything to be paid for this

实用汉英翻译教程 参考答案

Beidaihe Seaside Resort The Beidaihe Seaside Resort, a famous summer resort in China, lies 15 kilometers southwest of Qinghuangdao. With the Bohai Sea to its south and the Lianfeng Mountains to its north, the resort enjoys a long coastline, fine beaches and a calm sea, ideal for bathing. Moreover, the weather at the seaside is mild all the year round with the temperature in the hottest month averaging only 23°C. The sea wind by day and the land breeze by night make the place a best summer vacationland. The natural charm of Beidaihe is breathtaking. The East and West Lianfeng Mountains with their luxurious pines and cypresses and grotesque rocks extend far into the distance. In front of the mountains lies a vast expense of ocean stretching to the horizon while beautiful villas and buildings dot the green landscape. On the East Lianfeng Mountain, a rock looks just like a lotus flower, and two other rocks on the West Lianfeng Mountain, standing face to face, resemble two persons having a conversation. Meng Jiangnu Temple Meng Jiangnu Temple, 6.5 kilometers to the east of Shanhaiguan Pass, was first built in 1594, the 22nd year of the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty. Legend has it that the husband of a women named Meng Jiangnu was sent to work on the Great Wall. To bring him winter clothes, Meng Jiangnu came to Shanghaiguan Pass from thousands of miles away. When she was told that her husband had died at work, she cried her heart out. Her tears of anguish bust the Great Wall and she jumped into the sea and died. Later, a temple was built in memory of her. It stands on the top of a hill, with stone steps leading to it. There are two halls in the temple. In the front hall stands the clay statue of Meng Jiangnu in plain white clothes, facing the sea with a sorrow look. In the rear hall is the statue of the Goddess of Mercy. Behind the hall is the “Rock of Waiting for the Husband”, the marks on which are said to be Meng Jiangnu’s footp rints. Nearby stands her Dressing Pavilion. Beijing-Toronto Hotel/Jinglun Hotel Beijing-Toronto is located on Jiangguomenwai Avenue, downtown Beijing, in the vicinity of the embassy quarters, Friendship Store and a number of major commercial buildings, with the world-famous Tian An Men Square only ten minutes away. Beijing-Toronto has 659 spacious rooms and suites, with wide comfortable beds. They are all equipped with modern facilities such as central air-conditioning, color TV with satellite transmitted programs, IDD and DDD calls and mini-bars, meeting international standards. In our room, one cannot help but feel cozy, comfortable and satisfied.


英汉互译教程总复习 1.Joint military exercises have increased in the region, to the detriment of trust between countries. 联合军事演习在本地区有增无减,不利于国家间建立信任。 2.This old man gets up and goes to bed with the sun everyday. 这位老翁每天黎明即起,日落而息。 3.A nearby object falling into a black hole is never heard of again. 附近的天体一旦落入黑洞,就会销声匿迹。 4.我们应该抢时间赶任务。 We should work against the clock. 5.These hospital expenses made inroads on my savings. 这些住院费耗掉了我大部分积蓄。 6.They killed a bottle of Kaoliang between them. 他们二人对酌,把一瓶高粱酒喝得一干二净。 7.When it came to reading, they were as good as blind. 一拿起书本,他们可都成了睁眼瞎了。 8.Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。 9.人们笑贫不笑娼。 People ridicule poverty but not prostitutes. 10. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。 11.They ran away as fast as their legs could carry them. 他们拼着命地逃跑。 12.People were born survivors. 人的生存能力是与生俱来的。 13.这个环境工程是个“民心工程”。 The environment-friendly project is a “popularity-winning” project. 14. 语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功夫不可。 The mastery of a language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 15. 会议开得冷冷清清,有时甚至开不下去了。 The meetings were marked by such absence of living discussions that at times they were almost on the point of breaking up. 16. They pay lip-service to education but don’t work for better schools. 他们口惠而实不至,口口声声支持教育,却又不肯为改善学校条件做一些实际工作。 17.Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a decade. 失业人数高居不下,已经十多个年头了。 18.有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。 Some toilets seem immune to the clean-up campaign. 19. 这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这村可没这个店啦。” The street peddler hawked, “Now or never!” 20. Why carry coals to Newcastle? 何必多此一举? 21.You’re just teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs. 你这是在班门弄斧。 22.His being neglected by the host added to his uneasiness. 主人对他的冷淡使他更加不自在。 23.I could have laughed to hear him talk like this.


第三章名词的抽象和具体译法第一节名词的抽象译法(p68) 粗枝大叶to be crude and careless (with big branches and large leaves) 海阔天空to talk with random( with a vast sea and boundless sky) 灯红酒绿dissipated and luxurious (with red lights and green wine) 纸醉金迷of life of luxury and dissipation (with drunken paper and bewitched gold) 单枪匹马to be single-handed in doing sth (with a solitary spear and a single horse) 赤胆忠心ardent loyalty (with red gut and heart) 无孔不入to take advantage of every weakness (to get into every hole) 扬眉吐气to feel proud and elated (to raise the eyebrows and let out a breath) 开门见山to come straight to the point (to open the door and see the mountain) 大张旗鼓on a large and spectacular scale (to make a great array of flags and drums) 风雨飘摇(of a situation) being unstable (the wind and rain are rocking) 二.翻译下列句子 (1)这是他们夫妻之间的事情,你去插一脚干吗? That’s a business of their own, between husband and wife. Why should you get involved in? (2)别人家里鸡零狗碎的事情你都知道得这么全,真是个顺风耳啊! You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other families. You are really well informed. (3)这消息让我出了一身冷汗。 I’m extremely terrified by the news. (4)她毛遂自荐来这所小学做老师。 She volunteered for the teaching post in this primary school. (5)我不敢班门弄斧,诚望您发表高见。 I dare not show off in the presence of(在……面前)an expert. I hope you would be kind enough to enlighten(启发,启蒙)us on this matter. (6)敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。 The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder. (7)敌军军官听说后路已被切断,吓得目瞪口呆。 The enemy officer was stunned by the news that the route of retreat had been cut off. (8)这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。 These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly in a few words.


实用英汉翻译教程答案 【篇一:大学英语实用翻译教程练习答案】 s=txt>第二章第一节 练习一:p10 一、 1.保护人类基因健康是个比较严峻的问题,但这不过是问题的一 个方面而已。 2.这些是科学家和技术专家研制的机器和产品。 3.科学已成为力量的一种源泉,不只是适宜于幻想的题材了。 4.建造和装饰宫殿、教堂和寺院的款项都由经商的富户承担支付。 5.查理一世和下议院的争吵已到了紧要关头,后来内战爆发,并 在白厅把斯图尔特王朝的君主送上了断头台。 6.在开辟第二战场之前,美国步兵精神饱满,营养充足,还没有 在战斗中受过创伤。 练习二:p16 一、 1.已经拟就一张至今已教过的所有动词的表。 2.每天从全国各地传来各行各业取得伟大成就的消息。 3.城乡之间的差别依然存在。 4.那一年,建立了旨在促进研究和试验的英国航空学会。 5.这里出版的报纸谴责侵略者屠杀大批无辜人民。 6.凡是成功的科学家常常把注意力集中在他发现尚未得到满意解 答的问题上。 练习三:p19 1.所有植物组织和动物组织主要由碳化合物、水和少量的矿物质组成。 2.他们并不认为有必要提供学生经常使用的名词化规则和构造使役句的规则。 3.各种族集团的文化特性、民间传说、神话和信仰都是根据文化进化规律起源于每一个集团的内部。 4.个别国家的科学努力可能将由跨国机构来进行统一和协调。 5.解放前,这个城市的垃圾和苍蝇一向无人过问,结果经常发生地方性病疫。

6.他是美国印第安人作家、演讲家和争取印第安人权利运动的活动家。 第二章第二节 练习一:p26 一、 1.我原先以为这部机器不过是一种没有什么价值的玩具。 2.第二天一早,饱饱地吃了一顿早餐之后,他们便动身了。 3.你愿意别人如何待你,你就应该如何待别人。 4.这部打印机真是物美价廉。 5.我七岁时就会织毛衣。 6.钢铁制品常常涂上油漆以免生锈。 二、 1.he who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak. 2.before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved. 3.the ear is the organ which is used for hearing. the nose is used for smelling. and the tongue is used for tasting. 4. modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 5.as it was getting quite dark, we decided to stop at that temple for the night. 6.internet is so convenient that we can find any information with the click of the mouse. 练习二:p30 一、 1.勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;感情过度,即成溺爱;俭约过度,即成贪婪。 2.她苏醒过来,看见周围一张张笑脸。 3.柯达321a型微胶片阅读器操作简便,功能齐全,结构紧凑,造型美观。 4.海洋与其说是分隔了世界,不如说是连接了整个世界。 5.他这次旅行既有军事上的目的,又有政治上的目的。 6.我希望这次会议不要开得太久,太久了只会浪费时间。 二、
